# "4 EP 44 ts 1X 11 § a6 w} it hy + Union Forwarding Company. Hteamer Jessic Cassels leaves Ayimer at 3.00 &.1M, Rud WERET Lassad7 It is important to all travelleraf to have, wiu;h:nnb. information as to the arrival departure of the various trains u-dmhnll places, East, West m Sou Phlh.n depend upon correctness of this table : St Lawrence & Ottaws Railway. Leave ‘.Dg-.ll.la.n.“'.-.mp.-. Arti .30 a. on., T45 A.02, ‘w!.-;qloo pu. . Cnex â€" CWie S GL14008, ap for the benefit of ‘-.'. tal. and strangers who may visit the Capital. Le 10.16 2.m., 820 pBi ar â€" es 124 pm.,$0 pm. Ottawa Steamer Peerless leaves at 7.302. m« Steamer Que®® Vixoria leaves at 5 p.m. uatarday afternoon . tripsâ€"Steamer . Queen OPm rs venâ€"â€" PR Punmtmmnhund. It is the cheapest ever made, OUne mmmwu Fifty cents worth has an old lhndmm It positively cures Catarrh, A Croup. Fifty cents worth has cured crick in the back, and the same quantity lame buck of eight years‘ standing. ‘The folâ€" Iawh‘l::."w from a fow of the :n:f- m“:t‘mv n'f.:"“m.. t w #e | fpiet 4 iihiarmnt, tham lecriees os adoge tor pannd Rlectrig Oil, have sold all L had from you and want more now ; its cures are truly wonderful,‘ William _ Maguire, ot Franklin, writes, "I have sold ail the agent left, it acts like a charimâ€"it was salow at ï¬nwt takes spendidly now." H. Cole, of writes. * Please forward cmewmflolon,lln:mly run out : nothing eq t. _ 1t hight : nu'nn?ndod :yd’t.hon who have un‘ 16.‘ . Bedfi Thamesville, writes â€"*Send at once a further np&‘d Mon,luno::{loubonh H never saw nnunf; wwdmdn such satinfection." . J. pson‘ W writesâ€"**Send me some more Electric Uil. 1 have sold entirely out. Nothing takes like it." Miller lll.& ‘_Ulvcwn, P.Q, 'rluo-“'.l\olodl:d. 14 & mm dm’y“:l‘bd,or.’ S-odmthmh--gly without delay," Lemeyne, Gibb & Co., Buckingham, P. 0., writeâ€"** Hend us one advil and Tuesday, at 8 p.m Por Canadian Line, CE pw&~ A «upplementary bag for Steamer will be closed at 1.% p.D only unregistered lotiers can be sent m'hhwoukiwnmdduhmhpoda but a sure and safe remedy for Female Infficuities and Obstructions, from any cause whatever ; and although a powerful emedy, they contain nothing hurtful . to the constitution. ~~~~ * In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affecâ€" tions, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue :;g’ E; and W t.ho: ie will effect a cure when dlm‘ab fl have failed ; and although a re« medy, do not contain from anti~ mony or anything burtful to the constituâ€" Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully use l CC 1 For full particulars, obtain free, of the agent a pamphlet, or refer to advertises Â¥resh Saimon, ie p.d:b“"“ nm dg :t errings, per bri .......... Wu.m....’.‘.: kad pOF ID... .. ««++««« $1.00 and 12; cents for postage, e cents en« elosed to Northop & wmwn u-t.lpu‘h.nu for the Dominion, will a bottle, con taining over 50 pills return mail, : s For sale by all druggists. 25 Tallow, Wood, first quality per cor d Electric Oil Thomas‘ Kxoeisior woiocâ€" Partrtages, per padr Bee, per 100 lb# . , o0 4 n l dhu ces ce snn t ns Hussell House every morningat #2.m. ‘Gatineau Stage loaves the Post Office at 8 p.DX .“.wmmmmouu mt 1.30 Mutton, per ib Lamb, ’.do Apples, per bri...... > POULTBY AND GAME, Onions, per bunch Turkeys, each uxn.mnmmnm Fresh BUQROF, pOF 1D ..cesssecsese se s++ 0 # ul BUWLGF, | 40 exese es se ken®nn9* 0 2 Cheese, 8600 su22 sealÂ¥ver ie M m OGerrcrrererercurnscrrirccts 9 B POF DUBD...««ecseesk cce en + ++ 0 ® CATTOUR, pOF DUDCD ..s«» eacs css ces snn ++ 0 0 PGFMp6, . 4O .. sc sce ns esgene ce ++ 0 0C Sormmect io Mnmmrmmmmreo mss mm en ns owk. .:::::-;;---‘-":..:'--3 -......._{'_:::::r::: Sat Buck w heat. With the Modern Elevator, an upper mou:;funyuddnyh -as bw;“ou, 4 £ Ts girch rucs af on Actyancest a delss a day in favor of transient guests who are willing to cccupy mi.:;fl Every conveniefnce guests 0"';.““‘ fArst class. . New Season Upcolored Japan T 1874, very fine. For sale M::'C.Tz Uttawa Tea Company‘s, 64 Sparks Btreet. Below we publish a well Aylmer Stages leave the Unon, " O _ coutmant * § N. THGO E. Y. nd NORIHROP & Lirm"'rmw, »ntario, Sole Agents tor the Dominion. . Cravcliats‘ Guids JOB rig leare® a% 74 p.DX Bold by all medicine dealers, Price 5 Nortsâ€" Electricâ€"Selected and Rlectrized Weight in Gold. W heat River Navigation Company. do do per ib CSommetclal. vur;.elmoonq SaturdaAy, UTTawWaA MARKETS, British Mails. Line, close every Friday at 12 Linus Org®, August 20 Oil. We findit to take FUEL FLOUR for L 2e qa0# e« a «* * »««««.« 0 75 to 0 90 l...... 0 10 to 0 12 .... $1 3 to 1 8 .... 1®to 18 :.... 0 & to 0 5+ for Canatian o. m.. in whici 19 00 to 21 00 00 00 to OJ 00 s 00 to 0P 00 Daniels, and 3 25 to _ none 0 40 to 9 00 to 0 0 to 0 0 to 0 10 to 0 50 0 0 to 0 12 0 00 to 0 20 7 5) to 0 00 8 0) to 8 50 0 08 to 0 10 Ni se .gboa 0 10 to 0 15 0 15 to 0 18 0 15 to 0 :7 0 2 to 0 30 0 ¢) to 0 6 0 60 to 0 70 Â¥ 70 to 0 15 2 8 to 0 00 T1 8 to 7 15 0 6 to 0 70 0 10 to 0 «5 .hbl: U 45 to 0 0 t0 to 0 65 0 4 to 0 0. 0 70 to 0 00 15&013 8 % to 6 4 00 to 4 5 T5 to 6 0 3) to 0 0 22 to 0 00 0 2 to 0 30 0 15 to 0 0 16 to 0 0 & to 0 7 0 06 to 0 00 0 06 to 0 00 oawog 0 s to 0 0 05 to 0 0 1# to 0 3 50 to 4 0 s) to 0 8y 0 15 to 1 0) «e 109 yaeestty| Grateful Thousands prociaim V x EGAR BrTTERSâ€"the most wonderful Inâ€" vigorant that ever sustaived the m~inkine aystem. * wihonih e _ No Prerson can take these Bitters according to dérectic us, and remain long unwéll, provided their bones are not deâ€" stroyed " by repair. sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savanfiah, Roâ€" anoke, James, and nnm‘vl others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Auturmn, and remarkably so during seaâ€" sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably aoeomganied by extensive deâ€" rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdomln:i! vhcerrs'.‘ In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powâ€" erful influence u:Ylon these various orâ€" fllfly is essentially necessary. ‘There no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. WarKEr‘s VrmNzoar BirtER®s, as t:::x will speedily remove the darkâ€" eolo! viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. 'Biliola Eemittent and Interâ€" mittent Fevers, which are so prevaâ€" lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, e;rocmly those of the Mississippi, Ohio, M‘ssouri, Iilinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, arkanâ€" HARDWARENOTICE For sale at the old and delivered free 10 Auy birt of too oity _â€" Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its Tuide with YmmEGAR BitrERS. %o «epidemic can take h‘d of a system thus foreâ€"armica. â€" . _ ¢ PREKPARATIONB, &0. Mesars. Lymans, Clare & Co., 382 Ht. ‘Paulâ€"41., PeENOREATIO NMULS! ORano ouner oo SEORMTOUTY * Seg to state thit they haraantored inioulrange" WFF'@TH_' RTâ€"E.â€"&'QE‘EH ales H.1. M. the Emperor Napoleon, the Kisedive ts EW sonp stREET, LoNnDpox. ter, Saltâ€"Rhoum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringâ€"worms, Scaldâ€"head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or pature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a time by the use of these Bitters. $F=> +A gte Cocoa FoR TxvALID®.â€"Nutritious and Diges» tiva Cooca, specially pre for sufferers from ".':“‘..'a““."k@""’“*n, Hutlfuous, Cand imane 8 trftelirmentone nefnnt ie miminnn pane Catlada States. i f March 17, 1874. $518â€"12in or Indigestion, Heuaâ€" ache; Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, ‘Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, gonr Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilions Attacks, Pnlgiu- tation of the Heart, Inflamntation of the Lungs, Pain in the regior of the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful sympâ€" wm'f:o:t“ the offsprings of Dynpepda. One le will prove a better guarantes of it:. merits than a lengtby advertiseâ€" ment. ; . Berofula, or Klng’u Evil, White Swelli 2gs, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goinn.‘groh]ou Inflaimmations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, as in all othor constitutional Disâ€" eases, WarkEr‘s Vixzcar Birters have shown their great curitive powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. P _ For Inffammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remitâ€" tent and Intormimnt Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, xidnn:{a and Bladder, these Bitters have no .'L Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. p Mechanical Diseases.â€"Persons enâ€" Piovern Uiferaiinis oort buviots. m T8, l Miners, as thoynduufln!!c,nnnfl to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of WALKEER‘s VINâ€" Eoak BiTTERs occasionally. i e o ndee Terccndd gad removred" Bo are l&ctplly__e_umyd and l_gu’noved. No iaum of medicine, no vermifuges, no anâ€" elminitics will free the system from worms "Tof Fomale Complaiuts, in young or Fe e Con or old, married or lin‘le,pa the dnwn’of woâ€" Tine dupier oo deckes an fnllmnae fhks itters so an. tmprov’cmcnt{l soon perceptiblel . .. ~*~ ;:‘m-mm:.%mmmm fl'flw ‘sores | o(':‘x’l' nmnum mfl'ut “Onr-m-muonmu&. cwuw-nnlfl !cmmm: ouike !Cummnnor& ® the blood from mpure matter, Fï¬w“% As mixture is pleasant to taste, and warranted free from w%mh the most delicate constitution of .mho n F::':l'n:.d“-m in give it a to loldlnbonf.tn -&.m.u whet s perimanontsure io us t fakding ceses y all oneiaiats meline raiaote nirvoeont s o Cc t c Bole Proprietor, F. J. CLARKE, Chemilit, . tig. tion in Fimplce Aruptiontor Soras; i imples, Eruptions,. or Seres ; clearise it when you flnd?z obstructed and f-i:f‘hh in the veins; cleanse it when it is I;>l’°u feelings will u:l.{on when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the syster. wil! follow. ___~OLARKE‘S _ _ _ WoORLD â€" FAMED BLO00D . MIXTURE The Oreat Bioed Purtfer and Rettores yrists and Gen. Agts., San Franeisco, C hn oo oil weene n taroe stt 14 â€" A mmâ€"iiï¬mnt of Shif and Heavy Hardware ; ‘ AT THE USUAL PRICKS, Yum. N. B.â€"Remember the place "W& Ottawa. Aorii 10. 1874 For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetâ€" é,“‘\' CT7Zp $ REL a L [,4 provement is tible} ht «o Cleause the Vitiated Blbod when. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, leREtAr/(34 A R. H. *â€"â€"n.@aLD & €0., . / w U\‘Gcn. Agts., San Francisco, Califorms _obr. of Washington and Chariton Sts., N. Y. “Hby-.ul’:. ists and Deale~~ k.,n,.-.dm-oo.. sn _cur. of Washington and Chariton Sts., N. Y. Sold by aiy irapgiets and Hontoce 1,500 KEGS CUT NAILS, ~mineral polson or other vital organs wasted beyond Anvil, q.ldnu Streot. sAAY 6¢ W ishes to inform his many m.ndnnflthom that he his succeeded his prother, 1 g\c‘\.\flu.umw of this Hotel, and that it is his intention to make all who patronise the house thoroughly cOmIOFtAbI@, . _ __, ; pariore, uf“mw COmeNUnttt n the house are ladies‘ and ï¬l' Pationth suiles of rooms for families ; combined, itting And bed rooms, and upwards of fiity bedroom® all "lb‘hwi The roora is urlouwuhtuputhu. Spirite, Lique: eand that can be purchased. we. Good Yard and Stables. ESTABLISHED FIFTEEN YEA&B-“- CRAND PACIFIC BOTBL The largest open under their ARETE in nnecmmati hnsc on tenmar on acecancmenencmmentgen M eternc* § 000000000020 00000 ALBION HOTEL,â€" IThe New York Tribune. Nicholas and Daly Streets, Ottawa‘ ; NVE OOKBOLIfl;&‘n:;ALn ; ze t so fragmen! 6 one ROBERT CRAKHAM: \::,:::a':;"!'%‘*mwm":':::.“w sitme / â€"I Acfuatiu, .mmmm%muuw open under their persoun‘ accom modation o‘f"x\gqg-, Chicago, Jun 1. 1873 ni Â¥ ll‘g. i lv‘:‘lruvuuun-a“wlb t‘xï¬m{'ï¬lu The best and most convenient Toh alibattin arvolinmg goot rien prompt tendance d reaonmble rates, please Mvor the ndersigned with a call. N.B.â€"Horses boarded and groomed in the most satisfactory manner. A specialty made of this feature, Ottawa, Feb 14, 1874 POSI" OFFICE, OTTAWA. & Arrival and Departure of Mails Zelt . M lox . UARRCIRD -totm:w:u elosed at flbl;.n., in which only nregistered matter can be sent. . " _7 _ MONEY ORDERS, o:;uougm:ommmt the Domiu lon, Great Britain and Ireland, and Newâ€" mnni.lï¬.;'n be obtained at this Office. i=c en s t at the rate of Four cent. |‘=;um. and devosits can be 'tthdr’l.:mu .’I., e. OFFICE H FROM 8 A.M. TO 7 P.M. For Money (% and Saving Banks Busines» ‘Tom 9 00 a.n1. 10 4 P.0s The » Home" trk@s rank with the best period gals of the day, It is the ae March 11, 1874 than any other. Every yearly subscriber has a %h‘ï¬:‘:':‘:-::&"-, Tiagy wE sed, duef too wat ze Bicion m:uhl Exhi» * T‘;‘l:em Bz Unto 'Rx.iu House." 1 o on io v tot pimese t o end 3 W 30!& Ont,, "TP wum . ‘Choapest First.Class Magazine $H* AllMails are closed by Montreal tim 8 minutes faster than Otiawa tinie. 1§4. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT Asthma and Bronchitis, is admifted by all who bave tried it, to ensure mm‘elp.ï¬:ldooruln relief than any other remedy. Testimonials dnll! recelyed attost this to a remarkable dogree, General Ale: r saysi«"1" have never known“q,l Anstance in which releif was not % h * d.l:rmui\':?“r:rp:‘mâ€" It had the most won» Bold in tins. and in boxer. panition it and Retall of SAVORY AND MOORE thro the wo "\"“usil-o"?nli' ply Savory & m&. uvu,:n‘;'m&’- Anraidls ano Blotakespets And Ketai 9¢ n Unertide Snd Blotakes Aund Retail of all ( Are sold by Chemists and Druggists _ througbout the world. _ PEPHINEâ€"The pr -.I-“MM ’â€ï¬â€˜i‘é-"ï¬-“.m.&" To tas se Giobalcs : and } in J AoBl Raapltione e o . nancary be aometiored n vonally io Aqooninic on theaines Eon anaanret coars . Cary peoked and shipped. . Orders made 81, 88 & 124 Southampton Row, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON! THOMAS MORSON & SsON Medallists and Jurors at all the Great Exhiâ€" a !255.5 Morson‘s Effectual Remedies Bright! l.uua:-"â€"ai'mâ€"iï¬ Â® The Victoria Stables paill! id Hiag ) nenlegpan %iiisiéiï¬sié i ‘a_ggig;,{?gd j neepigesiace i2 RIHUR‘s HUME MAGAZINE, fifgle, it irgest and most. Complete Hotel in the World. Worksâ€"HomxsEY Axp Howuntox. | " wommmnet E OHEMICALE AND NEW MEDIGLN . Qheerful ! Chicago, BROWNLEE & CO. ra . 2518y Karnest! and Agkâ€"BROB, & RIOK, Lessces for Twenty Year T95 3 law S 8â€" it formfis sazks ais G, P. BAKER, 19 1 d 5 id w vel -I- so fragmentary and impoten! into one wwemlno‘a-u. with Rome as its uplt';l the hu millation of France uxroxh a series of cnunua defents, old‘l'fl with mm and capitulation her mfl gay me is; the expuision 0 he bons from the Spanish throne, aid the nuuml%;:l for them g:uton ot.t.ho most &c‘? aua houses ; virtual absorption © Ringdome of Saxony, Wurtemburg, Bavaria, whh Baden, H the Hianse Towns, «c., under tte houdlhl‘x of into the \l’lun:gh.g‘ and powerful empire of Germany ; and the a rming ui 1ls ol“?lnm 12“ pl"p::dl:. on.e\n th‘e count or r n = poned but uvormnq&.:nlï¬m on the :ro:m. city founded by Oonlh.nunolnln the vasy but docqymg.md anarchical dominion of the Sultan, all combine to invest with %l'vlomd interest the everch nï¬u phases of Our dings from the Old World. â€" The "Tribuns, t.hrouï¬h trusted corresâ€" pondents stationed t all points n Europe where great movements are in pmnll or imminent alms to I)rmnl. a complete instructive pano Tam monoped moretie beonous nividle benuron e e Feu dalism m'dl‘ool%uoum on the one md and Nineteenthâ€"Co scepticlsm and secularism on the other, Romlnl a Divine Providence in all ghat proceeds and is, it looks bopefully on the great conflict as destined (like our own recent conâ€" wulsion) to evolve from strife, disaster, and seemâ€" ing chaos, a fairer .‘nd happler future for the tolling |n‘u|.-¢%nuulâ€"â€"'â€"rr“ uhn Remaal s 002. masses ankind, . | In our own country, & war upon corruption and rascality in office has been lnn\mflud in our city, whereby the government of our State has been revolutionised ooiee crer wost maogain® anticipe: form which surpasses ""‘8:"“" pas uonl.'lt is morally certain that movement thus inaugurated can! in its pm(n.‘bo oirâ€" cumsecribed to any daatiimed 43 be Toie in its purifying influence to be felt in every part of the Union, rebuking nu._uta. exâ€" gu“ robbery, Mnf power from ml clans wde, and oonnalnh;-'ln those est and fltest to wield it To beneflcent and vitally needed reform, the Tribune will devote its best ouorfllu. regardless of personal interests or faftatel men‘to office an of ail Now Departuren the m ow most essential and auspicious, * e TERMS OF THE TRIBUNKE. DaAILY TRIBUNE, Mail Subsorib ers, $10 per a4* DUNL * â€" BEMTâ€"WERKLY TRIBUNE, Mail Subscribers, $4 per annum. . Five copies or over, $3 each ; an extra copy will be sent for every club of ten sent for at one time; or, if preferred, a copy of " Recollection a Busy Life," by Mr Greeley. KEATING 4 PERSBIANS IN8EOT DESTROYING POWDER&A‘ b unrivatled in Holmoying Pioes, make nmamot M notwithstanding the active and unscru; s opâ€" souuon of xny in dealors, npq‘lgmmop- onu:.d; iy on “: of patronage may be thus nc be e al.â€"Its mulna purity, and uniform strength re ascer.ained Fumhed‘. 2 11.â€"It contains all the active and essential gln- ciples that therapeutic has found to be the most effective in the of the remedy. 1IL.â€"It is palatable, taken, and creates no 1 1.â€"L »hmnwlthhcm%byt.honmdou“ stomach and improves the tions of digestion m&%mmumfl-fl have been found to « tiaice of suy other Rindior Cod biver OiL.""" _ VLâ€"From the unequalled rapidity of its curaâ€" tive enfeoun it in infiniely more scchomiva! than any which is offered, even at the lowesipf\ co. ingudible; and in the « case (male, Tnning, osting, hud abooiing. ano ifeoly inanigod 11, the pation â€z".w"‘ aing himself quite capable of as much ae of his fellow undugctnlg.. any £GENERAL DEBILITY AND EMACIATION. In cases of prostration snd ema¢iation, where the vital forces are reduced, and where life appears to be even at its lowest ebb, uumm&eo m f Dr. Dx Joxax‘s LiexT Browx Cop IL are remarkably manifested. By its adminisâ€" tration the natural appetite is revi and the mnct:g'u of digestion and h u": u#; proved, reant and regulated ; when use has boonmmly preserved fn. its tonic and nutritive properties have ty reâ€" stored Mï¬hndumn‘thtom'en ble and deteriorated constitutions. _ _ 5 Aoyi c " In giving my opinion of Dr. x Jox@r‘s Ltexr Browx Cop LIVER 01&: have no hesitation in nym’ht:ut.l have not alightest confidence‘in any other kind. The effects of Dr. PE Jo®@H‘s which usually precedes and fafors tubercular deposit; and f never recommend any other sort. and it has vertainiy ““‘“’m.-“ The ohig means of mari “"'.,{ my life on two ? ‘xrgon now, when ineuedue o oneiions M aetap and ukn t es m e able way. Ieouldwm%l:nthn .nlloq‘..on would come into general use, and . sede thoPflomdothsrwuflne-pW _ The actualâ€"benefit derived is thus described by ROWLAND DALTON, mï¬qu.x.c.s.. L.B.A., Disâ€" trict Medical Officer at 7 St. Edmunds:>= ;« O1L are sure and most remarkable, w'â€" claily in that broken down state of health and strength From innumerable and scl $t uns bighont vharecter in commpndation of ds pE Jonex‘s Liext BRowX Cep LiryvE® OIL, the following are selected {!â€" Sir Henry Marsh, Bart., M.D., Physician in Ordiâ€" =_ _ _ mary to the Queen in Jreland. . _ . '; "I consider Dr. De Jong'l Eh uverqumtï¬l:osnrpy.m u.%. create it We think it n promtimavantage that there is one EiE ct L " Rreapharantere Shet Share ds Dr. David Smith, F.R.S., Medical Offcer to the Poor admitted to be (.'enulnoâ€"-mn" t Brown O§ supâ€" lied b{ Dr. De onfh. It has been E when prescribing the ‘gg. to since, amidst so m variety, uncers tainty, we have confidence in is goutumend#8." (Extract from "Consumptiun. iw mimiiy mod Reâ€" mediable Stages.") sulti qme to make use of Dr.De Jongh‘s Cod Liver bu. 1 have been well satisfied with its eneou‘annd believe it be a vor{hpun well Otted uwuuu,muwlnch e use that sub« tance is indicated.". No ) 1 invariab ibe Dr. De h‘s Cod No oo ons mwummm in which the efficacy of this invaluable m ‘is destroyed.*" Bir Joseph Ollife, M.D., Physictan to the British Central Middiesex. Lankester, F.R.8., Mwlo&mouu * *# I consider that the ty lmnummd'e in its preparation Pzï¬'fmmmu i 0 In its preparation by the personal attention of so Sns.od .'Gi.mmmï¬: ont a Physician as Dr, Postoiecrin ot matorebien thecves aetiled fenee 1: deem the God fiver Oil 2oid Ahdor his guarantee to be preferrable to ‘any other kind as m?onï¬unm and -uufl:iw.'m me "I have uently prescribed Dr. De Jongh a Light Brow%od Bvor onh.nnd 1 have every reason to be satisfied with beneficial and saâ€" THI ROYAL READERS, o o Ond pooten t *8C " Thanks f Bpecimen of your Reading &oonms‘fu".: *I ..n‘nurnu?: :duu'.uo Rodlivnorvemitiae t w impofemreniest Education 'gn the Oof these booh,‘.nd muuu}‘nipq oflh.’u." couct m!‘,‘!@f&,w We MR VC hate mo neaiation iss miying trat (hey mre in ty (rpaammaitin faaitreang. tion of the means to the in view is perfect. * a 5 o oruny cxamrads the AMevel pmee ie o ie t sgh the best serien‘ of Realingâ€"books pubtinned Tiistrntions Sonetivaies (am nduibable" Reraros and add much to the value of the Readers * PINE _ LANDS | | _ Cyren 90908 FEET, well Jocais* mainly on The rivers l.tdl.n(.u into I.Ako“m' ï¬hg: inb tnnin ie ne dn hioid mmiely ree of gapanie Ahd fhoy mak tn o noyance of Boomâ€"Companies, Therailroad direct M aare mcmig eag in tar wfl%aï¬" whicn way be eR :‘i.p':l;-ll person or by ntflb . Dr. Barlow, F.R.S., Hen _ Physician to Guy‘s " I have frequently recommended persons coi ‘AEk OritAWA TIMES AUGUSL 21 1874 " 1 have examined very carefully the ‘Printing,‘ BELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. himself quite capable of to HR.H, the Duke of GRrRaNnN D g3 U B8 0 RIPTPION SALE Of. $100,000 . wWORTH FALL AND WINTER GOODS ALL ARTIOLES ON THE LIST N E D O LLA E.:E aAaA C H ALL GOODS SENT GOLLECT ON DELIVERY, THE PLAN 1sS IMMENSLY ~OPUOLAR, ALWAYS GIVING ENTIRE SATISFACTION SEND FOR LIST OF GOODS, W HICH ARE FURNISHED FREE OF CHARGE Agoute ted 1 Town, Village Goods. Oid or dolg;n‘:,“ ou: r.n.. m'ac.r:.& make good w&%&'&ï¬%’.‘n‘.’-‘.ï¬m on Mu&t‘o * nmhuu_nmuyuedlnomwlyum # FIFTY â€"TO ONE HUNDRED PER OENT.: OHEAPER ‘Than the same Goods can be bought for t the Retail Btores. + ‘Amn-[hdm Geniug, Wuwxm Years, will Kuit a.’ Family Knitting Machine * o en ons fepgeitie vand" Ordnarnce Lands Rale, PRESCOTT. w"'?eï¬i'-'wï¬l‘ be shewn atfthe time and pleceâ€"of â€" Aipatemn io Ptt od e io ons tarmines Lorent annual mmcfl-. Aith ABeprdet mt the rate or six per cent. '."?"'mw"'m" at the time &nd place of e. By Oraer, ;. _2 72 P Y NOTICE «is bereby given that‘ on TUEBLDAY, the lst day aï¬nflmâ€˜ï¬‚ï¬ &m‘g% %MW‘M oo aeincige Roserve, sopriuading Pork Web Otltawa, 1st August, 1874 .__. E. A, MEREDITH, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior WILLIAM F.COFFIN, | % Oon-udomnt rdnance Adm! vloandl.i spt %fl%&oon«mï¬onnm and Inâ€" v m"'n' “ ml" tions Seook "or the said Com pany, mg?&"ï¬-& The Provisional Directors, “v'flï¬ï¬mw D. ; Messrs, Willlam Ponnoo;, lsil‘ Wowbm “‘i‘u‘:.z'&'."anb&'-g s of :â€™ï¬ Baugs‘ Block, corner of Sparks < 8‘:":‘3? and‘ at. the oa-m‘ek:n e By order of the Pro DA % y erdet 2 c IARADLRT, â€" &+ ~~~ * ~RAJOTTE mmbymww-nmuu--:r. their accounts at once. Otherwise, the same will be placed in onr Collector‘s hands for immediate RAJOTTE & Co., Pooley‘s: Bridge, and settle FA-_u.i GI.OOII; Corner of Kent and Wellington Sts. A full stook of â€" k FAMILY GROCERIHS Feb. 2 1914 June 80, 1874 March 24,â€"1874, Just received. Also a large supply of CROCEERY, GLASSWARE, &c. w atiention paid: to lhomy of A Trrat Soutorrep,. ' ow i e wrotiao nu. HE UOTTAWA LOAN AND 1NVEST. ENT COMEANY. Aund not to be pald for until you see the Goods and are perfcelly satisfied with them, -:QFLWWM-MM'E! msed nees OTIOE $ t o c k d a l e*‘s B‘lo ‘RIDEAU STREZET, OPPOSITE DiLHOURIE SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION BEFORE PAYMENT FOR TREM Et : 1MX O TV a %X. All parties indebted T. RAJOTTE & Co. ‘The undersigned HAS REMOVED to CLEREMONT DANIELS & CO.. No i im yong o oragere pel y rarrs A fls Mï¬" 10 -&.ul, compiete with ©*Photan & Coliender Combination Oushiona "~"STANDARD AMERIOANâ€"BEVEL TABLES _. Branches of Buildersâ€" Workig»~ Tin & Sheet Iron Metal Job Work T..rgmv, Jux®., On yox OF CLARKE‘S8 B4l PILLA is warranted to al the nisvers *‘ ‘Slole Propristor, F. J. OLARK®E, + mal all the World. hreeaeron in ie 'b'.;.ndl Water, distilled from in Ee unta is t ue ageriee Ottawa, March 28, 1% 3. Constantly on hand Higinâ€"St.: Opposite the Post Ofice May 1, 1874, y 250y N‘ALVANIZED IRON WORK JAS, BAILIFE®F BOOM PA P H BR IMMEL/‘S CHOICE PERFUMES 235 NOTRE VAMKEâ€"8T., . MONTREAL, P.Q W : COLLENDER, oking C + u--3£ N o ul-'-"v. Plumbing, Gas & Steam Fitting Shop, No. 64, EUBSEX STREET, OTTAWA. oo O EeE in the publictant PLUMBING, GAS & STEAK FITTIHG At No. 54, Bussex Street, Where they will be prepared to execute all work workmen, and having ie l ol pertnin ai Raw impromadinnie ts the "om ve La~ Al work warranted for One Year, "GR ~_câ€"â€"~ MASON & OO KENGLISH AND AMERICAXN , l i.‘:‘r..,. &c., dep A 4 and | OORK EELT HATS: Socms esns By KW end L. O Eax®rson, e.tbo Wwisl IS M“ and will n aainanta arenien s Oonnn.ll-.‘:nd flw Cl ue M Pages now ready, and .."-'.."h. postâ€"free, on application. BY G Lm’&fl Nowulm&mhku olce Training. ______J.C.D. PARKKR, Price $200, _ . . Prepared expressly for the Lel L-.. !!ï¬lf_emmu-u ellable on Grammar of Translaied from the IGHTEH German edition b about mcres, and Turkey Point, Mgmzmpoeuvdy to be the purpose lhnofln(lnibhln&hr per preservation of the game and Of the timber thereon. Ml.-w:d‘:-o h‘&mm possession, at any time, on giving one month‘s _ _On c« that of sere: Snd indigue Abetl bet respectea, Anad One servingâ€"*" all rights of fishery, or use and occuâ€" « pation of the shores in counection therewith, :M'\V“‘“W of Marine ‘The reht to nm:ngrcuu. semiâ€" anpuslly in advance, and good and sufficient umu&&o:?.m%m h 'Wi mu‘m% es Ottawa, lst August 1874 SILK HATS, | WILLIAM onmmml.x&umn:‘mm- .-..â€"v;r-:: «en ND CBP RERSOS ® 10,000 New ‘Becondâ€"hand Books, ancient gao‘crn.u: all %flm- Annual General Mesting Of the Shareholders of the CanadaCentral Railâ€" m’ will be held in the Company‘s in City of Otiawa, on FRIDAY, 14th DAY OF AVGUST,NEXT A1iweive o‘slock, noon, ied in Piian it parnomn Intorgaled will Wionee Hoiagnineta‘ ut "Books rdaulerty H. HODGES, Ottawa. Mifrch 2 1872 “..ll? Books,. â€"Books ! latrusted to their care, at the BHORTEST Superior NEW BOOKS|! G.. M A NN’ uflmtgo‘ Boston . DIPSO: T11 B‘dway, N. Y. gï¬:n!&ï¬â€˜l_'__ WEET TONED Â¥For S&le by © HENDERSON & Co 80 SPARKSâ€"8T) BTOCKS AND MACKHINE OLL.‘ Ritcher‘s Aaimal of Harmony, PRICK, $1.3, o $12.00 PER DOZKN The Emerson New Method EW CHURCH MUSIC BOUK, } OR REED ORGANS, b..DJ!f-..:lw -N!g'-.l-l Martmews OQKB 1 T ,‘"' o 6 .A, Cl .n st o+ s 80 a se "l" ‘OF ‘(i‘:"!, x 'bgm . pyrtepae ie ofte Kardware KMKoeorchaa‘t ._. .. GBPARKSST., OTTAWA.â€" _ arLDRBD wldie 6y Mark iwent One of the newest and yery best of the WHOLEHALE AND KETAIL Trade Mark. AT P. NAUGHTEN®8 86 SPARKS STRERT, sSPRIKG 1874 FOR 1874,â€"1875. THE LEADER!! &m vnNnot ive Oil. A 0 E€ N1 nd Cheaper than A-l%l‘“ 4 of Caution, GENUINE PANCBEEATp ive of Reypt, wmmlm. Extract trom Analytion] :‘“'!s ’-l::h:““‘ sistency, and "es, 4 epotraraee and es Almond or Prussic Acid. 1t was o i the w A, Skn ieneanaree The Original and ) Manal TS “.“a LB B 0 hasid. . o ", "oee Zhm inosl aud Soloeby Dotides being mich is MELTID W URR:I > ols l’fluhï¬hdloq l*‘ ‘g I Pancreatic juice, has the delitate smony appearance . and â€"Sm0OUh \1» »»"Bepmerie Agonts 16e Oonage . PANREATIO m‘“ r;l:nuï¬ SMI! o : mapmdrmsodzont s wal py pioueameis on the City to the Printe of Estt miecwoâ€" n ho "of 1} dlhulvur.udu. imfac is really cheap at > y Walohes and Olocks repurred men» Old Bluiver, J ry, V Pb sionee, Qlooks, Feweliey and "iegrate ons grocamey ust VEUVEUET mm:;'ffl m-u:nwp-dhfl and all kinds of repairing 4 promptly done. f and as the whole is driven by (uuonlyuM.1 section of nfl). we are to produce more pJH ""suam. ce ons O‘MEARA & n 95 aiP suumalt tor sour mane AND OLOTHE ___ . “. ‘rade, Our rglos b ? CLoTBING SUITABLY yoh THE 9 | ntirtnment t mt 6 YaNuUFACPURED 0 48 4DLAN WB MRS. ROBERTSO t § > A pupil of Signor Leon O# us B . celebrated teacher af Vooal! &; 4; to give lessons in Vocalisatio®, "/." 2. 1. D. R, . stiend pupilt at their 3 receive at her house, i C F.câ€" 6 o‘clock pm. Terms w / .F‘< application. Residence Joyo#* * , | . MeDO®n 'MMW f ‘ha, . " s ... oi s......... * THE TIMES is printed and w.%ï¬ Chemists to the Queen, 6. Prince of Wales, H.1.4 Nepout Mhai is o EU essrs, LYMAN BROLRK4RS :E? f&m 18738. _ Tuken PRO P i 5 wre mt wil OP% r"ZCTonm Berrister; 4 RIDEAU STRERT, Maoster in | TTAWA STEAM 50 Sparks Street, OHA 5; hee 3 now complete, we have the Â¥G j AL KUSBOC, Qur assoriment of His Highness the qoi ge S a% the delitate smoou resembled an Op, o-um‘S; l 4-!9‘.., t ous ##* u108\ 0, LX Purper}) A~J Feb. 5. 74 Pure" diore streok W p* weiax Nomeopsthic vYOL Temporary Oflce at t sHOW CAMEB March 1%, 1674 â€"___ Huil, I M%“ BA RRISTERS, t apisier w 00 6 ISEUBB OF X :k $4.m. .‘z quare Juy . (Of tine dube PIOTUE ~ YEILDING Y 6 1 NKR 4 me it e __â€"_ ‘: couchour, d« NUF ORE %, 1878 Bpocia . e MeGig 1 . B. 0001 Surgson