Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 18 Aug 1874, p. 4

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[ t i# e ts *P tp y i 3 With the Modern Elevator, an upper room is fully as desirable as a lower one, yet the popular American House, Bos:.on, has giren notice of an advance of a doliar a day in favor of transient guests who are willing to ozupy such room. . Every convenience . for â€", and" ev tiens dings, ~ _ ui *) *k Mn hk pllowflml.'no‘cd.l‘hn'r 1874, very fine. Forâ€"sale ennp-:’sm Utrawa Tea Company‘s, 64 Sparks Street. iw." _ J. Bediord, Thamesville, writes â€"â€"*Send at once a further mpm ot Electric Oil, 1 have only one boitle 1 never saw anytaing sell so w.u’} and give such general satefection." J, hompson j Woodtord, writesâ€"*Send me some more Kilectric Uil, 1 ::'o sold entirely out. Notaing takes like it." Miller & lzeed Ulverton, P.Q, writesâ€"*"The Klectric Uil is getting a great reputation here, and is dauy calied tor. Send us a further supply without delay."‘ Lemoyne, Gibb & Co. Buckingham, P. 0., writeâ€"* Send us one gross Electric Oil. We find it Faim cannot stay where it isused, It is the cheapest medicine ever made. Une boulo: cured bn:e‘::m. Fifty cents worth cured an standing cough. lt positively cures Catarrh, Asthma and Croup. Fity cents worth has cured crick in the back, and the same quantity iame buck of eight years‘ standing. ‘The folâ€" lowing are extracts from a few of the many ileiters that have been received from m;mdeM' we think, -honld.hLo ?M to satisfy the most skeptic . Collard, of *parts, Untario, writes ‘send me 6 dozen ‘Dr. Thomas‘ lectric Qil, have soldall [ had from you and want more now ; its cures are truly wonderful.‘ Wiluam _ Maguire, _ ot Frankiin, . writes, "I have soid all the agent left, it acts likeâ€"a charmâ€"it was stow at first, but takes spendidly now,‘" H. Cole, of lona, writes. * Please forward 6 dozen Thomas‘ Rloouiouu,lmmly run out : nothing equals it. it is highly recommended by those who have used nd NURIHRDP & LYMAN, ‘Toronto, ntarid, Sole Agents tor the Dominion ; % Nor®â€" Electricâ€"Selected and Electrized in all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affecâ€" tions, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on lufl‘n; ox.nio:,uP;lplu&im ofpt.\’hl: H. Jsierics nites, those -fii‘fi.c- acun:lhqn all bther means have failed ; and although a re« medy, do not contain iron m-::u- wony or anything hurtful to the constituâ€" Full directions in the pamphliet around each package, which should be carefully For full particulars, tain free, of the ob agent a pamphiet, or refer to advertises JOB MOSES, XZEW YORK, sOLE PROPRIETOR, $1.00 and 124 cents for MP en« elosed to Northop & Lyman, ‘Torento, umt,, general agents for the Dominion, wfllmslyocth,mli-qmfiopflh return mail. For sale:by all druggists. 25 Elootric Oil Thomas‘ @ This well known medicine is no imposiâ€" tion but a sure and sate remedy for Female Difficuities and Obstructions, from any mwb:or;qdflw a powertul emedy, y contain nothing hurtful to Green Hides. per ib m"- : "Yag do . secoud do. 'â€".‘;: onl Chntinut por touk ’:.{'m. L CC# cane LrmW. hx ©.2.. "Wfimn. per ib W hite # i do Hl m brl"o ermings, per vees Wood, first quality per o« Haddock, per ib Tallow Trout, Mlfies pet Heel, per 100 lb ‘Turkeys, each...... per Yarn Sold by all PoOULITEY AND GAX®, Steamer Jessic Cassels leaves Ayimer at 3. 00 a.m, Pear, d 0 ips do s k. Apples, per byl....... Raspberiies, pail won,pl:.rrwl. advt. Via New York, close every Saturday, Monday aud Tuesday, at $ p.ua. z * '.'A supplementary bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at 1.% p.m., in which only unregistered letters can be sent. Ottawa River Navigation Company. Barley Rye... Steamer Pecrless leaves at 7.30 8. oa, Steamer Queen Fictoria leaves at 5 p.m L 10.15 2. m.,, 8,30 p.D4 Ar _ 64, 1256 p.m., $,00 pam. 7. x dude mm Buok wheut. usimeal, _ d EBran, per Cwt Leave , *.45 a.m.,, 10. 45 a. m., 2,00 pDr, 9.30 pâ€" 01. Arri .30 a.u., 7,45 a.n3., 300 p.m., 7.00 p.ua. DAIRY, VEGETABLE AND FRUIT, Fresh Butter, per lb .....,............ 0 & Below we publish a Directory, made ap for the benefs of our citisens, nnd-mmwhonyvidttho&nhl. It is important to all travellers} to have, within reach, information as to the uflm:mdmmm som hd:l dopndwupon.‘?hd South. The ic can e mo&uh’-mble: St Lawrence & Ottawa Railway. Saturday afternoon tripsâ€"Steamer . Queéen Pictoria leaves at 4 p.or. for L‘Orignai, &c. ° [See Aylmer Stages leave the Union, Daniels, and he Russell House every morning at 6 a.m. @atineau Stage leaves the Post Office at 6 p.m. Richmond Stage leaves the Post. Office at 1.30 con, _ da. ngues, each JOB Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at :2,00 wic! _ â€"â€" Worth Ten ‘Timss Weight in Gold. Bceujrllcts‘ $ u U s F ". C q ‘ Canada Central Railway do . N. THOMAS, Phelps do do do per bush do Cowmmerclal, UTTawWA MARKETS, medicine dealers. Price 5 British Mails do .. Imzs Oyrng® August 1 @RALDN, FODDER HIDES, PUKL FISH, du FLOUKR MEAT FEMALE PILLS, lixceisior moreeâ€" «« w« ««.«_@ 52 40 0 00 arele ces 0 00 10 0 65 asess #«+ none w««.... 0 60‘ to 0 70 18 00 to 17 00 10 W to 0J 00 9 00 to 19 00 8 2 to 8 00 to 8 00 to 9 00 to 0 00 to 0 00 to none 0 4) to : 0 10 to 0 50 0 0 to 0 12 0 00 to 0 20 pet g1 3 7 00 to 8 00 8 00 to $ 50 0 07 to 0v8 0 15 to 0 16 0 07 to 0 (s 0 12 to 0 17 0 10 to 0 15 0 16 to 0 18 0 6 to 0 0 50 to 0 0 «) to 0 1b 0 TV to 0 (0 0 t0 to 0 6 0 9y io c 10 v 45 to 0 55 0 3 to 0 30 U 2~ to 0 00 0 15 to 0 17 0 16 to 0 20 0 w to 0 70 0 05 to 0 t0 0 05 to 0 (0 1 2 to 7 &0 8 25 to 6 50 4 0 to 4 25 6 73 to 6 10 0 30 to 0 $0 0 05 to 0â€"00 0 § to 0 10 17 to 4 (4 0 10 to 0 &0 3 75 to 4 00 ) 50 to 0 90 15 530 to 0 0 12 0 10 10 of large nuntbors of American musle writors. * #Foxr CoXyExTIOXs, CHores & Sixorxe CLassEs Laza 86 School ducite mc oo o Aatlaned Price $1.38 or $12.00 per dozen. of »aicimen,cotier of the Above. book, matlos, Ouryenr Ditsox & 00,, Ogas.H. Ditsox. & Co_ beruir | WPwOPr pags Pommlieg . Reotfae. _\ l2 & _A B _ a t theoretic course, "more t?an 130 m with Glees, Quartettes, Airs, Tunes, 1:., pleasant to sing auywhere, avd constituting & most agrerable course of study. A good book also for Collq,oCholn, for Seminaries and Social SBings. Price 70 cents, or $7.50 per dozen. and 1875, being the first in the field and of a cha mur&-t Whem'inh.d. H. R. of b By Palmer chm “:.o% } . containing also compositions from the hands of A book admirably fitted for the use of Singing School Teachers, Ravifig, in addition to a com» Have made the subject tholr speciat study. , The ve sul 8 B . lives of Consum ptive Persons are projonged, the appotite, and weight are increased d‘utlon promoted, and the general condition of the body improved. For saie at the old and delivered free 10 â€" .nypm;f“udly Te keepers throughout tha World, who also supply sSavroRky aAnD MOORKE3 DATUORA TATULS HARDWARE NOTICE CONSUMPTION, wgr;uc AND INDiIGES SsSAVORY & MOORE, 143 NEW BONDâ€"8T., LONDON, W. Apd Retail of all other Ohemists and Storeâ€" s the Leader of all Church Music Books for 1874 Pancreatic Eniulsion and Pancreatine. By H. K. Palmer, assisted by L. O. Emerson Ottawa. Aori! 10. 1874 â€" A comiplete assortment of Shif and Heavy Hardware, AT THE USUAL PRIOCES, . Y N. B.â€"Remember the place & bign of the Anvil, Rideau Street. 1 THOS. BTRKETT. or old, married or single, at the dawn of woâ€" manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters disyh{oo decided an iffluence that improvement is soon perceptible. .. ever you find its impurities bursting gh the l{in in Pimples, Eruptions, Qrmg::es: cleanse it when you find it obstructed and -lnfgiah in the veins: cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will te:‘l‘fvtnu when. Kee, the blood pure, and. the health of the systez. will follow. «* C ter, Saltâ€"Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, â€"Boils, Carbuncles, Ringâ€"worms, Scaldâ€"head, Sore Eyes, Etysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the;g:i‘:, Humors and Diséases of the Skin of w ntem or nature, are literally dug up and out of the system in a short time by the use of thesa DBitters. ® Pin, Tape, and other Worms, I in the sy f thousands, ToF micrzaily desitayed and reuoten. o 2{"‘”’ of medi¢ine, no nrmimg;,' no anâ€" elminitics willifree the system worms like these Bitters; _® : _ For Female Complaints, in young Dr:‘rc and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Caliform.s aad cbr. of Washington and Chariton Sts., N. Y. Sold by ~ll lm‘glul and Deale~~ K. HH. MeDuNALD «& Co., Drugrists and Gen. Agts., San Francjsco, California ind cor. of Wasi on aud Chariton 3te., N. . Bold by all ists and DepJers. _ For Inflammatory and Chronic Rhenmatism, Gout, Bilious, Remitâ€" tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the moo&‘Linr, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bittars have no ?:{ Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. 3 â€"Mechanical Diseases.â€"Persons enâ€" g‘g;d in Paints and Minerals, such as bers, ‘Typeâ€"setters,‘ Goldâ€"beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels.. To guard against this, take a dose of WALKER‘s VIXâ€" Boar Bitre®s occasionally. BSerofula, or King‘s Evil, White 8vol.lug‘ TVlcers, ninfiu, Swelled Neck, Goitre, mlflouMmfions, Indolent Infiammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, as in all othor constitational Disâ€" eases, WaLkEr‘s Vixcoare Birtars have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. Bilions, Femittent and Interâ€" mittent Fevers, which aro so prevaâ€" lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, M ‘ssouri, I!linois, Tennessee, Cumberland, arkanâ€" sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savaunah, Roâ€" anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tribyptaries, throughout our entire country Snring the Summer and Autuumn, and remarkably so during seaâ€" sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive deâ€" rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powâ€" erful influence 13011 these various orâ€" gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr, J. Waraer‘s Vixzcar BitTERS, as T:X will speedily remove the darkâ€" eolo: viscid matter with which the bowels ars loaded, at the same time stimulating the sécretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by p.nrlfyh%all its fluids with VrxEoar BiTTERS. No epidemic can take be\} of a system thus foreâ€"armws. & ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Cov&% Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitaâ€" tation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regior of the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful sympâ€" toma‘om the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantes of its merites than a lengtby advertiseâ€" ment. â€" ‘ _ Grateful Thousands prociaim Vrxâ€" ®oar BrrrERsâ€"the most wonderful Inâ€" ri,mrant?thnt ever sustained the sinkine system. C i 14 No Person can take these Bitters according to direetic as, and remain long unwall, provided their bones are not deâ€" stroyed by mineral poison or other menaus, and vital organs wasted beyond renair. THE SONG MONARCH !! Cleause the Vitiated Blood whenâ€" Bold in Bottles by the Manufacturers, R SINGING CLASSES For Skin Discases, Eruptions, Tetâ€" O8ST sSUCCESSPUL REMEDIES Dylxe' Ind: o ha. m;l"Sii: ‘::A ghinfiler??rgna”‘.nnnm For CmorRs aAxp CoNvENTION®, Specific for Asthma, Bronchitis&o 1,500 KEGS CUT NAILS, eeT oS R. H. *â€" su.«azuD & CO THE L EADER m‘. Du"ou'] Co el‘s Extract of Lime J w bont preparation for the Rintt, eapeciedy 19 wurm sstratien usafypfus‘" 20aP perfumed with Australian * Rimmei‘s Gl’““-' Honey, Costum _ and mei‘s Violet, Rose, Leat, Rice, and other !wm__'.‘:f:“!.‘l' ders. . 3 “?._._‘Ai,,fl:'!!‘“p!o‘lhjm 4C000 ERIIITC UISNC SUOWANnCe to shi PM Eugene Q;nusl Feriumer 10 H‘&.é. the h-mfd alos, umnmm.:flu?: ifaces Pn aoto ilogs weed, brickcw" _\ .. Patronised by all the World, Rimniel‘s xm.ng.fh“ Vanda ua‘m’.mm .’?.w'l:m V:ndllv Water, distilled from “"m"“’n:"‘“‘n'.{&'?mmu'w. its use» Rimmel‘s Of Lime Jnias and Alvaarina bra â€" Mamw abir. Rar _ PRCCC being m"m‘"f.?.u‘?fim f 8mhul-. u-l‘n. bottles old is @KLATINE*The purest preparation is Mor Carefully packed and shipped. Orders made 81, 338 & 124 Southampton Row, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDDN PURE CHEMICALS AND NEW MEDILCJN Anisovie is rpptenetsbetat tr e e yb io tb Patnincrmtes payable in * "Peace Be Unto This House." THOMAS MORSON & son. Medailists and Jurors at all the Great Exhi. The " Home" pxp uk with th e best period oals of tae day, 1t is the » Chaapost Firstâ€"Class Magazine .o th try, iden mibs ces Siimeniarenear identites tho.. + gune of ino Rulowigg inige un riegun e.. â€"el Engra vtmomdwmmnnm‘. Â¥ust Prize at the Late Provincial Exthi» bition in London, ; Are sold â€" by Chemists and Also, Wsnnifleumm &mgfl'wt“ INGBB:HK. (ngmum.dum ng.dl\ulrpueom.p. winune. and devosits can withdrawn at any BE TY C LCC PCP C N it @ * Andbiennintentves d droui acsices. A #..W'.EJ‘&-, Friday at 12:05 warded ime . OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A.M. TO7 P.M, For Money Orfers and Saving Banks Busings rom 9 00 a.m. to 4 2. i4 1 oC1 HO\ Heiecteq, aud bhipping orders erecuted 16 un‘zfiuwh PPIMG Â¥345. teamer will be closed at 1:25p: m., in which only o raiiey cabike ... )e Monea Order Offices ml‘m.m %fl es mm manmenn apais: Wishes to inform his friends and the Jub- uw he has sud his prother, 10OHN GRAHAM, as proprietor bf this Hotel, and that it is his intention to makg ali who patronise the house thorpughly com: e. â€" In the house are ladiés‘ and gents‘ Pariors, suites of rooms for es; combined sitting and bed rooms, anâ€". > of fiity bedrooms, all well heated. h“ ‘.wlunho w The Barâ€"room 10 ;best Wines, Sptrits, Lique: «and Ales that can be purchased. -,“, W.?ad Yard and Stables. ESTABLISHED FIFTEEN YEARS. The Lessees &wou known as tae Proprietors of the SHEKMAN HOUSE before its mflm in the memorable Conflagration of 8th and 9th, lzm{, take plml:? in announcing the completion of this new enterprise, which is now open under their personal pmanagement for the «ccommodation of guests, UaAGE BRO8, & BIO% C L«-eumr'rmnt‘y ears. (‘hicago. Jun 1 1874 8 law _ GRAND PACIFIC HOTBL Chicago, Jun 1, 187 Adjoining the Bank of !H, N. America, WELâ€" ;'FG‘I%M the best and most convenient ApEnataimis neoteimg aoet se provept attendance, and reaâ€"onable Mfl"" please favor the undersigned with a call, $ Chicago, The largest and most Complete Hotel in the World. The Christian uraces," um#m' ;el of Peace na:'nme.'-mt ‘The Wreath lln.nfl“. se o soan s es m & * 3. W. JONEB, Landon, Ont.. Morson‘s Effectual Remedies ow POST OFFICE, OTTAWA. Arrival and Departure of Mails Post Office, Oltawa _ + May 25th, 1874. _ _. ¢ Nicholas and Daly ROBERT Ottawa, Feb 14, 1874. 1874. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 18 Bright! BAB~ AllMails are closed by Montreal tm 8 minutes faster than Ottawa time. IMMEL‘3 CHOICE PERFUMES Worksâ€"HoRXSEY Axp HoMERTOX UNIG®, RIHUR‘s HOME MAGAZINE, ALBION _ ‘?E[:I_c')TEI.;,"'_Iv'fhe New York Tribune: 2T% & 1225 24 The Victoria Stables Cheerful ! sss ahod se su #tri Rarnest! and Ftrnh, ottawa‘ RAHAM. 2e3 a moyance of Boom Com| ,*..v“.v.._â€",--é-v.-,v- CHuPOt "I have very caretuily exungod â€"Royat Readers. The planis excellent, and &:ouon. tion, if I may say so, even better. They are out of sight the best series of Readingâ€"books published Musagiione rnaiioies oo mincecns osn,toe mduunnohtothoniuumm PINE LANDS, $00,000,00¢ FEXT, onn rivers leading into mu.h.‘“ mainly in raky reagrnes byhar oo Sook :Symam«m“' ense and free ftrom the an. * Thanks for the Specimen of your 77..'“"â€"3.."'4‘" Books and gm 6. s Thqul-l" admirabie in every particular, Nothing, my olln.hn' would more contribute to W..g ol lmbookl, and the lnt?l‘l.muhuduu u°8..9.‘.,-!"“‘° From A. A&%Léb-. Principal of Ladies " 1 examined “afl'i â€" and Nh::. I., and I{i..rgt the %‘“& ie isnn ces es o tion of the m.t';rghlu_is‘:n mwup.-fi‘.?.‘" From Mr. M. Rector of the Free Ohurch 20 is preparation by the personal attention of so S en en en en sns Treatise on the OQil with which I am sequainted. Hom‘:‘dgatgououfivggfi’m underh.l: regards genuineness and medical efficacy," . Lankester. F.R.3., Coronerj or Central Middlesex. “lommlu&nth.&:m‘:' this Oll is secured in its preparation by the personal attention of so ured that I am recommending a genuine article‘ ::?nm & mfmwmaamfé‘fnmthh efficacy of this invaluable m is destroyed.*" Sir Noh Ouin t aifaitien is the mtc Light Brown Cod kives ol wha 4 neve wtat reason to be satisfied vuh‘ha beneficial and saâ€" lutary effects," U"{!‘%le in .M *« I have frequently recommended con td use of Dr. §......-. Cod Liver i. 1 nave been wel -D&I.d.d&fl ie eftects, and believe it be a very pure Oil, well eftects, and believe it be a very pure fl-w;fl nu.morthuqn.mhwmr{houo sub» tance is indicated." Law Board of Great Britain. "* We think it W vantage that there is one kind of Cod Liver j0il whicnâ€"1s Weiversally Mmltudtoho?lnm.â€"fln L’m.&'lo supâ€" &Uod b{abr.Do ongh. It has jong been when prescribing the Oii, to recomm this k%mmmat so mnnlI.x nmw% tain: , We ve confidence lu» gous (Extract from *Consumption. 1w aéuiy mediable Stages.") t _ mary to the Queen in Ireland. _ _ "I consider Dr, De Ja%‘l Brown Cod Liver O1l to be a ve n[#fl to create diagust, m:‘thon?om agent olp:x value." Dr. David Smith, F.R.S3., Medical Officer to the Poor SELECT MEDICAL OPINION®, ioi it n terrraces o following ate y Sir Henry: Marsh, Bart., M.D., Physician in Ordiâ€" which usually precedes and favors tuhercular Ibcnit ue I deype recofument any otheraare Â¥ own use, mcgnhnu:&mlybnnmonxynogut-vmi my life on two occasiens, and even nm when feel ‘out of condition,‘ I take it, and like it, uns mixed with as being the most agreeâ€" able m"" I that Dr. nl-.lgr.ox‘.ln l?.trx. would come m “ s zede the Pale and Sther worthicas preparations s Rownkko Daeios, Gol oo e hk dpsaribed by milf tFort n l BrowX Cop mn“?)‘%. have no tation in mm that 1 e ve,nor the slightony, conndeane in Ou, are sure and most remarkabie, epecially in To VA ©VBN at 210 JOwest eDb, the restorative pot 1 Dr. Du Joxex‘s Lmb:'t Browx Cop m IL are remarkably manifested. By its adminis tration the natural appetite is revived, and the functions of digestion and assimilation are imâ€" proved, and regulated ; and, when its fame Tad uns e dneranr o in is poqulier c and nutritiv stored health ana strength to the most feeble and deteriorated constitutions, _ * ln cases of prostration and onuhlfi:, where the vital forces are reduced, and where appoatrs to be even at its lowest ebb, the restorative powers N Pek ie us n Chpciyevetpigrimnins J ratnc in ce arly inaudible; and in the one case g‘uffi"};mn‘u.im mm‘w&:fia :&dmng ln. um as wfim sportsmen," {GENERAL DEBILITY AND EMACIATION, SEOWAR COD LIVER OIL; and Wu are strong and fat; the diseased (abnormal) sounds TBE ConxsoLIDaTIoNx oF ITaALY! so 1 fragmentary and impotent, into one powarm%u. with Rome as its equ&l the hu miliation of France t.mo?h & series of auhh’ defeats, elwwfl-h the mmumm 0 her mfl gay meo ; the expuision 0 he mmmounmfimm.,mmo ubstitution for them of a sclon of the most libera among royal houses; the virtual absorption of the kingdoms of Saxony, Wurtemburg, Bavaria, whh Baden, H the Hanse Towns, «¢., under tte hw?\llf o:‘ 5 u'x: the lrmn:&nm. n‘:g wertul empire any; and a rm ‘;’?n’u.lul"o l::“p““hu \nth'e cound or ua often = poned but Lmnmmu on the :’r.:tt city founded by Oonlunfilntl the vast but deeaying and anarchical dominion of the Sultan, all combine to invest with profound interest thé everch nguc phases of our tidings from the Old World. he Tribune, through trusted corresâ€" pondents stationed at all points n Europe where great movements are in progress or imminent alms ug};ruont acomplete and instructive pane Th Encjoreen suvatle between miiile age Fon. the s e ‘eu dalism .i’.‘.‘fi Eoowunhm on the one h.‘a::d and Nineteenthâ€"Cen scepticism and secularism on the other. m“.“‘?zm. a Divine Providence in all ghat Wmmlmw“mo ‘great conflict as destined (like Our own recent conâ€" wulsion) to evolve from strife, disaster, and seem â€" Ing ohno-}a fairer and happler future for the toiling masses of mankind, _ _____ ____ m 4 VLâ€"â€"From the ualled rapidity of Its 0 tive effects, it is fimfim economical t u:y.v'vhlohholend. even at the lowestpft ce. _ BEMTâ€"WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Mail Subscribers, $4 perannum. Five coples or over, $3 each; an extra copy will be sent for every club of ten sent for at one time; or, if preferred, a copy of " Recollection a Busy Life," by Mr Greeley. n&‘au zgi"m" w'-"u&“m' the Trade Mask as herein shown. ‘ Bold by all Ohemsists and - coP R. DE JONGH‘3 ~LIGHT BROWN Q“g.rvn ori, Ihedistinctive character i sti luv&‘ for Dr. px Jox@H‘s Oil so much celebrity, entire confidence of the most emiâ€" nent members of the Medical Piwession, and Failiop it maty ind t on uy uemor on enliedronaneonefods 2. b=â€""ouke may be n I.â€"Its gen purity, and uniform strength .unmt.un:?am:im uâ€"ltwnmnlfll\h-wulndwwn- ciples that therapeutic experience has found to be r.holmut Mvom&mmolmnmody. __t_‘g.:numu.. taken, and creates ho 1 ;,.â€"L is borne with facility by the most delicate no:’noh mmmhxdmu of digestion and assimilation. s V.â€"Its medicinal and remedial action !l"wflm,‘fl.gmwmm those of auy other kind of Cod Liver Oil. .. .. . _ "VIâ€".From the unsquilied rapidity of its ouraâ€" CONBUMPTION AND DISEASES OF THE COmERUIIDTT EL AZL kL B ar eP conll its purifying influence is destined to be felt in wveiy part Sf the Union, rebuking venality, exâ€" DESTROYING POWDERA,‘ ‘This Powd ris quite harmless to ani b nnnv:.lln: in Fleas, met. Flies, Cockrogches, Gumoflnlwo ioi higepaot aniaaarnes. on in paoen tins, .'-m',&.u- of various sizes. _ In our own country, & war upon corruptian and m:slny in office has been ingugurated ufg-r clty, whereby the government Of our State has been xr'bvol\lu;’nl:fi mltl.h:nm‘::?d trinmph ar luo- ‘orm which 8 e anticipa~ e q ons nope on u8 râ€" cumscribed to any locality or any party, but that cumscribed to any locality or any party, but that T orrt us infiuence 18 destined to be Tele im posing robbery, Y ; power from politicians 5y traie, and confiding it in those worthiest and n{un to wield it. To this beneflcent and vitally fls reprélz:of rlon.'llluunm i moscy ene pe n or t n i most essential and auspicious, ind C e & BA TIN G PEBRSIA NS INBEOT TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE, DaIuy TRIBUNE, Mail Subscrib ors, $10 per an> 1HE ROYAL READERS. _ naew ©Hepe Oip,.2c2pecgst aweâ€" ppl Barlow, F.R.S., Sn â€"Phuysician to Guy‘s HE OTTAWA UMES AUGUST is 874 narsoh or by mail to virtues of| Dr. Px Joxax‘s and Gotha, meedunenet itatet than Land Co Dr. De Jough‘s Cod L. WEBBER FaxizLxy Uroocrk®rs, Corner of Kent and Wellington ‘Sts. A en t ... com ie d aknakont nags /A FAMILY: ~GROCERIES be placed in our Collector‘s hands for Immediate Edwards & Rutledge, U : RAJOTTE Are bereby requested to oa!l in at Mesare IT. RAJOTTE & Co., Pooley‘s Bridge, and settle thetr Accounte at on6e. Otherwite, the sane Wt »OiNiEm gargh Ben. Ar. . ; Mesere. wastam P:wru‘r. .A B. W&: es e en Ottaw», and " at the Cc Ontario Bank, â€" C By order of the Pro Ottawa, lst August, 1874 The Stock Books of the Ottaws Loan and Inâ€" vestment Uonpuvo:u now o::n for tona to the Capita! Btook of the said Com pany, LIORs to 10e it@i Stock of the said Com pany ggg_a_r_o_p&""vlm the Provisional Dlnu: TBE OTTAWA LOAN AND 1NVEST. MENT COMPANY, aix peér cent. “?;E&ii‘m.n the time and place of * By Order, ~ E. A. MERRDITH, s Deputy of the Minister of the Interior WILLIAM F. COFFIN, : Commissioner of Ordniance and Admiralty Lands, . : _ Purchasers l:rv oneâ€"tenth of the price dot at the time of saie, and the balance in nine eq &t the time of sale, and the balanoe in nine equal Annual insiidrients, with tntgrest AL the rets of MHIE 2y 10 C am, TUKBDAY, the lst day of SEPTEMEER nl;n, at Noon, :f‘m TOW R ot n-oorri i,-fi ?nmb’auvrhmu'nm' Lots, Mituated on the Ordnance Reserve, surrounding Fort Welâ€" P oioaYX, th ho ayt, t cith 0t Ordnance Lands Sale, PRESCOTT. Feb. 38 1974. 000 , chee Ammammwwxm‘ww'm 20, 4 Family â€" Knitting Machine Just received, Also a large supply of _ _ CROOKERY, â€" GLASSWARE, â€" &o. iyg.ftrict attention ‘paid to the suppiy of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, O NE DOLL&LXL®E E X*C SEND FOR LIST OF GOODS, WHICH ARE FURNISHED FREK OF CHARGE GRaN D 8 U BS C RIPTION SALE $100,000 WOR TH ALL ARTICLESK ON THE LIST THE PLAN IS IMMENSLY _ OPOQLAR, ALWAYS GIVING : ENTIRE SATISFACT10ON ALL â€"GOODS SENT CGOLLECT ON DELIVERY. June 80, 1874. Buch as are constantly nudlnomwlyunm FIFTY TO ONE , HUNDRED PER CENT. CHEAPER OTICOE Agouts wanled in every Town, Village Count lgux. can lake orders and make good w-“-‘i. iqunty, for the sale of our Goods, Old or F | lgml SMFTâ€"OFFICEâ€"Stockdale‘s{Block, Rideau»st., Opposite Ottawa, Oot. Sth, 187%. " will be shewn atfthe time and place of And not to be paid for unti! you see the Goods and are perfecily satisfied with them. T EPn NOTO TC1 NICT AU°W0, THIAge £Nd County, for the sale of our Goods, Old or ng muflnmm-fioflm M'vmnun.lunmrmonmumflw ies iniiteneant in iesd o All parties indebted BUBJECT TO EXAMINATION BEFORE PAYMENT FOR THEM Ei xX MX O TV 4. LX Than the same Goods can be bought for at the Retail Store» RIDEAU STREET, OPPOSITE DALHOUSIE â€"â€" * T. RAJOTTE & O The undersigned HAS REMOVED to CLEREMONT DANIELS & CO.. 235 NOTRE vAMEST, â€" _‘ MONTREAL P.Q Boots and Shoes Of Preston & McLaughlin, at the old stand, R@~No. 12 RIDEAU STREET, Wil sell at 2 PER CENT, UNDER Ooi GIARD CLEARING HARNESS. SIGN WRITEE HuUSH DECORA T.flw”lnv),' Juxz., oT All i bilHO hy pon, AiBd $W.o00d, fittted nelley Cooe aes neit having the eclepiied "*" "Phelan & Collender Combination Cushions‘ of which L am sole owner and ‘These in ponoi hok aeneraoae ons leady, es on e agtm recked and detivered on t H. 'xm% #uocessor to Phelan & Ool w STANDARD _ AMERICAN BEVEL TABLES3 Branches of Builders Workig»"~ Tin & Sheet Iron Metal Job Work. Constantly on hand EHiginâ€"9t.: Opposite the Post Office May 7, 174. T56ty JOSEPH NEELIN Orders received for Garden and Lawn } * 8. MBEADOWS & 00, CAPITAL STOVE PEPOT, Ottaws, March 28, 18 8. 35 Bussoex g BANKRUPT STOOXK. A large assortment of BROOX PA P 6 B ALVANIZED IRUN WOERK JAS. BAlLIFE THOB. SHORE & Co,, TOR, PAINTER, PAPERâ€" HANGER, &o. Having purchased the stock of for Otitawa and Vicinity 138 Broadway, New York I wondafud nt o tw h. Offise, in theCity of Ottaws, on . _ _ . _ _ FRIDAY, 1Ath DAY OPF AUVGUST,. NBXT A1tweive o‘slock, noon, election of Directors and for .__~ A. B. CHAFFEE, Of the Shareholders of the Canada Ceniral Railâ€" pay company will be held in the Company‘s Annual General Meeting â€"-v;r“-z LE CS CS ERRS . + 10,000 New h"!lll-l-lil Books, ancient and modern, in all classes of literature, many in fine bindings, offered al exceedingly fow prices ho hane4 d aniviegs m 1,-'.‘ â€""""'fi ’FQU”KW * t3 g:ulllal Mv& n%"‘fl &" nfg'm u&o &:‘m::fl:o for a term. %l:-‘ possession, at any time, on giving one .:.".'SC «oo Soatiidhs dnnt the durt cighte of slaghnt m.llmuu fishery, or use and 000uâ€" :“w' #ydmfum of MMaring _ The rent to be bfiMcâ€"b ' to be ns 1 se tine paie fos t Mpagat n Aonerscrarnentes ‘be decired at the tn 'h-mmm'{"'"""ar.u. ‘_"‘ pesuntys ": AT P. NAUVGHTENMB «o d%“fi.“‘ ufinumh-fl.’ * | AGKNTS WANTED to sell 8 E W L NG° M AaCHIN E8 In Beautiful Cases, for sale cheap, at GBEO. DaWBON‘8 Superior and Chemper than «____ _ J.C.D.PARKKEKR, Price $2004 _ ~ _ tory ana is a m"’"&"-‘.&'&'_..‘ in o on oi SrraoNn 4.00,, Hioston, f THEB LEADER !|! By H. R. Par¥®rapd L.O ExErsox. uumounwm Music Book vontain the usual m.=“ ing Bobool hnd m lnmumuta:zw-nd music for om?q-mmu mefl be mailed, postâ€"free, on application. â€" * PRICE, $1.3, o $12.00 PEB DOZKN, G mr‘ Nownl%mthk for Voice Translated from the EI@GHTE German edition b M"'Efl'fii"â€"hm" ents in the noe r $A# Al work warranted for One Year. OR td â€"_ _ MASON & 0O Books, â€" Books ! a"""'?:l: nce, all parties can. rely upon the quality %( At No. 54, Sussex Street, 'l-fi.‘-bpfh“-'-l PLUMBING, GAS & STEAMK PITTING. latrusted to their care, at the BKonTugr Plumbing, Gas & Steam Fitting Shop, we. 64/ qyseEx stazet, Ortawi. STOCKS AND MACHINE OILL: Te each ooo SILK FHATS, NEW BOOKS! HENDERSON & Co _ OHAS, H. firs%" N 4 Ottewa, July 3rd, 1874. ew Methods. ly"!t-flf‘lfiuvllm':m the ...fi ONEY â€"W AGES | QO0KS 1 Ottawa. March 2 1874 _ _ H.. HODGES, 56 SPARKS STRERT, Opposite British Lion Hotel, has just freâ€" WEET TONED WHOLESALE AND KETAIL For Spring Trade. Ma«sh 18, 1874 ) Ritcher‘s Raimal of Trade Mark & M A. N N, EW CHURCH MUSIC BOOK, FOR 1874,â€"1876. . 0. Exrrsox and 'w".'i.'i"nnnn'n .(H_g(_ the newest and very best of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ; B J, STANTON, Hoboken, X.J, SPRING 1874 ceived a full assortment of 80 SPARKSâ€"8T) OR REED ORGANS, a G &E NT For Sale by E. A. MEREDIT to inform the public that T11 B‘dway, N. Y 2618â€"1m _ Waslban: Evome & Oy Office, Lot u;:u 12â€" ® , m%m‘u&, celebrated teacher of V. to give lessons in Vocalisation. f mmm at their } receive at her house, M sn 6 o‘ciock pm. . Terms made k8° _ _ w-. l-u-mq-"‘ J u*“’ iff Ottaws, Nov. 28, 1812 . ~= L s s s VWAL MUBRC, O‘MEARA & @ v-â€"‘- Â¥ .& sist daily wear and toar satisiao s nie ie cgaiioacs ?‘. Merchants, Sh Waiches, Clooks, Jowellery A nfl?':-o-_h-_- 5. Carrlage andԤ FACTORY, RIDEAU ATREET, OT ND OLOOK *‘ SiV Engerclt, Prize Medalist of the London, Dubiin which are sent and 9# Westbourne Grove, . "Taxl Suees af omiy it (y it u:ui. mnull'i om in . m 1874 _ ‘_ SÂ¥ ons uy -“-“E.MI- ¢ Manufactory and City Houseâ€"8& vfl_"&iw nt 4 ‘rudford Tersio. 1y eigeeart m Powieaty en [ Tess m-’m~&- o in .cctle d â€"consh cronm, is palstabie sad stt t 24 xeker to the Ohronogr ncA resmel GENUINE 7 PANREATIOQ _ The efficacy of 4) are reality cither f pounds, citments po F md&P .. c Dr ’\: tirely unfit and I‘huohiauu’-ln-... ad n serious disappointment and t ‘ !m“ and ' « -;' l hnv is € ‘@" on the bottles for the oo J ©BAVORY & MOORR» _ Â¥ 0 riet S3 c are in reality cither “Y». pounds, citments po +000 trace of the Pancreatic s ine tirely unfit and useless These imitations are Lk ie serious disappointment i . Pancrestine ‘and P [ hn-md. i is € C the bottles : LAEDL PUTIC ‘r\ RAVOzM‘lwn uts :: Mew against imitations of 90 3 _ forth as DOS86mgir h' mdgfil{' 50 Sparks Strooet, OHAWE «owa, Augh 108 0 y a it "::'z m oo the Thir ?b l ~.. ! TTAWA STEAN ver and Electroâ€" uary 28th. 1873. _ . Atrs h â€"=~â€" +4 c m J. W. B Is earnestly Alicited. pinal and ouly Lax to M Our assortment of Caution, Palcrrary 1J & ® a 0.0, : MAKER GOL O‘MEAR 4® the deliests ... * -ln;*..'-_‘ you. VIHL smm Séusiness ware strook Oarvers ot JuJ Orriousâ€"igin C, K. Porw®t. i Oficeâ€"RHay‘s Biook Berrister, J ane okhee 78L :imn SEUEE 0F ARRISTERE, A TORS . OOKY ADvocartre w# 60â€" B n Remeopa t ic Heving «old Temporary Office ai Â¥. MARSH Bull, March $ 194 i4 BCHAMBAU PICOTUR MNANUE. Bapt. 8, ELL & BRU Wotbic WILSOQ NAEY, CB Legal ECC Beolicitors in _ & woyetr, Lo the public P. GOUTL ou! the Oi the 5 t

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