Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 12 Aug 1874, p. 4

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PiRL _ . . 2fe Campbell, sparke Strset, obtaineda £% 143 * It positively cures Catarrh, Asthma and Croup. Fifty cents worth has cured crick Tack of sight joan‘ sianging."" The 2oL lowing are extracts from a fow ofuu. t abl.. J (blh:d,‘oo(& u(').n xt Eprpy.s Electric Oil, have sold all I had from you and want more now ; its cures are truly wonderful.‘ Win?n m ‘:: :s“hn. nb-:uun .umâ€"nn'. hkns?uhuym.' H. Odo,flmou, writes. " Please forward Gda-'rhoqu’n;fi?u,ll‘mmly rum out : nothing eq k is highly 2. 4. Setrod â€" Thamorniio, * wines it " s writes â€"â€"*Sand at once & further supply of Electric Oil Thomas‘ Exosisior soieoâ€" tric! â€"â€" Worth Ten Times in Weight in Gold. mmumnim It is the cheapest ever made. One bottle has cured©> bronchitis. Fifty cents wthhg-_onnd an old standing cough, Full directions in the pamphiet around “'F'Hw be carefully m obtain * of the . Foe inil particuiars, obtain "free, of the elosed t Northop & hm %h-ngauh,mfiuumwpnh return mail, For sale by all druggists. 25 Rlectric Oil, I have only one boitle left. 1 mu‘:fl;fl%‘fllnwdli and give such satisfoction." . J, ) Vmfla-â€"“&duum Rlectric Oil. 1 have sold entirely out. Nothing takes like it," Miller & Reed, (hflvclm,P.Q,wfiuoâ€"“'_flo“r.i:dQfl & here, in mt fesnep mw:b. 0., writeâ€"* Send us one gross Oil. We find it to take This well known medicine is no imposiâ€" tion but a sure and safe remedy for Female Dnfficuities and Obstructions, from any m Mc&.‘-m ;mhl to fiou-’dflu. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Afeoâ€" tions, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight will Am.‘whrdlwuhm have failed ; although ree mony or anything -rmw&-m As the balance of Stocky and Fixtures viuhoahndinb:l‘kgclu;hly. All parties wishing any great bargains that are to be had will do well to come at Ouce, J.Lun.‘ ® Green Hlides. per lb Fresh ’ Wileran """do .. Halibat, do .. Hertings, per bri......» mnn......... Had per ID......... 8. N. mo"‘s&'w %.Y. And NOSB.I“.EBOP &n:'a. , Toronto, oine Slactie Seloutint -fim WWe Atsi qretity porockd...".. .1 & ts 6 0 Hemiock, .e ma;, Timothy, per ton..,........ .. .13 00 to 17 00 Taliow, T ak"" 204 :: Lamb,‘ i\ Partridges, per pair Hares, per pair..... Turkeys, each Apples, per bri...... .. Raspberties, per pail Elueberries, per pail. Uhickens, per pair................. _ i A supplementary bag for Canadian Sleamer will be closed mt 12 p.i., in which wâ€"wmhm eEA ie a+ o+ Onions, per bush. Union Forwarding Company. Steamer Jessie Cassels loaves Ay!mer at $.00 a.m, s;-or?-rluoh.(nn 7.30a. m Steamer Queen Vietoria leaves at 5 p.m. a Queen 1pB, Victoria leaves at ‘orignai, advt) m7 ri ‘ . DAIRY, VEGETABLE AND FRUIT, Fresh Butter, per 1D .................« 0 & w. 9 C vesersrascercrrye 0 B le Mhcs â€"aoice wiinares esd c Ak M m#....‘.‘.................... :a im on o C eemmtenmmerstactinnt 4* furmips, . do sesserrercqpensses«s W # do Clover a4 steagers wity mmy visis the Copraal: w mamatin,‘ s n erteg on within reach, information as to the unvfl:dq-rm ot the various trains ndnnp.ll‘.hdl places, East, West m South. can t s St Lawrence & Ottaws Railway. ueave, 1.6 am., 10. a. m. 2.0 puu, 9.3 p. m. Auri .30 a.m., 745 a.m., 250 p.m., 7.00 p.D. 4 FLOUR BuperiN@EXU®..... .. ..++.. ++« Canada Contral Railway. LA 10.15a.m., 5.30 pm e8, 1255 p.m., $,00 pu. LI River Navigation Company. prineon, emegan Bold by all medicine dealers. Price 5 Aytmer Stages leave the Union, Daniels, and »e Russell Housé every morning at é&am. Gatineau Stage leaves the Post Office at 6 p.M. Richmond Stage leaves the Post Office at 1.30 ‘British Mails. Vih New Yotk, close every Saturday, Monday xi Tuesday, at 8 p.u. Por Canadian Line, close every Friday at 12.06 Below we publish a Directory, Cravcliaas‘® Guide.© Moore‘s Burlington "‘a‘,“" Cutting do per bush Commercial. QITTaAWA MARKETS, lb Imxs Orric®, August 11 .... $1 3 to 1 30 .... 1 & 10 1 38 ...... 0 &2 to 0 55 .... @70 to 0 30 .. 0 66 to 0 70 .. 0 0 to 0 6 .. 0 15 to 0 # .. T 00 to 7 560 .. 8 50 to 9 00 .. 0 08 to 0 10 .. 0 10 to 0 12 ..:“DOM .. 0 12 to 0 17 .. 0 10 to 0 15 .. 0 16 to 0 20 . 0 16 to 0 17 .. 0 % to 0® 18 00 to 3 00 9.00 to 19 00 3 # to 2 75 to 8 ® to 3 00 to 900 to 0 75 to 0 90 0 # to 0 12 0 10 to 0 $ 0 50 to 0 1 % to 1 15 U 5, to 6 00 none 0 00 to 6 0 1 00 to 0 00 0 15 to 1 00 0 i to 0 % 0 13 to 0 10 .0 10 to 0 it 0 16 to 0 0 0 w to 0 70 0 45 to 0 &Â¥ 0 1 to 0 &8 0 s to 0 10 1% to 2 0 0 1 to 0 50 0 10 to 0 75 0 @ ta 0 70 2 w to 2 % 1 5) to 7 75 7 % to 7 50 6 3.to 6 5 1 0 to 4 25 5 76 to 6 0) 0 80 to 0 99 s« -lmi To be distributed in L. D. SINES h J 1@0#th Regular _ m Agents wanted to sell Tickets, to whom %:‘fqnâ€" g'g'?u'#:uu: Twelve Cireulars containing a ndr}n of prizes, a deâ€" seription of the manner of and other inâ€" formation in reference to the Mvflu u;n:.wn.y mowmmm. All letters d tm s * "ShHHHS Aug.3, 1874. . ol d4e Gift Enterprise, T wo Prizes $1,000 x Five Prizes MI pint t CS Dg_fl'fifim’%fi & Sox have nm" Bold in and 3 og. bottles. ammlfâ€"_fio“p:h preparation is Mon» Carefully packed and shipped. Orders made pasaole in shagihoa. THOMAS MORSON & soN. Medallists and Jurors at all the Great Exhi« Are sold by Chemists and throughout the world. PEPBINEâ€"The l Popriar and profesai 81, 88 & 124 Southampton Row, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON The Stock Books of the Ottawa Loan and Inâ€" vestment Company are now open for subscripâ€" tions to the Capitai Stock of the said Company, m:;mm the Provisional Directors, William Rai M. D.; Messrs, William mm%“x:mm%n.. ‘A. 8. Woodburn, James , R. A. Bradley, Frederic Wright. ’Ahfiflnumw“dun Company, ouage, sut as the C?unpnny'a Bankers, the o® ':yotd c of ne Provisional Direetors, er of the . R. A. BRADLEY, $50,000.00 Worksâ€"Horxsir Axp Hox_rtox, . * nnfld-u“h‘hmmm uiitl further notice, 9 per cent THE OTTAWA LOAN AND 1NVEST. MENT COMPANY. + FA-.u.v Gnoolll, Corner of Kent and ‘Wollington Sts. " _ A full stock of FAMILY GROCERIES Fi Curm 4 ched Horses °3:°m Su'”v'.'ium Mm;nld(dm 1 Horse and 'g'ugy' vm: :l'l.vor-noun Rosewood Pianc, worth $550 ; Ave Een t t ce gar xumber "of uits, 2000. Fickets limited Edy_)ards & Rutledge, Are hereby requested to call in at Messrs.IT. RAJOTTE & Co,, Pooley‘s Bridge, and seltle their agcounts‘at once. Otherwise, the same wil be placed in our Collector‘s hands for im mediate Morson‘s Effectual Remedies March 24, 1874, Tobe drawn MONDAY, SEPT, l4th, 1874. oNE GRAND CAPLCAL PRIZE OF $5,000 IN GOLD ! 3 Ottawa, July 3, 1874. Authorized Discount on Ameridan Involoet June 30, 1874 w attention pald to the supply of A TrIAL Sortcrrup. P LDWARDSJ& RUTLEDGE, | Dr. J. Walker‘s California Vinâ€" egar Bitters are a purely4Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the naâ€" tive herbs found on the lower ranges of tke Sierra Nevada mountains of Califorâ€" nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted thongom without the use of Alcohol. go question is almost daily asked, © is the .cause of the unparalleled success of ViIxEcar Bitâ€" TERs?" Our answer is, that they remore the cause of disease, and the patient reâ€" covers his health. « They are the great blood })urifler and a lire-givinf principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system.â€" Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded_ possessing .the remarkable qualities of Vixroar BiTTERS in_hedmfihtho sick of every disease man is heir to. ey are a gentle Purgative as wellâ€"as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Dideases. & « The gropertles of Dr. WALKER‘s YixEGAR BITTE®S are Aperient, Diasl:oretic, Carminative, Nutritions, Laxative, Dinretic, Sedative, Counterâ€"Irritant, Sudorific, Alteraâ€" tive, and Antiâ€"Bilious. ___ K. . MeDONALD & CO., Drugyists and Gen. Agts., San Franeisco, California, aad cor. of Washington and Chariton Sts., N. Y. @ Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, Fob. 23 1874 CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, d&c. Theoniy rellable Gift Distribution in the USTOMS DEPARTMEN1, lt uns e uc id n PV Flw each ; % Om and BUnir Aover Hubting Watlohes, in m QTICE Just received, Also a large supply of worth trom In Valuable Ci‘ts, composition being known to being unequal in st h, Morso® All parties indebted : {Greenbacks. Kent and Wellington Sts, R A JOTTE T. RAJOTTE & Ca ity that it can | Nve a specialty,it? | ...__._ i Cnloatyaeg | J p 1M M this: "Sord n ues k ue | totinhet Orders made | Kib y " Peace B?’ Unt.?“Tfih‘il Hoguy:; I * Pergaiatnennan e Reomier o i i TeAE teadon ont The " Home" taxes rai cals of the day, ‘?;'Eu.. and 2 Gornntin® hoD 1 Regont Btroot, inriesifmat t ks aren Rroacs ;"""'_i'o'ifi’ (‘);ii)fis. lns ton, Britain and lnhnd.' and flw. can ne oh.%n this Office, T 0 w:fivmesm tnfgrtetalicfred 2t the rate Of Eout par conteper innum. and devosits can be withdrawn at I= "‘o'::rw: HOURS .!.'dno't.t “lnz.u.'m‘r P.M. n-on-.n.’ to 4 p.m. L aboel s #NRA 9 0 â€" it Maiter posted up to .m. will be tofe nfimv{c:&nm:mm BRITISH MA m.flvYfi.w.y:y%.m Per Can 7 .o&mmnm steamer will be closed at 1:25 p; m., in which only Perrecl eearree peebo n de mhich For sale at the n:;ld p&‘?&?‘mm free to * â€"ALSOâ€"; s A complete wz of Shif and Heavy Hardware» HARDWARENOTICE THOS8. BTRKETT. Ottawa. April 10. 1874. | "Sal # The well tae of oo oi ts io derpcouen in the memorable Conflagration of October and 9th wr& take pleasure in announcing the e>mpletion of this new enterprise, which is now open nmrthouornnnn management for the accomimodstion of guests, GAGE BRO8, & mo§ _ Lessees for Twenty Years, TIME Wishes to his many friends and the pubâ€" u% that n'."'fl‘.wnu prother, l(m.ll G M, as proprietor of this Hotel, and that it is his intention to make all who patronise the house thoroughly comfortable, In the house are Indies‘ and ggmn'hrlrl. suites of rooms for fumilies; combined sitting and bed rooms, and upwards of fifty bedrooms, u}‘rllhuud. Spu-ie Li m’nll:dm‘:hnuyg:m&d -',"ooqadrmmsumu f ESTABLISHED FIFPTEEN YEKARS. | GRAND PACIFIC HOTBL Chicago, The largest and most Complete Hotel in the World. Post Office, Ottawa > Chicago, Jub 1, 1873 Atwlnl'"fi Bank of E. N. America, WELâ€" LA Gl& the best and most convenient Livery les in the -:3&:: fook at .mm."'-' e «onable m.,":hf 'pu..."' fivOr the tUhdernigned with a call, N.B.â€"Horses boarded and groomed in the m-&um manner. A specialty made of " BROWNLEE & CO. Posr OFFICE, OTTAWA. Arrival and Departure of Mails AT THE USUAL PRICES, Ya .N. B.â€"Bommbcf\ho‘ piace CR bign of the Anvil, Rideau Street. ALBION HOTEL, |'rhe New York Tribune. Nicholas and Daly Streets, Ottawa‘ Tnxloommffi::gl or xa:x.u «____.~ : so one rRoBERT cRAHAM. _ | yflfaemnanoninrantt oone Bright! Ottawa, Feb 14, 1874. 1874. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 187 March 11, 1874 1MMEL‘S CHOICE PERFUMES Cheapest Firstâ€"Class Magazine BLHUR‘s HUME MAGAZINE, BR i.) sn cinvenaripors P y ory Wiog UNK X â€"W AtiB3 1 C ce rAua..u. are closed by Montreal timc 8 min faster than Ottawa time, | 1,500 KEGS CUT NAILS, l ” 44 g?:; 5 $s Oheerful ! The Victoria Stables ieA day or. -w & J. BTANTON, Hoboken, N,J Karnest ! § â€" EWI-" akes rank with th e best period gaga .6 »q i5 f§§§§ 1 2200 3 law hargt ts bafiaghies, _ 4cA "I examined th + Hed oo n eyned d it o u08 oi Recaog; ani Wops t in penparna Ltne bentpbagiinh, Regarng. adapta~ uonormmumwmnrmmumo H< From T. Morrison, M.A., Rector of the Free Church I invariabi ibe Dr. De Jough‘s Cod Liver Ol in <A to % m Aeatanerisnanct, and not a man com,; which the efficacy of this invaluable dGestroyed." Bir Joseph British _ dmang a Parks, . * * L&i&hmod flm’ m?‘hw every reason to be satisfied wug’ih beneficlal and saâ€" lutary effects," R . Lankester.F.R.8., Coronerf or * I consider that the aWuEmm in its fiomnuon, b‘yn attention of so a Chemist and ent a as Dr, m«:ch. who has also written the best !odfi Treatise on the OQil with which I am acquain{ rnratiies 10 0e prtfeiranie to teuy other Suintne mmlnnmnmww.* A N P ILL ®. A NEW SERIES 0 iUBTRATED EN From Ar. M. of the Free COhurch Training m Kdinburgh, * Thanks for the Specimen of your new ho on o t Edusaios Leeatte ts ths tmprovensent of books, and the intelligent handiing of them.‘ Fom A dinfjone it t ns eriicpal f ‘Lodter # S t have _vyery eu;:muy .:.:m.q g.. Reyal tion, if 1 may say so, better.. They are out of sight the best series M-boon published Illustrations emlml’on“mu han’.:. mduddmuchwthovuuotmm t PINE LANDS, 5 FEET, locarst wml 200,000,00¢ well mainly se unlbu'omflullntfldl.dav:: peS lfl'm«mnm where logs can be held safely free of expense and free trom an~ mwdhflow W‘-&M of au Bd m':t o Iinsnasnrizeuet enpforedeet Sir Henry Marsh, Bart., M. mmuom- I m?:fi .lll;: Brown Cod unotin rempepenraael mir Dr. David Smith, F.R.8, oal Offtcer to the Poor BELECT MEDICAL OPLINIONS. E/ edical and scientlfic opinions iofi omcs o. DE Joxai‘s LIGHT N ER QIL, following are selected : : + Air Henry Marsh, Bart., M.D., Physician in Ordiâ€" sultl gme to Liver 611. 1 efflects, and be fitted for those chses in in which ind use that suk: tance is indicated." my life on two occasiens, and even now, when 1 z.i'l;dou‘:'fiioond:uon.' T take i6 and like it, unâ€" X an m most agroeâ€" 310 way. I fiilmmthu Dr. pE JOXGE‘8 OLL would come general use, and. , mmmmm«mm Teposit; mud 4 never recorknientd any other woek The Oil I have had from you was for my own use, and it has certainly bean se only meane ormayint .\ / In giving my opinion of Dr. DE Jon@®‘S L Bm# Cop Lx{':x Ou.bol have m% saying that I have not the slightest avigAc > that brokeh dowh state bf : ul ul2 e 2P PPE T e En e Pm B AEEIEE Browx Cop dl{uvn Oom; and W are strong an ; m%‘.m-d ingudible ; in the one case P..“'!..z'. &, fishing, -fl%&flrmifi £GENERAL DEBILITY AND EMACIATION, in, the patient expres tniderpriigoas mach fad have Wfiiflmfi'hfinm&' &rutm \:I.og‘romm un n:'uodnlfidnyoflhm a~= @ tive effects, it is infinhe more economical ury. :vhloh is offered, cvo?unho lowestpf\ ce, CONBUMPTION AND DISEASES OF CAUTION.â€"The public are requested to observe that all the above parations bear the Trad. Maxk as herein lho;;.. Boid by all Oh.-uuus . BRowN coPD R. DE JONGEH‘S LIGHT wX Qh LIVER OIL. Thedistinotive isti which nvonlndhfbr.mlo?n so much celebrity, the entire confidence of the t emi« nent members of the Medical m.m ented amount ;I‘&Nu patronage may be m Lâ€"Its mnmnann at and uniform strength .re ascer.ained fiufi. “u.â€"n. nol‘::n::"ufi active and ho:onun wg.. the most effective in the operation of the remedy, the most effective in the operation of the remedy, Til.â€"1t is paintable, easily taken, and qrenteang 1 ;,.â€"L is borne with Tacility by the most delicate non’uou nummmufim of digestion anf, Its medicinal remedial 9A hvv;-mmdmmu--_nm DESTROYING POWDERA: . uorvaned io dedworieeBoees t animals b Eo w magn id l" reat movements are in progress or imminebt :1m.| to ent a complete and instructive pane mm oterean on hh omnean tat temice the eu dalism 2:’ no':m- on the one hand and Nineteenthâ€"Cen scepticism and secularism on the other. Roomlnl a Divine Providence in all qhat pmooodlmdll'“m'wllm\ho great conflict as destined (like our recent conâ€" Â¥ulsion) to evolve from strife, disaster, and sgo m« lngcluo&u fairer and happler future for the toiling xn;n-u mankind. C upon our own country, wat m and rascality in office has been insugurated in our gity, whereby the government of our State has form which surpasses e an & e Tt y thus inaugura cirâ€" eumscribed to any lwfl#w t that its purifying influence is ‘d to be felt in every part of the Union, rebuking voum'!, exâ€" golln‘ robbery, wmunf power from politicians y trade, and confiding it in those worthiest and KEATING . â€"PERSIANS INSEOT Apply in person or by â€"Seutâ€"WEEKLY TRIBUX®E, Mail Subscribers, $1 perannum. Five copies orover, $3each; an extra copy will be sent for every club of ten sent for at one time; or, if preferred, a copy of " Recollection a Busy Life," by Mr Greeley. Moths in Furs, and every other s 1nd Lfdeeh of misfemerphonte," So A. so long fragmentary and impotent, into one pow:Ormmsu, with Rome as its capital the hu. miliation of France through a series o:mna‘ defeats, "d;‘:(f with the mlnd eapitulation g:'l?ourbou Mm't'::"l;’panui: g.mm, u:: numng;n;l for them ot: mmo m‘t%o&.. o houses ; absorption :nullgg(‘)ml of Saxony, 'i%nnembdrc. Bavaria, whh Baden, Hesse, the Hanse Towns, &0., under tte Borannld scupee o Goirfeanys fald tie wrannd we em 6 C g? Rm&o n-u.onul:er pre'pcnn;.r:m in mt. counc Em'opo‘or gonom often + poned but Lever reling! ed. dflu on the ‘wm; city founded by Oonnunumlm the vast but dooaylnglmd anarchical dominion of the SBultan, all combine to invest with profound interest the everch ngng phases of our tidings from the Old Worid.â€" The "Tribung, through trusted corres. pondents stationed at all points nâ€"Europe where by trade, and confiding it in those worthiest and flwest io wigld in To thls benedeent mud vieily no:dod "&"3&1&’5 rsonal 1 t::-h i phog on t Ritin hn onat ie ue ho m eomsnt qi m most essential and auspicious, on "I ha uently recommended persons cof altd xv:on:)qnn.ko use of Dr. De s.mm Cod iver Ol. 1 have been well saliatica with in TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE, P DaILÂ¥ TRLBUNE, Mail Bubscrib ers, $10 per aU~ HE ROYAL READERS,. Barlow, F.R.S., fen _ Physician to Guy‘s THE OTTAWA TIMES AUGUST 12 I8f4 sician to H.R.H. the Duke of ts‘ Ottawa, lst August, 1874 newi at Nops it the row t ore bonhh‘lr.mm .: the Orduance Reserve, surrounding ‘olâ€" sale, ~ s x Purchasers to oneâ€"tenth price ummdfifl!&hflmmm annual with interest at the rate of six per cent. ‘Further particulars at the time and place of E. A. MEREDITH, m«g’mumxm WILLIAM F. COFFIN, x Com misaioner of Ordnance and P°BY 3+ TO BE GIVEN AWAY. ooxen patmen m Raens Ordnance Lands Sale, PRESCOTT. wmwmuu.nnu....... +aa ue draud wfi:::z::z:;::::::::::: '82""""0“& To nc prt on ozecmour&"nnfi.........:..fi.I.'Z'.Z gma‘ug'g &fi?:::::::::::::: g&flm- aoe esnt $s Gaeh CGaite of 430 enainnnn onl inll . .l 5000 Cash Gifte of NBNOL ce us crv xkX x The is strictly for Masonic purp andandlt be sonducted wite ie moseniiteraittar Fot Tickets and Ciroulars giving full tnforma tion, address, 8neGnnd %Glfi%.. ue hnd Cmn Cif 0: upGrand cmnounerleiie.iiil....l.ll: Hiay 16 Cash Gifts of $1000 each...):.;.... ... 15000 gm&ta: a:........-...... ‘!‘i.% gsm..... o ies e Pre Chih Citts of pl) saoh........1":..... wBoDD 5000 Cash Gifts of OROR. . 1 1« «++ +« »» : + » . 80,000 & ; f Tants is wi,intgen Whent atoreet, o d MASONIQ RIFLE ABR8OOIATIO â€" se Norfolk, Va. 1GBNTS . WANTED â€" EVERYWHERE July ith 1974 k * RELIEE AbROOLATIOHN of morinie, 4a, ander a “E V%-o.i:::lm V~pfi )’lr purpose #. $ ftr lufll.io Te 6 1% Grand Gift® â€"Concert Masonic Relio; 4 .Aaséemion NORFOLK, â€" VIRGINIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1874. $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 ! A Trinmph of Mechanical f ph Gentus, WWM&? _will Knit 20,30, ; ches 1e Family Knitting Machine Agouts wanted in every Town, Village and County, for the sale Goods, Oid or : orolfot nex, el:t.an m‘& make good wages, Oum"wm: -mplelol‘:z’m on w& AEND FOR LIST OF GOODS,WHICH ARKE FURNISHED FREE OF CHARQE O NE DOLLAR E A C ALL ARTIOLES ON THE LISTE THE PLAN I8 IMMENSLY POPULAR, ALVYAYS GIVING ENTIRE SATISFACT1I0ON G@GRaAND 8# UBSCRIPTION SALE $100,000 â€" wWORTH FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ALL GOODS SENT GOLLECT ON DELtIVERY. NO INDIVIDUAL BENLFITS, ECOND AND LAST + Buch as are constantly used in every family at from FIFTY TO ONE HUNDRED PER CEN T. CHEAPER ‘Than the sabze Goods can be bought for at the Retajl Btores. 50,000 TICKETSâ€"8000 CASH MFFOFFICEâ€"Btookdata®sfBlook, Rideauâ€"st., Aug. 4, 1874. IC NOTICE is bereby given that on ‘ESUAY, the ist ue immflqu And not to be pald for @util you see the Goods and are perfectly satisfied with them ju Norfolk, LIBST OF GIFPTS HENRY V, MOORE, Secrotary, BSUBJECT TO EXAMINATION BEFORE PAYMBNT FOR THEM E. 2: XMX O TV 4A L. JOHN L. ROPER, Pres‘t. RIDEAU STREET, OPPONITE DALIHOUSNIE, or The undersigned HAS REMOVED to CLEREMONT DANIELS & CO.. * 235 NOTRE VAMEâ€"8T., ~_ _ MONTREAL, P.Q «»+»« ~+$ 80,000 15,000 14,000 25,000 t SIGN WRITER. HUUSEK DRCORA â€"__ HANGER, &o, _ _ wne Soen toat poues aoile Soean kn done on A large assorthient of ~BR O 0 M PA PHI RE Ple e o aitee dniee eevanl most iney L’M#& W ""apbumon poten piocplet Inate® co . o higieih tfi O RNISHINGS. â€" HARN ES S. nallty Cton: ae anlt having the eleprated . ." **Phelan & Collender Combindtion Cushtons‘ of which I am sole owner and Cushions are not sold to ..-m.&: fl_gfiflmppq,mmm Branches of Builders Work!g~ Tin & Sheet Iron Metal Job Work. STANDARD AMERIOAN BEVEL TABLES s â€"_ EKXPORT so u0o onl Buigopne, Burbridgs a Coo Coleman stroot, Lopâ€" ies Pay o ont pain do dnt paot, Ga Is warranted to cure all discharges from the Ur Higinâ€"St. : â€" Opposite the Post Oflce May 7, 1874 25047 _ . MEADOWS & 00,, CAPITALâ€"STOYXE ~DEPOT, Oltawa, Maron m. is s." â€" ****8g Ordersreceived for Garden and Lawn THO8. SHORE & Co., (Buccessors d Tnos. Lee) SPARES STREET SADDLES, WHIPS, &e. &" A call is respectfully sollcited. Reâ€" NE BOX OF CLARKE‘8 B 41 PILMLA PRUNEAU, Juxz., ALVANIZED IBON WORK ARNESS, JAS. BAlLIFF _ * Bole Agent for Ottawa and Vidihity isor to Phelan & . .988 MV‘V. g" _![“ 36 Susser '-'. e Dru giste Cum CENTRAL RAILWAY OO‘Y. wl â€"e<> Notice is hereby given that the Of the Shar Of the Canada Central Railâ€" Sep ooagene oid io ho n hC Compan s FRIDAY, 14th DAY OF AUVGUST,NEXT Attwelive o‘ciock, noon, pnborromns ons simens Cl O on in t Boraerke _ Annual General Meeting sod modome. in it ces o iifinans manyo ns Ottawa, lst August, 1874, w14 . 1 , sPepet ghthe Miniter otffhe Inlerior â€"fihfi"i":t rights of :?-':_. J of, m&. ‘or use‘ %’d M ophesie on To be piid to thie W anpually. in advance, "and % To hilo to be renewed at ihe tiine 13 sEher qondifions. if consigered necessary, will TOUSBsD P s @aY of Seute) ber next, at Foig ful.be solt at Toronts lisses aa The Reserves on Strie, hite Polée. com n Price d en it on doges “&%' num:fnm w"'o::;wonde‘.-m AGENTS WANTED to sell sEWING MaACHIN E8 In Beautiful Cases, for sale chgap,84 .~ . ,, GEO DAWBON‘S Ordnance Lands Sale, a_ -.flli'!;g a at m_fi Mr. &- Tranalated from the IGHTH German, Itie enX â€" _ ) en $ m Ed * uperior aadwc&el.upor than G." ~â€"M A N N, New aieitvery sepbtior pock To Phide wreming Pages now rerdy, and will be mailed, postâ€"free, i PRICE, $1.88, o0 $12.00 PER DOZKN, By H. R. PAti®R®DI L O Exersox. the niost subcessfut GBiich Ruste Book sacrers in it anennet s amoun m TUTUT | 1 Clapmpbpets horre . cald t ametpadarned aa~ All work warranted for One Year. seing firstâ€"olass workm. exveritnce, gnwn--"'nf upon the quaiity PLUMBING, GAS & STEAK FITTIHG. L190 2veqpignad beg to inform the public that Plumbing, Gas & Steam Fitting Shop, Neo. 54, â€"SUSSEX STREET At No. 54, Bussex Streoet, muqvlh'?un“.lw- HENDERSON & Co NEW BOOKS! 8TOCKS AND MACHINE OLL. e uies SILK HATS, ITsON . Coeeuennoiih in oi ew Methods We are KHardwiére KWoerok‘s at, _ . BPARKAST, OTTAWA. â€"__ OOKSB i Cirhvmmmass oiz +. Arpepesd nsam Ottawa. March 2 1873 wEET TONED O PP G _A 56 SPARKS STREET, Opposite British Lion Hotel, has just jreâ€" AT P. NATVGHTEN®8 porium of Literatire, Rideauâ€"st., WHOLESALE AND KETAIL 1 atrusted to their care, at the BEORTEST â€" For Margh 15, qg72°° "P"10€ Trade. Trade Mark EW CHURCR â€" MUSIC BOOK, FOR 1874,â€"1875, TKE LEADER!! + OR REED ORGAN®, : e 95 EM Rrcom se W 5. ds M ary maws OF GERM J ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ; . HODGES, essm but two cents. ‘Write at enes to fi&mm;::;. able with no risks. . A 16 page circular and valuable Somples free. BÂ¥A postalâ€" SPRING 1874 A G E N T: For Bhle by Raimnl of MKASON & CO 0 R G A N 8, &c, T1 B‘dway, K. Y. , OPEAWA. $1.176 6 o‘clock pm. Terms made k29 MRS. RO uk A pupil of m the T ie Tiiuine io Soontontint"naval mfll’ . Residence Joyse‘s rervaimg; ce uy /A ung wl MANUVKACTURED OANADIAN 4ND CLOTHE _ . in a variety unsurpassed by any other Readyâ€"made Clothing O‘MEARA & CQO VUOAL MKUBC. PROPRIETORS, | _ a At this establishment will * ..‘:.‘ mens Ond mirres, Fenreline: Weuten S e \ Clooks, Jewellery and i 46 Mlectroâ€"plate it is ‘.1..:“-;- Peon o io m F wear and ywes s cheap at Al *. W. Stockdale & C Carrlage and Slelj FaACTORY. RIDEAU STREET, OTTA To H. .?:'.?a-.:;:.w: KA WATO;I A.ND' B. Biks. ; BiLVERS MIT "'-lg‘ s 5 Pflnmcm..“ ‘ and Pite f nus eifonoeiessnan y yoice the on m?-u-fi' . is Ferpan mopermaee io a e CHt OF FOmsade in .".. k V lil«lwy.on:ni'm.hm;.‘n~ ‘: alkaline, indicating free ally which, ing upon the fat, producsd us "_< resul *This compound ment or Pomade in i parig of the world. ration of Pancreatine, m ibe boities Mak mt for the names sago idy P YORY # szznt The ow.: -‘tqufl_ ies 4 Chem to the '“{1'§ Pl‘rfl'lfi k ole b; KXhedive of Egypi, &s., * . _ 143 NEW noxnm::fl Extract from an Annlytical 8 a Foreign Specimen of a treatment of Indigestion, Brony ing, &o., &o., mg ie '-“':b »'.‘nm-d q < Mvofiauoonm“. : against imitations of them w.ue , * ** ties of the true preparations, ; are in reality either llflllldaoitnuhc essrs. LYMAN BRO1HERS & ( ebruary 28th. 1873 50 Sparks Stroot, Otlaw#: LN UINE PANGRE‘nn PANREATIO EMUDLSIGy. The efficacy of these Medicmes w ,._ A. w"' tawa. Augs 180 TTAWA STEAN ns i . inolaton aU TV M Nâ€" 18498 is earnectly oneudt"****M Qur assortment of Caution. OttaWA. O‘MEARA & 00 resembled ent 3 ‘-’ 44 aastrars mnarersis, ‘ar TORS OONYVE Orrrorsâ€"Higin & 0, K. PixwuY. | A. JC FÂ¥ob. 5. 1874 se‘ . JOHMN Baerrister streek lmg.- Â¥o ADVocate, W yoL. VIHIL Enssm Apustnes Homeopathic Phy 1oUuls JR U oin, del quark but LE M;'M"m e t “‘fi.‘ MANUFACTURING, W A TOHM AK lcitors in Chancery, Ne CC o. ies miv’:'fin"o i 1898. Temlporary Office ai KALN ® Hull, March #, 1874 JNSURANOE & March 12, 187 ‘jwe,.. Mosgrove‘s aii NHONMA®S P on No 12 BU James4 P1C TVR3 ns ~thA B w# 60. 6n SSUEE OF MA T ALMKRR ; ny former works e Miore, Oofber Notary Public ROH A MBA ULT That the soncheur, & c Norerin waed l :‘O&- hy P n o. to 6 p. tan nemsor BucdessUr WILS SDegal oTICE Bolicitors in TK

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