it! ms: if} Tho Candie» Ilium Nan, lining bandit-had indiihesest quantum iti_ttentitnoftttequetteer0o- ninth remove tho Provincid Lunatic aqtumtYoents'cgattn. wWPoinu, "sdNneiiitttmdertttodisrtiematttt. t%t'rtrodNheetr,reot-irtstttsepgo. “unbound ttsoPtotmtuttpor0on JMWMminoumz-hl my III “I. Plains, it admin, winOUnLn-pocu it hold-any coo-undo“ '.retteithAlatnnagttts M; an» mutation Nil" append ova-hm nun, thsrtiNattitttais P"itet"ye1oteMrtt- t... A tttrtttge objootioq to In“. rain- which . upd b up: it would â€human-mo! T “farming 1'lr,t,ut'g1'l'llh'2Wi','d,','le,t -NtB-rptset, at! w’ inmat- all, new by tho “up he]. The. m In: good adult-en- it. Mum u; in It i doubtful “'3th Adttitmtiggt will mm" mm“, 1trqttt-etuoituethis-irru'i" m7 MMIWNa-go, khan My of it.d-daett truthoeitiee, My“ an Tum land “has MMMmmupm mMtthetmr-tttioat i- not grithttqttitd -itrptints. ltnnrhthtjom-uhof al"h""ttfpettititst'rsit.istd-tutroing mmmumnmu “thou-arm almanac-o! mmmmmm mm ‘hayfoolnnrymmofmodinn "I“ a “nun-duo“: can. . "'"-tetturattiotst Dyan m the“ tttat “inf-ache "Mm-m tr? Ila-Wu. “math-Myin tho Purina." hunting): up cow’s-up... “than“ no hr u politic-non- -d,emttsertntstlrnttttwatt-ittt mom-mum“ tom Oahu 'rmrAshrtirsiititas, an a a PeuoterrrrttiietstinatttG-- "mjmtqratttedtymn it cola-lured- '-itttrraottot-atitatutitmoettt. -eterstrrrqhttéttirtthirrtta. A M quot -ttfetttFtitml “mehmxonho! Sou-1-3:, Mud, om», hymn, Opt-kin; I â€an of Sound. The 'Ysecattmshrtmttruerororen.r," In. do. of I late Whom nprinu “1. who: “the “made ot an “mmwimnmtom “Mann-tin- My ant-Cyn- “nus my» Fm Chm"... 00-3-de Tho-ind the Am mind, m“ m ting, in favoring “up†“a. "fio'o'ht-Biu,arast,rtas tho Pullman w to you“. A. 'ret"edtteteamitruurorts.j- gtnli-titmttmtrteatt-tareiruett 'h-hs_itmt-rermtttotrio,rttem thamsteiaxreimumth.etuataaso- th-it-tttits. rm, P,"- llltlonon re: qrtngt-ded an number: of m. Ytmtrrteers*ottttteooeot “up": Attatitt di-stir-s but m manl- FWM Inim- mu. nédo of “hi-cm Upon tho Arcadia!- d‘ludhupm u 01pm tic: “MID ho tmdereittst-sois. “andâ€??? in.teed.,A mm -erqeteue, way my: tttat tho 'i-trata/LOG-c/Gil-LiL' 'hytitmetr undo: with . chin and . “MN-lock. cimuvn -IrerP' All ttn - m --g.-um. Win-M ar-m-mast-r-r.-. â€aw. Inu- mmwmtingumm- in“ M Bill. aarooatitshrriutto AeHntottmmnttttettt" 15thMrtmnbor next. Tho 00nd] of MAM lob-um to mp tho pro- maybe-nu. om All) “01W“! im (Mama mama Tho (Timon Nation any: it om With profound "gret that the propel-d MeaieeoeitrTmntr, inn-in: my few ox.- mrtitr-, boil. discuss“ no. . party point of m. Tho "A! will“ a. qmmmto bola-tumd,mdu mono-him E Undorthoapuon of“- wiu muting Indivinruolro.†tho January Tm -tuisrtieU'ustrhictt itsppmu of tho “in t.Itaettrrthetartttt-'. Annot- uinn “Mme-mm. mu: any, hikpmpo-admhmgmm- 'oeAtaorroxistingirt the undo. It up tHt-in-ttth-tttnum" mu ot tin Iva-bu lurk“ new prevailing, Inn has o-otitis'., and in otdorto Mmtmu than it -t--"tro "ttsmttsatrtoar-tam Insom- “pouch “1873 may to an vain. of828,686,816-- {with 'i,009,000 clam-ton] plum-{of “graduation: mmt.-terperrvetttettoes “Munchkin DWI. " your: III-h- boon um, exp-ninth "a-et-ttut""-"""'-" n "triihtt68M00,000." men PA'ghglAal to on pl'incx'pl. and may of the Jlt,'ftllS",'lgtldiltfltl'fl 'dt'ti'd'.' Con-mu" Party. We but» doubt 'tttttttStalls/et,,".'.'.'.',,'",','," dunno-mum. at man one. lawman-um W Bthtt .uummchn Umnmhmu-y (t,'2'tt,'u-,-L, -tdie "qtftteigtq-drrith Magma“ w. Mun mama um a... mu if any 'rat-it/Mt., Fig}!!! "919..“ Minute-Hum l','tt,ttttz,t â€do! XLD-uli to . and. Why“- an“ on“ i"'""""'"-.'--" " 312.“.1’hol‘ummzlxpudl- '.orroetmitruorrm- no 'll'Jr.iAWdi'Adl'h' I'm - DUBLIN mm â€.1qu lollâ€?! emu) A]... MONDAY, AUGUST lo, 1814. MR'8 mm ALE ransom 3611503011 ALE, W1 0mm P03?“ my AWN!- m cm!“ _ AM at -drt. 3' ML W“ has cumin-mt FM“ - , - “(ELISE ALE. bonan- out until it had euurned tomewhet gigentic ? p repartition end e decidedly 0W" form that the evil: reeulting from it hecerne epperent. Then e very large party in the Church mu Main" it, end the urn-r ot Parliament to afar eny redreu of their grievencee within the pale of the Eitehlnh- ment ceured them to eet up en indepen. I dent eccleereetioel judioeture of their own, depending-for support upon the voluntery contribution of then who adhered to it. We ell know the ehtreordiuery sum which ettended the movement, end the megnihoent reeulte Incompliehed by the Free Church of Sentiend both " homeend abroad. The very exietence' or thet Church in ite preeent strength end oom- pect tor-m precludee the possibility of Mr. Diureeh’e bill bringing ebont the reeult deeired by ite euthore. if thie couree had been pureued " the time of thedurttptioet, of couree it would heve been euceeeeful beyond peredveetnre, for thePreebyterlen Church. elthou‘h it wee in e comewhet inective condition " the time, a one which, when stripped of ehueee, in I peculierly euited to the religion require- muteot the people of Scotlend. in ell reepeote, with the dub exception ttf by petronege, the Church of Bootlend wee -tiaiirtttiotttmstt of the people t in deed, our ownfederel eyetem of civil BOT. ernment ieelmoet the exact counterpert of Preebyterieneocledeetid government. But the elmple feet of e p tutor being l touted upon e conception by some erb- ‘tacretic petron, who had possibly never been withinthehoundeoltheperinh, end, who knew nothing of the condition or' requirernuitl of the people, stripped elite; populnrity in e very merhed degree. The Free Church, which wee to d {er the pnrpcee ot meeting thin objection: becemeyenly more pcpuler end more, powerqu lied ley petrcnege been ehol-‘ liehed when ite evil ed‘eet lint routed public feeling. the question of the dieee" tehliehment of the Church or Maud would in ell probability not hive when for meny e dey- Thrice who object to estattliahttteuta generellyl Q on in theliret metence beceueethey} P" en undue edvente‘e to come retheri powerfuleectoreectewhich reep no odes venteae from them while 155:; cc:-"; upon " the eeme time to indirectly con- tribute to their Mintenence. No ii'ii objection 'cculd hare erieeu in Scotlend be- m dieruption, for outeidecl thechurehee into which Preebytuim themedveeere divided, theothereecteriee ere quite U/ ignition“, or " eny rete not euthdently numeroue or ind-outlet tooleim legib- tive interbrence on their hehelf.’ Now, however. the Free Church time in ecu! inpointofnurnbereend 1gtf1-gtt. to the Sunblhhed Church, end when we come to ttsittttutothotttiter eecte which heve re. cently ohmined more or leer hold on the populer mind, perticulerly the United Preebyteriene,weereplecdd feceto bee with the feet theteven emu. Pro-hybri- rnethe letebliehment it very in horn being the church of the mejority. ltie very cleer, therplore, that eny ec- cleeieeticel Ugiataticn which doe: not recogniee theexietence of thin Prev Interim but daunting meiotity. muet fell ttttttttgt-lit-ttttttttet people tit Bent- lendgenerelly. To the elmple propoeel to Mich peach-(e the Free end United Preebyterien (hunt-en would neturelly tttti-tghetto-tAer would they re- pruitwith mtiel‘ection; end the cnly opposition to it might therebre be ex. pected born the Native port“ at the Bitehllehed Church. But the United PtmtrrteriaetChumh end union-th- at the Free Church ere formelly pledged td for-wad d'neetehliehment, end in this ere mppcted generally " the other div-en'- tm-I; end they, of conne, oppoeeupon principle enything which tende to mehe more dietent the dey when Church end mmuhveceeeedto heve eny con- nection. Howeverwellmeent, no fer eel theketehl'nhmentie concerned, thin nt- tempt on Mr. Dhrneli'e pert to populerlee it my be, it comee in elmoet thirty yeere ‘toolete; and whileitieintended to per- 1tiiti, theChunh of Scotlend " -. nee ticnel imtitution, cen only nerve to heetm lte downbll. _ than-duo. The. ,in on: any.» etillulhen to the dootrin'eol Churchnnd sate carnation will netnrelly are in thin leteetnwveoithe BritiIhPuInier en " tonpttowinover the mic-I. of soot. lend, who hvetilheendlpin declared no deadly infevcr of prone-ave kgilll- tittexaad1itrem1pHrsefqtu_ bypropodngw domwuehh "errdeest'tdP"fl', in the clinch of Wt. If “I. Radial.- of tgoottarad-arad they III] my end -rfui-oouid only convince them-elve- that thee teen on the pert of altar-Torin I" well _ pounded, they would no dottht 3 rejoice very heartily, nu! ":1 at Y.r. :; Dmrneli‘e propoeition toe mm. Butthie: israst in. m- which they do not to». They recognize in it on attempt, not only towin “won in What duo to give new lee-cot life towhnt is " preeent e pncticelly dole Stete Church. Mr. Dinah, tobeeure, he no greet round but. "edition. of the party whoee leader he he: constituted himself; but the wily Premier well known tint to ebolieh church patronage in Scotland, if it had only been donein time, would indeed have been e mantel-1y etroke ot Conurvntive policy. Everybody who know- enythin; of the history of the Scottish Chuck in were that but for lay pets-om“ end ita indir- criminnte end rigid exuc‘ue the Disrupt tion would - have V taken pkce. Pomona wee en ebuee which hed its origin in dnye when the Church wee con- tending egnintt evil. oi n more Myron- gtatttrt--mt" dangerou- " that time. " alienate, in no fern they threetened her very exintence;end it wee not Pam; is (who: [manned till tho many-lint. any " Stamina, but is not than ~11“,me r tho day-loll of when. _ Tho following appoinunuu m p- atted: 7 7 - _ 'a'my mm mu. one. m, N. a; to b. Kahuna-u: taint M ' tom. of not Pineal, Quake, to be Ut teestde ot Custom. _ hiss.. Bom. or mum, N. B., to be I PN'OBI-i'. own. no: Infusi- Cu- cum o.Wltier,of8om1 Quins, “b.001- GiiGi7iilGic. ' letter' Mt undo! an Gun-do Joint Stock Company’- Aet at 1869, have boon mu to an WOW Imam was: ot “and, and an “no: - ,rtteh.s Qo-m- . . iuiiiGTii(G7 Enchant!“ "'91le; fiqtstrriitdrrtthe,tnuttiftqt1ttt shim. amonwdn . huh-om â€magnum“: mu Point J. Wham otFiIhu'I an“. N. 8. to)»: bylaw-Igor 94W: . _ emu-0mm m. i Cm Couxcn. --d would muting of tho City Council will "he plum this "can; (if ducal- the tin-now “Mm: laid on "tttt table " the but muting. sud to I"! l As mt. for the tstare-tt you. Nun? " Aoeatrmte.-Aa tho oxen:- nion party, which viaitod tho city tho all: day. won 'ttget homo to bowl-11:: Unleashing. " and, not w: an . dent that would hove hurled the most of than into otunlty. It would “on that the "ttttgBittet tnln loft I 'tati!', bongo Ogden-bur; through who match» or. der, and had not prouodod tar whoa it was approoohin‘ the regular upto- com- ing down. huh. my“ ot s "new, who tad an" dull-Ind "new the who truth, . t-itrle umtropho wu "and. The two tutu won 'ettttinS00mdsttf-itettheeatthe time. and Indium hunter tum-one. of mind of tho runway oitigi.1 Btatatttted It thi- point, tho innit-bl. Mutton of both tniu would hue eta-nod. Fm m Base Tierra-tttte-tht Thu-d†In: the boa-ding home of ttte foam of MoLmn & Blwkbum’u - will In: de strayed by tire. Tho '1an blow “a mill whims and around come they man, who minted in saving the mill and lumber. 'l‘hecmuof me lit. to unknown. Lou “out. 82 an. WastststrttN'g but tNt-ttttre-Aa pre- dicted the Wuhburn Variety lmpe he proved "um The Rink lune In]! no crowded to in am: my on We] night, end out “the not unen- hhgenuu 'thet,', voice wee rum in q [non to perfumes. on many?†ell eeened to eey that hr some tia" such I good troupe he. not visited the any. The opening overture " once reveeled the not of armies! my... being Tun Ammo: 11tma,.-attn gaunt!» u- lar proprietor of the Albion on! in was swing up his mpomibility in annotation, th-itls, and rumor hath it that Mr, Johnston of the , Johnston gm" Pru- eott. will was“! him. it no happen that thick-anvil 30 Into cm the Albion will be In popular u out, n the new proprietor ha I pod from!» republion. V lemma comb to may. any was com fl','dl'tl'l, sh. Mo of'l‘hom. Lama} and “I and: longer ride than 1wgained {mum thin did not stop a at. next in“. Th. 0:- ciumn‘li't "d dinomfort reel upon an n 'ttrude anything don. uvoclingingonwlth tho (Hiring! a! death. None nu new " it. physician when he MI and madman. in the orcheelre, whoee perform throughwl. the evening elicited much nppluuee. The horizontal her perfor- mnnoee by Menu. Burton, For, end Biz: ford were of no earning neture " to ex- cite the edmiretion ot entire eudienee. Later in the evening the ecrohetio feels ot the lune gentlemen and other- elicited the heerty pleadite ofthe Mince. The dancing end vooei gene of Mean. Cotton end Budue evinced midueble telent. The eating and einging of the stelix eieteu wee eteo e pinning feeture in the evening’e progrennne. The epede and ladder denoing of Petrie Goeheu creeted no little eetoniehlnent tn the eudienee. The oomediee 'of "Advice to Young Lediee " end " The Beby Elephm were much enjoyed. The treet of the _ evening however wee the introduction of we‘nnlnber of Wen: Spring Indhne, the meet of whom mined the America aomnursmttintt-tumof apt. Jeek end othere of the laden trim to when: the Wen: . en e My hetred. They 39m in ell their»; uvegrendeureeeo dreeeendotherpe‘en- liar penphernelie‘. They indulged in their unique pipe denoqend Inter in) the evening in their new wer dance. ehowlngthe otqttytottrroMttdtttr.ittttte IAmlhdhinbisth ofwhieh than“? of the endienoewee much excited. t In! warm“... “an: y v um. 1., me. t2lfd'thtt i'iipiirii evening I perform-nee " that“ ot evenlnereeeingthe lerge eldtenne of Betardey night. Bun Batt.--At the Bu. Bull much In Ogdomburg on Saturday batman an "MutuaU" ofthil city And tho Oatumtt_t1m Club, the latter club you the â€0.. Th. were stood 88 tol6. 1ugutt.--TU cucu- now being mode to extend the beatMta ora .todtdtuatitn to the children of the large working popu- lation centred " Gellneeu Paine? cannot fell to meet the cordial npprovnl ell who hie an inter!“ in the well-being of the [shaking chance. ln Another column will bqtbtmderotioettfisartota" hoe eo-dny (Monday), the 10th intuit. ' Kr. who dour. e plenum little trip by are“ cur and steam ferry, this hot weecher, can combine the useful nod the plenum by “landing the - in -tioet. Tn Four BALL mm --W. E. C. wr.. ber, who " ell tine- evimeu each en in. tenet in W“. ha. with â€We gummy given tlfteeag dollere tttmgdg we procuring of the 1tgrt,t, belt,to be evaded hte we fax†Tkt. " the Scam-h game on y. _ trophy will be kept hm. mpeotive septum of the neonatal m tron yen- toyeer, eo- oordinguviotoryne’ygoto theoneeide orthe other. A mauled Nepal-then- ticipated from the Menu My mic fatedinngudtotheptopoeed {Mb-ll Run-a on A Cow-Cum. -A frami- v‘nnt any ply-loin: ad “Impl- of Honda wu'oul ton-k0 I was. oxpuimont, pupa-ad riding I few and on tho cow- ettcttee of an engine on the 8mm " lm mpmhw “row- It.» an Iautrrttsr.--At the 'TQ of . large ad inltaqntinl number tt 1sttiatn. Bib b',tdiltght Mayor tte. ordered " in.“ " tto) lo inc-two. into, tty grid- andciuuorthonoo'mln " an Chin- diere. Coronet Cuban bu my given ',ugi'ff'd',','t for tho -tetigttt of a jury vi a View to holding inquut this nfmnoou It 2 o’clock. w DAL! t'r-.-Aytat. wet- 'a22t't m and. to " mum of . In! n broken phtfernon the tenth ileum, near Ctimtretiaatd Street. that Impaled um mud: mulled thorough!“ and it would teen that u mun Boarder Work- In. taken no eaten guard- remodyiu‘ the grievance. It in. to be hoped that n â€and notice till mace to have some nep- ' to improve that locality. The people than“ mobody if this titttt street in n Ioleued. Theme “not. is also [amenable And [may ob. . meted opposite the Court Home. Lona 1atoEntt ton [mum-um. - For tho tut tire you-tho resident MB-r Strut hare boon onxlouoly "nth. tho (ultimate! proniooomodo by tho our: poi-don to - Ind tttttV improvo their moot. It 3 mot the olden nottlod moot: in tho city And ho: can. gibutod mtg??? myhothor in St. ou‘o'o o city fan nor, yot tho vii-ha of tho people no om: ignor- od. This lino moot no wombat to on ohhomoio Motiooolthodty than“ " onoo be put into I thorough “no of npoir. much. '1,041,4'201hli w â€3,018.79; Post 0tthsjt1N31 , punks mm, Includ- ing Rail-up, 3141.052 9l; Bill Itttt â€6,7157% linolluuoul, “18,810. 1. Total. $2,147,653 16. . Paar-nu: Haunt. . - VIM" thi- week: Madonna-m WJ'olnookwd E. Mouillivny. PR', Mull. -Ht Pound. mug. Young. 1m, Dr. P. A. KaDougm CITY AND VIOINITY. Tu Pmc, or “In“ an portion of it much mull, will be mm to new amul- trod“ Auden Homo, ttttttttgt',"" t2t'rgttr22t: an . - tuna. bunch of ','l'iflthl tttttei 1'rtt'lttgf"'""'"Ngtt' Laws.---' with hi1. “who on no lower 0mm, Mr. Thou. M, of his town, outlined I gather urinal Ion. Whilo "gun on tho unhh 1ttNt tome moans beanie about“ and yltto the "our. Tho machin- I an. on, along with the chin being "tuoerat8goi1 Somehopum annuurmmotm-o can? u the water my only about“ foot up. and dthough tho an." in motion n the time a buoy was pin-d " gunman. wthoooono of the loci- ent. . Run I?em-Yeataeda, main; two rem belonging respectively to loan. Booth & Gordon and Men-n. Chopin“ & Hole penned our the “lone“. npldl. The former within " crib- oqmn tin. her, principelly whit. pine. end live oeftr. ohm. and 'htt"l"i'tttgt', ltd 91 oribe, mont red pine. A mm of ladie- and gentlemen connected with the omen visited these to“: on WM] while fusing Pembroke, end indulged in the unity of e ‘lqum new on “romaine shunt, principle. SAL! 1taram.--Thi. d'uouo u ho cunt in it wont form. Bud thin M David Soup-on, 89 1'rtnootitretcBtstat :--Dul &tt,--Ttus in to oeetit that my daughter (Saab Shown) In: w, troubled .with Sororuls sud Wit Rhona Honor for nor- on! you: mostly ttonthted to her hold. The tlf tour you! it in: boon no bod that the been almost blind, mo ot the time 1:03.:qu t't',pg' nod. 8!:on boonun moon-co Molokai in on York Ind Boston, “funding no roller. uh. took two bonus of FoulsI Pu. and Dilemma TYak-tre mtdeeBtagtd that " thoprinolpol awninmmm “Us. their m oft the my log ' mop.’ It in mm! for tho ' may to drim tho lop Ill than: to0ttarm, at tMrgd 'lt ration- hnn Itoppd st ttte an». _ mil throw I [up number ot non out od. employ much author “In "all, a In noon-ally drive to: two month that am. has“? Bruat 'non tinns-r-Thee. In. 'l,',',',', “an “to. mm: fdtMtt; bro s, , two tt I In to â€thumb-anon. Tho-gunman below Du Judah, and will MN":- hero thin not. The: bank†A. Fnur a 00., ot Wanna. ad 'Jett of Bull. The other than, two on In and béolilh a “not mam!» Mttttgt& burn, an yot than the In. an. . Cull") On! A wnus.-Thd 'ot-rr' innnry stgortttm.oet Stand with. cloned out on. oftho with ','dld n tho corner of st. Paul and - Slush. The people In that loo-my nth "ioios ml, the hurt of laying pure mm to Guam BsuimtRr.--Thtt" conducting the busting in New Btrgtdtt Ind ho“.- oxorciu - em or nodou dung. will mun from their negllgonoo in this to upoth: Sounds] morning: “new and from which two "one. was ejooud, doing oomidonblo injury. Ono went through . linunith'l shop in the vicinily ma the other â€nomad the side ot tho St. Low. AIIH'AU " III Baum. "tttian' Chignon, Edvard howl»; D henna, b’Brlon. ‘Androw K Porkin, A G GUM Neutral; CE human; :7 Diohon, 2,t!ttt,hl,', t',',',htitdii' tlfat du on . o men, Hun t fifth Bunnie , R o Innphoor. C S Che-lol- Vito. Oldenburg; I tl Gallon, Albany t C Bottrudesr,i) E Janet, St. Johns, Cottauptpti0et) Bronchial! Dylpoplia Fable, Irregular Action of G Hurt, and s lone lint o kindred din-no. no unri- batod to How “than!†mom quan- Gwing to in luminance“ on than con- ters In my writ). to Followl’ Compound Imtttphmsttitet, the prompt In! dittided bandit. mud by point. laboring tw- der than diam. 2642 There :1. mos-“ion an tithee mu. All ofwhioh my Mind h 50 out: out. Cull n Moores Burlington Hair (mun. 'L-sn, 26mm. w. Wm. Home" chained s I!“ Silver Hunting Ono Wild) for go - u Moore's Burlington Hm a"ti'gettu TV luar I’m-um Iatag.-Thi um ' Ponbroko’ on Wodnoudny on.†bung» dorm I ton of logs for Ito-rs. noun & Think or "all phat. The, won this» log manna mun-ammo Mr, Campbell, tttt BM%¢W. bud-om. Gold ml: for out n T.M. Moore'- Barnum [gig gutting Ono Thousand Donu- Worth Stolen A during bounty wee committed on hidey night or only on Beturdey morning Iaattin the heheldeehery note of the loom. Neeltn Bree. ht the eeetendof the Seppen' Bridge. The work we no utmuy done " to lend to theenppeeltion. that thoee impuoeted Md evidently nude n oerefnl enney ot the premise; It would eeem thet the ehop wee "ttlat-tlr eeolm u far he the door end ehntten were oantserned,trtat the one“ lights undue neeth were not, and through theee the entry mun heve been elected. Once through these the Meeting of n Intel! partition eoon bron‘ht them Into the ehop. Bevin; once got the It», tun-H new that they the look. from the door teedtn; in the trout meet. It In Mated that one thou-ed doll-n mmyqfwrmw it won - detected, ' by themlloe‘ ttt _ere gmnngedto he: on duty_uonnd thin The following we upwind: bricks taken from u letter with to the Kira: New, by John Agttetr, BN., ht p, Inspector of Baboon!" m " Hr. “new in on of Sam mm Ind oudonlly ','tu,ttil1.Y, for the panic: In bun-nut. .,tltatot+rttiitg mm. to vow for much and“. . renoo Hotel. loamy. If tho “our of In. in no anhmmhtwh him can the form, In tho um, . prop“: would “but be mud. The on. m Windy plied b has of Detaoth.mmiitoit who in pt- tirtgthertatthidinBtts at“. food of Bank Blunt. . ho pod.- mr‘o doubt]... than down the IT, "th-ttdet mammalian or an bridge; tad down by the loch to the Nut, up which the num- Hr-fir rowed to hittotheiratottn term. The detective In: strong lumin- Ind I an. bywhiohhumy m nee-diamant- (an of this maxim C NewSouonUncoloud'J " up 1874, very min. For Si.tttgtt, Tho 0mm To. Campers, 64 'eu'."". mime: Ours, which wholly ottmd mm Room. 'if.,'eNrti't.1grpr2ef chir- maaxiortMing out: MIMI 1Pdaiudthcipqtaleorrho thou-ML date-, andthitit III for than to tutsit9iorthernFrtsovaetott'dittdi; mm. teette1tlt,tayt may..." "I hum ,0: in“ in? dG inâ€? County, Ite non ml: at t ohunhbau had Mg, bun $.39:th 'tts.", _ ',u'fd'g,C, '...;. ,'/'ltatt'gt, to or am!- or {no any. who can 1...“, Wuhan. a he 4th an... mom who team out": DLBING BURGLARY. 8900mm Brion. Timber 1m THE OTTAWA TIMES AMST IO, 1844 264B6in. Bey territory. When I pointed hlnhop " I young men he Rundown“! he‘d be the in Minuteman -quaiiiitntiott he could noqÂ¥ ner gt, that olhlnnnond problem), _ order recommend himelr to the native'nb! thnt country end to rene do! there'sdm nervjcp. Ihtqidkutg that the. no». of thong regime po "tseed neither boob nor no nlphnbet. he learned thetadeot n mm. printer before going out to the country; end he contracted en uphebet end had boob printed, which he bound with hin own hendn, for the beggefit of the netiven. l‘hnt tent might be resettled no a feather in. the cap of the printing Mania. Mr. Vitus, 113., and" at the Am $31? , “$321.12, 3â€â€œ ttet , on v a 3M. and 0M ma that In him-alt no not u i'i'i'iii!, plum and he would gin In nitration dt the advantage which n m - position 1! A“. mum and" {m Inning [ and: u t In: id " only dun. 'l‘woorthmyomsgo he humpin- Im or “tumult, u unit "with“. pawn, the binhop one of our most re- mote Ind imlblo colonic- whou dio. ttMet manual we when. or do Hudson'- Bay “new. wm-epow.w " The dhlp in' result of the you tide,2ttt,"gilS the Medium 'ltirsiott-ttedhast-Dtattiintsttory been the nubjeot of mere! convention 1trglgiM,'t',t It" the nix“: W. the p tiff commenced his an. "in: e 11.',',Uf.tUSu',' 1riatglohn,and chimed need her, extending from theopenluetYou‘hdu amen-nor of Lianore, over "ten mfg. The pent .. ','ehu,'2, to ',a'h'i?,iizi?; TU trium- venedby ouch-he (Ruhr! of Demand. upon whole for. teittmont_tueM6,tlfl0-ttfuasd reverted to the Crown; ofttirWalV high; artdttf all-WM“. Aâ€; otherhitaeeting record- inottttrtmathd Pte: J)",'l'tl,'lt,t'l)li',tftelt I out e. . Ill foundinhil Call. of .by 'lPlg,'t,T dupetoned from mum m a . A :' - pay: of 'ist-Atty.' , Juneau oom‘Iochduplez-dx- mulled Olly-adult“ it What! med. The A.yier up“! an} “new the Br. hone, Aug 8. ltlenotyetpdhbto M'n em- otel etetement of the gegatlt of ',1trti2, election, but the neiorlty “In in Mom-ll telegrephOd lutnlght my be eeeepud u ttlgtltlht.r, entrees. tht 'l'ueedey next, llth intent, the Re. turning one» willmeke the Maturation, when we .ehell Know predeelyhow the ballotin- worked. Bohreecenle learned theperoentege of rejected bellm- " been very "all, e ciroumItenoe that speaha well for the intelligence of the electore, when the new end eomewhrt eompliceted system of voting in “ken Into ecconnt. The working: the hellot. ',','c'tlgtetetTd prov lone of the new electlon Lwere lolly was let forth intheEo-e Jamel. and throng; thle medlnmthe eleetore Iere Med to the Act. Some ot the new. on. cer- I an informed, took thepreeenuon to bi, epeclel itutetttttittm to eech voter how to merk hie hellot peper, end where thle wee T done not e single mleteke occurred, With e little more experlenoe the votee may be recorded unccnntely u under the old eyetem. The bellotehoxel n-ed here were tamish. "trr the Government. They are .mede of buck welnut, 20 lnchee t,',',tt,,,te 10212in width, end ere very e " put together. The door in the -out of whichthe belloteere taken for t- ing " tho oloro ol,the poll-ll ythree inohee by eeven. end ie eecored by t lock. The ellt or opening through whldh the bauotiorpptieditttothetsdiia8ltnesh" trrttrraaiitols,pm1i-md byeepriug ellde. Amen knob le eetin tine elide for oonvenlence in moving it beck when- ever e bellot is to 'ttgat',',' whlch done the thumb le removed the cover ie in. etently to he pleoe with a eherp enep. The number ot mush box in marked on the elide cover. When the ballot pepere and returns ere mede up at the cloee of thepdutheyerepnt hook into the box end the door again closed. It in further eecnred ey en Iron hinged etrnp which eovere the hey-hole, end by meene of the knob keep- the ellde timur in ite plece. Thu strap at one end ia, lneerted into the eide of the box, end the _ other em} _ie futued by e email pedlook. 0n the te", Iide e eeel put on tho etrep oom- p tee the, oioeing of the box, enditie reedy Are delivery-to the Rotumm‘ g 0mm. Every provision mode for security, end ballot etnlllng in not poteibie it the egenu of the oagtdist.tea be" their Wit. eboat than. The only objection l he" hoerd undo egelnet the boxle that it intoodeep end tekee up more room thenieneoemry. A ehellmm- box would porhepe enewer the purpoeejnet " well, but it would eleo be pore convenient foe extrtoting ballot pow through the m4! the oppor- tnnity tor " doing promoted iteoll to e tricky deputy returning om. In voting onlyoneeleotorlud ttedetetlmjnet " eoon ee-bie heme in teken end e bellot peper end envelope ere bendedbim. A ttf one 'att admitted while “a; Iner g _ Innedle the ballot ie '21'u'trd deputy re- turning ttthott, end dropped by him into the box, the elector out by enotber door. In title my illt"dlld'u' eeelly 2,'tMY, not; hour, or fonrhnndnd during. Asn - _ Udio mud my bodyum [could tfll'tagitpaTt, unlawful-I madman» mammal. I 1dsttretaaidadttt-dleitmtape, dyyta1-itapdthemtrtyetiirNV. doin- and Mont-11y bond Mm lymph Now Yuk. l puma-0d manna-mane Hand’s, madman†mu, and napalm-nu to 4tttgtaitU 2t,,tqht."f,"t, â€wrung-ad spin! name ttylrtiat4uirniepridqii Ind who-um: luvculgoqhuhprk habit. P,tt,'tltttt,it, "tt,t, " yoga my. man truly non all“. Insuranc- Anni. ' 2595 Tho machinery ofthe â€nun nun lik- clock-work; than I: no disturtr-tn t,tr'et'tttli,tg'Sfeaa,'gttg md confusion tint wuimptnblo tampon- mboothludu tho old man. The Encapsu- 1'dg', 'ih"i'ftntl',te minus. "can: to My don-ammonium and: inch. ttf, might noon! baron without being abated to the “Um-tummy» prone-don. “than In do. not worth. up“: ot an auditing-to Minoan!» â€friends ouuidotho nun‘u of tho omen-who hum-Mu mthnoouru II! had human ngvoun is they†pundi- otout. 2/.h,t,',"g,'l',T,'",'t'h','thtt' M,mdouryomvho "gland E um nu "tended to. Unconv- qmoftln “Minibar- has. 'rhqtaartttatrsg. Atthoobouon in Jum- aeT_iettteft'kPsetttir, -titlatotPdn mum-3w: bf aiiieitte ___ than: ther "Fwyzwupfq "dir. In Junie-Jody! 800, ou'of the jury. an that may“ not awn-um AM the timt (in man... 0305:»; could not be convinced, unbound): 'teirrsqt.att1"tt.t ttttmit- MI follow“ out remind obotinthly M during mo 'tgtle'tet jury were load a: It',,', mwmrflmm “I. . , Jury, an in damn-:9“ jtdt'a;ttijll,ti,1 It... Mom clan-much!!!“ he the“ Ind-cum m. l ',',ttg2til1s'.' Tulane it has boon to and taM. and apocahdon is rib g'iaftrglttl",t consuming than. hi 2tftt m bond â€inâ€, Wham! oth,r%thtrtirtgii. Men, "ttttttttttet-tttt nun. ' otaieto-to i'iiiilii'i'r"lt't'iifilr,? humm‘m so In untrue. This boned tho humoroufuturuof mum». and â€um-unmar- mnd that it in nanny enjoyed bytho fnendl of the ("and machine. Bum 13rtsott-.-rupe1"ter, Pp., J " 81, 18Tt.-Wr. hate" Fallout-Sh 1 u trt-el. to ir.ttom1 you “My, halal h win aide _ ' Hypo- 1'l'l'lltl'(. 1'x"2txTN tie, in!!! Bloom MW lBaiiljiiiiii SCANDAL th't'a,t'tl'ddt'.,'N'.Td'1tli ''f8uA'.'.rrtA3t,t.rd Itat: unkind Wntm; inâ€! Watch; . in. “can: Imam-3 Pun; Jewell? - 1tr3t,iurnf2ll! Sign†Rina. am; that an? Caner Fun, as, comm wIONDA ,TGiifhC'i7ri'r"iaG75i"i'iiiri%' when“ an Jewell-r: and my - in banal-Mot. _ Full 'qttottW, V mama: In“... nun-Dump: 'ltiU,"" . WNPoti,'d88itrsllfgtt1l"tggt4'. :35“ fltibA. fi)'kr'ftiti,iit.r© i n . . . . Ala-S 0- “4. HAIR-C IplyIlIN.0 amen.“ "dtat,"tt,'ergt 'd'dvgllN'tui'Jlt1'k' I Ill-plugs. ' 011m Mount“): or Mtteg an. tt 'i,ret'ii4ri'i,tghi'fill we! 'itiurlrltrlree “dawn-alt t"f""ot"",tgl'h'g'lt1Ts'itirlli.T, F m an I it,-a'lffglibftt'a'd'glglutiu. LADIB AND an“, BEAD WELT You T. E. MOORE’S New You, An . T.--The e peer-nee of he te the Tttfelt of his detour: n pm panic in 3dt_trtt1ar be: e I tte, p In, by request of thoiettrni_tttq" unnumbered which sequoia» any town to rennin over andâ€. The committee met thin evening, they ex- amined no Him but held I mm. tion 1min; ebout two home, end“ it: conclude]: visited be residence of Mr. Ember, where they remain denoted tttttit e lute hour. Oaths-inc B. Boocher, link: of Rev. Mr. Booohot t-rrittaaxto tho Mu, at7Jllrli3l'ltU;llllrk"'d'lud'dl'llult tho Indy ttretuott. glut: to thoupmvod act-ok- on wall cum ohamotde. the continual, Inn the “deathbed-om minister- or PS of whoml unity that from their y childhood, [but tt"'cf,te',','r'ia'gP,tt2rtT,tt ot than, Won whoa ho, on. who from only youth huprovovhnodol tr,gatutt'fd'u',igt"gitett !-mtettltprtytetin_to coll intetgrfiiirin-itr, hoop-0d“ hi 'tat.ttiisttedotgamttue "ha-mm don antttettitatt local: to him, ttthm fmllymdto hu_ohtuxttt,thuanhtrs.tia, gtstit-domaardedto pm. " Inno- canon. She oomludu by deiarirtgsttn tuototmftteetthisitoidirfstmtttteiuttei will bentill man be1ovindmqtoertod than". but u on oppool tor protection of her tax whichil our lhbloto um. ANTED no W " 8l'llatlllgtfgtt no.“ manhunt.“ sBrtk1dt-itahrtitV A yloP. Dummy. 3.9m. l. max WNQUBEDR TRIUKPHAR'I‘. Emma-mi; N“ You, Aug. 8.--aho Bunk], pope" ofthil evening any that than“ in pres-ion prevule that the shiny in receiv- in Moulton" statement indium tint eager“ are being and. â€jot“. the dim. oulty between Beecher and Tilton without further publicity, than mionly lumine- ',t,','tggU2',tt2 tone, and to I re to: " t pronoedmp' Mg bummed Mugabe: hym- ollent would ho on action {or 'uma- for W! Winn with his wife, the object being not to recover - but to vindicate luton'. venoity ma "tnttlidg 'e,,1hti",u,eidt,'l", has mind in townhio mt vinguieeonjootund, some oonnoctiouwi'h-tho rumored eta ten: t to nub the mad-J. ',pi',,'lld'l' and. gun, 1m for Europe Erllt,'Plft1iFfFt -e Hlrt"?a'/ 363.11.." "i dun. at the met. ti,',1,i'lt,'tetstglulli',i, honrlym- Ri Il- Hairy c. Bowen ind- tho following “Upton; -. _ _ - - . Pun“, Comm, Aug. 8. In the Itttt,ttt prinud in a. t,"t11'd to.d. I n I t urpom ,'iii?'r,?l'ii In 1:35" of H. 0. Bowen wi tame Brooklyn M on the Brooklyn loud-l. I In" Ind no interview IIIMVOI with an or my och-r pup" or indiriduai, The whol. m from “(inning mud in Impatiens mu. (Sim) - - ... AGompgmnuoorttittsooantu1 tofr - tttrut.'" bul. The loom-out [About-“m not the only penan- who iUtdmiieffttetheir t upirtdignatiort by urchin. A by; pursuit cumin-way Ian-bud would. Mt Caliban-bu Intel] m ttttttaa mum-um: .BMMlyrofqu-Ill Minus oil-n todagq “some! nilmyhvohud what ofett 2hrtthoq hum know“ the unload t,,tt."2ye,'t1'tetttfitrgtutt place. comm-oh husband“, Mumpzploof ma... mum than, lhinnlurhblohdy,hd_h- temUIt tasks“ I 1fdttt -tioes 'feel win-l ii',?te,ti'lilki'i d†I iiiexttrg1idindoroWttmts-Utte outtum‘horhudwthomhtortotho 1ett,tutiaanpetturstouttrdiKusgttoot. Bletatetomuirti_theiiuttesoetf to: m rim-much, Evoryonoguoduhotwith up that: 'ett',,ttd,"I1e,"e,tg,',',t,t non not.†no how mammoth» dad win: 321mb- bondwhonoho Md found him. lin- ovidontto on that III. In and dos-lubricant! madam ml. in ninth. in be built immitie M- uounuyfocdounrywbnlho Indu- rind 12ti object tP: puritans; mm, ' no "Pee, ountledtutrtottd dug-moon. out among): bolero .110me a Truck» lb. nu the objoosofdoop mgr-WAN 1,'l'2re,'d,"d1'S"llla'd') 'h12t We to whacMwhon-homhun noon. nonhuman ,ettttoqtgohtttHer. 82mm "ttmt-as.-" (on “In. Cram m:- o! tU hang and 'tittrgr,tiedrs'rdt,'t with Alotofsqthu 01411.1,qu be nu with30peroont about of the and prion. Hmhnpodghnoofnchmu -yte1aut?toe_ttt-duimtretOtrhtitr, mmmmammm. Tt-eirtdu-st-tFd.ttr G P. Mia. slung-m3â€... Adlt't',,r,tlttttegttu'r'tfra1'l"arle= All that boll-Id mum-locu- IhonlduouJImbull'l mt“ Dom No.2Mottttltmot.itV A“ 9th, uw, swnvm wr or 1869. MY OBTAIN FOB I'll INA“. SUI " FIFTY GEN“ a (“gamma " .11 Atf 0;};ng 111W mmwmnm " [RABBI-81‘". â€AWL ROOMS. BURLINGTON y, B. MOORE. iiu Sci-iii- ug: but Injur- W. "8llftM.8',"'atu. I, um C""" CANAL WORKS. Mal“! Mn... w to us gu, Bull.†ant. 1876. 1tit,'tr2tWg,'t,tr2ngt - Pt-tttt “In 1"g,Udl'alh I 1 I wmmflhmï¬ï¬ 'iiff'li1tiiSiiiFfit'tttt - " W ttqt9yet- In"!!! nor-In. m diiiiitr0rirAiihh-eu.... _ =" m... _ _ gf2'ftta1 VI. mm.uifi-u M.“- mums. _ Blank Book Manufacturing. Ali all m of â€Modern 8'htTmhifk'taraNltgg Mm 'if'tta"i'i'e't.SiiiieihS'l') . . J, W. mu, .._...... ..__ . - . “mm-1:. atéirddaiia" .aaTiriGiii;iG"iir, Gi7Gri,'i a..." eï¬ï¬mwmwrmihwa I can W "a 'lt "ma-ttmares:, on 'till,',,',','?')!??,',,',,,) Mwou: an “manual _ltgtttit . I dim and“ an no“ or J?" 1tfAmttur,-tttesatam. ma other lnfor mm. ' and WM of om 1m, mum. m. l nu BOOK BINDING gWe“gé'ï¬mzrzzzzxzxzxx:' 'Mt mggwu..uun Ita' ' .. $FiC.y.yC:."v"tr4 ,liillil'i lih1ii'i.ii.iii:..(.,j.a.:'i.:', - T It2ttt", lhS"t .itTtii'iiiiii:":iii':ii:. Jiltitt),t 'iP2'tc:::::::::r.ATt'ft t'mndaequlMtrrattt_ mums?“ Pat-tCures. """"'"'trggtetg,r, Ilium 'ee.'r' I' m tk'tt',2Pt'gt,ta1tateP- Omen-Minn. Cunningham. mum‘s. Vehiclulumnoa. â€mum-es. THE ANNUAL Chuvocutox Mmamw on.“ Ant Us.“ Grand Calodonian Gathgring. Tmarttt. dhAlDIEW'S 1117 t'r8ll= In to - tn LY'" y.rttl-u.......1..........,.o.....,. "an: 'ktt',t.tiicaifiiiii/H:r/rrrrrrry:ir.'.'. ttl 1Mkgm't2l T.:.".'..':'.:'::'.:: no. n - titan“ â€on 'gtttt!'n 7 ttar-tgk-ui-Tar: mun-mummy.» Cling: mmmm mm 'rerqqrtietMttm, ---- - --- Worm “alumna: Jal'dlNlft'tfnr,gllgt1ri"'g'ift',t.l url mental)†FIN: Concert or the Pa '4l'ftr",'rh'r"J"fd,"e, been so snor- 3|!) “1161M, and " no mummy u» tumor-ll construed, “In It 1mm. no“ mo .a0ry"at otati. no day I- now Maul) 1it,$,,tii,t4"l'iii um be no Won than the mama-m. Amtum- '1euthqittuttqetoottftoiiuViy gnaw In: ',1'2tlt'gt'tgltitdrtfi,i,idisiii,idi, Juggling in“ an neonâ€. k'i'r"alnratr. hunts boning: mad 1" trtPXgt our com '"eeh.eAetraeteA, give- as: u- - --- ---v m;ii.‘ T"" - - 'ara,"'" POSTPONEMENT. FIFTH AND LAST OONOERT . " add of “I PUBLIC LIBRARY or (armory. . --me- IOIDAY, 30th. 'rommat, 1Wt An Easy. Fortune. MONDAY. 30TH N OVEIIBER 20,000 CASH GIFTS “MD!†FOB GRADING "8L0! wo" AND mum: PAY “can. 00...... 'u. Unnamed" POSTPONED Agricultural Show Grounds, 'mm"".'.:...'.!" AUG. “00 in “In-blunts and Puma. I’m-t, no. â€anatomic†Ann 114. - "tHin MEEDBQ my um- um hula may mi Ill-0*"... """""et"2at-"s. We!» "a*t-ertgt.ttosa.sta- “an“ 3" “title. my rump AND A rm , W. $2,500,000 nuwuo'nnuqmnmu CANADIAN mu; RAILWAY ,mn bum: up ulna-om or CHAIM. D'""'""",""""'" L MORTIMER; X'aNZB2r'dViLtxzrtT, BID" 0-31., DITA VA KEN WANTED. thorvuu Pl'BINJ BRANCH. LAST CHANCE to: L1" or mm; Apes-Guam " “If. "ORLW 'ffii'iiiij,?..i.ii.ii.ri"'i'tii, ii'..".'..",.":, 1liiii'i.iiir.:iiii'iir,., "e"". . Grit.'.':.".."..".: .T,ire'il.y..ii.y..i:.j:.i' ‘ 'iuaTC..C..C.y. dtgt 5555(11'71.‘ LENOKIOOO M lo m ofilid 3.x. DRAWING F. MUN All-nun. WP! 37b Johan?! XII-NI: John...) “in? t,ttgfltr' fl'? Jmc . 5.12:» 35th £01li Knvm‘hll- I W}- my†- maul “V“ Isa-12F 5-9-th m Klqu’ “A2 bull's 'IPP'" 1 I Kill C Hodgk- I Hopkhl A a 'ld taa 'l, I 'Jgtr 1?wa 5:3" 4'60! [duel-"r 1Fatah-3|! I†U Emu-nun; Fruit-Ibu- MA Fat-.31 can Gullah†t qetll tttta, Gun-lb! Gold-ho ' Gib-nule ait-aro Gib-oathIA ate-" -. Glasgow? (Show? Goad-what? can“): Grun'n‘z . (3qu Gama larvae» Baku-E M] “be HAWK Har" thy-Wm Hm" sl?Jil'lftll' yuan-c "" In. F I a,†In. " has but ran Med, Goo heat-y.' If Ittt,'tti' (NINE ML)! BURCH-IA MOW Guns (iii'iii'ile4 £2." chun- Oceans-Ids Cosmo I Gunman Com-In! Conn!!! 'u-s. Own-ll iliijiiiitialt Whyl' MWJI tttP lb! 'ti,'?:,??,,?.', Dunn-Ju- Dow-Ill we. ttttr" an" MW. Dough-B ' MAI†M'- halal DmiTOOCE and? , m or LE‘H‘IU -, LNG-n Pant "'iiiiitl,i,iflllll AdotiA “(A iii-1:9. 'l'lllllh. Wilmer); ARRIVE I“?! --" Animus mu," Andrew-Goo lam-ac ,. . ANNA " W'Vg Ann-tun; "an. 1;: WT Iâ€: , out I." "H" Erika In." g , ' Bum-8T was! '" Bantam-MW Iâ€... _ 3-2ch Luau-cu . tdi',",",', my. WJK . ‘ Bench-0| aft'lS' _‘ tHt'" u... - -a' MPH-I . " . . new! ati. _ "m 31“!!! at! 1‘ “out? “I _ 1 'lr,'Slt2 1llf!ttfi f Dbl-Jana _r" C 1'rul an}... Ethyl! 31-qu Budge-Fa My}. WWI! MAA tant In III-{.2 Ouch-[bx W4" mum lanai: _ é. THREE fPhtl'a%%l'giNliBa Jun 5111'“ {mm the IST, LET] _ T _ ' no the run Bod 0.1:an Tir. . ' an Iron 0mm Yummy In“ I“ Indian-grommet“ It! .. . try melt sT'2'Ua'xn at (an: 'tD, lt Melon: bun “Hui." cut by Mr I} 8. VIII to aiiEEiiNliirri1 Cr t, of LXPENBL. by r. W T madam magnum tiiagi. 2'.MWTaE JaT.'alTiL'2] " unmanned. “and . a thug-nacho! 0mm Fa.UT2Cr, we pawns-villi!!! u; @E=zaaWia=U, . . Benn-d not», =vTurs"T] Ln, Mn ' -. swre. iiaaCa5ii=TMrt., , Putnam CrIiE7:CTr5l ffLT f T iii'iFi:9i,f'iiFR,lAiF,i7%l; " any bur alumna“ , ml. 'UN."." arm; wanna-u un- - The as: In. tho! tle 1aule.t beat ump- a": ttt i l' Ti; _ Amni- u an 1'1rthftTlldt=t"l'rlllm ","iririFCuiFLy -.-.u'ie,liitiE ' b iiittfatetNNll8hd “on“ C Mb: WNW! Linn-£00 In Imam am. boll“! . (LE-m d tid.) 'iii-tK' STAB "rouraumn w. J. c"rmuqraaial un !yit.hiqiPr'G'l Kalil; no lav..- I C [MD 1 Mlrtdr-tl l Nested â€an“! I “also? C was “mull ' IMD t%i_iiqat%ycFl lei- ID I Kora-had In loco-nu . ," itf'ttttg/t"Hi, man-or: y WJI xenon-mu: xenon-Ida mum-Al WI MI C', 'rl'll'llhi'-ut mun "d Val-r1- _ Val“. '“IV Vanni: WIIMWI WHI WADE! Win-Dull Winn!- WHO†.I Wilulhl ‘5 “nun “bluA . “unall- “dill - th Wyn-J “’63 law Hill A Yorklbh 2rN " 'tt,ttth" trtittW2 “It“ :5: n, 'rr/f iiiiiillitii_ T _ 'v.." L"2rrr3ir I ' - CCtirli, “1;, oo' â€Ja- 'ti.) â€A“! i “thth ', C.CNTN= I a“ ' ' 8510:3211 , ?i -- 'i=al F": Tymit " i mu Filip:- MW]! Pooh-EN maln- mm MW [ Inâ€! mun luau». _ Kill-WI! V like“. lit-hole A WWI: [all J. "', looan a Will c' [MW r we I. , ml. At Imus» ".' Inn-J. _ _.. o'Be%" . OIhJ. oi' Ohm-MIA tA i7iiiEiliiait (rho-nulls y'.-' Ole-0J- l Pup] L B Papal 2taiMtag " m w q -- min-1' Lal' to.“ hc was. . cs" laugh Bum-J- ' = Innis-y mm- “than: Ida-{1' my I c “are Tom " Tun-OW iiGGii-" “bl - “In“ ffgtth2s'" Joe-i; if; E318: ho! 'ji'pgg","t't'i,a" t1el,T'lt2l'1'il'l, " of "out“ I “nu-nulls,- " I-ree -b nmu. Ag 'i1tttsSiiii 't.1itii"t'ii'it.i snub}... a: 2f? rd punt-mph Linn-n: U. a. 3.1""? ttttities?:' 'tth-tti. 'lflltttxhi.'iit' â€In I...†I-†I -tthrt nods-III. 1'y1t"riiittFdu [1:21 , _ “I tiiarr" ., 1lliifii1lir5 Lttrmtiri,"i"Llll, LetyiiaTari'; Iii; Mn . 1-5. NO " bu.†t"t_tt?e,". q -- kttpiiiie, It“. “a: u 'ddlltH 'am, WM fauna-Iv. 'ri-ttcle,', ' M tgiqt" Lula!“ Tas" 'i"ic7Tre8 In ‘* PM Guam Ian-u IXI'r, .1? ther'" 2T"l"."e', In“, 1t1tya7ii, """°'!' Wash-u. Quaint-I uncut-n! .4 H.‘ " E1311 ttrrtlMlrrk1 MA Mud E: 1'15] Fercc= E3321 TM" " an Oil VIE] E raw-v: mutt you "7- ' d “I m .4