U jice : Elgin Stree‘, cpposite Russel House. J\.‘)n.‘en loit ut above address will receive prompt atention, 4 ; bier 41 Carzers are authorized to grant rm ihereby reliqving shippers. from . trouble (J »%.00 go low‘lhstsll can // i U‘ imyrtle Navy. ; /SuLLH O&AK TANNED ** EELIING AND TANS Singip Bolis of thi i~st +s. long as .mlx Lâ€"aster Vik, Paints and Colors and Varnishes, U:kum, Pitch, lar and Cordage, Anchors «24 Cunins, Dominion and brinsh Flags, UGzus, Lage and Cénvas, prg iron. * *p. 8. £0Gs & BROS., . L t :d;““wm" Bourgeau, has been as im s 324. ies ara retmrestett in fy lb tnéir claime before zo ‘uuwn- 4 1 A. BOURGEAU, â€" jaNA0A CENTRAL RAILWAY, / â€" Freight and Cartage Agoney. Containing Machinery for the manufac ture of shn’nr.kg Staves and ‘Barrel Headâ€" Hithend Nat ianent on Sotet co _bank of Madawask= River, close _ n of Brockville and Ottews and C. C. R.il way, in Vilage â€"Of Arnprior, Machiner all nearly new, and in good wo with sigek of logs -..u::"-. Ad «bundance of timber toâ€" be had reasons« The subscribers being about to build a Lut®ber Mill, offer this desirable proparty CcaAUTION. P ut The Drand "MYRTL® NA , \ " isregistered, . itingement on it will be prosscuted. .l'umrycuua Fillings is -MMJ’ #..07 ca0h plug _ &A very large u::-; of new and imâ€" k hi ntoly I ï¬?:'..m.-u...mu,mm (meofly-nhlhh.u.olzplbduth section of country), we sre in ‘a position hJ1 Bay~All work warranted for one and .p_;em.«m-mâ€™ï¬ promptly done. 1473. 1 santy. $%, W ) of finish and mt t hn puipongedt io ty wmgeh wost 1pproved styles of o usys S :“.‘?"“"‘?m@ AND SLEIGHE Jile m ve? Brcrmopnrinessies Th s owner, 1 otfer for sale : following properties sitgated in the best busiâ€" (Xtama, Jany. T 1873. . 2157 y3w ‘m;-::hgfl- three bottles for $2. s m‘:flo*h-uluu bi.l. #. rm.&:: ans _ suprist, Wellington Street. rod k 0 promptly and helper thas sny ons ¢ise."â€" N_ WILLINGTON STRRETâ€"Nos 11 .12 8 CENTiAL STL.AETâ€"Nos. 16 and. 1# p'%l&u.%m 4, 18, 16 MOTKES Pwelilayy and Ntores, N,&BRIDGE STREETâ€"Nos â€"1, 2 3 4. & 6 Uarriage and Sleig FACTORY. | N MALN STKEETâ€"â€"Nos. 34 %6. 34, . 3Â¥ und 40 W. Stcckdale & Co.. N LAKE STREETâ€"Nos. 24,26, 2 and 2. ; *hVT YAIR [T S8STORES is the matter At this establishment will be found on *LCSLLS ALL OTHEER MIUTORLA STREETâ€"Nos. 41 and 4/ P T to all work. â€ummxm 19311f a further par ILL PROPERTY FOR SALE F Q BR SA L. MRELLISNED AND GLOSSY. Spoaial rates for Purniture. LYEST ACT U 1869 2 Manufaaturer aad Propristor. FOR 4 PS ITS FALLING OF. > DOES NOT S0IL THE SRIN. 4 «@iREDNES CHEMIST HKUONTEEAL * AWaA SUEAM " NT OX EaCH PLVG Grey Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty, iU STREET, OTTAW», by3. 1873. RATLIV TLING THE SKIN RARE CHANCE PROPRLETORS N_ TEYE&AU of LOUTS CUIL‘ERRES, K4 , â€"SEE i8 HALK 10 GROW &\ C3 W, K. BAKER, § NATURAL COLOR, U Grey Nun Street, CARSS & CO, RAUTIFUTLLY ALE 3Actary Prove hoi ; ?. \ BeASd 18 ROOTS A. ROW 2180 Tok m‘ery 4 has hesvitation M‘ ve no < y piot Incom parab English Readingâ€" E-m;».; have -vo:{«uuuhb«l. muhga-' tion of the means t0.the in yiew is perfect." / "1 have very caretnlly examined ieohati w a s araiine oi tion, if I miny say so, etert F sight the series of Kead -lmnllY WWWWN“#:&% C TETMS OF SALE.â€"Oneâ€"fourth down in all cases, and baiance ww annual pay» :znu, T imber before being Farming Lands for actuat % m:nmy:y':ammm in _‘h the the rate of se ven per cont on all unpdid Wkieioch NEW s&RTES ILLUSTRATED dike. t LISH na'muu-noom hille I meaim.S 3/ From Mr. M. Paiterson, Rector of the Free Church pApaaintetin hreslons i P Sretintiee every -%.‘ Nothing, my |‘ @ um n-l-m.e‘::lv:‘“:ml:-:u‘: -rm:‘zjva:"" Prom 4. Alinigomentes Lektrs Arihaipat if daadies + m lege 6 *4 ery enenmet ; hava na hasitutlan In anvis From I, Morrtzon» Mok : Resuns of the ixee Opurch d In Tauininned Bd mt he Toid on the moet frvam wbie. terms. to ,fl" settiers. _ Some 1 m heavily timbei with oa. Bfanh. M ; w map eusy varle of thmber, soll gad suriice _ The railroad is complete to Reed City (T. 17 N. 309 e PE ET N seeiee en in oo daih shotce is 1i ¢EETMS or SAL®.â€"Onéâ€"fourth down in c Lundingten pn Laxe Michigas. . This, will be con: sroced d in in Eon M Een ceCl o to be paid annualy. Alâ€"eontracts and Suade . payubla at Merohantis Natisest gran io Eust Saginaw. I mnprold cansiatipg ar abpat io nerce m oner: ed 5 Lundi Dary Tarmux®, 30c., 40c,, 50¢., 15¢., a $1 poriine. Bioaâ€"WiamkLy TrrBum®, and 50 cents per line: Warxuy TrrBUXE®, $2, $3 and $5 per‘line:" Ac+ cording to position in the paper. 1k umu-mum*;@ on New York, of a Post Ofice Money Order, if posâ€" «ible. Where neither of these can be procured, send the money, but always in @ REGINTERIED letter. The registration foe has been reduced to/lfteen cents and the present registration system has WWMM-MNMW protection against losses by mail. . AH masters areâ€"obllged to register.letters when reâ€" NT aAxD re8S w’ BAILWAY ‘ To Mail Subscribers, . â€" _ = | , One Copy, one year, 52 issues ............ $\ Five Copies, ons year, 5 issues..... .. ... â€" $ To One Addres®, To Names of Subsaribers all at one Post Office. > all at one Pust Orfibe, 10 Copies.... $1 5) each. im*’†B m ....:s: msufe<‘I w i mues e hase Anit One Hitih Copy to | Aoc Une Keten top7â€" 48 each Club . ... . f"*" * ‘eatitotah""__.. Persons entitied to an extra copy can, if preéférâ€" red, have ‘@ither of the following books, poétage prepaid : * Politicul Economy," by Horace Greeiy, "Pear Culture for Prodt," by P. T. Quinn, "The Elements of Agricuiture," by Geo, P. Waring. : j TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE Da toy Tersux®, Mail Qubscrib ers, $10 per nune, y _ Bixcâ€"Wrexty Ternom®, Mail Bubscribers, $i per annum. Fivbcoptes orover, $Â¥each; an extra copy will be sent for every élub of ten sent for at one Hime; or, if preferred, a copy of ""Recollections of a Busy LIM%," by Mr Greeley. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE, | be the hand which shall seek to displace them ! rmhmmwww has complefed the noble fabric of Emanctpation, and may fuirly invoke thereon the sternest judgâ€" went of man and the benignant sntile of God; * Henceforth, the mission of our Republic is of Peaceful Progress. "To protect the wenk f humble ‘om violence and oppressionâ€"to ; tme boundaries and diffuse the blessings of Civ sationâ€"to stimulate Ingenuity to the 3 of new iuventions for economizing, Labor thus enlarging Productionâ€"to draw néarer to ether the produceérs of Food and of Fabrics, of Grains and of Metalg, and thos:enhance the gains of industry by reducing the cost of tfanspoftation amd exchanges bétween farmers and artisansâ€" sich is the inspiring: task to which this Nation now addresses itsel{ and by which it would fain contribute to the progress, enlightenment, and happiness of our race. To this grest and good work, the Tribune contributes ts zealous, persisâ€" tent efforte. Agriculture will continue to be more especially lucidated in itsWeekly and Semiâ€"Weektly editions, to which some of the ablest and most successfu tillers of the soil will steadily contribute. , No furmer who has $3 worth of produce per annum ean aftord to do without our Market Reports, or others equally lucid and comprehensive, If he should read nothing else but what relates to his ow calling and its rewards, we believe that no farmer who can read at al! can afford to do without such a journal as the Fribune, And we aspire to make it equally valuable to those engaged in othie depurtments of . Productive Labor. We spend -on-l-c.-n-:u-aâ€"-n_duar.' a4 our countrymien‘s generous patronage enables us to do; and we are resolved that our success of former years shall be exceeded in varied excelâ€" lence and interest by those of 187% Friends in ‘Wu!hb-b-hw and better, by sending in your and lncreasing your Clubs for the year Just before us ! 1H E ROQYAL READERS. Tallroad plete to Reed N. T0 W esth and there is only 46 miles 19 Aback In ourown country, a war upon corruption "&nd mh“hubernlmm\nwdlnmay. whereby the government of our State has revolutionised through an initial triumph ï¬ form which surpasses the most sanguine ant tious, It is morally certain that the movéerÂ¥ent thus Inaugurated cannot, in iis progress, be cirâ€" cumscribed to any locality or any party, but that its purifying infduence is destined to be felt in, every part.Of the Union, rebuking . poding robbery, rfesting power from by trade, and confiding it inthose worthiest and ilitest to wield it, To this benedcent and vitaily necded retorm, the Tribune will devote its best energies, regardiess of personal interests or party predilections, estecining the choice of honest. and fithful men to oftice as of all New Departures the most essential and auspicious. The virtual surrender by the Democratic party of its bostility to Equal Rights regardless of Color, has divested our current polities of half their byâ€" gone intensity. However partics may henceforth rise or full, it is clear that the fundathental pFnciâ€" ples which have hitherto the Republicans are henceforth to be re; as practically accepted by the whole country. The right of every man to his own limbs and sinewsâ€" the equality of all citizons befora.the lawâ€"the inâ€" wbliity of a State to enslave anyâ€"portion of its peoâ€" H.dw..(u..umwmbcm citizen the full enjoyment of this MBerty ustt forfelts it by crimeâ€"such Ar6 the broad and C foundations of our: National @difce;; and T"l ConsoLIDaTIoN oF ITALY, o long fragmentary and impotent, into one powertul State, with Rome as its capital the hu miliation of France through a series of erushing dcfents, ending with tho-hpwuzhuonol her proud and gay metropolis; the expulsion of 1e 1 curbens from the Spanish throne, and the abstitution for them of a scion of the most libefA® a mong royai houses; the virtual absorption of the kingdoms of Saxony, Wurtemburg, Bavaria, with Baden, l-gth.lh..‘lbvu.u..undotmj headship of Prussia, into the triumphant and powerful empire of Germany; and the armiug The New York Tribune. of Mhmwwmnea in the ~@uncils of Eurâ€"pe, or i prosecute her often postâ€" poued but r.e~ar relinquisiged designs on the great olty founded by Constantine, and the vast but ADVERTISING RATES, FARMING LAND Glasgow. M. EBBER, Pateat Laws in ful “W; pok dio o ind and Journal _ Parkicts, " Mechant o d tork, penre dnc ies iï¬-‘:ï¬'-é Profi e a nafsoq Nt Te onl nos i&w&&.w Reading Room, College, Acadeâ€" orticulture, Agriculture,â€". Architecture, Rural n io in Tuuge of e Borences ant Prichical ; [ m within the scope of 1t be lale BayHHS Informed oan ai .. he wity uPCY Srochabios: "Rugineers, »â€" fnventory, e Wm«er: for Work men and Employers, m?h »Desort of Improvements, anteanfaane nanentar ;;xaï¬n,.l;‘mm of the hu-t m n.%lApp'u. in pupoie arapims geesrapar fhrgrabh toue, with Dewatiful Sngravinge, OP New Infos: fl:m l::iw 1mplements, Nnm The Seientific now in lts 28th . th of .m Eï¬ï¬‚mï¬q“ï¬&"‘m. Manon._of. AY ; AGBINEO _ 1ts contents embraces n.mu. inâ€" formation pertaining to the 11 gï¬m han "pHs Tiver on and Antit i6 be nuok fhore eficaciocy ietomie miernence ase eflect in a shorter time than other kinds, and that mm e aeiananimarier FR. to d" ’wng- 4*% "‘1 goosigs rimige t Liver on, Q.M'ï¬m" wmmm&mw Dr. Dzn"l;'li.l% Liour ï¬ow‘Ooi txv‘-;(;‘ls sold mpei ; Pini 9d. ;. Quarts, 98. ; RM ms'u?pmsw peih wirHo0t whice ) Noms .Cair PosétsLy: Be â€"â€"_â€"~~ eexcim T7, STRAND, muml". w.C. UTION.â€"Beware of un pled attempte to wialitnie nnferter go wor i lqan ifoparaiiong Li shiks > 1 invariably : De Jough‘s Cod Liver Ol. hm&.‘mflmm sn so a eapuitepeatsene t t he n ns te mum is destroyed." eom, in every Meading Room, College, Acadeâ€" ednuzhed weekly, apledididly Nustrated; only The yearly haiihers "of the «Belentise Amer T ANXS@AR: HARFORD & 0o, # I have frequently régbimmended ‘eon : fiite Sie hapn top supatnar moit aittere nod betieve it be a verp Pore dlig walt " We think it a zroa; :dvantage that there is ‘one kind of Cod Liver .ï¬, n admitted to be gen au.d b Drl)o?ogfh. It has h-o:rnrne- ce, 'Ln prescribing the Oli, to recomun. this kind, since, t so much variety (l-llnl.y. we h.v: , ; » mediable Stage«") $ t $ Reâ€" and it has céftainly been the only means of s “m,T""' !,m: life on two o:clf'udon-. and even now, ‘=on Shiked with anything, as being the most nyree" j would com neral use, and entirel super Lan @#I consider Dr. De Jongh‘s Light Brown Cod “mwwh-mm%um disgust, and a therapeutic agent of value." Sir Henry Murdip Aiarth MD.. Physician is Ordiâ€" From innumerable medical and seientifi¢opinions fl‘ï¬?lllhhocchnl:urmmncn;lulmdbr De Jonon‘s the 'bllowu:(mu:â€" ' H ’q""_ f tance is indicated." Dr. Granville F.R.S., Author of the * Spas q " Dr. Grafville has found that Dr.‘De Jongh‘s Iwy a es O 0 TT P mR Pnd ©O1t. are sure and most remarkable, especially in that broken down state of heaith n;m jwhich unsll{ precedes and favors xteposit; and 1 never recommend any other sort, The Oll I haye had from you was for my own use, use has m > "_&{:_" !11'“: fl"‘i‘r‘m £=" fonic ai stored health and sifSheth to theibin fse has served, in, its peculiar tomie and" wikiitive properties have extitely re. We onelth and ‘to thecmost fegble and e < Tm ‘“ I Bed: by Rowraxb Darto®, A LA.A.; Diso trict Medical Orfficer at St. Edmunds :â€" _ " in giving my opinion of Dr, x Jonan‘s Ltorr Brown the vital forces are mu:a and where life appears to be even db it« Towest &.mz"n t x.br' Dz Joxen‘s Ltout Browx Cop Live® a Kl‘xlnclkuu of dln-u:n and -:Imlhunn:‘;g '|ni; Sation the bataral appetite i8 reyived, functions of digestion and -nml_uuomm'ui proved, reanimated, and regulated; and, When its hse has $portsmen," the vital KEATING®~ PERSIAN® INBSEOT The Mfl virmes of Dr. Dw Jonait‘s -l:f:;“&ovn Cod virou in Pulu-unnry 0{; ï¬w * mlx es blish 0 nmay so IIE! restores exâ€" nu-ï¬ â€˜strength, improves I’lll(fluv. functions wm and favorable influâ€" .'m,.. m PCR evs w l2 us 1 CA U‘l‘l‘g‘ Wt Dtnulnr L TE IT TE "IET which for "i:‘“':‘""‘i. 1 so much N‘ebflm O:i" most enni« nent Ts ‘of l > an { notlvulth-:ndm‘ llho wetive and unserupuions op~ on of many in: . deal an unprece~ s:‘nt_ed @amount of m may ha thind EtE ERCCTCWU TY DC UNUS u?:lv:l’;:::ll:o-\ pu;-lâ€" , and uniform strongth re ascer.ained and ILâ€"It m-u&;ï¬hfl l-o':‘?sl ':ln- ciples that therapeutlo experionce has found to be atomach and im proves the srnach and im proves the \VLâ€"From the unequalled rapidity of tive efl{cu. it is l:m:: m’:&;fï¬.‘.’m:lm «hy which is.q/fered, even at the lowest price. ‘Phe following bigh te ioonf o M.R.C.S., L‘SA", the most effective {n the operation of the remedy, Jll-â€"lt_tï¬m-m cmm _ Â¥.â€"Its medicinal ies ind remedial action have beenâ€" than those of any other kind of Cod Liver Oil. . CONSUMPTION ANT "NINEASES® OF ‘TRE CHEST. uausea. lCs DRTCE 8# Tound that Dr. De Jongh‘s ht ‘Brown. Cod Liver Oll produces the deaired GE in estes of prostratidi? and emactation, 1873. Barlow, F.R.S., Sen _ Physician to Guy‘s ® OR Ond on ITGHt BRown con ‘ve e on mavg inined for P u8 fongiqugit to metch NERAL DEBILITY AND EMACIATION, sSELECT aepican tnimn DESTROYING POWDERS, SOLK CONSIGNEES, t is quite less‘ to animals, b s dedticune Bc is anlmale 3 ®® Oit,i1 Raye no hesitstion, in remow ile »llahtepp eonndence in t . Bold by all Chem iz Ahd o Lt 1 Officer to the Poor fls packet where Deo. 5, 1873. Wholesale Agents ‘or Canada. ‘Mésarh: LNYMAN,; CLARLb& CO,, 382 St. Paul aï¬'m, MONTREAL. Cld .â€" February 28th. 1873. 200w13 ppRYAYE BLLA, lur moist s of cerine ar creatic w ve i and which, besides bein i appearance t of fres creany, is palateble and readil».taken," WMEwmpMupoi ‘wspedm of; loonlth::. »eeliintterieed cevailet an, cnt sistency, and was flavored with Essence of m‘ Or Priussic Adid. *It ‘was strongly alkaline, indicating free Alkali, which, act: n pmg result / tho woole rmaing nigran PANREA Oï¬' | h;‘hent ofe chitis iol,. &6 C1 dependidg bewely U Caution, es GENUINE PANCREATINE Dealers in House Furnishing Goode,di + _ T hilealy c e at , * BraÂ¥ Â¥: Liwont & co., 236 St. Jamesâ€"st., Montreal. ESMONDE BRO8. &:Wholesale Agents for Ottarm and vicis nity. _v livout three ,m‘t:l.:th:d 3frot all respectable . Grocers, Druggists,mmy iD Ame nsl :’lt is\ put apram~ washing 'n.: F"*w’“ conomical ar« ticle u-tq:‘ hice mï¬â€œm,m.: three cents‘to ‘do of a large Tsd wih ‘*Mm mM:g so that it will keep clear| much, Jonger. 1t is yery highly recom« Wmï¬? -'-'3?-2 longer, thereby savin, * with the most skilful, giving the ‘dnce the appeaganicn it in when it rame from the ‘storé,â€"néw ‘‘and beautiful. Enamellene LA2AJOHW TA as when bought at the Producing the same gloss and > 4y the use of rve, Le National, and by all the Ligeu hat Shaqh _ ‘he most ordinary ifoper is enabled to "* / :n davory khborg» U | Chemine io the Gere: fls ie‘ * the Thndy BB imakaos e " 143 thew Bonb sPiE toapox: W:"t:.llofrlom wl- be used m. B.u Should at once send his hame and address with ;l.whruryur'gmhuflpuon to Inventor, Mechanic, Manufacturer, Builder, hgiup, Chemist, Farmer, Merchant, N Pn e m cPd and deseription, with full pn.ruo\un'i of thei'? ?:recuvn cmm? a statement of 4 hts and the nature of -eeur\um[ W by them ; as immediat alter said day ï¬ November the assets of the Estate of *he said t M. Wilson wili be distributed among the g;r‘uese;:uuwhmeum having reference to the 168 f w notice r“nhml to the rmfa&- as above Ired: 1 said Vio c anviame cce d s Oe n e Executors, of be lfllo of whose claina shall ve reâ€" celved at it the umuw L ON, Lucll.. 0_ . _ __ Solicitos for Execuiont. | The ‘Canadian . Patent Office Record _ > se M 1B cheatt +5 08 4 Dated Ottawa, Aug. 3, 1873 MECGHANICS MAGAZINE WiMAN AhabFthidatis & AA0\ Mess aa lt Wilkon, their Christian &nd) $umames, addrsses, _E_I}aï¬iéllene, GEORGE E. Dlsu%:n A copy offirst nambar ean hmnl-hm. AXECUTOR3 NOTICE To the publisher, All Housexeepers Cun ard Finish Cakor|s Wellingion Knife Polish shoul THE OTTAWA TIMES FEBRUARY 16 1811 _ B . Acmkless O the tonate . Clerkc of lh..m“(‘i_(x‘g!:â€"-‘ Collars y RA 0E cleaning and injury to the keep clean much NEW to last a inanat 245â€"1wim ____â€" Templeton, Ssth, Nov» 1878 2300â€"2m Ia also the travelling ‘public, thas he is just ‘afte mw&“mamnmm& n.l‘:u'*‘ in n eiee ce woaky tâ€"clans . : Nothix iinn.a * fonlhes n foran nesnen. "u'nifl"m WARM STABLES are attached totne extaollanenh. :‘ * . T DHROUIK RqUILy in ine â€"Lrovincesâ€"Of . ahlh.aq n mu, Gracechurch ‘Strobk, / Londgn, any 15, 87B â€"â€" 3144 â€"| Vy . J »C AXNK, Soliattor, &« Coms l.i&vimd.h\:.o&'uï¬%? PA rrimring e enahoege B rai. ... .. Homeopathic Medicine C Ofmce and .. 002 P rxt, Nes oo id Bott io ut mcb ie in Inargo dial," manule . ' C ,’5.‘&%";!:{ of mx&!. ;l o I * V commany Bpestnce duia, Reeweut * e t v;im:oa ml) noltla%-n.l., with ad baxe chiin Te w ge ce se esRexA 2§hmï¬f&m 35 hebantt ++ s mm crpntnpa itc BP CCC 00 Cures Rurns, Bruises, Lamenei i‘l‘- % Sore Enroat, Sprains, Tsothaghe; Fflu, Re-nlï¬ Toyen Hicediag ‘ar The Nose, eR leedaz o6 e mzm’uzh, or 05, Piles; Corns, hlun. Old Sores, Price, 6 0z., 50 cis.; Pints, $1.501; Quarts, §1.75. | 34 TRACT: and siggo Yinie of vetiriney Modicns ire sent by the case or single hax, to any part of e Counity. free ar charsn, prrmeaipt ve theur is Address, Humishnave‘ Enuastie l Non. Cures. hi uo m i cines perfectly adapted. to. thiit m’r‘-ï¬ï¬‚'ï¬â€˜u 1 harmless as to be free from nounnop,{'i“ifle-‘ AV VED HAAacn e in the system of so many thousands, wro etféctually detsroyed and remoreg:" w6 azum of medicine, no aunâ€" initics will free the systemâ€"froi ‘*Â¥or Fomale Contpiaints, in youne or Fem: Te fl“flï¬dum,mavw manhood, or the "turn oflife, these Fonic n.d:.e-“-m:l.ia"iii‘.}.'-. t Druggists and Gen:Agt., San Rriinolsoo; Oalifsrma, and por of V 204 gton and Chariton Ste N. . Sm o 0ob P e RTCSS 2000 a“é:l.:.‘:,‘:';?&::;z":“fl“' {atuonce ‘b‘““ ever {on‘ ï¬n% 1m1Â¥n’u}:h ursting l:m:g; n cy t hk sluggish in the veins; cleansé‘it when it is iX toll 100 Looo felingortt the blood pure, and will follow: >( p.ua x la a2 vâ€"i-_fl 1 m‘-‘?flq g::l}" Dinool%:::ionyn the Skin, Bnm‘o.; and Diseases oflg'rdsl.%“ vl-h::vnu name z&::#thl‘gï¬um in a m'ï¬f 4&1»1 the nse of these ts. n m&mmï¬wmh’ in ‘Paints and ‘Minorals, stich as h T. tters, Goldâ€" Stoaem pyreteien ol oeriee, mt inst this, take a dose of WaLKer‘s Vixâ€" senanooe fLeadrnif Warkew‘s yiy ®oar Brrrkas pualy, CC3 3t CELL For Skin ï¬seuu, Eruptions, Tetâ€" ter, Saltâ€"Itheum, RBlotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, mtc us Cns e ae se adtd? the ~Blood, Liver, Ki «and â€" Biadder, these Bitters have no %fl' Such Discases are caused by Vitisted Blood." â€"~ ‘ 0| Mechanical Diseases.â€"Personi en . 1O Oifammatory and Chronte u6, | F toht and Intermitiint Porers, Dleceman Swellings, Vlcers, Rrysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, gommlommdou, Indolont Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, otc. In theo%u in all other constitutional Disâ€" :;n-, 'w-u.ln’a Vircan Birrveas hgn own iv wers 0 most QM ‘uu%n ]"-"q by purifying all its fluids with Vix®Gar Bu":;na. %1? epidemlo";an take holdâ€" of a system thus foreâ€"armed. * *~ wm?nra td oflSprings of" Dyspépéta: One bottle will prove a better guaranteo of its merits than uq:ng'.hy advertiseâ€" ment. uk .\ Berofala, or‘King‘s Evily synite '-Vvv- Tï¬-&"; ..l'w xin'r ]x!\ Tilinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan.â€" sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, moqm, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savaringh, Ro" anoke;: James, and mmtz others, â€"with their vast tribytaries, thronghout ‘our eAntire eoungvy durink% l:lh Bummer. and uturgn, an ‘k so during seaâ€" woni aemmpaactte alpretn oo nvariably accor extonsive doâ€" rangements oowmnch and: liver, :rlg other ubdomim:l viscera. .â€II:‘ their tment, a purgative, 6x iyâ€" erfal infl:’onopo upon t:hou% P}t-. £axu, i8 euentlagl‘; necessary.> &w no catharticfor the purpose. ta: Dn.wl. Walt.m's"meg; ’B:m.n; as they will speedily remov: > oolorec{ viscid mat&y.r with Im bowels are loaded, ‘at thé sghio_time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and geneml‘lg" resturing ‘the ‘healthy. functions of the digestive organs, ."_, . Humphreys Srocite lent in the valleys of our groat_rivers throughout the United Statu'; e;reciully those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Tilinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan.â€" ']lluou? Remittent and Interâ€" miticnt Fevers, which are so prevaâ€" yae on Vln'l’lrlfvin}‘:l.i mnmflE&’tvem chnx:. snvatrrarvenesd © *‘ Fowder, tery noepedaty i bofio@d:©1 Sor?‘;éi't'i""""“""'H:‘Efg" Urina W-'-kuu'.':“ g 6 Codhmeciges & Ppieseoopepeniy astance :! 0 Nos. 13 and 28. Emissions, . involuniary Disâ€" POND6 RXTRACT abrdd ooo seeer i oi S 19e Spots, Pimples, itters NoyEXHPLR, 1878 AMTG Of Etery Description emwmdw "2"., â€" and Expeditiously?" =~~~= Neatmness, Printingâ€"â€"every Description THE OTTAWA TIMES Wellingtonâ€" Street, U AcowIETH AL_ TPERLATEST IMPRQ*NMENTS, & oul. otid W PRINTINC HOVUSE: eZ.:atestStyle of T ype 14 4. wl a 30 Cheapness, OTEA W A. MackRAN, REPLETh WITR DONE WITH H diw LowsssQ) IsrensD 1512« 1 i «liiiw Lowesss) IsregsD Punctuality. us receive them at her 6# clock pm. To ~> Witamiti iow. 28. 1812 1 mmmnq ho GO. Ee myons omm A pupil of â€" Bignor .â€" celebrated teacher of V ~give lessons in .VOOA o sait purchasiers. "Per! «Gor further perticuiars \Getis of Buidaies 1 ~> 18 s ) rgan at Home un estateto me, and Th cevat the of ‘- he wiii x: ich and.to .@ppoidb Hox®.CrBOLE! Vols. I 1n‘the‘mrotiér ‘of J AM # dage of Bnckingham Silver Chord! now prepared to receive offe Ine 4 oratiast for either the Shia Fipe Aivtel Wth Bepi, 18. ; ... OME MUSICAL tion, gengral miscondua‘ 1 * I Erameversne HOTEL ; re s m BT. nn“ .“ w ‘ANDARDâ€"For Choirg xmm:..:p...._. Cam ¢ :lVUilg nlï¬cum..', and ) , Seven admirably mict ho (oop stpronnonted prvososs. h Absolute divorees Destres to tilbrin hi fe tonaril, titit his (POULIA®S and that he will do 1 Saldon is N. Jonu,ï¬ 3042 _ No. 180 Bread % The Leonard Scott J 10 FULTON S%, 4 By anpeganent tith the in A [ veas sdiny ) lt ::m-,u. =é !'.._:“E‘L.’ New Singing NBOLVENT ACT Q...ï¬w + mlm‘“ .: dé NARLLLON CaNAL Wousxe, â€" Centre Town, DMeny i duak: .-,: FoR PLawoPo®TE OR TIMEBER® Bhower of Pearle | MUSIC. vVO0AL TE ( Mb . Ae) azine, PDaxuet O‘Oonnox. May be nonsulted at his Office, corner men oe e omm i . J OC8 S M O'OOU.OI & FTNBOMAS P. PORAX WILLIAM ~MOSG ADVOCATE, Â¥. lm bqâ€"Issner of Marriage Licer Iâ€"i iâ€"a'â€" Go s tugk INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE New Tombâ€"S8 W. MKARSHAL MAZ Barrister, Attorney, N is published every MARBLE WORK â€"ES1 ABI AT THE OLD TOLL 0. o stcrâ€"(1 4 O NUMENTS, :40 MBâ€"GT 0 NRA * Fusi um donanes Suiperct ol OfMceâ€"Hardy‘s Block, Rideau wil» thor‘ sweiling to favor this u9t tomontom mise remrally ______â€" PIEREE) Sb promhpely ntienied Barrigter, Sollcitor, MOBGROVES BUILOINGS, O Ottaws, June 7, 1873. ; < Eis Daily ore in Ottawa), bure all denniptonrer > " * __â€" BFEAM BQOILERI Scitors in Chancery, Notarics, No. 12 St. James® ANGUS & IRV FUNERAL ~UNDERT N@m oN THE MONTREAL &~Orriceâ€"Over the Exchange L.fl-.l'_ .=:-.l A good assoriment of Metailic and Barrister, Advocate, Campbell & MeF STEAM BOILER MAKE 4Albert Simesi, Richmond Road; _ The abore firm (the only Bo THE WEEKLY Ollawe, May Â¥th 1873. ONALD H. GRANT, Uttame, Decembe 23, 1872 THE ART OF W.P. COUTLEE, B.C. L, CUFNOR & WaADE, ADVERTISINC RA OTTAWA YVOL. VIIL NO The undersigned have opened ESTAZBLISHMEN FFINS ANO C CoURT OFFIO