m‘ Conventions, ..: MESâ€"For Social Meeti ‘REâ€" For the Parior. (V u':;;"'?l‘l' l'-:;?an- book® found here they trea t of the world in masterly men who h%.. specia 1 tters. treated. Ameri« npom all h&llml readers tal support of Reprints ty requiredâ€" no )HN J. FULTON, Counsellor at Law, cad _ v. New YorkCity zine â€" . 4 00 F‘fl“ 7 00 Reviews 10 00 wred by the hwï¬ï¬ï¬mï¬uâ€"â€"- each fitted to the popular rnt postâ€"Paid for the retail co., C. 3"‘. DITSON & Co, o long and so cheaply that no expenditure tor yliekl so rich a return as becription to these the ? ODICALS OF GREAT ITAIN. SCOTT PUBLISHING Co, 140 Fultonâ€"st., New York ir own make.) eonstructed old in Otta wa under $6. _ _ ork made to order by giving 8 BLOCK, HULL,) â€" i » his best to provide for the ure of those whoâ€"may visit CHARLES RoY Foulin‘s Bloek. _ Eu be opened on the lst of March by OS TUTIER wmm-.“-l wither personaily of by ott Publishing Co., ST., NEW YORK. h the English Publishers beral compensation. lusic size, in ca ;:.ï¬uuohhnmbu NTLEMEN® Pianoist‘s Album ! made an assignment of Ni# ne creditors are notified to wugione 06 (netwonst mt p m.,on we nl::'lll. at two o'em.n.{. the ve statements of hi a(Tairky Assighee. _ __ _ __ oart um ber, o be prepaid by Carilion, PA AID FOR GOOD an ise known -mï¬ and Shoes, is friends and the public in 1a6 his mugol0Cmme mnï¬r. large quantity oc Trum: next seasonâ€"fcr the orks at this place, and ure eive offers from parties wishâ€" ither the whole or any portion m SVR PR PRICEC O ha merchant and wrader ROBERTSON, Signor Leon Corelli, th@ er of Vocalization, withes n Vocalization. She will at their residences, Of her house, between 2 98 Terws made known OB puoneoJoyo’.m K dinburg Magâ€" zine, â€" & CO, Boston }â€"For High Schools NE BROS. Pearisa! Ducts. 1 _ Voeal & Instrumental ImIC SEMO, TB CWOR CCC : l sents ! in each book you get ndmanencyral fan die ies ired and Fiity Doilars worth. pis. I and II AMES YARTIN of the SICAL LIBRARY, rterly Reviews, nstitute a wonderful misâ€" NAL WurKs, s CELEBRATED OLLECTIONS OF BOUND SEUSIC . receipt of retall prideâ€" HAS. H. DITSON & CO 711 Broadway, N giving specimens and price k, Sparks Street, Lbu. he four RTE OR REED ORGAN. AND ® sSUSSEX STREET. JARDINE RKOS. __ Noted for Cheap Boots, CT o 1369 ndy Hill _ 3, 1812 3033 _ rinted and published bJ ROGER & CO,, at th* Review," (Evangelical.y DE PARIS ing Books. UMENTAL. rtish t of Sacred t Wreath of t Operatic Pearls ! iumber 12 Hor Majesty‘s at the shortest n0Li0®. H. D. JARVES ‘ sresmer~~ *4 Now price of the originais. > -O:O:n“thlan- i % in 9 their feet ary by WANTED . i’wu the choicest viâ€" COOK ERYA W anted. R. P. COOK & M@'. obtained in dif, 711 Broadway,.N. y N. TETREAU, interin As*igne* 15 00 O0 Onservative, ) 185. the vile globe Mutual blished ERY FRIDAY MORNING, is io for "the "-'""fl ®"t m:\:.on- poid in advance ; or 452 5C POOIOE Cler ut Â¥ast whie pva o ra '"‘ll EOTT] ERS BuTu. and if contain mor JSTERED, (in which case m will be sisk of the ï¬bnn&cvt) should be to MAcLEAN, ROGER & COâ€", Caitle Strayea. PaNIEL CaxNo®. = * DANIEL WADE. Otlars, Apri lat, uis, __________ daven WILLIAM MOSGROVE, Barrister, Solicitor, &c., MORGROVE® BUILOING®, OTTAWA, Otawa, June 7, 1873. i8 S3 i')'.c‘unvon & WADE, Barristers, Attornies, Solicitors, &re., paret! I‘AILLON & CHRYSLEB, 25 CENTS Bach, rasrat each additional word over 24, .gk-ucmhmhhlhu‘n-nb PG .A‘L&.K:\g.g.'uolwhn--m fluâ€"oul‘ urc..bâ€"u 14 words ~a"¢ instted mo.n,‘n-u-sa: &nplucements of t\ > teris 6h: Daily Cimes EÂ¥, 11E10106, #@»Issuer of Marriage Licensesâ€"8$ s orpen o. inb t t oo Nom t wsertion, !U cents erline; cach subsequent _ jon, 5 cents Paragraphe among reading matter, 3 conts h."“l cents LMAJM'& ~A limited number of Advertisements ure in n the Weekly Times at 10 conts per line, 186 lon. each subscquent insertion, 5 conta. wit~ Al\ wivertisements measured by a Campbell & McBride, c&x BOILER MAKERS, ABert Strect, Richmond Road, Ottawa. The above firm (the Boiler Buildâ€" ors in Ottawa), are l(â€"lfl to manuiae. ture all descriptions of STEAM BOILERS way* Krery «ttention given to repau July 25. 1873. $A FREENAN Hecromey, * gu.ss m%Amury. ILLILAM STURGIS, Managing Director of Pohixa ANDI LORLNG ANDI JAMEsS R, HOSMEHE, Superintendent of ncles c. @DEW is & JOHN CONYERSE, Managers Domunion, Montreal, T ons aie l 1!\.“.1»:1: 19, 1873, ©13â€"3m A Qurristers and Attorneysâ€"at Law. ieitors in Chancery, Notaries, &0. Officeâ€"llardy‘s Block, Kideau Streok = ,%‘ 1s% F. H. CurysL®®, Nov. 13 187% RECEIVED PER STEAMERS Corinthian and Polynesian, °_ pIVE CasES OF YÂ¥ BR Y CHOIOE G6 O‘Ds. G. M. HOLBROOK: Merchant Tailor and â€"â€"â€"_â€" Outfitter To His Excellency the Governor General and uite, 1 am now prepared to attend to the comâ€" mands of my uunerous Customers NKW YORK, 158, %9, and 20 Broadway, Cor. Warren St. The subscriber offers for sale a splendid three m‘u-l.\\‘;nnu wu.wnoa‘- of the R . Heott‘s, best cows. has taken first prize for two years at the Coun*y of Ottawa mm nnz"‘h!ur.nr.d im M-l-l..h- es one best in thee County ; -h‘mlmrl red and white, and has all the charketeristic make of that fine breed. T. MUFFATT. Ottaws, Decembe 23. 1872 212217. SMFOvyiczâ€"Over the Exchange Hotel, KV LL P?.@ 1 ds The Corporation of the City of Ottawa will ApPy to the Legial .un-utmhwiuoulonhnï¬ lp‘:-ut.knm .".:-Au?l:]flnz m i uu.w-.-nn?émuo. uo-tlom w:i:'mmn?nla-l ::o Northâ€"hnalf of on Nor side “ b\‘vo?muvgulho md:.-ml.Qï¬. By Ward Murket extensiou. . > Wllï¬l‘. eX 1 s ie 6 Clark, Barrister, Advocate, &o. THE WEEKLY TIMES, V OL. VIIL NO. 2446 INSURANCE COY. ADVERTISINC RATES. Huil, June 2. 1873 City Hall, Otte: @#uations V a Mouses for Sa "OTCk TU FARMEBS AND STOCKâ€" Y OTICE. OTTAWA Peg Ton» Denvot, soale MARSHAL MATHESON, ister, Attorney, Notary, &¢ n:‘ufl-. U WTCC TE :;--..- _.-,__. .M“ « Pais CorYT _ :nup.v?nu up Clubs whether AILY or W EKI 2200 1 S * P. COVYTLEE, B.C. L., N 2 W I:.‘y Wanted or to Loan, when not exceeding 24 words,. Maach 31, \W73% ORRLIOE: iw Chancery Chambers, h cminpercent . on fro . ofmay t w 3% | L I FE G. M. HOLBROOK ® --â€""3..4": Lodging. Wellington Street, Ne ~ge» Prvg: in Daily Torks iAst frew, the Township of Elizabethtown,â€"and the mi‘ï¬r.uï¬. ‘and ..l;‘.?.m.‘:..'.“m;‘:.' ae W “ ntures or Bonds uyywm in leu thereof, by the holders of said 1 and for other purposes. mix‘d Comtortable Sofa Cars on Nos. 3 and & Charge for berths, §0 cents. Mure conuections with Grand Trunk trains -ahnnd Wost. enty minutes at Prescott Junction for reâ€" freshments. mu‘mo,ln-tn‘lum _ HOS. REY NOLDS, hi Sn e Managing Director, Ottawa, made‘to thatiogh B o lonthnno® 2t us nelt m ‘l'dln aet % authorize ut:n&uakv\lh and Debentures :“:u- _ï¬.fl-& of the :m"e- @ w Com to To then) Uniind Cbuntits f Latack mt Menâ€" THE ST. LAWRENCE Dec. &, 1873 Brockvilie, Oct. #, 1873. Of uniform with the Grand Trunk “.nn'qy. The old reliable, quickest and best route. The shortest line to all points East and W est. ON AND FROM THURSDAY, Dee. lith, 1873 Trains will run daily, as follows :â€" GoING NoRTH. with L fromm -fl.“ 1.-Ll-llbh= is ) | C:l-‘mm ï¬â€"-m.w'lm @. T. Trains and Brockâ€" with Boats at Sand Point, and mmh APTwO Exproas Trains Daily.1 Brockville Brockville ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIME. OF ROYVAL MAlL sTBAMSHIP®, MW es s aP BE ECC is.one of the Im. m in the world. Vessels ‘be despatehed as follows :â€" mYNBlAl December 6 (PReLinN ... ...+.0coscassn crerse s #* 13 PEPWEsiAy : NUCIOCCCE! January °5 RATES OF PASSAGEâ€"LIVERPOUL LINE From Portiand or Quebec (every Saturday to _______ Liverpool and Londonderry.) . _ Fares from Ottawna, Cabin........$77 50 to $87 50 â€" Persuas wishing; to send for their friends can Todins® Aaoland or Seotiand,. to "nuy Tntiway m Canada or the United ?’“-llt{ [(When Hekets are not used the amount is returned, less * FOF unrough tickets and every inform lgl. s s D. W. COW ARD & CO,, i __________. Agents, 17, Sparksâ€"st. "_GLA.GOW LINE. en emnaianges Ribmbair~s ~â€"~~ c( }~â€"‘ombiund be at of â€" :y“m his Office, corner UCon Ottawa, Oct. 24, 1873 2401â€"3m. ADVOCATE, SOLICITOR, &c¢c. Buy your Tickets for Ottawa via Brockville, GRAND PACIFIC HOTRL Chicago, The largest and most Complete Hotel in the World. t Every amy The Lessees [well known as the Proprietors of the SHRRMARN® HOUSE ‘before its" destruotion m memorable Conflagration of October Sth ln: To i) take pamsire in anuouncing the completion of this new enterprise, which is now open under Mrnnnn manpagement for the accommeodation of guests, GAGE BRO8, & RICE, Lessees for Twenty Years. (hicago. June 1. 1873% 706 3 law Chicago, June 1, 1873 lusowm ACT OF 1869. In the matter of JAMES MARTIN, x Au l-‘nlvont. I the undersigned, N. Tetreau, P Hnil, have hnlw_ur:‘nul: (n‘lln_-::.f ter â€" Oreditors are requested to fle their claime beâ€" fore me within one month. * N. TETREAU, 4°% of WILLLAM THOMAS ROCHâ€" ummn. -ndt.vuux"awlwt MclLAUGHLIN, Insoivents. the undersigned, William F. Munro, of the Qxiydhpu. have been nppulnud"kl-k-n OTTAWA RAILWAY. yo this matler, Creditors are requested to file their claims teâ€" fore me within one month, Ortawa, lith ."“’;.‘L- o o en ns eccentrnct 4~ in the matter of CHEVRIER & LAFRAMâ€" ISE, J®., of the City of Ottawa, Insoilvents, on mt rapoun 28“- are requested to their claims within one month . EUG, MARTINEAU, No. 12 St. Jamesâ€"8 . +«MONTREAL, Bept. 0, 1873. 2362â€"3m Ottawa Dec. 8, 1873. Got, 11, 1878 Brockvilie & Ottawa Railways. Hull, November 2th, 1873. NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869 LLAN LINE NXSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. HBOMAS P. FORAN, 10,00 A.M. &. J. P. LYNN, 1.10 r.x.|Grand Trunk | from the East 5.05 r.x¢. 1.00 P.M Leave GoLNG soUTH Grand Trunk West. G.T. R for East Do do Mail from the West . .......%.200!. East and W est. Connecting with. Connecting with. ARRIV E. LEAVE Ho® AND 0, H. REOHEAD, Secretary. M34â€"7i0e WILLIAM F. MUNRO, â€" 148a.m. 4.15 p.m. â€" 930 a.m., 800 p.m. '-‘l.QL--. 3.30 pm. â€" 1240 p.m., 8.40 p. m. ~ 1.::‘.â€.-. \ na. 2. o Pogti@y * Managing Director est p-‘e to w.. Tie Neot 11.15 A.)f 1250 P.a Arrive at Prescott Janction . T.43 P.M 4.00 P.M Arrive in Ottawa. 4.55 P.M > J + Crand Trunk Raitway Co‘y. of Canada. The Great Direct Canadian Route Between the Eastern and Westerm States _2 o. L4 w en Ahr ons Abrcssmamams / Hoston, &C., &C., At..... .. .. . ... 506 m 4.20 pm Night Express . " * n....ul':-:m- The Grand Trunk is the cheapest, &ulew.nd best route lo.uinu East and West. Stee! rnlhmb-u‘ on several sections, and the entire road will shortly be relaid with steel. A large addition of Nev{moï¬m and Passenâ€" ger Cars has been made to the Roiling Stock. . Close Connections en MR T ELCCE ANC. Wt Bunga! As the punctuaiity of the Train depends on conneetions with other lines, the Con"nny will not be responsible for trains not arriving at or leaving any station at the hours named. 1873=4. At PRESCOTT and BROCKVILE with all trains on the 8t L. & 0. and B. & 0. Railways, to and Pullman Palace Parior and Handsome Urds}n:ryhn on all Trough ?u'rm nce RHlee Cars on Nummgmun'bd-m Night THROUGH TICKETS IssUED Trains now leave Prescort and Brockville Exprcess for Kin 1 ue Rerones ruatom Londem Day Ex; for MWII Monâ€" 0! bec, Riviere d :theri;n::ko l-},-ln rl'\x:t.}_io? g Baggage Checked Through. ~ _ CANADIAN AND AMERICAN POINTS | For further information and tickets apply at the Company‘s Offices RUSSELL HOUSE BLOCK, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA.; DE ROUVILLE, . t Agent for I’ronc'l?". Are r.ow't:flen for business, and when comj be all that could be wished. Ladies Waited on at their Residences for Evening Parties. Christmas Presents :fllldo well to examine our beautiful specimens Hair Work, _ Ns Lc ues ts sht ahsvedhae rasbiAit wether A rvs=w x‘ ship and quaiity of goods will permit, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE AGENT The 1 ham, White Mountains, Portâ€" land, 8t. John, §m. vilie, Toronto, Guelph, London, 'lruu«;nl, Buifaio, &ifli‘»lfl- waukee, Chicago, and all points of which I am sole owner and m-uo. These Cushions are not sold to m Ts in New York or Canada, being reserved for my own traude. Price per table, packed and delivered on hmnle.n,ï¬?pu. J. W. COLLENDER, successor to Phelan & Collender, 733 Broadway, New York. P M Rox 1847 2277 m3 STANGCARD AMERICAN BEVEL TABLE Firitâ€"class Bevel, 5 x 10 tables, complete with balls, cues, &c., and having the e.lohnhd "Phelan & Collender Combination Cushions‘ +6 C1qUaARE TURNING, HAIRâ€"DRESSING ROOMS» to inform the m‘ a ’-Nlellglounllhnmq | AND Square Tarning Establishment Ladies‘ Hairâ€"Dressing, PU R S ITU EE ON ALBERT STREET, UPPERTOWN, in the Shop of Mr, Angus, « Having obtained a nt for their Turning, the nro moads toreoeive aif orders. Phauking the pub E‘&'Ee{r'i‘w""":un-‘-.â€' onage, they hope that the will continue their favours as f‘.'."-L past, * Nov 13, 1873. 2415â€"15in GoOINnGaG w EST. %@,.Corner Blain and Chandiereâ€"sts,, Opposite the Oftice of E. B, Eddy, Exq The Pflolnlnl thi :ylendldnuhlhhmen k\"llt'g;“hl' Mhnc: the late R, Wr.h'i l‘-a.., has furnished the house anew, and fitted | with all the modern im proverpents for a frstâ€" ciuss hotel, and in view of the comfort of his HE BURLINGTON *‘mâ€" gages purchase I.M?oflluil. (.\‘gynjgrjct?m. Eiginâ€"st., Otta wa Which will be attended by the proprietor Yeq. A!! the rare and choice shades of Hair in ock, at prices as low as firstâ€"class workmanâ€" Dee, & 187% oOTT A W A . GoING BAsSTZP. ONALD H, GRANT, 72 SPARKSâ€"8T., OTTAW A, NJON BOUSE, ONE CHANGE FROM PORTLAND To CHICAGO. Fancy Jewellery, Â¥i Winter Arrabgements, . 1873«4 W HOLESALE AND RETAIL PRIVATE ROOMS FOR VALIQUETTE& BEAUDRY Ladies and Gents seeking . , w. H, GREAYVE®, Agent‘for Brock ville, (" Jo Bll\'m‘}“, AS FOLLOWS 2A coodrccch. Aoamcnl a u_‘ M a imhd# hn THOS. E. MOORE, New Vear‘s Gifts A. JOYCE, Agent for Qltawa "rtzudcyng and t Perfumery with the e OTTAWA, SATURDAY DECEMBER 20, 1873 \Boltâ€"Heading Machine. | The undersigned hay W a Boltâ€"Headâ€" lng:.-chlne with all 335 igst impr®vements, w is now succesfully in operation, beg resâ€" pectfully to intimate to contractors and others For saie, by private contract, Lot No 63, fronting on Elmâ€"8t., ROCH ESTERVILL E a short distance from the Richmond Road. The Lot is 6x99 with a D xo ® _ FarcoMFORTABLE DWELLING Bx30, .. en k Sm o oc o e o Oe ns requiring Bolts and Spikes, that such can be furâ€" nolflnd :lbem expxmounly and at lower rates than have been charged in this city hitherto. N. 8. BLASDELL & Co. 5uo0D PROPERTY, CHEAP Kitchen 22x17, Woodâ€"shed and Barn 40x17. Buildâ€" Ings all new. The house is well furiished ; a ’:-l cellar, deuble windows, a good well of water, ce pump with hose. The lot is weill rem‘ed-nï¬ very handsomely situated. There are three ve handsome shade trees on the lot. ‘huelfneuu:I Apply to A. OW Auctioneer and Real! Estate Agent OW a. Aug. 13 1873. on Elgin Street, in the City of Ottawa, on Monâ€" m,‘"& fifteenth day .3 Doeanb:'r next, at eleven o‘glock in the forencon, for the public exâ€" amiuation of the insolvents and the ordering of the affiirs of the cn.u"lenonny. Dated at the City Ottawa, this twentyâ€" seventh day of November, A.ll:blml. EDWAKD GRIFFIN, 2438â€"15(n . L Assignee. Vietoria Foundry & Machine Works, Ottawa, Sept. 12, 1873 % In the matter of Wilitam Stockdale and Richard Stockdale, Insoivents Notice is hereby given that a mnu? of the ereditors of the insolvents will be held at the office of Mesars. U‘Conmor & Remon, Soliciters, Grand Amval â€" Dis‘rbution ! Tobe drawn THURSDAY, JANUARY 1st, 1874, $20,000 IN GREENBACKS s10.000 IN _ GREENBACKES ! One Cash Prize ‘of 5,000â€" in Greenbacks ! One Prize $3,000 & =r«==»; |Greenbacks, T m Hunting Watches,(in nigaic is > ooo 1. 1 > .. pmenme Coin Silver Vest chnlnï¬ Rolid and doubleâ€" We hok number of Uife, 2,000. Tickets llnmi to 100.000. ° $200,000.00, &Apnumhdto sell Tickets, to whom L4 l’nulu-l'ulbow.. m W Bix ets $10; Twelve $4 ; U-flvm Cireulars containing a full list of prizes, a deâ€" seription of the manner of drawing, and other inâ€" formmation in reference to the Distribution, will be sent toany one ordering them. . Allsetters must be addressed to AIN orFic®, _______ L. D. SINE, Pox 88 _ H E a L U MINIU M WA LC H THE LATEST NOVELTY. Rvery person should have one. â€" Wears equal to Geold ; and the difference in q-um('osu :uqlly be detected on the closest serutiny, arranted to keep correct time for TW YEARS without &"..mnl' ng, or the money returned. | Thousands are now in %mmï¬:)m Great Brithin, Price, anty TwO DOLLAIS., â€" Sent, postâ€"paid, on To: ceipt, to any part of the Domivion. 8 whether Lady or Gentieman‘s slun§nlull. Also, Elegant ALUMINIUM CHAINS, l;wnmnud to cure all dlochT from the Uriâ€" nary Orguns, in either sex, aequired or constitu« tional, Gravel, and pains in the bacd, Sold in boxes, 4s 61 each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine vendors. & Sole Prvw,bltio..l‘ I;.JJ. CLARKE, EXPORT Au}.N'l‘B. pnqtz:. Burbridge & Co., Coleman street, Lonâ€" Nowbery'b Bonn“m Newgate l(reetlboï¬don. Bnnchy: Sons, 85 Farringdon street, London. o 2s the Lordon W notesale Houses, AGENTS IN CANADA. lom.ndâ€"tv':nl. Mercer & Co., W holesale Drugâ€" Honuvdâ€"qora“ Clare & Co. ‘Torontoâ€"Riliott & Co., Wholesale Druggists. * EPm C 7 Halifarâ€"Avery, Brown & Co. 2353 I will seni(free) recipe for my VEGETABLA BALM, removing PIMPLES, ELMK Wâ€œï¬ BuoTcitES, FRECKLES MoTHs TAN and DiskAsks oF THE SKIN, leaving it clear and with a beaithy glow. Also sure process for fin« growth of HaA1m on bald heads or smooth faces. 1001!).!0 PER MONTH and expenses sure to Agents every where, nlum New Braided White Wire Rope Clothes Sells rudll& at ever{ house, !utl’:glen free. Address, HUDsON RIVER WIRE CO,, 76 King street west Torunto Ontario. * * 0 THO8. F. CHAPMAN, _ _ P. 0. Box&1% _ 197 nmnvvo;:“;an Mav is BM _ Tasa 19 purities, eannot be too recommended. P Teu Bccofule, Souryy, Mkciii Discanes and sores ofall kinds it is a neverâ€"failing and permanent W onl neck, Cures sores on the cm-w-mm Cures blackheads, or ples on the face, t)utumrvy“ mmm:ï¬â€˜nï¬aâ€"-â€". o _Cures glandular swellings, _________ _ _ For cleansing and clearing the blood from all imâ€" i the blood from all im pure maiter, mvluunr“uhln‘t As mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate mumdduwrmhopm- P:'v'fn' solicits sufterers to give it a to test ue. Thousands of testimonials from all parts, Bold in bottles 2s 34 each, and in containâ€" N nppmen t sepee apog e â€"standing cases, by all cbemists and nt fl%m;mm. adares ChXnmicies a Piubiytor, To: Oxr. PAr~ Agents wanted mryw.;::h- â€"___ Apothecaries Hall, Lincoin, Englan oE TURTAO EiA y toan, !lmas-" Newgateâ€"st., London. A‘sm OMF London. %dl the London W holesale Houses. AGENTSIN CANADA. lmu.dâ€"m“ Mercer & Co., W nolesale Drugâ€" Clare & Co. m&oâ€"m W holesale Druggists, * w ï¬nmam Hamiltonâ€" & Co. Halifaxâ€"Avery, Brown & Co. Aug 2y 1873. 2353 ture of the Province of Quebec fo omnimils tho ues Aivee ned Susk NSULVENT ACT UF 1869. 5C munie 44 ta¢ Sogubee uomuige if the Legine ._ CLARKES WoRLD FAMED BLO0D MDXTORE NE BOX OF CLARKES B4l PILLS RARE CHAnuis TV SECURE A Trade mâ€""mmngmun.' The Great Blood Purifier and Restorer 19 W im 8t OR THE BLOOD I THE LIFE. IN VALUABLE GIFTS Grand Capital Prize, 17, See Deuteronomy, chap. xii., verse 23. PLIMPLE®S. . D. S I N E5 Reliable Gift Distribution in the country REMEDY FHEE. N OTIC E, iâ€"Twenticthâ€" q. Aug, 2, 1878, & Owen, Cineinnati, 0 ENTE 07. 2370 daw O‘MEARA & CoO. being now complete, we have the pleasure of vnlunÂ¥l on you with our Autumn Cireular, throagh which medium we beg to inform you that we will submit for your ln-recuon a comâ€" * plete assortment of Readyâ€"made Clothing in a variety unsurpassed by any other house in the Trade. Our energies havihg been particulariy directedâ€"to the manufacture of CLOTHING SUHTABLE FOR THE OTTAWA TRADE, we feel assured that all orders entrusted to us will be satisfactorily filled. %@"~ Lumbermen‘s inspection to our stock of Blankets, _ ( MANUEACTURED CANADIAN TWEEDS AND CLOTHS, * Intending purchasers will do well to call and examine our Stock, as we are selling under usual prices, SHOOLBRED & CO., Furniture, Furniture! BLACK WALNUT FCRMTURE! From the best makers in the Domtnion, YOKORAMA TBA STORL At the re‘?:ut of his numerous friends and customer®, subscriber has added to his CHOICE AND CHEAP TEAS An assortment of _ . & GENERAL GROCERIES Which he is selling at the Lowest Prices. C. BPARROW, Jr, South side of Y orkâ€"st., mall‘ By Ward Market, Ottawa, Sept, 16th, 1873. 2470â€"3m ==_______‘_ Oftawa, Insoivents, . __ The creditors of the insolvents u.rivnouned that a meeting will be held at the insolvents‘ Store, Errb-t. Otta wa, on SATURDA Y, the 2th inst, one o‘ciock in the afternoon to receive tenders for Stocks, and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. _ Dated at Toronto, this â€"18th Day of November, |ue And amendments Thereto. In the matter of PRESTON & McLACHLIN, of â€"___ PREPARATIONS, &c. _ Messrs. Lymans, Clare & Co., 382 Bt, Paulâ€"st., « x:@mmum' & Co,, 157 Kingâ€"st., Toronto, Beg to stai. that they hnw'en\gï¬nw urlnï¬ ments for t!. sexclusive Whoh-lo“.:c.ofl. PANCREATIC EMULSIO Nane other brated Medicinal %em:uonuof Messrs.Ravory & Moore‘s Chemists Queen, H. R. H. the Prince of ywdu. Ho;H the Emperor Napoleon, H.M. the V â€" & * ts NEW BoND STREET, LONDON. ASTHMA AND BRoNCHITIS effectually relieved by the use of mm'l‘ammn a most fearâ€" ful attack of Asthma, Lord y had scarcely fimoked the Datura Tatula for more than a minute or so, when the lym&oml abated, and in 10 minutes more he was relieved wonderfully. He told me he had used it for years with the most perfect success. Certainly the inbalation had the most magical effect L ever witnessed." DR. J. McVrzaGH. "I have never known an instance in which relief was no &obttlnnod."-uu. ALEXâ€" ANDER, Sold as tobacco, in tins, â€â€˜â€ï¬' and cigarettes in boxes, and as pastilles for inhalation in boxes; by Savory & Moore, 143 New Bondâ€"st., London ; and all Chemists, Druggists, and Storeâ€" keepers ‘throughout mn&nmgimzn. ® Nov 14, 1873. #i16 The " Home" takes rank with the best periodi eals of the day, 1t is the In meo::g. and more thomnshly identified with the e in their social domestic life uotee dnan U the faloaue" haee ny clepant Steel Engravings, one of wt:‘lgh was nwude?::o First Prizeat the Late Provincial Exhi= bition in London, OTTAWA CARPET HOUSE. " Peace Be Unto This House." "The Christian Graces," "The Angel of Peace, ‘ « Bed Time," and ‘The Wreath of 1mmortelies," :‘ï¬enï¬ wanted on s«lary or commission, nd at once for circulars to _ _ ___ _ _ A. DUFF, Ottawa, Aug. 5 1873 March 12, BONUS SALE JARDINES‘ 2416â€"13in This Week and Next, In Everybody‘s Mouth ! Boots and Shoes Positively Given: Away ! Alarming Reductions! _ _ _ [ _ _ _ HEADS OF FAMILIES, mwtdflfbmm.b’m' wigt will conâ€" vlneou:;;n-“lonn Buli" that what we say is positively C0Me® â€"~_ y izxpINF BROS., ce Sparks and Sussex Ste We have now on hand a complete stock of FOR SALE. t ooiinni i nnnar dies ui ninted in the beet brual ness places of Huil, viz : Pwellings and Stores, O"g‘i"-ï¬â€œâ€˜ STREETâ€"Nos 1, 4 3 4. &4 8 7 NSOLVENT AUT OF 1869, 50 Spirks Street, Otlawa. HANGE OF AGENCY FOR Bright! KEAT SUCCESS OF THE Cheapest Firstâ€"Class Magazine N WELLINGTON STREEKTâ€"Nos 1, 12 13 and 14. )N CENTRAL STR.IETâ€"Nos. 315 and 16. _ N CHURCH_STREETâ€"Nos. 17, 18, i "» 21, 2 and 23 N LAKE STREETâ€"Nos. 2. 2, 2 and Z, N MAIN STREETâ€"~Nos. » _3 and 40. t is t ts RTHUR 3 HUME MAGAZLNE, AU T U MNK i1873. REAT EXCITEMENT ! sAVORY & MOORE‘S VICTORIA STREETâ€"Nos. 41 and 42. : Cheerful ! 1873 1s earnestly solicited Our adsortment of Auply t â€" Cheap Goods Triumphant ! and Felt Overshoes Cheaper than ever. * W* * &ole Generer Xgvat Earnest! and THE GREAT AT THE O‘MEARA & CO. ME ENE U y & Notary Ml!ï¬-. Progressive !â€" Bparks S(roét, Beef Moceasins, in fit and ventilation of any imported, at PEAâ€" COCK"8, sign of the RED HAT, 33 Rideatn street. New Tombâ€"Stone ESTAS3LISHMENT. Hats §¥ rats They are ready to receive orders from lht-lr' friends and from the public of Otiawa and surâ€" | rounding country, for all kinds of _ First class workmen will be flnflk’)'ed at the establishment, under the supervision of MK. at moderate prices and on liberal conditions AAI those willing to %\’m this establishment with their putmnnï¬c. ill have the guarantee that their orders will be faithfuily executed. Orders can be left at King st PIERR.I"‘Z M&Rl ER‘S, ng street, te Gns House. PIERKE mlEB & SQN. Ottawa, May 2Â¥th 1873. 3m MARBLE WORK {IESTABLISHMEN1, §§§I§§ \'i-u | p AT THE OLD TOLL GATE, 3 | B::::; H * Bothwell R Rasâ€" ON THE MONTREAL ROAD.â€"@@ | Bxisner H (-nubushmenlé' under the supervis MCFARLANE, so advantageousy Qitawa and vicinity =_ _ ___ Patronised i mig. vanus Rimmel‘s _ Inangâ€"Thang, _ V&anda, Honna, Jockey Club, Frangipane, and other perfumes of exquisite fragrance. _ _ â€" Kimanel‘s Lavender Water, distilled from Mitcham Fiowers. _ lc w -El;-l;l_ol"l-ï¬â€˜i;".'\'lnmr, celebrated for its use ful and sanitary properties. > _ _ _ | ) .. __.,._ Emm m RnaPro en stoes Rimmel‘s Exlrncl';;f Lime Fuice and Glyce: ine, the best preparation for the Hair, especially in ';{im c"'ln':ulm Oil Soap, rfumed with mm e W perfum w Australian Eum‘;";m. «& Rimmel‘s Glycerine, Honey, Costume and Floral Crackers, very amuming for Halls and Riimmel‘s Violet, Rose, Leat, Rice, and other Tollet Powders. A liberal aliowance to shippers. Eugene Rimmel, Perfumer to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales, 95 Strand, 128 Kcï¬em Street, and 24 Commhill, London, 17 Boulevard des Itaiiens, Paris, and 76 King‘s Road, Brighton. Bold by all Perfamery Vendors. PEPSLINEâ€" Y’N‘M 1 pint botties. CHLORODYNE is of such celebrity that it can searcely be considered a speciaity,its composition beh:} know n to practiâ€" tioners. . Many of the €hlorodynes being unequal in -u'engul. Morson & Hon have prepared this. Bold in 4 oz., 1} oz., and 3 oz. bottles. GELATINEâ€"The purest preparation is Morâ€" BON‘8. Carefully ked and shipped. Orders made payable in Englana. ~ THOMAS MORSON & soN, Medallists and Jurors at all the Great Exhiâ€" * bitions. 81, 88 & 124 Southampton Row, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON. WoRksâ€"HORNSEY AND HoERTON, PURE CHEMICALS AND NEW MEDICINES On or about the 80th SEPTEMBER, 1878, will be published, price $3.00, CLASSTR(ED | BOSUEES$_DIRECTORY MONUMENTS, TOMBâ€"STCNES, &c., &c., At the solicitation of a number of merchants and others, the subscriber has decided w&:»uuu n_;%dne-mreemry of the Dominiton of Canada of is work will oonl.l.l the names and address every business man in * Ontario, ~ Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Prince Rdward Tsland, and . Newfoundland ; each branch of business being alphabetically arranged. The publisher has concluded to place the Diâ€" rectory at the low figure of ï¬.w per copy, in order to ensure as large a eirculation a;droud»le, and so make it the very best imedium for advertising. Your advertising ;nu'onun is earnestly solicitâ€" ed, as the success of the present edition, and the eontinuation of the publication in the future, dapendvmhrply upon the -q-poflrecelvd M cooy of the Directory will be included with copy e w ed w! each advertisement, ‘The printing will be executed by John Lovell, Montreal, PAVID McCALPINE, Publisher of the Maritime Provinces Directories 122 Granvilleâ€"st., Halifax. Ottawa, April 9, 1873 land, and Licentiate Phydehn-,%grnbnnh,‘ ~ Member of the Royal Co‘lege of Burgeons, Engâ€" Tane mm mregannly of the Rupal ‘Collces in ENGLISH SINGLE BEDSTEADS ENGLISH xflml BEDSTEADS, CHILDRENS O« TH.___ _ ~ B “l i prices for B"‘â€"‘I'I’I"lu ’"**"’u M Jn h-“ importéd. di from Manuâ€" m.b%:';dga-m oxuu:ly low, Quoâ€" w vn:xty 'm:" lA‘lA'l‘m‘ ‘ om-hnbbnndmhd-. Proof against vermin Morson‘s Effactual Remedies Bel and Shippiag orders éxecuted with w:mspwh. PP 2M>1y Uyacinthes, Crocus, now ofiered for sale at moderate prices, mwmug-&nndunmu its next Heasion, for an to authorize the Brockville Mou‘nhllmcomp-n‘y to issue Mortâ€" gage &bomu- wsx’ndt in Hen of the Mortâ€" gages heretofore given said Railway Company to the (then) U-fud Counties of lAnark and Renfrew, the Township of Elizabethtown, and the town of Brockyille, and to mauthorise the Ottawa, Oct acceptance â€"of said "Mortgages Debentures Aeogir 57 the noiders of sald" Morigages in "lou thereof and for other purposes; _ _ .. € * uoenury,} . F, _For a Good _ Smoke MYRTLE NAVY. Epring Styles of English and American Ottawa, June 30, 1878. mumcnhu-h-vrlnnnoelvedï¬nm.eeb- rated grower in Holiand a large supply of Ottawa, Oct, 9, 1873 &T OTICE Notice is hereby given that application will be BEDSTEADZ ! Wrought â€" Iron_ Bedsteads Just arrived eg ship "Kiver Ganges,‘, from IMMEL‘S CHOICK PERFU MES ROSPECTUS. OTICE. MOKERS ! The undersigned have opened their â€nan.n-am R. HORSEY, UTCH BULBOUS ROOTS _ H. MEAvOWS & CO,, CAPITAL STOVE DEPOT, sold by Chemists and Druggists threughout the world. WELLINCGTON STREET WEST. M cAL PIN EC‘ S o e en( Dlorw.d'rop: OB;-.lil, The ptz:l.hrnml professional mediâ€" cine indigestion is Morsox‘s PEPSINE, the active principle of the gastric &ulce. Kold in Powder, Lozâ€" enges, Globules: and as Wine in i, DOMINION A. CHRISTIE & Co , Druggist« |l,8parh‘l_9!.luut- JAM ES PEACOCK CHAIR 1 EDSTEADS, 35 Sussex Street. mt known in Barrie gen}v Becketit W J Black K | Brown Allen W im Alexander Mr Anderson T Andrews & Walker Aunderson H. Anglebart Mr® Atbour J Archer Miss Ardouin & Co G P A rnew Cls Aubry 1. Baker Mrs M I IST OF LETTER3 remaining in the Ottawa 4 Post Oflice, Dec. 15th, 1873 : Agret Miss A 2â€" Lousdale A Bowen Geo Bruce J Brown W c Brown Jno Bnenon ? Brown A Burk C Burnes Miss E Suchanan Jno Cassidy J as Cameron Capt Carr H â€" Carty T Carter Miss P Cameron J N Chaiker W C Cnishoim Miss I Cark J F Clark L‘a{b;u A Clark E Wo Baker Cam € or on Ab ns Cochrane C Cochian T C Corry Miss J Cox Mrs .}‘ Cocker R C Coates W Courtney C M Coote Mr Cotton A Craig Robt Craig Mrs G Crawford Widow Curry Robt Cummins J no Curran Jno Cutts T Dearden Mr Devereux Mis P Deevey A G l)el(’lltj‘ Juno Degoy Jno Dillibough L z Dougall J F Dougiass P B Doyie P _ _ Nee y d Doyie D l)o"nn P Doyle Miss M Drake C 1 UulnlnsA J Dunlop Jas Daff & Askwith mn Jno Eastman Miss Mg Edmonds J no l%gk-stun W in Edg.ey Mln\zl E ‘ggert i)r Win thard J Evans Miss M A Fay Mrs A Farron Thos Farquhar W m Ferguson Win Gaftney Jno Garrow Mrs Galloway 1) Gearing Miss E. Gillman Miss Gibson J B Gibson J no Gould W m Gordan D Gorby Miss M Fitsummons J no Fitzsimons Miss E Finn Miss C Flood Jas 3 Forest J B Mrs Foxton Miss J Fowler N Ford Wm Fowler T H 2 Fnï¬unun Jno Fulding R Gosling Mr Oflbt.:#u Wim 2 Greene G B Grimes 8 Graham. $ Graham Mre G Green:Miss C 1‘ Finy Misa P 2 Hall TS Hackian Jas Harram B B Hays Miss C Heary Wm Harvey Miss M Hawer J & Heron Miss L Herringto:. Miss L Henderson Miss M Hinds Mr Hillman ® Hinton R J Hilton Miss 8 P 2 Hepinstall Geo Hinton Jos Hawken Jos Irwin Miss A Jackson W im Jarvis T Jemeson H. . Johnston A Johnston R Johnston Mrs 8 Jonnston R Judge M Junn J Kain Alex Kays Jno Kenedy Jn> Kelly _R , Kier R Kehoe Miss 8 Langan Gen ha Miss D Lindly T lillico R . Lowrey Jas Lortie Q _ _ Now is the time to have Portrait taken at Rraser‘s _P_hfl!‘np‘rounry. 104 PHOTOGR APH 8, Sussex=St,, Ottawa, Small Pictures c<zeu and Eniarged, with frame, for $1,50, at J, A, @raser‘s. Gems for Zcis, at J, A, Fraser‘s, Photographs of all kinds and sizes, at J. A Fraser‘s, Frames of all descriptions at J, A, Fraser‘s, A good collection of fine Chromos and Lithoâ€" graphies, at J, A. Praser‘s, â€" “‘mmfl Picture Frames to order, And a large variety of Albums and Xmas Presents, At FRASER‘8 PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, No, 104 Sussexâ€"8t,, Ottawa. Montreal, Dec. 8, 1873. Montreal, Dec. 8. 1873. xander W m Large Painted Portrait, with frame, for $1.50, Jfliflimtdlh Latest les of w.u wo:{- ¢ ; We feel confident that the immense reducâ€" ioounin on tire pabile in general, who will w give us a call &Fn-m Mtheehel:fll&fl‘! N. B.â€"We ve secured the services of UR RATTEY,late cierk at Preston& MeLachiin‘s, PEA TCBR l id _nan under whose management the ‘lefai) DraDCh on Sparksâ€"st. will be conducted. wur rule is, "Light Profits and Quick Reâ€" mbermmï¬hï¬ou Emâ€" poriam, Sparksâ€"st., ‘heapride, Hussexâ€"st. Dec, 16, 1873. A first dividend sheet has been prepared, open Spisction unti) Z2nd inst., after which dividend Uheapoer than the Cheapest CHEAPSIDE, _ . . SUSBEAâ€"DT., Are now selling neg.l:‘:‘fl-v Missex‘ and FELT OVERSHOES, NSOLYVEKNT ACT OF 1869. KSULVENT ACT OF 1869, in the matter of JAMkS BUCHANAN, of HOTOGRAPBS ! J ARDIN P‘S In the matter of D. 8. BAIRD, of Fitzroy * Marbor, an Insoivent. Miss M Caiened), Wk Dr Jno GREAT EMPORIUM, SPARK®Râ€"8t., â€"ANDâ€" 0 HUMBUG, BUT FACTS8 ! PHOTOGRAPHS! A. M. RATTEY, Manager 51 4 s @s Rceout J H Nears Geo Bhouldice J F Khepperd A L Short T hore T Rhepperd J K Emith Miss Smith And Bparks Geo Romers -lllu E Sparks Mrs (Eparks A 2. f ® Slun MizsB a Stewart Dr Btewart Jas 2 Stockdale Miss A U‘Connor 1) O‘Brien T. J U‘Cailagha® T Lousdale A Lyne Jno Maloney Miss 8 Mathews Miss M 3 Mason Miss J Mason J F Mathews T Mathews W J 2 Mathews J Maddena P K May M A Miller Jas 2 Mills Jas Michel T Mitobell Miss B Moflat Thos Moxley Miss M Moore Miss E Moran Miss M Montgomery Mis Moodic M Mudge F Munroe Geo Mulhal Miss K. Neville Miss M Nichols & Cowan O‘Donnell Miss M (‘Brien Jas 3 Moss C Moricette T Moran i Moxtey Miss \ Moodic M Mudge F K eefe |) C Owend W 4 Parsoos W T Parker Jno Perry Miss EK Pike Mrs R T2# Popham W m Paustie K Preston J H Pruneaux J H 2 Prait K. R. M Pratt Chas U nn Miss }?t:d Miss C ling Miss M A Riley Jno Roife Miss E Ross J no Robinson Mr Ross W D M M Russel G Russeli W Russel! Jas Naunders J no Rample W in 2 Beott A Stackpole W A Btewart R Sullivan Jas Bummers Miss M Switt W J Button J M Taylor D Taylor A 8 Taylor 8 J 2 _ Taylor Miss M Taylor Jos Thom pson M Thompson G L. Thompson Miss E Tomking Juo faad . Vaughan J A 2 Vannatten J H \"Iok&y W l{:‘ 2 ner Wflnl Amm M Watson 8 2 Wadsworth Jas Watts Miss Walsh M Walsh Miss E Watts Miss i Weich M Weir Miss R Webster Thos Westoh gr Wikepate it C White d C Whelen M White P White «4 R WW‘B Wilson x * Wilson C W*unl Miss M Wilment Win Wolfe Dr Jas Wright Thos â€"TH Wrate Mra M Wring Mre Wright & Co F W Wynne J Mecoriey AMtiss A eCu es lldhlrz‘:an M Mecullough W L m&m Miss J A roy W J MeDonald Miss M )l“cbon-u D J eï¬hy Miss H ron 8 MeDonald Jno MeGare llJ MeGregor Jno Melntosh K =cKoe W im olGee J J McKay Mim a C mlun Jas #A leloekv Mra McLelian Jns Mcleod D _ Melnnis J as M 2 irgan Nrs M A ePhail H ALkX. MOFFAT, , after which dividend ALEX. MOFFAT, | 244%â€"1m THE LOVE OF AN HEIRESS AND A COACHMAN INTERRUPTED. A St. Louis Social Sensation. Comedy Changed to Trageayâ€"A Wedâ€" ding Interrupted by a Bulletâ€"The Coachman Killed. The St. Louis papers of the 10th inst., are full of details of the Cronenboldâ€" Boettcher case, which has surred the social circles of_ that city to their centre, the more so from the fact that the women move in the best society, as does the mure derer. while the murdered victim is and man ofâ€"ali work. _ The telegraphic despatches have already given brief tacts of the case, but the following appears in the Democrat of the 10th :â€" It will be re nembered that quite a senâ€" sation was caused in this yicinity on Thurs« «ay night laâ€"t, by the interruption of a wedding ceremony which was to have taken place at the mansion of the late Judge Cronenbold, between that â€"gentle« man‘s daughter and a young man named Richard Bosttcher, who had been em~ ployed by the Judge‘s widow as a carriage uriver. â€" Un this occasion, when the mimsâ€" ter and weiding party bhad assembled, an uncle of the bride, that was to be and a man named Weber appeared upon the oupagpnucie. Abpering ts anestr left leg. â€" The result of this onsiaugdP 488 that yesterday a warrant was sworn dut charging Weber with assault to kill, while his enemy wa; baing kindly cared tfor by his aftectionate _fAeneee. Nothing at that tume could be iéarued as to the cause of the trouble beyond the fact thit the inâ€" tended biidegroom‘s blood was not blue enough to be allowedâ€"to blend with that of the aristocratic young lady whoâ€"o aftections be had won. Fince then, however, the seoret has loaked out and Benjamin Franklin Cropenbold, a brother of the girl, prepared the following explanation of the miutter, winch has been translated, and is ow publsbea for the frst time. lt should be added bere that the only occu= papts of the Cronenboids‘ residence, be« youd the servants, are the Judge‘s widow and ber daughter Cora :â€" CRONENBOLD‘s LKTTEL, Richard Boeticher was engaged by me as a driver from the German Relief Society in the month of March. He was at this time in very poor circumstances. lie was in my employ from four to six weeks, as L had resoived to muke a tuip to @ermany, and wanted to leave my relsives under the protection of some good and industrious man. . My absencé in Europe lasted from four to six months; 1 believed that air. Boettcher was faithfully attending to the trust which 1 had left him. My mother and sister in all their letiers spoke very highly of him. When 1 returned 1 susâ€" pected that he had been criminkily intiâ€" \mu with my sister, a child 16 years of age ; and my suspicions ! afterward found were correct. . Boettcher left his posstion in our bouse a short tume afterward, and said that he was looking for a partne to establish with him a liquor business. He loated around the city for a few woeks, and ther accepted a position as partner in the house of Steinwender & Selimer, where he remsined 14 days. ‘The preparaiions for the wedding on Thursday night were made very secreily, and all my protests against it were frowned down by my mother and sister,. The wedding was to have taken Ipl)c:?m“ six o‘clock on the evening of ber 4, and my mother told me about it the same day. _ Mr. Carl Cronenbold, my uncle, Mr, £. W. Weber and myself, went to my mother‘s bouse in order to mnt the marriage. When we arrived we found no minister, but only a few relatiyes, and the ceremony was postponed by Boeticher being shot in the From this statement it will be seen that young Cromenbold acourses Boeticher with mmanm.,;tym he took a terrible vengence by killing hm in cold blood, after having arranged every» thing so systematically that he could not possibly fail. _ w1 o 105 _ As soon as the news of the homicide reached the mounted district, dergeant Fox, the officer in charge, secured a light six o‘clock, and discovered Bosticher‘s corpse lying just inside the fence of a field bordering on the Gravois Road, and about wagon and went in search of the body, He reached the soene between five and 150 yards from his late residence,. ‘The hï¬:flhdnmmm witlh & of coarse bagging, and tuken to the first district stamon, from whence it was shortly after remored to the stable of Bmk-nncscbhh:‘usflM.b‘M Seventh and Eight: The youth, who by this rash act has blasted his prospects forever, is only 22 ears of age, and is quite wealthy. His ‘fl-w- THE LATE JUDGE F. W. CRONEEWOLD who died about two years ago, niter hayâ€" ing lived in St, Louis for 30 years. He wasat one tin:‘ho“:;olun First Natiopal was & pl‘h mht‘utm The Judge was recognized as an active politician, and the Gity.Jounedt, “‘:{-“;&‘ n Pn@tam i an immense amount of property to be divided between his wife, son and daughter. The Domestic relations of the family since the Juadge‘s desth have been very unhappy, and odd stories have been related of tne (amily, It is said that Bevjumin was seut to Kurope by his mother in order to ‘ ESTRANGE HIM FROW Aa SERVANT GIRL, Jn F . or mMarch insl, J TOrgeL 'Amdnuuntu“b house, and I applied to the German Emigration office for a man. _ flv&-hmmnbn. ‘Ip an interview wi reporter of the G&H(xinnby_uc_ut_.d:â€"_ _ â€" Thursday. 'Whibhl-?u ° con= siderable moneyâ€"â€"=‘ some 1,uoxr:‘u,m ‘;:‘d-uâ€"umm-n-. ‘ ] got back 1 had $50, and 1 felt bad« lyâ€"â€"downâ€"spirited, 1 mean. Aftsire were not right at home. This man seemed to and 1 felt he was‘interfering in my family aflairs to an unwarrantable extent. . He '.-ï¬nnln married to Cora, my sister, thet 1 did not like. He and my motiker combined again«t me in an afâ€" fair of mine with a young lady, and I felt up and said ke would like the «ituaton, sand thought he would give eatisfaction, I be was uall ping to take a.-m.-u',. R:: added to -:.' that 1 could obtain nothing in the of ercployment, troubled n-&oyond'z measure, and | thenveiermined to get The room w«s crowded when 1 went there, and while! was talking with Mr engaged him and took him to the bhouse. Un the lst of April I sailed for Kurope, rid of Bosttcher as soon as possible. Mother and Cora opposed me. and | found hirm stronger in the family than myself. I suspecied something wrong. A doctor came to see Cora rather more ofien than as1 believe now, Boeitcer had seduced her. They were to to be married on Thurs day evening last, and he came to the house hup-x-p.o. He wanied to marry her before I was married, and in that way Mr. Jauzs i. Fermows.â€"Siz: in the winter of T866, I was sfHlicted with a severe doctors were very attentive, and used all means in their power, they failed to afford Hulse on the subject Boeticher burt my interiste, Exesrozt, Digby County, N. 8., Jan., 1868. me much relief, wd Hypophosphites, andâ€"took is un uâ€"dou‘-.-t-.. 1 am now in perfect and free from Eronâ€" chitis. _ Respectfully yours, MENDAL Iâ€"w‘ rge '-e_rilu\ll believed then ms1 believe now, ttcer had seduced PRICE 3 CENTS MERELY A COACHNMAN