~Am‘“|i 'hn-t States. Lega 'ï¬o.. geroral miseo; | eause. _ \o publicity | New I wht JOHN 3, 3142 _ No. 130 ....-"‘ on or address STANDAR Dâ€"F D® Muout one third the price of the Por any one «* ..‘.# Â¥or any <two â€" â€"~.‘*ftop "un? three Reviews â€" â€" 10 00 .« For al fror Reviews . . â€" 120 « ro.-m'hï¬. . % 4 Por Inorusndarmcuenies, t I or woud& two For Blackwood & threa Reviews «. â€" . m e For Biackwood & the four Kecieu@us â€" «o % . 15 0 « Postage 2 cents a anmber, to e qâ€"nrnlhonï¬odmv'"_.m Cirewiars with mwl om wmwfl. G T LtNuAle L WEAY BOILER MAKERS, . | Saloon is Now ¢ Reafew ~ (PoULIN®® BLOCK, HUI Si~eet, Richmond Road, Ottawe. | brockville and that he will do his best to * e e sombort and vieasute of the Restove firm (the only Boiler Build | Nov.1 w7z Ottawa), ::n p:p‘ to mapvise â€"‘â€"; wis #xp. oo Oflene tsk3 it Iunecth e 8T E A M. BOIL ER8. A CAM CANAL WUKKS _ j@" Bvery aitention given to repa Snighorttes _ URMowa, Decembe 23. 1872 3122 17. TImBER WA . NARSH AL MATHESON, < durrovodenneeeteiee, buoney, No &o| Oe T0 * O CE: receive * &E&m‘:‘ ‘cither the _ in £hw:y Chambers, a T HOUSK, “:»m m OTTaAwA OANADA oF RoY letter to & P. W. P. TUUTLEE, B.C. L., , The shorte Vm Q s is one of th Contmne ons Oe e * Barister, Advocate, &o. | yort ‘ves w. L Gm“- ver the Exchange Hotel, &mfl deviis and transacting all “‘ Alm_n_nj ie Pj 3' 2H2â€"6m i*ot.nus‘x Ifl'fl'm TWA HOTEL, RATES 0j From Portia 85, Gracechurch Street, h JAMHE® STREET, MONTREAL Lis % k ‘musone mflm( is is13. M y esrunas,| "**~ â€" TWNr. J. T. Perlcy, the estabiishment vi GL ll"w be flu'-.‘x':--d umls-r.U:e fllrln uu;: PENING imne & Pericy, they MAY‘UK, C2r00,(â€" | From Quebe Gm acmmsmmmat C ‘:."\"'\\:“ ,l:u3‘ 1!'|‘l.~‘l.'m!A.|.'l‘\.:nl:'\l)r.: MI I‘III_‘ on or 4 JARDINE Gent‘emen can lml‘ irg a French Calf C pair, never betore sold in da Kat Custom work made to two days notice, Money‘s Block, 5 - nsmammeecess Goeeee en aaaaraaaaaia n lecanorintenss * Aammttieigaiem Ramoocii & MCBrido, Saloon is Now WEAY BOILER MAKERS, ~Lona werly Re b'e:n::n:'.z_ll:-\rm@ "Briti h Quarterly AxD S PB ack wood‘s l‘% * zine, * REPRINTED 8y We y lal 2o HOTEL DE PAB H E J * 4 " EB Rirasr PP M'â€"w"“"w‘u March by lE .\IB-_,_.(E_...C E:-r Myrtle. NaY CU0 TTA _clate & narm‘ B & 1. on sach plug» _ omune The Leanard Nk © w FULTON ’myn arra: gement 'i&mm who receive a liberal compensati . ooz j lod‘cn‘s coustitute ;T: l‘?l' m:?!:rn ll-â€"‘.~ suien Tare snteber ce iR mss % IVED PER STEAMERS ite: land inthi is on ob their Tess 3f°rinthian and Polynesian, resiramparatt | mss Hilk > Â¥ cet, Sandy Hills : â€" _ MA" * CHOIUOE G6 0 Ds â€", YNOEEKES Boots TBE TIMES is punted British. k nc aemme 6 JKK. Â¥OBR A “‘â€.. E 5EST CHEAPSIDE, .g F, YXIELDING, =, 178. _ ~_fplssuer of Marriage Licensesâ€"8# s W Ei2 I B > JYX . HROSE :s s"::ss ons sore gace rdos Have an ® Reviews â€" â€" .* 7 p, "I iwo â€" ~<«* 8 r‘.l'“l'vb‘. * ;: w 1 T Reviews . . . w M*. 40 .« ! kreamcurcs o% 2 n k wood d inckwood & three leg ..h- « 18 0 « f ck wood four ews . â€" * + /« Ma ® & F SLINGIN son and “&* RDâ€"For Choiry, C «n and Pauimer, _ NTSQNX Buston. £co, 4 agr FOR T ERM s inging O-‘M"‘ is phD®" ** e C (-‘ L d ABB _A A a :"r . Â¥. AOLBRUOK N, m: J Cornet Spar s and Elwin stree A Of Quebeq 4 duiie 8t av®" "f duebee Inaled) Â¥= River ang c ZIVeD thit ay, :A and pS" I TgE WEEKLY TIMES, Ca 1 112. T. .c avde: vemaitairt WGutplaticgr â€" Th madb c olb c c “:. von to parties setting up Clubs whother the BATLy or WEEKLY. x lnmited namber o( A dvertisements are inserted athe Weekly Times at 16 cents per line, 1st insor yeit ;NTERED, o of the Pub cb M A« s Published EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, is time for the morning mail, al $1 00 per annum, joid in aivance ; of $1 it if ; aid during the year. "The nsual encogragement (NVE PREX COPY DÂ¥ TE®m) WiLL‘AYÂ¥ MOSGROVE, bl.u.o. WouD, jon. each subseq‘ t Sn arner . went i warm all advellio« I:\':-‘:ln mefnu y red b; y a Nonâ€" fuster Coxxos Otbaw® April 18 ! Physician, Surgton and Accoucheur, Ottawa, . Day flce opposite (ne Truzs office, Spark» Centre Town. Night ofice at his rd‘r;o. is Street. Centre Town. qured without the use of the knife, by a wn-. speedy ami almost painiess proâ€" noe given to parties successfully treatâ€" require«. Mag 4, 1870, 1 Buristers and Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law. kitors in Chancery, Notaries, &o. Ofieeâ€"Hardy‘r Block, Kidenu Streek 0. Tamuos. F. H. Curysie®, Ottawa, June & 1573 Barm|iste:, So icitor, &c., wosGROVE‘% BUILOINGS, OTTAWaA, Qitawa, June 7, 15> 2s fPallLON & CHRYSLER, | _ LETTERS rrepo d. and if contain money ished every morning (®u excepted :':.. 5 per annam rq::lo im“.l wats pe! week, delivered in the city. It .:wihn in the United States, at free :W yor \aet Bhr Â¥asily Gimes . MARSH AL MATHESON, recent M of th‘s popular Hotel, Mr Brow no, havu formed & oo-p-nn.nblx t. J. T. Perlcy, the estabiishment w i to be conducted ander the firm and ot Browne & Periey, they mtz.l.nd 1t term of yeaurs. In assunming proprtâ€" ©:%, they may staie that the house has unâ€" ne wany umprovements, and they intend, + stantailention to the warts of the travelâ€" «) l0 and its former |-umnn‘.louun the + CJurmaeterof the "Ullawa" as the chiet NSURANCE CO‘Y. [+) iE be log» for erdinary k M. RKOLBROOK PRX Juiy 19, 1873 lobe Mutual wa, Decembe 23. 1872 312217 QurFFOXR & W aDE, tchant Tailor and Outfitter YOL. VIHI. NO. 2441 is Exceiiency tne Governor Generat ~ud nite, gial Notices, !24 cents per line. pdeased Advertisements, such[as W anted. ‘nw V a.ant, Nee ADYERTISINC RATES. M Russell House 200C Mow prepare! to attend to the comâ€" Fiey funerous SUrtoca@re Si~«et, Richmond Road, Ottawe. + "&f Montrea y .. _ W_Offers for sale a splendid three yh-m BULI, bred from one of the ; B6ott‘s, best cows. He has taken BTtwo years at the Coun‘y of OttaWa i Show, Fair, and is considered z fone of the best in the County : he AN ional and Business C ardsâ€"not excseding â€"4°* ins rted in the Daily Times a‘ $16per thie Physician, ï¬uTm Accouâ€" dengeâ€"Albert Stree! og hours s, m., and 2 to 4 p. na, clal attention given to diseased and ts of the terus. 1758 "lber offers for sale Tsbire BU LL. bred who .\ _ _}€ best in the County ; he is K red and white, and has all the ake of that tine breed. ry advertisements in Daily Tores <lst sents erline; each subsequent s among reading matter, 3 cents Aitornies, Solicitors, &e., «U i 2 A Woa. xom â€"__â€" _ Daxter Wape. i Asth, 1N73, da wen ®f Spar s and Elgin stree‘ & l Op -m'ï¬u-. House JOHN CONvE Manage wion, lgnuml.mz' s _â€" WiiL RICE FAal.MEKS aAND STOCK sots for any defnite term are made ts, which may be seen on applica each additional word over 24, LIF E sge0us W ants, Agent for the Ottawa Valley. net Spaurks and Elgin streets, _____â€" Money Wanted or to Loan, rot «xceeding 24 words HRNOWNE & PERLAY, ich o they wib be at 1 m:‘hm Mdl-“ to > 8, N.“vlultll & (‘2', llingtom reet, c Ottawa. Bros T. MOFFATT, Cattie for Sale, Cattle W anted 1+¢7%. Snow Bird..... . Jason Gould. ... Sir John Young Chaudiere Prince Ar Alluance. . On and after the first October, the steamer “Jo-l:w'm leave Aylme‘r'(.&mnhn ex‘- cepted a m, connecting with steamer c ::uunolot Deux R.vieres and intermediate ‘The steamer " Prince Arthur" leaves Portageâ€" duâ€"Fort daily, (Sundays M)u1dekflm 1., eouuct{u'lll steamer * Jessie Cassels‘ tor Ayimer d.‘}'lho (-:-or " John l‘fl"r-v:l :c-hn't- y «days exce ofeloe .m., for Des Joaehins, nt.nmdlouvln. at 6 .m.'g. ;-l;l. mm&:flmm*.luon(hdd.' which leaves hnio.l"wuuudebtmh- sengers arri PCT'-M same evenâ€" Lng. Aeun%_-_qh ly (Sundays excep(â€" eifwih mtesmers Rippores cagenin Soppan, ;-:“."-. Rivieres,‘ for k Bteamer "Sir Yoï¬ leaves Bryson for Cha & :fl :o:::vory *E:’ Friday mornings p. m. For turther apply at the office of ooeepaie on ie e e fhne at the Sfrer. CER PR ETT Oe C TY y T NOR Ee -h-ï¬-u‘sm. Return Tickets gran at reduced rates. ZB"~ An experienced Surgeon carried on each vemst Berths not secured until paid for, Persuas wishing to send for their friends can obtain passage certificates at lowest rates from Engiand, Ireland or Seotland, to any railway umu-horun United States, [When tickets are not used the amount is returned, less --nml m‘l:lvnl and @ery information * D. W. COW ARD & CO., 2s _ > ________ Agentay 17, Sparksâ€"st. ‘The shortest, cheapest and to 'JVMIMW$ 'l’ho'm is one of the largest, safest in the world. Vessels will be despatched as follows :â€" I’OLYNEHAN...........@.......;M.Mt # AUSERLAN ..:.:.cs} 1+r«Puohreress « 13 NURTWI!IOM r#9 + serress # t FHSTORIAN ...ic«r1.:s6srr 46e 083 «4 # PULYNESIAN .................... January 3 RATES OF PASSAGEâ€"LIVERPOOL LINE From PortJand or s ‘Saturday to uwmm mrry.) Fares from Ottawa, Cabin........$77 50 to $37 50 Union Forwarding & Railâ€" way Company. May be consulted at his Office, corner of O‘Conâ€" nor and Alibertâ€"sts. . Ottawa, Oct. 24, 1873, 2401â€"3m. OF ROYVAL MAIL sTEAMSHIPS, Vl'.v--n & + .V-fl, P rOLs. "‘m Bar will always be p;!‘vm ADVOCATE, SOLICITOR, &0. | *Wiew‘ s "oute" Sufin ‘alme No. 12 St. Jamesâ€"8 . MONTREAL |‘ 82 ERaves moderate Bopt. 2 1873. . tmoogm â€" We Aug 20, t ® bee to G sailing from "‘o‘i?..pu_‘_g.fl_ 7#9,,-'::“-\:"* Royal Mail Line. Brockvilie Ottawa _ â€" Renfrew Ottawa =â€" Mfl‘fr r 7' Brock ville . Buy your Tickets for Ottawa via Brockville, Comnections made with G, T. Trains and Brockâ€" ville, with Boats at Sand Point, and Btage at Renfrew for Pembroke, $A Two Express Trains Daily. *‘ otice is hereby given that application will be made to mugzu-nd Ontario at its next sexsion for an act to authorize the Brockville and Ottewa Ruilway Company, to is=ue Mortgnge bl):bou:lul or &M‘l:‘ l;;:l of lh(o; Mortgages retofo e given b way Company to the (then) l,:mod L(ounun of Lanark and ï¬on- frew, ine Township of Klizabethtown, and the Town of llmelvul:. and to authorize the acâ€" ceptance of said Mort Debentures or Bonds by t:'lnu.n of -M% In liea thereof, C, 8. REDHEAD, Hecretary. Brockville, Oct. 28, 1872, #34â€"7in: Ottawa Dec. 8, 1873. Ottawa, Sept 27. 1873 Dec. 8, 1873 mix‘d 1HBUMAS P. FORAN, Notice is hereby given that application will be 18 . mix‘d with UN AND FROM THURSDAY, Dec. lith, 1873 Trains will run daily, as follows :â€" The old reliable, quickest and best route. The mu&mmâ€"umwu Sure cc ALTERATION OF RUNXING .TIME. Car, THE S$T. LAWRENCE Brockvilie & Ottawa Railways. R J. P. LYA®, t Every amy NADA CENTRAL LLAN LINE Change of ‘l‘imeâ€" QTiCB. GLASGOW LINE. OTTAWA RAILWAY. of 10,00 A . x Otta wa. Prescor;.| Connecting with. 1,00 P.M 5.05 p.x |_ from the East 7.00 A.M.|Do do Express 1.10 r.x.\Grand Trunk . Mail Leave GorNG soUTH. Grand Trung West. G.T. R for East GoING NuRTH Do do Mail from ‘the ARRIVE LEAVE Connecting with u8. REY NOLDS. Managing Director, Ottawa _â€"__ â€" 1240 p.m., 8.40 p.m. : _ 5 oR ridhm. = ~ 1. m n. Hox, A. B. Fosi'_;:lg & AND with the Grand Trunk Managing Director 7.45 a.m. 4.15 p.m 9.30 a.m., 800 p.m 8.00 a.m., 3.30 p.m â€"Tht . Findiay. o nnh ... Munro . Inckson Muiligan Murphy ... Toner .Cowley Beatlie 1250 P.x Arrive at Prescott Juncetion, 11.10 4.55 1. M 14 p.M Arrive in Ottawa. a 6 SQUARE TURNING," Messrs. VALIQUETTE& BEAUDRY _ Fitted Cases and Perfumery . . A!! the rare and choice shades of Hair in stock, at prices ns low as firstâ€"class work manâ€" shipand quality of goods will permit. Beg toinform the public in general that they have opened a Square Turning INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE AGENT AMERICAN BEVEL TABLE Firstâ€"class Bevel, 5 x 10 tables, complete with bails, cues, &c., and having the colobm(oq PURNILTCTUT EE Wi!ldo well to examine our beautiful specimens "Phelan & Collender Combination Cuskions ‘ Ladies Waited on at their Residences for Evening Parties. Christmas Presents ky BHIDUUUETTUTOOOLO D cinants thar m thet 3‘.& all the modern improvements for a firstâ€" alues hotel. and in view of the comfort of his 4. Corner Blain and Chandiereâ€"st«,, Op; osite the uftfice of E. 6. Eddy, Eq. w The of this j establish â€" The proprie on o this s ho hto .. Wright THE BURLINGTON Are now n for business, and when complete -n°8"». all that could be wished. H. DE ROUVILLE, Agent for Prescott, THROUGH TICKETS I8S8SUED TO ALL _ CANADIAN AND AMERICAN POINTS, _ For further information and tickets apply at the Company‘s Offices C RUSSELL HCUSE BLOCK, Baggage Checked Through Mortgage hased, and Loans negotiated. om.-njf_“‘?\_l?ueu'- Block, Elginâ€"st., Ottawa, The steamship "Chase," or other steamer, leaves Portiand every Suturday, at 4 p. m., for Halifax, N. 8. The Grand Trunk is the emwmm best route lonll.r-lnu East and West. Steel mails are Mn‘ laid on severai seetions, and the entire road will shortly be relaid with steel. A large addition of New {n.nnot.lm and Passenâ€" ger Cars has been made to the Mllna Btock, As the punctuality of tue Train depends on connections with other lines, the Comfany wihi not be responsible for trains not arriving at or leaving any station at the hours named. Hair Work, Nov 13 1873 Day Ex for Cornwall, Monâ€" , treai, ojnebor Riviere du bmp. Sherbrooke fsiand Pond, Gorâ€" ham, White lounuuna‘i"un- land, St. John, N.H., fax, Boston, &C., &0., Mt............. 506 p n Night Express | " â€" " _ at....506 a m To 7D towd dn‘ tn. : P onl n Dogrear m d Brantford, Buiffaio, Detroit, Milâ€" waukee, :’hlm‘n. and all points We-lidu..........................l Night Express M st i essesd HiIRâ€"DRESSI\G ROOMS Day Expross for K Belleâ€" Tlte, Foronte, Suclgh, Domlug, Which will be attended by the proprietor Trains now leave At PRESCOTT and BROCKVILE with all trains on the St. 1. & O. and B. & 0. Railways, to ana Prescort and Brockville M ONALD N. GRANT, Close Connections B D HANGE FROM PORTLAND ONUY ONK C'I'O CHICAGO. Nov. 27, 1873. Pullman®Palace Parior and Handsome Ne *‘ Pance Secping carson aif Phagh"" nce Klee on Night 'l‘rn&.lnt'wor the whole Line. NJON BOUSE, 1873=4. Winter Arrangements, 1873«4 The Great Direct Canadian Route Between the Eastera and Western States Crand Trunk Raitway Co‘y. of Canada. GOING W EST. EUE TL P ime Nats I Wwokt rly the residence of the Iate R. 'r.nh has furnished the house anew, and fitted i GOING EASTD. 72 SPARKSâ€"8T., OTTAW A, OTT A WV A. . S TANGARD WHOLESALE AND RETALL Fancy Jewellery, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA.* Ladies and Gents seeking PRIVATE ROOMS FOR 1847, W. H, GREAVES, Agent for Brockville, C,. J. BRYDGE®S, THOS. E. MOORE, AS AND FOLLOWS New NearP‘s Gifts ..>....... .506 pm 4.3 pm * u....mentflm A. JOYCE, .« Agent for Ottawa hR o § with the 2426â€"ly n:"&m pnpc.w:t.md l'nlu;?b:-"b:l‘. ‘ = ness ;m"&um. vig: Dwellings and Storca, ONI.':IS.UI STREETâ€"Nos 1, 24 3 4. & 6 7 The Lessees lnl!hnown as the tors of the SH HOUSBE before |:mdmm in the memorable u;;fl:nuon of October 8th and nlhl:r‘l) take re in announcing the spmPltiint i darbonmid mhnagement lor the C er W e oubeiod R {oergh pe on medin oemiin atarnan l d hn a short distance from the Richmond Road. The Chicago, June 1, 1873 s00D PROPERTT, CHEAP mtg:_&wmm-‘,mmo 63, fronting R o CH ESTE RVILL E. Chicago, The largest and most Complete Hotel in the World. LIBERAL PRICES PAID FoR GooP AsEESToS an AMIANTHUS, otherwise known as Rock Wood Rook Cork, Mouniain Leather, CRAND PAGERIG BOTRL $60 a week guaranteed. Business TO ALL | new and permanent, home or abroad, HAVING dwumucg' no capital required. BPARE _ Thousands coining money. Full in< TIME | +structions and samples Ithfl. retail jor §51 mailed free. reas MYRTLE NAVY. The undersigned havi red a Boltâ€"Headâ€" Ing Machine with all u;ng mt im provements, which is now succesfuliy in operation, beg resâ€" pectfully to intimate to contractors and others requiring Efli"ï¬i’:;u-;' lkes, that such can be furâ€" ;and to them expeditiously and at lower rates than have been charged in this city hitherto. Vietoria l'oundla & Machine Work Ottawa, Sept. 12, 1873 Tickets $4 ; 'l'venu-llvmn h Cireulars containing a full list of prizes, a deâ€" seription of the manner of drawing, and other inâ€" formation in reference to the Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All ietters must be addressed to L D. i MAILN OPFIC SINE, Pox 101 W?‘Inh Bt. Olnclnnnt‘lI‘O. Nov. 17, 1878 2379 déaew Boltâ€"Heading Machine. A wanted t 1 Tick to whom ult l’::::mngmugo .":‘.1‘&01-;: * &ls: Tickets x ; Twelve Tickets $4 ; Twentyâ€"five 1$40. One Prize $3,000 x ( sx mss« # ) GrGGNDA CKS, ‘Ten Prizes $500 § 2500 Goid and Silver Lever Hunting Watches,(in ull,k'mh from $20 to .&n e tA o yey_ W hole number of Gift\, 2,000. ‘Fickets Iimited to 100.000. . Ben, Agents wanted to sell Tickets, to whom _____ Applyto ________ _ A. ROWE, _ . Auctioneer and Real Maenl Otu a. Aug. 13 1873. j IN VQLI.POA.:LI GIFTS | _ $20,000 IN"CREENBACKS $10.000 OT;T@J;EEN.;ACKB 1 One Cash Prize of 5,000 in Greenbacks / Address by mail, giving specimens and price rige. _# n JARVES _ © Minerals W anted. $200,000.00, Grand â€" Annual Dis‘rbution ! O Fon THE BLOUD Ig THE LIFE. Bee Deuteronomy, chap. xii., verse 23. N MAIN STREETâ€"â€"Nos. )‘l.:‘l‘ os. 34, 35, 3%, 37 b a i) ï¬im"h‘&é};"" Hamiltonâ€" T & Co. Halifaxâ€"Avery, Brown & Co. A i t on C seea.. wo h aving tred ir, nm m.m m, +4 ‘m m P a eve y advertised remedy, has discovered 4 :O-u-vlnl-n.'lk& he will send free Howâ€"suffers . Address, J. H. REEVES, . Newbery & Sons, §7 Newgateâ€"st., London N CENTRAL STRAETâ€"Nos.;16 and 16. 1 ue. iioabintmi h *hidlifintraticsts ts 0d ‘ï¬:'â€"m of testimonials from a!! parts, _ Beld in botties 2s 3 each, and in cases, containâ€" u;:tx times the qmnmf, 11s eachâ€"sufticient to e a permanent cure in the great majority of lo%;undtu cases, by all chemists and pu{em. m ine vendors mm?hom the world. . Bole P;oprletor, £. }'{CllfA(}KE' Cta.mut, ® t « furgoyne _EX PoR m auknuew C t Burgoyne, Burbridge & Co., Colemanâ€"st., London. MOKERS ! The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the country â€" _ For Borofuia, Scurvy, Skin Diseases and sores ofall kinds it is a neverâ€"failing and permanent cure, It eures old lom Cures ul srres on the neck, Cures ulcerated sore Cures blackheads, or mples on the face, Cures sourvy sores, Cures cancerous uicers, Cures blood and skin diseaser, Cures gliondular -velum |ghun u:. &lood from ml:::mre matter, roum w ver cause at As this mixturé is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delieate constitution of either sex, the proâ€" P"““’.’ solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test $A See T. & B. on each Plug. 2371 f "Cill j ® yP*5 N §£S’ 226 m ) E 'Q Q\ {< \A T5 For a Good Smoke VC ID QUACK®. , , Trade Markâ€"*" Buoop MixtUrE®." The Great Blood Puifier and Restorer cleansing and s Pn ce Peak oo en tigimthe blood from att im WELLINGTON HTREKETâ€"Nos, 1 12 13 and 14. Aug 20, 173. RARE CHAnuis TV SECURE A ONEYâ€"WAGES ! * w CHURCH STREETâ€"Nos. 17, 18, i# 2 1, 2 and 23 LAKE STREETâ€"Nos. 24, 2, 26 and #, VICTORIA STREETâ€"Nos. 41 and 42. CLARKE‘S â€" WoORLD â€"FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE OTTAWA, MONDAY DECEMBER 15. 18;3 T. D. S§IN E89 FOR SALE. Apply to iâ€"Twentiethâ€" pAGE BRO8, & mcn% lmlll'won? ears, t 3 law â€" N. 8. BLASDELL & Co. NTON, Hoboken, N.J New Hull â€"______ AGENTsS iï¬â€˜CKFKgA." 0_ lonued-Ev;u, Mercer & Co., Wholesale D Ilom.rulâ€"flnim Clare & Co. Torontoâ€"Elliott & Co., Wholesale Druggists. Steei Engravings, one of which was & nar 0:&11- , in either sex, acquired or constituâ€" Uon’nl. ravel, lndpdn-l.:bnh‘cd. Bold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent jutIn, Exwur" & Owen, _ Hamiltonâ€"W iner & Co. Halifaxâ€"Avery, Brown & Co. _â€"_â€" Business That Will Pay tdlg::pl:yme:;’o!‘bl?v:;: sure ti .1: m J :ameylmu: douwljumen.m tars ffeo. + 5. LATHAM & Olh 239 Washington St. Boston, Mas Medicine vendors: JARDINES‘ This Woeek and Next, In Everybody‘s Mouth ! than other. â€" Eve becriber has choise ohee or tho following. inrge sind slegant Is warranted to cure all m:::nunmtm nary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitu. â€"=______.| _ Bole Proprietor, F. J. CLARKE, . Apothecaries‘ H-;&Unooln,'u::dm. EXPORT AGENTS. mu(z:e, Burbridge & Co., Coleman street, Lonâ€" HEADS OF EAMILLES,. es dou: purchasing Boots .ndShI:e:.:t JA l\.l.t:g!'.â€ï¬‚n trial :fu conâ€" m'c.vi;n a "John Bul!" that what we say is o 12 s Aorrks mha Sahee sie * an any Positively Given Away ! Alarming Reductions ! Cheap Goods Trium phant ! Rubbers aud Felt Overshoes The " Home" takes rank with the best periodi cals of the day, It is the with us poople in thgwr sooke nud apmaiue Ts First Prise at the Late Provincial Exhi» bition in London, " Peace Be Unto This House." "The Christian Graces," "The Angel of Pease,‘ " Bed Time," and ‘The Wreath of Jmmortelies," ï¬l:cnh wanted on salary or commission, once for circulars to J. W. JONE8, London, Ont., Boots and Shoes Nov, 24, 1854 BONUS SALE PREPARATIONS, &c. Messrs. Lymans, Clare & Co., 382 St. Paulâ€"st. Montreal. t * Lyman Hros. & Co,, 157 Kingâ€"st., Toronto, Beg to state that they have entered into a ments for the exclusive W holesale A(encfl.or e PANCREATIC EMULSIO Nanu other celeb; Medicinal premtlom of Messrs. Savory &« Moore‘s Chemists to Queen, H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, H 1. H. the Emperor Napoleon, H.M. the Khedive of lk‘& . 148 N BOND STREET, LONDON, And aAmendments Thereto. In the matter otf PRESTON & McoLACHLIN, of Ottawa, Insolvents. { The creditors of the insolvents are notified that a meet.lnt will be held at the insolvents‘ Store, Bturkb- , Oita wa, on SATURDA Y, the Â¥th inst, at one o‘clock in the afternoon to receive tenders for Stocks, and for the ordering of the affrirs of the estate generally. | Dated at Turonto, this 13th Day of November, A.D., 1878. [ en WM. F. MUNRO, â€" Which he is selling at the Lowest Prices. C. BPARROW, Jr,, Bouth side of Yorkâ€"st., g_m:alle By Ward Market Ottawa, Sept. 16th, 1 2170â€"5m At the ro&nen Of his numerous friends ‘and customers, the subscriber has added to his CHOICE AND CHEKAP TEAS An assortment of GENERAL GROCERIES YOKORAKA TBA STORL examine our Stock, usual prices, 2416â€"13in We have now on llp_nnd a complete stock of BLACK WALAUT FURSITUV:EK! Furniture, Furniture! direcied to the manufacture of _ â€"~ CLOTRING SUITABLE FOR THE OTTAWA ; TRADE, we feel assuredâ€"that all orders en ted ‘to us will be satisfactorily fil & Lumbermen‘s inspection stock of Blankets, _ s ‘ouc Bright! NE BOX OF CLARKES B4l PILLS in a variety unsurpassed by any other house in the 1I:t-mie..| Our gnemsc 'l'_‘â€j“{g_""} particularly March 12, 1873, being now complete, we have the pleasure of Wulllng on you with our Autumn Circular, through which medium we beg to inform you that we will submit for your m-roeuon a comâ€" plete assortment o Intending purchasers will do well to call and NSOLVENT AUT OF 1869, = q‘g gn" is :‘ir.i‘ix:riiéi-bf'" o _ in erry, do do _ in aur 01031. [ BEDROOM SUIPESâ€"a Inz chaice, Also Sideboards, Bureaus, Sofas, Teteâ€"aâ€"Tetes, From the best mai conslstin PARLOUR sUITEsS â€" _ do do Readyâ€"made Clothing OTTAWA CARPET REAT EXCITEMENT ! HANGE UF AGENCY FOR O‘MEARA & Co Cheapest Firstâ€"Class Magazine A. DUFF, Oltawa, Aug. 5 1878 ANTED.â€"We will gi en and women RTHUR s OME MAGAZLNE. REAT SUCCESS OF THE SAVORY & MOORE‘Ss 5O Sparks Street, Otlawa. Cheerful ! d to cure all a-ann}:nommun- , in dw.“'â€â€˜bn or constituâ€" rel, and pains in baed. Sold in AUT U MN i1873 SHOOLBRED & CO., Cheaper than ever. Jur energies having been par ecied w";lne mnn:&muu of SUITABLE FOR THE 0 TRADE, iredâ€"that all orders en t ill be satisfactorily fil bermen‘s inspection Buck Beef Mc Is earnestly sol k best makers in conslsting in pa Earnest! and THE GREAT Our assortment of â€"ATâ€" AT THE as we are selling under in part of _ _ i Striped Repp. ) Hr.lnTRel-p. a erry, ) 3."- :}Lo?l A ce. ;u-,hz:rn. Tetleâ€"8 O‘MEARA & CQO. Progressive ! the Dominion, Bparks Street, Beef Moccasins, HOUSE. for Consumption, Dronchi AsUh RD : Catarrh, Scrofuia, and any disease of the Throul day, Agents Wanted! All ’5 “’†pe.h-el of\ working people. Of ither sex, WN n.ake more money at ork for us in ir 8 moments, or ali the ime, than at uyml:nelm Paruculars tree Address G. SPINSO y c%o., Pu-unn# Maine, "lay 7 1878 257 lydéw W reremape Operatine, for Railway Slations way Statio: .ud(bn;-o:-dmu lz‘ihe l)omink’)n, b:n‘; land, and Licentiate of the Royal College of Physiciars, Edinburgh, Tem. WELLINGTON STREET WEST. The £uvscribers hvomnoelnd from a celeâ€" brated grower in Hol a large supply of Dutch Buibs, consisting of llym-lnthe-k(:rocu-. Tullps, Nursissc®s,‘ Liltes, Crown l-rrin.'-, Sumnewdrops, Jonguilr, AND MANY OTHERS, ngw ofiered for sale at miderate prices,"" New Brunswick Prince Rdward Island, and Newfoundland ; each branch of business being alphabetically The publisher has concluded to place the Diâ€" neurLs: the low figure of $3,00 per copy, in order to ensure as large a circulation as possible, # so make~it the very best madf:am for vertising. Your advertising patronage is earnestly solicitâ€" ed, as the success of the present edition, and the continuation of thl., pnblle-ut;l.on in the mtur‘:d depend m large su receiv A copy of the Directory Mn Illbe':poln a copy e w neluded with each advertisemert The printing will be executed by John Lovell, Montreal. DAVID McCALPINE, Publisher of the Maritime Provinces Directories 122 Granvilleâ€"st., Halifax. Aug. 26, 1878. 2350 At the solicitatioch of a number of merchants and others, the subscriber has. decided to publish & Business Directory of the Dominion of Canada _ This work will contain the names and address of every business man in Ontario, On or about the 80th SEPTEMBER, 1873, will be published, price $3.00, CLASSIFED BOSIRMSS DRECTARY, ARCDUTCY 200 D care and despatch g}l::“ BY;%U‘P %If R}:CD HPBUUF GUM Fol oarseness, Loss of mu'mmw'x’b?umu«h. Price; 5 cents rr bottle. . Sold at all Drug Stores Arney EK. Gray, Ohemist, Sole Manufacturer Trade Mark secured) Montreal. 220â€"ly PURKE CHEMICALS AND NEW MEDICINES 81, 83 & 124 Southampton Row, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON. Medallists and Jurors at all the Great Exhi bitions. AWM 1 pint botties. CHLORODYNE is of such celebrity that it can scarcely be considered a specialty,its composition heing known to practiâ€" tioners. _ Muny of the Chlomdynes being unequ «d in huâ€"engt.h, Morson & Son have prepared this. Sold in R } 0z., 1} 0z., and 3 0z. bottles. GELATINEâ€"The purest preparation is Morâ€" Carefully packed and shipped, Orders made payable in &hnd. THOMAS MOr®sSON & sON, PEPBLNEâ€"The p(?mlunml professional mediâ€" ti‘;uo for indigestion is Monson‘s EPSINE, the active principle of the , gastric &uloe. Bold in Powder, Lozâ€" enges, Globules: and as Wine in }, Ottawa, June 30, 1873 Morson‘s. Eff:ctual Remed‘ss Are dels by Coonne o0 huands We end """";ï¬:“'" sure means of se.f. ire, for Consumptc Bronchitis, Asthrma, Rimmel‘s Du‘mg Oil Soap, perfumcd with Australian Eucalyptus. Rimmel‘s Glycerivne, Honey, Costume and Floral Crackers, very amusing for BEalls and Parties. Rimmel‘s Violet, Rose, Leat, Rice, and other Tcï¬at Po'g_en. A liberal aliowance to shippers. m c 2 22 ie o e es s t e wnnn en EnsSE Oe Eugene Rimmel. Perfumer to H.R H. the Princess of Wales, 95 Strand, 12 Regent Street, and â€" 24 Cornhill, London, 17 Boulevard des Italiens, Paris. and 76 King‘s Road, Brighton. Bold by all Perfumery Vendors. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Engâ€" Ottawa, Oct. 9, 1873. kKimme!‘s "Lavender Water; distilled from Mircham Flowers. Rimmel‘s Toilet Vinegar, celebra‘ed for its usoâ€" ful and sanitary properties. _ 7luï¬lilï¬a;iix'll:;l.&:)f-l:l‘l.l‘l-e Juice and Glycerine, the best preparation for the Hair, especialiy in warm climates, Patronised by all the World. Rimmel‘s Inangâ€"Thang, _ Vinoa, Hen Joekey Club, Frargipane, and othor perfunes exquisite fragrance, . Belecsed, and Shippiog orders exccuted with ship "River Ganges,‘, from Just arrived eg l‘lp"' oc 0 ©ON% 0s Carefully packed and shipped, Orders made All those willing to favor this establishmer with their N"U"-"ï¬ï¬‚. will have the guarunte that their orders will be faithfuily executed. Orders can be left at PIERRE MARIER‘s, King street, app--ute the Gas Hous __ PIERRE MARIER & SoqN, POVORIROPPID 4+ cha‘s t ~A , 10 rix> mats P m Ars First class workmen will be emjp} eltlbllshmenh under the supervisi agmana sar 2y Nee l e-ubushmenk under the supervision MCFARLANE, so advantageously k: Ottawa and vicinity. _ MONUMENTS, TOMBâ€"STCNKS, at moderate prices and on liberal con They are ready to receive orders fr friends and from the public of Ottuwa rounding country, for all kinds of BEDSTEAD? ! Wrought â€"lron Bedsteads ‘ 1e ns iaciacammnmans Born in 181] in Lorraineâ€"that depart ' " BPICODP ‘p meut of France which, by an ominous conâ€" SlLI\ & l‘ LL l I] A] S | Lieuce, gave Lirth to Marshal Ney, (whose f | st; {ue decJiates the Pluce Royale at Metz) IN ENDLESS vARIETY, aAT â€"Young Fraucois A ‘hille Baz une entered . P E A C O C C‘ | the Freach service as a drummer, in 1*31, ® Ihrlug then cU years of age. Four years § B,}:‘";,P'w"fl Dress Hut, the most complete | afterwards he obsammed> his tirst offic . m OS Aad veatilation of any imported, at PAâ€" | grade, during the tirst campaign in Algeria COCK‘8, sign of the RED :‘:\1; “_Hj'}“" NreL ?gmual Abdsel<Kader. Xn Eemhu-uauc Ottawa, April 9, 1873. M YA VFEASOUE: | Iid er, he, on the close of thiâ€" campaign, e _ _ vyoluntcere i into the Foreiga Legiou ra‘s _ ed by the Christians in Spain to combat . Ne w T 0 m b = s t 0 n € l the Cariists of that day. I;ou Carlos, de â€" ESTASLISHMENT. sortcd by his friends and driven into e France, â€" Bazaine returned to the Freuchj l The undersigned have opened their seivice with considerable reputation as a ‘ , . . soldier and a consummate knowledge of ; â€â€˜RBLE WORK LA‘TAI)'LIQII.VEA\ 7, the <‘»{lnisll l‘nsungp’ and from this t.me | AT THE OLD TOLL GATE, promotion cime rapidly in his way, the | t * outbreik of the Crimean war finding bim | « Rayâ€" ON THE MONTREAL ROAD. g2g gereral of brigade, in which câ€"pacity be | t UIUH BULBUUS ROOTS. Ottawa, Mav th 1873. ROSPECTUS. WoRksâ€"HoRNsEY Axp HoxERTON OTICE. by mail sent on aj IMMEL‘S CHOICE PERFUMES HORSEY, Bpring Styles of Engli _ od Amcrican REMEDY FREE. M cA L PIN E‘Ss Containing about 1000 pages. DOMINION COLENMAN & BAKER, Toronto, Ont, & (Pim«nn » »'_ 4y § % <yyrâ€" Â¥y 39 '@'. 140, Sparks Sircet, 85 Susser Street. | 240â€"8m B 245 ly Cc., & huons, ved at d at the of MK own dn m House \ _ Alfred Wallace, in his travels in the | Malay, 4 rcbipelago, encountered in Borneo | a tree frog to which he considers the term ‘A,ing‘ may fairly be applied. Of this | animal he gives the following :â€"‘One of | the most curious and interesting creatures | which [ met with in Borneo was a large | ree frog which was brought me by one of Itbe Chiness workmen. lHe assured me that he had seer it come down, in a slant» | ing direction, from a high tree as if it | fAaw. On examining it | found the toes , very long and fuily webbed to thâ€"ir ex= trewity, :0 that, when expanded, they offerea * curfoce much larger than the | body. The fordlegs were aiso bordered | by a membrape, and the body was oepable . Of considerable inflation .‘ | _ Those * requiring . warm, â€" seasonable | mantfes will get them in the latest styles | at reduced prices at Allan, McKinmnons & Ilclnrrn'o. 2431 in the Duke‘s case, does not apprently imply being settled, for he and his houseâ€" hold goods will be perpetually shifting from one home to another. _ Part of each year will be*pent in England, part in Russia, and part in Cobourg, where one of the duc:l palaces has been set apart for the heir to the duchy. Dean Stanley bas been choren to go to St. Petersburg to perform the marriage service, crot only because he is a favorite with the Queen, but becaase he is also in high favor with the Greek Church, an alliance with which be has often advocated. is Leing wimmed up and made to look as bright and emart as possible tor the young bride, until the new house at Kensington is ready. Being married, as the ea:liest day for the Queen‘s leaving Balmoral, and it is uncerta‘n whether she will remain there till December. The Prince of Wales who has, since bis return from the Highlands, been paying a round of visits and shooting over several richly stocked preserves that had beer +pecially kept up tfor him, re« _ Sazaineâ€"They were excelient. _ Prince Frederick Charles is an excellent man. He symp«t‘ized deeply with us in our misfortunes, and we shall ever owe him a debt of grautude. He said to me in part. ing : ~‘ Should your military honor, Marâ€" shal, ever be assailed, call upon me and 1 will aid you in defending it‘ *_ * * 1 told my soldiers that the Emperor was a prisoner, that the Empress and the young Prince Imperial had left France, and tnat General Trochu stood at the head of the Committee of National Defence. We had agreed in our Council of war not to communicate these names to the troops, and. of course, we never proclaim« ed tue Repubiic. * * * (Sternly) I have sworn loy«lty to the Emperor and the constitutiou. Tae Emperor is a priâ€" soner; but the constitution is in force, and neither 1 ner any of my comrades will ever acknowledge any other govermnom' until we have previously obtained a disâ€" charge from our oath at the hands of the l Emperor himseif.‘ * A correspondent writes as follows :â€" Undismayed by frost and spow, the Queen still holds Court at Balmoral where winter now presents all the rigors otf an Alpine climate, She has now been in the Highlands for several months, ana longer than in any former year. |One| reason for the prolonged stay is the bad health of Prince Leopold, who sufters from a weak, ening and dangerous disorder of the blood, or rather of the veins, and has lateâ€" ly had a very bad atteck of the malady. It is feared that the long journey to the South would be very injurious to him just now, and Sir T. Paget, the eminent surâ€" geon, who has been summoned to Balmo« 1al, shakes his head about it. The Prince was expected to return to Oxford, where he has been pu:suing his studies, on the 25th, but the 26th is ‘now named Correspondentâ€"Will you please menâ€" tion what your relations were with the Prussian officers after the surrender ? THIE MARRI\GR OF THE MARSHAL, Iis mar.iaze cook pl:ce in the city of Mexico, June Y6ibh, 1865, when he was united to Nenorits Dona Josefa Renay Azcatate. © The civil marriage was perâ€" formed by the Intendent of the city, after which the Archbishop {Jl"OIlO"DOOd a blessâ€" ing‘on the happy couple, Maximilian and Carlot‘a acting as padiinos. ‘lhe bride was a lady of great wealth and besuty, though she was said" to be the daughter of a brigand: TRE * HERALD . IsfERVIEW WITH BAZAINE In the N. Y. Zerald of November 11, 70, there appeared a very long seport ; an |merviepw with Marshal Buaine.p::d by a ZHra d correspondent on the Tth of the same month. _ We extaact as follows : very presentable ilustration of that adage which unites the French marshal‘s baton with the knopsack,&a standing lure for rompliccmen‘s and & consoler of the cons rcript, and far too useful, from this point of view alone, to be shelved because glory lhnd not warred upon him. He thereâ€" tore, shortly after his return, received the command of the Third Worps u‘Armee, sand found bis headquarters it Nancy, in his native Lorraine ; and in [862. the command of the Guard was enâ€" trusted to him. Such, briefly, is the his~ tory of Marshal Baziune previous to the declaration of war between France and Germany, on the 19.h of July, 1870. On this occurring he wasre transierred to the Phird C irps, whore headquarters were reâ€" moved to Metz and afterwards to Busonâ€" ville, with the intention of invading wer many by way of Mâ€"yence with that Army of the Rhine at whose head was the Emâ€" peror N:po eon the Third in person, and from this march came his position in Mets the seige of the Germans, his capitulation and surrender. commanded the French contingent against Kinbarn. in 1862 he headed the French expedition to Mexico as _ commander. in chiet, and for five years he remained compl:cating rather than solving the pro~ blem he was sent to work out, receiving, however, his marsbal‘s bator in 1864, and leading home agiin the bioken relics of bis army in 1867. Returning Loms with no glory be was accused by both Mexiciuns and Frenchmen of having ruined the Emâ€" peror M«ximilian that be hbimselt might iule in Mexico ; of baving sold material ot war for his own protfit, and of even hayâ€" ing caused the murder of his wife, whom be left in Frince, that be might marry arâ€" other whom he found in Mexico. Assailed by the pubiic, he was, bowever, well re« ceived by the army and the court. In a militiry point of view, be was a useful ani The Royal Family. MARSHAL BAZAINE His Military Services. pared, and the one most in conformity with Scripture." This Prayer Book, howâ€" ever, is not regarded as perfect; and the rizht is reserved to amend, alter, enlarge or abridge ‘the book, as "the Lord may guide by His Holy Spirit." The Dsclaraâ€" tion of Principles, drawn up by Bihop Cummins and approved by a committee appointed by the meeting, if looked at from u:.l-t;ndpoht of what is called Evangeli roteâ€"tantism, will be gener~ ally provounce@® satisfactory. If looked at from the standpoint of Cathol:cism or Kitualism it will be generally condemned. As against what is called Romanism and Ritualism the line is driwn clean and sharp. The mew churth is a thoroughly Protestant Church. 1t is more Protestant thie the Church of Luther, more Pro« testant than the Church of Henry VIL, and Elizabeth. Iu-# Epircopacy â€" it comes very near to the Presbyterian stanâ€" dard. For the present Bishop Cummins is sole bishop of the organization. 1t wes the opinion of the Bisbop, that he was not equal to the task. He had received letâ€" ters within a few hours from Papists, Methodist and Presbyterian clergymen, offering to join the movement; and he thought that a bishop should be appoint« ed to take charge of the North#est. A strong efftort was made to have Mr. Cheney, of Chicago, appointed to this office, but he declined until he could have an opportunity of consulting with his conâ€" gregation. As we have said already, the new church has a fur prospect of succese., What effect it may have in begerting re« form insiie of the Bp-oop-.l Church re« mains to be seen. It is already, we notice. ceedings were of the right sort. ‘The work was gone through in an orderly and business like manner, and it is quite eviâ€" dent that Bishop Cummins is a man who knows what he is about _ The new Church is to be based on the Prayer Book of 1785, which, according to the Biâ€"bop, is the «‘most acceptable Prayer Book yet pre« THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL SECESSIONISTS. (From the New York Herald.) __ It has long been known that there was great discontent in the Episcopal Church, and collision has been not unirequent be â€" tween the bishops and incumbents of parâ€" ticular charges ; but it was scarcely exâ€" peoted that matters would be pushed so tar by the ecclesiastical authorities as to mecess‘tate secession, or that the disaffected. werooo-pï¬r:ud plucky as to take the final step which was necessary to organize & M:.P and independent church, ‘The troubles in Jersey a few years ago; the unjust and crue}f persecution of Dr. ‘Tyng, jr., which grew out of the Jersey troubles ; and, later, the Chicago aff«ir, in which the Rev. Dr. Cheney and Assistant Bishop Cummins acquired notoriety â€" the Bishop particularly «uftering persecutionâ€"these things have avyjlast brought forth fruit, and that fruit is now before us in the shapé of a new church organization, which has begun under aus; ices by no means unfay~ orable, and has before it, to all appearance, a future, the very reverse of unpromising. rooms of the Young Men‘s institution. This meeting, it will be seen, though not large, was highly respectable. The new Church, it was should be called ~mwm: Church." The dcgmhflywu,muuu‘ mammhnm and the laymen who were present and took part in the proâ€" __ Un Monday all these doubts were set at rest by the meeting which was held in the creating alarm among tho"l‘r leaders. 1i will now be necessary like Dr. Tyng to define their position. the Myrtic Navy. Seq T. & 5. on eacg The Captainâ€"General of Porto Rico asâ€" sembled the directors of the different journals and requested them, in view of the probability of war with the United States, to drop party discussion and only occupy themseives with Spain, and the means of raising the public spirit, so as to repulse foreign aggression if necessary. He also desired the journals to abstain from publishing anything which migbt hurt the susceptibilities of the Fatherland and Washington. The journalists con« sented. In a proclama the Captain« General believes that nbh relavions will remain uninterrupted between Spain and the United States. â€" to make the Spaniards oppose the treaty and thus become rebels to Spain, and continues : . «We will demonstrate to our enemies that the insubordination of which we are scoused, and on which they found their hopes, does not exist ; that the report that we are ungovernabie is calumny, and thit the traditional respect for Spanish auâ€" thorities still existe." on those who were victims of the treatyâ€" We are actuaily the object of the intrigues of our enemies, the target of an infamous artifice which it was in:en ied to gain at one blow, what five years‘ efforts were un â€" able to accomplish. OUur honor and des corum demand the frustration of the arti< fice, and that we do not fill into the in« tended snare ; if we do we w.ll lose all, and be the object of the ridicule of our enemies. The Voz refers to the altempt T . APaniiinn utsA Babcaieiviet fls aiich iss * Virgimius‘ will be accomplished . accord% Ing to treaty stipulations, without difficulâ€" ty or interierence on the part of the popâ€" pu‘ation. Tie Ve:r de Cuba says the honor of the l;'yumm- in Cuba remains untarnished. hatcver dishonor there is falls on the heads of those who consummated, and not According to the tone of the press and. expressions of the authorities and promi â€" nent Spaniards, the direct «elivery of the m e it © ** We have discussed the question suf ficiently for our readers to have formed a juadgment of what would happen it we should use me«ns to impede the carrying out of the agreement, which is tor Dpain an unavoid«vle obligation, receiving more strength â€" because _ Castelar consulted fore‘gn powers. When the case will be fully _ investigated ail parties will be astonished, not about what was done with the * Virginius‘ and hercrew, but at the inconceivable want of reflection with which the Madrid Government accepted the capture as illegal, which could have produced a state of af}iirs only avoided by the prudence and calmness of the people, and the forivnate coincidence of having General Joveliar here. The Dianu BAY+ : _ * (heé prudence and patriotism of the Spaniards in Caba deserve that the truth~ should be told them without subterfuges ol twistings. The people know about the treaty ordering the return of the Varâ€" giniue‘ and the â€"urviving prisoners, and that numerous telegrams have been exâ€" changed hetween the respective authori~ ties regarding the matter ~ the blookadeâ€"ruoner > fll;lrly"â€"l-b;“ gomery near ll«vana as a similar Justifying the chase and detention c . Aeenie e en emite * Virgimius‘ on the bigh seas. 1t belies e that the arrangement of the treaty | was due to the supposition of "k@stelar that the capture was illegal. Had Castelar waited and known the proofs of its legali« ty the treaty would bave been diflâ€"rent. 1t further says : | Cuban Press on the Protocol . The Foz de Cuwa continues to discuss the ‘Virginius matter. it thinks the rnuxt for mction on the pirt of the ‘nited States is weak. and that there is & great difference between the > Virgimus® Case and the reasous causing the war of 18127. | The ‘ VirFifnius‘ was Enauwn es °o Niates to allow the + Virgi livered to a neutral power faction bere, the impress: three days, accordicg 10 being that the U oited Sia would consent. . The pese is undisturbed. iiavaNa, December 10.â€"Telegrams an~ nouncing the refusal of the _ United Niates to allow the + Virgin â€" to be deâ€" livered to a neutral power ¢.~ite dissatisâ€" faction here, the impression for the past three days, accordicg io the telegrams, being that the U nited States (G e rnment would consent. The peace of the island e craft. lt qu PRICE 3 CENTS us was known as & otes the distinction of 1t believes lm:lly W Bes stelar that Mont