ed, the desire of killing was weil but it failed im the execution, , bear.) When i wok itup 1 conâ€" the whole position of events, S Allan and those connected with t to England in Marchâ€"Pulm chances were that they would some time before the end of the If they did not return, then of I conâ€"idered that there could be ination until they did, but 1 ’:.ywsm 1 deciare that o.omtw member, when hfl&fl could be guilty of such great, sack such oovious injustice 4 mtï¬X A t, they had no cnz‘. cither themselves or the charit succoed or not. had sone _ in * Febrany" cament rly: imâ€" March. I think the bus, ;‘.“AE% The hon. sentleman t moxsOr : * m** "", ° EXCCEIRT O UDPCTIOTE was by mere -fl:“?'â€"..': ";:non Imnlllr: ::g'or wonio."'w Jn â€"dmmr '»,‘b~ lain L MACK t N/.Eâ€"I am perfectly cere his budges spe0®R "05 o gpply» Idid not use the word a P ~w. mstgad of commaitit® s S JOUN MACDONALDâ€"Now 1 have Oe Saee CCC C ds with the granting of the . eMOR Hugh Allan and mi.“ ot mmm*‘:“.. ion was not stMPIWY 50 Myly gom Dlâ€".ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ of sof motives OF "II but #244 Asltajle m\dmâ€"v, Enacaing all the, legulation Of Th PMM'“‘.â€- ‘ lnovocfotc.‘-.â€˜ï¬ L,-m.-b«w“"’ Wtack mjustice of sttempting 19 ole of the legislation of the P nmmmuâ€"z‘!‘.‘, an Act of Parliamest 4 on img to affect vested ““ -mnluonolm.‘n ; absence of the pers0D® P : ted . . That motion Wa# =- u-aodwbo.'“‘?"" «#! », _ Was m"â€â€œ'.-.‘fl h. han Swantbentkl say it w# man Mr, (Hunt! so. CBP rees w.“»::'.'-&‘, re notsey it Was ’““. in thet :‘c‘flm l:;“'.. ..,g' | can prove ‘“ iend, the member fof poe T oull him and 1 b*0lages & it wun&“‘â€w heve bins * lw...u not 94 pohtmt know h:# as not true _ If 1 r’ o romber for. Shefrd /s gent make the . motion "oes Ting h1 msmd‘:fl‘fl?";‘x;h is ary notice LR&As "". _ A L ~â€".@> ~ouodk "\ VA0MIR, With the monkt of Canada, and every caase i ;l m;;?h:... the s e t Een 17 tie eneonnrer m Lome w L e e WiRon mP C was not ouly to “’“ hat be mmr which he bised his but to bthowbobdw wouned!""" mittee of seven members be apPOS® aed ath liee megotnes Bor it with uction of the Pacific Railmy with risiation of last --i-:_~‘ LCC t ~harter friend f â€"mnot so _ much . with the otf destroying \ht‘ug- much with the purpose % 10n upon the mniwy-fl; f destroying that first, in the expeoâ€" that the ministry would fall atterâ€" ave been, 1 do not say he was m ad :y principles of fize l‘-llhtehno;m-m actuated or not, whether his a» voropchnn-hryor-’-b nt:ioueuum.oï¬b : that the direct aim and the direct ~the point at which that motion and tatement were directed was to kil cnarter ~ in â€" England. (Chaarey Mr. UUSIING’I‘)Nâ€"TD-' nacde was intended n(..'r what it did express. J A OHN MACDONALDâ€"It --fl!: there had u'lnp..‘" ty of sonom or iB ::.L «h â€"they â€" might mm be lilom‘ 1 had the incuon [ 3 Putained . hi. e AD‘“:; Te i '.. k l‘ ppome in r‘-m'rl."...,ï¬"' miy‘h wl Nmy.u.‘~ > as & & --Mnm\omQ r. Un -oun.m-. n giving that ady girale Let us look bick to the ciroug, Aden '““‘Glle. 1 mvite lh* cher b on of those hon. members why a es of_ ise Parlinarent \eat 39¢ Ihltlboï¬no,lomm ide n case. hFMu,lm“‘ n 1 o w Charter given for the fidens : “M.'"m.w“ Pacific Railway.. ::‘ ul went *Â¥ =_ Com p k un . h.“M Pn.-a...".’i b. _ ah _# popusitiqn (000 *t *!1 > amall & popusltion in such , countryâ€"they had gone home % d tw lay “'Wâ€H..h a _ and _ European . cipitalisu. ""mh-.m~-. es ns nnenge ar e "l:;od mom 1\â€* Boush wenste? C 10 yor® »tion was i.:..‘“...’. | ‘ confidence. Everbody 4 is its design, (bear be ')‘ B aay, at this lnte hour, th* ho. *4 ** l iantingt0n) had 204 A ‘ ~\hanth ) 1ey con Railway ir, the bon. tle front b~.¢h‘~’m 0pe «nd mfl 0p6 10 take responsible for ; it under Constity NOE have siinm~s That was the aim, there is no about it ; and when the hon. geatleâ€" motion was defeatedâ€"and when I p the resolutionâ€"the aim was well Ee Ommeme! ber also that the motion made 5f n _ gerilaman went much further y motion ‘The motion of the bos. + which "he moved on the ind # C OTuIng to rhe vrote {M;flh\hl * _ after 1 parts of rbicr ih s . _ _ _ @He _ % mm..“.,“hlï¬; posite thought that it was goreg io _ our resources an} No. ~that we could not succasds * , * est man in theit "*0.°‘ .4 4ed i South Wentworth, who : " 2A in hf t Verl hether CETnt .. C de . their PN.“.-;‘ Sz Nan, and certain pr rd for the "'“" “-“ bere n engegâ€"yâ€" > 'hm.“flholsvab ording to rha oas. _2 " (®¥ 0 s charter, and W# l inant. .mmmfl" arter. _ I will read the mOUO Nt uo Mâ€"Q receiyi [ Hearn® Mre hon, ~gentleman hon. member. Affer 49M" facts . he moved _ "That ce of seven members be appoint " win vise negoustons _ for tht wh on of the Paoitic Railway witl tion of last session on the sub« rith the granting of the . chariat "B S 5 / ochere;" 10 Un ot true Lf 1 reme®" nember for Sheit ard a: k gon .m w 'â€' ~ Nl:h itee of Suppiyâ€" lh-"‘u mt otice that is alway* ibet :“ W and 1 certainly §5PP0hg 02 thrcke 1 to make a £e0°BD TV 4din9 ':"M'm‘ connected "‘.'-cfl. t ':-"‘ fl.d.: * :â€:or L. "4 # m I0* _ |" «h08 ‘0001:; sitting at the tumeâ€"the hou. made his motionâ€"1I could not this House be fire; gued o sought, We COn8titutional the country 6. °t couatry for gt fnect. * N CC CC & w sanction of °~*‘ day l!&l‘m,“_ l“) ught, and thay [k gentlemen a4; e oagd thas I WB 1084 Ministar _/ __“‘. \ (h.k way, Crrving a. a P 21(3706 on Gog, l_xu.; arli "-.a wl °_ parA _ moment of the Parlis before tha â€"@ef Lain . y .Iï¬& e n so â€" if _ "M and i; n â€" grauted they re To: Lilling, as it W n the Pup. s vound to kill i 'mu they Man peoplo !0 i gous fmpitaints to bu: â€" Putitament Rioud cheer=.] !!* * the bun, pposed thit he -m iry though that h the House nad . K * his stai¢ement, he was not grap hed by C .w with / w hich . te seemed her his mo. ions [lsuzhte l"'t'“‘“ UÂ¥ with ow ic te seeme< i {lsugh we been myst have aile ctect : ian Pacit years the ou disctedit on Columbia men, weo years beto oing to get t to give the sAg members 006 | characters he what the was EC i wever mentioned terial cries of h was informedâ€"as wis informedâ€"as | wasâ€"that it was beâ€" @uise of the preâ€"sure uf his supporters ba _ lwought to bear that an enquiry had been « ke dfor the next day, Hon. â€"} \MES MoDONALD (Pictou)â€"I wish to i.« whit did occur at the meets lng anâ€"i th ie will, . think, be po difterâ€" ence @t opimon bet the member for lamw, .1« myseif As to the question of fact, /. } » bon. ber during hisad iress Stated thai iou leader of thd Government was compelied by the ; resence of his own ineyds in the Houseâ€"1 don‘t recollect tat be stated eisht néembers â€"to bring down ‘the motion for a committee to the House, _ | interrupted and siid " Why did Jou sot bear mir John Macdonald declare that be did not introduce that resolution owing to ihe pressuue of bis friends, 9 of. any !nen;}. The hov. member replied "I dxt not, 1 now declared he anC ®as pressed by his friends on Mr. MACKENZIEâ€"The statement made by te honu. member for Pictou is quite torrect. 1 statec 1 had no recollec Wou of that statement being mide by you. The bop. sentieman bad said that it WAs wade. |was boun i to believe it but I * still prepared to say that the informaâ€" lon 1 had was that that the leaders of the Govemment was compelied by the pres» Sire ‘of his fends to make that motion. lam borne out in that by what the hon. ®euber for Shelburpe stated the other tfl! the Hou:â€"o. 1{e for on s was oblige1 ® vring that pressure to bear the next ,b" (Upposition ch@gers.) 1 cannot reâ€" Silest all the others, but I heard similar Witters mentioned by some Others. tRJOIIN mAaCDONALDâ€"Iâ€" have got e speech |y we..nd before the debate thees [ shall Tefer to it, because 1 dont ‘lly misapprehension on these" matâ€" @U. 1 am s..»lied the hon. gentiemen Sil §o, as ho is reported, and L.can state lets‘that the hon gentleman had his own Mpotter preson:. _ The hon. gentleman ®s reported to have said ‘1 may inform : hon. gentiems=n that the eight of Governwent supporters who put the Wre#s on him in other words.‘ . â€"I am quite satisfied, eight names, (Minis« w many). 1 said 1 occasion to repeat what ! stated there, that no member of the party and not only mno member of the party, but not one otf my own _ colleagues spoke to me on the subject until I bad announced? my determination. . [Loud cheers from Ministerial benches.) . ‘The motion took us by mrprin.-ï¬i we met it as I think we ought to have met it by voting it down.. Next day 1 came down late and walked into the Council Room. at hilfâ€"past one, my collesgr®: all sitting aroundâ€"I said to them aiter consid. eration I have made up my mind and I will move for a committee.‘"‘ Before any one had spoken I had stated my in« tention without a single word of suggess tion trom any man, that as the charge was of such a graye nature, l would move for the lppom“ pointmendt of a Committee, and bring such a motion before Parliament on the following day. Sir John contioued speaking until two o‘clock when be concluded amid loud ap« plause, having spoken somewhat more than five hours. (Special to the Tiuzs] Harirax, Nov. 3nd, 1873. The Sydney Herald conderans McKay : for deserting the Government, "and private lotters read here state that the feeling agiinst him is very llmt The electors ' say that the Government having given an | extra member to the county, a strong ; support should be given by its members. | [he Windsor Mail is out severely . on | Goudge, whose constituents are indignant at his duplicity. The Ma i thus deï¬uell Goudge‘s position at large. Atiameeting.at shaughessy‘s Hotel, of men of both the | old _ confederate and antiâ€"confederate parties, _ Rev. i. Bearman _ being Chairman and C. H. King, Eq. Secretary, the meeting with the exception of the editor of this rpof unanimously agreed upon this plaiform that Mr, Goudge should give a I;ir, manly and in;( dspendent su t to the Government ~ir John A. momlnl, Mr.: Goudge endorsed that platform in the fullest manner. Toae Hon K. A. McHeffy ox~ Mr, Blake spoke for a few moments and the House adjourned at 2:30,. We are obliged to hold over the re® mainder of our report for another issue. pressed his conviciion that the Gov. ernment of Sir John A. Maedonaid had acted very well by Nova Scotia. He deâ€" clared in reference to the certain and definite extent of Mr. Goudge‘sâ€"upport of the Goréernment that if after the Governor tGieneral‘s speech had been made an amendment should be mored to the address in reply thereto. Mr. Goudge would be bound to vote with the Govern« LATRST BY Tal§6AAPL ment and against the amendment. Mr. Goudlo immodiq.t::! endorsed the words of Mr. Meliefy said that if an amendment to the address were moved and then he went turther, or a vote of a want of confidence, he should feel bound to vote with the Government after this platform _ thus _ agreed _ upon, it A large _ number _ of~ _ supâ€" porters of the Government worked hard tor Mr, Goudge in this county and give him his election. ‘There is much sym. pathy for Sir John all over Nova Scotia, where he is very popular, and should an election take place he would unanimously be . ustained . [Special to the Times ] Faruzs Pourr, Nov. 3, 1873. The steamship ‘Phconician‘ arrived at 10:50 p. m., bringing fifteen cabin and twentyâ€"ome steerage passengers, also the steamship © Severn‘ at 10 a. m. Paris, November 3.â€"The budget of the Minister of Finance is nearly ready for presentation to the Arsembly. The esâ€" timates for the War Department are very Par November 3.â€"In the Bazrine court mrrtial toâ€"day the evidence given related wholly to the nonâ€"receipt by Marâ€" shall MceMahon on A ugust 23rd of Basaine‘s allaged despatch, dated 2ist The depo sition of MeMabos ou this point was read. The Marshal states he received a despatch from Basaine, dated August 19, giving «n account of the battle of St. Privot, and in= dicating that hbe still istended© march. ing north and on this information depotent determined to march in the direction of Montmedy instead of Paria; he received no other despatch from éuaine. WIDNIGHT OESPATCHEs M Amiot. Inspector of Telegraps, tesâ€" tified that certain despatches which were retransmitted from Longray, on the 22nd of h::g‘::,’ were communicated !:d Pu;‘o. w apparenily were s â€" « M. Robasse and M Mics sw .rl:pm“ hey were despatched by Col. Stoffel to obtain information en-eorm:, Biusiine. They reâ€" ceived on the 22nd of August, four desâ€" patches, which they forwarded to Sioffel by telegraph, on retarning with the originils of the despatches on the 25th, to Bathel, they showed them to ‘Colonel Dalzac, of McMabon‘s staif. saying at the same time. that be was aware of their contents, having receivel them graph two days previously. .. statement. Duke d‘ Aumale cautioned the witnesses to be careful, but they persiâ€"ed in their story. They were confronted by Colonel Dalzac, who positively contradicted their WIDâ€"D\Y DESPATONHBS. Arrest of a Prussian. Loxpo®, Nov. 3â€"A telegram from Carâ€" thagena to the Times, says that the Insurâ€" gents have arrested a Prussian subject named ; Girard, and refuse to surrender him on the demand ot the German Consul declaring that he is a spy from Madrid. A serious complication with the German Goâ€" vernment is probable. Clafiin and Co. New Yorx, Nov, 3.â€"The Herald‘s siys © It is stated that a pool has beeu formed among capitalists to aid Clafiin & Co, if necessary. _ Five millions of dollars having been raised for this purpose. Weather Probabilities. Wasmxotox, November 3rd, 10»30 a.m. Probabilities for the middle States, inâ€" creasing cloudiness and possibly light rain, followo: by falling temperature and north westerly winds to night. Nsw Yoar, November 3rd.â€"Arrivals out, "Teltic‘‘ at Queenstown, and "Frisia" at Plymout}i, both from New }:.“k" us at Liverpool. ‘The New Y ork stock market while open ing somewhat weak, became rather strong» er before the close. Puring the past fow days the " short‘" interest has been large« ly increased, in anticipation of more f:u- ly in Mnil' in anticipation of more iNi!~ u’g.na' -MonmtohhoNo- vember ‘settlements. How:hm. h‘h‘e“: pm are groundless thus far. COo at 108}, and closed at 108. Sterâ€" m continues at 106. advices report an advance UNITED STATES AFFAIRS. BY LAND SERYVICE. FATHER POINT FROM HALIFAX. GREAT BRITAIN. BY OCEAN CABLE. FINANCIAL EUREE RCE T CCC from Quebec, arrived MontrzAaL, Nov, 1. by tele= in the rate of discount at the Bank of England to 8 per cent. â€" Lngiand to 5 cent. In the loo-r:oooy raarket there were no special features of iiterest to notice, as business was restricted in consequen*e of this being a legal holiday. The rates for accommodation were about the same, and Sterling Exchange ruled at 106 to 106 } for bank 60 day bills. K 3 . prices. Bank of Montreal was steady at 185 to 185}. a few shares changing hanis at the latter figure before the close. For Ontario l&lw; buyers now bid 105, holders ask 107. City remaius at 984 and 95. People‘s, Molson‘s and Toronto are also steady at the quotations of yesterday. Jacques Cartier is held slightly higher at 106, but purchasers are lower at 102. For Merchants 111} was obtained, closing with buyers at 111 and sellers at 112. Royal Canadian seemed weaker, 954, The local stock market was dull and inâ€" active, without material alteration in Bank of Montreal Ontario Bank. ... . Bank B. N. A.... City Bank........ $9,000 Dominion Stock 8 per cent. Bonds.....|..... Do. Sterling 6 p. centâ€".|... .. Montreal Telegraph Co.} 40 gxm\nkm T.k&i Co.. 50 arehous{ng sevie+} M Kloholhuknv.()o...‘.,‘ 100 Canadian Nav. Co.,....| 100 City Passenger R.K....| 50 City Gas OO.............| 40 Merchants‘ Exchange. .| 400 Canada Engine Co.....] 100 North Am, Car Co.....] 100 Corton wmbm’s Co 00 Graphie Print Oo...... | lw Mti. Dist, Per. B, o. ...| 30 Equipment Co....... .. .| 100 Can. lldlm Rtock Co.| 200 Guif Port Coly.â€":v<â€"Asree Mont‘! or‘nt. A««, St%.| 100 Hamilton I oan Soc‘y . |.... Dominion Stock..... .. | Dominion Bonds 1 Gov. Dab. 6 p.c. stx....|.... Gev. Deb. 6 p.c. ey....|.... Gov. Deb. 5 p 0 m l.... Mont‘t Harbor Bonds..|..,. Montreal 6 p.c. Stock .|.... Montreal 7 p.e. Stoek . .|.... Montreal Corp, Bonds..|:.. . being bid, and 994 demganded. Montreal Telegraph was sold at 217}, and closes at 2174 to 218. Other articles were nominal. The transactions to day are as follows :â€" â€" Mont‘t Harbor Bonds..|..,.. ...« Montreal 6 p.c. Stock . .|......| .. Montreal 7 p.6. Stoek . .|...... ... Monmd(‘nr‘v&mds. I Montreal W. W . Bonds.1..... .| ... Bank 6 d ue to days date ays or ® Hnnlchldyumw &ew’le. Gold in New YOrK...............: hy , __. AFTERNOON £ESSION 9 shares Bank of Montreal at..... m 4 do RE....: w 6+ do Mt..... 13 6 do (ex,diy,) at..... & _ " _ Commerce ht .+. 75 " _ MontlTel. Co‘y at..... & " _ City GasCo‘y " 10000 (On the morning of the 20d inst Fariey, of a son. Sscond Hand Furniture, Several Box Stoves, And a number of other articles, in order to clear Hule Rooms. __ TUVESDAYT, NOVEMBER ith, g‘?uunu.y ‘l)ol-. Soc:ld H.ndc!‘;nrnlm l&a:"u Du‘;' Mattrasses, two Sewing anfln-. .'fl': Bulaov and a very superior doubleâ€"barrellied Rifle, 18&:‘!:'- make.) Sale at two o‘elo@k. _ _ ________ . _ _.._____ "l'ho- members of Court Ploneer, 58,807, will t'::'l:;:l,m“l at .the (“(‘:ll:.““(lul. Y:tâ€"fl.n;'& 2 c .m., sharp, atte the Nnrnl of our Lu» Bro. mu Ryan, & day (Tuesday), the ith inst. All members are requested to attend. y n }0 shares S“l’ lhnlâ€. |5° ‘che 0 4 nion m at g #4 Royal at 5. â€" â€" Mont! Tolegraph at Nov. 4, 1873 ‘The subscriber will sell at his Rooms, No Rideau street, OB _ ____ _ __ _ _ _ L0 22. 1‘ Vl;n'x, at his ‘I-&;;un'u: Elilvi street, the Inrgest and finest consignment of Rilyverware and Watches ever brought to this city. _ a \Z white Biankets, A direct mms from the Manufacturersâ€"Huddersfeld, d in a iew days. FIVE HUNDRED _ Hudson Bssy a _Company‘s Buffaio Hobes. Particulars in a _ Nov. 4, 1878 _ FNIUIS EVENING fow «* Ellhsf an‘s" E. P. Spoons and Forks, costly 18 K. Gold Diamond set and stem .winding, Engâ€" Yish, Amertcan, and Swiss Lever, Watcheâ€", &c., &e., now going on » Crowded Houses ! _ Every article guaranteed &8 represented, and sold without any reserve Whatâ€" ever. a > Highest city references as to quality of ware. LDon‘t fali to attend this evening. A visit of inâ€" spection will n-r.y the trouble. The goods are admitted by all to be the best ever brought to Ortawn. Sale at halfâ€"past seven o‘clock Boots and Shoes 'rha{ awdopt the English system of marking all their Boots and Sboes in the Wllml of their establishments in PLAIN FIGU B Examine their Large and Varied Assortment before purchasing elsewhere ! â€"N oTE Dâ€" Nov. 4, 1873 For the remarkable cheapness, with durability and style, of all their Bookts and Shoes over every com petitor. _ NIGH TL Y iT MY SALE ROOMS, No. 3 ELGINâ€"ST OPPo<ITE RUSSELL HOUSE, Nov ELEGANT _ SILVERWARE Positively uo Reserve CAN‘T BE BEATEN Renember the addross Upposite Patterson‘s, % a SUSSEXâ€"ST. AND THE cheArsi?© ChriD STAND, * Gorner Sparks and O‘Connor Etrsets, JARDINE BRO4. _ NREMENDJUS BA RGAINS Heney‘s OW SELLING, at 7:30 each Even UCIION SALE OF NE THOUSAND Pairs Grey and J ARDINES‘ NCIENI ORDER OF FURRESLESHRS. PPROACIIING SALES J. BERMINGHMAM. BTOCKS New YoOPK....\s:ss:isccl..:.. WNOJC@ ... MACDOUGALI HRO8., Broke Bt, Francois Xavierâ€"st., I':'ntnnl MARTHALLAR & WESTERS GREAT AUCTION BALE 1874 MORNING SRA#JQN BIRTH By â€"OPFâ€" A. ROWE, Auctioneer. TITK BY 100 50 100 100 100 100 200 100 im Op 5D 100 80 J. PERMUINGH A M, Auctioneer At mt at mt 8 pe. 4 pe. 4 p.o. 3 pe, 4 p.¢, 4 p.e. 6 p.c. 4 po. i p.c. 4 po, 4 feo. ‘4 p.4. 4 pe. 4 p.c. 4 p.c. 3 peo. 4 po, 4 pe. 4 p.e. 5 p.c. 8 ;u.‘ 4jp.e. 6 pe. + pe. 4 pe. 8 p.c. .‘ p e. lip.e 4 p.o 5 p.c. 5 p.c. J. YEOM AN, 90 #7 B C 108 101 N 100 B C B O BC 102 108 108 06 81 02 1 O 1064 @ 1064 217} log" wy 1g) 106 m BC 124 t3 110 104 2174 103 186 13 186 189 1 0 T1 par 1_&1 OmraAwaA ngm novEuscr 4. 1873 1he Night Line will be discontinued after THURSDAY, the 30th inst. _ Day boats contivue as usual, leaving "Queen‘s" Wharf at 7 a. m. for Montreal and intermediate hndlr A mc aainine K. W. SHEPHERDN, Ottawa, Oct. 30, 1873 Oct, 81, 183 Ottawa River Navigation Co. tops zutd STEAM SAW MILL, Village of Atheriey, F‘A R M S, DWELLING HOUSE Pursuant to a Decree and Order of the Court of Chancery, in a suit of the ‘(flu‘:h lmgodl(,:“r;%n Com va, Kennedy, W sold, c mucdoe ork tonapgratation orfndents w are w r e ale "Loak. by "ANDREW HENDERSON, Auctioneer, at his Auction Reoms, on Youge S.reet, in the City of Toronto, on At oue of the clock in the afternoon, in 8 pareels, the following Lands and Premises : Lot 1, Being composed of that part of a1l and TpSine nhootee y ie nou bei ng To ure YiNage m situate, ® m n the of AlMflQ{. in lhz {‘{xuny of SnMO. mâ€˜ï¬ Province of Ontario, commencing at the intorâ€" section of the Houth side of the allowance for road, between the Tenth aud Eieventh concesâ€" slons of the Tumhw of Mara, with the Westâ€" erly side of Fitzroy Place ; thence South seventy four degrees West along said side of allowance for road fifty iinks, more or less, to the water‘s ï¬. of Lake Siimmcoe; thence t‘ouuwrly along said water‘s uï¬, following the several coumes and 'lndl‘l\r ereof to a point where the Southerly side Wijliam Street (produced) meets said water‘s edge; thence North M“‘b’ï¬ï¬‚‘ deâ€" snu forty=se en mlnmahm two chains and ve llnka.nma'lc-. to Fitzroy Piace, thence North ven thirteen minutes, East eight chains and ru-;n'-n or less, to the place Tmmflf{' containing m:'lfl\ one rood and M“. more on which stand Mill and Nlllm‘: Card ng Mill, nldhl:&flom The bul -g.- of stone, 62 feet by 30 four staries hta._ cluding the basement story ; z.lufln a also of stime ; at t are only two runs of stone and a ping Machine for chopâ€" Ang horse feed. There is space for a third run of «tores. The engine is nominaily 30 horse >>wer, but runs to 4). ‘The Boiler is in excellent ‘ Tm" and h‘;‘l::bul.; The w‘dln('r erected in Iï¬ and mac ry mhu.d n 1800. ‘425} *Beiny composed of that part of the lands Friday, the 14th day of Nov., 1873 EMnE Sm P LC L Om amwnmuo.hm-mhm.m Haw mill. ‘The Saw Millis in a wooden building 86 feet kxnnndzreetvm,.nd in m.ll-"‘ wider. There are connected with this Mill a wharfand a complete set of tram _turn» and whatever is necessary hmn'on ‘:m-hl;umg_-! Mili. The Engine is OB MERTY Lot3, Being composed of a square acre in the zaid &ulm of Atheriey eoanln( of \mha Lots 1 and !,wo*llounuoy Place and vwmm.mwnmxwd Mountjoy Piace and Arx{)l:ft.mt. as described in mm made by Â¥. F. more, Deputy Proâ€" vh Land Burveyor, filed in the w Office jor the Oaml{)g‘ Ontario, on w are erected aBtore and Dwelling House, with Outâ€" buildings, large G: , and large Wood Shed. ‘The house is & m- frame building; the store is frame; the grai with bins complete, is capable of storing about busbiels of grain, ‘The purchasers of the 3 parcels will have, in undg!vmtlm to insure and keep insured the ldings and machinery, in Ihe‘ rul‘lhnmounl °|‘o m mortgage money, and assign 0 poucu Lot 4. Being Norm-eutmmba in mllthconcendmdmlom;; 16 Tepeca a smaif biegiting Houge." L is about rof a en ng M t i1 srtes from Athoriey, aid 8 mhles from Orfliia, and about 1} miles from lhfl'l{:‘m. Lot 5. Being the North Haif of Lot 2, in 10th a moderat nomumity 10 nurse power Een C The actual description of the land on which Lots l and 2 stand, will be made known at ime Grist Mill and Fulling Mills, ¢ store â€" Granary Ee o mm EP U tA d s Oonaulon-;uunm less about 3 acres occupied by the M llnd.cmw, which rugsâ€" through it; about 6) acres are cleared. There is erected mmem\ony a small Log House; a vart of this lot ts ou Lake Simcoe: it is 14 part of this lot fronts oa Lake Bimeode; IL is 14 miles from Au-erlx.nmlw Orillin. Lot 6. Boll‘N;fl Half 8, in 9th Concesâ€" sion of Mara, 100 acresâ€"a wild Lot, well wooded with hardwood. It is about 7 miles from Atherâ€" ley, 10 miles from Orillia, and 5 miles from the \'niq;oruneun. Lot 7. ndflmumuhom« containing 187 acres, (being the whole Lot exce; oonulm:alï¬ acres, (being the whole Lot except 13 acres for tixes); about 14 acres are clearâ€" ed. The woodis mixed: There is erected on the Lot a small Dvellï¬ï¬‚o\-o. Two small creeks run through this Lot 8. Belw!.lnfl.h Concession of Mara, 157 meres, less portion occupled by the Railâ€" way. This is a wild Lot, well wooded with gmchlehlu WW C y » Oneâ€"tenth of the money to be paid down to the Vendors‘ Bolicitors at the time of sale; the balance within one month, into Court, without interest; but at the option of the purchâ€" asers, twoâ€"thirds of the purchase money can reâ€" main on Mortgage for 5 years, payable in equal main. on Mortgage for 0 yeats, PaYAD® 0 OLL* aotuat Instaiisents, with intcrest, payable half» In the TOWNSHIP OF MARA, and in the PDPMMIUICULPTLDOCOOCRinl.raab of Mesars. HOSKIN & SPRAGGE, Mesers. HARRISON, _OSLER _ & _MOSS, _ Messre, BLAKE, KERR & BOYD, and Messrs, LEYS & MCMURKICH, Toronto ; Messrs. McCARTHY & MCOARTHY, Barrie, and ALFRED J. WILKES, Esquire, Brantford, and to the said Brockville Ottawa > Renfrew > Auctionegr Brookville & Ottawa Railways. Buy your Tickets for Ottawa via Brockville. Connections made with G. T. Trains and Brockâ€" ville, with Boats at Sand Point, and Stawe at Renfrew for Otta wa d We AUCuUNCbt . T. W. TAYLOR, Mastor. Dated October 11th, 1878. HOSKIN & SPRAGGE, Vendor‘s Botieitors, Renfrew â€" Brockville C UeEE TEA O TS CC ariebt sube a .l. locality, until ist of l"q. Woul1 suit a smail family.‘ Apply to X, Y. Z., Box 630, Post Office, onnm Novem ber, 360, 1498, 2500 Sin T" ANCERY SALE NANADA CENTRAL QTICE OTICE, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARI . WILD LANDS, .â€"Three furnished Room : in a central Two h registered . 18"7%. Pembroke, Express Traina P aily. LEAVER 00 0 â€" _â€" . T4a.m. <i5p.m. . *« 9 302.m., 5.00 p.m â€"___â€"_ _ $.00a.m.3,30 pm ARRIVE. 10 LtG +~ % p m p.m ak: & fx p.m.10. 10 p.m Es ) p.m., 10.05 p.ua = & _ LOZ P 174 IHCCI Hox. A. 6. P\ STER, Managing Dirgo® Tailoring ~â€"Department. Best Goods Kept, Prices Moderate, Perfect Fit Guaranteed. .. Give our Cutter a Trial. â€" F A M EU SE OA P P China Warehouse, 66 SUSSEX SsTREET. large Exrtra Value, in Three Ply, Kidder Union and ‘Hemp, f w‘mâ€mflfl&hmm. * * w Repps, Terrys, and Damasks, Cornices, Window Poles, Stair Rods, &c Best English and* Scotch Air Dried Floor Oil Cloths, â€" * | ‘These purchased from the ufacturers, and direct Munm:.h .Whnu'nm;wmmu hy se Spring Importations, OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT Purveyor to His Excellency the Governor General, Earl of Dufierin, â€"Complete Stock ofâ€" TWEEDS, COATINGS, VESTINGS, &c., ! . The above gooor are emdi reliav.e; old ‘%SQviuu.ohr:l‘lmbh price SH EL L OYSTERS} 10 HHDS. PALE SHERRY WINK, (Â¥7. V. P.) from fhe larges producer 6f wines in Jerer‘s. Reasonable price and good aril .. on si0RE TS l h ho puror acireaubenas or Sinore Prokcies, Rances, Jamas, Seiiten Table Frulle: &0 ; Tin 50000 0rinc sotventh ie um w o0 Lmemsel vee, at Japansâ€"Greer . Hiask of the best graies. Cof unrivailed for DIREOCOT â€" IMPORTATIONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Rx. Bkilp from Wradée, England and Bpain. . Ten hids, EXTRA FINE Ottaws, April 16, 1873. ALLAN, â€" MiKINNON: Carpets! Carpets | 1). Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, THOS. PATTERSON is ie e oo ede: Nok NN SCn ‘ REAL ï¬lBERDEEN wincEys. A large variety of beauti mixt remarkably cheap Mmotrking GoobDs. . _ _ 1873. Fall and Winter Season !$74 Latest Novelties Introduced. DRESS, ' DRESS. * SEVERN TWILL _ s «35 CUJ2#H HM~ K€ ECCC ECE W BC K»P* Teasg, Coffees and Sugars. Rich Satin stripes ; an entirely new material ; a thin make of serge. ‘Those ladies who cannot endure weight, w ill find this a very useful texâ€" ture ; in all the new shades. MIGNONETTE SERGE Is so pretty that many Ladies will choose it in preference to more expenâ€" sive materiais for street and house wear. It possesses the advantage of good effect and great durabili }: fl;ï¬r’&%?fl unvm;.:m lexture ; the WORt WRERRNUTTE TRENCH â€"TWILL DIAGONAL. A charming material for winter wear : in a splendid assortment of Best quality imported , soft and pleasant to wear : in thos decided shades so beeomln&w the oonï¬lan(n. s FRbl‘s‘-‘ C‘EH M C RIN (}S.flm w fashionable ; a choice ety of new colout * * cUTLVETEENSâ€"Silk Finish. mings, French Kid Gloves, Hosiery and Faney M O0len Ub * Pm tNBERY AND MANTLE DEPARTMENT 1s now repiete with the latest London and Paris Fashions, in Bonnets, Hate sad Flowers, Manties. Costumes and Bha wis . ‘.um" PRESSES MADE TO ORDER A splendid assortment ot_the newest designs in Oct. I1, 1878. REGENT HOUSE ! .D PORT WIN E! trom fue produées, for medicinal purposes and family uweâ€"Warrauthd pure and ‘HAVING NOW COMPLETED OUR PALE and DARK, from The producerâ€"Firsiâ€"class brands. We are prepared to? wy~ NO W oN H aAN D. i IMPORTERS. reat durability, rall ViOUNA sERroR _ tey irpot aud te 250L nne hrhue. ies wont whrtns tC FR the best graies. Coftee daily and roasted promines b.6; ntages recommend and relia®â€"©200. ‘Tnev are worth trying. Jay ain r;'n‘.fn"-i;%"l?m' ; Cord,â€" Russel Cord, Crape rinos. Black â€"Silk finished. FANCY â€" DEPARTMENT. _ McCABES CDLEBRATED SCUTARIA CORD Russell & Watson, 29, RPARKS STREET J. R. STITT & Co., a 3) SPARKEâ€"ST. 1HOS, P4TTERSON 8 Fe.® & 1 â€"AT THEâ€" â€" AND â€" .!show in Old â€" Brandy, in those besulifn! urâ€" McVORRA\N, Choice Groceries, Wines& Liquors P. BASKERVILLE & BROS., A Triumph of Mechanica‘ G n‘!ns, Wlfl!‘!}&efl‘m | + m tâ€"IME IMPROYEDâ€"J "a) LA : .,;;-.".: Family, Knitting Machine C _ _ Insolvent«. The ed, Edward of the City of Duanm poura ues besn aapoinied, Assigce ®Pared et ie olty of Ottaine, this twonty â€"cighth JA wen nay af Ootover, A. D.. 1878.~ ig amnkel FDWARD GRIFFIN _ Nï¬cg_xmx im herchy given that appliâ€" cation will b maic «t the next session of the Pariisament : . Pr.vince of Ontario, for an Aot to r ~â€".pamy to construct & .l‘dlvvtu‘: ‘:1 ("J:l.ln mtm Mdh and from the said ‘Town of rod to ‘Town of Stratford, in the May be fonsulted at his Office, corner of O‘Conâ€" nor and Albertâ€"at«. Ottawa, Oct. 34, * 573. 2401â€"3m. “ sttAz ! ABRADOR FISH. Choic> BUTTER always on hand, bought and * »d for Cash. Also CHL ~SE and EGGS. Remem b« res : 36 Rideauâ€"St., I)»«e St., Chaudiere, and SussexBt, opposite Murray â€"8t.; a sale Warehouse, Georycâ€"t., two lots from Sussexâ€"3t THE DEMAND AUGMENTS ROURLY *~ °* arfreciate Bavgmine! _ _ _ I is She oue infarest that never p&I® on tia taste. ntmwoa-g_mnm"‘g-k and oi oi wigh its ochious." m-mu“n‘-on.;_n'-mv‘h THE RUSH INCREASES DAILY ! vdn. oo wiP Boow the place by boing carpeted. Oct. 18 1874 To the matter of WILLIAM STOCKDALE _| \J and RICHARD STOCKDALE, _ _ _ | _0_. WAll be ready to receive Guests on the 2ind Oct. 17, IST3, 'W Retail Stores are supplied by our own direct im portations of R@â€"PURE WINBS GINX aAaXNXND BRANXDIEL mMA naTing of " ber cont guaranteed to purchaser < {n General Groceries, Wine# ind Liquore. Member of the Royal College of Burgeons, Engâ€" nd, and lg_gquua_u&’lwu Ooilege of T riu m ph a n t ! NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. Otews He t 10 1878 REFITTED, REFURNISH ED TAH SALES GROW 1N GOLUME AND AMOUNT ! The Sales Grow Uninterruptedly The andersigned§HAW REMOV ED to the prom : .« now occupied by J. EW iNG & Co:. Commisstc.. Agents, d 5 S@POFFICEâ€"South Hide Sparkig, betwteh O‘Conmar aod Bankâ€"sts. Obtawa, Oct. 8tn, 1878. l wa.ts: ans 76 SFARKSâ€"ST., Open te all the world for inspection. ‘Tell the Peopleofit! _____. _ _ _. _ _ , Titus Block South Sparksâ€"st. Murm Pringes Nigha i<, Nubiaa, Undetsloryw«"Mittens, Riating Cape, Lamp Wicks, : Cord, Unders=irgy Shawls, Jackets, Oradie mu':tm Leganges . Busponders, â€" Writers, Tidics, Tuled Worlk % JAS. BAILIFK l Bole Agent for Ottawa and \‘dulw menement 2C browsret UTIOE OF DISBOLUTION, PULAR PRICH® TEA IN PATRDTICULAR. $@"Under new managemant. . L. MILLARD‘S$ wil HOUSE ~â€" * ___ Let them Seave Money ! And you do a good act. gse remember the name and num C X®1 MX O J H. CuEySLER * Worts‘ Celebrated Old !ye, Proof Mait, and Highwines always on handâ€"the Be:t in the Dominion. roN ATREET WEST 10OHN GRAHAM, P. 4. CaaBO7, SHOE â€"P. BASKERVILLE & BROS. â€"IMPORTEKS OrFâ€" 2100â€"14 to file Silverware, Ivory Handied Outlery, Goid and Silver Watches, Diamond Rings, &0., 40. .2‘: ’-u por::: ':nllo. of dep‘:t and u‘; m m f :#mdmpu Piate Silverware, by best makers |.hoi lmo-tm‘bomho'vhl and l:-‘n w ork â€" manshi " Elkthgton‘s " Spoons «< mtg Iyory l&.ndlod Table Cutlery, Gold and @liver Watuches, Diamond Ri &c., &0. Messrs. Marthrallar ! W ebster, ln"va Tiry reeq t h?n;ml. .l,l" 'lo digh Btreet, any reserve ai o ?n (Pgr Receiver‘s order for Breach w mmmencuaun FRLDAY, the Sist inst , at Â¥: I°.M., and following evenings at same hour, the largest and best u‘\rorm stock of choice * extwm plate " Silverware everoffered in Canada, comâ€" prising superb Fruit and Flowe: Epergnes, ESpemRUient UE MOTC 1 (mwl‘ll sufficient as to and durabil ty.d the m u‘ï¬l be sold without reserve and with a '-w. quality. Auyflm&mfl not & art :mw be takon and monty enci * 'r‘;ldgy .‘IZI.::.. Slst inst. ~ on eve! havsrac lb sucds. A 41. (richest patterns) richest patterns), y Tes, Coffee and Desert k-"vnflwgï¬hvmmnï¬ï¬‚w t clecant Vases, Tok nd TMnIS Sete 30th inst., come and see it. prising superb Erull and Tilowe. / ‘Uake, Card, Fruft, Berry, and Flower Which are Daily Arifving. Annual Evening Saies, to commendée on Tuesday Evening, [Sept $80th And to continue each evening during tho Pull tan brt Goots, Printe m Prem Gvers e cases Goods, Prints fin nhose blak ow B wirecroaed ts ;'oz"'omfl_ ds, Prints r :Jl‘hry white NIE felt hate, two cases books, , lamps, cruets, pen sad argy stmin emoner 40,, 49 which is consigned for a the slightest reserv®. _ gar Bale s 1®) on FOR SALE:. A Reven Octave Ootiage Piairde Sewe teetnvsenes JP lag m FALL â€"CONSIGX HENXNTS Royal Mail Line. Union Forwarding & Kailâ€" way Company. J. 0. HART, Agent for Cons Ottawa, Oct. 28rd, Com pany in OliaWwa NALBSA BX J. BERMKINGHAM Thp Subscriber begs to pasp his Fall Evening ® Bapt. 2h, 178 Ottewn, May 81, 1#78. Oueawa, Bept 27, 1878. REAT AUCTION SALE OF Change of ‘l‘imeâ€" tE n3 4â€" ic y unto. il be" 20id # the mme timé cach evening ening Bales on TGesi u'l':“_m_.-_-g_g ?l'u,‘ Smoking (hr-. P ng Caps, Lamp Wicks, . TCTr J. BERMINGHAM, ",_‘