o r ies m spposrenee se im on and was finvored with Ramenco or Prussic Acid. It was ml c oo ihe at, produced t ; the whole forming & mauss of fat, MF This ointment was ly ditferent from wue ion which 1 have h‘ w m w jlli::hhtb delicate smé is to the Queen, HR.H. the of Wales, H.1.M. Napolese hï¬.“.‘..."’;.'i}' r u.h 1 W BOND s:m'. LiJNDON, tm is Auaotie Heaurae Y‘+ Welling1os & td y s wellingies Raus poue @dn umochm“w sad 1873 Th Hlase lisher has concluded to place h8 the low figure per ussp very beat advertiging ho e "’...........“"""u“.‘.'."nm e e of the Mr:do&y will be included ment. will be excouted by John C nnmmmmmmmancmminmintth IMXS is printed and publisbed BERTSON, ROGEBE & CO+ * h08 im Tongue and (Grover, PL nd surface Plainer. S ie and Uttawa and C. C D r of the ya . PBAYIP MCALipratrort ied teacher of Vocalizati0®; lessons in Vocalisation. Vuilluek pupils at their residencet Te His Excellency the Governor them at ber bouse, betwesn General and uile, ck p.m. Torms made kno®® Smss tion. _ RKesidence Joyce‘s U**"*" RECEIVED PER STEAMERS woo oR . Knm“.., Hiang polish ©QBAL ty each ; and tins &4 hOPERT Y POR siLg ~ RARE czugn. ng Machinery for the ingles, Staves and Barrel her peâ€"Aculare, Mvoke ut the 3ith NEPTEMBER, 1473 vil" published, price $400 Mc A L PIN E8 DOMINION * D usns Ju8s Street, Sandy Hill . # mM Corinthian and Polynesian, TUmP MACHINES \___ mvs cases or A8H OAK TANNED LBA®*""" LTING AND TANS ; Belis of this will do the work 20 ong as a Donbb"‘w ue mt untetiemne L MUSIC, ho Prncromi prainme e pil of Containing about 1000 page®. olicitation of a number of 94 ", the subscriber has decided + Directory of the Dominion rk will contain the names usiness man (n 1873. ECIUS, e . nml“ avilleâ€"st., Halifax, N. 8 No publicity req! POMEE sR CCC CS D Counsellor at No. 180 Bread ---'?.!‘ ity. and . strer & MOORE can itations of them olesale for Canada. s M m:-nm & ou, 4 e and consistency of i# palatable and readi}» taken."~ w, and in goe :.'of lo:':'h“‘:' of timber to h.hl* cribers being about to nm’mwa wl C o+ M cony Onutlion. India I“.iï¬ t ana 100 K nivas m’_ ~ 1873. SAVORY & MOORE," [E PANCREANNE EATIC <EMULgiO®, cy of these Medicines in ty of Indigestion, â€" Bronchitk & al m?-ï¬?;.‘,? Com, h:ot:“fll Othep . e Provincas af .{.'.'- reputation which the Genuinm ity either MRS. RoBERTSON 2th. 1873. nu;p in ten yainates. By. w . AS 4in and c.v-.â€"l'r._‘.-- P. & Rutt & BW»= (lato Her Majesty‘* for 1t is g the remedial JOHN 4. FULTON, NGS ADA ..‘ '--m 5 mss & Cl U} Grey Nun 1004 CARSS & * u-."&'a i obtained in # is was kali, ithe 'y.l.htd ‘x,fld the tus Â¥ # Torrrd Mn ate " lew: seck subssquent " | : % among reading matter, 25 cents w‘m 12} conts per !ine. 4 "A‘\I‘“‘m“! sguch.as y ""“n'-‘:-"-;-'f'-ï¬dm opEme LCs » y published . every tints per woek, deiyerad ts sutscribers in the Un a) Canedian poriage «izk of the Publi “mm'&lcbh& Erreissgis~] ......-?-S-P.un-n word over 14 semope e sasnas e it 6h: Daily Simes ï¬.‘ofluu-l _WADE, n evisters; Astl ntes, Soticitess, o. paxier (‘ConNOR. .__â€" Ottawa, April 18t, 1873 WwWiILLIAY MOSGROVE BRarrlater. Solicitor, &C¢., Barriater, lo[lcnor, &o., MOSGROYE® BUILDINQGS, OTTAWA, O@tawa, June ?, 73. Ts #g*AILLON & CHRYSLER, _ M'fl’llflhm InTun and Accouâ€" = Resklenceâ€"Albert Stree Office hours flou-.-..-unmor.-. _ . Mu‘wn;mï¬dwm as Mpecial ablention &.â€"u of the terus Orrtcs® :â€" 3. ELWELL® P ids San Street, and -!T.-.i:_'.‘.'.‘Ji‘.'.'_.‘_“ Ksqâ€", ) . 100. & L.A Prcdirmaaief Eun Street, opporite Hamilton Bros ’* F, NIELDLNG, §# lssuer of Marriage Liconsesâ€"8# February 17, 1873 1 Burristers and Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law. teitors in Chancery, Notaries, &0. %.Heeâ€"Hardy‘s Block, Ridean Streek 0. Tamzox. F. M, Curysie®, Uttawa, June 3, 1$73. â€" ‘The above firm (the only Boiler Buildâ€" -mnuu).mmr-l"""“‘ ture all descriptions of M 8STEAM BOILERS K Hyery attention given to repa‘ July 25, 1898. Parliamentary Tonsorial Parlour Boon No 69, Hmué of Commons aed Waeilington Street, Ottawa. A. E. GENDREAU, Ou. .»=, March I7th, 1873.â€"ZL4 W. MARSHAL MATHESON, Barrister, Aitorney, Notary, & OFFICE: THE WEEKLY TIMES, bmpimea ns bia ron Honep: Tgor Stroge o io 13 #: Eflmï¬l;éll & McBride, WIEAV BUILER MAKERBS ADYÂ¥ERTISINC RATES. y * t sys n en nt on it t May" neat, m EK. ~ 5 Ottaws, Decombe 23. 1872 312211. Master in Chancery Chambers, CouRt ___OTTAWA _ __._bAMQ.A- > ~~wW. P. COVUTLEE, B.C. L, HBrOrvicekâ€"Over the Exchange Hotel, e n U L L& P. Q aa00.4 FBear¢ Wanted. Globe Mutual WI, M‘muh NEW YORK, #s, #7, and 30 )mn tway, Cor. Warren St. Bd oo es Ts Erosident ECE STU 280C A C Gaaratney P SNWELL Actunty, ... _ _‘ tu.‘uu_a'flfwm Mana;ing axk""@ hosusee,, u-ATn&I * of 0. 8. LEW S & Jou!w!l Managers for the Doan/alon, â€" '.I.I.“l‘.. Ilcg Agent Oitawa Valley. gar orric®â€"COoiner Spe~ks and Elg)n streots, Opposite Russoll House. UOttawa, July 18, 1873 â€" ©13â€"3m YOL NT ~«». 24835 l‘l-(;l';'.l-lval;ivTailOI' and Outfitter INSURANCE PTA WA MOTEL, 1 am now prepared to SM@NU " -unhdryl’a':hfl\-o-“ G. M. ~HOLBROOK: RED, (in which case wit" be al p.b' ) «hould mmï¬ d to N, ROGER & CO., Welilington Htâ€"eet, e at isnn Ottawa. wery (un m\la.(ï¬lm'l excepted) angurh pay® in advance, am deinvered in the city . It 3-" in the United States, at $7.90 free CornerSrark» aid Fiflmel! House . aw=, M roch 31, 1873. Witieai =~=â€"» * STREET, MONTREAL and Accoucheur, Ottaw® Mouses Wan LIFE . _ Dawner Wan®. Cattle for Sal attie W anted Director of at moderate prices and on liberal co First class workmen will be em _ First class workmen will be employed mt oi k ponainenap anoncte tawaand vicinity, C s Nes t Monuments, Tombâ€"Stones, &c., &¢., ‘lï¬mn-ly to receive orders from their friends and from the public of Ottawa and surâ€" rounding country, for all kinds of Shingles NOr® O0RL . . .. .. .« ««« ««« 8610 ChDAA® PMA OG6%%....«+â€".++«»«â€"<11 80 wl-‘lm«-h............l‘lb Gatih cer sptp rraarcie nc rir s ie DoR New ‘Tombâ€"Stone: Establishment. _ CrandTrunk Raitway _ Urders left at above address will receive prompt attention. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cuum CBNTRAL RALILWAY, Freight and Cartage Ageney. w.:..._ntzm..u..- wilh -Km 'M-mmwwmtm ml\lbvh. shippers from .wmf Furnitu w W. i. BAKER, {nventor, Mechanic, Manufacturer, Builder, Engineer, Chemist, Farmer, Merchant, Should at once send his name and address with $1.50 for one year‘s subscription to The Canadian Pstent Office MECHANICS MAGAZINE > 6 UV T C H £ B, Stall No. 16, Lower Town Market, Ottawa. Begs to nform his friends and the pubâ€" lic, that be has opened a Mtall in the Lower 10wn Market, where he will keep alway; on hand Fresh Beef, Mution, Lamb and Saunsages, &¢ Rrerything in his line of business wi be sold at the most reasonable rates. Please give him a call. Ottawa. Japy 28, 18%8. 21757 Tuae undersigned have opened their MARBLE WORK ESTABLISHMET, AT THE OLD TOLL GATE, _Autumn 1873. UMEARA & Co. Ready â€" Made Clothing -" use any otherâ€" materim ? APpl} ir information to A. T. DRUMMOND, Juty 10, 1873 which mectum we beg to inform you that we will submmit for your ingpection a com plete ussort» Manuf@ctured Canmdlan T weeda in a variety unsurpassed by any other House in the Trade. wmm’mwflb directed to the manufacture COLOTHING @UITABLE FOR THE OTTAWA UMtawa, Foby38, 1873 bobininhtb srariintirnt. : â€" * * :/ Wls :wflwmmo-w #um inspection to our stock of oN â€"THE MONTREAL ROAD, __ GEORGE E. DESBARATA, Montreal. A copy of first number can be scen at this office PURNITURE ! RURMTORE, AFP OTTAWA CARPET HOUSE, \Vou:om on haad a complete stock of . is fireâ€"proof, has a handsome remile ms bemuisint bhae oniorcen n ~Wroe _ best makers in the Dominion,.c0 x l.::wl.l' Ts Repp, ‘A SUITES in Strt do do !:l_’!.-ï¬tp BLACK WALNUT FURNITYUARE BEUROOM auiTenâ€"""* hake choiee «¥ â€" A-"L‘ Buremwa, Mofw, Totoâ€"aâ€"Tetes, W KRamy Obhair«, vatre and Kx» adtiintet, ks m "wo ‘ee "moling "nter * reeks / GOLBRE :) & C0,_ To the publisher, ROOKLAND QUARRKIEN Ottawa, Aug. & 1878 ENJAMIN EDW ARDS, mm; is earnestly solleited.. _ ____. GRANGâ€"TRURK R:ALWAY â€"C‘OV, 50, SPARKS sT., OlTIWA. Postal and Military Service Bond Interest. in hertrofening per Pn Band, ht prperge, has .hehntr-'pfl the above bm «it ended Sth August, 1Â¥73, and the ENA eRMAOEINT TTRCCT_ OGntation of the amanl o m itanent n ® * ) JOREPH HICK8ON, _ Oql BOX {’;"M m Begeevâ€" all discharges from LD rinaty n either #ox, Mnkd!‘-hga‘;.g in baxes, 4s &d each, by all Obenrtsts Medicine vendore. f Scie Proprictor. F. J. CLARKE. ‘A pothecaries" Hail, Lineoin, Londont RXPORT AGENT4 Burgoyne, Burbridge & Co, Coleman streel 140 4n 7 Newgate streot, m&;"'ï¬r.mr‘n_‘m‘a n o sc Cnnots "W holosaie Homses. ROoOoEPTITM C March 12, 1873. C V IC BP YC SLAXTE uL. BOX OF CLARKRSB4Ll PILLS Our assortmeont of =â€"â€"â€" & N D â€"â€"â€" &9 oP CANADA nMwlhornd t Adtn en ieev o Te t *Â¥ m ons U MEARA & 00. ta i tie i in Aats Agent. #830 Co‘y. of Canada. . The Great Direct Canadian Route Betweet the Eastera and Westien States ONLY oNE O%I(l:(l)‘fcml PORTLAND UOlose Connections Trains now leave Pullman Palace Parior and nmo New U'lu‘:l Slee rer .&n all Through now on Night ‘hmver the whole Line. n oo onies o. . 1873. Summer Arrangements. 1878 Prescott and Brockville Day Rapress for Idcpaanbucnet i; f Wnnb es noy oo . Lagp m Litp Night Rnigronk 9R We 202 eR im 16 hm Night Express . " _ =" _ at... 1806 a in £®am =â€"( note. mie soigl . pormaro i Weiprppirer rminy ts Moroapy Opebam and a Portiand mmmnmmv&-‘nfl Plth ane thauke "laad on nevers) secucne and the *m“h-w"u steol, A large addition of Now and Passonâ€" â€"Mh-h.-dobth%w As the punctaaliiy of the Train lm nvie rapacminicir" uning hn Sirtaleg ‘ar be mmmumh-‘-x Exoursion Tickets to Chieago ome P uin Hiok i dinoaenrt rumaing leaves nov ;ï¬ibï¬: _ï¬umv and SATURDA Y ovenings, on urrival of Grand Trunic Train from the East. .. L From SARNIA to MIL WAUKE E CH1LC AG O, and all the Principal Points on the Great Lakes, _ _ A Delightful Route for Tourists. Elegant Accommodation. FARES GREATLY REDUCED flummdh‘-'uflm†leave Sarnia.triâ€"week}y for + â€" I EOPm nnt PCOE CRls in s -mul'owlld River Seliiement. This is the choapeut and most direct ronte. Ateamer FALMOUTiP feaves Portiand every TVESDA Y at & X> p. m. m‘l-lp-nâ€"--w- uv......'-l-.r.“.fl .._,',;; con Rail will m% %l. N. 8., every RATURDAY au 400 p.m. Hhe has excellent :1".!&‘.'0.AY 200 ‘p.m. _ She. has excellont uBs “muï¬%u Freight. The Steamsbtp «CH " will also run beâ€" iween Portiand and Hulifax, The International colnrlv*l lh-u? also runmming in connection with the Grand mk ;-nvay leave Portiand every MONDAY and HORSDA Y at 6.00 p.m. for 84. Jobn, N.H. THROUGH TICKETS I8S8UED TO _ _ALL CANADIAN AND AMERICAN POLNTs. z. SEA BATHING EXCURSION TICKETS AT uuuu:u'nï¬-. For further !"!_"‘“‘ and tickets apply at the H. DE ROUVILLE, Agent for Prescott, Sl'L;l;( -%nnI‘;Evl:x:tl‘nv.IlnA TS wars ffffff wars Mair‘s Patent Dreas Hat, the most complete in hoii aeueree tach cere Rhat ces JiAMES PEACOCK. Otthwa, A 111 9th 1878 Thunder Bay, Duluth and FORT GUARERY. RU8SSFLL HOUSE BLOCK, PEACOC EKE‘S. June 14, 1873 Myrtle Navy. Price an low that all can CAUTION. g-ï¬ 'IY.:lal‘.,I‘A‘::hm j PUBLIO mOTICE. Kdnohnnb!"flâ€"u elauses of the Act 3 Vict., timber limits wilt be: offer EMTTCCINOIO CAE vile lant a the fim tnaced ts tihPee oftred me es S Pane en oi enc iurr paT of OCTORER TW ENTY â€"B EO hom inal S an m N BX T l 0 COne ‘. o d promgay Amoes g'"““; -v‘-‘--â€"vrâ€" -T.‘_‘ ESS breinranaues aad Tartigon, «66., «is .o o )o ul le pslas CpBome RNRTTT TD OR s P T walias from tiened are at an -nnil“z"ndll-‘lunn- wamody hy me Cabnso iributany t Laks iscounta, and the Blue Itiver HTDIS Yrepep both Sowing injo the Saint Bathing firkeis £004 M\ Bpring Stylos of Euglish and Arperican St, John, N.4., J P er uo in the matter of TIMOTHY m 1 the ‘Thomas Deasem, of the town Wu eppotnied "Assignee in “&“h_“u.;:â€"uum: caimge be~ Pom breke, July 21873 July 18 1873 BPARKS STREET, OPPAW A.7 NSOLVENT ACT FOR aA 4OUD SMOKE, AB FOLLOWH "~ oN EACH PLUG. wW. H, GREAY Agent u%uu-_._ Checked Through. . BRYDGEN, Muamaging Director. A. JOYCE, Agent for Otiawa. cA : ven that conformably to the T P n 1iS im #% OTTAWA MONDAY OCTOBER 6 18783 Leave Ogdensburg 3.00 pm, arrive at Waterâ€" town &Ila m, [15 minutes for supper) Oewego Kb+ pm, Kome # lr m, Utiex 10 G@ p m, Albany &Nu ©a, NQ; York 700 a im, Boston 8@ a m, i:ucw 10.00 p m, Rochester 315 a m, Buffil® «D) a m, . Close councetion= made at Builalo apd Sevemion Aridge n onl oi e wins., itepmnt »r nis wesl. lee phng Car attached to this train .!'.' Watertwn, -mdv:uu throuzh to New York. y | RETUEXING. Leave mew York 1.MLm, Albany 12. 40 a m, arrive at 'm- 7.50 a m, (15 minimes for breakfast), arrivitg 11%0 a m Tenve Hew Tok (cia Propios Linn of RLabm On and after MONDAY, May 26th, 1873, and til further notice, trains will run on this road follow», (Bunday excepted.) ors at 6. 00 p iu{nlni p m, Aibany 8.00 a na, WATERTOWN & OGDENSBURG RAILROAD. traing for [N PERCOLONIAL RALLW AY. 1873 Summer Arrongement, 1873 On and after MONDAY, 26th May A passengor and mail train will leave Hal‘fax daily at 7.30 a.m., and be due in Ht. John at & ‘, ‘-. A moutor and mail train will also leavo ;. John deily at§ a m., and be due in Halifax at * 560 p.m0. * Trains w .l comnect At Painsce with trains to snd from Shediac, and is738, C 0_ 1=73. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. In.ermediaie Staiions. At Traro wiih trains to and from Pictou, and Inâ€" termcdin‘« Stations. At Windsor ) unction with the trains of the Wind .‘ sor and Arnapoli¢ Railway. Au=. m:‘u’:m. Jnfl“‘\fk!l “fl:rooe-n.:'d orth ‘omn w for » nâ€" wille Juc etion ‘l,o-w&l-_ wgb"\"".':gif'.t“““ ville Jucetion Mon Qor«bee, Portiand, BQiâ€" ton ; aso wi h Int Steamers to and from K# ) Portiand and «Bc ton . LEWIS CARVELL, 114 Genera) Superintendent. o...,-mm'.‘i.'i.â€" ma “'.‘uyfl'\. F CANADA . CBNTRAL Brockville and Uitawa failways ;i'u"t?‘â€"" byng§47 pm. 1. J. FRARY, J. W. MOAK, Gonernl kot Agont, (lenl. Ruperintendent. BUY YOUR TICKETS For Jttawa via Brockville, AuBsuTS ANNNWOTIONS MADB WiTd THR LEAVE : Brockvilie, 7.3 a.m., 4.00 p.m. Uttawa, _ 9.30 a.m., 4.45 p.m Renfrew, 8.00 a.m., 3 0 p.m ARRIVE :; Ottawa, 8.00 p.m., 12.30 p.m. Renfrew, 200 wp.nl., 9.46 p.m. Brockville, 1.50 p.m., ‘M:';fp-llh 4 RB@y* Ahese Roads are of the same gauge as the Grand Trunk, and there is conseâ€" quently no tranzhipment of Freight, when THE ST, LAWRENG® v&:&:â€"éh&-ï¬?i&@& Trunk . â€" Teallway. The old M.Nï¬.s'hlfl and best route. ‘The shortest line to all points Kast and Wasl. ALTERATION OF â€" RUNNING TIME. lc‘m AND FROM MONDAY, Ootober 6th, 1873 Sour trains will ran daily, as tolle w« :â€" OTTAWA RATILWAY: Three Express Trains Daily. May 1, 1873 CR AXD PACIAIC HOTBL Taons P. FORAN, A ADbVCCATE, SOLICITOR,&c. hTm' TWK TU FARMER® AND STUCK â€" BREEDERS es c soioth c BULL: bred frodh ‘ane" 6 the 5“‘"%15&::’:1_“ Erroaod0t dark red and white, and has all the Enmacterisye make of that fins breed. | .. T«l-nï¬ornnurn. wepe . ) ; Fi l x > s 38 L ob t ‘_ ; weepee Rverpone . should have it. Sent Poste paid on:recsipt of.aze dollar,. . .. . ... .. n‘.n’.\h-n-lu. . ‘~.. MONTREAL lini\ Fune 20 1072 any 38, 1814 aa + 90 u.:.-(h-onuu.n-n. Uharge E@ with all the Grand Tronk and West. i :“â€"-nt Prescott Junction â€"for re are rum on Montreal ttme. NEW YORG BXPRESR GOoLNG NORTH, Jrand Trunk West 1940 P. i. G.T. Express for Wï¬!l!.fl P.M O. T.R. for Rast. ::...} 146 rar IION. A. B. FO8TER, Managing Director Rast and W ost. .... a Peopio‘s Line of Hteamâ€" YÂ¥. 6. and 11B RR. 11.00 arrive at: Watertown 4.937 )8 «REKYNOLDA, Managing Director, Otta wa ~*. [ DR EVANR _ ___"*"_"" Aoindls THE TRAINS ..":f \1 and un Arrive in 4.15 P,M; £00 A.m. 1#’1’...- €.00 bï¬Â» very day. 12 20 P.M. |\Ortawa River Hengation Co‘‘s Commencing June 2ud. DuW NWARUS. Passengers leave Ottawa at 7 a. m.and 5 p. m. by steaimers " Peeriess" and * Queen Victoria," Yor Montrea! and intermediate landings, Buggage ehecked, â€" Mcals and Stateâ€"roqms extri, . j f UPW ARDS, > Passengers léave h{‘ the 7a. m. and 5 p. m. traing for Lachine by Railway, and connect with the steamers " Prince of Wales," and " Princess" lor Ottawn and intermediate landinge. . RETCY 9 I‘he comTort and economy of this line are un‘ surpassed, whilst the route is one of the most pmeturesque in Canada, . Tourists will find this a delightul trip, â€" Freight for all points on the Ottawa sent New Tron Steamer, = Pelriess," Capt. A. Bowie, * Princé of W ates," Capt, W m. Shepherd * Queen Victoris, ‘ Capt.P. Â¥. Macdonnel " Princess," Capt. i‘. McGowan B . c3 dcd s Aeo ebA day se Addin en Ghl Pussengere h-twmr OUnwa by the evening steamer will descend the Lachine Kapids, Ne through passengers taken on Saturday evening through with despatch. iugle and return tickets may be had Company‘s office, Quen‘s W hart Ottawil. 12. W.8SHEPHERD, Bault Ste. M LAKE SUPERIOR LINE. Collingwood, Fort Williim and " Duluth. cabin side wheol Steamers ROVAL @2 th. i;E of STEAMERS Ottawa to Montreal, 1873. CHICOGA FRANCIS SMIFHL oubrsEnuaA®p, AbGUM A, In conneciion with the Northern %nwu Oanada, leazing Collingwood eyery ESDAY and FRIDAY, an atrivai of mail wa‘n, leaving ‘Foronto at 7 a, . ealling at ewen Hound, l‘<‘l|lhu- Sault Ste. Marie, Michipicoton, Nepigon, silver Islet, Prince Ar(hur‘s lAndln.'-nd flllnlh. Connec ons at Thunder Bu{ with Lawson Ronte for Fort Garry, and at Daluth with the L. 1000 20 OA B Acasabt Abos‘vies‘. roseenett as C299 9T B. & Miss, Rnfl'nz Tor St. Paut, and Northern Pacific Railway for Moorbead, Fort Garry &ud Red River country. Passenger fares‘ and freight from Montreal, Hamiiton and Toronto as low as any other line. m]i mnma t.hmwho:j rpl;n:!ulfl pl-.nd certain. or passage l reight apply to WM. RICE, Hsn Street, Ottawa, JAS, CUNNINGHAM, * â€" â€" Goneral Manager, Collingwood, Ottawa, May 16 1873. PRUSSIAN CASPIAN.. BARMATIAN ... .ccscc ee ce ce en en kx +BOED 00 CARCARSIAN ., ... .. .c cce ce ce . .. Pnd it POEXNESLAN . ... ... ..co0)c iss is n os B0R * RATES OF PASSAGKâ€"LIVERPOOL LINK From. Portiand or «Quebee, (cmy Raturday to Liverpool and Londor orrL.) Fares from Oftawa, Cabin..... ... $27 mflm 0% ROYAL MALIL STEAYVsSUIPS. T ae shortest, cheapest and quickest pnan%e to Liverpool, uumm.,rr&“mlwmm ‘The fleet is one f ihe largest, fastest and safest in the world. Vewsels will be dospatched as follows :â€" Bleerage From Quebee to Glasgow. raking from Quebec on or about the 8th May, aud leaving on 'Ilnlnnlu{u al ga, m. lz!r: Tickets gm":-lf: at rediced rates. i n expor c M‘? mrrlxd on each vrd. Berths not secured until paid for. "ersons wishing ‘o send for their friends can cbâ€" tain passove certiGcates At dowes‘ rates from "" P Jubrach tanings (vBvicolive Tok v 4A emnilr cce TT ETERCWUIC LA B_4llnd inany valluav Ircland or W to any railw: m?:Ioanmln or the Unitea. States. (Wh:‘vn Uckels are nct use.1 the amount is returned, less A amall deduction.] .fllfc:, through tickets and every Information apâ€" y p, W . COOwWaARD & CO,, â€" >_________ Agents, 17, Sparis 3 LOkDON, QUEBEC & MOKTREAt May 3071873 o-‘m-' tho four first ‘class upper .n'.‘.".m‘-m.y @toamerk 1. 5 SCOTLAND, U H AMER, «OLLINGWOOD The mm-lufl- klum intended to sail dm‘lngtm son of mukm of 1873, from 14JNDON: sor QUEBEO MONTREAL, as B WwA esc e n snn o4 THAMES .. ... .c cce enc sse++++» Baturday, 27th _ @ MRDWAY ... ................ . Wednesday,8th Oct And every alternate Wednesday and Baturday , thereafter, Ottawa, May 8, 1873. URLTA » ap e qy on pn n en nen ns snn dR EAITIRT L C3 MEL NT AMRACEUUI!:.]....... ... Theadny, fis * ‘l'uAIu,.......‘..............!'h-b’{i'llh * Aflmqwg_wuu ursday MEDWAYs «n «o saa s=<# A M BASSADON .. ... l cuie+ (C#!Iing at Ply month ontward for Passergers.) YBUTAL .. .. ........2......02.. Batunday, 6th Sept TEMPERLEY â€" LINE “ï¬n ereditors of Ronert H. W 11s0M, late of the And from QUEBEC for LONDON as folâ€" nio at 7 a, mm , ealling at owen EOQnd, NO LAtte Ourrent, Spanish River, Bruce Mines, lhlu' shoige collection of A Set Pieces %' fl.& C hallts, u:‘.m“u:'m ':-"a""‘a Bouk -,...u""".,“:;":"’"" "‘.:'..‘:‘.::'é"r" * Â¥ e e ag c foviong}] n-'-‘- Price $1.4. it is unquestiOnubly garTuk BEst BOOK OF THE KIND Ya&T -e'. r %.m- are Handel, H e e t oï¬ méw BOOK. TT CAKTAD ATBIH HO, GLAsSsGOW LINE. hite, Taylor, Emmerson, Warren, Root, Bake Mâ€"{mfl& ~. & 8. NORDHEIM e ts Ottawa, Sept. 19," 1873. z0â€"3in RATEB ~OFâ€" PASSAGK. c l# \ EV i RN, T IHI E. the following firstâ€"class lron iN LINE tickets may bg had at th AND M EDW A Y KOTICE, B Laui rancous sair. Tuesday, 2nd flegf 'I'luvmlay.gt‘h A Thursday, ! th 8’:‘» Treaday, Hst _ * Thuraday, 30th * Wednesday, 17th * Divi. P A. .... Znd August sece MOG . .!t ....l6th * President. NYANZA > tm m 00 For Serofala, Seurvy, Skin Diseases and sores of all kinds it is a neverâ€"failing and permanent cure. _ 1t cures old sores, _‘ Cures uleerated sores on the neck, Cures ulcerated sore. egs, Cures blackheads, or pimpies on the face, Cures scuryy soi.s, Cures cancerous ulcers, . Cures blood and skin discases, Curés glandular -wvllT Clears the blood from ali impure matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the hulq-. and warranted free from anytbing. injurious To the most delicate constitvtion of either sex, the proâ€" prll:::r solicits sutlerers to give it a Lrial to lest i(s value. Tuousands of testimonials from all parts, Hokd in botitles 2s %t cach, and in cases, con taining &‘x times the quantity, Hs eachâ€"sufâ€" ficient to effect a permanent eure in the great For cleansing and clearing the bloo from all im purities, cannot be Loo ug(ily recommended, . l!lr‘rll’ of longâ€"standing cases, by all c and patent nredicine. vendors | through« warld & Sole Proprietor, F. J. CLARNKE, Ch h l'sl‘mfllbâ€"no;ir-n av _: «fessional mediâ€" cine> for | indigestion is Morson‘s I‘IHIHI.‘ the active principle of the gastric julce, Bold in Powder, Lozâ€" enges, Globules; and as Wine in }, 4 and 1 pint botties. CHLOMODY NKE is of such celebrity that it can £ scarcely be considered a specialy, its composition being know» to pracliâ€" Uoners, Marâ€" of the Chlorodynes Leing nnequalin strenglh. MoRson & Bon have pn-guul this, Sold in â€"__ {0z, 1j o». and 3 oz, bottles. GELATINEâ€"The purcst preperation is Morâ€" HamPtonâ€"W inor & C0. Halifaxâ€"Avery, Grown & Co, Aug. 2. 1373 Barelay & Sons, % Farringdonâ€"st , London, Sanger & Sons, Oxfordâ€"st,. Loudon, And all the Loudon W hoiesmide Houses AuUENTS IN CANADA, Montréalâ€" Eyins, | Mercer & €0,, â€" Whol bDrnzgists, hed Lymaus, Clare & Co. Porontoâ€"Eliiott & Ca,, Wholega‘e Drugszists, @ _ Shapter and Owen, Nooa‘s Ara sold> hy Ghemiists and Druggists throughout the world. e 00. BWR c 0 _ Carefully packed and shipped. Orders mad payable in Englund. THOMAS mMORKNSOY & soON%, Medallists and Jurors at all the Great Exhi 81, 88 & 124 Southampton Row, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON PURKE CHEMIOAISA AND NEW MEDICINES Belected, and #hipping orders executed wit c«re and despaich. 22150â€"ly Y TNION HoUSEB, _ oi en e oo ie e e e e y s formerly the residence of the lats K. Wright, Esq., has furnished the house anew, and filled it with all uiimm†improvements for a firstâ€" class hotel, in view of the comfort of bis patrons, e The Bar wWill always be provided with the @hoicest of Liquors and Cigars of the best brands, Good and spacious stables attached to the estalâ€" lishment. «2. Oharges modernte. & Hull, Aug. 28, 1873. Fatd) WIR) RMSY BJ MITIR Ths Otlawa &5 any Chnl:, Style or Cize, The only Chirt and Kollar Factory in OLtawa, \ ‘ & JAMES ANGUS, or 8 utter to the princi hudd:«~l,~*~duallslatant . Merchants‘ Bank Block, Spurks Street, (kor) Metcalfe. 4 this Fing Â¥wel will be opened on Glmw Urk ainc. «ie Chief Cook, Russell House. B)ARDEAS svpolied with the choicest viâ€" ends, at mo lerste prices, ~ a@â€"FRENCH COOK ERY 4q HOTEL DE PARIS. ME BESP CHOICE TRIOSâ€"For High Schoo‘s and Semi \___ Trade Markâ€""BJood Mixture," The Great Blood Purifier and Restorer Tae proprietor of this splendid estab"ishment ~ _ nor w. Hy W. 8 Tilden, Just out, _ >1.09 RIVER OF LIFEâ€"For Sabbath Rehools, By Perkins, Bentley and 40 other com posors, o CHEERKUL _ VOLIUKSâ€"KFor Common Schools By L. Q, Emers »n. & ble HOUR OF SINGINGâ€"For High aem;u..,‘ny _ Emerson and Ti‘den. _ _ _ _ ____ $1.% STANDARDâ€"For Choirs, Conventions, &c. â€"I‘y Emerson aod Palmer. $1.00, DEVOTIONAL CHIMESâ€"For Social looulg: By Ass Hull. > MUSIGAT TREASUREâ€"For the Parior. (Voent and Instrumental.) $2.50 RBeven admirably. eonstrunted books, whose saies are to be numbered by the hundred thouâ€" LR COSTIER New Singing Books. J=3~Corner Blain and Chandiereâ€"sts, Opposite the Office of K. B: Eddy, Esq. EVes To U ME CC P CVWULO ut sand, so perfeclly is each / filted to the popular taste. [BSUC, T 4T Either book sent postâ€"paid for the retail ec. BHivER DITSON & CO,, C. H. DITBON & CO., Boston . T11 Broad way,,N.Â¥. ET Business That Witl Pay frcm $4 to da.e-nbepntnmllnfnm ovnlr‘ghm; yIu- a rare chance for those out of em ployment or having . sure time ; girls and boys frequently doas well as men, Particuâ€" Ottawa, Februaty 22 1872 tars free. OddU 44 CHIRTS, KUFFS, AAVING | day or evening ; no RPARE my*fl TIME. |‘.‘1§. uurle.: ma.‘ WTON, The nuull i o han ~bx C | the westâ€"mist conseq be dail Nee --,.,..f be hebvi Lh umfl wad C‘ oriober and the ability of the CoR}D2 ‘Proatly esaened. i m'“bbe““’!“fl’ the inconvenience within the emailest Umilts, nulu:umt?a:n-dmum public D:(V be -baw: * ‘P"l w. ." e y duflna‘(.he On the6th October the line wili be run on the gange ali west of Monireal, and on that iarge numbers of Hew narrow gauge cars ‘HHNM.“'"â€"' A very large uomber or _‘,mg.‘e engines are also now being delivered, Tok fin wioeh miper n â€" ( ’,'mnm’a-r-m-.l-urm- e eremtatinand ippteatsies io way, the substitut‘on of steel #ï¬u* -'Jl?: on oo n n aent o6 is Erteont reen yeat, e Fqï¬%ln-mnuhm the end of Ociober faily to accommcdate the trade S the Goustry surved by the Grand T: avk Hailâ€" Rise forbearance of shippers is requested whilsi these large alterations aha im provements in the NE CCC C tha Railway are. being OR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE . of engines AM TT Lc 20 aa d had, and 28 coazl- ;?uulalln s p ‘ars con t -Muu'nne?flnl #ï¬u*wltz -mnn‘n-e wd.we“dfln". has been | formation in re mwammmnu. be seut to any e pany to be Jn a position befoce the minst be aldr2 end of Oeiober faily to accommcdate the trade | MALN OFNICE olthewju'ï¬b!kh.h-l‘hwkw- 101 W._Â¥ way. y RGept 2, 1 72. 1‘med.whm-addvh- eney Aar l these large alterations ana improvements in the YCID Q To pnpnnechnion, but every effort â€" it ue into operation, but every effort will be % of 1hn-n~wwmn “.‘ tim: small M'fllm , prousi jit e us e * | yain ove 7 2o * ©, 3. BRYDGER, simple m >ans ¢ Eus T i iee mnuu’ his foBowâ€"su6 Worksâ€"HoRNsEY AND HowkR®* ow. Montreal, Sept. 16, 187. } RAND TRUNK RALLW AY NOTICE. ANTED.â€"We will give men and R $@0 a week gunranteed. Business ALL ‘mv and »ermanent, home or abroal, /ING | day or evening ; no eapital reqotred. ) D uteronomy, chap. xif., verse 23 UNEYâ€"WAGYES1 A pothecartes Hail, Lincoln; F CLARKE‘S EXPORT AGENTS es ®A Ef‘ Cmm PC ho h J, LATHAM & Co., 20 Washinzion 8t., Buston, Ma Fifectual â€" Hemedies YiSe TYz Murch by : made to order «Chirt Store. KOLLARS W holoxala the lst 0t henisis m Lhe i mist , Full inâ€" M"....u GGrateful Thousands prociaim Â¥rxâ€" EGAR BJTTERSâ€"the most wonderful Inâ€" vigorant that ever sustained the sinking sUstem. *~ s [3 No Person can take these Bitters accordin * to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones aro not deâ€" stroyed â€" by mineral poison or ether means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. ob C e Bilions, Remittent and Interâ€" mittent Fevers, which aro so provaâ€" lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, eapecially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Hlinois, Teamessec, ()umbcrlnu%\rkan- sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio‘Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roâ€" anokey James, and many others, with their vast tribptaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autamn, and remarkably so during seaâ€" sons of unusual heat and dryness, aro invariably acomn'rmicd by extensive doâ€" rangements of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscora. «In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powâ€" erful illflltl.en& upon theso various orâ€" gans, is essentially nocessary. ‘Thore is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Warker‘s VixEoar BitTERs, as they will specdily remove the darkâ€" colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loadod, at tho same time stimulating the secrotions of the liver, and goncrally restoring the healtby functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against discase by purifying all its ï¬t{idawlth VINEGAR BITTERS. e No cpidemic can take hold of a system thus forcâ€"armed. _ â€"> Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Hoadâ€" ncbe?' Eul: in the Shoulders, boughs, Tightness of the Chost, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Billous Attacks, Palpitaâ€" tation of the Heart, Inflammation o?'.ho Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid neys, and a hundred oth« ;>inful sympâ€" toms, are the offsprings of Dyspopc& ‘One bottle will prove a better guaranteo of its merits than a lengthy advortiseâ€" ment. _ Scrofula, or King‘s Evil, White Swollings, fï¬&m, simn. Swelled Nock, Goitre, gcrol‘nlonlnlrgmwm Indolent Inflammations, Morcurial Affections, Old Bores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyos, oto. In theso, as in all other cunstitutional Disâ€" BB DMTOMD, BB ND TMR MMBOD ARBTP OBE ECCC ‘houeo..\hnn's VÂ¥ixroar Brrrens h::: own their great curative powers in most obstinate and intractable cases. ( \j Rheumatism, Gout, Bil Romitâ€" tent and lnt,ermkmm fomr:“[;im of the Blood, Liver, Kid::{l and Bladdor, these Bitters haye no uL . _ Such Discases are caused by Vitiated Blood. m Mechanical Discases.â€"Porsons enâ€" gagod in Paints and Mincrals, such as lumbers, Typeâ€"setters, Goldâ€"beaters, and Miners, as they advanco in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, tako a dose of WaLksR‘s Vixâ€" roar Bitrekrs occasionally. For Skin Discases, Eruptions, Tetâ€" tor, Saltâ€"Rheum, Bilotches, Spots, Pimples, l’nunl::,.d' Boils, (hurbudal. lung-volr':-,h' Bcurfs, Dinolonl.ionl, : the Skin, JJumors and Discases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. is IL s ooo 5 > aTape, and other Worms, lur?’inm ’-h-of--n-y&unnh, are flectully.xuuoyed-d removed. No system of medicine, no vermifm no anâ€" l.{ehn initics will free the system worins â€"THKâ€" HOT A>D THIRSTY SEASON. like these Bitters er you find its impurities bursling through \go iln in Pimples, lrnrdau. or Sores ; eleanse it when you find it obstructed and Trokk your foolings wth toll you when." Keop our ge on eop m&upm,umuï¬uuqu- will follow. < o nioinansens Droggists and Gon. Agts. San Pranciseo. Californie, par coLun as‘ICE UR _ 8 "PURE SYRUP3 For Female Complaints, in young or old, m‘:rried or single, .&t[hot:l’n’;{ woâ€" manbood, or the turn ofRife, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. _ Feom the TOILKT ARTICLE® FOR THE HOT WEATHER Bponges, a large stock ; Turkish Towels, F ips. ho ns ns oteniormererient 80 t y € received, Hair, Z‘IR and Natl Brushes, &e. A. CHHISTIE & (t. _ The only Rélia For Inflammatory and Chronic sODpDAaA) _gvuvrmn sar COLn A%ICE CR ul «winwa July 10th, 1874 Two Prizes $1,0®0 each in Greenback«. Hix Prizâ€"i+* +each in Greenbacks. {:- Prizes $11 ) aach in Groentacks. 1Goid and Siiver Lever Honting Watiches (Iin at) worth Trom $30 to $$9 each. Coin Silver Vest Chains, Solid and Doubleâ€" plat=i Silverâ€"ware, Jewelry, &c. ufll‘nflu of Gifts 10,00, . Tickets tmited 10 z.. Agonts wanted to gell Tickets, to whour Liboral Premmioms will be paid. Single Tockets §$1; Hix ‘Tickets $; Twelve Ticke«s $10 ; 4{ wenty â€"five §$21. .mnmwnh'l fall Ne of prizes, adeâ€" of the manner of drawing, and other in« formation in reference to the Distybution, will M BE TBR TT T U C tham 0 AMietiers provement i tibl Cleanse the Vilinted Blood whenâ€" formabon t MOR UOTT T U C dhaen " Afie be sent to any one oulering them. . All ictiers minst be aidrossed to ; . Srrien, L. D. SINK, Pox # wA W. rifth St. Cincivuati, O. 1 td eR = ym A&w A. * A 1. tim of early indiscretion, causing rervens debility premature decay, &*â€", huw.‘h- P remedy, has ""..,..".‘..-’mnfluul-dh: mwm'm-&l.lg" _cor. of Washington and Chariton Sts., N. Â¥. Bold by alt lc:-l-u and Dealers. YCOID QUACKS caalt 875.0Q Ov + ~f IN VALUABLE Gifis! ARCTIC FUOUNTAIN ble" Dist ibution in the c0 2N .3, Druggist, Sparks treet. P i a ; Int on the Grand Tronk, néar Coiead Landin=, Aud \ hercas the constraction of such line of Railway v ill be highly benelicial to the inhabiâ€" tants and HRatepayers of the City of Otiawa ; and the Council .J the Corporation of the City of OMtawa, in onler to aid in such construction, have come to the conciusion to grant a bonus to the sald Company, to the ametist of one Hunâ€" dred The cand Dod in manner and upon the terms and conditiony. hereloaiter contrined, and in order to enable thk\Co ‘poraticn of the (‘II‘ of OUawa so to do, it willbe neeessary to issue Deâ€" bentures of the City of Ottawa loaom of One Hinmdred Thousand Dollar®, as hereinafior is torms and conditiony. herel in order to enable thk\Co (pm OUawa so to doy it wilbe n bentures of the City of Otta One Hundred Thousand Do contained And W bereas it will requ Dollary {s be raised annuail the pay ment of the said 1bet Wiereon as hersinafter prov And. W hereas the amoun abie property of the City of And Whereas the amount of the existing debt of the City of Ottawa is, ml meney, Fourâ€" then Hurdred Thousand D r8, and interest Fil.cen Tho@sand Dollars, no part of which prinâ€" elpal money or interest is in arrears 187 And W hereas for pu_\mï¬ the interost and ereâ€" ating an equalyearly sink ing fond for paying the said sum of One Hundred Thousand Do#ar« and interest, as hereina. or mentioncd, it wil require an equal annval special rate of oneâ€" seventh of a cont in the dollar, in addition £> alt other rates to be raised and leviad in each year . Be it therofore enacted ani ordained by the Corprfation of the Cily of Otawa in Council assembled as follows , ul the last City, is Dotlars 1st.â€"That it shall be lawfu! for the Mayor, for the time being, of the City of O‘awa, to cause any nomber of debontures to b > ima io for such sums of money as may be required ; such deâ€" bentures to be for not less then one hundred dollars each, and not to exeoed in the whole the said sum of one hendred thousand duu:m which debentores shall be seaic d with the of the said Corporation, and be sgaed by the Mayor and Chamberiain, forthe time being, of the swid Olty, _ 00000 on . _,. L s Â¥nd.â€"The dl%lï¬hwu the twentyâ€"ninth day or yeur of our lard one thousind eight hundred and ninetyâ€"three, at the office of the Quebee MRank, in the City of OUlaws, and shall bave coupons attached it the payment of the Intorest as iL falls due 3 vt.â€"The said debentures slall boar interest at and afuer the rate of «ix :-r cent . per evnim, from the date theroof, Woich iMictest shall be Pn aniichmnrt wen Ti (in uc raipeenge months " uty in . e wb the sajd office of the Que! 0 Bank, io ‘the Cits of Otiawa aforesaid. L ale!. i9E 4uh.â€"For the purpose of forming a Bipking Fund for the pay ment of the said Delâ€"â€"ntures, and the inverest to become due thor n, al the ie aforesaid, an equal special rmite of oneâ€" geventh of wcent. in the doll»~, shall, in addition to all other fat os, i-unlnulhl‘t-\ ied and coftected in each year, u; m all the Ratesble Propmiy in the u-a of Cttinwa, --n,w- continuance of the said Deborww e ; of any of them. _______ _ 6th.â€"That the said _ Debontures when is@ed shall be applic 1 as« follows : â€"Twoentyâ€"Nve thouâ€" -Mulmw.fllrhumn ue 1 by the Corâ€" e un the (opmairedtyen int t mmokine® fevetss, we 000A ine machine shoy« must, howéver, be fl.mï¬ said Railway Company, T““r w Whiin thae P raite of the C)) y of @Liawa or within one mil¢ of such limit«, otherwise the Company sbail not he enâ€" Uued to receive the eaid iwontyâ€"five Iif-u‘l dollars ur.ln)' paic thereof. .;I‘lw &Mal hebenâ€" Lo to the extent ofwenlyâ€"Ave to ht-m;'ukl to the Company as the c-n:m the said machine shop« progre «, provided the same ure built within the hinits atareraid, the residue of the aaid Debentures are * +1 o paid over to the Com pany as follows :â€"As cach Ave wiles of the road commencing east of the fiver Ridean is Im nflul.lulm%‘“ be entitied to reâ€" m.fw fifteen thousrnd dollars of Debentufes for each fives miles of such road so ded, within toe linit of u-\'gutrfl\'r u--ou OMIUL-&-\-- Tont prtin Conppany gester 20e By "ate: altoms over to Nou: y ar tals â€" My l and until the (gaw&m‘h have prrchasedt or u:-lrd the fee sim w.umdhfl.r a station in the y .c‘nity of n Kureel, or in the viciuity of a line in contimuation on the mme mflumu-d Kigin Numw toâ€" wl Inllndw‘u '3'- iwonty â€"1 pArg van : â€"Bye = «and dellars roserved on acsount of -.2:- Mpo eenmn P PR bthâ€"This Ryâ€"law shall take effect and come into operation on the thirteenth day 0f Decem ber, in the year of our Lotd one thouxand eight hondred and sevonty Uhroe. . â€" a . m D dlh-( of OUawa only t« no ies Py mired on the Debentares al and from the time the same shall bo handed over to Lie sooumpeny. _‘ COs TE TL tss _ And whereas this -l".m'uho_“ um“om.n-dw‘au of C wa, aforesald, before the final passing thereef . .0. _______ _ The of the PRPCARETOIUOEOI _ L & of the said electors thereon, the Corporation of nnl‘lqgou.n hufd assembied, deo hereby afix the wixteenth day of October, in the year of oyr Lord one thousand elght hundred lc Aivis Jb â€" Bm Amrancvebame 2 c TSR LE IE hereby afix the sixteenth day of October, in the year of oyr Lord ons thousand elghit hundred and se wflt‘-uuw. aithe several l-uw- herein â€" after mentional "In the shid city, being the pu..«uummuwuu&om of the Coane{! C anld were held, t 1 Vwm'--l.uh.-nd Jarmnes uam-nwuuuon( el awa-u-t 1n Wesâ€" ac . Cosl Tisorer‘s " W aid, m , tire . ling‘ , ; In wb Mouse 6n the south side of "‘.‘Z'."_‘."_.""i:‘.r.i NICE 3 CEN i8 CP TL LL sY k1 T 'w ‘ Hievomectu ts Otand Srent arton Ro is S ar tine oobock Jn the forencon of tbe same sn m gre rald Conprrmuce do hrves Sigeans WW that 1e 0 "auy Sumer Clu": ï¬.m We tl:.lmlaflutfl-"m Wake N horre i. Jean | for Hy W and, und oc crue Phige Om ty oo e w BE CR wl flns Ar. Jeen for By W and, and 2ohn Ofiiny sor Ounwe Want . a anaveils a true eopy of n » e en indb on c d the Councit of tuqorrmd whie Lawa after one moyuth from. the fifst hereof in the p:-u lw-:-’-m duie of wb n U 2 Mn ar oi 1nd ce dhous. and eltht bundred m # ts se Urcroon at the fullowing piain 'v'n'r'u"-'-;. ï¬%‘d" Saines 4 cugza- the Norh! «ide of W ellington street in the * Vicioris W ard ; in and for © N d m t % the aaid Ward ; 4n wo letter U, on the wi*d . U Tt Riumber in and |for ';:u:g nï¬'x‘ number ::‘;:» AQEu.w s U Cetpber, ."J.",:., l--nl‘nn. mt u‘m hour of nlmm fl: Dollars, io be git Montreal and C R w reay Compan our Lord one thomsaudl c , t the hour of 1 Auemefie ‘‘A 0.; 971. LE 1 ‘W“,fl'w i old -uq-nnï¬;'- ce Doggems work made to eniot ty t‘ Honey‘s Block, Sparkse» Hireol, * ABMA t (hikatnipk, & suBaEX ATEEY 'lTw. POMBOY, S CLAIRVONXANT PEXBIOIAN. _ :’.:‘&'.‘.,‘.'#.h"..-“-..“.:-‘.’-fl-‘-‘ï¬ï¬-'-'-â€" jof a «hort Uime. . © * * wl OR is Â¥ w e l PA An A Abalacirinh, ie nincte in hhe oo at Rompas, ergaiate »arence, 19 ® 2/»rmace=, and m m.vodMM‘ o1 iho riner Uttawa, will be offered < P ubltc Auc: >0, a. the law 1=-0' 0"3“ h‘,_w.,‘o....;-ru >A Y ,mine of Qotaber, wmu;md 1? 0‘c ack, (nootl 1“,-‘ n ) milesof the of Mizâ€" woe is delightully situaied on the river Qi4â€" wm-, irveRnOT® 100 actes cloar uh in al wl time of sale Otews; Rept %, 173, ment of the said Debentures and interest as hersinafter provided V hereas the amount .of the: whole rateâ€" perty of the City of (ttawa, according to Revised Assessment Rolls of the wait Euht Millions Four Hundréd Thousand i l“uuuuvr- ï¬,,.."..an" ling Hoose with Barns and o i rrrch & L, to be made knowsn @1 the me of S2°Câ€" 5 & mv“-flhh'mï¬ï¬‚fl- y Owner, BDWAaey e U GUGARA, Ottawa, August 1ith, 173. UFHORIZED discwtst on American iuâ€" . yoices autii further notice : 11 per poot aws, Bept 2, ns it will require Eleven Thonsand raised annually by special rate, Fr KFarim ftor Sate. the BYâ€"LAW Lo T V d ctt®. for the Pflnfld tnking the votes m:flnrn hereon. the Corporation of he issue of Debentt t Cne _ HMundred o be given as a bon y the C Trunk \Commissioner of U#* IF“& ajomiomt, 1 0# JARVINE B&os._ Noted for Chemp Books. “.P@ turés to the Thousand nus to the hole rateâ€" eording to 1 the mabd Thousand for k