â€"â€" _« WEEKLY TIME3, yOL. VIL NO. 2801 aath An Dasly Truws 1st ‘:-".."'=:n‘w y phe among reading matter, T ceonts Nuthces, 124 cents par !ine. uad A dvertisements, #uoh as Â¥ERTISINC RATES. SIAM. MOsGROVE yister, Solicitor lhGes, : | "Sirks BUILOINGA :rrr.\\'.x W anted. mons V acent. W anted "nenam payatle in adrames or 124 _ wmtte m h/ a e ie wt e aramied ~ in the United States, at ‘w"-rm prognl mai ® p Dnsily Gines bEPARKS%S3t, near BANKâ€"St pril 18 C1 h cominttnne= mm ... .._____le l« RSHAL MATHESON > . Attormney, Notary, &c Collage. Toromso, Physiciaa, SurgecR, hous. OJm and after list May sext, mAF The aborse tem Bmier Buikl Em»nm.w descripuons o ATEAMK BO1L E&ERA Kvrory attention gvien to reopal in â€" Chancery» ry Tonsorial Parlour INo. 69, House of Commo ns ,'d‘* Surget, (Miawa. a. K. GENDREAU, _ Mhert Atwect, Richmond Road, Mtazms: @mpbell & McBride, HTEAM BOILER MAKEE#, Surgâ€"on and Accouchear, Otta®ei Teevy aat shhes at his reaslonse. Cunmeiimaet _ T L . 16 us & CHEY SLER, * rs and Attormeys at Law “""(" Solicitars, O TT A W A â€" NK C VÂ¥ A L. «T C Wu)Dd, Â¥e ow! fas a Smple ant sure means of se . NIELDRL®NG, of Marriage Licenses## Craatderse, L& .. ut 3 u> 4 p. 68. mi ..-t-nr‘. to usst tw MORL, _ Houses W anted, Board apd Lodging without the use of the kuife, by a ; gvee io parties succestfally read m ie imatnENEET > â€" KLWELL *A t y whcumth, NO LEND 08 LEAL TE ©HEIBTIE & WILL A& HOTEL, «€ Momtrrak OFFICK L DE P A RIS CoswPIIEEH C HW °C OOoK ERY 43 & WADE, Notaries, 40 K. Rideas Streek F. 1. Cu®yaL®® wi! he ope March bY J £&U K TJJS ifug nas reDorved his of this popolar Hotel, BRHOW NE vehicies at hand for Picâ€"Nice m uboderutle, mss f with the chabcest viâ€" in equal t auy other in the Daxtes WiaDE Cattle W anted. l » Es p c ramgn es ted o is tess, | _ Direct Importations always on hand, in Fine Goods, Brandy, Port WNONTREAL and Accouâ€" the travelâ€" w sustain Lhe ‘ as the clhules Bay. 1738 i. Now Â¥ork. . 7 Ousnws, May D. WL. 1 * w‘> | Purtreyor to His h'.rccllcm"y the Governor EoF} CGeneral, Earl of Dufferin, Wine and mgvbï¬;;for'm'odicind'pwpom Gin, Scotch Whisâ€" key, Rum and Dublin Porter, Ales, &¢,, &¢., Pickles, Sauces, Jams, Jeyies, Fruits ard Syrups. s s * + # ‘Fancy Goods in Variety, Likewiso the finest grades of Teas, Black, Green and. Japans, Cofâ€" fee, Fresh Ground and Roasted, daily on the premises ; Potted Meats, Crackers, Cheese and Table Fruits. > Thevegbosttobehadat‘r Ottawa, April $rd, 1873.â€"2227. 1873. SPRING DRESSES 1873 \Beautiful Spring Dress Materials in all the New and Choice brics for the present and approaching seasons. * > wÂ¥ + % " car KHR: °* / REGEANT â€" HOUSE. THOS. PATTERSON, Spring Importations, OURE CARPET DEPARTMENT Also, a large stock, Extra Value, in Three Plij, Kulider, Union and 1 -'l“-hllr-pofprieum«)loninoll'wl. : Repps, Terrys, and Damasks, Cornices, Window Poles, Stair R f Best English awl Scotch Air Dried Floor Oil Cloths, ‘These were purchased from the‘ manulacturers, and imported di \ au-q-tfyn: are i_-P: position z‘:‘bu at tbo“lon-t possible price. ; P. Baskerville & Brothers, GENERAL GROCERIES, 4. ¢ WINES, LIQUVORS®S, Anda PRovi®IOXN® _( _ TEAS in particular, guaranteed at 35 cents and upwards. _ Y SH~ REMEMBER THE ABOVYVE TWO HTORES ONLY P. BASKERVILLE & BROTH KA H. Meadows & Co REFRIGERATOR®, alx rlzes. .. ENGLISH WATER FILTEKS W ATER COULEKA KARTH CLOBETH. CHILDRENS CARRI AQG EM WOV EN WIKE MATTRAMAK®, . _ â€" BIXD CAGKS. 1VORY HANDLED CUTTLERY . C©COOK HTOV £8,. TIN W A KE * « IRON BEDBTEADS These Goods are all of the most improved Carpets‘! THOS â€" PATHERSON, â€" _ N o. 26 Rideaun Street J R STITT & Coâ€" HOT AIR FURNACES HAVE JUST RECBIVED Fitted up in public and private buildings Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, s6,. RIDEAU STREET AND DUKE S3T., CHAUDIERK Ottawa,;Jany 9, 1873 If you want value for your CAPITAL STOVE DEPOT, A*splendid assortment HAVINGyINOW COMPLETED OUR P‘ Aâ€" W A . YUT L [\ : ilks, Turco Mobairs, C iOGGeT ** _ witnts Check Chailies, and Mourning NEW 2418H RIBBONB, Ti 16, 1+14. EW LENQOS. ‘e Rich Ratin Stripes, new Shades, suitable EW ETAMENE SERGE _ _ is a nost usetul and durable materiai, KAZILIAN . y PCe, 47 norin, dus. EW WAsSHING GOOLDS i'o, are prepared to show in alue for your money, call to the above Stores * . None can exrceed them in Washing Piqhes, Percaies, . Satteens, Musitna, &‘8-. Briiliants, Camornics, ‘Pumuore; Lt t i. ___ _ , _ Gowxts in eailiess vi TD N ALFACAS. â€" \ â€"_fl.mmum i the k | the very shortest notice. Bussex use * "Gygaws, June 22, 1877 _ Russell & Watson, * 29, HPARKS STHEEK! a marvel of Beassty and 30 SPARKS STREET. of the newest designs in LACEB, V ELA Account Book Manufacturer, at W:t umoroup(o)fm-.m' # Rideau Street, Ottawa, would y flm“‘ï¬lm Wh Siock of Day Books, Ledgers, Cash Books and Journals made up from the best class of paper, and at prices as low, if not lower than at any other house in the Dominion ; wholesale or retail. Amtnoohtdhf-hdtofl“’! yariety w business ; if not in stock, ruled and bound to pattern, on the shortest notice. Bookâ€"binding executed inz“!“ from the plainest and cheapest to. the most oleâ€" Kuling, perforating or numbering cate» tully and promptly sttended to, and at FAmV Tow L lluf ' s h'.mhd aD Mana mounted. AK’ orders MORTIMER, ted to every variety , Paper.ruler and orders executed on Fa OLTAW* SATURDAY JUNE 28. 1878. THE ST,. LAWRENCE The ok! reliab‘e, quickest and best route. shorteat line to all points Kast and WesL OT‘AWA KRAILWAY. " ON AND FROM MONDAY June ath four trains will run dally, as follows, : â€" @oinu NoRTH, frass ALTERATION No with for berths, 50 cents. L _ CA LL, hadhia bubcind Hure connections with all the Grand Trunk trains both East and West . Twenty minutes at Prescott Junotion for reâ€" fresh m etitk. * Trains are run on Montreal tme. THOA REYNOLUA, * Managing Director, Ottawa No â€" CANADA |CBNTRAL, Brockville and Ottawa Railways Li * Every day : BUY YOUR TICKETS f For Ottawa via Brockville, Comfortable Sota Cars on Nos. 7 and 8. Charge * Threo Express Trains Daily. LEAVEK : Brockvilie, 7.20 a.m., 4..8) p.m. * Uttawa, _ 9.30 a.m., 4.45 p.m. Renfrew, 8.00 a.m., 3.00 pm. _‘ ARRILVE ; Uttawa, 8. 00 af.n., 1230 p.m. Ronfrew, 2 “r’.ln., 9.45 p.m. Brockville, 1.50 p.m., 9.45,.1:. B&* \hese Roads are of the same gauge as the Grand Trunk, and there is conseâ€" }qn-uy no transhipment of Freight, when June 6, 1873 WATERTOWN & OGOENSBURG RAILROAD: OERTAIN CONNirOTIONs MAaDB WITH THE ; ;awn, May 16, 1873 1873, _ 1878., SUMMER ARRANGEMENT \ On and after MONDAY, May 2th, 1873, and unâ€" til furtber notice, trains will run on this road as follows, (Bunday excepted.) SPECLIAL DpaY EXrRES, Leave Ogdensburg 7.0a m, arrive ALt Water» wwn 10.15 a m, Oswego 1.07 p m, Rome 1 32 p m, connecting with N‘“Yori dGentral Expreas U‘"" tor all points and West, -mvtn‘u tfica 206 pm, Albany 40 pm. New York 9.3 M o | Sou) A.M ‘ 10 PM _ B Buclt nrv wrareel € zP velk (>*44 °/9° Ua'umpm, Albany 4Â¥ pm. New York 9.3 pn.;g\wa 1.Â¥ am, Boston 550a m, Syruâ€" cuse 230 p Rochester, O.w’&-m. Buffulo 9 00 m, Cat at Buffalo and pension Bridge :'.ll points West. $ > * Lomve Prescott May 7, 1873 I.c.v:m :‘l.nm‘:.ï¬;. arrive at (\:.u-r- wrwn s minu or supper w e %.&+p u, l&mo ..:: m, Utica 10 &P; |l'7. Mlms; 1W a m, New Y 1% a m, B $.30 a m, -‘w 10.00 p m, Rochester llï¬l Buffalo :\;.‘::M;Bflsï¬r all points west. 8 i nts wesl. Slee u-rp:uu-hql to this train at Watertown, unf& Leoave OtimAWaL through to New York. arrive at pidhcrv brviy es 73 a m, Leavye )ev York (}'_1‘__! eople‘ 10.% A M _ leave New â€" ers at 6.00 p m ere at 6.00 p m‘bm?l. Y. C. and H.K K. p 19, mn:hu"o.l:;' arrive at Watert 1D . | v®y magy **" * ;. w. moak 13b A.M #.30 P.M 145 P.X soUTH CBOSBY-({RDN ANCE LANDS SALE. Leave New York 10 p m, Albany 12 4) a m, OME | |, J . PRA TT , «k90 & PAE TA Y General Ticket Agent, Genl. Superintendant time of sale WILLIAM E. CoFFIN, Ordnance Lemds Agent. DEPARKTMEXT OF THE SEcR®TAk\ orf STATE ORDNANCE LANDS BRA NCH, Ottawa, lith June, 1878%. & 2M t« PIYBLIC NUPICE is hereby given*.that on W EIJNEADAY theZÂ¥th doay of JULY, next, at NOON, will be sold by Mr. William Murray, Auctioneer, of Kingston, a large number of BUILDING LOTH of divers «i zes and dimensiona being subdivisions of the Ordnance property, kbown as Herchiner Farm, as shown ot & plan thereof by Nash, ‘P.L.4., to be seen at the, said Auctioneer‘s room#s. TERMS OF PAYMENT:â€"One tenth of the purchase money to be pald down at the tUme,of sale, anl the remainder in nine equal annual instalment«, with . interest . on | the un paid \mo{ the purchase money at the rate of uix per cont, a | TE W W /R devcveses "sch Hhve meeaeeoeett it Further conditions will be made known at the Ume of sale. .. / | + 4 Lopl:n;plu may be had o applicat Auctionser. m i E, PARENT, # i Under Hee, of Mtate WILLLAM F; CoFFIN, Ordnance Lands Agent. DErARTMÂ¥EXT OÂ¥ BECRETARY DErARTMÂ¥EXT OÂ¥ BEcRETARY oF BTATE, ORDNANCER LANDAS BRANCH Ortawa, 11 June, 1873, # M . Mondays e;cr!;«l. + Every day City of Kingstonâ€"Ordnance Lands Sale. GRAND TRUNK TRAIN®. uoiINng sSuUTH. Urand Trunk . Mail from the East.. . ... . Do do Express from W esb ... csiillll + Io do Mail from the Im» do Express from Royal Mail Steamers; 3 3% A M, East & West, G. T ‘m\mmuhth-u &-l.l ’u:f Express for wm'u.p:. r.Mx @G.,"T. R. for East and, 14. P.M weccommedation for | Way Stations West 'u. T. R. train@ fur| _ Rast and Wost......] 1.00 A.M Caonnecting with Connecting with OF RUNNINC T!ME WEW YORL ®EXrRES. A N D #s540¢" . s [ ht B * ria N. Y.C. and H.R RR. 11.00 a m, arrive at Watertown 257 1M a 'ln.(lb"‘in‘lnma for M a m. a People‘s 1Ane of Steamâ€" Under Secretary of Ntate Arrive in Otta wia. Arrive mt Prescott J unetion . 8.3) A L2Â¥ P 6.00 A. M 140 P U 35 A M. â€"One tenth of the | down at the tUme,of n nIne equal annual «t _ on ( the â€" unpaid wnmey at the rate of E. PARENT Manageor 1878 P Remree eai ons o cmenac en ce GLasG@ow LINE. From Quebec muu’c.'_ mmiling IPOTME °6 on or about the May, and leaving on Tharsdays at d a, m. _ e AD cAP®" U S sead wotil paid vease!. â€" Berths not secured until paid for . Persons 'ul‘;l.lu.to send mflrlr friends can ol tain p"‘ fcates at lowest rates from i‘.nn:n-l. reland or Bootland, toany rallway whak In Canada or the Unaited Miates. (Whaen tickets are not _T the amount is retarned, loss a «mall deducotion. Couc1 | > _ _ a acare information apâ€" Kna\::l. Ireland Of OUUOAUTD alliss ~ EW hat «taa In Canada or the Unaited Mtiates. (Whan tickets are not the amount is retarned, less a «mall deduction. For through tiekets and every information ap» y to vh N. W . COW ARD & 00 , _ Agents, 17 Mparks Mtreot. | For rates of pMMAES 4 0y LA KE sUPERMLOR LINE. Collingwood, Fort William and Duluth. nbin alde wheel steamers ca100RA / FRANCIS 8M rl'flh « CUbBERLAND, ALGUM A In connection with the Northern Rail d D Teaving Collingwood every RO stay .“" ï¬]pAY, im arrival of mall train, leaving Toronto at 7 a. m., calling at owen Hound, lines, ney, Little Current m-hh River, h 8y it Uerls Michipicoton, Nepigon, Silver Royal Mail . Line. m‘-;;--\‘i:fl'; Michi BJ EBRETOC® Ialet, Prince Arthut‘s .mi;m‘ï¬'&‘:‘k. Connections at Thyader with De&ewson Route for lflonu.rr‘;:ml at Duluth withthe 1. m, & Miss Mlv-" 8. Paul, and Nortbhern Pacifiic liailway Moorhead, Fort Garry Aud Red River country . > Passenger fares and freight. from Montreal, Hamilton and Toronto as OW AS any other line. Connection throughout mfld aim! certain. e C bce Tef mentueremngs sarach t apply to |_ Return Tickets w An exper (rtawa, May & M c*OLLIAGWOOD Union Forwarding & way Company . w»xtia 1| ortaws, May 14 1874 Steamers Jeasic Cassels This line m,r; the four AOrst class, uhin slde wheol sL@ADLOF® _ _ |, ... axirr ALLAN LINE Kippawe t LOKDON, QUEBEC & MONTREAL TEMPERLEY‘S _ LINE RCOTLAND, d‘l‘hom::.monl’:lilum m:‘ud w sail Measot & 1673%, from Lo m BoN sor Q UEBEC. sn MONTREAL, as NYANBA, 2 «6606666 6666 668 o rev eid "HL A M WEA . 2 2 20 es e se n n + n nn n «4 «.h.h\.g n * e luum. nith a day thereafier. s 0 18 / o NYANBA, qs ak kss 6k + D M AMWRM, a y a se e en en snn n n e t t ce SOOTLAND, » 2e e w 66e k eb s Aud every alternate Com ',...4: '7 _of the following 10 .‘mti\w « Imxiu»wum. RAJILWAY. 1872. Winter Arrangement. 1873, On and after SATURDAY, 2181 instant, AW and mal U TUul talken at & 9 dally at ) a. m., and be due in Bt. John at 845 g.m Apnm'mulmflllmm"‘ \®jJoun daily ats .00 a.m., and be due t Hall« uuo.wrm. Trains will connect At Painsec with trains to and from Hhediag, an Intermediate Btations . At'l‘mrov“npg‘ll_gl\omdm FPictou, and Inâ€" wa, May 5, 1873 vermecimes MR IINICUIC 8 Wipdex and AbP PSR AAART L aropean and At 8t. John with &%&fl : Miite J &“m"'uut--;""flu fuand, ua :m:a:; also with the l"'md * ara to and from Eastport, Portiand and Ott:iwa & North Wakefield â€" stage T.ine. N. L. Lhad EERT CC N 41000 ++ ... ... 12th l VIAN, _ $00g «+ l.. .l doth * ‘ PABMAG Eâ€"LIVERPOOL LINE wwi or Quebec, (@every _fl_gwnlu) 10 The nmhntï¬ml will runa local stage between Ottawa and North Wakefield, commencing. on MONDAY, the 19th, leaving Uitawa every non day, Wednesday and Friday at 60 a. m, and es08F CCC Llaa 5+ ~ halfnast one, to day, Wedn#®°8" ("""C aald at halfâ€"psa U arrive at North Wakefeld at h-lr-a.t one, to connect with the Unnw Gatinemt for the River henfl and lotermediato plages; will leave North Waketield, ever Tuesday, Thursday and Aniumtav. after the .rr‘vul of the U pper Gatineaun Seaturday, aA*‘"""°"" °n be prom wnu::oth'lllhm;i Office at T. Brown‘s HMotel, T H A M KA, AKV ERN jJAS. CUNNINGHAM, General Manager, Co RATES OF PASSAGE. td and arrIve Ww VUUr" 00 >a male Hfmat w oob it n in ue hy on most , 4 orders ymwfl- .“;I:ovn-muad‘ qUEBEC for LONDON AND "' ;ulflâ€"'_ from . Quebec at reduced ra O0F PABSS. w To LON DON: MEDW A Y mail train will leave Halimhx ECC 2 us Hedue m# M 96 * g81 2 to LEWIA CARVELL, W ed oa“~’, 1ith May J dAst " ath Jane Thursday, bkLTaA on each (MtaWA. Captains. .Findlay . * nflYANuo o1 21 32 6h y, l0th June . h S ay, *lst July Trains of the JttaWa. disposed .l.fl: o‘cl nuOeK td t ts po it t 3t t S it 41, 42, 4, 17, 48, 49, (6 ncrem each.) 1n bcrehz rm that the undermentioned Town and Park Lots of Thorabury, in the Township of Collingwood, in the (M\Ldufm‘th the exception of those that may pre y dis of, witi be offered for sale, w at e Towna â€" Ball, t‘,ulungoo-l. ( 1), M 10 o‘ciock, on the 9th of next onth . Terms cash, The Department reserving to Itâ€" self the muw make ope bid on each lot. An of the Do‘nr\-llulll will be at lyh{'- nrcel â€" (Collingwor!, the day before the sale to inâ€" Hotel, Collingqwood, the dt‘om me sale iD vestigate claims toany of uaid iannds . R. W . BOOTT, Jom missioner BA Y 'OT' Nos. 5, 8 ", & Ni 1, L \ 4 4 4 7. . n 1A _IS, 15 M 40, %H, 146 104 44, (} nere each}, 4, [1 aore. ) HURON STREET, 8. W EST AlDE= No.z.l.d,l}.l,a,dl.u.d. 1b (+ mere gach), 48, 4 No. 10, 11, 12, m. west af ECCCE TY 4‘ b, id [ nore each), 47, (f more.) KING STREET, 8. WEST 81DE. No. 6, 6, 7, & 9, 10, 11, 12, 40, 41, 48 44, 47, (; acre each), d.:]m.) * ARTHUR STREET, N. EAST SIDK, No. 5, 8, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 3 114, 16, 17, 1% oaony 20. 51. 12, 13. i3 parts H. West l fan . us i1 aans amai \ Ko. 4 4 4 is I6, IL, 1X 1d L1 my j YHr CoT2nt Oun CC _ (p acre each.) _ LOUISA BSTREET, N. EAST AIDK: No. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 23. 14, 31, 2, 40, 41, 42 48. 4, 18, 46, €7,,48, 49; 50, (4 wore each), 61, (1 acre.) LoUisa stREET, 8. W EST SIDE. Nd. #, (1}; acre.) & ALICE 6‘ No. 12 (1}f acre.) ALFRED STREET No, 17 (4} acres.) p (4 TO CONTRCTORS saturday, the I8ih JUNMO For the erection of the followiag buildings ench),‘ 10, 41, 12, 43, 45, way ’h;aéu'i. a, $7, & ARTHUR STREET, Will be received by the undersigned until NOON An Incbriate Asylum at Hamilton,. e es y esA ns n mh‘\'&mï¬ Engineer‘ office, ‘x‘nn.. the office ofâ€"Mr. Mather, naituse ce Pender ano, opat reddua of ds mopre mentioned offices. A ‘The lowest or any tender will not necessATY I'n accepied .. ARCH. MCK 4 Department of Public Works. Ontari0, . ___ HURON STREET, 5 NOTiCé TO SuUATTRRS NOTIOE P\mmwnauww&ntï¬â€˜â€œ"‘“ ..mnunmnflnmdw- mu-na sq., Archit Masonic Hall, Torouto, and TED "ML._. &A mahitant. OHAWEK _ Department of Chown Lands, _ | . Toronto, May 3, 1873. As great destruction of standing Lrees on Timbered Lands Drra@RrNExT or CRow N L.A xD8, * Toronto, June 10, 1873 Has been caused by Brea set Out for the purpose of burning ‘up brush in the process‘oft clearing DEPARTM ENT ¢ KING STREET, > lands in Which have been ufen possession of without authority, NOTLILCE A Normal School at Ottawa. Is hereby given that gally in occupation C JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, Will be summaritly ejected _ fr and prosecuted as m-p-l!"'l > dvinaca n on PPX# Toronto, June 2 1873. 1 ty that pend! ;r':f c'\.fll’rm' of the e mOo‘CPICE MINING REGION, The Order in Council passed on the srREET, souTth.â€" wWEsST 8IDF Â¥ ; % 0. 10, 11,12, 140, 41, 42, 43 44 () 25th of July Last, Respecting the Male of Has been sns pended TENDERS the Governor v last, has been ple oil, bearing ‘date 30th May last, o . in Sncnttumtof Nee aat Boge in manufacture of m o mitted free of dut‘-wm duty â€" be charged on all elted cloth of every «6t "By command, y J, JOHNBSON, / $ aiK Commissioner of Customes. une. 7th Lake Superior erebyv given that reon or persons ille« ; in m-uou ‘of Innds of the Crown, who ; be to have set. out Ares on such lands ng the monuths of A $ Crown Romain, CusToMa DEPARTNENT, Ottawa, ith June, 1878. Notce is hereby given, that Hia Excellency a _ Goverbor w an Order in Counâ€" |, bearing date s0th Lt. nï¬ln. :.“ :.nm a‘ï¬'& and Moote. -h.k%ha. L3 hss af Anty under m du _-". PUBLIC NOTICK STREET, N. KAST HIDK OTICE. way 10Y 10Y t on 40, 47, 4, 19, (; nere each .) STREET, 8. WEST SIDE. > 11, 12, 18, 14; 32, 40, 41, 42, 48, 44, 45, PINE TIMBEL Department of Crown lands, Toromto, May 20, 1873. West of Railway Track), NCECE. r CrRoOWN LaNDs, x. EA8T 8IDE N, £EAST AIDE. ~41, 12 18, 0, 41, 12. 48, N. FA<ST 81DF June Com missâ€"ioner Jw . HEANOTs Com missioner June lnst., from their holdings an examination of Commissioner en and after aere win honoohm' the offce of the Warden of the K ingston Itentiary untii * Tuesday, the Ist day of July Next, at NOON, from les willing to su the Inâ€" stitution with ;:"unmn':'.mb'?"onw free of charge : OILA AND WHITE LEAD to be of yery best quallty, and may be tendered for separately . i.inseed Qil [Bolled] 180 gellons, Do _ do Raw y â€"**â€"â€". 1 Lard do I® * Fish do . 2 inâ€"500 lbe 8 inâ€"2,000 ibs 3 it Bs ; & “lh { $ inâ€"1,100 ibs uu;xo'}.: NAILAâ€"400 lbs LATH N A1LAâ€"400 lbs Quuw(:wm NAILAâ€"1} Inâ€" ROUJHT NAILAâ€"2 i Lt % inâ€" 200 11 PENITENTIARY #UPPLIESE. m EWE 20 PPE TS wlllu CLOUT NAILAâ€"1} Inâ€"200 Ibs ROUJHT NAlILAâ€"£ lb T6 lbw » 8 lbe FINISHING NAILAâ€"% inâ€"0) lbe ‘ Â¥ 11. â€"68 los 3 inâ€"8 lbs ® 1 4 inâ€"80 Ibs WROUGHT RPIKEKSâ€"6 inâ€"500 Jbs 4 inâ€"600 lbw IRON. Girlvaniselâ€"72 x W. No. M Morewood‘s bestâ€"â€" Jaivanisedâ€" oo tie. :. ... â€n‘a‘;tâ€"flxx c clicks smerls tbs 6 m"x*f%-u lb®. pps : VANADA guu (Best Cold Rolied)â€"14 1!&-â€"}0â€"% & H“_wm. s |§-â€"u x®â€"1@ * s lgâ€"u Ca a#.. " IX_â€"_RHIHRâ€"Hâ€" " '?i.' ""T ol lllg 1 â€"14 x #â€" 1 n IRONâ€"} in Round â€" 11:}:: 1 i #100 Ite tinme d Wbm Lead ® 000 1 W hitening 1, 30 1 u1.A4%â€"7x9â€"@) hall boxes #x10â€"10 * wxi%â€"10 Mt 10z514â€" 6 *t 12816 6 ** ‘ l4%18â€" 8 s CUTP NAILAâ€"8 inâ€"200 lbs HORSESHORE RASPBâ€"4 dox. BOILER PLATE (BEAT.) ANGLEIRON 3 inâ€"8) feot Kingston Penjtentiary, June 14, 1873 Cloth and Flanne! TENDERS Tuesday, 1st July Noli at NOOK, from parties willing to supply the Institution with 600 Yards Yellow Cloth, 525 Yards Brown Cloth, and 2,000 Yl;rdl White Factory Flanâ€" nel. > . on hn ay ies than 1t oomees to the ya â€"~rel pmsoen mm i eranle ooo it : m:':m and Flanne!, showing quality may be obtained from the undersignâ€" *b Jonx cmEIGHTON, anlen. Kingston ?onl\._l‘l:fy. June 14, 1873. 2%01 P in ind c ns borecion" Penitentiesy t‘ the Warden of the Kingston CaANMaADA, I’:Vvlm OR TL B) > \uuu VICTORIA, by the of God, of the United mcâ€owm-MMQm ummu..:a& To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom J. A. UKAPLEA Sol. Gen. County of Otia iu?'--’ y ;. :+ o B UV LOH Ri Atall No. 16, Lower Town Iarblhg‘h'.- n.uohhm his friends and the pub~ lio, he has opened a Stall in the Lower Town Market, where he will keep Fresh Beef, Mution, Lamb n‘hihlhod&h:duuwm h‘m“m'-ung.flom sold at the most reaso/ Please give him a call. ENJAMIN EDW ARDS, 'ï¬{:’tm“'ï¬ Hy Command, 42 % At Mga?h Our Oity Chas RTPTH day or Un‘ in s "Cohh ‘he thirty â€"sixth year of Our 2,000 1»s 1, 310 Ibe JOHN CBRFIGHTON) ED. CARUN @EDEON OUIMET, 1, 800 Its S®) ltow 500 Ltb 200 Tos 200 l )00 ) be 200 lbs 3: lbe 100 lb 100 lb 100 tw w lbe lbe mit lbs 200 ltws 600 ltrs 300 tw 2y in .w E g lb# â€"14 B0X6# 100 Ibe 100 ibe 100 lbe 100 lbe 100 lbs D Lb 50 lbe 100 lbs PRICEâ€"3 CENTS 3 lbs 100 lb 1 doz lbe ‘s to be made THE INDIANS OF NEBRASKA What the Whites Wantâ€"Indian C iÂ¥yâ€" ilizationâ€"The Chaseâ€"The Farmâ€" . The Schoolâ€"The Peacoful Exte â€" AN The people of Nebraska desire the reâ€" moval of all the Indians from the State ; tut if this cannot be done, except at some very remote E:riod, they are willing to give them the elective franchise. The ~maha and Winnebago reservations are in the way oft;? extension of the raijroad worth on the west side of the Missour:i iver.> Fouam the New York Sun _ There is much comment among the na tives of the States and Territory all the way down the Missouri, from the. British line to Omaha, on the sending of Kastern people on the reservation. ‘The Western people say they know much better how to deal with the Indians than Eastern people , because they know what their habits are, and better how to approach them and ao~ complish practical results ; that Eastern le come here ignorant of the Indians, f:fp; what they have been told, or read, and make blunders. 1t is the intention of the Government not to perpetuate the } Indian dialects where education is in proâ€" gress, but to make the Indians who are under tuition thizk im English, and to teach them the rudiments of English from familiar objects. ‘All the energy Of the Government is directed to breaking up ‘their tribal organizations and destroy â€" ing their languages. * ‘There are small bodies ol young men loingw.ndouton the line otf the North â€" ern Pacific Iailroad pretending to desire work. Their ultemor purpose is to adâ€" vancée southward from the line of the Northern Pacific road as soon as they can do so, to the Black Hills, where they are sanguine of tinding =lots of gold." ‘The people who propose to awdvance westward from the Missour: to the Black Mills are those who most desire and exroct to find an abundance of coal and lumber. TWE PAWSEES aND sIOU A are irreconcilable enemies. ‘They kill each other at sight. â€" Therefore the rumor that any of the Pawnees have gone oif to help the Sioux‘fight the United States troops on the line of the Union Pacitic Railrosd is false. The Indians generally are making fai progress, . lhe lowa tribe are making ¢x= cellent prograss. ‘They are on the Great Nemabha Reeervation. eouth of the Great Nemaha River, near the line between Neâ€" braske and Kansas, The (‘toes are proâ€" gressing very rapidly, and are quite a peaceable tribe The Omahas are about to sell a part of their reservation through the .uM Deâ€" mt at Washingtonâ€"fifty acres of the portion of their reservration. The proceéds are to be expended during four years in improving their condition, civilâ€" mtion and agriculture. Mn qi geeieee O CEReeene o Coigeetsl CC T uc £ this spring and last autumn fifty dwelling houser, which they move into as rapidly as eeelaoie P oi s t o n K\ s they are constructeg,_These dwelling houses are placed upon allotments of langa of eighty acres each to heads of familiee. Aiter O.LO allotments were miade, four acres of the prairie sod were broken for each head of a ftamily who desired i and in distributing the houses they m;fl‘ @,mg the allotments of those who, after the sod was broken, tilled the soil. These houses were built by contract. They contain five rooms each, and are o{P‘“““ inside and out with two coats of paint, lathed and plastered, and sheathed with sheathing paper between the weatherâ€" Mm-nuh-m& so as to make them warm comfortable. in building houses for Indians they must be made more comfortoble than those they alâ€" ready have, or else it is useless to build mination of Red Men. INTERESTING SKETOCH FROM A MAN WHO KNOWS THEM. ready have, or else it is useless 10 907"~ houses for them at all. The construction of a manual labor boarding school has been let by contract for the accormfimodation of eighty Winnebagoe children: ‘The builcing will cost $10,388.70. .» An Indian will work well if paid by the day. When they desire wwe,ï¬v-ï¬b agent, he will never give it an Indian unless he is dressed in citizen‘s dress. No blanket Indian can get work. _ The Winâ€" pnebagos .are naturaily industrious. Last summer 200 of them went out and asâ€" sisted in gathering the crops of the neighâ€" The Winnebagos %. cqamdint moih bank those on the reservation. reservation is on the Missouri River, near the mouth of the Niobrarsa River. The tribe numbers about 1,000. _ There are about 700 ofthem members of the Episâ€" oplndWchnnhfl.l’nh ;“um olu!‘u.:l has td-inntb:m Santee x are progressing » mdthoirhndi-dlomfwm. They have frime and log houses, and their little farms are scattered all over the valleys of their reservation u*‘ it‘ The Pawnee reservation is situated on the Loup Fork of the Platte River. The south eas. corner of the reservation is about two miles from the line of the Union Pacific R«iiroad. â€" The tribe num; ber about 2,450. They have a Mapua Tabor Boarding School and one day school in successful operation, and two other day school buildings now in course of construc»â€" weno enannomened CCAE OM COs Snd T is very bad for their owilization and inâ€" terteres with settliors. â€" As they go out udyontheyï¬ndmnnhn,adï¬u w‘vit.htbom.mdmwuonbb. The Winnebagoes buy their beef and pay for it out of their own fund nmoney. They and the Nantees are the only tribés re» ceiving best rations in the Nebraskea superintendency . Both of thein pay for them with their own money. The Sanâ€" u-no.innoannuity in goods, and they receive. their rations only as a band of the great Sioux nation. They ara not recogâ€" nised as a separate tribe. © C in _ u2 .. o Mhvcradinis e e e s 0 0 ol The missions on the Santee and Omaha res«rvations are the onlynscid mu&h the Nebraska Superintendency. A schaols are on every reservation. AWe Quakers consider LVERY AG! but don‘t send them as missionaries Mblnbnithm-lcqm is also 1 |ootccntctnttmmndt_Abt The lowas, Sace and Foxes each have a funded debt with the United States, They receive five per cent annually, and depend upon that undTheir industry for their livelibood. None of these indians are supported by the (Government. The San« tees get annuity goods. > They receive NE cmak ~mlilnithl â€" They receive tees get annuity goods. > They % flour, meat, ,M_."a.?'_!"&.'_“_“i‘."_"_"’...- es ooo L o axic ks ‘< ries, under treaties that have been made with the Government. ‘The Winnebagoes receive five pér cent. upon their funded debt. Ten to fifteen thousand dollars of it is paid them annually in money. . The Winnebagocs, however, say they never saw a cent of money. ‘The trader gets it all. The lowas and Sace and Foxes get Sve per cent. They receive no annuity goods, but dras the interest of their an~ nuities. The Utoes reéeive $9,000 in money, but no rations or annuity goods. **The lowas‘ children are sent to school. The lowsa Indians all dress in the costume of whites, and are industrious on, thely farms. They are comfortably olad. And are progressing 8s I‘F:olyy in civilization o ts nam T are mm“ .." 106 CaB. if the uhe of Iquor. Less than four years ago, the agent says, the fourteen Winnebago chiefs then in w.u.u.dtbomnrd“ofswuu _ * dame of them were hereditary GovERrxMExT AMONG TBE WINNLkRAGORS. THE SANTEE s1OUX T have had built for them AGENT A MISS&IONARY, re made, four re broken for lesired it, and .ymlhd of those who, illed the soil. contract. They d are painted if paid bym t ï¬m Indian zen‘s dress. No rk.. The Winâ€" dustrious. Llast nt ‘out and asâ€"