I| i# i Ma ho chernabed, noblest pa hobmes if by Mrs. Suckieback > amti Yhey atre IHOUR+ | Liuined, let me add, whoily at her owa eXâ€" | pense, out of her privite | j‘uiture. â€" Let, mï¬:dmg person judge how out ol pa | my dear laty wiy, when, some | mouths ago, the house opppate â€" ours _ In | Crowbet Place, was taken| by a _ foreign : person, Mrs., Indere !s, -:o drives . tour cteam coloredâ€"| was going to say mm‘* Nince the turn.out titst s{o|xt betore out wiudow, I have haui, every day, naice Il)t; breakfast, mice for dinuer, mice tor tea..| Were Mrs. Stick!shack the â€"ownar of the | oreams, and Mrs. Incderelia mistress of the piebaids, 1 kaow who woulq drive iourâ€"In= ; D d "w " ie‘ (Ore Now, let me drop the ma the argument, whih is im »peech, to become inteliect: 1 ulaintain that a man‘s ho spritasl rertebr», that th¢» nack boge and the marrow ¢ hobby, Before poor Cocking fell a viectim w his bobby that parachutes ought to be hult bottom upwaris, he satutied his wind by witnessing the descent ol a model of bis modei ~â€"sometiong smaller t a Indy‘s bounetâ€"trom the top of the l%fl jp«mr earin 0y 1 rerstoxxt and ap prebalds i| she ol mith the pride of of wheir betters. meet, each with x it has been we ter. A man ‘with a bo! aus well kept, is well is to that extent alt lothr:bzoru mentaily respeacia®e A man‘ s y is the point uponu which he is strong, and we respect strength But it is more than that. . Mi<. Sticklebatk. who derives hber information from . the lndy‘s maid, knows the private aftuirs of most people living in our street. . Let me then, protiting by her knowl«ige, put my ease in the form of three oo Na ¢4~ ~"" P-â€"B- ’mm KWiel-mbl!m' -'IIQ'- ml‘â€"“â€"“lâ€"-w ty s lerper soate. . lie Jns Ppin0yed hi | and to be atGarind m ke To piobao y e*" serveants beds into the back drawing room _ ‘-A(.‘:"t uk U" u. | awd parior, and has filled the wholeâ€"range | * Apr:7thn, 1873. e approran Â¥ ZBIs _ of his attiooe with a bed of earth. Earin T p n uts ies s« canicregeccaaemeteni in Rateaicmeccmccmnen . quakes on the ground Hoor, still more at (‘u\'ERSHE.‘T HOUSE, OTHAW A.. _ 1he basement, would be liable to bripg the KA . £ bouse about his ears. !(p stairs, he can Biturday, 3rd day of May, 1873, make them in comparative security. _ l is design is, when the recipe is fpund, to PRESENXT : send out the ingredients for a large earth; | quake by the Baltic fHeet. e means . to ) HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR } present his secret to the country, and GENERAL IN COUNCIL 2 charge only cost price lor his chemicals. | oc a the * I But, it will be aked, what do | muke of | cm.w w mu..l ims man JKomb lor the aivintage of my | feviege»: raghadeir o Avog frrig § o mige m ooo years. He pays up now to the . uttermost mite, and is hobby is to bring the powers of chemistry to bear, in some termic way, aguinst the public enemy. ! have heard mm, at a dioner party, argue very well to prove that if we can send messengers. by Mï¬v-o.e,.n of the worl)" to another, there is no jeason why we should not be able, in a few years, by a new rangement of electmc wires, io send a complete thunderstorm (to any part Burope. Already he is sure that if he had enough wire provided him oy Govern ment, to reach from Crotehet Place to St, Petersburgh, that if the Czir would only stand on a glass stool at the oliber end, qdp‘t&wl‘uw:iwpmvddlwl‘ won of St. Petersburgh, by means 0t an artificial eartbgquake. !Hso is always trying w make earthquakes, and that is his theory ° A despicalle fellow, who preys wa the ruin of Ims npeighhbors, and whose bobby is to discover how be may achieve a mnus oa the largest wale. bo far as he yoes, | say, my ce is proved by him MHe bes» no sign 0f 4 moful nature, and his intellectual employment«, apart from the chemical researches, are ‘all of the very bmsest. His bhobby alone, though | utterly absurd in itselt, saves him from contempt. in obedience to that, bhe has labored to mlumuamrui brain ; has rewl1 volâ€" umes of pbhysical geograpby armi~ experi. mental science ; has dipped for earthâ€" quakes into books of travel. If he know: «apthing worth knowing, it is to is Lobby that he owes his |plormation. T his is the real source of whiut little respect he earns tor bimsell {airly. in society 1 bay knocker graph, which be woull ‘have carmed b some conspirators residing in the Kuase: eapital, by secret passages, into a barrel guspowder, placed unier the imperi aronse. The Czar might. then at any t be blown up in the presence of his court awd people. (ur neighbor grants us, howâ€" ever, that these are crotchets upon which â€"as there are difficulties in the way o+ their satisfactionâ€"he is no* o unpractical as to dwell. What he thuoks can ve done, «nd what he is endesayoring to tind out ihe right way of u;:‘, i one of those simple things about which everybody when bhe bears of it, wonders that it â€"had BOt long since occurre) to himself, â€" It is the scuttling of Conâ€"tradt and destruc. under his a«ly LiMeâ€"eses, wereâ€"rarge ears, a . UTUNl 170TT"0 _ 0 Wisese® Y%#, amd dewlops. This main is SHOOLBRED & CO, very warlike in his convermtion: â€" Kussiam € Sparks Street adquimtiveness y wese him. . The Kusâ€" March 14 174. : § mmae seccure of | gusrantees he res â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" _â€"_â€"â€". â€" ~ gards as infamous. As X. Y. Z., he has l.\wwm ACF UF }868. went to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, | .: smmmues &'ww inomay, : *‘ lnnge | .. in ioh« matter of * ioh ot income tax, lor Lroporty that | HEXRY LORD, of «@tawa, had not been accounted in former| = the purpose, he could sit in his own parior * » and d-n-; the tyrant. He believes t uxX THE MONTREAL ROAD. a Powder Plot could eaâ€"ily be organi | uy the secret addition of a few branc | Iney ars readt 10 recatve ontem, trom thair | 10 the existing wires of the, electric W:Mmm.nmmu | A splendut stock {f Creton Chintt‘s yreat vuriety of pattern«. Allan, McKin non & MeMoran‘ 1. 2AAA The very best makes, French Kid{Gloves Twoenty per cent under usual proes, atC King & Lo. » »Mi _ Aok to see our Plack =ilke at § §1.75 and $2.004, they are partiou value. Allan, Mehinuon & } ichaui uP in pasung «ta1 # «htth ..‘ w (To be ( MOBBIES a | @ O 184 to do in is mind ; hough it may be in y rep<o« . T. BIEIRK £ T T‘S5,! ppens to Imve vo yau«s, the tes . call them t-v_.- is nobody i Ana morai bies are lis compoâ€"e« the " Ius charac crial sute re fgure §1, 254 1 & mlariy gooet e Moran‘s Nis LIC®® 6 WA her in is AND OTHERS, t‘ ~CUT NAILS ARE ONLY "_~5.00 Per 100 lbs.. 1e red, «ulject to nitection antil the twerbyâ€"of !$¥§u-g.m;.mrvm uomd'm#‘ ’ wl be parldt. 4 ' JAMES TYREK, _ W. A. CAMERON‘S N B W Clothing â€" Store ! sUSSEX STREET OTTAWA. Plans and s«pecifcations of the respective Wworks can be wen at this ofice, aud “.n‘ ne is Povdey or Joue use "whete printed onl 4 # ® | of Tender and othber l:hâ€"wm be obtainâ€" wA f | _ The aignatures of two sol “numflu. ' not:‘:fld‘uu of the w nfl uw | become sureties . for the ment be contract, must beaittached Londer, * The Department do not, bowever, biud |isell 10 accept the lbwest or any iendeér, By erder, hk o d C ovas BLACK WALNUT FURNITURE : _ From the best makers in the Dominion, con. | \\ know in as taifRext ; _ Intending purchasers will do well to call ard eramine (of sthek, as we are selling unter 4 MEX AND BOY® sTYVAISH ChOTHINe, . xonmusy crhrorThixu, CHEAP_ CLOTHING TO THE TRADE Between‘ York and Clarence Streets tuled : Aun Act reapecting the Customs," Hi« Excellieney has been pleamd to order, and it is hereby ordered that the Village of New umn, in the County of Pictou, Nova mu the «aumnie ts miywm cted Into an Qut Port of Custome with warehousing privileges, and to be uwh.vlwt:,o:mfl H, . A, an 4 Clerk, Privy Council. * April Tth, 173. . ZBI 3. Entry and W & after the Unm% Provings, heretul08e & ."3 «a nie is hereby Aongituted an at»d phacent un.lerthe «aryey of (m the recommendatim of the Honorable the | ine mh satioe of The Aer i View Cap. & mt | boreugh Koal:d Tewlers adiressed to the u-deno'.d. and endormed m’l:::v“lo:.lm..eï¬\n o.n.n“ l,.'.d"m tws recwl ved t » 1000 A + mor-.u. duay of July next, for the 4“!2-(!00:«’1’ two Locks, & ?uhflu. Weir, and a the lower end of the ne Canal, at in the exca vataon, l&. .. eonnected with them, m:.dtk- llh:nf m:.ti m. -nn u:l{:o *, + & C fou mation ':l a Bt# Basin Ou-:.: J‘dnnnon Lochine Causl Enlargement. xXOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Look Here. «lsting in part of PARLOUR SUITES in Striped Repp. to 0 t mkamar har cbe» M % "le T. _ it Hiu UidL. A}so Nideboanis, Rureate, Sote«, Tewwâ€"aâ€"Tete«, Cmiches, Lâ€"minges, Eney Chnatrs, Cenire awd Ei+ u‘n-m-f-hu-‘ ‘ v Monuments, Tombâ€"Stones, &c., &ce, HIS" EKXCELLENCY THEK GuVERNOR GENXERAL IN OUNCIL a< moderate prices and on liberal cooaditions First cla«s work men will be m % «â€"tablisbment. under the supervision of t teady Made and Made to Order sSIGN OÂ¥ THE ANVIL,. > No. 24 Rideau { treet OoTTiwa CaRPET HOUSB PURMTURE ! FURMTURE. e puritment of Public Works, UULW#q, June 7, 174. New Tombâ€"Stonce Establishment. YOoTICE To CONTRACTORS SIGN CGF THE â€"BEAVER. W e n uy May 12h, 1473 ixtawa, May D, i. 3. Miare 14. 1=T% Montreal, May 11 i£7% |~t “ m . BE DROOM SUITERâ€"A | Ind "*other Uardware very LOW . A drst and tinal diviiend sheet has been rn- red . antdect to wbtection ant!l the twerbyâ€"ainth Y IRBLE WORK ESTABLISHNET Yi)VERNXMENT HOURBE, OTTAW a Weinesiay, 2nd day of April, 187 5. M Men‘s Ne wed linf cCangrss Men‘s W hite Canvas thoes \Men‘s Prounglla W omen‘s Prunelia «do The umdersigned have opened their mall advance on Cost J ARDINE BROH.. 83 & 85 Sparks Street April AT THE OLL TOLL GATF ses of Mr. P, GALLAGHER, (wel! aâ€" first class | Cutier, have beet rvâ€" ao«¥ on hand ‘a complete stock of tve W hite Canva® ce# VTTAW A PFRRSEST aAFP TWE W . A, HJMSWORTH, Clork, Privy Councetl AT F. BRAUN, Secrelmry «x8 INSUN . Stockdale, Brother & Co,, | _ The Light is for the purpose of a Coast Light, " and will .Jho -ein m® & flkb for vesseis enterâ€" lIng Baint John Harbour, Partrkige lalamd Light BA 42.A AXE. We have much pleasure in publishing the fol« low Ing Hst of the names of the Ladies who have «o Kidly volunteered their services to superin« tand the several FANCY TABLE® connected with the a > uovErNXMEXT HoUSE, oTHTAWA. PFriday, Oh doy ®@ June, 1N\ + ‘ Prese&®T : MIC EXCHP l.l.l-IN(‘}‘ THEGuoOVERNoR uEN. ERAL 1X COUXCH. N the recommendation of the Hon the Minâ€" Ister of Inlund Revenue and under the proâ€" visions of the Act Srd Victoria, Chapter 8, inâ€" unied? " An Aet meiflm‘nw amend the Act respecting the Collect and Management of " the Revenue, the Auditing of Public Accounts " and the liability of Public Aceountants " Mis Exceliency has ha-w to Order. ’ Aud it is bereby ordered, t the pd\'ll’p aâ€" .;‘aw ny'::; under in t,mnmcllonhe 19th .n'r 1» *, wares a merchandize, the growth, produce or manufketure of Canada which had been â€"exported beyond the Hmits of Uatimta of being Mmrnfl«l free of duty of Cusâ€" | Lums on certain eonditions named in such order, | be and the same is hereby extended and deciared io apply to goods subject to dutles of Excise; which goods n henceforth in like manner gbe | rvh.muobud‘ free of duty subject to the comditions mentioned in said order and on the further coadition that such goods on w hich was goitén up by the Laudies of the clHty, for the pm,--w Of nnllm* their efforts with thowe of the gentlemen of the mmn‘ Committee of #t, Patrick s hureb, «o de voted In their task, in araer to awell the fund®s in the exebequer neces swty to lulmrv.jlm progress of the works of this tine edifice, and we feel quite eontident of its syocess, Knowing that the Irish Ladies, (and we must not omit the Seotch, as well as ladi¢es of other nationalities), have so zealously taken it im hand, and that we feel also confident Il\ï¬ Ltheore is no lwly in Whose yveins there is one vnlv of pure celtiv blood, but ‘will pride herselt in belng, o tar as her means will u’\ow. Instrumental in in helpiny to f@rward,the works of a tomal lt hn now in course of ereciion to the 'hw{ of the Most High, under the invocati@n of St. "ntrick; aixt may rest wssunmt. that thereby . will cdrauw down npon herself and family the bles«in of the Saupreme Belog, « and . also Inul:-ml&‘n posterity, a luu':a monument: to the zeal and plety of the Cat I¢ Ladies of Ottawn, + FAXCYV TABLEN. + Mrs, 1. Ryan, Mir®. llrnull“lumn Mrs, J . En ts Mrs, W, H. Wables Mrs, R. Neagle, Mrs. P. Ryan, M 6. K"’fl'. Hon, J ; O‘Connor, Mrs. J. Kavainagh, _ Mrs. J, E«mond, | _ COathedral j Hon, Mrs. R. W Meott, Mra. F. Proderick, Mrs, Fo Mel 1 ss Connolly, firk ï¬â€œ\\'mnu. & REFRESHNENT TABLE. Mrs P n'.\locu:h 4 Mrs, Goulden, MUr« W m. Mecaitfey, _ Mrs. M, Kavanagh LOTTERY AND FANCY TABLE, Mre. J. F. Caldwelt. vige‘n Plants and Flowers . At this establishment will be found: on kand, or madeâ€" ~ order, the latest and w_-pw_-tylgn of uP ROCKLAW A YÂ¥8, BUGGIKS AND SLEIGHS, Which in point of finish and durability, are not surpassed in any market. MP°All work warranted fxâ€ou year m km of repairing carefully and J A very large amount of new and imâ€" proved machinery ‘has lately been added, and as the whole is driven by steam power (the only establishment so supplied in this section of ampl.r‘), we are in ;Jocmon to produce work more promptly and sheaper than any one else. . -'dl‘ho proprietors are practical :lalrkmon ve personal luErvukon to all work, &mn. March 25, 1872. 1931 tf O'I'I'AWA K!'IAI‘ . Carrlage and Slicigh ~â€" ! â€"~FACTORY: 4 RIDEAU STREET, OTTAW ., N B.â€"An active Lad ,wanted as salesman Reterences required n » *A NDREW HICKEY. May 4. 18 6t m bewring by com pass M. W. by W. hallf W, Noi m. ie diatance being 4 miles from Light to 2 t » ; e w M. SMITH, Deputy of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Office : Street, opposite Russel House. mï¬‚ï¬ at ::'on address will receive prompt attention. : : Oarters are authorized to grant receipts, thereby relieving shippers from further trouble. Hpenial rates for Furniture. #"° W, K. BAKER, Department of Marine and Fisheries Oniawa, May 17, 1874, 4 with a tower erected on it, and is Z feet in hclm from base to the centre of the light, and 3 trom base to the top of the lLantern. The Hiominating .mr Us is Uatoptrie, The light wili be visible lï¬â€˜t"fla the bearings trom E. 8. E., round by south to W, N. W. _ lkvuvln;â€"hlm and White Light, elevated l?ob’o igh water, will be exhibited on une next ; shewing Ited jor 4, seconds, and e Rr 45 woeonds, with an interval of 4, wpomis bet ween each appearance of the l.lrm. and making a com piete revolution in the minuâ€" tes, in clear weather the 14ght «houli be seen at a distance of #) miles. cluding those. Axing the amount of dun'ck“n may be from time , t me declared by the Gov: ervuor General in Oulfmumh‘bu to the said Province shall a + thereto, and be in force therein accorndi ‘ * HMis Excellepey the Governor General in Counâ€" cll on the recommendation of the HMon, the mnupnll-h:‘d lb:‘::iu-. and uswiler the auâ€" thorlty aforesaid hias t F'“W , mard it is hereby Ordered, that aif the luhnm:lw laws of Canada in «) far as they relate 10 the \__ uuNERNMENT ROUSE, oTTAWA. E y, Wh day o June, 173 § :qut.'t. WI® EXCELLENCY THE (ko\'lil!uï¬ uEN. ERAL 1X COUNCHH. \\'HERF A® by the Act 6 Victorta, Chapter 8 Sectum 7, intitled : * An Act to amend ~ and continne the Aci 3# and n\'ktah‘bch.p- ter % and to establish and provide for Goâ€" "ernment of the Province of )lnnnohi; 1t in prow whed Aliat * -urh‘nn'hhlh of the Laws of «‘angwdsa respecting the inland Revenue, inâ€" la w s o1 ! anacua 11 mey u’r.:- they nh:;% 'E-:!.....a duties on a-mm' maisters ewers and on ap{rit«, mait mait : Liquor, and all laws respecting the collection and management of Revenge derived therefro m be and the same is bereby deeiared to apply to and be In foree in the l‘mv(-no‘ Of Munitota, 4 W. A. HIMSWORTH yniatly on the River 8t lLawrence, has been cnverued by ;bo.t:onnmgt w Canade Into a ligbthouse, and a Axed ‘h‘h I/Jght will be sown on the 1th June next. lIat. w w0‘ X. lame, 73â€" 39 10° W The Light is elevated #2 feet ahove high water, aud in clear weather should e seen at a distâ€" anceâ€" of 15 ntles. UTICE is hereby given that a Lighthouse § Cape np-"..‘.".:."'.:."h"',":““r "!u::: of M.. Jahn. X, ". y ® wixiy . AI ounty Iat, HIH W N. hmd warehoused subject to t l-:m:lm& IH#y would have ‘v‘.’...-h: Hable had they Bot The tower is a round ."Mmt.n feet in beight, tman the base to the top of the tern Fhe iliyminating apparatus s Catopt ric. f flw Wx. Axoru, Inputy of the Minister of q Moarine and Pisherses l part ment of Marine and Fisheries, ; sMtawa, léth May, N73 $ XOTICK To MARIXER« f h No, 1, or 178. Revoleing Light, Cupe Xpence NOuTICE TO MARIXER® ~No. 4, or 1874A Prewt White Light, Windmil!\ Point, Rteesr K4 utiawa, June 3, 1873 \’Ufl!'l is hereby rw. that the: stome «I Tower at Windmill Poiri, near Prescott, ST PATRICK‘S CHURCH 'JANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY, Freight and Carltage Ageney, May 14, 18 The Lighthouse is a «quare white building N St, Patrick Mirs Mr» Mrs MrS, Mrs Uiiawa, Foby3, 1873, Coaches Carriages, Omnibusses, . Ry an, C . mmgm. R. ’.:'ml--. C,. King, * A Knmuu;h atrick‘s Church Bazaar, PROPRLIETORSN been exported from Can ¢ dn W. A MIM®WoRrTtH 34 8t . Joseph 2i 12 .\'UUKKRH Two Quasmon®s Easier Axawrnuo,.â€"Why should men wear beards? Because tho‘ wre a great protection to the throat an lungs, and add much to their personal .pqenrtnco. Why should we use © yron‘s Pulmonic Walers?" ‘Because when used for coughs, colds, _uokhnl in the throat, with your wile u‘pon & subject in which theore is danger of wounding her feelings, and it is wrong to speak of great virtues in another man‘s wife, to remind your own of tault; but it is not wrong after trying the "Canadian Pain Destroyer‘‘ and feel ing its wonderful effects, to recommend it to your u::rhwu for the cure of rheurma tiam, peu {a. cmchMiq #&o., it has no equal,. For sale by Druggists and country dealers. â€" Price 25 cts. per botile. hoarseness, &o., they act like a charm Ministers and lawyers use them, physiâ€" cians recommend them, and singers and public speakers smy they are the v beat medicine in existence for lbo‘chn.o?mb complaints, Nold by all medi¢ine Aealers at 25 cents per box. f Riyâ€"See T. k H. on each Plug. w Price so low that all can us it. _ > * CAUT[UN. MYRTLE NA VY. Passengers leave Ottawa at 7 a. m.and 6 p. m. by steamers " Peeriess" and "Queen V‘:ï¬.:u.‘ gor Montreal and intermedinte Iudlnr. mere checked, Meals and Mtateâ€"rooms extra. eamer will deseend the Luchine Kapids, Ne ;:mn.h passengers taken on Maturday evening W . C The comfort and economy of this line are un‘ unrmmd. whilst the route is one \of the most pleturesque in Canada, Tourists will fnd this a delightful trip, rm“m for all â€"points on the Ottawa sent mmn1 with dc-n-!:b R (‘!un. pndg‘tuu:‘ll,clo'uâ€-qnu had at the ompany‘s office, Queen‘s ks /‘ Ns To w. sHEPHIRRT: VPW A RL®, """'1" lsave by the 78 m. and o p. m. train« for Lachine by I{lllwu. and connect ':vm- the steamers * Prince of Wales," and " Princess" for Ottawa and intermediate hndln‘e.‘ _Passengare leaving Otitawn by the evening l sm:.u l{::‘: us Paints _ _Olis, Puints anda Colors a Fiteh, %ï¬' and (,‘mucn] iominion and Britisn Carvas, pig Iron, Logss * Pridese of Wales, W _ Capt W m, -m phand . " Queen Victorin," Capt. P. Y. M 1. “"mm-," pt‘lpt. . McGowan. . Commencing Jnune Ind. . DOW N W AMOA. 1 of linpqor m-%'onu the A pupi celebrated amuvmhï¬u- 10 give in Vooealizsation,. wilt attend is at ~their residences, or receive them at her house, between 2 and 6 o‘clock p.m. Terms made known on Ottawa Rivar Navigation Co.‘s ROVAL h AIL LINE of STEAMERS For imparting a tine .lo_'-_w Linen Shirt Rosoms, The most &rdh-ry lroper is enabled 10 compete with the most skilful, giving the \inen the appearance it had when it came from the store,â€"nmew and beautiful. Goods done up with it keep clean much , thereby saving time and labor in ing. ‘This is the most economical ar« ticle that can be used, costing only about three cents to do the {roning of a largs family, â€" It gives the Linen such a amooth glossy surface that the dust and dirt wili not adhere to it, so that it will keep clear much l.gt. It is very highly recom â€" mended the â€" Montreal &nu«. Minervse, 142 National, and by all the * ln’unrhnm s & is put up im boxes to last a tamily about three months, and can be had from New lron Steamer, _" Peerless," Capt A, Bowle cents per box. f Wholeaale at i * HENBRY F. LEMONT & CO., > 236 St. Jamesâ€"st., Montreal. ESMUNDE BRO6S. Wholesale Agents for Otitawa and viciâ€" Producing thy same gloss and As when bought at the by the uâ€"e of nity. > irttawa, Jany, 7, 1873. 2151 1y3lew Emusu VAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING AND TAN® Single Belis of this wil} do the work and last as long as a Double Belt of Canadian “&..,""r.n. and ‘Colors and Varnishes, “ » Oakum, Pitch, Tar and Cordage, Anchors Mard Finish Th and "MYRTLE NAÂ¥VY * is u(.vrl. and ny q&r t on it will be Mm uted. ‘The ime Tu & Billings is on each Caddy, and ‘F i. on plue. The trade can be supplied by Ottawa to Montreal, 1873. Bingle ! Kout axp Wrorxo.â€"Ilt is wrong to jest May 30, 187 {NGLISH OAK TANNED LEATAER 4# BKLTING AND TANS, *3 Enamellene, iéation. Residence Joyce‘ Cottage, m-u&mt,&ndyllm. ., f (Mtawa, Nov, 24, 1872 8023 Enamellene IOCAL MUSIC. 2195‘ 6m MKESS8RS. C. T. BATE & CO All Housexeepers Septem ber 4. STORE NE W ore in Hmnm-g 3“ .:.)3 Cufts, SPBROIAL DL adw.l4, E£AaCLAROD 1..A Dh _ MA FUR A GUOOD NMOKE, THE OTTAWA k t mwu“\?) do the w uul.lu as & u‘u ‘C&l‘:“:mwu mii Lak un, 100 Sritisn Piagn, Shain magn aod Collars, ; Lace Cutains, . 1872. €RAOg T H E. P.# 10 G1ey Nun Street, i. ROSA & BRO8., U wrey Nun Hurest, a subject in which &c, & President N0 ) tham What is Home widhout an Organ? TIMIKB JUNE I8, 1813 Seeds. Seeds. ayaaiys, EW INu diiter., oR MoNREA Avctow ho w lt of mM PSON & 6 eollection of Re Â¥#LO)W FR.IAEEKE®, 000( 0o c d4 \ DEOoLt® BU tuks, 1J MUTH YX SEELO® The pubishers tAke pri l6 and pleassure in preâ€" wenliing Sueh s aupefoet hook â€"fo thhe patle, at ‘ belléeye ho bo be werthy w0 be ut Home IneÂ¥ers tm 1\ . lA 0‘.1',\ cong w j bomeal= "C) â€"u___.._â€"--~â€"-â€"a-â€".--â€"v-.-.- it is trtss insd s %m butlding Lots lnmm parts af wwe olf$ . CHARLES uï¬n. Trustee of the Ceal Estate of the N1 nolng h at hoi? l'll(‘:‘, Heseeds, 42 #; 6 OVR PLPSON & w -h_unl" veryluely considers the best cam xt Ehi) .: ..0; _ ... l2 rnee eb i n ie atmamen _ The buildingsare substantially built of «tone, Jications to be made to Mr. .3 M‘li' M ounee of the KEstate, on Mp I“' CLARK UrLATINE or fuiling a‘ meeting at that day at the meeting of the sabs Lwt which shall be held nex} thereafter to passa Byâ€"law to stop up that porâ€" _ The lowest or any tender not necessarily acâ€" @epted . ut eciane + f Motsons kffectual Remedies t to By ~4 to » o8 of Wilhrod streed, in the raid oit?, which is described as follows ; ‘Being that portfon of said street lying at the east end thereof, near the OTTAW A W ATEE WORKS8 ‘ater Commissioner‘s ume:“ ‘e, Milean Streot, :v-ur:ml‘:';lru.‘.ou and after FRLDA Y the CC o _ i amyan : e Are sobd by Chenmts andt Pooargl * thooug in« ; » wl Lime M orld, PBAML N Jsâ€"Phae propmclinr ared > rofeasioc al amediâ€" Clute Zw in Igestier is . MunxsoN‘*s PLPsIN®, Lhe acuye pr nelple of the ga=l o jmee, Mold in Powder, Lozâ€" enges, Giiedniles ; sint us Winein }, 3 aated 1 polbant boost Je ChHIARUDYNE is of such ce«lebrity that it can ; soutrsely be commle onel 4 apecialy, Its hu pped (Jom h'“:l kon won. to pFapu+ a imners, Muuy ihe Chlonalynes ® being unequel in slrumgiti â€" Monrsox * & sux have prepared ‘hie,. sold in s o4,, l oe aud Ju04, beoetties. _: accoapled, nre dobng an entitely satlsfaclury busi« 1® &Ivemthat the Coungii of the Oorporaâ€" «on of at a meeting of the said Council, t at the usual hour of the meetâ€" ing of the said Council at the City Hail, in the Mend«y, 16th day of. JUKE, FOR THE Supply of all. )Eg‘r‘l_mm. and Valuable Proverty for Sale: mh' cliy, with ailthe necesmary retining ruuims _ Also, another H A1.1., & by 8, with ante rocem . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Water Commissioners‘ Office, Ammwa, June 4, 1873 IM% UbaWa 4) /l [ UIHL s10f§,| . Cure ot Bronchitis Neike | 1 "4'» exil °P AmithGeld. a f U Cha..borilain, Keqâ€"This is to certify CHILRT®, KOLLA KM, f that about three years ago ] became aflicted o n | with Brouchitis, which lasted about cightsen KUFFN, ‘ made to order | months, 1 was so aflicted for the want of t scohane. MM t::' l‘t -:. u.r‘y. ‘llc“..lt ï¬lot -o':o & t i m night e frequently Jn% faile ?L‘::f?,‘m;':“"' C®"t | throwing the clothes off and raisiug in the C J AMES ANOUS || . | Sr ie mon untnent papiicioes le tod Dowely s most nent pbysicians in the mm t nniirmst coas a.,,0, | Peaitibe n ie In ie peouborn t » | ayg any t, in contin getâ€" h'lmhl: Bank Biock, Spark® 8199@ | uy woree all the time. At last I was ad« (kor) Metenite. | vised to try the Great Suoshoneer Romedy. 1 . Uiiawn, Nov 20, 1812 _ _ bought a bottle and took it and when it was | about Anished 1 began to foel a little better. f '. '( » JÂ¥ Jl";"l‘O 1 continued to use it until 1 bhad uu:- thre« ON WELLINXGTONX STREET. | bottles, whon, to my satisfaction, 1 _ found 4 ampament | thet 1 was as well 1« over 1 had beon previâ€" 1 »y ~4 â€" A large handsome «hop, @ by *2, | ous to wmy lilness and have lwen sao ero For 8 Kutter to the priva ll-hu.n{:' of Montreal. x Merchants® Bank Hiock, Sparks Siraot, (kory Meteonitae. UMtawns, Nov W, 1812 ‘f Another 11 A1.1,., & by %, with ante nw®n , wmikd do well hr'l'e-rvan IXvisions or Tean â€" ï¬n‘. u-hnl.‘ m:'n.:.u or..n&r'. a nite and beok riw on nfArst Amt» the very mnmv in the Upper Town fs a (‘miull’ ,'i-'tul and ship,«l. cmders nnde pary atdonme Fing tund . . PUWHE CHEBMHOAMIA ANU NEW MEDICINES Molectal, and Shipping onlers executed with yare sred chespeitet 243 1y Meduilisia and Jurots at al To Lburta®, The Dtiawa Doeto Firstâ€"clans Bovel, 5 x 10 tables, complete wiwh balls, cues, &¢., and baving the celebrated * Phelan & Oollender Combinatiou Cushions"‘ of which 1 am -)h:‘:an and E:q-lueo. These Cushions are not «uid to manufucturers in New York or C‘anada, being reserved for my own trade. l’fle;:fl.ugm aod delivere! on bourd cars, gold J, W, COLLENDER, «ier‘r to Phelan a â€"Collender ts ue ~. > ~\ Te Mreaawnay, Nuw YCork." . LUSSELL SQUARE, 1LONDON _ STANDARD AMERICAN BEVEL TABLES PUBUC NOTICE OM tawa. ApB!I #th, 187 MEAR POOLEYV‘® BRUGE, oF Sqyperstructure for Wheel and Pump House, OTTAW.1 WATER WORKsS. QOLWAW 3y , June 7th, uied o aboas Troaten, Thome & tus ik 81, 88 &4 124 Southampton Row, â€" A laurge handsome «hop, ® by 22, m Nb with cetlar and uppar. roboey © «nnje *) 46. Alam, a meliom store, large froint. The frir stores first fAnished and for some thime Apply to iMtawae, May 12 1873 A mo the MANDSONMEST PURLIV HAiL, e o e o . o un o Dated at Ottawa this ffth day of June, A. D P. 0, M 1847 » Garden â€"Seeds . o uty en ZRenirenh m veve Omop Houl, To vHRd INDaY: CHB utw pay or tE / _ MONTH OR JULY NEXT, _ OCVA 8. _ AP HONE TMOM As BMOXRO* & 8008, oame mlisle is Noi 4p9 Tenmders will be received untll.NOON of 4A .. CHRHRINHIE & o. A full supply of the popular kinds of The aubsoribers have reeeived from ‘ * y in ut Hor M Wourks~â€"Monrx«r®Y axp» Hox®E®thox 14 6 +0 k a 1al »tadcate mume is aot excluded, _ At ! QQO‘N“‘.I.'H] anâ€"Ased that t dull m he Orean in A Home l often «llent tor By order, abs, p2 # 56 foble poj PudbGidt, #4 1N & C0) ; 2 aâ€"ton, CHAS, i! DIPsoX 400 , 41 Pdwâ€"ay: Nyw York Also an a«sortment of kpocifications can be seen at the s 96 EY ES â€" cemmacnl The jpaifeet preparmtion is Mor»â€" ERECTION, sn Om ol hi hn Goypan ow be, w O aieww, c wbebug biid d organ Mucsge,‘e 4 P (8; i ©. R, CUNNINGHAM, .‘f‘.t :Chirt Stote, q ltw hnugecare 'l muy \at, Mpark s Mtreet . & PDuA & w t 1 C« . franilia CERRTOTTC CLoS ERSEEDS, a the" Urout Hxbi LaxSU EOS ue w o P bimi¢ City Cierk be cheirt 7301 Wiaw U w 1+ but “ IURUSUUPICAL INVESTIGATION f has proved that tbo;doqyinfluln ‘ alances whuï¬-ud between the testh conâ€" | tain anbmaml agites, and that the To id fl"?m"w wasuhs 18 | | Dreditors are requested to file their claims beâ€" m-owfl'-r uummN ThmREAU, _ EPAR T S â€"OFâ€"THE:WORLD ] Wull, Aprit 30th, 1473. Mesere. wb AABLXL K13 bBimply because the numerouns valuable active medicina!l vegetable ingredients, (some of 'M'ol we will mentlion, such as the EKxtracts of Wild Cherry Bark, P ylinm, Juniper, Mw,ml.lmmu, Compound Extract or Colocynth, Jalap, Soco, trine Aloss, Capsicam, &¢., &¢,) which enter into the composition of the combined med!â€" cine, are such and so harmoniously classinted and compounded, that it is made the most searching cusative in the known world, and monot help but act on the system in a very eatistactory and Gesirable manner. No matâ€" ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it will And the spot and astonizsh you by the rapld manner in which you are _ This Mediciue is plosant and eofé to This is pleasant and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positively be reâ€" Med upon to make a permanent oure of all dissases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys DWNO&H,M &o., as well as Rerofuia the various Skin Diseases, u!-on‘.nd all Mwliï¬mlumfl?dt Blood, excvepting the Third Stage of Consamption. MECHANIC‘S MAGAZINE Further in with full directions for flqboamu-le-uu & Pllln,, and containing Testimonials and Cert foates of Uures, can be Obtained by secunring the | Treatise, the Hand Book, or th: A ‘manac and Olreulars from any respectable _ gylist in the Dominion«» free. ht Price oJ Remedy in lar ge tee . .$1 00 T itt HUH...â€"«<.rvresss uts‘ 1 P80 Usteo Kname! Stopping, warrabled lw remain white and Lrin as the Mesure. . | Tooth iiself. This bemutiful preâ€" Â¥AKRLILL‘3| parelion re«tores front teeth, and ‘cu be easily used: Suficient to * | s1opseix teetk. Price 5s. *3 “’"‘}ï¬&‘x‘nm‘““fum" ’.ti‘f‘““".«.a t re. & suoce in tu!t“uu‘- ol A ICIAL TEETH, which ryn Lriwly in the mouth by mcoans of an LABTIC uUM, without springs, painlessly and without any cperation." All correspundense mus _ addressed â€"_ The Canadian Patent Office ~_ Record KA i)4 4. 1,08 E V E R YX lum,l:ahh_ec:uz&:?r, WUNDEKRKFULCURE OF LUNG DISEKASEK ; Baoockurs, Apri! bth, 1870. J J Chamburials, Ble This is to certi that my wile was very low with Lung Discase.â€", Phe Dootor bad given her up,. He salid her lungs were tubercled, and medicine eould not | belp bher. As a last resort I purchased a bottle | :é.‘g:u w‘. kemedy. At the | of two days ber symptoms were decidediy better, _ She continued to improve â€" so rapldly that by the time she had takon one bottle she was able to sit up, By the continuâ€" | a«boe o tt vewet rl voop.t‘flly reatored dh.hdl*m“*rw. l LEWIS JOSNEPHUS, of the Great be of ; Shoshonees, British Columbia, is working | * the most -ulbuunul‘lqc‘m’ the World has ever heard ol. _ Never uw' # annale of Canadian Medical History bhas soc! | suocess attended the introduction of n-i .odlduht?vhlm If Y â€"~ _ 1 ~M You mway poablish the facts for the i= nofit of thoso striablariy alicted. Mess‘ a aunts ‘JOMN ILYVEHR. â€" Bworsk Lelosre me at SmithAeld this Cth d y of depill, i IYK Het®, = _‘ [ .= j[ ooo cs9cs0®, o Proclaim the:Glad Tidings That the OrnaÂ¥ Bagoenopgsees Kawsor awo Priis, A copy of fArst number can be sean at this office Meosâ€"*s A BA 4A NBOLVENT ACT OF 1889, To the publisher, at once send his name and address with l. White Gutta Percha Enamel tor stopping decayed and lender tooth. ' lenders the twoth sound and usetul lor mustication ; no matter how lar | decayed. Price ls ud ©bolbe t t onl ag i lixir.â€"The Coleâ€" un’ntrs'sl.::&“\\m::' A t:: dv..',: ‘ KReâ€"rcres UGrey Hair to is ANatursl ‘ in water produces a most pleasan!, and Reauty, ‘W'“&.u: :u.{“ rvxr&o.bmc : Mouth / s ash ; it hardens uhs, preâ€" | i. â€" 4 veuts the occu-ul.u‘.‘ol lnr‘t‘u. i ADD DUuFF® NOFP sSojJL cvÂ¥Hik s lgnnl". bmth‘ut “M&ffllh(:l’- tetee m t lume, remuving all traces of twhacce . r % smuoke or unpleasant odour arising , JO}t N 0A YXUVIMNHEIL CUL! | trom decayeq uou.; and is an ox> * f | cellent delergent, Price . o+ T ETT TVs y on "MrnabEext," tUie oniy real cure | ) fwTwu.rMbo. |-rop:Jfofmfl CAUhh'.N PHEK HAIK 1« (hep Suk npscie sives memediate | l a relfe! by the painiess destruetion of | FNYVIGORATING THR 1 the mperve and lorms a stopping Price is 1j4. I| WRYEYD SualI PINGG DHGD® sw Coralite Tooth Paste, for cleans= my. and improving the teeth, and | iuwu-{p natural redness to the . gums, whitens the testh without | leaving between them any trace of | powder, and gives brilliancy to the | snamel. Price is 64. Royal Dentrifice, rr:fw from a resipse as used by Hor Mu‘l‘. Whitens and Sronrvnq the and HBpPR te.a delicious fragrance to the bredtb, gives the leeth a posrlâ€" lhke whitepess, and proiscls the shamel â€" Price !* 4. GRORGE E. DEBARATS, Â¥ i‘ Jm\{l BAPTIBSTE LA AD 7 T. U. BROW N Eptscopal Metbodist Ministar Messrs. aMliTl%I Dentists, 12. Ludeste Hill, Ciy, London. se & N P) ces J M WELLINUTON, ) P TE NOC IEUE ruetion of N stopping. aamwor T N( namel for | der twoth . and usetul | r how lar G ~ ( or cleans= A seth, and w mess to the ‘ h muoz‘t‘ IJ » trace ol | yoa bey to the | bl elirce a &" ~Wi ‘ST‘â€'S HTH FALAING «»F l Exum.u: ALb yTUki> For sleaning and polishing Silver, Riesuro | cherin diameter. | Plate, rm:.dl.u. Ar. Tallets. C4. each. _ For illustrated | BP *T n rop nc mz niyn vay. e _ graphs, address _ ='""'“m"'" . Mountain Leather, Fws! papet, Address by mail, ‘J\:‘opflm and M“‘! per ton. bg * , H. D; J+ARXNES, â€" _ LIBERAL PRiICEs raiD roR G00» A sur=pos and AMIANTHL, Tr'\n known as Mock Wood, Rock Oork, Mountain Leather, Pws! papet, Nteel Morse Rakes..... Woxlen Horse Rakes: Hteel Plows, best C Wooden Plows...... ... Tron HtOWh..««««««« Wooden Harrows . ... ... Steel Morse. Hoos..... .. To PONBRGKâ€"\. . rexesussrrrcr%rr Bawing MacBines......... .. w milisat difierent #% m: «t |;u~r.\' @ wanted or n i m To ~n\ w /* cents per bottle ; three botlies for $2. It can be parchased whole=ale at all the ipal drug bouses in Canaia % .."ot sale in U::-:‘o by H at' MaucCarthy, Chomies fmT ington Street ube .:\fl':l Mowing Machines. .. Combined Machines. _A Block of 0| Aeres In the 8th Rauge lLocharber, heavily timbered, but w lnoig mtl_\@uuuq.d Lron awmd 14uam t An Island in the Otltawa Hiver, containing Acres well Uinbered, lytu‘ opposite tihe wobe of larg:c about three miles below Tuurss, TL dl\'d.{l_un the Crow n . » N u. BUVCHANAN land Roliefs eause. No publicityâ€"requiredâ€"no duT until dlvurpndz-dm tree. Cu‘ on or address D1DUN J. FULTON, Coumnsellor at Law, YWM _ No. 180 Bread =. Kow YorkUity. MACHINERY AND FARKING JMPLEMENXT®,. _ MARKET SQUARE...........OTTAWA. Absolute divorcee lly obtained in dife ferent States, lnï¬â€˜ every whereâ€"deser tion, general misconduct, &c., sufficient M, & 0, R.Bt. wall probabdly midle® UE HAOHA, . s Patron ged by ali the worl i ‘ ~Rimmw~4‘s Ihangslheng, < Vands, ionus, lockey Club, Frangipar 1, a) 4 ott ar pfamos ot exquisite fragrance, * kimmel‘s Lavender Water‘ di«tillad fro Mitcham Flowers. . > _ f Rimmei‘s Toilet Vinegar, câ€"l<brstd tor Ite useful and sanitary propertios. C ~I:Jn-vl'l Ertract of Lime J 32‘%ve »nd Glyâ€" De, the beet preparation for the liait especially in warm citmates. Rimme!‘s Dugong¢ Qil S0eap, perive 4 with astralian Koculyptus. j Rimmel‘s Gliycetine, Honey, Coctume and lotal CUrackers, voery amusing for Balls and Kugene Rimme!, + Princess of Wals Btreot, and 34 !~n ~ des Italiens, i Brigbton.: Sold it Weteil« a d inj "‘“mlwum«i.:n.- Prevent fristson in mlng and inju 4/ p knife, Onkey‘s Wellington Knife Poiish shoul 13::‘"‘“‘ + tz be used with the Boaris, DIV()RC&S pared erpressly tor the Paten:i nuniue Cieanâ€" 4 machines, India Kubber and Buf Leather nife Boards. Kaives constantly cleaned with have a brilliant polish 01131 to new outlery Packets, 34. oach ; and tins, €4., b1., 16. 84 nnd 41. each. Nay ‘n‘k_.l;mmm Street, w O Minerals Wanted. NMRELLISHHXD ANDr (] O¢tawa, April 3 1873 Mantreal March 3 Rlimwel‘s Viciet, hose. Leal, Kice, and ot ber ollet Powders® _ A T\beral allowanace to alip» EWELLINCTON KNIFE POUSH "IMBERED LA NDS FPOR SALE CHE A 1 OT sSoILING GaAIN; TOeIFTS NATUMAL « Bole Manufaaturer and . Propiiwtor REY HAIKR 10 ##=I4 EAVINMUIT HKAD PIFW L1A ib N KLB CHOICEK PEEF! Manulacturers‘® Agent for all kinds of Wm. Abbott, CGHNC A L. C .+E TV drei . s *\ latke £ k a F & ‘I ~a# ',“]1 3 4 & ~ A t *-a .’ 4 X \\', #4 PRICE LIST i8 t every description, and n a furm as the lowest terms A 1 M0Â¥ 11 "Umnet lop 1 CHMEMIET _ duvits ana transacting ay other £ Â¥ n]'p“““mfl‘ to m h ‘ EKT : * uty in the m‘ s Quebec, ®5 Gracachnust * O C440 1W WM. A BBOTT $70 and upwards .»>>, $UWO to $110 to H.L.H,. the 4, 128 Regent 11 Bouleverd Buf Leathet Â¥ oNEV To j Buf Leather| All of the TAMNITE ~ o cleaned with l directly â€" made by the Cs, E~*I ‘Tl'..‘ , new eatiery i Factory and under their 1. 1ts 3+ 4| Processes. g im ecced s 1t is cheaper to buy RAND OPENIN m & directly from known s fiGeatiiy s ’thanmbuydb‘. OTl“l 1 * | | or poor goods. + . 12 1 on all ‘points . ns Whihst uies n s Sinw W bhdad Â¥ $11 to $21 es l K |N Gore of Color R r24% 14 * Te o . ~l .u'\ . . 5 oï¬ itE Machinery fo, the a ing . o:x.?";ï¬"'_"":‘u n Machine ana T.* Grom 1 o â€" or expense. \ ~PDec 31, 1372 THE TIMES is pamted $1002:%0 te _ his apleadid Hit ";uh;.\h'ull‘. YThe : teot Dva. Haumie, cording to thicknes, Hutw | $70a0d $#0, ranning #hedng i B 31, 33, 124 Pure Chemicals clected, and Shipptn® AQ i, 1h6 undenw. “‘. he City of “"‘M .â€â€˜h' Aeuipnee in this MAllep, Ureditors are requested to I‘ul‘l-l h!ofï¬ O withis . ~ “ chafe, 1i U‘1 Fitted to the fortable and best 1 Jt Chestaut 8t., Sold hy all deaters (Quebec, %5, Grae England. Jany 15, 1873 Iveryone should have i. pail on receipt of one dollks, Morson‘s and audi&b\fli nas celebrity it OMA allty, i ©aP aned, has beck o un Cutur of the sald wil) painat. the extate of 4 MV . 1,, (§ *L Sictor T# SECRET OPf BEBaurge A cheap, simple and dumb easly operated and renning " x | inches to 12 x 1 inch WHITE WIRE EOPE C bells readily at every house Firet come, first served. A; HUDBUN RIVEE All the above MM: _iuts or apifame ill effects of bed â€" duoes 1MMEDRARLYT PRICE OF l_‘* Wheels with bevelled. an :F.Pï¬lx!;% for _ aclive careful cine restores mach ¢ in r.-q.""l SI‘TIAL N (hos ind textainept bet line. «of the * lany 28, q1 wctory, 16 Bond Stree Jitawa, January , ; AW GUMNKEK anP October 3 1872 * Turther af THE TANIM 00, 7w m Stroudeburg, Meare C noBxRTSON, 1008 4 " S 1B E DR EV anm Harvey, New h say 23, 1673, * * Amnia tlwl A TCH ELORK® L418 PTL 4b roun« malter of o DoOsTH® q 76 King Street Wes, 1e within on, . "* | HD“’A:â€".‘ pay +g‘ EKV EDW akp gy (a 8lMoy TTA W a Ho F REN C H EM 0 W. MARSH ister, Att 8T, JAME® =Ta Nr.â€"4. T. 14 n‘-fllhry Chief Cook, Ruse bu:um suppli e #Â¥#0. 43 <II *4 Wellinpton U'CH.\' NO Barristers, A!! <D ‘I Prinity College, T I Accencheur. Un 1 sonsulted al his rees M~ Young‘s, hawd» atce. . Awrid 15. #*° Litawa, Junt " HRN*AILLON & Pepmcia®n, Surg o k. Day Vbhse oppe wet, Centre Towan. =.~.m eared whitih p but certain, #pee a, Reference gi~~ if required . Ktawa, May ®, 1870 P wa,. Februmry 22 Master in R. 183 A N Fine MHote reoen .‘" | wJitewa, A) BPEAM Boj PICE :â€"G. HLW *t, and ai T €C. . opposite Hamsi eoiiossing . W ILLIA Barriste ) # too 44 m tus., antacl k'w w twordl MeDUA <n in is Issuer of Ma # â€"_ Barristets icitors in Chan‘e Oificeâ€"Harty‘s } . HetiAO®K .: Uitawa, June %. . I%. BTEAM n Every atteni, â€"Ghr K. K. P. LKW u)*-n. Jn , they imuy stame many im proves *A Marth omm ARKSâ€"3; & ’f?nhtf Rexeoy yon al profes i words above firm (+ M S‘miile E:.4 Street OTTAW A pbell & oc bouale T aragruph Rpecial Cont" SX LKk £#A 1 gout» wer to «u* 00. € af Canad.an is pub Bpecial N ot Uendensed . :‘:‘E‘,'flu wC PV I '..‘I_‘.r be «@omdiu AA un TYouns . £ 1 % 460 x avcin qoonrnn .: Â¥ %«‘ Ki w t 09A ANAwier ETeE ADY has C the awsth t ~are t tan wCb se mnd ENY a¥® «bhed i# W\ mm ler wine Abd M 4 i4