â€" â€"â€"â€"TAlLLORING DEPARTMENT (according to the Globe) which the people of West Durham hul in accepting Mr. part of any member, and a good many meaâ€" sures from the Commons received their lirst reading. There was some discussion on the bill to empower Parliamentary Com« mitteses to examine witnesses on oath, Hon. Mr. Dickey having expressed doubts as to the power of the Houses to pass iL. Me argued that the British\ Paurliament being itsalt without such a broad act in 1867, could not have conferred the power we were now asked to exerciuse here. ‘The Hritish Mousse of Commons, though it might have had the power, had not exe‘* cined it. Only some commuttees could ad« minister oaths to witnesses, Lo therefore recommended caution and deliberation. bion. Messers, Latellier, Wilmot and Camapâ€" beil having spoken in favour of the bill, it was read a second time and passed through committes, Hon. Mr. Letellier and other hon. gentlemen previously admitted there was some doubt on the point raized bJ Hon. Mr. Dickey, while holding the bill «bould be allowed to pass,. 1ts third readâ€" ing is fixed for toâ€"day (Tuesday). Our full report will appear immediately. west Dhitham and in South Brant that party interests, should not suffer by the transfer ;; and in spite of the "reluctance‘"‘ The Senate discussed of a :arge amoun, difl-nwhb-flm practionl All the orders on the paper were disposed of without factio** pgboclal to Contliemen RUSSELL & WATSON Mnhï¬.n‘lm-lbm West reached us and was published yester. day morning. We are not in a position to y how far the information may be reâ€" garded as strictly accurate, tut from words that we have heard, we should hardly be inclined to regard Indian troubles as imâ€" body would have ventured to "speak Prompt action at the beginning may save serious trouble at the ond. The vioient and arbitrary action of the Amerkans toâ€" wards the Indian tribes, has led to many sgrious consequences, and we need scarcely be surprized that the untutored savrage «hould seek a refuge upon British soil. If he behaves himself it is well ; U:b must be spoken to through the of the rifle. lle has been accustomed \that language from the oflicers of the humane government at Washington, and mss beâ€" come so familiar with it that he can scarely understand anything else. We aincerely trust, however, that nothing in the shape of an Indian war will be preâ€" voked in the North West. Canada has a proud record as to its treamentt of Indians, We desply regret to announce that the eldest daughter of the Hon. Sir EAward Keonny, died at Halifax, yesterday morning. SirEdward had been summoned home some days ago, and just arrived a few hours beâ€" fore she expired. !s has the many warm friends in his deep Brant in the place of Mr. K. B. Wood, has been returned by a considerable majority . extremity that wo ahould counsel vigorous NÂ¥ood, we do not think that their interests have suifered by the change. put these measures into active operation ahould, however, be provided for at even if it took a million or two of -: to equip a fresh expedition to the Northâ€" The proprietors of the Tim®s for the greater convenience of the ?ubhe have opened an office in Lont:‘o ;ownju the aunction rooms a. :. B.r-?hnn. Elgin street, opposite the Russell House, where orders for adverâ€" tisements and job printing will be received from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. each day. After 7 p.m. all orders must be left at the Trwu®zs office, Woellington street. Canada has gone too far‘ to recede with honour. The whole country trom the Atâ€" lantic to the Pacific is hars, and her anâ€" thority must be maintained throughout its entire length, We have not, at the time of writing, heard whether the (Gavernment has had any oflicial information of the hostile demonstrations alluded to, but we tust they will not let the House rise without arming themselves with ample powers to meet any possible emergency. ‘The severity of the American CGovernment naturally drives the Indlians across the borâ€" der, and no doubt in years to come we laocal Noticesâ€"J* Bermingham. W antedâ€"Situationâ€"T. T., P. 0., Ottawa. Dramagic Rutertainmentâ€"Riok Music Mail. House Furnishingsâ€"Allan, MeKinnons, & Moâ€" “ "fl\ll‘ i mropmage of Cld Is now n FULL OPERATION, Gentliemen requiring anything in the above line would do well to give our CUTTER a call, as we are con= thilent that by doing so we will secure their futare The Ottawa Cimes pat ronage. _ #it" A ma-l of COATINGA, TROWSERâ€" 1Num, V KESTI &c., always on hand. Indians on their own terms. it they come as pesceful wanderers in the wildernes we can have no objection, but if they enter on the 4 war path," we say by all means Heg to Intimate to the gontlemen , of OTTAW A and VICINYITY, that their 4 Mr, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TUESDAY, ARRIL 9 ROBERTSON, ROGEREL CO L & WATSON. | #APARKA ATREET for our humanity. . 1873 of Sout h N W (0 «it . 0 o\ . % 43 Arta who aak the country to stick to the letter of the bond is trumped forth as a grievanse atill more awiul. Against such Journaliatic argument our space does not give us room for reply. t ssoomme enough to state the case and leave the public to pase judgment. Woubd it not be well for the Glabs, howere, to try, Jjust once or twice, to look at a question in the light of the public interest, without especial reference to the * pairtyt" As an experiment we think it would be worth trying. The people at large have very little interest in the persounality of those who administer the government, but they have a desp intersest in the manner in Mon. Mr, Alkins and Messca, Mephenson, Bowell and ‘Reilly for attempting to break up the Printing contract, and KW equaily indignant with the Government, the Railway Commissioners and everybody else that will not consent to breaking the contract lor Section No. 5 on the Intercoloâ€" nial Railway, It all comen ftrom the breed such oblignations aside. _ Ergo, the Globe sees its way clearly to the advocacy of tw different systems in the very same article. We confess our inability to cope with such elasticlty of consclence, but we do naot regret that the Globe should hoid the whip over the heads of the Ontario Uppoâ€" aition, forso long as it is recognized as their makes use of the wires for the procuring of news will rejoice that the Montreal line s«houkd be permitted to extend its ramidâ€" eations throughout that Provinace. There in no doubt that the Montreal Telegraph Company‘s stosk has been exceediagly profitable; that in its working it has beaten down or bought up opposition both to the right.and to the left. But every other year it has been chespening rates, establishing new oflices ami in every way qualilying itself lor the due dischar;e of the public requirements. Unnuada is, we venture to safr, in proportion to its population better served both by railway and telegraph than any Other country under the auna. And it in anot asked that the Western Uaion should be shut out. 1t in merely requestes that a Canadian Company might be permilied to operate on Canadian soil. Had the re» quest gone further, even to the extent of excluding the forsign company we should hot havre said usy, and we doubt very much whether the Woestern Union can W“bflobt‘pm though it might establish the legality of is loase. But we do not wish to destroy lme allow the Montreal Company to come in and we shall soon seeâ€"though its ano"* offices be at its 0nn tisk, that Novea Scoti* will have a telographic service infinitely superior to what it now enjoys. The Bill rflhl-*â€"&h. unreasonâ€" and should be passed without being weighted with crudities from Nova Sootia of Browns io get nothing except antiâ€" Ministerial diatribes * 1t would seem so. A gooud case in the ontional interest is apoiled by making it a Ministerial ques competition. Let the WesternUnion run its business on its own terms, getting guar» antees from such local ties as may invite it ©CONNISTENCY THOU ART aA JEWELY® mentor, there is a probability amountinog almost to a certainty that they will never be aaked to crosms the Hoor of the House might reasonably be excused for believing that the wholo machinery of Government had been invented for the especial beneit of the (rits, and that the highest of human eftorts should be directed towards turning Sir John A. Macdonald and his colleagues out of 0 lee. Whilse this delumon iasts Ur John is protiy safe, because he is sustained not alone by his own merits, but by the equally well recognizad demerite of Mr. UGeorge Brown. Under such circumstances the staivs quo is not likely to be interupt~ «d aither by seotion Noa. 5, or the Print lwenty times as many new offices as the Western Union has within the whole Pro We have personal knowlmige ol the taet that the journalists of LHalifax regud the Western Union Company as a tyrrany, if not something worsse. 1t they have not spoken before, it was because â€"by the ab aurd legisalation of Nova Suotia they were virtually pilaced at the mercy of that corâ€" porstion. But, without waiting for advice upon the subject, we venture to predict mme periel. Nova Hceotia must be vrery unprogresive, or the Western Union Company must have (allen thr enough behind local enter prise to make it a thing of little consern to the people. throughout every seitled portion of the country, and in the Ottaws Vailley alone and the Opposition imagine vain thing», Telegraph Company, it means that the Montreal Telegraph Company shall accept the same disabilities as had previously, but very unwisely been imposed by the Govâ€" ernment of Nova Seotia. 1t would be betâ€" ter for the Nova Sceotians to ty a little ’“dhn trade in the matter of teleâ€" gaphy. Durieg the last seven years we undarstand that the Western Union Comâ€"« pany has opened within the Province of Nova Sootina no less than five new offices. Agninst this appalling Aigure the Montreal Company can only plead guilty to having opened about siz Aundred during the ame period ! The contrasat is too glaring to chals lenge comment. lHow any Nova Heotian, or any member of the HMouse from any quarter of the Dominion could seek to throw obstacles in the way of giving the Montreal Company an opportunity for unâ€" Paris and London styles in Mil« lhydm::‘hlsï¬u arna®, MoKwwone & McMosman‘s, If you wank to invest money at 10 a&&--â€"uâ€" rmwoms of J. : at 130 p.m., on lst May. trammelled competition with the Woestern Union puzies us not a little. ‘The Monâ€" T.lloring Department. Now Cloths and Spring Styles, at C. KING & C#3 As we understand, the amendment of . Mt. Macdonald, of Pictou, to the bill to | ls it impossible in the wholo ABOUT IELEGRAPHING within ten years about A), Hparks streot. tm rave Mr., MAYHIEU â€"Whother it 4 the in« tention of the Government so to improve the Hivee Hichelion ami the Chambly (nnals as to aftord a greater depth of water than that at present exists thearein * . papers before the House;, and haring himseoll to nï¬..’, mmm'd#.n-: Hon. Mr. LANGUEVIN saaid that it was imqrovinmnts in the Richetion Rtiven bigs the question asked by the hon. eviulently had reference to the «wl wulening of the Canal, which was a part of the canal system of the Dominion, which would be takeno up in accomilance mih the recommendation of the Canal Commissmioners after the other canals were """.:."""‘..".‘..""'""‘ 1809, to MM hhbhn:l‘“.' hius reaidence at Montmagay, having also refused to obsey the orders which have been given him by the Dominion Govâ€" eramenat to the aame ellact * Right Hon. Bis JULUN A. MACDONALD sald that Hon. Justice Bowe haring ox« plained his reasons for not having taken up his residence in Montmagnoy in the , Mr, ULINEK in the abssence of Mr. Cook enquired whether it is the intention dlhmbmo-nl n.: e of “.b-btb ti» reinforcements of any to that territory, and if 1o, at what date will such expadition be organised and in motion of Mr. Morrmon, the bill was in ie Tp it it Shcairen ud ® Mr. m.)ï¬-u moved the secooud readâ€" of the bill to amend the Aot %flm At. Clair u-m 11%“&‘“.&’;â€"‘. % & regulate the rike mumu third ind ow N0 We PUU 2@ mored ue secaed ';_‘-:g. Insurance Company, C sried. Hon. Mr. CARLING moved tha secoml vflh‘dhubw-flnlh Ureat Western Kulway Company to exâ€" tewl and improve its connsctions. Carâ€" mfld to incorporate U-: &-‘q Carried. Junction s iL also Te e P l S SS e o-.-a' and for other purposes. Carried, _ The Bill was also adopted in committes, ordered for wâ€"morrow s 1t being aix o‘clock, the Spaeaker left the AFTER RECES Mr. MURRIYAJX morsesdt the secoud meuding of \lom&l to amewl the Aot Bridge Company (reported ) Curried, @ PuÂ¥t uY wExsuaa, Mr. NEINI“â€"'“! ib the in« tention ot the Government to impoasch lhomuntht::ll- one of Provind of Qustes 1 bring permatents iy refused since the 9th of April, 1863 to fll« " w drow was the intention of the Govâ€" mt:flm for an approâ€" eatablishing a mounated police ::':m Mr. JOULY~Is the sum to be roted for reâ€"adjusting the salaries of the Cirll Serâ€" Ball n:.rl mrough commiiise and tme and e § ie ie Auperior Bunk of Canada,. Carried. Bill rrwm-l read a " HORKISON mored the second &?‘bm:w Mon. Biz FRKANCIX MINCKS in the absonses of Mr. Hyan, of Montreal, morved the seconud realing of the Wl to extend Mr, MAV ARKY moved the second reating of the bill to incorporate the Marezso> im motion of Mr. SAVAKY, the House went into committeo, Mr. Macdonald (Picâ€" tou) in lb“.zflhlllm amonmdiment. rose reported, ami the MIH was read a third time and passed, Me. :‘n\'u.u -N:‘.h:vé reom|â€" ing of Bill to incorporate ounty Boardt of Trwleo.â€" Carrieds. The Bll #u was passal through committes, and read a Bill ron Ne th recontires 3. ~P o cnmmee ce 2P G!BBS ¢suuuu-u)-l: #‘dvflcd the bill to amend the im motion otf° Mr, thbis, the House went into Committes ol the W bols, adopted acts respeciing the London and Canadian Loan and Agency ompaoyrâ€"limited. Carâ€" The Committese r0se, progrse, -inhdh-ohlhr The order of reference to Commities of \h'hbmm-‘thhmm raferred to the Committee on Ralwags, ote. _ _ im motion of Mr. CHRAWFURKD the llouse went into commuitese on the Lill and adopted the tbill. The committese m.'c':am»:% movnud the .-: Rt, Hon, Ne JONHN A. KACDONALD replied that a sum was asked in the eatiâ€" dhmzsnu::::‘- w upâ€"cmuhvb the importance of their officers, labore am wunat in order to raable commities of Internal KRoonomy o the salnr= ies of the othoers of this House. Mr. THOM PHN (Haildimand) ~Whoather es Pepurmen ant Load Pus Mr, CMUISUOLYM moved the secom! rewling of an Aot respecting the Desjars Un motion of Mr. Chisbhoim the House wvent into Committes of the Whols. |DOMINION PARLIAMENT wharaby mambars of sald Parlianments have the right to sead printed documents _ The Commitises rose and reported, the amendments were adopted, and the bill Mr. DOMVILLE moved the conmulera tion of the amendments to the bull to inâ€" scorporate the Maritime improvement Company of the Dowminion of Canada. The House went into Comaniisse, lilbbs (South Ontario) in the chair. The bill was adopted with several amendmen ta. Trmmle t the Dorminion. Ir.m-nllhlmbu Committee on the bill to change the name of "The Freehold Permanent Building society of Toronto" to that of "The Frseshout Loan and !hvwlr-' and to extend the powers thereof.. . _ rod'u'no-lhohllblhnï¬d John Robart Martin, reporting the bill without amendment. Mr. CAKTEK introduced a bill to anâ€" _m.wu&umm aar al 1Hroe q clook. Mr. L&EWLIS presented the report of the HOUSE OF COMMON®S and the ball was HWouND FARKLILANKNTâ€"FIR®T , Aperl 78. NPEA KER Mm':l“ three THE OTTAWA TIMES, APRIL 2, 1873. of wotioua OF wotonr, * l;lll.l.ll&.flh;m for Commi u‘:: of Whole. on An Mhnmdm..t Branch Railway in Nova Scotia, extemdling ln.wm‘nt.lmhto \Vl.tor.l:‘. plained a company in Nova Scotin been organized, which was rewly to purâ€" chase and run this rallway, lMe did not think any department of any Government could carry on a railway with as much benefit to the public interests as a com« duigls Wt expenditures of this brakeg for the _ last _ fAre _ years o show culpable in appointing men utlerly us6t lor their places. The slide master now relerred to bad H\ui:.:uu .“.-.: great danger, when property HMtake, and come and ware insllicient. The special case which ies on in atintairir einiadnterin mouth of lhmunr. The loss of the booms at this place was occasioned bll..l:.â€"d d'chE _ Non. Mr, LANGEVIN aaid that he had no objection to consent to the motion of the howu. member, but be must contess hud stated that the wward was not W,-‘M“Njfl. be done them. This complaint had came before him late last week, and his intention now was to lay the matter before the Minister of Justice in order to ascertain what was the proper course to twke. The bon, gentlieman should thare. tors see that the case was still aasmvuu:m‘q w was actuatead wore mlyhtbp.hlhlh. ehuh. desised to do was to have an eflicient oiflicer put in _ charsge of the boome on the Madarmka before lmn auggeoshon wa adopiad, awl the debate was accordingly adjourned. -:'-"-da-'m;um: ment for losses sustained by the breaking dflh‘â€"uï¬mdhm of all ofll:nL*bMd Arbitrators to whom these claims were submirted and copy of the award rendered in that matter. He salid that a groat many of the breakages which had occurred ware occamoned by the light nature of of the detate. and sober h x a + Hon. Mr. LANGEV N said thikBls hon. gentlaman mightrely on it thal if this tNoar was 10b a and reliable ollleer be would be The only thing which he :v-ht‘: was wuole avidecss "belire" the Hhoas "Of sourse If it waere proved that this man wa down. If the present slide master were reluined thare would be great danger of nmuuuouw“sm.e mdlhtm W indsor Al-fl: -ql.h-my hud, »when they Mnn-x.- a distacecs of 180 aniles of country # to Yarmouth in one of the finest tural distriots of the country. The members of the Hmntb-lon“'xnlnk at this matter so as to se such a Mâ€"Hflwï¬ï¬'ï¬.h“ of the Dominion at large. *1t was clear that this branch railway had not paid anyâ€" ::.hl:“ï¬:':v.â€".dthhm; was supply 1eqireâ€" rdifl&&mhm N.:.lsd hlmdn-p-y,mmu:: wl it. He, therefore, boped the Govâ€" erament would consider the matter; and when they fall in a position to consider the proposituon, be hopad the House adopt it K. Hon. tir JUMHNX A. MACDONALD reminded the honorable gentleman that as it would be a surrandaer of Goverament proparty, it would require the sanction of the Government. Thea GCovrernment would look into the matter and see wheathor it would be adsimmble to come down with a menasure. 1t the honorable Minister of Unstoms would promise that the mitter would recaire the immediate attention of the Government, be would withdraw® bhu Mr., MeDONXALD (Antigonish) thought this Railway to Lowsburg ; for there was a M;l-uh&mm lbhat such extension be made. 11 was either their duiy 10 extend this Rullway o io it up to who would do 18, "'.'_T‘uimm (Potou» ax/ ) wemgnent tm & as his resson tor so &mmu“ or hn:o::-o'uuu.- h.yl,-n- Watter, * L it ad.lreas Mr ::’A moved an .’z Mr. ARILLAM didl not wish the seasion Kp-by-tm-uoubphh.hku matter ; it was ol great interest to tho line of railways that such a transfer should take place, _ He bad Mon. Dr.. TUVPRPER said ‘the question hud not yet received the aittention of the Government which such an _ safitions af (ns honomabie 4 of the bhonorable gent examination proved correct, it desirable that such a transfer should take place: ‘This very important matter would receive the consideration of the Uovern:â€" ment, with whose comsent only toe trans= T echalih hakie phuees 0 00 0s & pay, illie mainiaingdl LA (his :::::tnmbhopndtbl.. " mial, but abould be given over to io riimn the rainr, aid Th Tinke it at the same time paying -'ddm «wivantage to the country at ‘arge. . Hon. Mr. MITCHELL said in ameswer: to the Arst branch of the question, no; to the second none ; and to the third, that he know of none. Mr. FJURNIERâ€" Whother the Governâ€" ment has ceded to certain purchasers of the Seigniory of Mingan, the right of fishs mg in certain rivers running through this .:.:rry.-nllu the waters of the of . Lawrencoe, in front of the said r? If such a grant has been to what persons, for what price, and for how many years has it been made? um-&-mm&uu in the newspapers, offering the said rights of thei Parliaments free of pbstagd during was ao arrangement. resent pay, le Hon. Pr TUPPER replied that there of mirecâ€"câ€"t: to the honorable memâ€" move an adjournment T3 the Government which vuuu.ru‘u hm&nmumby on. Mr. MacDougall. always supposed and still that the Hudson Ba: m'cnu thobotuno{ mmumuw. tobs. That they created the chfficulty beâ€" .-fl.hum not to participate in the £350,000 was to be given to the com â€" “l‘l‘lirmw‘“l"u the events of Hon. Mr. MacDougall‘s expedition to North West. flomwmm- pany. As to the murder of Soeott he conâ€" contended that there was no justilication lsnt Sief wes io persentle posrsmive of was possession of the country. lna conclusion be said that l who tnfing Abolgsiver Chamgemen party who ves C1angemen, «nd <yot strange to say the (rangemen trom this section of the country took very little interest in bringing murders to jusâ€" tioe. . He might say that scarcely a man of them hui voted against the Government for their course in this matter. by Sir Edward Thornton in Wash to Hecretary Fish. 1t an explanaâ€" was promised by the Government here, if the people were led to believe that --1.-.! be granted, then he held that uho t to be Tulfillied. He believed if a promise had been made that the was not far dis. tant when it would be carried into effect, and when instead of the utter lawlessness which had prevailed is Manitobr for the ht three years, the country would be restored to its wonted quiet. #o that it might be ascertainesd exactly how matters stood between the Hudson‘s Company and the Government. Al 1 to he question of the ammnesty, he T 2 by lp.:rï¬ulhll e and promised by more one ; ons thing be know was that it had been made, that it would be found that where one man was killed, Louis Rie!l had been the cause and instrument o( saving many lites. It would be somewhat f d\-r.lllhah:ll::hd% q-hh‘mu villainous that had applied to him, it was to turn out that he uad been the means of aving the lives of twenty men. It must be rememberead that in Louis Riel‘s -u-:u-mmmmd- the of its existence. There was an American inflaence and a Fenian influence, which so far prevailed that Riel had lost commund of that body ; and he (Mr. wudw that if Lounis on that day refused to sign Scott‘s death _ warrant, he would have signed his own. Mr., ALMUN. â€" Better 10. Mr.. CUNN Ht:l bhoped that the so that it & be s-m.ualy had, hbowever, introduced that subject, and be (Mr. Bowell) might just say that it nnpn&‘ltu did not see that the party in opposition had made any endemvors to secure the arreet of the murderers of: Hoott; and as the record en The as fnromainnh io. > es wWas HO a man‘s rolog as his conscaence directed. While on his feet he must add that he thought every hon. meamber of the House must have been sachooked by the manner in which the hon. member tor Marquette had treated the subject, Scarcely a memâ€" ber could have listened to his . semarks without regretting Mb“‘.l&o‘:u-lbdqaw justify un act which been universall pronounced a foul murder. nunm.{ thet aof%. l6 had & t At» not io his place. He (Â¥r, w) quesâ€" tonued wnether the hbon. member wou have dared to utter those words had t Hon. Mr. DJRIOUON urged the Governâ€" ment to state whether or not an amunesty bui been promised, For his part, he thought that no harm would result from the granting of the amnesty. â€" mwuvo(tbwy. '.u‘r:‘o it :‘:'h-. umu.huu" Ms.; cfl.dï¬bnâ€"hd the bhon memâ€" for Bouth Leeds, He thought it quite unnecessary to drag into the discussion of a question of this sort the mode in which any class of men thought proper to vote at ':::. When the people of the country standing nzulor the rights Of the S-try.ho(uo mbor:’o't LHegar) gathered _ a _ party young and enthusiastic men around him and armed to the testh they had gone into his bhouse, and there raised the Canae dian Hig,. That was where the whole toublse had begun. Another assertion that had been made was that Louis Hiel was a murderer, ;Now be (Mr. Qa-hc ham) held that no man fhad a right to ealled a murderer until he was proved to be a murderer, and when a man rose in ::rhu,hlbomm stated â€" Louis was a murderer, be stated what was not legally a fact. Louis Riel, in the eye of the law, stood as free from the charge ol murder as any other man; not one singleo information had ever been lnid against Louis Kiel as a murderer, on m‘.mtmhu:ru issued arreat. y, nolwithstanding all that had been said is had not been proved that Louisâ€"Riel was a murderer, and it might happen that if the thing U â€" a _ proper _ investigation Pariliament andto ramse this that they were led like sheep to the «hambles, without being consulted as to or informed of the change, and that when ul‘.j‘li‘v:.duud ‘bi’x.p‘::ld“ Sti id to e tion which was coming into u:‘:énuy,m far abait thou go and no f; they did what was their duty to their country. He placed upon the Canadian party the onus of having ohru&.thomndutmb:‘mrc,m espacially upon . member for Lisâ€" gar, who be regretted was not: in his Mr. LUNNINGHMAM (Marquette) differâ€" ed with the mover of the mouon from une outset, llis (the mover) had takea it for funlul «it Louls HKiel bud delied the vernmenat of Canada, in one sense doubtirss Louis Riel had defied the power of himia and in one sense <he :( Â¥4r, Cunniogham) beld that he ha«d done well in doing so. llie contended that the peoâ€" pla. of Menitoba formed a c«lony, that they were British subjects, enjoying Britâ€" iwh rights n::dlnboflny th.:ul:oy had at any time A‘ times a claim to the tink these nighte $ML, been "infrioged 67 the manner h.b the â€" country Mr. ALMON who spoke amid a gooi deal of confusion, was understood to say that no member from Nova Seotia would haye made such a cold, bald motion as which had been brought forward by the bonorable member for South Waentworth. And also that had there been Nova Soo: tiun volunteers in the Red Kiver country instead of those from Untario they would never have come to this House to mk for :rmudjuwnon the murderers Noott . Right Hon. Sir JOHN A. MACDONALD dit _ not .know exactly m the last speaker ire to get the parties punished, or of getriing them freed from punishment. 1t was difficult to tell what his object© was _ HMe seemed in one breath to châ€"rge the Gov» eranment with a great derilicuon ol duty in not having punished ; and in the next that the possitnlity of punishment was not taken away. ‘The hon. gentleasan could, however, setile that with himself. . When the papers were brought down, he would have an opportunity of satislying his ra~ tenal curiosity. that the Gonl; nmo;t“::d wwud most 'm‘h.l‘ not these provinces into effect, He made the motion now for the purpose of giving the (GGovern: ment an opportunity of stating whether an amnesty bui been granted or not. _ _ _ troubles, lie said that it was genetaily believed that an amnesty had been n_bdhthoddopu from the Red ver, who visited this city in the winter of 1870, for all offenders, political and eriminal. He contended that if an amnes» ty had been granted, as he believed it had, under the Authority of any member of the tuvernment to Louis Riel, or any pther the murderers of ‘Thomas Soott, or of any of the persons concerned in the KRed Biver 1e0% 10 1LOuls or any olher rouching an u::l’.ty in i&r of J51 Mr, GALBRAITH,, in moving an address coples of documents touching an inâ€" s«tion held as to William Robertson, , Postmaster of Lanark Village, and Rtouchicg his dismissal from said office, charged the Government with having disâ€" missed this man when it was the desire of many of the people of Lanark to retain him in office. 1 not money Fom, Cc Gntings Beoky whio would be. 'flL.’ and he would tl-.: m mo(m'-fltbh ehmvh-nmdnmdq Mr. Robertson had guilty. _ Many gentiemen inthvfll:ï¬::dbo‘noom- pelied to go to «Post at a distance to send money letters when this man had been Postmaster: <He thought the only i aging toay hn nor darglared this ue WAB not di man earlier, when representations had been made to them, The motion was carried. Mr, DALY moved an address for corresâ€" pondence between the Canadian and 1m. mnflont-h on t:: subject of naturalization. e r“ Mhhdhdmn-dâ€"g Gerâ€" cunn'i:o'r uu‘:-“u:'uwu‘ oronto people in Prasâ€"ia that emigrants would not receive the same benefits in coming to this country as they would in going to the go-:du:u tba.woumldu:.howtb on subj at the Gwm&hhd taken t:.péwor steps to press matter on ome Government. The motion was carried. Hon. Mr. ANGLIN moved for a return shewing how the sum granted to the Local Government of New Brunswick for the encouragement of immigration into that Province has been ex ed. ‘ Mr. MACKENZLE ":il..u that the return should include the Provinces. Hon. Mr, POPE said that there was no objection to the motion, or to the amend. ment suggested by the honorable memâ€"«â€" ber for Lambton. He did not think, howâ€" ever, that so full returns had been made _ Mr., MILLS rose to a question of order ‘u::m msom in volved pu tu: emanate ‘mm‘mm':'nt. _ Mon, Dr. TUPPEK bhoped no hon. mem«~ ber would interrupt such an important question, Rt Hon. Sir JOHN A. MACDONALD the former part of the resolution order, but the latter part was out After some further discussion, Mr. withdrew the resolution tar the pré= of Inland Revenue tment Report hn Cal Departmen mfwmdmd&oï¬n. Mr. TASNCHEREAU moved for m of report of Division Enquiry Court held at Levie d the encampment of the volnnho:anin.!uu and July, 1872. Mr. ARCHIBALD moved for copies of papers connected with the removal of the positmaster at Farran‘s Point. He moved this address in order to asceriain why the dismissal had taken place. After considerable discussion the motion was curried. \ Ths House adjourned at 12:2), The Nakonal Temperance Society has fnmdu:‘m.w:‘%h: the evile of intemperance, ther evile of the use of alooholic liquors as a beverage. As nobody in his senses ourduhdoithto(thnmuou, as no such person at least ever denied the first or the second without qualification and explanation, we are not surprised to ï¬ndmlm:ofltflfldl:ibymym Wln some Wm‘ physicians, But between the premises of the medical men and the conclusion of the Temperance Hociety there is a gap so wide that it takes a bold non sequitur to bridgo it. The conclusion of the Temâ€" perance Society is that men should be reâ€" strained by law from the practice which produces so many and so unquestionable wï¬o“muh Province of ow Brunswick. ‘The motion was carried. _ Hon. Mr, D#CUSMOG moved for copy of Also, for dn’ofldmdn Wfllmlï¬inhrlfl Oo: lumbia for 1872.3 â€"COarrted. eviles. The conclusion of common sense is that a man should be left to his liberty and held responsible for the abuse of it. In a government like ours this conclusion is imperative. It is simply ridiculous to a man not only the government of g:-dfl-uchn in the government of &mï¬y,nfl“bwsqnï¬b Mhohnncu? »â€"command to be trusted in sight of the open door of a groggery.â€"New York World. Mr. KYMA! said he had not brought &hunnmï¬omlcm; he would not believe that this question had been bm‘iht in the late election as political apit + The motion was then carried. Mr. GLABS, in moving for a Committee of Whole to consider the following re:o~ lution :â€"* That it would be attended with great advantage to the Dominion as well as to Merchants and I‘raders, and the pubâ€" lio generally, it a cbaper, more widely extended, and more expeditious system of Telegrapity were established in the Domiâ€" won of Canada, and to that end it is exâ€" pedient that the Govmmon:‘:ibonld uuk: steps to purchase, control, work whole system of the Dominion on the same orsimilar basis as was adopted in 1868 by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland"â€" said he hoped to have had the reports of the Montreal and Dominion ‘Telegraph Company to submit to the House, but bad not been able to do so. up at every election. â€" Not one of them had dared to say that Riel had committed the murder, and yet they charged the Minister of Justice with having done . nothing. When the murder had taken place, every. one knew that the country did not belong to Canada, and therefore this Gov â€" ernment could not move in the matter. PFerhaps no Government had accomplished more imr@blaining possession of a country, and increasing immigration without bloodâ€" shed than the present Government. It was an unfortunate thing that this matter swhould be brought up as political capital by & opposite. What had the honom-:nbu for West Durham done in this matter when he was a member of the Ontario G:::rnnnnt; had he writtu; to parties in itoba to gthlonnuion dolng mothing. He Ciie. Del) mainmined i e (Mr. Daly) maintai that this Government had no aythority to move in the matter. hoa. member for Halifax [Almon] ; and l related the circumstances o( the transfer of the country to the Canadian Government, | conending that the course of the Governâ€" ment had been the cause of much trouble. Me wanted to know what the Minister of Justice had done in this matter ; it was not fair either to the country or to the man to have him charged with a crime and not to give him a trial. If it had not been forthodotmo(fliruoor.’ox.(hrï¬or, we should have had Mr. Riel in this House sitting at the buck of the hon. Minij«ter of Justice. ‘There were no ‘E:nuï¬n; circum~ stances in this murder that he could see. The Gevernment did not have sufficient information of the country when they purâ€" chased it; and had not gon suflicient explanation to the people that the desire oi this country was to meet their wishes ; but their course was such as resulted in rebellion in that country, The ohject of the motion was to know whether or not the people of thisrcountry had been dealt frairly with or not in this matter. The Manitaba matter had been a series of blunders from beginning to end, which ought to sink any Government into oblivion. & & Mr. DALY said the course of the hon genticm n opposite had been to bring this It was well known thit the gathering of the Canadian party ozd taken place long after the disturbancés had brokenout. In conclusion the hon. gentlieman again reâ€" terred to the remarks of the hon. member for South Leeas. hon. member for Lisgar been present The National Mr, WOUD criticised the remarks ol the TEMPERANCE. TUESDAY, 29TH OF APRI. THE DREAM AT SEA, With no'lumm. including the .I*â€"I~â€".â€"v-â€"-â€"v wE ACmmmmone Ememigare Od Pbahovomlnmlummmen-. m«huu lï¬ sel‘ers should call at s &“Alfln&# secure day. se THE GUXRDS Dramatic Club, Celebrated Shipwreck _ Scene Conclading with the Roaring Farce, T Gerrerie ine ue Band af the Kegiment ADMIRSDHOD: } . : : «. + 1+ 3x + « ++ + s o« has y s io » d NC RESERVED SEATS............ ....... .0 Ce Doors open at 7.15, Tocommence at 8 P. x. otquAril.l.lltk f RINK MUSIG HALL. Farewell â€"Lecture, TICKETS OF ADMISSION............ 25 Cents. To be obtained at Orme‘s Music Store, and of Dr. Matte, Bussexstrect. UBJ â€"*"Lights and Shadows of Boardi House l.l.""'l' tiag Barristers, Attornies, Solicitors, &c., O TT A W A . DaxtkL OCoxwor. = Ottaews, April i8th, 1874 WAN'rlo-mTUAflouâ€"wuu Â¥ years exâ€" sanel veterinary TA cllce a of l*«-u. 10 be shown . m T ., Postâ€"Office, Ottawa, Allan, McKinnons & McMoran Our stock of above goods is now complete, and being firstâ€"class value, we confidently invite the attebtion of the public, believing that they wili compare favorably withany stock in Ottawa. Miss Sh»rlocke. that owing to the varie;l artractions elseâ€" where, a great debate "in the House, the Civic Coancil and an entertainment in the Canadian Institute, he would have to postâ€" pone his lecture. He, after this announce« ment, stated that the lecture would be deâ€" livered on Saturday night. Those that had paid their money, accordingly took their money and departed somewhat disâ€" appointed, but will doubtliess return agrin on Saturday evening. s Tewels and Toweltings, , Uurlain Pole:, 20 Spatks Street. ttawa, April #th, 1878. 2t Pror. Hore‘s Leorver.â€"Last night at the appointed time, some dozen or so perâ€" sons greaiqd Professor Hope, to hear hbis lecture in refutation of the statements made a few nights ago by the Rev. Mr. Arrighi, in the Method‘ist church. ;/Ihe Roman question was however not broachâ€" ed by the learned professor, who stated Don‘t forget the great sale of buildig, sites at Bermingham‘s, on 1st May, at 7 3 mma-l.eq‘unlnuhm mpeeimlly reâ€" quested to attena without further notice. Friend s and acquaintances are requested to at" tend without further notice. On Zith Instan Richard, eldest and bolov:rm‘gl.l. W.t'&,;::,’hw fAve years and four months. i L His funeral wil} take place from bis futher‘s residence, No. 16 Rideau street, on Wednesday, the 3Uth, at two o‘ciock p. m. + HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Temperance Hall, Wednessday Evening, April 30th, Un motion the by-lawo:u read a second | and thud time and passed. tA * WaATER LoTs. | Ald. Bangs wished to call the attention ; of the Council to the fact that it was the I intention of the Government to sell by auction some water lots at the foot of the l locks on the Grand River. He thought that the city had a right to these lots, and that they ought to memorialize the Govâ€" ernment to sell the lots to this city. After a brief discussron, . Ald. Bings moved, seconded by Ald. Featherston, that the Council memorialize the Dominion Government to sell to this Corporation certain water lots, exterding from Sterling‘s Brewery to the Canal locks, and that the city and county members be | requested to forward the same. Carried The Council then adjourned. i The funeral will take place toâ€"day (Tuesday) at 4 p. m, from her father‘s residence, corner of Uhapel and Clarence streets, Sandy Hili. In this city, on Monday morni Kate, only ds_ugmer of Mr. Jos. H, Cairus, Jl year. Lace Curtaius, Wool Damaaks. Wool Repps, Creton Uhinitzes, Shectings, a4 Pillow Oottons, Ax examination of our new styles in Millinery is respectiully solicited on Thursday, April l7th. s Auax, McKiswoxs & McoMorax, _ The motion was carried without discuss sion, and read accordingly. _ t ston, Bronson, Pratt and Bangs. His Worship the Mayor stated the object of the meeting. It was moved by Ald. Footha-h‘ m:o:.’ J.oc onded by Al.i. ie that w to nin,’by l‘y lï¬p.ozléi:cmz,m sterli« ing, to be applied t the construc» tion of Waterworks in the City of Ottawa, be now read a first time. BOARDING) HoUSEs. Otiawa, April 16, 1871. Haturday, m-mmn House. Tuesday , Â¥thâ€" ture Maturday, May $rdâ€"Household Furniure on Doors open & 7.30. Lecture to commence at s A special meeting of the City Council was held last evening in the City Hall, for the purpose of passing the byâ€"law author~ izing the fssue of debentures for the Waterâ€" Carpets,® Carpets. The Area Belie. ‘CUuNNOR & WADE, ERMINGHAMS EUPPLEMENTARY _ LIST OF APPROACHING SALES Present : His Worship the Mayor, Alder» AMUSEMENTS. The thrilling Drama, TO BE HELD AT THE CITY COUNCIL BPEOIAL MEETING. DIED , Rocque, Featherâ€" â€"â€"_â€" Damigt WabEk 20 Sparks Street. 12 #% Cent 50 Cent l on c 0y Ee mt Tw dnc ..vlll 4 A% & 38 | commenainget t aBlork hn us h ; | Htaines ï¬hg New ‘ort.' hrs Centre ‘hl:l.ho, ‘l;.n‘lr cloux&hnll:‘ Hutbonniy Book Cae and boope i VGomuinRet? TUCUCE O avam i er_nm.nl.mm“ (Peotanio 1 cummest in usraniee 1: i a life Insorance combined the latier free of any 0086 entitle the bearer to from dennu‘hmd €i1 00) in case of death. ubtained from BE SAFE AND e ccmmmmmmmma . CAPITAL, $1,0009 «omm awail fuark : 1 % e wommmnammae ‘ O‘F'..i".'. (agn. ont nccidents $90 Pis af the best British Com$ [E nA y s wunwvu-dmw adjoining the mm‘bm“ Rochesterville. & Call and get a plan and full J the Auctioneer, °_ *L oo W. H. FALIA win sal WÂ¥ at the 1*F. U N L O Nâ€" JN ROCHESTERVIILE AB! woOop EstaTE oFFICE FURNXLIU BUROLAR WO C "NPB B new, Office Counter, Office g Writing Desk, b. w .Lnugn, W EDX ESDA Y net, "of 5300 Gil L * Per onl 4. ... "ale "Sï¬';'mnu. of the purchase :ï¬ the eve:angl‘«mxum u.:..~. .: oneâ€"fourth < w to make of the sajle. ~‘.~ _ Applications in the mabntine a... â€" Applications in the megntime ET: Mr. BRADLEY, at my (pe« o.-.'." Hn‘;‘r.lu and EU:;:«M orlo~‘- <@ Call and get a plan, and forehand for yourself, nee the ~5 To prove the great rise in u" in this city and M the would here say 11. a greoat DUMber by him at public auction last year for entieman, have sibre Change -. fro rer cent. increase on the ~'Q p“’l.“l' RMSâ€"On down; e 5 eâ€"quarter annual installments at 7 M&!- Auction! _ Auction! TQC,02C J °C, PIRBHO new MR e ® Haines Lou-\ New ‘ork. ermâ€" .! Centre Table, hair cloth Chairs, YCP pein w::un Chromos, W1 i ‘ deboandâ€"Book Case and Book®, [ and Crockery, handsome ; * Chamber Setis, lron beds, # { trasses, wardrobes, chairs, w tO kitchen and other stoves and 1 Nale at 11 o‘clock on Monday. hUl ! ouaws, Apil 4 4 The subscriber‘ has BHADLEY, to seli by m. tion Room@®, ll-ilï¬ln : Mouse, at HA -Pm evening of THURSDAY, the the present year, over eighty ~‘| 1,0t8, m.‘\?lx'«.l in the City of Offser I will sell by Public Auction, at the + of W. H.. Smith, E. a the new St. Patrick‘s Ghuron gn°" Other sales mm“,;u"..v % ul Oe fo #e!l should secare gy @98 44 om‘s serv onee 4 numed . and N. ‘ktmlawn, April 17, 1873., 3 °P I"SEOn"‘ Year, over dighty frsiew, 1.0t8, situated in the City °“~M~3 East and West.End Subumm These lots aremost “"""“ lwflt«nml are .uvun.._-. minutes walk of the Post Ofia. tw Ottawa, April 16, 1873 Ottewa, April 23, 1873 By J. nnauxi'.'ix. BUILDINCG MONDAY, 28TR Auction Auctioneer and I“-l L* _ us % MA Y 1s!â€"Sale of 100 Cp; Street, at 7.30 p.-.w’ l"\\ MA Y.2ndâ€"Sale of 1 Lots Street, at 7.3) pan. _‘ ""."N MAY Ind~â€"Sale of 100 City Lots at htreet, at 7.39 p.m .355 \ MAY 7thâ€"Sale of Farg SBtock, : ments, Horses, 4¢., Mr. Wilson, M}W:*ï¬u (ï¬g Sale of Furnit E. Mara, apors SiP8 4C at the »uutet Bale as 2 p. un AmoAcm*gEé R \ J. BERMINCRAy Mtewa April #6, is/s. ALE BY AUCTION TILL THEY COME By A. ROWE, Anctions. UCTIUN SALE FIRST OPF C# 1t EBE Auctioneer and at 12 o‘clock n0u8, W _ LOTts J, BER TA ", ae se “".‘ h n}’.hri, all Wha :“ me h i8, 18 , .?‘. c Awid \ KR Tok M & _ AP so 109‘ MaAy » 1813 M _ The Fistt Lopdon in “Mh-p&o;' M"E closed, 981. . Three of the dm’b-l’ reach the ent: 1w sail out of 10â€"4(0s 99] ; .; and 64. for sb to the Daily 5 newspapers ol Mr. mâ€â€˜ ing in the (â€â€œâ€˜m Mwfl'l =~" ‘l-‘ Bank of Mon Merchants‘ 1 Molon‘s 1114 4# W pouse keeper® Paris, April H 7. 30 FROM FRO Apr