Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 9 Apr 1873, p. 1

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Ne the W athen s for B UC. t D, 4 uh | Me@l o .d) ,Mwflrfacmring C C nn, k Loékport, N. Y by fow wl or & to tle 1 ied 1982. ~#20] â€" Steam Dredges, 17% ~:Map â€" Bteam Hoisting Derâ€" /.. §A | nekse, C | fl“ Excavators, « 6W weth Whige~ ho eal 11. hgincs. ~‘ m TS tume bey ~Oarriage and Sleigh »lâ€" Bbackdaley Brother: & Co,, E hereby given that an applhcmâ€" . ”“ Lagiaiatgre of the Q M.:Cth nert sitting ki ® Wr an Act to continue the ©CRANY TRUNK ARRANGRMENTS ACT, 1862 t Slauses thereof as may be deemed * a d "‘iâ€".n-.h-tb- A how > next. to u..\ « fithOrize the additional issu6 of second G ult ts l ts rkokags! mMYRTLE NAVY. ”.-“J oan us o e.m CENTRAL Ra‘LWay, 7k‘ FACTORY: RHIDKAU APREET, OFPTAWL., it tims sstablishment aill be lound on Che Daily ©imes { Byin Street, opposite Rusael House. &M“ wil) raceive THE WEEKLY TIME3, ‘.lal an each Plug k & is * Je i 1872 198 o# Poont . W, K. BAKEK, & Feby3, 1"313‘ ADVERTISINC RATES. MAKE a aPECHaiutPy or WWaAY comraANY 2 i *#A wuk a D SMOK K rasp Trunk VOL. VILI NO. 2233 phe asmong reading matter, * conts Notices, 12; conts per line. ad Advertisements, silch as wivertisements in Dusly Towr® is=t “ntlho.‘ each subsequent Houses (or ~alo, _ Houses to Ment, eest Oue Muloe sn a bas e Bs peie o PROPRIKTOR®, every morning (@undalt Aas t 4d) m o on OF CANADA. Armcles Loat Articles Found, & N4 #Y * Wragistered, and anippore wllee y ob yo wl is epeee, Ammeqeee ~~ BE u. .‘ | $ " | "‘;’â€""" es ante s * BHall tiat Racks, Hall Chairs, Tabiés, % &o. Alireat Variety 'd.:.oal 'h::‘hbq i Thent | BHediateads, Bureaus, tanca, MHouses Wanted, _ ___.__ | _ We have now the Largest and Best S6» t‘dfl_o'hlv * Board and Lodying 15 "thaths chan TK . ;l-oa'-n v:'n-. The exteansive Timber Linaits anl uw Mills, belonging to the estate of W. A Noott, in the County of Peterborough, will be offeread for sale at Pdu‘m ' Lon, in the A un ggrame jo-;x.s':.m.) nhmmm‘:d.:‘.uh the supervision of a Orst cluss Outter, gentiomen may rely on getting a good Aiting garmeni. agmagienk: â€"» C _APKKARA & 1O0, The mills are run by water power, and :..“d-u:.r fourteen to ar is invited. * e horprer imr” :brtzpdnnaKbm NEEAK BOILERA MWiJ* Keeary altention givren to repan iimiadet * amadt en Sack Conta, Mu oovuu. Bog‘s Oversonts, ® MJ:.C& u"h::‘ Conts, also :’I.. Arts, Renwers, Underâ€" n'mnb-. &o , &o. We hatre also on hand a large lot of White and Grey Cortem and Livem Hage: th afwhine wih buvond Comten and Linen Bage, ail of which will be sobd sheap for cash, Enspestion invited. H. Meadows & Co Direct from England, all sizes, andt dmble. @rders from Publbes l::u- aor private families solicited. Alao, _ _ BARG 10 ANNOUNCE Maving pist receivwl another lot af the Patent Wrought To Bedsicads, 0T AlR BUKAACBHS! For Coal or Wouwl. . Public amd private buildings beated in the most modern and MORNINC STAR UOAL HPUYN R, the best and most sconoâ€" mical heating Htove in the market, _ CVall petition. Wish to inform their numerous customers and ths pubiis genarally that they hare received i6 dolmpinfienindiga | * T C TTCTOC C <] FALL & WINTER Goops MILLIQDS OFP ACAES \QWA AND NEBARASKLA LAKDS 80, SPARLKS 5F., .’l'l'l'::.i Dealers â€" in Goods, 4 “flggmg. o 4 U‘MEARA & Co. \ _ AMtawa, Doc. 7, 187% , #,J XCHANGE HoOTEL apmable terms, regular boardars and the .ufipnu‘n. Table always supplied with all the varieâ€" hese which the season can afford. Liquors of the choicest bramds and llnnnc!'n :.‘:.' best quality, constantly kept on B#KFZ* Meals remdy as all bours. Hull, Nov 26, 1s73 * 3036 m Burlington & Mo, River A. A, Co. | lected Stock of the above class of goods ever haki by any storehouse in this AMty. The public are invited to inspect our goods and judge for themselves. MJy* Heomember the Place, No. 8, Ri 'M&o\“hfld&mm’ Bridge. The Hoil of lows and Nobraska Campbell & ‘(McBride, STEAM BOILEE makKkR®, . On Pm Fear‘s Oredit at 6 per cont. Interest. Products will pay tor the land and im« provements, much within the limit of this generous credit. BHetier terms are oct n hn aagt hike malord pang, .........m-.n.....!"* Mmdv‘t:muud our Road in -â€"lbufl.h Noebraska im proporâ€" tonately larger. h-dlnh.n-. ~'-l-d:‘: x CAroulars giving luil gratie ; eall tor all that are wanted to sead and J. B. Grenier respectfully begs to inform his numerous customers and the public at :&M he has recently opnd and relitted that large and commodiâ€" ~~Lfil&- Main Street, Hull Vi known as EXCHANGE un'l'tl:h:‘ nnow prepared to accommodate on rea Miawa, December 23, 1872 _ #12%23 by, AMbert Strect, Richmond Road, Atbaes. :zamnammug Awm the exacot lo. cation of lowna mu J1) conte, uamuu-â€"o'f. Por Ciroulars and Maps apply to Juny 24, 1873 NTUYV KS of all khinds as usual TINW ARK, Wholesals and KRetail. *NULINH BEDSTRADE 1+ H, MKADODWS & Co., Uornmar of Yussex ami (leorge Mis. (Miaws, Now 18, 1872 Wets in dak and black walout mountings, m"‘.Mfln-- U pholstered and Cane Chairs; Centre Tables, marbie and wood tops ; a great variety of Parliour Chairs of the latest styles and improved patterns; Cane Chairs in black walout, IMBE@ LMITS AiNo MiLiA® '-[‘;uil‘uwua _ FURNITURE: ‘The above (irm (the only Boiler Huild â€" MAIN ATREET, HULL, F. q moestion through the awme RUOWE & ANNABLK. &A smpmicecd till alter Asmignoo®, Lindsay, Unutaric. 112 im Polished, Vory Hand. jedroog ichd yeop PromRemâ€" in» rich radyâ€" 133 t# tw #*, ifi.fl §‘m-§ E Cimnntetsrecess tive Eoienin ons Aupareh on Ailt drotine. T Hihaawime: * * Bdak k CR Yark ns anrnes core ?.:’.?:.-‘kw 1::. Uotet bacnr oan «h ° Srien are nunmbetely »ome t mey agrens by Ort #IUN® OP THER _iA manerdtioan ehanes and ts anthng snrtain," Om a system that wil meure uw howotâ€" w.u-m.“â€"umm ‘uu.‘nt any value up to $40 at a uoihorim tt A imugiog o Phats Sia B Wiher ut ranten m are an thoue. . This not belig & m;: wegnatte oonel 1 Nnevemen, poper, mem hmd Miniater :‘I"‘q.‘h".:'.?'.."""“ m onmdomanane oime nds #Â¥ TH® New York and Berlin Watch auul o be witwolwst vo e Pucpad Rrepert .. davebpaiine t tm * ht imcoo«al ****| Purt od (O\mtwme with waursbousitg pMtilcges, Preskleant‘s (Oifice, _\ POPULAR DI8STRIBUTIUN or® 8A V PC U £ A, Miail No. 10, Lower Town Market, (Abws. n-::u-u-u-nn» lio, ho has opened a Stail in the Lower Townm Market, where he will keap always on hanad Fresh Beef, Matton, Lamb WANTED. Su2H ®= * _ Business that will Pay and Sansages, &¢, Rearpthing in his line of business. wil n.uu:::-â€"-fib“ i \vmanee t M““ UTAy A“:b.dbt‘“â€" aeanil amnd running throm ug’-a-uuu-h PRICK OF MAONHINK, [ 13 dwallings and house eurrent rates. BROCKVILLE and OTTAW A Insures overy description of Property Lt current rates. and round hee from nnbw:fi- Fiound $o, ranning wheek u1 $90, ranning Wheseh up to 24 in ches in diametor. e E. All o the TANITE CA)MM am directly made by the Co., at own Factory snd under their own Patents and Progesson., it is cheaper to buy Stunde~d Gooda pu®| sSQYAaL â€" INSUEANCE â€" coyxe» PANY. Capital Ten Million Dollars. Srml. NOTICK. hhllflm Nine aolty. J. W. MoGUIRK, i West site of the Canal Bmin, near the Skating Riok, Mume Hail, Miawsa, Nov 23, 1872 1183 tm A polh Thin, ATK For #. Kutter to the prinaival lhhnnh-:dm Merchants‘ Bank Block, Sparks Swest (kor) Metoaite. Miawa, Nov D, 1872 % W ood torSale. Nyle The Uhire P reamige m _ JAMKS ANOUN®, (10) s KK L‘LA‘B. (Mtawa, Jany 11, 1873 ‘: 2 s ... > m ts Ot%, 1w Om Htrowdsburg, Menroe, Uo ,, UVERX YENT HOUSK, OTTaAWA. Wainesday, 2nd day of Apell, 1373 1W QAUMAEKK AaAnp ~HARPENEKL, Notice to Lambermen. KNJAMINX EOW ARDH, KUFFN, CHIK PS $133,275. Sawed and Unsawed. GOLD AND SULVER A. TCO H ES ! bundred acres of Land near the with e e se on rainnd | M broath that ! w:ovn.\‘mm aad | the daw any of the above sent on bud to Terssyfoor. h ate walk the nu-.-.-,- e t ty py | aed to ty t TEN DOLLAR3 (10) '“‘ I.A““. L. '-b RAILW A YÂ¥ PRW KXÂ¥T Cherk . P¥¥y (iabnabl we es Nbhorul In ABBOT1, Manager male to onlter thirt Store, | ME e to privale [ :: { Sonadt of Chnttiee Wainad Hhint) nas tart O‘TAWA WEDNESDAY. APRIL 9, 1873. _ _3 0 OCha.aborinln, Reqâ€"This is to cantity that aboot three pears ago | bocamse ablicts) !nm-mwufi. months, 1 wause aBlited lo the wt l“&nlunqm-ub and in the night tme frequently L.‘. .-malnl-'uqub of the emlasoat &hfim }dla.-.l’uhnh‘-.:'oy-.*u ~-.-dl=L. At lanat l~= ind to ty the roomt Huochonsee Homaiy. boagbt a bottle and took it and whes t we about Auish«t 1 bogan to feol a Hitle ll“b-l‘lluflm boitles, whee, to satustetion, L“lâ€"qcnl-.’-_-plflbb «apimation of two days bee apanptoths vots docklediy botter. . ho continued to kuptore w rapkily that by the Liine she had taken ons bwttle she was able to sit ap. the con tieeâ€" a«moe a * wemet th ten svgtcered Â¥ the twote Dbeui®t n:.“ lor the o6 T. 0. BROWX Aviecoual Metbodist Miaistes: omm eeteneetnnones d go whick" sete: tWwine Aloss, Capstcan, Ao , cater into the compouttion of the combtas! med}â€" ~ine, are mcb and so harmoniooe!y ctasifal «ud commpounded, that i in â€"walte the most warching curative in the kuown world, and amnaot holp but awt on the sepstem in a vrary amilathctory and destrable manaest. No matâ€" -~~‘.~~uudhm Wflh‘m“.‘ yon by mpkd mnanes in which yoo m ""'":E".â€"E:.:' mar ce Nol apon to 4 eare of al\ depassse of the Throat, Loage, Liver, Khkinegs mmply brcoaiGse the admeroos taluabic active VeenPe. I sume Tmeo, Tuls pwoâ€" mt | 17 3. ie Whmoreanetnrrent‘n ocms es Prociaim thea .Olad Tidings ~M:dw asing the (Qroat y CP!: u“mmu o OUures, can uwz mcuring the Treatize, the Hand Book, or th + A ‘manas and Arouwlurs from any respactable _ ggissin the Mgearive COagans, bo. Ao., on woll m Price 0j Reomedy in Pn# B 0 «& t 100 4 0 4 t A 1 oor rem) ubdetas an®t Pubéle i that Cluurte «M hen "an s mat on [ fonmamn s houss 4 ® ® s tGreat Shochonsés w At the UA NDNFY OF CAKLKTON, to Â¥Ht Oure ot Bronchitis W H Y 1 i. AN O ~\HEMS T ; 4 hPR _ * WEDADEN®,* the real cure y ~3 __E:".""".a:"'fl thear o w m " ralie! by the .uw '..l'fl._lo su'“ maingd .E:i:f: White (utts Percha Ti Porok mactand wl tor mastication ; no matles how las. PD pu‘ne T uio hintluy «w fi:‘.-nh‘v“dqm Wuice will sun on this road as tallows, {mudays excepied ) muum 4 W atartown “.g(m' un&-. l'h: 10 p m ~1ml ow u-uw-gm?u-w‘:: Albamy wl:.u.- ork . 1000 p m, Nypmcume . 216 < ffl""’ \Fremes 3 15 p m (Mocbtater 405 p m WÂ¥ m. Abbott, KHARKKKEE BQUARK . ....... . TT WATERTOWA & QGDENSBURG RAILEOAD, Husponsion Rridge for all pounts West. cream, in palatable and ready!» taken." +41.15 p m, Rome 2.50 tos iciohtanh omm be % D) a m, Boaâ€" l.lunQ.QW-wap-.h: twe 3,15 a m, Buftalo 4. 20 a m, Auspension me Ongiew and ol "Minlnetrems, Chemists to the AQJueen, H.R.L. the Prines of Wales, HA.M Napoloow Mo(hrhs. 143 NEW MAMKLD , l4 )N DON, ’n-um-- Azly\n-lh’ounpo- & ww DWM‘ ration ot Pancreatine. . oo ? "This compound résembled an Ointâ€" â€"u.mm-mu con« antenoy, and was with Reasence of Almow?i or Prussic Ackli. 1t was strongly alkailing, indieating free alkali, which, aot~ result ; the forming a granuâ€" % was chomically difs:rent trom the truos Panâ€" l and maake bakinr baing "nth in in wmm delicate smooth Messre. I.Yllfioou & CQ,, 382 B ~-h‘ L. Measrs. L Y M & ©., 159 w Toronta with, 1733. WO# 13 1172R \, 1878. WINTER ARRANCGEMEXNT. .:: Husponsion. Bridge Por all Uur mitached to this train at W amd rup through to New York: Loears New York 6 0p m. Albany 1140 p ®, .hou'“'?.“ & M, (llh'. *R‘?.:-lhumuw Leave New York 800 ) Albany 1.33 pm, Rome &flan.-&;‘! atar U T. PRA NOHâ€"OOMLRUOgTIELE a NRON OORROSIYVE lnve 30 par conl. in wel, and stoam passes the Brimah Admiraity and American Nary.â€" (Bee ctrcuilar ) i N. BR â€"â€"It eaves 30 par cent on the Rassoli domee tollor, and stoam is ralsod in half .o...uh.l‘ot#n.m a: while it auves & : centage z‘.llzuh *"'ubd&o Nes Wores iyraminea tha in 4hi m 'm-,-m'; .(:..“.’;:."'..'.": guun'nunm RaTENT Canductor tor Cossring Sttam Boilees afleot the reputation which the e Famrexiine "and Ranorestic Lunthon hnna:-l. 1t in thnla_.h‘:.hly'h portant purchasers examine the labels on the botittles tos: the names and ‘Trede _ AKEK D EE N Granite Monuments, FROM 45, PANCREATIC EMULSION. ‘l\ofl-:d theses Medicines in the treatment Indigpstion, Bronchitis or Puilmonary Uatarrh, Consumption, Wast~ GENUINE PANCREATINE alwuhip, they may stait that the house has unâ€" ammeser at in "Ortaws" as the chie %â€"m JWNE & PERLEY, Or'uwA MOTEL, T. J AMIDY -n&n.uoumu. ’r -‘_w- laur Hotel, Mr Sa e o P Pn h eededaiet it | m‘ ts the 5 under the Arm ugl hF a torm of years."" in ‘noaming the propriâ€" Now . 187% ORIOULTURAL 1KPLEMEN C3, _ P, 0, Box 8444, Botv Manutwturers Jo the Dom{nton UNRkuK O LKAKY Coenered Woskerk ki¢odi Wholesale Ageonia for Canada. 6 4) am. Close comnections made at #r â€" â€" â€"TCimts Onution, ow sBc S 6 ++ An used in the Kadtarn and Wostern ()gdensburg 12.186 o =m. 1. Â¥. MOAK, OrriW i. Hotel Popristors will ind it to their dran tage to exsmine my stook. For a Gentleman and Lady, a suite of u-.m&;’:‘l'.?md Addl= to this office. Uttawa, Jany 25, 1873. 2113 The inhabitants of the City of OAtawa are respecttully requested to visit the #* HOUSE OF€ MDIII,‘:. * No. 60 Bparks straot,‘opposite British l:a Hotel, which contains the most oxâ€" CHINA, GLAM, EARTHENWAGKE AND To be found in the Dominion. tor eunveniance of wansport on the Portage. _ MNERCH ANDINE . Alter Â¥th of June next, will be transported from Prince Arth h&q eastern wminus of the g Garry u.n:...m W: :&*&Md“pcflfllh,a‘.mm pmece be 0# convenien .....:%":L‘»':t‘:..:.-u hm w- W and heavy articles, such as castings and "machinery, can be: nqugh in the »aue polnh on piving duerotlce SnR Wimes or eptritnons liqnors will, be taken 0 t w over the route from Prince Artbur‘s Landing. {p°e8i80 uF PARLIAMENT, KOTIC E. Oakum, Tar ‘and CGordage, Anchors and m.‘“ Flags, Uruin, Bage and . Canvas, pig iron, P. A ROH8 & BROH., k _ 44 10 Orey Nun Htreet, . Amwurm $150 per month. To sail the TINKER, the most useful Housshold article ever invented. Address %K.MP.Q&MW., 'nq.'u. 1872 61 lrow “rfurin.” , # tensive an i varied atock of Single Belis of this will do the work and last as long as a Double Beit of: Canadian â€" (OHls, Prints and: Colors and N arnishes, THE OIMEENW INHURANOK CoMPAXY The GUARANTEE BONDA & thh Company being accepted by the $ DOMILNIOQON GOVERNMENT. um“’“?m is called 1o the of LIFE AS8SURANOE WITHR GuiaRawtez. W hareby an Official Assugihg is Lib in the OITIZKNW INBURJ HCZ CONPAXY, h.lf'u;‘ri:’& Children under t::l.vo years, Ees onlconr ks sen y reages: ie viskous w furnished at cost ut m and the ‘a-u-' Wosl Angle of the Lake of the Woods, THUROUGH TICKKTA PoR ENIGRANTS To FoRTt UAREKY VIA PRINCE ARTHUK‘s LANDING, Can be had at Toronto, at the Htations of the Northern, Great Western, and Grand Trunk bmigrants are requested to take notice that mdh?mnmnman-. welght @invenience of ransport on the Portage. Department of PublHc Works, e 4 S Ottawa, March Â¥th, 1873. 2228â€"31 Is _ Affartho I0th of next, emigrants having through tickets m‘gâ€"nâ€" to to Fort uarry , m‘“m_mul:â€" ¢ Sold Everywhore. Price §$3.75 OLLVER DIPSON & CO> , Boston. (HAY. H. DITSON & CO., 711 B‘dway, New York. 15th Feb. 2189 The DEALER The TEACHERâ€"cannet use a more thorâ€" ough or effective method. The P U P I Lâ€"cannot study from a more lifts and Guarantese Deopartment, Guarapytes Bowds lesued al LOWÂ¥EIT RATES of Fuil particulare may to obtained of OHARLEA DEKAJARDINE. No. 19 Aparks Btreet, Agent for Ottawa and District RDW ARD STARK, v‘ PRCIAL â€" TO GOVERNMKENT OF® at H. 10RD, And ‘m"' QOM PAAN 3 , PHiBLC, NOPRER n tipcuy aivee NE W METHOD â€"A 3 d JugOi OAMADA Y : ;) <s s © Hir Hugh Allan ._..â€"â€". .« â€" .+. _ President. nequalledâ€"Incomparable! So admitted by the leading Pianoforte Teachers of mm,n&mm-uot _ ©08000s to the in _‘ NWN PARWARDNG FREE OF ANY ©OBT WHATEVER, OTLC k. . , | o dOU0NTY OF CARLETON Toâ€"wirs ANITUBA AND NORTAWEsT TER KIDPORIEX ICH ARDSON‘S nleed for a proportionate amount PCXA NO 1 book for which there is concise or attractive sys F. BRAUN, ents for the convey â€" w49 1y 18713 The undersigned, having entered into a conâ€" bract with the Dominion Government for the econstruction of a Canal and Dam across the Otâ€" tawa Hiver, near Carrilion, will require a large .%nl square timber, a considerable portion of must be delivere1 this season (say beâ€" fore the lath of June.) They are therefore preâ€" ww" proposals from reliable parties B fofumestninecbiizwing Bil ut Corthon, Or » within uime mentioned: ton thousani to tWevity ThoukaAPRAT P ortdinary 12x12 timber, elthe m-nh&.moln, tamâ€" arae or p in length of from ) to feet, will NOrICE TO LUMBERMEN CANADA UNDER THE UNTION, 1841 1867. Hy LOUI® P,. TURCOTEE, JARDINES‘ On ‘Maria, Metcalfe .or Rideau Streets, f If Farmers from the country would study their own interests before purchasing their Spring Boots and Shoes and give us a es.fi when eomlu* WOitawa, we pledge ourselves to sel! them al m ~ pm-lb\lv.(g “lh 1 f aston can y do. V an exten sive Retail Business in Montreal, Ew‘e are in a position to manufacture and sell our go~*‘s at a X% SIL Y EK CAEKD C MOROCCO GILTED ~PURSE. LaBatt‘s large reduction under other Ottawa stores. _ WE OFFER * Women‘s Pl“no'lh.l &nfi, Hingle and. Double '-bh-m&;:.. $1.00. Mon‘ Soorse Boots from §# _ Mr. JOHN HAMILTON, Jr., of qQuebec, was admitted a partuer in our firm on the Â¥th of ALES ND PORTER 34 SUSSEX ST.. M enÂ¥ y HBRK 0_ 0 0sd sn cc cce e ceb not HAMILTON BROTHUERRS Otrtawa, March 2 ~ h. 1373. , A GOOD LAUGH Agency, comprising the Westerly part of the ‘W‘ uz.'.. a G, W, CAMERON, Esq., Thurso, that part of the Petite Nation Agency comprising the Eastâ€" erly part of the County of Ottawa, except the Townships of Ponsonby, Amherst and Cly de. B ATâ€"FE & CO., Parliamentary ‘Tonsorial Parlour _ _ Is bereby given that His Excetieney the LAFUT FNAN'I'U‘R!“NUBInUumcuM beer p cased Ww order that the interest accrued and unpald 08 sule of Public Lands in the Counties of UAWA Wn.ml‘w made at 0) ots per acre and upwards, be o ln‘ all cases wt:n‘ ;nyml;:(}&\; balance xflnc is made on or betore * P z.ufl Rc:',"nm; and that in cases where n?" been made uhouuuenbw increased rates in consequence of the addition to price por aere of a laurge amount of Hent, &¢., .mnu'- will be reduced to the maximum price of 70 ct=. per aore in favor of purchasers or their Assignees, who pay the h:‘hnoo of Prineipal due on it::.alr resâ€" pective saies such reduced rates, within the Lhe period above stated. % s Department of Crown Lands, _ quebec, January Yh, 1872. Parties desirous of obtaining further informal tion in this matter, will please apply to the Agenâ€" within whose jurisdistion their lands are situ uted. The Agents are as follows : EDMUND HEATH, Esgq., Clarendon. Couâ€" Wy m[!rhmg the County of Pontlac . _ RUOBERT FARLEY, Ksg., Hull, Gatineau 2 Volumes......... Room No. 69, House of Commons ‘‘~ and Wellington Street, Oitawa. : A. E. GENDREAU, â€"â€" We have the large .t establishment and greatest M&uwmm Uttawo, < PR HReaember the address Otinawa, March 31. Men‘s Kip Boots from $2.00, _ M Boxts, t--‘ozofi variety, at very low The finder onleaving at the Trues Ofice will mm 4 »H7, Printers‘ Material Generally 15 CHENNEVILLE STREET 112 Ottawa, March %, 193 W. MARSHAL MATHESON, larrister,: Attorney, Notary, &c TYPE FOUNDRY ~___ ALL ORDERS FOR EXTRA TOUGH METAL TYPE Otiawa, March 6th, 1872 Master inâ€" Chancery Chambers, ~HEAP BOOTPS 1 1 10 MONT REA L Wrru Prescott MLCS :2’('1 Porter. Ottaw a, March 17ih, 1873,â€"214 POULIX‘8 SAMPLE ROOM, February, 17th, 1837 Phunny Mirror (Corner of O@‘Connor Sir t, Ottawa.) UBLIC NOTICE Bole Agents for Ottawa. 83 and 85 SPARKS STREET, OTTWAA _â€" â€" OCOANADA, orlC E. Filled with expedition and accuracy. Length Bookstores of Mesaars fpoone 7 "UbhiS & Nonyand E. A. Porry 50.0 GO0 AND 8EEK THE R. P. OOOKE & ©O,, JARDIN ES‘ ‘ufi%’w\cfl E. ARY PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY. Dlnethu.‘lflndofh-bc OFFICE 1 "x12 18x18 18xi4 lix12 " Assistant Commatstoner abiic notice, given at Hull of March in the year one A N t ...... PFiceé §1.6 JARDINES‘ nghnitaiss | + / * e hm of ho Pine 4199 â€"2w PRICEâ€"3 CENTS quired ‘of me whether L was prepared 10 form a Government and carry on her aftairs. 1 then intormed Her Majesty disâ€" tinctly that I was prepared to form an Ad« mini-nu;uo.nwhichlbolimdmu”- dact Ajesty‘s affairs efficiently and in a meanmer entitled tohw«‘&uo, but that I could not undertake to conâ€" duct the government of the country in the stood, the right hon. gentieman referred to negotisations with the Conservative 6 or uf least with this side of the m which terminated only yesterday.â€"I beg to state in a distinct manner that on Thursâ€" day, on entering this: House, 1 received Her Majesty‘s commands, to attend Her ol peuralinngâ€" o tpon the sityeer "of me u su the Ministerial difliculty," She {inâ€" duct the government of the in the present Hmd“-:“gh--) A fow days ago, the fact was : briefly mentioned in the Cull that the bodgâ€"or rather the remains of the bodyâ€"â€"of a man had been found in the brush mabout two miles from Belmont. Some Chinamen dis« covered them while engaged in clearing the brush away. _ They first found a skull, «+ and then found, lying is â€"a Ahammock of blankets suspended trom. the bushes, a mouldering skeleton that had once been a the member for London (Mr. Crawford), on Thusday last, The motion of my hou. triend is out of the question jor the moment on account of the up..orum within which he could make it ; but we have a Bill coming before the House to en large the time and restore to my hon, iriend the power of making that motior. With regard to the two other hon, mem bers, if they are desirous to proceed . with their motion, and will communicate with us, we will endeavour to make a reasonaâ€" ble and convenient arrangement for that purpose. 1 now beg to© move, Sir, that this House at . its rising do adjourn _ Aill Thureday. ((Ll) Mr. Disraeli, who was also roceived with loud cheers, said,â€"After the statement of the right hon. gentiemen, though it :i;htnu.&::llybonppo.d that it would agree to me to enter on explanae tions of my conduct with reference to reâ€" cent events, 1 feelit is my duty to sacrifice any wish of this kind to what 1 believe is tor the public advantage. (Hear, hear.) Therefore 1 shall be silent. But I desire to make one remark upon an observation of the right hon. gentlieman which might The Sequel to a Duel in which Both Prin cipals were Killed. d [From the San Francisco Oull, March 23 ; man‘s. The discovery was reported to the authorities, and an investigntion was instliâ€" tuted. 1t was noticed that the spot was found in and Msppmuz‘uhd'bu‘um'u # camiping ground by one or two men. rather a superior the under « . Mr. Gladstone entered the House at half past 4 o‘clock, and on rising imme» diately afterwards was received with loud cheers from the liberal benches. He suid,â€"1I have to inform the House that last evening, while passing Sunday in the country, I received a communication from Her Msjesty, to the etfect which led me tinally to abandon any expectation that upon the present occasion the party in Upposition would construct a Government to carry on the aftairs of" the country. At the same time, in reply to an inquiry from Her Majesty, 1 at once stated that 1 placed any services 1 could render, at Her Majesâ€" ty‘s disposal, and that I would take steps forthwith to proceed to consider, togethar with those who had been my colleagues in the Cabinet, how ftar we were disposed to resume our oflices, and at the same time to _ consider the * state â€" of _ public aflairs and the business ot this House after the events of last week In the pertormance of this service [ am at present engaged, and 1 trust the House will be disposed, theretore, to grant a short further adjournment, (Cheers.) 1 propaer that this adjournment shall be until Thurs~ day next, in order that | may have time to acquit myself of the duty 1 have underâ€" taken. i shall, therefore, with permission, move that the House at its rising do adâ€" journ ti‘l Thursday next. With reference o the state of business immediately deâ€" pending, l may say that there are several measures now uFon the list for Thursday which are not of a political but rather of a practical character, and with which, in case the Government should be successfully m‘ww at that time, it would probably be the desire ol the House to proceed in order to avoid any unnecéssary loss of time. ‘These measures will stand upon the paper, and hon members will have an opportunity of judging for themselves. 1 am sanguine in the belief that they will agree with me thait they are such as the House will be disposed to facilitate in‘the events to which i refer,. The first of them would be the Parliamentary and Municipal Register Bill, and ‘the second would be the railways Bill. " That there is an engagement into which l entered at the commencement of last week with several hn. members, particularly with the hon. member for Warwickshire and the hon. member for Norfolk, with regard to motions of theirs which would, in the regular course, have stood for discussion, together with the motion of my bon. friend Wdfi.dfi#“m a light checked pattern vest, a light cloth cuuuh:v Bbeaver| overscost. The dh,.dnovu::tdlhpnpur&n.l '...pmdont M’fl in hammock. Among the bushes nmear <at hand were found a revolver, an umbrelia, and a & y ing, some new others that had been worn. Between the canvass lining and the top of the valise was fTound a hngnfidtbmau. of the date of Feb, 11, 1872 htm afew yards from the value, were & soda bottle, filled with_ludfin:‘n.i. [LATE MINISTERIAL DEFEAT IN ENG In the English House of Commons, on the 18th ult., the following explanations were made ; Mr. (Giladstone‘s and Mr. D‘lesraeli‘s Exâ€" planationsâ€"Mr. D‘lsraeli ready to go to the country, but not to conduct the Government in the present House ur(‘onpom. TWO HUMAN SKELETONS was found to be clothed in underâ€" Â¥t : [ 18 S + h

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