Amongst the arrivals at the Russeli liouse yesterday were Mr. Walter Shanly, Colonel Cumberland, M.P.P., Mr. Philip The last aumber of the English Army List contains a list of the ofisers of the U‘anadian Active Militia Force. Hon. Dr, Schults, M. P., had an interâ€" view yesterday with Mr. Secretary Aikens with regard ‘to the "outer two miles" grant to the native population of Mani« was asworn in yesterday afternoon as Minis« ter of Inland Revenue, in the place of the Mon. Dr. Tupper C. B., recently ap» pointecl Minister of Customs. * lt is very gecaraily believed that the Hon Jas. Cockburn, M. P. will be put forâ€" ward as the Ministerial candidate for the Speakership of the new House of Camâ€" inguished himself for ability, impartiality and urbanity in the discharge of his onerous duties as Speaker during the five sessions of the first Parliament of Canada and thereby gained the respect and esteam of the members of both sides of the House. The Ottawa Cimes play sattending the proceedings. There will sinnply be the attendance of the Comâ€" mons at the Bar of the Senate, whence they will be invited to retire to elect a Low, q. C., and Mr. Francis Hurdon The ceremony of the opening of Parliaâ€" ment and the delivery of the Queen‘s Speech will take place to.morrow at three o‘clock, pm. Her Exoellency the Counâ€" tess of Dufllarin wi‘l be present, and a select party of invited guests will be ac» Hpeaker. Whether there will be any conâ€" test on the Speakership will probably not be finally determined until close upon the hour of meeting. There is a rumor of the probability of the Opposition putting forâ€" ward a candidate. OPENXNINCG OF PARLIAMENT! mMETrAROL.OGTCAY ORSERY ATION® | think, from some knowledge of the Bruc®| PRESIDENT (GRANTS INAUâ€") had been commenced. At the conciusion all Ladies, who will receive Cards of Admis« sion tn the foor of the Henate Chamber are oX pectal to appear in full evening dress. K. KIMBHER, Gentlioman Usher of the Biaock Resi, RBlack Roi‘s Reslkdence, Pariament Buildings, tinwa, March ist, 187%. zl Chamber. The galleries as usual will be ecrowded, but it is next to impossible to prevent this without seeming to be harsh on account of the extreme anxisety of the public to witnmess the spectaolq. This anxiety is increased on the present occaâ€" sion, as it will be the dArst appesarance of our pepular Governor General at the opsning of a Canadian Parliament. sent at the taken at.Ottawn, Latitude N. 1 2t 3. Longittce | Mascine am Mininnmmn Range Parcen‘ age Her Rxeellru'y the COUNTESS OF DUFFERIN «MÂ¥ ‘;' "i‘"'“" i""' H'ull ______|. But thetirst session of a parliament is mirgh, and * largely given up to the necessary prelimiâ€" Av~ informed that accon|ing to usage they shall | nary of delining "the poution® ot the hor wrthinor withont t .‘.'.‘“:’."..“.‘-‘L“.‘:; Members. This may not be the cuse with presenting themselves in full dres® _ .. __,, _ | these whose public record is already before Gentloman Ugher of the Black K«l. | the country, but the large number who ym ~*~* _ }enter the tmalls of Legisiation, clothed y ~ _ | with authority for the first time, require c some opportunity for studying the ground e before they make up their minds as to Her Exceellpney the ’-m part of it they shall elect to stand on. Among the arrivals of members of th* Legislature not already reported in our columns aro:«â€"â€"llon. Senator Ferguson, Removal~ Kavanagh. RMtink Music Hallâ€"* Bret Harte." 0 ym Langg of Parliament~â€"R. Kimber, Grand Trunk Railwayâ€"C. J, Brydges, Timber Lands for hbâ€"w.t-“tm Roarnd, Members of Parkiamentâ€"Mrs. M €¥ N. B, Mrc., James Beaty M.P.; Mr. E. Blake M P., Mr. A. McKentie M.P., Mr. James Young, M.P., Mr. Trow, M.P., Mr. (irover, M.P., Mr. John White, M.P., Mr. M. P. Ryan, M.P., Dr. St. George, M.P., Mr, U. Nathan, M.P., Mr, F. Murdon, M.P., Mr. A. N. Richards, M.P., Mr. W. Patterson, M.Y, Mr. P. M. Grover, M.P., Hon, senator Cochrane, Mr. G. B. Raker, M.P., Mr. K. Harwood, M.P., Mr. T. &« Masson, M.‘â€", Mr. K.‘T. Brook, M.P., Mr. 1, . Maggart, M.P., Mr. James Metcaile, M.P., Mr. George Snider, M.P., Mr. Jahn (iillies, MP., Mr. W. H. Lowe, M.P., Mr, K. E. Casey, M.P., Mr. G. W. Row, M.P., Mr. Walter Ros, M.P., Mr. Leowis Ross, M P., Mr. Frank Jones, M.P., and several others. f March, i8 The Hon,. John ‘Connor M. P, P. C., Hamilton, Ont., arrived in town yesterday to urge upon the Government the noeces sity of improving the harbours on the Bruce * comst* The tollowing gentliemen composed the deputation. viz. Robert, Baird, Keq., Warden of Bruce; John Gillies Esq., M. P. North Bruce; Adam Brown, Havine Lsq., Hamilton, representing the Weilingâ€" ton, Grey and Bruce Railway; Peter M Rae, Esq., of Inverhuron; F. Hurdon, K#q., Kincardine; andâ€"Wm. Gray, E»,,, of Inver» huron, ‘These gentliomen had a formal in terview with the Hon. H. L.ALangerin, «. B., The Minister of Public Works, who reseived them in his usual courtsous manner, and promised to take their reâ€" gommendationk into consideration, We N EW TTHB® CLERGYXE Though the new Parliament meselt t\ A deputation from the County of Bruce, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 35, 1873. Ra PEXING OF PARLIAMENT ULth af~Marech Next. M e latead with seats on the ANoor of the f â€"Ottawa, burgh, an minations residing in the urgh, and in Hull, J that acconfing to usage thoi ® seat on the Ador of the Senute Chi w without the Har of the Mouse emselves in full aresa R. KTMBEH, dontlieman Ugher of the Black Ro a e w U ADVERTISEMENTS® n of Wind N TWE in New Edin in Hull, » of being pre Melntvre reposed in them to work for the good of the whole country in general, and by their promises to their constituents to take apecial care of the interests of their own tocalities, The wiler the sphere of the general interests, the less powerful beâ€" comes the sectional influence. (ne man among two hundred can scarcely be dreaded, whatever may be his personal influencs, and any project purely sectional, will be confronted with the united strength of half a dozen other projects stronger if not better than it, | Any party which can~ not grasp within its comprehension the general interests, and frame its policy 10 as to protect and _ advance therms, will inevitably fall to pieces for want of gohesion. Iuke tm#a, coast, that the improvement of these harbours would be of great value to the It would be folly now to speculate on the question so (requently put within the past day or twoâ€" W hat are the chanees *‘ The question will soon be determined, but we see no reason far varying the calculaâ€" tion which we made after the election. Such calculations are byt mere guess work at the best, and in the case ot a general election, covering mich a large extent of territory and involving issues of personal, political and loc.l characters so diverse, it w like guessing in the dark. The only really savage attempt that has been wadse to de= stroy the pub‘ic conlidance of the Govern. ment was the (l~)¢‘= *thunderbolt" on the Pusilic railway negotiations. 1t takes but little time, however, to show the nbsurdity, the political intent, and the malice of that onslaught. _ Fairly consider= ed it can be regardal only in the light of an unpatriotic attempt to destroy the eredit of Canadu in the money markets of England, ‘The animus of the Globe is 10 fully estal lished by the Montreal Gazrelée in the following extract that wa willingly give place to it. The Casche aays: . . . *AWhat we do desire to point out is the utter ancd despicable cowardice in volved in its publication on the morning of thdoy-nr-vuchlhdoh'nnd\h Pacitic way Company were to leave for England, There is a malicious infamy about the conduct of the Globe in relasion to this Pacitie Mmhn’uu lel in the history of C journalison. The paper has for years profeesed the most it-".’m&dn to «e the Northâ€" west eopened _ u A _ jew months before the hult Rail way Bill was introduced into Parliament, it declared that the public man who would not put forth every possible eftort foz the construction of a rallway, would be a traitor to Canada. 1t pronounced all ob no Yaine compared with the great inter: wo teg» eats involved in the -,u:‘-c the enterprise. And yet so soon as the Govâ€" and day to tL it has done all that it The opening of the tirst session of the second Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, is well calculated to excite curious speculation. Two hundred men meet together, many otf them for the first uime, drawn from all parts of the Dominion, and plaiged by the obligation of the trust soulkdl do to render the comstrustion ol the road m“lu conduct b-: evidence ® w earriml to the extent ':.m-fl. a-.‘mumm‘g:u -.-u- dard nt.m. when -..'-’.. bfll&m'm& Ihe -n-th-dusM to day, becounes an angel of light to.morrow by the mere asccidens of changing ades ; his very recreancy, which, if the Arsi -wu-duom-h ain k t one stap lower, becomes the sink hm but one step lower, becomes the element in his character, Anad an witkh «w with <public ques tians. For years the Government was deoâ€" nounced because it dud not the mpumuflm it, it was denounced for the acquliâ€" a«tion. For monthe the Governmen was _ denounsed because it _ did not take mm the â€" conâ€" satruotion of the Ruilway, and the moment steps were taken, it was doâ€" ““h:m;,-@b work. â€" Fortunately paper getung to be sufficiently understood to make its influence with those whose position enâ€" promotion enterprise, ot nmflnhnmm the of the mission now undertaken will be to contirm the general estimation in which the conductors otf the Globe are today held. They will havo the refleso tiomn that they cdhd everything they could to obstruct a great Dominion enterprise, an enterprise upon which the future of M“m_ha-dopn-h. without the gratification of having succeeded in their No one can fail to be struck with the aingular conjunction of cireumstances, and lLw will believe that it came about by aconlont. For our own: part, we beheve the |Glcbe has done its party great hagm by the glaring want of patriotism it has dis»= plaged, and the notorious distortion of ot which it has been guilty. We do :%M ts diatribes on this subject will change the voise of a single member of House, uniorluuaio Juan wase cunvyeyou w . ho y General Hospital, where Dr.| Rok@k | Miomioous) campaign, 1 hare Leen the amputated injured limb above. the subject of m-â€dâ€"du scarcely ever elbow. equalled in political history which so day 1 _ A man of mh::. highly m;a um“:d.w.b‘ udLv'p:d.i. A m.(xcblhllotu. Windsor, 0vtâ€", | jp '.‘1..‘ platform the President mmumuulyimm. «lect took ...m:“hu.m mnh'd-u. The uniortunate man iy in frout of Vice Collex® and the a fow days later despite the efforts | <yrgaantat Amm::uuon.o- made to eftect his recovery. mes, ‘The Senate Committes or Arrangeâ€" Un Monday the 23 ult., a little son 0O the Rev . lr.almdu.nomns B was kicked in the breast by a which he was leading to water, and k lied. On Thursday lnst a young man» named Pierre while attendimy .m-.uu Douglas‘ saw omll iWiam street, Montreal, hbhad his right «m drawn into the â€"machinery. ‘\The unfortunate man was conveyed to the General umul. where Dr. Roaliék amputated mjured limb above. the A recent .nmrh:of thalr Ft, John Teleâ€" h gives the following list of casualties mm by a ‘m:aï¬'.o dog. The which was attached to a slecd esoa the boys who were driving it and when at the heul of King street ran r.h‘y who was knocked down dog crossed the street and when at the next corner the sled struck another Kaviex Belle Ag comin y the wmn of Wiknst with‘s load of wood, an axle of his wagon broke and the The dog crossed the street and when at lady wh‘hofll“:o:‘-.“ H O Was :’Lm.h-l going 'w.m in the store at the head of the County market. _ Not long since as a young man named ol Tal ao sige of Si couse be aviecind. CANADIAN NEWS, killing him Fursiow Crtwazxs : â€"VUader mx‘ have been called a second time to act as | axecutive over this great nation. 1t has been my endeavor in the bâ€"h.-l mmm,i.nua:'n-,,n o’ to act lor the beat interests of the whole mnlo.-dnyhoolem-ulhmnl tho amme dm‘hhlï¬ommbl wust & years experience in the m-tl.{-uum-okrm l wple, and my best effort will be given in | Urant and, Miss Nellie Grant and r:-'mm dindotion it the ,‘m..,,.,.lnmndume-lbfl truat .l‘ll.ny four yo.n'::pub.eo in the &';‘;:r seats with the rest of wllice will betier ht me doung j stand, Genls. uï¬ a ®®trourkcr. .llu-.: nu‘nâ€". When my frst term of the office of Clue! | agiged up the crowd and took Executive began, the country had 804| positions on tke stand. An immense recovered from the effects of & ETeA | crowd hast gathered in frout of inte:nal revolution and three of ‘th* |;;a President‘s stand, and lingered former states of the !‘nion had not been | e the coming of the military review mwwuuwu«umuâ€â€œâ€œ seemed to me wise that no new question | the military display. At the close of the ahould bonml':z-ufl-‘““ 1eview various communds movred briskly of aWiirs ex the past four flnhd-q-hn'b-t“h- so far as 1 conld control events, have | ; dhnur-eubdb general m.ornwocdn. ea-lnrgln-ldl a finer or more brilliant i tlo-mm:o!flm It is my 'l‘odghuhn'iuln.: nt firm comy that the civilized world is of fireworks fn.mauulchtu tending towards republicaniam, or governâ€" . and Capitol. ment by the people, through their u..'h.. March 4.~â€"Tonight a fire chosen representatives, and that our good o.n-uom-:'::md muw-.uuwnbmg-lhsm 7/ Elias at the foot of Duport street, to all others.. Under our republic we sUPâ€" | Wirliamsbu» g. rh.uw-’- entirely ml“’" ..:lnx;“:u-l ua:l-.' nary loss m.‘ “-‘d.lny 1-...‘. Mlhldu’.w.&,l.u #ve of them. 1,000, quickly ol« is There could be no extenzion of territory qpommrigpraypmeniroprerrm ns on this continent which would call for an w e , increase of this force; but rather might auch extension eamble us to curtall i. un“. *10R0,. w NCR Weuiistis Nocial equality is not a subject to legislated upon, nor shall i ask that soy.! (MIDNIGHT DESPATCHES. M&b“bdmmâ€n;flâ€ï¬- Wiekatitiere of colorecl man, & Montreal tair chance udorwnnhnb’:‘ (By l ave Line.1 in him, to give access to a«chools, ¢ when he travels lst him feel assured" that | . CABLE XEW*s. his conduct regulate treatment "|""'.|m. @ > d fire he will receire. March 4. m“-&um 1us . sovtn. -'.“‘ Amount Nee Aiaine inï¬ ut war eich the S u‘.):mhtd u.‘:-n-tflllr eral CGovernment ars mh'plim -.‘_ Jay Cooke, McCulloch amled aml no excesmmye control exer & uâ€'- Rothschilés and tined in any other Niates aumlere like clrâ€" $200, npon e cumsatances. Inige amount, exact ligures unkaown, NAN D J%1*@O, In the lrst year of the past adaminisira~ tion the proposition came up for the ad. Mdmmuowflu:'yd the Union. 1t was not a question of my «eeking, but was a propomtion fhom the peoyple of Han Domingo, and which 1 enterâ€" tained. 1 believe now, as I dul then, that it was for the beat interests of this coun~ :{.Wd- Domingo and that the proposition should be received favorably. 11 was, bhowever, rejected constitationally, and therefore a while Mmmdmbc’m -:- b‘ -dllo.:oqb. wry veo t lqmmmhmlhoh Taaghy i the qurerkomey becoming government :ndnlmbymdu extension of territory; REUPORWE, aPROR PAÂ¥ €ic. My efforts in the future will be directed to the restoration of good feeling between the diffarent sectione of our common % n-’:'n.l-m to a Ad the woe lt‘ a of valuessâ€"gold, it :&b.pv'ï¬:h;blhmE cheap routes of transit throughout mn‘.nthu‘thllh#d all may And a market and yiekd a remuneration the producer; w the â€"‘-md‘hï¬ufluï¬ï¬‚m neighbors, and with ant nations; to L» ohu a â€" abhare the . carrying r the ocean, to the extension auch manauâ€" mm--u.â€" pursua«l in this country, to the that the exports of home products and inâ€" -b-'-'uh'ldnnn."-u-_‘ u;nu’..m’u‘u..n by a humane course to bring ming commerce, and all industrial *mown.n.'h.-n:; against a weaker people, and are demoralâ€" uk. wmumhnld a«dvantages of civilisabtion make us lsnlent _ towant the lodian. The m alreuiy _ enaclted upon hbim be taken into _ account and the balance plasead! to his credit. The moral view of the quesiion should be conâ€" THE 1B0kiui®Ea of the country under the benign influence of educaton and ciriliation. . 1t is elther this or a war of extermination. Wars of extermination sagaged in _by‘mm sidered, and the question asked, cannot ‘.l.l-i:.dmb: by .‘l.ahn. ive proper andd treatment * ul,hooï¬nh-‘oh yood taith, we will stand better belfore the avilized nations of the earth, and n our o::unn-i-.-..:l::h...-dou.' All things are accomplishet 43 one imdivindual, but they will receive qm‘;'rh.‘_n-n::hb Congreas as my judgment sarve n-nylh-bnc‘.glhqpunp- port am| encouragement. CIvVH AEERTKE ARproaws It has been, and is, my earnest desise to -nou.hâ€"uuhnmzhlh Canl YTervice of the country, secure :‘i d;'“.;h_cdp-tz. My eforts for such reformation shall be contioued to the best of my jadgment. KxXPE8s108A oFf GRiTMTCOE, lql-..lh. it does u.-u-.‘li m every our country, the obligation | am under to -ye‘-uy-uhrmil;uhmrtm have conferred on me electing me to the highest office in their gift, and on the 1o thein the ‘bevierriees smm ny ,....""‘" w t â€"vices m f nbl’l-:.tth hn-d’utbo c“mb«yn»odaywb-l-ul raleased from responsilnlities," that at times are almost overwhelming, and from which I have scarcely bad a respite since the eventful fring upon Fort Su apter in April 1881 to the present day. +ran t 7 aERyvicus DURINO TYE wias. My services were then kindered and aâ€" septed umder the first c«ll tor troops, ':mmd.t:‘uonfl. 1 did not ask for any position was entirely without in:\ng-u the acquaintance of persons of influence, but was resolved to perform my part in a strug;le threatening the very existence of the nation 1 performed my duty conscientiously without asking promoâ€" tion or command and mthout nn:lul feeling towards any seciion or any indiviâ€" dual, â€" â€"GURAL ADDRESS : of the address the President be was warmly ® Fumav | comngratulated by his M':n soon Washington, March 4. h. â€"Tlo follo ving :“' left in “.;":' tor the White “tl:f_mlu.ur;l awdiiress of Mlll !‘m‘[““u ic Nflmb'u“ ments were noear at hand, anmt pear Gen. Grant on the platform sat Mrs. Grant ac companied by several of their children, Marsbal and Mre. Sharp and several other relatives of the family. Un the appear ance of the President on the platform hbe #as greeted with anthusiast« cheers and bursts ot music, with the fring of cannon, wuamm of the vast afror ':.. When partial t cheer wen quist"lbmzmud except to the Tinn uit voamelentty "taare "Pige or otherwise during its delivery, which myumdvm,hnun His voice w not audible M 4 | march e President‘s stand, and lingered lor the coming of the military review by far the most imposing portion of the military diaplay. At the close of the 1eriew rawious commands moved briaskly armament of thr voluntsers ; and provid~ img that in the interim a Committes shall ‘m.-d-nu-u the Cortes mesets the ° Committese and Ministry shall resign. Hobeson, and accompanied by nearly all the Cabinet Ministars aind thair Indies, arrived Sbortly after the return trom the h tal, the President, matshatiod uy Seoretary i th Port of Bordesuz.. ‘The preamble of constitutional project declaring that Assoembly reserves to itself the conâ€" 1 power was adopted by the Chamâ€"« Paris, March 4.â€"Three hundred liberal (.’xthï¬-hvo-l:h-dh:b urging to resume r &:‘;fly :uhhbnllh. * » to preach to those who are not to surrender sither to‘ultramontaniam or unbelief the celebrated advocate defends gmmpuum&_-guq Nnr‘crt. March 4.-â€"-1‘0-5* a fire out in the chemical manufactory of 400b Elias at the foot of Duport street, cans have audlared a severe def naands of the Carlists near Prow POETUGAL y aier twhage ts nove Thet ns seviges ate umer news ot the yellow fever in Bran| was unabated. The death rate at KRio was from 35 to 40 per day. A number of English residents returnad in the steamer and others were uumt&u'.h.odoqu&vq.\: rrmdovege ; hacepod y t u4* thy <mexs UNc:ator of Hpain, and that the m nately persist in their strike to great inconrenisence of the public, the police authorities have ordered cab propriator o resume business, under a penalty of the withitrawal of their loaense . Rerlin, 4 â€"â€"A dinnver was given to night at the American lagation in honor of the inauguration of President Orant. Minister Mm At his right sat Bisâ€" marcok‘s o corps, represented by health 1» the German Emperor. NPAIN, rm“'u'r:.;:c':m Simmkey® waft amued a bill c.nI1 the constituent Cortes on the Arst day of May, and orderâ€" ing the elections for members in Spain and Porto Rico on the Wb April, and all male citisens of the age of 4) to be entitl= «l to vote therefor, the d‘molving of the Asmsembly alter it has voted on the mh_d{dnh_- of alavery, and the its principal members A wast to Pressdent of the United States was London, 4.â€"The iron workmen of Mer« thye, Tydevillie, hare signified their willingness to resume work at the old rate of anges at the end of the present month if the advance of Hive per cent is guaramâ€" wead from April 1st. All accounts from Spain show that Lishon, 4.â€"A boat belonging to one of the Italban menof.war capsised in the Cagus this p.m., abortly after the embar« kation of Amadeus, and eleren persons were drowned preoparing to leare the country THE OTTAWA ‘TIMES, M Cornâ€"Firm and in good uest; recsipts 21,000 bushels; sales, CTm buskel koline i ampiem mungan western and southern, it to $2.17 for inferior to choilce white Barley â€"Dull. nominal and unchanged ; receipts, 4, (OX) bushels. (hbm and h’mu;z d y .“ # w lopu:ln new black western; 48c to 500 for inferior to prime new mixed western ; Slc to 536 for new white do; 5lc tor old No _ FRANCE, is, March 4.â€"Fhiees made a great in the Asmembiy to day, BHe reâ€" mc.-‘l\oncuml the Bank of England to amount of X)),(XX) and that of this amount $350,â€" was drawn upon Jay Cooke, McCulloch Â¥#AX),(*X) upon Rothschildés and a amount, exaw«t lgure unkaown, the baronse sole hss The h.anj uus:.u-th.m*uw t ty partion. e lï¬â€˜.â€"l‘u-u-ud traw! on the Bank dhgn-llâ€"h yetary. _ Astonubment .lr the exient of the transactions NDA , the vote stanging 475 yom to 199 Rye â€"quiet at #o to 956. TBTHMYTS IMSATS â€"Firm $15.25 to $15.37) for new most imposing poruon of | , iplay. At the ciose of the | D* ©28iv« communds moved briskly | terd*}â€" > mum-tdm. decide wh rts of the cliy general | otherwise, that never before has there | nat i; wa more brilliant inauguration | .. .. ... OERM ANY Montreal, March 4, 1873. In the Belle investigation toâ€"day, Muller was crossâ€"examined by Mr. Doherty, Q. C;, but the former did not deviate from his previous evidence. The question in connection with the lo â€" comotive boiler explosion, by which Kelly, the engineer, was killed, terminated . yeaâ€" ;erday, Nine other jurors were unable to decide whether the boiler was unsafe or otherwise, while live were of the opinion that it was unsound and defective. Two cartars were heavily fined by the Police Magistrate toâ€"day for attempting to abduct two respectable women. This is the first case of the kind which his 0é. curred here for a long time. _ merce $1 0 to $1 2#U},. The Graphic Printiag Company wis firmer, and higher sales at $1 ©9} to $1 10. ‘The first oumâ€" baer of the Dai‘y Graphic appeared in New York toâ€"day, and met with a large sale It is thought that this enterprise will be a The Bank of Moatreal sold at 1 s!}o to 1 811 ; City at 88}0; Merchants at 1 12}; Royal Canwlian at 9#9]c to #1 00 ; Comâ€" Flourâ€"Q siet; mcsipts, 70%) barrels ; salas, 17,000 barrele at #7 Cor exira, $6 50 for fanoy, $6 to $6 05 forspring: bakers, $5 ) for ordinary superline ; #5 7% for No. % ‘ CAiR8 THROWNX rROX THE TRiCK DoWwX i *TEEP Ey BANK MEXT. The St. Jobn Telegroph of Friday last, gives the tollowing sccount of a railway acchient which occurred near ll.-wnn, N. B., on the night of the preceding Wedâ€" The express train comprising one of the new u.-ouvok'oxpm- ear, second class ear, postal car which contained a smoking ï¬-& and .a first class car, left 8t. for Halifax on Woednesiay morning at the usual hour, but stopped at Amberst on receiving information that the road furâ€" were Hon. Senator Botaford, Senaâ€" "'"m"'lo, tor L. n-b#hu,.q I.P.P.,}d‘h.' P. A. , Eeq , M.P.P., Mr. Hickman, | Sojjog, of Amberst, and Mr. Hutchings, of this ; $ogtes eity. Mr. Hanington was asleep at the absolu: time, and received quite a severe scalp | ppg j,, wound, by being thrown againat a window. | 1. .. . RAILWAY ACCIDENT INX NEW Bicl Â¥ICK. ther on wes blocked. The paoenpu’ were left at Amberst and the train turued | back leaving that place at seven in the | evemng. 1t left iiampton about three w‘clock yesterday, the two having about 30 passengers on board, three being ladies, and had passed Hay« | mond River Bridge about toar o‘clock, | c.uthnu of 18 miles an hour. mitle of the cars in crossing the bridge awoke some ol the passengers. -‘-.-u-w.{-apmmwn the peoculiar sound ot the wheels and u1e beary motion of the train indicated that something unusual had occurred. The noise was caused by the postal and first= olass cars running of the track, by a bros ken rail, and running along the sleepers, mqnh rails; then becoming deâ€" from the forward portion of the train by the coubling breaking. To the right of the track '-loroeipi- tious embankment at the foot which was a snowdrifi, and the two detached cars alter running of the track, alid down nb anpene ie ie T sily oar lying on ide. The first â€"class car toppled partly oyer and listed on one corner. The crash of broken =. upsol stoves, overturaned waterâ€" wto., mule conmderable noisse, to my nothing of the summary manner in which the passengers, sitting on the left alde of the car, who had not taken bold of door, fell a window, his head a&ux:‘d sticking into the snow He was aot burt, MSM htenâ€" ed. A young man sitting by -ufo, sot out, when he heard the noise, to go out the doog, but he -loprl where he was . He essaped without injury. ‘ITwo ladies and two or three children were also in this oar, but whncdviq a thorough were not burt, A the = tor Lll-h#\o-,.q. MP.P., P. A. , Eeq , M.P.P., Mr. Hickman, of Amberst, and Mr. Hulchings, of this eity. Mr. Hanington was asleep at the outd: 1y baing thrommephtast a nindon, *# .' # He was ulh‘-g.-ï¬.‘,. ‘r‘hurym considerably bruised and cut about the taose, A Frenchman, belonging to Westâ€" moreland County, was badly bruised‘ in this car, His name could not be thrown heavil h*mde.tlnn y its side w it '.tdo'nmmnt. Conductor mde. Mrs. Tursley, living in Kings‘ CJounty, was coming to this city to atitend the funseral of her father, Mr. Jnrphy. who died from the efBects of the boiler exâ€" “;Mlhghl;h.&n bad been asleep, on noise awoke, dwum.c it meant. She was told by Mr. G. W. Akeriey, of Indianâ€" town, who was sitting opposite her, not to be aitraid, and when the car overturned, by the arms of the sest, he to hold her so that she escaped without injury, Onme gentleman wuttung on the right side of the car, near the rear their seats, were thrown 10 the to wie. Mrs. Tursley, hving i:’m’ J.B.Ml;t:,.'hom in ohu‘ouo! the Soout io puil the siguat rope when the ont was thrown of the track. The shock ecaused the stove to [.l! on him, and when extricated a pumber of his ribs were found to be broken. In the postal comâ€" Mr. Frederick Moffat, . Eastern P .’Amg mn:‘onlyenubontun + Sears, of Shediac, had his :& arm, broken while endeavoring to ï¬wï¬mm at the time of the socident. was a passenger on the train -l'-uhhn‘ to the city. About tvownhl&h e bis laft arm on a train, and been laid up in conseâ€" r. There were one or tw» othe‘s received only oll?t soratches,. The persons, that were injured were soon sought out by thosse on the two cars that were not thrown from the track. Mr, Hanington‘s wound bled profu:ely ‘MM lady, 'homm'oflin‘w.u:: “h&‘&:fl-dt&oflwn- eeived cuts, them to the intense satisfaction of the partiee. Conductor Burtlett, as well as the others in the wrecked portion of the train, was transâ€" farred to the other cars, and were at St. John Miation at five o‘clock. Mr. Bartlott was taken to his home on Pringsiecs street. Mr. Landry was at the Waraeriey. but he U‘JII the afternoon train for Fredericton. Mr. Hanington was taken to the residence of T. B. Hanington, KBeq., his brother, where Dr. Mctaren at â€" tended him. As soon as the train arrived at the staâ€" on an was reht oul io the scene of the t, with workmen, and the broken rails replaced in a short space of The trains were not delayed on apsount the disaster. The &lhï¬l train which leaves at 6:15 a. m left the mummum. The local traine not § Northern Railway, was recently entertainâ€" ed at a banquet at Rossin House, Toronto, by the President and Directors of that road and the Northern Extension Pavid and Wimelg. bemmtiaine" Aut Advices b&m N B., state that shook of a shook of in sarthquakce mas experienced Pork and decease| hogs unchanged W eatberâ€"amild. Mr. T. Cumberland, M. P., CY TELEGRAPH. Special to the Fmuxs «Crude 8; to 8{; relined, 1 Lt ®!s for steam MONTREAL t ,__Before the Mayor.â€"The case of J. C. Wellix charged with obtaining goods ‘undorfdn pretences from Mesers. Duâ€" tresne & Mcuarity, was : again brought up yesterday afternoon. Mr. Delesderniers, was the lirst witness examined. He knew Mr. Willx.. Had had no accommodation nutes from lum. 1t was not correct as Mr. l wilix stated, that he had accommodation papers with Mr, McGarity, vskoss Exanixzp.«~Had Mr. Willix‘s paper to the extent of his (defendant) purchases _ ‘Ihere was no understanding wich de‘endant as regards this paper. |\ _ Mr, MacDosarv stated that he was in | the employ of Messrs. Dufresne and Mcâ€" | Uarity, attending 10 outâ€"door work, Saw | defendant: about the 19th February in ‘ Messars. Dulresne and Mctianty‘s stors. Kaw him mext in his store, Arnprior. Un | the morning of the 25th witness went into defendant‘s place and tolid him that he (withess) had come there on ‘ business for Mr. McGurity, that Mr. MeGarity requestâ€" \ ed witness to tell delendant that he | wished him to meet the no‘e that was com» ing due; that if be (deiendant) did so he ‘would help him to meet the second note. | Defeadant remarked that he would not be | able to take up either of the notes; that | he was busy tuking a and had offered | to compromuse with his creditors, Witâ€" _ ness asked defendant where the $2,000 ,| he hack in the bank a short time ago were. 1 Delendant answered that he had money in the bank. Witness then telegraphed to | Mesers, Dufreésne & McGarity that defendâ€" | ant would not be able to meet the note.â€" | _ Mr. D. Wusurax.â€"~â€"Was acquainted with the prisoner.. Never had any conversation with detendant as to his having money in the bank at the time the notes were due, a suflicient case was proven. liis Worship thought it was not shorn that defendant had obtained goods under | laise pretences, and diemissed the case. | _ Usoss £xavisxz»â€"Delivered some oranges to detendant from Mesers. Dutresne and ‘ MctGarity. _ Was paid for them. Did not teli deélfendant that he would be arrested on a charge of obtaining | goods under false pretences. Defendant informed the w.itness that the goods were l.uu at the station. He askeq delendant | for an order to take the goods from the Station which he gave. He helped defenâ€" 'dnnoukonoo:md found on examin« | aion into hmis affaire that there was a deficit | ol $2,042, * Re »xaxiscu.â€"Defendant never gave witness a note for $700, $350 was the amount of the larzes: note the witness ever received from him D. McCrovn testilied that he was in the employ of Dutresne & McGarity; recolâ€" lectea shipping defendant goods last Febâ€" ruary. _ Genérally received orders for shipments from Mr. McGarity or Mr. Porter, in this case the goods were adâ€" dressed to Mr. Wulix, Arnprior. Unoss Examiszo â€"There were twenty cidies of tea, concentratéd lye, a box of -';p, box of rice, box ofâ€" iemons. A}l t‘eso goods excepting the lemons were sluppeu on the @2ind February, and the ‘amons on the ©6th The tacts appended appear in the London Medical Hecord :â€"*‘ Pernaps we may make no excuse for departing trom the custom of not poticing exhibiuons when we call the attenuon of our readers to the most remarkable development ol adipose tissue which has probably ever been observed in Euroge at least within one family. It is interesting, as testing the laws of heredity to observe the peculsmarities of the U‘Neal family, of which a careful examination by a wmter in the Medicoâ€"Chirurgical Review lea‘ds him to vouch for the accuracy of the extraordinary measurements we give. They are natives of lreland, Queen‘s County, fortyâ€"seven miles trom the City otf Dublin. They are born of respectable parents, â€" hardâ€"working farmers. The iather stood six feet and weighed twenty« reven stonse, (371« lbs.) ‘The mother is lurty Jive years of ago, stands tive feet two mches in height, measures round her arm‘ twentyâ€"six inches, across her shoulders three feet, round her waist five feet six inches, and weighs the enormous weight of iwenty=one stone (294 los.) Her eldest son is twentyâ€"five years of age, stands six feet two bfluiwdghdghbon stone five pounds (257 lbe.) and at the present time is a Life Guard. All the sons and daughters are of large dimensions. Miss Ann U‘Neal, the oldest daughter is twoenty years of age ; she stands tive feot six inches in beight, and measures round the arm twentyâ€"seven I.nom across the saboulders one yard and a , round her waist eight feet, and has the enormous weight " of| thirtyâ€"nine stone (322 lbs.) ’Humt mster is eightsen years of age, she stands five feet two inches in ‘ measures round the arm twenty~ nine imcones, across her shouldersâ€"three feet, round her waist six feet, and weighs iwenty three stone (32?l Ibe.) The eldest daughter is, as may well be imagined, on account ofa ohuiq,b:(neoly .b“h: walk. She appears to uneasy on legs, and is compelied to lean up against the wall for support. â€" The vacci» nation marks on her arms, having increased with age and development of adipose tisâ€" sues are as large as ordinary saucers, As there is no pcddm;& artificial method employed to enhan se enormous wd‘ht of the t:h-, the disproportion which strikes observer between the gigantic An astounding sensation was created in ‘B;:.nt.rod a fow dc{:'qo bys m dliaoonry two young gi ?d years, were found inuvn'co Church where they d-:mhd themselves on thonmbn- Bun« YÂ¥ . IM are aphfl' D“P‘ r, and were turned out of their home on Saturday by their uncle, a sertain Mr. Mcâ€" Cracken. These young girls slept in Wm. Watt‘s shed on t‘. Baturday night, and hun and cold crawled into Grace Chnflon&und.y. They became so famâ€" ished on Wednesday that they climbed up to the window and sattracted attention by their cries. Mr. Robert McKenzie heard them and caused the doors to be broken in, when the two almost starved girls were tound and carried to their unnatural uncle‘s The funeral will take place from the Nunnery Hospital, Boiton Street, at 10 o‘clock, Thursday Morning. Friends and acquaintances are respect{ully reâ€" quested to attend without further notice. The u{\‘snl idugtbo uul-o;u ofsill Chrome Wasti iseases, res»n n hi Prvatrnd on aod, omert peplity is to 6 tion o(m and the formation of Healthy Blood. Pz. ï¬nm.n’u Comrousxp Euixir or Puosrfiiates a®p Carmira contains the only agents known that act directly as exâ€" citeate of nutrition, by imparting tone to the Stomach, Liver and Pancreas, the greai tripod that pFepares nourishmentifor build. ln.npdu:pmmd tissues of the body. The action of this remarkable preparation is extraordinary in W and vitalizing the constitution, impairâ€" ed by age, exhausted by e bad habits, or run down by oldmunt have resisted all ord:nary methods of pelfenly bitman tndor al srommetinose M eprninniees a" 15th Feb,, 1873, 2189 treatment. II PROVE NUTRITION, A FAMILY OF GBREAT WEIGKT. PuLICE COUK1 BPEOLAL _ SITTING DIELD. '\V‘i’i‘l‘)lbâ€"A comfortable, furnished . Bedâ€" Nomh‘wmm:u quarter of a mile of the Parliament Builldings. Apply at this office. T) MEMBERS OF PARLIAMEXT.â€"Mrs Mcliptyre, W adeworth block, corner of Ban and Sparks Street, has rocm for Three Member F)R SALEâ€"A Fine Mil! Siteâ€"about nine acres of land, comprising Bellevue‘s Garden, and that part of lot. between the Garden and Messrs. Currier and Batson‘s Mill. _1Aberal conditions Apply to N. TETREAU, _ TWO OR THREE GENTLEMEN can be acâ€" commodated with Furnished Rooms within five minutes walk of the Parliament Building=. Apply to R., this Office. NUT!CB Notlce is hereby given that in consequence ol the men who were employed on the erection o the new Presbyterian Church not having been yet pald, themembers of all Trades Uniong and others are requested not to engage at all w Ilh the contractor who now hbas it, nor any who may hereafter take it, until all arrears are paid. By Ornder, 1. H, GRAH AM, 2202â€"1 w * Seeretary. rrt) THE â€" MECHANIC‘S DOMINIOX. Pa blic notice is hereby given that the extansive and well selected stock in tndemnc w the above Insolvent Estate, wiil be for sale by Public Auction at the store of the Insolvent, in the City of Ottawa, on mrpsmv&h'onm for sale at Ao :nmblo.c. and eonsists of a general assortment of fancy u.nJ «ataple Groceries. Teas, Wines, Liqunors, &c., &c. Amount about $13,000. * Also Shop and Office Fixtures, Safe, &c., &c. The balance of the lease of store for the ‘me:}lnd year will also be offered for saile, being one of the ‘ut «tands in the city. s Inventory of Stock.can be seen and full inforâ€" mu W.ï¬' At the store of the Psam‘k and LA'ï¬nst. m h?("}f' Â¥ of Montrea) . in P Terms made know n at Day of Sale. JAMES TYRE, ay huw <az s es & m““ N.,B.â€"All mum::m,m‘ are requested to make immediate payment at the store in Ottawa, and save costs of sult. . 230â€"10 A Block of 600 Acres:in the 8th Range Gore of Locharber, hbeavily tUmbered, but no Pine. Strongindications of Iron and Plumbazo. The TICKETS Wets., RESERNED SEATS Toct«,, to be had at Messrs. Orme & Son‘s Music Btore. Bale of Becured Seats to commence Tueslay, 18th March, at the above Music Stote, at 10 o‘clock, when a plan of the Hall may be seen., GoD sAvVE THE qQUEEN, (Mtawa, March 6, 1873. In the matter of J. M. C. DELERSDERNIER® ?&fl?douan urocer and Trader, an SALE OF BANKRUPT STOCK ‘URDY, Biddy street FTIMBERED LAApS8 cUR SALE ChEALP An Island in the Ottawa River, containing ) Acres well timbered, Iy'mm"‘“ the Gore <i Locharber, about three m below Thurso, TITLE direct from the Crown. _______ _ M. & P. R.R. will probably run withis three llllkk them. s 'l‘!lr: REFRESHMENT Room AT THE New l’uw-nm Station a« Toronte will be ready for nccupation about the Ist of June next, an | the Company is prepared t + receive applicaâ€" uons from parties dfllm-orronuns the same. Annlicatinn« in he gent in to tha nundar..ienad nat The Celebrated Humourist, Author of Luck of WEï¬ (‘m:\. and the Heathen «"Chinee," #&¢c., Will deliver his famous lecture entitled Particulars of the terms upon which the rooms will be rented can be obtained at the oftices of the Company in Montresl and Toronto. _ _C,. J, BRYDGEN, Managing Director. Montreal . March 5. 29004 . Grand Truok Railway OB‘ C A .M .A T _A . Applications to be sent in to the underâ€"igned not later than SATURDA Y, the 15th March, "Ths /rgOnauts of *4! (Being a dmnlï¬- of the early emigration to California, and lite and character desceribed in Mr, Harte‘s FNIMITABLE SKETCHE®.) 1X THE TRURSDAY, THE 13TBR DAY <OF MARCH, AT i2 0 CLOCK~XÂ¥00XN. SKA‘14G RIRK MUSC BHALL FRXIDAY ond SA TURDAY EVENINGS, THAE . 21st and 22nd MARCH, 1873. SIGNOR MARIO, RESERVED SEATS ($2..... ... TWO DOLLARS Under the Pa e of lHis Exc the Earl mm K.G ,K.C.] _ Governor General of Canaita, #&co., &c., &c. Max Strakosch has the honor to announce to the public of Ottawas and vicinity, that he will give in this city KLLE. TERESA CARRENO #IvNOK EVASIO bCOLARA b The Famous Basso. MORNIJNG, MARCH 7th, at # 0‘ MORNING3, MARCH 7th, at # o‘ciock Conductor...... SIGNOR MARZO The Queen of the Concert Room MISS8 ANNIE LOUISE CARY, MARCH 111tx, AT 8 O‘CLOC KLLE. CARLOTTA PATTL ONFE GRAND (CONCERT Pattiâ€"Mario s Â¥YETViPm t VE MARCH 11itg, AT 8 O'CLQ(J’K, -_w_'_bo_n the following celebrated artists will MONsS. EMILE SAURET, 2201 Beats for unle at Mesers, A. & 8, NORDHEIMâ€" nltad Kih sa o mt LtE Ottawa, M Montreal, March TUESDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING Ottawa, March 1th, 1s7# NSOLVYENT ACT, 1869 ‘Bret ~ Harte" oronto B ts W SR 1 C 69 o let of _Slater Street North. App!» No. 97 St. James Street 'AN'I‘EDâ€"I.modlflcl{ï¬,- tGood ( Apply at the T:m®s Office. ders from the country, h be promptiy atrenged j.," *) 0 Nelesr=pb, RINK MUSIC HALL The Strakosch Concert. Breot_â€" IIarie The Favorite American Contralto h 4, 18 n o. ty (42, Station _ Refreshment Room. The Eminent Viotinâ€"Virtmoso. A N D j The Worldâ€"Renowned Tenor A18O N. TETREAU, Noetary Public 18 oN e of lHis FExcel ency W o. BUCHANAN M L ie Hui jor sale, O to JoOH 210%â€") m FRIDA Y 49†93 Q Th Forms of application and certificates can be obtained at all the Banks and OrPrA W A. THE ST. LAWRing ALTERATIOX â€" or where deposits can be made ‘-'r'w'- rture of Trains at th Taigas 3 o. To. Th oo e with Comfortable Sofa Cars on N0 Tant s ~"~* faor berths, (Â¥) cents. ’% mure connections with all ‘the Grang tratns both East and West . tm A and mail train dnily.x!..m‘.m..u.:’hofl m . r nall &. John';l-ly.:fl.w, and D6 : hxu'.l:fl.n. P Trains will connect n At Palosec with trains to and from: ©‘For Turiber information, |apd next, N e eiteal +0 Interest on the deposit at the rateo Pive CEXT,. will be allowed untl the slHlotment Shares is made, and any portion of the not absorbed by a ten per cent. deposit on shares finally allotted, will be returned to depositor . AT VICTORIA : * At the Bxow Suoe Raoe tawsa Snow thoe Ci RANK OF BRITISH NORTH AM Raturday next over M homamermene 00 put-h-k&q February 14, 1873 On and after SATURDAY, Twenty minutes at Prescott fresh ments, Trajns are run on Montreal + Applications will be received, a essed R. J}u\ ER, Esq., Uttawa, or E. f.r:r@ Tx El FEL ll..l:ls. Esq., Monuulhl':w n(mu(,mon( allot t8 of & the Stock of this Company which the ors are vlt:‘l.lng to dispose of at par, tions to accom panied by a Certificate deposit of TEx PEX (‘r.n‘run’u u‘ plied for in the Banks or h“h after indicated for that purpose; ang after indicated for that pu ; and to be maile CV EN on or before the SF H\?E fllfl.m TRAINS now leave Montresi#® * GoixXG WEST., Day Mail for Prescott, eres, """ tawa, Brockville, Kingston, HeeSF, g‘:‘:ï¬;% l‘m o sn and all polnts West, aL....> ..«*«» e iz..‘ m- » + + wa t Wt m.n-..u'n.......ï¬. a + »n w s:... Passenger Train for EB . intermediate StatjON8. . . .. . +4« 4â€"»#8000 Trains leave Montreal for o 700 a. m . , 900 a.m., 800 pm 4 m bl‘.'ï¬-..‘.“ uebho‘: . m vince s «poB08 GoINnG sovUTH aAxXD mnmmv.-a Kailr0O®I, BL. . . .. :« » : «« » »«2002=0088 Rt‘rn-hriow York and ermont Central, &t.....««« Mail Train for St, Jonn‘s and m-& South Eastern Counties J L. . . 4 se e we ++ ++ n +0 n tnn ‘ Minld Wrain for fsiand Pood and dfureday at Li p. mm 1872. Winter Arrangement __, Intermédiate Htations. At Traoro with trains to and from Pictos sal termediate Stationk. Pe® At Windsor Junction 1 otpiee and h m;l.lnoflgl.'. / era to and from Eastport, tots Lewis C General R As the p?lu'd the counections with other lines, not be responsible for trains h.mnym.flhï¬ The splendid steamer C in connection with the Gre will leave Portiand Saturday at 400 pm. Bue h n‘e‘rml, ts may be made, mw as follows : \~â€"~_â€" AT HAMIFAX: â€"â€" At the MELRCHAXNTs® BANK OP HALF. Railway Office, Moneton, 3 y.ln:l&m PnllmmNPalace‘}’M some New Ordi Through Trains, gfl Sleeping Cars on alM Night gnins over the w Line. â€" mM Mail Train for Bt. Pa C "EE;&...""S':-'%. wight, Riepress wor quabes sn Crand T runk RailW Co‘y. of Canade 1872. Winter in anatvcng, Aisz ~dlic > ~A se t ‘“.’uh The Bt:;flup «suur 'h." tween Portiand and HalifaX., _, _ _, sua i AT TORONTO, OTTAWA, HAMTLTO â€" LONDON and WINNIPRA : _ At the Branch Offices of the ‘ MERCHANTY BAXNK OPF canim AT MONTREAL : At the G MERCHAXTs‘ BANK OP CA UNIOX £AXNK Montreal, Oct Z1. 1872. Baggage Checked . February 2ith, 187 tANAbIANX PaAcIPIT M @,. T. IL. irÂ¥ins Ar. 'lmm{i KFast and Vct~j NTERCOLUNIAL RAILWAY, instant, h AT ST, JOHN, N.B.: At the /; aog M A RJ TJME B AKE 8.00 A.M N O TICHL it K. LEF. De BELLEFEUNAL W. k. BAKER, < dWP r Augieiid /~ > n on Montreal time, 1HOS â€" REY NOLDS, AT Managing Diréctor, Olay, BAXNK OF CAXiID qQUEBEC : At the OF LOWER CAXiDi four Rl!!\'x]m Necrotaries MILWaAYy Junction ty ,, PP p 18 ay musier at the ope day in their new . changes in the drei made which add to of their appearance Dow:x1oy Porsor PDominion Police : thdg.bloq.rhi the unatoidable a principal promote: iwo trathe wiil h diere bridge. T\ casioned by the 1 ists for renewing Romioin, To ahe new and vary an encore to w} #d by reading a donation to that CGuaro <# AR hopvour to bhis Exc will be made up the Cavairy, and run all to themsee} which will be seen '-:'.uai. Mi g"flu!-tw Npring traflic bably be vom (ogee Uiearing he will be no a “thï¬.b!: ing was a great o l'lmuw:‘l("l ai 1 1..«-4':“.: at 41 innum, and deposits lv:nn Furowrw & * .. #152 Aruax, Mo warded East and W e the same pight. RT Pm New Y wlo N(h-ï¬:l'.bl'. OFFICE HOURS For Money Orders trom 10 a.m. 10 4 p.m stea mer will be c on euregistered maller Jum u.-.‘e‘nm CPh reat Britain :M #od w al this Office. Al Caurds. A Dl-&cont. | ncon as the tuner ing‘s danghter we 173. Winter 187 CPRLIA®A Jourvin two bu ir pair mt the New Teursea® Reraes.sâ€"It us JMlice, iiawn ist March, 1873 yâ€" All Mail« ar 8# minuets faste gt on the In oFFIC MON 6 Mr Hu