Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 5 Mar 1873, p. 1

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°C JH0% 4t q as 1 cnre to PRA N D BP rrad js _ tatre and A ‘OrY, Notarin. to * Buildings, .V‘-u. n ut 6, Leg at 0 pA porp NAN HTLK, gaeerâ€" by KEavL*®, ALRCI l-,“#n-; CENTRE ToWN, OTTaWaA. rench Cathodral, Good Sample Reoms and every Cc0t«. ad in Ottaws and: modation for wravellers. Thoroughly reâ€" » County of Ottaws, wdmm : s eostes== (artlage and Sleigh Strewe, 4 8 1 0 Can n M in ow ~l__"| LIC i hn 9y t d Dt , )D1 » awnd c «e o dsseass 0 PBR3 wLD W W KEKS ! ncgess Kver Kao#wn! lu.m Cheriah Waltzes, tâ€"Albor® Str00%. a ®#., and 4 to 4 pa. toutica given to db IR sTRAUR ~â€"Talograpkh, Conn# ‘a, â€" Wiae, Wo _ «Burgemins, Honrts, 10086 4 o. narmibe 15 Royal Rubtd®, J‘ b n *# DOMINIONX BUILDINGS," fi' 136 MoGILL STREET, Aud Invite the attention of Buyers to theh ts . ml and carsctully selected assortment p â€"== ® ‘aAÂ¥, YoOUxo uysoNX, GuUsxpPowDdEL by whot., _ Be rlya-d: os the hair @0 DA, »* i the world. weld by W AA Dye # * only T Roliable KR U)*, usrk 4 + Majoot] * y Aooty tE DY K. "TURLAS : KeÂ¥Y l j | (LATE ST. JAME*,) l;&m us thay ave ho orahwr s Corner of Metcalft and Queen Streeis | xÂ¥ jl, & WINTER GOODS, 3 #, at CRnrstats ons resine mas Notices 12} couts n'":r E #-m ® 2. Che Daily Gimes ©lle SUETELpapgous W antss e rachss y n the r.m.a“&'.:o'}-‘. u'm 4 .-,;..E'.iumm over M tor any dednite teorm are made m“m be seen on applion> Price so low that all can us it. Jon at W# Cardsâ€"not axcseding “W Daly Times at $ \tper mYRTLE NAVY. DANIELS® HOTEL. Por ardinary HCKAWAYS, BUGGIE3 AND SLEIGHS, Which in point of fAnish and durability, we aot surpassed in any market. + :AII work warranted for one year all kinds of m-‘dwd &A large of and very amount of new imâ€" proved machinery has lately been awided, and as the whole is driven by steam m--»mm-"uzu wotion of country), we are in a position At the establishment will be found on hand, or made _ order, the latest and wost approved styles of _ _ sbeaper than any one e|se. W, Stockdale, Brother & Co,, ‘The propristors are prastical workmen &'gh-d 187%. ..lnfl'l‘fi:l WILLIAM FOOTE & C4, UOtlaws, Sept 11, 1872 . _ D76 3m Uarse removed to their New Premises, ADVERTISINC RATES. KESSRS. C. T. BAYE & CO. IMPERIAL and TWANCKAY TRA3, And BRANDIES, GINS, RXUMS, and the Pinest Brands of PORT, SHERRY, &¢. 186 MeGILL STREET, MONTREAL Aug %, 1872, 2034 & Wanted, geard W anted FACTORY, RIDEAU STREET, OTTAW., & Bookbinder, Paperâ€"ruler and .%Mm.um.x Â¥ the Group of Books, Roberts‘ i eumin elorane haues ex Btock Books, Cash Books 9"0-;5”â€"‘0 up from the best class of paper, and at prices as low, if not lower than at any other house in the Dominion ; wholesale or retail. ““@blwonn variety # business ; if not in stock, ruled and bound to pattern, on the shortest notice. © Bookâ€"binding executed in any style from the plainest and cheapest to the most eleâ€" CTAWA STEAX YOL. VII NO 2204. YÂ¥ HOL &8 A L & Tem Wine and ‘Spirit Merchants, 5%:&:! to.n::'; KMUVED, Paper ruled to any p i lhe very shortest Mlo n0Oticé. Mizra, June 22, 1872 Pound Manufacturing Co., Lockport, N. YÂ¥ . KMAKE a sPECIALITY oÂ¥r Steam Dredges, Bteam Hoisting Der ricks, Upland Excavators, Steam Engines. any 28, 1813, 215 & WOR a @OOD SMOKE, we*"*"""~ ~~ Money Woanted or to Loan when not exceeding 34 words . advertisements in w Teryraig m MJ:-&\' .r--nnf !.A.v.!."bm mt b-l.: :“m MORTIMER, Armales Loat Artctes Fou PROPRLETUOR®, CcaAUTrION. reading matter, «* on seach Plug louses Caitle for Salo, Catlie W anied, Homek aue Lodg:ne tern. ordars execute«l on exoseding Table always supplied with all the rarieâ€" ties which the season can altord. of the choigest brands and llnm‘t“:: of the best quality, constantly kept on J,. 8. Grenier respectfully begs to inform lhis numerous customers and the public at large, that he has recently opened and entirely ratitted that large and commodiâ€" ous bui in Main Street, Hull Village, known as EXCHANGE MUTEL, amt nnow prepared to accommodate on rea sonable tarms, regular boardars and the mnnhflp‘hlu Table always supplied with all the rarieâ€" Nine erty. Â¥x4 J. W.Moâ€"OUIRE, _ West skie of the Canal Basin, near the Mume Hail. m ue a hk mma W ood tor Sale _ BRMJ* Wewsombert the Place, No. 5, Hi dean Street, Kast End of Nuppers Briuige RUWE & ANNARLK We have now the Largest and Best Heâ€" leoted Stock of the above â€"class of goocls ever held by any storehouse in this City, The public are. invited to inspect our goods and judge for them=elves. Parloe Suits in Green Repps, Flowerea and Pluin Uniroloth in different styles of Carving, Plain and Polished, Very Hand» some ; Marble Top Bedroéom Suits, rich} mdtmrolmd‘ -n-umxrhd :b::hcnludblnt -..‘Um with large glase and wood tops ; a great varioty of Parlour Chairs ot the latest styles and iUinproved patterns ; Cane Chairs in black walout, oak, and maple ; lnn:eh.-fllm Chaire ; Wardrobes, Uases, Winting Desks, Hail tiat Racks, Hall Chairs, Tables, &o., A Clreat Variety of Wood Seat Chairs, RHedstomin, Bursauns, Washatands, &1 (OMEARA & Co. _ _Our Tailoring Department al, com« supervision of a Orst cluss Cutter, gentliomen may rely on getting a good Aiting garment. AURKNITUREK! FURNITURE:! Loy* Moeals ready at all bours Mull, Nov , 1873 J Miawa, Des. 7, 1872 Linen Shirt Bosoms, Cafts, Producing the same gloss and As when bought at the By the use of 50, SPARKS sT., OTTAWA, HMard Finish En am ellenoe. The most ordinary ironer is enabled t compeie with the most skilful, giving the linen the appearance it had when it came from the store,â€"sew and beautiful. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, thereby saving time and labor in XCHANGEK HOTEKL -E.. ‘This is the most sconomical ar« ticle that can be used, costing only about Mou-hhdomolmh;dm famuly, 1t gives the Linen such & glossy surface thit the dust and dirt wili not aahere to it, so that it will keep clean much longer. 1t is very highly recomâ€" mended l;' the Montreal lhrdd.. 1.% Enamellene, Mine:ve, Le National, and by all the leadâ€" bfA-nhnm t is put up w boxes to Last a tamily .‘h'uulno -lh.-d-hhdh: Mhnmmflw cents per box. Wholesale at _ . HEKN«¥Y E. LEMONT & CO., . Sawed and Unsawed. Uttawe. Ost. 26, 18714 nity. All Housexeepers VAI.UAII.I HOTEL A splendid Hotel for «ale in the P""“v“”’ of Araprior, Ununo.m composed of lots Nos. 11 and 13, fronting Eigin and Daniel Streets; the hotel is in the best of order. Aunn::‘nmb\:: are capacious yard, sheds the very best, wn.&b twenty eight span of horses, and out» buildings, with every accommodation for owner on the premises. STORE NEW HRKN«Y F,. LEMONT & CO., 230 St. James.â€"st., Montreal. ESMUNDE BROS Wholesale Agents for Ottawa and vici« O(AMtaews, Jany, 1, 1373 Al&%O, hunidral acres of Land near the MAINX ATRERY, HULL, P _ _.___.. DENIS MeNAMARA, Jany 20th, 1473, !m C Lace Cutains, 1RA O & line gloes to WMEARA & CO, , FOR SALK, #&e, e 4136 on #81 133@ 2133 | a * Moutreal, Jany 1873,. ouaide emogee O Pos, ut priute Gor en P # is emopar of Yon and pr The Tmohes ars ofarod with the tullast sonddunee in their aticaoy ; they have bown m:‘ and maintaln the .;- reputation have justly sequired n Public Bpeakers, Wingers, Military Oficors and those who @vertas the voloo they ats usoful in reflorihg an Irritated Throst, and wili rondur artioulation sasy, Being an article of uo merlt, and Laving proved their otioasy by a tout ot many aaoh yoar Aade thom :‘.u‘:.hnmmâ€"hdmnu Traches ate universally promsunced bottor than other articoles. Obtain only *Browu‘s Bronchial Troches, and do aot tmakeany of the Worthisss /wepairon s m*u. “..Ild..nlylbonuam & uu--u-uu-:uhuw N# -mcuul.nooln- h are sold only in bozos with fapâ€"simile of the propristurs, ‘This car» in putting :.mhmau N..Mw:»‘mm ln or 4. to be sure of tWhine â€" We 5 ltKronohial Proches. «* Two Quaamons Kasicrt Axawuzao.â€"Why l‘u-H men wear bearda? Hecause they aro a groat protection to the throat and ANURK THHOAT, OUOH, QLD, I and stmilar tWoublbe, it safered to progrens weult in serious Puilmonary, .--b:l. aud Asthmatle aifections, ofteatimes \ncurals, UKOUWN‘H BRONCHLAL TWLOCL KsX arse comparaded so as to seach dirwctly tin «wit of theo Muemes and g«ite almost instan Ths Nold by all medicine dealors at 25 cents per box. " Imnags, and aid much to their personal m&'bym-.m"lym'o Lm'm..’:uh.h t'h.::hn-u honrseness, &o., they act like a charm Ministers and iawyers use them, physiâ€" apaakers my are &h-“htumv-fl a‘l:um'â€"n.â€"u hmbm mo&ro-*&h- lhere is wounding duh-"â€".h“dnmflt another man‘s with, to ramund your own of tnault; but it « aot wm.“.w the «Canadian Pain Destroyer" and = ing its wondertul effects, to recommend it w your tor the cure of rheumaâ€" tie oa, ebolic, &o., it has no equal. u.-b'im and country denlers.. Price 25 ctsa. per bettle. Liniment, 'Mw Pills, ansd Nborkian‘s Caveairy Powdors, hare publish«d a rmgable and lnstractive pamd phliot, which may be had t(ree at the storee. horses that Â¥ have brought; when you wast a bhosse Arablanm Remedy." We know you «U be pertactly satisted with the result. Remembes the naume, and see that the signuature ol Hurd iA ?.u-n‘m l-.r & I.'oo.." eweastle, Ont., o Caaades _ i6 hm““w THIXTY YAAauR EXFEKRIENO®K ! DLD NURSEK mak. Wioreus w‘n 8 wruine Buveve hfl-hm «orlption of ons of the boest Fomale Phy. and Nursse in the United States, and has boot asod for thirty yare with asvsr talling aamlouy and sdcooss by milHoos ot matheors aad childtren, from the toeble infant of ons wook Ww‘the wiuit, 1t corrects acidity «f the sach, ralloves «ind colle, reguiates t w nb.nn.lv.n%m-‘n-lmu other ami child. .mu:m and antost remudy in the world, in all cassee of Dysentery ant WViambews in chiitres whather it artues trom teothing, or from any | _ COC0OGLYCERINE â€"â€" Someâ€" | thing new for the hair. c::nnuh. lc.oh T apCo® pag y wals as :Muonmnr‘::?:lm- outaide wrupper, Bold wedici: o hlflllul.om Oz-.lll'-un Utreot, New York, and 93 Oxford Stroot, Low â€" Utreot, New York, and 93 Oxford Stroot, Low â€" don Be sure and call for MHS,. WIN8LOW s00THUING 8SYLUP VUavring the teo stmile ("Ourtie & Pork to on the ontaide wrmappor All othore #++â€" be Marve you a savere wmach or spralut H.~ you thoumatizm in any form : Mave you st» aeek, or banches cansed zmmt It «, Jonnson‘s Anodyne is a apeci do remedy , and.ls also the best pain killer io No toilet table should be with out COOOGLYOERNE, 2 «at DMNON 0P CANAD MNotice Respecting Suretyships B\' AaN ORDEE IN COUNCIL, dated mhn-.-u.la IT 1808 â€"â€" That when any Pub= is to security for the :‘g'c..,w.,a. divkes oo d sthier under the Crown, the Bond or Policy of may be accepted in liew of private surclies. The Canada Gusranteo Company Bonds of vas Comurany immediately, There is, therefore, no longer the necessily -uauuu-b%m Officers kh-;bcud' phryow in atrious is now afforded them of being vums ows av anviae hr./.-dl Annwal Premium to Company . COOCOUCLMHILYOCRRINE aourisk Copies of the Order in Council, ::c- tuses, and atl information, may b¢ ned on application to the Managtr . 0000 (GLYOERINE removes CANADA GUARANTEE COMP‘Y. UEKAD OFFWE, * PTaus Onuy CoMPANY Licensed by Government to Transact Guarâ€" antee Business Throughout Canâ€" The Gorverament of Quebes, vod wen lendiog makes Bitmare Poante pominio®, L. & CASEL®, PUBLIC OFFICERS UPHOILIAL â€"NHOTICHS V ice» EdAdward Rawlings. Bonds of this Company are â€"â€"MB ALEX. T. GALT, KC.K.0 vesident,= JOBN RANKLIN, Eag. Manager and Secretary, W Jobhnsou‘s Anoiyne Purgative Pllla, and OTTAWA ~WEDNXESDAY.: MARCH â€"5, 1873. MONTHKEA L *Â¥ â€" A m CHIRTY, _ KOLLAR} KUFPY, | made Lo order w(\-m Nyle or Cise. The only Chuirt awi Kollar Faetory in MUtawa. JAMES ANOUR, ~ _ The best and Cheapest Paoper in Amerioa. 16 pages WEEKLLY for $2.00 per aunum. *# The Fuvorite" Plan.â€" We harse planâ€" ned out a paper which gives more reading for less money than any paper in America. We propose to furcish a better, fuller, For # Kutter to the pringips nnb-h:.dl-.-l. Merchants‘ Bank Block, Sparks Steek (kor) Metoalls. tMtaws, Nov D, 1872 The Ottawa 1674 and u".‘.’.."“.‘:.";m.. #72 uut passenger ud; will run on this road as follows, (anwlays excepted ) l S f WATERTUWIi & OGOEXSBURG RATILROAD, 1=m7u2 1847 3. wWINTER ARRANGEMENT. m&t asttached to this train at w awi run through to New Yorkâ€" sz ruz®1%e. Leavye New York 6 (W0p m Albany 11.40 p m, arrive at Watertown 7.45 a m, (ffteen minutes for breakfast), arrving at Ogdensâ€" burg HI am _ _ _ is M e leare New York lwu-.AIhng m, Rome 5.23 pm, arrive at Water Lunl“'-.fl.l.bnrgl:ls.-. U..T. FRAY, General Ticket Agent. _ __ _ &r-?&ffim papar at annuce ermese to we will give. from drm l‘-hdnb. We mmw -i-uh-‘hrMD“ Farm, the Garden, the Household, Scien~ tile and Literary Intelligence, a column of Wit and Humor, &6. Get a sample numâ€" ber at the Newswâ€"deailors, or write lor one. it will be sent free. "The Favorite" Shape.â€"The elegant 16 nq-mh-:i'"""“‘-hl -.Nl; tains Hfty per cont more mailer than the unwieldy 8.page folios heretofore in vogue. At the year‘s end, each subâ€" scrinee will have a volume of 822 pages, in a handsome cover, at 4) cents. N. B.â€"Eubscribers at $2.00 will be serr« ed with the weekly issue for one year, un less they specify that they prefer the moothiy. ="The Favorite" Maxim.â€"Canads for the Canaiiansâ€"whother by birth or adopâ€" containing the equiralent of at least 30 lifty cent volumes. at a cost of ONLY TWU DOLLARS, * The Fuvorite" Issue.â€"â€""The Favorite‘‘ will be insued :â€" 1. in weekly numbers of 16 pages at 5 conta. %Z in monuthly parts of 64 or 80 pages, Canadian paper, with Canadian type. . Givea i your Nurromt. Ciub terms and sample numbers mailed free on application. Great cash inducements to clubbers. # The Fuvorite" is -a: all Nowsy dealers and on all Railway 5 its consention. its plan, its execution,â€" ‘-‘.%mm..n...u... U written, edited, printed by Canadians, on g-a. 1814 g 35 WE NEW CANADIAN WEEKLY, olul.bmu‘fld Publisher of = The Favorite,"‘ the dian |Uustrated News, l.'w:-hhh- and 1/ Etendard National, _ _ ___â€" _ Antoine Street, Montreal Dec 3) 187% Tut sTOMACH AXD I1IS% DERANGEâ€" ments are the common cause of most «mcuumnuuuh-m invalide are W wn-u-wa:-u-fly aad assinailated the becomes imporerih. ad, and all the organs and tissues of the w,muuby-uau-uâ€"s mmwdmm.â€"s ifeats itself in some constiln by dw “O:-‘rhoubysao::' h .:o,nldthmmd& uleers of bone Mhh.m'-'m lmo‘uhnuu..xh-!fi ners vous prostration, mental anxiety noeural« ic and rheumatic pains, all of which arise findo'und.::tnm ‘bhvlp: the Ntomach mmdm aer‘a Comm; Ki | aluaad a i uf grout officncy and relitbiliy, Cnalisaya is of greal eflonacy nll‘ll-lm being harmless to infant or adult, and Wnn‘w grant prompt TCl Â¥ W« in its eléecla, y *ANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY, models . l-iuumpu.- nfi' 4t Imle Dealers in muq-.-‘:h-.“ n-ma?u pes 4 * 2119 d&*s \‘V 0s Freight and Cartage Ageney, in â€" rates for Furniture. war" "t W., K. BAKER, iMiawa, Feby3. 18 + Dominion‘ Parlot Seam w‘ Jutle OtiAHs mmu.umfls lat us help each other, if we aspire _ Aeenmans ANeRARPRAMN® 1. Place d‘ Armes Hill, and 319 St. | ONDEKE U 4 1 mmm USECE AEOEIWE® at above address will receire volume of 8232 rolume of 4J* PM J. W . MUAK, Chirt Store. 9151 & mwe d&w :f:'t. Mll.l. PROPERTY FOR SALE. 4A RAREB CHANCE. â€" Containing Machinery for tbon*mhc- i nrpnn tm Ree ; ongue Grover, Machine ‘and Surface Plainer. ‘ m on bank of Madawaska River, clao&bhu of Brockville and Ottawa and C. C. Railâ€" way, in Villaga of Arnprior. all newly new, and in good order, with stock of loga now in i _ e u.v:n-.um i0 be had The subscribers being about to build a Lumber Mill, offer this desirable rly *‘¥ot further ue iculara, | metienten, Mn Mta Ur CARSS & Cou.,| ‘ Armprior. Jany 28. 14873 171 current rates '|‘"=AN-Y..YALâ€"'::URANC“ \ Capital Ten ~ Milion Do Insures every description of Property Alb ourrent rates, * *AP M TarniAt hp&liahlo to ptivate and house furniture, At t Direct from England, all mwl-ud double. Urders from Public Institutions !m@:.‘ nl-----: AAHIBI‘ & BEKG TO ANNOUNCE Having juast receivead another lot of the Patent Wraught Iror Bedsteads NOR AlM FURNACES! For (oal or Wood. Public and private buildings heated in the most modern and improved method, and satisfaction guar, anteed. No payment required till after ......gu{‘.‘;‘:....,,m. 'mv ol all kinds as usual _mymwmmni.u: e buildings heated in the most modern and You will know what your prize is before hmd method, and satisfaction guar, | you pay for it,. Any Frize exchanged for anteed, No pmflt required till after | another of the same value. No blanks. Our tuuughu been applied. patrons can depend on fair dealing. 8TOV ES of all kinds as usual Ormmioxs or tus Press:â€"Fair Dealing M TINWARE, Wholesale and Retail, al b: relied mâ€"b-fml:‘ Hm SA:;ZL genuine â€"â€" Wor ioi maAcn LAE | tr Re io daitn ty gireminien A and most econoâ€" % ve mical heating Stove in the market. . Uall MW,AM& and see. â€" | Rererewoss:â€"By kind permission we H. KMKEADOWS & Co. Mcrwtbfollowmf:-â€"l"mklin&hm, mdbxflw&. uuh'i.llah(‘lnw $13,000; Miss â€"Hattie Mitaws, Nov 16, 18724 Banker, Charleston, $9,000 ; -g‘n. nLonin. . Mcadows & Co. *"IMBESR LIMITS AaAND MILLSA water communication through the same. The mills are run by water power, and capable of cutting from fourteen to six teen millions in thb season. inspection in Invited. For further particulars, apply to ;l\nhnlmubul Boucrlu:l.: ars in ()tiawa" mpnpu-‘ to many m-lla-rbdm-ol sr:;; BOILER& Wiy*~ Krory aitention given to repas Uttawa, December 23, 1872%. 3122 1;. BROCKVILLE and OTTAW A RATLW AY. TEAMS will be carried from RENFREW Jany 28, to OTTAW A at the following rates : l'l'.-'uhddmnfi-ldgh....fl.w 1 Team with driver only ........ 8.00 1 Horse, driver and sleigh. . ... ... 4.50 1 Horse with deiver only. ........ 400 Notice is hereby given that an applicaâ€" tion will be made to the Legisiature of the Dominion of Canada, at the next sitting thereof, for an Act to continue the UGRAN» TRUNK ARRANGEMENT3 ACT, 1862 Ur such clauses thereof as maiy be deemed expedient, for three years, from the first day of January now next. _ Also to authorize the additional issue of second m-th.&, utbm:hldm equipment securi an extent not box:o‘ln'o-o mflL and a half hz'fimndm. 1812 Mtawna, Jany 11, 1873. SNGLI®H BEDSTRADS !!! Preskiont‘s C):lice, RBrockville, Jan. 16, 1813. Tfll GuaND TRUNK RAILWAY COMPANY Campbell & McBride, SURAM BOJLER MAKERS Albert Street, Richmond Road, Ottawe. Jacy 24, 1873 OWA AND NEBRASKA LANDS Durlington & Mo. River R. 8. Co, On Ten Fear‘s Oredit at 6 per cent Products will pay for the land and im« provements, much within the limit of this generous credit. Better terms are not awndrnhblyumwmbo. Soil of lows and Nebrasks is rich Notice to Lumbermen. o m ermeies I I i |II‘ u‘h-dlmmm:.wun‘:: AgddNo::ninh.douo:.-oprh‘. For reigrnidnzten 1 inb f es Land Commissioner, Burlington, lowa. MI#F" Awd please may in what rn this advertinement was soon. wim ’I‘Il AKCRET O .'__fllll.l‘ll. Rveryone should have it. Eent Post» pald on receipt of one dollar. Jany 234, 1873, MILLIONS OF ACRES Come West sdnd thrive, Friends will EEosuE KBMPT OF CANADA. I‘. M, CLAKRK. A gent. ®#13%. #161 10 Harvey, Now Brunswick, 8. 2171 lyd&w lindsay, Ontario. 2172 im H. ABBOET, PR, KV AN§, ~~ T Renlont baice, ©300) Bugmeo P | * 3 j 6 # C & | Braokety, Piitaburg, Wuoh.’wli- w ; Annie um New Orleans, $5,000; * Emory L. Columbus, Ohio, $7,000. "“"'l Jns Casxa Girt in onak]:uhco of 150 August | 11 for $2.00 25 Tor $3.00 ; 50 Tor $5.00) a““m) mu-uh m'&aud, to hon: ofl’orll!;en; wan W we 7 91 | inducements and guarantee satis{ation. same. AuopREse : r, and | NOEL & CHARLIER, to six | _ 1? and 19 Broadway, New York. _ lals, t”.”.: mase Cares Cw 0 ez __~~â€" snn fae in nsm | 3 anxk or sarrish NoRTH AMKBICA | Incorporated by Royal Charter. The Court of Directors bereby give notice that a half yearly dividend at the mdd(ht‘rrmt per annum, on the Capital of the Bank, will be vytbla on & POURTH daz ot JANUAR“‘;SE,J: proprietors of shares regist Colonies, The dividend will be payable at the rate of exchnr current on the fourth day of January, 1873, tose fixed by the Local Boards or Managers. \ No transfers can bé made between the 33rd instant and the 4th proximo, as the books must be closed during that period. By order of the Court. R. W. BRADFURD, No, 124, Bish 8t.,, withi f lmnoé‘?‘l.).:: 3, 1872 y 2146 b §955,000 2ag . * C :; a iÂ¥ kss s % , V S9) * C C i ast ns in# s% 100 400 Gold watches. . ... ... #75 to 300 215 Hewing Mackines. .. . db to 150 75 Elegant Pianos.......each 2%) to 700 50 Melodeons..., * 50 to 200 Cash Gifts, Silver Ware,f etc., valued at......... $1,500,000 A chance to draw any of the above | puE COoRNWALL MANUFACTURING I.._._. _0 is inlanomma in intimatine m: for 25 cents,. Tickets ducribi.n’ izes are sealed in Envelopes and wel mixed. On receipt of 25 cents a Sealed Ticket is drawn without chice, and sent by mail to any address. ‘The prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticketâ€" holder on payment of One Dollar. Prizes are immediately sent to any address by express or return mail. y e e A PRIZE FOREVERY TICKET, I Cuelk Gift:, .. : ...;....... iO i6 Carh Uiltts, nach...... ..... U i + CC & . iasÂ¥ s ar s a+%" AAtl wwb o+ $y s Mb c aujsraitrarers. / A 13. * .cs sn sh aklara y e‘ .. d Kndndp large quantities of White a“:;’ rey Bln{koh. ::d Heary Medium Class Tweeds. % They regrel. however, hsvia& again to draw the attention of thoh& is to. the continuance of the disrepu practice of importing English Blankets and selling 1 Company have pleasure in intimating the complete restoration of their works «t Cornwall, which are now in full opera. ;‘ Te of:t;dd nd Cot h\:m y a ton mthsm ugoofpuuWool,.fi though dédym.nu, closely toke + Oanadian Manufacture,‘" have neither warmth or wear, but can be sold at a lower price than the ornwall Blanâ€" kets (which are made of pure Wool) can f JN CASH GIFIS, To BK DISTRIBUTRD #Â¥ THR Mereanrtite Prize Association UF NEW YORK. DALLY DRHRAWILNG®S!!! tt Illp“d res informed that t.hl:‘ name of the m Maxvraorvam®e Coxuraxr is printed on the ticket of every l_l@!n!_m'z_‘ by them. . Courormxo.â€"The very agreeable characâ€" ter of this preparation has rendered it a general favourite, ‘The Civil Service Gazetie remarks:â€"* By a thorough knowledge oi the natural laws which govern the operaâ€" umdd@uhnu:‘mri:on,udq:yn saretul application ne propertias of well selected cocom. Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many beary doctors‘ bills. Made simply with boiling water or milk, Sold id"mun-limd &ukou, labeliedâ€"James Enns & Co.. Homoopathic® Chemists, Buxagrastâ€"â€"Krea‘s ©oO00OaAâ€"UGRATEFCL aNo Epps EUNDS of St. ALBANS CHURCH Countess of Dufferin, Nov. 30, 18746. & Bazmar under the patronage of Her Exoellency the and under the suspices of the Building Committee, will be held at the Temperance Hall, Rideaun Street, on the 27â€"28 and 20th of MARCH next, the proceeds to be devoâ€" ted towards the reduction of the debt on the St. Albans Free Church, The following Lladies have kindly conâ€" sented to receive donations of work, money o oramen hn se ts er, Laiy Macdonald, _ Mrs. Ross, BA ZCG.AAXL Cornwall, Sept. 11, 1872 _ 2071 2m Mrs. Bate, HHW@WM tim " proiatons or " w Sue met Act 31 Vio., Cap. 6, intituled mrw“of the 8th Section of the Aot [Vio.,%‘, intituled : «An Act mm ". Mis Excellency h-ho.t.dwadanduhu‘by ordered, tho‘l'wnol’ St, Thomas, in the County of Kigin, Province of Ontaâ€" Mh.uitb-o is hereby constiâ€" m.duuudhbumthdd(}m- mudjlmdwmmdfln Collector of Customs, at the Port of Lonâ€" Ottaws, Feb 22. 1873. OVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Monday, 17th day of February, 1872 CaAaAUTION. Cimts IN AID UF THE JOHN LaANGTON, Chairrhba H, A, WICKSTEED, mLVS, 00e /y Mrs, Meredith, Mrs. Grant Powel!l, Mrs, Whitcher, jlation of the Honoraâ€" O::nim. $100,000 . 50,000 . 25,000 . â€" £,000 . _ 1,000 50O Chemists, d1509Â¥ 2195 Do green, $10 do Bacon do _ $9 to 12 do Bacon dry saited, $3 J 9 w _ do Double extra, $6.75 to 7.00 per barrel Extra, $7.00 to $7.50 _ do * No. 1, $6.175 to 7.00 ao Uatmeal, $5.25 «to :. Cornmeal, $3.25 to 3.50 do Cracked wheat, $7.00 to 7 50 Wheat meal, $7.00 do Provender, $1.50 par 100 lh«, Bran, 70 ct#. ; Grai. c Buckwheat, 50 to 55 :s per bushe l 7 ,Date, 40¢ to 42s do Peas, 65¢ to 10c do Beans $1.50 to #2 0J Barley 60 to 65c . + Indian Corn 60c to 65¢ Cabbages, 12¢ to 15¢ each. f Beots 206 to 25¢ bushel. Apples por l-mt.;l 5) 10 $4.00 home spun yarn, #)¢ to $1 per ib Home made wooilen socks, 45¢ par pait Wool 65 cts. to 75¢ per Ib. Hay $19 to $22 per ton. Rye straw, 86 0J to 70 * UOnt straw, $8 to $9 OV do. â€" Pork« Dressed Hogs, $5.75. to $6 25 Mess Pork, $16. Farmers‘ mess,$13 to $15â€" _ "‘do Prime mess, $13.00. . ua;aa smoked, $15 OJ to $16.0) per 100 Corn, 60c. to 65:%. Fall wheat, Ol.!l) to Sl,‘{(‘w d4o spnnfi' wheat, $1.3) to 1. do Fazsa * f i ' lhddocké c + Iry Cod lish, f.:'so r cwt. Herring. $5,00 to Qz‘% per bbi, Calf skins, 12 cts per Ib. Sheep pelts 75 cents each. A Hiogs axo Lzeiruzzr. The latest quotations are as follows An Orgamzad Band of Blackmailers, Murdereis and Swindlers. A: hidious page is being added 4o the F.ench Assize Court annals Were there such a thing as a digest of the criminal rocords of the whole world, it could no# furnish a more horrible recital than wiiat is unfolded in the indictment of nine standing their trial at Lille on a ial~ charge, coupled with other some of whom are not quite out of their Fowls, 40; to 506 ‘nrmph Turkeys, $1.50 to 1.6) each. Geese, 45c to 550 each. Ducks, 40 to 450;.: couple Feathers, 60c to 650 per ib. Kege 35 to 40 rr dozen. Butter 15 to 19 ote per 1n» In prints, 20 to 25 \.l lard, 7 to 9 cte, per lb Tallow, 8c to 10¢ do. Honey, 15 to W do. Potatose, 350 to 40c par bushel Turnips, 38¢ to 45. Swedish Turnips, 5)c. â€" Carrots 35c to 40¢. > Parsnips 50c. do. Unions, $1.00 to $1.25 Celery, 35¢ to per dos. teens, while others ars middle aged men â€"are, with two exceptions, mechanics and tactory "hands." â€" The two who verge upon the bourgecis class are respectively thirtyâ€"five and thirtyâ€"six years old,. One of them is a professor of . gymnastios, and it would appear was in a position to earn a good income honestly. The other is an employee of the octroi, and the ‘indictment states, he made use of his uniform to secure tohimself and his fellow prisoners impunity in the execuâ€" tion of a system of land: piracy which mmmmm&o. To understand thoroughly the re some knowledge . of Fnflm on whit the code styles offences against blic decency, is necessary. Now, the {:‘v" l:mhlo :.uw of the Lille "Bois ‘ iwnpmiolymmdhm rules of Parsent which : are z plied to large towns,. _ These rules are isrror of women and girls of the lower clusses, who know that if they once are brought within their range they . will be Beel, $5 75 to 6 25 per 100 l‘ Mutton, #o to 9c per ib. _ social outlaws for the rest of their days. The banditti of the Lille Bois ds Boulogne numbered over twenty persons, eleven of whom hive escaped into . Belginm and Germany. 'l‘hohz MMM W]fll among them 1 ‘were to play in bhunting down their prey. Generally sperkiny, their richest harvest was reaped in the lo,. g summer evenings, when the townspeaple of l,iu:h:.tfimt b“‘mm a little pure air in i canal, llI:: between the m* walls and the citadel. uzl, dn.ooh:‘: oaming a sentimen Lnnd con fngered in secluded spots, two or three of No. 1, Sole, 27¢ to 2896 per lb. KNo. 2, .do 23¢ to 25¢ do Slaughter, 27cts do llarness leather, 30 Ao 336 do ‘pper _ do 4040 456 do linglish kipp, _ T5cts do French do $1. 0e do Canadian calt Cbots French â€" do SL&s fi’b,ucu do cow, T5cts do Hides, No. 1. ?}c perlb, Cod oil 58 to 6 cts per gallor ood. â€" Hard wood, $4 to $4 sgspum Mixed wood, $3 to $3 35 per cord Sof, wan 1, #240 to $3 per aanrd hk t 50 1 & â€" ow art “““M:E“‘fc"w"‘“-." nogense protesied, false witnesses started Wls . L4 T e , up, apparently by chance, who . to belong to un'moo. m were produced, in the dusk were not very clearly visible, and finally the octroi employe came forward to prove the coilee. "it." Harng o en sigue appailing. If, during aan â€" months of the Empire, the opinions," he felt that he . was lost Poor women or work girls were terrified lest they should be r‘l:‘ood pe:force on the istry of vice, and reéspectable women trembind~ for fear. of the scands! which w »uld ensue if their misadventure should be made public. ~ 1t seems incredible that an important town like Lille could have mmnd,umhd:d says is bush rangers demianded ingemt e nntemintaty victime, went to t }outnp with th:lr t-hx octro, employe charged having boasted that 500 Lilioises passed in four years through his and his accomplices‘ hands That the boast had a very solid substratum of fact cannot be doubted. What led to the prosecution <f this corporation of person of a Germain mechanic named Haves and an attempt to Outrage his sweetheart,Octavic Kenent, a very decent irl it appears, of the age of ssventgen. ?‘h-y were ons.gd to be nulbd:; ortnight from ev on which were attacked in NEL Three men fung themwselves on vez, and under ‘pretence of hauling him off to the lockâ€" canal, where, according to the indictment, they strangled bim, and threw him into the water. Octavie, who was both strong and swift of foot, was assaulted by three Oothers. She at once saw that they must be false policemen, and made a desperate frightened them back for a moment. Proâ€" lunzhh\ylhi- , she rushed in up to it before thyudd“hbz: Fortunate was it for ber that they did #o, HURRIBLE COMBINATION. OTTaAWA MARKEIS. The t wl; C iwo ln-mnan yâ€"six years old., One sesor of . gymnastios, ar. was in a position 3. To understand m% m OB t were Eul offences against} deed. ssary. . Now, the | â€" The " Ma h the band the Briti PRICEâ€"3 CENTS 44 The Rceientific American produces irom a German journal an account of how steam may be used as a fire extinguisher, an important fact in comnection with the heating of buildings by steam, which is now becoming so common in this and other cities,~ We make an illustrative fact, from which it wilh be seen how the iron pipes used in heating a bmilding may be uufiml. It will be understo.d th«at the eflect desâ€" cribed can best be produced under certain conditions including the separsation of the masses of !lame from ‘outside influenâ€" for there was nobody inside to answor her knucks and cries. But she gat safe home, and told her father and mother what had happened. They gave the alum, and when Havez was missed from his work & murder was at once suspected.. On drag« ging the canal the body of the young tiernmaan was found by the police. it was badly beaten, as if with a club, and the garotting operation had hbeen porformed by means of the sleeves ol lus blouse, which were knotted tight round his neck. Ihose of the bamdits who are not accused of murder, will be tried with closad doors. tThe case excites intense interest in Lille. Dr. Wiendenbuch‘s last opportunity of witnessing the eflectiveness of steam as a fire extinguisher, was on the occasion of a fire in a factory 180 teet long and 830 feet wide ; it was one story high with aa attic separated by a wooden flsor, The attw was filled with a great many tons of rags, shavings, leather scraps, etc. ; m-&mong these a lfire broke out in the nigh hicn was only discoved when halt the ro«! was in flames. As the location of the establishment was quite out, of the way, morte than an hour had elapsed before the lire engines arrived from mme nearesi station. . Meanwhileo the conflagration met but little resistance, by reason of the unsatisfactory preparation against fire, und soon the whole roof was in flames. 1t fell in, and the fate of the lower story seemed sealed. There Kas a steam boiler in an outhouse with the turnace banaked ; the tire therein was greatiy increasedâ€" by means of wool, the steam being silil up A courageous carpentor, contrary 10 the orders of the the marshal, who had ae cided that the walls should be thrown down, went into the burning tactory, and, by means of a heavy axe, broke the first cast won steam pipe he could reach, M course the steam immediately escaped under considerable pressure, filled ihn»a whoie place and extinguished one burnâ€" ing mass afier another ; and even the rag heaps in the attic, which, after the fall of the roof, were burning in the open air, became more and more surrounded with steam, so that in half an hour after steam was admitted ‘all danger was considered ever, and the firemen, who had in the meantime arrved with their ongines, conâ€" sidered their labor unnecessary, in having been so effectua‘‘y replaced by steam. The German papers point out that every manufacturer who uses a steam boile: possesses the most powerful tire exunâ€" guisher, which he may make available by proper additional arrangements. . For in STEAM AS A FIRE EXTING!UI<IUER tus, it may be congtructed in a simple manner, and still be perfectly safe; but the quantity of steam must be sullicient, and therefore the whole problem is to geâ€" nerate the largest possible amount of ateam at low temperature and pressure. on the 17th of November for Genos, with & cargo of aloohol, and is said to have had & crew consisting mostly of foreignaers. The theory now is, that some of the men probably obtained access to the cargo, and A DESERTED YESSELâ€"EVIDENCES OF PiRACY zmnfiuhfi‘umm" Captiin who left New York about the middle of November. ‘The hull of the «*Celeste" was found in good conditron, and safely towed into Gibraiter, where she has since remained. The confusion in which many things were found on bo«rd, (including ladies‘ apparel, etc.,) led. wuoth.u‘m.wmp?nor wrong outrage, which has no means died out. Undtbohhub’tuu from Gibraltar, received in RBoston, says : The Viceâ€"Admiralty Court sat yesterday, the been claimed, toâ€"mor. ro#w the yvessel will be claimed. The general opinion is that there hbas been foul hyoubu«l,-:cbofblood onthobhsoo(olwad,in cabin, and on the rails, with a sharp cut on the wood, ased, but how or by whom is the question. Koon after the vessel was pioked up it was considered possible that a collision might have taken place. #ad this been the case -itho-mf:oflconandm-vod, they would have been landed long ere this. We trust that if any of New Engâ€" land‘s shi can give any informa~ tion or m ol strange boats or seamen landing at any of the islands during 9Â¥ days, that they will see the importance which we heard a week or two ago has been confirmed by further evidence, that a farmer near Garden Hill has a novel way of exterminating lice on cattle, He had an ox infested by those parasites, and souking the animal‘s hair with coal oil, set it on fire. ‘The poor ftortured brute ran till exhausted, when :t sank in the snow, having its skin scorched and its ears parâ€" 4 It is now believed," says the Roston tially burned off. The inhuman owner M&.Mwfich,mamdmn ies for a day or two, died from the of the brutal treatment. A report issued from the Irish Statistics Oflice, states that at the close of 1872 there was on deposit and as cash balances in Trish joint stock banks a sum of £28,731,â€" (48, or about as much as the entire capital of the M%: is curious that during the year a in the course of investmest took place, £1,249,640 having years ‘I‘he advance has been steadily .‘:'inoo 1%63. The invrestments in zomt Funds and Indis Stock, on which dividends are paid at the Bank of Ireland, are, however, over £4,000,000 less than in‘ 1860, in part ‘this 1« accounted for byfiofluwm Telt by Irishmen in ways and banks. ‘The growth of the bank deposits has been noticed. in the leading railways, 3: Great Houthern and Western, lrish have among them £3,663,000 more stock now thasp in 1851. Kighty three per cent. dfio‘ay\wot'thfiuhflhmhd. depout in‘ the banks, The of Irish investments in all fm&m oulnnnofmb?mh, was at the date mentioned, the 3lst of December last, £61,494, 118 In 1860 it was only £57,864, â€" 5%1. No that the Irish people would seem to be en millions richer than twelre avOsUanoink . Gnatk e PeC CCC ty been withdrawn from the Government Funds arnt India Stock and transferred to Says the Port Hope Guide;â€"A rumour thus stimulated to the desperate 4 Mary Celeste" was fallen in with 8SUPPOSED PIRACY the theatres

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