ted for LQ-.'.‘:.; , and 3 to 4 p.A K. TKaCUER N CUOSTELLA; cfarne ND PU PIONAlz Apply to in Dasly Tw tb RATES: . t tine is | ""Uiks Gmus, tunss. | _ NMeve removed to their New Promwes, _MYRTLE NAVY. WILIAM BIOM & C0. * â€m'lo% BUTLDIN G#4,* 138 MoGILL STREKET, And Invite the attention otf Buyers to theh 3 wixt curelully sclectet assortment ‘aAN, YOUNu HYSON, GUNPOWDEE £l.s» Bookbinder, Paperâ€"ruler and Asccount Book Manulacturer, at m‘x wÂ¥ the Group of Rooks, Roberts‘ 0’"‘,AWA HNTKA 4M C.lhp and Sleigh ACTOR Y . A rary large amount of new and imâ€" poved machinery has intely been added, and as the whole is driven by steam power (the only establishment so supplied in this wotiom of country), we are in a position IMFKRLA L u-n\MSf‘Al TKA*, And BRANDIRS, GINS, RUOMS, ead th Finest Brandsa of POKT, SHERRY, &¢, MB MeGILL. STREAT, MONTREA Aug #, 1#72. â€" 2038 sheaper than any one also. . _ U tans, Hatch AK 1812 " N _ BDLCKAW AYS, BUGCGIEN i1ND ALKIGHA, Which in point of Anish and durability, .“-#. Ruleoaut Atreot, Urttawa, would wy mil the attention of Maerchants, #. "‘. ‘h“":‘"‘ geusrally, to his extensive Books, Laigers, Cash Books d“-h-'m.“hgh of paper, and at prices as low, if not lower than at any other house in the Donminicn ; wholesale or reini|. & Account lnol.-hpbl to every rariety w# business ; if not in stock, ruled and bmuund to pattern, on the shortest notice. .hbh.‘-.ouuumqn.hho- the plainest and cheapest to the most cle (LATE 8T,. JAME*,) Oorner of Metealfe and Queen Streets. CENTRE TOWN, OTTAWA. QGood Sample Reoms and every a000mâ€" # for travellers. Thoroughly reâ€" and refurnished througbout. 8 DANIELA, .â€". firtiee T. & 8. on sach Plug. We Price so low that all can us it. F1 CAUTIUVN, DANIELS‘ HOTEL _ Ruling, perforating or numbering cate~ lully and lwt to, and> prommiptly sttende«t to, and‘at %-ubd hn’? tiern. .l::,m. All ordars executed on Citkms, June 22 187%. e xC Upland Excavators, Steam Enginesâ€" _ Jany %8, 18173. R ( 275 ?‘_ A. "To soh the TIRREL the mos, wofut article ever invented, Address ;‘!- Axnszson, P. U..Kox 360, Montred!, ; . Albane Free Church. The tollowing lawties have kindly con sented io pdndn-:‘mu of work, mone; or tberwisa, in aid of the object in view. Moe W. Stockdale, Brother & Co,, Countess of Duflerln.' under auspices of the hflï¬: un,:l.lbobddmlyhm- s MARCH naxt, the proceads to be devoâ€" | wi towards the reduction of the debt on , Steam Dredges, Steam Hoisting Derâ€" laly Macdonald, e EWUNOS of St. ALBANS CHURCH The nida in ba suppiied 6 BA 2A AXFL Uttawe, Nov 11, 187 2. okkks ~~~~~~ Â¥ HO LKA A L & Tea. Wine and Spirit Merchants. Ataws, Hept 17, 1872. w76 im Pes 9, 1872 At this establ ound . Manufacturing Co., Locockport, N. ¢,, MAKE a SPECIALITY or â€"_â€" FACTORY, KRIDRAU APREET. OFTAW KESSRE. C. T. BATE 4 CO. KMOV ED. all kinds of repairing carefully and Reptember 4, 17 Bate, MTL eretOte | Show, at Hamiiton, 1$72, 1st prize, silver Done, uie MBE . | seprud arenp shonet ite doatpuien Patrick, Mra. Grant Powell, m.n,l lat prize and stakes Feathersion, . Mre. Whitcher, | | _ , st the Guelph Fat Cattlo how, Buoke, Mre. HH. Wicksteed. ;‘73, and anveral other prises. The ww becriptions may also be sant toâ€" lfv-bcll_!t-p_h w1u=r;a. VYOL VÂ¥II NO, 2194 MORTIMER, Meredith, Grank Powe!!, pUK A GOUOD NMOKK, "MYRTLE N A ¢ Y * in registared, on it wall be m“hum umder tha â€" patronage of Har Kxoollency the N AID UF THs JUOMHN LANGTON, t mil be found on 4/ ments are the cause of moskt of h:"m--n-m Vissaâ€"es for which cuvalile. consiantl y & W hen d:zrd hm urubou...ym.u“q..: as imilated the blood becomes imporeérmhâ€" wl, and all tha organs and tisneuse of the mdoum.udby -:::.m-h.“ ¢ general depravit aystem manâ€" Nleate its AFf in m’mï¬nï¬i‘- bya ease of the lungs, Heart, ulver or neys, and in others by Scrofulous enlargeâ€" ment of the glands, aruptions of the akin, ulcers of bone and fesh, spinal weakness, irregularities, exhausting discharges, nerâ€" [nupnuntbl. mental anxiety, neurslâ€" \ruuul rheumatic pains, all of which arise rom depraved nutrition. To invigorate the Ntomaca and rrbctd lion, and the torm tion ot lil w“moo‘:;.\'h::; "l(h.ï¬ racbe Phosphates cl‘mli of effiency and reliability h“.â€h*,-; infanst or adult, and prompt and permanent in its effacts, Aold Purior Suits in Green Repps, Flowerea and Plain Haircloth in different styles of hrving, Plain and V Hamd â€" Polished, Very * earran! (ooth and oil fAinwh); Plain ::hï¬-l“ -um and wood tops ; a great rav‘aty of Parliour Chairs ot the intess styles and improved ‘o“.flo" :.-.-u m "%} bnduted â€&M‘LM'nm. Desks, Hall tint Raoks, Htull Chairs, Tabios, &o, â€" AAveat V artety of Wood Reat Chairs, bedstoais, Rursaus, Washstancis, &~. We have the Largest and Best Soâ€" wm.s&o&ond-dpuh ever hald by any storshouse in this City The public arse invited to inspect our goods and jige for themsslves. KiJ* Hemember the Place, No. 5, Ri «h-uflluu.ucl-ldm' Bruige. ROIWE & ANNARLE J. B. Grenier reapectfully begs to infxm his numerous customere and the public at large, that he has recently opened and anilrely reatincthat ‘Iige And commed+ For the Proviness of and Ontario, AMWhosâ€" M ALN Sl‘m BULL N. B. â€" Special attension to Colleo tions in the County 4 uu-:"r. .. and bled&fl-“M (Cnragos ud Tok Sn Jucien in thedpacied Afamm k dn bt burrie d Onutaomeis, im the n vines of Quebas, UOut 19, 187% JNM ~hlhahl-h Ntreset, Hull Village, known as EKXCHANGEK MUTEL, andt isnow prepared to accommodats on rea «omable terms, reguilar boardars and the kraroig painiys. _ * _: eaoh; fducks, ten po Table always supplied with all the rarieâ€" tiee which the season coan aford. Liquor tiese which the season can aford. I.d:' of the choicest brands and Havana C ' af <the hast analite: annstuntle kank an duh best quality, eonstantly kept on %HF"~ Meals ready a, all bours. ‘MHull, Nov 2. 1377 3036 Sum Weiher, bred and fePby Mr.Gisorge Hood, 9t Gusiphy wok the nat price se the Hhan ilton Agricultural Show, and first prize at Gueiph Christmas Fat Caitle Shows, and un.lcq‘.ï¬â€"s A magniticent Ewo, ‘* M m.*m 1al prizpa, together with 1#) PRIME WEsrER® s1E®Ep. _md‘â€AA&Aâ€M M Nine hundrel seres of Land near the aty. £ i+ J, W, Motil‘IRE, West side of the Canal Hwin, near the Nkating Riok, Mume Hall. . Orawn, Nov 23, 1872.______ 3033 6m Tnï¬ï¬wu Abb 1.3 DEKkANgo®: mants ara tha anmman smmua af wa 46 and a cbhoice selection of The first over into (Othiwa en quisige wiappo! of bor, and Jovs ket, bred and .‘:““.: --.-um-.wu:'mz. Ir.mwd This splenâ€" This car« in patting zNMbu did animal. iook the Tad prize At the | io be aure of obtaining 14 qravine" Rrow s (Jueiph Christmas Fat Show, 1874 | Erouchink Procegs "" *4 6n *=* yn Mamilton, and 3rd prise at “â€"_ 0.::- A.hun-.p MQ::r:huuA'mâ€"“ K P R&RI N CEB, ?.?.;ï¬&"‘"“"’"""“‘.: to be the finest beast of hi much to their personal 'm ‘The .m...:.: m:-f&'hymn- Byron‘s a matoniess four peay off AQ %COH® 0f| Fulmonic Wafers?‘ Because when used hy 0t hh css d '-.lq ‘ with of and vfe uce »ul ied mtemheaof shont ted of four year old Durham stoors, * MARQUIS AND A08B1%, Brod and fad by Mr. J. 4 Ar-tn.ï¬.:( Kramosa, Well County, C. W, q:'u ml:f:.u the Provinoial show, at Hamilton, 1%72, lst prize, silver lars over the whols continent for being tho bast bonst bbm Noble twok 3rd prize at the Nhow at ru-,m.a nvud.o.t;.mg “mm 4 ’.."†bred three year olci d * W ood tor Sale. RARI CHANCEK FOR BUNNEA $5,000 Per YÂ¥ car. All persons out of c.ploy.nzcr doâ€" ies than they ano now in, thoult efucd 63 of March, male or female, bhoiding Bovand or Third a{ certificate. _ A e m- RIDDELL, HUGOH GA INSPOR (6, @EORGEK MORG A N. to T tnthed from the West with Thnty cce hana Oof the primast foe full i &o., &o,, of a business n-m -q-d.:blyâ€"b from $2000 to $XX) per annum. 1872, CHRISTMAS BEEF, 1872,) SATCHELL BRos. Butchers to His ERrcellency Lord Duiferin, Governor General Uttawa Dec., 7, 1874 | T. SÂ¥ JULIEN, WRNITURK 1| â€" FURNLLUKRE: Nov ®, 18721 A lchool Teacher for A. 4. No. %, Town~ Advovate, Barrister XUMHANGE HUOUTEKL, Mawed and Unsawed. MENKY F. LEMONT & CuU., MAIN ATRERE®, WOLL, P q. MEREFORD YIEER, WESTERN CATTLE, of Canada. A i 0b Uame, V enison, oose, woighing Montreal. 30. %0) ) uw wild and | 2133 be perfactly satisded with the resalit. -â€"u:' the name, and see that the signatare o# Haerd CUn. is on saoh paskage. Northrop & Lpnas.‘ N ow o ae bbe, uos.rqlhh-la Unnoade _ Weold by aitl medicine dealars aatn. W osonue w40 m»raimme Bvaeue is the .nm.au.am-uh-hmh: amwd Nuss= 1y the United States, and has boeek e lor thimny poase with mhl:: aalosy and smcs omm by millions ot mothors mu’m, hom the tooble Iniunt of ons w okh UWto theo atuit,. 1t corrects aoidity .4 the «»mach, tolloves «ind collk, reguimtes t w (0UOOO (11. YÂ¥ {!HKRINE romoves dandrugd wanlat Conmivio® MEDBICIHLâ€"â€"At & 40k%414 medicine lor horees "Dariep‘s Condition Pm dore and Arabian Heare Remedy® has ao oqua‘ lin eGfecte in this respeot are astonishing ; many hornes that wore supposed to be broken dows and almoest worthless have, by the use o a in paskuages, been restored to a ae | somad coadition, all trases of the dissase u.u.rm-d have besen bb-.“ uou..-.::.uq odl.!n vu“{ ve brought; w want a be vet medicine got ~g-u¢sc.fl.mu NUA WIRALOW‘ 300TULAA #AYRUEZ Having twa tao slmmile ( " Qurtia & Perk in Jb the ontaule wrappar _ All othore *»« be comm d tw t bines * U aw, Jonuson‘s Auodyne Linotment is a remed) to also the bast pate Litter i; don _ He ante and oall fos Kowt ano Waows â€"lIt in b: with your wile ..w‘ M-h.ujn.-‘n.h% and it in wrong to spbak of great vrirtues another man‘s wile, to reaund your own of Inuit; but it 1 aost 'ql.-im the @Unnaiiin Pain Destroyer" and ng its wondertul sftects, to recommend it es ‘#‘hmï¬tbh tinn, ow no aqual. For sale L‘ lwruggists and sountry desileors,. Price 25 otn,. par bottles. COC(+GLYCOERINE â€"â€" Someâ€" thing new for the hair. No toilet table should be with out COOO-?LYOB‘INB.“ « at _3 L0 CEaks Arabian Hearse Remedy." We know gpou ww dvalore, 186 ountaea botble. OMos, 415 Puite : ditooi, ho« York, and 093 Ocstont Btroct, Lan Mavo your a Aofuto wn ach mnnf H you choumatienm lo aay form you #» anm k, o bunches camsed by shenmatle palns:s UUC(MIHL,Â¥ORRINE nonurisk the hair B\' ANX OKDEK IN COUNCIL, dated 17th December, lg:.‘ m IT 180 «+ when any lie is % to security for the e Feigimest "or "be, Sile o ht nher O rdc': Bowts DMMIO D0 CAMDM The Canada Guirantée Company may be accepted in Leu o‘ private amirtties, rdl‘zfl:b‘d.rh:"m.l Mu There in, therefire, no longer the nectssily which Ahas Aitherto Kor Goeernment Officers to involve their in serious responsibilities as snreties, as the oppor thunity is now affordes them of being tumin ows wU auerh t hyr of a amail Annnal Promium to (mpany . outeide Wrepper t hon, wl ‘ertvate Gore :lput atamp w.:'-tl fl- honrseness, &o., they ast like a charm. Ministers and iawyers use them, physsâ€" blic speakers lhq.“lh : an are :lflo’ mm’ htllomv‘ Copies of the Order in Cowmncil, m luses, and atl information, be nWblb'.n: Thg Nold by all medicine deaiacs «t 20 cents per box. CHI 'l':o. tGoveranment of Quebes, :dmut):r::mm-tb bottor than other artiolon. Obtain only #Browa‘s Bronchial Trook~s, and do not takeany of the Worthisces /wppatrons that may is offeredt »Trooume," so called, sobl by the sho@ts & imitation and Uike BLOWN** BRONCHLAL TROCHES #aich are so4d only In bozes with /10 â€"simils of the propristeas, m:.e.. Why sbould we use " Byron‘s io Walors®" Recause when used for coughs, solds, tiokling in the throat, CANADA QVUARANTEE OOMPY, mhwumï¬d:h.ï¬ conddonce in thoit oficaoy ; have bosn :E:' u-:.nd maintain the .: thoy have jnitly acquired Pu Apmkers, Singors, Military O(Mcors and those who overtus the volco they ars usotul in relloving an Irritated Throat, and will ronder articulatton snsy, Being an art ¢lâ€" of truo morlt, and | aving proved their affloacy by a toat otr many years, sach yoar dude them nmmmnmmuuï¬ amd the Trochos atse annaiversally Â¥otice Respecting Suretyships, HEAD OFFIOE, Tuzx Oxry COMNPANY Licensed by Government to Transact Guarâ€" antee Business Throughount Canâ€" ada. President,â€"B1K ALEX. T. GALT, K.C0.K4.6, Viee President,= JVMHN RKANKLN, Kaqg reiiod :flrmr.wwu.m @dand boubles, i sadewesd to weult in sertous Puimonary, .â€".:‘: * Ukowa‘s ARONCHIAL TRouni®S ARKROW N‘H TRAXH KS ars compan~aded ao as to reach dbsootly t wil ol the Masmee and c«ite almost instan Uheridan‘s Cavairy Oondition Powders, hare published a rwadable and instraotive pamsd phist, which may be had free at the storce Canar Conotrion Mapitisnâ€"â€"As a Montzeal, Jang 181. The BRonds ot this Company are PUBLIC OFFICERS SPERMAL â€"NOTICES proprtators ol Johnsous Aaodiyas 118 Conuraxty tmmediately A _ KXFEKRIKNOE® OÂ¥ AB Lb NURAK NONTKEA L. OMTaAWA FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1873. 31 ip. 5, His has been %flmm. that a Inspecotion Distriot ba, and the mame is haroby sat oft amd established in znhuhl:':l.m to &â€"M†1 Inspaction iriiis of London and Toronto, and known as the Inspeotion Districs of Windeacr, and that henceforward thathree Inspection Dis triots aforeaald shall be reapectively conâ€" atitwuted as follows : TbT.h Districs of Windsor to comprus the Ialand Revenue Divisions of m and in of the. proplaoes at e un ‘Betuion ‘of ym Aet I VÂ¥ios.. Cuza. 4. Hin Exceliones ha been VHILKPH, id KOLLARS, KUFPY, M’â€"“ bo order Cram. eA mer ce rvl ud s rv l Squinn dn JAMKES ANGUNM, Foe 8 :-‘ld- to the 'hfl. Merchants‘® Bank Blook, Hparks Swesat, (Lor) Metoaite. dainws, Nov D, 1872 Luul)tl-hglw m, arrive at Watertown N&B,(M\c-l’-l:;:-h mko‘:'o';' A ‘wnq;: York 1.30 a m, 6 50 a m, Bosâ€" hiwo Byracuse 10 25 p m,Rochesâ€" a m, Buftaio 6. 2) a Suspension am, Close pmade at *w for= all Car attached lo this train at and run through to New York: RRTVRXINO. PM enatorprise,â€"Canadian i tm ite its execution, â€" flmmuq on (mnadian paper, with Canadian type. thure w vour Busrost. lree q'h.ï¬â€˜l. on tireat cash indlucemonts to clubbers. @ the Faworitea" in -uz.u Nows» dealers and on all R«ilaay Address, GK) E. DESBARATY, 3 ue and 1/ Ktendard National, im and after MONDA Y , Novamber 25th, 1873, and .until u&n-ï¬ traine will run on this m (aundays excepted. ) Leaves “'1wa-.uflnu !mm a m, Oewego 1.00 p m, wome 1. P m Mh‘-‘i'am York Central ‘lâ€lm) r Kast and West, arriving at Utica 20 p m, Albany SUlpg New York 10.00 pm, Npringdeld 1.30 a Boston 6.00 a m, Nyracuse :ubpn,iom 6.05 p; Buftalo 9.00 a m, connecting at Buffalo Nuspension Bricge for all pownts West. N. B.â€"Pubsoribers at $2.000 will be sarrâ€" «d with the weekly lssue lor one year, un lsss they specity that they prefer the mooath!y. “:n. Fuvorite" Maxim.â€"Canada for Canadiassâ€"whether by birth or adopâ€" tiom. ht-hlp“z-.luntn to be. a Nation. *@The Favorite" is a WIR N THE GOVERNOR a L IN COUNCIL, WATERTOW4 & OGDENSBURG RAILROAD Ths Dttam @#" in vogae. At the year‘s ond, ouch subâ€" “flzno nl-o: lum containing aquiralent of a Oy cant volumes, at a cost of ONLY TW DOLLARS, "The Fuvorite" lssue.â€" "»The Favoritq‘"‘ will be issued :â€" 1, In weekly numbers of 186 page at 5 cann ba. % In monthly parts of 64 or ) pages, in a bhandsome cover, at 4) conts. . No. 1, Place d‘Armes Hill, and 319 MA Antoine Mireet, Monireal Dunl:k 2101 8 aw dkw QUWV ERKX HOUSE, OTTAWA. Watartown JUAB a Uaewago 1.MX) Rome â€" 1.25 p m, -:"ww "“g‘:" lanln‘utompn.an 11.40 p m, arrive at Watertown 7.45 a m, (Afteen mï¬lbh * ipkAD a Loave M‘uï¬ 8.00 a m, An-1lfl :g Rome 5.23 p m, arrive at Water 4456 p m, Ogdensburg 12.15 a m. ih'rw-hlh'-u-’vd ma, we ‘cinb- -0;-.“:% abor | w bliakhet U“nl‘ 'onlmlhw -i-twh&i.u-nhnnmlh Fum, the Garden, Housebold, Bcien= tife and Literary intelligence, a column of Wit and Humor, &o. Get a sample aum bar at the Newsâ€"dealors, or write for one ll-rll‘:t-tlm The R #4 M"â€â€" m nq-bh-wohn?& while more convenient for a«bhoote, in also better adapted for and con â€" inins tifty par cent more maiter 18s728, 1878. wWINTER ARRANGEMENT &, T. FRAYX, . . Oocnl'lbtlp_t The best and Cheapest Paper in America. | Machine and surface Plainer, . Situated sttz | on hunk of Madawaska River, close to line 16 pages WEEKLY for $200 per «owagh. | of Arockville and Otitawa and C. C. Rail: «utm â€" way, in Village ~of Arnpriaor. Machinery *©The Favorite" Plan.= We have plan | all nearly new, amd in good working order, ned out a paper which gives more readinog | with siock of i~gs now in booms. An lor less money than asy paper in America. | sbundunce of timber to be had reasona~ We to furnish a betier, fuller, ble. -.m‘ more curelully edited The aubsombars being about to build a paper at $2 per annum than v umported | Lumber Mill, offer tine desirable proparty paper which costs you 83044 While giving | tor sale. _ 8i isnn licd m?-mamn onpri@ laland Revenue Divutme _ 1. W. MOAK, Nev 3. 1812 3035 We , 64 u-w"v-a.b. c Demmber 2, 1871 2140 4 law ~“ m"‘{"’ x ME SEKCRET OP HEALTH. UE NEW CaNADIAN weekLy, â€"| § !LL PrRoPE&ry rOR SALE veryone should have it. Fent Post ln_lgqn(n:hhr. able tho Minitae of inland Re Wainssiay, 14th Dec., 1872 W. aA, HIMSWORELM DK. EV ANS, tion of the Honoe» Direct from England, all sizas, single and double. «Orders from Public Institutions or private families solicited. Also, _ _ _ n _ 1 Parties intending to make application mr MP FIJ RN Al/m ! to Parliaiment for Private Bills, either tor b 1 granting exclusive privileges, or conferâ€" For (Uoal or Wood. Public and private | ring corporate powers for commercial or buildings heated in the most modern and ) other purposes of profit, or for doin’any- md method, andâ€" satisfaction guarâ€" | thing tending to allect the rights of proâ€" «| M prt required till after | nerty of other parties, are hereoy notified .fl“ been applied . that they are required by the 51st and B8TOV EX of all kinds as usual follo wing Rules of the House of Commons TINWARE, Wholesale and Rotail. whi ch are published in full in the Crnada a.' uc 'TA R Gazelle), to give TWO MONTHS NOTICE "O of the application (clearly and distinctly COAL STUVE, the best and most econoâ€" | enscifying its nature and object), in the mical heating Stove in the market. Uall | ©anada Gazette," and also in a newsâ€" and see. paper published in the County or Union H. MEADOWS & Co., | uf Counties affected, such notices to have Corner of Hussex and (Gieorge Sts. _| one or more signatures attached. f perous of Arnprior, Ontario, being A apgend of fou fros: 11 cod 14 Fonuing For further particuiars, apply to the mubwu I8 MoNAMARA, A s Jauny 20th, 1873. lflm:v with BSgebhool Diploma, and iwo with 5:':--. One of the Bohool required to loach nali‘nuh. ... Apply t WILLIAMS, The above firm (the only Boiler Build â€" ors in Ottawa -m-!w-nho- jure all descriptions of 8TEAM BOTIL ERA MWiÂ¥~ Kvery altention given to repau Kigin and Daniel Streets; the hote!l is in ‘.::.:-M,:o‘- .dwuâ€l of are stabli the very best, suitable to mï¬u twoenty eight span of horses, and out» buildingra, with every accommodation for botelâ€"keseping. An indisputable title will All persons having leisure, and wish ing come, please sand d:.'.â€":‘bohin- to unâ€" dersigned. (Decupation easy and honifaâ€" bla. suited: to all amt especially TO LADIEH, â€"$2 to $10 per day without risk Oor expanse. QLMW. Dec 31, 1872 152 2 d&w on or addrers ~*â€" â€" JOKN J. FULTON, Uounsellor at Law, MMA1 â€" ~No. 180 Broadway, Now Y orkCity. TLEAMS will be carried from RENFREW Insures every description of Property | * | Tadiapplicable 10 private | pri ‘n and mmniwn, at lownt‘ eurrent rates. f T. M. CLAMK. For Uoal or Wood. Public and private buildings heated in the most modern and md method, andâ€" satistaction guars s Nonrt required till after wl peroaglng to the osiate of W. 4. Hoott, ':‘C-bd.&dy of W‘h, will be offered for sale at Petarborough, by public auction, in the month of August next,; (of which due notice will be given.) im oaep tm enatominls monoply "of mills water power, and r-:bbdm-hwn fourteen to sixâ€" teen millions in the season. inspection bl;:h‘. t6s uROKRGER kï¬'l;!‘. Assignec, indsay, Ontario. Jany 24. 1873. 112 im Absolute divoress legally obtained in dil« tion, general misconduct, &c., sufticient cause, No publicity requiredâ€"no charge to OTTAW A at the rates : 1 Team with dnm%‘h â€" . $5.50 1 Horse with driver auld‘. rrrv ied y (~ . ABBOT1, h'mh“flo'ï¬ï¬:‘h‘rï¬fm Dominion of Canada, next siltting thereof, for an Act to continue the GRANJ> TRUNK ARRANGEMENT3 ACT, 1862. _ Or such clauses thereol as may be deemed expedient, lor three years, from the first day ~of Jm-n& Also to authorise â€"the issue of secontd BKG TO ANNOUNCE Having just received another lot of the * MMBER LIMITS AND MIL1LA. BROUOKVILLE and OTTAW A Patent Wraught Iroo Bedsteads mvil:s Jan. 16, 1873, "tEk GKRAND TRUNK VALUAILl MOTEL FOR SALE rnbdqclhq:m-ofn-: uet to exgved «..""E‘.'.L aker t 'l\lll RUYAL _ INSURANCE â€" COM. PANY. Capital Ten Million Dollars, Containing Machi for the manulac» ture of Shingles, m::-’nd Barrel Headâ€" mg ; also, Tongue and (Grover, Plaining Machine and surface Plainear. . Hituated on hunk ol Madawiwka River, close to line The subsombars being about to build a lumber Mill, offer thre desirable proparty 1or aale. Far furtbhar iewlare, address, phe A. ROW K. Mtawa,. I.: Meadows & Co. |a RATILWAY COMPANY ‘ i â€"' f THKEE SCHOOL TEACHERsâ€"One Campbell & McBride, |fee imported trom SUREAM BOILER MAKERA, !m..g:u'm-:.o:' f ut maipmpeiet | .. 1Co...3 Mitaws, December 23, 1812. 2122 13. (Miawa, Now 16, 1872 (Miawa, Jany 11, 1873. 4 2161 10 Jaoy 24, 1873. ANGLISH BEDSTEADS !!! A splendid Hotel for sale in the Jany 28, 1873 Notice is hereby given that an applicaâ€" _ Apply tw JOHN Wlmï¬ &m,'m.. MT 30k Uitawa County, P.Q. Notice to Lambermen. V ORCHES, 1 a 4 RARE CHANCE. RAILWAY. OF CAaNADA. CAWSS & CO),., Arnpmor. #1715b Manager. All Petitions for Privateâ€"Bills must be presentead within the first three weeks of °B i fee imported from Canada than on Tea or Coffee imported from any other country, | then the Governor in Council may impose on Tea or Coflese imported into Canada from the said United Btates a duty of Customs equal to the duwmo in the United States on Tea or imported from Canada; provided that Tea or Coffce imported into Canada from any country mum;:'um,m U Butqb“ in nited shall be free from duty. models, Bent i paid, on ipt of price. Address lo'mamb(hmb- sale Dealers in Novelties, Brockville, Uni, Dec 6. & s 11149 d&e .w to a d of ten cent, ad valorem, while Tz and Oofl‘o,:: imported trom countries east of the Cape ol Good Hope, aré free from duty. _ hnb‘ that a duty of ten per cent. m and the same is hereby authorized to be levied and collectod on Tea and Coffere imported into Canada from the United States of America, W. A, HTMSWORTH, . Clerk, Privy Council. (Oiltawa Dec. 27. 2150 + Dominion‘ Parlor Steam Engine * * + Little Uttawa‘ T-x-boutl.ï¬o; * Brith +#3 Hteambosat $2, _ All real working sxap, Axn» wur®REi3 the contingency contemâ€" plated by thoTnbo.v:d r::u‘nd Act has occurred, and Tea ee imported into the United States from Canada are Mis excellency in Council on the recomâ€" mendation of the Honorable the Minister of EFinance, and under the authority aforeâ€" said, has been pleased to order, and it is mixed. ~On receipt of 25 cents a Sealed PFicket is drawn without chice, and sent by mail to any address.â€" The prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticketâ€" holder on payment of One Dollar; ‘Prizes are immediately sent to any address by express or return mail. Cusronus DevarktMEXt, Ottawa, Dec 27, 18732 Notice is hereby given that His Exoelâ€" lency, the Governor (ieneral by an Order in Council, bearing date the 26th instant, and under the :u's\oriu vested in him, by the 3nd Section of the 34th Victoria, Cap. 10, has been pleased to order and direct that the following articles be: transferred to the list of which may be importâ€" ed into free of duty, viz : â€" k ALFRED TODD, 1 Ohf. Cik. Committees and Private Bills, H. of Commons. t)ttawa, Dec. 3, 1872. 2133â€"9. law GOvERNMENT HOUSE, O'lTAWAé, ‘Tuesday, 24th ";l:'{ of December, 1872 PRESENT : HIBâ€" EXCELLENCY THE GOÂ¥ERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL WHIREM!by the Act passed in the 35th year of Her Majesty‘s l‘en‘:} entitled : = An Act to amend an Aoct the present Nession and to enable the Governor in Council to impose a duty on Tea and Coflese imported from the United States in the mnr umdni mentioned"‘ it is provided that if at any time any greater duty of Customs should be payable in the United States of America on Tea or Cof, §955,000 You will know what your prize is belore you pay for it. Any Frize exchanged for another of the same vaiue. No blanks, Jur patrons can depend on fair dealing. _ _â€"Ormioxs or tus Press:â€"Fair Dealing ean be relied ?onâ€"N. Â¥. Heraid, Aug. 23, A genuine distributionâ€"World, Sept. 9. | Not one of the humbugs of the dayâ€" Weekly Tribune, July 7. They give general satisfactionâ€"Staatsâ€"Zcitung, Aug. 5. wbtbl‘ouawa:â€"nuhhs.hm, drew | $13,000; Miss Hattie , C ton, $9,000 ; Mrs. Louisa '{". 8t. Paul, $1700 ; &mlo‘l * m, 1 * # Annie w New 000 ; Emory L. t, Columbus, Ohio, $7 One Casu Girr in every ‘package of 150 tickets gnaramteed, 5 ts for $1 .00 , 11 fa“w‘hï¬hfl.w 50 for $5.00; lws. ted, to whon} we offer Ii wan w we iboral inducements and satisfation. AnprzESS : Felt, Cotton and Woollen Netting and Flush, used in the mannfacture of Gloves and Mite. the Ression, Plu VATE BilLA} 0 °+ * sa**renrsa~* â€"| pann 1Â¥ ‘" "rLiTY..‘./+~ :‘ 0d s0u C re AaA t aea* 800 200 « T; * n * a=r ‘a% 200 55 _4 S e i rir t *# 44 100 400 Gold watches, . ... ... $75 to 300 215 Bewing Machines . ... . 60 to 150 75 Elegant Pianos....... each 250 to 700 ‘The divideand will be payable at the rate of exchange current on the fourth day of Januargy, 1873, to be fixed by the Local Boards or Managers. h &0 _ aMelodeons....= © _ 50 to 200 Cash Gifts, Hilyer Ware,| eto,, valued at..... .... $1,500,000 A chance to draw any of the above prizes for 25 cents, Tickets describing The Court of Directors bereby give notice that a halt yearly dividend at the rate of eight per cent per annum, on the Uapital of the Bank, will be Vytbln on the HOURKTH day ot JANUARY, 1873, to the proprietors of shares registered in the No transfers can bo made between the 23rd instant and the 4th proximo, as the books must ba : closed during that period. ky order of the Court, j R. W. BRADFORD, No. 124, Bishopsgate 8St., within lomdon, K. C., Dec 3, 1872, yy onpkueui N CASH GIFIS,J To BE DISTRIBUTED BY THER Mercantilao Prize Association OF NEW YORK, DALLYE DHAWING® 111 R. 8, M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs. Ottawa, Jany 6, 1873. 2157 A PRIZE FOREVERY TICKET, Toh Gin. . .. }~*.:â€" .SV . 2: ApOH 6 Cuth Cilfts, each. .. ...‘ 1. ;/> M Rereazxous ;â€"â€"By kind permission we 17 and 19 Broadway, New York. Nov. 30, 1876. 802 ANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMKRICA OTICKR. Incorporated by Royal Charter. By Command, NUEL & CHARLIER, he F3 .$100,000 5) to 200 2146 b _ All Housekeepers | By the use ol 'Mhfl?tbfluot our Road in lowa, upwards of 18,000 RBritish subjects, .dtlonnh:borin Nebraska is proporâ€" wum':i.u-.. and there are hr-cdswc.lo-‘:liw"m call for "all â€" that" mre wanted to read and rm.-%...‘ ‘Westand thrive, Friends will m«mmm at 30 cents, and of Nebraska lands at same price. For c ui. d ce 200 en " budain On Ten Fear‘s Credit at 6 per cent. Interest. Products will pay for the land and im provements, much within the limit of this generous credit. Better terms are nct oflond.andrvhblyunrdllbo. The Soil of lows and Nebraska is rich Semore thap, mope: high mnchats onl seasons uxyb:’flm-ï¬uh_-u light MXprens _ _ *! _ ~_@..........%./ mmnmoflum m.‘ â€" r'!‘ull_:_brandu! TRAINS now leave Montreal as tollows :â€" n Go:nxg wWEsST, l::rn-'â€"'ii-ii'oi York and Boston, via omontOonufl.;&.: Mail Train for 8t. John‘s and ncn&; Point, con: with Trains on mmï¬;gumcmm&m -Bouthu Counties Junction Railâ€" IOWA ‘AND NEBRASKA LABDS "-"""“‘_‘Q Iand Commissioner, Burlington, lows. °* And ploake say in what paper this advertisement was seen. Iwim or _barbquring _ PIERRE _ RAJOTTL, NAPOLEON TaRDIS, MOISE COTÂ¥, and TdUIA‘.B“lAGAlTlY. tne M‘; men naving our employ contrary to their :fuwu. Any persons doing so after is date willkbe prosecused to the utamos mgor of the law. 4 WX HURDMAR BROS. 10th Feb.. 1873. A 218 , . " WWRPEEL . sas h Â¥k is : : +Lben‘t + + waran‘t +* 6+ «o RIOO BWR Mixid Drain for Island Pond and i\ Aigrgl m (uuolh mra ! tnnininmak Paabovarmeadt prd o4 O YOPCT """“""““M‘“"“.“u Bherbrooke, Pond, at..... ../...145p.m. Night Express for Island Pond, Gorham, Burliagton & Mo. fiver R, A, Co. o Torprine n dncbos mapail 24 """® M Stiate aha SL. Hyacththe _ Ec Arinignt. As the uality of the Trains on punct ty FiA m'“ not be responsible for trains not arriving at or mvmnymumm. The splendid steamer * " running in connection with the Grand Railway, will lJeave Poriland g‘nflllx. .B., every HNaturday at 4.00 p.nt . excallient accom â€" modation for Passengers elglnt, 7 _ For further informat rrival imiidiatontiant im . | ; To Lo o doo l .‘ Managing Director. It is put up in boxes to last a family about three months, and can be had from all respectable Grocers, Druggists, and Dealers in House Furnishing Goods, at 30 cents per box. Wholesale at: Pullman Palace Parlo¢ and Handâ€" some New Ordinary Cars on all Through Traing, and. Palace Sleeping Cars on all Through llf.ight lrains over the whole ine. a s Mail for O ‘tava, Bropieuiie Aigmon bollayine: Goverich) Baiaio, ‘Detrolt, Chicege:, ) | . nity, * C M Otltawa, Jany, 7, 1873 Crand Trunk Raitway Co‘y. of Canada. tween Portland and The most ordinary ironer is enabled to compere with the most skilful, giving the« linen the appearance it had when it came from the store,â€"new and beautiful.‘ Goods dorie up with it keep clean much lonm thereby saving time and labor in washing. ‘This is the most economical ar« ticle that can be used, costing only about three cents to do the ironing of a large family. It gives the Linen such &a smooth glossy surface that® the dust and dirt wili not ‘aahere to it, so that it will keep clean much 1onrr It is very highly recom. mended by the Montreal Herald, La Mincrve, Le National, and by all the lead: ing American papers. «615 °9 m 1872. Winter Arrangements. 1873 For imparting a fine gloss to Linen Shirt Bosoms, _ Cutls, ; Producing the same gloss and _ Carters are authorized to grant receipts, thereby relieving shippers from further TA for Furnit Way* Spenial rates iture. soe«‘al W, K. BAKER, En am ellene Office s Wigin Street, opposite Russel House. Urders left at above address will receive prompt attention. _ As when bought at the Mard Finish 8.0 a.m., 10.00 a.m., 8.30 p. m. intermediate SBt@UODS. ....»â€".â€"».»+»++» Through Tickets insued at the (FJompany‘s prin Montreal, Oot 21, 1872. 10th Feb., 1873. We forbid any person or persons hiring Freight anud Cartage Agencey. Enamellene, (OMtawa, Feby 3, 1873. HEN@Y F. LEMONT & Co., 236 SL. Jamesâ€"st., Montreal. ESMONDE BROS. Wholesale Agents for Ottawa and viciâ€" NaNADA CENTRAL RAILWAY, r. way ‘le e ve Baggage Checked Through. OTICE. MICLLIOMS OF ACRES STORE NEWV Jand, Boston aid the Lower Pro. s nd T lay at 0.00 p. m . for Bt. Jolin; N.B., &e. Gorng soUTH AND EAST for Boston via Vermont Central Collars, Lace Cutams, UNK 2151 ly3w also run beâ€" Agent., 2180 30 p.m 6.00a.m. 4.00 p.m. 8.40 a. m PRICE~â€"3 CENTS CUb‘rOIB D!Pu‘l'l‘,lm.u- * Oumawa, , 1873. Authorized discouns :’An-im Inâ€" Â¥oices until further notice: 12 cent. ; R. 8. u._noucurxtu. c Commissioner ol Customs, PERKY; Fire Inspector. o S T. M. CLARK , Agent. OFFICEâ€"Bang‘s Block, corner BSpacks and Elgin streets. 17607 N.B.â€"She financial position of the Royal |n-owz:li~dbylh recent Fire at Chicago, Comyp having no Agert d.-.t-ht.:s'do. CaAPITAL Ai O le .$10,000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over .â€"... 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over. . .. _ 9,500,000 %;L LIIFE ASSURANCEK 6, T hete havingâ€"bute added HIRMY o pmhfl.mmm&uu offered to pmboldeu. Besides the large paid up of the Company, asâ€" surers have additional security in the UNLIJMITED LLABILITY of a Wealthy mmmrmflfl All descriptions of insured against Loss or Damage myundu- Losses promptly settled without referâ€" ence to the Home Oflice. toihn-hl?p‘d. *A wb :__ the past year. Lingler Wm * McKay Wm Lunn Miss R McKay Jno b‘lmdoyunli-l :cehn.li‘un‘ . ueas 8 B * McPherson Jno lawry WO H B J McMullen P Moiac Chs o P. Bakk®, _ 2183 w Postmaster. J See in another colummn, adversise ment about lowa and Nebraska Lands, Hill Ben Doyle Jas * Scott \Donahoe Jerry F30L Drummond M 2 Nehre Driff Miss M NCotut Drausfield J M * Shany DuKe A > Shear Durkin Mr P Simp Dunn Miss 1t Ninct Ermnest Jno Nloan EKdwards R 1J Smit Evans Miss M A Smes Farmer Miss A Suut] ll:m W Bmit ergusson Mr Bmit! Fitzpatrick Miss M Soun Foley Wm Stafic Fox a A © Btitt Foss Mr Ntow Fralick R BR Ntove Fraser A 3 Swoa Fullerton Jas Sullis Gammond Miss M Asupe Gibson J A Tayl Gibson R M â€" . Telfc wordon Rev Jno 2 . ‘Thon Goodhall Miss A Thon Gordon Miss M J Thak Godin H F : Todd Grant Miss M Trut« Gray Jos M Trotter Geo. Gow Thos Vaughan Jas %lfl‘i! H 3 Waters Jas amilton Miss J _ Way Fred Hamilton Miss 1. E. Walkers Jas Mill Mrs 8 Walish Miss K !hlll'ulElL Walkers 5 C . Hanley Mes C Walker H G : Hardy & ~â€"_Walsh Miss C Hardy Miss M Walios Miss ; Hall Jll.t,l Weich M Heney Jno Webster C R. Heuston Miss M Weich Jas Hewson Geo Webster W Hilson Mrs Jno Winillan Alba Henderson Mrs 11 Rinton Mrs Hillingdon A F. Hoiman E Huntley M Hudson Miss R (,r:n& Jas â€" Davidson A Davis Emma â€" Dancey Mrs Ja Davis Jno ? Davis Thos Davidson W (;i Dewer Miss 1; Darcey Mr Cooney Jno Cochrane Miss M Collins Jno Cromming teo Hudson A JII‘VilJlIO James Miss M A Jones K E. Jones tion Thos R Johnson Ed Johnson J J Johnson James Judge D l‘C:'lu.thl,- vanagh Miss M A KnichonJA Kenedy Jno flby‘f ; Kelly John :: Kilner J i Kerr H F Iaughlin Miss N 2 ILawrence Miss R A Burke T Britton L Buchanan F, Butler Mrs JJ Caldwell Miss â€"M Casmedy Miss S Canns Sam Md{l Miss C Caufield K Carter Chs Chitty‘ W in Cnester C > Clauson KR t Cameron K 1i Clay J Clark W G Coburn A W Coateos W Colley J EF Little Miss R. Bell Jno > Be"\'id r'._..u Berry Gen Boorows /n Bryson Jas Brown W m Brennan M BRrogen Mrs Brewer Jas Llh‘l‘ OF LEITERS wemaining in the Ottawa Post Oftice, Jany. 3U0th, 1873 Abbott Misa C Lough Rebt Akenhead W * Lough S A Abernethy Aléex °2 Loveless Mr J â€" Acton Miss M Lowery Miss M Alien James L yuch Jos + Allen Arthur Dynch » - Andrew Miss BR 2 Mialone Miss M Armstrong J (1 Madden E > Ash J A * Madden Geo Barber Widow i. Merritieid Miss C Barke Miss Mitche: Miss A Bates Dr Mitchet 8 Bell Jno > Millgan Phil » Benvie Js4 Minions 3 Berry Gen a Martinau G M TOCZO OYAL TINBUKANCKEK OUMPAXZY, W Mr FIRE DEPARTMENT LIFE DEPARTMENT. noes on Lives granted on favorable Ino Chief Agents for Canade. Welch M Webster C R. Weich Jas _ Webster W Wnilian Albgrt wh. John White | Whillans 1)* Wihite P . *| Wilson Jas . | § Wiltiams Wilson Mise Will‘ims Xré H Wilson Miss Wilson Miss H M Wooa w G | Wyide T 3 | McaArthar I&x L 2 McAlistor Migs A McCabe J | s MoCumqg Miss S McCallum R M&P F MeBiroy it lcb-nuugi:c McFarland K A McFarland Miss C McDermitt Dun 2 ‘leDaunRAnbx McChane Mrs M McoGuire W Ksout Miss E. 4 Nchroeder Richd Neott Jno Nhannon Miss I Nhearer Miss C Nimpson Alex Ninclair Duncan Nloane J R Nmith Geo Smeaton Alex Sumuth H 13 Bmith J R McGee Miss J uox'dl ;l.x m" m McKay Jno Bmith Jno Rouney Geao Staftord F 3 Stitt Sam Ntewart Wim Ntevens (ieo Swoard Mrs Thos Sullivan Jno Superior H â€" Taylor J P Telford Miss Jane Thompson K Thompson Mrs E. Thatcuer F Todd Mrs J Trutch Jos M Trotter Gea. Vaughan Jas Waters Jas Way Fred Waikers Jas Walsh Miss K Moliee Jas hoss Jas Roberts Nobtoutt L i Nutledge Jas Russel! Wm mayer W _ Scott W Eaiterson Geo Parker REF z2 Pewory A P Peorry Miss M L Phillips Jno â€" # Phair Rabc 1‘00‘0 Arthur Procior Wm I‘rendergast Miss J nw,::r R Relh & F NeasbeckMiss K Kiddle W 11 s Richardson W l{‘)sl-um, u“:; Robb Isazac ncison Miss M Nelson Alex Nolan P U‘Conner Jas U‘ Comnor Mrs J lsor Miss R Uison J im ® x 9 «3 Moore F Moran 4 Mud®o l man A ( e W Rieley M Imsted 1» ,_ egan H irkinson Jas Miss A Miss M Alex 6 lu I t