'mmhlfcflo:‘{l, 40(;:‘.0-!0- C ttawn t, with fifly cords of maple ud Mnh',toi. 24 %‘ bemlock in ULiuncester; also, stock bm jerms reasounable, Apply to ) Pitedl to ‘ibe form " Neutest lightest Mat com i".'.‘:‘?‘n.':‘..'?;.'m.. aud 10) Â¥ "guld by all deaicts. grom *n io. 4 NU SSE S.â€"â€" Oomtort, @ satety and relief for Hor. Nome dn m haes Tonted witl harg rubser) sooh diegnife Ruter rasin clain nmben hrouk nof win" Uank in bathing ® uflbhorinlormation, with tull directions for nalng the Groat shoshonees Remedy & Pils, aud contaibiug Tostimonials and Cert fcates of Cures, can be obtained by securing the Treatise, the Hand Book, or th : A‘manac and Cireulare from any respectable . ‘ggist in the Dowinionâ€" free, f Prie op Romeody in laege Pint _ (laa. §1 00 m._â€ho-oc....c..-... wl on t ‘ m-mmmnu-.-wm‘ edicinatâ€"vegotable Ingredients, (some :Mohn'lll -uh-,u-bu.o‘l“ of Wild Cherry Bark, w_,a* ‘ """“c...,.."“'z::.‘::r“' J‘om pou P twine Aloes, on tor luto the composition c'lt com bingd medtâ€" rino,mmnel -‘:s it is made the most and -u:l.gu-.nh the known world, and munot help but art on the system in a very wtiginctory and destrable manner. No ter wflmdlu-tuyhadlï¬ amunding, it will And the spot and you by the rapid manner in which yoo an reatored to pertest health and full vigor. That the Ornar Snosnowaze Hewsor Puis, of the eminent hhl“_:i::h LEWIS JOSNEPHUS, of the 0-: of nhoahonees, British Columbia, working the most marvellous and astonishing Curw tho World has ever heard of. _ Neve« in tw anuale of Canadian Modical History has ave! ioc«as attended the introduction of, #r:! wedicine beretofore. ance o tt wamet?t cl wa sperlectly restored | to beartn. e I =. This Medicine is pleasant and safo to take, aud is warranted, and may positively be reâ€" Ned upon to make a permanent cure of all diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, m Mgeative Ol'lno,H #&e. “.,:'dl- ul the vartous Skin Discases, Hu all disoases arisiog from lwpurity of tL Rlood, exorpting the Third Stage of Consumption. Furthorinformation, with full directions for | 27 the Grait Shoshome im * ««piration of two days her symptoms were decidedly better.. She continued to improve «o rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was abla to sit up. . By the centinaâ€" You may publish the facts for the beneAt of thoso similariy aftiioted. â€" L _ _ t 0. BRows Epizcopal Methodist Minister. Proclaim the .Glad Tidings P WO _" J Pemim, Honoy, VoenTrine s | the bliood to Lealthy sinte. C Cth.ctermd .:".‘:‘"‘- ! * Toral Crackern, vory amusing for n-nu-ol 1t ,,.:m. remed '..nm J C «berlain, Keqâ€"Th certity . rtioe vous General k disauses We Apouk three yeare ago 1 bocame AAHCLOT | : cnumel‘s Viciet, Koso.Loaf,Bice, and other of the &- hl‘l: with Bronchitis, which wn«n-: ollet Powders, A boral allowauce to ship» ...‘J=|-. .:‘-&N m mounths, 1 was so aMlcted "*0t 94 | pire, tiona, Chest Other spoukt ‘And in the night Mess Aog Noh mt |* "ut.:'. seases arising from an state of the mumaa-ï¬t and86 Jh + w*, > 11 Boalovard Ful ‘direotions for taking this Greai bed to whr__' i -1!-5 ewet‘s "",I,“", saith Restorer sccompany each Bottle, :::nnnt-h-flu uuu::'vl&od Sold _ / ( -‘m“homn.-:’ in fact I continued I%, â€"â€"'h_i"'y'i_â€"""’"â€" that COMPUUND SYRUP t ag wone sit the thiee." At fhak ....'.‘.E pArcumnox‘s HAt D“h y | SARSAPARILLA, and no other, is supplie i to &MMM nhmu BEST them. e about finished | began to fesl a lHttles betior tect Dys. and Instan | C()., Montreal, and to be obtained frem 1 continued to use it until L had takon throe “‘.m_. no rikligulous d...oud*. e ioh oohe, it mt Holrolintind, ‘t duund tints or unpleasant odor. L-odb the | _ (Ottaws, March 9. 1872 .ill_“ “lm-""“ ‘"lumm m“ “u m‘m m Snb es ce es commemmmmm mm «â€"â€" ks wus to my lliness and have been so over Tukk 4 Black or Natuâ€" + ’.__;h;\ * yous arcrnn. ‘| rai drown, agd loares the hair Gizany Sorr e P »2 Bnooxivs, April 5th, 1870. J 0 Chamborlain, Bte _ This is to certt that my wile was very low with Lang Discase. ruwuz-uq Me said her inogs were and medicine could not help her, As a last resort I purchased a bottle WONDERKFULCURE OFLUNG DISEAXE ;o remain white apd 5 as the I N oware. ll‘oul ipolf. flu preée uABu‘.L‘s‘mm reâ€"tores. tront teeth, and can be easily used: Sulluient to ____ . mopsix teoth. _Pyo.b. nare uie cï¬ . bull airections for ase cnolosed in each box. ** Mesere. UGABKLEL aro _ . Wm in their aystem of Aullwr they i:wll:ar.h-!h momne cl: mkh.o-un.-'bs! ,_I @aABHRLEL‘3 | m'“ro. tain animal and vego JOHN AILVKER. Sworn before me at Smithfeld this 6th day esmm ty hk *~*~.: ~ > .. + Messas, | k dg n d t L M east a FARM KuUB SALE, & stt ® .. i0 t h ts As B Rulomu Ott Or _ JAMES DL Cure ot Bronchit. & i 4s 3 1872 [ c 2.0 | _ Coralite Tootk Pasts, tor cleans~ Im. and mu.‘znn“uo weoth, -‘: i ta win m'. a ]r.:mv: E:.“ the wh J omy i mg wean kO® | powder, and uv.m to the | onaumel. A‘meoe 48 94 sns gmwo as used U.qw. Devirrops | the breath, gfves u-i ‘uu whilencss, protects enamai . Pri00 14 #4, «g«% | iA water produces ploasan , rnflo and l‘m Moutn | Wash; it bardens the gums, preâ€" vents the ascumulation of lartar, gives tms breath a delightful perâ€" m-gmnllno-d»iz ’u-d:-nu Lod. is i# t ox~ nlhum.l..,r'uon. l Ww hite m“r:.‘u Enamel for ‘m.t‘uhMMaNuuui for mastication ; no maller buw iaf ; uesupod. £‘ti10e 18 4dâ€" W H Y ? Owner, on the LINGOTON, J P 4 | nnvanlioring hounents froe pare in thy 31, 33, 124 Southampton kow, lu-ul-d-n.yw | _ Rimm»!‘s Extract of Lime J 1ice and Olyâ€" cerine, the bost preparation for the Hab m-'.'o-... OM rtomad with {Oll Soap, pertaorm *# ® ‘Wnlm. very amusing for Balls and [hos., MORso N & 8 ON UELA U‘â€ï¬â€˜m of this autri \EQ -m:mmfxm' 'noa-n.un alleacy otf the Canauian Puain Destroyer, euring the Discasos fo: which it is recommended, and its wondortus I RDGengu® h.::.hm paine oi lons, entitle it to a high mak In the Hst or Remedies tor these complaints, Orders are .u“h“-o*:.l"u-l e loat Uifying as to the universal satinfaction i ’gm&mwflhn «Aveimmediate relist, All medicine dealor wwulu kAaAiN DEBTROYER now been before the puablic for a longtl O time and whororves used in well UHikeq never tnlling in a single Instance w give perâ€" manont relidl whon timely used, and weo have never xnown a single case of dinatinlaction where the directions l.'olu.p.:-lyh&- wwed, but on the contrary, all ars dolight=o with its operations, and speas in the highest wrms of its virtues and magical effects, & ontler and use it ; and no %‘:fl:cmn*u&un enly v caentse + "Woimorer Tibeim Bold in Ottaws by H Â¥ Mota:thy, Joseph y N SnA t uies use Mortimer and i1 doalera . We speak from experience in this matror amving tested it thoroughly, and therefore hose who are sudering from any of the comâ€"~ Inints for which it is recommenond may doâ€" wiad upon its being a Roversign Romedy, e Arrq & ukn nieer um . " m o ue Â¥ha=" . v ¢ : | ies ayine // Eht ~ -Bnc'uxwirs H M in t¢ bargfared wholoa and Dru Rmnmuo’a PERFVuEN® '-mumu-uu-myu All prises will be pald in Agonts Patronizsed by all the world, wantecd. l'umllruodhâ€" tockey Club, hick uthve pertumes G ':&-:.?&g 8 * t enera 4 ob, oft oxquiaito fragrar November Rlmme!i‘s Wator, Matilind fro Wevemnlseie rnets ." t87% .‘IL?& Mitcham Flowers. | | l ET ND tA Noh o io roand by 1 . MacCarthy, Chemist vnn-:»m OLOTHES LINES. kiurst come, Arst served. Addreâ€"s “lun-un llV'Il '_ll_ll C00., lh’ NStreot uronto, Untk. October 3 1872 * mata- 1/ Utiaws, Tth Dec., 1874 Authogised discount on American Inâ€" voices until further astice: "ï¬r K. 4A K. BOUCH L Commismoner of Custogm pestorn ong g94 o lï¬ c« | OM AHA .. LOTTER Y ‘ m nlsRaska Stitke orpsi. AND DUES !lo:\‘_:_u. THE SKIN. | A S Y L U M. JOHN GARDNER, .CHEMIST, | To be drawn in o public, DEC, 3oth, Is72 Tihets §1 or Siz for $8. s amd Buavrwoe The genuine ol W A, BATCHELORS Seid by .nï¬u. Factory, 16 Bond Street, New York. _ Rimmet‘s Tollet ..,.».........-.,fu &hlflmmm t / a RPSIN S‘NPB ITS FALLING OF, Em ALL OTHEK®, CONC AL E6E NAHADIANRPAIS OE#TROYER (Miaws, January 23, 1373 187 4k SMBELLINHED AabD GlLi##®Y USIOMS DEPARTMHsNT, ww‘: Homerton, ‘promgie N slingion Street Nols Manufaaturer and Propriator, dGAIN. + T8 NaATURAL O*MA*K, RAaAVIN® TF BKAUUTIFULAL Y WhLEK MANUFACTUREKK® ; | * Oreronâ€"Waunrisgros Bramer, Ortaw a lak on Iv HAine Shizping Orderm exnouted with cate MUNTREAL, whoisâ€"ale at all the \ < Othm, Ost49, 1872. hflin;m’ddh From the amallest Cazspo to a * By Command, uo-agydou-njn,b-' ear are to be Jou s2d suck of Fow se all cthent in ts &M-m».r. lhflflfldn“;td&o-.&d MARCH next, at Our C Uum-hlâ€"hl] -3â€-&.‘ for the ï¬ PAarCcH OF lMflbMd&m and conclude those things which in Our said hm.l of Canada, by the Common Council of (Uur said Dominion, may by the favor of Goi be ordained. aklerations, We hare \lo*tllhflhc o Pâ€"’ulb- io WEDNESDAY, the 1s Tas mohier af por mat 09 af Fou. on the sald RLGHTH cd ?&-qâ€:ut, Whereas the Meeting of Our Parliament of Canadn stands Procvogued to the Kwouru day of the mouth of Februauy next, Naventuzurzas, for certain causes and con. &o, &e, To Our Beloved and Faithful the Senasors OmpPuUuUND sYRUP OB s3AR BAPARILLA is the Qreat Health Restorer of the Day O &t. al the root ‘-fll Dissase mblwyohu. k (L U‘MEARA & Co.!® Â¥ICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the M%mnflw land, Queen of the Faith, &6, Wish to inform their anmerous customere ans I:. Inlie m, thas they have recelv@d PAEL & WINTER GOODS8, the highest sauthority in the State, and best business men. The hmited aumber of Tukets on hamd To be ‘ drawn hnhbl.«‘.mla?z _ Piekets $1 or Siz for $8. Tickets sent by Express C. t D , i deâ€" Confsting of Crowsering* ings, also a large supp! ins. Venstian _ M¢ In ins. Venstianm Meltons, &o.,. Twseds, Scouth, Ruglish and Cansadian, and splead.d stock of Readymade Clothing, all of which will be cheap Mr gash. We do not protend to aell r.n&nd-tnu'dn.hunnnudy sell at a m amail advance We are always selling of at & to defy comâ€" We have ao tll.:.i:“lbo yoear to our goods at a price t to teâ€" them afterwards, we sell cheap all the "nluhï¬ :.‘-m nl..' M amore wil be r-dd- n.mli':tnunlho t â€" and obo:co“ of Readymade ing to be tound in the clty. All being parâ€" surly in the season enables us to ofer inducements. Our Readymade Clothing rument will be found n-‘l:.n in the fol artioles : _ Qversonts, Jackets, Conta, M’ Conts, Boy‘s Oversonts, Poesa Jasckets, and ITweed Comte, also a large atook of Punts, Vests, Shirts, Drawire, Underâ€" shirts, White Dreas Shirts, &o, &o. We bhare «lso on hand a large lot of White and Grey Bi sts, Bhants Blankets, Hotss Wankets, Cottbn and Linena Bage, all of which will be sold choup for cash, Inspestion invited. t‘? Tailoring Department is, as usual, comâ€" plotsé in all its branches, and being under the «updrvision of a Orst class Cutter, gentlomen may rely on gotting a good Aiting garment. 1 Gitand Cash Prise. 1 Grand Cash Prize 1 Grmnd Cash Prize 1 Grand Caab Prize t Ciumh Prise..... .. I Cash Prize....... U "JQNUH FNHIINS," DAILY AND WEEKLY. 2THE ONLY FKENCH PAPER IN MKAMKMOTH POSTER members elected to serve in the House of Commons of (ur said Deminion, sumâ€" moned and called to a Mesting of the Parliament of at O« City of m-mmhnfld Faauy *Â¥ next to have been commenced and held and to every of youâ€" 5 Transiations made with accuracy L A. @RLBON, . Vnssb Priges, $3.(X0) each. . ... ..â€" 6. (48) Caah Proses, $2008) oach......,. 8 tAX) Cash Prizes, $1,000 each....... 201 For balance of Prizses send for ircular. This Legal Enterprise is endorsed by Jlentral Canadan, PUBLISHED INX HULL, P. Q A. DOYr 2180 8 ) U NCAN‘E Ix Trmwour Wusrzor, We havre NOBLE CHARLTY, in the @d Ireland and a Baronet, of Wur Most iNasâ€" trious Order of Saint Patrick, and Knight Communder of (ur Most Honorable Ordar of ï¬oï¬m ernor General of Canada, thow â€" ernor and Commanderâ€"in Chisf in and over the lsland of Prince Edâ€" ward and Vice Admiral of Canada and Prince Edward, &o. At Ouz® Uovrrxuzut lHou»s, in Our City of UrFAWA, in Uur Dominion, this Twwutr.Eout day of Jaxvasr, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand vight hundred aml seventy threae, and in the Thirtyaxth year of Our and Killefergh in the County Don, caused these Our Letiers to be made l'fltl\:ldlh. Ureat Neal of Canâ€" wia to hereunto ¢"izxed, Wi~ -â€".wm,uw.uno- loved and Councilioe the Right Honorable Mr Frzozao uw â€" ru,hldnun-‘n. \'hu-n.: the County Down in the Pesrage of DUFFERIX, EDOUARD J, LANGEVIX, Clark of the Crown in hancery, laurch 9, 1872 g E #q . ‘ es PROCLA YÂ¥ ATIOUN CiaNADA 1871 ument is, as usual, comâ€" | * BIK W M Pl’-udUhBOI,M.,'.I 8. a, and being under the LLWLXD, U. MLEVERING, K. D., M LCS class Cutter, gentlomen | + »1} J RANALD MARTIN, F. k. C. 8 " ood Aiting garment. ULVEAMACHER®S SYSTEKM is also ap WMEARA & CH+, iw*«. of by an official ol the Aca * is “ M.. 0 1%. Physicinng, London, and the 1mpetial | Gaxaenyw #$75,000) 5 CMX) 1 .4 tMM) D0) CX ) XEN 4) Roomse with ~private‘ board, aï¬' duh.dm‘ o this office. uko ont d+rm M'JQIA'M&' e N w ol gg hn lewt and Toothachke Uiver Comnplaints Plw Dotormus â€" in the Township of Thunder , Are m-muwnmgjgu unier and subject to romhn ob " the Genéral Mining Act of 18869." Applications to purchase to be made to the "Commissioner of Crown Lands," DMrections for om Pucket. The above discovery Bas gained for Proâ€" thasor Harman a Silver Prise Modal at the Interâ€"Colouial Exmbitlon of Â¥Victoris, Ausâ€" .m.,mmm-â€"-‘?m lor tiawaâ€"â€"J veanagh, Grocer, ’om‘-'q;-.d.;‘lum.hm.li‘- i«,; nlocowbe & Stovens, Sign of the Sugar The Powder is wartrantad ftrese from all ind ts Thivad anfwherd without ritk us it i quip be as harmless to Oate or De -&q'mc aak 1t. Loal, ocomer of Cumberlanand s.; hx New Wdiaburgh, J. W. MAOA;LCM Mr, N. K. Cormlar ; the Whuw. the Onowitian Provinces, are 4. &# Co, No. 1 Westorn Buildings, Montreal, Wav 12 1871 18411 1Â¥ in Fur«, Tick or Beab on Sheep or Goate ; also u&uamu&u& ui..".'.’ muo-w-.nur‘ ovitte The Powdor in warranted free from all bnd | by of Vicuoa, and its curative virttes urs can. Ants, Bugse , Oockroashes, Rlack ."ï¬&- on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Moths Which is known to be w VWar Buperteot to anythin ever g¢st Ds For killing Rats, Mice, Lasoots on Poalttg Ants, Buge, Cockronhes, Black Bootles, Fleas clee are exposed to no accident or danger, Ladieos perticulariy can enajoy themselves on this #wing without having to contend with 2ny of the mu?u..n aary dwings. u* . B T * kA PROF, l_mmmr VERMIN â€"DESTROVER, 1 :'-mu :::u by 'bom hl:n-lnaoflllh&o:nb «n.Lo.o,qu-qlum-.'ui:' * No Gaivanic Nnc-.â€"du those boeanmag the ino simlle of M. Pulvermacher‘s ignature on the labol, w K. LA YIGONE, (Quebec.) This now awing watains the moâ€" Uve power in it Wobf, no -â€":'.:d- on to drive it, and in it persons landuilging in that to examine the Full particulars may be had from the Sole Agouts, A. CHRISTNIE 4& 060. o o whhathes Lawbe (Mtawva, sopwmnper 6, 1810 1488 ns . \jaâ€"800®# q + Tn. ubeots of the application ot Puivesâ€" maboy s Chaing in any of the above disorders is Imimediately percoptibleâ€"the reliet of pain FRICEK Li=T OF PUCÂ¥YEBKMACHKLRe BAAXNX D8, BEKLTH, and OHAILNX BATTERY tor restoring vitalenergy, £4 to £1, © t blic cationed towage of Faoiais Riveiths BeY advericest iy Sparkse Htrowt PULVERKMACUER‘® MEDLCOâ€"GALY 10 CHALNS ure wm‘mm the ald of medicine, of m the wadit derauyement of the pationt‘s and dally occupations, n the tollowing maladies Rbheurmaiisre Female Complaints ; dour Constipatioun Sedatice L0 un bWney e Olq;L (Arculation N on omlyg hm Urinary Disordurs load and Toothache Parsmiysis A & tull partionlars be h’:l:v:km¢ A.m:g, FENHE Undarâ€" Armed by thousands of prtvate testimonials oi ~nrodoRectod. (See pamphlet gratis). 'l\.ohttrw-llothopo‘uu-dmy suderer to avai N-.Ilofllhw and curative to which the has w.mdmd lnboor, a an ardent deciple of that great thot m mankind, the late Hinstrtons Mionam Famady. Pateat Swing, CHAIN BANDS AXD BATTERIES. 1. CHAIX BAXDSA %:m Doafuese Hoad, Tooth, and A ‘he, and Nolsor In the Hesad, 311. to 308. , tCHAIN BANDS for loss of Yolce and Wthor affections of the Throat, 108. 64. to dl® N. JMAIN BANDS lor Solnt _ Bboumatic Nonuraigia, and Gouty Pal®* Local Parsâ€" ly-lb',‘ Ln:&.:; ih.bi“'l“‘“. 8 CHAINX BA umbage, Indigestion Liver, Chost, and Functivnal Disorders, &o (muubfl&lï¬b‘ï¬â€˜lfl. B OHAalX BAND8 Writer‘s © Cramp. B QOOMBINED CHAIN BAKHD tor Oanstrt t torcibly points to this invention as the awbryo of a universal remody, _ _ o N. Râ€"â€"The following testimony from the alite of the Englisb mediea\ has been racolved PULVEDMACHER‘S MEDiQQOâ€"GALYAEâ€" I0 SYSTEM in so «xtensive and varied, that sn hag onl hy t For a Gentlieman and Lady, a suite of WProRTAaWt Horick. N OTTI OE is hereby given that the UNSOLD LAND @" Wy, the aundersignod, hare much pleasâ€" ware in testifying that Mr,.J. L. Porse waowlr‘s recent improvements in N-VQHO. Batterles and _ walranic Arfl-‘ Mudical Purposes are of greoat .m.l Ncolontiie Medicine, and that be is to tho consideration and -non of every wa» disppoa~d to further the advancement of roal and useful progress, * @ Uint.«l the Oth day of Marcb, 1866 FIB CH ARKLES LOCOCK, Bart., M. Si EPARTMENT OP CROWXA LANDS (Accounts Branch). «Nigned ) LECTXYIOUTY 18 LlÂ¥8 ~ Skes, Frombling, Nervonsaom, #¢, 1i#to ANTED. Commissioner of Crown Lands, December 28th, 1872 * LV 3. Am l’&‘.l:llflfl‘ 100 Mogent Strect, Londaon, CKei~ k\ «& k AWA T LM!C,8 Â¥ HUOLLAAD, Bart., 4. D Toronto, 19th Des., 1812 Nervous Debility Functional Disorders :'oiu:‘-.'uâ€d{' |m umbage, lndigestion Functivnal Disorders, | (B9¢ n&mb‘hl‘“ll. toue usness, #¢, 422 to z the t Pirâ€"bink egiadh Hemand [ ~+ B0s to 108. 0| NFAULKNXER‘®, York Street Patent Dredge Plant, Prcom y meraeycth The subscribers beg to call the attention of ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS & CORâ€" PORATIONS " Â¥o TRERE XEW EFURE assuring your lite, examine the just introducsed by the Kquitable Lite Asâ€" surance Soc ety, by which an Endowment P in at ordinaary Life Ratee. Ro im, Russell House. K. C, W, Ma0CU AlIG, General Agent lor Kutern Untiario. o“...,(uo:s.mz. 2092y For sale in the of March, Lot ".(h-u-h-:‘}.z“'mauu,m; 60 acres and in a good state of oultivation. There is also on the premises u?odlogh-n. l:blo.u or particulars, UHARLE \{ILLIISUV& South March, Jany 2, 1873. | bw 3 scy. Conreyments, bowaries Public, &s., :h the Provinces of Onrtamo and Oruw; HOTEL, f Presoott J J, FRANC «k unction, 18, Meals at all times, Table and liqu eannot be surpassed. 1878â€"3m. At Junotion Dro of Grand Trunk ano Mtawn & Prescott L. &.~ All the facilities ot a First Olass House, FAIH PR SALEK. 7 tweal, ‘The undersigned baving assumâ€" od the management of this popular ftavorite, :amlly informs the travelling public U# former psatrons, that the house has :â€".mwu.uun &n:gbnl:&h&o:umm com Motel in the city of Montroal. U, 8. BROWNE, N, B.â€"1t saveos 30 per cent on the Russel! douse boller, and steam is now raisod in half nhu...n.huthluum covering was ap~ w it saves a large centage of m.l-‘l‘htuï¬o'u’.;und; Gas Works, Rochester & Co.‘s Steam Mills A The -lhmld to inf rm the blio that 0003.:- this diy been nlmumtb rear of mg:..m; OFF Omny. on lington Street, where orders for the collection and delivery of Goods will meet with promp| and careful . attention. _ Payment & l‘re:fll and Carsage will now be receiyea at Company‘s ()ifice, on Wellington Btre t. Flook‘s 8t. Lewrence & Oltawa Raiina Extoosively use in the Kastorn and Western sStates and throughout Groat amu-hm by the British Admiraity and American avy .â€" (Bee circular.) W/2IGHT & CLEMUOW, Batristers, Atâ€" NONâ€"0OMUSTIBLE & NON CORLOSIYE ave 30 per cent. in wel, and stoam passos through aay length ot Piping coveres with the Fonâ€"couductor quite dry. DR. BROWN has great pleasure in commending his successor, Otiiawa, Ath Feb., 1872 tm® 5400 1o S)naiuu-.nncs cikrtkKst | :: on Qonductor 'R_C_c_nn, Steam Boilers mc d bnficdiine se birsccgnrictntieAisiait esc to his meny friends and patrons as | | *\ thorough practical Deavooumt, well versed | (Ottawa, Wednesday, Pnd October im all the mo t difficult branches of the n business PRESENT : 67 SPARKS STREKT. |___ Uttawa, Oct 15, 1872 3000 3m |His Excellency the Gov. w al} o# *ins PA ‘RUNIZE HIM, Nowv 5, 1872 Office over Dume‘sBook Store, Sparks NIKST.RATE MANGLE FOR SALE. aAte., oto., ato Contracts made tor adverts A% Agent for tho\Ottmes Times P. 4. ENTKANCE BY S!I0E DoouRr s * MRX FORBEs, Corner of Neison and Rideau Sts. Mtawa tG1or 23. 1872 3007 a *OR SALE UE uJURBOFION HNOFEREL,** M E. ELW EHELL, PEAWA HUTKL, 8t James Stroot Mon UBK* tw bLessau UNROEK QLEARY, _ Gonera) Wostern Agoot inwa. Nowv. 10. ‘87; 44 Ducks‘ Cotton Tents, A. @K180*4, _ MNMorets, &c. Apply to Bole CaRTAGEK AGENXCY, UN KEAL ESTATK, ) MAy amount, on approves serarits ‘r‘-‘% "dlflwnu ND _ 1IMAN QOOMPANY OE TPPER CANADa Janes Ballift, :r. l's'-:d:.m te. ke. Ma 00, Richardson st., Montreal P, 0, Box 84414, nufacturers in the Dominton Courrie d Qutaouas Winerve, Montreal. great North Sea Ship Canal, Government, the Canadian D, WILKINXSON, A. J., TAYLOR, Ts tWhoa m be resaitco | Miamsier of Cartoma, and under the provi celyeo | Minister of Customs, er i« on Wellington Il\iomof the 8th Section ofl.duu Act 31st ‘ictoria, Chapter 6, intituled : "An Act AYLOR, respecting the Customs," His Excellency (Cartage Ageni. Ih..‘b“d&l:uod to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the Town of Sherbrooke, in the Province of Quebec, be and the same 31 DE D'"Qli is hereby constituted and erected into an | Uut Port of Customs, and placed under ‘thoohruy of the Port of Costicook. ~ W, A, tim swÂ¥ un iar pleasure in re. Olark PrHivr {rundil." > 14y 14 ©it ie whi) 4 will o?un on WEDNESDAY, the th day of MAKCIH next. ALFRED PATRICK, 7 Clerk of the House. RW&* All newspapers will please insert above until the meeting of Parliament. Jany 31, 1873. 2178 Provincial Land Burveyor and Draughteman, commissioned for the Provinces of Quebec and ()ntario., Fot sleaning and. polishing Sliver, Electro Piate, Plate Glass, &:..“ ‘hi.l‘ou.u. each. tor the Paten:. naue Liea®e Tok mathines, iInfle hubber Aut Sut Loater gib.ud.: i‘imoï¬u:.lyduud with have a brilliant polish to mnew ou Packets, 34. onth ; .u'l.. 64., h..h.“u and 41. each. knife. OQakey‘s l’hmu !l.if‘o‘!g:{;?:l.z be ussd with the Un the recommendation of the Honoraâ€" ble the Minister of Customs, and under the g)roviaion- of the sth Section of the Act 31, \'ic.‘h:‘ap. 6, intituled ; " An Act reespeciing Customs," His Excellency has boonmnd to order, and it is hereby ordered, lardoise, in the Province of Nova Scotia, be and the same is nereby wm erected int= an Out Port of and placed under the survey of the Coliector of Customs, at the Port of Arichat, W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk, Privy Council. ()n the recommendation of the Honoraâ€" ble the Minister of Cust»ms, and under the yrovmom of the 8th Section of the Act 31 Vic, Cip 6, intituled: " An Act reepecting the Customs,‘‘ His Excellency has been pleased &: g:ler. mdB::i- hereby ordered, that Sout , Cape Breton, Nova Sootin, be and the same is hereby constiâ€" tuted and erected into an ut Port of Cusâ€" toms, and placed under the survey of the Collector of Customs, at the Port of Sydâ€" His Excellency the Governog General in Council, GOV!RRK!NT HOUSE, > (itawa, Monday, 7th day of October, 1872 Un‘ the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Customs, and under the gro- visions of the 8th Nection of the Act 3lst Victoria, Cap. 6, intituled : © An Act re« specting the Custom," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that Bay St. Paul, in th6 Pro vince of Quebec, be and the same is her.by constituted and erected into an Uut Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Port of Quebec. JO8 U, COTH, | Assistant Clerk, Privy Council. :oiiii lo.. :‘."ng Bear the RasseD Monday, 30th day of Septem» $Hent * s;fr, 1872. His Exce.lency the ~Governor General in Council. _ His Excellency the Governor General His Excellency the Governor (GGeneral in Council. ' Pursuant to the 50th Itule of the House, tice is hereby given, that the time for No 21, 8. Ridenu streoot, Otta a:‘l,gmomo-.:u OMHRISTIE, Commission Merenant and m Qeneral Agent. Boloe agoent for Read‘s RECLIVING PETITION3 NOR #ALE, PABLIAMENTARY NOTICE & . Bell‘s Blook, Suppors‘ B N. 15â€" rumawors.â€"B ABims, Beq, m‘, Pailaâ€" l‘. m.l;lln. Rrq, Architeot, .A.l‘b:z‘ Piak Direttor 0 £ BE L.R * "ranl UVERNMENT HOUSE, wines and Proof 'm also, Dawes‘ L& Alos and Porter. Pork, ‘“ll. ko., for sale e DH. MoDOUGALL, Rideau stro« Ottawan, Deo 21. 187): IRhLt Apply to OVERNMENT HOUSE, VERNMENT HOUSE, Monday, 7th day of October, 1872 BILLINGS, Ir}, Arouiteot. vilsoâ€" Bell‘s Blook, Auppors‘ Bridge. _ _ ©C,. RALIXBOTH, «) andProof W hiskey ; MWiscellanconus. ‘"Avate Bills, Office; Aylmer, P. Q, A182 t HOU®E OF COMMON *Piky.. W, A. HIMSWORTH, Uttawa, Jany 30th, 1873 PRESE\T TUE OLERK‘s OÂ¥PP.OE, &A Clerk Privy Council. 3M ‘,‘ 1872 «DR. BIRNBAUM‘S RBEUMATISM and GOUT REMEDY" is recommended for Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lumba wandering and other Pains, Stiftness of mh..lm«.lohu, Sorains, Numbness &o., &c¢., and is the most effecâ€" dnbnli_-hl-m_l!m,'s'h“ sey, Movailu and to whom «D. BIRNBA UMS RHEUM A _ [ISK and GOUT REMEDY " has beep svubmitted for trial, hare, with a rare dis interestedness scknowledged its invaluable merite and given certificates to that effect, CLCt "°fâ€"’|"" can “ u.. h.‘-"'h’: m.mmw or any druggist And notice is hereby g‘ven that copies of such additional Rules and Regulations mbo obtained on application to this J. H, POPE, Minister of Agriculture and 280 3 Commissioner of Patents. necessary for the purpomes ol ihe said Parent Orricr, Ottawa, 16th January, 1873. Notice is hereby given, that in naoru-mau.mvm Chap. xo.‘imluhd, «An Act rqut:.. Patents of Invention," His lxndl.l1 Governor Gons:;-’in Council has pleased to approve of certain additional Rules and Regulations, as have appeared Sealed tenders, addressed to the underâ€" signed, and endorsed "Tender for Bulkâ€" head,"" will be received at this offics until TUESDAY, the l1th instant, at noon, for the construction of a Bulkhead at the outâ€" let of the Hull Slide, opposite this city, the office of the Superintendent of the Uttawa River Works, on and after Wedâ€" nesday nezt, the 5th instant, whoum ed forms of ‘Tender, and other in: gion oun be obtained. The Department will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, « F. BRAUN, â€" ** will be made to the Legisiature of:On. tario, at its ensuing session, for an Aot to Christ Church, in ity of Ottawa, to corsplete the new building they are now erecting in the said City, by borrowing such sum of money as may be necessary for that purpose. _ _ _ ds In addition to the Warehouse Ports mentlioned in the 5th section of the Act passed during the Session of the Parlia u:entof(hmduhold:dthodslu year of Her Majesty‘s reign. intituled : *« An Act respecting the Customs‘" and also in addition to the Ports named in Lists sanoâ€" tioned by subsequent orders in Council passed under the authority of the said Act, the following Port shall be and 1t is hereby declared to be included in the List of Warehousing Ports in the Dominion of Department of Public Works, C i ttawa, Feby 1, 1878. 21179 3 and in virtue of the sauthority conferred by the Act 31st Victoria; Chapter 6, intrâ€" tuled "An Act r-m the Customs," His Excellency in has been pleas ed to make the following regulation ; Un the recommendation of the Hoporâ€" able the Minister of Customs and under vince of OTICE is hereby that application N will h-um tm m.lo-'-l-â€"-‘JI-- Whereas the article known as Old Tom Gin, being a @weetened Spirit, cannot be accurately tested by tyke‘s Hydromâ€" eter in the mode prescribed by law for tes:ing. spirituous liquors, and it is expedient with a view to uniformity in the collection of duty thereon, that an aver~ age strength should wu as the rule governing entries thereof. His Excellency, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and under the suthority given by the 4th section of the Act 31 Vis. g:..p 6, intitu} â€" ed ; ©" An Act respecting Customs,‘"‘ has been pleased io orc«r and it is here. by ordered, that in collecting Customs Duty on the importation of Old Tom Gin, the same be dealt with and treated as a Spirit tw nty per cent. under proof, or containing . eighty per c nt. ‘of proof sptrite. W. A. BIMSWORTH, § 2180 3 Clerk, Privy Council. BIS EXCEKLLENCY THE GOVERNOKâ€" GENERAL IN COUNCIL. NOTICI 10 CUNTRACTORS. Ottaw1, Saturday, 25th day of Jany., 1873. We have just received per Express, from tcelobnwr:wwer in Holiand; a large and choice assortment of the follow ing : Narcissus, and very much additional news of the past and many views of the present will be given. 1t is also intended to bind this khdition in cloth, with the necessary outâ€" side gilding, and the price will be made as low as possible . Oct 11, 1872. N, B.â€"The fullest attention will be paid to .dvv&u;nn Advertisements will, ac« oo«u‘:’ m embellished or printed in varied> inks. Besides the information already publishs ed, the proposed Second Edition will be Hyacinths, "Octawa Pesi and Present," By C. ROGER. _ Free Fress please covu. uTo BULSBS, ao. OOR NA SEOHL N. The MEDICAL FACULTY of MONTRE Oitawa, October 8th, 1872 w46 6 Plans and Specifications may be seen at DEPARTKMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Oct â€", 1872 ;‘Gï¬zkï¬)imr HOUSE, OTTAWA Monday, 25th day of November, 1872. His Excellency the Governor â€"_â€"(General in Council HORTLY TO BK PUBELLSHED, OvVBRNMENT HOUS $, I LLU S TR ATE D, &c., A £BOOND EDITIOX OF &c., &c. A. CHRISTIE & Cu., PRESENT Tulips, Lilies, Cladioli, Crocus, ns o reut o+ ang c Published EVERY FRIDAY MORNINME®S® Reows Wented. UWHKLBUN MWM gpocial attention given to diewnt £01 disviacements of the terus 1963. nMT%mbd?orm&, i 1 in Fipmnid iss township epean ; muast hold m r noddmoorï¬ï¬â€b‘fllyto yaâ€"4 “i "‘*\': mm.unnl& 'r‘!"-* 1 JOHN COSTELLO, »A wery large amo Dai P i Eï¬odw.“[th-nwwuh:i‘bfl ted Btated, at $7.# free of Canadian popagAtâ€" â€" Homosopathic Physician, purgeon & A coucher. Reaidenceâ€"Albert stroot. OM bours fromw 9 tu 11 a m., and 2 to 4 p.m,.. â€" Bituations Now contains : â€"Telegraph, Consortiss, Manhattan, New Vienna, Blue Desub Marriage Belis, Wiener “‘I-_}: de.l,wlm‘hu.uoydd-b 4 tion, Artist‘s Life, Wine, Hong, Publisher, . Burgermun, Woods, German Hearts, Love and PM sure, Life Let us Cherish Walizes, and 3 rs-:-:m n Tratech, Morgana, Mazurka, Belie Helene, Q rille, Clear the Track JUne Reark Une Soul, Lob der Frauen, ke, Orâ€" 'Tmu‘â€"'ï¬'-‘-‘m INTING AND PUBJMl OUI.PA‘:l’YD n 1" + flmthM ?::gu.lm;uun:“ .-J “&nncu.h among reading matter, %> Epecial N otices, 12} cents per line. . s Try Sparkling Rubi and e d * : .ou'Z. it the m%u 4‘ Te MORTIMKE, h&fl&nlflov%b' < * Book“::: su.n-t,byx.m. fuall .. the Group of B sell 100,000 in 1873, _ _ oÂ¥ 'mz Bent on receipt gmmluau,’ Â¥ geuer OMAS. H. OLTBON & > K NE m Burgeon and Accoucheur, Ottem Uflice opposite the Tixxs office, W Tomn, Tsu;os'c. t Sir mmcriags © WR. eured without the use of the knife, by 1 "h’lorhll. speedy and almost painiess pm Cess. _ given to parties succe==fully trestâ€" ed if required. _ _ "Embeliished . with a fine portrut C Strauss, and filling 250 large music pag® it ina musical gem, indispensable t al -_i"dawwhbmm;u-ï¬ $4 00 in gilt. Sold by all Book and lovers of Strauss‘s dance music.‘"‘â€" CIAI.LII MARCIL, Advocate, BW Office at Mr Toetran‘s, N P ; privatems. dence in rear of Freuch Cathedral, Hull, _ Business attended in Ottaws and e Db trict Courts of the County"of Ottawa, NOTAKY PUBLIC. . Residence â€"â€" Hul next the Post Office. 17287 10,000 therton s Drug Store Reyide Jj o. Ankonmameacoirt, Violin and Piano, $1. Ortawa, May 9, 1870 †e 100 a s @CToR HEADRESON, (MeGQ) Uy †versity *:h)ohhn. Bu‘o;.‘:‘u ‘..* â€"â€"That recently ooca i m at, Chaudiere, Otta® a. i d “u R. ROBILLARD, Â¥h l ~â€" B# P4LW 4 E) ts †Accoucheut. _ Office in ï¬ l-ml1 E. + store, Kast end of Btp»r'o“ Oflice ’ % d4ATE =~1 lo;u‘lro_-SO..-.udp.:. "â€" 4 j oll;n;luo(u.oll’ltum At nigh sar 3&*’ of Metoalfe h.â€"_oflu._h-w., llw_.E_ ‘ CENTRE To\ # VEKR M AR TIN, Dentist. Ofice . " â€:.p.?::l“wdm.ws eat Good Rample Ro and icheur. On and aftor lst May nest mee “'Ym‘:‘m‘#’“’:‘w Gapt Young‘s, Chaudiere, e Broton‘s Fiaw, * . Dated] at Ottawa, this 30th J18B. °*. * S0th tA M PME PM NK CHEY8Gp Barristers and A ttorneys4Lg, Wa. l":'oniw:. 8. Tamiox. E. H. Corty, Lluaen-u.x.. arristers, Ablors, Court House, Ottawg . ""** / %eo. hceâ€"la BosEEY LKEE. _ _ 4oaut __J-_nJ._l-.. DWARD T. DAR / AkLL, Batigg E Bolicitor Attorney and Nutary Clark oithe Poase and County Attorney, for the Counties of Presoott and Russell 06+â€"L8 ty Court House, L‘Qrignal. §4.As &A ~avings Bank Department will be ~"Vowing five per cent interest on ® wh $"oexcmce taes. Ottawas, June 2% 1872 Office opened Wl in th promises m‘ne-phd by eb'tno’h,.'m thre o...: * Savings Bank Department will be hek_ _ Gibraltar * You cannot imagine with what pl forward w&{.'numhor of the * ‘iKAPwulc“" loak sotus on athome o. Fokies ied ho Om as i care now, its "'."“':-".‘:?3‘ at with ‘plemsnre wn its aogalt but are up, and furl( worn M‘ ast by turning over and over." Extract from Private Letter.â€"â€"The "@raphie» can be sent by post at the following ml-†as aud all .~~" bers sunpplemants :â€" Indies, 38s, or 31s thin paper. _ _ To Ceylon, %mm L W est Const %, t ie “ï¬rmfp'.' rokbUN All persons whom it hereby notified and warned mgamat gict Pit Enrain nhquintover, any ceedit ho uy 8 «nansihla or in'....n.....l.w.l;‘f;?".‘" P3 .Jobu o:l'oi eponmiDie, or in any wsy lisble for as, £bu or lisabilities oont'â€":u’cted in n?: without my special written &uthority, ; THOMAS KINGSrQy TOTICE, ADVERTISINC RATEE THE DAILY R. MoDOUGALAL, A BANQUE NATIONALE, O’OO.IOI,MIO’-&L..& #in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., o t. Ofice, Union Buildings, Ottawa. o. U ENGLSH FAMILIES ABROA D. IN 000 "Wiiks! Greatest Success Ever Known | or prtsos & 00‘s GEMS OF STRAUSS. July 18, 187; U. C, WOOD, 'i';dhuo.'“-& in Latth Articies yound, > .. * uouu-.m 34. CEN TS Rideau, Stroot, oppositeâ€"F.. Loronto, Physi and aftar lat S:$ » lau?†y Public forts p, tbec, Bull. near h?â€" 28 aat aai i A YX -Ol-na 1 00 per anghihe uring the 784 _ ug ilta, Mexioo, §. Thhen, bot. Olu-hn ., Ottawa. ~%0%, * doms & '- 8 RESipPgyy 21-‘.’7" ~WIilllMi I "Â¥Cboitiibg‘ Hilkibhevite thdoa. mich ="Afâ€" r“d“ w ""mm -:-lâ€- thl-l.ym 4gez> â€"D EMOuÂ¥vEp. aAug 2, 18 tm eimen c Srgh: aifieictiet w es ... MESSRS C “J’"‘. A STKA i "Carriage P 1 " / F #Â¥C3 _ * RIDEAU STRE ts 498 ‘{the only "DOANIEL _ & ‘W. ‘Stockdale, APANX, y machinery b: and as the whole is d BX aw ays ‘Btw»n 41 this establishm hund, Or tnsile * 0o wost approved «tyles % Lan§ CW WM Bflu-lf:; l‘:ï¬ Bb CMeQH T ® srrs We tetthoved to t} saure *nckau & ‘lil“a.i-: & %‘n“ plue. trade can be sapp modmion for travel Stted and refurmshe Tea Journals made u " 7 CRML The Brand "MYRTL® M Y BR T Uttawa, Rept per, and at prices wt iale devens PP rice so low that al MiK‘yr and under Commiittee, wil of MABRCH ne ged towards the St. Albans â€" The following sented to receive or otherwise, in lady Macdonald Mre. Bate, ‘ Mre. Dewe, Mre. Patrick, ‘ Â¥ire: Peathorston Mrs. Bucke, i ‘ Subscriptions 1 Vessre. Langton. | <# * Meredith 4# Bernard . â€" . 4# â€"Grant Pos 1. W isikes. ~A4 MOKERsS| UAOS of : Uitawa, Noy 1}, Counte beptember 4, I® in 1872 Amiâ€"HMo mcks. ¢ Rooks pattern, on ‘WANTED,_ | the Tly x p arbcl0erer 1 nuyd 1873 carectul iv 0K . Many t up of Boo #Wh, Otbaera, POR A Wick ste&. Dre af VCO PROPHII! X O L 111 J tCR t J > 17 IN