& CHRY 8LEER dA svat t l;‘nz'm Nat pleasure § NoLF, 1242 vounty, p o‘ TEL. NK, sarie in Hlth, -ï¬â€â€˜ "* #Ah, n h #" (*. Bookbmder, Paperâ€"ruler and Acoount Rook Manatasturer, at the Sign W the (Group of Roks, Robaerts‘ Block, Kkuleau Street, U‘tiawa, would Aully sull the attention o Hordnaiy, Haniers, awd the public geuerally, to his extensive kKock of |my Books, laigers, Cash gooks ancd Journals made up from the best class of paper, armi at prices as low, if now lower than at any other house in the Dominion ; wholesmule or retail, Aceount Books adaptead to every variety it business ; if not in stoock, ruled and bouad to pattern, on the shortest notice. Book bu ding executed in any style from the plainest an 1 chenpest to the most ele Kuling, perforating or numbering care» tuily and promptly attemiad tc, and at most reasonable rales Papor ruled to any p ttern. Maps mounted. _ All orders executed on the very shortest notice. tMtawa, Juna ‘£2 1872 R a44d, _A :â€"v- uminance Land know :-ï¬â€˜vn‘u‘;'u 11, k ?.Mn l‘:mby,.n...:'z ww ©>un «e H‘. b> we roode mind 24 -.o-nhkbl.“ztfl locam, &":‘.’m & mualler plece of land contiguous to above, sonâ€" mining 1 mt and :# «quare rodeof iand, more wf with mines and minétals there=m Q, any umine of Pnosplute of m ar may be it f, aaay + *A my ;‘;‘M%m(‘b W;H. COFFIN, wrnd, Lands Agen â€" AMPERIA:,, amd FWANKAY TEKA4, tbiwl BRANDIEK®, GINM, RUMS, eandl th« KFinest Bramds of PORT, AH m', te, 1% MeQiLL STREKT,; MONTREAL A SExTs WaANTED. $150 month. A To sell the TINKER, tb’:u usoful Household article ever in Address 3{5. Aspessox, P. 0, Box, 360, MUeve removed to their Now Promisos, ... * DOMINION BUILOINGS8," 136 MoUILL STKREEH, And invite the attention ot Buyers to thei ‘aye aiml caredully sclecteal assotment IiaPAN, YUUNu HYSUN, UUNROWDEE Piinp Aripmmns iniinnmmmmict Th c thc a s a ist. The lease for iwoenty â€"o06 (rom f d.dlh»nwn:.‘l.:r.f{:ng gn % mde of the KHulecsu €anal to the of time Brhige, (Utiawn, between the nuppers aitd the stores 0f the Messra, emed L t v...mullm"'.lh-lm of W leet more of les«, as showa on k : t be erectad thereon within tw‘m in se ance with ph.bb.‘nlfld aint approved ."lln:‘l._. lA mese of @ninance Land known as ROCK AW AY8, BUJGGIKS AND SLEKIGOHSA, Which in point of finish and durability, are not surpassed in any market. WW*All work warranted for one ami all kinds of m-.uy’:: promptly done. + A very large amount of new and imâ€" proved machinery has inately been a+ded, -d-m'uobmnd-r (the only establishngent so supplied in this «motion of country), we are in a position ds W wilLllAM FIOTE & CQ. sheapaer than any one also. . The propristors are practical workmen -d‘ivopnndmrvâ€"’u to all work. i KMtaws, March 1872 1931106 mostapproved L «Ayloes of W. Stockdale, Brother & (Co,, "l' FAW A XSTKAM Carriage and SNleigh .FACT ORA Y . l-‘ll)ï¬('.il' NTHKEET. OTT AW a, MYRTLE N AVY. anp Tarnimigment on it nolt Do ie on it * ies Fuopatt 4 miltines Ts on saoh Price «o low that all can us it. aix? under the auspices of the Committee, will be held early in the mon at MARCH next, the proceads to be devoâ€" , p«l towards the reducton of the debt on the Nt. Albans Free Church, T‘he tollowing Lwties havye kindly conâ€" sent«d to receive donations of work, moneg ar otherwise, in aid of &.m\l view . laly Macdonald, Mre. son Ross, | Mre. Bliss, Mrs. Porry, Mrs, Bate, Mry. Langton, Mra. Dews, Mts. Meredith, l MUrs. Patrick, Mrs. GUrank Powell,~ Mre. Featherston, _ Mrs. Whitcher, / , MUrsa. Bucke, â€" Mre., H. Wicksteed, . subscriptions may also be sent toâ€" | WUesars. Langton, 1 | i+ ’.‘;M'ih' f ' ! 64 nAM s m % @ tGirant Powell, } Commuttes. t w White, i | DANIELS® HOTEL, ® :'lb::.n-hmnw by Countess of Dufferin UENTRE TOWN, OTTAW A, liood Sumple Rooms and every accom modution for travellers Thoroughly 1« Sttad and refurnished throughout. _ FUNOS of St. ALBANS CHUACH Aug 2, 187 PDec 9, 1872 Ton,. Wine and Spirit Merchants. + MOK KRKS! RDN a NOR 1A N 124 CAMtaws, SNept 17, 18732 Orner of Metcalfe and Queen Streets. At this eatablishment will be found on OMtaws, Nov 11, 1872 Bazaar under the patronage of Her Excellency the Dniy~>ee T. & 6. on each Plug. s KESSRS C T BATE 4& CO KMuV KD. Coaches. Carmages, Ommibasses, Neptember 4, 172. MO‘K 1M K1 YOL. VII NO. 2182 (LATE 8T, JAME*,) W ick steecl PUR A GOOD SMOK K, W HO L KEX A L K 1X AID 0F THs Agen t By Onder CAUTION,. JOHN LaNGTON, Chairma H. A, WICKSTEED, L \___ E. PARENT, l'nfln&vmd“ & DANIELA, #K6 3m 2038 F006 tun A:&ufl‘l‘ï¬h& 8. No. 2 Town~ LQM&-.M A lml: All persons ot employ or deâ€" “d“::.hbnwmhi ness than they are now in, skhould send $2 l'orh:l.z-lhhn. &e., &o., ol a business at which they can uanquestionably muke from $2000 to $5000 per annum. HENRY F. LEMONT & CO+., zum-.ma.wm : Nov 2%), 1872. ? mlu er‘s Compound EHzir of Phosphates and tmlisaysa is of great efticacy and reliability, being harmless to infant or adult, and 4& mentsoare the common cause of most of the Chronic Wasting Diseaes for which invalids are constantly seeking speciltics. W hen ttobd':.:.rthnuydmuwdml as umnilated the becomes impovershâ€" ed, ami all the organs and tizsues of the body debilitated by want of nourishmeni. This general depravity of the system manâ€" ilests iteIf in some donstiutions by diwâ€" ease of the Lunogs, Heart, uiver or Kidâ€" neys, and in others by Nerofulous enlargeâ€" ment of the glands, eruptions of the skin, yjoors ofvbo: saud Hesh, spinal weakness, imegularit uh.l:r discharges, nerâ€" vous prostration, mentalanxiety, necural. Weat sidle of the Canal Ra«sin, near the Skating Bink, Musio Hail. Ubtarm. Novy £3, 1872 . _ __ 3033 m Tal POMACH AXV 11.% dERKANGE mants are the common cause of mt ty ï¬':id rheumatic pains, all of which arise depraved nutrition. . To invigorate the formtiion al haaithy Blood Dr. Wheelâ€" W oodfor Sale. tions in the Coup:y «4 (Mtawa, P. Q., and in the Count ot&r‘ldu.hom Caseos *mll.bé’b?hdt:o&buocou&ui a. #r. Jauiz® Special ~t hurriee d Qutaouais, in u..Am- vince of Quebeas, patterns ; Cane Chairs in black walout, ouk, and maple ; l.un:nhr-ll- Uhairs ; Waurdrobes, Cnses, Wriing &e. AUMV&W‘(WO&&.&M We have now the Largest and Best Seâ€" leoted Stock of the above clus of goois ever held by any storehouse in this City. The public are insited to inspect our goods and judge for themâ€"elves. MJ* Hemember the Place, No. 5, Ri deay Street, Kiut EKnd of Sappers‘ Bridge. x ROWE & ANNABLEK. Parlor Suits in Green Repps, Flowerea and Plain Haireloth in different styles of Carving, Plain and Polished, Very Hand. some ; Marble Top Bedroom Suits, richly carved (both polished and oil finish); Plain mhumm nhutump. and wood tope; a great var oty of Parlour Uhairs ot the: latest styles and improved of and Ontario, C ‘ch.mw- ALN ï¬ HULL N. B.â€"Special attention paid to Collecâ€" Together with a large number of s and pigs, which will include that :&u. pair of four year oid Durham steers, > MARQUJ® AND NOBLE, Bred and fed by Mr. J. 3. Armstrong, of Eramosa, Wellington County, C, W, ï¬lh quis took the first prize at the Provincial Khow, at ll_anflmfll. lat 8rho, silver :::.nd at the GueiphCenâ€" Show, l:% 1st prize and stakes .1‘3.“.:2Ҡmm“'l":(?‘zm "14 several uis is open to challenge for (ho‘l'hcmboh lars over the whole continent for being mda basl Deast bhm. Noble sook 3rd prize at the Show at H:hu.dflindmu:lmulhuphm; “ hv I‘-‘ bred three year old YÂ¥ P of which will be on view at their stalls, g‘%fllfl%b::“b:‘nluko‘kon until Christmas, _ 7 4% Duflerin, Governor General of Canads, f Bog io senounce that _ ther have jnst o. of the primest SATCHELL BROS 1872. CHRISTMAS BEEF, 1872,) Ala0, Nime ‘humlrad acgres otf land near the * XCHANGE HUPEKL, UOut 19, 1872 »URNITURK | FURNITURE:! Uttawa, Dec 17, 1<72 $5,000 Per Y car. Advocate, Barrister, ARK CHANCK FuR BUSILNES, Sawed and Unsawed. T. ®r. JULIEN, ANTED a, Dec. 7, 1372 MaIN @TREEf, AULL, P q MEREFORD STEER, HUan aa ingrus? W\ Motit L in its effocts, old CATTLE, NXM 14L 33 The Bonds ol this Company are also accepted by -d'l'r. CGovernment of Quebes, dhbdwmub Dominion, $ &. 4 CABEL®, on application to the Manager ~â€" There is, therefore, no longer the necessity which has hitherto existed, for Gooernment Officers to involve their fn'c::l in serious responsibilities as snreties, as the oppor tunity is now afforded them of being vum® ows avermes Ady payment of a small Annnal %m T. GALT, K.C.KL.G. Vice= P â€" JOHN RANKIN, Eq Manager and Secretary, Edward Rawlings. Tur Oxuy CoxraNy Licensed by Government to Transact Guarâ€" antee Rasiness Throughout Canâ€" may be aceepted in Heu of private aurctiecs, HEAD OFFICE, CANADA QUARANTEE COMP‘Y. DMNO 0 CAMAM y Av, orpEE iN COUNCIL, dated l7ith December, 1872, : *L ASORDERBD.â€"â€" That -m\-,}m‘; %0 required security for 1 due tpulfilment of" the mafqo_flu under the Cromn, the Bond or Poticy of < Officers abready private sureties may relieve ‘their wmfl substitute theé Bonds of «us Comra®xy immediately. No toilet table should be with out COQOOâ€"GLYCERMNE, 25 «at The Canada Gusrantee Company Have you a sovere wronch or aprain?t K. you rheamatizm in any form _ Mave you st ueck, or bunches cansed by rhenmatlc painss If so, Johnson‘s Anodyne Livniment is a speos Ro remedy and.ls also the bost pain kiHor is theworld *% COCOâ€"(GLYCERINE â€" Someâ€" thing new for the hair. + ; per bottle. Notice Respecting Suretyships, COC(MHI,YCRERRINE nounrish the hair + denlers, 16 centes bottle. OfMles, 1186 Fultos Utreot, Naw York, and 93 Oxford Btress, Lon â€" dgon. . Be sure and call for _ . MHA, WINSLOW‘s s00THING AYRUVP Haring the tao aamile (" Ourties & Pork to on the ontaidle wrapport _ All othere #râ€" e imitatio®* other cause. Full dirsctions tor using wili accompany sach botile, None genuine onisa the lacâ€"atmtile of CORTIH & PERKINS io <a the onteide wrapper, Bold by all medici: c usod for thirty ysarse with nevor thiling amfuey and sucooss by millions ot mouthers and children, from the twobles, inlant otf ons wâ€"ek Idto the wiult. 1t corrects acidity vf th. â€"»mach, ralloves wind colic, regulates t » biviinn ~atins. . Anitinty Adbuinaitihech rat P rarn d tWe essm Ah d s â€"»wols, and q1ves nnuh-llhud comfort t other and child. e beliove It the leet and surest remudy in the world, In all casse of Dnu\:‘.w VMarthwa in children whother it artues trom toothing, or from any !lhon a%p» Wroxo.â€"It is m&wm th your wilfe u’on a subject in w there is danger of wounding her feelings, and it is wrong to speak of great virtues in another man‘s wife, to remind your own of dault;~ but it is not wrong after tr{.i:.. the «"Canadian Pain Destroyer" and ing its wondertul effects, to recommend it to your neighbors for the cure of rheuma JOHN 1. BROWN & SUN, â€"â€" en outside wrapper of box, and E‘vd. UJUove erament stump attached to cach Ministers and lawyers use them, physiâ€" blic speak e hoywt::mg ers say they are , :didno in existence for the mvflm eu!hinh. Bold by all medicine dealers at 25 cents per box. Two Questio®s Easicy Axswe«zo.â€"Why should men wear beards 7m&au-o tm are a great proteaection to throat lungs, and add much to their personal Obtain only «Brown‘a Bronchial Troohes, and do not take any of the Worthiess Jwitation . that may b» offered ©Tuoouss," so called, soid by the are & poor imitation and nothing uuuo?n BRONCHIAL TROCHES which are sold on!y in boxzes with fueâ€"simile of the propristers, This cars in putting 1p the Trovhes is ts portant as a security to the purchasor in ord, to be sure ot obtaining the gongins Brow . Bronchia! Prochoes. mm. w hy should we use " Byron‘s um\';lr?‘:r' kling in 'h‘:hnn for tickling the %, hoarseness, &0., they act like a charm. BORE THROAT, COUGH, CULD, and similar troubles, if saffered to tresult in serious Puilmonary, lï¬; Asthmatic affections, oftentimes BRKOWN‘S BRONCHIAL TROCHES are componnded so as to reach directly th sout of the â€" Hacame and give almost instan reliof. The Troches are offered with the fullest confidence in their officacy ; they have beep thoroughly tested and maintain the gooc reputation they have justly soquired Fo Public Hposkers, Singers, Military Officers, and those who overtaz the volce, they ars usoful in relfoving an Irritated ‘Throat, and will render articulation easy, Boing an artich of true merit, and t aving proved their eficacy by a tost ot many yoars, each year Ands then In new locelities in various parts of the ahd the Troches are universally pm.m beotter than other articles. Montreal, Jany 1873. â€" : published a readable and instructive pams phist, which may be had free at the stores. sPECIAL NOTICES. The of Johnsou‘s Anod uum.w†Pills, .’: SBhoridan‘s Cavairy Condition Powders, hav« (0OCO (GHLNYUOERINE raomoveos PUBLIC OFFICERS O# THE MONTHKEA L. oTTAWA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1873. C WM. R. ANDEE J8 mar% Â¥oke mm’.‘m !l" we LC Y ~ The names of two responsible parties as security for the mm: t of the com»e †* % MM†the lowest or any Sealed Tenders, addressed to the Board olPublhthhol'“'l‘;:o-,h:dlb vnm of Kem flll‘ received up to U’cw& P. M., on SA‘I'URDAQ. FEBâ€" RUAKY FPIRKRS8r, 1873, for the erection of a Public School House the Village o Kemptvilie. Plaus and of the p?n-d building. can at the oftice of the TINWARE, Wholesale -ndn.un. * HE ROYAL INSURANCER CoM. MORNINC STAR nigguut it wi:lb BTUVE, lhol:t‘:d -doa-&o-n * supt reipethenting Storns ie sanitecks Ten â€"Million Dollars, H. MEADOWS & (o., e weatss + _ _Corner of thmsex amd weorge Sts. | |Insures every description of Property Joubls." Urdet? fors Public Instiiation private families solicited, Also, HOF _ AlB. PURNACES! For Coal or Wood.~ Public and private buildings heated in the most modern and mdmmm.m- . No payment required til after BEG TO ANNOUNCE Having just receival another lot of the Patent Wrought Iron Bedsteads H. Meadows & Co. Emï¬lï¬â€™imm-' AD8 111 ~ N. B.â€"These goods we can recommend as specially < good value 2?"“ made to measure on the shortest notice, and guaranteed: to f â€" * _ Allan, McKinnons & McMoran, 20 SPARKS STREET deaun Street, Sandy Hill, (ttawa, Nov. 23, 1872 STOV BX ot alU kinds as usual TINWARE, Wholesale and Retail, OCAL . MUSIC, ENDERS WANTED FOR THE EREC. PION OF A STONR OR BRICK NCHOOL HUUSE, * McDONALD AND MONGENAIS. Direct from the Manufacture:s. Pink, Yellow, blue, , White and Ncarlet _ _ Naxony Flannols. ‘ Scarlety Green and JFhite Lancashire _ Flannels. ; ~ 3â€"4 and 64 White ElectO®al and Woelch Flannnels, C Ottaws, Aug. 30, 1872. A very large Stock of Scotch and Canadi{#FLANNRLS®in White, Grey and Scearliet, &c. ‘ TWILLED AND PLAIN. â€" Agent, Bor 474, Post Mos, ENGLISH FLANNELS 1 tom: EQUAL, ‘POQO BRANDV. Fancy Flannel Shirtings in groat variety, at a distance cain obtain Imt of rales and information of routas by 1872 T HROUGH COU PON TICK &TA® Ottawa, Jan. 31, 16 * CANADA CENTRAL . : ANI i GRAND , _ TRUNK . All Points Bast ï¬d West on GRAND TRUKK RAILW A Y . Joyoo‘s TIOKET:; OFFICRK. $1.25. â€"â€"A NJJâ€"» Milwaukes, Green Bay,* &.'o-u. Contral and .l. § %&m&lï¬- . &R BAKER, _ Taurift icable to private d and bom:pgnnuro, at lowest 1 rates. * T. M., CLARK. * y A gent. * wa, Jany 11, 1873. 2161 10 NBW UIVERY STABLES y to to C e y W‘AB‘!’IN WHOLEH AN, Union House. Uitawa, Dec 21, 1872 2145 a hars may ons wanting = wan & mar Any one wanting a Sleigh ride, has MKR, WHOLEHAN. begs to announce at be has leased the Stables in connecâ€" m with the UNION HOUSK, and roughout the Wintar will be prepared current rates. let ont on Arong e 349 T HORSES AND SLEIGHS, ar, and prod using effects You Ksow Axrrume or It?. is Not, it ) # Twz You Duw. homas‘ Eelectiic Oil RTdA TEN TIMES ITs WEIGHT iN re are butlew of medicipe which withsioed ths Sinparifal Yudgment orf the pay" nion House ligipes may be formed of several inâ€" couain tied® reppagtions? U ereater Y ts own. Boientifis physicians AÂ¥ THE of Ohie which dhay raodels. Sent carriage paid, on receipt of ow ~Addren Moletint & en whgleâ€" s frak Sapplinh 1 nrocvie, out T. Blake, St. Pau!l, Piano, $700; Samuel! vi mu,m;a-â€" P. Brackett, Watch, ; Miss Annice om New â€" Orleans, ï¬w; Emory L. Columbus, Ohio, $7,000. Oxe Case Girt in o package of 150 tickets gnaramteed. m for $1.00 , 11 for $2.00; 25 for $3.00 ; 50 tor $5.00 ; 150 tor $15.00. Agents wanted, to whom we offer liberal inducements and guarantse satisfation. Anperss : * NOEL & CHARLIER, f 17 and 19 Broadway, New York. R Nov. 30, 1874. © 8029 4 You wifl;know whsttyour prize is before pa it. â€" 4 rize exchanged for i::ua{efm mvzu M!:o blanks. l{ur patrons can depend on fair dealing. Or:w1Oxs or tus Pn-:â€"hir‘Dotlin‘ can be.relfed nxmâ€",m Â¥. Heraid, Aug. 23. _A genuine distributionâ€" World, Sept. Weekiy Tribune, Jaly 1. . They give gonaral « * . satisfactionâ€"Staatsâ€"Zeitung, Aug. 5. Rerrrexors:â€"By kind permission we refer to the N\.:Lï¬.â€"mm 8. Lane, Louisville, drew $13,000; Miss Hattie faukyr, Chatienion 20000: "ire. Lyame :‘ ‘Tucsiay, 2tth ds of Becemben, 172 * PR : % | HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR T HEREAS by the Act pused in the | W A5th mb’of HO. n.m :?Ain 200 4# *"â€" _ x* Â¥ikstr*s.% 200 o . i * Aqrrkehs eme e 100 400 Gold watches. . ... ... $75 to 300 215 Hewing Machines . ... . 60 to 150 75 Klegant Pianos. ... ... aach 250 to T00 50 ; Melodeons . ... «* 150 to 200 Cash Gifts, Silver Ware,] + etc., valued at...... ... $1,500,000 uw" ordered, that a duty of ten cent. inpond.andtho& 'Ihflz authorized to be levied and collected on Tea and Coffee imported into Canada from the United States of America. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk, Privy Council. (Ottawa, Dec. 27. 2150 . §955,000 His excellency in Council on the recomâ€" mendation of the Honorable the Minister of Emmance, and under the authority aforeâ€" said, has been pleased to order, and it is rabjeot to * ‘duty of" ton per Sant. oo su to a duty ten cent. nbren,whilonlndOoflPo:inporhd trom countries east of the Cape ol Good Hope, are free from duty. d Â¥Y 35th year of Hor Majesty‘s keign, entitled : «* An Act to amend an. Act of the present Session and to enable the Governor in Council fo impose a duty on Tea and Coftee imported from the United Ntates in the case therein mentioned‘‘ it is provided that if at any time any greater dutlyol(}mtom should be payable in the United States of America on Tea or Cofâ€" roo“i:npomdhon; Canada than on Tea or Coflee im rom any other country, uu-thom in Council may impose on Tea or Cofles imported into Canada from the said United States a duty of (huton.cqmltolhduwuoilfln United States on Tea or imported from Canada; provided that Tea or Coffce imported into Canada from any country Penetont iinrigh tie Ouiter Baim: passing shall be free from duty. Parties intending to make application to Parliament 'fo;ngr'nato Bills, either for granting exclusive privileges, or conferâ€" ring corporate powers for commercial or other purposes of profit, or for doty anyâ€" thing tending to aftect the rights of pro« nerty of other parties, are hereoy notified that they are n?uiud by the 51st and following Rules of the House of Commons whish are published in full in the Canada Gazelte), to give TWU MONTHS NOTICE of the application (oleu‘lil and distinctly emacifying its nature and object), in the © Janada Gazette," and also in a news« r published in the County or Union m& affected, such notices to have ome or more signatures attached. P Felt, Cotton and Woollen Netting and Flush, used in the mannfacture of (Gloves and Mits. & All Petitions for Private Bills must® be presented within the first three weeks of the Session, ( ALFRED TODD, Chf.â€"Cik. Committees and Private Bills, H. of Commons. Uttawa, Dec. 3, 1872. 2133â€"9â€"law Cusrtomus DeraRkrNeNt, Ottawa, Dec 27, 1872. Notice is hereby given that His Excelâ€" lency, the Governor (General . by an Order in Council, bearing date the 26th instant, and under the m&:wlty vested in him, by. the 3nd Section of the 34th Vic‘tï¬h. Cap. 10, has been pleased to order direct that the following articles be transferred to the li«t of goods which may be importâ€" ed invo Can« , free of duty, viz : | e PRI VATE BILLS. The Court of Directors bereby give notice that a half yearly dividend at the nuorei‘htgrr cent per annum, on the Capital of e&l&wfllb’glylflem c;d FOURTH day ot JANUARY, 1873, to the proprietors of shares registered in the Colonies. The dividend will be p.‘nblo at the rate of oxchaf current 6n the fourth day of January, 1873, to be fixed by the Local Boards or luu.g: ~ 9 No transfers ‘can be made between the 23rd instant and the 4th proximo, as the books must be closed during that period. By order of the Court. R. W. BRADFUORD, ) 15 No. 124, Bi-bowglte St., within, _ _ lonmdon, EK C., Dec 3, 1812. .. 2146b IN CAS8SH GIFTS,q TO BE DISTRIBUTERD BY TRE Mercantite Prize Association OF NEW YORK. DAILY DHRAWING®S 111 buthututch Mb dunivtac tradiiacclidi lt ds AI MA AL THeCCZCC A chance to draw any of the above A PRIZE FOREVERY TICKET, tCaniGin.}.."~..!.... ... . OA 6 Cash Gifts, each...... ... .. â€" 5 By Command, t R. 8, M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs. Ottawa, Jany 6, 1873. 2157 ANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMKRICA 44 Incorporated by Royal Charter. 64 64 Imit§ .$100,000 £,000 1,000 Wood. y +/A w'"“‘l;-‘m n-dna;ubulgrm. I â€" A. HIMSWORTH, â€" ll-ul-wt“tofl cordy ... /‘ c%. Bofi wood, lonup.';‘ Dessember 26, 1871, ,~ 2149 4) hllivh-t,a.::);)n.'m do wheat, $1.20 to 1.30 do Haddock, Ic per Ib. Irry Cod fish, $5.50 ewt. fee uoowtf;spcw. Calf .lgl;hpclb. Bheep cents each,‘ H1oss axp Leiatrazs. ' 1er 801.?27 toztcm- e lb, uo.:' 0 Hig Lo 2h: â€".** d I Ziots do Harness leather, 30 to 3360« do Upper . do 40 to 45c do Dressed Hogs, $5.60. to $6 0) Mess Pork, $16. Farmers‘ mess,$13 to $15 do Prime mess, $13.00. * Ihlll:-mkod, $15 00 to $16.00.per 109 .â€" Do green, $10 do Bacon do _ $9 to 12 ; do Bacon dry salted, $8 0) 9 0J _ do Fuoruaâ€"Retail prices. Double extra, $6.175 to 7.00 per barrel} Extra, $1.00 to $1.25 â€" do No. l,“.‘l:‘.t:s'l.m :: \Corumeal, $3.25 to 3.50 do > Cracked wheat, $7.00 to 7 50 Wheat meal, $7.00 do Provender, $1.50 per 100 Iiw, Bran, TU cts. . 7 CGriim. Buckwheat, 50 to 35:ts par bushel Oats, 40¢ to 4706 do :« Peas, 60c to 65 do Beans O‘I(im to $200 Barley 60 to 65¢. Indian Corn 60c to 65e on or address ' misconduct, &c., sufficient Mm‘.mublicity nqosmmdâ€"-no' ehm until divorce grantedâ€"advice free. Absolute divorces leslly obtained in dif« ferent States, Legal everywhereâ€"deser. _ JOHN J. FULTON, Counsellor at, Law, 3042 _ No. 180 Broadway, New YorkCity. leave New York 8.00 a m, Albany 1.25 &l:, Rome 5.25 p m, arrive at Water n 8.45 p m, Ogdensburg 12.15 a m. K. L. FRAY,â€" «C Sleeping Car attached to this train at Watertown and run through to New Yorkâ€" RETURNING. > P Leave New York 6.00p m, Albany 11.40 p m, arrive at Watertown 7.45 a m, (fifteen minutes for breakfast), arriving at Ogdensâ€" burg 11 15 a m. For School Section No. 8, in the Town« ship of Huntly, a First or Second Class lnfo Teacher,(Koman Catholic preferred.) Apply toss $3sks)0, Lisyls co Rome 1.25 p m, oonnecnnfl with New York Central ‘Express train for Allosoinu East and West, arriving at Utica 2.00 p m, Albany 5.20 p m, New York 10.00 p m, Springfield 1.30 a m, Boston 6.00 a m, Syracuse 2.15 p m, Rochester 6.05 p m, Buftalo 9.00 a m, connecting at Buftalo and Suspension Bridge for all points West. XEW YORK REXrRESs. Leave: Ogdensburg 250 p m, arrive at Watertown 6.08 p m, (fifteen minutes for supper), Oswego 9.15 p m, Rome 9.50 §m, Utica 10 45 pm, Albany 2.20 a m, New York 7.30 a m, Springfield 6 50 a m, Bosâ€" g; ll;DO A m'BS’tl‘l:lcm 10 25 psn,Roehu- .15 a m, Builalo 6.20 a m, Suspension Bridses 40 a m. Close connections made at o ‘and Suspension Bridge for all points West. T The above (irm (the onl{ Boiler Build â€" ers in ()ttawa), aro prepared to masviae ture all descriptions of o DIVORCB. Eihslo.f;io:l-b. [ Cod oil 58 to 60 cts per gallor, Un and after MONDA Y, November 25th, 1872, and until further notice, passenger trains will run on this road as follows, (Sundays excepted ) § $ . BPECIAL DAY EXTREKSS. Leaves Ogdensburg 7.00 a m, arrive at Watertown 10.08 a m, Oswego 1.00 p m, 1s72, 1873. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. my'Chnfe, Style or Cize. The only Chirt and Kollar Factory in Ottawa. . « _ JAMES ANGUS, For 8 years Kutter to the pringipal Habardashers of Montreal. Merchants‘ Bank Block, Sparks Street, | (kor) Metcalfe. | Qittawa, Nov 20, 1872. _/ po Bs â€" rarerigg WATERTOWA & OGOANSBURE 1000 =: Ths Ottawa s, 30 to 35¢ per Je hsthai,m ahwwop:â€™ï¬ lwsowwrdou. Butter 14 to 15 cts perir. In prints, 17 to 19s. Lard, 7 to 9 cts. per 1b.8 Tallow, 8¢ to 106 do, Honey, 15 to 30 do. Potatoss, 350 to 40¢ par bushel. Turnips, 35¢ to 40c. Bwoedish Turnips, 50c. Carrots 350 to 40c. Parsnips 50c. do. Onions, $1.20 to $1.8.) a Celery, 35¢c to per dos. Campbell & McBride, Beel, $5 50 to 6 00 per 100}he Mutton, 70 to Jc per Ib. Fowls, Mctoi.'no,por::h] Turkeys, 70c to $1,20 > Geese, 40c to 50c each. _ General Ticket Agent Dec 31, 1872 Nov 26, 1812 R&@F*~ Evory atiention given to repais ork. Ottawa, December 23, 1872. . 2122 137. Albert Street, Richmond Road, Ottams. KUFFS, CHIRTS, RAILROAD. ANTED. BTEAM BOILER MAKELRS, STEAM BOTLERS U. 2AW A MARK zTS. JA MES V AUGHAN, Powell, Post Oflice. 2152 3 J. W. MOAK, Buperintendent. at Buftalo and | & finu West. ’ ‘S E88. " _ p m, arrive at | A atf minutes for | (. Rome 9..')0§m, ‘ 2.20 a m, New B 6 50 a m, Bosâ€" Chirt Store, KOLLARS, made to order PRICEâ€"3 CENTS The Inspection Distict of Toronto 'qrn‘nllholï¬nd Revenue Divisions mlru- District of London to comprise the Inland Revenue Divisions* CS mt rrictiay l eP es 4 Aiadainn» Sas. Tsw ca M%Wlwbï¬ ui.‘:‘bâ€"ldhll'b respectively conâ€" stituted as follows : The lnrh District of Windsor to comprise the Inland Revenue Divisions of pleased to orderand it is hereby ordered, that a new Inspection District‘be, and the same is hereby set off and established in the Province of (ntaro, to be composed of porious of the presert Inspection Disâ€" tricts of London and Toronto, and known GOVvVERNMENT uousï¬ oTTaAWaA. Wednesday, 18th Dec., 1872. Penseext : UIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR °_ G@ENERAL INX COUNCIL, ON the recommendation of the Honorâ€" oo pat en ie mnaaton ts pursuance of the rovisions of the 6th Nection of the Act gl\â€lc..Ccp. 5. His Excellanery hes haan Club terms and sample numbers mailed free on application. Great cash inducemonts to clubbers. "The Favorite" is sold by all News, dealers and on all Railway trains. GEQ, E. DESBARATS, dhl;ll:flilbn of“l;l‘b Fi'?ï¬ " the Cana« lHustrated News, L‘ 'P'mï¬nl’nbhq' ue and 1/Etendard National. No. 1, Place d‘Armes Hill, and 319 St. Antoine Street, Montreal, Dec (30, 1872. 2151 8 2aw d&w 1872.. 1878.° "*The Favorite" Shape.â€"The elegant 16 page quarto form we have adopted, while more convenient for ing in sheets, is also better adapted for binding, and con â€" tains fifty per cent more reading maiter than the unwieldy 8.page folios heretofore in vogue. At the year‘s end, each subâ€" soriber will have a volume of 832 pages, containing the equivalent of at least 30 fifty cent volumes, at a cost of ONLY TWU DOLLARS. "The Favorite" Issue.â€""The Favorite" will be issued :â€" > 1. In weekly numbers of 16 pages at 5 cen ta. . 2 In monthly parts of 64 or 80 pages, in a handsome cover, at 20 cents. N. B.â€"Eubscribers at $2.00 will be servâ€" dwld:thnoglyhufwouy-r,nï¬ :;&h;y specify that they prefer tha ©The : Favorite" Maxim. â€"Canada for the Canadiansâ€"whether by birth or adopâ€" tion. Let us help u&m,i!n.c‘n to be a Nation. «The Favorite" is a genuine Canadian enterprise,â€"Canadian mihmapï¬on,ihpl%iumuu,_ written, edited, printed by Canadians, on Canadian paper, with Canadian type. "The Favorite" Plan.â€"We have plan ned out a paper which gives more reading for less money than any paper in America. We propose to furtish a better, fuller, more interesting, more carefully edited paper at $2 per annum Mwimporud paper which costs you $3.00. While giving ?flr{mhm productions, we give, from cdiv:;ouhu-,:: b':: Uniudw:n will fln the latest and most interesting items relative to the Farm, the Garden, the Household, Scien~ tific and Literary Intelligence, a column of Wit and Humor, &¢, Get a sample numâ€" ber at the Newsâ€"dealers, or write for one. lt will be sent free. ean be had in quantities to su or bottles, .at the Ql?gl"l.flb‘&.&“ the sesiate (::‘l‘. K. YÂ¥ 4J3 C )., areirequested to" be without delay, to _ _‘ id P. H. CHABOT, f Meichant, Sussex Stroot. Ottawa, Nov 23, 1872 3033‘% (Z!N, Old Tom, Scotch Whiskies, Ottawa, Dec 24, 1872, NUI‘IC& S\'RUPSin Bottles, from Eruit, vis: Currants Black and Red. Raspberries, Pine Apple, De Argeot, Orange, Straw berry, , Capillare, and Syrup of Lime. LIKEWISE, TABLS RAISINS, the very cw. l,()\VES'l‘_ CASIHI PRICES FPOoR FIRST CLASS goops. * THO8. PATTERSON‘8, i t â€" ~1/~ T Aubone Barent? â€" 1. Jams and Jellies, of all kinds in pots, Tart Fruits in Bottles, viz :â€"Gookoberries, Raspberries, Red Currants, Dlack Currants, k‘bel;nu, Plums, Apricots, Rnubarb amd pples. 1 t Tt is now am established fart if you want any Or at olass Brandies or Wines and the bost bamilly tre ceries, youmust 6 to s » # Dozen put vup in the usual l)(m quantities from Crosse and Blackwell‘s, of this season, such as : PUDDINH RAI8SINS, yary dussy 5ULTANAS and new Currants Give it rour Surrort 1 ENENAL Groceries and Christmas 8 goods. . Including the best brands of ORTER and ALES. OTTLED Fruits and Syrups, RANDIES, Port and Sherry Wines Be‘lleville. OSEI.LE and Clarets James and Jellics, â€" _ Flavoring Extracts and Potted Meats. IRECT IKPORTATIOXNS A ‘mtmiotyof arlicles les HOLIDAYX TIMES, Always on hand.* Districa of AL8O, 2149 4 law t, on Juu’u 1 4+ ; &