CouxTtt OF CaRLEION GEKNERAL PRO TESTAXT 8O8PITAL. The Anugal Meeting of the Subseribemn will b hoe.d in the DIXECTONS HALL, on TU â€"8Da+ Â¥ _ FEKRBaVUARY nest, at the hour ot Two o‘siosn the Aiternoon, to raceive the ANNUAL REâ€" ORT, and ror the Elootion of Lirectors. The Pubile are respectfaliy lavized to attend. AukX 18BDKK WORKM 18, 5 CS#HOR&@W®E HAY, JAMES PEACOCK, Â¥ 4 (HuMÂ¥esgoX, ~_JAME3 ROCHESCER, This institation difers from other Life Ofices in that the Boaus from ProOts are spplied on a sp8â€" alal spstem forthe Policy lloide:s. hn.d"l:u;.;:“"mhh.lhm Lifetime, on of large Bonas additlons to the sum assured. The Polleyp Holger thas obâ€" Jo“t-“b.o.ocd # ment, or a "uanaity, withont any -p.’:’- ant‘ «4 whatever beyond the rdisary assurance pran im for the orgisat sum assured. which mams as intact lorthe: Polsoy lHoider‘s heirs, or &A LABRGE REDUCTION OF PRESENXT m‘ * ns OTEELEAYE anoum, and deposits can be withdrawn at :hs Five per cent. will be allowed on rflh'd-ha-odnfl.hflo'u- zwal of which 3 months‘ notlice will be resâ€" * 0. P. BAKER, ~_ Investsd Funds Upwards of $1,200,000 On Money Order Ofices the Domi+â€" “mwmm lund and Prince Edwardt Island, can be obtained at this Ofice. Also, Postage and 10.30 a. us» A an Tor Cansdian steamer will be stossd at ‘qfl’ï¬bï¬d‘flw registered master with atter posted up to 9.3~ ill be forward :l‘w:hnmn' package ame Tme Western Mail at T will t e arriving p. m. URITIGE Mail®. Par Cuna. 1 Line, close every Tussday at 10.45 & 14. Per Cansadiâ€"n Line, close every Priday at OQuews‘ January 1, 1871 Otaws, Jans. 4, 1 ! 1859 dia«=1 o e n ie i P W ARDL A W , Searstary, Aoawre â€"Mesrs J T & W PEANOCK utmeavea Desemver 13, 1A78. 1b41 sm Ottaws, 211t Nov., 1878, + RBHAD OFFIOR FOR CANADA, MONTREAL. OPPIOR daÂ¥1208 BANL, M rPogt Ba WHUAL MEETiiQ 1PE A8s0clatton OF BOOTLANXD. OZL A PROVISION FOR OLD A10%, Qurren Hocre reomx 8 1.4., to T r.4. L FKOHEKA wanted, for Scohosi ia . No 10, w the Co#uship t Nepesmn, JOHYX BRAPHY, , PaTRICK QULN .as, > PATSLJK 0 KEEFE PCHRY OFÂ¥FICEHE, Tks ¢| will be recsived at this Office. at the rate of Four per cent 108 4 : Brocky ï¬.“. PULLBEKR mainwar Con. PA4Â¥ OF Casada. wemee 1870.]) BUMMEKL ARKaNG®sMXENTS. [iste Erains ay®w leats J0NAVENTURAE ITATLIOA s Collows : = at mt 3t hn dnan n ranaites m % m-n,.“lnu:â€bunl.p- alsoplug Cars on all night trains Baggage Rooked inrvagh. Eue steamers = Onase" and * Ch arlotta " leare Portland ior Haiifaxs, N 3, every wmq.u Sncurday aiterguon, respecuréiy, . Q.,..nmm-::{o. for .-:a- and Freigns ‘.?lo cotora«s lwwnal Company‘s Steamers running a oussstion with the wrasd Truat Reallw=j, eute #urtlan; ever; Mooday and [harsoay st iC ym for 3t Job=, N B, «o. ll-u.‘-admuthw’h- ipleâ€" stions. Â¥.. artaer information and time of arriral a2d â€"sparare of all trains at terminal and wayp wation apply at the Tuocket JMlce, Bensrentur, Kation, oc at No 49, groat ot J ames atroot. C J BHY u+ w33, Portland to Montreal im 13 Hours. Montreal to Torunto in 13 Hours. un and after JLNK ilth the now arraoge wents will ve put in torce, and trains will loave Montreal as febiq#®: . ; _ MPROYVEL ‘sSEEVIOE OF2ZTRAINB _ you Tas sU «MZR OF 1sto. . gits AOCELEGKATIUN OF sSPEED, NZW CARS uN ALL «£XPRESS TLALINS. Nce * * ~â€" ME o ~ UMnCHACHAENETIN tS Mail Train to To: ato and intermediâ€" Urains for Laohine 1 600 a m, T 00 a m, 9 :5 am, 12 1000, : +0 p m,.4 00 ‘-.uo,-.acuo m. The W pa rnhn-‘nab Provinse ) ins. '» g0N«@ ~OUTH AND RABT., Acscommsdaiion Ir in for lsliand Pond a0u intermedincs stations at.. mgm via Vermont Conâ€"~ Rxpress for New York and Boston, via Vermuwat Cen r;m esssere Cxpress tor New York ana Boston, via nxpruss for Quebes, [stand Pond, Gorâ€" h«m, Portand and Lower Provinces On and after UMGONXDAY, JANUARY #h, 1871 ‘-uhâ€"n. manner. Trains «ili run as follows : .8"‘““."". ea ~es Brockvil‘e. ,""A:.“‘M.‘l vice will .o.rrl med over the enatire line in a munner equal to taat of any rallway or this con tinent. spesial artangoments bare been made to accommodate the pleasure travel. _EX RKEJS «t 1130 pm, sonnecting with Grand Troak Day Kxp» is trom the West, and artiving at Ottawa at 7 :6 ~ m LX °R "88, at = 40 a m, arriving at Brookville K | 1@ pm, aml anscting with Graad Truak Day Fupre» guis ; W oest. BEROTE â€" MALL TR ALX. «t 3 4 p m, arriving at Brookâ€" wlle Â¥ i8 p m y e In addition to the Fast Time whica it :s intended to make hetweenthe _‘Arrt> » at Band Poeint #4 1.35 aud 1.:0 pâ€"a. Craine on Canmes Jeniral and Porth Branch make certain sone otione with all trains on 8. & 0 nNnulwvay i o . SavAoh With close connestions at all pounts. The line wiil be equinped with handsome NEW FiBST.CLA88, CARS, Unsurpassed on the continen t. TRAIYE WILL LUW BETwaRE Portland and Montreal in 13 Hours. Montreal and â€"Toronto in 13 Hours. Stoppiag only a% the mustimportant Stations, â€" Preigattrwar*~d with despatsh, as the B. & 0. & C. 0. maiiw «vo are the srame gauge as the tht: ve :l: m-m... M.:-t. Care to wmthout BM Cartain «mnastiones made wih GQras Krunk Traine. fel 6 _ _ f «# U LMANX 8 PALACK SLEEPING CABS Â¥IM be run on the Through Trains and the serâ€" GREAT BROAD GAUGE ROUTE 0O o OoTTAWA. June 3, 1470 As fast as completed, For further partioalars see ad Bpesial atrention is dirscted to this ‘Company‘s inoupcement. n regard to the Brookviile, Jan &, 1871 KALIL THhal 4, at T 30 a =, arr ving at Ottawea Brock ville, »~iigston, Hellevilie, Toromnto, ue Jh, London, Brantâ€" ford, Godeâ€"io~, B.Caio, Detesit, Onisago, and ~.l points west at..... «RAKD TRUNK RAILWAT Paisbary, Lais Champiain, barâ€" Express or C ;Aenshargh, Ottaws, ABD TAUNK:® Ka isw# A YX CANIDA CBNTRAL N a 1N G COF T RAINS OR T8E N80I%®e 31 on. Nz ard Ottewa Railways, EAST AND WEST, C k I A Rr k. C A N Aa D A, JoING@ WEST. L_ave Ottawa. sesee seese00s se 0s sese000 + C J BRYDAEA, Â¥~magioy Virector 3 4 p m 1 10 a n T 00 a n 19 p 3e Q.nh" N.F,, by branch steamer......... 4 w W# “'"o Laverpooal or Qussastowvnu...... ....»»»»»».»»»»».0100 # Liverpool of Qnesaatoum. M nmammonme~ 16 B PARBAGE BY THe tOR8BDAaY OPRAXKER T! LALITALZ t k h’th.-,f“n‘d‘. 4 INMAN LINE OF MAL #TRAMERS, AAILIDH PROM NEW YTORK EYVERAT sAaTURDAY AND aLTEBRMATER TUBRDAYs. RATES OF PAdBAGLA ET THB 41 rCRDAY OTRAXEE:, And it is further Ordered that the Oat Port of Baby Puint, now under the survey of the said Port of Wallaceborg, shall trom «nd after the laâ€"t mentloned cate be, and the sarme is bhereby aboliwlâ€" d. _ _ spectin« the Customs " His Excellency bas been pleased to Order and it is bereby Ordered, that on from and hiter the frst day of January next, the Vilâ€" lage of Lambton, in the County of Lawbton anud Province of Ontarto shall be ard the asme is hereby declared to be an Out Port of Kutry, under the Burvey of the Port of Wel. No. 3 WIDEKAUâ€"STREET, Plumbers, Gas «%A Stoum Fitters, Tin Un the recommendation of the Henorable the Mimster ot Custows, and under aw! in v<~u of the 8th Section of the Aot 31st, Victoria, Chapter 6, intituled « Ao Aot: sy» BsPARKs STREET, â€" > Wishes to return sincere thanks to bis friends “tlo‘rhlh. for the kind sympathy evinced teoward him, on the occaston dlholuul’vo. He now begs to inform them I.n’lo.w gomâ€" mence business on his own account in a fow days, m part of M; MeLean‘s Asction KRoow, in re«r of sonn Roos‘ Cigar »tore, with entirely noew stosk, of Drugs, Chemicals Pateot «edisines, Po fumâ€" oy.u.o-lmh"silodflq:nuom al.ention to business. the same kind patronâ€" HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNXOR GENEkAL IN COUNCIL.. H. MEADOWS & Co. Stove Pipes and Elbows, at > H. MEADOWS & Co Coal Stoves, Base Burners, at FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, LATE MANAGKR, IMPORTERS OF de¢#&ag abUlss rurxâ€" H. MEADOWS & Co. Dumb Stoves, all sizes, at * H. MEADOWS & Co. The Quintal Coal Stove, at H. MEADOWS & Co. Lumbermen s Supplies, at lst Prize Stoves can be seen, at H. MEADOWS & Co. Parlour Couk Stoves, at Hot Air Furnaces, at age that was extended to him in his sitaation. uttawa, Dss 18, 1470 .â€" iMiy 18AING RaRDYW ans. JUBT REGQELYN® ~Mdh~"a‘ # ssola,"" & M’m&-& look Tin Tesa and Cofes Pous, %Iulb. Wire Dish Covers, Spise Bikes, L Brointag Oases, wmmm Preserving Poms, it Milk ~ancepans, &o., &0 . «* 19. H. MEADOWS & Ce Box and Parlor Stoves, at H. MEADOWS & Co. Low Oven Cook Stoves, at Elevated Uven Cook Stoves, at 66 «NAPITAL * [C1TOVvE FISHING TACKLE, scomprising Rods, Lines, Flles, Hooks, Fioats, Trolls, Panniers, LAnding Nate, Fiy Books,&s &8 : â€" > ho _ "ik HYJ, PYVOp DINCE, LNTIJ BICCK EY DCE B died Oil. Raw Uil Bensole, Coal NMMVm: _ THuos. BRKETT, â€"No, 24, KHidean atreot, : Sign of the Anvil. P, 8.â€"All goods delivered free to any part of he Cly, UVitawa, Nov 18, 1870 ‘o'-‘..'..;'. _ ete assortment of Shelf and eavy lmmdurbflw- chasers. Consistingin past Bits, ~teo!l Bits, Bevile, Lovels, l-h1 ag Mashines, Draw Kaires, 40, &o, &o. 10getherwith . PAINT OF ALL COLOU®B : Rose, Piak, Bura: Umber, Terrs do Kinna, Carome Vellow, Yellow usbre, Ustesiia) Blue, Â¥aris Green, Brunasw ok Green, Magnosia Green, Venstian Greeu, Red Lead, White Loâ€"d, in Oll or Dry, Drop Black, lvory Black, Lamp Black, Kuires, Table Spoom», Tes Hpoons, Tess 8, Tavle Mats, Buts, Herews, Latohes, Axes, Baws, Planes, Bquares, Hammers, loonin roe toned ow Bogrand, Irciced, ant # “ _ Continent, at moderate rates x s 9i L 2 , Ba nakere) Hot Air W ater Coolers, B aths '';.mmmum MEDICAL HALL, Clerk Privy i 1 vy Council, Ottawa, Dec. 26, 1870. 1549 NOR LLVEAPR 001 & QUKRRTVR Ottawa, August iQ 1870 1419 1y & attheCompanyr W. H. LEE, e uâ€m;i&ï¬'- J wa .: Cledk, Privg Councih .. > ; a _ EE@RRIOKA& ues * â€" W3 |Ondada Higa the _ VIL, .34 deanBtreat, where BLYTH 4& KERL, OVvERxME®Tt HoUSEK, IUVAARD HIGMAN, ARDWARLLkL! MHARBWAALA®! ©ENBRAL UOVUSE FURNTISHINGS : eSbsnessssseus: «onsensesssssseseesesssesse000 135 SUSSEX STREE:qf oTTawa, !l{t gmo_f_boeonbc, 1870 Drug &tsts. e anees eetesseee censsssccetenee 13, 1870. K4. MEADOUWS & Co. H. MEADOWS & 0o H. MEADOWS & Co. H. MEADOWS & Co. 1549 3 ~~â€"~â€"â€"TBHREâ€"OTTAWA â€"TIMES. Name of the Division. | Loibals of the ofloer pndertwhoas despestionâ€" the mizturs took place. 1 Number of the ontry under which it is ware . thestrength and quantity ; the marks, &0 , on the casks, and the general number of the Permit, under whi.h it was comnveyed to the Manufactory. 1», The parilonlars ef every quantity mised &s.+ of the orginal packages from which it was taken ; the quantity and fla»v'ldly- Iated Spirits" produced from it and the particu= regulations in that behaif. lth. Bo soon as the miring and B rrelling has been complete1, the «* Mothylated Spirits " shall be removed from the Bonded Manufactory, and duly entered for warchousing as required by the _ dta, A Stook Book must 64 Wept in theé Factory in which Mâ€"uhï¬-hn‘:â€" 2) T = Aicohol, Vroight m Widigvcin wifiaihe.s th.. W ith every 108 proof gallons ot Al.'*ol. thereshall be mixed at least tweive and a haif lars as to marks, &0., of th» Cask io nuillomw ts Tth. Every entry in the Stock Book is to be checked by the ofécer in charge, who mustkeep an acceunt of each trafisaction, which scsount or a dpplicate thereof is to be taken to the Inland gallons of * Weod Naphth« of Commerce,‘"‘the whole being mized together. Sth, After the mixing has been thoroughly comâ€" pleted h+ »trongth of the mixtore shall be tested, ard the quantity gauged hy the oficer in attendâ€" ance and duty recordsd. ‘The mixtare shall then be placed in casks, the casks boeing branded or marked on the bead in legible characters, with On the recommendation of the Honorable the Miniscer ot I.iand Revenue, and under and in virtue of the suthority given by the 17th section (the Act 3lst Vict., CUhupter 8. intituled, = An Aot respecting the Laiard Revonue." His Exoel ency in Council has been ple«sed to Orsor, and it is heroby Ordered that the following regulaâ€" tions for the manuflacture of Methylated Spirits in boad «hall be and they are horoby mase and os evary cask or paskage ured, 1 -“m-th,mdnolm who shall then cest and govge it astto strongih and quantity. 4 Ist, The room in which the wood Naphth« is mixed with Spirits shal: duly NWB access:ble to the propristor during the actual prosence ot an offiser of Inland Revenue. ‘* Ind. A sample of the Naphtha (say abou tour ounces) nl':l be ogi't‘ tb.a:psn-utfm- 3rd Not les» than 109 proof gallons of Alooho shals be wixzed at one time, «hich stall be mixed Pnovnoul. 1NBURA NCE OOMPA i of Oanada, Head OMse, Toronto. .’?uuu-no hmon Jobs l:nymo..- Vice Presidentâ€"Lovis Moffatt, Esq. Other Dirertorsâ€"C J Campbell, Beg, Hos e es ho Tniiheet q.,,‘.mn:}’ P Logis;ative Assembly,, which are published i« the =Untario "@asecte"), to" give‘ NOTICBR of th: application (clearly and distinotly specifying its nature and objecot) in the * Ontaric w@asetts," and also in a newspaper published in the County or Union ot Vounties affected ; such notice shall be sontinued in each case for a period of at least sizx weeks during the interval of time between the close of the next preceding Session and the con sderation ef he Petition. Copies of the arst and last of such notices to be sont to the Private Bil! â€"Is has no adjustea losses duse and unpaid. ... Wwms Pm o ARTHUR BARVEY, Foronte Mareh 15, 1819 1309 ta lawk. HI% EXCELLENCY THE GOY Fimanon Deraaruzant, He: 144 “ ‘Otkawa., 12th October, 1868. o: 104. The t Insurance Com has recelved aiithinioradinotizebmiemtafUiiefasence ® i No. 33 TheUNIONMMUTUAL LLFEIESUR No. 33 TheUNIONMMUTUAL LLFEIESUR ANCE COMPANY, of Maine. Deposit in Uâ€" 4. ds or ‘s1â€"550,000. B. K. CORWLN, General Ag;u, Bt; John, N.B Â¥or the Minister of Finance JORBN LA&NGTON Late thts day. deporited with the Seterves ve x.ncnl.h ‘.‘xlo.ud Dollars in addition to above m‘:n-uu. -skh: !wd‘.'ha- sand Mm&...“, U. 8. Gold Bonds, 88 of‘81 oep ind rsint on oompne en e antt 0 or lon. Alllegalmatters will oo referved to him. B. K, CORWIN, required by the 5 st and following Rules of the All stitions for Private Bills must be «i within the FIRST THREE 'lllm uJBKE IN8URANCE COMPANY OP MAINR. With reterence to Iitem of the Tarif it is held by this Depar:ment, that BLATEâ€"imply in a quadrangular form, whatever may be its size or thickness 1s +ntitled to exomwption. If otherwise, especially shapen or if it be polwhed, or arufcialâ€" ly bored, it becomes subject to 1» per cent and 5 per cent duty, as a non=enumerated article, & ¥«+« privile. a v« privile.e4, or conferring corporate powers for commercial or other pu;uuu , or for doing anything tending to »ffeet the r or {0 por:y of other parties, =re bersby notifed that required by the 6+s ano tollowing Kales ob House of Cummons (whicn are publishe® 1a fell in the ©Canags Gazerte " ). to give TW O MONTHU‘ NOLICE ot the appliostion (~learly and distinâ€"tiy speci yivg its nature and vrjoot ), i. the " ‘anada G=zette "nou also in a news, +per pusilabed in the Cuunty or Umon of Cobntics aflected, sending copies of th« frst and last of such motice» to the Private Bill Ofice. All Petitions fer Private Biis must be presentâ€" ed within the Arst taree weeks c! the Sorsi: n. ALERELD LODL. Cof. Clk. Committoes and Privete Bills, | Ortiwa, 3rd Nov,, 1870 To Counsorors or Costoms. Parties m-uu: to make .pr'hdah Parlise. ment for Private Bills, citbh» r gr.nting exoiuâ€" songnnapazes nenrpesmeners <. C paviars a LL®, "BLATE,"â€"BCOHEDULE Câ€"FREE GOODS. Methylated Spirite,} C. . â€" Date on which it was mixed, Namber of Wine galions in the Cask. Number of Proof Gallons Ot awa November T 1868. Ottawa, Sth Dec.,18"0 pAIVATE BI1LL 8. NIVK MUTEVAL UBTOXE DEfARTME®NT, OvVERIxxMEDT HoUâ€"EK / OTTtawW A, 5th day of December, 1870. Ottawa, Nor 14, 1810 CGovernment MNoLlices,. Parties intending to make application s Legisiature of Ontario for Private ERNOR GENERAL LN gOUJNCIL Ansurance. CHARLES T GILLMOR, Clork bt the House. R 8. M. BUC@GEITE, â€"«Cummissioner ot Customs ks o har? .h-“:l‘ga W PEX 1Â¥36tf a ~ j@ENERAL COMMISSION AGRST, Clarence street, next to the City Hotel 1w soliciting public patronage in this branch hun-nhnu’l.l m:oanuy intimate, that.: 1 the future as in the past, it #ill be his unceasing eare to study the interest of uis patrons ; and tha: by carsful sattention, prom,t cash 1&'-}..1 muderate charges, to merit a continuance of tha; mm-pmullmu’ bestowed upor Spring Furniture Sales atthe Mert will com wence immedi«teoly, and from time to time will be duly announced ho witt hold weekly sales of Horses, Cattle, &o, &6, onthe Market, due notice of wheb will be given. The large sumber o Horses and Cuttle suld by him during the past yoar, is surisiont gusarantee that his abiluty in this critical branch of auctioncering is appreciâ€" atod Carrfage and Sales will soon commenee, .oda-:':h n.vmu-. Carringes, and Harâ€" ness todispore of wilido weil to send them:to the Murt as ‘$vop as possibls: Trave Bailes of Meronandise, Farm Stook, Rea) Ks ate, Libraries, Works of Art, &0., &o., as we!i as consignments, from a distante, will meet with best attention, and be conducted on‘ very modérâ€" ate terms. second hand Furnitare"w1ll be received any Uttawsa. Bolic‘u the patronsge of the Lamber Merchan generaily ~a the Ottaws. From his long experiâ€" ence in the trade he offers his services in engaging -mu-uu.u'mgmo while passing here to the best of his #. «Jloods sent in for Sale, or may be porchased in toto, if required _ _ t ce ie it i c oare t ie The Sale Room is well lighted an. ventilateq, aud about the largest in the city, boeing 80 x 35. vodt iavours and patronage are respecttully solicited. Bereral Houses in the sity on hands tor saile. J BERMINGHAM, Ottawa, March 1870. hour duriog the day up to 7 o‘siock p. m. MESS AND PRIME MESS POBK. FLOUR NO. 1 & EXT R A , WaITs BEANS, At Otrawn, Sand Poing, and Pombroke. _ OFFLCOE D BSALE #OOMSâ€"City Auct! ts York street, near the Market, The subscriber in fssuing this his bpring Ciroa. lar, bogs to return Iu'boh‘hâ€"h to iis triends andthe genetal public of Otta wa and Country, as weil as his many sousignor# at a distance, for the very‘ inbera) patronage bestowed o6, and confâ€" aewew" placed in tbim.alncechis sdvent as Aunctionser of this wity, aod to w«sure thom that mwr:‘-:“.m:.n‘ob.u merit continuance * su liberulty extended to mz" extronses He can reter with pleasure to the many Te pn“ “I:“ w'm piaced properts , that lou saie, excelilent aud i1mmediate glr.-u:'m.w. Rotu ITALIAN MTTERS. . Frepared by special permission â€" om the rigins Professor of Chemistry in the University of _ PADUA, ITALY. Kept by all the prinoipal Druggists and Grecers is the Dominion, , _ * PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. A. M. F,. GIANELLI, Bole Manufacturer and etor for the Domin u«mma:?m ; N.B.â€"These ogle Bitters are carefel}s propared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adaptedâ€"and recom mended to persons ‘of delicaté contstithtions: "The: are gently stimulant, and will be tound infallibli+ aids to digestion, For directions see label round the neok of eac} "Ne ine anlees bearing the o _mmn?l ng thesignature 1lo33tf A. M F GLANELLL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FORW ARDERS ____ DEAL BRA 1p Wheat, Corn, Flour, Ostmeai, Pork, &o. oTTAW A, Cash advanced on po.:o‘ rhreamed tor Hate sale. Prompt mmn noe> Some of the tord'r markets h been sapplied with a spurions W e Banace rh wrapper and labels of which Lea &,Partius hnve been forged, le and P give notice that they have furnished their corresponâ€" dents with power of attorneyâ€"to h? instan c prossedings against manufucturers and Â¥en fors of saon, or any #ther imitations by which their t may be infringed * Ask h LA & PERRINS‘ Bauce and see g.-o m Wrupper, Label, Bottle and opper. .. â€" Wholesale and for -ri by the Woreester ; Crosse and Blackweli, Km 1 » W alter Smith, Req, s 'm.‘lq. ___ _ & W Oruice, Beg. 8K yOR LEA & PERRING‘ SAVOR, | and to use that heir names ‘bre apon the wrapper labois .3"' and bottle. P‘.'o the torelgen â€" *4 condiment having caused sertain dealers to Invataable to invalids and persons of impair® "‘, # THE ONLt GOOD 8A008, ‘~OaUTIOD â€"AGAINST FRAUD. â€" > 554 6. + Fao sucscess of this most delicsions and unrivalâ€" LComwmiszinon â€"Merrhants WOROESTERSHIRS® saAUCKE, Declared by Conaciasear EA,4 PEARIAS‘ UMINICK FOX. BALEB AT PRIVATE REAIDEnCES, + H. KASTONX & ©0., “n-anm.}‘ : GENERAL AUCTIONEKR. + qULININE m WINE BITTERS, w Ne 6 Bparks stroct. 62v1336 law F4 B GA‘-T.T...&. i 5 uq-g?f»':.:u::za | k>s 1s, 64. 1 | 4 s aoand Pud c "Carne The, To (cvedm )Xh, 1870 . _ 10WHavkâ€"im 1s hereby at an on will be i by/given, th application will -unuhohj-hrcfluhonuu( Untario "ut its next Ression, for an Act to authorise the constraction of Water, Works in and for the City of Ottawsa, ‘ , WM P LETT, _ _ ECE â€"TINE o-g-nh effects the DIGEETION and Ab®"MILATIONof COOD LIVER OIL, the fat eaten at meals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" perior to Pepsine. , Pancreatine Powder, bottlqs, 21s, 3s 64, 6s 64 and 1 2264. ruuuéu Wine, bottles, 3858 mu. N.B.â€"Pancreatine Wine is the best vahicle for kind, I have never known an instance in which relief was not obtained."â€"General Alewzander ton. 8. Stuart, y In Tins, 2s 64, 5s and 108. f Or formed into Cigars and Cigarottes, Bexes, ~© be, 8e and 1be. Pastiliosfor Inhaisation,Boxes, 2s 64, 5s and i 66. BAVORY & MOORE, 143, New Bondâ€"st., London. Aeuwrsâ€"Messre . Â¥,Qundili & Co., Montroal taking Cod Liver Oil. _ kocavraâ€"Meosere F. U CEEee elgmcmy CC meme GT HErurIce " VOu, 0P COusk‘ ~on, Ont, of Dyspepsin and Liver Complaint, or that of Johr Heosey, of Napanee, of lbc'u.-uim. who had actually been onâ€"orutehes for years, but has now recovered the ase of hik 1imbes.‘ # .«.{"““‘"a. arhet Suosfosted Rpwsey ahd Piiis on o8 le can be Obcainéd at all ï¬â€œuowm Price of the Remedy i# Targe pints, $1. â€" 317 The follewing remarks on testimonials of mos wondertu} and extraordinary cures in Cansda by be gazat Isbias Rexuzor. They ‘ute storo undeniuble faots, suficiont to eonvince the most sceptical M:o Nh ediâ€" einal compound.© yearned after agos, it now adcessible in the groat 'Y.:u vn‘t.l‘u'o ever such .:nu that of 1 Storms, Consumption, or that of Poter 0 V ï¬m ?Lmn Ont,of Consumption, or that of Ambro«e W ood, of Conseâ€" Hecure, then, health, longevity and vital energy by the habitual use of she â€" ._â€" ALKABASAR TURKISH TONIO. . Kept in stochâ€"by the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion. For directions for use see labels on bottles â€" BENRY CHAPMAN & CO., EVANB, MERCER & CO., Mountrea!, Bole Agents for the Dominion It stimulates the appetite if taken aupors I;pn?nq dw ithe iihknannnuh. 4 It neutralizes the prepensity for}etrong hm' 6. 42 ""“ & It.renders the intellect bright and clear, If taken babitua ‘lt imparts vitality and dnergy to all the :ï¬ ily, organs. By lï¬mqmd’ T0 will become, as it were, reatored to, the elasticity of 30 ; and to persons of delicate constitutions it is strongly This elegant Turkish TONIU is one of the most salutary and delicate preparations ever «ubmitted for public approval in this hemiaâ€" phbere, and asserts its pretentions to patronag: ub the following grounds ;:â€" ~That it is a preparation of one of the most empiuent Purveyors to the Ottoman Court, It prevents acidity of the Stomach. It relieves lowness of spirite. \It is a mild and invigorating tonic, and a GAllllb’l OOKRALIIE TOOTH PAsSTKE, for cleansing and improving the Teoth, and mpartipg‘s natural redness to the gums ; whitens the teeth withou leaving between them. any "AA pnf:r-d from ‘a recipe as used by kio: Majerty . Presorves the Tooth, and 1mparte a deli «lous fragrance to the breath ;. gives the Teoth » g::-:ln“ whitemess and protects the enamel .. * “Aun 1KL®K QBTEOQ ENAMEL sTOPPING forPreéserving Front Teeth. Warrauted to «eop white, ana as frm as the tooth itsolf. This seautiful prepuration restores Frout Teoth anu provents doou3, . buinsient for Stopping six Teoth. TOR...THE T EETHIH Jaces of wWder, AL mamel ï¬nu. 64 «rongly LKE ENAME:, tor tnopping Decayed Teeth denders the tooth sound ana useful, and gvvnh l.‘ouhl:&lo matter bow far ‘decmyed ice is 6d per bok. Ask for Gabriel‘s Celébrated Dentai MESSRS. GABRIKL, The oldâ€"established Ventists, t im‘s GAllllu". oDosnTaALGIQUE ELLXIR a mouth wash unrivalled for its agreeable ‘roperties in eleansing the mouth and nmm.:s he b_(o_uh; is is ibvaluabie ‘to smokers, a «: Thoamoke causes no nausea,. Whenths ABHWLK1.I0. CBLEBRALLV® PKir aba UW ~ TLONS °. .. 1 OR LEANSING, BEAUTIFYING AND PRESERVING Th® TEETH _Bold by Chemists and Porfumers, and by the Montreal, July 6 ost efficient byt innocuous stimulent, . â€"~~ It renders the bio@th asweet and agreeable. It is an especial favourite with Oriental HKJ8K .+ 8 aEMEOY. ~~ _ 8TOQP ~AND 8EE!I i ABRIEKL*®S QBTEO ENAMEL sTOPPING oTICB 64 Ludgate Hill, London And at LIVFRPOCL and BRKIG»T N. ABHIKL*S kOYAL TOOTA POWDEh BHOSHONEES REMEDY. franud Tookknoke.. .. .. ¢â€" .: *. .â€"+/,: . abriel‘s nameâ€"None Genuine without it ISDIGESTIONâ€"â€"P & N C &R E a«â€" P arAT} 1K18 WHITE #UTTa PERCHA *b | 6A great >D'. '..’w“ m.‘“ f.uu., _ml‘mlfl oN LE . * MES8SA45â€"â€" CABRIEL. Dentists. LUDGCATE WLL, LONDOCN. R ASTHMA, :Fosum Bronchitts (DATUBA TATUL A, ! _ Affords Immediate Reliet. , and gives brilliancy to the to sufferers from Tis, aLr sr. #@ 14157 Grand Lrusk to Detroit...................... Grand Trunk to Toronto, Great Was= fern, £9 . DBEPONâ€"...«.+czescerersscerr¢eres Leaving in favot of the Gréat Central For TIOEKKTS*‘t Poluits 4n "t Stases, and dunzn‘â€.m +1 2. »56.golp esad; 1 Le»udOR her certiGcate to be true is "‘")f-'“-"" 1 know that whiloil} er cuse us Lope, less ; and 1 knowâ€"that shohas,| stuce harsecovery, always attributed her troovery yo Remedy. Whatevet, hay h,“ roperties of this medictde, ons ‘th â€" that in her case it has :acted like the‘ performance of a ‘micacih . 'â€vm.' A A W arden * oans ol,: inga., Provine, «i dotarte, & 1 :’uut*,- ‘ y El Provinee of , Rob, $th, 18689%. J Fh‘s is to certify tha the winter of I I wastaken with a woeakness of the ancies, which gradually, during the spring of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up h-y.flt:fl 4 bevanse se wouk that L could not walk, cqm my chair. For abouttwo years, while this ::: '.l. ::‘h. on -lo. and afterwards,"} sough 108 “,o-oi,uï¬lflwm three dostors, and 3.1»-:':.. of l‘ui‘n:‘ kinds “pnudb“ by m“.‘“ but of no aÂ¥vail. L centinuâ€"‘ to w worse, antil 1868, ::on r‘:u induoced to try a! ar‘ shonees Nemedy by reading the curés in & pamphict, Atthis time i ng rp. to teel the weakness in -I hands ; in fact I #as almost belpless: 1 have taken two ‘bottles of the Shoshoneess W’Ml'ouu‘olm'flhll‘ I am entirely restored to heaith.. l never expested to get better, b-ut-p%mu the meditine as a ort of forlern bope . is case of mine was not a private one, bit known to bl!z m'»-n and Triends‘; and to any one «s L was, i have only to say trp the: +hoshonees Remedy ; 1 balieve it will coure you. _ n whees NORTHERN TRANEPORTATION .CO‘8 X) FWU%C:MM â€" D. LAM CS I J OCDENBBUKO *« â€"CHIOAGO, Making sure. connections with Railway for all GREAT CRNTRAL ROUTE . AKD uv:".uol&? :ï¬a:ku%%‘lm Route to m“m‘h’†. lmt. )1 .m Americanâ€"Ogdensburg or Presoott...... *‘ > * >â€" woman of before, du Bworn to before me at Madoo, County of Hastings his ninth day of February, 1869. HOSFi iA I hereby certify thas l‘I:n'ok‘.’o"'::n Mary Ann Doughty tor the last fifteon years ; she is a e lb( 0 <) | Adpmeantai figlen Cincinnuti, St. Louis, New Orleans, and all Points in the West dad South, Parties | going west dan seouts Tickets u%o&.buy?u&.&d,‘.. f ' Mkezs zans ititii ; @ ALL RAIL OR ALL BOAT » Fares M*IW‘M‘M’I-’@ Be stre and procure TICKETS at this oiicd 212. N. CHAIN BANDS lor Sciatica, Rhenmatic, . Neuralgia, and Gouty Pains, Local Pars [ lysis, Cramyp, &¢., 188. tu 228. and 408 BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbego, Indigestion, . Liver, Chest, and Runcticnal ~Disvrders, &c , (woru as a belt), 22s to 408 and 558. B CHAIN BANDSs for Writer‘s ‘Cramp, Trâ€"mbling, Nervousness, &¢, 228 to 308 _ and 408, â€" â€"~ * B COMBINED CHBAIN BAND for Cantl, Paralysis, Epilepsy, General â€" Debility Functional Disorders, &0 , 308 to.508s A complete Set of COUMBINED UHAIN BANDS8,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £1. The public are most earnestly cautioned to beware of P .eudo Electric Belts advertised by sham Doctors, &c., for improper purposes, and so severely stigmatised by Vice Ohancelâ€" lor Malins in the suit Puivermacher vs Ham» mound, alias Hâ€"nry James, alias C. T, kaphey, A pamphlet containing full lars may be bad at the Drug Store of A. Obristic, Bparks Street. « 3. Ls PUL 206 Galvanic lut-tulnhmall.v Regent Street, London, W. © Ottawa, september 6, 1870 1455 lawk y No Gaivanic Belts are genuine but those slg bature on the % ie ~>: 5n These facte appeal to the good sens« of every suflerer to avail himsclf of this scientitic and curative progress, to which the inventor hés devoted a lifâ€"â€"time of study audâ€"labour, as an ardent deciple of that great benefwctor of mankind, the late illustrious , electrician Mionas: Farapyr. M. R, C. B, alias Henry Burrows, PULYEnMACHER‘8 MEDICOâ€"GALYAK»~ IC CHAINS are excecdingly +ï¬ ctive without the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, of "tht ieast derangement of the patieut‘s ‘babits &nd daily occupatiouns, in the following ma=ladies : theumatisrm Femai+ Conipliaruts ~~> Gout Constipativon t *3 Bciatica Cramp * Lumbage Sluggish Circulation Nenralgin _â€" Uriuary Disorders Frnuluh Urinary I Head aus Tootbache Paralysis Liver Complaints Epilepey Tic Doloreuz N« rvour ] luuigestion Function Deatn« se &#c., Bpigine Euorncux 18 LIFE CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIES. B. CHAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafness, Head, Tooth, and Face Ahe, and Noisus in the Head, 218. to 308. B, uLHAIN BANDS for loss of Volce and : Other mff.ctions of the Throst, 10s. 64. to The cffects of the application of Pulver= macher‘s Chaive in any of the above disorders is im« distely perceptitieâ€"the relief of pain instantancous. FRICE â€" LIbT OF _ PULYERMACHKR®s GREAT WESTERN, RAILWAY _::~~{The Model Road of Ganads $ â€" : CENTRAL AlR LIXE ROUTE Lâ€"raw.y e‘silr; | bEas s‘ cuol ~ommar®® Compaxy, at the ‘effice mx% Sparks Street, Centre Town, Ott Draper‘s, Bussexst, two doors from JAMES BAILIFF Managing Dir B lAE ;‘cn‘o“mt lbe ,un{qâ€h & Pone io bd io Agkth Haen bevbenke ebetbbeccsessssssesssnse *erbeese «6 N:rvour Debility Functicnal Disurders &c., &o. .. 190 46 'Tn"l'llh'l prinved® #nd Mflib‘d at :'.,"9"‘,. ‘.Ur Tas Ureawa Trwes Prmmxo mht‘? AN , y > l':yorr ~oumarmo Couraxt, at the "office, 38 ) The celebrated Liniment has been us~d for many years, and its curssive? properties boroughly tested, and it is conceded to be be cheapest and mos relisble mm dy fo all externel complaints ever uffer~d to thr public â€" it mever Palls when timely used hnd taithâ€" folly ap; lsed. * . * Asa family Remedy it is well and favourably kpewn relieving thousands from parn in se fl% Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Buzse rust, Sprains, Bruiws, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Mortus Dysettery, Bowâ€"1 _ Oomplaints, Burus, Boaloes, Frost Bites, / k#c., &co * THE CANADIAN PA1NX DE8S; ROYEER Has now bâ€"en betore the public for a 1. nigth of time and wherever used is well likeq, never failing in a single iugtance to give perâ€" manent relx whenr timely us 0, and w« have npver & * single case of Siestirfaction abere the dnctions heve tbsen properiy fclâ€" «¢wbd, but on the contrary, all uoo.huzm wiih 1ts w and speak in th« terms of its virturs and magical . fects, We ‘gpeik Hou ® «1perl. hoe in this mator haring: wuteo :t choroughly ano ther fore â€mm suffering fhrom apy of thr com, pleints for which it is recomm n4â€"d mayr de. pend upen its b. ing a bov 1ego R u» dy." The astonishing eBicary~of the Caondiag Puin Destrope;r, in curing th Disemsâ€"« for which it is ncommend+0, and it woud rtul secoees in subsjuing the t=turm ids o Ro: umati=â€"m, aod in redteving se vose L0 tivnog, Entitie it to achigh tauk i~ be vt e Râ€"medies tor these com,irints, ut sreere coming from Medicine Deâ€"les in all parta o the country for further #gupplics, and g=« hb ten»â€" tifying "‘asâ€" ‘to <the woivereal satistactio6 it gives. o t NORTHKO, & LYM an, tÂ¥%.a»*le, Ont, Propmetors. Bold by Georgee Mortimer, Joou Roberss, W M Masey, HF MoCartby, J Skinuner, is Ottawa, all Mâ€"dGicine Demalets. Kovâ€"mber 24, 1810 1522tf Winpremetic of Weemidas "Win "heid ihntedinns of %‘. ':-"u.""‘ Sridence of its restoratrve The Canadian Pain Destroyer never failre to give immediat» relief, â€"All Medicinâ€" Doalers urfu Physicians order and use it ; aund ve family wilt be without it after once trying it. Price only Twoenty &re Oents per tbot.le, hi g _ +>..] MOBRTHBUP & LXÂ¥ 4A 8. Bold in OQttaws by H_F McQauarthy, J Skinâ€" per, Jobn "Robetts, J P ‘Foâ€"utbherâ€"tou, Gâ€"orge Mortimer, W M ‘Massey, and all ï¬dlclu Anpromene & Wreak vknll 4 Oe 1 _ OV Con AOCoce "oe _ es / uk Pistuls, Sweeney, Ext rual Poi~ #, 80: tches aor Greuse, bimious, Lemeners <, Wite lows, Cerns, Band Ciac+®, Fourndcs6 Feet, t orn Distempr, Swelling», and many uther dis.ases which borees and castle ur: subjâ€"ct This valusble preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of thos atrticles which long experience bas» proved to p: gxesstb> most sale and efficient projertios tor th< <ur ~# Fiesh '(ï¬lldfl, »praips, Brpises, Gailse © a kinde, 9:.1..‘ Bull, “i-nu Buln' Apn ’I. 7 l 8, A RABIA N O IL P FOR HOBRSES AKD CaTTLE® To be bad ef all Drggists and Country Mercbants throughout the Domiuion, Frice %b5c. per boitl.. _ _ ts they were painfully affiicting, have been radital}r eured in such i numbers in almost every *ecâ€" m«m.ï¬â€˜uuwm a»arsely need to * , on sniiihe ecuimienar ons rooe ks oi ie mont dentrective «t rA08. + unseen and t trnant oftll:" om- undermines the m::uu.aa:-. » Invites the enfeebling or fata) diseases , w uirelinngeneairertnt s / en h to breed inforti .my.qd fomplatnts , Torpidity , Congenstion or Infiam« â€W,‘â€J..m“'huubh. © 0 % im\l zobouhtho 5:‘04. This A IP A RS L "is. a great re for the strength and vigor of the avetem. e m © .,m-- ent, Sittpteser and _yfl'i‘@':«: ons en rrans : or m v, e M-:t'--n ï¬-’d in the: lb_nr.‘::_ n. m ite pre uj the skin, or f * adee on Some park of the bouy. Riance the occh. 17 ‘PREPARZD ar Br. 5. C./ AYER & 00. Leowell, Mam, <lomg o ablg. s lh thidn wo aolive E3 mpiontt of Aikencs Â¥."<bl appes®! BOLD BY ALL DRUGGIATS EYERTYW n""“v racorv o6 them € PC LC Th t MMWM.'. ho on it mip ied ana in on htobulg'yn.-â€" w&m:f“m': nim m w ther organs of the Ds M Rels wleraily l ston dJA 5. 0 adto o maws Pitis wakes him foul dechladiy brotorcire, their cleansing and removating efect o e dige o*;.c.4npoqo.,m â€" ~emmiete oo B t tg?fl;um t 8. 4. is '“" '-vr--&â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"' / & U C '. :3'."2..;":'. m'ar' :J’sziz..â€.ï¬ howels into healthy action, restores the k and invigorates the system. . !2?’_“)1;2.‘ November 30 ANADIAX PAIN DKSTROYER ARLEY®8 A NEYERâ€"FaILING REXEDYT M“L.'“ immediate relief, and, at cure, by the useâ€"of this 8 AR84 P 4 R ) 1 â€" seemed saturated with ruied ï¬ -m" by ) t > m : and ¢ ; $t, s diszorders, )n‘ w were fnuud b)! the .m?ï¬ ous contamination watil t is derived from its cures, dn?J‘o‘ mh-n truly ,a « AFYV m ) PMX M Base, :‘M m:‘:"“ * "!\ seemed utunua with MB edts ai , 1870 YIXG TM® A100D. Sarsaparilia, ** The reputation this exâ€" tesllient medicine enjoyk, 18217 (A ChFHaAinEE on * Bm -'A!p&. The=QUEEN*"0o Arstâ€"class hertac an and ref nished he choiogst brandsir elisaoy of the soatm a roprietr‘s best off hi bf e puudes aeil DOBRNER OF q that hor Danchk W ednesday , the Atow more «en vith somfortable slicing the Oapit ation by tne dey * N 4 â€"Cans noase shhaty of <a« Â¥ 'l\ll 6 @1 Metoaife and Bp Hardware Store. EBqual to Lobin‘s, Patronized by t * *Ulls wa. Aveceros K EyV ERY CONV EKX 66 "\ll C# The iatest and ed on the raveliers. (I"HE UK1LON EFERY DE od, and every \'l #on:cicusness da dgeo yed or dise: is practise the were ‘:~ ‘ol:l.' consu at his citce trom # _ Oitews Septemt Preiors & an W ally foreign to the DR,. BUTOCHL mew BKTs of TK where wanoting, 0 rubber passtes, â€" the mouth mas to which natural % #liy htwat inconver woing for a short »@lousners of the be seâ€"n at abs of aisseases of 1D Bold by every hours from # a * ‘C. R, HH MNovember 26, NAFK ADA epposite the P 0 HoQILICE Wiuiiia» Mo " _ A. M h‘ Buildi ite the main K t C KE ts Auorntes Conveyancers, . und Quebec, . Pabiic, and P» wediately opp< IJ‘-. & % soiicitors, CQourt House, Ut lony Lc.i Enwi‘n D Solicitor, 4 of the Poase ani Oounties otf Pre Qourt House, L.‘ 1C0K WLOK } " O8GROY® & Bolicitore, yE an4 N. anoer and No Â¥ ork streots , _ QMice over 1 ouawa. W Mokar W + HEADRLG H® o6 Oonveyancer s a# _ DUAGEK SPARKS . V ularly atte t Rights for PPOSIT R,. OLAYV AVYERLY OCOPoRn R. MHORL LCHUOLA #H o+ As * DIC & Adv OR aA¢C TETR " RAG U ns