Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 24 Aug 1870, p. 1

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EKA £ 00., HLL. KAS Posat » 9" °o ansual yals* 4. of tals rLff.” & EPARKD 3 y Arts to sssasa yQOL Vâ€" *‘ ~G J BRYDAE*, â€" ~AHK Aq:fut 3 '-‘ sAILVAl m 89 WEST, . smemeny ah WY N* % p l”“ it "..-.,..‘mu- Company‘s 186 or TRA LN 8 x Ki (esastiln .. h .srers fln Unpoinang ="* * * €otSG cwWEst weson, ‘ Q p a, 4 00 sad 630 p m. The Sruie russ through io PV LX AX‘S "‘( A+ lA.A.'Amo.gln-Axn SLEEPING CaBRs |"**"*" "“‘:‘"A;; oo m.;:’: x k : 6 ‘Through Traing and the sor _'lm.u 0 &-wn”nl-luhp. pdm“ entire Hosin a | «ideauâ€"streoct, Otawsa. * ( of any tailway or this conâ€" Wusiiax Moseznove. @zozes Tamsos ons have been madt| ")"" ppopumAU, Nitary Public for the Pro &:'"“'.- raget® ';!M.'J‘ ,. s asar the Pos Â¥ 4 ........ 000 a a, 1:00 an ‘“ kW p a, 400 p m _ Montreal in 13 Hour ' Torouto in 13 Mfl st the mostimportant Stations, PIRSTCLASS CARS, AX A D A «u1 R0w stTw *E ARRASGE%ENTS. < ((870. e _A ' ROSAYVEITUVRE STAaAt.O. wuta aso gast. iale tor Tsland Ponod w" and @Charlott a" leoaves awiay and Saturday afters }., respectively at 4 p m. sscommodation for passe® ork street, cornmer of Sussex Ak A H TAYTLOR, Aengts. F8 iith, the now arrange: fares, and trwins will loare -.â€""lbm T8 aAXD CAast. : tor Island Pood o TB ~qacutmcrere tm. Gorâ€" Provinces :’".....":T.‘.fi.."?.‘:‘ DAY and "UI‘ be, N.B., &6. B at the Company‘s princd on and time of arrival and at terminal snd way staâ€" sket OMces, Bonavrenture Kattwa‘ry i. Bromoton Falls, E‘l:-ubpn I ul night tralas. © Bagg*g6 x a D A and (al Lz _ _" 2OE Warwap, Honday sad Tharsany at Â¥ B. as. tth atthe Company‘s prine= Sad tims of .fl..v‘tl::: DMB«,â€"Boanrenture Nreut 8t Jimen Street. see advertisements and CE OFâ€" TRAIXS sal in 13 Hours. to *in 12 Houtrs. moss, Istand Portlaad, mad LAJILWAY Cconâ€" ciAÂ¥biadba. > #u2 OF 1813, _ OF SPEED. exoress TJAM Managing Dirsctor Hight Traies." »age wad Pie§ akagoNX Ottaow a, NO. 1443. is intended | The lins ki‘ p m 1 00 a m T 10 a m 1 4354¢ 1 0 p m | Aa Suinaten Coerapampenn as. : masuus, VIe®, \ L"‘"."‘i’.“ii‘ Public, and . P# | mediqiely oppo: .‘ L-u .o‘ !Mlo.t.@l ‘ _Roasxrt Lass. ' ED'A..D‘ | Public, and . Pstent Rig qt Soliciior !-_,"::'_!_-zz:*-.‘_-_&:_*: I D _ _ W. ARMSTROYG, PROPRLIETOR, CoRXEE OF QUEEN aND ELGINâ€"sT3 : 0 ‘ ". 3 I k EVERY CONVENIEYCE AND COMPORT FOR TAE TRaAV@LLrSG PUBLIC: The Bat suppiled with the _ ° CQHOICESF ~LILQUORS, ED'A.D T. P ‘Tlll.?. Barrister Setfcitor, Attorney Nutary Public, Clerk of the Penese and Jounty , for the |United Counties of Prescott Russell. OMcoâ€"In the Court House, L‘vrignal. 34 ¢m SKEFRH & #6K, Bartuters and K Astornies st Law. um 010"-3» Conveyancetrs, &o, for Provinses of U _ """" RZF e in Chaneery, \ unser, &o., Bussex« satroot. OM.Udtm.out"s..‘ 887 York streots, JtitaÂ¥a, 13 P Â¥D "mtormeyy on trad. "eiionoen in Comnenry) j a & B Conveyancers, Notuctes Hublic, £0, £0, for the Pro vinses ol untar‘o and ‘ _ dffce over Dutics SHtore, Sparksd stredt, Jfjce over Dustic‘s h'-t.m. Sparksd stredt, (M8 o w n + w w hss ol W McKitr Wmuert # . OÂ¥ 0 dGame. ."m':-i;."w aâ€"Chancery, Conveyâ€" "itiiehe car vave, fawe. | 19 _ / + e CiaGkk, : Ofliceâ€"A l‘“:.n:::.‘l'u‘-q‘.ouv:- xfi EVERY DELICACY Ok THE SEASON Aceuares Kaarass. â€"â€"_, Rewt Enw.azo Kwaes, CÂ¥ decided to divide his time equally between Ottawa and +)gdeasbargh, would beg to inform Ais ais old patrons and others,that he hopes, ib future, to attend to their orders for taning more promptly than nerstofore. 3hall risit Ottawa onge a month. Orders rsceived at Mr. Berminghams Auction Rooms, and at E. Miles‘* Music Store. k ( _ 480. K. BEKBOLCT iinnxutflccounxen. Board and wmfi! HRL LMUTH LADIKEY‘ COLLEGE s‘OI.ll‘l'l.. Merchant and @eneral sole agent for Read‘s ‘andProof Ifl"‘*qw Laâ€" zllunlm Pork, Fiour, &0., for sale. Qrmon: No. §, treet, near the Aunssell mse, Ottaws city, C. W . PIAIO TUNINXG.â€"The subscriber having decided to diride is time equally between for buÂ¥ Prepared 4+ M BLANS, RERCIFICATIONS, &¢+, "vno AL aAC ”m. Mr.4U8TAVE sKITH,( otthe al)s Graduste of the l-:gl.o':-mg H, UJVER A sparksâ€"st cet, Cor ICHOLAS SP ARKS, Sarrister and Aitor HU"V ORACE LAPIERRE, Moietls 41 aNCLSO AXDDEPORTM®ENT. Wa nuvcocfl Attorney â€"atâ€" LA# , , Conveyancer, N LLTAX NDS BLOCK, Ridoom Streee (¢aoa. OMEARA. Proracerc 1IUTCMISON, d S#Butvons, »iven to the tre imea t Ffiu.- At nigts cab Mucruay streei. a & FiX, Deatist. OMooâ€" al OUawe Mutl M Aouien‘s bivom Sharkg ies mt w 1 Singing. Rideanâ€" W eviingtonâ€"st. TDL Guitable for the coming season, comprising Beg most uym.uâ€"-umm and customers that they have reseived and have ready or inspes lon . » NEWEST aND MOSsT~ FASHION . ABLEK DESIGNS. é q"l’fll BEADY.MADE Ctormn DSPA‘!'M best materials and most (ashionable styles. Spocial attention is called to a Pg'omh THF â€" GOYVERXOR â€" GFNERAL Guspendars, Scarts, Fies, Coll ars, Shirts, Gloves, a, &o. Togother with a large and well assorted > BEEF AND MUTTON. »ay DXY GOODS. w« Department under the supervision of a st cutter * s made to order in best and latest styles vod t ensured or no #a 6, k #, O‘MEARLA &4 00 SPICauy â€" anv SALT ROUND, LARGE ASSORTMEXNT OF PRING AXD i UVMMXERâ€" 4Â¥ VE8RCOATS g & RNXI8 WHELAN, FREX"H, OR ITHE NEWVEST STVLES ROLLED BEEP FOR PARTIKS LOTHS AND YEEY LARGE A8SSORTMENT TCHEL.L B»RVOG. syOTCH AND CANADILAN MANU FACTURES BYâ€"WARD) MXARKE1. 1ate to their custemers and th public hat they will keop constantl on hand "THELR OELEBRATED FRESH KILLED Grocertes, THEIR*STALLS, ATALLâ€"» a 0 Noe. 5 and T; orrawaA. WEDNESDAY AUGUST. 24, 1870. ‘Poer Canadian Steamer from > Q! Friday at 10.45 A.M. Peor direct Paocket via New York, or Nors,â€"A Supplementary Mail B1 \ dian Steamer will be closed or: 11.45 a.m. All letters must t any time. Five per cent. will be allowed on z:nhlm. in sums of $100, for the withâ€" wal of which â€"3 months‘ notice will be reâ€" LAWRBNOE AXD ofTAWA RAL®FAT Depart................ 8.10 a M, 1.00p m, 10 00 pm AITITVO® ..sssssessessesee 6.“:.. ll.jz a, 9 njm The above trains conneot at Junctien with Brand Prank Rail way for points south Or:awa Opriozâ€"â€"York strest, *‘ o Bussex , H TAYLOR, Agents. Post Orric®, t Ottawa, 13th June, 1876. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. (The Model Road of j To Sarnia, Detroit, t ilmaukee, CHICAGO, |â€" Cincinnati, St. Louis, New an GREAT CRNTRAL ROUTE AND saAVE MBNEY, TIME AND DISTANCE .. Cumparitive discance of the several Western ‘Routes to Chio«go : e cst Americanâ€"Oxdensburg or Prescolt...... ___ _ _ Â¥Fares always cheaper than by any other «gaAn»s ORXTRAL PA SHAREHOLDERS OF THI ' CENTRAL RAILWAY CENTRAL AIR LINE) ROUTE, Wedessday, the 141 To pass BYâ€"LAW8, and uuldJ AMALAAMATION with COLONMIZAPION RAILWAY | 6 8 54 1 v C Ottawa, August 13, 1870 9“", paid by Stamps. Regist .’:’. b:’mt in this ::;. at 5.40 a.m. at this office to any rat desired, _ VA | ALL RATL OR ALL BOAT REAT gITTY > Gr Vee Â¥ | o"lwumlu.fifr& Arrival and Depa ture of Maile, BUMMER! ARRANGEMENT. Pus 4 wi# + OFFICE OF TL PRiVÂ¥ELL®A& . GurDp®k. AT BEVEN O‘CLOCI ‘_NoTICB. A GXNERAL MEETIN BRITISH WAILB CLO8% Will be heid at the TICKETS at this office o'cx.oci ':p Je ns [:‘:'.YED:: w p' 0 Mail Ba IL tÂ¥+ A W AY CANADA DEED OF The following list of goods will be sold at such preees as will clear out the greater porâ€" tion of them in a very short time, viz : LADI ml will be remembered the above are a Beasons Importations and quite new. Sll.‘ Jackets; 300 \ : â€" â€" Opposite the Russell House. . B@M"ERH BOME OF THE PRICES ; F(‘iot Dres3 Aaterials, # 9} cents. N-w Mohair Strips, l'JNl‘l’ Prints, fast colors, 1 | ge k 9 cents? w‘uxu Brilliants, .+ j ~ 14 cents F“lc. Chambray,.. © * 17 cents. Fl-dwm. pusss f NORSETS, Wnl'l‘t KARSEILLES,: ROIAI “9"’““ Gearfsand Bows, W-trp.u Self«eColored LQ.u_u. FIIIOI‘. . Fergnemonth only, commencing on the 20th instant. ‘The whole of my stook is offered to cusâ€" tomers at a vory low fgure so as to make room ‘hhlnm“',!vnuullm the attention of customers to my heary stook . ARADY MADE CLOTHING . . mnyflwflmu-mrfl“ All goods marked in plain figures. ts s _ Also, extra good value in 4 _|_ Â¥French Weo‘ve, WhiteZand Grey ) NOLLARS and Caffs, t Eun. ~ DOWARD, © Organist, _ Christ Church, teacher of Organ, Piano and Singing Residenceéâ€"t‘Connor street. Mr. Doward was forx wiy Ohoirster Boy and Articled Pupil of Mr '.Md'mml.% HA WLSâ€"Black , | ® APANESE SIKs, ATIYX FOLDS, AT THE NEW ESTABLISHMENT, AcE FIASUES, 30 wuZ Pair KM O:::o: RILLIARTS, LACK Lace Shawls, ABRAGESâ€"Black and Colore?" WHITE MUSLINB (Hair Cord, Cheoked, ?dn-‘. m Juconet, Nainsooke, Book, LAOKE Biack and White Biood, _~ ADIES! White Cotton Hose, HONIFION and MALIELSE LaCBS FLGUuED S&ts, LACKB CUREALN®, : I’%l.l-lb:AlAal. s NAPKLIN3, T TABLE COOVERS, WBLTE and GREY COTTONS, BLACK LUSTRES, #e, #+ â€" © §LO C G% â€" Bisack â€" and _ Grey USLINSâ€"Printed. ARGAIES In RAAT CLEARILNG BALE. . BELLING AT COST PRICEB C“lll@lll.;.‘ LINDESAY 14, E++ and Children‘s Hats, 8‘ AND CHILDREN‘8 UNDERâ€"CLOTHING. UNBINGHAM & LISD3AY. CA8SH PURCHASERsS, No, 14, Sparks atreet, PARASOLS, NEWBRILLIAN 15, EW MUSLINS8, NEW DREKS8S GOODS, NEW FLOWERS. NEW HOSIERY, NEW KID GLOYES, NEW LISLE GLOYVES, HZW SILx GLOVES sparks Street, 14, Upposite the Russell House. R L JAMES &.CO., ” Y GoODl é +H [ \Q@im .,(::v..m: for Best makers. 10 cents. transacte! 0: |ICE CREAM FREEZERS, ; REFRIGERATORS, | WATER COOLERS AND FILTERS, j BATHS of all kinds. | : Uur Refrigerators are the celebrated MoKerr Parrst, and have a continuous circulation of air ! passing rl.bm‘l them, .Nothing gets musty Each one is placsed on a act of plano forte castors At the sign of the ANVIL, No. 34 Rideaun btroct, you can find a complete assortment of o rrn=®!" _ _: t scy.'rgnssz ’s?YTlmsm . * Axp orn®k® . (â€"HARYVESTING IMPLEMENTS. ) A complelete assortment of SBhelf and Heary :hrd'vm, Paints, Oil, Glass, Patty, Coal Oil, °,‘.o t 4‘ f a BZZ~All work in any of the above branehes executed in a prompt and workmanlike manner. bpecial attention given to Roofing and Stting :p flztnilm Irun and Tin Gutters, Conductors, a., ko ‘ Aftine assortment of Dog Collars, Croquet Lawn Borderings, Chairs, Stools and Beats, with a beaurifui variety of Wire Work, expected soon direct from Eagland. No. 25 RIDEAU STREET, Plumbers, Gas anod Steam Fitters, Tin and. Cpm)l:' Smiths, [Bell Tea‘and Cofee Pots, Jelly Mounlds, Wire Dish Covers, Bpice Boxes, !mlu‘ Dressing Cases, fi'f:‘é".‘i‘a&"& Vishes, Preserving Prns, Milk . aucepans, &40., &e. To 0 sainicen Ponk ooo stt makers) Hot A: hm W , Baths, s';h kinds) Cutiery, | and Britannia Metai a10, A IMPQRTER3 OF GENERAL HOUSE FURKâ€" IsAING HaRDWaxe. JUST RECEIVEKV, ox "Pride of Canada‘" and © Useola," a tplop.:zd sssortmen of Block Tin Ter‘and Cofee , Jelly Moalds, Wire Dish FISHING TAUKl.%oo-wuh‘ Rods, Lines, Flies, Hooks, Fioats, T.olls, P.nniers, Land â€"ng Nets, ¥‘y Books, 40 , &0. ud . * Ottawa, ‘August 10, 1870 149 i7 pFon»qqr WEATHI IxON BEDSTEADS, Mz. CBA MPNESS has always on hand the best scleation of horses and carriages to be found in the City, and to ..“4 grooms alway m Ottawsn, 12th J«=«7, Jtawa, Docember 20, 1869. C NTRAL TOWS i 71 LIVERY . .sz';,t.bjzs.h ‘w. CHAMPNESS, _ Batrisn‘Liox Horet®s, Srancs Sreesuer _‘ Plavs &¢, can be seen on and after Tuesday the 20d. A t 6 /# ‘Becurity will be required: for the propet execution of the contract. 9 , The lowest or any tender ngt necessarily 0cePC3. â€"â€" . o_ ABNOLDL Architect, â€" ‘11 Metcalfe street, Oftfy4 July 25th, 1870 L419 _ Shelf and Heavy Hardware, HENEKY*S STONE BUILOING, Weltington Street, â€"Upper Town, Ottawa uin marm : FOE BAPI. X rmumdn:-ouuoquaum. Ings for the Montr . legraph Company, on the corner of Sparks and Metcalfe streets, in this city, will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Thursday, whe 11th prox. 7: I)“IOI.UI!OI OoF PARTNXERSHI The ‘.M“’ hitherto existing betwoeen JOHN LEG4O and CHARLES ALBB&T MONDELET, Dentists, under the w and Orm of LEGGO and MuHDELET has thi> day um efluxion of g'u. The bustpess will be c on at the "Old RAtand" by the Ottaws, August 1 "*~ _ > PBREE XNEW STORES, WITH DWELLINGS j THEB BEST STASD & on SsV88EXâ€" 8TREET. BLYTH & KBRR, July 25th, 1870 HOMAS ISAAC, Blood sil er Steel, all/iengths. Blood Cast bteel, 1 * Blood German Steel, * Prige of the Field silver Steo‘. Bounie Blue Beli, s * Red Roveror Champion «* Â¥lint‘s Celebrated Soyth, Whitings Eureka Soyth ground, ready for use. B«.; Rakes, strgight and tent. s H .» Forks.two and three prongs, Btraw Forks, three propgs. | Bo.thes Buathes. Grain radles Muley and Grape Vine. Boythesâ€"stones and (Grindstones of all sorts and #1z»8. P Grass und other Beythes. * Ottawa, bth August, Apply to Croking ‘and Faney: itow | Marduwa Twine, Glass, Oll, Puatty, &6., Hangers, &c. CHILDREN‘S:â€" CRIBS, THOF, BIRKETT, Capital Stove Depot, #No. 24, Ridean Street, 10, 35 Russex street, H MEADOWS & 0). JAMES W re. JNO. LBGOGO. 12836.t 1407 baden :â€"The despatch proceeds :â€""It is reported here that the French army is generally in want of supplies. |Lican asâ€" sure you, from personal experi that the Prussian force is abundantly supplied." A German r calls attention to the :kctthstthe_Funoh troops carry but one eagle in each regment, and thatâ€"in Sepâ€" tember last the French Minister of War issued a xzsulntion. according .to which the stand of > the oooo:Z third and fourth battalions of: the French regiments «are to bear neither the national colors,. nor, as heretofore, the numver of the reâ€" giment, or ?n‘y inscription ,whnbocver,h so as in case 0 not to serve as a y !E_"?ryA Ge;lgn:-{:.ttdion has a .em..d with the‘ full :fm.&unoe 1 of a fieldâ€"sign The number oon«cn:rod trophies will therofore, have to Mmy distinâ€" guished in each ease, nor will the heary sums promised by the (Germans for the French eagles be so casily gained under these circumstances. A correspondent of the Opinion Nesâ€" tionale says that, grand as is the effect of the "Marseillaise" when sung by Mile, Sass, or M. Frure, it is tamé: compared. to the e he heard close to For bach. â€" A regimental band was playing beâ€" fore headquarters snatches of operas, &o., when suddenly it began the Marseillaise.‘ The brass band rang out with a) strange warlike sound, when it was© overpowered by the voices of the. soldiers. ~Binging, as they did, so near the enemy, the great war song had\‘m character of reality which mdy enhanced its magnificence, Some ) notes there were in the chorus, but The Prussian correspondent of the Manâ€" chester Exzaminer states that the engage ment at Searbruck lasted six hours. 'l’horc were 600 men Aors dc;crrbat. Th.'lnt;.h Lancers were oonndnnT iderably cut up. Frensh loss must have been g;:ur. & number of prisoners zm ght to Coblentz. ‘The from .::o g'ont .hln‘lfl 'â€"'ml’d.-.;?\t‘:?h nnaasaia .‘_hl:“i- false notes there were in the chorus, but it was O‘E“d:-d mofw:uiqn that a French officer rv is men, "They sing falsa, but they aim true; or as we might say, they sing flat, but are sharpshooters. General Frossard writes from the field oi Siarbruck :â€"I have been shown, and held in my hands this morning, a sketch of the engagement of yesterday, made with the pen by the Prince Imperial last night after his return from the combat, and given by him to the son of Baron Lambert, Mr; Tristan Lambert, who is a great friend ‘of the Prince‘s, and who has volunteered as a private in : one of the reâ€" cos are so eager, that three new re are to ‘be ’(mmd. which ~will m strength of these. troops to 25,000.â€" The enlistments of the Foreign. Legion in the service of France are so numerous in Trieste, that the French Consul there has been compelled to close his list, in order to communicate with the Gorernment, and ask for instructions. « Rewaro or Firrr Tuirsxs.â€"To the German who first takes a Turco, in order to show him in the Z ological Gariens of this city. â€"An additional forty thalers will be giren if the said ‘lurco be taken with the wellâ€"known cat, which we understand each keeps on his knapsack. o The Volunteers in . Algeria for the Turâ€" fi.:nuo{dneuud-for the campaign. 'ikotchismn.flomls exact and preâ€" cise, the marchofcoz: ‘armee, the enâ€" counter, the‘ bridge, spot. where he stood during the affair with the Emperorâ€" all seems life in that little rough sketch, which, no doubt, will become an historie«l document. in one corner of the sketch are written these lines. . â€" The following advertisement appears in the Cologne Gazefteof the 27th July : mw.nh-mhhpmhpm Both the United Service Gazette, and the Naval and Military Guzette, state that the recruiting at the various stations is being carried on with considerablé activity. The ; United Service Gazette is also able 4 to state, on the most undoubted authorâ€" iq,twwdmthbnmqhah’ number of troops to be in readiness for active service." A sum of £2,000,000 has been voted by the© House of Commons to meet the exâ€" penses of fiting out 20,000 additional men of all forces, w’:ichin_lu_ been ‘decided to ”'1;&' M;MMW are to go cam l&rni&fll w. 'l?bcowsl be six ‘battalions of infantry, two troops of cavairy, and our own battery raise and maintan during V B wv-u'y hotesadittcaditutrid advivetnintret A ofifiu.z’ . The Tth Battalion will also get new clothing at once. . The Brigade Camp will be formed at Cobourg on the 16th of next tnonth. â€" The four hotufiomofinfm'?«intbm and the squadron of cavairy will take part lc'oi"m.m-;m Acting D.A.G it is likely 1 .AG. It is likely the Minister of Militia and the Adjutant General will visit it. The total strength of the Brigade wilAbo about 1,500 men and 150 horses, with fire militery bands, In these days, says the Pall Mall Gazeite, when we fancy we are soldiers if we can onlyknpatop,it.uwns to recall the following Oobservation by Mr. Windham in lfi,wuh reference to the military estab ts of the country : ** We seem (he said) to suppose that when mmhvogot.ntofnonto‘ethc,not matter on what principle combined, have put thend in a certain dress, ranged in them a certain order, and tsught them certain exercises, that, as far as that numâ€" ber goes, ‘we have createc an army ; which is about as wise as/what we see of children in their sports, who, when have fixed a piece of stick in the fancy they ave planted a trés. What is wanting in cither caseis the vital principle. We perâ€" ceive this in the case of the children, but never suspect that the same is true of our own attemps when‘ we suppose we can create armies without danger Mvn.bfi very sap and juices out of which all that hulifoaodufionmuucp-z;‘:uhfnp them alone must awrise the real military character, as from the military character ‘mmpyoqe_d_.llfl-ntelnm!l‘]mt‘smz an army. How ‘danger must operaie T’ this end is obvious .to every one ; but it would not be difficult to show that discip. line is equally necessary, and that all the highnihwy'virmu::,wl'nu charscteristio is courage, grow flowers out of dung, from a principle that is fourbhed on fear. The Duchess of Albans is acting as a volunteer organist to a country parish Welsh of 'nslflv‘ly Jewish surnames is due to the that at one time the cusâ€" tom among this people for the son to asâ€" tom this people tor the son to his wn surname. The son of Leri Wilâ€" liams took Levi for his surname, sinking the paternal Williams. In like manner in llwium. M W.‘ & even A# # w $ assumin M-mm:smn‘-mfdl mw’bw;bnth:h_-b ; ma’h e a very enduring mark upon Welsh family names. * 64 The frequent occurrencte among WAR NOTES. MKILITARY. Loo Narormox. the several stations for the . of the coast.. During their a'm who have been exercised in squadron evolu tion, steam tactics, and the shore goi men who have been drafted ‘on bogm the temporary service during the cruise will, I understand, if required, ‘be able to make a v ry creditable appearance. k The: whole coast guard fleet consists of mote than forty vessels f all classes, and represent a total tonnage of 50,000 tons, and over 8,000 hurse power, with an armaâ€" me(!li;'oflGOMmdblop'of ::o than OUne of these '“.mul. stationed uorPo‘:-. im&.niflmtbu;?mth::: is fast beâ€" coming a place of great naval importance, and, ini_ucl:. it is now under contemplation m\mdodfibowh of his ‘5 the pilot shall irmi "“"“"‘ committing a breach oltn npeutrality the Board of Trade, and I believe has been referred to the Trinity Board, who have ic timated that they cannot take any steps. How it will terminate I am unable to say ; but on such trifles as these nations are sometimes thrown into‘the wildest disâ€" order. This aftair has been the cause of an order being issued by Mr. Shaw Lafevre, by the {present Board of Admirality to purchase a plot of land there with a view of establishing a royal mnaval store yard for the supply of her: Britannic Majesty‘s munh&loum not to pilol ships Ol war gk oi honwoxoo&t.mlpunh waters, within three miles of the shore, or to do more than pilot such ships into or out of British ports or romdsteads they are not at the time engaged if any hostilé operations, but ships of war iW disâ€" t:u"mydnylbopilotos. out of inmimeâ€" Y L:: Raitibow a gunboat 235 tonl,nifty power, armed with two gunsâ€"left theerness, at thoentnado( the Medway, with a detachment of maâ€" rines, several sets of Baltic oh:::;nd sealed despatches for ° the Governbr â€"of The coast guard squadron, or second reâ€" m:?um«um have left the ing the Freach squadron from the Downs m{m fi Mwuwm North Germati Ambassedor here having doâ€" itary Secretary Of the Board 'rm.,w:."am-u’ Can lmtnm&no Preservedâ€"Deâ€" fence of the Irigh Coast. From the N:.X. Herald, * a Loxnox, «Aug. 6, 1870. Matters are evidently coming to a crieis, and it will require all the diplomacy of the L C A‘ Peasih ‘ c s The Fharired £2,000 for Crowhust, who reasiÂ¥ed £2,000 for plot Heli.ohnd..goupoflwoishnduaiw twonty-:i‘ht iles from the Weser, the Elbe, the Eider. It has two good hrbon,ndtotbo.mrdoflh:wl; island is a good anchorage, with nes 50 feet of water. â€" The marines are to be disembarked for service ashore, and there is no doubt but it â€" will be the rendezrous for the squadron of. observation which I informed you in my last was to be got ready at once, s » The Admiraity, during the past week has summoned the several ‘admiral superâ€" intendents of the royal yards to head â€"quarâ€" ters to consult with Vioe-Ad-w Spencer Robinson, the Chief of the* Department, as to the capabilities of the able to carry out additional work which may be required for the ‘completion and repair of ships which are shortly to be BOUYTY FOR MARIKES. The marines, which are now ‘being enâ€" listed are offered a bounty, and the standâ€" ard has been considerably reduced so that recruits. As an example that the Governâ€" :n::rmodop.d.monthndlbo British service, I may mention the‘ fact, that for no other part of the army are re cruits being offered the bounty. 4 * UE QUEEN OX DEOK. f 765 tons, 800 horseâ€" Laver, mlucitis tomg the db of guad. ship while Queen Victor:a remains at her mss tm murre i er am enquires as to the working of the turrets. Club: its tPRICEâ€"3 CENTS and fine looking. Men as a general thing admuire brunettes much more than blondes. Salt water is said to be ruinous in its eftiect npon the hair. The only right time to eat fruit is in the reason is that they imagine themselres as m;am that, d regards lady‘s complerion . "distence , infarisbly Many of the lad [ athore m kTu r & ye e ‘ so well behavred since the mothers have taken to wearing high buttoned boots." British pilots are not to pilot ships of CHIT CHAT Â¥FOR THE LADIES NEWS AND GOSSIP.. . . The Hon. Mr. Carling has been elected Another jllustrated comic paner made T ENGLAND KaAVAL in Dublin last week. ‘ It is out of the to beat up &

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