t | 1| 11 +4 1% which some patriotico fanr nad Destoweou on him, wh lea another t:nm huge melon ; for M. Proud homme, epicur, hu‘a haart, and a vory:;c.r-o.qol thisoccasion. A«s for wharsco, utr. nf-'- scemed to be supplied with & sutticiency to last them six months at least Let us hope that they will. be enabled to capture an adequate sgupply of. Merschaums in nhischaad.: .‘ ~‘â€" : es & PX AECORECOPCOENE + T + Arrived at the railway station, a ful half hour is given loiterers to come up ; and thon a sudden transtormat.on scene occurs. The free and eansy warriors hecome as solid and well ‘dressed up‘ as Roman legionâ€" aries ; ciptains and sdjutants are stern, and éergeants »nd corporals look black as thunder ; only the kind old .colonelâ€"a~y thit it is the forty.fourth of the line, and that the commanding ofticer wears y lubs mde, en san oir, the q-diohg-l’-fl_:&h The diregtors of the Camada Central Railroad in Montreal on Friday last. i&rt-p-r ts were made for the bolding wf anther meeting of the share ‘holioers, to the opening of the road, which is to take place on the*17th of \Neptember * ‘Phe object of thisa meetâ€" ing is to by â€"laws and to consider the Mdzâ€"u with the Northern Colonization Company. â€"It was decided M&odflh‘,w& held at the office of Company, in the. city of Otâ€" tawa, on the 14th september, at 7 p.m. is the pallacium of the regiment, and was worn by his preciecessor at Austerlitaâ€"only this oid gentlemen with his bronzed face und white my ustaches, as he dismounts fhrom his horâ€"e, tikes off his keyi, disclsos« his griasled My-uorpod plh and orle ®, + Mes enfunts, vie« l« France / Ho does not erv aba s anybody. He has been nï¬mr. o long that he mboeu his 106. en fints echo the shout, fall in with mechani The Candda Guzcite contains Her Ma losty‘s ,nnrm-, commanding all Brit ish subjects to observe a strict neutrality in the pn-n, war â€" between France and Prussia. j i a k +o long that he respects his 1was.. Les ea funts echo the shout, fall in with mechani « | regui rity, and are speedily u::ulk-d I.{ the raulway c«rr. Everything is d no wit mathemati~l strictness ; but, in contr« aistunction to theé English mil tawy rule of +silence in the ranuks, the troops are alâ€" h wed to sing ‘La Marsaillaise and Mourie pour la potile‘ until they »re Loarse. Are hot sailors encoumg d to sing »s they work be o pâ€"ton* And so, with Dv,:t.mo-oll % ey are borne away to the Distant Land, wreturn Ged knows when. It must be w.dlwmiohho“mmm prow* to carry napsicks containing the. ¢ personal needments, and thot almost uniâ€" versâ€"lly, epaulettes have been dicarded. the only emblem of rank being a gold s«tripe or on one arm. They are m en ho tm aetm en of entres en the drawâ€" ing four ed and the captains six hunâ€" «dred france.‘ ® € Her Majesty!s Theatreâ€"Wur J. â€"Marshall d oubh unlformpe J it D iiage, â€" . Mr. A'lnh-uov-ul L‘ Original, h#, been # ted Deputy Judge of the Uounty Court of Prescott and Russell. s | regut rity, and are the ralway corr. _ Eve |mm“'u' atrictne uistinction ¢o the Eng tsilence in the ranks, ) wed to sing ‘La Mar pour la qs me\ until t not sailors encouwrmg d be e pâ€"tan*? And s0, An official investigation was held last week in Halifix to enqu.re into certun cbrph:z.ht »gainst Captain Ewing, of the C s«chooner Waute Lily. On Siturday last the report of the Court ww recived by the Departount of Marine, amd we understand that orders were at once sent by telegraph, directing tha: Unptain Ewing e suspended, and .anotheâ€" officer placed in charge of the; vessel. Captain Ewing had been found gailty of drunkenness, and we Lelieve that ho has also been charged with smuggling, though this | tter charge has not yet been brough: undr the notice of the Department. The sympathy for Prussia so h?n‘ ty expressed | y Canawli in journ Jists, is mihes the result of the influence of the American press npon them th n anything «ls0. W« cert inly fail w discover any reason fo. sympathising with Prussia, a powaer which hus during the last few yearsâ€"played the part of the grest European bully. It i natural «nough th.t he Americans should wish f r the success of Prus=ina, from the fiot that a |â€"rge «amount of United State bomds â€" are held by Prussian capitalists Whntever may be our opini n as to the pmquxmnm not forget that for many years past the French have been fhaithful allies o Brit.in, and that the preservation of thâ€" alliinee between the tworcountries is one The Ottawa Cunes. of the best possible guaranteses for the progress ofcivilizatiom * Nenater Mitchell returned toâ€"lay. ‘The other Ministers here are the Hon.. Messrs.| lansigevin, Dunk.n and Aikens. There is therefore now a quorum in the Cabinet here.‘" ‘This would seem to imply that there had not been a quorum here for some time past, whereas the fact is that with the exception of not more than aix or seven days in all, there has been a quorum of Ministers present in Ottaw / coprespondent boasts that he can" furnialh tMtaws news to his paper which (t taws people know nothing about, 1 he is undoubtedly right. He affeote know everything | that transpires meetings of â€" the = Privy C whereas â€" in realuty _ he nothing whatever. We do not. suppose that he is admitted to the Council Cham Lor, or that Ministers inform him whether ‘The Ottaws correspondent of the To ronto Globe on Wednesday last sagw>â€" « they dare call their souls their own or not!" The truth is that when he is un able to obtain any facts to telegraph, he has to resort to fiction, and is thus, without doubt, able to keep the Globe supplied with information whish no ‘other paper is‘ wble toâ€"obtain, seving that it is all manu. factured for the Globe‘s especial use. But any man who gives the subject a little con. um‘wfllminuth“m must of necessity be incorrect,and weo regret to see that a journal of such respectable atanding as the ‘Toronto (@lobe, should publish telegrams, which have taisshood ‘and ‘folly‘ soâ€" manifestly ‘stamped upon them. s | MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1870 It is saaid that there is universal discon. tant throughout Mexi~o; and a unan mous demand for new uniforms, NEA abViK1!skMbELATS OMoe:+ 3%, Apatihe Btrest, FOUuLIsHI FABRICATIUON®, \* win er had bestowed ! u BEWARE HOW YoOU TREAD OX HIS 1 TAIL.! ; It is amusing to see how terrily. exer gised American newspapers ares about the ,oulnl‘n, of Great Britain.‘ They are 80 exceedingly anxious that the Mother Coun try should become involv«<l in the present Europash war, and assert her position as a lirst clus power by incontinently rushing into the fray, that one might be led to suppose that the upholding of the d gnity of the R.itish Lion was a matter concern. ing which the American Eagle wa 1p6 cially interested, hd wenot know the exact contrary to be the sase. The N. Y. Trté hune says that " England will put up with anything rather than fight," but does not inforti ° us what it is that swhe lIma to go to war . about, or¢ whether it is againat Ex nee or Prussa _ that she ought to draw the a«word, As weo have be fore pointed out, the presâ€"ryation of Bel gium and the maintenance of an uninter rupted overland route to India, ard the only two matters at all connected with Eusopean politics in which Great Britain is concerned : At presont neither Belgium or Turkey are threatenod. and it i difficult to underâ€" stamd what possible re«son there is for ber sawrificing a few thousands of her sons and a few millions of pounds sterling, just for the sake of twking a part in the war. We believe thit Mrc.. Glmlstone‘s Government would do a great de«l to oblige th» Amer icans, but they will hardly be disposed to go quite so far as this After all, our American friends need not turn back the pages of history very far, in erder to ascer t.iin whether or not Great Britain can be forced into a fight when her bonor is in‘ volved. 1t is not many years since a cer tain disputed boundary question aroused the‘imdignation of our neighbors, and the Americans were all but unanimous in de claring, that unless theirfview of the subject was adopted as the correct one, war must instantly be deciared against Great Britain. But the Britisht Government resolutely reâ€" fused to accele to ‘hs‘do-n-d. of the United States, and yet peace was preserved. Still Inater, after the seizure of Mason and Slidell, _ the ‘.n‘ Nork _ Tribune which is now so us to see Great Brit. ain involved in war, saidâ€"* We do not know what England ‘may s»y about th matser, neither, to tell the truth, do we muck ‘care., * =*_ *â€" The fact in Engl ind cannot be kicked into a fight." And yet when Cireat Britain demanded the immediate sturrender of Mason and.Slidell, icans, but they will hardly go quite so far as this American friends need n pages of history very far, | t«in whether or not Grea A Western contemporary, wikily eager a sensation and not knowing where to 1 one, startles the p.licic .l world by an an »lliance betgyeen Sir George Curtier and Mr. Gebrge Brown! Not at with the bare announcerhent of taot, or rather the Hction, our contemâ€" invours us with some circurnatintial idéerdipe to prove the saume. The Honorâ€" blw B .â€"ronet and the propristor of the To CGlobe have been seen to drink claret of the same bâ€"ttls together, to meet 1 . recoynize . one â€" another . in friemlly â€" manner, instead . of rushing _ forward _ and _ endeavoring w» out each other‘s throate! What a terribly legenarate agoe this ia! A few centuries «go if two gentlemen who difered politi ally had met imthe atreot, they would hitve t onee induige | in a duel a. Foutrance for «h ©crown of the causeway." Now they neet, almke b nde, venture a few rem whks im the state of the weather, and listlyâ€"4 tmpora, 0 moresâ€"drink cluret together. Alter this are we not justited in exclaimâ€" mkg * Whither a e we drifting ®" Without entering upon a discusmon of the merite of this very Mlliom:& ment, it is somewhat, amuâ€"ing to with what avidity many of the le«ling or yinse of the Oppdsition tike hol! of the tory, anil gruvel} discuse its probability Is is wonderful how quickly their opinian of the Minister of Militia has changed, an 4 how, though they have been constantly villifying him for years, they suddenily dia cover, that he is after all an ableo and con sclentious statesmen, of very liberal and enlightened views withal. _ One of the loading ‘brgans of the Opposition has ascer= tiined that Sir G. E. Cartier is it« own, and Mr. Brown‘s = natural ally®* For years it hi« been dissembling its love for the honâ€" orable Buwonet and abusing, hm in un measured _ torms, but | now, m common . with â€"many o’ e _ con freres: ol _ the _ same | views, : it hase boo.onaibh‘d&h.y virtues s a lgading public man. We are glad at all ‘events to see |hnhufq-h have repented of their former, unjus titiable attaéks upon the Minister of Multiy, and trust thit although the all} ance they so engorly seek is not likely to be eHWected, they will henceforwar deal honestly and fairly with their " na tural ally" as well as with other mem bers of the Adminiatration. We bare been informed by the Marne Department, that Here Majesty‘s Recretiry of State for the Colonies has intimated to Mis Excellency the Governor CGeneral, that it has occurred in some cases of reâ€" commendations for Colonial Naval Cadetâ€" ships, that young men have been selocted as jâ€"lkhuo for such appointments, who, upon medical inspection, havre been at onee rejected, as physically incompetent [h'lhounlnrv‘wo. . ‘ In the cuse of any such application in future, it is desirable that the »pplication for nomination should be accompanied by tuldnl evihitence of the physical Atness \ of the applicunt for the appointment. In such cases, the nomination has been considered by the British® Government as mwumwnn consequently, been lost. A REMARKABLE COXYEN®TIONX The | at detachment of French . troops luft Civita Veueula on Aug. $th. CDIODNIAL NAVAL CADET® â€"Ottmes Brigade of Qarrisom Artillery. No. 3 Buttery, Otiana. + To be ind Lieutenant, provisonally, date from O9th June last : : Rergeant Major Thom | Walker, vi J. Cotton, transferred to No, 2 Battery DOII‘IO.. London the hitile has a coal oil explosion Bad sidewalks disturb the serenity Hamilton. x \Unusually lurge Great Western hare boeen Ml‘.‘--fl hl‘l’. T'oMMMh""“..- tion in M«milton. AML.litax says the fruit crop in its neig! orhood will be unusually large this year ‘They hut almost a fire in St. Johns nights ago. > Th e Â¥ . Jobhn, N.B., is looking afte of volunteer« to the lhlnA-'l ing to be hell at Fredericson. . Perth is aftaid the water in t in so low th.t a large quantity will bo atuck,. 1 of wheat toE-n-L' wkk, â€"â€" As uh bimnt of Smoce hashad his tb â€"wken playing at basa ball. The town of Sinpoge is so degraved as t have a race pourse. Montreal is excited and ind t at t state of the sidewalks in atrootA. | } Io be 2ud Lieutenant #m-hully t. Nergeant Frederick Woods,‘viee R. Mo Koenzie, N-itl-& In throhnmn-tho lnni-u-hi? with the yellow fever on * .. i A full blown rose on an lmoi cites Relleville,. s * Kingston is actually ing a new stoamer. The N i lngara races to be unâ€" south shore of Lake ( & tario was on w’rï¬h&om‘lut, vuited ‘by a severe A robber trying to break into a house in St, C:tharines was driven y the female inmate«, armed with soda r bottles. _ Montreal is again to have fres in stables. f A Peterboro paper says story of the .-Wbi..hs-s!olnu with a bullet wound in its bead is a The g:1 lamps were in Peterboro for the first time in the ing of the Uuelph is & â€"nics giring ."“'T rk at week The Grand Trunk will con gers from Mt. John to Lachine the great bhoat race fir one fare. Om?m?AEli.\ * Charles Dickens, jr., hi« falher‘ The English establwhed has reâ€" cently received among its , the Earl of Mulgrare, the eldest son of the Marquis of Normanby. The last articulate words on Lord Palâ€" merston‘s lips were "the *wlld.hn treaty !" | ; New Zealand advrices to the Oth of July represent that the Government h« deâ€" clined w enter into the Cdnth“ The war is enmied. t + Balles ballul, ‘"The i of (Xbher m“:’u roawlizecl .onuq‘ 46. JX to we k * m.calyn: been nited to the ollice of PFresident of the Lbrary. umamwwm 5. 31, this year, reached an aggr of 437,â€" 285 u.!.- i @abmet uJu toma hc‘o o:n-pudmmpubl of 1868, and BQ..‘ 10 tous in correepon period 1868, (.A.-h-huloâ€"th.-"u-ntfy Lord Charles Hamilton, brother of the Duke, amd a relation of the Emperor, has (mys a Paris «mw- «l1 by deciar og his w enlist as & private n a Prussian dr:goon râ€"giment. Io w Mn sn chieisr Rorinrt. uk The Cunada Gazetit announc * The exports of railway inn from Great Britum for the Ave montlhs, ena ng Miy _. M my of the most illustrious men in Engâ€" Mlh;romhnmsl.od::odpt now liv among n mber being m.,.:.‘,nw..nz.um The arrangâ€"ments of the Gorernment t change the co sat guard service from an abmoust exciusvely c vil to 1 hignly effective :.‘:;l‘mhn,m been camâ€" Un the 19th ult., a cheque for £51 and a gold watch and MvM.::u:‘) wous were presented to â€"A 5:: as, Kag., :L. number of friends in râ€"oynition of his abilicy â€"m»l chasacter as awhwr of the London X. otsm«n. s Corporal Ilurhsth winner of the Queen‘s prise of £24%) ats Wiuubledon, is lhe son 0f n grooâ€"r at Wauliton, in Surrey, w.uuwn:.:uwyu .;.â€wc riment: it .tll) mummm.mw being about 412) tX), * The following is the touching iascripâ€" u:l.on .u.:mu(:l::m?m.. *bHe f bullets enemy to mmdhy.cumflypop." t Ina surious fight between whites and biaoks at Wao, Texas on the 6th one white man was killed, and one woumled. Two black men wâ€"re wounded. About 35 s«hots waere Hroed. Kt, Lonis expacts to be the future great city of the workd. A statist there eâ€"timates that ber population will be 17,467,503 in A D. lWks Chicnago, not to he bo.ten, however, calculates thus ; in 1830 her po rb&n was 6.; in 1870 ‘sa 4X),000 ; in VW it will therefore be :220,250,645. UNIiTED 8TAUPER. 22 â€""At the maphience of 2ve. Lew (oot. ing,;â€"@At the wof Mrs. boï¬l ock on ty mistnig of Tnoming, ‘Aug. w on the moning , |Aug. 4, 1870, by the Rr. J. A«won leov‘v thluck,, of Meridian, Hon. A. T. Yorgn K. Louls expacts to be the future & â€"7."*""â€"""“ 5 rity of the world. AMQMQ&'U.‘&Q““?_":'..““::}L.L‘“‘: hat her popalstion will be 17,467,553 in ‘ live there. Nowhere else in the world is A D. J%k» Chicago, not to he bestéD, | gat portien of the Litany which prays for however, c«lculates thus ; in 1830 her P’Jw'mbumdmtno&h lieg is t was 0; in 1870 w 4X1000; in it« most earnest and frequent exercise. 950 it will therefore be 209,250,645. Conversation there seems to be punctuated UNITED 8STArES. wuhcul «hots and bowle knife Atwmhhn the follow. | amd the family circle is a uni n img;â€"=â€"As the of Mrs. h.fl with arsenic ‘and strychbnine. _ the ored), near this city, at one and a half| cha m which lzow-h- throws over o‘glock on the morning of Thursday, |Aug.. thes» trifies is thit there is hirdly any 4, 1870, by the HRâ€"r. J. A«won Moo:») punishment for them. lfAulb).l% (black,, of Meridian, Hon. A. T. Horgan or some other familiar qlmnd (white), Mtate enator from Yazoo county, thereupon sinds a revolver t on a to Miss Cuarrin V. Highgate (colored), of messag» of emjuiry into the centre of A‘s this city. + lhhflu-“hwquflï¬t Don Juan Foster his a ranche in Los | B d4oes no: necessarily suffer any pen«lty Angelos and Diego counties, Californi«, therefor. ‘w.ï¬ï¬‚ï¬'Ҡc'-u-um'u.thu hundred square miles.|| twenty doctors come w‘zuvoMB llo can ride twonty â€"seven miles in a straigh t "“-‘.‘"&:‘m‘ 1 the act. m-.mm.vz.u.mm And no doubt tell the truth, for all erime is insanity, and the man who steals, A mout German, overcome by the heat well as the ho «t Xbeart eamtateient on e M httt |so mell oo the mae who kile maorome te number .:\d been restored "':“’ of physical which “‘mm'"".&' ey inquired his name, z uuddafldm«hhflg bnfluuuumduhfl- dl‘flllll Y“h“'mmd'do ’:& 1 w P . | amw courts "to act k_‘j‘_.‘x".ï¬"‘.'..’_".?&“,':‘:?_‘i'_“'f Apon this theory. M Donu Juan Foster lhns a ranche in Los Angeles amd Diego counties, Califormi«, | .-.-.uu':.m buodred q:n-il-. o can mde twontyâ€"seven miles in a straigh t w-.&oulbvz.&mhsb. A-unuo::‘-. nu;o':y. 3:-:' l."o‘a::, :al'-or -.:\dhumnns nmbm, mmpuired his name, he replied that it was none of their bu!. | Balfe‘s ballwul At the Silver Spray disaster on the Mi*â€" | upon this theory. * _ sesippi, “'J’:m“ “"‘:""' """::l.â€â€˜?-'m Germ in was up on a log below .. * wrock and his wile was also saved. The ;| Dosath of Clasper, the Inâ€" m..::lm, .,::...,.u.,..,l', ventor am Outrigger. boat‘s boxes seout adrift. 1t . m k was picked up, and upon the futher‘s fimiâ€" lh;?&-ndl;‘d.hlylu.hmm ing it his joy was unbounded. He hal | To# e "":.."m looed out, BHaby swwed! Shoo fiy, don‘t | ! bre hundred races of one kind and W....-m.“.‘&m,l 10r, | Anotber, ‘.1* lifetime. He was he danced about with it u."-â€â€[,ouotomd Fire Brothers crew , feotly happy. | consistiog of himself, his brother William, A Pittaburg magistrate, who unites with his ofleial functions the business of underâ€" taker, holds court in his warercom, and d.bmjnumv'uh a.:'h.d.p-o plate bearing name of some person deceamd,. and the other on book of orders for ftunorsles The litig:nts sit upon cof. flns while their case are being disposed of The raluable pine forests of New Jeresy ate likely, at no uistant day, to be enturely MILUITIA APPOINTMENT® sUMMARY. No, 86 Battey, Othnes W in trtkly shipped 1 ® Light of (¢ther ho Hvyer 000 bushels | f saw logs the tranalt tion meets the 6 TiR OTTAWA TIMES. deâ€"troyed. Every «~‘.mps, and. hundreds and thousands of i dlars are lost before they . can be Srii Arrnsdert apestacien alients of ame wf fruth five to ten miles in length som«times .mfm‘w b “u “ .",m‘ everyt betore them. ® FOREIGN. h A despatch dated Mbou:‘dAulm:d 3& siys a terribile * visit en af the Gaif of Corinth, The towns o‘ Amphirsa and Galizida, and several vilâ€" hï¬ ware destroyed. * * . Que n of the Belgians, with the un f>rtunatâ€" widow of Maxinilian.¢the Coun toss of Flamlers, and herinfunt son and heir to tha throne, are about to take up their quarâ€" tors in the Palace at Aniworp. Uhalons, -h: the E;pomrmu:- his h.dqunc: about 80 miles in rear of the line of the Mose!le, and 9) miles in & straight line from Paris. Met: and Nuncy: are 3) miles apart, and each 170 miles in a straight line from Pwis. By railroad, how ever, their distance from the capit:«l is much greater. The Strambourg truck line (Chemin de fer ‘de T EÂ¥st) r-a thmnfl; Nuncy and Chalons, the distance of the tlormer place from â€" aris being by rail a‘ out, 2 %) miles Mets is situate@t on a branch of the same ro«d, which forks a few milos m 4;! N.ï¬z'd.-l il;“;linuwo f.om 1 Th: out miles. The l'm-{-n fooled the Srarbuck coal: minas which produce 3,5X30,0%) tons of scoal yearlr, on« half of which was conâ€" aumed a Frace: _ The following is a translation of this now a lebrated document : His ‘u:umth x'i:.":i Prussia 44 * ’ llis M»je«ty the Emperor of the P!-x jwiging it useful to nind closer the ties of frbndilp which unite them, and so conâ€" tirm the relations of good neightorhood mmuu between the two counâ€" trie®, besides convinced that to umnthhnm‘t.vhehh. moreover, ‘of a F‘or the pist few duys the Citisen has *en lashing itself â€"into a rage at the linuu«s telegphic reports, which it says . mt purlom«ip trom ita columns. â€" A« thâ€"y + 1e both morning papers, and t:hlinbod «bout the same hour, though the Tix wa beliere, is <struck off as a gcnu: xhinsuriiot than its enraged sister sheet â€"â€"it is difficult to say how the stealing ~an take placeâ€" At noon, we find, how: vver, a Clfizen extra peddled through the «trerats containing news matter which was tubli-hd in the Tiwxs this morning. This £ good joke on the Tiuzs, and a tbeiter one on the public. How this world is given to staaling. The cat is out of the b:gâ€"the charge made by the Cifizen agiinst the Tixxs wis only a dod(; to coter its own pecceadilioes. â€"(Héanwa . Eren ing Matl, | kind to insure the maintenance of the general pesce, it is for their interest to â€â€œlhr fu l:k:::,l concerning their future re o reâ€" solved to conclade a Treaty to the followâ€" ing efect, and have in consequence nominâ€" ated as their representatives the follow.ng persons, Vigp :s _ _ ) 0 _ | Who after exchinging their full powers, Ts iire spobs t s dfionng att + Aur. 1._â€"â€"His Majesty the Emperor the French acquiesces in «nd recognizes '-E t -,.4"’ J hy sgiine pubht sB t. w i against that Pow r‘s allies. | *Aur 11.â€"His 4 Ltln King of Prusâ€" alrnengeges to facil.t« mhmon by Fmance, of lauo.::l'; and this purâ€" panllhl*uy ill enter inso wons with His lrpy the King o Noeth rlands, with the view of inducing h me-doï¬lmvlromun Â¥, to the amiparor of the French, on the te of such compensation. as shall boju;im wimjpuate or otherwsa. The Emperor of tln&‘nuhouuuido.wwmm whatever pecuniary charges this arringoâ€" ment m«y involve. _ _ i ol $ !,* Aut. I1L.â€"â€"His M+jesty the Emperorof mMflWw.Ffl- eral Union of the of N rth Germainy, with the States of South Gerâ€" many , cunuh‘ Austria, and this Federal l,'m-:y based .n one common Parâ€" liunent, du» reservation, however, being wa lo of the Sovereignt of the said States. _."# 4 Aut, IV.â€"Hi Junl_ the King of Aut. V.«â€"â€"To insure the complete ouï¬ l'Hm of lboKpnc‘din. eont.i;dm;r, His y, thb King of Pru«aa, tw Iqlu‘y. the Emperor of the Fremh contract, by the m-«n Tre 17, an alliince ofensive and defer,â€"ive, which they solemnly engage to maintain. Their l.q‘nu.- bind themâ€" selves, sesides and in particular, to 05 «arve its terms in all ces where their ml;‘eun states, the integrity of uhh;: guarantes, may tmluld anu th y shall hold themselves kound, in any like con junction, to undertake without delay, and Pmuhbcflo‘ho-'nflhlnttftb Emperor of the Freach slâ€"uld be led by cireumstances to cause his tronp« to enter B Iginm, or to c nquer it, shall grant armed uholuu-.udohll::sm wu‘z all her forces, military nav @d, in foce of ari against every Power, which «hould in this eventusl ty, deciare war, uiler no pretext to decline, whatever -I::z arrangements ma«y be enjoined z. common interest conformably to terms and provisions above declared. Wa extract tha following from aletter in the H«milton Times â€" Te THE SECRET TREATY,. atroke oar of the * Fire Brothers * crew, consisting of himself, his brother William, Fdward, and a youngster as corswain. In 1845, at the Thanges regatta, they won the clha prise of £100, open to the world. um‘-au -;w;. was ch:mpion of the Tyne, echronicled for D) important races for that year. In 1844, on the Thames, be won the £50 pize. He rowed for eleven champion p ies on the Thames, out of which he won seven, lost one, broke an oar in won, and bud been fouled in two. J surnalistio Rocentricity his theory . *.; T Ts ntanmtieg ?...“.«'&."&.....'o:.& Alausper died July 12th, in Highly Buggestive. ** im M * t uu,n.;:;.' :S. Lal;‘stbm!s a Orricr:â€"G. P. Dremmond‘s Exchange ) 19 Sparks Street. Latest from the Seat of War Up to 4 o‘clock This Mor ning liers ha« returned to his original command at Tours, Disturbances have taken place at Tou: louse, Marseilles, Limages and Lyons, and martial law his been proclaimed in the department of Buches Duchone. . . A quantity of concealed arms and amâ€" munition was seized in Paris. It is supâ€" posed to belong to parties dangerous to the Government. k I f The police are seeking for the owners, La L. berte has a vigorous article . advoceâ€" ting the repeal of all politigal prescriptions. The French claim that Btnnbour‘f i8 thoroughly mp.rod for a siege. ‘They =‘y the gart consists of 11,000 men, thout counting the National Guard. _ â€" Tho John Bull says the friends of Napoâ€" leon urge him to seek alliance with Austria by oftering Franeis Josepn all the territory Last night the authorities at Toulouse sent a de-mwh to Paris out:n:.flut Nancy was ocoupled by a Prussian detachment, The news is not confirmed this morning. that may be acquired from Prussia by their united arms. e Paum, Aug. 14, noon.~â€"â€"Nothing new from the headquarters of the army. _ & The telegraphic communication was inâ€" grrupud yesterday between Paris and amoy. || . 5. e srige _A Southampton despatch says that a North Gmnn: barque was u‘on into Cherbourtg as a prizc. . _ â€"a t iA s _ Loxpox, Aug. 14.â€"It is stated that nine French ironclads are in the offing of Kebl. _ Prepwations for the defence of Puris is " It i thought that the Prussian demor} t is t t that t russian demonâ€" atration on-g'ruboglr‘ is only a feint. _" | _ Beventy thousand volunteers left Paris to day for the army. ‘ The Smu&a'lu publi;:c A :i::- patch orr 'I‘;'Hdmv ying that there m fear of an alliance botween Austria arm«l South Germany, â€" _ & The King of Prussi« h«s issued a proâ€" clama«tion at 8t. Avold, in which he deâ€" clares that all military receptions« are abolâ€" ished in all French territories occupied by Germanâ€" uoor He alse announces that though the French Government should persist in the favorable expulsion of Gerâ€" mans from France, no measures of retalia: tm will} be adopted by him, as it wouald _ be unfair to punish mn for belonging to a country cursed with a â€" Bonsparte. He adds, Frenchmen in Germ my need ‘not be uneasy, they shall, in common with all mankind, be vonvinced that Germany moves at the head of c.vilization, _ o. n Mapaip, Au 14.â€"A â€" Republican me~ting was boï¬'l:u night t which the speakers advanced most liberal views in regard to the future .government of the country. These proceedings caused no little excitement, and d.monstrations of symp :thy were ‘made toâ€"day. | . The Republicans, bowever, discountenâ€" ance tumultuous gatherings, and are earâ€" nestly bent on vindicating their loye of lordur,. â€"â€">] i wbs. :d l'.nnj:mm:. Angul‘:.â€"'!‘h‘:mwtm of Eng: in seeuri neu t Belgium from violsu.:xn- uoundt‘o nnm feelings of gratitude from the Belgiu ‘ --' Â¥ _ & x4 s 1 % A,,,E;LL _ Nuw Yorr, Aug. 14.â€"A special despatch to the Herald, dated London 13, says : The French em has received a report from Paria that a t occurrel before Metz, and that the attack was myle by the Frinch. No report of the fight has been received here from the correspondent. . __ _ Phaiseburg, the k*y of the Voeges, 25 miles from Strashurg, has been surrenâ€" dered to the Prussiins. f lm\'m:ol1 14th.â€"Advices from state that the French nrm‘ has wimwn to the west biunk of the Moselle. hnl’lw is at Toul, 12 miles wet of Aancy, x â€" The evacuation of Metz is considered certain. + * : The Prussians count on starving out the defenders of Strasbourg without recourse to bombardment. 4 A despatch from Nancy via Berlin, dated Natuniay ~night, says that a battalion of French ‘troops movcg towirds Metz was encountered ;-wdcy morning ‘on the r i way near Fort a Moussson and retreatâ€" «i. le wving its baggage trains in the hands vitthe Prussians. #f â€" 'l\om-o'mp; Nancy, which has been evacuated by the French. s rBna‘or the relimef Seiween Frvamd. portion tween Frou« and a party of Prmlu are cutlting % the supplies and forage for the French !ur.xopa,. sheltered | under the glacis of tz. ._ BY CABLE Midnight Despatches, . The Crown Prince‘s army had left Pfalseâ€" burg in the rear long bo‘u‘n was surâ€" Pars, Au 14.â€"The journals unaniâ€" mousl dotmf;‘tbeexpuhmofflm Mgnuh soil in consequence of the discovery of Prussian spies. â€" Count Palikao has issued an address to the troops, in which he blames them for Hring too quick at Wohnnb\lrï¬ Me anys they used more ammunition in one day Mmrruflumuinthn. The Marshal reminds the soldiers that they aise now on the ground line of deâ€" fence from Thiony.lle to Metz and Nancy, and that they must bold their ground ; on the back of that is the line of the Mense ; then that oi Champagne ; then the Arâ€" Htrusbourg was invested by the Prussians it mwnm mppu:{ with ammuniâ€" tion, and places likely to be ‘in jured by the enemy‘s shot has been strengthened. â€" _ â€" _ A awe .Ba ‘HMil Loxnox, 14th. â€"Marshal. Baraquay D Iil founeh- and then the linse of Reners, ilâ€" ustrated by the campaign of 1814; and vehind alt this is Paris ; and behind Paris is all France, with four million armed Many persons left the town willingly, and muany others were sent away. Comit t ra k t * 4 t t slonse for many months. we The Journal ?dd says the activity of the Minister of War is mdcrfnl,.nJall the immense resources of the country will soon be available. | j'l'ho authorities deny the statement of the German journals that the French do not respect the convention of Geneva, and «tread only to the French timent in France is calmer, and the Opinione Nationale says the Gerâ€" l:::ounvch-lnit their loss in kiled ahbd woumled .n proportion of five to three to the French. I"> newspapers |announch thit the T â€" ians treated the inbabitants of v. «h as enemys, because some of the «. ;mflndumh. German troops. . â€" Despatches c Metz, 13th, says that the Prussian pick=t yesterday appeared in leepest determination is evinced ï¬ Admiral Farragut Dangerously | out the country to retrievs the t deâ€" Illâ€"Bloody â€" Massacre _ in h‘!'{u'o Oniakt C is t . , Chinaâ€"Wounds <â€" by. Prusâ€" & M An‘ % ' ® man journils admit their loss in kiled abd T otr Gnunl s not Sev".l‘f" '-rg}"l woumled n proportion of five to three to C euse & €Tivie the French. | Weaponâ€" Prussians at Nancy: r""‘! newspapers wneu that the ,â€"Mthhon‘l Position~â€"Comâ€" * +A m""“"mn hwm‘:‘ uul| |munication â€" Between , Paris u.. iwems fired umho German troops. and Str!;bnrg Cut Of. Despatches c Metz, 13th, says that Portswotrn, K. C., Evenins, 12.â€"It : is the Prussian Pw::&My Irund in | thought Admiral Farragut is dying. the valley of M. and a detichment| â€" Saxâ€"Fraxomco, 12th. â€"intelligence from for a short time held Fort a Moussen. A | Chili gives details of a mussacre of Chrisâ€" 1| satle of our French cavairy drove them | tians, â€" at ‘Tientin, 22 Europeans and 31 U'-Q and made 30 prisoners. \‘Chinese children were murdered. Nine Prussian spies were arrested in ; Sisters of Charity were victims of the masâ€" Mets, > sacre, their bodies were terribly mutilated ; Pamm, August 23.â€"La Patrie says when Volunteering continues in BY PEOPLEK‘® LIXK, Atca. 181,1870. Offce â€" Theé French army is in ï¬nwobdignon. eight Protestant churches, from, which A d“p“*, w man, |3|,h' mis=~i0nu ies r:'trc'n't-d Wese gun.:jk * 3 pm., <from the Prefé.t . to <the téen places of worship were destroyed Minister® of : the. Interior, ~says that . _New York, J2th.â€"Cable spScial to all is quiet on the right bank of the Reine, â€" Tribunge â€"s ty%: .. *‘No news is ',,",m and the investment of Strasbourg appears,. reach here from the front, and eo: but a «embl ncoe., + . "BUSDICIONS are eXnreszmat _ Wws _ { UU® A projound sensation was created to day by the pissage. through the city of ami>n‘ langes, doctors, nurses, and sani ary stores, all going to the front. A large amount of money was given to the doctors and nurâ€"es in the streets for assistance to the wounded. . lLm LIAberte mays that at asocret meeting, ;louuwday. of the Corps Legislatif, Jules avre, developed with ability and moderaâ€" tion & propositon t it the Commyitee of defence hiving a supreme pow:&)y ap» pointed by the chamvpers. e ho _‘ Count Palikao with tact avroided acfi m wmious discussion. [ _* * A Deputy asked the Count : whether he wished to be minist r of the Tu leries. Paâ€" lik o . replied : e had the _utmost confidence in the Xon:ioï¬am ot â€"the Cham »ers, and would be guardled by them, but he deem=d the formation of a committee, of defence incompatible with the regular duties 0 the Government. Deputy Gambetta made an avle speoch in favor of the proposition, but only 50 or 6)deputies |voted for the motion, and: it WAG lat- | w A * A large number of actors and singers have enrolled themselves in‘ the army.. â€"It the French are defeated at Me!z the Pru« sians will find another army at Chalons, and another at Paris. 4 Bunk notes of 25 francs are to be issued during the week. ta SPCCIQ. costs e 100. â€" * [ Loxpox, Aug.’:mm the Thames waterâ€" man‘s regatta yosterday, Mr. Sadler won the champion scullers race. $ ‘‘The Chambers Newcastle on Tyna crew were successful in the champion four oared Portswours, N. H., August 14.â€"Admiral Farragut died to day, very peacefully, at twelve o‘clock. |â€" Kax Fraxcisco, August 14.â€"The German Banitary . Committee, toâ€"day, remitted $20,000 to Berlin. CtiR, J ‘ Pawis, August 14.â€"The Lesperance, of Nancy, states that after" all the French solâ€" diers had left that city the Prussians took possession on Friday evening, at: four o‘clock, when the Mayor was ordered to rment himself before the commander of be Prussian forces: | The town was made pay 50,000 francs, and requisntions were also issued for large quantities of rations and forage. wloe. Losams, 14th.â€"Theâ€"British Consul at Hamburg telegr? s that the mouths of the rivers Elbe Exder, J_hde and Waser are blookaded hy the French Heet. ~ _ SATURDAYVSMIDNIGHT DESPATCHES: The Governor of Helegoland has refused to grant private ission to conduct the flag of truce boat to Cuxharen. ; Ioxbox, 13th â€"The News of this mornâ€" ing »ays that in a fortnight the Emperor has more porfoctli:m lermined his throne thin his ene:nies have in a score of years. It is reassu. ed by the Plobiscite that he his thrown away the votes of the people, and his dynisiy and seat of war is now beâ€" tween the rivrer Sair and Moselie.. An abstract . of Marshal McMahon‘s rv:yort + e the battle of oreth and Froscerseven‘ _ says th:t on the 6th, the enemy attacked the heights of the ‘gu rd , opening with cannons and rifies; The «ttack was so violent that the first division was comâ€" pelled to change front. .â€" i whid .DIBQ Post of this morninf has a leading even affectionate article on Mr. Mot: Jey and Amerioca, _ _ 1 AasH Lool oh. _ Boon! after the Prussians made a feint from the right bank of the Saar, followed tflt‘h.oon. bg:ret:;:flof tbo?tt;cékuflibe t wing; but cbtrfo; of the cavairy and infum:y failed to dislodge the enemy, and at 4 d‘clock, the Freq_ch'ri:ht was and at 4 C broken, an derfrunt ar wity, / The Sat Review is refraining from speculations on the war, because it says a few days must determine the f:te of France and the Emperor. Probably the army will take immatters into their own hands, and choose a leader and tight out the war. . _ The Spectator thinks the next battle must decide the fate of the Empire, as the Emperor is v&nishing. > â€" ‘ . â€"â€" : _| : | A telegraphic blunder caused McMahon‘s disaster. , _ _Advices from St. Avold, u%.to Friday night, represent the army to West of the Morelle, and still retreating. . ~ _ The Prussian cav«lry has reached Pont a Mousson, about hsif. way bo(ween Metz and Nuncy, on the railroad. _\ . ¢ _â€" Paws, August 13.â€"Chevandier de Valâ€" drome, . Foreign Minister of the Interior, has enrolled himself as a member of the Garde Natsonale. â€" General F.ill{ was directed to move on Lunbach. â€" He found Kansbach in the teleâ€" gram as received. â€" â€" _ xt Part of the ; Prussian| army invested Strubou:? Tldndnnoe on{mred‘n vast amount of stores abandoned by the French. Bavssa 184, Aug, 13.â€"â€"Advices from Metz, thm&l: Prussian channels, seam to conâ€" firm story of the removal of the Prince Imperial from France. He has not .been seen either in camp or at Church since Sunâ€" the Empress Eugenic has mae preparâ€" ations to leave for England ria Ielg?um in case of necessity. . ho cit. a. Gen. Abruth, commanding the forces of Strasbourg, has issued mhm-mm deâ€" claring that he will de the post to the Gen. L=uman is in command of the forces in Parie. [ ** 1 Loxpos, August 13.â€"Holland has sent 1800 volunteers to serve in the Papal army. Sharp fighting took place in front of Metz yesterday. A considerable force of Pruuuncd advanced into the environolof the city as a reconnoitreing y, to disâ€" cover whether the r.eromm of tï¬: town havâ€" ing being evacuated by the French were true, when they were met by a sharp fire from the batteries and forced to retire. Reintorcements for the French, both in men and stores, are constantly and rapidly arriving. _ € o ntenk ie $ It would appear that the Prussian adâ€" vance have rece.ved a check at this point, and a greit battle cannot now much longer be delayed. .* ~ NAp t Hivaxa, 18 â€"Antolini Auguileta, the insurgent chief, who #urrendered at Holâ€" quin, and offered his services to"Spain, with other insurgents who had surrendered, took the field and qmnd the insurgent, Colonel Arbas, und ught him to Holâ€" quin, where he‘was tried and executed. Be«rch was made for Gen. Sarrybut, but he managed to escape arrost. : SATVURDAY‘S8 DESPATCH. t is reported on excellent authority that _retreat upon Saverne,. Ne: d Breame was mude a neces TAA0U9Me ‘EAFE> i0 . HEWsâ€" 1y -'"0"«(] 10 reach here from. the: front, and constant suspicions are expressed, Wotinds, made by Prussian guns are not seveare, those 0, the Mitrailleuse are fearful; numbers " of men had l.r)th legp shot ‘off, and stil] live: h d uol n un 410 Tok 3 (h c " VC mAnve, Fdmund "‘Awout is a prisoner at Texier, Everybody is called to arms; but"it apâ€" peiurs that thee «re no armse to give them. and it is contemypdated, issuing to a part of the Garc:e Mobile oldâ€" flint muskets, There are on.y fifieen. Chassenots nar There are on‘y fif.een. chas com;mniy atâ€"this camp, and t} told to look on whuile the fitteen the use of that arm.: > Why the French â€"army remuiins concen. | .. , ., P* * trated hefore Metz, nobody un«tlenun;._ | Cattle steal It is believed that the Prussians are already l A new w at Nancy, and it is appirent that the Em.. °" the e pire is rolled up like a scroll. F ' ltlm; to _ What Housag said this morning is true, | gregati } For twenty years nobo iy in France has | “n“.‘ studied war sâ€"riously. . Everything has T'o.“ been done superticially, while the Prussians doing ‘busi are first in science, and have proved they | ing and lar «re first in war. . ©_ i s ';l“'-hdd Tribune #pecial, Londoh, August 13.â€"| _ CE Special corresponlent, writing from Pars, | gins was fe Thursday eve., 11th, says,â€"Truthâ€"is slowly | #""®sted a l@éiking out. It.shows the position of the | ~ Three J French army as worse and worke. â€" Two | ronto and ys ago, & despat h, meaht to be reassur.> tiscd for ing, w«s plicirded, stating that Failly® * hâ€"s established communications with Mc | 72 Mahon. + lie o t‘ w a Fow-. j ommunications« | * I!:‘mmm{: mh.dthoéu“‘o I.:e (;.r‘r‘l‘ln“n;.?‘ |..':. I ® 1t now a that these communications were eoumuhed on‘ the field at the last battle of Worth. = McMahon‘s position is in all probability deplorable, driven as he is into the barrea mountains of Vosges, with the wreck of an army, and without:arms or provisions. e oo t s oo 2e o d dee ol oo o n o i o ns es The Germans have cut Off all communi cation beiween Paris and Strasbourg. He sys :â€"Reports calculated to create unessiness have been circulated. Some have dared to express the belisf thit S:rasbourg will surrender to the â€"enemÂ¥ without striking a blow. Canrobert came to P‘aris .7eot'â€nr'&uy to consult with the Emprens.»nm{ has now reâ€" turned to his commund. y The ‘{I-mpuru dre armed with 400 canâ€" | nons, the garr.son is large,â€" and, if we are | attacked. we will detend ourselres so long as there is a man left. â€" . ¢ | Pars, Aug. 13.â€"La Presse publishes a grochmuion, ndidressed .by the Prefect of ‘trastourg to the citizens. _ Loxpox, Aug. 13. Cholera has broken out in the towns on the »shore of the Black sea. Vessels from thence are quarantined at Liverpool. s \The Orange celebration at Londonderry, {estenm{, was attenied with much vio euce. Forty persons were more or less iqi†.l{.' R ntl ~ The enemies infantry and sgll bodies of cavairy penetrate far into country, but the miin body of their army is not ‘making any forward movement. lowing "Metz.â€"I accept the resignation of Le Boouf as Major Genera«l of the army. "(Signed,) !;'l..-m.-ox." Official despatches from Metz up to no n of the l'.'{:, state that tboubnporor has visited various encampimments about the pl.«ce during the, morning. ‘The troops were all in tine condition. *s Th Journat Officie publishes a decree naming Marshil Bazaine, Commanderâ€"inâ€" Chief of the 2nd, 3rd and Mmoftï¬o Army of the Rhine.~ Gen.:Trochu, Comâ€" mander of the (mTo now being formed at Chalons from new levies, and (Gen. Vinry Co:;,mund_ Ciy er of the Corps now being formed at Paris. Despatches announce that communicaâ€" tion with Strasbourg are being. cut off, and the Prussians «re surround ng the place. Metz, Aug. 12.â€"At 6 F.m. & body of the enemy came near F , a station on the Paris.and. Stras ourg railway. Thay were attacked and driven off, and their comâ€" mander taken prisoner. _ . _ _ To day our cavairy made a brilliant reâ€" ;zonninnoo in the direction of the River Annual General Meeting of the Canada Central Railway. . Moxtreicr, Aug. 13. This afternoon the annual general meetâ€" ing of the shareholders of the €. C, Railâ€" why was held in the St. Llwronoo!hfl, Hon, J. C. AbLott in the chair. â€" The report of the Directors for the past year was read, and was very lengthy, and went over the history of the Railway from its initiation up to the present date. .. _â€"The report speaks hopefully of the pros pects of the completion of the road. With a riew to secur ng a fifty mile road at a very moderate cost, the Company made a contrict last f&ll for the building of a line fromâ€"Carloton P‘lace to Ottawa, and which will be epened on the 15th Septemâ€" ber next, and with the connections which will give direct railway from Ottawa to Mntrel, and als> secure a continuous line to Pembroke, with the view of connecting with ‘the North {iboro/gnilmy, giving an outlet at Quebec. $ It will also be carried forwird from Pemâ€" broke to S:wult Ste. Marie, thus connecting the oeo:l‘mo Buperior. _ | ‘The um of the deed of ama}lâ€" gamation of the C. C. R. and N. C. Co. was produced and and on motion of Mr. Ashworth wu‘:ht;ved of by this meetâ€" ing, and a cominittee, composed of : Hon. John Hamilton, Hon. J. J. C.. Abbott and R. W. Swott, M. P. P., was nominated to confer with the X. C. K. Co., as to the proâ€" posed deed of amalgamation, with direcâ€" tions to report to the ‘meeting of share bolders at Ottawa, on 15th September next. > The elections of directors was then pro ceeded with. a On motion of Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. H. Abbott, the following gentlemen were elected ‘directors for the"ensuing year, viz. :â€"Hon, John Hamilton,, L. Beauâ€" bien, Hon. J. J. C.â€"Abbott, R. W. Scott, e o hy 7 ie roun c e t o oo ol h n . HF . Sn Rerantonitn : ce J. G. Richardsâ€"n,‘ A. J. ‘Ashworth, D. Stark, Geo. Lowe, J. W. B. Rivers, and Wm. Rodden. The meeting then adâ€" journed at halfâ€"past three o‘clock. â€" _ »~" t3 P tm _ 132 _ According to La Minerve the Fremch have got the Frussians just where they want to have them. , The French Canadian papers® ard WAUM!: ing their readers not to believe the teleâ€" graphic. despatches that are published concerning the war. 4 §« * Rain fell festerday forencon. DuTME last night the temperature lowered cOP siderably, and this morning it is «lmost unpleasantly oool. f f A match was played between the secon i MONTREAL th * rest are are taught von.. During lowerei conâ€" it is almost Â¥e theimn, d < n‘ a part of M‘h“ho" T\ pots por â€" *lill alive, apq °t 1t us Nt e / it is bel \l . .. rest are . hev.‘ i re taught T"'h"l, *i|* 4 ‘,hlulh Were ar, N' leratangy, | ie stealing. *"‘ey e R . ? re already I A“"Wq.h k1 ing and laungry ). _ C “.’.‘"'s.dehr'.b »mnlnitniong (ot Nok at Suwh,. * * ~ Three hundreq . _ _ ang x; . t l"ontoqd Km NM tiscd for. "Pissing. ThG 25 Althviven.....S di"‘“'fl&v.n.i.' bee Baptist Chure, w,, f‘mfllï¬ï¬di’“": rev, gentlemap hfl Over & quarter of & fuithfully earned gy ue x of all classes .,q steamer Su-d; h““« and a Fm-h. § Two menp . loin-::'~‘:‘ Heavy 'b'.â€"' night. â€". é #idered. pelll s » CGaa®p naton&l a W hen the day came Loudos . ung is called heaved, z& Dory loyilists ~ & to the of haw and orter is fuivls numbers, and betan, forthe time Argiying ®H #worn officers toâ€" the peoe.. Bieof patriotiem tow § An old_mn. im and.of 0thes An old . gentlane, we u. Amdï¬w was then the healindird‘s ; London. His h them. w earnestly 1 is the fm“w“'.l m fill/take placs neighborhood 'b:“ A the. alove n« Tiw and onder . Saraife Wt ‘Appus mustered and "ordered Â¥ pu«e in the . the och!dd_whfl- of our d x sext, Aug« was di io assume redict specials. Among thepm “d::ndm ‘ day was one Logis Kyomte puted lounger or loafer «lt im advan now the Empéror of France. pther society 1J km":.d“ the tiie, as piganic is alway «lign:6 bearing, sitracel loit n f his | 6lor . °;:"° : who were unot acquainhed «it tip, the g9° is Arsame of future enmaint® unity in this city, outbs 18 Nowl)] Bate of a 18. . It oosibl? danger ind prask s wities s linald uol {'_vyed the Tunch, #f iverty to leave the tentin of bue L# Miep cvdcace m on che c 18 . .-..npaui--m the dissolute, rather worlk=, the great Bonaparte. | Fortunately, the samon o4 under comut ind of our old hi w wa b®® TT 0 _ BOX PLANX now p® * . _ 8 Store. *er To Prifl»\r_:ï¬dol&'?’l‘ _ ’.‘-'o pEeotol N. “’W’A.JJ'- E hh’ | MHgand .. The Elevent _1" an 4 ‘heir descendant day, August 1e * Gardens, Uull This Ha-l-g‘_"J .cm #le Alal"“ ’.Ja. 6 ‘The celebrated onr ETEpREE® 90| presect. _ "C8"" . i He" . Quadrillé l“'"-. # Refre<hments sas be 44# reasonalie 18106â€" bus be 44 tlaey ay B Aproth %on l" ‘ - " Pescock «04 5 S members of the 4 y qreee *\ 3P 0 12 va, Augus: 18 18 W ith now ) tbis ©#6 Canade, * "b am pln, The performs®® ** ,. _ rvoo D) U m 1""L s nsm * "'"2:.' 4 LBVEXTH Mopday Ev®®‘ liM TORoyy, in â€" the wan as QURRy U tlp M .A | it 4 * TostAX f: xCB = ferss nA ‘E.‘('\'l.\":lxb pokr Jre* * A .. * asao fl_""_"m Aus® t be be‘u. ‘ Ki »r.!‘S ir Friday e the Of ying, * miies * _ad yery‘ m Droiums pur ; fincd 4 awe of refusing 1O d of in favor of & moph Chevette, for wat license, brad 4 Axx® with qi e v i itke for practi© and many Mâ€i ip iD “‘_runk {he to the sue 5 approach .1 fire ssemed to erops in the localiti AL eVX , Q\"m .‘ «Wficer= 448 which M" quaity uce len illag i4 conve! line y , 2441 187 the Bboard of sE MENT dog* J .npen« be amall » Xraps for nd gentle Runt AD ouns 'A‘?J 1 Court th Was reoe; 118 desighâ€" WÂ¥ick ag this the a river, &.~ 1t m« rose up, t hrom A124) PR M of R the every ts 11 post raw k i® unpr® lk 41 AMTLE i1 Pric a1D® ut wl @VA mF T n to £ of d at 1 n