4 W [ 3 {8 1Y% $4 *\ w ® _ Kan de vie 8t. Onz Marasch Chatrense, Creme do Ma Creme de Olives, &o Otthwa, May 10, 18070 §¢°* im _[__ i“r?‘.'.".‘:?.‘:'.".".:‘."."...... the purchase yeke ANY Phist what ronk: . . | "Termamdind reyty tethe a 18 tm K batrenat. FLOV R NO 1 &6 EXT R A l_."l-."flui.‘u'-u.'i?vuï¬_& WAITR BKANS, ‘ FRUVILT. e _ At Ottawa, Sund Polnt, and Pembroke, .M?m-h' u:ï¬- ....l-.: c s contere®, .. | mptt o ied ie en e e rnake stoch ; No 5 Bparks strest. ‘ * “.!lw taws Ma 18 i8780 Vinf@ordingite, Larger quantities supplied on HWberal terms as per agresment. All erders Isft at Mr. G. Mortimer‘s Drog Store, Sussex street, Mr. Alex. Christin‘s Drug Store, Bparkse street, Contre Town, Mr. Â¥. Hallanâ€" duis‘s, Weilington strost, Upporâ€" Town, or at the subsoribere, will be stricily attended io. THOMAS STARMER, 1384if Ridean street. The subscriber will turnish ICK dully to those requiring itfor the season,. Double supply n Baturday‘s for dunday‘s use 10 lbe dully: for the season $6,00, Terms payable io advance. BOXKER CARTRIDOEE of 450 bore tor & evoi v\a)'\.ob. used in her l-m'- b;y. ":ll Il:"lll... TRA =‘d all Pookst Revolvere. PLN CAnTRID@HS for Lefauchens Revobrers of:2â€"1., vâ€"m,. and Tâ€"m. bore. CKNTHAL FiRE and PLN FIRE CARTâ€" :l‘N.h all slses and spmeme of Gune Ritos, Double W aterproof and K. B. Cups, Patent Wire Oï¬wz vu::.:.'u Breech and and Militac A-.uflu’. KLEY SROTHERE, OGRLAY‘8 IXAN RoAaD, LOo#Don. taws Ma 18, 1070 udll.u.!.r:." ..’..w l f ’ and muo-.: Also * fer Bailard the Spencer, and Alumy Repeating .‘z «* BLEY .om-';. the m‘ oo.'; t mie Pholy n ht wen eadooprons sn f:.mm'fl.m (awpty) of all stzns and Jor the M'x-u of Breaschâ€"loading Rides, can be had or without the suitabs Bullets and Machines for Anishing the Cartridges gents wiih power of attorney to take instant of snon, or ther imitations n.‘u:.:: W M-O::LM JPM® Aak tor LEA & PERRINYW and see im n Tagin aiek botls" uid Wholesale and for by the Propristors ' * ..::-I'k- %fl. London, #e. :'- | 8v1300 law M.r“.‘l“ o C o Some the markets Aauring besen sapplied with a W orcestershire Sauce, rlï¬owu‘“dnflflom uammuâ€"u.uur give notice that they have furnished correspon â€" UaV LVA mE mAme &R mm as ‘.‘.'l. ‘ EPP PUITEEF Auror‘t tat ail the "ads mmauummmw'“‘,“,w } Aprgmery w -".nln-o m“' HMM6 % mâ€..,.....-" A gluse of exoellent tar water without say diz their '.huu::p:u-.mpuuuun;’:'“‘““"""“ imstaniantoaily ebtnined nh::“uomvnbmno «t t t ,_m,w ...:" *_'.'...'." and to see that their names ars apon (ne wrapper, LeOugae amd volds.â€"oudden oAhanges ol slimate are sourses of Puimenary Fronshiai ane Asthimatiec affections. Rupertence having proves M.:nm‘-u spsesdily and cor imaly aken in the m:,-dm‘» sase, recourse sbould at onee be to * Brown‘s Bronshin! Trookes," or Lossenges. Fow ate awars af the twportanee ofohsoking a sougb, of * som won oold," in its Aret stage. That whish in bhe boginm ag @ould pield to a mild remedy, if neg Btit cuuh . «Macke the lungs. * Brows‘s Broe alhmai I mobes," or Cough Losenges, alley inrcita nos which aduces coughing, bavitg a Bikaot inâ€" U 1euce on the adsoted parts. * As there are lmitaâ€" ions, be #ure To OBTaI® the genuens. Bold by asl deoaleors in inedicines. af 10 cente a box. CB, 108, 10CK, Uinz«sâ€"â€"Per 100 ibs No. 1, Insp 1 C# No, %, do Inspested......... 6 40 No. 3, do KK _ ccasse. # U Uresen Raw Hides............. 8 0# Vin :‘t Artived this day e e en WORCESTERSHIR® SAUCKE, ; (3uvors ram, Declaced by Connolssears | ~CONCENTRATED reoor LiqUeus. I .\ e * , ftead OMce, in Hamiiton, Ontarie, _ â€" U N, 8t. a | ETTO ?'m:l‘l & CO#. "ll' A w RAMSA Y , LEV! AMRMUNITI®. KA & PRARLOA8 ABK FOR LEA & PERRILNX® aiaAlCH, OTTAawaA MAR4EKTS. Jompiled expressiy for the Ortawa Tiwas ) TUE BOXER CARTRIDAGES lor Bniderâ€"Enfeid of 477 bore, and for the l-vk:.‘ Mart lmi= "wh ky :..;“ ":.‘t tf papaie aile Lt ATERPROO® FIRE nnamom OKA, with enlarged base for CaVTIONX AGAIN@®T FRAUD. THE OXLH GOOD 31UVCE Madeira, WHOLR*ALE ONLY Cognae Vieuzx, JP MACPHERE®ON, Elgin Street in War Bs |130] | 00 for multe |393] | oi (il | o i hnigs [â€"ff | t _ sonverted firkiges fer Builaré | Times OBes (*tawa, June 90, \*70 arms as . The on!ly Canadian Life Company authorized ".“"bydonv:’.uhuhlâ€"tâ€"-. | lhlunuolnu&.n.oqu ‘s Drag | American OMess. in Drug Ths fao shat the Canada has a larger a mownt Hail of lnvestments and of Assarance business in the Dominion than any of the British QA.-.-: ) at the C altoate ihe ace ""..‘."';‘;“':.:‘Olnz-z'.wd-xb.ï¬o- m Wetion, rapia se is amtle« :'. ;&mdmfldbfl * :m meuss thropghout the Dominion, where l“"!,-_ Information caun be cohtuined, or at the ï¬;... 1 h The Ql;;:lbl LA BARRAQUE is an eminent» \ y tonls wine, destiined to .‘ | O{l_l‘l{ o w lad raplace oC CC e C e barn, sheds, and other out buildings, and also a l"‘x:.“fl.?bnflno.ohud and in a gooud of euitivation, well fensed and waterâ€" wd. hhluu'un‘v.u..'::. Ottaws on the Macadamised Road, leading Metesl)te. lish Chareh and Soboo! .““.0“": Methodist Church haif a mie; Roman Cathohe «‘hurch «ne mile and a bhail dustant; Kailws Ntation 4 miles Mh“o'.&n‘z maniog along stde of the lot. * Time will be goven for part of money , “m ) For particuiars apply to the propr One bundred and ten asres, Lot No 13, in the #h aonossslion of the Township of wloucester, Ridess wih grom aucsese for persons of weak sonstite ion, or for those 0:::.â€".2.'._“ emmsos ie c a cA onl women in thil} girths tnd Te ....\:'.. anfunablad by years or \linsss. 1t is the pre nvnnvo’muobm in enses of ohiorosis, ansmia, -,* lbbfl.h;:.ï¬l sumiliary of the witn V AtLET‘s nmza is really marvellous. LIFE ASSURANCEK CcomrANY The bark wines usuailly :znq.‘ loyed in mediaine are propared from harks ® mï¬ in the degres to whisch they possess the prupertâ€"es. Resides, owing to the mannetr m which they ars pared, thoss winss amiain _ scarcely ...".' than the _ trases va dose I:“.o phd:‘ m: Tn..“ io be the most bygienie hl-'a' aad in time d.:nh.l.. Detailed instraâ€"tons asâ€" rï¬m‘mnM'LMu- QUINIUM â€" LABARRAQUE, Approved by _ Amporial Aonadamy of Medisine. J ob. ‘T"'U.fl:'fl the gromtest seas in the 3 c w o Amevene B terars io s e watar, or two im a bottle : RuNCBHITEIE CATARRH OF THE COLDS OB8STINATE C 4 o8 IRRITATION OF T.1»s CH Maving the jacâ€"mmais ot © Curtis & Perkine® on the ontside wrapper. All others ars base umitaâ€" appy “Q.-‘mumn.o“q-o Uing like magle. Lt is perteotiy sate to use in all aases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the proâ€" seription of one of taa oldest and best feckale phyâ€" molan #nd aurses in the United States. Price 44 on the wr s onl o prep Te e w -M!Wc.v"m Agents for the Van boid in Ottews by all Iruggiste and by medicine deaiors everywhere. Methare 1 Mesners Methoerslâ€"Ars you Unturbed at night and broken of your rest by a mok cnnsd suffering and erping with the sxoruct wing palna o eulting teoth 1 If 1o, go at enoe and gat a boitle of mam. WINOLOW‘® s0otuixse IÂ¥RUP. ~It will relieve th poor Hitie safers: amediatelyâ€"d4epend apon it : there is no mistai about It.. Thera.le not a mother on sarth who b* avae used it, who will not taill you at onee that it will reguiate the boweln, and irse rest to the Da. A.‘I\:-un.d‘lmlutfl aye ; «@1 havre used it in sevare | cases of Apecial Loritatiom ou""? '.::‘o:d Priiles, and ther com ut m w Mwuulw’&@.dnl"†hul;m thould be -:-r‘nl =.lo i Craak‘s y verds * M« llA\!'l u:.\ll'ifl omt * whe NARLM POR #ALEK. Tre QULINIUM LABARMAGU® 1 Dre. A. Trask‘s Magnuoties Ointiment Cuarsee Croup or Wariles.â€"Du. Bisoman, of UVUtiea, lflâ€â€™-l-m: @I have used Or. A. Trask‘s Magnotic Uintment in my praccies a nowber of years, and can say with pleasure 1 deem it ons of the greoamies! discoveries of the ; lor the ourse af Infammation of the Longs, l:n-o“-u. Bowels, Iadammatory Rhosumasism, and in Calla: bed Fever, noruu with perfact smoosss, in anses of Buras, Bruisss, Frosen bimbe, it asts Hike a atbarun. Dau. J. P. Kumn»awe .ofl!&-:u.ln'-l. u’o:ulllu.-‘dmn-nd. h;-‘uh- lound w . _ lts astomishing curse of Latam uudan‘.mCmpd.oM mossse in subsiding the torturing pailns o# Kheu MOOPING Cocon DMSEKA8SES OF THE THROAT PULMONARY CcoxsUxPTIOX As a Lovrenâ€"Purs ordiluted with a little water AFFKCTIONS UF THE sKIX ITCHRINOGR DSEA8EKS OF THE 8CALPL. :im‘:‘!nl 3.»-.:--..--â€" mapiuigts." _ 16 *A N ADA pe « pur aiuom me Ne ; cioar and transparouk “Aulu‘:a lv,:uvyu-'b-lzm cuameida v rad â€" reawibn. gveoat mporierity as a Hair Drewing sver high cout Frou® Pomadas h e 4 io Ructarer Will Mestore Greny Mair to its Natural Lite, Color and BReaunty., It in a most delightfu} Hair Dresmsing. It wili 5'-“‘ luturiant growth. FPALLING HAIKR in immediately checked. _Nrn & A ALLEN® ETLORALAANMNUN. another New Anmie. APmportimant €hange. &A REAL LALIR LXLSTOLRXA aAXD cakmi®e Combined in Oue Bottien D. .{SQ s. .‘o \ '4'4")“ * MAILR RESTORER ‘l o..’ Ese inA e N W g"‘ g . ~A) MNIVERAAL KXHIRUITION OÂ¥F 1%484,) K Heunmay Bt. o @ Paurk Placs. No« wIN8LOW®® @00tTHINGe sYLUr* Pirst slase Medan., ALF LABARRAQUEK & 00. * SEATTL * . CaIK Naiksrs s (rowa, M To Wy«) c‘qlisvate it ‘ : wL41L WAiK ;‘ 1 1~ a certmin rudication \(&‘; ( decay a: tbe roots @PRCIAL NOTHOEK#e. savaaiiamaup 1847 14 My atiee. Boid ut «11 Dugrseuwts vety soluble. Froking by this iob un a acmall & U HAYCOCK, ~~~ ___â€" Agest in Ottawa No 00 Ridean stroot, ain Hed ay brwardhd 1b the Collector of the Port of Entry at which such Whent, Maire or other gruin shall bare been imported, or enter»d tor manulacture in Bend Meal, and on proof of the payment otf +uch duties or of the due exportation a» aforesid within one year trom the date of the »ald Bond or Bonads, the said Bonds shall be ¢uly eancelled ; and if such bonus shall be given at the Port of destination, a certificate of such payment or exportation under the band of the Collector of Customs of such Port, shall be porter, which bouds shall be taken for an amount that will cover the daties chargen®ie upon the said Whest, Malze or other grmein, and be conditioned for the due payment of sach dutlcs, should such Whest, Malte or her grain, or the quantity of Hour and M a! mepresenmting s«uch Whest, Mucse or ot â€"r yrain, go into consumption, or tor the ue exportation of such Whest, Maize or ot) er yrain, or the equiralont thereo!l in door and And, The Whest, Maize or other grain shall be so torwarded Phior tbonds io be twken alther by the Collector at the Port of Kntr3, or by the Coltector at the Port of destination, as may best sult the convrenleme ot the 1. whent, maise or other grain. to be groond and packed in booad, for espattation or coosom > ton, and such Collector shall deliver or cane to be deltvered such Wheat, Maise on other grain to be forwanied on to the Port of desti| a ton, where may be sltuated the MIl oe Mills at which the abd Whent, Maize or other grun in to be ground and packed in bond, as by law Wheresas it is among other thiogs, in +Kest enacted by the 14 Hes. of the Act 31 Â¥utorn Uhap. 6, intitalsd : * An Act: resmeting the Customs,* that the Importor of Whest, Maizâ€" or other grain, may grind and pack the sanm» in boad, provided sach grinding and packing be done and conduscted under soch Regula Mone and Restrictionse as the Oorsnor in Connsail, may hom time to tHme make lor ts â€;d“.v.‘.“‘hfln.o.y ¢xtend to the substitation of foor and meal in quamilties equtralent to the peosduce of an h Whont, Maies on other gra‘a. His Rusellencry, the Qorernoe General in CQonunci, on the secommentation of the MNonble, the Minister of Customs and under the unthority atocvesald4, has been pleased to erder, and It is heroby Ordered, that th» arinding and packing of whest, malse and her grain, in bond, shall be done and conâ€" ducted ander the Regaiations and Restrictions Jud. Representations baving bDeay mate of _ Ut is ready to receire instractions from persons wricus incomvenleoce to the Masiers and | &mh':m‘m;‘m Qwners of Bteam V.rmie employged as regulir, wthng will be isft andons by him to givre satisâ€" maensert ns Inight pecvcun mtrien ue | Rnetinateniit sn won nacroroaie: port of Bt, John in the Prowince of Now | meottate careful attentioc . Bronswick, and the ports ot Digby, Aumspolia| _ C*** :‘:::.'-.:t on furniture or other and Windsor, in the Province of Nova lwm-I Fisnos evastastly on hand for hire. and also to the Mercantile Community of the “Y"".Nchdubom h=~<~ aabd posts, in consquence of woch Steam YVeorâ€" | us * a<le being obliged to r rrllhhmmmh' ~TkkkrGkh Arip in detail, it in bhersby furthoer Ordered,| His the Blshop of Kingston, that the Coilector dt\-wleMds '.:E:'-ï¬.&%m-lu Bi. Jubs, may graot any such Steam Vonse!, a | ummrho. yeurly consting Hcense, subject to the scame | %.'.'"‘0. h .'." * vonditions as are provided lor lononnol' wï¬â€™ N P Nesmelp trading between posts in the mm 1 w ?IP > f Provines, with the additional conditiâ€"n that | | M V. #ook, Aey/MeSager Quebee Sask, Onaws. the Master or other progper OMeer of asuch MQ%IFP. Bteum Vessel, shall be turnished with two -lmn anaAx, surgo books to be used during alterta‘c| _ li!ly _ Heuss. Land and General Agev‘. monuths, and that at the ond ol cach MOOth, | wmmmmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmmmemmmmmmmmmmmemgem be sball surrender the book duriogftaat monthâ€" ' â€" to the Collector of the Port of St. Jobs, and | [P*YAT®E HeLs. _ the aald Collector shall mturn to bim th Purties Intending to muke application ~~l'ï¬l'fllbh~b¢l'mfl'd|. .."r“- w Ontarios for Private to that the record of the truts of cach mout». | E44 herosby notifed that they are shall be in the Custom House, to bo ussd L. | fquired by the bist and following Rulcs of the statistical purposes during the whole of thâ€" ?‘“‘"""’m"‘m;‘: wequuling mouth. . t Lk. application (clearly and distinctly specifying its 1388 3. Chak Priry Couyc4), | To SNH Seent I4 ie o bnanieCarene.t and < | also in a newspaper pablished in the Uounty or a y O“CMMI~*MN| smmeatimes make ropages to Forige Ports, it in hormby Ordered that the Boads to be given by the Mauster or Ouner of such veml, on tnking out such Lisense shall not contaln the condition provbhd for in Section 3 of mid Reguiations, @that aoch Veermeles or Boats shall not be emploped in the Foreign Trade," but that it shail be a condition «4 +ach Bonad, that whenerver any such Voanmd or Boat ployed in a vopag» twor fLoma Fomign Port, or wther proper ofd @r there. of, shall Inwards and outwards, lo «1i eapects, as bad not teceived such Consting License. ol Int, It huring beth CHKCtHA BJ CHBL, I EC : | \sercGieerarmmrrmmmmmmmenst 91, )1d Vistorls, that the Gorernor may ; m‘“ grant pearly Conmtib® LACBDKAE 10 BBR YVAR* | esmm mmmmpmmmmme ferrel wis navigating the Inland watere of Carala : Cl'l" avetios sxint, above Montral, although such vessels may | k H19 EXCELLEXCY THE GovtuÂ¥%or Un the recommendation ol the Hooctablt | e of Om the Minister of Customs, and in mmdf Â¥X.B.â€"‘ the provisions of the 11th Section of the Act | prepured 31 Â¥ic. Cap. 6, latituled : * Aun Act respecting | Wine, as the Costom#," Ris EKaxcellency hcmm‘â€"bu been plessed to Order, and it is hereby Ord. u.‘ At* §*84l; ed, that the followlog Reguiations m apecting | 4148 to 41 the cousting wade of the Dominion, to amendâ€" | _ F9 4 m at of the t gulation adopted by Order in | *WME |, Council of the 24th July, 1963, shall be 200 | use propr the mme are hereby adopted and establisbed : l0zau Iit. The CUollector of Customs, at any Port HIS EXCELLEXCY THE GOoV OÂ¥EREKENT Hovin®, OÂ¥EREKEKE®T nouvir, UOEXERAL 1X COUCNXCTL ERNOR GENXNERAL IX &T GI T : ELt @oUNCIL Tussday, 10th May, 1470, OTTtiaW A, wÂ¥. H. LEE, _ Clerk Privy Council FLIRE®T Tu uday, 314 May, 18°0 THE ;OTTAWA TIMES â€"JUNE 21, 1870 & | Wednesday, the 20th day of June, inst., At NINE «‘cleck, am, for the examination of toachers and other bosiness. Candidutes for certifcates mukt produce testiâ€" mommals of good mora!) charsctet. t\om!thdM ain, as preseribed by the Conuncil of Public Inâ€" araction tor Upper Canada, and puablished in the 8 moeol Mannal, will be rigidiy adbered to. J & COUsEN®, x p, METOALFR CIRCUIT BOARD Messenmies of lie pain and the enddaeneer of it muy be sured ':a'm .0-.:-. This 'dflu-.h.m.u:mm be&R ‘uâ€â€œ:fl.w m.‘ â€:.:‘g' Ndn"om by Chemists i w:. K. w , sooutt, Kegq, 8 P P * | pemageka‘s, ] ,.......'.'"-‘..'%‘.a,o.. “ # # # EERm PNANG qi saut, ons . BERNTNONAN, t Hity Houss, Land and General Agen‘. P'-uo woreew : *.> Is bhersby given, that the Lower Otawn Crown Timbet Agesey, formurly under the aharge ofC KE BELLE, E+4., hus been abokished, and thaithe territery comprising sald Ageney is aiteabhed to the Upper Otbows Crows Timber Aganey, under the charge of A J RUBSELL, Es Mibï¬-mu&n.iavu.mn tor shipment and clearances for Quebes will be Metonite, June 3, 1870. 1081 425 3 y*â€"«~ | Are you afticted with M.‘.i Ret from Frasers‘s Magnetie :Iu‘l PFALN CURKK. "Iendsel & on i mut o. Col Jee, it Sithagntatnita e Tharke ! QOOMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS, Torunto Muâ€"4 15, 1878, 1309 td lawk. aBat from Framets‘s Magootie Fiuld THE »RKAT PALN "CUREK. ~ Iesdsche sared is bree mlowtes. an agule 109. it cistageishaiblte frem Thegteatiom uy the anaiinmed in each ceasse for a peried of at least ais weeks during the interval of time between the close of the next presediag Resmon and the conâ€" wderation of be Petition. Coples of the Arst and lan of uach notises to be sent to the Private Bil} Al‘ol.vtl DIVORCEE leguily obtained tu-.'.:.:-:-:.}n- awa y &d- n.o.:nury lngal aver» where; desertion, drunkenness, nonâ€" ade L P tharge ascil Civores uuh-'l.- ‘dfl. &.:. Business established Aftesno yoars. Address All etitions for Private Bills mast be presentâ€" «d wlthin the FIRAT THUREKE WEEKS of the PoOR TtHE cou®xty or CakRLETO®, ul meset at the Orammar Bobool House, in Metâ€" M RBOUAE, Attorney. 1318 Jus '..fl.l..“lnm 1aring Nomsebold Mmm.bonu.nn&t.c raal eatate to dispose of, and pledges h. wself that wihong will by is andone by him to give astis~ io diacharge of the trust o-‘&nbl.. tTrom a distance wili meet with imâ€" meodiate earelul attentioc . Cash advancses made on furniture or ther property seat in for sale, » Tax figham brigs pard os Sroweg hand prance 10 Bigbeost p a8d furanure. h The munsertber respectful‘y agnounsen that be mw::-umu'o York ac.roa.au&m cecuapy ot merly koown as Chamâ€" ber‘s Aï¬u wlo takes this opportusity -(llal-’ the poople ot GOttawa and ricinity for the liber age extended, as well as the vadlicnce p‘“-‘ ie Lim cl:oo ble arrival in this y. MHebold» SALEKS KÂ¥KAY DAY, (when not thorwleeo engaged), elther at his rooms or on the market. He appenis with cundience to all who nnW‘manfl“h him for anle to certilty that as bas given full vatlefantion as regards the prices obtaine4, uw o::upn.p.dl..“lmmfl““ & None are gsoalns anlees bearing the signature of ithe proprieier, A. M, F. GIANELLI, Sole Manufacturer and Propristor for the Dominâ€" loo of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These celebrated Bliters are carelully '_n’an‘ with the very best quality of Sherry wiee, and atre espesially adapted and no-l mended to persons of dellioate constitations. They mmu&&umumwuw( alds to digestion, s Por directions see label round the neck of each | tawea, Aprd® 27, 1878, 1143 in 18 3m oY qI qqq y +# 8 RICHARD®, 1380 3 Commissioner of Orown Leaads, Commissiton Merchants. PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. Vork streot, neor the Moarket, Desammaewe ce Coo®® Laxna, Tereato, Aprll 10b, 1818 CHARLES T GILLMOR, Clark ot the House. 4. M. F GIANEKLLL immediate KOTIHIOE is ..NS’ given that " The M Clrouit Board of Public Lostraction in the County auflt | Bs c n c t cA c nc h Gewual of Carlston" will meet in the TOWNKX HALL Richmond, on TUESDAY, the TWENTYâ€"PIRsT xt s Soskeaainton, | ;0sPetit v 14 lhh-l.."†"May 2s, 1870 m"i‘&‘o‘ T. ‘chool Teachers ard ail Others Whom it May Concern, Bt. John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer......... Liverpool or Q-o-n-n.....‘: Nalifax.... Pirst Oabin, Payable in Goid. _ I:_'_c.l“p:du Queenstown....................... $100 00 - § / "â€"""'"'m.-fl.wl“ ® P t Liverpon! or M:-.....:................. 85 PASRAGE KY ruk roRBDaY OTRAXKER Â¥! KiLirax Hallfax ...... M mo m ue _ _ ouck a LitveiRpoud ts Ipu uaeaieun it old o Aiaks INMAN LINXE OF MAL STEAMERS, SAILINq PROX NEW YORK EVERY sATURDAYT AKD ALTERKNATE TUESDAYs. aives OP PARRAGK EY THE 612 rcaoiar ereaxm{ her certificate to be true is every u;fl:‘l-;-'; kmow that while il! ber case was bhope, Icn;ullkmmuhlu.ohnhum, always attriboted her recovery to the Shoshoness . _Whatever may be the peculiar F-xï¬hmm.mmnhmg ulobu:uahumdlllmuhm parformance of a miracie. W arden of the County :.Lvoog.":":.“‘ © of Ontarie, Dominion of Canada. e Fo®n uykaroor « quskessrows “'. e llAlY ANK D:UOI'I'! Bworn to before me at adoe, County .“' his pinth day of February, 1869. certify ve known Mrs. Mary mq’ivlclhlutlï¬u.m;*u. woman and truth. 1 have known ber E!!'!!;mm_wuh-. I believe «l to get worss and worse, until the summer of 1888, when I was induced to try the great Sho cbcuulo.od’bynuh.nom’odu-‘ in a pamphliet. Atthis time [ bad begun to tee! cu-un..u-{nu-; in faot I was getting «lmost belpleas have taken two bottles of the mwutnhudlh’flhn‘ lu.flrflymuh&h.lmw u.uh.nt.h«d-pl‘mm-d‘ou. sort of forlora hope. is ease of mine was not .'flm-o.htho'-b.ll-yulfhb.n ::‘h:.“o; u‘u::mslho‘u vu.} ve only to say try shoshonees Remedy bellereit will curse you. _ _ â€" _ _ _ t w wingty Nuatwr en olsc ies uts ut rar o P c macinis Th eA gradually, during the of 1867, extended to -’t-ao.u‘utpu.:yhh‘p.nl I became so weak that I sould not walk, but was confned to my chair. For abouttwo years, while this weakt ness was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical adrice, employing, at diferent times three dostors, and mediaines of different kinds prescribed by triends, but of no avail, I continuâ€" a«sa, Ont , of zopopl. and Liver Complaint, or that of Johs , of Napanee, of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutehes tor years, but has now recovered the use of his limbs. | & Handbook, containing unquestonable certiGâ€" anies on the great Shooboness Remedy and Pilis can be obcained at all drug stores. _ ~ Wileon Storma °"‘..:=."" ““o.i‘ ol ensuleptione a Storms, of tom, or that of Peter C V Milier, of rnstown, Ont, otf Consumption, or that of Ambroâ€"s W ood, of Conseâ€" #hey are stern undeniable facts, suficient to eonvinee the most sceptical that the great o odiâ€" elnal compound, yearned after for ages, is now ascessible in the groat The following remarks on testimonials of mos wondertul and extraordinary cures in Canade by be Guzat Ixbta® Rewror. n in a® us ; | M TNTEES VVRALLIE 100T!i PASTE UANADLIAN PALIN DEsTROYER | ’:utar cm..:l(r:;:“mvwl::. the T““'hm‘: Back ana adoead, Coupns, Colds, bore Throat | != & batur e gums ; w .“"!"h'- Emises, Cramps in the Storwach, | the ..2 without luvl:f between them . any Chelera Morbus, Dysentery, bowel , traces of g;'br- and gives brilliancy to the C o--:u-u. Burns ,*ou‘ds, enamel. oe 1s. 64. _ * o Bites. &0., 46. beet | seetemmemmmmmmemmmmmmemmmemmmesinmmmmmmmemmimmmemmmmmemmmmmmempme m mm on The Cansdian Pain Destroyer has now ABRTIKL*‘8 ROYAL TOOTA POWDER before the public for a length of time, “"G ared from a recipe as used by Her whenever used is well liked, never tulh’ in a l 'dmfï¬m the Teoth, and 1mparts a delt «ingle instance to give permanent relief whep | clous fragrance to the breath ; gives the Teeth a timely used, and we have never kuown a single â€"like whiteness and protects the enamel. ease ol dissatisfaction where the ditections are ‘ R:: 18. 64. parly followed ; bucu.loc-n-z all are dol .‘vnluz:::ku and spealk inthe h termes of its u"-qlul elf sots. * Gl BRIEL*# ODONTALGIQUE ELIXIÂ¥ '.T.. from experience in this matter, havin a wouth wash unrivalled for its agreeable wested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are | nroperties in eleansing the mouth and sweeteniog s«afering from any ollnn-p\lrnlc which it is | the breath; is is fjavaluable to smokers, and â€"ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" | strongly recommended to sufferers from Tic, Remedy. + ' Neuralgia, and Toothache, dfl. eBloncy of the Canadian Pain | _ See Gabriel‘s nameâ€"None Genuine without i‘. Destroyer, in divenases for which it is reâ€" Price 51. a sommended, and its wonrderful ll“l‘l subduing | mm foanf omm ngegrnnmneninnmmmnmmmmmmmmintemmigeommenyintme Anevecs Opbaintol Ebeumatiom. andinre leving | uy anTIRE AT A DISTANCE REQUIRING Nervous "“‘:“7‘-3““‘.‘;‘:“ m‘;::}.'.' e | JP ARTIFICIAL TEETH meay have them list of .‘.f:. ied Dn:n # s fi¢ | supplicd, in partial or complete sets, on Mesers m“:whu.‘;:â€m‘:m Gibrlel‘s new system, by sending Fmalnnof to the universal -_u?r;m- it gives their oases, with a r: mittance of One Guinéa, when 6 Messere. ::‘nlumu & Bi118, Conway P 0O n.m MM‘QMC M.Mdl.“& Provines of Ontario, Feb. #th, J Th‘s is to certify that during the winter of 1 was taken with a woeaknérs of the ancles, which mmediate roliel. Ali Medicine Dealers ""...J""j m‘-mu‘ml.l and no family wil! IuM.-.olnn‘ t» Mm- ve couts bottle. nournaq; &# LYMAN, Among the most i1mportab! of modernp Medical Dis [ hok soveries stands the 487 Notre Dame strect, Montreal, _ 3 __ Bole Proprieter and Manufacturer., Invalaable to invalids and persons of l-pm'\ digestion ; an excelisnt TONLC for persons & covering l':". Uinmess. Forrale in quart bottle ; price one ar. a Garozea‘s Dowremo Cocon Rewror will save Gardener‘s First Prise Baking Powsder, up rivalled for parity and excellence. For sale by grocers everywhere, in 3 on packets, 7 dents ; 5 os parkets, 10 cents ; 1 pound packets, 25 cenw ; siz pounds, $1.25, Whenever you want the bes task wr GARDENER‘3 and take no other. Price of the Remedy in large pints, $1. 137 The Cans dian Pain Destroyer never {ails to give Price $1 per bottle ; six bottles for $5. L L .00 . _ .‘ S MRRARKDRNEEK, Cberaiit, .4. @k _ TGfarts!, nosnoxkts Rearovy. STOP AND SEE: 1AKADIANX PAIN DESTROYER : YA Hox®n +s BHOSHCGNEES RKMEDY. qQUININXE wa~ WINE BITTERS, @GARDENER‘s EPILEPTIC CURE « MoCarthy, J. Skinrer, and J ** «enspssenesnesenes se8 806 +04 000 sessessessesses=»: 30 00 | been change aamer......... &b 00 | ont ootaro, 1 s COurrency, made. It h ses ssscsseses«»»» 30 04 | the many yo + sesssssssem»»«. . 18 OO | never more :'o-:'.i..i.. ‘.u 06 6 THIOâ€"J‘ & relani, and | Single noam yex $2each, and rls.uloo-mv * are ¢ + Al.l.?., I 18 o M'o;. e :Â¥ Por CHCRFlH uits « | list of nremt *e8s00800 000 000 4100 0o WILL ARRIVE 18 soon as NAYIeaAtIO® OPENE, ; Rejolocoe Ladies and Gentliemen at the happ; telligence : Ti*84 J Etuxoroor, or the lshnlr'lhu{d Manâ€" Oustoms, Religions and Modes of Life in diferent Tribes and Nations, will be given. : Pursioroor & Axarourâ€"The Organization, Btructure and Functions of the Human Body ; the Laws of Life and Healthâ€"What we should Eat i .12":.’,2::":“““““ Clubod‘.ud How 0 ve, Kuuud n a popuâ€" ‘ l:'“-uuor.h accordance Hygienic Prinei. Portraits, Bhetches, and llocqlon of the leading Men and Women of the W orld in departâ€" ments of life are special features. Paxkure ano Traoutrasâ€"As a ruoluduuu. and training Children, this agazrine has nc superior, as it Bd-um all the peculiarities of Character and Disposition, and renders govern men!t and classification mo.luo-shh but ensy . Muck general and usetul information on the leading topics ot the day is given, and no efforts uoonlJu-ï¬o this the most interesting‘ and netructive, as well as the Best Pictorial Family llfldp.mrpblhh‘. tamLmu®oâ€"The Joornal has reached its b0th VOLUMR, and with January Number, 1870, a NEW SERIES is commenced. The form has hucbu‘o.‘“fnnlpwh&o -u: conveni. ent oct avo, improvements have been made. It bud::?ylmuuvn during the many years it has been published, and was never more roplln than at present, Terusâ€"Monthiy, at $3 a year, in advance. :xlulounhn. 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, each, and an extra copy to agent. We uts ofering the mast WharneD) cl2llil . We a g the most liberal premi m"’::m on::l.: num ber, vltl.n.o" Arome! Poster and Prospectus, and a complete / Addreats * BRWELLS, Poblisher, Bpecially devoted to the #Sorewor or Max," his improvement, by all the means indicated by _ Purtnoroorâ€"1he Brain and its Functions ; the reqpeiity t " y mds uh onl aain cudnirtedies uw vtrstr <tsd Arswed Location and Natural L‘:s- of the Orfun. with directions for cultiv n...ad ll: &o-;uflhnl_uimuldnfl‘ between Mi and body described. Pursionzout, with all the * Bigns of Character .unnumg._._"u.m feature. Wil) be proceoded with as quickly as practicable. Persons desirous of da}-l u{n these profits will obtain Forms of onllu&u‘dlhbms- tion at the Head Office, or at any of the Agencies in the various places throughout the Dominion, 4 G RAMSAY, ALLLL Ruis _ n-.‘.r. To Agentin Ottawa, * of this month (April). After which the CE _ TINE o-rolv effects the DIGESTION and Ab®"MILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the fit enten at meals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" perior to Pepsine. . Pancreatine Powder, bottles, %2s, 31 64, 6s 64 and 1216d4. Pancrestine Wine,bottles,38,5s and ] 08. N.B.â€"Pancreatine Wine is the best vehicle for taking Cod Liver Oil. % C A N A D A LIPE ASSURANCE COMPANY 3 ESTABLISHED .811. The Lists for the 23rd Vear will be Closed on 30(h «* The smoke causes no nausea. When unm kind, I have never known an instance in w relief was not obtained."â€"Gencral Aileczander to Hon. B. tuart, In Tins, 2s 64, 5s and 108. o;fum:.moummcum.m B¢, & t ..;udllu for Inbhaiation, Boxes, 2s 64, 5s and 105. l&A:OBBY“& MOORE, ow dâ€"st., London. Aorxtsâ€"Messre. F. Cundil! & Co., Montreal sefulness l‘lll 50th VOLUKE : UEW SERIES!! XEW FORNM ! ; THE PICTORIAL ° pnnnox?oowu.“ JOURNAL A| FIRSTâ€"OLASS ‘ _ FAMILY MAGAZINE, "Ofgut eflcacy in cases of Asthma‘and Chronic Bronchit‘s. â€"Mo’a.lmd“o:“r;;- , AK pro;uml from a recipe as used by Her | Majesty. Preserves the Teoth, and imparts a dele | clous fragrance to the breath ; gives the Teeth a 'm-:lh“ whiteness and protects the enamel. a. 64. | & Messrs. Gabriel‘s Pamphiet on Artificial Teoh ond Pailaless Ventistery on receipt of postage, #,* All letters to be addressed to 64 LUDGATE HILL, LONDOXNX, 1323 22aw6m lawkém Gllllll.'l ODoNTALGIQUE ELIXIÂ¥ a wouth wash unrivalled for its agresable properties in eleansing the mouth and aweeteniog the breath ; is is fovaluable to smokers, and atrengly recommended to suferers from Tic, Neuralgia, and Toothache, Ree Gabriel‘s nameâ€"None Genuine without i. Price 51. N traces of powder, and gives brilliancy to the enamel. ï¬:.u. 64. ‘T + Renders the tooth sound and useful, and prevents Toothache, no matter how far decayed Fr{oo 1s 8d per box. Ask for Gabriel‘s Celebrated Dental Preparations, * Gnnllunm CORALITE TOOTH PASTE, for cleansing and 1mproving. the Teeth, and imparting a natural redness to the gums ; whitens tbe teoth without leaving between them . any DIYIs ION OF P BROFITS The oldâ€"established :Dentists RAK forPreserving Front Teeth. Warranted to keep white, and as firm as the tooth itself. Ths benutiful preparation restores Front Teeth and Aczxtsâ€"Mesers. F. GA.RIIL'I’ COELEBRATED PREPAR a TION3 FOR LEANSING, BEAUTIFYINO, f AND PRESERVING TAB TEETR Bold by Chemistsand Perfumers, and by the Manufactarers. MESSN . GABRLIEL, OR â€"THE TEETH ‘ f PEKCIAL NOTICEK. OR 1MNDIGESTIONâ€"â€"P A NCR Z aâ€" vents decay, Buthsient for Stopping six Teetb. las F . 64 Lodgate Hill, London, And at LIVERPOOL and BRIGBT N. ABRIKL*S OSTEO ENAMEL STOPPING q * A rem ot & B2 w. avie t‘ C great power and R H HAYCOCK. in the division of profits of the past fre yoars, CLOSE OF THE LISTS Déentists .‘ y LUDCATE H#ILL, LONDON, MESS®*S CABRIEL. aod Chronic Bronchitis ’DATURA T A TU L A |._ Affords Immediate Reliet. PA RaA‘YV} 9 R I p OR ASTHMA. 889 Brosdway, New York P. MITCHELL, Minister of Marine and Â¥isb Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, 1st June, 1870, The Works are required to be completed by the 5th day of October, 1870, The Department does not bind itself to aose the lowest or any Tender. For the construction of Lightâ€"Houses at Teleâ€" graph Island, Bay of Quinte, and Pigeon Island, Lake Ontario. & Esq., M.P., Picton, and the Collectors of Customs at Kingston and Believille, at which plases, also, Forms of Tenders can be procured by intending TENDERS will be received at this Department Et O:tawa, up to noon of MONDAY, the 20th Day of June next, Plans and Specifcations may be seen at this Department, and at the Officeos of Walter Ross, Tl.DIll FOR '“"Wm’ at 8 a m, aend arrive at Kentville a 6.20, dsor at 6.40, and Halifer at 9 p m. VERNON SMITRB. Kentville, Dec 8, 1869. 113097 _ Trainsleave Windsor (in connection with the trains of the Nova Sootisa Railway from Halifax) at 10.%5 .-nd..“n-, arriving at Kentrille at L1 45 a. m., and 8 45 p. m:, and at Annapolis st 2.30 p m, connecting there with steamers F2 or Empress for St John, N B. ingâ€"the trains leave Annaspolis at 2.35 r-.vlu passengers by steamer trom 8t Jobn, leaving there at 8 a m, end arrive at Kentville a: On and after SATURDAYX, the 1%h NEâ€" CEMBER, 18469, this Reailway will be open for passenger and goods trafic, as under : No 2 is due in Brockville in time to connectwith G T Trains for the cast and west. > #, ABBOTT, ____ Managing Dnrecor. 10 05 A.M.=â€"â€"TRAIN® will leave SUeD Smith‘s Falls at 10.05 ¢ m and 6,35 p m, arriving at Porth at 10.45 am ant 7.3 w. ® All trains on Main Line connect at Smith‘s Fall: with trains to and from Perth. â€" ; No L leaves Brockville after G T na due trom the cast and wes.. Traing are LEAYVE BROCRKYVILLE. 4.15?- M.â€"â€"TRAINS will leay e ROZ Brockville daily at 4.15 p m, 14 a m, arriving at Sandpoint at 10.0¢ p m, ; p=®. LEAVE SANDPOTINT. 6 OOA M.â€"â€"TRAIN® will} Leave 8 Slnd‘oj_pt at 6.00 a m and 2.3 pm, sarriving at Brockville at 12.15 p m,8.3% arrivin; at Smith‘s Falls at 6.25 p m ard 9.55 _ ~ * LEAVE SMITHS Falis TIME TABLE, No. 23, Commencing on MONDAY, KOY., 28 LEAYVE PERTH P. M.»â€" TR AINi y iy °. n At® _ For furtherinform and time of arrival and departure of all trains at nal and way ita tions, apply at the Ticket Ofice, Sta uâ€: £ C.J: BRYDGES, Managing Director Montreal, December, 1869, The nternationalCompany‘s steamers, renning in connection with the Grand Truok hu'.:g leave Portland every MONDAY sand THVU DAYX at 56 p‘m, for St.John, N.B., &6. Ortawa Orriceâ€"York street, corner of Sussex stroct. A & A H TAYLOR, Ag ent, t flow‘ï¬t the Company‘s prine! pal stations. ~â€"__, _ k , She hag ercellent accommodati ud freigh. modation for passengeori _ visa Vermont Central. Express for New York and Boston via Plattsburgh, Lake Champlain, Bur l-.(ton.&‘k'ntln.d at......o a m,4.40 pm Express for Lela Bil.sss» »...ses«»:. 2:00 tm Nigkt !orQIoboea, Island Pond. Gorham and Portiand, stopping beâ€" tween Montreal and lsland Pond at bt. Hilaire, St. Hyacintbe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville and Conticook cnly, at......... .........10:10 E uh Cars on all Night Ttains. Pag ed through. ‘.go steamer Carlotd leaves Portian4 over; SATULUVAY AFTERNGON (after the arrival o train from Montreal on Friday night), for Hali far, N.¢., returning on Tuesday. _ _ and Intermediate Stations ut... Erpressfor Bostonat.................... Express for NewYork and Boston at GoIxa soUTH AXD EAsT Abcommodation Train: tor Island Pond and TIntermediate Stations at........ 5:10 a : Accom ation Train for Kingstonand Inte Stations, at..... ....... T:15 u1 Tra‘ns for Lachipe at ........... 5:00 a m, 7;00 a : # a m, 12 noon, l:â€pn,(:“p-,lp- and $:30 p m. es _ The 1;:30 pm train runs ithrough to Provine Trains m’ov, leave BONAVEXTURE STATIO® as f ® I G@GoIxao wEstT, Day #s for Ogdembn?‘B. Om‘u. Brockville, King:o-, elleville, T .Glel:i. don, Brantford derich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and a‘:l p‘lnu WebLl, B4 »â€"««rrrrzcwsse 630 & 6 Night |do ! do _ do. do _ do 7;30 ; i Accommpdation Train for Cornwall 1869.] WINTER ARRANXGEMENTs Presoott Whar!..... Prescort Junstion .. Spencerville ...... . Ko-oml“- Rossiters r F Glouuu# a Ottaws .!| l . No Trairs are run by Montreal Time. R LUTTRELL, THOMA3S REYNOLDS _ Bupefictendart. Maneging Virecto 6th JUne, 870. ming through from Windsor to Asnaop completing the connezion between Halifez and 8t. John. Otltun.. T 00 9: HToUOOARIE sslâ€"ssccrens 1x slansirctentstvarse » *T B J Dagoode $s iLvrvirrce Sirss nsslsc rerrrec2sccee eA M lmptvi‘% rarsuseuteesccrters Subuercciec ces & MB Spence Weressssesssssnprsssmssessessersens 8 BQ Pregcolt ARHCHPON +>+«» vis+><â€"vi+>>. > .+ 9:0 ‘ Prabbolk IEBMEL:»,.~>.ssselsrsersireEbuvccrcs N i â€" Golt North Preocot_c to Ottawa, Static ; + us On and! from MONXDAY, 13th JUNE,â€" will run K« follows : G'.l;. ouh Ottawa to Prescott Stations & (3r (Formerly the ROCKVILLE & OTTAWA RAILâ€" W A Y. HE ST, LA WRENCE axp o TT AW a 4 B ALLMW A Â¥", LIGHTâ€"HOUSE 8 PERTH BRANCH. CHANGE OF TIME, MAIN LINE. M.=â€"â€" TRAINS will learvs § t B q ara and Prescott Railway} VERKNON EMITRB. 11307 , 13th JUNXE, traire BeAscie 4 s 1 A. M.0 P. K. «... 7 00 12 15 â€"»â€" T 35 12 56 a»â€". T 40 /1 16 »â€"â€" 1 5§ 1 35 x 8 18 ~£ 96 ww H8 f) 3 2o »â€"». $ 30 2 45 . U 5 15 v:o 3 16 Â¥ 15 3 3e 2 00 2 20 2 40 3 00 5 1§ 1 30 100 8:40 00 [18t0 8 50 # 20 # 40 10 00 10 30 T 10 7 30 1 55 Puruct , Barristers, OC®" KINARXK POR #A"~ _ { TBP &CBY Lot No 44, L *4 â€" 4 3. Alltheg HA005 l‘ No. 37, in Pirst M"â€" # “’ pean, and Lots Not. 24 5 " zs d | dudetr~ duguirPpmamabOOr e session, at prosent in tb# ho . worgeed oâ€"bapse 4 K Al-tndiï¬ï¬‚ ies in Te vis :â€"Tesx MoDoxars tions, otf the anpual valee af Tmowsox Exbibitions, valut Aurkaxpre Echolassbip, valst Eexor®‘ value Jix® Bm*‘ Scholarship, valee $108. . _ _ OT these 4 will be ofered is ®M College years in Arts to studesit o-urf:g. A M':-""‘“ Copies of the Calepdar information as .ï¬â€œâ€œâ€˜ mpodï¬u,““ on application to lh'm 1348 lawitlJ _ Beasoart E_ SIXTEEN®BCBOLA wibnBsp r“m DNESDAY, here wiil be offered for exapeilt of the insuring public of ieÂ¥ losses are 'Ei‘:’ eettied, and, from t ro.ph-u its sctilements de -;I.-"l.“ C >m pany is second be bite nepectors are alusy «iW im wortant 1 it cccars. It has uzjmw _It respoct{ulry solicites ue C# V joe Presidentâ€"Leri Other Dirgetorsâ€"C J Mal colm Cameron, Â¥ T McM ut;rilq.l! BHowland, Eeg, A ulton, Augus J.g Crocker, lql." n .fli"‘â€"‘:ioc.a“hng A Otte w xodk." N The rates of the PRWIWIKCIAL OOII’AN(uou Jow as lts long she#e‘n to be profitable. y The tost of the value o 1 pot when the premivms ar ched . Af® ; to‘ 68 . Ottaws, April 26 Prepared b} ... « sgorn=> and A.n.-ul;tir:'d Chemicts, Lord, s al round the world. PRICEB, $1006 PÂ¥k We Ottawas, August 1, 185%. “ Pl.ovnwu& TEXSURAIO of Canada, Head Ofie, fum PACULTY O The Classes will reâ€"spm 6 FACUL TY OP HR" The Session will be @a# * * PacULmO® 4M® For Liver € of the Liver, it the Liver into i For Bilion« I an excellent markable cure o the lunge and throm, have id malde, Mories of dganet then. Timice sgniont mddce mt be kept on hand in every fami fail.. Oo-nna ntaining Linc, nor any W in iicts are Htoral without a parall Unaeclimated travelling throw tected by takin receive of the j cases, and whet OR # ALK.â€"â€"The WeX OTTAGEK TO ALSY curable, still grest numbers of < n.a-- have been Ayer‘s Age C Por Fevrer ud Agm, knedin dlsorders af o. 3 2 _"" 46 <f the ::r&m‘ l’:bfl tnt oi oo meien aes mc e toral tection from it, Asthma is shways vallevel ay se cured by it. = non, as it has become better character and power to cure nost.pu&.ha than assure the bablr never i tpon the confidence of ma f*"\ï¬bahtm‘ men it has ren biene wl Aye;’s Chery nothing else ftrom those deleter; â€:-l in make â€"some M~ inj,urious to the h: ouly be mn:-.-h- ?fii‘.h Do hl merely for a Coutaining neither , not «oil white cam long on the hair, gir lustre and a gratefy Prepared by Dr.L.Q, PrRACTICAL axp ‘.“ For <res‘°'.h is naturaj Vit As its name in e@ILL UNIVERSTT smmuetiemmmmmmmmmementenee _ e For ldl"gâ€"‘-‘.â€"- 1298f Ottawa or Diseases of the Ting mz";ï¬ Sroveeel HAIR . p ttiâ€" The BHos i¢t SESSION 180 mere lhe«i‘u glaads -m"'d h as remay . C ss bLthi- s y uy I : will keepir $A vided with this e 0d i fon; pOokXLK, 4. i pe, . will Tok PRICE i3 igust 7, tm AYer’: TJONE, before in te to sound .-".l‘!-\- ‘May tor sule 4 Y «l a :"“51 sa Stett 1iquors, (nfl'"‘_ pits vyOL. Bordeast* BOTICE. the Parl RLDPEA Abway* 0 A N U BR A fame, 18A ACs+ the Pro AY, > An the EKLA®Y OR 19 8p Putty 1nd &4 €