18 %, %4 i 19 (g $1 a¢ 4) § i MP | Cognae Vieux, ® { Kan de vie 8t. Gocz thino, Chatreuse, Creme do Ma Cn= de Moka, Qlives, &o Otthwa, May 20, 1870 Â¥i Qpnmu. rr‘ u:}m at Mr. G. Mortimer‘s Drog Store, mreet, Mr. Alex. Christin‘s Drug Stote, street, Contré Town, Mr. F. Hallanâ€" M%'Mvn. Town, or at the subsoribere, be strioily aitended to. THOMAS sSTARMER, 138i8f * . Ridean street. UKNTKAL FiRE sasd PIN FHIRE CARTâ€" RIDGES for allsizesandsyscoms of Guns Rides, and Revolvers. Duho'gpâ€"ln‘ K. B. Capse, Patent Wire Tiene Eoo n arene diviripiinn n aprriieg every and Militar | Ammunition. mmmm (ampty) of all sizes, for the ot Breachâ€" Hiten snn t hn ie HNTT : arte BOXER m'.llz. of â€" l.'. tor R evol “ *u k Y‘a;"‘::“m.' .m:nm KS of all S‘W 'g'& Tranter‘s, and other PIN CAKTRIDGES for Lefaucheax Revolvers €i2>â€"m., vâ€"m. and Tâ€"m. bore. some of the markets Ahaving been -’flh‘m-m wmnm'uuo. rm'n".ul labeis of waich the «ames Lon & Pertias havre been forgea, L and P givs notioe that they have furaished their coprerponâ€" weats wich power of attorney to take instant prosesdinags agaioast manufacturers and venior uf suon, or any wher imitations by which their â€" The will turnish ICE dully to those Itfor the season, Double supply nBaturday‘s for Sunday‘s use. 10 Ibe dally fos HM Terms payable in advance. mght may be infringed. _ _ BM Auk to» LKA k PERRINE w illy WATERPROOF® CENTRALâ€" |*!\ FIRE METALLIC CARTRIDâ€" 53 | @K8, with -lu’l.;-n loe m 'or son verted other Rides, F 6 ter Bailard &m. aad .flohmy Repoating "n.'-n.nnom*‘:. um.: m’-“o'l:l-l)’,o‘l..fld.':.wu imperishable in any climate. ." [ P ie peatiiher aupptinnt on liboral serme us The sucsess of this most delisions ndm.l- ad condiment having ounsed certain to apply the name of = Worcestershire Suuse" to their own inferior sompounds, the public is hereby informed that the only way to securse the . anuine, veagas amna velds,.â€"â€"3u4d408 o.n-ru.-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"- slimate are sourses of Puimenary Â¥roachi ou’ Mot " Asthmatic afections, Rxperience having proved | .:Ԡuuu-cm-lum speedily and cer | distur wb i tainly when taken in the ou!ymudllo“:damu-l sase, recourse should at onee be to * Brown‘s | sting pain o Bronshial Troches," or Losonges. Pow are aware f the i mwportance of o ng a cough, or «gom. | §** * bottle won cold," in it# lnl‘ That -Mcl.;- ithe | AYNRUEZ. Lt tamwoyg would pleld to a mild remedjg,if oeg> | immediatel :ec'um un-{nlohnp. =# Browv‘s lou-‘ i t " chial Troches," or Cough Losenges, alley irritaâ€" | *000*!4 Th« tiom vbult&-‘tn-.lh..hï¬uo-lum in. . avwer ased it, ® Nuenese on the affected ’o‘.n:. Anlonuumu; | will reguiate tione, be sure 10.00TaLX genusme. Bold by al dealersin medicines, at 15 cents a box. mother, and t F1 ou a.â€"â€" Rrtra. Wholssalse and for Export by the Propristors Hipxsâ€"â€"Per 100 I\be No. 1, Imsp 1 C3 # No, %, do: Inspested......... 6 80 &# No. 3, do &#¢ | uw1 k W @ U@resen Raw Hides............. 6 00 # CK, Arrived this day WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, | pyuvrors tan, LEYV*!O AMMUNITIO®. KA & PEARRAOAE* hpve + Bb A8K FOR LEA & PERRILNXY aAUCE, KLEY BROTHER:, @raws INnXN RoaD, LoXDoN. OFTTAW A MARAKTEH, Jomplleg expressly lor the Oreava Tuma | 108K, 108. TUE BOXER CARTRIDO®S lor Bniderâ€"Enfeid of +477 bore, -olunhol-rk..‘m ‘O:Q.l:‘“d- h..',m od by ldï¬{;o w# m-bod~ toe MLâ€" CaVTION AGAINST FRAUD. THE ONXNLt GOOD SiAUVCK, Gee4t i | ‘R Declared by Con Madeira, WHOLERALE OX%LY . _ ARORGE & CO‘3. PURKE WiN Es |ounaaaitiD JP MACPHERSON, " Elgin Street Mimen _ aniver» 4241330 law enanges o CCC CCR C WEeRmeh Pmecommey CCoPX Tegaeee Eakkk uk ‘F the pbtle ctCanids & * wap oo fseqicee af| . Ind. The Whest, Mafée or other grain sball sontinued in each case for a parled of at least ::.F':‘:"c“::..""“ s °""| be so forwarded under boads to be taken wz weeks during the interval of time between the 'M."""" d...".c'"-'..,,“.’.‘.._ elther by the Collector at the Port of Kntry, | closs of the next presediag Seamon and the conâ€" v'h::n“ao llv"“" the Dominion, where «e by the M t es 1 d.“u:.c.bhuu &o‘:d.“: ,-m Information can be chtmmued, or at the | 44 may best sult the comrenience otf the Imâ€" lhea to lb 4 | Oln.nlnnnuz.su..‘r:‘" porter, which bonds sball be taken for an L4 fat ie Â¥ . stitions for Private Bills must be presentâ€" 1 4* Sikes moled woekd oll n eronle [ ut vihte the ET AHKKF Wilkks it ies IIIA"N)('KI ~ upon the aaid Whest, Mailze or Other graio, Cearien, 1E weentenate erre teealetearenei en se Agent in Oitawse _ and be conditioned for the due payment of CHARLES T GILLNOR, | oanxuvon sALEE: _ such dutics, should such Whest, Maize or Clork of the House. ‘ o-.u-:-.:.-'au-u-:..uu.u.-u.n uhunh.utuq-'â€"nnuunu M«al | Toronto, Murch 18, 1870. _ ©_ 13094 lawk. aoncsssion omnsbip ol tloucester, Midesu | representing such Whest, Maite or other } mm | From, with house, welil Anisbed, ~.mmwm | bars," shede, and ther vut tuilfingr.aed se t | 61400, §0 lato consumption, or for the due LK t New Ferly Tndinans Hifteolt wed wont .uw‘-:s;‘?“-h::.?':::o‘o:.‘un. exportation of such Wheat, Malzse or other ....,u.,-.:.'b.. uny Btate or Country, good + « w alers ! avers where mm od. This is ntuated ? miles from Ottiws on the "“"'“""“""wbh“‘l:’;‘-& ..‘dununl‘m: Masadamised Roas, loading to Metsite. I’- Moal, and on proof of th* pprpment of such | salles :l Miuceco arictrss 5 it mine I Brouts * Muk Chural and Hinkack Wiermie akikce acmm ce aAe d lish Chureb .urw lu-u.oun-d-:. Methodist Chuâ€"sk hailf a mie; Rowan Cathohe «bBurch one mile and a bult dostunt ; Rtation 4 miles ‘There in also a # miles manlng along stde of the lor. Time wil be given for pa .t'u,. If required. tike or partiouiare apply l.’:- e '! 18H, OY®TER3, GaxZk F #HKV T. â€" _ _Agenmies throughout the Dominion, whers Inforum at ioe be ohtaimued, Teak Ofiel it Hentiive, qutente n * *4 it A it K A MsA Y . The faot that the Canada has a larger anount of Investments and of Assurance business is the g-.fl. than any of the Hritish -A.-m-: ompanien, «uBsieontly attests she the pablic of Canada Lomm wotuway y The only Cunadian Lite Compary authorised lyflflc:’-uubn“m Ite Rutes ars lower than thoss of Brivishor American OMooes. with grom auosess lor persons of weak constitu. tion, or for those ï¬::.lwb:‘vuw“ lng emases or past neas ; youths by too sapld Tml for ’-.&‘:‘h:: development takes :Iuo «ww ht in ; tore women in onl i ; and fut aged persons enfecbled by yours or \lincss. It is the best proâ€" sarvative againet fovere. Tw of eblorosis, ansm 'v* Nn::b o.:u? mi.u.;v;' : tarraginâ€" .:I.. V!LLII'!I 'll-:-l. the raplaity dm is really marvellouns. _ Tha QUINIUM LABARRAQUE, by the Academy d' .O:Mlo. m.llo aontrary, a medicine of determined composition, noh in active principles, and on which the phyar clane ancd r.h-. aem -h..‘o »aly. _The QUINIUM LABARRAQUE is pressribed fncilitating --ht" go, und obriating the M""""’“m“:‘""' -n’:o“luo l.m&:m.. Setrareatenigeiond 40 Prmme, ..:o A‘:M 1 in a gimss ot ou-.nmutox::m: nouuv'h-'ouun,-:rqn in medioone nopm'n. harke which vary considerably Jm the to which they possees the desired properties. Besides, owing to the manner m which they are prepared, thoss winss eontain . scarooly more than the traces of active prinolples and these always in variable proport iona . LIFE ASSURANCE CoMPANY RuNCBHBITLS CATAI“ oF THE BLADDER COLDS O NATHK C 4 GHs IRRITATION OF T.1s CHEST MoQoPING Ccovoey DSEASKES OF THE THROAT PULMONARY CONSUNMPTION As a Loronâ€"Purs or dilated with a little water AKFFECTIUONS OF THE sKINX ITCRHINGS oo en it Fenaonks seen tried nu' ~-unnu-u' in hoge -m in thine d.o:td.. Detailed lnstraâ€"tons aoâ€" "Tleokt dipe in Pusle: L FRERE, it in First cluss Moda,, j ALF LABARRAQU® & co. UGEKXERAL 1X COUNCIL QUINIUM . LABARRAQUE, Whereas it is among other things, in c€at Approved by _ Amporial Academy of Medicine. | enacted by the 54 Seq of the Act 31 Victorin, The QUINTD M u;a.:uonu eminentâ€" c-u-“.' ‘.‘ e .“...“,, _"', |.~n .“'.'I L as Ti the wher moperitiens of Parovice pargt * u.an.::.':un: k the shme 1»&.-&.:‘:&.; ....".'.‘a... yad P "'"2".'."""""';3.?"’“"‘"""’ in bood, provided such grinding and packing hm tik e to which they possess the desireds | be done and conducted under soch Rogulaâ€" mmm:"":"‘ tions and Restrictions as the Governor in sontain . scatrooliy more than the â€"traces Council, may from time to time make for thi« "‘"':_M"""""'M.N parpose ; and that the same Regulations mey "The ut t Soru m uunnw., extend to the substitation of four and meal 1~ ':.:;‘:'_’“g,â€& an th* | quantitics equiralent to the produce of sach fich in active principias, and on which thy pagey" | Whest, Maize or other gra‘o. Quyot‘s tar possesses all the "adesntages o ondinary tar water without any of \ts drawbacks A glase of excellent tar water without say dis agresable taste may be instantansousiy obtained by pouring a tenspoontul into a glass of water. Any ’““"1’""" ho glusse of tar water ulhom requires it, thus sconomining M Quyst has sussesded in ving tar of ts Invupport able sourness u‘m aand in it wory solwhle. Proting by this Mï¬o propares a cuncsntrated n1uudlu.- in a amail vrolume contmns O:ntwhdnflomlph,. a~"! J ol Mothare 1 Meosners Mothersliâ€"Ars you disturbed at night and broken of your reat by a mtok ennld suflering and serping with the exoractâ€" wing palna o cutting teoth 1 If 1o, go at ones and gat a bottle of Mris. WINSLOW‘% s00TUILNG INRUP. It will relleve th poor Hitle suferer immediatelyâ€"depend apon it : there is no mistak about iL. There is not a mother on earth who ba aver used it, who will not tell you at onee that it will reguiate the bowels, and ive rest to the mother, and roliet and bhealth to the child, opers Ung like magie. 1t is partectly sate to use in all aases, and pleasant to (Motaste, and is the preâ€" seription of one of tha oldest and best fomaile phyâ€" mnola® and aurses in the United States. Price t# anit _ o everpwhers Be surs to coull to, "MR3 @WINSLOW® sootuiIxg sÂ¥&kur.»* Waving the Jucâ€"mmais of = Cartin & Perkine® on the oniside wrapper. All othere are bose umitaâ€" Northrop & Lyman, Newsustie, C. W., Qeneral Agents (or the Canadas, Rold in Otte®a by all druggists and by medicine doaiors every where. Du, A. W. Bunnossa, of K aowlearilte, New York aaye; @1 have used it in severs | enses of *pecial Itritation and tor the worst uzd Priles, and sundry other compliaints, and w a a4periore article, and well worthy the notice of all * Wo&?‘“m:“mu.l"bhhl ï¬.llnf-uol-rl see that the words *A. TRASK‘3 MAGNEIIC QILXTMENT * use im the wrapper. _ C L Du.J. P, Kaw»ant .oflh..:.lnl‘ aaye : «* In has stoud thetest traal, has ant been uw.t.lnwnq eures of LaGamâ€" mation ot the Langs and Croup and the wonderftul mhnld-l-rmnmnn ine o# Rhou matisum, anad reliew a:! Nervous A"o:u-’.-lfl. U to a Migh rank a liat of somedies for these w pol uts * _ t Craonup or Wattiss.â€"Dau. Bisowan, of Utlic®, Mflol, aayes @1 bhare used ODr. A. Trask‘s Magnetio Ointment in my prucuce a.anmber of years, and can say with pleasure 1 .:-. bt ou: 6 t discoveries of the & the cure lafammation M of the Long«, l:z-“d&o Bowels, Inflammatory Rhoumatism, and in Chilaâ€" bud Fever, it operntes with perfect ausosss, in o 0 was onl w-.ugnuo. Fromen Limbe, it aote Hike *A N ADA ::::.;.:. aid m-.‘:? tw Whin .â€"fls On the recommendation of the Honogable be used one with the sther _ Woud aÂ¥t abi inveswrge. | the Minister of Custome, and in pursuince of iss es 4 V A Ang Vc p o 4 5+4 hrdg 0e . Bwssgmm | the provisions of the 11th Section ot the Act MB 10. J teary =| * Viz. Cap. 6, latituled : * An Act respcting 4 , Gevarninleragren ____ | the Custome," His Excellency in Conncil bas _ Br. A. Â¥rask‘s Magnetis intment Cures | been pleased to Order, and it in hereby Order, Mos ® A )A‘l.-l- goe o p 4 + 4 o wilaow! soderme *4 emanmicde + raad i# i 600 40 as o Hoaie Dvessss o e 7 E0 lva’.lb‘- be ward ome mwith 1 Mo“-†M â€" 1# Busoms: % CONCENTRATED PROOR LiQC&UR &A REAL KAIR ® Nauturit Lite, Cotof and Reauly, | S EXCELLEXCY THE GOY. It is a most delightfut Hair Dreming. It wili promote lusuriant growth. BPALLING MAIK is ummediately checked. We & A ALLEN® ZNYLOBRALAAMUKNM. aactkee NV ERAAL CXHIBULTION O# 1848,! Rl '{*. #, .\o \ IJ.EN"‘ ’ UAIKR RESTOKRKER Iroammg ovar high cout F vous a Pomadis & wb on auld mt caly im Whie ‘w.w e ho Restorer and / rarainnnis»s saad mauith . b¢ in dnirp wou p RPRCIAL NOTi¢Es. RATARLI®WHE®D 1%47 As SKAUMERUL HAlk, U ud ofte® P# % Cp &Y a Nom sle U paymen! of eiportilion under the of the Collector of Custome of such Port, shall be lorwarded to the Collector of the of grain shall bhare been Imported, or rod for manulacture in Boad. UOntice or of the due exportation a I within one year trom the date of .the :u’ Bond or Honds, the said Boads shall be ¢rly cuncelled ; and if such bonds shall be given at | the Post of destination, a | certificate of such . payment or exportation under the L.{ lat. The Collector of Customs, at any Pust of Eutry, shall receive entrics of forelyn whent, maize or other grain, to be ground and packed in booad, for exportation or consom » tion, and asuch Collector shall deliver or canâ€"e to be delivered such Whent, Maize or oth«r grain to be forwarded on to the Port of destina. ton, where may be altunated the Mill or Mills at which the said Whest, Maize or other gra‘n in to be ground and packed in bond, as by law porealthod . Mis Kxcellency, the Governor General in CouncUH, on the recommendation of th« Monble. the Minister of Customs, and under the abthority atoresuld, has been pleased to erder, und it is hersby Ordered, that the grinding and packing of whest, maise and Other grain, in bond, shall be done and conâ€" ducted under the Reguiations and Restrictions tollowing, vie : the Muster or other propert OMcer of such Nteam Vemsel, shall be turnished with two eargo books to be used during altersate months, and that at the end of each monthb, be shall surrender the book during that month to the Collector of the Port of St. Jobn, and the said Collector shall mturn to bim the other book with which be had been furnished, «o that the recerd of the trade of cach monts, abaill be in the Custom House, to be ased fot stat‘stical purposes durlog the whols of the succediog montb. Ind. Representations baving been magde‘ of wrious Incomvenlence . to the Masters and Guners of Steam Yermlse employed as regular passenger and treight packets, between the port of 8t, John in the Province of New Brunawick, aod the ports otf Digby, Annspolis and Windsor, in the Province of Novs Bcotia, and also to the Mercantile Community of the said pote, in consmquente of wuch Steam Ves a<la belng obliged to mpat their cargoes each brip ln detail, it in hersby further Ordered, that the Cotlector of Custome at the Port of K. Juhn, may grant any such Steam Veomel, a ypearly consting license, subjest to the rame conditions as are provided tor in the case of Vommelea‘ trading between ports in the mme Province, with the atditional condition that Ol, shall report lnwards and outwards, in all reapects, as though hbe had nsnt received such Constiog Liswnar. * e Mn e e e e s hy ty ult _7 Ist. It having been enucted by Chap. # See. | 21200 °Oeneet Oe e in Mbror®‘t Dusidings, 11, 2Brd Vistorls, that the Gorernor may | Wusisx Mosenors. MA .u:o_t_uuu grant peariy Connsting Licenses to Biliish \'0." ‘ '"m.'.mâ€â€œhm Pro wis navigating the Inland watre of Carats| 1.Â¥ & rinee of Quebes, near the Pos above Montreal, although oubv-&huy;u."’, Tiventirrrreruerau use en ie geitrnige y j uons I,I_“_I BB wmeotimes make vopages to Fomign Ports, it | ORACKR LAPIERKRE, Hurrister, Astorâ€" in here by Ordered that the Boads to “"’*‘-l-!-m"‘m“i"m':.’i by the Mastor or Owamer of such vremse!, oo;hn-u-.t)!no.“ ENC 38 taking out such License shall not contain | JJ, COXNXOM, Aumaeyâ€"stâ€"Law, Sollcitorâ€" the condition provhhd tor in B8â€"tion: AFein Chanser3p, Convreypancer, As., Sussexâ€" 3 of anid Regulations, *#that soch YVesmie or Boatmshall not be emploped in the Foveign Trade," but that it shail be a condition of sach Bonad, that whenever any such Yâ€"omml or Boat in employed ln a vopags toor Lom a Fonmign a«d, that the following oeguiations n apesting the cons‘ing trade of the Dominion, in amend~ ur ut ot the K gulation adeopted by Ooder in Council of the 194th July, 12#0#4, sball be and the HI1 EKXCKLLEXNCY THE ooÂ¥vERXOR 1385 3 ort, the master or other proper ofle@r there 1OÂ¥EREHEXT novin, 1 OÂ¥YERNXRHE®T nHouik, amme are horaby adopted and cstablisked;. A$BOBSOROYE &A TAILLO®, Barrusters EKRNOR GENXNERAL LNX T IGULT _ RIIPr IK C OTTAW 1, COoUNCIL Tusewiay, 10th May, 1470, OTTtawW a, . H. LEE, ~| Tick Frivy Gveaket Tw wlay, Aist Map, 1870 Y.H. LEKE, * Clatk Privy Council Thwo y % Hewepapar pusiished in the County or Uniqn ot Counties afectad ; such notics shall be eontinued in each case for a pertod of at least wz weeks during the interval of time between the alose of the next preseding Sesmon and the conâ€" wderation of be Petition. Coples ofthe Arst +o4 'lud“uflmhbfl.flom Private Bi} Ntntes, for persons from any State or Country, logal aver: where; desertion, drunkennees, nonâ€" pport, ate., sufclent cause; no r'“’; po tharge until divores optainesd. dviee "free. lunawuumwm M HOUAKE, Auorney. 1310 Im _ No. 18 Naseuu Strest, New m also in a required by the Bist and following Rules of the Legisiative Assembily,(which are published is the »Onuturio Gusstte"), to give NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinetly specifying its aature and object) in the * Ontario Gasette," and 'n-::bnpuum om the original hi Â¥. P. VERRI, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY. Kept by all the princopal Vragguts and Grocers in itawa, April 27, 1870, 143 in 18 in whiress, and tad the be [ Atimarroks zie which will &o to "'l:-".".::&"‘“:‘. nsm sns n aschaae Tnaistes, fott WORKINO CLAKK We ue h0Â¥ nrcoured in Bonie s h rerars age n en remearerest on hie d e4 hn t or t the apaer en n whtuamts tht l E m® d ----u.l..lmln-ug A Bulloitors, Convreyancers, &¢, JBcsâ€"In | Conurt House, Ottawa., } Romnuut Lazs. ___ 430Â¥ _ Jour J. Grexm. . | KS Sotishet, Auscasy and Botary Pablic, Clark 4 » . of the Ponse and Coouty Az:â€.huo‘.bdh‘ Conunties of Prescott and â€" OMceâ€"In the Court Homse, L‘urgaal. 34 6m §b§fPIIIIIRII Tre prics "“1‘..":.'.‘::'......... , o eeffeers trtee pabct ie et tent In for tale. PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. A. Â¥. Â¥. GIANELLLI dole ManaCacturer and mum'b-n- on of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These celebrated Bitters are carefully propared with the very best quallty of Sherry Wine, and are sspesially adupted and recomâ€" menaded to persons ol delicate constitations. They are geaily stimalant, and will be foond infallible aldse to digestion, For directions see label round the neck of each AMXWKIP P. HLLL4 M.t’ wk 1 ,us«mh:hw , Couvreyancer, 4¢, â€"_ w»monâ€"â€"lust Oikecs LM‘*, Higie s (CO00 N w t ts . †QHCONNOR , Arioe aeyâ€"atâ€" Law, Solleitorâ€" # in Chansery, Convrepancer, As., Bussexâ€" streot. OBese, Unin Balldings, Aiawa. bby l‘ bh» MA Â¥ COCK, Ac-l.,-u-u'.. Boll« *# oltorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Fublic, and Patest RigatSoliciior,. ORccsâ€"Imâ€" mediately opposite Russell House, Elginâ€"st 43utf .lo-‘c.l‘:‘l:.'.-.' lontaué:m Boy â€" wb beitorâ€" umâ€" veyâ€" anser and lm’ Public, Ocm an« York streats, itawa., 368y COMMERCOIAL SALR ROOMS, H, Burton, Keo. M 1 se tascs., Aoim "':H anger Quebec Bask, Ottaws. : J. BERNINGHAM, insy : Heuse.foand 2ag @General Agent. appesite the Post Ofles, Otta®e. _ 48Â¥y Hon. Sit Jofn A. Macareaid, anter, &o. OMeeâ€"Lang‘t Buildings, £lginâ€"st., | Uls Lordship the Bishop of Kingston, Kn-v-ii KIMBERH, Barristers and Astormies at Law, Boboitors in Chancery, Convepansers, &o, for the Provinses of uatars Noene are grunine unless bearing the signature of J W . '-."A....:I“hbandm o.o.oo-hn Mess Bulldinags, Kigin stret, t Avavarve Kaesres, _ Rans Roware Kmanm, " 1CHOLAR BFARLK®A, Hurrister and Aitorâ€" 1 U nsypâ€"aiâ€"Law, Bolleitorâ€"inâ€"Chansery, Conveyâ€" y, C.ke». Wwhigu? & Laweon, | B " Burrlmers, Advocates, &¢. OBeccs, Ay!â€" ::..)Q. (Mum Mroew), and (KMiawe, (Eigis | rm.;mï¬odnuhn-.lu laven«â€" ‘S tioe, &o , enpemaily attended to io Vitawa. 4-3 Â¥U. moLaed, #, MAOK Wuaust, K. 8. Lawios. (Mava, Dessmber 4, 186#. 1213â€"6m l‘\ C,. CLKAO® , Mmo.l.;:; Boll Ator © io ~hanoey, Contepancer, dutary Public, Ao , &#. . uthaeâ€"Orer soat‘s Conlecsimwoary, Bparke streot, Venire Lown, Atawa _ dav;y. uo NB pot sxmming. and a progectional uTY avotios siar, 1 A. KARKA, Architeot. OfBoewâ€"Asmond‘s 4« Betidings, Ridean=st., Ottara. _ P9ly N BDâ€"Money advancsed on leaded se carity ovas trarrar strrkns. KKE & OKNMMILLL, Barrw‘ers, Attorne) OTTAWA TIMES, JUNE 20, 1870 # #d un Ciqal Carbs, ton Merchants A4A,. K. P GLIANELLL 1 to pagy NOTICE is heroby given that " The Richmond Mreuit Board of Public Instruction in the of Curlston" will meet is the TOWN m Richmond, on TUESDAY, the TWENXTYâ€" Day of June next, at &oh-rd‘l'"llbï¬ o“d._.:l:._ï¬ilh examination of Teachers T» sehool Teachers and ail Others Whow it May Concern. | rteg» elisdasicirts blive: c ~uinlnace '-c..“' Liverpool or YHBUEUOWH.»»» 2e sessmmee 0s +000 lu*....i.;;..‘;.m steamer " h "5--",.. Payable in Ourrency, E..'?Qf" NN CPMIHENIEcaErErctt +rb6htieibendes O8EPY HINTONX sB 0 9 EEeee e e erereen wm..m suesssseee . 0. °C 9 eveeees uh SE ut ce e e y Livrerpool 0Of QUSSRIOEH»~â€"+++»â€"+â€"»»â€"â€"»â€"....»» 36 PasRAGOK EY THE TORBDAY OTEAXER Â¥I KALIFPAX, INMKAK LINE OF KA BTEAXERS, AAILINq FROX NEW YORK EYVERY sATURDAY AKD ALTERNMATE TUREDAYs. Lites OFf PaABRAGK EY THH a1 rcaoaY Praiuzh! Pirs Oabin, Payable in Goid: Laverpool or Quesnstown..................=.»..$100 0t Outarie, Domitnion of Canada Fo*® LIVEA POOL & QURERSTO W x â€"<oan‘s, N.#., by branch steameor........ 30 06 M.'-u uZ‘hâ€"hchd.lnlu_g. and ri'.'r'."&‘"i‘? m&u.op:l‘um&-’ayv ‘*therinfo JOHN 0. ALI.A'C-. us " f 9 15 Broadway, New °Y o _ KREKIOK 4 COROMBIE Ottrw "U-O was t:-n ever such .:nu that ot onhulhtucm ?l.ir-un.on,a or that of Ambrose Wood, of Conseâ€" «on, Ont, of a and Liver Complaint, or that of Johe , of Napanee, of Rhoumatism, who had actually been on crutehes for years, but has now recovered the use of his limbe. NDUOVATION A L. En lc.l‘h-t... c‘mquw.obl:“uml- canm h*& at all drug stores. hbdaol’dynlgmmtl. 13y are stern undenis to :.l'-. the â€"nw&u: N’:od- wondertal and extraordinary cures in Canades by be Gazat Ixpua® Rewror, I.-.‘ # t af ui h ffocti ce in .to â€œâ€˜ï¬ eBoaey of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, h.“u:cdhuou'fu 'l:ohlt‘z‘r:‘. commended, wonderful successin su thetortar‘ag pains of Enoumatism. and in re io mh.mun.m:mufl.ï¬ list of Remedies for &mn..n'm, Dealers are eaniny for turther supprinn aoy hu:"u.um'“..““' Of 9 » ®© to the aniversal nd-mtu.uflm = The Cans dian Pain D.myuumuuau.m mmediate rolief. All Medicine Dealers hml m‘-m.“ml.‘ and ao family w w ove soule par botthe Pricet «Bve couts 4 es lol‘l’lm & LYMAN, _ _ Newoustle, C. W., â€" Oo.onlAw for 0. w Bold by Geo. Murtimer, Jahn rte, W. M Massey, H. Â¥. MoCarthy, J. Skinrer, and . Brows. in _ aws Among the most 1mportan! of tmodern Medical Dis | Ane soveries stands the | UCANADLAN PAIN DESTROYER | Wlde, Back ana cdoad, Coupbs, bore Throat Oprains, Eruises, Cranmps hm ! cw:. Morbus, Dyn-'l’uy; Bowel | Vmuu... #o., ko. | The Canadian Pain Destroyer has now been | before the public for a length of time, and | whenever used is woll liked, never tulln’ in a| wingle instance to give permanent relief when | tUimely used, and we have nover kum.lh‘n"] ease of dissatisfaction 'honnodlmmpn- | perly followed ; huuboo.tuz all are delight | umtumm and speak i nthe hi | terms of its “l.‘ll‘l‘d"m. } 'ur.lfn-upflunl this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and thu:fdo those who are suffering from any of the comp <ints for which it is .o%‘ may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" aas Ba es 0 Messere. Unaxn®s1a® & Bi11s, Conway P 0 County of Lennos, Ontario, Canada : i““.fl..‘. REMEOYX. " STOP AND SEE! P en t 6 Aitnatentaat ie d tntrrints vaindes td h +2 5 many hkA "â€"“.“'."â€"m"" , out in Arst cla»s style: ’:uo -a-:.u"o:f& ll:.b Mo’:lun. | u;l"h halls and apartments are #pagi ous kR u.a.“symm.:‘u.m ‘:o‘.l.. | u'.':".l;i_" 7":0:“"!8 a m ; Lonck 1 ; 1« in all parts of the Dominion. } § t t p m ‘u:a‘.c’o First Prise Baking Powder, un T°®s $2 40 per aay, rivalled for purity and excellence. For sale by | ,, AA Partics visiting Halifax will find at « grocers everywhere, in 3 or packets, T sents ; 5 os CAT!Oton,‘ good attention, cleaniiness und « w:;: '.O;;d;s.l.vm r‘ï¬m":":‘. ": 'm:‘iumx April 1, 1870 1328 1m t pever you w e ack / * » 1610, :(Ml%llll'i and ul.ufl\c. N | MEUONOON Nib arcenmatnns on uce o e cettnnee) tp e oudcvensindi @arDExER‘® EpiLErtiC curs. _ | [fPM®V8toN nousk, Price $1 per bottle ; six bottles for $5. W. ARMsSITRO®G, PROPRIETOR, 487 Sotre Day, S.AAREHNEH: Obemist UORNER OF QUEEN AND ELGINâ€"8 mȴ"° Wink BiilLn}, ts + Argylestrect............. Halifax, N. 8. fuvaluable to fevallds and periont of impair®; M. K, COCHRAXN, PROPRIE1 m' an excelient TONLO! for pouo':c *\ ' 98 eovering Uiness. Foreale in quart bottle § . TB# bouse, (situated in the centre of the cir ) price one doll ur. * bas been recently enlarged, fitted with all :L Gimpuza‘s Dowrewo Cover Rewrbr will save | iD}>dern improvements, and refarnished through. ::;moc:r‘:s\n In uduucm~"‘r‘:‘:"“°"’""l'f : «it is nleasant to tha l.‘?m*..â€"“lg_ ..I ...I ?nlr'.. wile and *p ure spa®ous and The following remarks on testimonials of mos ‘ANADMMANX PAIM® DKSTROYER: Orrion : No. 5, Sparks { SHOSHONEES REMEDY. _ |\nwse ouarachy o#‘ aAK ow®e ns Nprage, Payable in Ourrency, qQUININE maâ€" wWINE BITTER®, s Pirst Oabin, Payable in Goid. y 23, 1870 Bole Propristor and Manufasturer. «AcAteai. 0 8 PETTIT, M A, Chairm a 1307 1â€"244 3 seee sans sade ass ME Coemereene P SmIptt OF _ +s Sommmmmmmmng o mmmmmmmmmmmmemmememeemmme Acdit aerees _ $6) 06 w °* .f?vu, pdribdbdrres Corraesk ro RExr. ".m“" New and Second Hand Cooking Btoves at the A hand. omely situated COT â€"»»+« $100 00 Variety Hail, a#ix rooms and kitchen, on @|] weuges z: Noew and Second Hand Double Stoves a the hfllï¬.lfl.‘:hnhslu sweses ariety Han, ; 'ou‘ outho <3 . o q4 | New and Second Hand Box Stoves at the Variety yg-l"’ â€" H. BULI mele. 15|00 Hall. Ottaws, April 26. mees» _ 80 06 l‘dl.'h‘ do you botrublod‘:.lth.‘u‘:l‘dm ï¬â€"‘ sland, . > > uk when you ean e i ALK.e« ester ai, and a litle cash and get a first Flo.fl.hMM- Commanw CNECC m n EeE $100 06 CAMPBELL, on the premises. 150 ACIJ! â€"â€"The south half of the east half, Lot No 21, a thon’ttlb“n;foï¬‚ï¬ N:‘!;.h&o second concession c ow na 'uh's.rdswu Bouse oumlupu,gm and well wetered. It is six miles from Ottawa. Ottawa, Janumiy 18, 1870. ariety Hall, l«utmun.uaumnmvmuy HMall, u‘l.“‘“ be troubled with an otd worn . ~> uk ’-vbo.y- ean take it and a litle cash and get a first olass Etove at the ' Variety Hall. wmmmnmmmm anteed tothe purchaser. . ; (ood Anestioner at tes Partaty t n n1 n .8:‘4. at the Varisty Hail, ofsllkhgl purchased and exchang od as s J BOYDEN, _ & General Agent. Variety Hail, New and Secood Hand Doubl _ _Pancreatine Powder, bottles, %2s, 3s 64, 6s 64 and 12s6d. Pancreatine Wine, bottles,3s,5s and10s. N.B.â€"Panpreatine Wine is the best vehicle for taking Cod Liver Oil. por, ATRpiGEsToO®â€"â€"P a ®crR & aâ€" TINE completely effects the DIGESTION and AbS"MILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the Of these 4 will be ofered in each of the four years in Arts to students and candidates . A Seholarship is tenable for two yoars. CUopies of the Calendar centaining all necessary information as to the examinations, conditions of com petition, courses of study, &6, may be obtained on application to the n‘ou{g.‘. W C BAYNE3, B A, 4 1343 lawt4J Becretary MoeGill University. TIONS8, vis:â€"Tex MeDoxarn Scholarships and Exbibiâ€" tions, ot the anoual value of O'ruoul; ITwo Tnowsox hhibm.':.h value $1%5 ; the Cuaruias Arrxaxpxz® Echolarship, value 'fl'fl; the Jovâ€" ka®ons‘ lcbolmbl:, value $100 to $120; the Jax® Reprare Exhibition, value $100 ; the TarLo® Scholarship, value $100. _ Ad I ..._‘.-. -; brv@ P in 4 uâ€"“ uuor;cyon. land gents, ‘s“‘.- ce, opposite | the Ontario Bank, &rh-c&. Ottawa. . v:Yw.. »Sfor Trust and Loan Co. ‘ | W. &. Turstix. U : Â¥ s sale PACULTY OF MEDICINE : The Bession will be opened cn‘l‘uodyy.fl PACULTY OF ARTS: The Ression of this Faculty will commence on WEDNESDAY, September 14th, at which time here wiil be offered for competition the following BIXTEEN"SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXHIBI. Wil! be proceoded with as quick! uwh“h. Persons Muud:u'l {l profits will obtain l‘mdMuldlhloms- tion at the Head Office, or unyorthAPuiu in the various places throughout the Dom nlon, 4A G RAMSAY, Agentin Ottawa, â€" \_* of this month (April) After whith the To C A N A D A { LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED .s4t. The Lists for the 23rd Fear will be Closed on 30¢(h “ lu.um. drâ€", Architect. O8 © _ Ball‘s Block, Seppers‘ Bri Rererexors.â€"â€"H ASims, b}:‘l‘nï¬ P “Isuo Thos Puller, Req, itect, Alb Dr J A &rn(.l P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds Managing Virector O. & 8t. L. R.R. Acertsaâ€"Messrs. F. 1 g»iaxs, se€cir;cations, &e., Prepared for biildings of by 4j SIDNEY B. n;e;m i1 Wellingtonâ€"st. P CTTTTTTERERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRReieeeeneninniintentiens.. betudcc FMAHISTLE & mu-uw' best offorts will be directed to he comâ€" of his guests ano patrons. . BM" Oysters,Game eto..daily 'l\lll 6 QUKEN * Ill'l'AUuAl'l" M. KAVANAGH, Propristor, Corner of Metoaife and Wellingtonâ€"streets, cgâ€" ql: the main entrance to the Government Buildâ€" e"QUEEN*" all the requisites for a Arstâ€"class hortau m House h:‘hunlm and ref. rnished uu-vnu. The BAR contains the choiogst Brandsir Wines and Ligno ws, and every delioney of the seas a wiil be found on thetable. The uen ooo cce cam. s s aau k 7 ‘ ARM FPOR SALE. PACULTY! â€" OF 1LaAÂ¥W : _'n.ou.uwmm.rumy.uo.u / stote aaatadiy o «P o rlso 0. Wries 2 Opruo the Court House and Public Offices, ST. CaATHARILNES, Ont. £. HOUGHTON, Wh & Late of Uoluglmn c?hh‘ weo?..)' pAMi* nuslou sampleâ€"room for commers travellers. P s ©KQw TOVES, BTOYVEY, ATOYESs. HALIFAX, NOVA 30OTIA, Established 1851. ° Pu-‘noat and trmlonc‘:ou&o.r: accommedaâ€" attention to comfort; “".:01"â€â€™ Jounwuuu.' Propr‘i'm. W. AlRMsITROoN®G, rRoPRIETOR, UORNER OF QUEENX aAXD ELGINâ€"STS. OTTAWA. EVERY CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT FOR TBE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. DIYIs ION 0O F P R&OFITs And the table spread with EVERY DELICACY OF THE SEASON. D7 Argyle street ‘ CHRISTIE, Commussion Merchant and @eneral Agent. Sole agent for Read‘s ;vhu andProof Whiskey }‘ also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" no Ales :n‘ .Po:_br_.L P:rk, our, &o., for sale. PECIAL NOTICE. !,Rl C. I.EuOO. P » 1¢°~~ bour, Offle»â€" share in‘ the division of profits of the past fve years, t eG@LLL UNLIVERSITY, ' KONTREAL. BESSION 187071. CHOICEST LIqU O R 8, NARKLEKTON utss HUK METROPOLITAN AUMOND‘s BLocK, ue L _ _ Rideau Street (itawa. Good Stabling and an Attentive Hostler 1CKWICK HoUSK, \ Ajotcls andb Saloons. AVERLY HOUSEK, ::'!:&« hmg‘y'c:’ The Bar always supplied with the « OLLV z.i MAR TLX», Dentist Oflc,_ parkyâ€"st: oot, Centi al Oau,*_)u_u“ «» GEOGE IIU'I'C“IIO., Dentist. Oflcoâ€"Spuarksâ€"streot opposite Muges & |"s . Lp pal ks R H H AYCock. CLOSE OF THE uIsts AMliscellancous. BAkKZLNGTONXâ€"8TRKET, Bparks Atreot, near the Russell) Acvienl Carbs, Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., Ph an, SBurgeon and ~Gragry. Block, Sparksâ€" VCOR V E+ ’0" ‘u m. p Medicine. r, F6 ing Salcon.) 3 & "cluo} commercial quire 859y a cath Cefuaceres uns C T. any b Propr imr a% : Pg,.. & } all ol * ta, _05' \ »sg / but « ament Buildâ€" 6 Fitt. 3 son is quisites for a C ie g:nblwx ; refitted |° m AR contains + es other. b16y Rejoice Ladies and Gentlemen at thebhapp7 telligence; 13384 | The reput e seueut med M s 4 is derived fr P« A+ many of wh £ s marÂ¥gllous, 1 cases of Sr; itist. | eare, where B & . NA seemed â€" ra i oormj-tml.’ y uribed an« ‘ :l‘mluluup ® disorders .w ‘ fravnu-d bs wue Z ous contan UE Ns 47. in First Consestion, Ortens Eroot ite" o. & eâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 46 and 28, in the sameconâ€" session, at present in the occupation of Wm.1. Aylen, l.‘ For further ruï¬ri oulars apply to Joun and Wu. Tmowsox, Nepean,and Lawis & Pixutt, Barristers, Ottawa mede. It has steadily increased in favor during the many years it has been published, and was never more lar than at present. T-â€"m&u %3 a year, in adrance. Bingle numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, ““.tflnutnoqybw 7 We are offering the most liberal [premiums. Inclose 15 cents for a sample number, with new Pictoria) Poster and Prospectus, and a complete list of premiums. % An\u. B R WELLS, Publisher, 3889 Broadway, New YTork W OGoP PP CDPPOmY IERAE T hat dtatsiliilh 4t ... 2. 4 leading Men and Women of the World in departâ€" ments of life are special features. Paxtrre axo Traontrasâ€"Asa r“ln‘uu-g o-‘m mu‘g Children, :’u“‘qldn has : , &8 it out m cnmunus..,..m.. and renders governâ€" ment and classification not ocly possible but ensy . Muck general and usetul {llar-.uu on the leading ot the day is given, and no efforts aro a to make this m-uuuorpl.ul nstructive, as well as the Best Pictorial Family Insdu.mrpw TABLItEEDâ€"The Journal has reached its 50th VOLUMR, and with January Number, 1879, s NEW SERIES\s commenced. The form has h-dqo.l.l:o- a quarto to the -n:.m- eat oota maby improvements have been made. 'l:'hl MIFI InnmanneAi Eis Aule. Puze®oL0Grâ€"1he Brain and its Functions ; the Location and Natural La age of the Orgi ;fli mfluor onlflv:ï¬:w and mï¬ oun ; ations subsist between and body described. e PErsiooxout, with all the * Bigns of Character and How to Read them," ic:?d.l feature. Eraxoroor orthe Natu History of Manâ€" Customs, ll"ltku and Modes of Life in different Tribes and Nxtions, will be given. Prrssowmer & Axatrourâ€"Tae Or Btructure and Funotions of c‘. Heman ; the Laws of Life and Healthâ€"What we EKat i."mbvllk. glo' ':.;h‘o:ld be C'lod'o(i. and How to eep n.rnnmc n & ’I:.mr,h accordance with Hygienic Pm Portraits, Shetches, and Dhg»bou otf the leading Men and Women of the World in denartâ€" BSpecially devoted to the ©Screxor or Max," his improvement, by all the means indicated by A hand.omely situated COTTAGE, econtaining k rooms and kitchen, on Gloucesterâ€"st., Ashâ€" iraham Hill. There is a bandsome fower and mflo “l;rad outhouses and well as~ ch gn,to . H. BULLEN, on the premâ€" â€" pner pdireppain: Acia s cadli css id d uc d d ous where no scrious derangement exists. ue who Teals Sorerabiy wolk often finds that a dose oruomm-l-toeimym,m. their cleansing and renovating effect o7 the diges tive apparatus. ® 19 a DLE J. C. AYER & Co., l‘" 50th VOLUNME : EEW SERIES!! NEW FORM! THE PICTORIAL PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL ~ _ A FIBSTâ€"CLASs . FAMILY MAGAZINE, obould,botï¬cnlnhrgendneqmtdooeuop» dmlheolbaor.drudcpm:a. For Suppression a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy . An-.mâ€m.hhuoormfluchm mote digestion and relieve the stomach. ;‘Anmbul dose stimulates the ::-nh and wels into healthy action, restores potite, and invigorates the system. Hence uh:nu- tation of the Heart, Pain in the Si4+, Back and Loins, they should be continmously taken, as sequired, to e)un: diseased action of m ;{).e‘:r-' With such those complaints _ For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings they m!‘otglv‘or Oï¬-flommd its v.aldou sympâ€" ms, ous MHeadache, Sick Headache, Faundice or Green dok.-. Bilioqns g:ue and MRilious Fevers, they shou}d be/juâ€" iously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. l'or. Dyoo-lclory or RBMiarrheea, but one mild FROM CONSTANTINOPLE, Its wmoronubn. We have thousands upon thoeâ€" sands of certificates of theirremarkable cures of the f complaints, but such cures are known in every borhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates ; mu%?hawpflwmdm_}% they may be taken with safety by anybody. mm‘p:mvum-mmmm them pleasant nke.vflbh-hipun(va no harm can arise from their nse in any quantity. » Perhaps noâ€"one mediâ€" cine is so universally reâ€" * quired by everybod'{v as a cathartic, nor was ever F any before so universal. aff > ly adopted into use, ip * every country and among. 4 all classes, as ths moss \ asd / but efficient purgative 4 Pill. ‘The obvious reaâ€" 3 son is, that it is a more ro C ie liable and far more effee" m tual remedy thar any + e o other. Those who have k::’ov M‘I&“ i “&‘r neuh'bou m cures an mall know that what it does once it does always :M it never fails through any fault or negiectof Penel a8G convil Ipov‘et‘npon trial. Those who are uTfl' and Listless, Desponâ€" dent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nerrous Apâ€" prehensions ot Fears, or any of the affections nyngtonnï¬o of Weakness, will find immediate lrelic and convincing evidence of its restorative Syphilis or Fenereal and Mereurial Diseases are cured by it, though a long time is required for snbduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint. Leurorrhaea or Whites, Uterine moniy soon: eBleved and . ulumately cared y it monly soon relievred and tely cu ite m{m and invigorating effect. Minute Lirec 5.'1... for each case are found in our Aimanac, supâ€" plied gratis, Kheumatism and Gout, when caused by accumulations of extrancous matters in the blood, peld mck.lz to it, as also Liver Cunzl:lnn, orpd“y. ongestion or Inflamâ€" of the Iivcer, and Jaundice, when arising, as they often do, from the rankling gohmu in the blood. This SARSAPARILLA is a great ro storer for the strength and vigor of the eystem., Practical and Analytical Chemists, sOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE, Kore Eyes, Bore Ears, and other erupmons or visiple zrmo of Scrofulous disease. AE-o in the more concealed forms, as n{,’â€"‘z y Meart Discase, Fits, f’g ry. 5"'"‘-70‘6. and the various l"!m ections of the museuâ€" lar and nervous systems, Sarsaparilla parilia, : YIXG Ti® sa1oon‘ The reputation this ¢xâ€" Seueut medicine enjoy #, 34 Is derived from it« cures, § A< many of which are truly + maryeilous. Inreterate cases of Scrofulous disâ€" /. eare, where The: system (’& seemed ~saturated with corruption, havye leen mlrlfltil and cured by it rofulous affections and disorders, which were ag. rravau-d by the «crofuâ€" (‘s af} oun':mun;lnmwsjuntfl were painfully aflicting, have been radically md in such m{ pnumber« in almost ®every secâ€" tion of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its \'fl':l" Vfru;‘- a fulous poison is one of the most estructive .mu of our race,. Often, this unseen end unfelt tenant of the organizm undermines theâ€"constitntion , and invites the attack of‘r‘l‘x,xwl{;l;‘n‘ Or Thial discases , without excil a suspicton of its presence. Again it seems to m"&ï¬ infection throughout the bods . and then, on some frrorable occasion, npidl; deve) into one or other of its bideous forms, ei 0-3 suriace or among the vitals. in the latter, tuber. ehuyhlanlydqmn,qmmol or heart, or tumers formed in the liver, or n“-"o'. its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcer ations on nnmemf the body. Hence the occe slonal use of a of this Sarsaperitia is adâ€" visable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear, Persons aflicted with the following comâ€" uh'hu n-enll{h.nnd immediate -re'l-fliâ€"a'u‘l'."n'i 70. cure, by use of this SAKSAPARILâ€" LA: Bt. Anthony‘s Fire, Rose or Erystpelas, Tetter, Salt Kheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, they were painfully afflicting, h: cured in such gm{ number«® in tion of the country, that the puil be informed of its virtues or use Ayer‘s Cathartic For Siale or to Let. “ PREPARED B y r. J.C. AYXER & CO., Lowell, Mass, LOWELL. MABS., U. Je%2â€"141â€"tf + 1033tf of & THE TIMES is Taw OrTAWA iwe Conr4Â¥" ; Ottaws, March 18, 1876 Bubscriptions of stook, ***" / â€" yy bet may be inserted in the es gaÂ¥ aubscriptions will not b# WeR " gy# scribers norupon the "‘:." have been accepted J u» bo-m-l""‘""“â€"" on the subscribers untll 3 by the Company. j By order of the Boards jous e M# ‘1n PEMBROKE at the ofe« # MURRAY, M. P. P., sad P. WA In BROCK VILLE, «t te0905 &â€"0. R. C. muou-lhdllll‘!‘ Jvnun.-u_‘": MEETING wil be I".‘ M&“hfl.z.‘ ing cf shareholders ##@" In LORIGNAL, st theciie@ DANILKELA®: 3 In RENFREW, t Mr. WÂ¥X ! Inâ€" OTTAWA, as the OBE PANY. M f In MONTREAL, «t te ## & C. ABBOTT, M. Joho birot BTOCK BOOKS to & of stock in the CANABA © COMPANYT have bets 9P tiulty solicite a sham ‘l‘.lwullv ‘o‘-â€"- im sortant lowve i c T: has -o:'d‘-:m"{- not when the premiums are _ _ VÂ¥ joe Presidentâ€"Loris Other Dirgetorsâ€"0 Mai colm MceM aster, h:i num-hn-u w tor Ottewnâ€"Mesere J N a The rates of the PROVIBCIAL mll’u;-ul-u-_ wnp to ‘hoou.npbd inseres l)n.ovnrtn: TXSUE of Canada, Head Ofm, Its Inspectors are HÂ¥#HJ YANADA CEXTKAL 84 / w N 0 PWA For Ltver Comp of the Liver, it is an the Liver into heatth For Bilious Disordars at :nnn;xlblf cul â€' = m :.- 3. C. Y“ :u round the 'r‘ Caces, 29 en Unacclimated perso W'l:b?mi'y the 4008 â€" out a paraBel QELP!;:!!’;:E Prâ€"â€" ertâ€"Ilbe Ba ids lt y3 +>+~ gg-a and Consungen " e twi N“-- hefore in t &“M-m ++ ï¬ Ayer‘s Cherry nothi 6 . ('om:;{::l..__? h “ 2. usefulness by this *- of 1oulin‘ the bhair 4 ment, it will keep it dn Its m;m use will m from turma; &4 o < ronlequeuuy prevent from . those deleter; : make some M‘ injurious to the .. "! only benefit but not 1. merely for a not bary Containing neith4 not soil white ¢ long on the hair, But such ed. falling hair b-'.'{" m:& ‘}:lr'be Rlazads sAtnmall lustre PRICE. $146 PER FR Ottawa, August 1, 1898, â€"~ 4 uP re‘% ‘ its naturel Vipy ] 298tf Prepared by Dr. 1t Ottawa, August 7, j For HAIR and a gratehd poo, ut the OB Lowzu," neither oi ,, A’Qro. remain qy 88. the BR "__ . 14008%~ aim gs POoRLK, LABB Piper‘s and othe® "‘“...l’â€". ie Eupet"* quite frosh and (mearly 4w â€m yex®Y vyOL C par wnaELa! RIDEA °**"Jup sad Divigion gy*s 8T Stree!. DIREC AY, â€" in the 16 A A Flour OR RA