epared by DUKE P, 110! whers thy soul whi on the | ‘“. y mt staot mag «Het ff agR gaTt a l DÂ¥ it will [1 has 11 resp ogU @0 ALl lOr +8 zy$ POKK, LABH * Spas, Gotong» ‘13‘ Congou, Imporial UEEE~ au, yround and reested d 190 ."“ " 4 cmplete 2400 K. mgh prood and tor * 80 "look, 60 all seincted *l008,, Th , LAqaos, PickiG®, .-‘fl“""' ..“' ‘.u‘..‘ mel xamk thet F ussilia‘s Lrisk Whiskoy . did Lrigk Pottoomâ€" ast Leadosa Porto?, 1 and other Aloaâ€" and $yraps. all grado4. duers® prices. QLD sIOCK, SAYV ®}* N0 aAt TWEA L'llullfl' BEKLOW the tme ot bat ANA " pees, in weatand DOS® pM086 YE, I;‘lm‘ 2::: wÂ¥ »olt . 8 pet Desember 30, 1859 ooÂ¥ uIssION MERCHANTS, #URWARDKRS C tw Wt 1& ® Prosh C im p"‘~ Heaaa‘t & Co, Un asper‘* and Houtwas s O L M*% lttindto divide his time equally between mM Ogdonsbargh, would bog to inform Ais dpitress and others, that he hopes, )n futare, on Je S Miahavace s moon, ‘Shall sisit Ottawa once a month, r‘ at Mr, Bormingbhames A uU E. Miles* Music Steore. . piguietiie® e en c ET CT P i0 c ANO PV NING.â€" lussos will be heldat MR, QOOWAN‘3 MUSLCO LL, Sparks Street, on Monday, Woednesssiay | Priday, on and after Monday, the 20th April» the parpose of giving thorou h ingtruction in the iamental prinoiples of music, especially as ap~ "P:' DAL ACADEKM Â¥ â€" t. @O8taAv® T e ho iemnignt ; h-‘-‘-m- \ Slaging. Rideaw ttawas, June 13. lbl. T1by w WWKELA Yss ito the stady ofthe PLA NO RPORTE ander ~‘ m iuki ndsendiare s 1/ ~ stlinel Mr U.8, FRIPP conductor of the Otta« # Society, formerty organlst of the | " CAPITAL T «f the Holy Trinity, Cathedral Church of 1# SUSGKX dike!, Toronto, and of Christ Church, Ottawa, Tault sourse of .20 lessons, two dollars and a wli i Ti :“ to be made t Mr: GOWAG4. | / ~~.yren & KERAR, to be limited to sight papite. 'Wl 18 hq OPFAWA <| ovextD wis_y®EY “.h-.‘.curt. NCEXTRATED PROOF LLQUERUR, M Quyot sucsesded of W it m m # '..,b propares n‘:.oo.’nud of tas, in 4 small volume contains W&mrï¬ulfla. We possemes all the advantaget ¢ mwlâ€"-flf Durumoso‘s Eachacg Wies, 10 Aparke etreok. ( 1100 tan, Alway* Rad of Little Sussex=46 ru;†sonsyned tor \mme Prompt retaurns in all casos. and Reowart‘ vetcau TUITION POR BEGiNNERS, ; taxax‘s, Subscriptions of stook, with conditions attached RK3 #TREET, OrTAWA. may be inserted in ‘the Stook Books, but sach es s goatlamon san be accommeodated ufli-o-uq..o*:-“ J. s ““‘:i‘un“ Gentlomen | have been accepted by the Company, and if they GEN1 'm‘--“.m"":'-’l be comditions procedenat they shall nst be nindiog , nouse is sitaated in the immediate on the subscribers until they have been persormed 0"'“.:.' the Parliament Buildings and the | by the Company. * M i i apaty$s. ___ 44 By order of the Board, The subser L LGGG s â€" e m maik ts Nee -.~~' 1 «ne HatROS & OOâ€", * toag iha is -'“m;;“mvï¬â€"ui lastractons ';" (Qrtawa. JF“N in Parlss L FRERE, 19 re | Solicits the patronage afthe Lamber Merchants es m w hin ie reueie ce Wiâ€""-?‘r.?* N" DLV logail in the trade he offere his services sagaging Now York, l&':ruuuu’m-': :.‘Mh.‘v‘ while passing WVs P°e" fyom any State 0t CO40!T7» | yere to the best of NJ# ADHMKY» where ; desertion, drankenaes«, nonâ€" #8., suflsiont cause; no publicity ; no 2evkary¢as. aatil dbvores ontaited. _ A+rice ‘u. Alox Fraser, Kaq, 'r‘:- * Afteen yoars. Address John Poupere, Rsq, K W Crules, .. M HOU "&'l-uhn..l.."-t.‘&' & 1384f *4 RUNCBHITIS _ | Utakan or THE BLADDER * CuLDs w _ _OBR8TINATE C L GHS | ~*hrmou OF T.4n CHEST WOOPING CoUGH ' 'l'uu \<ES OP THE THROAT LMONARY CcoxsUMPTION Malomosâ€"Pare or diluted with & little watir mnc'n;_»r%% ?u' Ggul SKIN | :'E":'“ or THE 'g.cu.r. seen tried the it the principal bospitais of 1.."‘.:‘ hq Spate. lence l’m th b..."m -lul:l:' aee amnd gzzy «@0 EpuIee Datailed lnstrastions meâ€" | he senay ie _ SE ___..... | PHLROR A PH Mxe as% Y mder C LXYVIH} of the udux'bfm. . snn OCK, SAV EK)+ FROM FIRK hb AT TWENTY.ERLIVE sNT BELOW 2083T. EducationsaLt. ___ 0 AND DKÂ¥vO RLTMIENT. 106}, gtED nis_XEW LISHWMENT | _ Puky» gaad thee Vikdoth i CKLED SALMON, k HERxING®, viIaY WHIRKEY . (Â¥] 0 " '*o M. of Ane ..‘l ."-mz" M“ "l‘ _ haproved by a as RYE, eRLOVOF A)rb teite the¢ JQias#s M articles ascessary to con~« Lt tang» & We yom, Ropt, ase, Olle 46 . ho OJ Stand,) Low pucks a largs -‘O""_;_'..‘ Y a mt BVILOIN®, Hand. extrumely low ricos. Seotth Whukey and {Vardwars, «ko, N. BENBDIOCT L*z Brooms, Brushss, recsted dally on L. 166. 1absoriber having 1216.4 L. M. Rastos KSTABâ€" 5.â€â€˜ Yourg| LIBEK~ IN8URANCE COMPANY | OP MAIN R. | N | mgâ€"POLAR REFRIGERATOR, s Agent (or the Beaver, Toronto Mutual Fire and } Live stoow lasurwnse Co, swenersl Commisston Arm. Lmpoters, @~nufsctures snd Wining Agent ‘ Mining clavms sonstaaty on hans, OMde, corner | Metomle and Soarks stroots, over Maun Iluo‘ Hardware stot® In a fow days at in Canada® : No. 104. The tollowing I“o-q has ressived a lioense to transaot the business of Insuranoer to VCWHmTm ! No. 33. The UNION MUTUVAL LLFE LIS8UR ANCE COMPANY, of Maine. t 0. i 19. eoteras Agoint Bus John, 3B * * _ Â¥or m of lh.-. JORN I.Alm| I have this day, deposited with the Receiverâ€" ‘o....mn.r:..:,"l’w Doliars in addition to sam d Md%&“) U.%. .:l...td".\ the Hon. Jobhn M. uray, M.P.,, has beet Abparuisd Counsei to ths Company tor the Domin 108M In PEMBROKE, at the ofGces of Mesits: T: | of qumaged goods and proddace #U" "" 0 _ * MURRAY, M. P. P., asd P. WHITH of whoum it may consern, of tor © ursach of con in BHOCKYILLE, at the OHRRGE of the # | Uniooa aag namigorin e mgencieg s m & 0. K. C. " % ...muu:mmh-‘m The books will be closed on the FIRST DAY of Appraisaln valuations made â€" Een ameeree e e Aguin solloiting your business favore, the u9 pmingdiyag venmeandyeadreypiiay LE C VA K._ saeyd camomenm, 4 A eP a ce cpetiae e e 2l The books will be closed on the FIRET DAY a L<. i grmpnaen~ orepeiriza minneg sn T6 JV NE next, and immediately theroafter a BOARD .."9_..,"."',,‘,““_.."‘.{‘.‘.’,.".".‘.‘.‘ MEKTING will be hebd tor the purpose of | ense of jours In swme 4 allotting the stoook in crder that + goneral mest= may be resonably expested to ¢ ing cf sharcholders may be hold as 4000 as prace prominct« thoable thereafter, .MML'“ Ot awa, November 1, 1908 ludut â€"â€"__â€"-â€".â€"""-â€"â€"- A~ANADA CKNTRAL aul‘.i’u. Ottaws, March 18, 1870. U, . MHGG@IN®*, KNtoves & MHardiware. ‘ ï¬iiï¬""m‘ ..‘.'55_'_ " o on l BIRD CAGES!! BIRD Cadgks !! Phrigl. »» Do B »e ind ol tm wed * uN HAND, «4 | J04, RODGKRS 4 8QX‘S UCUTLERY AND DIXON & soN‘S | \ wiye Fiate» Wars Britannia Metal, Block Tin and Japan ‘. ned Ware of all kinds, English Ew , amelled Bird Cages pust Roand, Aquare, Ootagon, ated Counsel to the tor ine TOT Alillogal matters will be to higm. B. L. CORLW1®, I Plumbers, Gas and Steam Piiters, Tin \ and Copper Smiths, Bell Hangers Birds Nests, UE KEDZILE PLILT E%, mmmmMT Wire Kgg Boilers, W ire Dish Covere, Wire Toast Forks and Racoks, Wire Kgqg Boaters, W ire Obowers, gtovEs AND TINWARK As USUAL MILK PANS and MILKL SYRAINERS «CAPITAL® STOVE \ DEPOT, 15 SUSREX STREET~ _ __ LO0OK OUT ROR TLE mroarers or¢ A HOUSE FUXNISHING HARDWAKE, STOYES, â€" sTOYES, COOKING, PaARLOR & BoX sSTOYE3, In groat variety. w »f 10e M i+ ancpr Syenis Pamk Yim YOUn T8 WOR K Ana immenso quanatity of D.-lm. FOx. AENERAL COMMISSION AGRNT, Clarence Street, next to the City Hotel, AND BUY NO OTHKA, (tiawa, November < &eo., &o., Es MONDE‘8 Agencres. B A T H 8, %# Fmmanor Daraatu®®t, Ottawa, 1Â¥th October, 1804 N O T IC E Cottage and Brecding Bird Cages JUN 0. RICUARDSON, '- ‘ 'o“mï¬ AÂ¥ AÂ¥ Â¥##® 35 RMDEAUâ€"AT., U MKADOWE & CO. K3M0X DK*3 Bird Beed Cups, o | of Wugh and Maria stre tos, at presen‘ "O°W"" l"’ Mrs. MoNab. It sontains a Rooan, Kveben, Pratry and also burd n water on the prewises, good yure and | eutbhoiianows attaohed ; also a large gardon with the | promisoés nen: exosediogly m | _ Apply to 10 LET Re UETE Â¥o be rented, Arst May, that Orst: class BHL K DW ELLI N intely erected on the congert O¢ Haahk ‘and Marrs stre ts, ut present kecupled Ottaws, May #, 1870 oomtcaintimetninsmeme T l’ii'u'. The DWELLING at prosent ccoupled by J P MACPHERSON, Eu.. Vittoria street, in thorough repair and Atted up whh allt the modern improvements, . Possession given Wh / On the lst Map sest, No 4. FROW! Rerrace, Rear street, Caoing on the Ortaws Kive Apply to JNO R ARXOLDL, Dept Public Works, 19904 â€"~ or at No 4, Prines‘s Terrace COMMIsSION MERCHANT. ANNUAL CIRCULAR. Olice and Sulesroom, Rideas Stivet o o T Cns ees 1 w Boid OTTAwWA, MARCH 1st 1870 The suahscriber in his eighth ANNUAL awom'uum his triends, to wham e returss thanks for past favours, “:z k thanes to is personal attendance oi mz:owcl_g_-,. uad property com» 'FJ;WTJPM imoe in the management selling Household furmitare g m:’...:._ bacethka® with all the da Ceortk h drormemenniay cpr ao oc ur!nnml‘r""‘“‘â€'“‘"h tails of artangement, expeditions dellvery &e . wouly lead him aguin to solle‘t further sales in this line trom thosd mfl“fl““t"“" furniture, by auction, he would be glad to Ravs nuymnmum arfangements may be completos for the ap promching Spring sale, it is desirable to seleot an «n sarty intumation mafratany‘s. pt ~‘, “‘“‘ Ke * s CiL _ Uailes of grocerias, bardware, erookety a8@ gener»l marchandise coudded to Aismaniag*+ ment will reseive every atteotion lHe need ast rumiad aw irlead+ of bis capabiliigy «l m“mm. adopted by Aim in anaderwritere‘ sales .u....u..boflmul‘um of whom it map sonserna, ot for » ursach of con mon" shouls be botree in mind by mershants en 1 s smee of yoearse ls swme yuaranies lhal He mhwwhcmdmh L Or to 13446 UALES AT PRLVATE REsLD®K3LCEKS, in soliciting pablic in this beaaok business he would intlimate, thats + the future as in the past, it will be his mnsesting ears to study the intereat of his patrons ; and that by carsful attention, prosm oslum:-l mederate charges, to morlt 4 continuanss thak En onacse harewstate v»o Whstuliiy bestwauk yu6 [oboand Spring Furniture Nales atthe Mart memeky ie t s of which will be gives. larg»s samibet o Morses and Cattle sold "hmm’“ Horse® NUX _/C CC Guariabats tThouk us HDAY 16 -â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€" g P 'm ““ ©O4001 Ts uhuu-l.a-clm b-!':"‘l “w-“t.‘i:.““ sad those who bavre Carriages, and Harâ€" anee uo durpors of PM in to Tend them to Marst as arot 4# N.dudnm Â¥Farm Atoor, Kea) ln-.uuuh.'-.“"'-‘;f"" wl .mt-oom mwesk wWh best attention, and be condusted on very moderâ€" wbo berund. Wisened on Faritnes n1l meuitnnine h (igh vanses made -‘7-:-'â€"-& 'm-:- other sns e i. for Gale, or may be parshased in ROWE OENERAL AVOTIONEER Ottaews, March 1979 Apply to t HORAEK TRAININOQ IXFORXATIONX . "the wildest and agiiest horee 648 be mauide to “..-....innno-lahl- in ..‘.'.Iâ€. wouds or Relds, wWhout the slightest "‘.‘.'.’.--.... All accomplished in one day . csure lor CORNXS at a cheap rate, without _~7 a hersioflore o WHK & wixQilaA N , GENERAL AUVCTIONEER "ure foo t hits, brveige toe W u-a-b“.“ san be cured in a sbort time without to the '“hflw Qurs (or lame sacok diseases, Rhoumatilou of -,.....-.h.n‘bbn“ a waak ““qï¬ld“hfl“ M.fl“ï¬lflhm h-l:'w- Reveral Housses in the «t sny time in less than iwenly RoulE. . AASSs FJ° 7 emimon borb. ‘ Pariies who are {nflsted with sny su08 44â€" b |.le"um NHuil, in the .-l-“'.-"‘-“ ‘ure all such dissases . mwâ€"-nh'l“““-"m- lon, as he bas many ther valuable © Qure for Const Taa worss uies at aorvi Compiainteann be sared The ma In mak tdhan hours, Also, BJ * Directory for NMUL To beobtained from 3 Ut Toâ€"BDAY E. noPE 4g00., aad 130646 JONERS a AOLLAXD. To L+etâ€" J P MACBRNERION, D ARAWHAM, E8Q , «> 4 N D 1B TACKABERRY, 1847 im .,â€"...'.'.""fii--mu e will uollch t te, on the Market, due aotice nest, No %, Ponse‘t Coltector otf Customs Parliamentaty C K) gin atreet, i amouat ot | 8e "** tittk rat lad, ' M ‘ wn. . Me -: F"‘ p. precaation w\ raraees‘ aades l“° id ior accouwnt vreach of con l‘.‘ by mors hanto flul:-.'. Cll bv::..-- mt a parrl nies that bu B‘l on hands for sale. (Tl D 4 N ap L A M ,, OTTawW a, THURSDAY. A RKOW K. 11906 ts ‘ ('I.D | quailty, dIRCECT â€" Iw®pPosaTATIONS, He Ships Nero from Neowr from Nyrin, nosc, Lark {riou 8 ol gam. “ L Flt’fl". Haisine ant Ourrant: far cooking otr takis ase, Cnest almd. * ‘i--“ ou arE®s * Latnones, Candiad Poskts and frooh trulte 'l‘:,iï¬â€œ -..J..’ h-..“m d:.nu eare trade, Greens, "Yrarmety, and u-gull:rl: prices and gndz‘.‘ _â€"_ me Juise Cordia® and l‘lo! .;flflam.m Mm the mamalacteret, C tm‘ Ressted and uround, on the preâ€" * OW ow admitied to be the Snest Axvoured in the city. 1t bas a reat en ty d,. â€"A will l'\.ll. Blacks, are sare for the trade, * ! Ww *3 nlunlu Ccurkks®, Quesa‘s Armse and Stiiten. The caly house in the ely that has them this seasoa. flnm t Purs and unandulterated. All kinde war ivn-o. & ©O0*®% Calebrated Dublin Porter, pet up to order IAMNADA PORTEH and ALEK®, UEKniÂ¥ WiINE, * Vary Pubs, Old W ine. NÂ¥ WINX®E, Â¥ine obd stock, * Vintage 1844,"* HANDY , ‘ Putse and rellable LO RY*E, UOAR®S AaANDP «YRUP®, all th» difuzsat numbers and brods. % U M , "mm&ofl mA aAink: FKI _ °_: _ "._ _ _. PERLRILYX #AUVUCEK, l..:""""'""“"m e batt. 'gn..-mlumwflu;! TEA COM P AN Y. _| SATULUAY AFTERNUON (after the artival o | l waree % IROSs#E & BLACK WELL® GOODE» ‘ | wraig from Montreal on Friday might), for HUall | The whole Dominion should buy theirteas of the A ‘w “ u'.km‘m’n h at | lnmn. akivo rowpens, :(u:u. " | 11186 MONXTREAL TEA COMPANY ‘ Negt a0 â€" =® Haqg Powdar, ‘to arrite. A QWWWmm | -..“,,W,.m-‘ tie rmmie wett fromen to h the tm is io y ty onbA f and THURL | m=s the her '.-...:.‘:. n.....n:a'.. asite . and are well wortk m..;.;m--. N.B., &6. ‘.&l:'.‘:::g'n::m":fm.lonm * RKWUT IXDLA KKa®nn® CHEKSE®, LA VOURING EKXTRACTH, All kinds of aighost sureagth 1@#N AW UADDIERK®, om.w.d-udml“ Pon wWiHunkKEY, John Bogg‘s, Lohingar B aCCO®, 111# â€" GOVERNXOR â€" GFNERAL Ird Des, 1208. Beg is intimate to their castomers asd th seneraily, hat they will keep constant! . John De Kaypar‘s doable berried. Aist dE Â¥FOLLOWKIAYJ COODA Â¥ine Old Jamaiga, * wiâ€" BEEY AXD MUTTON,. 8PICa»Y â€" anw ;}BALT *%o be has < '.4 NDLA ame Jub C ruot&rIA® «gOUELL BBRQo, LILXE JUICK CHANPAGNE, Whistey anad Uighbwines, Orst) _ Guationus Imun ies Uloncester .. ROLLEAD BEEF FOR PARTIRS, Â¥RLESH KILLED No 104, Ridean steot, Ottamea: BY.WAKRD XARKE!. THUEIR STALLA, #FALLâ€"» #4» ald and very mild, a a1l _ art=went, Hese. 6 and T; N Misa, selie from €¥» Dawes miake . vemt@ (Vormerly the Ottawa and Presoot Rallway) | Day .uâ€,:.u- " (Kitaw & n * fRro K emptrilie U remott Junotion n Â¥orraskE, * ThoLas Revnords Superictendert, Managing Virecto, & ooo OtimRUOE L2A in Als fhcches stntnts bntratc To siey for hoahiny Phint nc hidb e ue Pobl iW | get & ..... L:00‘n m, 7:00 | gat a bottle of alrs. WIN # 1 m 1% noon, 130 * a w ‘ sLO W ‘8 so00T meinsk‘ts e y P n s n SAE n enc apon io stper ds wulerer Li Lo m ns e ho | oo fipopinegnnanpracner t aorxa soUTH AND East | evor used t C w l oD Pou whohs Accommedation Trate for Island Pond t, who will not tell you at once that it ‘“med........ 100 an l'm regulate the bowels, and ive rest to b‘ Itp'-.. To IL.corrmmmrrmmreremnent iWP ts mother, and relset and bealth | Express for NewYork and Bostonat...... 4:30 ® | ung Hik to the child, opera . via Vermont Central vaws p* o maglo. _ It!s pertoctiv safe to use in all Express for New York and Bogon | onses, and pleasant to th taste > "%":M "-‘Wndcud'.ndu.u.:: ndusl + Burlington at CC 65 female phyâ€" wnu.umu......ï¬":'::.'"‘“: * 5008 wevade t o i m aee o M::l dextomitines astiont: * | is ummetow‘e soomnine svaur" beâ€" | ml'-"'._flr' “..Mu \"::v:& t: jacâ€"sumele of -o.n:'fm?;: re, 6. Hysascinths, Acton, brremanikresa All others are base imitaâ€" 1869.] WIXTEE ARRAXGEMEXTs. (1870 Trains now lears BONAVENTURE STATIO»® as lollowa : " @olxo wESst. and all pobnts WORL, #lo ssmmmmeescenes Kight _ do _do _do _ do _ do Ascommpdation ‘Train for Corawall Assommodation Train for K ingstog and Intermediate Stations, at.... ....... Tilb +w T: slns for Lachine 1t ........._8:00 s m, 1:00 aw # 1 m 12 noon, 130 pm,4:40 p m, }p a 2od #:30 pw. ' â€" The 1.30J pm train reas through to Proviae UE 4T. La WA ESCOR A®XD OTYFaAW A M A EL W A Â¥. Snani ind tinn Hhe datpare ns | rocmnd in Poiem sorime mone Por ~.‘.M l.ll.oo.‘.‘lfl":;l::c | ::t.‘.t;‘l.po'.'l'l. .â€puuu:.dto.. !\.:{:a $EX hoi an in Pooae Tibon Winarentert air | %:é?f:ï¬"“?.ï¬t‘.:‘xs.:"::.'“’:‘“.’mg l 8 peripaan en s Pibniin n auremantiiies .2‘“ Orrionâ€"York street, corner of Bussex ! un‘r;:':::}z:"um""';:‘ 'u’-'ll::n?g w w m w# C e WPV ME _ dA w amt l"‘?ï¬â€˜ï¬‚':fmm:r&“n?.:.& TIME TABLE, lo.% Commencing on MONXDAY, NOY. 28, 862. LKAYVE BROCKYILLE. 4 ‘5’- N.â€"â€"FPRAIN®E will leay $ Brockville dally at 4.14 p m, 14 1 m, artriving at Sundpoint mt 10.0¢ p m,. J '.. LEAYE SANDPOINT. _\ 6 oon. N.»â€"â€"TRAINE will leave $ UP sandpoint at 4.00 a m and 24 MAY 26, â€"1§870. pa, artiving at and Intermediate ?fl. Uilles se ++« un modation Train for Kingstog and LEAYE PERTH. 1 P. W.â€"TRHAINS will lears 5335m- 4.3 p m and 9.05 a m arriving un-wohll-_;!#’-fl"'“ LEKAYE 8Â¥ ALLA. lo 05 Aâ€"M.â€"â€"CHRAINA will leave $ Smith‘s Fails at 10.05 a w and unp-.mum.c 1045 a m and 1.24 p®. All trains on Main Line connect at Smith‘s Falle with trates to and from Peorth. _ Ne 1 leaves Brookville after O T Trains are due (rom the cast and wesn.. lolhhfl.lu&fllobluhm'ï¬ O T Trains for the east and west. H. ABBOTT, & und Contioook only, 44........» ..._._.10:10 | _ Sleeping Care on all Night Tiains. Pag | ‘ ue ame Eampee! TW C=V " On and after SATURDAY, the 18th Dbâ€" | e peneft of the +2 Io“.g.. 1Â¥409, this Rallway will be open 199 | noiging any securit ,.-.-ulrmuu"" before me at my Chasn Trains leave indsor (in connection with the ..cbo'l'llll‘l"lll'l wain. of the Sove Sootls ‘Railway from Halifa®) | guyVRN o‘clock in t} -u.u..odm‘u arriving at Kentrille 09&*:‘“'“ adjudit M 1i 43 a. m., and 8 45 p. mâ€", and at Aunapolis this 4th day a 10 p =. -â€"-n:mn with steame® | ; w w w anD, mn John, N B. Plaintif‘s sellebt iralas leare Annupelis at 1.38 | oueays, May 4, 1810 ‘v INDéOR ALTERATIOX OP TINE | New und Second Hand Oocking Stoves U 2c cdi ces M w New and Besond Hand mhqflld“hdmï¬n“‘ 4&“.“'“"‘7"‘ J J all kinds purchased and exchang od As ming through from Windsor io ArnIp *mm-mhw-, and 8. John. Oitaews, Junuary 18, 1870. Ratlroabs. OHAKOE OF TIME. ; why do you be troubled with ans old worn sar Gaeve when you can take it and 2 litle cash and get a Arst PEXKTH BRANCH. MAIN LINE. A & A U TAYLOR, Ag ont, | _ & OFFAWA RAll» W A W â€" & ANKAPOLES LAIL W A Â¥ . Vuarlsty Hall, wille at 1114p m, Windsor to Arnnapolu: 3 15 1% 00 3 4 12 25 4 19 11 45 Rtoves at the Variety J BOYDEX, :10 a ® â€"_ o imits 1 00 | "ï¬rrt;r-;' Lym eweastle, C. W. rnl Agents m’uï¬"fl.::ls. Boid ‘;Ow'.'..c y all drugagists and by medicine dealers everywhere. Mothers 1 Motners® Mothersiâ€"Are you distaorbed at night and broken of your rest by a slok cnaudavf@ering and orying with the exeruci | ating palao culting tecthb? If so, go at once and «. A. W. Baioisg, of hnowlegviile, NOR E DIR says; 1 have used it in severr i cases of Bpecial Irritation and lor the worst cases of Priles, andâ€" sundry other compl=ints, and find 1t‘® superiore article, and well worthy the notioe of all * Purchasers should be sure and ask for Dr. R. Trask‘s I-?do Uintmwent, and see that the words =A. TRASK"3 MAGNETIC OINTMENT * are on the wrapper _ Qur Toas, after the most severe tests b{ the best ; medical suthorities and judges of Tea, have beepn pronvunced to be quite pure, and free m and | artiGe i-leolurin';c polsonous subst ances so often used to improve the appearance of Tes. 'l\o‘:n ‘ unequalleq for cuuq& and Aavour. They have C T T C n AA, Ieleeduclta snarlh eamndre tm urlu.fl. ('-n-"h{munm.â€"u of $10, to save expenreit will be better to send money with the order. Where a 25 ib box would be m.uh.lmu-mudnbhht together could send for four 5 1b boxes, ortwo 121b boxes. W esend them to one address carriage palid, and mark each box plainly, so that each party get their own Tesa. We warrant a the Tea we soll to.give entire satisfaction. Ifthey are not sa.isfaq. tythey oan be returned at o8r expense. BLACf TEA. lish Breakfast, Broken l..nt.umt Tea umo; Fine Flavoured Now Beason do, 5b0, 606 and m;v.rb::uhummcu.m. Boane Qolong, Abe Â¥iavored do, 606 Vuz’l‘ho do, do, T5¢; Japan, Gond, 500, 8be, ‘\u , 60e Very Fine, 650, Finest, The. > Oltb‘zfl 'TIA. ies Twaukay , boo oung £00, se tie Figk the Th Verg Pine, oo Suptcine *wo 121b boxzes, or one fl,uulbbundunh’lé lmu:‘uultqmwuhm Tesa will be torw ardedimmediately on receipt of the order by --ileuuhh&-my,u the .on'c“u be collect ed on delivery by express man, where there are 65e, 10e; Fine esntc Artand Abwas +s mrind and v.', :a‘.‘:.'il"h'-?‘-m,'luï¬-n "l‘..n..."".. April, 1868.â€"To the Montreal Tem Company , 6 Hospitalâ€"street, Montreal ; Wenotice with plea»~~s the large amount of Tea that we have ‘orw ard luyuu‘llon::.nldlhm on, + . we are glad to your business #4 l'?!‘l. 4 incressing. We !":..:":":“‘†‘u‘m'mm‘.n have only had occasion B ‘n-n-ob.thhl.nu‘unn was sent to ,m...n-mu. wom‘m&-y. ‘ ‘ Teas .;.t.:loï¬-.o‘i ln“tzb siroular equali % y se Company . :.2.'“%;““ I‘é;‘ho oullhnfl‘: *# .u.‘ sommon purposes, "lns‘no?po‘lm and runners using our bame, or ofering our FPeas in small packages, l.ï¬h{::uuu.umm. Note the Addressâ€"The Monire _ «1 Company IHK MONTRLAL . $ .. $ BR I B cb vvor s suant to an order of the COU RT of CHANCERY made in the matter of the estate of GEORGE 'll.l.k.l‘l.lï¬ct:."hb of the Olty ob Ottews, in the y ot toB , deceased JOHANNA COLLIN8 m. LOU1I8 URM E. the creditors of the asid m Willtiam laster, who died in or about the March . 1969, are, on or before the TE®Tu DaYÂ¥ uP JUNK, 1878, to send m;n,-fl to J. W . W . WARD, ndn. s â€" Boi , Abeir UChristian Burnames, addresses desoripâ€" tion, the fal, paerticalars of their clai and a s;qatement of their accounts, the of the 'mnwg:‘p held by them; or defau it | thereof th be peremptorily exol jrom the beneft of the sals order.. Every creditor holding any security is to pn‘:.ao l.b'omu.o P Wlakccy c satks flls m av e â€" ‘l r wa venm Rhage #Phmp pand oo Taniy / NPH : .70 T before me at my Chambers atthe City of Ottaws. ‘resaed ols PHIRTLENTH DAT OP JUN® next st | * 4 Decision ELEV EN o‘clock in the ferencon, being the time All entrh .m."ot adjudicative on the claims. 8 All en this 4th day of l-c i8te. entry â€ï¬ J W W WanD, M MATHESON. | kire and Plaintif‘s selicttor. Maxer at Ottawa. | owner‘s name a # P P O ESE c io ie Agont tor Ottawe, * Ex $. David. From Argyle Distillery, Glengilp, Lochgilphond, ï¬i‘.Ci‘ Â¥, Suva¢ aa3 Otts wa, Febraary 26, 1# aPECIAL KOTiCKk®. _ 3 usc CLOVIH SEED " Large ked," White Beans, Pork Mess, and Prime Mess, Fiour No. 1 and Foq 6A 1LK. Ottaws, April 6, ...‘-vâ€"#-.'“' ean be A0¢ beard or rooms withemt board. nsT CLASS 8OARDING HOUSE, * BY MRS. FRALER, > York Street, Lower Town, Oita Late residence of David Moore, Req. KAL 8C0OTCH WhaiskEY. @, W, LEYTER deceased. ‘ Purâ€" A Genuine Article. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, Xature‘s Crowan. You Mast Caltivats it in, decsensed, ) aeivat IAMES 10018 Mhs Bd o maes ut the March . the ‘l‘lf‘l': A'Y ;I vat preopa » W . W .& .u;: Bolicitet, their addresses descripâ€" of their claites and a ints, the nature of the 18 Sparks stresat. 8 CHRI8TIE, No 5 Bparks Street. JAB BUCHANAN, i $ i UuawWe. | GWwielw mPRRRE® q MR PRA S 1350f sealed envelope with entrance mobney, â€"â€"â€"â€"~* | membership, 2040168800 to the Becretary . 6. Membersbip $5. F %. Entries for the Queen‘s Pliate and ml-dla‘.'tocuuuunln ot Iphoad, all oth+rs on the 20th May. ag\ @ Races will commence each day dated with | .f aiseases of the EYE and EAK . At 1 1 1100 b > ‘.‘.......u-&-.l-w-nfl- 1 3948 Per Canadian Steamer from Quebec every Friday at 11.30 A.M. Unrégistered letters â€"paid by Stam will be received until 13.3':';.&‘. ® Per direct Packetfrom New York, every Monday at 12.00 nuon. On rost OrriC® wivIXGB BAXK. mt Dor«lu will be received at this Office. Interest allowed at the rate of Four rr cent. per annum, and deposits can be withdrawn at any time. Five per cent. will be allowed on ial deposits in sums of $100, for the withâ€" %:ovd of which 3 months‘ notice will be reâ€" quired. A Post Orrics®, | Ottawa, 16th May, 1870. Depart.............. .. 8.10 & m, 1.00 p m, 10. 00 pm AIFIVO ................ 4 40p w, 11.90 a m, 9. ...&- The above trains connect at Presoott Junction with Grand Truak Raeilway for all points south east and west. Ortawa Opriczâ€"â€"York street, corner 0 Eusser The Ontario Tarf Cinb Spring Races will come . off over the Whitby Course on > Arrival and De «.turs of Mails,. Tucsday, Wednesday and Thursday, . May 24th, 25ib, and 26th, 1870. . â€" Queen‘s Piste of 50 Guineasâ€"The gift of Her Most Gracious Mejesty, Queen Victoria, opoltoaubotmbud,ownednd trained in the Province of Ontario, that never won pub. lic money, T. C. W. A dash of 2 miles. Entrance free. POSsTt OFFICE. OTTAWA _ |Z $225â€"Whitbhy Purseâ€"Open to all, Doâ€" minion.â€"bred horses d&llowed 7 lbs., a dash of 2 miles. First horse, $150 ; second, $50; and $25 to the third, if more than three Money Order Offices throughout the Domi nign, Great Britain and Ireland, Newfound bred, owned and trained in the Province, that never beat 245 on any track, First hborse, $100 ; second, $25. Mile heats, threeâ€"inâ€"five to harness; weights, 145 lbe«, 7 sEOONXV DAaY. © $150â€"Turf Club Purseâ€"Oper to all horses. Kirst horse, ©200 ; second, $50. Dominionâ€" ;lï¬m' allowed 7 Ibs. Twoâ€"mile heats, . C. W. ~$125 â€"Province Purseâ€"Open_to all Dormiâ€" nionâ€"bred horses. ~First borse, $100 ; second, ‘$25, Dash of 1j miles, T. C. W,. Wioner |o.co,-6 lbs. ; twice, 10 lbs.; three times, 11 i'."."i' ::d.‘l’.;;;o--ï¬l-;s;-dvi;l;id. can be obtained at this Office. ‘Also, Postage and Bill Stamps. _ â€" : lbs. $125â€"â€"Trotting Purseâ€"Open to all borses bred, raised and Q-ncd in this Rtyv(m, that wluk dae dbov Neintndicreaietin 4 Che pwing irem snn P never hbest 3 minutes on any track ; wile beate, threeâ€"inâ€"fve. First horse, $100%, sccond, $15, weights, 148. lbe. $100â€"â€"A Hurdle Raceâ€"A dash of 2° miles over eight i-flnl feâ€"t 6 inches bigh. First horse $150, $50 ; weights 150 lbs. $150â€"â€"Province Handicapâ€"Upen to. all horses bred, raised _ and owned in this Province, $15 each, $150 added ; second horse to receive 350 out of stakes, A dauh of Two sUMMER miles. _ Mtzad $200â€"Trotting Purseâ€"Open to all; mil« beats, threeâ€"in five. First borse, $150 ; second $50 ; weights, 145 lbs. to Larpe«s. $50â€"Consolation Purseâ€"O! #$5 wach, with $50 add.d, for beaten horses ouly, A gash ol one mile, Orrice Hoocrs rrox 8 1.x., to T rx. G. P. BAKER, Postmaster. $125â€"Trotting ~Purseâ€"â€"Open to all horses 1. Entrance for all bors»s, 10 per cen 4. Four or mote horses to make & fAeld -otl lers than three 10 start, * S.Mw.bpâ€"uichllhchym;‘ pbnuhu’umuudulry. Auy Jockey presenting bimselt to weigh, improp»> erly Cressed, shall be fned $5. 4 Decision of the Judges to be final. 5 All entries to be made in writiong ; such ‘ouqtoï¬ly the age, name, colour, #+%, \fluw of the boree, with the bone Ade owner‘s name ; sguch entry to ho.cloa-du‘u 5. maocsk wiu counueuoe ®eumâ€" C"0 . 0 C L Li u‘cleck, magbor many .suppose _ WS* ®00" / muxb TRUKK A Â¥GEXEXT8 on the incrense as the conntry becomes older, but roG THE RACESâ€"A # train . will | Yaie is aigo deception The truth is both illusions leave Toronto for Whithy, at 10 o‘clock a. m., Mufm;:rw“uw_m. on the Queen‘s Birthday.. Heturn . Tickets "-un-uu-.u‘::flnm-n-d“m will be issued at all the Btations betweeu oi aet Bheviiie. fncluaives at a ult | cultr maot the articte Pepspneivs or witnamet ie :":';“‘" ::' on the ::‘ï¬â€˜oâ€'l?l.“dm sMects when used by others; all such, and they , walid for return up 2 are ï¬hr‘c&mm--â€"ohtow Mesers. QUIMBY and PAGE will sell Pools wfluky Condition Powders and Arsbian during the meeting. § usave lm‘y"u-:rflu u‘-.-yflb..g'dtu ; THOVAS HUSTON, «ind heretofore or st present in use “:fl e # ou.ds, thick wind, and all diseases which \| C Becretary und Treasurer | ty wind ofhorres, As a condition medisine it |] sejeiaameepnepeanmacaten mm e n n o n--uqnl;th«okmumcub- Dl- ROBILLARKD, Physician, nng:.. tmom'“ouuk or wellâ€"nor need the Accoucheur. Ofcein Mr. Hearn‘s .cnhm:u- -um'flo using it; it is Bore, Kast end of Supper‘s Bridge. Office | just the which all mw-ï¬ hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m« and which they should hn..n.%d-. FPO Â¥ & Nt U V 4C C sGcan in the treatment woou-o.ulmlhnb. ot . or the BEOTs NC "" sc on . Korthtroo & Lit e on the Queen‘s Birthday.. Het: will be issued at all the Btati Guelph and Belleville, inclusive firetâ€"class fare, on the 24th, 2! TFRLAVEKLLER _ GUIDEK. LAWRENCE AND OTTAWA RAILFAYT, RULES ANKD .REGULATION® e Foom Â¥ & L 10 C iC To De LAIB®, ©ss M C e s 5it en . B â€"Special atzention to the treatment mbr““““m Northrop & Lyâ€" isocases of the _fl'_‘_'.‘._.m _ At night can \ m.u.l.munmh Canada. NOXEY ORDERS, AniiANGEMENT FIR8ST DAY THIRD DAY H TAYLOR, Agents. dash of 2 > miles each day at 1 | sush indeod [PRTCEâ€" 3 (C‘ENTS. 1870 TE NIANXN S . Volunteers Ordered to the Front Half the Field Battery Leave To ‘‘ Night for Prescott with their Harse®# and â€" > Heary Guns. . Sr. Jorx, May 24. Gen. O‘Neill was at a littlefvillage called Milton, about 3 miles east of St. Albans, last night. He is moving with his forces towards lale auzx Noix, or St. Johns. It is expected he will.cross the lines this evenâ€" iDg LATEER FROM ST. JOHN. The Fenians have crossed the line, «and are over a mile inside our territory. They intend massing their forces at Pidgeon Hill The Volunteers are preparing to march to meet them. , > Buffalo promised to furnish O‘Neil with 1000 fighting men. _ | About 500 fenians left there for Ogdensâ€" burgh, they passed through Watertown this morningâ€"more are following, is said there are plenty of s at Malone. _ * The wires of the submarine felegraph at Ogdensburgh were cut last night. Messages are carrie(l by Boat all to day from Ogdensburgh to| Prescott. A very strong forck of fenians are ex pected to assembleâ€"at Ogdensburg, but it is thought they will move on towards Rouses Loint and joirp General C)‘Neil. ACROSS THE LINES Moxtuzar, May 24. There are mischieyous doings on the American side of {:flfromier, and the statement about the River movement of the Fenians is only a ruse to turn away attention from a moi‘ serious intent.on. m the Times Extra of Tuesday. _lt.eomntobooon‘flied by the arrival of two detachments of "roughs" at Bt. Albans. s LATER VIA t)lONTREAL. * . It is now no longer doubted but that the fenians mean mischief by & raid within & few days on the eas im part of the Domnâ€" YESTEiiDAVS DESPATCHES. The Remainder Toâ€"Morrow _ Morning. nion. A large number left Buffelo and passed through Rochester yesterday. They ocouâ€" pied several cars and were joined at Rome by a large number, lthey then passed on to the O;denlburghj_mml, which will carry them direct to St| Albansâ€"where they hare reached ere l‘hi-â€"tboy carried no arms with thein, but there are large stores of these at St. Al _About three or four hundred men are coming by way of Rutland, Vermont road, for the same desâ€" tination, and a any moment. The volunteers ‘are frontier in the morning. + manmbor many . .® e m‘dr M:‘w 0n ':“ spring from the incre "* | eution, which, like t/ LOLW | /+ aengumption, 198 B0 | _ gyseyrBODT oAÂ¥ IK18 | other used the artic tGth | effects 'r used 1 h _mA’l__l.“-z MAxs f Toronto, May 24. The " Waubuno" Detained Three D;y;-Amertcm Tugs Refused to Render Assistance. citement. The u-&op. have received no udon,butymn*ll the regular troops for the expedition that got on the train for Collingwood, were ordered off again The Waubuno arrived at Collingwood about five o‘clock yesterday morning, hayâ€" ing been detained since Wednesday 33 miles below the Sault, where she ran aground, and four passing American tugs refused to give her assistance. < â€"The headquarters of the expedition is to be at the Sault. | _: e The starting of the first troops will be Msmkby*mchlfl- A passenger j-tt‘ll'l‘ivodlt Bt. Cloud from Fort Garry, May 10, says: Riel had but few mon md‘rlrmi. but was ready to resort to force ugbodolepu-dmnd- were not grante will fight for him The gunnery s ly arrived, are still ably leave toâ€"night. The Fonilnnmu"\ causos htuo?o:{ no ex LATER FROM WATERTOWN, Special to the Evening Mail. WarErrows, N.Y ., 4 p.m., May 24. ‘Eleven car loads, packed full: of Fenians, passed through again at 3 pim. They a e all armed and equipped, and are determ ned to fight . their. way . *o the | Capital, . . The . forces ht . .Mt: _.ssâ€" ond Malons will be constantly ;li,.u,-md)[domwilllww angumented, and jthey hope wit hours to command eveory arenue â€"â€"Thuis aceldental infuction, called by the Freacs coup de wleil, is suppored to cccut more frequently as the countrty is cle®ted. * LATEST FROM ET. ALBAXS. About 40 more Fenians arrived by ac mmodation train. _ Those who previous uxrivnad. are still bhere, and will prob ST. JOUN gnnud‘ ‘nw hunters say they T H MONTREAL TORONTO. ni# may be expected at school closed yesterday p. BUCK. for p 1 $3 §1