Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 24 May 1870, p. 4

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4 I al $# 19y it in inss .. coaliiteementtr y *n w o allmate are sourses of Pulmonary Â¥ronshial a09 Asthmatic affections, Rxperience having prov®s “d.n“ often ast spesdily and corâ€" tmaly ® taken in the My::ronno dasâ€" sase, recourse should at onge be to «* Browa‘s Bronshial Troohes," or Losenges. Fow are aware «f the \ » portandce of sbhsoking a sough, or * gom» m » i oofu,"* bn ts Orst stage That which in the L"k4% _ SEE acmcccdos UE ts [ Cl dsc ce Aiffcanthrardpatr n P90 2 umufl.r‘bfl rastact sn t AtROR® the ui Lo teg m Te tss se reauae t M Hronchial hifl.flj W . SCO ..l W., k Gagetown, N.B The supreme Voart of tme stuls of New York hnd Jonktns lor -:E::’:?M ..."“.'.‘7.‘..‘.‘ cuo:'!n injury to the :“‘- or _L> atzes af aur nasunle more nsed #Â¥Ut. John, N 8. Rovember Pnd ht mip n Rypoppcaphiens ie sn mee Ts 1y Juy lom dissage of weakness of the Hronchial Tubss, or general detality, . _ :,'ai'.'-".i;-'p:'b' ple more than another need ine nu-r-mn law to shisld theom from im ,..,.,“ in the sick and alczh. '?’lfl unable proteot vea. rem® a0 universaily -m""".. Pills by all universaily employed as Apoer® NU OJ " cluases, both to oure and preovent disoase, should as it does, have every security the law oan aford i. from connterfeit and bnnaitation.â€" Cabiact, 3eAsâ€" h*‘ expr« «P % â€"#® The sucsess of this most delisions and unrival« od condiment having cansed certain bdq.-: apply the name of -'M':“ .'.‘;..’ their own inferior compounds, the pablic is haro *4 informed that the only way to seourse the and to see that their names are upon the wrapper, labeis, and bottle. Some of the markets baving been supplied with a W ereestershire Bauce, U ns t Fonliohane beat hrgen band P ie Les & mm%""l’" nitlioe that they have furaished correspon â€" dorts with power of attorney to take instant Lc 1 ult Thar indestions by which their 140M puuman‘un BHuuce and se* Name on Wrapper, Label,> Botile and sally Worsester ; Crosse and BIAOEWSN, LONMH U2" ko, ani by Grosers. and Ollmen ualver usnr, e 40v1330 law wOoRoOgksgTtERasHmIR® savUcs, uolesale and for the % Wholosalt o'-'.‘.- ..?E..‘:.- uu-', #s, A hanad. omely situated OOTTAOK, containing aln reomse and kitshen, on lonsessterâ€"st, Ashâ€" burnkhace HiL Thers is a handsome Aower and ml.#;r‘ euthouses and well aiâ€" t to W . 4. BU LLEN, on the promâ€" Puon...â€"n._wm-.â€"mu Lot No. 37, in First Consession, Ottaws Front, N+â€" pean, and Lote Nos. 18 and 28, in thesame conâ€" session, at present in the ocon «& Wa.l. A ylen, .‘I.'. further are apply to Joan and Enounson, Nepean, and Lawis & Pusuwer, Barristers, Ottawa. Jeiâ€"141â€"6f grayyy9999905$$] NA & PERRINE* i d to: the Quainems, we w enc as 214 wih aell ontinte ti-'o'--t:"*"fi"i nho which willdo to ..\lll FHun sLAK OR TO LERT.100 wor aâ€"the north half of Lot No |1, in the ith concession of the township of Osgoode, with a good lHouse and Barna, and u&u out buildings, and a .-“M-,'cn.fly sores sleared and in a xood state of eultivation. This is mntuwated on the Prescott road, within Afteen miles of Ottawa,. Also he south half of Lot No# in the Ird consessmon of Qegoode, sontaining 100 scres, 50 acres cleared, uuunu wall mhd. with mlmnc:‘u well watered, situated w a quarter of a mile of the rallway station. Titles good. For further information »;l‘ylo BATRICK HERBERT, #.4m Ridean Hotel, Ottawa Cltg . Rejoise Ladies and Qentleomen at theh ipp y ntalligence, 13384 FROM CON3STANTINOPLE, wWILL ARRIVE 18 800N aA8 NaÂ¥vIoaTIio® Oitaewas, April 27, 1870 193 im 18 im commERrC)aL. WETAGK TO LENT. . A8K FOR LBA & PERRILNW AAUVCE, utawa, April 26 in iepen e e t ib '~ ‘“ m w# send #1 io pay ,E-:“‘r.‘...‘-"&_‘%&tgfi oi s n i Panenet eclinble wick. 2ddress TT a w A ©PHUE ONXNLt GOOD Si1UVCKE. wmend CaVUTIQN AaAGAINST FRAUD. KFor Haule or to LA£4L1, ® «ll par 100 lbe. Rumug . * « Declarsd by Cor nolasour) e Runtall #ho see this t \ 4&A 6 PS â€"ibe Orta®ws Timass | | Iunss utece otaw May 24, \D’“.. i 11 @ & 11 &# % 0, 2 J 10 & 4 10 & 3 10 & vovusta, Maiz® & * & 00 0 0 1033t( C e wu L eC en £P ED EP ED 2CT Gnlu%vo UKLEBORATED PRKPARAâ€" TION i OR CLEANALNY, mvflnm», AND PWES@SRVINY THE TEKETL. Nold ..“'J‘:'w“ # mA m-~ .~ The old estwblshed Ventists, “l..l.l-" wuirs avViia FERCWA K ENXAMKi,, tor Stopping Desauped Testh GAII*I-‘. CoRALITE To)T!l PA8TE, tor cleaasing and improving the Teeth, wnch Imparting @ natural reduess to the guias ; whitens the teeth without leaving betwseen them A8; traces dn‘u. aid gives bruihanoy t the onaumel. 184. #4» ® “Alfllfll'l natko ENxamEkL aTtoPrLNXa bos Prgserving Froat Feoth. W arraunted to keep whits, aod as drm as the {ooth neabt _ Thow mCP C Al lnatian saxkores Vueaulk Vustk .‘ “Alufln‘vo I!:IM. TVO EW ro;v,-:: ’n‘ok from eeips as used Majorty . veserves the Teoth, and vmparts a dell« clous fragrance to the breath ; gives the Teoth & m-:uo.:w and protects the enammel. #. " ABRIEKL*® ODONTALGMIQUE KLILXI®, (J # .1. wash unrtvalled for ts agresable propertion onomtlo-‘dhu‘ofl “Mahh\”dc“hbm rwcommended to suflerers Lom Tis, ::s:w.no Toothache. las iFlumsi‘s mamaâ€"â€"None Genuine without i. PAI'I.Q aPt a Diâ€"TANCE AKqUIRILNG ARKTIFICIAL TEEKIH may bave them mupplied, in partial or complete sous, on Mosere. Qabrlel‘s new sypstem, by sending particnlare of xh cases, with a m amitance of \) uuines, when apparahtus tor taking a of the mouth w L/ bfl::ond.vmdl tastructic as. Mesars. Qubricl will andertake Remodel or l:‘dv Artificial Tosth made by other Dontinte, !“mowu prove satisfustory |, at moderate rgea. Mossrs. (ubrici‘s Pamphist on Artifcial Testh oid Faialess Vennstery on receipt of postage. #,* All letters to be «ddressed to #4 LUDGATE UHILL, LONXDON, 1133 fawtm 1a=k6m Nee (Gabriwi‘s name Price 31. ~__â€"__ ALEXANDER CURISTIE, Druggist and Pharmacentical Chemist Sparka btreet, Contre Town. business in \a+ as Outarie Banak, Aparks aad complete stook of # whk E=lab CUbeaeals, yuropean and Ameriong | _ The Popular Propristart Kogiish, Freach and Germaa PDertunery, :::-m-umm Dys Heeds, and all the Mussliiansous artl= sles usually sold oy Druggists Family medicines and physicians‘ preseriptions will receive the attention thoir importance de= mands. The prescription departwent will be under the personal supervision of the propristor, “flumfluflhfi‘\fl-’ of all materiale employed. Physichanse and country meroh ants aupplied. The subscriber has ample facilities for atteadâ€" ing to the wanls of his customere. S Mtawa, February 17, 1970 1988.4 v The subsoriber boegs to inform bis LAZARUS, MORRIS &A CO. "HW DRUO A#TORLK. | 61 Ladgate Hill, Loades, And at LIVEKRRPOOL and BRIAWT JN. _ aAWMIEKL*s WHLTEK QUTTA rPERCHA @OLD @ILYEEK® SHELL AX> sTERL pahile genesally, that he ) From, with a good new house, wall Anished, baro, sheds, :.‘-d-m-‘ubo ..d:w.‘u-.mom and in a good. of euitivation, well fenced and water= "Tcof famined heay faading is atnuie. "hage h&%u‘lfiofllâ€".uu“dm Methodiat Charsh baif a mile; Roman Cathole unrch ons mils and a balt dustant; Railw Statlion: 2 milee. ‘lbonhdâ€"oidnnx w-u ;‘:.“v:':md the purchase * L n;f-â€"-;»n,..o. letor + ¢m U Hatrexut. To abare in the Division of ProQts ol the past Are years, to D0th April iast. LIFE ASsSURANCE COMPANY, KATABLISHKD 1847. To enable persons at a distance to n."hh the variouse Forms relating to their APPLICATION® lor Bharing in the Profts above referred to, all Anltu- which may be PRRERCTED on or Can be imeluded in the Lists of the closing year _ One bundred and ten nores, Lot No 18, in the th consession of the Township of wloucester, Ridesa dUNO & LRAiDBFOR® ab mou * deday . 5 PLREFECTED 3PECTACLES, J HAIRD, M CM, Oradusts of Meâ€" # OW U 8Surâ€" on P ow J Rrmranee o Carp, Ontarte. 18 im Wtb H,. LEKMAUERRE, Plano Teacher and + funer, and Repairer, St. Andrew sreat, MUHKAL â€"NOTICK. MKESsISH%,. GABRICL, D A ...#U.U r"“. * AAaDPron>, NA RM POW #ALE 9 R I L NEW A88R0ORTHKENX 7 €LO8K OF THE LISTS ME §§$*9® ~ CABRIEL C 4 R A T ooth swund and uselul, aod ra- ; matter haw far decaged. Prige i# Ask (for Uiabriel‘s Celebrated Dental THME TEETH. Ire ntisats . peats wiLL. LONDQN hes new building «djoinling the Sparks street, with a perfectly asw Mave justrecelved a £YAL GLASSSE, No 3b, Aparks urest, swpping siz Teoth )0 F1 POWPER oNLY YÂ¥ wind it, know that it cared thom, those wins Says :--n.-uâ€"-f--""-“ all know that what it does daee it does alway â€"â€" that it never faids through any fault or negiect of TR mmae thias :J.nm&';'-‘i it does daee it does alway s ;fidumhflo'\.unfluyuh-nmhl k 4 3 mJ ied ater of Te remarbabty ues o ihe :aâ€"lmm»n-u every we ased not publis®h theim, Adapted ol.-.‘-fl;--u.u:-. zâ€".\.“fin.&umw n-".' *M-nmu-‘ho theoun bfiwuxwvm ao @omh quhab weir uae mpuuvm "Gperate by their powerfu! infuence on U%4 *-Fâ€"ma-‘ pureiy '~".'b“ Ti m on en on adf ons n on -flm.'! purify the blowd and «tumulai® "" into healthy actio® â€" fol rnscrring their incogmin Ee PJCA goy + the _thr the following ## mlwm{:-â€"-i& the eto um ‘:\:-‘ e# c~ {l".’bn.n e w gn= ht # / k M eada« bhe . g':dt.'.r.... l M w eirer to tarriet the disenced v tanl n .‘“bczr!m.u..w-l mmm-w'm-'u~d NT C CA vapmmepetpebcages dose ls M O T _ Mask RMearcl Walnk. Rog R dan t bamrs E‘“h.-‘..-y.:.uuflm-- the oy:-. W uth m Unoee m:: it w i t Anduant dares o 2 thene Pilts makes hm toel decige ty bevier ow | ENMULL, Burrigers finfier e neme es e ies | Lt camen i mes i DH. 3. €. AYEH & CO., Prastioal Chemists t“:"...n.-s Uintt _ Jour J. Gnans. A# a bammer 4 Mke® ooe Coo ult o e n W anote reliove the stomach. ami Ib:z:-‘ had lnvigurates tho arsteni, Hence it is ohen ad should be taken in large ai dunce the effect of a drastiks as it progduces the desiret desrders, which were w“ by the wrv-z contamination untid .,,mm“.m been rudically cured in auimbers almost every +#«» :.:u.n..yuu seascely need to of ts virtaes or uses. Rcrofulous poison is one of the most destructive encmiles of our race. . Often, this unseen and unfelt wnant of the orgraaism andermines the constitution., ..amunfiom-u:-:lunww» without e e t lte presence. Again -..â€".-'::.::--mâ€"-n.-n..-l then, on some Mvorable cccasmion, rapklly develop rhvmm "Wn'm.lmm cured by it, though a long time is required for agnumm“nnku T rontlaint Leussrrhare o W hites, C tevame Irsradens" and Femile" Discazes, are com titet ne mc Cigh n repiie es Agoant 2o%, ...:-..mb-l-nm‘u' ioi T rreanintnnt, on ns on 97 terr in the to i. as mino Liver narion 8 the Liete. ad Jewredues, when arteing. toe hn RARIAPARILLA h a great re wr e dmais sudk yigoe of the system: Thare yho are Lamprid and Listicss. Despanâ€" "O® 49 PREPARLEBDB B Y Br. J. C. AXYXER & CO,, Lousll, Mam, Practical and Analytical Chowsists. #OLD EY ALL Davoomwts EYyERTWHEREZ, »# Masers. URAXE® #Lai® & biuie, Con®ay P O County of Lendox, o-ho.-r‘-x mammu&t This is to certify that during the wrater of 1840 I was taken with a weakness of the ancies, which graduaily, during the of 1807, extended to fay knees, and on ap to my hlps, and I became 10 -'.-“â€"-w- L odiccs. V ‘H weak that I sould not walk, but was condned to my chair. ©Vor abouttwo years, while this weakt noss was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical mmu different times thras dosatork. and of diferent kinds prescribed by tmends, but of no avail, 1 continuâ€" un.uma‘m.nflmu-ud u-.n-luha-‘b.t:y mw: shonees Remedy by reading cures in a pamphiat . xflb“l bad begua to teo! the weakness in my hands ; in faot I was geatting almost helpless {hnhh-mmdu Shoshonees Remedy aid two bozes of the pilis and “'u- but .-u'nlo-auo' to y w '? L# & en TT o s ks 2 1% « private one, but knows to all my nelghbours and friends ; m'g:m.o“urn..l M.?bn. the Ahoshoness Remedy ; 1 nelieove it will curs you. MARKY ANXX DUOUTY rnm-.umo-mdw 1"000.3?.“- 4 cartify that 1 hare known Mro. Mary Anm y tos the last Afteon years; she is a mm.‘m 1 have known her before, and sinese bher UWinsse. 1 believe umnumhmmu- 1 know that while UI1 her case was bope, less ; aund 1 know that she has, slnce her recovery, always attributed her‘ recovery to the Shoshonees KHemedy. Whaterer may be the pecullar ‘::fi-â€"' se of this medicine, one thing is certain, im h-.c‘uo U bas asted almest like the m s.lndn. Warden of the County of fl.!.‘.':‘%.’.".'..a Outarieo, Dominion of Canada. tttramast __ Per the Clty of Ottaws, will bold lts Orst aliting in the City Hail, in sald city, on WEDNESDAY, the \Sth DAY of MAY, 1470, At Tevo‘clock p. m. pltaws, May 10, 1470 The undersigned beg to Inform the publle that hay are Auw d to execute ordets: (ot oi eme nearice Ovink d mvep nelbin aerages To y rag pogn is o * *A The amiorsigned \ to Inftorm the po: Ne ihat he bhas alwaye u.l'ul. in Mo'l.up wd&mmflh-:l:.xq. "l“ ~~ * ® * ndona® N1CHOLSON, Ne 85 Ritean strect. $*_#"* it * ** | «tNMANK LINE OF MAIL STEAXERS, KAILIN2 1HUDICEAR & FLOX NEW YORK EYVERY SATCRDAY A ANXD ALTERKXATE TUEDATs 8STEAM Pl{:NlSO MILL, >| mn’:.unmmvm hob t Lenvernool or QHHHBHAOFE...... â€"=â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~. $100 O LOWELL . KAKLK., T. & A 'm' nothone ape given in Ts i the following compINint‘s UK COURTO® LREKYViRLIO® 41,¢0m Â¥ensveal and Merewrial Dissases OYETERA, GANMKE, POULTRY and | Liverpool e m"- «" ‘ m__ , of Enaigesinem, EATREECIEC aul Lase of Appotite, thoy Sarsaparilla YÂ¥IXHB THLE mmaove the obstructions ol is ar, and oiher ergans of the ereguiar action to health, a~d a large doses shoul| be tako® o i in n 2. well, often dads that a cbo«e me or two Pille to | of clhaena® LAW & JOUXSTON W PLETT, at thus WTmpantt O C YoUGT BE TD.XE T THE W d i wane Clig Clerk. 1145 6 in % # # aady OHLAaCK LAPIERLHKEK, . Atioe» moe id '...,ul..-,flmm‘(.‘l , Conveyâ€" Aouian t t | amoer amd Nutary Puble, Corner 64 and a thoy | Vork satreets, Ottawa, _ 3881 _ e pate 1 ” m.lol,uuuq-wll..'.“ takow e in Chassery, Convepanscer, &o , Dusserâ€" D «trest. Odcese, Usin I-qup.o‘.v.. bby @ p¢d~ .. mereetemery w emeterre mt be MA Â¥COCK, La®w, Bboil i6 and | i. mm.m. Netary P""_"- . Public, and mmsdmmt 0Kceâ€"1Im "U * | mediately opposite Russell tHouse, Elginâ€"st 43ul % J W . W . W A MLD, of the tare brum ol Liawin, y .'fl:'u‘.lu removed bis Chanoot) « | Ofice to Law Chambers, oppurite Hussel e | House, EKigiaâ€"#t. # #, *# ll..'lf' P. WILL, Amorney at Law, .# soilnter in Chaneery, Conveyancer, 49. ___ Aurcei -'az‘m Prastios and Patents for laves tios, &« , eanpamaily aiteaded to in witawa. Â¥. MoLaon, W, MCK Wuas«r, L. 8 L.whioek. C.a vep abcets, &0 wia s % PmR TCT OR -..'.‘.-"?- JBee Rusainge, Abligrns stretl, s' Sakprkr‘s Houterto Qooul Bmaker woll nihe i Cl Ant Hintestsle," O 0 1. 0 _ .cc JC . C300 0 0 t you masy a fl.f:l... night. In bottles 25 cents ,‘flll Aret cla«s sty le. I J AtstC#!t® ...m nueve Euwaso Kiusts, ‘ ::to verms o:.‘ ';..::“f:zb..‘..m | d?,bo balls and Apartments are spaciove and m s l in ene sn ikks Larnile | C , ‘lt’“l.ll"l.l.. Harrister and Altor» | patare '“"....,. :, druggists and mw Meal Hoursâ€"Breakfast 8 a m ; Lunchk 1 pm; . W sepâ€"stâ€" Law, duiigitorâ€"inâ€"Ubhancery , Conveyâ€" | ers 18 all past« of the Dow!ioion. Dinser 6 p m ; Tes 8 p m. . * Aucer, a0. OMeeâ€"Lang‘t Belidings, Elginâ€"st.| Gardener‘s Fimt Prise Baking Powder, un Terms 42 wo per aay, opposite the Post OGee, Uita®wa 48Â¥y rivalled for pority and excellence. For sale by O"fl'l’sulu m:l‘l;‘“u.mn will fnd at «‘The anmmmmssan s ommemsom smm » # mesw mm , * r l o ..‘ &A« MARKA, Architecs. udceâ€"Aumond‘t ’Mm‘twmnwmm :' .:.,‘5 .: .."'M ‘00“ '“, folnlunu und com +# mm K. A04% We Â¥01y %1.25, Wherever ant \ â€" Malhifax, "fll 1, 1870 ’ 1328 1m _ * '.“.i '.c- want the best ask . o Wt OARDLNER‘3 and no other. | morntmormnmntemme tm nsm mmmimemmtmmae m m en es | mm ONGOMLONEK &A TAILLON, Bartutem, | K UK1IOX® HoUSE is U seticitors, o. Omee â€"Morgrare‘s Buildings earvexigws seruerric ovas. 0/ ‘E ‘ 4 f Rideauâ€"streot, (Aia® a. Price $1 per Lottle ; aix bottles for $5 , W. ARMSTRONXG, PROPRIETOR, Wusitak Mosszork. _ MAU 9 Alliom = i | ' toms® T 7 J GARDENER, Chemist, | COBRXEL OF QUEEN ANXD ELGINâ€"S8STS., BR 'lOOOIOVI & FAILLON, Bartistets dulipitore, &o. Yileeâ€"Meegrore‘s Bulldings Widene â€"streat, (Qa® & | Wusissk Mosszore. . MAUW _ Jroner TalLo® « c‘-"r"{-'."b.-u" Public for the Pro .‘o rvizee of Quabet, -"-.:-' the : Pos U A, . Â¥. GLIANXELLI Sole ManuaCaturer and Propristor for the lon of Canada and the United States. N B._â€"Thoers sealabrated Bitters are c intaws, Desember 4. 1844 novn. IFALIAX BHTTERL Prepared by special permiasion . om the original reripe of Â¥. P. VERRAI, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY. 1J mfeAm, Ausceer and Butery Poblic, Clerk 4 » l uinme Posse and Connty Atornep, tauo“bd.l muat bas of Pressatt and Ressell, OBceâ€"â€"In the Kept by all the prinoupal Drugguts and Wirocers in propared with the very best quallty of Sherry Wine, and are sspemally adapted and recomâ€" menaded to parsoas ol delisate constitutions. They are geoally stimalant, and will be toond lnfallible alds to digestion. Â¥or Mrections wsee label round the asck of each ;‘_', ______ Pirat Cubin, Payable in Goid. P < Liverpaol Of QWOURELOWRE....... ..»»=â€"semesees++ | MAHMME.......«,sc000008 coneenevere00 0e e04 s0e eue nen nn4 s ue ’I.od-'o.l-'..hln-\nu-........ . m Ruwage, Payable in Ourtency, _ None are gronine anlese bearing therignature of he propristor. ' 10rx 4. M. Â¥ QGIANEKLLL CLEKOD, WHIGuUTYT & LAWLOR, Uarrimters, Advocates, &o. JBees, Ar}â€" Q, (Maue Streo), aad Ouarsa (Ege morâ€"Pust Ollce Bâ€"lltings, Higlie Arcect, # 4. Uâ€"â€"Money advazceed on is nded se curity.â€" EEPEA & KINBKEKIH, Harrmers and . Atorstes at Law, subcitere 18 t'am eramsoets. &o, Tt the FroÂ¥i000% +4 OVIA WA TIMES, MAY 24, 1870 COMMERCOLIAL SALER ROOMS, Parties inteading to make?} application to the Legisisture of Ontario ‘for Privals RBulls are hersby acile: thst thoy ars required by the Sist and fllowing Rules of the Legislative Asmembiy,(which are published i1 the ="Onturie Gasette"), to give NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinctliy specifying its nature and object) is the * Ontario Gasetts," and also in a newspaper published in the Uounty or Union ot Counties afestal ; such notics shall be sontinued in each case for a poriod of at least sisx weeks during the interval of time between the close of the next presediag Sesmon and the conâ€" deration of the Petition. Coples of the Arst and last of such notises to be sent to the Private Bi! l,ll"" ‘llI-I-l All stitions tor Private Bills must be presentâ€" ad within the FLIR&ET THREKE WEEKS of the Planos constantly on hand for hire. n-_mm:utu.-u hand piancs ud Terento, March 15, 18780, 1300 td lawk. Commtaston .Merchanis. erer t ~ ~ mt hn hn en t3 o clier Shaily ko Mb © James O‘Wieslly, K4. Q C, Liverpool or To Sree Lo e earrafeng, biar‘s. Liverpool 0f QHAGDAHORE ..»»=»»»»s»ss»m»»»»»»»» 3b HW PraskA0® UÂ¥ THE PORBDaY OTLAXER T! Kiallrax FO. uvum_:: &§UKENETOWEX PRICE $1.00 PELR BOTTLE. UBHdME..cccounncercescers sine PCY AUVCTI08 KARYT, _John‘s, N.¢., by branch steamet..â€".... 30 0 MRekets sold to and from Engiand, Irelaai, and ':uuu.umw“.. terther Company‘» e n h DALK: 14 w# Â¥ or UKERICK & Oe w C 0 _ ,BERMINGHRAN, Queon‘s Auctioncer, 111y Hoose, Land and General Ageot Ctqal Carbs. Rwrvage, Papable in COurrency, 4 /é‘(g Â¥u / / is ‘F GILLMOR, Clark ot the House. are caretully 13. $100 00 14 0 | _ _ _ _ » SeÂ¥eries stands the : ' IUAN.:‘DJAN PAIN DESTROYER | CHOICEST (LIQqUORS, mmm bore Thron! | /‘ 4 ‘ ”bm%% | And the table epread with ‘ | O mplainte Burns ,Poalds. EYVERY DELICACY OF THESEASON. * .“- “-c“ n Lâ€" * lovaluabis to lor ali is and rvu- m Impuit"s, E.. 0. : [ : .. ~ :cco. o l.[l .o _ } .o digestion; an ¢xcelient TONIO for persont % ! This bouse, (situated in the contre of the city) "';."" "":“‘ |‘lness. Foreale in quart botll® % | pa, peep recently enlarged, ftted with all ,u;o ai s how s calr i | modern improvements, and réfurnished through. ° Garpara‘s Dow@erie Coven Rewroy will #4¥¢ | |)), pret claesstyle. . ©= . o rgy. . The Canadlan Pain Lestroyer has sow been before the public for a lepgth of time, and whenever used is well liked, never tasling in a wingle instance to give permanent nlh"nl Umely used, and we have never kuown a single omd‘b“.d:.-rmnnofiwc::pw perly followed ; on nunz. are tâ€" ad with lts mâ€". and apealk i a the n“eo wrme of its and magical e€ects. '.ruu-wuuu-wu.m tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are safering from any of the comp «ints for which it is .scommended may depend upon its being a SBoveâ€" 107 Notre Dame itrect, Montreal, f Av.oquo most importan! of nodern Medical Dis _The fi:‘ouyd the Canadian Pain | Destrayer, in diveases for which it is reâ€" . sommended, and its wonderful successin subduing | tunwmuhuhml Nervous extitle it to a highr ank in «he nndlc.dhlht‘.o:.c:‘h-. Dealers are mI';fi-M t |..u,.md‘l.l to the universal nu:r::‘fltflm I The Cans an Pain Destroyer never faile to give mmediate rolie{. Als Medicine Duun.tm,I | m.m.‘ml t apd no family ‘ it after onse try ing it. | NORTY P & LYMAN, | Newsnstle, C. W., _ | Bo:d by Ges. Mortimer, John Roberts, W . M 'mquomamuuu‘uom Massey, H. Â¥. MoCarthy, J. Skinzeer, and J nfld«’thfldmvmhdlm Brown. is __i@* geeent dlgnm;u,nmq. F#Z, 'umoufu::;-:. a y ou ® An ‘ _ hn Orcters Onie |ateâ€"i ES Â¥ K8T 11K MEKr an4 ABOAMILATION of COD LIVER OIL, we | * "**"AYMORD‘s Bloc fit enten at meals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" | Rideau Stree or to M“- | » "".'.0"‘". Mfl.'i:::“- %8, ".l.o‘.'.:.l:o‘.l H:.:L: aad 1 2264. Pansreatine bottles, 38 * M N.B.â€"Pancrestine Wine is the best vehicle for | flluttllautous. taking Cod Liver Oil. [ iheceremieieeiriniiremeemrmenennnienererninf en eerregerenrarenaremte Aosrxreâ€"RMessre. F. 1 | FyNHISTLE & Co., Land Sur Approved by lmperial Academy of Medicine. The QUINIUM LABARRAQUE is an eminentâ€" y tonles aad tebrifuge wine, destined to replace all the other preparations of Peruvias bark. The bark wines usually o::loyd in medicine uopmho. hberks which vary considerably in the to which they possers the desired properties. Besides, owirg to the manner in which they are prepared, these wines sonulain #carceiy more than the traces of astive principles and these always in variable * The QUINIUN LABARRAQUE, by the “Q.‘" of Medicine, mm contrary, a medicine of determined composition, nch h..‘odn ndplu.... .'n:d :t'.'vlul the physâ€" : The QUINIUM l:lAflAQol{l'r‘r.dbd with groai success constitu« don, or for these Mm various exhaustâ€" 1A NADIANX PAINX DESTROYER ! in vACLKTS PILLS, the rapidity of its action is really marvellous. S Ing causes or past sickness ; for youths inmetnae t se ie in women in chili \IL:: for aged . persons enfecbled by years or 1t is the best preâ€" A NDXE HR *8 D. T} BLOWKXE &# (0, ONK SPARE®ST, OAtawas, May 2, 1870 For ons month?only, commencing on the 20th Instant. The whole of my stock is offered to ousâ€" tomers at a very low Agure so as to make room for the New Bpring Goods, Iwould call specially the attention of customers to my heary stook QUINXINXE w&yâ€" WINE BITIERS, m READY MADE CLOTHING Which will be sold withoct Reserse at a low price All goods marked in plain fgures. | Please come and examine my stook ud Part of the rear half ot lot number eleven, in twe seccad copsession ol the Towasbip of Nepean e).umbofl).'inl aald parcel of land is wu as Village lot number six, Beli‘s Corners. There is a good log house clapboard which is »* ~resent occupled as a Tavern,. Good staMe tn 1 oubuildings onth»a lot, and a good well, wiil touflb{chlh auction on the premises, on 1UE3DAY, the 2¢th day of Beptember, A. D. 1870, at twelve o‘slock noon. If noat disposed of by ’flw before that date. given on the lait day of Norember adge for yoursel{, NIVERSAL EXHLBITION OF 1855, GROUERIES AND LIQUORS, Application to be made to ALF LABARRAQUE & CO. QUINIUM LABARRAQUE, WELL E8TABLISHED BUsSINXESS, C000 IXYEATNMENT. Terms wadeknown at the time of sale. Apply to , JOUX 'n... 0‘GRADY. io «B % Or wikulid Corssur. wwa, May )8, 18790 REAT CLEARING SALK. SELLIKG AT COST PRICE 0R *#ALE. On Liberal Terms a Btock <f LEABE OF S8TO0R £, CAsH PURCHASERS, Or BALDWIN BR98., +Redic¢aLl. F OR 8 A LE Yirst class Meda,, In Ottawa. «ABD A~« C. L. llbp'll & C0., of Mcinatreal, To all n by the ferruginâ€" for example, * RAJOTTE I | h*o. ' i [ he "QUXEN"comprises all the ro\.“ul&a(rr w ALM®, | Orstâ€"class hestau ant.‘ The House has refited 2L _ PM ‘ and ref rnished throughout.. The BAR contains for C. W . | thecoholoust Brandsir W inecsand Ligu res, and every ts, W M | delioncy ofthe seas.a wiil be ftound on thetable. The a, and J mflklfl’cb.ulmvfllhdlrmd to he comâ€" of bis gyests ano patrons. wirâ€"â€"=â€"â€" | _ M Oysters Game oto..AALY 1807 & 24 1 Ottawa. 1 MTH lioknoess, March. oJ ”l OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Oficeâ€"â€" C | 8P sparkeâ€"st oot, Contial Ottawa. â€"__ S4utf gl ”u_. GREOonGE HUTCOHISON, Dentist A Ofliceâ€"Sparkeâ€"street opposite Magzce 4 t | dussell‘s. * 576y [ k OTTA W A. K ! EYVERY CONXYEXIENCE ANXD COMFORT "OR ‘ THE TBAV"LLINQ PUBLIC. + W fmad ty The Bar always supplied with the _ 37 Argyle stroet §.***4 BARRINGTONâ€"STREET, I HALIFAX, NOVA 8S00OTIA, Established 1851. + ’ Permanent and transgient boarders accommodaâ€" ted, and every attention paid to their comfort; . Meal Hoursâ€"Breakfast 8 a m ; Lunchk 1 pm; Dinser 6 p m ; Tes 8 p m. | * Terms ‘1 U per any, PE Parties visiting Halifax will fnd at «‘The ?uuto..' good attention, cleanliness und ¢omâ€" Ort. +448 £A Corner James and Kingâ€"sts.,. Oprlu the Court House and Public Offices, ST. CaATHARINES, Ont. E. HOUVGHTON, Proprietor, . â€" (Late of tioughton‘s Dining Salcoon.) BMA »pacious: sampleâ€"rwom for commercial travellers. f 859y 'l\ll‘ 6 QUKEN ! RESTAUSANST, M. KAVANAGH, 2 etor, Corner of Meteaife and Wellingtonâ€" s o:â€" roomm main entrance to the Government Buildâ€" NA RLLETON HOUSEK, BA Agents, B aughtsmen, &o. â€" Ofice, opposite the Ontario Bank, sum-n. itaws.. Valestors for Trust and Loan C , W. &. Turstik. R R. Lixe. FHKNHISTLE & Co., Land Surveyors, Land .’ BILLING®, Jr., jArchitect. Oficeâ€" # Bell‘s Block, Sappers‘ Bridge. Rerzarxors.â€"~â€"H ASitas, loz;gt.-euuu. Philaâ€" Mshh & Thos Fuller, Esgq, itect, Albs-:y ; Dr.J A Grant, Â¥ P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, Esg Maqnaging Virector 0. & St. L. R. R. T40t q CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant ans 9e General Agent. Sole agent for Read‘s llfi'hu andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" shine Ales and Porter. Pork, Fiour, &¢., for sale. _Qrricr: No. 8, Sparks Sureot, naar the Russel! n mse, Ottawa city, C. W. A i}‘_LAll. SPECIFICATIONS, &ecâ€", Prepared for biildings of e desoription, by SIDNEY B. FRELPP, Archftect, TT W ellingtonâ€"st. The largest and best assorted stosk of ever offered to the citizens of Ottawa is now for sale at the store of WILLLAM MeKAY Rideau street, Mosgrove‘s Block. RECEIVED IN THIS COITY.» Another lot is daily sxpected ftrom}Englapd. Hay*25,000 ROLLS OF ROOM PAPER To be sold at manutacluring pdou-Doihiu duties excepted. All parties wishing to renovate their bouses, and â€" ho wish to have tho.mo pleased on entering their homes, had better 1mmed!1â€" ateély. The paper hangings are of MR MeK AY‘s own selestion. The tints are neutral, and give that repose which is sought aiter by d.l.v_u“m of The Stock now on hand is the LARGEST EVER K. C. LKG6GGO, .I’:Incun, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Officeâ€"Hunton‘s Block, Sparksâ€" To sthare in the division of profts of the past fve yoars, | C A N A D A | LIFE ASsSSURANCE COMPANY After which the Will be proceoded with as quickly as practi¢able. Persons desirous of fiod.:g. in auwm will obtain Forms of applic and all informaâ€" tion at the Head Ofice, or at any of the Agencies in the various places throughout the Dominion, A G RAMSAY, ® The Lists for the 23rd Vear will be Close1 on 30th *of this month (April). M, E. COCHRAN, PROPRIE1IOR Agent in Ottawa, ber. â€"~_â€"_ PaCcULTY OF) MEDICINE ; The Sension will be opened on Tuesday, 4th October | PACULTY OF ARTS: The Bession of this Facalty will commence on WEDPNESDAY, September l14th, at which~time here wiil be offered for competition the following STXTEEN"SCHOLARSHIPS AXD EXHIBI. Good stabling and an Attentive Hostler. TIONS, vis:â€"Tex MoDoxarn Echciarthips and kxbibiâ€" thons, ot the anpual yalue of $12%5 each ; Two Tnowsox Exbibitions, value $195 ; the Cuarurs ArkxiXpE® Echolarship, value $120 ; the Jovâ€" kaxors‘ uhohnhlt. value $100 to $120; the Jix® Reprars Exbibition, value $100 ; the Taruor m.n.“"',.‘...;‘l(-.. & % f w ® 969y }.IA‘I‘ BARGALNXS! GREAT BARGALN3 ROOX PAPERS! _ Of these 4 will be ofjlered in each of the four collo's years in Arts to students and candidates entering. A lob‘d_uoi_fiph tenable for two yoars. _ CUoples ef the Calendar containing all necessary ld:-’-uhn as_to the m-nu\o‘::. eonditions> of oo-p;:‘:l.:. eo::n;.of::t‘u.ly. &c, mey be obtained on & lon to 1 mrod. W C BAYNE3, B A, 1CK WICK HOUSE, L‘i!"’.fii‘.“.z...""‘ falk Sorer of Sie properts P six acres propert in Hull, on the Mivez gm-n. opposite the f&'..i Falls, with two houses, and good l,udu ground, shrubberies and plaitations. Price, $8,000, (ralue ot houses, $3,000 and $1,200), or wili divide it up to suit a party of purshasers. Also, the best Srteam Mill Site on the River uttowa, l.eluw.vlo right of ;u.go on Brewery Iniet. Price, $10,000. ‘uoâ€":ufpn on the rn‘. EDW ARD HAYCOCK. Agl{ to RH AÂ¥YOOCK, Erg, Otarn» â€" _ =®~*; °* 1373 2n DPIYIs ION UOF P ROFITS PaCULTY }OF _ L&AW ; â€" The Classes will reâ€"open on Tuesday, &th Oct» Ajoicls and Saloons. PEROIAL NOTICK. AVERLY HOUVSE®, 1341 lawt4J _ Fecretary McGill University. eG@ILL UNIVERSITY, j | _ MONTREAL, $ SESSION 1870"71. noual Carbs. R H HAYCOCK. CLOSE OF THE LISsTS ESTABLISHED .817. ROOM PAPERS * AUMOND‘S BLOCK, _ Rudeau Streeat (¢tamwa. P. O‘MEARA, Proraimto®. JOUN ROMANS, Proprietor. .. . Halifax, N. 8 Specially devoted to the = Suirxors or Max," bis iunprovement, by all the means indicated by Scsence Przexorooyâ€"1he Brain and its Function«; the Location anga Natural Linguage of the Organs, with directions for euitivating and restraining them ; audthe relations subsistivg between Mind abd nod, described Etusxouooy, orthe Natural History of Manâ€" ‘ Customs, Religions and Modes of Life in diferent Tribes and Nations, will be givem, . _ _ _ | Pursiooxoruy, with all the ©Signs of Character and How to Kead them," is a special feature. _ Pursionoor & Axatourâ€"Iue Organizsation, Structure and Functions of the Human Body ; the Laws of Life and Healthâ€"What we should Eat and Drink, How we should be Clotbed, and How to Exercise, Sleep and Live, presented in a popuâ€" lar maunper, in accordance with Hygienic Princiâ€" “C £ p!ronum. Sketches, and Bioclrhm ot the leading Men and Women of the World in departâ€" ments of life are special features. _ _ Paxexts aspo Tracurrsâ€"As a guide in educating and training Children, this m‘u{no has no superior, as it Boinu out all the peculiarities of Character and Disposition, and renders govern ment and classifcation not only possible but easy. L EW SERIES!! NEW FORM ! ° | THE PICTORIAL PHRENXOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Muck general and usetul information on the leading topics ot the day is given, and no efforts are spared to make this the most interesting and pstructive, as well as the Best Pictcorial Family Magazsine, ever pablished. wl & herasiieuxpâ€"The Journal has reached its 50th VOLU ME, and wich January Number, 1870, a NEW SERIES is commenced. The form has been changed from a quarto to the more conveniâ€" ent octavo, and n'u‘y improvements have been made. ~It has steadily increased in favor during the many years it has been published, and was never more popular than at present. . C â€" TrEixsâ€"AMonthly, at $3 a year, in advance. Single numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, $2 each, and an extra copy to agent. . n We are offering the most l:beral premiums. Inclose 15 cents for a sample number, with new Pictorial Poster and Prospectus, and a complete list of premiums. Aadress, 8 R W ELLS, Publisher, 339 Broadway, New York Chassepot, Berdan, Remington, dtâ€"affée and other Rifles, Also cmm:r- for Ballard tnho.. Bpencer, and American Henry Repeating ifles. The * ELEY BOXER" are the cheapest carâ€" tridges known, carrying their own ignition, and being made wholly of metal, are waterproof and imperishable in any climate. ts â€" BOXER CARTRIDGES of +450 bore 1 ving Pistols, used in her Majesty‘s Navy _ CUPPER RIM FIRE CAKTRIDGES of all sizes, for Smith & WeZson‘s, Trabter‘s, and other Pockst Revolvers. > Emeraty CENTKAL FiRK and PIN FIRE CARTâ€" RIDGES for all«izes and syscems of Guns Rifss, and kevolvers. ; Double W uterproof and K. B. Caps, Patent Wire Cartridges, Felt Gun ‘Waddings for Breech and Mustle Loaders, and every description of Sporting and Militar® Ammunition. esd The absyo cartridge cases (¢empty) of all sizes, and for the different systems of Breachâ€"loading Rifles, can be had with or without the suitabie Bullets and Machines for finisbing the Cartridges _ PILN CAKTRILDGES for Lefaucheax Revolrers of 1â€"4e.,Â¥â€"m, nnd 1â€"m. bote _ â€"__ _ â€"o_ _ _ | 24 ced t olctict <dcdclitrar Tfi-‘.â€"iâ€" -'-q ble ertifiâ€" cates on the great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills can be obcained at all drug stores. _ e Where.was there ever such a cure as that of Wileon Storms, of Brighton, Od.olounzm or that of Pster C V Milier, of Erestown, Consum or that of Ambrose Wood, of Conse: aon, Ont, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or thut of Johr Heoey, of Napanee, of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutehes for years, but has now recovered the use of his limbs. _ _ ___ _ The‘following remarks on testimonials of mo# wondertul and extraordinary cures in &“' by be Grxat Iso1a® Rewror. | ts ‘ They are stern undeniable M-.‘-.:di | convince the most seeptical that the l"“h uow! cinal compound, yearned after.for a508, | accessible in the great + *4 HK 50th VOLUME : saltdintist. â€"DF. W. Parkw.. _ _ «+ Of 1,"“ efécacy in cases of Asthms and Chronic Bropchit‘s. â€"Dublin Journal Medical Seiâ€" «: The smoke causes no nausea. When ther kind, I have never known an instance in w relief was not obtained."â€"General Alezand In Tins, 2s 64, 5s and 101. Or formed into Cigars and Cigarettes, Bexes, 3s, be, 8e and 158. Pastilles for Inhalation, Boxes, 2s 64, 5s and 105. BAVORY & MOORE, 143, New Bondâ€"st., London. Aorxtsâ€"Messres. F. Cundill & Co., Montreal. 7 1k hereby given, that the Lower Ottaws Crown Timber Agency, formerly under the charge of C E BELLE, E:q., hus been abolished, and thatthe territory comprising said Agencey is attached to the Upper Oitawa Crown Timber Agency, under the charge of A J RUSSELL, Es Crown‘limber Agent at Oitawa, by whom permits for shipment and clearances for Quebec will be granted. j PU BLIC NOTICE The Corporation of the County of Carleton are prepared to receive Tenders for the erection of a COURT HOUSE BUILDING and OFFICES on or near the site of the old Court House, recently destroyed by fre. The Vrawings, Epecifications and conditions of contract can be seen, and forms of Tender obtaineds at the office of the County Clerk, WILLIAM COWaAN, lo‘.. Nicholas street, Ottawa, between the bouse or 10 a. im, and 3.;; m. on and after THUKSDAY, the 3rd day of May next. #Healed Teniers in accordance with the ferm mvl“ to be delivered te the County Clerk ore jt o‘clock noon on TUESDAY, the 14th day of June next, addressed to IRA MORGAN, Erq ...‘W.:rdn. County of Carleton, and endorsed «T t for Court House," * s 5x Price of the Remedy in large pints, $1.. | 137y 'ru'."J.am will have to find sureties to enter into a joint and sevoral bond ins sum to be agreed upon by the Corporation, for the dus performance of the contract, . . lan: 4 RE c ) _03° C@1%â€"a4k..zalvas TA #A. LEY!8 AMMUNITIU®. * The Corporation do not bind themselves 1o 26 sept the lowest or any Tender. * IRA MORG AN, W arden County of Carleton. Ap 1 29, 1870. 1346 a HOSHUONXEKEES REMEDY. A'ovlo LADY Will give instructions in Music and Fancy Work, either at the pupile residence ; of 3plyu Mre. Hamilton‘s, cormer of O‘Connor and so4s Rireets. 59 im FAMILYX MAGAZINE aria Streets ELEY BROTHERS, GRAY‘s IANX ROAD, LONDON WHOLESALE OXLY. SHNOSHC 1359 3 TUE BOXER CAF.TRIDGES for Eniderâ€"Enfield of +577 bore, and for the Henry, and Martiniâ€" Henry Kifies of +440 bore, u?(- ed by Her Majesty‘s War Deâ€" r:nmont, also of 500 for Miliâ€" ky Willne, .. _: (|: _ â€"_ small bores Mor(od' by foreign cvon-glu:l_ <er _ converted _ WATERPROOF CEXTRALâ€" FIRE METALLIC CARTRIDâ€" GKES, with enlarged base for BUILDERS ANv CONFTRACTORS, sTOP AND SEE! A FIRSTâ€"CLASS Deragztuexr or Czows Liax®ts, Toronto, April 20th, 1870 | _ mad Chronic Bronchitis ‘DATUBA TATUL A, | _ Affords Immediate Relief, | | »A remedy of great power e ;xEES REMEDY. 8 RICHARDES, Commissioner of Crown Lends, oR AsTHMA tor R evol Hair ; For restoring g,: : its natural Vitality .. * VHAlity org â€" ened, falliog hirâ€"“â€"- -l ness often, though: not ty its use. Nothi-* : hair whe v Vievg hair where the follicles y medt, it will j Its occasional from mrnipg Porn xurnin§) grky “ii: consequently prevent from those deleterions baldzey make some T P as, 15 mikec some Prep&ratio "lb ce m * injurious to the hair, the E, ”%fi only benefit but not barm it 1 0“1 us and| merely for a â€"~ "'rouipn’c‘m HAIR DRESSE®" 148" P Auaue nothing clse can be found 80 d Containing neither gil nor dve, 4 not soil white M d‘ E long on the bair, givine m . «L / For Diseases of the Throst wai in such as Coughs, M'h wedisine, has enptiieg wonn e ocbeae mmmeuMd-u.‘. oeda’o(yeu‘. and among =m & 1002 uU ine nll,m' 1 -'. CA lustre and a MF&‘ Prepared by Dr.4. Chry Practicat axp Aratmy C LOWELL uy PRICE M Ayer‘s COherry the senes , and mo#t of the r men it has risen higher and tigie in sey tion, as it has become better knows. }s , character u:l.sovet to cure the various af g." g:h-c- tn,n.hn-t‘t‘hn milder forms of disease and to youg and at the uhhm“? :m‘"m-«um.u_ i vision against sudden attmcks of ai be kept on hand in every family, and hfiflunmlnpllu.lu Zhe.mwd whatever, it in mr- nunbernl:l.;-‘fionm ite ‘ tricts, are li hero.dn«fi wmmt.p.mnefhhnm Our pride is gratified by the receive of the radical eures Un&mld ‘2" hvflmmm ) sected by taking the AGUE CURE! markable Prevare all round be kepi on naRQ in every and are sometimes subject to coldy and meumes su9)60 1o Colds and cagh BShould be provided with this antidote for ge ing else could reach Ubier Q# emy 1 hng‘:l':h:y ufl% tection from it, Ckpss Asthma is always rebord uh ce ww * Tronchitie s dursd iy Cherry Mmfi So generally are its virtum that not publish the certificates of them here, or than assure the Mflbfla irable, still great numbers of cases wherely S doomad enncten im enpags Uherry ‘Pectoral. 5s uis i biy over the disorders of the Lungs ast Aemint sootinaie y tnayadlet V joe Presidentâ€"Loris Mofatt, Fn. _ Other Diromomâ€"C 4 l Mai :olim Cameron, W T McM aster, Esg, H 6 Howland, Ksq, O# e n s c , A T Fulton, Eeqg, Augus Morris®, Jbac"ehr. hqu # Bankerâ€"The Canaadian Bansk " A&vm for Ottewaâ€"Mear J 1 41 NOCK. The rates of the PROVINCIAL \ COMPANY are as low as ts strost, shewn to be rn&flo (VWhe h‘:.“t: the value of ..:‘-u w pot w e premiums are losses are boiy settled, and, from rm-,m its setiloments t Clac peurapce C>mpany is second to 1604 HALL Its Inspectors are alway sest® ud Pri imwortant loss directly it cccars. _ It has no u)uuc{--“'“ Itrespectiully solicites share 6 e ce esnt of the insuring public of Ottews. ;i\a: PEOPLE®S TEA $1086 No. %, ll’“" DUKE â€" £TREET, CS receiv “_” w# uim; mu-l-fl.oi Old Rye and d:.‘ o w Thoge not heving ts ", mt un smm f.‘}-o::." All aoodemestt®® 0P ChaRro® within 6 5o ,, uoi 19 Ph es egie + s p#" R“U';?'u wh Oitewa, IMM Pr «1tâ€"Tle Bop Jca Biy Ottawa, August 7, 1809 PR‘ E, $100 PER Ottawa, August 7, 1879. CHURCH ROVIX«IAL TINX8URANO of Canada, Head Ofice, Tora® COMMISSION nAstnvxul““ Wholcsale and ResiP9® J 2981 Ayer‘s Juaws ArTpO8 ppR A YÂ¥ w m well + m D y18 3M xO 0% w se s € _A «MA 34 RIDEAY $ @ Ofl"_f PP yYb B sA ess3 “‘.q "‘tdi.f A» a aA C# pgealt® 1p4 @4, 1008 Sther brands DIRECTORS docar?* ATAW A, pEiL ERE 13 loo® . Oatul all ‘rodu i TBROXSO all grado and L1084 giaVy E)4 TWENT PP pane3 Rorter, P‘ bottle,1 RYE, KEY. | instant End of ME ain$ LAP lady and ca0 Oil, 1m @E

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