8 A 8 KE soil wh ; on the re and a yer‘s HAIR @a some URCH W holesale ly such ,.4â€"" h o l Nteg, "dg the it.v.rm Ts extâ€" FSte Hon Jib* iC Ne 1€ No. elso can white PUONUNG.â€"The subscriber baving ledivide his “-“ equaily between rl‘.n-...._ would bog to inform is Robort Stow art having o .mw | Wt Duncing Classes a maday, the 23nd lnstant, ~mm-o'~‘ hi# Mrs Robort Stowart, \ ia#»® Cevtember Oth, 144 aan be accommolnted | & l-:‘. :m- (entiomen | oo lan dalf ot woek as moderate tm ma. . \o tasl it situated in the immediate Inamee: initug« and the cino a29bersarness EARK® STREET, ortawa TE mony, Bp10®*., * and P\0 :::Lul PORK, LABR have now is andoubtedliy the | &aï¬ a of quality is nm.y a the taot that [ raise my Sm seed procured at any oexpense in the best, they will therefore with sny imported, WBportaat fact is that being in Oitawa thereby â€"«qasking, daty ana other ex pen‘ tub 4# por cenatlower (san en ie *E _ 3 Rugpers aed Hoatcan 4 «w .h"'\" "C" VIING Camne Peoeng t seane bane ~Q . «u.. . DhAL KKA 18 Cote, Wlout, Oatmeai, Pork, &¢. OTMTEAW A, advi I‘thisk, sannot ftall to tutor me with their ordere. and Retail Fickle Pirk aws, or direct Box E on the bank of th Ridean h Basto®s MIS8ION MERCHANTE, DUIGN A a*=, &Y ComutsstON Ad®NT, next to the City Hotel, Uttaw a. mage of the Lamber Merchants From his long experi= offers his services in engaging @#to their rafts while passing a-d P Dayunoro‘s Exohange , 19 8parks «treot. AB l Sole ts rnou mvd by a go “‘m @RUOR AND 1NE3 wHISKEY . Tittree Pousce 1nd Loudon ‘!“. pte and (ts Ppl.w ®1, C\ ~,OTTAW A orex®D ULS LISHMENT "Hirus, wuUBLA®s VOL aod Stewart‘ sd me to salarge my manulastory ( to make the wholesale trade my BRad of Uittle duasorâ€"st. nced on goout sousmigned lor \mme h;mh‘m ly Bask strvat, Contre Town wuler Chapter LAÂ¥ FLF" ated Statutes of Canada Alway* cther ait l i llack. Wb ol hie ability, . _ _ | MÂ¥PREENcI8. MRECTOR® PER3, GROCERS, PROYVI wE3 AND OTHERS, FORW ARDEKRE Ni iiermniioen #1VE}» FROM FIREK C TWExTY.FEIYVE BELONW . O8T. ,,..,.g.â€.,_w‘ . MiKe __ yeu is o m a P00 9 1 aA 4 Â¥ utee Chanter LYXVLI® of the sirman; D C THOMSON, Treaâ€" % a thoxsos, t d ousx. h, Plokle boitles coliscted «iven. 108y Managor SPARKE & QUEE® avreser 194A AC+ T. onl fhoap. * choap. Cagti opposii¢ â€" YERY Waite the Old Stand,) | ERY LOW nw‘a a large ' sompriting (brocarles, MI rm .‘: ""’ n\.‘“A_U*U' f Fox PRALAR ‘HERKINGS, PLATE PRBINXTEER Alos Porta of fns # "" terla W inos l-!!':‘.::.l.f.. Lam. rownd and grades. OM a extpemely \ow ctloon. + duite® Whukey and & COâ€", legs to inform the. public a hand, in sewsen, a large whic® #il!l be sold at choap, 3.:." nouse in the city, R&dK NLCHOLSON, sTREET, Â¥a 003 sles nesessary to 00n OAME, Po MHand. A)so. Vimegett No #» Hidean i n;;.. Walter Smith, Esq, R W Cruice, E#q. XEW EsSTABâ€" H ard ware, . BENXEDi¢T veosted dully 98 xo. 13146 1238.t i l 4lif ULTRY and Qilawa 1hy +X | Oftawns, March 18, 1878 No. 104. S ine Th o aop £ The tollow lmhï¬ has teseiveds .ue.:o‘ru‘.'wm business of lLoasurance in Ca «Nu. 3 " The UNION MUTUAL LiFE tysu® ANCE COMPANY, of Maine. n.i.« io U. s. de of ‘%1â€"$50,000, . B, K. COuRW ll.whï¬: N.B . lo;olr.l ol Vinance 1 have this doposited with Ilo Receiverâ€" Vieneral, rm‘;{h«nu Doltarsin addimon to the above Filty Théusand, making Reventy Thon. sand Dollars ($70,000) U. 8 the Hon. Coi. .Joh".:l Jray, I:..'iuhi WM“ the Domin lon. Mh.dmm-h B. A, CORW LX, yee i m s Manager. e ie e O esc ue 0C e e m n 7 llml- lo.nnn-lln:slfvlulk ooo In a fow days at ATOCK BOQOK®3 for the subsoription of sharese of atook in the CANADA CH®TRAL RAILW at COMPANY have bees opened, and will remain epen for such subsoriptions at the thilowing LIkE _ IN8URANCE CoOMRANY OR MÂ¥AIN R. In MONTREAL, at the oMee of Masers, J, & C. ABBOTT, st. John street. Je LWORLGONAL, at theofice of Mr.JU3TICE DANILKLS: + In RENFREW, an Mr. WM. HALPENXNY®s In OTTAWA, as the OFRICE of the COMâ€" RANY. The books will be closed on the FIROT DAY of V NK next, and limmediately thereafter aBOARD MEETING will be held ftor the purpose of allotting the stoock in crder that a general moest> h.clm-"uflu.u_-r- tiowble thereafter, y p@â€"POoOLAR REFRIGERATOR, m« _ ln PEUBROKE, at the oBoses of Messre T. MURKRAY, M. P. P., and P. WHITu Nubsor ptions of stook, with sonditions attached may be inserted in the Htook Books, but such anbsoriptions will not be buding upon the sab veribers nor upon the Company uatli tmey shall have been accepted by the Compant, and if they be conditions presedent they shall not be binding on tae subsoribers until they have been performed by the Company . Npedial attention given to the purchasing on Commiasion and Forwarding of Coals, lm:‘flnlnclo.'ln‘chy.bo..ao. ...'N a FORWARDER, | CENERAL AGENT, ge., Townashnp of Fitwory, in the Connty of Carlstos, being composed of lot number twenty, in the Ninth Concession of the sald Fownshp is hersby vNaved tot anle, This Farm is only half a wile trom the Villegoof Fiterop, 1t is all gooud arrable laad, adost mauty acreaot which are sleared with a never Cailing spring of water about the senire ol the Farm. bt in thmberses pring‘pally with Mardwood, und contains a sufslont quanrity of CGedar and Pine timber tor fencing and bublding __ _ A veluable FARW tor saie containtns TWO UUNDRKD AJRES of LAND, siteats in the Azmnolun.hualu-dlhnu Live k. Insurance Co, Genersl Commission Agent, I mporters, Manufactures and Mining Agont Mining claimese constaatiy on hand . OMee, corner Metonife and Sparks stroets, over Maun Bros Hardware Stora. O awa, November 1, 1968 In BROCKVILLE, at the OFFICEK of the B L. L. TACKARERRY has hoeen furoured with a large consignment lrom Montweal of Bulal> Roses, als> about 200 patre of dhanaty and Rorse Blankets, vllohhhmud lq.t‘ lower than can bo obtained in Quawns. . All wantâ€" h.‘l-ldu Robes had better call soun as thare wil M-UOMMOM N \n:--..lov. 244 1809 . l ranignninpnns '»__i.i_il _A MERbCa® AALVER TAKEX AT PAaXR :AlA.'.\ CRKNETRAL RAbLWAY. ‘ _ KoTtIC k. iKT voun tmiswonaus: NARLM FOR #ALK, AELIX CanBaay, * T. R, HMIG4GOLN®, °C U LXA TEA cCo u PA N BaAKG‘s Buock Ottawa, April 18, tat0 L. RORILLLA s forrat a nera adtn" fask hun'...u-_.hdp.-g. f & e N. U â€"speqral atrention miven to the treatment ef ateenses of the EY % and EAK. At aighs can be a0 a at his residence, Murray strast. Aloul.l'l DIVORCEE legaily obtained im New York, ladransa, linois and ther Srates, for persons trom any Ntate or Country, log=1 over where; dessrtion, druakenness, nonâ€" sapport, ata., suMolent cause; ao malty ; ao charge uaill disorsse entained. aviee free. Business established Afteon years. Address . COMMIS3S1 By order of the Board, T HE KEDILILE F1LT &R nnRNAk PALE uÂ¥ BUE EALO L OBE8, By 1. 8. Taockaperry, Auctionser LOOK OUT KoLR tu s waze 1B A T Ib 8 A(+ An imm nse quantity TEAs@ AND COFFEES AND BUY NO OTIHEH®, ENCY OF THE INDIA No. 3, 81. Peterâ€"st. QUEBDEC, ESMONDE‘8, Finanow Daevranrum®r, Otlawa, | tth Ootober, 1808, Igencrues. 10ON JJUMN 0. RLICUARDSON, W. L. WORSLET, DoXE a*t Al.% > "= 48 Up en« AÂ¥ TW# Fo®* MERCHANT ELOIL® @tBE&EE&T K8 M0NDK‘3 t 1314 tm Maun Bros | _ The HOUSE at prosent « by Mr. Berâ€" _\ _.__* | tam, Medcaifo Street. . Keat per aanurm. Possession on lst May. i t ns Apply to TiE *4 A Arst classe residence, sligibly togâ€" tailnin = tweive soome, viagâ€"A Roow a. Purlour 14 x 441 with marble mantel and grate, Mning Room and Library 14 * Dising Room 108 a 34, Kitohen 13 x 14, with Rovoane, &o , amd good out baildings The n bm on« gclient order, having been repainted papored throug) out. * Also a COTTAOL. Abe an aad |goou Batchelore Chambers in Aumond‘s duw ecscupmed by Win Allan: Application to Ottawa, Aprlil T, 1876 MRS CAWERON‘s CoOTTtAGE the Wel‘ington Ward Masket, Posses rv- o theist of May nexs Rent pplÂ¥ to QFODL 1AB% Au w ic M 4 Pork | Katea. HK 1W LKT. Ottawa, April 4, 1870, ConyIss10® MERCHANT. _ The asote . ode % mm ‘n-u:n-u ANNUAL c.-ucout. | Ior thaie «it proes Oflice. -4&--‘.1&-&;':..1.!"" se malg Kust Kad, Sappers B | u’llz__ Ottawa, April 2, 1870 "m10 LEKF. ~~ On the lst May nest, No | #, Princw‘s Terrace, Rear street, facing on the Rive Apply to | Gwawns, Maurch 1, 1870 The sunsoriber in is AN NV AL fl“uh&nflm b:m.h wwih sum be returee inamnks for past fuvours, that he conâ€" Iâ€".umnm altendance io the sale -""L lpmow of goods aad propaerty son Asded to his msnagement. is longtbenod es perience Ia the management ce ul Q“dwflhrwu :‘?m h;“.:“ the deâ€" arrangament, expedu wory &# , -?nl.dl.o.-hbdw.t Aurtiies ~>* s in this line trom those sontemplating she dip «a) ol Rumiture, by anotion, he would be qrad io bate an sarly intumation in erder that snillstaotofp may be emmpletes fue the ap Wm“lb“.m-. , & Assuuns sales have been promptly remiorâ€" ad amd statumento made out in a @onsine buslnes«â€"like manner, always ascompmaled with the proseede in ounts _ _ _ Ki cip From lst May, three good DYELLINQ HOUsKS on the east side O‘Connor atreet, with oup _ premisss | «ith good apring water theroon. Also the souther> Iy alde of Kidens street, a good BHRICK #TRK with cellar and storohouses For partioulars apply .o * To lst, the BRICK HOUSKeq Daiy #reat, now ccqupled by K. 8. M. Possession given on the in May, Apply to A HOUSE, altuate on Augnatea Kaady MiIlLâ€"good stone cellar. Apply to JA% 0 RoRt k The Pot, 13064t%1 strawt. Ottaws. Apml 6, 1870 MTTING Roox .."'.:"1 ROOox n: 18, at the "7. otoe. 1338 i'l"’ . uecutore and Administrators of Kitabe, 1...“.:...:..-......“.-* o ppo h mote fl .Mo bfl“dcï¬'v :%‘““-“' Legaois:, &o , and removes a vast amount of md groseries, hardwars, otc amdl generel merschandise coudlded ..-tlflym went will cesouve eveaay stsention : He ased nok semmind bis triemie of bie cagabillay of ..;:.uh..-luhnu:‘m“!- ‘The po< avesssary of d 1 maexgead goods and promaoe suld we accownt af whoum it may consern. ot for + nreuch of con wram" snsamuld be borse in wind by mom bants wih+ a amd dulsigners, Gore empesially as ourâ€" mmubmm.mabml’“ Appralsale and valumivas made Again sollhnting your business fauvore, the n dermgnod reatures to hope that an asiive o« par\ amose of poure los sume quaraniee that be "pMMhomn‘wh 'l“ LET, OFFICE AND #iALE ROOMAâ€"Cigy Austla mart, York strest, neaus the Market. The subsoriber in lssuing this his spring Ciromâ€" u.u.pb‘nun-.-nblbm.t z..rupdndu.mmm.u as his maay sonslgnore at a distance, lor the mu;â€":"-ï¬w bestowed on, und sondâ€" sease "n Lin, slnse Lis advent as . The qubsoriber in isewi Audtionser ol this o ty, and to aâ€"sure them that :‘%:M:hu merit . lanance w patronage l!'“"‘!“""""-‘_d i ock NB # A 1. K. ‘Me can rater with pleasute *:-‘Uohl-m h: ::-.= :.:‘mhlb“h-‘mn la soliviting pablic patronage in this braach mu-fl-â€"ï¬mu. the future as in the past, t will be his anseacing . curse to study tho interest of bis patrons ; and that | by sarsful " attention, prom,A owb -L-:m mederate charges, to worit a continuance that mâ€"pm.m bestowed apen Spring Furniture Sules atthe Mart will comâ€" mence Lamedistely, and from time to thms will be duly anmounood. ho-lumvulbahou Morses, Cuitie, &#o, #o, onthe Market, dus aotice of whisch will be given. The large -‘Nut m‘:-lcuhwnu::::. p-: ear, is suisiont guarantese Â¥ l‘b-ï¬dMJMh : o rapat uho have Horeat Caerieges." aild tins: anad those who have Carriages. -x.:u ness to dispose of will do weil to suad 1 the Mart as soon as possible Fraue Saies of Merssunadise, Farm Stook, Kea! uw ate, Lincuries, Works of Art, #0., #0, «s weli as censignments, from a distance, will mest wih hest atteniion, and be condusted on very oderâ€" CLOVNR SEED # Large Rhed,"* :n- Beans, i Mess, and Prime Moews, F1 Nw 1 and *0 LRT, ;M“o .'%‘J... :l’l da vanses made «n ‘:_'-n m':..-,uhu-:. Uoods tent in tor duis, or may be pershaged in | uslrd i ie Room is well , the Bais Hoom is wait Highred ans rentdatess Oitawa, March 1370. OURA TO L®T, 130!u Cleuemen mestunetes e GEXERAL AVCTIONEER ) LE®T, OUSEK TO Lma+, everal Mousss in the on bands» for sale. J.zllu_mu‘. Taour taÂ¥ourt LOWE QGENCKRAL AVCOTIQNCKER #ALES AT PRIVATE REID®A CE LE®T OTTAWA, MARCH 1at, 1070 | ___ Brd Das, 1088 JNO &R A 1, Dept Publid Works, or at No 4, + Tecrase «= & Â¥Dâ€" B NOR, OMflce No. 1 streook. 12301 MR3 T A ::lll!fl. Strect. * me o spatue Strow, 8 QURISTIE, No 4 ts »troot 133744 R HARDY, h.l†t Wt "ak i * thous who | §*20t080F¢, OTTA&WA., SATURDAY, APRIL 830, 1810 respecttully | _ | BV ons Jube Cortia and Syrape e Cordiar [ . Wl s iRprorriarh _ _ .. :\ DIRECT IMPORTATIC Ne, nlmnn CHuEKEKas8, Qussn‘t Arme ant Stites. The on‘ly house in the ob p that bas them thas s#a200. CE Romae anl Currants, far cooking" or table uss, Cnoest wbud, * ' C¥‘ in the snm Puse and unatulterated. Al kinds war DC Non adsalit on to be the Anest Auroured in Gnu. TRUSK RAaILWAYÂ¥ comâ€" the elty. 1t bhas a seat tus #y #, _A PAXY OF CAXADA. recommenid wee / & ~ mm ts 1269.] WINXTER ARRANGEMENTs. p18to &A Ne cwosme % 'r Biacks, are really hae, salected with greast Trains now leave BONXAYVENTURE STATIO» enre tor the trade, J% amd Jresoe, io gooat . as Lollows : nnq..‘-.q-nl-rt: ph.u‘qh&. Day t ‘A .'%OIIC 'B&. Exprems 0 ty > svu-o aA%O .:‘vutn. all the dig. »at Brockville, l%'"flm- mmm rgponaccos, ; w a & * a _A T f P t CE _ tttikttts _ 1 Amedttion "Eritu Ter Coreert *‘ * twk bad, groat samag. * The asove _ ade arewoll known to be the Coost luwhh this eur, and are woll #ortb -m zlwn'bfl. A moe grods. ‘:!':"""‘- gquality, i > Guu-- « cark Celebrated Dublin Porter, put up to order scorc- wnumv. a John Begg‘s, Ingar, B S'II" WINE, Vory Pals, Obd Wine. M Misa, 1% G‘»â€"g'hh Be Kuyper‘t doabile berrled," W §¥ Ex Ships Nero from Oporto, Eeeni S::In- S{-u. Gazelle /m-r('u,- nae, Lark from Rotterdam, Ponv WICE, Vine old stocok,# Vintage 1841,* L‘M'.'ll“ CKXTRAOCTH, f All ulmds of aigaess: screagth BR CVPT®, pnm-v CHCEAH, . &A very anperior quality, cheup, MANAX UADDIE®, °_ Oysters, Aurdines, dalmen and Potted Meake. KA & PERRLI®X #10C0HK, A _ Amki a vamaty of other brnade; be bust NROSAN & BLACK WELL® AOOD4 , A A tull assortment ILIFC â€" GOVERNXOR GEKNERAL 10Â¥ FKLE, 1AWNADA PORTEH and ALE#, SPICay asuv HSALT ROUND, HEKS GHAPEK® Lanons, Conmdiel Posts and frooh trulls & ATSC LOD RY*¢, Proof Whiskey ani Uighwines, Orst AKINO POWDOER®, Nyg‘s an : * Nq Powder, "to artrivte, A LiaNDODY, e _ Puse and rellable old and very mild, U M 4 vecuasas tw ‘o uatlunate to their cnstomere and the publle vally, but they will beop commenil on band KAYF 1XDIA THE FOLLOWKWI®XO Gooos *ROLLED BEXLPL FPOR PARTIRS Â¥raen, Roasted and wround, on the pre Vine Old Jamaiea, * Pure, BEKEEE AXD MVTTONX. %% 1(M!,., PATTERSON, BYâ€"WARD: XARKET. MELL BRQo, LIMXEK JUICK CHAMPAONXE, * VRESH KILLED TUELR CELEsJRATED No 10, Mikean stest, Ottawas TUHEIR STALLA, WHB HARCHLLESCT S PFALL â€"D m «* Nes &4 1nd T, i catc t uie A s Dawes make we _ Mn Vermont Central. Te Expres:s too Newe york and Boston vina Plattsborgb, Laks Champlain, Burtington & Ratiand at......* a1, 440 p m Express for Island Pond, st................ 200 5m Night Kapress for Quebes, Laland Pood, £ Ouh-ull'uflhd.z'h.b- byt. nuw-.a.r::u..u: . UÂ¥ RHichmond, Sherbrooke, Watervrille MIF steeping Can ce ati Kight & alke, i wm E* P nethenn: Momnimer Carliate leaves Portiand over; SATULVAY AFTERNXVON (after the .&uw trauie from Montreal on _ Frideay night), tas, X. 4., returning on Tusesiay. _ aand Intermediate stations at....... 8210 a 8 Assommedstioe Tain for hingstoo and Intermediate Stativns, at.... ... THB +® Tra‘us for Lackine «t .........8001am, 100 ar t am, 11 amm, 1M# pao, 444 p a, bp a and #:30 p m. _ The l1.4J pm train rums through to Provian Mess gOoING soUTH AND EA®ST Aocommedlatios Train tor Island Pood â€" and Inrermediate Stations at....... E199988 L8 BOBUUG He.»»»»ssse snsennnnsenes ERxpress tor New Y ork and Dostonat... Cne has ensellont ascommeodation for passengen The [aternational Compasy‘s rusping in tbamnsstion with the Graad Trank h leave Purtland svary MONDAY and 'llll'x DAY at 4 pm,for 8t John, K.B., &eo, _ > _ _ Par tfurtherinformation and time of arriva} an departure of all trains at terminal and way at» tiome, apply at the Ticket OMeo, Honaventure Sin ie i Fammdh ALILE SApATK N mioal Loe: (:lha (Gh. 2 T urzfers .. m Pore hemptrile PETMGAccrrmeresccerseccctenieccrrcess W U B 151 BHBORRG..ss cacraese iecrrrencrcres 19 44 B 40 41 Pressâ€"At Junctlon,................ 11 10 4 19 1 PTOROOKKL.«ccssessessesceresscsssccerce UU 2B OA PB Nowwâ€"Traits are rus by Montreal Time, T. 8. DETLORK, TUOMAS KKY NOLDS, t ng enary od by Her Majesty‘s War De. |Z Y ryins or. Lawnexyer aso orrawa ! t‘z,‘ alto of 400 Tor ut $e5 1 R s o ® To e ATERPROOF CENXTRAL }|>% f ALTERATION OF TINE | IRE METALLIC CARTRID] 4s n A : s onl ar As® ‘0' Addinional Train cach way, daily, during the amall uorod by forei Parliamentary Seasion. * 8 fek | o r ooonns n and from the 1¢th FEBRUARY, 1*70, catl | Berdan, Remington, lh‘cluo -' € uo‘omlag l:o‘n\a.ol Parlisment, 3 ::.‘ :‘Ol’ll Allo.:.mldlro lotl.lollird tralus anll run dauly (suadays excepted) on this pencer American Henry Repeatin t wbl w y uhll«-n’ C r M ) Rifies. T & Uuing North Prescott to Ottawan, “'5::.“ lbl: lill" “::o the o‘lu.p‘od carâ€" Btatiom® , %\ 16 16 know ng r own ignition, and Press~t. ".;. ‘; :. '. :o ‘ l‘;"l -'.‘:“' holly of "-ul“. are waterproof and en ol n o t t + n n +4 n 0 w . -‘ s & # ::::::';I.::oum : .d: : :: : l’: | mm, |1‘.m (ompty) of all #izes, ie mm i $ 10 $ ' .u“u.:' m‘:l: e ame o Breach â€"loading CHHLRbEHEAERHHTENNNE A464Abu% , cah or without the suitabie erpeiin e ernstcuncicererecnciein . 3 § : $ M J 30 | Bulets and MacBines for finisbing the Cartridges RebitiDicrormrremmmmtmnmtocciyecs § 50Â¥ 90 | _ MOXEIt CARTRIDGES of â€"450 bore for Revol Spimmbuike ... .. _ L TTTT 1 i1 18 i% w «2 | TDE Pistols, usedin ber Majosty‘s Nary, . _ _ Roâ€"slters.. t‘pacester C 3 t 0 t . w0 TPMKNOLccrercitirers: Presowt Janotion Spescerville ...... m m-o-nm.-.fl Kempnile......... EME n n a ns an0 . _ TINE TABLE, Ne. 43, Commencing on MONDAY, KOYÂ¥. 18, 1889 4 l s'- M,.«â€"â€"*®HALIN®R _ will lear § 8 «B sroexems davy at 4.18 p m, 14 1~m, arriving at Seodpoinm at 10K p m, Oh and aAer RATURDAY, the 18h DL UQExBER, .u‘-o.m. Rallway will be open for | pamame@et vm'.*' * Qrains leave Windsor (in connenption with the welne of the Kove Boatian Rellway from Halifas) .u»a-u‘lu&g,m at Kenwrille alt 1t 4 a. m., and 4 4 p. a~, and at Aunapolle |\«@t 180 p m. M:M with sieamers | Muflpl&n‘u‘qfl!‘d_&l LLEAYE AAXDPOIXT.â€" “ 0‘,‘ M.eâ€"Eli AINR will Leaws $ u»dmucoo..n‘l.l' pa, artiving a% wllle at 1114p n, 44 LKAYK PERTH, 1 I, M.«â€"â€" FHAIREK will leanws :3 M/A_*: 1M p m ant 904 a m arriving at Amith‘s b alle ut .'-w‘m LEAYE SMITH®S FALLA. ‘ 4. N,.â€"â€"CHAINA will bear: 10:;0 D sams tan a toms + m an 4.b q m. arriving at Porth at 1048 amw ae6 .2 '. All tralas on Mais u-omdmh with trates to and from Perth,.~ _ _ _ Ne 1 loares Brookellle aber O T Tralw a dee (rom the cal sod wess., No 1 is doe in Broskville in time to connen with O T Trains for the east and wo*. H. ABBOTT, !m-uwvflum . untll soon on 1 J# C,.1; BLY D4 Managing Dirsector m 3“".%. *% QOpeming through from Windsor to Arnap {A¢ between Haivies noige n i n e thee Orrawa Orpicaâ€"York street, corner of Suss¥éi * * with pasmengers by steamer trom 8t Jobn, L:.mumulo:,flmnldmh- 4 10, W indsor at 6.40, and Mallfex at 9 p m. _ 'l\tâ€l.. With Hair Maitrasres and Pillows, and Btraw Palllases, for the Turonte and London Lezssue Any baome> Full particulare as to conditions of tender, with apesideations, #ill be supplied on applicaiton to the Lececetary of the Department. o periltendert MATIG:scercnnansececcessecseses â€" # 98 ‘00 Wl ceceenesnermmnttrneneyrurry 1 : T PH T HP MIMDNecsencersecserctenscnscrseciee & O _Â¥ B0 HEUFUME wessrcrssesrssess serecse A# 14 10 15 MB se sensnesnccsensccesceseccccccees 4# 90 11 00 Going JFou‘h Oltawa to Prescott Stations i. Â¥. r . JOUN CARLIXG, / Com of Agricalture and Public Works Department of Public Works, Ontario, April 19, 18te 1330 6 14 2 ROCKYILLE & OFTAWA LAllâ€" W A W . ;uuou &A ANKAPOLARK LAILe W &A WÂ¥ » 40 wi>700 BEADSTEAD®S, es TUESDAT, THE 1i0th MAY, MAINX LNE flmmd LEAYEK HBROCKYILLE CHUAKNGE OF TIME, PEXTH SRANCH, For the Supply otf A & A U TAYLOR, Agents P, .. A. . P. Â¥. .â€" x 30 T30 6 60 oo $ 4h T 46) 6 15 «.A 10 K 10 6. 36 â€" & 35 8 3 T o0 .au‘u 1 30 _ a 30 § 10 1 so i« yM Â¥W ‘ " Ati10 is # 30 Managing Uireotos YELNON 8 Â¥41TH. % o# % :0 11 3 §3 11 1 130y p®o 1Jq | 496C nevoIvers,. y 40 Double W nt E. B. Caps, Patent Wire y | Cartridges, Felt (Jun Waddings for Breech and Oy | Mersic mdm. every description of Sporting 23, | and Militar Amgunition. R 45 ELEY BROTHERS, @0 eRay‘s mX RoaDb, LONDOG®E. E. Bection No. 5 is |n the Province of Quebec, and extends from the rly end of Section No. 2, forty miles east of Riviore du Loup, to the Sixtyâ€" sixth mile post, pear Rimouski, a distance of ubout 26 miles. ° | CuPPER RIM FIRE CARKTRIvGES of ail wizes, for 8mith & WeZson‘s, Tranter‘s, and other Pook st Revolve PLN CASTRIDGES for Lefaucheax Revolvers of +2â€"u .. vâ€"m, 1â€"m. bore. ( CEKNTRKAL FIRE and PIN FIRNE CARTâ€" RIDGES for allsfresand syssoms of Guns Rid:s, and hevolrers. * The nfo--lu rs appointed Interedlonial way give Pu having anoulled Contracts | 5, 6 and 7, they are propa Tenders for re ng the same lo’&h. No. 6 isfn the Province of New Brunsâ€" wick, and extends}from the Eastorly end of Seoâ€" tion No. 3, opposite Dalhousie, to the West side of the main Post Road, near the fortyâ€"eighth mile post, EKasterly from Jacquet River, a disâ€" tance of about 21 miles. | Bection No. T is in the Prevince of Nor* Scotin, and exterds from the Southerly end Â¥* Section 4, near Riyer Philip, to Etation O, (fo morly Station Fifty,) at Folly Lake, a distance of about 24 miles. | > | The Contracts completely fni track by the 1st The Comm also give public notics, that they are pared to treceive Tenders for four further of the line. Bection No. 17 will be in the Province of Quebec, and will extend from the Easterly end of Bection No. 14, down the Matapedia Valley, to Etation KNo. €85, about one mile above the boundary line between the Counties of Rimouski and Imvnunf 1a distance of mbout 20 miles. | Pm Bection No. 18 will be in ihe Province® Quebes, and will d from the Easterly o.; of Bection No. 17, down the Matapedia Valley to Station No. 380, near Clark‘s Brook, a disâ€" tance of about 20 miles. n M BHection No. 19, will extend from the Easterly end of Rection Na. 18, in the Province of Queâ€" bes, down the in Valley to its mouth, and â€" thence the River Restigouche to Htation Ko. 370, Lt the Woesterly end of Rection No, 3, in the of New Branswick, a disâ€" tance of about 9} niles, including the bridge over the River F 24 RBection Xo. 20, will be in the Provincé of New Brunswick, and will extend from the Easterly and of Bection Xo, 10; in the Town of Newcastle, on the Chaplin Igland road, thence crossing th North West and) Bouth West branthes of the River Miramichl and terminating mt Station Noa. 320, about mile and three quarterse RBouth of the West branch, a distance of about six miles, uding the bridges orgr the branches of the Miver Miramichi, Plans and with Specifi¢ations and terms of contract| for Rection No. 7, will be exâ€" hibited at the f the Ohief Engineer in Oltawa, and at oféices of the Commissioners in Toronto, Que Rimouski, Dalhousie, Newâ€" eartle, 8t. John Halifaz, on and after Monâ€" day, the 11th of April next ; for Sections Nos. 8 and 6 at same | ofices, on and after Wednesday, the April nest, and for Beeâ€" tions Nos. 17, 18,|19 and 20, at the game ofices, on and after T y, the 10th day of May Hexkt. " j dressed to the C iml ..u"’oli reseived at their pa. on Raturds; for Rections No# «‘slock p. m. on May next. Bureties for will be required Ottawa,24th .fl NTERCOLO OIDIAICI LAXDE. 1 COLTY oF OfTiAWaA AND NEPEAN. O 110E. PUBLIC NOTIOE Tum‘ ven that the Ordcance sale of in NEF s.-uuh‘ Con A, and on Btreet, in the City of Oitawa, advertined to place on the bth APRILL next. on r‘ptd FRKIDAY, 1ith MAY, at. the OfTY AVCTHO®%) KARKT, &fll Street, when there will be offered for sale, the followâ€" ing wub lots in 44 and 35, Con B, Nepeman, and lot letter N Front, Nepoan, ris, On lot letter N, PRrontâ€"Sub lots 1 and 2. .?mu.o- Ridean Frontâ€"Bub lots 3, 4, ‘ On lot 34, Con B, Ridean Frontâ€"Sub lots 7, 8, 9, l‘b;l. ll&ll. 14, ‘Iz". lh the ans of these w of the sub lots ld:."::l. .Mut: Strect, in Otawa, be on view up to the day of sale (1ith May) e: the Ofise of the Ordna=ms» Lan is 5-- this Department,: and at the Auption Room of J. Bermingham, Austroncer, l!dimion M J k: o. LC CA 4 smm CLTY OF OTTAWA A O LLIC PUBLIC NOTIOE is be m aale of in N on m is A orky ‘AUocrio8) KART, Bepartment of the Bepretary of State, ) * Mmfl.ll“.i LEY!S AMMUSIT1O®. TU XER CAFRTRIDGES for Enigerâ€"Enfield of +577 .bore, and f e Boan. and Martini+ MHenry Rifles of +480 bore, ug:. od by Her Majesty‘s War De. WHoLE®AiLE oxHY FIRE CARTRIVGES of .u+ Wetson‘s, Trantor‘s, and other ers appointed to construct the way give Public Notice that Contracts for Sections No#, are propared toe roceire 1JAL RAILW AYÂ¥, or the above Resetions to be i and ready for Inying the July, 1871. | r Bections Nos. 17, 18, 19 and y Anished and ready for layâ€" o firet day of July, 1872. | marked " Tenders," will be in Ottawa, up to T o‘clock the Tth day of May next ; and for Bections 5, 8 and 7 adâ€" nmissioners of the Intercolonâ€" completion of the contrac aign the Tender. A. W ALAH, ED. CHANDLER. C,. J. BRYDGE8, A, W. McLELAN, 4s 17, 18, 19 and Woedbesday the IPICER rch, 1870, 54 % PAREXT, Under Secretary of State. WILLLAM F. COFFIN, _ |â€" Oromunce Lacvd Agent. mitct Commissioners. 20, up to T 25th ‘day of i FANCY DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMEXT NÂ¥ Thik estabtishment is NOW OPEN, and the gxbscribers inrite aitention to the following #8~A N N 0. U N°C E M EN T 8. â€"@a Ottawa, April T, 1810 _ RBM"W e respectlully invite the public to on and examine our Stock. TERMS STRICTLY CASH.* Cir wes will be held at MR. GOWAN‘3 MUBSIC HALL, Sparks Btrest, on Menaay, Wednessny and Friday, on and after Monday, the 205th April for the purpose of giving thorough iosurvction in the und«mental prinoiples of music, especially as apâ€" plied to the study of the PLANO FORTE under the direction of Mr H.B, '-1" sonduster of the Ottuâ€" «a Pailharmonte Bociety, formeriy organist of the UVhurch of the Holy Trinity, Cathedral Church of St, J «me‘, Woronto, and of Christ Charch, Ottauwa, Â¥ee for course of 20 lessons, two dollars and a half, Application ta be made to Â¥r. uW A 4 kLach class to be li aited to eight pupils, 1320u Everything#known unger the general term The latgest and best assorted stosk of ~| s»@" ROOM PAPERS "g ever ofered to the citizens of Oftews is now for sale at the store of WILLLAM MeKAY, Kideau OPPOSITE TME RUSSELL streoot, Mongrove‘s Block. RECEIVED IX THIS QOITY. Another lot is daily srpected from Engiand. 8@y*25,000 ROLLS OF ROOM PAPES, Tatise eieipled." n patties thiing to regoven e ie " w 1o their nouses, and ho «iszh@® hn:‘o.go.lm "tely, The m“' hangin it ‘ate of MB MeK AX‘s ately . are o'.q’nlomu. The u-u':n neutral, and ‘give *"at repose which is sought atter by a‘! persons of The Stock now on hand is the LARGEST EVER 57 Argyle strect............ . Halifaxz, N. 8. M. E. COCHRAN, PROPRIETOR, This bouss, (situated in the centre of the oiry) hus been recently enlarz;ed, fSited with all the m »dern improvements, and refurnished through. out in Arst cla«s style. * -."ho halls and apartments are spacious and 1y. T ‘l,ulnmâ€"intflutla- ; Laochk 1 pm; Dinner 6 p m ; Tes 8 p m. $ ‘lu-‘uopu'-y. M Parties visiting Halifax will fAnd st " The Carletag.‘ good attenton, cleanliness and com barâ€"GooDs aARE CHEAP PLENXDID FREHSH GROUND }l.‘f BARGAINXS! GRKHAT BARGALINS f ROOM PAPERS! Ottawa, March 26, 1870. RES3 AND India and4 Chioa Tea Company, Halifax, April 1, 1670. NQO, 14 SPARKS SREET U#8ICAL TUITIO® FORBEGINNERS, ONXLY UNE PRICE, MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES fi’ h.". and .lopdl’.r, H\I‘WIA.:;':' Icnulde‘turod enâ€"the premiscse LADIES‘ UX In aid of the rebailding of the s@â€"AYLMER â€" CONVENT, @a Will be held in the TOoWNX 0P AYTLMEB, ARLETON HOUSEK, LADIES OUTFITTT K. H. LEM AITRE, Piano thai our SATURDAY, 23rd of APRIL, 1870. The entire STOCK is new and well assorted. * The test of value is Quality as well ‘as Price, and cusâ€" tomers will be convinced GRAKD COKCERT of (MISS MAYNARD (Late of Peter Robinson‘s, West End, London, Eng â€" land), we can confidâ€"ntly say, that orders will be executed in a supcrier mannér. Pudus laving secured the services 1@~ COFFE E, @1 BABY. TLINEN, At the Agency of the )ERCLOTHINXG ANTLE % BANGB BLOCZ, . â€"* Eigia Strwct. R L JAMEKS & 00. 1308y NTERPRISE. NJ HOUSE:, 1317 ta {PRICKHKâ€"3 CENTS. an imnmense consolation 1. have found in. their cordial expressions, «s comfortable to their groatness of soul and their patriotic attachment to the Emperors fimily. It is with tears in my eves, and with pride and ‘symp«thy, that I here desire to shake hands .collectively with those childéren of, my native isleâ€"with those patriotic Coreiâ€" cans, ever faithful to heroic Araditiong, whose blood has flowed freely wlunever. an c-noniuf Francé was to be fought. lt us, 16. w60 ied s duidcfa se vA wsege . ala? . partment, whether military or civil, receivé» the tribuge of the new debt imposed up< on my old devotion by their fraternal attey tude, in the face of (the severe trid just undergone by him who had the great honour to be thcir| representative, andt still represents in the CouncilGeneral one of their most illustrieus cantons. Thanks My Dear Moxsinc: pe c1a Roreaâ€"It would be altogether impossible for me to answer all the letters and telograms which I receive from all points of France and forâ€" eign countries. And, above all, it would berimpossible for me to reply to them with the deep emotion and profound gratitude which J feel for so much precious testiâ€", m â€"ny from the noble: sympaty of honest hearts. 1 beg you to be theinterpreterof my â€" sentunments towards those generou» friends (let me gall them sincerely by that name) whose equitable appreciation comâ€" firming the sovereign verdict of the n tional jury is my Jexst consolation. Thinks to the courageous writers who hava hakn f From the London Daily Telegraph. _ The Avenir de Corse pul\lishes the followâ€" ing letter from Prince Pierre ‘Bonaparte, addressed to M. doe la Rocca, one of the utr'i:l witnesses for the defence at the Tours The * Consolation* of Picrreâ€"A Del of Thanks to all Grades of Seciety to the officers, cadets, and pupils of the Batavian army. The glorious House o€ Orange deserves mignanimous servants who know how to dlo homage as well €) the memory of Ngpoleon as to the goot King Lows. . Thanks to the Belgian« fliwos who have done me the honour to write 19 } me., Although proud of their autonomy‘ they are almost Frenchmen. . As a ‘com. mander of orders to the venecrable Founder of your dynasty Haim tempted to exclaimgeâ€" "am I not your conmade? Thanks. & thousand times to those martyrs of duty.;,, fidelity to the flag,, the Hanoverian officers , whose confrltulali ns are among the most precious that I hate received. Are the not the champions pf hervism and mi-‘fol tune, these, compaujions inâ€"arms of George V., â€"the modern John of Luxembourg? Let me offer reslxt'tful homage to those noble women . whohare desined to shed the balm of their sweet words on him who is sufficiently avenged on calummy by the sympithy of such wives and such mothess., Thanks, gratitud imperishalle â€"remeim,; brances, once more to all right thinking hearts, to all thos@ humane and genâ€"rous characters who hdve held out to mea friendl {bnnd in nusfortune. One of my: counsel sad : "1I) have come to an qio when my powers begin tofaul." 1 myself have almost come to that. But 1 do hope that before my ers leave me altogether I may prove otherwisb than by words thit I have never wanting in the will to rendcr myself useful to my country in the first place, as my duty is and, next, to every good cause if J could. 1 know one very expensive school for young ladies in Kensington, where for certain offences, whitever their age, the young ladies are birched as follows : . _ . Maving retired and put on a dress for the {»urpou- at an appointed hour the ymlla- «dy to ‘.e P P knoecks at the door of the â€" boudoir lady principal, who, after serious conversation with her, and sometimes prayer, makes her enter her offence (alawys ‘a grave one: in a hbook: kept for the purpose, which she does, The lady princip}l then rings the bell, and the matron of t‘%a establishment is sent for, to whom the lady principle has inâ€" serted the punishmens. _ As she hands the book she s:ys, ‘ Mrsâ€", will you hbe good enough to give Misâ€"so many strokey (naming the number) with the birch? poin_wuiwnhlw linger to the entry in the book. The matron tikes the bobk and rotires,. _ Presently a maid servants * Hore is what the Englishwoman‘s Magazine writer says about the punishâ€" ment of young ladies, j olgol d enters and says, * Mrs (the matron) a#% ready â€" for Miss<â€".. The lady principal saying, ‘I hope this will not occur agsin,"‘. bows the young Jady out ; and the said young lwdy, her heart sinking withis het,* knoeï¬l at the next door, the room whetre the matron expecot« her. ()n entering she is told by th« mtmnwlio accro=s & BAF; row Ottoman which occupies the middle of the rooim.. Missâ€"(as a rule thereâ€" is no refusal) does as she is directed, and| & matron then buckles a «trap,, which pag‘ ‘ sing acrous the cth'n waist, fastens her to the ottoman. then without a word, removes the Jloose dress from below her wai‘t, selects a rod from a stand of rodg, and slowly administers on Missâ€"‘s hbare person the prescribed number of stroke®; counting each as she gives it. When the whpp ng is over the matron releases her, signs the punishment book, which the birched young lady takes again to the ?rmctt:‘h beudoir, who takes the book from her, speaks kindly to her, sometitnés kisses her, always shakes her by the hand. l!:othenrtoher qwn room, resumés her own clothes,; and, when she is com posed enough takes her usual place in the school and nothing more is said. ~ The Gazette of April 8 contains the folâ€" lowing: _ "Lieutenant . Albert William Money to be Ciptain by purchase, vice Mortimer James Kmloualtl, who retites. Dated March 31; 1870." > = +# It has been notified that the Recretaty of State for War has decided not to allow lodging allowance to regimental officers dur.ng the time thezo:ny be on leave of lb‘l'l;:, no matter short the perigd may be. id Colonel Henry Ponsonby, who is about to retire from the Grenadier h'wud:‘ has received â€" the appointment of Private Becetary to Her gbc_rmx, rendered vacant by the death of Géneral the Hon. CharTes Grev. . _ The Artillery Distinguished Service Penâ€" sion, vacant by the death of Sir W. M. 4. Colebrooks, nerg:'{i K .HH., h?; bec!: bc-ltmud upon (Ge ylide, C.B., colonel comâ€" mandant of the 10th Brigade. Genetal Wylde has been 66) years in the -erviio. PIERRE NAPOLEON BONAPARTE *Grnituities to soldiers settling in the colonies under the provisions of the Royal Warrant of 1866, will in future be E:I locally by the Control Paymaster, without revious referrence to the War OMflice. f{. will be responsible that the voucher representing t{-einucin his accounts is supported by a certified record of the .ofla.’. services, by a medical certilicate soldier‘s services, by a medical certilicate of his fitness to become a settler, and by the authority of the general officer commending, or {the Goyernor of the Colony, e lace of ‘the severe tri@d just by him who had the great® )e thoir| representative, and ~ its in the CouncilGeneral one t illustripus camons. Thank rs, cadets, and pupils of thc my. â€" The: glorious House of erves imignanimous servants how to ido homage as well € of Napoleon as to the goot Thanks to the Belgian« flima me me the honour to write tg } ugh proud of their autonomy most Frenchmen. . As a ‘come. Whip, ing at #chool. MILITARY. () Ni | at} 14 [ 4 Ip b4 iL 1 $ f