x* ahe the hopi rire | +« on aib ®*Â¥ aAns ho lakem u restore its aaxt. m.2. s 6 0 0 0@ as tm ngg J eur t i ad a d w 9# hav®e heip wantk n“‘ amad as ® altiwate ® . m# dha w N€ of . anppott TAflons« «f 6 9i a adunat J Abore CACaAwWaA C erti to sktrong!? C. AYEA &# inka r‘3 â€" dffect iil‘é a io i cauti®® of tP h ® )i 0 a 4100 a p i diy P & R P 4 AYEB & t if Auoung 1 seple @ L4 aif re} he @F w) the sal the d 5s P f EEPERE, GROCERS, PROV! Kinazon Daraaruwant, i"ï¬(}nm AND OFMERS ! No: 104. ttawa. | Oth Qotober, 1068 & notice T intention to aw | |mw & &amammfoslum ..:..“u., a llkk , &o. whod m-&:‘. I: last four yoare u:l 003.&"?%“ % astosalatgs my manulastory 1 p.r“ io U. 3. bo of ‘#t io make the wholssale trade my | _ B, K. OJRWIN, 9‘!""# I.‘l' John, N. Tmms lntradlog to maks appliontion t the Legisistare € Onsario * (er Private ate hseby Wlled . tias they ate bF the it and fullowing Rules of the Asssmbiy,(whish are published | . the Gusait#"), to give NLLIOR of the (dloarly and dininciiy specifflng |* abjen) in the 00 .r‘o*h‘fl.." and pablishad in the Conaty Of affested ; sush nothoe shalt D #eat pressiing < o the Petitics. C ie matines ty iys ainnt A tow msre ns Casrltal WB Bud supsrior 0650000« -'*.l’dor on waak as mad seats to: ona. 8â€" house is dtastebce ths innmmediate of the Parliamses Buildings â€"and the banks. , 21 wef mu‘hv \, i la e A" LaBi HERitIN me namerous other articles 0® gn‘-.o-.u Musplustory on the baak of th Rideaus d#RERR~â€" . * trash Ooffeq ground and 1Q@000 %â€"â€" | * Gogwa0 Ruszoits; genan‘t & C p.‘m'uuuuun.b H‘D“Jâ€" s Kuppor‘s and Houttan 4. & *hh Privats Bills must be prose bh FLRST TURCKE WEEKY of yiq _ TATUTBM of the clook, a. m., of 1 Toterk, magistrats, batlife, constables H-o required to take a dogPmssives accordiag) y . uy zo3 5R TIC® 1 FER and tH*D !»__'u.nnv. «4 ..m. Noute prices, in @04 aod ue * 14 06 for n‘.“ wb i ts Cetieeâ€"Empy Piskie boitlss solissted !'_Qllrh-'om- * _ * Â¥*Â¥Ky COXÂ¥MI38SION uERCIHIANTE, OQPT A WA gwEDp® H!8 LIsHMENT qweanly epposie tA# C foe saje sa VBRY LOW Clasle Amen a «oinplete a100 X ‘fl“ avor, at Kt iUs and Stowart‘ So« WINES, 0L0 1, PostWies we mote gootinmse san be assommoiated swafortaies Bboutd wyl roum: _ (lantiomen LD NCLOCK, sa¥®)+ FROM FIRB Eo aAP EWEntYâ€"@LIV L UENT BELoOW g08T. _ . MREOTORS ; IPC, Charman; D O THOMAON, Trow UHFOOTE Aa TUDYSON, t N DbuUXN. 18. DUVIGONK aÂ¥+e, OPPIORâ€"@ P Daruuoso‘a Kaohasgs Wikoe, 19 Aparks street. ‘Coarse and P80 34â€" Bordeauza )i W tax‘t To ©ower or carnnstox . . 0 UWik SPARK® areser 0; NO, Managor dherries o all grados, Ports tb BA#TO® & Cu+â€", 24. «. . _ NCE |# beroby givers that the MOTER and TERMINER and GENERAL FDELIVEREYC, aba o% AS&TLK ana NULSL 8 in andfer the said Cdunty of Carlston, ANolden stthe Court MHouse in the Clity of N# TUBEsDAY,the tweitth duy of April, Wihorkn tmz 2oL ECl YOL . lors, Flous, Jatmeai, Pork, &6o. . ~OFTAÂ¥K A. RBPR dluLLs T# ~ L2A wok of Fes! 4 in every 401 &.}, fatoe Whoi~« under Chapoter LuF VH of the Misse®s, n tor‘s dot ANP moraing U M L, wlol h A Pol on i a asaal ad to 1@ C uh A tDEAV (ag PORW ARDER® S208 sgums (a5 a AND BZ "' ."u.m 1%, 1810 TORK WHISK EY . avor, at exarmmely low ® tand . \ «ll sort® & grades, Ports of ans s...."-'- and Waseria Winee i and boitle, Laproved by ago. Lio RYK, eBRud®F AND m Marsh 14, 1878 Mayog bHat k8 1® r CKLED 8. _AERuiNG®, , {4 choson with groat cars, i satisfact100, and nepk CLTION. * 1¢ TW® AND S: CUARLES T OLLLMOR, Clork ot the @PO . 1108 td lawi. pasase aad the publi¢ :.'.':o.dmw wall sot W ear o in flfl.“ ! J.'.“MI '." 6# ®& | araket Gongea, lmparia) $RONGNR MURPWY (Â¥ta in Wd s‘..‘ll) LQW PRICEA a large somprising (Wrocsi.o®, somprising (Wroc#si.0®, Launary and Faney hize, Brooms, Brushes, : Aiso. Aut Vinegsar®. STREET, W aSho¢ 4+ ak, exanot fauibl to me with thair ordere. le and Rotart Piokle moes. or dirsct Boz wl in the Cuaty such notioeo elhabl & & pariod of at 1 i of time bet #som ; Ieanmon an4 the Cogpigs of tha drst it to the Private BHI a4ok8 | Now open for Sale and Inspection at sno% $T088,| Q‘MBEARA & CuU‘S%., if 4 Whuker a0d sSTYLES trea‘s, Men‘s 1 Wear alwayse a wad @to reesied dAally 09 wk. Only<he ie Af p D F A W A NU 1330 W Â¥ POWELL. C _ Bberi# AL MOS, | K3T A â€" F 11 a d m., of waich Yeoung Nee 4 :lo“"“ * y utean formune _ Bpsesial attention glven to the patshasing * Commission and Forwarding dmu’h' \lm.l\nlvhl..ï¬nclu.“-.& A Compleate Rtook ot Dresse Geode, slsting of Metinos, French Raps, J -iu.wu.: together with a large lot of canoy Flanosi, Kersopse, Tlokings, Orep aas w l ue White Cottons, 5,000 5,000 We have now on hund .a large sapply + alothing manufactaured andor cur +wn superrismon expresaly for shanty purposesâ€"consisting of PANT3, CoAT3, VESTE, 3U1RTY, USDERâ€" aMILRT3I. DRAWERA, &o, &o, to which wo lavite the attention ol the 4UMBERINO Pomw®Ons. TY who will Rad it to their {nterest to examine our atook betore purchasing their wiater supplies. P 'm..-o Canadian and Engliish manatasture, of ull sines | iuucsastor and qualitios, at prices lower than wver betore | Rostiters , offered bw this olty. . | Aageade ... A large and varied@ mank o West of Kugâ€" land Broadolotha, Cassimeres, Heotoh: and Cana dan T woeds, of the Anost quailties for the Cuil and wintar =alty and comntry trade," In addition wo naure,, uwseual, a Orst sluse Talloring and Cutiing Kitablishment w here gonâ€" thmen and youth‘s elothing can os m.de on the shortest possible notles in every style and quality, and a guood 0t ensured. 4 ALEX, OUKK, WMKARA & CO. PLROMXA ETOUY BM and BATL 1,000 °*\ y from 5Oe ts 10¢ per yerd. Aa LARGER AURPLY of Woolesnh Beoks and Miits, Deerskin Miits and Mossassine HHHN NOC Un tenees «. mns rommmmaney 6 l ..mmm :uha. u.; bild a a Ascommodation Ingatoo f lg encren. _ | . oEmarmediate Stxtion®, ... ....... Till +v mm mmmmmnye. mm mcmmmmmmnmen mmmmeninmmmmmmmmmmten ymmcmmmer | CY :0# fDF LAORIOG *4 ........... $‘00 & 0, Ti09G & @ (‘ T. R, H1GOALN®, | # aum, 13 nvom, h30 pa, 444 pa, 4p a A | aad 4130 p w. Anhnholuno.m llnu-l' The 1.DJ} pm twale ruae through t= lave stook Insurance C~, General Line. :r-u.lw Manaufestares and z @OoLINa s0UTH aND RAast. alog claims constaatly on hand . u-:u--m tos lataad Pood Matea:ts and Spatks streets, over Broe Intermediate Stations at......... T:00 * a Hardware Stora. Rupross 108 WORL0H 484. .....»»»»=»0»â€"0â€"~â€" U# &8 + en use esn evun mtc samcoe w + «â€" «u«« | Reprsamtar Neow York and Bostonat...... 4 y® pree «Ararae, | COMMISSION MERCHMANTY PORWVARDER, C EN CERAL AGENT, L#o., &o., 1,000 LIkE IN8URANCE COMPANY OR XAIN h. J&-&IS‘&%‘?{.L'"“ ied 4 * _ Â¥orthe of JORN ::..: %.fl; Um*L“ the Honm. J‘:“l. wWray . l.‘.‘..:u beer lon. Ail legal matters will be v‘v‘bh U. K. CORWIN, with an assomplished lady teacher, announses that her Dunsing Classes will sqmmense on W ednesday, the 22nd instant. Purther paruoulars may be obtaimed on appiiâ€" aation to Mro Robert dtewart, Wilbrod strest. tiawa Aeptember Uth, 1809. 1 1 aduf PlAlo TU®1NG.â€"The subsoriber having decided to divide his time c.-&m- Ottawa and gdersbuargh, would beg to Ais nie obd pmmmmoumumu. to attead to their orders for tuaing ï¬opm than heretofore. Shall rislit Ottawa anse a Rooms, and '“‘.I.Ik‘:'.l.l: Store. * mb 6 0KO, N. BENEROLCT AD _ Mr. OUSTAYVE AMLT otthe Cathe dral)y a Orad=ate of the t%nlq @ Parts, I.-u.‘.‘n!hnu 1 . Midesm» stroot, scorvber OHAKA. _ he 15. 4. Â¥iky <â€" UPRAS** } Bank strest, Oontre Town, BETWEEN APARKAS & QUEEN ATREET Ot awa, November 7, 1888. Mre Robort Steowart having made arrangemenis Ustober 8, 1849 QGooderham & Worts H. Winee, O‘d &re and lrndupqum.muh at very low profte. GROCERS & COMMI3»ION MERCHANTS, desite o announse that they arse cecsiving a / .. > _ Maoinnt of all desortptions, and a genersl .:-.uld T ** mirth CPPER â€" PLATE PRINTER, anita ble for town, or country use. ooo P ie e ET tept bu‘louv-’l.'{‘h.. *4 Thige Too af iverprel Coanmnheht mokes to the ton, all in Fun. OYaTEKRd, OAME, POULTRT and #ROLT. The umlersignod | inlorm the public that he has alwape nwb uason, a large o the anove, whinh will be said as shoap, %‘fl M-kmn.-.-b-odvo e 3/ * * Ns 1 Rigeon strowk ANCINO AND ORPORTHER®T. URICAL ACABDKMAY. [ rwhied Gache n i range wordl i pools onihy. > JC Roovwinvar * ar mm «nd PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE! P. BASKERVILLE & $%0, No. 36 10 Hparksâ€"#t, @ENTRAL OTTAiYA. SU O A RS. No, 1, At. Parer a* QUKBKC, G R O 0CE R 1 E* WHOLEEALE AND RBTAL SBAXLES® DA08, FAIRd BLAXK ®T#, LINEY A108, Chaudiere, POR T#® TOAACCOS, , duimon and Masckerel will Merrings, Dry Cod. 66 On and from the 1¢th FEBRUV ARY, 1*70, the slose ‘0‘::.. Nosmton of Harl .: t #Â¥# tretua o 3 ( madays exsepted) on Celing Roesth Pressatt to O+t Wtat ome Â¥. U . W W . 18860.] WINTER ABLANXGENEXTs. (Jate | Trains how ieave BONAVENTURE StTafi0» ‘ as follows s * J | QGoINd wWUEat, * Arents.a Bek, boamn Goderich, Buifais, Detroit, Chieago, agd all pOPLOUE W ORL, Bb sssssmmmmsnnes Night _| do _ da _ de _ do : Acscommedation Train tor Cornw Adaivional Train caon way, daily, during the Puritumentury mueubom. __ _ _â€"______ _ ____ C _ zin Varmont Central. * " "| *" | Ine «* ELEY BOXER®* are the m.:;. Kapress w# York and Boston Uridge® entrping their o#n vina Plattabargh, Lake Champlain, i-h....m of wetal, are warerproof and Burlingtom & ab......> % u, 4 0 p e m’:muob:“ tor Laland in M comanetmerces. : K + W# abse® exses (empty) ot all slame, lorQuebes, lsland Pond. .-dh--l-&-:g-d!---m Workam and Portiaad, b%. [ \ Milles, ous be Aad or without the sultabw lmmmm.o mumnn-aumm- 0t ., Ilmu':'.‘m Astom, LWIXKK CAKRTHI DGEKS of bore tor & ovel Rishmond, W uterville w.ï¬-ulfl"lz. ©044010008 OMIF, 44.».0««««» .104 I ruA RIM FIREK CaRTRILOE® af «D ‘m-.o-u-m Wight T: PBag «iwe, for tonlth & Watron‘s, Tramter‘s, and whet ." throwg h. © Pook st Revebrers. SATULOAY AFTERRN after y | of +3 ee .-fl.:.. . i ® We â€"@0ltk . t C RNUON ( tihe w | ..-%-..nf W.RH se% BIK PIRE aAl1.| Wwain from Montroa) p aight), hg.l,i..m:m. $ ? wl \,Drle O xexemiampaas The Laternational C on panp‘s in sonpestion with the wroud Praak leave Portiaad .“'3 MNDAY and DAY at 4 pm, for 8t Johs, X. B., 40. _ Tekots Lumed through at the prige *"har Wilthee infermatton asd ttme of 1 moudt :‘vod:r.m.fl :: TIME TABLEL, No. 4%, Commencing on MONDAY, NOY. to, 1809 LEAYE BROCK VILLE. it P. M.«â€"â€"CH ALN® M 4A PB meaavms l it hh If us L4 a m, arrmiving at Suoadpoin at i4206 p a, pa®â€" v LKA VE SiXDPOINT., #* . 4 d‘ A.« M.â€"â€"CBR ALNE Roce w ""A. M.«â€"â€"C BR A 1 N# 'ï¬ kom ve 'q.‘fmhh. wb mlvao‘: :1?0' ..:: . W.+« FRALIXEK Jn 5835!«. at $.38 Ls «ud ':..'-' at Smith‘s Fails at "**""* TeAVE sMITHS PAL 10:05 &A M.»=C 1 A VN® leave S #PB smith‘s Puils at a m and 4.38 p.m,. arriving at Porth at 10.48 a@ and *4 p _ Tit trathe on Matn Line conncet at Suith‘t Faile with teraing to and from Porth. _ _ | _ _ _ __ v'aâ€"‘-â€"vvvâ€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"- due trom the uast and wess, _ ts I N. fi’i‘;;‘fmw â€huâ€".fl-o- O T Traine fot the oast and weet _ C, 4 IIIDW*" O@rrawa Orridguâ€"YVork strsst, sorner of Onsser pmewe. Lawlfifaifihomty* Opening through from Windsor to Subsor i ptriones wicth ccaditions attacbe d completing the cornerion between 1 may be inserted the Steok Books, but such j and St. JoAn. ‘ 'wflubm-â€"-mu aftee SZATURDAY, the 1#th Dbhâ€" 0.:.‘.;:‘..“. this Railway #Ul Ue open tor | BAT® been ascepted by the Company, and if they w.‘v‘ou‘o.u-‘un be scomiitions presedent they shail not be binding Truing leave Windsot (vm with th¢ | on tns subscribers until they have been performes wrmine of the move Sootia Railway Halif2®) | uy the Company. nuuuuuo&s aweebuimg M‘ By of the :nno;-.,uo p. m*, and at Aunapoiles ! evdur Board, . %W0 p m. sonnsoting there steamere ._ JUVHUN 0, RICHAXKDSONX, ‘p-flâ€.lnllu..- “' Preskiesk neturningâ€"â€"the tralas leare Anonaigolin as 1.34 | w & wWarmLEey NV HLAKD TRUKK Kartway ?-- PANY OHF CANAD a. I wmggnt N dgen AB Aeverdven y ie PWY bt Jobn, w« B frnmahl. esn 30. e oA AONsMUITE. | O*** MAmd 14 4* L. hanindh id in ~zastuae e ez INMAN LINBOP MAUL ATEAMERS, SAILINJ | purity, wreagih sad Aurcur, wi rRoX NEw YoRk eyear gatoaoay . "’m-“&m m‘ Liverpool or HBRBHIONT. ...=sssssssuss emecco, " 0 O raskada WY THR Prendat Othamin thRhalirak PFirse Vain, Pagable on ioi Liverpool 0f QUu6GA4LOWD......»«««»»»»»»w»«. BA 0 UHallifas BM MEy..11 cecsrnseececse ceesereese ccrscssscgheen. BW\ ZK in Waw VHrn, SKakiKy AHMCGAE .John‘s, N. #,, by branch steamer 1 W | Huates, for parseas trom any Btamte ot flokets 10id to and from Engiand, ifaland, and | legr! ara¢< where; desertion, dreakens MOCKYILLE & OPFAWA J‘lw YÂ¥ kÂ¥ ; _ Kentrills, Dos #, 1809 | . _ Wholssale and Raail Deslers lia the choiges N0H LIVERPOOL & QURRNHTOWN | Toas and Coffess. The Tras umported by this Con uv'ï¬o";-:l“!n n l ce .%rmi-: Mm. mh.... Wlgiens Oive them a trial and Jadge for _ Continent, at mod im P .. pport, ato., aafoient cause ; ao ym en io rg on it omzenr® | patr, roa sivormragen wees ALTERATION OF TIYÂ¥E PEXTY SBKANXCH OA ailroads, LEAYE PERTH MAIX LINXE, s lu--nil’n'o t/" M HVVUSE, AEQT HRKRLIOK &A CROMRLLR Jaaese VWB tm _ Wa. 18 Hessas Prroct, Kew Tok A & A U TAYNLOR, Agonts Allofli vÂ¥ p* p® FAWA. MONDAY,. APRIL 11. 1810 w #* W#uLUÂ¥R® DIVORUOEE legally obtaine 14 0 | A al-'r-.. Indiana, 1Misoto and «he ITme above cartridge cases (smpty) ot all slme, | 6 oflh&o*-'rodw-m ‘ \ Milles, ous be Aad ar wihout the sullabw | _, Butists and Maschines tur Auisbing the Cartridges | _ awa, Dessmber 10, 1400 _ WATRKFROO® CENXTRALâ€" FIRLL METaALLIC CARTRIDâ€" Tavcls hores, ntvpibe by bnreige Fmess o es aaud other Mides, _ Also h‘ the Spensur, awi A-m & HIRE dELPARTMALXT ‘woppu Wast Gearge Street, Olargow f «> CaNABA BKiNCH, UNNXTRLAL FIRLK aat PLX FIRE CARTâ€" RIDGES tor allstzssnandepmeme of Gane Mba, ..l‘n‘.'-c.‘ &. B. Pateat W ire Mt": '“l-.ctlnul aad Musale sant every description of sporting aadl Millias Ammonition. ELEKY unUTHERS, UKRAYZ 1XX% LRJiaD, LWAIME. * IMPELLAL â€"INX8UCRARCSK COMâ€" FANY. -'."w"ï¬â€˜ i age~t for the abore company, for t’mo-‘mw af propesty, #pon oi purtiouiats as to rates, &e, shall be fur &:' .â€a-:-. und all ordess shalil be aneaded to. l.:‘ll-lqllm. o n EP WTICK BOOKY tor the eubscription of sharw wook in the CANADA CE®TRLAL RAIL# Aa* UOOMFANY hare beas opssaed, and will remalns Sholf anod Fiesry Hardwars, HKXEYVEstoNX BVILOINe, allimgtom Stwet, Upper Fees. Otkmkes * L0 W tw A 06 00 0 N PW DA + _ In OTTAWA, as the OFFIOK of the COM FHARY. In MONTREAL, at the offee of Meows. J. &# 0. ABBOTT, ot. Jokn btrest. In LORIOAAL, at the ofice of Mr.4V34TICLK DANLKLS® In RENFREW, as Me. WM HALPENX®YT* In PEMBROKE, at the ohoee of Meswsea T. MURKAY, M. F. P., a0d P. WHITu "The books will boe closed on the FIRAT DAY = . », a oent, and immediately thereatier a BOARL MARKTING will be beid tor the parposs t alioitlag the stosak ln <rder that a general moestâ€" Ing «Agharsholders may be held as soon us pras tieable thoreafter. NW.““ be bas an anoointed tur the above company, for Mardiwcare. HHONKAE HKAKE, . _ Lt a# Whee â€"No 4i aheoal, (th e# e 4 ammetry I.".m 19 pany are the Anest the world produces, combininp cJSetisn Dungs Block, Egin Street Ottaws, ebeaary 1,1070. 13%33¢ DRLAWING GQUALITIES, ant sot maersky $ AL®U WHIIKEY, AKADA CRBNTRAL RALLW AYX. In BROCKYILLEK, at the OPFICHK & the B WNOLA ANV unisaa 121 wOMPANT, We we ant proparel to take erdete tary Hides THUE Ek CAÂ¥ TRIDBLS *% hi*-',i‘d‘o‘ M17 bore, f. ; mhmhz:um e Neary Hibes ot + ....1: "# ad by lhet Majesty‘s War Deâ€" c * 54 Ceakleg . and Benep #tow» Oual, Bteal, Lron, Roge, POR MARCUH DELLYEKRY JAAA 0. ROBINXN®ON 400 , Agent for Oxtawa Always en Hoand OR TYORONTO, T y =»= .,::;ium-_bm WWkulE®iLE OÂ¥%LY UW*Aiskey. HITAL £1,000,0086 Chout â€" td a® alw ot 400 for Miiâ€" K 0T IC E ruly, a# , LD LNR WHILELEY,: J P MWACPHERAON W. K. WORALEY, wD0YÂ¥ WHISKLEY, V O WÂ¥ # 4 1 430. t «Cl w on . 14 im MA.MWM“CC“ Cv.o{ w# W aek RBmwogkax, of Utica, New Youk, saye: @1 hare used Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic UVintment in my practiice a number of | paare, amd ohn say with pleasure 1 deem it one of | the gromest discoveries of the uge; for the cure al Infammatios of the h'.lx-m of the Bowels, la€emmatory Abeomarism, and in Callaâ€" bed Fover, it operates with pnoJm 1e aemse of Duroa, Brualess, Fromes Limke, it aots like a «h agua. l pu.J P. Kam»apt .of Chittenango, New York, I auys : * It has stoud thetes trial, and has not been | tbaed wanting. Its astonishing cures of 1af=mâ€" mailos of the Langse and Croup and the woodurtul !mhnmm tortaring paims 0 Hhow matism, a%d l!o.m. Afections, entitle it to a Aign rank list of remedies for these | awms plaiats. * . | _ Ba. A. W. Bmamo,of Koowlesrilie, New York, | aagie : @1 have used it io severs | cases of »pepial .m.unm-::‘ozd Pries, and wandry @ther complalinto, U a quperiore antlois, and wall worlthy the aotice of all * Iraska Hagnetie, nntmenn, SuÂ¥ed ree thit the Words see | =«a. TRA~K"8 MA«aELIC uINXTMENT * are louon,r. Northrop u.umct W ., General Agenis for the Van noid in Oit=ews by wl irugghats and hy medcies ieaters qrery whir s _ Wothare 1 â€" Meorsmers . MothersLâ€"Are you l.â€"muu.n und brokes of your rest by = vick abhild swfering and oerping with the «xoruc) !*pï¬d*n‘! If «o, go at once ans yu a bottle of «ire. WINSLOW*S sOuTRHING | _ } SYRUP. It will rellers th poor litle euferer umimediate{yâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak ‘I' vavo #1 about is. There is aot a mother on earth whobae | 1 | ever used it, who will not teil you at “uuh‘ ALEXAND will reguiats the bowels, and ive rest to the | Drugygist and m wother, and reluet and health to the ohild, operes ting Hke magie. Lt is pertecotiy auhmhw' _ Bparkse btreet msee, and pleasant w ib taste, and is the preâ€" ge: wription of one of tm« oldest and best female phyâ€" | â€":_':l‘.:'"":r ' mate ** «ui nuress in the Uniieg Stater, . Â¥riou86 businerss ll.\.;. lQ". sete everywhere Be sure to oull for Untario Bank, SpatHs st "MKS @INSLOW®% SoOTUISG SYRUP®| _ , _, i MHaving the fae mumule of " Cartie & Perkine" on | plete stock the umaalde wrappeor . Muuumbm.-u»‘uo-tuou.-, Now Mivyle, Amportant Change. &A RKXAL HAIR RESTORXA AYXD DLZEMING Combined in One Bottle, MRS, 8. A. ALLEN mAIR RESTORER us â€"» _ The Cumtwrge and Z vinhainapoum o) m ust io «and war wnith the ather. RQlLD Y ati Dugsatete Y ul Mestore Grny Mair. to its Nutural Life, Color and BReauty. It in a meet delightfs! Hair Dressing. It wilt promate laxuriant growth. PAJJAXS HAIK is immediate!y chd_td. W 8A A ALLEN® LKYLOR anmotkrr »~»momwatton Arr the Hair ; cloat tramsps*owt, exsumarines uo a Hiase Deasing tair high cest Eripuck Pomades L B. TACKABERAY has been favoured with a laurge consigament trom Montreal of Befale I.-u.nb;::-:.:c‘:pund M.{ ::d Horee Nlankete, to w# wveur tin tas be obtained d..'m‘l'::nl-.. All w ‘:t.- ine Reffals Hobes had better call s+oon as there si'.i&“m“ s had better oall # aut be another such oppostunity . fv 40 ameNIB av, WWMKtawa, No#, 224 188% By L. 8. Tuckatorry, Auctiqgeet. KRAERNLK #ALK uÂ¥ BUEEALLOQ ROBES, Beg ‘o intimate to their customers asd IN!““' gensrally, bat they will keep conscant! on hand wiâ€" BEEF ANXD MUTTON. 8PICsvÂ¥ â€" ana»w= SALT . ROUXD, bfuAs . * fetues %, K. Tas Darr & 1 5.. " Supmale Dougy U buâ€"ay ti und & Purk Paw. %+@â€"Â¥ork gaTouELL ‘BRog SA*+~.. ..‘ s : UTCHUEKRES To [ROLLIEB BXEF FOR PARTIRS @PRCILAL NOTHIOEK®. GgovERKXOR GEXERAL BRYKFAERBRB XAXRKEIY *) wal «it amin in this commiry but dn TUELR COELEARATED FKESH KILLED OB Hw.o s ant n , €*WE!R STiLLA, wis HXCELLE®CY #PALLâ€"b 1: _ MAT HAlk Is a certain indication af deca® at the roots. Natere s Crown *ao Host Oaltivata it RAIR, / * *Â¥ | 'l‘\-l -m--gil TEA COMPANY _ Ous Teas, after the most severe tests by the best ; wedical authorities dges of Toea, have been pronounmsed to be qu , and free . in and | Mmm’u au bet ances so often | mdtoj:rwo & of Tea. 'l\oi:n I enequalled for Auvour. They havre | l nngpieiimnanieninan pisk iepresarpiaaias | . cconomy, and a ure | mm them. flnl for the swallest pollhlo‘ | effecting a saÂ¥ving to the consumer of 15e to | rlb. Our Teas wre putup in 5, 12, 15, 20 and | ' lrm u‘m;†rnudfmho: ' | polsonous substances, OGrders for four 5 ib boxes, | wo 11 ib bozes, or ll‘ ulbbocnunni-.ï¬ ] | free to Kailw ay in Canada. Tess will | hbn:‘o‘l-mdluol on reseipt ofthe order by | .-umu-&- ty , or owloulnoolhetl «d on delivery by 03 man, w there are exprobs oflcas, In sepding orders below the amount | Of $10, to aave expenreit will be better to n“l | goney with the ordet,. Where a 25 ib box would | l be too much, four £ un“ht togetber could | sand Lor Sour 5 1b boxes, oftwo 121b boxes. W esend ' thamn *o one address garrihge pald, and mark each | bos plainly, #o that gach party get their own Tea. ; | We warrant all the Tog we soll to.give entire | | antiefaotion. If they are mot sa.isfae 113they can | , _ BA Beware of pedia: 1 sume, or ufering our "othing les» than a | â€" Note the Addressâ€" Th Hbospitalâ€"st., Montreal. Agent tor Ottawa, The whale Dominion # Tli® “U"'T“E.“i“* CcoMPANY | | _ The eubsoriber begs to , be public geserally, business in ihe new Untario Bank, SparKk‘s st and complete stock of tâ€" suk _â€"__ OREE 'TEA.u w , aue, 80e te, ihe; Te 4..“7;.v z?f.‘.,.’s.“;‘s.‘.‘:.... «nd Very Chuice, $1 unpowder, 850 ; Extra Superfine do, $1. _ |.> y be raturned at our ¢ s * BLACK TEA 1:&. Breakt: Btoken Leoaf, Strong Tea ty es Renpren pt ho e d P 1nd F & + n6 Ou...‘b"‘kh N a do, 600 ; V0‘7.llu do, do. T5¢ ; Jupan, Good, 506, 55¢, Fine do, 606 Very Finme, 656, flnr.' s GKEEN TKA Mowtetir, April, 1884.â€"To the Moptreal Tea Company , 6 H it rpet, Montreal ; Wenotic« with pleasure the large a of Toa that we bave "orwarded for you to diff hru'u of the Domin on, and we are glad your business s rapidly increasing . Wq presume your Loe=s are «lving runl utr as out of the large «moust forwarded, we have only had occasion to return one box which, we understan . wassect to through a mistake. | °C SCY _ pu.was+ KG $ | ot.cnugv. f ‘xpress Compapy, , Teas not m-“ in this cireular ':qu’-lt . Temonly a0‘d b thbeo-ru‘y. :‘;.'.‘A':. excelient .: Tes sould be +ent for , very $ sommen , 0e -'lns'nc?pdlu aund l'!ll:::':::.‘ ou! sume, or ofering our Reas in small package ! Family medicines and physicians‘ presoriptions | will receive the attention tbtir importands deâ€" | mands, The preseri department will be i usder the personal of the proprietor, | and partionlar atteption wili be paid to the quality | of all materialse ewp! * | â€" Pbysiclans and merchants supplied. ‘ | Te subscriber has facilities for attendâ€" ; iog to the #11%1 of his The Popular Proprieta Me Curopean and. American English, Frensh and Ger Krglish Brushes anpd Tollet Articles, Dye S:uffs, Seeds, and all the Miscelianeous artiâ€" ANDER CHRISTIE. Ottawa, Pebrouary 17, 1010 1285.8 y LAZARU®, GoLp sS1LYE# % urnn::zof JOSEPH 1 â€"I, the undersigned, Montreal, heve been m aiter. Creditors are yq fors me withina one BSolicits the pat generally on the ence in the trade be men and attending here to the best of h GEAERAL CO Clarence Street, 1 Alex Fraser, Keq. Authorised dissout further notice : ll'p‘l eunted in N8OLYEET ACT PERRFEFECTED |8PECLACLEKS, OUNG & RADFORD Montreal, Marsh 28(b, 1870. UsToMs DEP uMISICK #O ll‘ A 8 8 oles usually sold by Druggists. Uave just recelved a KrÂ¥k 1 CBLEBRATR® oo & M t E CBHRISTJE, aceutical (Chemist Centre Town inform ble triends and hat he has commenced building â€" adjoiniug the set, with a perfectly new Mobire _ eaCompany ib Chemieals, m & D licines and Preparations, a. From his long experi~ his services in engaging their rafts while passing ability . ge of the Lamber Merchants E:n-tol AGRNT, t to the City Hotel, )tta w &. | Ottawa, Marsh 24, 1870. t on American Involcss until r cent. x BOUCKE TTE, * COommmissio aer of Oustoms. imits LRTMEXT, HARLES BAJLLIE, ted to file their claims beâ€" H MoLKAN, Ib Fparks street. BA buy theirteas of the sA ROCQUE, F PLANTAGNET, ORT M EN F CABARLES BAILLIE, ot ppointed Assignes in this i aranteed . 3 & RADFORD No 35, Sparks /A‘é IELL AND STEEKE® LASS KUly. sA ©©0o. AN INSOLYENT. Patent Medicines, Waiter Bmith, Eeg, R& W Cruice, Esq,. Perfumery, Otta w as 1325b ‘A Arrangement during Session cf Parliament, 1870, Per Canadian Steamer from Portland ever * Friday at 7.00 A.M. + Per direct Packetfrom New York, every Mond at 700 A.M. ‘ Notr.â€"A Supplementary Mail ~for Canaâ€" . «dian Steamer will be closed every Frid at 11,30 ~A.M. . Unregistered letters preéâ€" paid by.Stamp will be received until 12.30 On Money Order Offices throughout the Dom{â€" nion, Great Britain and Ireland, Newfoundâ€" ‘land and Prince Edward Island, can wbtained at this Offlce. Also, Postage Bill Stamps. > ge~ hero-lu will be received at this Office. Enterest allowed at the rate of Four per cent. per annum, and deposits can be witb(rr.nvn}t iny time. Fiye per cent. will be allowed on wpecial deposits in sums of $100, for the withâ€" drawal of which 3 months‘ notice will be neâ€" quired. . 7 & Post Orric®, Ottawa, 23rd Feb., 1870, Bection No. 5 is in the Province of Quebesc, and extends from the Easterly end of Section No, 2, forty miles east of Riviere du Loup, to the Rixtyâ€" sixth mile post, near Rimousk:, a distance of about 26 miles. | 5 The Commissioners appointed to construct the Intercolonial Railway give Public Notice that having annulled the Contracts for Bections Nos. 5, 6 and 7, they are prepared to receire Tenders for reâ€"letting the same. | Bection No. 6 is in the Province of New B wick, and extends from the Easterly end of tion No. 3, opposite Dalhousie, to the West side of the main Post Road, near the fortyâ€"eighth mile post, Easterly from Jacquet RW‘, a disâ€" tance of about 21 miles. t | Bestion No. T7 is in the Provinee of & Seotia, and exterds from the Southerly of Bection 4, near River Philip, to Statipn O, (forâ€" merly Station Fifty,) at Folly Lake, distance of about 24 miles." | | The Contracts for the above Rections to be completely finished and ready for laying ‘the track by the 1st of July, 1871. | The Commissioners also give public notice, that they are prepared to receive ‘l'on?m for four further sections of the | ne. 34 Bection No. 17 will be ‘in the Provi ot Qvebec, and will extend from the Easterly lend of Rection No. 14, down the Matapedia Valley, to Station No. 685, about one mile above the boundary line between the Counties of Rimopski and Bonaventure, a distance of Mc’ 20 milos. % | Bection No. 18 will be in ‘the l’lwIT. o Quebec, and will extend from the Easterly end of Bestion No. 17, down the Matapedia VPI«, to EStation No. 380, near Clark‘s Brook, a disâ€" tance of about 20 miles. b Bection No. 19, will extend from the Easterly end of Section No. 18, in the Province of Queâ€" bec, down the Matapedia Valloy to its mouth, and thence aoross the River .“u‘“si‘ to Btation\No. 370, at the Woesterly end of Section No. 3, in the Province of New Brunswick, a disâ€" tance of about 9} miles, including the bridge over the River Restigouche. . â€") > Bection No. 20, will be in the Province of New Brunswick, and ‘will extend from the Easterly end of Section No. 10, in the Town of Newcastle. on the Chaplin Island road, thence crossing th North West and Bouth West branches of the Rirer Miramichi, and terminating at Etlation No. 320, about one mile and three quarterr South of the South West branch, a distapce of about six miles, including the bridges rvr the branches of the River Miramichi. | Arrival and Departure of Mails. ®TERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. The Contracts for Sections Nos. 17, ll.:ud 20, to be completely fnished and ready fo+ layâ€" ing the track by the first day of July, mz; Pians and Profles, with Specifications and terms of contract for Rection Ko. 7, will be exâ€" hibited at the offce of the Chief Enginger in Ottawa, and at the offices of the _Cc--h::un in Toronto, Quebe¢, Rimouski, Dathousie,, Newâ€" eastle, 8t. John and Halifax, on and after Monâ€". day, the 11th day of April next ; for Béctions Nos. 5 and 6 at the same offices, on and after Wednesday, the 20th April next, and for Seeâ€" tions Nos. 17, 18, 19 and 20, at the same offices, on and after Tuesday, the 10th day Tx.,' next. Sealed tenders for Bections 5, 6 and 7 adâ€" dressed te the Commissioners of the Intercolonâ€" ial Railway, and marked " Tenders," tm,u molMflMt‘“hOthgt.npb?_ ‘clock p.-..ummhldqollqnq‘t;u‘ for Sections‘ Nos, 17, 18, 19 and 20, up to 7 io'eloek p. m., on Wednesday the 25th day of May next. | * | _ Bureties for the completion of the Qc.t.ru l'mbonqltndâ€dpï¬o‘b.lfl. € A. WALSH, _ ' ED. cnufn. I C. J. BRYDG R A. W. MCLELAK, Orricz Hours rrox 8 ax., to 7 r.x. G. P. BAKER, Postmaster. POoST ORFFICEK OTTAWA. Ontaye, 14th Marcb, 1070â€" Po8T OPPICEK BANVIXGB8 BANK M agth y .-‘5 , 4 MONEY ORDERS AAeiec s ae Commissioners. {PRICEKâ€"3 CENTS. | n this subjeét Mr. McCarthy, of Richeâ€" liou moved, séconded by Mr. Keeler, of !Xoflhunflmrl;mxl, that a Special Committes {| of‘this House be appointed to examine | into the facts respeciing the tenure of | lands in the Seignory of Sorcl, and wheâ€" | ther the proprigtors therein aroe liable to rentes conslitudes, or hold their propertion in free and common soccage ; saud Commit tee to be composed of the Hon. Mr. Doriâ€" on, Mé=rs. Dufresne, Wright (Uttawa), Jones (North Leeds and Grenville), Genâ€" dron, Fortin, Carone McDougall (Three Rivere), and the Mover, with power to send 'for reons, papers, and recornds. :Me ’sute':: for the in formation of the HMouse, . that is application was based upon a peâ€" titiorg presented this Session, signed by the l¢gading citizens of sorel and the oceuâ€" Ipam- of the Netgnory. â€" In this petition, it was distinctly «t forth that from a misâ€" \oonception ‘of the actual terms under ‘wh'.r.l these lands wore held, rents, (rentes constitv/«s) and mutation tines( lods et rent«8) had been. for many voars lovied from had been, for many yoars lovied from them, although under the a«rrangements made in 1780 by Sir Frederick Haldimand, ‘lll Impcrial * guarantee was given to the L'ni“'d Empire loyalists who were induced ‘to settle in that Seignory at th¢ time, that : thesoe . grants would be hol«{ #in free \and common soccage" in . the : same mannér as > grants had been made to the same class of settlers in Upper Canada. When sir Frederick Haldimand purchased the Seignory in 1780 for the sum of £3,â€" 300, it was pr.ncipally on Rccount of its position as a «trong military post, and everything in the shape of Reignorial proâ€" fits or the enection of habilkumes under Seignorial tenure, was distinctly ignored. .From 1780 to 1821, the occupants held the land as really " in free and common‘ soc crge ‘‘und rfthe Royal Letters Patent of 13th June Is11 and 2Ist December 1812, and in the year 1821 they were coerced in spite of RBRoyal Enactments, to cousiler themselves lable to the payment of ® ig ‘HMon. ,Nr GEORGE E. CANTIERâ€" in reply io ghe bhon. member, desired it to be clearly understood that the proposition of the _ bhon. â€" member «)|an not . be entertained for one moment. He held th:t the lands had never teen granted "in free and comnmon. soccage," but that on the contrary they h «d been in the hands of the Jesuits, the: British Government, and aâ€"c«â€"dastre was at list made under the Reignoiral Act, which was clearly the pro per mode. _ He insisted ‘that nothing could be gained by the motion of the mem ber for Richelieu and thait at any rate, the Government could not feel justified in ac ceeding to the request. â€" If the Committee granted to Mr Perr ault; and did not reâ€" port, it must have been because there were no grounds on which to base a re posk. t "**~_ * B Mr. CASAULT (Montmagny), in a short but effective «peech, justibted the sound ness of the application made by the memâ€" ber for Richelieu, and, mataimed that a Committ.e was the proper tribunal to de cide upon the mer.ts of this petition. â€" H« held Jmt. as an act of simple justice, th data of the petition should be examine by a special Committee. Hon. Mr: CHAUVEAU briefly sustained the views of the last wpeaker, and held that the Committee could be granted, although the Government might think pro per to resist the motion. .. _ _ _ Mr. MeCARTHY replied, shewing that on the 8th February 1865, the late Legi« lature of Canada passed the following resolutions :â€" » #Resolved, That a Relect Commiites "composed of Mr. Pe ~eault, Hon. Mr « Dorion, Mr. Taschereau, Mr, Joly and Mr «Wallbridge, (North lastings), be 4# pointed to enquire into the administra " tion of the ï¬e:fnory of Norel, since the © granting of lands in free an© common soe 4# cage by the Imperial Government ; to re Again on the 13th July, 1865, it was ordered on motion of Mr. Perreault " that " port thereon, with all convenient speed ; "«with power to send for persons, papers #and records."â€" . = *This Committee granted at that tim« without objection, never made a report ..!.8 ‘it appears by Mr. Todd‘s Index pag« "Mr, Denis, Mr. Archumb« 4 Seatcherd and Mrâ€"â€" Morr.son 4# to the Committoe." _ The hon. m:neaber reported that the pmportynover longed to the Jesuit«r, and the feeling among his constituents was, that the principle admitted in 1865, should be sound in the: Dominion Parliaâ€" ment in 1870. Hfro oA After some conversation, snd as the Government seemed so strongly determinâ€" ed to resist the motion if put to the vote, the motion was not . withdrawn, but deâ€" clared lost on a division. * § them may be avolided by keeping GuaCk‘s daiy® n the u’bom. It is the = pressous pot of »Hptment," curing burns, cuts, sealds, ru., wounds, chiliblâ€"ins, chapped bhands, &e. Prugent hun"m will eave their husbands‘ hard earped money by purchasing a box of this saive. I have no hesitation in recommending Feliows Compound Byrup of. Hypophosphites to my patients who suffer from Gepnerai Debinty, or any disease of the Lungs, knowing that even in cases utterly hopeless it afforas relie!. H G ADD1, M D. The Poor Man‘s Friend. â€"Doctor a bills are too long for a poor man‘s pooket, but many of them may be avoided by keeping UuaCk‘s daiy® n the u!boon. It is the = pressous pot of intment." curing buros, cuts, scald«, sprains, The mind goverrs the muscles through the rerâ€" yans aysteim, as the telegraph apparatos is inflaâ€" se : by a rewol6 ODéraiofr through the wire. 1 the mi :d is impaires by age or disease, the mwuscles ageo wade to pertorm strauge or unuécers+ary acts ; vat if the ne: vous system is diressed, the muscles of the btomach, Liver, Heart, Longs and Gepit«l Urgans, are sure to seudfer, and from their ipaction progace Pyspeptia, Disease of the Leart, W oeak wangs and General Detbility, with their accom. p.lflq trains of ovil and num%dm L L L03 Winmwone lwatam stiated â€" Blood. '-:' 'fl'm"â€"" Nervous ¢ystem, Vitiated Blood, Bad Digestion and Weak Langs, always preocede w..'“.- .; ie 7 k ..-n.;_o S on o on t Whar n eeeteni > By the timely use of Fellows‘ Compound Hy;eâ€" pbosphites the nerves regain their vigor, the bra n becuim«s clear and vowertul, the muroles bhealkby, Dyspepsia a disease of the t-t. e beast‘s reg=â€" lar action is restored, the blood made puere, the langs slro0g. and all the functions of the body are brought up to a beaity standard. We are enavledto itate the above on the most B ‘runruu-“" Price $1.50 per bottle Bold by * per or 6 for $1.50. * 0 __LL C sws Â¥AWTO Pruambab Astersâ€"â€" SEIGNORY OF sOREL, avledto itate the above on the most ostimony . rhuutd. Price $1.50 per bottle JAMES L FELLOW8, Chemist, 6t Jobn, N B. Prancis Oundill & Co, Wholerale Laaal 1118 66 ad 2Ist December 1812 21 they were coerced in nactments, to cousile to the payment of 8 ig ember 1*12, e coerced in to uuuni-‘h‘l’ nent of 8 ig late till.J854, lods et ve tes ion. member ilar Commit wult, Mr. be awided $ s #} #} $y 4 +4 Ip F4