i 6 * . wÂ¥ M 4 EL #% q 16 6 N & i whod, . whih it is‘ to be mn@rtetted wine Enyillshmen cunnet obtain EKven Livimgâ€"ton found it no disgrase to bate n-.?‘- ul falling int= the modes of td Â¥ligs + Riol‘s tault, or eriwe, father, does SAÂ¥Ey@®, . Wisia laguit, of eriimwme, father, does Lot consist lo baving â€"tallk a l«to the mudus 0t the rAÂ¥agese, Lut in bavring aped a pecullarity 0f cavil a «4 warlate in tho trial by court martial and carry iny the ass tence ‘lauto <Rout -l‘unlg Lanne 6 of clvllizniun. Sooutt muet the death of a Nâ€"y, not that which might buve been cxpested frow a smvage eBhowy. RieVmecrors comalâ€"t in too great a kuo«l. dgeo ol civitisuton, and in a buslveque imit.tion of clviliant reâ€"iatence. Hut the Fort Garry emente not ended tragivallr it would have been ridiculous, . The same ap akorâ€"one of the imprisonedâ€"â€"Mr, ‘Charles Mauir, assorts t at Riâ€"1 * wont to Fort Garry and was the lite anud soul of public meetings, acting nudes the infuâ€"nce of the pricsts, who beld th« cracidx up befors the people, and rold thow that if they lought against Micl, they fought againat that ?* _ Now this is evidently unirue. ‘Twere is not a masn, in his sens & wor« loyal, a voice pukt the tnâ€"«tionâ€"* what did Mr. Muair say ** and Mr. Mair satd "bis remarke had boen milsunderstood, and that a Roarly so muon furce as those utterancus of tao Magor s«ad Mr, Cameron, as regards the & UWtusie of Riâ€"1 and the other in=urgents, and It 1« n0d ipg ag mout to the Freach charas* tos: o my that Frouchm a bave an aptitude of had . a_ tright to muintaln, _ Motro is proof that the shooting of Soutt > was notonly & crime, but a bluader, and it was HWitlo womder that the hbou. gentleman sald that to him, " 1t was a matter of uiter aston« Ibhment that any mau cuuld be found, who had ao hitle aâ€"use, so Hitle Anowh dg« of the QGoverdmunt of the countty to which they wâ€"rs to bs, jo.uwd, that they should have Lsun in apme to assert thoir rights by forve.‘‘ Tuo rema«tke of the ronrood prizsuers, howâ€" ever intereâ€"tlugâ€"in some rm4mots, bud aut peotion with a procvesding savour of anzthiog approm nndersigud by that wo.d. id to tbe, and not inct aory and the atory <f the Fâ€"nian orator Dr. Sch dhd not agree. When D. Schalts that ab least 400 Fioeuch bailâ€"breeds be hy Protestunt or Catuolic, who wili be= Neve that tho. pricats abt any such thing. The crmifblx is an idoa much too sacred in the ey on of the Roman Catholi¢ prieathood to be trifled with to any such manner or for any such purpose, _ 1t would bo the grussest kiud of Waâ€"phemy.â€" it is glaringly untrue, and no gooed can by any possibility accrus from »o grosaly rock) as an asseition, It was not nged, d to arouse tho people of this country to & rense of the wrong inthoted by tho scouan. dret Riâ€"l. This would, indeed, be an txouss Yor Riel, He,. according to Mr. Tus mesting at ‘Toronto to give vent to t o general feeling ‘of indignation felt by all \laaw #, at the murder ot Thomas Seott, at Fout Qarry, was altynded by upwards of 5,000 rmods«, & veral of thos» who had shared t o amo cell with the unfortunate Seott were present, and thore was an unanimous demansd L r justioe, â€" The "tights* of theâ€" losurgent» wers bot for a moment, taken into consider= at Foxt Gamy, Almady there are two measons yiven for the abtitude of Rielâ€" priestorait and Fonmlanizsm. Bat there seemed to be some » nsible people among the Ave thousand of the m oting. 1t was procoived that Mr. Mauire upon 5,000 pople of Torouto as an excuse for the atrovitive of Rick ‘The nest speaker, at aoy length, was Dr. Schults, who stated that the Fenian Hag Roated from the Hagâ€"staf Chules _ kair, is _ not. . responsible _ for bis wcts.â€"Uhe ~maponsibillcy «resto with the pricate and the coucitia. ‘Fhis is maudiina # uf, and deeded not to have been pawned wion. . The barbarously crnel and wanton aurder of poor Soott bad wiped out every parth le of «ympathy for the inaw gents,. One .ulent act had destroyed any claim which Li 1 ever posseesed towards consideration is ho mince of those present. There wos a emand rather for: .vengeance than justice. ustios could sarcely be thought of : in con «otion with a provesding, which did not avour of anzthivg approaching to what i= mdersigud ‘by that wo.d. ‘The feeling seemâ€" d to be, and not incormectly, that Bisi «1 plac.d bhims«llt b youd the: reach f ~even â€" that . conswhâ€"ation, _ whih hb Musical "I ulrionâ€"Tor Boginaersâ€"â€"M B Fripp Canacdian Inatitotoâ€"Crand Chatlly Concert ChcOttawa Cimes Removalâ€"Now Stook. . New Promisoasâ€"C, P ‘Dorion, Bparkaâ€"at. Now Eotorpriseâ€"R L James & Co The Rod River Route Mapâ€"â€"P Q@ Lauvice, Mustcalâ€"â€"# B Fripp. . Â¥usical Tubrionâ€" or Boginaersâ€"H D Fripp. > Maiter fonmend | | nouria ve atiowed pasa through Fotronle. .-5’1’.::,' mmm M: Mon. 8it Fnasers Mi®cus -{ the YUouse , The wseolution cartiod nomaimously . ty £ intoCommitt «4 for providiug a Sup«: rannuation |â€" _ Three ban ired arrived bere pyou.â€" <Mnamjgnanperinaceeeempeeeeemeneeaccuge Fumd far Civ]t Servants F to be ob | twrny, of whom 124 remained in the Proâ€" HE INDIGNXATION &‘\fl"l‘*l'lbl:l% tiined from petcentage ot Iï¬ltl | wimew, MEETING AT TORONTO, | Mr. Macusstin approved of the pilaciple, . Mr. Joseph Hul, of the village of Hatte ig" _ ce + « and. after a discuwmion, the rmaolutions were | ville. and in the mment of Toronats. toe» tion ATURDA Y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Sal~ of Real E Shs €1/5 APRI 6ib t i4 0 6 We are pleassd to learn from an lami journal, that our tullowâ€"townsaman, %â€"muel emlnent!ly uselul miâ€"sionse these same inâ€" goes . Like withtul beacous, wurnlog the over cunllient -l-‘o ot bhidâ€"n dan gots, they w lt ming . charactors @ B wars!"* ‘lhe wman, then,, who owss a Hunb an of this Juss, may well conskter h« bhes beoo lostroumenial of ‘u“‘-fl lnstead of thanking his stars, will thask b e noso, _ & much for the 4nanl organ" quâ€"stion, and now if Mr, Choletis wlshos to reaume the main d=bats, 1 shal} be happy towt ad to him, and 1 dure say be will bo us succesatul in the future as# be ‘bas be<a in the past, which in saying a great deal, ao doubt, be being the sole judge. Keett,, Eq , bas recently buen eDPotod a member of tha* Inststution o Ciood Raginâ€" M‘dhï¬.mu has Ely earned for U by bin profwsmiâ€"aal werâ€" vioes in connuction with the public works. of considerable portion of the rmhmb.f; l'†’-ho were Iuduatrions. and| in n-nmu-} atest ' " b ".o cltenmatances, woere ‘loyal." f | e mmMennteigntntiniqe mpmmecmmentnnntonmmmnmemammemmeees _ en Tnore can be nothing |more silly, it # uk 8y pr=wa "A"_ seome to us, than to attempt -Iow_ol-d‘..“..“’""’ n h rwiy~ta River business a party matter| The altimate | Ros, 10 Spackse ““ acquiaition of tho tiritory| conserse the | * fnâ€"â€"4 s Een cmeopeencom in ommmmnnmmege whols of Canads, and it is th¢ honor ot Groat mds WNTO,. Britaln which is more @peciaily co: 21 . h promised in the recent lival proc« | * | Tonowre, Apell bngs. One thing is, bhowever, certain, buth | The anmual nation of the students the Imperial Government an# that of Canaca | 10Ok place at the Voterinary College yester â€" will do their duy towards m-':md,':'.-.,:-:o- lowed by a dinguer in the the Iivfo and. Hbertice of “;M :‘:: Te Tehiths Kyuch, s M wherever such aubjects may be, 1. w.r.‘ A “.'“ “’.†whato ver cirenmatances they may bs placed, ‘;‘"u" ((etaten M‘. Reâ€" y« No honest subjeet of Enyg ‘+ Queen will Cieee Siiabants ut tuv W‘.'."m .â€.*fl aver have reason to blush on nesount otf bis «6 by k uP ..‘“'." \ nationality, orto fear that w done to bim & .‘:“ ul Lo on lg + #. any where is ugsusceptible of redreas. C »._'m__" uo moypt i "“.‘_ ended & "O.D-A ote lhat, they at least if they could and woulq | Af® iA 1h@ Inlurest | 1. «puak could tell of many a twouk. Thon there| The Hudson‘s Company ‘s fors and aro ln.-.' M"-:“b";â€"-ul'dtur goodu ate in the of Risl, and he wwards the apex, and of so nt a huo that | contemplates them repieniab ow in tire antute tht “;.':" h | eeasury. | * x to warmth and magygulcence [ But most of us, Mr. Kditor, have noses, | _ Dt Waiter who was ons of those wmmdum who escapâ€"d from Pr. Achaita‘s bouse, at Red ouyht _ to Wobkled _ as | Ri im swtilomont u'l'::'m wanied â€" to khre iys jnlinhent en son to Mwom O-m:':c.v'::l"m-l TPE AL. t to in the tbmistite « t to | settl« upon the out wat r of boss. Ab last it | | . , : _ Mowtasas, April 6. dupuuatl-ud“n Here~ he meeting respecting the up a Uid Ned . oulubnxnuol- Seots murdur was held last night in the lmble A&r o‘h’bt- and whou ud the | Mechanics‘® Wul, h was crowded. The burs bim tool." lmum.Ln-ul e ming, Esq , moved ot the same appearmace opposite to him at an wdoption ot the Arst 1 sâ€"lution walich was Lotel table, which so rivetited the attentiun of | 4@# Wllows : * anfortuuatâ€"ly, no doubt, a uive lad, andiso Alled his mind, that in Hou | can now be entâ€"rt that Thomas %:0t, a oft ssking the genatioman who owned te pt9> ; B, ppup Kitettons 4 * "::..'..“- a potato, * he wished bo and loyalist, resident would havre the klnducss to help bim to a | m t»@Red River T , has buen put to ' ..:::.:,.mm-wynmuo doath, puarsuant tenotence of a pretend~ a fut t of p rmitting a blaziny suw & 1 | od tribunal, baving no legal authority in the in claee 1@ yo ln amd «us wh 1e there ate 3.-. dulag hn ty combustibl thits Hhaly ly jug | 300 ment, an + that the sbooting of the said a«buut! Way an uolut atl nal sturugtacioy | #¢utt must be as dellborsts murder -:-:M-unn »owio hAuitely mwore m« | â€" A. W. Oullyt, , M. P E. meonded the «ho vous than over & w# howm a blackamith‘s motion L anvil, of astcamer‘s funuel, .8Uuypuse auch a .J“ â€" n was thea pat by the -:MNOM‘" mumb»ol""' carried, amid load and prolooged o;oy. uM..:,' -u.o..'-.::u‘.-; J.t. bw * | applause, ‘ by, on the atohs y%, bufors K. Carte Eâ€"4,, . P., moved vou conld say | Jaek Robinson. _ But these "‘...“...",..‘. ‘:." h... hncoud iMumlasted promontusles are not, after all, ; meeting is profoeundly witmout grand Wses, and no doubt Mr What‘s voncerned lees thig crime should prove but the bitegoar, knowsa all About it Tb y mollmmuv of to equally atroclous, and The House wout into Committy of Supply, awd passed a qumber ol items. Mr. Youra gomplained on bem for Queâ€"n‘s Printet, that be was not four dayse in a moath at Ottawa, and had aot rgcommend «4 tally the lowseat tender for partmental Â¥.lnting, which was Mr, Cotton‘s.| _ This Inatitution, established by Thomas Tellord in IO&.‘ atterwards lncorporated by Rojyal Cbuter: in 1838 ao« aumbers 1032 members and associates, embtacing all the -...um-hhd Kaginects of the pre= sont day . ' lunu'o Sawine Im::--“l‘"h h:nl phase of Ingonulity is that mak abivte by mh' Amllok«vbl‘;" h-‘a applied to ordimary sewing maucobs Inmow, mt ham lound to operate them ancedualully , ?:o amail battory cupea Mm aulfigient power for all ordinary machi work, whils three drives the needie ma mbb't.:f mpldity through any thick neng of matrial» The expenss of o:nfl- by this means is anid to be about Ave conts a day, which is cortainiy a very cheap »ubstitota on the tax on the lower limbe mquired by tl.‘ prewat method, A littl= flmlumllufloq( of the m chani¢al powors, and we sball have, abhir‘e surned out from an electric batrery ..i mplidly as newspapers from a Hoows stam Mon,. Sin A. F. Gaut gavo notlse he wi muve a tesol to take the bu#lding of Intercolonial 1 out of the wt Government, and givs it to gobva‘e p Intercolonial Railway out of the hands ot the . Oue of the Rod River Paortp wh» urived Government, god give it to goivae pwâ€" | yesterdap mys, bulk of the population the #, | are opposed to aindl are walting in anx. The Houso wout into Commitup of Supply, | lows expectation of a morement of Canads for awd passed a aumber ol items. their prot: ction. ate loyal thruughout, Mr. Youre gomplained on liem for | but are forsud to tmporize and be silent, and Queâ€"n‘s Printet, that be was not four days in | sometimes®s wWlontly becauses they a moath at Ottaws, and had aot rgsommendâ€"« | were unarmed in the powt of well tâ€"ally the loweat tenader for .‘uw"ï¬ndm“n Fort Qurry. Â¥.lnting, which was Mr, Cotton‘s, The 38t. Paul quotes the editurlsl mesnmememmnmmemmemecemmemgee ‘ln the Trlegraph of the 4th tostaot, and seys Io the Rdit=r of TAE TiMES. it ie evid. nt that the Red River Commisâ€"lonrs Dear ®in,â€"My learned and Â¥ery avere ate going on & «r110d vritic with the view appatrently |of diverting | _ Th# Plomeer y densunces the a nwâ€" public attention from tho hawkigq of titers. | 000L mwports ma "‘f:"“h ture has intrud d futo the dis ussjon the very | Rel#* agrots, aud| pablished io the 8t. Paai tâ€"lovant subj«ot of o# a| _A perguonâ€"l.agish ues us suge “"":"’“"‘"" + inclined w ild base dismissed t with « ; | th* Toronts and the Ministrrial organs NhM“"i“hh‘ contgut to leave of the Dominios, Indications are that a alang, wouth amd .‘â€â€..M.L..‘ prog 3.| *at un the Red Rlver Insurgents will be made thew, aiut betfigy moteover of an dblizing din. | 00 O noloual vigeur; that its speedy beuse 1t was during the time that Â¥r. Keefer was Uhi f Engineer of the D.rn-onu Public Works, that our system of inland navigation im hullug the Welland and 8t Lawrencse CUnuale, was carpled Into <«Bout. . The House gont again into mittes on | Murars. McCarthy, MceArthur, and How. M the Semate Bill, reapecting Mastyre and Mates . Fletcher have ar hom Râ€"A River, Vertidluates, o contiaucd up) to tmee w . ‘The Delegats delsimes bi4og a The Kogineer muake formost among the true civilia ts of modern tmes. . His labour» tad more to s«ncial and international good will, to dowo artifduiat bartiers, and tocompel commercial t lations betwixt wiJhoont cmambaitica, than all the eforts of statesmen and diplomatiste pat tog=ther.â€" Brockville Montor. | Mr. Macuaestin approved of the pilaciple, . Mc. Jaseph ol the vlllage of Hate and, after a digcussion, the rmqolntions wore | ville, and in the ameat of Toroato, torâ€" caerd d | ;.w'y R or» the Township, baus MUr, douy givyo astice that k‘i:onu move | committed baoging a (irm>r aame an amendment ow concurrence tl-lopvo' Wright, in V township, and also hangs d annuation Famd subscription rlld not be | hi mself on 3 + compultory on them whose lHhkew were inâ€"| â€" A enecial tothi TFohosreck from HKk Pant empulsory on thes Try Fraser‘s Magnotio Flaid tor h« PARLLAMENTARY sSUMMARYV omm tb Wms dmmmmiiitte:â€"Be: OB | I.-.;‘l FAQ. | | with the 18 | ' 8y v t | Sthers un e andkemmnom i | Ros, 10 Apacke a ' es a |.; ' .o." with the logal of the Red River Twritory, for the: they havre sustained, and the privationg and indignitles they have «mturvd, conk qught upon ‘the sssamption of authority by the Inqgrgents, and trust that upon the reat f law and orter ‘the Government as in duty bound, secure to them ample k A amit â€" aBabe last night about cigh t o‘clock, on Dame itreet, m ar Boanâ€" . K** cour. Cordilia aged 14, who had that $P8° moraing beep as senvant, tall from a and o threoâ€"atory , and though ner fall wase ****** broken by a was picked up deadâ€" & Sho was good looking. 1 This an Inquest was beld, and it r“ wase stated that gho had been an lnamate of a Bress house of lilLBme omm Jacques Cartler atreet,, last ygar. The poor gidl mwen, _ gn tw have been to wtu=m, ans Olagh load a new lile, The window she fell from ***!* in a bassment, with the sill only twelve SMMTo Inches from the : . _ A verdiot of accidontal k now death was ret d. remi|t A. A. Btovs Kg, mored the hourth resolution be and that coples b» for» wardad to the and Imperial Parâ€" Namont. \ BDursm»tt, late f the Ottaws Houss, is to asâ€" same charge ol the Ruse«ll Kouse, Quebec. Although the sadt afis in Hotes: Dams lwtvrunner of te equally atrovious, and enturtain the ‘that the Lmportal Governâ€" ment ever lnto on maintaiuing unsulli. d the hono of theâ€" B Lig, will in concert with the Government,speâ€"dily deeâ€" pateh a military to the Rod River set. iL. ment to enforge obedience to the Sove wign, and give to the loyal inhabi. «n*, and uls Iy swourse the pariale ttanaib t of the to the Domlalon of While» the waere diap@rslnog, a‘man ealled out * eheers for Risl,* and wase kick: d cown and out of the Hall in a manner more energytie than gentl«e, K. Carter, E»q,, M. P, P., moved the second wea.â€"lution, 4* this mesting is profoundily voncerned lees crilane sbould prove but the The Montreal Club House Compan! meot yeateorday, ind nasived to mat the proâ€" posed buallding af Lachine. % A apecial to Polegraph ftom #*, Pau!l woy #,, Mnflwvy.c.ln-l Ranakin, ons Mleoes fmapmainnsneixt we © _ Doemiz.â€"The Arst Instance of the enforceâ€" The Mudson‘s JM\M.‘ :-’udthl!hIO-ulu mmb- gouds are in the of Risl, and be at m| i where W' contemplates f M““u,u“:' ‘.“b. m.:‘flhhd De. Walter w -u--.uu-.' m-udnluhlm&o who cscapâ€"d from Dr. Schaita‘s house, at Red | Alb=tt wemorial at Beliast. wexumere ue « (_ Nt Uiny thought the Bill a direct scheme A special to thG Feulegreph from 8*, Panl . lt catosting long leases from reluctant land~ my*, Colonel , Colom t Rankis, 0+ * Mr. Hant ant M:+ Cogan furoutsd ssven Morsate. McCarthy, MceArthar, and How. Ms. yeuats as the term of lekro K letcher have ary hom Râ€"d River, Niynan‘s amemwim at asd seriural others, The Delegats 4 disclime b4og an -a;'-:l-m---wm. lndutume, altes 1oh or concessions .:::.vl-u as tw amd saye he was -. "",‘!’_,“ w blie Nlul..r-.A““ tbat a lwa. Subuits and Lyach, and Msseres Manâ€" rotter, Mon« Dower, WB last «ronâ€" Ing bor Ottawa bige ctmed collscted at the sataitlon to 1+ of, who woere abdreanâ€" «d by Messes AQtonca, Fleming and T. J, ONelll, who and a@wvonded a mrsoinâ€" on of aympathy with the Red River patriots, and that no w biative of the rebellion should be allowed to pase through Toronts. HRov, Mr. Camplell® moved the third resoluâ€" «That this mesting deâ€"ply sympathise rl* THE OTTAWA TIMES. APRIL 9, 1870. ureat Bushoumes Remeiy tor rheomatiso, dizcam« of the throst, lungs, &o. For sls by all draggiats, CCC "e" oo es en‘ Cagetown, K.B Bin Jour A. M.cooniaro still <ontinues to dleglay bis uâ€"ual tact and energy in the exaited poultion to which bis talnts bav, mieed bios. '....‘::mu “Mmm ine, but we know that when a men‘s advancemâ€"dt is the munit of bis own intrinsic worth bis rwputa» MI-M~MMM“~ in. Prim bas sent Gen,. Baltrich to the KiuBs, totike command of the nstional trpops. In the Cortes toâ€"Jay a despatch from the Captailn General of Cubsa was mad, announsâ€" Ing the Aight of Jordas, the Commanderâ€"lo Chief the surrender of many wbels and the e«x»«utlon of others, and decluring the reâ€" Inl lon at an eud . M.pupâ€"The popular opposition to the apesstion of the Milituryp Coomription Act Is aot abated Yostâ€"day a anumber of mâ€"n «Bhtrred Hâ€"1l‘le from the ncigubring villages of Cames and Santiponce with bennoers #yi0, «houtliog * Vire Repablic,* and * down with Coun rption* They wote evigently sent ont hu.nh-drn-dlhmhup.- on ralrising roters #â€" te promptly artest> «d and groaps formed round the guani,and for a time it was thuught eBorts would be made to muh-.:m Thoy woere aal 4y 1ody> «d in Jull some dificulty, and the crowd Clapetred . "Abhe news from Barcelons is bighiy impor. postant. Advises just received says that tboubles have *roken out with rmwmoewed vio. lonce, The rlotts hare congimgated a short distance from the cliy, and awe throwing up basricedâ€"*. The Cuaptain Gemtril Las notified the Gor. rament that be is uot stroog enough to itack them, and is a«siting reinforce> Tuo VJortes adopted a vrote of thanks to the Cuptain Geseral, army nary, ansd volunsâ€" Â¥ «â€"«â€"The U Obem‘er hee prssed L"::‘:." 'â€â€˜-z'.o appolntmenat of a buoral Ministry, The Low.â€"t Chamber has adopted an ap> dress to the EKmperor, protesting ag=‘nst ¢aâ€" periqental : hanges in the coostitation. Exraacts. â€"Felioes* m’ mp â€"â€"â€"‘ % N“Mh“l“'.. besstatioe in staiing in 6t.John, Â¥.B. 8. L. EKARLE, 4X D. _ I wrongly recommend the use of Pellows‘ Comâ€" posnt Ayrup ot Urpephcophites to all who safer mb‘.lh\h,hw.m“d“yty the police asa Fenian. He hed a rerolver cugcealed on bis which fwt becoming Im.bh:'flmb&mu sasâ€" It in generally undâ€"rstood that the Gorâ€" erament will allow buth chambers to dlacoss the plebis Atam bef 1« it is romwd on by the people. A Moncton Ministorial jJournal accuses M. Rouher , of encomagleg the strikse ot the «orklogmen at La Cruâ€" 106. lchhm-dw'&ululhlu:-xm- coto‘s cuntemplated to Canada some rwiation to the Red River difGcalty. «â€"It is reported that tha opposition .:t;-:lllll'.u. proviamatisa consersing the plebiscitem. Thete is a rum»r that Count Daro, Minieâ€" ter of Foreign aGaire, and M. BuBet Minister d!mn-. have tendered thar resigna _ It s also mported that the Emperor was bhurt toâ€"dey while mountliog bis borse. These mminot« have an efect upon the BHourse, and have deptressd rontes, which at this hbour is quoted at TH. 45¢. _ Mr, Oliviers andt Jules Jamilna hare been alocted am»mbws ol the Acudemy of France. The medical students toâ€"day signâ€"d a pro tust aguinst the closing of the EKools de Med cine. A pleblwitaom will be submitted to the nation after the K uate bavre vuted on the ruMMysmhll&d Â¥ hofl,n.@ï¬y-bovkï¬qh;-.aro Iy poputar. poblic satisf.ction is genu‘ne -'-lm The Fimes toâ€"dur, in an editorial on the boat tmoe, sape : eï¬m and persorâ€"rance gare the Cambridge crow a victoy _ This is gratitying to the public who hare been woury ofth» Oroulans‘ susces which had become mondtonous by rep tition. urernment, almady a0 enttme as to alisasate wany Iriâ€"b +upporters. ‘3 _ The Hous» divih d on Mr. Fowler‘s amend. went, «ith the foellowlog re«alt; For ths a« udmont, 318 ; agun d it, 250 ; mejority for th CGovotomw at, 32. I‘n go as was then mpitâ€"d, and the Hoose ad) atomâ€"4, * + Tue yaper makers of the north of Eogland beld a weuting at Manchestwr yâ€"sterday, and »gned to advance the price of all kinds of paye t 10 pur CBl., owing to the dom mss of I®K®. The Wigbt . tas u.-:“m that n‘.- changes are aguain contâ€"m «1 in the Minâ€" Intry, which arsâ€"Lord Norty brook to replace the Hom Mr Curdue«l!, as Bectutay Of State loe "Yat ; aA 8 lrnn‘.lla. Commiâ€"sioner ol Public Works, to be Pn abtent of the Board of Tiedr, -l:‘d;. Jobna ?-u.:tn“- I'.' conn qurace bealtb, . Rousd« Puimer 1o sucemed Lord Hatherly as Lord High Chancellor. awloot d as bls encesssor Fhe Globe intimates that an carly retire ment of the presont 8mak»â€"r of the House of + mam s may b> <xpectd4, and that the Lunt Hon. Kisurd Canmsweli, the presoot Ne t. tary of Miste for War. will orobably i. t:md-«u awd delen! euatalin clanaws of the Mr. Gathorne Har iy admlited that the last wblectlionable Latures of the Hill badt been to moved. Nirs Rognod.â€"1l Palmer wee averm to further < hange«. . * Mr. Gladetone oppowd this, though be cab! he was williog to provide for free contracts af tor the provisions of the Bit\ bad bwen obser red tor a given aumber of yoears, diâ€"ormtua thersoo bwing Ioft to courts,. Mro Giedetons proceseded lekia of all compmniatin to all u"u ‘enante, degalal of trâ€"â€"tum of contract, imitation of demuwes to 80 pousds, wiich w«wtv mo; qed in tho amentment offered by MNtr, Fowles, woere equally astitrary and uosâ€" k _ He appeald «i maoiy to the Com allles to accept the cuncessoos made by the The Homw wenmed the consideration of the loishk Land Bill, lo Committte, Sigoas, momber for Limetick Conntr, :ofl &b »mewiment providing that erit‘d tenants be eniltled to damages eg l t» ten y ars reat, bat uot to excred ten poun‘s «tMoulty aslace the 224 ut Much, when the uw-::’.-‘ wult full Imtostion: to the Camadian autbesitica. @ARAYT BRITAIN, * After routine business, Lowsos â€"la the House of Commons M« Mon. Mr. CAMPBELL movel tho first Clukktrs, First Lord ot the Admitrality, #al4 | raxding of the B.ll, from Commons. relatâ€" Capt, lambet, of the -.-d.nr.IbyA-. Ing to HBinks and Banking. YE now cruisleg io the Pacidc, bad been direct~d The BHill relating to the Association of to use the uimost vigiiance to arrest the d¢â€" |(unclian Artists was also read the first prtatlns of South 8 a lalaoders PS s % street cccurred early last night, not one ui , /*"p a s , [ qs [ the morning papers had a Has about it. |é‘n“602‘ Ntr. Momel!, VUnder Â¥ repiy to an evquiry, .....‘."JL."-".'.‘:."..': nuthleg bad bâ€"en done about the Red Rirer The Young EKurnest Testtaller‘e Concert wasn in every wayp a anogeae. Qurniwtows. =»A mason, worklng on a ow CABLE NEWS. ORRAYT Bargai® A URT MA 1 a FA AiNCE. , wull m, be aLt the of the resolutic at the ; Mr. FERGUSON : explained that o the $20,000 yoted in Ontario n..‘b%: $8,0X) had been spent, and that ome u. Liw ied VOCH %, an4 That sum was less than the yearly salaries of the om Mr. JOLY was sorry to see that the scheme did not go far enough. . It ought w-&w&&omï¬md the & d&o«mhaul.whom out off when in youth hoealth, | m o(ih-mhdunodptofm salaries, that they could not afford to inâ€" sure their lives. Rome of them manage to do so, but this scheme would compel g-w:.op‘:u&lmm to contriâ€" to tow + Buperannuation Fund Provision should be made for those cases. Mr. JONXES (Leeds) did not see why the mmumu&mm mflmmhhmdm:theuwouu be in reased taxation, Mr. HARRISON said that the fund would be taken from the mpm‘.m salary, notfr.m the country, _ * | . Hon. Mr. WOOD said, this vote of $2), OX) was not mide upon general principles, but to provide for old and incompetent officers, whose services were not necded, and at the end of the year, it was found that there was an actual saving by this Hon. Sir A. T. GALT was glad the Govâ€" ernment had taken up the matter. | It was often impossible for the Government, having any how of humanity, to d.smiss a servant who grown old in the serâ€" vioe, Hodndnotmuy.m&flomg asked for. He thought provision m‘bflo Oodill.ï¬o(:l:odmmin‘ now in the service. phx: STREET approved highly of the Hon. Mr. nox.mnhdu Rhot find in it express provision for the cases of officers who should at once be allowed to retire. _ _ Hon. Sir FRANCIS HJNCKS moved the House hlo“(,omm' J .ttee, to consider resoluâ€" ons I or a system of superannuâ€" ation Wcfl‘;'u of the (Civil Sorvr‘, and of permanent officers and servants of the the 00::1..:; ‘.& a‘dopud t.holé:‘l.:g & :m-m' oficers who RLeld r:l during po: behaviour, but we ‘have not that iun for civil servants which "oxinte inmmd most of the British Mr. IA(‘KISO&MQM there could be no serious obj to consider the reâ€" solutions. and they w:fulduru the Homlx; fm W 0 M W > oug proposed was superior to that ad b .t:'a();)m%u?:.h:hich&votoé to provide retirement o old officers. | lon. l(rr. b)‘(.-::ï¬srn mo'vogl the gmd rexling of the ( ingwood Harbour Dues | Will, and a verbal amendment having been ;uudo. the Bill was returned to Commons fur concwwrrence therein. Hon. Mr. IIIASTEB secomiled â€" the rewdling of the Billâ€"an ~Act to provide for the amaigamation of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, and tho President, Directors and Company of the Gore Bamuk. » * In M.l:f the secomd reawdling, the hon. Renator that the object of the Bill l was to give eflact to an arrangement which hudt been entered into, between tho Bank gtm-bé of years; but the British ernment had naudenndo more Lberal provision. He had dn:monn nity of observing the working:of a selfâ€"supâ€" ronhgn::un&:mqwoq. had o_oeu: ts errors could provide | agains them. But it was not the duty of Governâ€" ment or Parliament to provide for widows and families of men who di«d in the service of the Government,. It was only desirable that civil servants who had grown old in the service of the Government, should be gotrilp(& Sonoofiunou.‘nm ov: BV years of ago ‘it was not desirab Mth:{tbufl.:‘; la:rrln active serâ€" vice.. He trusted that Parliament would m this selfâ€"supporting superannuaâ€" Colonies. It was noecessary under such mmuthmohouubopmhiom for Mumrï¬â€˜moldw oflduflyrrbnnfln dutics. The Government did not desire to add to the burden of the people, and therefore: we o‘rdownwnb. which would be selfsupporting. This system was analaâ€" gous to une prevailing in England for a owminion Parliament. i § EN A T E I:ï¬â€œ the Quebes MHarbour management Ovnwa&:zdl ? 1870. The Rï¬-&u took the at $.0‘clock. Mr. MARRISON presented the fifth ng:t of the Committee on Private Bills. . BROUSSEAU prasented the report of the Committee on Printing. Hon. Mr. CAMPBELLsaid that the deleâ€" gates could not be held responsible for murder, as they had been appointed beâ€" fore that event, and dMï¬dnfoeï¬ng of the country to strong, he believed the would go unmoâ€" lested through the country. The House then adj 1 H n. Mr. FERRIER moved the oo%ond reaxding of the Bill to amend the Act of the Montreal Sun lwunmm(,‘ompany-Cu. ried and referred to Committee. ‘ Mon. Mr.LETELLIER ps Sr. JUST called attent.on to reports in .E newspapers reâ€" lative to the strong feeling in the country on the subject of the murder of Srott, and to the alleged danger to the delegites who were coming to the country., He was understood to say that safe conduct should be guaranteed to them. ual bhour m. Mr. NO#SS moved the Atbird read HOUS#E OF COMYXÂ¥ OXNX® Orrawa, Apri} 8, 1870 LAXER took the J..'l at the out of 18 works, intended to hand them over to private capitalists (hear). o . MORRISUN said the hon. gentle had| heard somée explanations in Ck‘l: mittee, all members of which were in‘ favdur of the scheme. He had no know. ledge that any hon. member was against the Bill, and he was not satisfied that the member himself (Mr. Merritt) was :’ «het it. The promoters of theBill were men the highest character (hear), who were worth millions. ‘The capital could be ob taingd, and he would be .the list man to introduce the Bill with the view to bunâ€" or to &‘lfso his constituents (hear). The never been discussed at ?uboun.hodobt of the late Pro. of Canada, be referred to the Comâ€" mittee on Public Accounts on â€"Mondsy nekt.â€"Carried. & in motion of Mr. BROWN, the Bill to re the charter of the Grand Junction way Company, was read tho third time . ANGUS MORRISON moved the W into Comumittee on the Act to inâ€" the Ontario and Erie Sihp Canal Company, as amended in Committee on ways and Canals. ; » HERRI'IT thought there should be some explanation from the Government, the hon. member for Niagara. H had © heard something of _ this schrme every Session. _ The constitu: ® of ge hon. member «{Angus Motrison) had always been faithful to the Government of the day, and he lbougm the House ought to know whether ths Bi was to be tbenm of the con-tiituoncy for services ; t was 0 tho'gn,t m of Canals ;mm been foreâ€" owed a few days ago. The House ought to know if the Government, feeling itself unable to grasp the.great public Hpn. Col. GREY thought the objection by the member for Bothwell was to t&an. The. education of our sea, men was a matter of Dominion interest, and it was pr:Eorly a matter for the conâ€" & tion of the Dominion Parliament. «d that navigation was taught in the existâ€" ing| Schools, and the establishment of ine Schools was unn s Mon. Mr. HOWE said he Ld heard young men preparing for certificates beâ€" ing questions on navigiation, that not‘ia member in this House could answer. It not necessary that schools should be pstablished to teach these young men. r. CASAULT moved, before the Orders of the Day were called, that the réturns su uodoflho correspondence between thg Governments of the . Provinces of Queâ€" be¢ and Ontario and the Dominion Govâ€" Hpn. Mr. WOOD supported the objecâ€" tion| that this question of establishi e Schools was not under the oontl:oi of the Genmral Legislature. _ He contendâ€" on. Sir JOHN. A. MACDONALD said the object of the clahse was not to ext Hchools, but to aftord facilities to |enable masters and mates to pass the ary examination before 1872. t six o‘clock the Committee rose and re progress. . COFFIN ;nd,’ there was no Wth in this coun or seamen to 1 â€" selvps for oo"’mnnndou of vmqmn had ito go to England to be educated in orddr to be qualitied for a certifiate of comâ€" . Boards of Examiners would ?'uito useless without _ Marine Sch were seamen _ could qualify themselves to pass the n%uim‘e examinaâ€" tion before the Board of Examiners. He ho that such Schools would be estabâ€" lishdgd, so that our seamen could be proâ€" rly educated for commanders, without ing obliged to go to England.‘ _ _ _â€" t providing some means whereby seamen qualify themselves for masters and mates. If this: measure passed, no, seaâ€" man without a certificate o com‘funcy,. could get command of a vessel, and thereâ€" fora these schools were absolutely necesâ€" th¢ Senate mizht bedesirable to sâ€"ttle sojmue definite rule before a case should arige which might involve a contflict ~of jurâ€" isdiction. n clause thirteen, objections were made to Its pass ga. Ir.. FORTIN said it was the most impor taitt cl use of the Bill, There was no use for| a Boird of Examiners, unless there wete schools at which the men could be edkcated to pass. At present Colonial Rhipmast rs were looked on as infrior to Briktish Shipmasters, and this should not tinue,. A large school like what was at Quebec was not wanted. It would be endugh to have a teacher accustomed to h navigation which might b¢é"estabâ€" lisked at eich of the xr'mcipcl porkts at sm)ll expense. Me said great misapproâ€" hespsion existed as to the extent of shipâ€" ping owned in the Dominion, and ridiculed idea of oom}nnn{‘tbo tonnage to that of .\ France, e beleved that judicious mehsures of education would assist to in chse the amount of shipping. _ _ _ te lis «na he the of . me cre I:lld by the 80. ol t wh he th th &1 fo th fu th Cl n o. UNLOS RMRATANL ALECOLY ALANCTCE T ALEM | Lawrence / and â€"Lake â€"Phamplain,.â€"â€"and ked if the Government intended to re: | he did not see why the Bill should not ve the debris from the drill shel at | pass, as they did not ask any money. oronto. ; Hon. Mr. WOOD suggested to put off Hon. Sir GEORGE E. %:RTIERâ€"‘I am “lm Bill for one year, when the goneral xpecting a report eve y. $e : elections would take place (laughter). llon. JOHN l:A.\'DF IKLD MACDONALD | The motion p:m»«-d,l and the %lousg went ped that under no cireumstances would | jinto Committee, Hon. Mr. ABBOTT in the drill shed be placed on the present | Chair, §ite, the ammunition there caused a great | ‘The Bill wasreported, and concurred in, oui of alarm in Toronto. ... .\ | read a third time «nd passed. Mon. Sir GEORGE E. CARTIER said it | _ (On motion of Hon. Mr. ABBOTT: the as very likly the J“Pfl'fl would be madeo | House went into Committeo on the Bill t toâ€"morrow, and perhaps the Governâ€" | respectingy the Canada Coentral Railway, nt of the Dominion would beâ€"able | Mr. MORRISON (Niagara) in the chair. o do an act of liberality to. the Ontario | Hon. JOIIN SANDFIELD MACDONALD iovernment; Probably the material Oof | thought it was due to the House that the he drill shed would be handed over to his | promoter of this Bill should explain the m. friend (laughter), . © _ ~_ T0 â€"~WrOmMackt of tha Bill | T6 had : haaunchatrem The motion was then carried, to go into »nmittee on Monday. Hon, Sir GEORGE E. CARTIER pre ntel returns, giving the names of njilitary school cadets; sums paid for bar: r}ch â€" accommodation ;f l:u'ulement o; lary and expenses of, the Inspector o ill Sheds (Major Scoble). â€" _ â€" Hon. JOHN SANDFIELD MACDONALD ked if the Government intended to re. veo the debris from the drill shel at oronto. t R % . Mr. YOUNG asked if the orders in ouncil respecting the Departmental ‘rinting were nearly ready. > ~< , > . Hon, JOHN SANDFIELD MACDONALD ~I don‘t care for the material (laughter). Mon, Sir GEORGE E. CARTIERâ€"Proâ€" iled ho will receive it (laughter). Mon, Sir A. T. GALT asked if the Gov: mment woere prepared to br;:ï¬ down the orrespondence respecting tisheries, | Hon, Hir JOHN A. MACDONAED said iey would o ready soon, i The House then went into Committee n the Bill respecting certificates‘ to Mas:â€" re and Mates, ¢ y | Hon. Sir JOHX A. MACDONALD stated, e fee of ten dollars was voluntary and )t compulsary, This must not be allowed go too far, however, and probably the st way might be to let it pass withâ€"a te, that it was not to be a precedent. Hon â€" Mr. HOLTON n'uf the ‘second use was more objectionable as ï¬xmg dtcmuuemtion from the consolidate Ion. Sir JOHNX A. MACDONALD said, it had been in brackets ‘in the original 1 left out through error in the printing Hon. Sir GEORGE E. CARTIERâ€"I am x recun; a repo.t eveg day. lon. JOHN SANXDFIELD MACDONALD llon, »mr JOIALANX A, MAC DVOUNALDU stated, at the third clause had been allowed to over on account of its being a money iuse; â€" He explained that in some cases was difficult to draw the line, and here ‘ the second reading. ; discussion ensued on the relative er of the senate and C.mmons in oriâ€" ting. + & on. Nir JOHNX A. MACDONALD said would consider the who.e question, and ught. possibly that a conference with Hon. Sir JOHNX A. MACDONALDâ€"Not r. MILLS thought the education so was not within the jurisdiction of Government, that being . relegated to Local Government», ï¬e thought that n examinations wer»> made compulâ€" , a demand would grow up for sechool the Local Government would be forcea he necessities of ‘the cise to establish n, if private enterprise did not do r. FORTIN urged the importance of AFTER Mr, YOUNG contended that the manâ€" ner in which the Queen‘s Printer had reâ€" ported on the tenders, led to the result that the lowest tonder did not get the Mr. YOUNG said the Queen‘s Printer was very seldom in Ottawa, and he had reâ€" commended the tender for Public Printing that was not the lowest. d Hon. Sir GEORGE E; CARTIERsaid the tender was given to the lowest. _ . Mr. MACKENZIE said there ought to be further explanations, and the items should be held over. Hon. Mr. TILLEY said the North West question necessitated extra officials. j Mr. MACKENZIE said the decrease in onu;wu much less than the increase in the o r. Hon. Sir GEQRGE E. CARTIER sugâ€" gested to take small items on which would be brief discussion. A Hon. Mr. LANGEVIN said the Queen‘s Printer had been transferred in addition to the Indian Department. ¢+. Mr. XACKENilE said it was impossible to account for it in that way, the salary of the Queen‘s Printer not being more than f(z;‘iwm $21,587.50 for the Department 0 Socreuri of State, against $25,290 last year, and t Dopcrun'ent of the Secre. tary of State for the Provinces of $15,670, against $5,200 last year. _ Hon. Dr. TUPPER called the attention of the member for Chateauguay to the fact that the member for Shelburne, who was a tleman who had the confidence of all '.i.onna»ï¬mng men of Nova Ncotia, had stated that he believed the measure would be regarded with great favour by the seamen of his Province. He(Hon. Dr. Tupper) was conyinced the Bill would be pmr:ctive of benefit to the Maritime element, and hoped it would become The Commit rose and reported the Bill read the nd time with the amendâ€" ments.© The third reading was fixed for Monday next. / : 3 Hon. Sir FRANCIS HINCKS moved the House again into Committee of Supply. Hon. Sir A. T..GALT said he understood the Finance Jiniuer would movre the House into Committee at an early hour on Tuesday, so as to give an opportunity for a full cï¬scuuiou, ind he therefore acquiâ€" esced in the suggest.on of the Minister of Militia, He gave notice that he would then move that the House do not go into Committee. . The motion passed and ‘the House went into Committee, Mr. S;.rREIl-:lT l?)e the Chair. On item, $25,980 for the Department of Militia nqdf‘i)s'qfenm. Hon. Mr. HOLTON asked if the Minister of Militia could g¢tate if there was any reâ€" trenchment in | his Department. The House was asked to vote $25,000. Mr. FORTIN wanted the Government to provide means of obtaining instruction even by,employiï¬â€˜ examinérs as instrucâ€" tor;hnnd the ten thousand dollars which wo be received for certificates would meet all expenszo. The Bill was adopted with ‘amend ments. ‘ 8 _ Hon. Sir FRANCIS MHINXCKS explained that it was owing to the Indian Y)epart ment having been transferred. Hon. Sir GEORGE E. CARTIER said that was caused by the transfer, from one branch to another. <There w}n no inâ€" The time for considéring Private Bills having expired theâ€" Committee rose and reported nrogress and asked leave to sit again on Monday.! Mon. Mr. HOLTON was as much in f2â€" vour of the obje¢t of the Bill as the memâ€" ber for Corgwall. but the Government should come dewn with a general scheme, before asking for power to deal with this question. If this clause was zwce&t:‘,le to the represon es from the ritime Provinces, he would withdraw his obâ€" jeotion. . . J _ The House then went into Committee on the Bill respecting the certiticates to Masters and tes, Mr. MILLS in the chair. * 1 ; Hon. Mr. uor:s‘« )N thought the clause to which objection had been taken in the afternoon should be struck out, until the Government were prepared to submit to the House a scheme of Marine Education, if" they meint to jestablish such a scheme, and if they did not, then this clause was superfluous. It was imprudent: and unâ€" wise to legislate by Orders in Council. Hon. JOHN SANDFAIELD MACDONALD approved of the Bill, and said it would be ‘time enough to discuss the projec¢t of Maâ€" rine Schools when the estimates for it came before the House. _ He th ught the Marine element in this New Dominion ought to be on«{anged in every way. > Mr. FORTINX @xplained that he had calâ€" culated that $10,000 would be received by 1872 from the fees from Masters and Mates, who would have to come before the Board of |Examiners. This money could be ex ed on Marine Education. Hon JOHNX SANDFIELD MACDONALD siid he wss not Director of the Company like his hon. friend, and had no personal interest, He opposed the Bill on grounds of public interest only. In the old parliiment tour milhon acres of land were granted to the North Shore Railway, and the object of this Bill was to obtain pqssession of the tail end of that grant. The original intention of the grant was to open up a iailway from Queobec to Ontario and Lake Huron in the most direct lnc. . The capital of the original company was to be $30,000 a mile. â€" Mo traced the history of the various projects, inconnection with this line, the promoters of which had not a cent in their peckets, but who endeavoured to raise eapical in England on the strength of the public lands. ‘The charter was renewed from time to time, though not a dollar hid been spent on the line. He knâ€"w the Government was opposed to him in this mitter, and on a subject to which the Government were opposed, there was not much chance of getting a hearng in this HMouse ; but he appealed ‘to the justice of the House not to allow the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario to be swindled as this Bill proposed to do. The original charter . contemplated a direct line to I»~ke Huron, but in 1866 although not â€"a dollar hid been spent, the promoters of the Canad i Central Railway, succeeded in obtaining permission to divert the line 25 miles out of the t line,to connect with the Brockville and Ottawa Road at Carleâ€" ‘ ton Place. 1 * Mr. MACKEXNZIE said, even if <this clause was passefl, it could not be operaâ€" tive until a vote of money was passed for that service. _ | Hon. Mr. ABBOTT explained the gro- vissions of the Bill. The Kill had no effect respecting lands. If {\art of the road were completed by September, the next Comâ€" pany would gzn‘e a claim for the land unâ€" der the old Charter, if not they would have no claim. * Hon. JOIN SANDFIELD MACDONALD thought it was due to the House that the promoter of this Bill should explain the object of the Bill. It had beenbefore Parliament for ten years, without anything be ng done and it involved the giving away of three or four hundred thousand acres of land in Ontario and Quebec. tm motion ‘of Hon. Mr. ABBOTT: the House went into ©Committeo on the Bill respecting the Canada Coentral Railway, Mr. MORRISON (Niagara) in the chair. the late elections one way or the Other He believed the time had arrived when capital could be found, and Canils must be constructed. | The principle of the Binl had been adopted, not only by the Railw y Committec, but also by this I louse. Every clause in the Bill was previsâ€"ly the same as that to unite the waters of the <t. they did not ask any money. Mr. WOOD suggested to put off for one year, when thoe general s would take place (laughter). motion passed, and the House went mmittee, Hon. Mr. ABBOTT in the occasion. Amission 25 centt cents, C M ST. JOSEPH‘*B 09""., Under the patronage of uht Institution. MONS. LOUIS DE l‘“’: and the inost disticguith® city will lend their vals4"" Fee for course of 20 “’:; halfk Application to be madt Kach olar uuu-m“f_fl B ns a £F a T .â€"â€" EPPE §10004 080 "on routina.â€"â€"The very agreeablec this preparation has render«d #1 favourite, The Civu S8ame i wmarke:â€"â€"*"The singular euoces 4 Ep ps attain~d by his h Jmeopstbi 1t ®"Queens Birubdsy wH PAÂ¥ _ oyai style last mosoth, aM “ utizens of the Nominion of Cst4# the birth of their new and and 1# out recovered l‘nnltblflâ€.! would be too short to celebratt #4 that celebrated Indian Media®t 89 snoxtes Rauzor, now on sal 4# druggists in your localitr. d pponmeâ€"wt"» you 18 Classes will be held at MB #*"*, HALL, Sparks Street, on M##® and Friday, on and afer M0KPMA for the p‘rpenddm“‘ undamental principles of musé plied to the m‘y.dï¬ow directionof Mr. H.K. FRIPP wa Poilharmoric Society, Church of the Hely Trinkj, * Bt. J«me»‘, Toronto, and «f CBD®"" ul cocom bas never been vj L uie â€" o xperimentalist. By a thomad ie mad. 4 % f the natoral Jaws which gor® "20 & a tions of digestion and ostdi® ind _‘ . ~ careful application of ‘the §# _‘.h Mr. | wellâ€"selecuwd cocom, Mr. l!!- Â¥ botitis wr break fost tubles with a ddiott) UR »ocived ‘ppg _ > :4 beverage which may stt# ®* Blind ring â€"g W O OB loctors‘ bills." Made «impy ** liion, 10 ¢ ’13 #ater or milk. Soldbyti"'“-' Uher.dentie api h i ® i1b and 11b tinâ€"lined prbts M | / 007 Mn qoeg lawes EKers & Co., HOâ€'!“ motion of thig London, EKngland. tuikt Miso | Senand un / R " Queens Birubday wat bp # ! Ka6t, ung oyai style lnst mosoth, s»f ME Oc by W utisens of the Nominion of Cat4#* Mr, che birth of their new and asd 1iÂ¥ > * o Piker, FATPIOREITIY | l‘nr‘llï¬â€˜.“ I On item Â¥8%3% t, In Hon. Mr. MOKKS enane uy crease of $5,000) Over \us, yoars was caused by lddWN lection of hydraulic rents ulup ,, Un item t37,740forhflg, JOuNX _ 8. * Macpoxan how it was that no Mua.‘ made in the staff since Con although many public works u1 domken‘hy the local authorities Mon. Sir JOHNX A. MACNMNL the Treasury Board had prered # useful in discussing quésuau‘ otherwise engage much of the cil. _ If the member for Chates behind the scenes he would s# Board was very necessary, and i\ interfered with the ultimate of the Government., In answer to Mr. MACKENZ Hon. Nir FRANCIS otal salary of Auditor Langw® Hon. Mr. HOLTON protesteh departure from the solemn g by the Government when ths established that it would ns additional charge on the Treas Item passed ; also Finance M Seotia and New Brunswick#W ion Offices, Nova Rcotia, $408; Brunswick $6,500, The Committee rose dfl gress. A In reply to Hon. Mr. AWIR __. Hon. Sir JOHN A. the present intention of the was to ask the House to adjou day night next to the but if the Government could day, they would ask the House thit day â€"also. i mean Hon. Mr. LANGEVIN exply proceededâ€"t0o the Gow the staff was too small because reuldence in His Ml‘cy many great public works in was db hand.© . s'l‘J,‘.h‘U Post Office, was M % $19,705, Agricultural Statists o * U Marino and Fisheries. Onthe Te “hd ::e F Treasury Board. m CE ET ,"ll., e 7"â€" PCBRmCHL, In Answer to M Hon. Sir FRANCIS J113 office formerly filled by M was filled by the promotion . clerks of that Department. . The item pasged, and also for the Finance, and $2) 54)9 toms Department, * aucted irom the allowane Intercolonia] Rallway Com Mr. MACKEXZIE pointe Coflin had received both a asked the Minister of Pul Necrotary of State, for exp Bon, Mr. LANGEVIN s, Department was concern« been receiving a salary fix, opinion of counsel had be subject, and Mr. Coffin ) salary as Hrdmnce't'le:k. 1 missionerâ€"Items passed. On the item of the Rec Department, in answertn 1 on . , referred 'h“-‘h th the 1. 7 ranco vepareiment . _ "* as such Wwhile acting on s‘ mission, and he (Mr, \“: for explanations of the may, Hon. Sir GBORGE E. C that the saliry as Ordnany dueted from the dlo'u:‘ Intercolonial Rarlue... x "" «on o stt tiratizd iss < Mon. Mr.. d“fll more w than he had Hon. Mr. Wix ';:l!;j said there were Rreat delay in the Indian p Hon. Mr. q« O\S'E..u sible despate) was used business, . Mr. BOWNX sasq the, tice done by the freqy Indian Department Mr. MAC abilityand Indian Dep tem for t might have desire to‘protect th, 7* * protested against ';G’N allowing perquiâ€"ite p.." "® to officials besides .=~. pear that Mr. « offin, Ql? Fin@ncée Denartmaneli *4 1*Yyermn ‘l““‘:e (f d u(‘tim l mrin & t OL o'lhl"‘ M He had ,.-?e‘ manag, ment, Mr. Macr® does the Que. HMon. Sip that of the & been voted, Hon. Mr, 1 not he much the &(‘roury but their was Indian Depar mtract, is in t} The House aAjpurned at = AN A DIAN 1ss riTOth s T 88EX » 1309 suuofl.lfl; GRAND OHARIT For the baitl® _ [UllCAlâ€" LADIES and 0 ublie â€"p rrment , ® Of the o long in eÂ¥ DIES and 0F""" y 6 the Philkar=®* * _, 0 MACKEXZIE\, e Ont he nm"" IOHN sa Mr. w nlh‘h t. and put . Agan lueen ir Fj en 1 m«lusnâ€"ya artment, b ® deh-‘o & been cane KEXZip Count *xpent SAXDP; Properq U VET in my A No n prin AUsed }, y Â¥ the "w “Qm ;tn M {u6r Some 6 us 1 : TTeaaoe s House Furpisking® my, The tagest téck of NeT rowent poiges ts 306 86 ** o bmor & C€ & $Â¥C P _ smm C avrers ‘:‘{""' e 'r':-""g..dw.“" an 3ro04 ’. .l‘“ 4 £ * omnst yek _ Meer C."M At horl admiring the $90°6 l""-m nor & ©4. We direct ‘attention to ¢i, zentinanoiter colump of the_ cj f in music, to be openaed o by Mr. Fripp, whose conn Chist‘s Church, as organiet, As a testher_of some fiteen prrace in this epuntry, be bas f as almost ‘universal practice to mg chiltren, at the commencement 0 Ixnioxa y1o@| Mzxrime â€"â€"A petition s ed n.M the citr, mgu 24 oré! ip the Musor to, make the pOj ‘Quaba judignaot aéel‘s bl 0 ts Rous ARSh * * P oc m b, Mr. Nopk man ang Mr. Do# d River notéHetyâ€" _ i ___ Meerixg “‘-M?‘ .l Ool. R reon "“v‘“’"’""'i “ h'f\’ .“m wl‘ ~i urped 1 the adival -"“ * e k â€loï¬"‘.';"_“iu' ie sn ~â€" is ABEC. ‘ prog x ® ¢ mse‘s 3* (itawa Railway is floud.d from | rowd '.‘",-“.“4 T is risiog rapidly, and the rem ICMO‘““-.:*W ® BE 1 o eoaee L "oo," Aand. * & 04 (tP . â€" .sn _ wc-,.,.,.r-‘.â€"so C 2 P o. en use l" u'm 0::: Luse W M uc wrii â€"Yest rday aftrocon Maj -mq:â€"‘-'zn-w- ‘ &A guard of}m L’tbe ban 40 PC * se woum sedit t# i grend oi 7 ..‘,Q“ C"‘:'p:" Wilk, affects trave M( _ fB "‘l": than to uP " “&m’lflpl ar w M * â€" sthe uk 4. .. &A wilituy :.M .“d.dh. ml: wal provéededâ€"to the Gov \o ’R 1to Mich) PXE sn l ""Ore in & theq ue i# en to some of the numl because they can eze e “}ru qualific arse "are willic han by ex & whhes dir work ; heve | J M is ;, * "VrO u , the igi Fed, the foliowing L. + iction many tb “ ml':l © oroughily ground the M whe ‘~v~ the or E being sbhared: b: OM . Niks Aopic 8t« L.hï¬t la-al.bun be ond ;, that I UFO Gollars 75 Bcoonded 1 | of ..'flln ..,d. i ue ips Toms * §M3 4,, _8E Committe Stone ‘onnt-(‘:.‘:l m“‘ en 4 Alexander 8 Bumber of ae00 COaryr, April 1, 18 574‘::; Les "!%, Roubinson BirkeHt, ang reid curce *0°* uZ h'“flled‘ & Rdbinson: W and‘approved :?.,.Nn offct 86condeq 1008 from 40 reaw@ aut l(’(m the Faa) _â€"Among the Trustees Chairimap OE Miss 6t firke a Om her ic compl in opp “hfllc # ‘ï¬lo Leituce #10 crowds © fons ®t to &E #nt, seco 95 o will at b .“In. RUthor|g +o Câ€"Qoly ."bb’ a Tj Full l eapond lhe hool W and B put ratt Ceou! by Gl by by Ba Lm on of