ings, Wasses Picture Frames, of th anteed, and at prices mm mg‘l: duce custom. . PM"Bashes Primed and Glasod for shipâ€" dn amerameayafemny mt Come and see, ~ * PICOTURE 'n'nUlL-tlunmu;" . i ues Freuk Uaich and Pail Pavary af 2. a" ADD¢,"* On the 13th inst, a short ALBERT CHAINX, GOLD K&Y attached Cornelian Stoue, with oi if hardig i e _ _ _ *AE " ~ORLLINGS sand WALLA WHITENED and COLOURED in a superior style, on the most m--n-u:-.ncu::-mm m'.cu-.' ‘u-n' do. in .-.-u-.."n:-uui C@o,, Ubscured Piate, Smethinck 16 and 11 ounce, MM:O&MMh Boxes, or Cut to order of any'. * Bell‘s Blook, opposite Russell House. HJUSE PALINTINXG, HANGING PAPERB, DECORATING ROOMS, Which will enable him to execute all orders with despatch, and to the satisfaction of the most fasâ€" Satin and Plain lected soon attacks the lungs. @"Browd‘s Bronâ€" chial Troches," or Cough Losenges, allay irritsâ€" tion which induces coughing, having a pinBor in ‘.-flfllhm‘. .3.,..' Tnarinin malieimnnit 17 wwhik t foss Erezrsoot Sats 3o.â€"Thatis all who har ither used the article themseives or witnessed its effects when used by others; all such, and they nw-n“â€"-h.oaflfl- Ti aanp i en in mediity ut es ve kind CI‘OCMI-UOMT solds, thick wind, and all discases which afect the wind of horses, As a condition medicine it has noequal; there is nothing ia it which can inâ€" u.\. from ks .'Nlo using it 1?; mommu“mau:-'n: neegiae * t ®. EATO®, _ nummm Russeli! th it simple remedies often act speedily and cerâ€" ::-u.'-h hn:n stage. " That Thick in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy,if nog. alimate are sources of Pulmonary Bronchial ana classes, both to cure and preovent dhu-.-b-:'l: as it does, have every security the law can aff, t, from counterfeit and imitation. â€"Cabiast, Scas chest. It cures a cough by looseniag and Mï¬ol-'.ni:dhfl:hflhflu; thus removing iAe cause, instead up mwumm“m =«msens birubday was in the> usual loyal style last moath, u:.‘l.‘ month the citisons of the Nomimon of Canada will celobrate thd birth of their now and and rising existence ; but recovered invalids still feel that a public holi~ would be too short to celebrate all th virtues of on the increase as the country older, but this is also deception. The bflm spring from the increased fasci for cation, which, like the groat| Raexusor tor consumptioa, fowoll in the wake of cirilisation cntion has not yor been ssttled by the wgflhm’h&b-&d with the utility of Upper Canada College in our educational system, the former m‘. will nws The Honourable J Sandfeld Mo l-nizu-ummo‘u.- tional questions, as the groat sH08HONEES REXEDYT has been in eradicating the numerous chronic has been in erad complaints of the | loag poor mun‘s pooket, bat of -.oc,-l- It "'“""., ~ =l-"""“'“‘.‘.'a!“"""""=""" money by purchasing a box of this saire. “wm--:mm Buoâ€" suowees Reusort, now on n&:uuhb dn*b.v-!l-lb. serior‘ «â€"Dr. Wistar‘s Bailsam of Wild Chorry is ® a combination aad a form indeed" for healing and curing dizssases of the throat, lungs and bpt;llufldnddl.h ocour posed to more frequently as the o-nry-t aleared, but Oitams, UclsberIs 1t _ e ssorted Borders to matoh in endless variety,; f +T Taive ins in is reging the ton, P.3.â€"Mr. Haton has in ?h“‘ rt and expertenced work men. MMRENSE LREDUCTIOX The Poor Man‘s Friend. Â¥Fire Irons, Fendors, Coal Sonttles, ste, at % $BxoNoms. y taken in the mm.clthh , recourse should at once be to " Brown‘s OTrawa 4A8K610s. Compiled expressly for the Ortawa I:uzms.| Times Offce,. Oxtawa, Des 4, 1869. BLIND, DOOR MOULDING AaXD IN PRICE3 OF W AaALL PAPER 3 of IT'W ‘ .;Ul::b dnul-n: CoOmmMERC!AL. R EATON‘S. on each paskage. Northrop & . Ont., ml-ms YOUAG & RADBORDs, (hed mrathnt the nipantare o ut once be had to * Brown‘s t Losenges, Fow are aware m V# ® C ure mndlersen | B) y of the work will mg‘l: sed m yï¬vy:::. f-At_.‘ tor‘s bills ate bat many of at the Vari all the best y y dozen splendrd Table rllhhwohl-nn * C THE VARTETY HALL * The REFLECTOR Stove does xor require nut coal, ‘Any kind can be burnt in it. It is the most beautiful stove over manufactured, and is most effective. It is cheap. Buy none until you f G. BARTLETT most respectfully to announce to his friends :',.m-uu he has resumed the baking of MUFFINS AND CRUMPETsS for the season. All orders premptly attended . 11794 The undersigned begs to notify the public that hbmm buluuh’--n’:a-cd RUR DY lh lolu'::‘a::.thmh twelve years in Ottawa, given wgiversal satisfaction. mmm all descriptions of robes and ladien‘ furs. ; f l“flfl’unma," o 1135.4m 364 Opposite Magee & Russell‘s arty who has made the aumber of points will receive from the a rich prise, Parties visiting the will be received with polite attention. The best of liquors will be found “-w « o B B LARIViERE. "-‘3 Ball Ruom is attached to he promises, will be let at a low Agure. B L. FIRST PRIZR NEW D0 MINIO N DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, No 244, Ridean stroot, Ottawsa City, In rear of Octhausen § Dupuis Tobscto Store. ‘Orders for Dyeing and Scouring will be promptâ€" ly Alled at the LOW EST CHARGES. ; Particnlar attention paid : to the Cleaning of mmmum Ottawa, September 4, 1869. Specially manufactured ‘or the Ottawa Lamâ€" ber Trade ; a arge assortment on hand. Iu of 50 to 100 dos and upwards supplied at less The worst kind of Compliaintsean be cured at any time in less than twonty hours, Also, by a ommon herb. Partioenwho are infllsted with any such disâ€" Hull, in the h nGaig oo the hark e 16 the snmmer season, as *use all such dissases. * > _Cure for W ARTS on your hands or face. They -umu.mmmmum J Cure for lame sack diseases; Rhoumatism of he worst kinds can becured in lessthan a woek without taking any kind of medicine in the inside. Cures persons troubled with the Gravel M: :n'm MHara Soap, and some of them of a HORSE TRAINING INXFORYXATION, The wildest and ugliest horss can be made to obey his master, and even to walk after him in which can not be equalled by any other, for making several kinds of Soft Soap, without either in ~**1 4\9 are the best in the world tor family use, as they hem, fell, tuok, cord, bind, and quilt in a manner that dofies They are the only machines in the to which can be apâ€" :: the Aelicate Buttonâ€"hole Attachment and Call and See cour NEW TUCK CREASER and car & lUlDrPrho.a.“. k lfl%‘cfl. ‘Foronto, and 31 Ottawa. C K. W. STEPHE®, for Ottawa Ofice. Call and examine the Adpastable Hoa _ ovo!lâ€" =::¢Mmoddntl’mp' Pres and of .auql- mhg‘o.lput\tn N.B.â€"Sewing done to ordor, needios, d‘hmmm:n.;-lu *= G. A. WALTuNX, _ °_ THE n&w& 8RWING IAOI:’!:.IB m: dnm.-shlg..llm M.‘h A hand. sltuated COTTAGE, containing dln-m on Gloucesterâ€"st., Ashâ€" burnham Hill Thereisa handsome fower and ;rl“m'onu- tm to W . H. BULLEN, on the promâ€" wml.l. & WILSONX __ PFoarcomfortable Arst class gdrick Deeliings, now nearly Auished, in Kigin Toerran», O*Conner street, with all modern improvements, including pamp in kitohen, with necessary sheds and outâ€" buildings. Ront moderate, Possession lst Nov. From the 1st of January to the ist of May next, the STORE, on York stroot, fow doors from the By Ward Market, cccupied for the four inst _ A pleasanily situated house on Bank street, about five minutes walk from Sparks street, con. taining six rooms and a kitchen, well laid out with hall. Also a good wood shed adjoining kitchen; Rent £25 a year and taxoes. Posgesson given first December, years by " Le Canada" printing ofice. Good -luzuld. The counters in the store, will be sold cheap. Address immediately on the premises, "Le Canada" oflice. * Ottawa, Nov. 17th 1809 _ 12092 _ ET, L 'l\o muiu-u. All accomplished in one day. Sure cure for CORNS at a choap rate, without MOCCASSINS AND MITTS. NGLISH BUNNX HOUSK. 8EKWING MAQHINE 3 1157.3m YEING. WASHING COMPOUND, Newing Machines. For Satle or to Let. . CCC . VBABLZ _ VA Z L D i A & B D , C. P. Do RIONJJ % HOTELâ€"KEEPERY. SPARKSâ€"A1. f â€" 1 po mm CoPprINS, HEARSES 4 Carriao®es, | | se‘ Sparks 1 eot n Wrew in new, compaty | . _ révers un rhrerions. in in mt t paitérns. _ Bole agent for f ‘t'mm Lower Town Market |‘ AL80, * FISE‘S8 METALLIC COFFINE, | | fas Spove Stoves are as follows: O t | Table Goblet for two dollars par dozen Hiote ‘Pariour, Double, Box, all at price _ . 3 !rmvmnrl’:u. . Rusmosronâ€"Yorkâ€"st., first .Brick 4 e ks o. sil se ol pris JAMES CORISTINE & CO, "471, 473, 475, 477 St Paul street, LEWIS & PLNHEY, to lst July nexst, and the ESMONDE BROS. Times ofice, to P & T perior to Pepsine. 4 #s, 3e 64, 6 6a and 1%s6d. Pancreatine Wine, bottles,38,5s and )( 1. N.B.â€"Pancreatine Wine is the best vehicle for EC TINE completely effesets the DIGESTION and Anm« COD LIVER OIL, the fit eaten at meals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" Saatiiles for Inhalation, Boxes, 25 6d, 5s and 10. BAVORY & MOORE, 143, New Bondâ€"st., London. Aorxtsâ€"Messrs, F. Cundill & Co., Montreal. «« The amoke causes NO naunses. 'lo-tbonfm g]m“ known an instance in which was not obtained."â€"Gemeral Alezander to Hon. B. SMAuart. d In Tins, 2s 64, 5s and 108. _ Or formed into Cigars and Cigarettes, Boxes, 3s, He is ready to receire instractions from persons having real estate to diuspose of, and pledges himself that nothing will be loft undone b’lt.-.mnunn- Odgh-ï¬h-‘znavm ‘l.&.::' & moet w « mediate and careful attention. Cash advances made on furniture or other COMMERCIAL SALE® ROOMS, York street, near the Market, > * hmmh'}.-’-tmm“:: ion of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"Theso celobrated Bitters aro carefually prepared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitgtions. They are gontly stimulant, and will be found infallible aids to digestion. * For directions see label round the neck of each Sole Mah Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY,. Kept by all the principai vruggusts and Grocers in RO'A.I. ITALIAX BTTERS. Mhm’-fl;.ï¬-mofl‘lul below the market. BRA Solicitors, Conveyancers, &o. Oficeâ€"In t! Court House, Ottaws, Rosext Lezs. 43ut?f _ Joux J. Geuxueus. MJZ o in Chancery, Conveyancer, &o., Bussexâ€" streot. 0.0..0-!-' lnfl'd.’hp.o&avs.' b5y Public, and Patent Right Solisitor. Ofliceâ€"Post Office Building, Elginâ€"streot, Ottaws. 0:!" of the Peace and County Attorney, for the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. Officeâ€"In the KR Soticitorâ€"inâ€"Chanecery, Conveyancer and No tary Public, Ccorner ot Bussex and York streets, Court House, L‘Orignal. opposite the Post Ofice, Uttawa. Wiuurix Mosgmove, â€" 366 _ Gzomes Tamuos, N Klm. ‘ KIMBRR, Barristers and Attornies at Law, Solcitors in CUh » Conveyancers, &o, for the Provinces otf mo and Quebes. OMliceâ€"â€"Post OMse Buildings, Elgin street, Ottawa. + Avecearee Keares. Rext Row.aro Kivaze, Hï¬lm P. HILL, Attorney at Law, Bolicitor in Ch , Conveyancer, &6, Mo-msâ€"m Ofice ?‘M-o. Eigio street, N Bâ€"Money advaznced on landed s ecurity. The: WBHY Siv Shahniarn opposite K. W. Soott, Keq, M P P, â€" wa---;hhui Max. W. Strange, Rsq, M P P; None are gonuine uniloss bearing the signature of p As MKARA, Architect. Ofliceâ€"Aumond‘s "A@e Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. 9027 ITY AVOTION MART, 11177 â€" _ (House. Land and General Agent PRICE $1.00 PE BOTTULE. DWABRD T. DAR! KEKS Qfllllllalqlmw‘og Solicitors, Conveyancers, &s. Ofhceâ€"In j 'l'l‘l'mllyl%blhhth Pro & vince: of Quebes, near the Pos ORACEK LAPIERRE, Attornoyâ€"atâ€" Larw, Cod Liver Oil. O§GROYVE & TAILLON, Barruter, W. W. W ARD, of the late irm of Lowis, M HAYCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" gitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary 1KDIGESTIONâ€"â€"P A NCHR & a«â€" A. M. F. GIANELLI, - and Propristor for the Dominâ€" R, Attoraeyâ€"atâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€" A. K. F GIANELLL Quebes Bank, Ottaw . Gallows Pipe, Dumb Stoves, Damper Pipes, T Pipes, a good supply at a low rate, M’:‘bll THE OTTAWA @TIMES, DECEMBER 4. | 1 Sfteon conts up, 2000 CELEBRATED Q K READ timely used, and we have never kuown a single case of dissatisfaction where the directious are porly followed ; but on the flm% dmbm and i n the terms of its aGects. w.rxm-mhqum.m tested it thoroughly, and thorefore those who ary suffering from any of the comp «ints for which it is .ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" _The â€" effcacy of the Canadian Pain Duu:ymudlm to:'lhlnun- t Choumatisni. n arvane hi rgeatr eniiihe is to a niph rank io 10L Nervous Affections, eutitle it to a highrank in she lhdwhw Deanlers are ofl.l&mm .“hallmdllo country for further su each testifying to the universal .umum The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmediate rolie{. All Medigine Dealers Iml Physicians orderand use is; and no family assorted from diferent makers, 5,000 STOVEPIPES, _ â€" « LOOK HERE ! 200 STOVYES, . whenever used is well liked, never Wh & single instance to give permanent relief when ‘ , Burns,Poalds § ï¬mu.u * The Canadian Pain Destroyer has been before the public fn.lnflldl.-'o.ul whenever used is well liked, never tailing in a 1,600 STOVEPIPE ELBOW , CAm DIAN PALN nur;bvnn'n Among ths most 1mportantof n.“‘:n Medical Dis CANADLIAN PAIIi DlS’l‘ï¬!lB Side, Badk ana rload, Couphs, Throat *"speeme Â¥eaeee C aeie t tyorians. Do you require stovres and tor spipes, 1 Bilver Top Smeiling Bottle., § Booton Piaid Smolling Bot.les, > Improved Perfamed Distributors, A complete stock just recoured of Toilet Articles,; Fatent Medicines, QGenuine Drugs and Cheomicals, * Druggists‘ Sundries of all descriptions. W . M. MA8SSEY, ©Family and Dispensing Chemist. Toilet Boxes in variety, Rimmel‘s New Porfumes, 300 IMPROVED EBOW8, on hand Perfumes ot all kinds, and fFollet Requiâ€" sites asually kept in nmm& No, 41 Bussexâ€"st., Ottawa City. Colonges, Pomades, Toilet Vinegar, Rose Denti : rm:,:c the Teoth and Gums, A.ho constantly on hand Perfumes ot all kinds, and Lollet Requi~ mmh -l.:c.:l.duu-d the Laver and Bowels. Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm Destroyer, mp “’ hodw.rdyflu 2 com bining :W.flnndhuly relievi oarseness, Difficulty of Brea Chest, &o., &o. It operates by goaled CANADIAN COUGH EMULSION every family, is only 2 2 | w s o oye TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENTB A BOTTLE. goalod causing free expectoration, and : umm[t.o‘muh. Bola in Bottles at 11. 34. and 21. 6d. Rach. CHOLERA, . DIARRHCEA, and ' â€" BOWEL COMPLAINTS. MORTIMER‘8 COMPOUND ANTIBILIOUS This valuable medicine has the extraordinary THE MEDIOAL® HALL, 28 Sparkeâ€"st., Ottawa. ore shallwe go?t h m:&-‘nu{-‘iu y a bdlnbnu::ya " NoRTHROP & LYMAN _ _ Newenstle, C. W REAT EXCITEXENXT, OLIDAY PRESENTS, ORTIMAR‘S ‘*PATENT PIPE. FAMILY INFALLIBLE REMKDY NONE OTHER GENUINE. opposite B L Hotel, an fopposite Lower Town Market, . ay~ W A L. CALL STRANGERS ! MORTIMERS And see for yourselves. € P DORIORN, English Lavender W ater, from ton cents up hair from falling of or turning gray. EVANS, MERCER & 00O., Montreal, proprie tors; and â€"sold by all druggists and perfum? F iE GREASE ortas CANADA BEAR, 11« been long known as a most valuable toile article, and a consthntly increasing demand is a guazsrantes of its high meputation. It is delightfully perfamed, &nd is eminent for promoting. a luxuriant growth cf the hair, and, permanently, maintaining its beauty. C Its nourishing properties effectually preventthe W. H. Rasres diate sale. Prompt Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeal, Pork, &e. â€" _ orfawa, * End of Little Sussexâ€"=st. : â€" Office: No. 10, Place l,m- k6 Works: No. 319, St. Antoine em-c.““’“‘“* ,‘l.::,rhn.loot llustrations, Show Cards, i, Commercial work of every dessription, axeouted in a superior style, at I-pvongdl low priegs. * 1181â€"2m * HERE A SPECIALITY f is made of Sign Peinting. A stylish sign can be is made of Sigy ainiing: and done on short notice in a satisfactory manner, and on the most nu-m terms that can be 1 You can get your Painting, Graining, Glazing anywruâ€"u.r.t: prehensions or Fears, or of the affections of W ‘m m.‘ï¬:‘nï¬m power upon trial, â€" are cured by it, though lâ€"luh“.h fot subduing these obstinate medicine. htmw.’-m'éum %{w Whites, Uterine y soon relieved and cared vy its and invigorating effect. for each case are in our Almanac, supâ€" plied gratis. and Gout, when caused by accumulations of extrancous matters o PREPARED B Y a Dr. J. C. AYXER & CO.,.Lowell, Mas., BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE, Ottaws, August 17, 1869. â€"â€" i1%8 6 Bole issuer for the City of Ottaws. , OFFICEâ€"St. Lawronce Hotel, Rideau=st. Ottawa, July 1,4, 1869. 1110â€"30â€"31 Agont for MARRIAGE LICENSE® tor the City of Ottawas, by commission from ti.» czce:lony *surofuiots polsonts ahe of the most destrictive one ve enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, appear, Persons "â€â€˜*m;‘""mi'{wm'*“ "e'E-:‘ %w&.‘n«ï¬h le%fzdfz- Sore ï¬lm Fars, and other :n?ï¬Â»i visible forms of Serofulous disease. Also in the * > reshness of youth. 'u ’ï¬xin hair ji.s "tlhick- ened, falling hair checked, and baldâ€" ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glaads atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurions to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing élse can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. Practicar axp Axarrrticatr Curaists, N. B.â€"No Bensins Coroal. a witee se oam ‘+YAGE!S URSINA. * COM MISSION MERQHANTS, FORWARDERS ~ ~ Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., KGGO & CO., . LANG Ottawa, Aug 13. CGARB Â¥iailL* 1XG â€"Harriage H. KASTON & CO., WRHITE WASHING, loeat experience of sixteen years in the towns and cities of Canads and the PAINTING ESTABLISHKMENT, o8 SPARKS STREET. ir Vigor Ayer‘s ut onl Move ied trennes o ooo be beauired for 1128 35y â€"_~_ Leertrative Assexeoy or Oxtario, Sherifi‘s Office, Ottawa, © i4 »A0>% November 2nd, 1869, 1209 1 48ta Toronto, 25th September, 1869. Notice is hereby given, rorgrea last day for eceiving Potitions for Private Bills will be WEDNESDAY, the TWENTYâ€"FL.....2H day o ooom_lor'?, z o Wit. a Public nofice is houb; given that the Courts of General Sessions of the Peace and County Court, in and for the said County of Carleton, will be holden at the Court House, in the City of Ottawa, on TUERSDAY, the FOURTEENTH .dz.o( DEâ€" CEMBER, 1869, at the hour of ten of the clock, am, of which all Uoroners, Bailifs, Constables, &nd all others concerned are required to take ‘ amu.wa of Fieri Facias issued duat ‘Majesty‘s County Court of the County of Carleton, to me directed uddM“‘l'.lll the lands and tenements of J AMES MoEW EN, at the suit of PETER HOWARD CHURCH, L have seized and taken in execution, and will offer for sale at Public Auction, at my office, in the Court Bou.,hthoag of Oitgwa, on MONDAY, the BEVENTEENTEHA day of JANUARY, A D, 1870, iat twelve o‘clock, noon, all the estate, right, title, interest and equity of mt:“‘ of the above named defendant, in and to front half of lot number four, in the fifth concession (Rideau Front), of the ‘Township of Gloucester, in the County of Carleton * snmml BALE OF LAKvs. PROVINOCE OF ONTARIO, ) . COUNTY OF CARLETON, i . â€"_ To Wit. Ox.mi. & ANMSABLE, _ olesale Manu ‘lou‘hlu‘.“O:‘a C, W“" o. CBn#: W in W & c# .'JOEN OLIVER, 506 WILLIAM ANNABLE. s CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and © General Agent.> aoloqmgorhs!fl: wines andProof Whisk also, Dawes‘ La mmmm. rug f‘lour, &o., for sale. Orricn: No. 5, Sparks Stroet, near the Russel! a.>080, Ottaws city, C. W , TAatd PL“I. SPECIFICATIONS, &e., Fropared for id o "yiiet aihe L. M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of MeteQife and Wellingtonâ€"streets, opâ€" m;'l:o the main entrance to the Government Buildâ€" e*QUZXEN" conprises allthe requisitesfcr a and ref, tnished mrm The BAR contains the choicust Brandsir and Liqu rs, and every delicacy of the seas a will be found on thetabie. The Wuam-mum to he comâ€" of his guests ang patrons, _ R SPARKS, Provincial Land Burveyor @ _ Draughtsman,‘ &0., ‘oouunluhud for g’w and Lower Canada.) and residence, G‘sucester, near Ottawa. Burvrey: uf every dosâ€" the Ontario Bank, Sparksâ€"st., Ottaw=. for Trust and Loan 8:. P i F Hall, Q. StuiE and‘y Russel! House. MZF geon,. Special attention given to the treat ment of all Diseases‘ ot the EYE and EAR. tte: eral practice attended to also. T PC Sours from 7 a.m., uncii 4&.111. Ulhce & Residence on the south side of urray Stroot second house from corner of Dalhousie Street. Cttawa, Nov.*5, 1869. , 1197.y Rede A+ RECKETT, Surgeon Dentist, â€D‘l Rooms over A." Graham & Co.‘s ««Commercial Warechouse," directly opposite the British Lion l?ob.% late Tixzs g;‘t(y)floo Lang‘s Block, No. 60, & Wa « Ottawa, April 12, 1869.â€*.-.,‘" 1021â€"16y7 nm &, £&. A, PHILION, Physician, Surâ€" b‘."’,:un sixl Accoucheur, Duke strest, Leâ€" Fiets, Ottawa. is 1}11.6m R. EA'I'OI, Manufacturer of Doors, Sashes, MBÂ¥e E4 Blinds, Mouldings, Looking Glasses, R. .0. C. WOOD, sician, Surgeon and D Accoucheur, Otuw:" Day office cprib the Tiurs Office, Sparksâ€"street, Centre Town. Night office at his residence, Mariaâ€"streot, Centre Town. Caxorrs Core»,without the use of the i;i"f-.b but atttintarters itc t »trarznahs Pridcrontctetaliihenid ':: :; U;; y a now 'utomh,upndy and alm prooou'. References given to ,uflu sucâ€" osssfully treated, it required. 1{iw100y Enw.uui C. MALLOCH, M.D., M. R. C. 8. Dukeâ€"st., LeBreton‘s Flats. + â€" pfloo hours from 8:30 to 10;30 a.m., and 3 to 5 R. C. LEGGO Ph(flc! , Burgeon and D Accouchour. Ole’oâ€" m.f. Block, Sparksâ€" Th Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., Op?cm the Court House and Public ‘Offices, 8T. CaTHARLNES, Ont. E. HOUGHTON, Proprietor, For comfort and attendance the travelling puk lic will find this first class house unsurpas&d in Canaaa, being situated in the centre of the cay. ar:d having obv.or Hmdwou fnn:shod bedâ€"rooms, Ar; $1. r day. B e rooms, withou bun‘..:k r ds. P § * @ GAREAU, _._ WATERS &4 CO; â€"_ HALIFAX, NOVA ‘SuoOTIA4, Established 1851. Permanent and transiont boarders accommodaâ€" ted, and every attention Rf.m to their comfort; 969y JO0 ROMANS, Proprietor. PICKWIOK HOUSE, Corner Ja Russell‘s. . OTICE. BPM" Oysters,Game eto..daily :Q;i‘o‘;_ I}'p‘nn h;_un 9 s.l_a.,:x;?i.l';-p;m. Office & Pembroke, Aug. 1, 1868. OTICEK. â€" NHISTLE & Co., Land Surveyors, Land NHK 6 QUEEN " RESTAURANT, HEK METROPOLITAN, ; XUMOND‘s Blook, Rideau iStreet O¢tawa, soxf P. O‘MEARKA, Proraizton. ANADA HOTEL, R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dontist. Oficeâ€" Bparksâ€"strect, Central Otawa. B4utf R. GEORGE HUTCHISON, Dentist. 17 & 19 ST. GABRIEL STREET, MON TR EA L. Taistuik. Br usnxurrg;u Office, Ottawa, i T téber 11th, A D 189. | _ 43td AVELLY HOUSK, gov®® Apotels and Saloons. ROBILLARD, Pbysgician and Sur.. THeial Carms. Mtliscellancous,â€" Br JAS. BAILIFF, _/ on Deputy Sheriff. Wx. F. POWEL] WM F POWELL, 1071.6m en, &o. Office, . GILLMOR, left at C ‘ o will ar °N Ousw;.! 4 Bherif Clork Nov 17, 1869. R. Liaxe. l mvome: w.o.cnw.m-wdluuulm of Piano, Voice and Harmony. Music Rooms and m&mm&mdmh own. h Orders may be left at his residence or at Orme & SBon‘s Music Store. Oltaws and Ogtesrbargh, would bep io inform on W& eg to :.uoldp.:oummu“.:htbhp,hm attend to their orders for tuning more promptly than heretofore. Shall visit Ottawa once a month. Orders received at Mr. Berminghsams Auction Rooms, and at E. Miles‘ Music Store. â€" GEO. N. BENEDICT Kez,. Bulk, and Shell Oysiers, No 21 This firm will supply Fresh Oarsquet and Bal timore Sheli Oysters, during the season, by th barrel, bushel or dozen. 0 W holesale and retail at the lowest cash rates, it Remember the place, _ _ Pluo TUNING.â€"The subscriber having decided to divide his time equally between Un and after the twoentyâ€"fifth instant the above Jompany ~will be propared to furmish in any uantities Sulphuric Acid [Oil of Vitrol] of any Ldnddnmy. Buch Acid is equal to made y works in the United ln‘lnl-.'a-«. Â¥or turther information address, monials similar to the above from ministers, trustees and sextons of churches in various parts .“Wh.‘ prepared to take orders for heating e are to churches, school. houses, stores and dweliings. o-rmkwmuwmmm Orders from a distance promptly attended to. * By this system the air in any building is at about the same temperature at the floor as it is near the ceiling. i :4 MEADOWS & C0, + 35 Sussex stroot. [' Wolhl.,;olbugi:‘&ofl‘flol‘om&ollvnb ARN eystem churohes and other m?’m";,.nmrm.duu same. _ The Revd John N Lake, Wesleyan Minister at London, Ont, says : lhv: rudd in a church during the winter of 1867â€"8, heated by the Rey L Warner‘s improved method of heating buildings, I . am prepared to say that during the 504 ts ctvags anitantiaiy bane mt m es Mdloz d-.b.:‘u:p:hm $ arrangeâ€" ment for and ventil ' !sï¬,hm.-fla- public. “"':.M'h"i-"_“l Ottawa, September 10. 1149.3m Also a compliete stock of MECHANIOS® TOOLS of ‘ ure. 3 Then Comé and Examine my Stock, Aduym.h'tm&. ‘ ,-35..1:.,...".22' F ; Iuos BrakKETT, | 0 CULINARY & DOMESTLIC TINWARE â€" Jast gire C. P. DORIO N, + 58 Sparks st, opposite British Lion Hotc;l, A C ALL, And examine for yourselves and see if he carnot ofer you greater inducements than you can got elsewhere in,the capital in his large and well assorted stock, vis : If you want a tipâ€"top Refrigerator ut any size give a call to C P DORION. If want ti Bathsâ€"Hip, 8 , Shower, ,:d‘ apy cpu.fl:- ndy cupol:' -;':ï¬.u.u on * the premise; to order, give a call to C P DORION. If you want a fine lot of Chamber Ware, of any ze or pattera, give a sall to | C P DORION. { you want Braad Boxes of any sisze give a call to C P vORION. If you want Cutlery, Tea Tray», Table Mate, Dish Covers. Coffee Pot Stands, Hollow Ware, LIron 0 ite the British Lion Hotel, late of Richard Proéhhop. Esq, :‘pnunt occupied bygoun s C P DORION. 4 Do If prs wa Subsng af deseription in you w g of any Tin, Brass, Coppor, Galvanized Iron, Trough and CUonductor made to order, with neatness and desâ€" Come old and young, come short and tall, . _ Come rish and poor,:come great and small, Hoinaairadkemery d ware an every * A complete asid ppd- of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, If you want a tipâ€"top 4 minute Lce Cream Freezer give a call to C P DORION. Aln.‘utmclndslu lot of the weil known makere z & Co, England, Block Tin Tess and=Coffee Pots different styles and shapes. *P C Uo‘5¢ 4c «: .A DORMON. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, If you vant Cooking Etoves of any size, o any other Stoves from different makers in the UEBEC CHEMICAL WORAKs. _ No 14, Rideau streot. P Bâ€"All goods delivered free to any part of atch. All orders from the city or M{fly.m-dodm. 0€64.6m f C P DoOoI w{k?tu hand at the SIGN NF THE ANVIL, T BIRKETT, consisting in part of TTENTION. give a call > : THOMAS BIRKETT‘8, cu want Cutlery, ‘Tea Tray»s, Table Mate, Dish Covers, Cpffee Pot Stands, Hollow W are, LIron Bedstoads, of all sizes and best materials, Dominion, give a call to Stoves & Hardware. ARDWVARLE!I HARDWARE ! $52"* J. B. BUSS & CO., 100 CHURCHKES, WARM CHURCHES. 53 4 U PURCHASE YOUR C P DORION, 10 ‘ quart Milk Pans Iron, Paints, all colors, AT + C P DORION. 58 Sparks street, is at | to ensure connection witl :’;..hmg. east and west, also with )WS & Baggage to and from ‘ Bussex strest. Timtne actsicn ce 0“"â€. tions on the line. T. 8. DETLOR, _ & I. Becihe ubove 11 Time. 3 C P DORION. THEK TIMES is printed and published i* CE iâ€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"â€"__.â€"â€"â€" mmmmemmenemmensmemename A CHAIN CABLE and ANCHOR, Pork «CuIcA0o MESs, XXX and I'o.xl FLOUR, ® WHITE BEANS Bt. John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer......... â€" _ tewrags, Payable in Ourrenty. M -7_ ie D oo e S 9e Laverpool or o""?"‘ ".'...‘; ...'.'..:‘:mm ts Liverpool or Queenstown..................._..... # Â¥# INMAN LINE OP MAIL STEAMERS, SAILI®N® FROMX NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY °* __AND ALTERNATE TUESDAYs RATES OF PASSAGE BY TEE SAiTURDAY OTEANER, to ensure connection with trains on @rand Trunk east and west, also with the steamers of the Roy®! Baggage to and from Ottawa checked throug» k I‘-nuuhl- Gnul‘n-\l-’ Return tickets to lTll. Ounâ€" d:zllnï¬- be had at the principalsts . T. 6. DETLOR, THOMAS REYNXOLDE t_m- | Direao® N. n-d.c!m.amzï¬"' â€"Ottawas, June 2#, 1869; !“onnm ON and AFTER MONDAY, 28Brs JUN# 1869, and ustil further notice, TRALNS wil} ® as follows: _ C.AICI oF TIMNEK, For fctther ___:_O.I; BRYDGES, Managing Directo 1 high proof and Montreal, MaÂ¥ 17. 1869, wm Orrawa AoEXCYrâ€"Russell House Block Span | -‘b& ,ï¬m.Ot.'l,';hmdlM may be 6 j _ For furtherinformation and time of arrivaias departure of all trains at terminal and way &» tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure 81 PASBAGE BY THE TUESDAiY STRANER VI HALIPAL _____ Rirst Cabin, Payable in Gold. TIME TABLE, Ko. 23, Commencing on MONDAY, xoy 3n PBE OB RL:crcssrcrrrssssssrtrcreem 840 44 § Expressfor New York and Bostonast...... 4:30 ; â€" "a Srop NUE acs Sowe â€" â€" Wï¬ or New and Boston % via fl%x.:: Champlain, *% * Mm at......p a m, 4.40 â€"; x PHuX Sï¬ hrpre in GQurnet bniaed Post, * ** [ Gorham n“l’aï¬ln‘. fing be . a Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville £ 3 and Coaticook o:l'y. u..l.‘..:’..w.....l.:lo ‘: > p¢* on Trains. mm:a.h. * steamer _ Carlota leaves Portiand ow § ithin from Momreat on Priany night), To B on 1 fax, N.3., rm on Tuesday. w -?o has : sccommodation for passonye «o ‘The Lnternational in conneciion with Wflfn‘.m ! leave Port!zsnd every MONDAY and THUVH L â€" DAY at 6 p m, for Bt.John, N.B., &6. % _ ‘Tickets fesued through at the Company‘s prucf | a 4:185"% P. M.â€"â€"TRAINS win , 4315 Brockville daily at 4.u'",' _‘j-’: a m, arriving at Sandpoint at }0 0 P ®, 1§ p m. N _â€"_â€" LEAYE SaAXDPoIXT. 6:00;, P. M.â€"+â€"TRAINS w 5’35?«“ at .‘..uop m and ; arriving at Smith‘s Falls at .Zél!: m ard L‘EAXE SMITHS FALL& BT. LAWRENCE AND OTTAYW 1 "P ©C@ CF POon AL .00 i M 905 a, arriving at Smith‘s Falls at .25{: m ard $.55 ,, LEAVE SMITHS FALLs, A.M.==â€"TR AIN® wil 10:05 uies Fohs ut 1005 a prat ©.35 p m, arriving at Porth at 10.45 a m and *3 » w. Trains for Lachine at ...........5:00 a m, 7:00 as 9 am, 1% noon, 1;30 pm,4;40 p », 4; a and 6:30 p m. The 1:30 pim train runs through to Provise ‘ _ GOoING@soUTH AKD EAst. Accommodation Train tor Isiand Pond _ All trains on Main Line connect a e nopiri d rap ie 2e a+ Tewd 0 ; ville d-;u:-ht::.eutndmg 6Â¥ h"", o in Brockville in time @ T Trains for the oast and wee." _ *"*°*®& mvlflu, WA. A_v:;m &. MM, &. M. mlhd.l.fl p. m. 4.15 p. m LALYE PRESCOTT, ARRIVE 18 0F.a#a lhn.l.‘l.:.o.-. C l:.l?o.-. Express. m. p» M. muaaâ€"-humw Junel4, 1869. & 1869.] BUMMEKR ARRANGEMENTs. «. Trains now leave BONAVENTURE $TATG» as follows : Ceys=. _ GOING wEkat, Express for Boston at. Tas Orrawa Tmzs Pamtrmo axo Posu®~> 1meCoxurarr, at the Office, 38, Sparkeâ€"# On and after THURSDAY, torh day AUGUST, this railway will be open for passer ger and goods trafic as under : Trains will leave Grand Pre on arrival of pas sengers from .llltllb]-*m to Wind n,-uhrngdlycouhbinurnnlua ....,uflmuunmuu,-. Leavâ€" ing Annapolis ul.nln.nlurlvh‘ucm. Pre at 1.45, in time tor Conch to Wirdsor, oon. necting with afterncon train, and reachin; pecting with after Halifax at 7.10 p m. By order, Opening for flyï¬cJ lalLwWAr, .. . : (formerly the Ottewa & Prescott Railaay.; Kentville, Aug 1869. ROCKVILLE & oTTAw a WaAay. Intermediate Stations, at..... ........ T: and‘Intermediate Stations at......... 7:00 MAIN LINE. LKEAVE BREOCKVILLE PERTH BRAXNCN LEAYVE PERTH at Brockville at 12.15pyp % Ratlroabs. M.â€"â€"TR A INS ipoint at 6.00 a sessnpessenses s se en 00008 ane see a6+ s0e n 00 on a +008 & QUKKEXSTOWN se s008 sec0fe e snn 000 » ABBom BMITh VERKNO® Te t Am. _ _ CV AEL s curteris _ | _ *4 Fencher of the Jaxuzs Corr® Jp100 0# * 39 60 u' and 3, Ran. Loky, 1889 10 _ MESS PoRKK, LABH surer; 8 B FOOT DRUMMON D, ’AHTAL BJ Smand complete in Now is the time Orders taken 1 would call your raATE®XT BC â€" & tiend AW A CES DEFY B 0 0 T Â¥ HooPr TH