Bankrupt Sale of SiO-Es-de BM. . Attic. sac of I’M-d Ware-A. Rowe. Wing and Day scttoot-Ws. B. Stewart. To Lamb-nu R. R. Banach. ". “a ds in man-a Yariety for Chfinlmu ad Yew y, . -.ttrsgrs. Ormé t Sort. (i'fCrtti)ttanCiatts i bl?†Ottawa Karl?“ and interesting railing no Fourth P093. Tux Pnvy Council met "sterdny atternoon' C. “no. bueincno. _ t' no Runny Commionomrs 3390 held . mean; "ste/ur,' ad hed, we uuerstaad, a t', at, react with the Privy Council, after 'el.ich a in determined to put punions ot the 10 sl under “my I. noun I; circum- alincn I ll permit. _ a C.. c-r-io; will meet ag tr, L -l .3. nan-l tcei, WM]! “junta over the in dbl :ysA. t nr Canny CoGeit of Car!clup., "cui. pumt by an Sun" and - othtr graham-n, waited upon Bis Excellency Sir J " Yam}, and through the Warden, Jun: Hui-I3, Eat., I.P., presented a anagram: luau allâ€, to which ms Exams“? male . quibble reply. Both our“: and "ply will be Lund, in number column; _ . " undeteund that s-Inetwent'v new. Vol-Moe: Companies, recently formed in the va'mce ot Quebec. have been eccepted by the 1mm. Depaatment, end will be gazetted to day. In this vaiuce there are some three th-nd five hundred which": overthe “inquired by the Act. Ot copra the â€apples thatdo not re.en'iat within the on mama, .211 be removed from the nu. and has. the number .1»ng stiit the {and too huge, reduction can be mule in then-hp! of men composing the seven] -ssrvRohY,nEcssBrut p, was to“. and Sam. the number shag“ still be {and too large, reductions will be mule in tho-Inlan- ol men composing the totem] corp. “nutter, whit: "uncles occur, nut-commie: will be accepted in districts where the quota at not f1lled up, or if commie: have been minced, they may be bought up to their - strength. Ir we we to "Mit eome at the prophets of "il, tyre ere breekere ahead of the Canadian 1 ehipot State. Beale. there ere matters in 1 diepnte, utotbeexercise of eertnin powere have": the land and Dominion Govern- mentn, re â€evened that there is toben greet bade about " Sate rights." Some of the Quebec paper. have put forward preteo- uonsehiue on behaifof the Loeal Cabinets, at! both in Quebec and in Ontario there we to be every ward desire with those tn yam to up“, their positions to much a pee-He. The Ontario Legislature led " in thin use hr ranking to dignity its mem- hul with the title of X.P.P., though accord- in. minimal: Am Act, it Unotd " Mathew,†but . ugiauti/e Assembly. Amribee - ot, what contumecione pin-Icy u the penietenee In etyhng the hum-Gonna: " Bu menus“ -," and there ewe “deeds-'0 relates to the per- We! certain Acts or â€maturation, which any or any not be well founded. I But an» tllingl do not indicate any danger at . union; gourd nbont " State l right." Weave-ever darned ia Canada that. municipality will " secede" became in] have exceeded its legislative powers in pig - toy-low which the comm net side. Keith need there be on, fear thnt have nine “points there is room for n M or opinion, there will follow . tom‘setween theGenernl nod my ot the Load Governments. Enough he: dread, ceased to show the hl1y of those who “I! attyeidenonnsmuattinot " humony†hetween the two, but nothing more. The Gov- ern-enthuthepower, sreoonnsthe need of it any nine, to constitute n Court of Appeal " nod each other wort- " any be necessary,†to which cont-m, it than now in ‘exiutence havertotiurUdietitm nlldiqmtesean be re- terred is “mt. _ It would in" he. -eui'tg beyond mount. bed the new Constitution gone into amnion without one slight; jarring in patient ofthe sushi-try; bunk-abut ion so few all irsigrtithmnt, that we think 1mm and. to attempt to impress News!†um. tho idea that it is threat- en! with the!) agitation for constitutional Tu Nova Semi. m diode. bu been enlivened hr the entruee of . new contestant, in the per-on otW. J. IV. Cnxxcnnt, WP. " Eaton. This gentleman, it may be "monitored, In one of the two members of , the Home of Commons who "miined I) home during the second pert ofthe last see-v don of Purlinmeut. In his letter, he not mutually commends himself for having obeyed the instructions ot his constituents, and express-“he opinion tint those members who “Model tothe duties they had solemnly underteken to diachsrge had committed n pest mistake. OI W. Boo, he spoke very respectfully, no 34min that therein greet force in may of his reasons for believ- " that repeal cannot be obtained. However, Mr. Cancun thinks that “other and n stronger em should be made. SEW 1IWfill'rlshMWrr'. He popes†that the Latal Legislature should reign and make I fresh appeal to the people, A weanling which he think: would an umgth Ion-other representation to the Imperial Parliament. We (are, that this put of-llr. Cancun“ programme will not be mid-story to lean. Winn: and Company. Bonnet, it in only fair that the gentlemen should mnke tom. sacrifice to: the M nod Mr. Gunman, who obeyed ttstir am hut winur, he the beat right now to invite them to show their own woodman hr something 'uoNer. thou wonU. At thin point, doubtlem, the local M will ddree with Mr. CAIIICIAIL. They could not see my virtue in noi‘nntion when Mr. How: proposed it, nod they no not likely to take mankind), to itnow, after witnessing the Magi-3 Moms. recent txwreapoetders4te. Mr. Calm-nu}: letter road! almost like may in Win: the very course which Mr. Howl mtg-ted to the soonvennon in August‘ lart. Does he imin. now that the I Members would an to go to their con. 'mnu‘ in the be: of new! "con, um the spouses at the Inverm election, .e withdrawal of Mr. How: from " .. '.or'v, wrung tlrat they would not oalue t :16. - “not. t s; “:53; . _ 'tir-- tNC' w. a 1k1 "c-ttyr: I', '.t' \er Acts of ndrnitsiatratioat, venture it in August? Thug is no great risk ot their doing anything quite so toolkit; and we think the best thing Mr. CARIICBABL can do, ifhe is drterGuned ttot to performing duties us a member of the Hausa of Com- mons, wculd be to ttmder his own resignation, and allow the electors of Helen to pronounce npm the situation while _eleetiog his ouc- comer. To the DEA-w ot8UF, True, tittt,-iks you wish the readers ot' the Turns to under-land that Toronto Universt- . , . . . ty neglects the English education of its ata. dents? It the “instances on record" are sMiciently numerous. or of such a character as to justity n conclusion unfavourable to the University. as compared with other Gum dials institutions, you are quite right in caul- ing attention to them, and only err in not stating the case more strongly and pininly than you tvavedone. It they are not, then to reler to them at all seems to me u very tn vidious thing, injurious tothe University,aud to every man who holds "degree from it. V If you know ol " instances" which reflect upiiii Toronto University, other people know of " instances" which reflect upon the denom- inational colleges which the Trans so strong- ly tavours. But really it serves -no good purpose to talk about ench matters ct All. There is a plain issue between two rial sys-‘ _ tents ot education-the secular and the sec- tarian , and the more closely we eoMne our- ; selves to the principles at stake, the sooner l the controversy wil end. " iavourable to the University" , but sated that there were "itistantt" on record†to justitr the inference that there was room for "vpruremer:trand that we said without any reference to the " wane between two rival " systems of euueation."-Eo. - Your- very respectfully, ' A GRADUA'I‘I or TORONTO valvularâ€. Our correspondent is entirely too sensitive. It ma nut " as: compared with glim- Cuna- " dian institutions," but with the "nueieut UnAereity" ot' Cambridge that we spoke of T, runtb University, and the detrirability of its rigidly adhering to u similarly strict rule to that " to have been adopted a Cun- bnage. We did not draw a “conclusion un- Tan following mam-r from Mr. Will, of Noumea], to one of sen-ml question: sddreq} and to him on the " silver nuisance" exptcml,‘ u we think, has real tfreet of the large influx of American silver ". 8. Qua-Bu not money been more plenti- ful time the Influx of silver, and do not peo- ple spend more freely Ind pay their mounts more repdily to the great Manage of twin ? At".-Lowimr to the immense supplies of breadstatrs, snimsls, provisions and lumber purchased " high prices to supply the United Mates mists during and since the civil war in that country, s Urge mount of money has been brought into Canada, but had gold been broughtin instead or silver our condition to- I dar would unquestionably have been much better, as the bunks on their increased stock of gold would have been able to furnish s better and cheaper cum ncy, thus benefitting, thecountry and themselvrsst the some time. It is true that to some extent open accounts have been more freely paid, but on the other hand more notes hare been renewed. As to people spending their money more freely, as for as my experience sou, they spend it freely enough without any stimulus in the slispe of discount on silver. Indeed I regard it us one of the worst rrsults of the hen" discount on silver that it prevents hundreds of mechsnics I sud others from depositing money in the Sevings Bouts us it tubs one year's interest to bring their wings to per. " Pane 2," ot Good Word! for the Young, has reached In from the agents, lean. Dario & Son. The me of the editor-Dr. Norman McLvod--u u guarantee of the excellence of the work,nnd oodoabt the young folks on- " the "good winter evenings. Anon-noo- It.“ . , Tun-on, Deco-b0: IT. Panama! to ndjournasert the council met st 2 o'clock, part. _ . - _ -- ik. -driear presented tho report of the Building und Jail_ f?yrunitue: . . loved by Mr. Mohr, seconded by Mr. col. vvell, that the report of the Building and Jail Coaunitteeiust rend, be received not! approved of, and that the council resolve itself into n Committee of the Whole to-morrow, " nine otelock, mm, for the purpose of considering the vnrious recommendation therein con- tained, especially u to the prison labour, and that the Sheri! and Jnilor be notified to nip tend for the purpoee of giving such inform tion In my be in their power.-Carried. Mr. Blackburn lubmitted the report of the Special Committee on the Upper Ottawa Im- provement Companys instrument of incot- Nation: _ -- - I . . " " L in ,.....-.-_. Moved by Mr. TrembLay, seconded by Mr. Fraser, “at the "port of the Swill Com- mittee on the Upper on“. Improvement Compsny, be received and adopted.--Ctrrltd. uumy-u’, W I‘VE-vow - "'"""e"'" M._'_ee__H. Moved by Mr. loin, secondad by Mr. Coin, that thin council do now “jean until 9 an, Morrow. The council In " at 9 o'ciock, um, and were engaged chiefly in committee in the morning, and in the nflernoon, " 2 o'clock, they pro- ceeded in 3 body to present their “dues of congnmlnion to Hin Excellency the Gover- norUNsrteral, and ware accompanied by Bil i Honour Judge Armstrong, W. F. Powell. Esq., 1 Bheritf, und Major Sale, of the 43rd Battalion Cannon Infantry. They were introduced by the Sheriff to His Excellency, when John Holmes, Eng, Worden of the county, read the following address : i To mt Pggl1tyird',.ir John Young, It',"',','::',',,,?)'.?.-, . . t _ v r . . i fa"g.U.?, lye: Ji'.'Jt't. . ' ll ' We the Wnrden and Council of the Corpo- ration of Common " thin our flrgt opportunity Iince your arrival nmongu us " Governor- Gemral of our Dominion, beg moat respect- fully to npproecb Your Excellency and bid I roilf hearty welcom‘c'. " n " l To the Wudon and Council of the Corporulon ot the Canal, of Carleton. '"anars.---'th" welcome which you bid mo in the honourable equity of Downer- ! Genenl ot the new Dominion of Cumin, in I, all the more acceptable to no, inumnch u it l is n tribute to the high Mice I hold, nndn l fresh proof of your attachment to the indium lion. of England, nnd your determination to tstrengthen the tics tint unite you to the , mother 'ountry. J'"" - â€w": "'-*~ We cungratuiato Your Excellency on the runner in which our most Gracious Sovereign when pleased to recognize your eminent urvicee whilst filling positions ot mm in, other ports ot the Empire. _ I-4 r___:__.l t... ..= .n VOII‘r. B'""""" v- -___ I Your post comer hoe inspired in In on meet spirit of rerptct, nnd n cont1deneo that during Your Excellency'e term of othoo our Dominion will prosper. C:? We would in iino elrncetly hope that it may be the lot of Your Excellency, long to prairie over the prosperity of the Dominion, " successfully " you hove heretofore directed the good of other portion, of the Kingdom. The’council thetradjoutned. We dun pray. that Divine Providence any grunt You: Excellency sud Lady Young long life 9nd happiness. JOHN HOLE“, warden. EDWARD BEARSIAN, County Clock. TOROII'I'O UK! "ER! " K. Most heartily do t join in your wish end payer, that the cunning yarn my be you; ot prosperity, and that the blessing of peace any, a all eppeenncre new: to indicate, be vouchsUed to the country, so that its iambi- mm my each, in his own degree, acutely nap the fruits due to his industry; and the great public works which hue shed to much lustre on the energy of Cured-,3: well u no greatly tended to develope in releurcee. my be uninterrupted†and lucceutully prosecu- "do Lady Young‘s put and my own, I be; you will “on†our tunU f6t the “mines of your Wilhtl for our health sud happiness. Sinai. JOHN YOUKH.‘ COUSTY COUlirlLo word." during these long IIPLY Fun", Docent»: ML At the conclusion, nil EXcellency Val, kindly wished the council, individually and collectively, buppinen and proapcmy. -Breukfut dunk, cloudn, hosirry and gloves " the skirt factory for, half-price. Gatm.-Aumr.--.A lugs artiral of Pmirie Hens, Pumidgo, and Qutil " the Queen Reluctant, Centre Town. 928-3 Run“ or Coura..-Mithin the last two or three week: we hue noticed an unusutlly Inge number of one! of infiuenwt in adult persona. People will, lhcrefore, do wcll to "old colds. _ “noun-1's " Nut Enmncnqn.-In our notice of Mr. Curr.ier's house st New Edin. burgh, ire omitted to mention that the excel- lent hot air furnace 3nd fittings are the work of Eamonde Bros., ofthia city; and also that the buntitul montels and other marble works were furnished by Mr. Mills. M. PATIICI" OIPIHN Asrwsr--Yesterdtty ndeputntion ot the lady man-gem of the St. Patrick's Orphans' Heme waited on the County Council, and presented A petition paying for I grant of money in aid of the funds ofthe institution which they represetth d. The pnyer of the petition we; granted, and tutr dollnn npproprioted to that purpose. Poucl Cotme.--Jotut Doyle, charged with being drunk and disorderly, wu discharged. 1aiquo-tb-1sttac Bissau, M. A. Cam- pen end Xavier Laviolette, churged with violuions of the liquor itor, were dismissed. his,,' mien of Oneiiine Privost and George Irvine, for the name offence, were adjourned to this morning. ,' - ' Br. GIOIOI’I Boci-.--'rtte Ilevurds of the society, who hive charge of the Christan: charity, no now ready to receive donations in kind. We under-land that loan. ttatetsett1 Bret, and Mr. Button, MY. mode their non-l contributions of beef, for which the society than" thorn in the nuns of the English poor, for, when the contributions no 'intended. Thou wishing to contribute will pete! for. ward the goods to w. Sumner, treiauru, Bitten-It. Sun Cum up CsmurarAr.-areisara. Orme 8 Son, under this heading, advertise an endless variety of elegant novelties, which banality and adorn the interior of their new store, in which they are now settled and waiting to shew their friends and customers a host of elegant trifle, suitable for holiday presents, or to sell them an organ or grand piauoforte. They inform us that they are daily receiving all kinds of-goodtsits the musical and toy line, of the nature‘of which, a more correct judg- ment can be formed by reading the announce- ment in our advertising columns. Couoxn‘s Itrqrmar.--Att inquest was held yesterdsy morning on the. body of the de- ceased Thomas Sweet, the circumstances of whose death we noticed yesterday, when, after exitnining several witnesses, they re- turned their verdict: " That Thom" Sweet cure to his death from the effects of alcoholic drinks, and not from soy external injury or violence. Thejury cannot close their verdict without calling the attention of the proper authorities tothe'urgent necessity which ex- ists of exercising greater vigilsncu to prevent the retailing of srdent spirits by unlicensed partio.," Mr. Rowe he. instructed us to say that with the advice of hie friends he will not be rt cen- didete for Wellington Ward, but that he is prepared to meet all that feel disposed " his “lee-room this dsy, " three o'clock, when he will be prepared to dincuse with them the silver question, which is now exciting the minds of the people, and he seems anti-tied in his own mind that he can give them better vnlne for their money than the City Collector, or oven the huror himself. And for further information on this subject he would kindly point you to “other column of our paper, when " Vier no more fully explained. Nuan- Sou. on m lcv-Last winter we had frequent oocuion to complain of the villainous practice ot pacing night soil in boxes and barrel: on the ice of the Ottawa. The Bond of Health then employed . watchman to pre- vent person- from .commi.tuntr, fo, groag In Iculu pct-vu- nun- mr'-'""""-.. -- u,.,,‘ outrage, Ind uvenl were brought before the Police lost-mu for noting the attempt. The Boom will do well to tgke oclije you. mm in the premium, tor already the filthy work bu commenced, sad we ore credibly informed that within n short distance of the wnter hole, nenr the steamboat landing, there are severe! boxeognd barrels of the abomination wherewith to poison the Inter oithe inhabitants. Let those who purcbnse their water go and see for theinselrets. Any man who would be guilty ot so heinous an offernmt deserve. the penitentiary. Scuoor. E-ruvs.--The examination of the pupils of the Central School East wu continued yesterday morning end afternoon with the most ntisfgctory results. At half. put two ouoek, pan., the time nnnouuced for the diqtributiott of prizes, to, the senior clams removal to the large upper room for the better accommodation of the audience. There was n good attendance of visitors pre- sent, onion: them His Worship the Mayor, the LO( PAL 'N 14) "CH. "I... Imus-5 Uuunu â€I- .. ""'"'r _-- --. v, ___- Rev. Dr. Jones, Rev. Mr.Wnedrope,aad another cloned [mun-nu whoa: none we did not lam, Mr. Consul, Local Superintendent, Kenn. IGr, Wilson, McCloy, and other trustees. Tho Ego: ,ra.called to the chair, And spoke in term: of pain of the op- peolnnce presented then, as well as of the proiicieney undo by the pupils. Ho aid he Ind advised Mr. Consent to deliver a- aaa Brur the occasion, and he had the pleetmr of iggroducip‘g him for tlust purple. r'V‘r---v -- 7*" ~ - - Mr. Consen- then read on oblo address suitable to the occasion, setting forth the duties of pronto u co-operators with teachers in the education of their children. After which a vote ofthonkl we: tendered to him. The Rev. Dr. Jones, Rev. Mr. Wordrope, and the Chair- mn, made some rework. commvndatory of the address. I: was then announced that the Wilson gold modal for general profNsiener (the one promised by Mr. A. C. Wilson, Trustee, " the midenmmer exsmirtation,) had been torarded to Miss Elise Living, end wee then presented by the Mayor, Miss Living read so npproprinte reply. The medal is a very henn- tifttl specimen of the workmanship of his-ears. Young & Redford, jewellers. On one side in encased “The Wilson Medal, "68,"--" Wie- dom is better than richer," and on the other side “Control School East, V Ottawa City,†" for genernl prof1ciency/' " Elisa Living." l Butler in the afternoon three eesnya were reed, for each of which s prize wee awarded. The bat prize wss a writing desk, atearded to Ilse Bsratt Walsh, but the others had not been determined on. Severn! gcrttlernerr were called on to address the audience, viz.: Mr. A. C. Wilson, who spoke in defence of on English edncstton, Mr. McCloy, nr.Lnngrcll, Mr. Carrier, Mr. Emil-1e. A cordial vote of thsnks wss tendered to tho Mayor for the uni. form interest taken by him in the cause of education, end after singing " God que the Queen," the school broke up for the Christians holidays, thst is, till the first Monday in January. "-Advieea by the Natan'an unnou‘nce that Colonel B. P. Radcliff, of the Borat Artillery, bu been appointed 5 Colonel on the gun in Condo, rice the late Colonel Kennedy. --A French paper, Le Caurrier de f/thot, bu beers established at Kanhkee, Wi4ou, in tho mutant of the French Canadian in the Wooten: 8m. , --Tho English paper: by the {Marion my that Hudson'u Bay shares are very titrt upon " unhvounblo reports concerning the nogotiption for the cesislon of the Territory." -.Tu Toronto Globe an that it is cur- rently reported that)“. Rose and the Great Walton Railway Company have come to an agreement for the liquidation of the debt due to the Canadian Government by the road. -..Mr. Tlmnrer Dunkin has forwarded u circular letter to the Bheritfa of the’ Province, culling upon them to collect the sums due by tho several _Munietpalititss to the Building ind Jury Fund Dun Goorrtr.--A luau wortment of bal tad evening dresses; ulso, in tunev, black, ananese, and Foul-rd silks, poplins, tc.,nt T. kW. HuntorN, when stock in constantly supplied by their resident agents in London Ind Pail. Evening silks, be..lhewn by gas "shun . room prepnted for the purpose, at any hour of the day. IHE OTTAWA u‘JM i" hi., DECEMBER 19. [From the N. Y. Tribuno’n 8pc ~inl Correspondent I orroa, Canada, December 2.-It ever we good people of (Mun were luprcnlelyhlppy it was yesstetuttorhett they turned .out en IPAUGUBA'I‘XON OI" Till GOVEBKOB- _ GENERAL. _ mam to welcome with ioiaihcartinis" the 1 new Governor-General oi theCanadian Do.. 1 minion, SirJohn Your g. The entire commu- ] nity, including the aristocracy, with their l high-sounding titles ', the wealth, beauty, and l elite of those “native and to the, manor t born p' the Mayor and corporation; the mill- ] tary ; national and trade societies, all entang- l led together in one grand procession, and es- I corted the distinguished Viceroy to the Par- 1 liarneut Chamber, where tho impressive cure- mony was to be performed. The day could not have operud more suspiciously. The I weather was decidedly winterish, and the tiny I tmoOakeg dropped from the gray clouds, 1 giving an additional coat of spotless white to t the trodden snow. Nature did not hesitate d to turn to the royal representative her most I rugged and cheerless side that he and his lady 1 might fully comprehend that the land did t not abound in milk and honey, and was the very reverse of the mild and I genial climate ot Australia, from which they l had but lately departed. To complete the 1 picture, the grand, rapid-flowing river, with _ its rearing cataract, had been covered during 1 the night by Jack Frost; and in the morning its dark green bosom presented a polished ‘surface, which, like a broad mirror, reflected the clouds, that were floating above. Across every street, and from numerous house-tops, ‘many of which were surmounted by tapering staffs, waved flair, and bunting of every con- ceivable pattern. The principal colour being starlet, contrasted beautifully with snow-clad roofs; and the church spires contained a fall supply of streamers, waving in graceful folds. From the lofty tower of the GrandCathetlrai, far above the highest decoration the red and white ' lbanner of tit. George with its fierce dragon flattered madly in the wintry wind. In the French town district the tricolour waved saueily and seemed to laugh at the feathery fiakett that vainly endeavoured to hang to its pretty folds. It was arranged that the Mayor, Corporation, and Trade Societies were to meet their distinguished ruler " the southern limits of the city, and of course it was necessary that there should Marching and counter march- ing to enable the various bodies to get in their appointed positions. This part of the festivities was enjoyed only by the urchins who congregated in large numbers. About ii o'clock in the vicinity of Bideau Bridge was a dense sea of fume, none of your pale, sickly countenances, but tinged with the pure red and white. The military looked gorgeous in their blue blanket coats girdled about the waist with scarlet sashes. Rich an! costly furs were everywhere to be seen tipped with tiny snow fueetr. Everybody was clad 'in their holiday attire, and certainly they all seemed happy as fairies. For the beauty and bril- q liancy of the pageant the good people of ot. tawa were a thousand times more indebtvd to nature than art, for she had laid her white carpet on which all could tread noiselessly. The road by which His Excellency was to arrive was lined with pine trees, the branr'ues of which almost touched each other. Sir J ohn was escorted from his own lodge. The nu- merous orders and societies that occupiedmost of the space it would be tiresome to narrate. It is enough to state that every saint wcs duly represented. There were English, Irish, and Scotch saints, and not a few French ones. Partly aldermen with their staves looked and behaved very important. At last His Excel- lency's sleigh came in sight of the first triam.. phal arch, which was handsomely festooned with evergreens and pines, and surmounted with the royal arms. This was the welcoming arch, and as the proud and handsome face of I the illustrious chief was upturned to salute L I the standard, the vast-multitude uncovered, end cheer after cheer made the very earth tremble. Amid the rolling of drums and the booming of cannon, mingled with the sound of martial music and the merry tinkling of sleigh bells, the sleigh containing His Emul- lency and lady passed under. Raising his hat to the Mayor and Corporation, he pusod on; there being no halt, the City Fathers Were compelled to accept n brief greeting. The line of procession now broke trout the left and followed His Excellency on his way to the capitol. The Cathedral bells rang merrily end the Manors wavcd_gracerti11r. The crowd was enthusisstic in the extreme, 1nd " they cheered and swung their hats, the " stately head of the Governor-General bowed . in pleasant acknowledgment. As the proces- sion advanced the crowd became more tumul- tuous and actually crowded the horses ton stand still. Arriving at the centre tower the ty sleigh halted. The Rifle Brigade and the Garrison Artillery were stationed at various points. The lobby and stairs leading to the Senate Chamber were lined with soldiers, most of whom were veterans. His Excel- letter and Lady Young, arm in arm,passed up a the broad stairway, and entered the specious corridor. .As the distinguished couple passed in the grand chamber, whichwas filled from floor to ceiling with lovely and accomplished women and bran courtiers, every eye was at- tracted to them by the dignity ind elegance of . their demeanour. The View from the side of il the throne, on which was. seated His Emel- lency, was grand and imposing. The vast J ' chamber, resplendent with beautiful women, clad in the richest furs, silks and retina, pre- '5 aerated a gorgeous sight. The light streamed through the glass roof, ccflccting tho brilliancy of many amagnifioent brilliant. The hand- somely gilded cornica and the sctwut-trirn-. 1 mad drapery and curtains formed a mngttiflcetst background. Every beauty of Ottawa was present, from the petite blonde with her charming angelic lightness and heaven- t 1y blue , eyes, to the majestic and r stately brunette with lustrous black eyes and long sweeping lashes. The band from without sent forth ravishing vibra- tions ot rich music, which, with its bewilder- . tug sweetness met the car, and vibrated, 3 like love whispers from a vine-clad grotto. j At last every sound was silenced, and an al- most breathless silence pervaded the entire chamber. His Excellency stood “in“ the clerk's table, while Mr. Turville read is war- rantof authority, every person of the vast as- semblage having risen also to do reverence to his Sovereign's message. The tall and com- manding' form of His Excellency was the centre offwttracrion, clad in the palace uni- form, with dress sword " his side, and mar- ing the gorgeous star and collar of the Bath, Grand Cross, and the broad, blue and scarlet _ ot the ribbon of M. Michael, and St. George , over all. After the reading of the warrant r Came the numerous addresses addressed to . His Excellency, the Right Honourable Sir ' John Young, Baronet, Knight Commander of I the Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Cross of , the Order of St. Michael and tit. George, Gover- ' nor-General of Canada, to, are. First came . the Mayor and Corporation, and then followed a the addresses of the St. George’s Society, read 1 by their president; the St. Andrew’s Society, a St. Juan Baptiste Society, the Mechanics' In- l stitute and Athenzeum, Irish Protestant Be- a nevolent Society, the Ontario Parliament, the [, Ottawa Board of 'lrade. The purport of the ,f addresses was that His Excellency might . always rely on the loyalty and attachment. pf of the people of Ottawa to His e Most Gracious Sovereign, and to Iiis g Excellency as her representative. TheGovr a ernor-Genertd acknowledged their thanks in fitting terms,- and hoped the people would foster sentiments of independence, and get:- , orally to difrtme comfort and satisfaction n among the community. m concluded by n paying a handsome tribute to their loyalty and attachment to Her Majesty and to the spirit of the British Constitution. The entire It, Ceremony was vary impressive, and was not m concluded until near dusk. ‘It was only the " favoured ones who could enter on the main l or, they being' furnished with tickets. The " galleries were filled by the people who are at contented to enjoy the good things of earth to without title or distinguish them J' from their fellow-men. Lastly tollowed the reception, when the nobility and ministere,judgre and eccieaittw two, were presented.' A: Hie iiriiiuiiG and lady took their departure amid the flourish. of trumpets, the clanking of rifles, and the booming of the garrison artillery, the band in trout played the National Anthem, while the populace cheered heartily; and down the entire. line the magnificent sleigh glided smoothly over the crisp snow, the noble oc- cupants returned the “inte- of thousands of Her Majesty’s loyal subjects. [The Above friendly Ind vivid description indicates the possession of ntoienbiy good head dud kindly heart on the part of the writer, and when " getting up " his uticie in an attic slumber of the Wibtme ottiee, with u few Canadian exchange. by hit side, he must Gummy tic'tiom,.--The Leader nun-On Saturday the following gentlemen passed their examination: in riding, sword exercise end field drill, before Colonel Jenyns,C.B., 13th Burgers, and tho Adjutant of the 13th,lnd obtained fimt-cltMu, cettifitytte8: Major Irving, 55th Battalion Megnnlic Infantry; Mr. Wal- ter Renting, 05th Battalion, Barrie; Mr. Henry Crawford, Brorkriile; Mr. Gaston Smith, Governor-Genernl’a Body Guard, To- ronto; Mr. Henry Cooper, (iovcrnor-General's Body Guard, Toronto. Our own experience of the use of their teas is that they are of excellent flavour, and when i2iiG by the chest or package, " 1 figure extremely low, leaving. large mtsrgitrof profit for consumers, or for retailing by dealers. Any ordinary sin-d family would find itgrnt- ly to their (advantage to order ‘A chest of to: {routine Montreal Tea comianr.-attwen Sound Comet. A large cousignmrnt of the Montreal Tea Company's pure teas have hsen received by the undersigned. There' is no paint, dye, or black lead used in these was to make them look well. Boxes, t2 lbs. and upwards. Bee tuivcrtiseutent for list of prices. haw sighof that he had pot enjoyed in tho body the scene which appears to have im- presst-(Lbim so favourably in the 'p1rit.--En.l Jsorm.rattr.--A11 kinda of jewellery, of the latest dvsigna,an-i " the cheapest rates, can be Mught of Young & Radford, Sparks-st. Gurus AND Hots: thmxwHrsair.-Parties about to furnish will tiud a large and choice tursorttncnt of carpeting; and housu furnish- ings, clump, at. Garland, Mutchmor b Co's. G'irpeatnade and mid with despatch. factory. Skirts at half-pricé. Messrs. Young & Radford are the sole tvgyyts in Qttayvafor the Waltham watches. "er a.“ -.- “WM - Try Gardner's Baking Powder. Bee adver- semcnt. 887.6111 --Lrar, orders for skirts before Christmas, and get them to tit. . Pordine bog oak'. brooches and tar rings in sets, are Young a waord's new ‘lot, just re- eeived,and telling " the very low price ofon- ly 90 m. pot get. _ --Thotligsrtdts have been changed by the use of the Peruvian Syrup Jt protoxide of Iron) from weak, sickly, nu ering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women, and invalid: cannot rmonably hesitate to give it I trial. For ‘dyip:psis and debility it it a 'peciile. ' 51mm SE8 rhrssol ms our an as aw ON h' (mm r. ht. Alban'l Church, Duty Stud. . (All new free.) a". De. BIDNID Jon: and luv. manual A. Enwnns. . 1tr,,".i"f, Prt_rrrtop And Hilly Communion, It mm. in", (chord) 3 p... Evening Payer nnd Sermon, 7 pm. C'hriat Church (Church of fatrriitrit, Street. B." J 8 Lawn, M. A, Rev 0 Sang, M A, Canto. -- Margin; Servipo " ll o'clock; Brening att Free SCIE- (‘lmpd of Ikzro--Noax Sud. Rev J 8 Lumn, M A, ROV'C 1'81““, I A, Cantos. .Morning Serviée " It; Evening " T. Free Sun. ' Military tsurrieo--oapuut, Bu. l. D. Phil.. lips, M.A.--ia the Stuns-street Chpol st 9 Ban. New Edmburgh Paruh--Chtwets of England. luv. Ozone: Nola. monsoon, Mu., C erk in ourâ€. " . Service in the New School Home. Morning Service " II. Afternoon Service " 4:30. Holy Communion on the first Sunday in the month " ll B. BL, and on the 3rd Sunny in the To: " 8 I. m. The services on melanin“ y tht oturtorre _ - -. . " ' .V o'orist p m. " ml, T W chxm. Services commence " IO} . In; and a; pm. Sabbath School " 2 pm. . P --- 005%?wa Cureb-Ai6ert - d u. Eowno Em. Minister. Mo ing Ionic. oommonou a " o'clock, ad t,1i,tEyn.?""' u 6i o‘elogk. Stunt): 80% n Baptist Curels--0ueets Street. R" D Mcle, Paton Bowie" " ll o’clock, um, Ind 61 p.13. Sabbath School " trl in tlie morning. 'ree Church (PrttMeianh-Daly has - ' Rev. T. WAlDIOPI. Homing Service at ll o'clock; Evening ttl pm. Rev. Mr. Moon. Service: will be heldin the Church, Bent he“. a 11 e.m., and“ pm. V Kerb of ti'er2land-- Wellington Std. Rev. Dunn. M. Genoa. Kenning Service " 11 o'oioek , Evening qt 61. Wesleyan Methodist. _Ch|:rch-Hdcdfe Street. a Rev Mn. Burn, _ Morning Service " lol o’clock; Evening at 'l Bobbuh School at 2 p.111. Math. Epic. Cureh--c'or. Yorkaud Dalton“. Sh; Rev. B, G. Bron. - 'ttgh, Service " lol o'clock; Pinning u M. Slbbtth hool u2 p.111. St. Andrew" Church, (Rom LEW.) Hour: of e,rtf,,t'.'dtr,', and Holiday- _ Homing, " it bad " Ln. mug; " 1 pin. Cathedral New. Dame. Rev. D. Dawns». Vkou-Gononl. loan of Service, 5, tr and " 3 II, .nnd T p, n., from Eum until St. yicggql’l lsr , l, l 3nd " n. In, "IN""" St. Jooeph“. Church. . Rev. J. P. Suntan, P. P.. Hour- of Service, Sand": mad Helmsâ€, mu --8 and 10 mm, from Enter until the Pout of St. Michal; Vesperl at 7 p.m,; from gt. High-pl to Ruben 6p.m. week dun, 71 pan. _ Casino“: Apoaoolu, 1m I J W Ronni. _ Sonic-I. Sundtyl, " 10 I In, ad 5 p I. On wank dayl " ' p I , at on Wedge-dq- md Fli- duyl " IO . m. - -"i, JaM’E_m capo! Church‘lldl. It" I" Jolll‘l‘Ol. Divine Service " l s In and T p n. “was ErureytuJertYrl? New. nah. BIRTH. In thin any. on the 16th Inst., In. Georg. B. Roger. of . daughter. - DIED- In Pulley. Seodsnd. on the Ifth ultimo, In“ widow of tho late John Porter, m., ot thin city. Last month of tlie cheap sale at the skirt MM. ROBERT BTDW ART, from London. In - land, bu undo "rtsurrtnent, to min " 30.25. in; Pupill (in conjunction with " the? you unbl'uhod (In, ttel I limited number you“ “an... to whom she I ll impart a solid and poll“ daemon on moderate norm. . . . . . "611332 GrirGiGiGUse in “selling. nd thg_nsnsgemo_nt ot you; etle, L " ’"haï¬iï¬i'ï¬'iadoï¬mï¬â€˜aaiplm l the house comm loan, and mum in on of tho but parts Mn iii'Grt scum devour ell her an. to the done: of her union. The utmou core wlll be taken ln reference to hunk. morale. end reli‘lom trelnlng, end the domestic errnngelnenu ere each u to ensure comfort» thou committed to her one. ft' next term vull begin on the "t February, 18 . Refereneee ere hum; permitted to the Hon. Mr J. A. Mudoneld, K.C. " lion. ti. L. Tilley, ca., Hon. Alex; thusTtrrt, Hon. Inleolm Cameron, Hon. Col. any, M. P., human Taylor, Eeq., Andrew Drununond. Reg. Hunger Bank of Ion- treel. one", J. A. Great. I" ' M. D., M. P., end Henry Cocoon, leq. __ _ -- _ of_tlto oily: -Tr.iiT.FrGiaiia'o, “who“ a In. Rotrt. Stow-n, on". Ontario, -2_______i28.-_1._., THE BANKRUPT SALE. almost given sway. If you wait try can for prion, quantity 3nd quality. Thy mm bosom "" " s norm“. A " more of A "per1or no" to my cum "if-feeder. has. on if yod VIII. 3 mm can. and moan. We cannot and mu not ti. undonold. , Blot“)! 31108., REFLECTORS JUST ARRIVED. OARDIIG All) DAY SCHOOL FOR. l YOUNG LADIES, OTTAWA, ONTARIO. RAID IUCCIII t STOVES, STOVES, srovns, i%iG' ST. Hiohul’l iuitii Beer. Educauoual. A STOVE Stoves. - Joann Mops", _ [lumen Home Block or Opposite Onttrio link. â€Menu. GRIFFITHS In" dwidod to In" for 3113113.: on the Nmrian, which mtl all onthe Mth, they have inhalant! no to THIS EVENING. end MONDAY AFTERNOON end EVENING will Poeltiyely he the but Sole. As this is the int they will eell without reserve, nth“ then re-ehip the Ooode ; consequently there will be RARE BARGAINS THIS AFTERNOON, AT POUR O’CLOCK. A bountiful Cnbinet of one hundred and " pieou, mehognny one, will be sold. N Aha, a very superior arutsu-trarreud Feeding- pieoe, breech-louder. A large quen‘ity of Crnet Studs. Pickle Frnmee, Butter coolers, Tu and Moe Bervioee. Pnpler Mechie Writing Duke, end n Urgs gnu:- tity of Tel-1e Cutlery. Spoons, he. Snlee ntlt tindg p.01. . “mm . . _ '3 CLOSE our THE BALANCE OF THE STOCK Ottawa, December 19, 1868 o"" ARRIVAL. ' AT ORME & sows Ol' GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. and price. M Trust their friends will call and inspect their EXTENSIVE STOCK in their now and "new“ premier, v NEXT To DUMB £50203, V Oppoaito tho Rum“ Home. Ottawa, December l9. A LAYTERN AND SET ‘OF VIEWS Minn, Traut h lotion. Cow Drinking from tho Strum. Windmill in Motion. New Sets of Drhwing Instruments. REGISTERING THERIOMITEBS. XICBOSCOPRS tram .1 to .50 " the MARKET DRUG STORE, Yorbat. P""" AND BRONZE BTATUABY, and FANCY GOODS of EVERY DESCRIPTION. - By A. Rowe, Auctioneer. ‘OSITIVELY Till CLOIIIG CALI- Axum Chum Ind CIIRIS'I'IIAI ARE COMING. ' WM. HEARN. Bouquets of NATURAL FLOWERS dried, and IZYACINTH BULBS for “lo. December IT. â€hay 11asssmmar,-. on: the Iolieiution of may of my (Honda in l the Word I eomnud to become I undid.“ {it the pouuen or Aldermen. Eton: the nun-om. and col-din oxpmnionl of Mondlhip and Inp- port which I In" received, I do not doubt that I would be triumph-nay returned. But “omen Inning when u to tho position: of the condition! in the contest. end all of then being my triondl, in order to "no" confusion, no In, at loot. u I on myself concern“, I now withdrew than the poem of condition. with may than for the -tidentte to may of you he" expressed In no. I have the honor to Ire, ' Gentlemen, r Your obedient Sol-nut, . December It, 1868. GREAT BANKRUPT SALE: ASKS Do do BALVERS for............. 1.50 BOLID GOLD WATCHES for..................- SILVER HUNTING CABS WATCH“, - BLBtmUFPLA"2ED CRUBXB for.............lo£0 Do do CAKE BABKm, toe I.“ All Good: Warrantal, and Haul be Sold ' Without Reach-c at IOYI, GAMES, PUZZLES, DOLLS, MAGIC LANTERNS, to. tr 25 PER CENT BELOW COST a Don't Forgot the Bend. tho WITHOUT ANY RESERVE. UIICAL COMPANION & ALBUMS. III MODERN "MY"ERY" I?" SALE T'" .I'I'ORI To LIT. " All partua indobtodto US$835. B. K. HAC- GILLIVBAY & 00. signposted up†their .oooum a om to " J. B. DASH. at the Shot. Md limo, who is do†tamarind to grunt n- MW MAGIC LANTIBII G ILIDII JUST RECEIVED FROM ENGLAND. ‘ESIRI. ORHE = BON RITING DEIKS, WORK BOXES, tad DRESSth CASEB in our, 'trio Watches, Jewellery. " IO THE Inncrons or “fibula- TON WARD, IN THE CITY OF OTTAWA: SHEFFIELD HOUSEJ SPARKS-ST. EVER OFFERED IN THE CITY. on“... Dec. 18, 1868. HE CREATIVE BARGAIN. Do NEW MOVEABLE SLIDES : ‘O'I‘ICE. auction Sale. Fancy Goods. PLA NCHETTE, At Grady Manic! Price. LOOK AT THE PRICES The Luau Novelty. J. & J. TAYLOR SAFE. In the Luau Purl-ha Styles. Municipal. do FOR 03-00- FOB A. ROWE, Alienation. M . 928- 2 TIA BITS toe............ 9-00 " THE RICHARD BISHOP. 92ttt THE TEA POT LIST. FINEST BALTIMORE OYSTERS, ULEI. Roms c o... a. TARâ€, â€UPI" I. C... I. A"'oaa1" t C... ENNESIEY‘S BRANDY. AND-IAI’I CHOICE OLD PORT. ARTELL’I RAHAI’I EXTRA OLD PORT. IAIIAII'I THRII GRAPE. â€DICE PALE, Ottawa, Dee. 16, 1808. Nm'" '"""T1" "OKIRZII'I Pure Gold.- IBIIIY. GOO 1'ht 'oo'"'" R ECTIFIED SPIRITS; P"""'" pm .14 BY- wanna! 1 tour â€at ‘old. oqul to my rmam,,, 150' 200 150] HIPPAVJA TODD! 'IllnY. Font your: otd,oqttnt to Seoul. IIII‘PAWL IAXILY PIâ€,- aoo p- n. ma. uppuu In Cu“, um]. nad t Cub, IDPA'I'II'I ‘X‘I‘IA 'SYBUP, IDPA'I'II’I I‘I'AI'DAID BW YORK Mow" IYIUP. V J. G. ROBINSON & oo. Dumber 16, I“. w.‘ Received daily, by EW- In Bottle or Wood, 0009““ t WOBTB' J. G. ROBINSON 8 CO, BYE. IOAIDIIIII OHIO. P810! T cur" TWAIKAY. Box-l TOBACCO, "I. gym-u "comm any 'AI‘I" um BUPIUOI noun. do ALCOHOL, " o... a. manna-II, no.9. III... [:88 PORK. to - T118. I. CULIIIA'IID ora, The To. Put. can. as" jun or.“ out the mu ot " m 0! HIV a NM. comprising 2 " BLACK = cowl†0'..- COATINGS. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! III}! ARIIVALI- 10 66 ------ Tiurieti . 7.xt RM†'gtfatlll1',1te'dtl'dll2'td'fJl1'l'dl"k' 'l‘IIOS. & W. llUNTON CAII IILKI. In phi: “an", colon, ark-Ail "int, CAI: VILVETBINI. BALEI Will?! COTTOII. CAIII LIIIII. wormed, Llldtho “up gogg- TOBOGGANS, I." naive! I DALI WHITE ILAIIILI. as... an gnu _ M W. ANGUS ' CO. WbmWi-quull. " Inc-m5? BOOTS, " WHITE 00110. _ SHEETIDIG, 3001's AND SHOII. Va! may“. HAS AND NEW YEAR'S Pml -rtrtrmumot' Minor. 1 66 BLACK Chow. u “'1' 'la".'“. PRICSS L0 F. u ICABLI‘I'_ rLAIIIu. " BLAIKI‘I‘I, u WOOL CABkPneB, ofthe m tttrio. Armmotww‘“" u CAJADIL! TWI‘DI- Ala!“ ' Nr GRAY COTTOII. AND om: I'm-Wm III" CAIPI'I‘IO TAP-[TRY CAIPI‘I'I. this men'- m [an EMBROIDERED TOBOGGANS, SNOW-SHOES. noccwms. OVEB-SBOES, THOS. if. “m BNO W-SHOH. SHOES. w. ANGUS t oo, a mum â€WM it " and†[llncl‘ WA Be - dd†a.†w?!“ pe (ions. It. I min-t Mr. l “I. , Mr. Mr. tlte Mr. "