" qruahqy Inca um up before the Police Court today, on a charge of drawing a pistol sod “remain; to rhoot a taverrr-kearpee My. Bo m remained foe trial. M has boon Ivery gm: increuo in the ‘m of freight M: on the Band Trunk . “had. A has numb" ot pen were idly o-tred last night unloading cm. in NM I decision, in which all tho then can", an the common law of Eng- V d :ivu - no right to vote. t It in W thng Sir Wu. Manatie1d, Com- ts. ls. glam d the forces in India, will $W,L“Wmnthe hold ofthe g My†in It“. O-Mlbynliao door,nod Into" the had- _,Hho'ol their "can“ were in the bar. ". “I; and winks they wanted, replied “. After Inch pleading or pynenl,_and w at“, they collard the lamthrrd, _ hi him on the noon.“ denuded " no. . my. A M â€lacuna-d, but the thin:- “W" rum. W'm Togas! “.1†337m. y.tttr'tJl"a l ..._.__'i"""r "CU. "V . . .. Noah huslettcr route ' w. u, , _ 1 The Giobe an" :hich ,w" published in l THIS MORNING S DEtii ATLHLS. t'hG"ili' ctr-011.93: on Sammy-y'- lt covers i Ila-cred Appoln't-s-ss. 1G7iieii column-t. attd ststes Mr. Rowe's i A Nut You, November tt.-Thes Commercial} ae". h khuland with reference to tho special ssys that Mr. Stsnton will be tendered iiiiiq9 pads to more. the Goran-out, tho War Office, Senttor Wade the Interior , "1ttuigryt CM'II‘A the people Departmerttt, Mr. Greeley the J'ottmaatrr- =fTi.il'll Tho remtit M.“ that it 13enemlthip, and Go. Sickles is spoksn of " Gi-ir-tio' to ue.ycy “Y ch" $be "' lists!" to England. Gen. Boomer-ms will " jut-c m;- 'fe',', My. 'dr." Ttl'.' be man“ from Mexico promptly. - - t.try . t tn tM'tpt', . t, I. nub-of It. Whoa-sl- It“. M 'io-et' by Mr. Bright â€believes cttt Itwn'us. November 9.--A run on the l iituJurit'Phe Prov.ticesttld, be Iornsdnn l lilwsukio Burk commenced on Saturday. 1 can†ttte tet"."' might 'M.ttattt . 'e" The Wisconsin State. Bank has suspended. “at: on Mum?! hopy he foamt P,'? ttF Tho mums“ src aid to he heavy. -ii-evuritc? trout New Byte"' aad '. lug-sup Colllslal " - Hook. his Edward Gland ttet satrtt. utuort Cl) NuaYosx, November 9.-fihe stesmships i-ctfat"'e. He was mil willing to nrug- General luck and Rhrrn0oncamo into collision " il'he could see any “N l' .thes Tet". i on Ssturdsy night oif Study Hook, sud mar David.“ h:s i. tltr.W to lf, tlieads " the ! the'Scotlsnd light ship. A telegrsph signal itttistoatien1ion before ttw 1.egulattmt met. on the Mormon virus mistaken for her port I.†ashrd by them whatthey should Io'. light, sud the General Meade ran into her go "plied that they copld deelar.e pe y!- I midships, musing one of her boilers toburst. 6W9. bqtt he would 'sotatdeiaoit. "1hiai but without injuling snyone revert-1y on - done thee must .sign s dvclsrstlofli board. The Jttrvuon sank to her deck,and the. yids-Is their hm. that forum, Ind their I General lead: bad . hole knocked in her “I honor tor‘iss'msintensnce. . . I bow, from which she Inked bully, sud it wss Sons of bis friends accepted thia ootutioa. i (and necessary to ran her on Jersey tints. 'u the aid the but pan-ml yard In for "e-ee-e-ee-e-ere-tie-e-er-"-". , “up - their Who†ef "F A rm uncles! and “sons-y trons pay D to "h .36" the Governor thilst ho i -eeeod st the Concert tits event... 1 HI (-m-iuion hon any rtuty bat the , t-terIeer-='.y..ei".'.."e-..,'..e=.e-" Que-direct. sud promised it this Jreeietaopel A IVS'I'IRIQUI 'rrtAiChoM- od “could beck the Council. by Myâ€, sod I IUBDSRQt f.. ATTACl-E UPON .4 been“ mam-nee. remains their mm : A "ee.'""" * - of cog-oct'. .. , From the Detroit Tribune. . s", Hoots M Iva: to oecond m" BuaWeB- l At the pix-sent time citizens li)ving in the stol- immediate vicinity of the Corner of Michi n '1. “m“ Mr. um". h†had 'ld svenue snd Shunt" sre greatly agitated f,h'l Nil†,pl,, 'no'em.eu", m which s murder and possibly other terrible brim" M I. “I " now m correspondence shall he committed. While one'family is the Vi. - my“ st Ottawa, sod sny onq most excited our the matter, the . feeling of *ma'_’†it. _ . A ,A:.__ __. s., insecurity is prevailing through the entire gaitrst by Eplrgmph. - 990’.â€- ' " kind of 8100 has been viewed for an ‘1 inc, I“ on the 20th, 6r Nth was... liv- s'o will lead to its recovery. A night tnin my oirthe truck on the - Talk, In: the Asylum, last night. Bo an injured. Amazes-pt " musty wu undo on n -aoer.r pit night. Two hen entered -iiGaau protest "iutstucpoesaidurro-si - h on the ground obnndue inilueoce, in- “... bribery, and illegal cosvNct of the Shi. h. In created great excitement in N18!- The human India . 'glut/ “ â€you minim). The Anti's denounce 1 .Mo-e tn momentum! nuns. “it muggy - was“ men will go with him. '; ' J, "mi #9301010. trr-irq gland, fled. They were discov- oBatad "vested to-dav. ' A. u "up, on Suntan} evening, Cu no"- “Oahu, . up in one ot the w: fell ta .. but, “in; the lamp to tieces. In I has the interior of the cut I. tn n b. The garage" unused to mp. .50 next car, bet the m in which the ac. .u -rrmt - coupleter gutted. J. I "ith h- rccrivul his quaint-out, " 3 - Mule-(er on the "I“. “a it "ties " pro-cat. u hip-h of Mm, will sail Lr an.» " th. Mth in. Gen. Dulce has pumped a: Jog-nun bIHCnbayptiAl Wkr. . s, '1)... November 8.-Narsitnt Scrum I. “and the sppmmuem. at Gen. Prim In Morin-cam! ot the armies ot humour: November tt.--Tho saw nun-Mp Pain-rut“, :Irom mm, for in York, d: -" out, returned.» on p! in s “in: condition. _ Minot, November 9.-urn the an of It. 18mm». Com_ol09_-o-?Xar CABLE 1)i,ipl ws. his, “in 9.--'rtto Tim: Madrid W trim tothat jaunt! that the tle " Spain will prohbly be otreeed to “than: , Rovembér 9.-The “My Iii, to. New York, in mind. tws MORNIXG'S DESPATCHES. att h Illiod lectnnd any were before u, the upiul of Pughâ€. nnd new: i I. m: of tho.city was hourly ox- -. “Bio Jtrneiro"tt was reported that hutt'. stat" onron,- under Bar- via, wu oing u the Pm, “OWion. ' p I. Honing Pool rants the podponelnent aeth. â€minion- foe s new reciptocity - between the Dominion of Canada and .. United Sara. " re,esrds the conclusion lush - maths only n-dxtive for the dt-tent of Son Scotia. ' h, Number 2--.t great popular de.. -tieta took. place h-n, yesterday on the “I “the film] of Mr. June. Mountain, “in “no.“ to In" held n prominent â€a in tho Fenian "tetmn.iaation. A pro- ud.“ 'ver 6,000 men “(women followed ‘0 III-Eu to the winery. In Mountain in», added In an United Saws, no u. . We to n Faun convention held " *ln November, 1963. â€Mattie town this evening " b m I. charitablo my...“ “has. od "moving Lennodi fro- tho My of Cuba, and appointing 0-. Biotin his plat e, was pttuiatly publish- “! "er. Inna, November 9.-Marir Serrano hunt-ad " Councillou of sun. Jun- I-Iunb. he. lmvé been reappointed in att-tov-e, of Spain. Popmu demon- *hve ban we in the Baltic nod by M in faror of religion; tole- ‘u pitiuom have been sent here "qt-iorer,stsseat to immediately issue 3.31:".me the freedom of public uksorearstrer 9--Thrs". mail unmet 1-- Ian may; in Irrind n this port. gigan- {rpm RitJaneiro to the 13th yawn“, November 8. Gen. Grunt tred. be" but night. Speaker Coltax will Strtre be" [tr-mm. AMERICAN NEWS. “Wols- tu. You, ?Gvembtr8.-Tbesteanoltips '0 and Elena, from Europe. have unwed. In You, Now-bu 9.--The steamship. 9a of Peru and Eng, from Europe, have u- Ill-unlo- h 'hylu-olotu- of We 01“.... In You, November H.--2he Jamming ttme olBuopnn me are from the Daw- Ogo spud». Hanson's DESPATCHES. "537 â€November 8.--Tisere u 0.! 1“ afloat here that the peaanntry "in have raised, â€manning! the Rus. - pun from “on. a. Havoc-II. -e MI. at In. - “on-non. nu! untow- all I." not Co-e"r. with tho Iowa-out u (cod-nod by III. Will!“ My "M. - I. car-spout“... with w 931.32. se-'"'"' ao. “SPEED Ah 'tf DES PATC " ES "up." Ammu- Iacunux, November 8.-The Journal I Caviar have â€MIMI. O... urn-t In Washington. Winn. Aan commander. The Catholic clergy u. said to be at the bead ot the monument. Bosnian police are on the watch, and centric- hue been doubled. Nothing of a Pai" eharaeter has yet transpnrod; Aruus. November t2.--Darittg the last week ghoul 1,000 Creams. who sought shel- ter here at the tune ot the uptiaing 39"!“ the Turks, have returned home. The grate at part of Crete is add to be quiet, tltt2 the mountainous regions are still held b t insurgents. ttgain" whom the forces it, the Turkish Government have hitherto a own themselves powerless. . ' III-end .lppoln'lno-u. _ Nttw You, Norcmber 'y-Tho Commereiats special "v' that Mr. Stanton will be undead the War Office, Sumter Wade the Intetior Department, Mr. Greeley the Postmaster- Oonenluhip. and Go. Sicklel is spoken of u mama: to England. Gen. Rescuer": wilt be nuallod from Mexico promptly. _ Imp-ush- “‘55. ‘YIWIII- It“. “It. (From the hermit Tribune.) . .7 ' At the present time citisezrs living in the J immediate vicinity of the corner ofhlichigan avenue and Sixth-ist.. nre greatly agitated lest i a murder and possibly other terrible crimes shall be committed. W hile omrfamily is the most excited our the matter, the-feeling of _ insecurity in prevailing through the entire neighborhood. Ull Monday night lasts bold and outrageous attempt was made to murder a young'lsdy namedoitrry Sanford, residing with the family of Mr. Deering, who is the proprietor of a dre goods store on the corner above. named. She was met by some villain " or near the corner of Eighth and Fort-stir, early in the evening. and came very near loci ing tur life. The wretch, whoever he was, ‘made three separate attempts to stab the young lady, and cut her hat in as many pieces, appearances would indicate, with ' raaor. Several days since an anonymous note was sent to the house of Mr. Deering for Miss Sanford, in which the writer requested a private interview with her concerning mat- , ters which the person raid interested her only. The Grier selected a certain locality and time for the meeting. Mr. Deering accent- partied the young lady, but “nothing could be seen of the mysterious personage " the sp- pointed place they returned home. Another note was then sent, which stated that the writer wished to see Mite Sanford alone, and appointed Monday evening as the time and the corner of Eighth and Fort-sis. as the place of meeting. On this mission Mr. Deering remained " home, and another gentleman went as an escort with tilts Sanford. As they neared the locality last referred to, the gentleman walked down on the other ride or ' street. As she approached a secluded I spot near Richardson's match factory, an un- , known man jumped from near the fence, and l struck the young lady a [owerful blow on the l head. She immediately cried for assistance. and the gentleman who had accompanied her ass gnsrdrushedto her assistance. Before he could reach her, however, the would-be - dervi' had dealt her two other blows, and, ob. serving that he was in danger of being esp- tural, Set towards Lafayette avenue. lie was hotiy panned, and every class made, but in vain, to capture Mm (iii: Sanford was found not to have been i seriously injured, and she was escorted hack to Mr. veering's rieidence. Ber hat and the anonymous letters are now in tho m.- sion of the police detrctivts, who are en-) deavoring to ferret out the assassin. We re- 3 gut-.10 state, however, that the chances for arresting the scoundrel sre‘not good. The attack was made so suddenly that liss San- ford had no opportunity to sea the face of the party, no'even a fair chance to see the color of his clothing. Since this event several let- ters have been sent to Mr. Deedng’s residence, l all of a threatening nature, but by whom they were written, or for what cause, remains a _ mystery which the future only can solve. There is entertained one solution to the " tempted murder, but this may or may not be t correct. The statement was made to us by Mr. During, and we give it tsutststnntinlirutn related: lies Sanforn’s parents tormerlylived at Lyons, Clinton county, Iowa, and were, quite wealthy. A brother of her father and t his wife lived in New Orleans, Minna, and r' the family of the former-Mary being the only I dnatBhur--went to New Oriana to pays visit to their relatives there. liar Sanford i was then quite young. She is now sixteen years of age. While at New Orleans her father and _ mothar were stricken , down with yellow fever and died there. Ber - and aunt took possession of tho Sanford , estate at Lyons, Iowa. Tttery cared foe lary, as l relations should,nnd she lived in comfort and y ease upon the fortune of her deceased father. lsry always passed and was known as the I daughter of the surviving anford, until very i recently, when these law were, made known p to her thatshe was living with her uncle; l that her father was dead; and that the pro- .| perty which she supposed belonged to her ,' uncle was really her property. These things . were made so clear to hrr‘that she could not I fail to understand them, and she began to , assert her rights, under the circumstances. F From that time she was regarded by her re. i lstives at a dangerous person (to them) to i have about the premises. Grievances, real i i or supposed, it matters not, came thick and Ul’ Iuyln‘u, " Inn-cu..- uv-, __-...- --.-.. WV not, nod Hits Sanford, having previously formed the acquaintance p! tn? veering family -oeho were then cagnged in the dry goods and willingly business at Lyon, low- " foraed Incite! by them. About two months unce the Booting: “use to Detroit (or mtiter returned), and opened a plume of Maineâ€, the “no u that managed by them in Ion, on the corner of Bixthust.. and Michigan "rune. They brought Mm Suing! with than, and the In: Iince remained with the (unity. This is the story u‘relued to In by Mr. veering, and he informs us that it is true. New Yotk Marion. XII You, November 9.--Cotton quiet at 25c.-Flour unchanged. Receipts, 23,200 hm]; Sales, 7,600 barrels at $5.70 ta'6.10 for Bupertutes saw and Weitrt; $6.30 a 0.90 for Cannon to Choice, Extra State; 36.25 [For daily report qf Ottawa Murketa, '" Four“ Page.) --- 3 - - _ a 7.50 for Common' to Choice Extia weeern.-Brs Flour quiet. Recripu, 1,500 Intel: " $5.15 a 7.85.-Whut in buyer's (“on Receipts, 249,000 bushels. Sslu,49,- 000 bunch at 81.60 toe Nos. 1 and 2 Spring Mixed ; 31 45 for No. 2 Spring ; $1.63 a 1.67 for No. 1 do.; $1.90 a 1.95 " Amber lichi. tttus.--) quiet. Receipts, 48,000 bushel..-.. Corn unchanged. Receipts, 71,000 bulhclu. Sula, 68,000 bushels " $1.12 a 1.11 for Uzi-only]; 81.15 a 1.17 for Bound Mind W.sterrn.-rBarler quiet. ,nd heavy. Receipts, 15,600 bushels. Bales, 9,000 bushels of Can.. ada Welt-m " 31.12 a 1.t2l.--0ntt' Irony. Receipu,9'l,000 bush. ls. Baler, 43,000‘bmhcl4 at T31c. {a 74c. tor Wt,atern.--i'otk quiet and vaunted " $27162 frg 21.75 for new Mm; $27.50 for old do.--‘Lud quiet and Iteavy " Me. a llc. for “an: ; 17c. fa l7lc. for kettle tendered. 7 ' " 1.0st, Non-mun o-ie." p.m.-Consou 941 for money. Bonita quiet att31. Stocks new]. Erie MI. alliaoU Conn-l Itt. LIVIIPOOL, November It-- 1:20 pus-Cotton quiet Bradsha- firmer. Corn 38a.6d. Flour 27a. Turpentine timer. Lard dull " 66.. in; York - lurk“. Saw You, November 9.--uold 134i. I'ISANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL- Londo- - â€that. Ropomd'by Tolo‘uph. Liverpool lurk-u. LAKES HURON l SUPERIOR Tenders will be received by the Postman:- Gounl " Dunn, until noon. _ On my“: tV11th DECEMBER, by mum“, on Lake Huron nu} We Superior botwoon on I contact for on, two or duo. 30m, or lesion: at nsvlguion, comm-oh; wllh the opening of uvigttion in the you 1569. Tho nut-boss to In" Collingwood regularly no]: weak on a tized day, pnd from the opening maul tho do“ of navigation, to run on. wook from Ptuirtrrood to Suit St. Mario and btok, ad the wool following from Coilingwood tokort William and back. Cbllingteood, Saul! St. Mark and Fort William», T _ In“; to be exohngéd at 311th. wny ports and stopping plan, on cub trip it "quind. . The “Idol-I nun“. distinctly "t. The duodplion of autumn. proposed to be onployod in the â€Meg, twining the number of (on burden, “gin. power, and ordinlry "to ot 2nd. Tho prloo_ naked for out fortnightly trip from Couln‘wood to Fort Willin- ud buck, nnd for eaett human“. trip from Colllngwood to Small St. Mario Ind but. . : The tunnbom onployo'd tart" " all Nam sub- joet to tho sppmu of the Poumuur-Gononl. 3rd. Winch! the and" is and. for the orrvie) tor one, two or three yarn, or "MON or nuisa- tion. . ' _ - Security tis l ruse-able uncut In" be required for the the perform-ac. of the contract. JOHN DEWE, P.0-. layman's Dice, Toronto, Number I, 1868. om". November 9, 1868. DAVID MILLAR Inning made in 0 non for g'/g.1"s ittto a now huh-u yr m in {Angry 9311,1831 this Tho nook Jonata of I“ tho landing at)!“ ot HOOP SKIRTS, viz. ' - _ . 1". MRI“ SKIRT or GRECIAX BEND, Do DBOPSKIRT. Do DEM! do otllslfSkirt. Do TRAIL do vnionl kinda. Do BELL SHAPE SKIRT. . . . MISSES‘, "cry the. CORSETS, C1JRsry1S, CORSETS. "ii/iGiGii PV Girtrot5sirGute lhnnh in the good poo lo 3W1: pad the mneuqding county fo.i. 121' CONVEYANCE OF THE NAILS, GryiiirdAt PM :30. and u" proof'of Ma ap- pmintion o tt bu doddod todinpou at his entire nook st tht which ttagtgtot fail to elect s clou- nn: p, P new PH. I. - 30 " $0.40, former prior, 90.75 " do _ 0.60, C do do I 000 " do 0015. do do 1.us " do 'ato, do do 1050 I†do 1.25, do do 3.00 " do ‘050, do do â€-25 201 do 3.00, do do 3.15 26 Punch Won Cornb,.al.50. formerly .4000 " do do 3615, . do 8.50 " do do 3.00, do 5.00 sud on imncnu stock of KNITTED GOODS,mch to 80mm. Clouds. Bruits-t Shown, ilooda, km, on now, will be Mtid " out. Hosiery 5nd Gloves " out. Bur Non, lawn modicum.“ oom- uo_n_oing tt. 3 any. . . Tho public will be good enough to remember (hit in t hon. tide ulo. . N.B.-Mr. I. will, in the mounting, receive tttters for the whole “not in node, consisting of every clan of mum! sad mlehmory for entry- in; on a sun Mamtmetrsrug Businul. 893-tm __ lindwhouyou BUY YOUR TEA AND COFFEE. F Our Tool end Cohen. tfor sevoro mu, hive boon pronounced try oonnoiuonu to bo of superior quality, tad {too from those pouonous unbounde- oo often and by the undo. Hundreds of pockogoa have been foanrdod all our tho Dominion ond never on on, motion has 'dl pockogo boon re- tained. They ore pronoun to be cf the finest quality; and 20 per cent cheoper thou the noun! nun. 1n oddition totho qnnlity Ind choopnou, eoch customer in tarnished with 'ttties, boxoo and tin horuocio can“, which hove been chosen so u to preserve the strength and "v9ur. For the oc- eorismodation of former: Ind private fomilioe, we have "ranged to loll our Tong-mi Coleen ino ovo? pol-:30 a eGneo to tints our nuclei. Part no- orming n club on order 4 tive or , ton pound boxes, whon the curing. will be paid to the nur- ut Summon or Mil", Station. Any order not “in; sanitation. our be returned " our " pause. in sending ordem,to I". chug“, it would be honor to one]... the money. or the mount an be can“ by Bxprou or smmbou Agetst. All onion not an by post will recoivo prompt uten- Gitiiir" Future and upwnrds, thas ulording our! non-son n e taco to tan our "not... Par- 36 " " " TOBACCO AND FRUIT SHOP, ', PORTER'S BLOCK, 'mnd_poloettr., gunkâ€. Common ......... ................. 2,'t li," o..-....-..-......."..".. out); ylon..... _-................ ........... Fine do m....--,...-....'.........".. Bttperfkrse and Yory 093:3... Coy 0n the recommendation ot the Honor-bio the Acting Minister ot InUnd Revenue, and under the authority given end contorted by the Act 31 Wo. Cep. 8, imitated: " An Aw r‘upocting the Inleud 1uvotst"r,"--1Iis Excellenay but been pleued to order, nd lt In hereby ordond, that in sddition to tho Pom mentioned in the lull also†of the Order in Council of 27th April, 1868. u tho Ports from which goods lubjcct to duties of £19“. an" In "porud in Bond, the fotlonrinrPort' Ihlll be, and may". hereby trtmatittated Port- tor' the "or.- nation“ pupa“, namely , ms EXCELLENCY , THE common i, ' GENERAL IN COUNCIL. All. WITBACVT- The You: of Hm. Non Snug; Chatham, Nowouuo “S Fudoxioton. New Bmmiek. _ WM. M. LEE. 891-3 Glut Privy Council. IPORTAN‘I‘ ANNOUNCEIIENT. GIVING CU' BUSINESS. .OVIRIIIIT “00.2. Ottawa, 3m day of October, PABIEBS = OTHERS. POR Tttl YE’! GREEN "u. Teas. COFFEE. Minx-r (SPARca-sT_rer. 893-4 P.0. Inspector. 1H E 894td 035040 tt55060 050060 076att5 100000 029, 033 029, 032 026, 029 l, AvDRESSES . Will be delivered by SirJohn A. Mecdoneld, lion. 3 bl. Kenny, lion. S. L. Inlay, Hon. Col. Grey, M. K Pull". Robert Irvine. D.D., Rev. Mr. Freelend. D.U.. Ind Ilia Kano: Judge Armstrong. Chair to be taken It 8 o'clock. V â€Psalmist: of progreunne in efuture have. o mun, November 4, 1868. 889td LP. “OS. 6T'1'AWA"1‘IMEB. NOVEMBER IO. THIRD ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The membors of the I rial: Protestant Banno- lont Society. and MI Irishman, and domadunu of Iriahnen, m {equated to most at the At TEN o'clock. am, sad proceed thence in pro- ceealen to “and Divine Service " the Bsnkut, Church, where e sermon win he preeched at l 1 o'clock, by the Rev. Mr. MOORE.' Over T. Isaac's Hardware Store, Centre TI'ESDAY, TENTH NOVEMBER, Will be given an At EIHIII‘ o'eloek, n which . number of the most TALENTED AMATEURS of the city will perform a telnet yrogummo. 0irgr-for ulo tut extensive Importation ot FALL ANDBV INTER GOODS, comprising Roadrundo Clothing, Canadian Tweedy, Irtottog, saintl- , 3150 , large stock “Blanks“, (Planck, Karla’s, Gray Cotton, Prints, Win‘ceys, Pllidl, ms., to. 5 BrondclotLa, Beavers, Witnoyl. Penman", Dovonl, ae. ; Redford can, sin: mum... Wu; of England Twuds, Dooakim, ms., wholonlo and null, ,tiut, wiu be mud. up to order on the shortest nbtioo in the mm It)!†offuhion and It prion that FA gonenl 3mm»: of Dri Goods, the largest tstoe,k ever offered for “I. in thin city. _ 81.25 BLQ§$§35"'"$3.00 Partial" attention given to the Tailoring De partment,' which in utdor the nuporv'ulon of . am- clus cutter. $4.53? CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE, " Bog to inform their friend: ind the ubl'w that they have OPENED' OUT the COMPLETION " THEIR 1MPititTAT10NS FOR THIS SEASON. bought dmol from tho taBtutrtustarers, bird which they no SELLING at n A. DUFF. Outwt. October 27, 1868. SMALL ADVANCE ON COST! EVERY NOVELTY or m: SEASON Witt be found in each of tLo following deput- monu, viz.: I . Pout-hum IN THE EVENING, A GRAND CONCERT MPd1h'l'lt " in CLOTH, VELVETEEN SEALSKIN. LAMBSKIN, and JASPER CLOTHS, ae., to. ind Umiere1othing. Y. a w. 11UNT0N would om putioullr mu- tion to their CARPET & IIOUSEFURNISHING DEPARTMENTS, (the Ingest in the Province.) oomprinin; AXMINSTEB, . VELVET, BRUSSELS, ' TAPESTRY, _ IMPERIAL, -‘ KIDDERMINSTER, _ DUTCH, _ ' MANILLA, _ HEMP and FELT. ' mwriamyrvso, COCOA MATTING, HEAuTH was, . DOOR MATS. CURTAIN MATERIALS, F 1N BROCATELLE, DAMASKS, REPPS. Fitrs'ari2VcoRNrCE8, arms, ac. LOTIIING, ROOMS Ol? TUE SOCIETY, FRENCH AND BRITISH MMtKETS,-- IIER MAJESTYS THEATRE, sinks-Imuk and Colored in you! vnhty. FOULARD SILKS, plnin and (may. JAPANESE SILKS, . full ulomnent. HIBBONS. a full assortment. ttos1ERY. . 5 MOVE , s “mamas. V tiABEttDAtiUERY.s . GENTS' SHIRTS. TIES, commas, moms, _ CTS.,SI and 81.1:5...........;DRAWERS gioAD CLOTHB, HA‘VLQ, MW IMPORTATIORS- ,VERCOATINGI. . A In Pilots, Dunn. Witncyl, Melton. LANKE'I‘S, ‘LANSE LS, nuns and sxmrma in in an mm ) designs. . __ -- -t-rFe ' L, use}! (woos-- _ OTTONS, T1105. & W. lIUNTON, >WEED5, West of Ihsgiand,b'tsoteh Candi“, to. RENCH MEBINOS. ERRORS, and LUS- assume, mum" aad vsuvthmms, . . m " colon. or,,arrrTiiiq'rsir,"iRsticu and tr 'Y ICE, all colon: OR- REES GOODS AnPE'l‘S-I ’MEARA & CO., TAILORING DEPARTMENT. CTS., SI and 1tt .as......trNDWtSHrRTt?, RIADY-XADI AND TO ORDIR. amusements. o........-..."... DE h' Y COMPETITION. ESTABLISH ED IN 1844, Dry Goods. ar a 49 Sparks-st. in endless variety. .........u001> PEA JACKETS. in Broche and Wool. White and Colored. Grey, White and Printed. White, Colored tad Funny. Buck and Colored. GREY ETOFFE PANTS, .............AI0GD VIBES, Fuck and Colored. comma“: suns. O'MEARA a CO. q. 882y ...O\'ERCOATS, IF"'" will: IILVER. mums, V Go To YOUNG & RADFORD'S. FOR mm: SILVER mums, Go To YOUNG &I‘.AD1"0RI)‘S. junt moduli- JE? RINGS. - . Eithor "punts or in "an, all quite new, and put touched, _ just received; RINGS,- Either upstate or in um, tll quite new, and j received. FOR FINE JET BROOCIIES Wr EAR RINGS. ' Ihther sepantoo in um, all quite new. and hunch Witchmsken mid Manufacturing Jov- ouon, 30 Spun-IL, om". Prune“ Wuohmlkon and Msnuhcturing J on- ollquo Spun-st... Ottawa. Praetieal. anhmnkon and Manufacturing Jaw- ellon. 80 Spun-IL, outâ€. . ALL - or JEWELLERY mama to ORDER or BEI’AIRKD F AT YOUNG & RADFORIYS, on “(In unvnu mums, Go To YOUNG & ILADFORD'S. on FINE SILVER. mums, Go To YOUNG & 1thDyGllH'S. on FINE JET BROOCIIES ' EAR ort FINE JET BRUOCIIES & NAIL - In Crust! Studs, one Baskets, Card Baskets. Sons of - Bowl and Cream Ever, Forks, Spoons, 10., . - In On» titsmu,cau Baskets, Card Blake’s. Soul of pug“ Bowl, Ind Cram Eur, Forks, KIN as. _ Eithpr {opiate or in um, 91] quite new, and on. FINE JET BROOC‘IIES a EAR - In Crttet Studs, on. Bushes. turd Buketa. goal of gun: Bowl, and Cram Ewen Porlo, Spoon, ac, on ENGLISH, FRENCH E AMERI- CAN CLOCKS, non mun PAPIER nucua WARE and FANCY'GOODS, on FINE PAPIEB MACH]?- WARE and FANCY GOODS, " ENGLISH, FRENCH A; AMERI- cu CLOCKS. At Emails“, FRENCH a AMERI- CAN CLOCKS, on FINE PAPIEB MACHE WARE aad FANCY GOODS: LL Kllul or' JEWELLERY MADE . to 0 BDER or REPAIBED, Ar YOUNG & 1thDr'OR1J't'y, LL Klaus our JEWELLERY MADE .lo ORDER or REPAIRED, M YOUNG & RADFORD'S, on run: sou) mums. Go To YOUNG & RADFORD'S. on FINE GOLD CHAINS, -Go To YOUNG k; RADFORD’S. on mm: can!) Buoocnnl, Go To YOUNG & RADFORD'S. DR FINE GOLD = SILVER \VA'TCBES, on was GOLD naoocnns, Go To YOUNG & RADFORD‘S. DIX FINE GOLD = SILVER w TCHES, , . on FINE GOLD EAR RINGS, In Bright and Colodred Gold, “I. FINE GOLD AND SILVER. WATCHES, on FINE GOLD EAR. RINGS, Li Bright trnd Coloured Gold, 103 FINE GOLD .EAR. RINGS, on graagrNprgtoa.PLAT?BID “'ARE, In Bright Ind Coloured Gold, _ Go TO YOUNG & ,RADFORD'S. on MILBr'rrWo-PLA'rBD W REC on ELECTED-PLATED WARE, Go To YOUNG & RADFURD’S. Jewellery, av. Go To YOUNG & RADFORD‘S. Go To YOUNG & RADI'URD'S. Go To YOUNG 8: RADFORD'S. Go To YOUNG & RAI)FORD“S. Go To YOUNG & RADFORD’S. Go To YOUNG ' RADFORD'S. Go To YOUNG & RADFURD'S. Go To YOUNG & RADFORD'S. Go To YOUNG & RADFORD'S. Go To YOUNG & RADFORD‘S, run: 001.!) canâ€, Go To YOUNG A: RADFORD'S. mum: GOLD 3110001185, Go To YOUNG a RADFORD'S. Go TO YOUNG * RADFORD‘S. Go To YOUNG & RADFORD’S. Go To YOUNG & RADFORD'S. Go To YOUNG-k RADFORD'S. .Go To YOUNG & RADI?0itiyh'. Go to YOUNG & RADFORD‘S Go To YOUNG & RADFORD'S, 30 Spun-2t. 30 Spun-u l UBLIC AUCTION, u. bin Auction Rooms. on . pun-sh. in the City of Ottuu, on TUESDAY, the TENTH day othVEMBER, instant, " the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, the following uln- 1olerproptr.trr.tyut.tr Lot 43, south_ side of 2511"?!" n.... .v my. mâ€... - "". _-_-__._, - - Lot 'dr,' ngrth elde of Stunt-IL, with the Dwelling Home end Bulldln I thereon. Intel] occupied by MR. AUGUSTUS f1v"l'lll.' The house hu been newlymgepered and painted throughout, and new oil-et laid in hell: and dining reom. Title freehold, end free of dower end ell lacun- brences. Putin seeking e dulnble residence will tind this I good opportunity, u the nle will be poultive end without reserve. , - - - n_- L_‘I ---L. L- Quen- '.. A“. van-- "iiGL.LLoms-ihur cub; bnlsnco in one you- with inure-t " 7 percent, to lie ucund by mort- p e. ft mum Information application any be made to Th: lubwribon have "caved instructions from T. JAMES CLAXTON & CO., to loll " the “on, Noe. 236 and 288 St. Pam-n... Montreal, On Wednesday, the 11th November, and two following days, the extensive Forming Ivory gononl unortment suited to the canon. V BANKRUPT S TOOK of pay GOODS formerly belonging to the Est-to of DESMiHt- TEAU, JODOIN & CO., forming: r,n',e't',-. gorttnont of goods required in the whole“ a trade. In addition to the tho", I (gammy of BLAN- KETS, FLAENELS. _r,rN “S. _COTTONS 'iiiii-iiis,-aV.," -ad/GG their own kooe. nowin\ bond, and {an}, belonging to Bnnknlpt Elam, tho content: of 225 PACKAGES WOOLLEN, SILK, Putin desirous of purchuing Good: will find this an 0100110111. opportunity, u the. ".10 will uncut to our 950,000, sad the wholo to be sold without any tonne. (halogen will be readr {our dsyl prurient to the Ssh. from liberal. “an“ “I it twists“. " .. . Consignment: of Tween, mom, Bunion, Plumb, Yum and notion. 45 Packages Assorted Linen Ottawa, Nov. 3, 1868. The Intention of sunburn is dim lo the uln- nblo and ootntlets ulonmont of -viarGriiGu- 66135.1 a mining. in riotute" and lmthfulnou of colouring. nnd ditrerl" then- from only in the PRANG’S- BEAUTIFUL 01111011103. VERY LOW PRICE At which they no producod. Tho following m lam. of the mou umlrknble'ol' Pnng'l mat publicuiou t-- / . HORSES IN A STORM, after R. AGtsu,-- Prang'a laud picture. The Baretooted Boyflttor Whittier, Sumac in Cnlifonls, IMP Bin-Mt. Sunlight. in Winter, that Iorvillior, A Friend in Rood, um Babbling". Itttaur Homing, um Mu. Hut, Euly Autumn. “to: A. T. Brick", mu Autumn, do., . The 11mm», utter Oomgio, Rabbits Ind Kiting, -... Morning 3nd Evening, In" Ron Bonhour, The Poultry and. n " B. Lemmeâ€, Currug and Basket, “In Grsnberg. Struwborrln sud Baku, do., And In“, others tiyt bountiful. Which - In had u s EDUCIION " 20 PPL'."" BELOW um PUBLISH». summon Mn be In plied " wholonlo A all sud 'lrd'fJ'gll of that. GEMS o in napoctfully mum“. ---- UNRESERVED SALE -"Fhll "rut of favorite Canadian Chrome. is - trrrtryl a I reduced pxlce. The at: pas'mngu tor [In "coin After the you mum-l. The Deeeent from the Cross . Madam" end Joeeph , The Silence Indon- ne; Attention , to†u from $2.50 to $3 in ooloure, end SI and: in line engrnving. NUIRE, ET VIOLETTE, COMMUNICATIVE. The but cgpying ink hymn. Can alto be used in books. i A tr, consignment or thin tseubratad ink just receive from nil. Cat he sold at the nine ira Jofdintfy writing inka_ t Doclsrod Ar egmpotont nuthoritiu ""irr LONDON nuchAan. may rescind, and marked n . low figures. ---__ vComblnod Writing and Copying Ink, and other English and American aorta on land. ___-" By Hector McLean. ECTOR IcLEAN And SNAKEWOOD PEN 3nd PENCIL-CASES and GOLD PENS in vuiotyiw --.- -iiy -Beaning & 1ursalou, Montreal. x-rnxuvni _ iions1rr BAGS, WRITING DESKS and STA- TIONERY GASES. Apnonl madman: ol the but English and French WRITING PAPERS, of our] the and price. A large stock of PENS PEtiWL8,and other GENERAL' STATIONERY. tGiGrrsrtuiyttot - For ale " an CANADA GAZETTE OFFICE, Spun-u... out". A! -_-'. :--m-b- " OLA Orna- '""iiiFiiUGiiiGett to tho trade. Ottaws, Novombor 3, 1811. - STATIONERY DEPARTMENT. DURIE & BON hue mind Ditties Ind Dolly Journals (Cnnndln md American). . very [up vulcty, tter, from 10 cents to 83 "eh. Moore? unhlonod Elmer. V The new Paton: School Book Clnmp; our] school boy should In" it. _ Pop" Wolghu In t nrioty of puteintr. The new Potent She-shod Paper Pyle. Iv_oty Tee. Bil silos. " n m Allerton', Incli- Bubbor Caving Pro" Bl" The Ltdeliittu Pencil for irkintt Linen; nticle II than ready for nu, Will not dry up, Will not blot. no“ not upon by Roaring. .wiiitaataataixttottl" of_i_nk. Initial Note Plugs: Ind Brawler". 'Blsnk Book.-- large stock 0 English luau- Nature, " var! low prices. Sec our Btoe of Guard Stationary. ' J. DU all! A SON, " Spun-cunt. 498, Opposite an Bun“ Bongo. summon on: be m] ANADA GAZETTE OFFICE- COTTON AND LINEN GOODS. KOBE, JAPONAISE, ARTEB’S TATIONERYo ELIGIOUI SUBJECTS. OLD, IILVIR, RUBBER, IVORY EITIIG’I EXCHANGE TABLEI, PIC-310 To IOITMOBIICL DIRECT [HPOB'I‘ATION ODGEII’ Ind NOWILL’S CUTLERY. ENERAL ITATIOIER". FEW ELEGANT Auction Sales. WHOLESALE STOCK, CANADA GOODS arGTrriiGGitiGiuiii, in In ordi- Stationery. instructions to otter y “I. It By Catalogue. LIKIWISI. Krishna &BARBALOU. OVA AND AND D. O'CONNOR. Vendor’s Solicitor. " 85hy tobo the LARGEST ASSORTMENT THE BEST LIGHT AN D AT THE Beg to inform their old friende end We" that “though they have removed to their 'nagrtiiitmst new store they ere um tetennined upn mama. ing their heme for BEST GOODS IN OTTAWA! By keeping the [HM mutant ot And selliqg them atthe On account ofthe very low date ql'our stock at removal, we hare taken advantage qf the GREAT FALL 1N PRICES PARTICULAR ATTENTION In thread to II. following “nu of >CIIEAPEST RATES. GOO 100 " so 100 aoo LOW AND MEDIUM PRICED GOODS, FILES or FAST-COLORED PRINTS PM o to " - w yard. 150 PIECE or OEOIOI PRINTS. prin- Mon Melons, "l to l†mu : per yard. 'rrarrtor, STRIPED SHIBTINGS, GREY, WHITE, BED t 117 Town 15:11 noon: Ever Shawn by my one Home in Ottawa NEW DRESS GOODS . to choose from. PRICES EXCEEDINGLY MODERATE. COTTON YARN, White, mm, M ad ora---Bet - only k Inge "tidy of - NEW SHAWLS JUST OPENED. LAD!“ JACKETS AND MANTLES, 1uadr.mnd-det.oedee, CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE. TAILORING DEPARTMENT NEW‘BT STYLE IN LADIES HATS AND BONNETS, . Gonna-oh; a Very new PM NEWEST SHAPE HOOP SKIRTS I [Just Mind. SELLING THE CHEAPEST MAGEE & RUSSELL GEN TLEMEN’S COATS, OVERCOATS, PANTS AND um, Made to order on the punk“ by m.- watt. â€STYLE AND IT! GUARANHID.‘ AI will" noel or . NEW CLOTHS TO CHOOSE FROM. canals noun“: . MAGEE ' RUSSELL, (mum (OILJOUI bulb.) 1f Woollen and other Fabrics, and bought very extenu'vely in the Euro- pean and Canadian Karina, and in anticipation of a very large 9min", hare marked them at a SMALL AD- VANCE ON COST. Ottawa, Ronnie: 0. "oe. SEASON ABLE GOODS: THE LARGEST STOCK or WEI“ YOU GIT TB] and FANCY FLANNELS, Much under but your" reues PAIRS CANADIAN ad ENGLISH BlaANKm, trot. use to - I ttle new. of which no slightly mi ad, sud will be told Vary Low. PM" GREY LU [BER BLABKEXB, weighing from 7 to " In. pot pm. PIECES FULL“) CLONE and SATINBT‘IS, It so, 55. " and " (out. pot yud. moss nouuomra sud ma. FILING TWIIDB, In: " mu to 01.00 per "rd. PIECE PLAIN WINCBYS. uploa- did "1“th 15, 11, no, and " Conn per Jud. PIECES HOME-[ADI “ARIEL "Id GLASGOW mumi"N, "n chap. (oh. it. 8h 99 Cent- pot "rd. PtBCBt5--tM00 "edr--41tulrt COB. TONS. the but “he it tht 339w LOWEST PRIC TO JUDGE THEM BY; AND TO CHOOSE FRO“ ; Mr. Jr. ROYSBLL, M. Ts/itil u. m to " JE8 '. PLAIN, FANCY ' 3it8cELLANE0Cts "THE OTTAWA CITIZEN " Pnénus, R""""""' ' " _ Cloth Lined, Cartridge, 0itieml, Letter and Bonus- My Books; WW cm Guyana ((0: Black loud.) tr.B.--Aar cans-bod Morin-kh- up pm 'teoPrt"ue. A lit-at than: do " "Aa""-- Writing (plain sad ruled), Blotting. Draw- ing. “and, Priming 5nd Trapping (all da- cripciou.) Also, Gwen Paper for Window No“ Sin. tin great wig-(1.) Lodger“ Joanna. Day Book, Cub Bouka, 1m... Copying Letter Book. (than; and CCOUKT BOOKS. “a Pod no), luvoico Books, Pocket Ledge". Prioo Boob. Blank Bootipt Books. Put Boon. Mannie Kannada-I, Bill I“ Per, Amt Piper. It!) PEICI LI, ‘I'IIL EiA'B- label’s, my. and other In." ; Draper - Csrpouon’, Rod and Bhu. Anon-(ed colon. 23mm. supum'. Todd’s and wanna In", Bod ad Cumin. Inn. Glut. Pun-r and Pocket (in great 001344,. ' ALWAYS ON HAND, Imua, Quill 9.... Win an... "tser mum Utter Clip, Pen Inâ€. Pop“ Weights, EI- nlopc Bola, lamina CM“, Date Bout. Po- Doliury Bola. Mun-Bubs. wag Knives. Page: Kins, PM Knives mayâ€, Par- Btansr, Punk. 011mm, livid“, Mnud'a HI‘ba' an other usurp. Book Slabs. Ivory Tablets. Pup: Fats-on. Oiled Papa, mm. Pub. Ink Pom!" lump, Wd'on, Bulls; Wu, new. Wu Vida-3 Cards, l‘rimr'a Cardouringu'arda Pencil hm, Paper _ LUCY Pox-tom“ cud Bond, “Myriam Parr, Bridal Bond. Caye- Pcpor, Driving Pup“, Trail; Lina. Gun-l not: Poussin. _ Guyana. ttlik In“. PM ftp. Haunt Bull. 0-- Tickets. In“ Papa. To: Odor din Ink, Ink Bun“, India Babb-t. Wu Venn, Twist“ Tuna. hits Ethic Buds. 0‘00]. soon, he, Pools“ Boob, Porte loaning. P"'" I00" um in a, an. of Ball-3nd Banding. "t=EtAg"MrUB-- or our, a-iptioa. MKBIIDIIG Xhe XIV CANADIAN HATES“. tmam of â€A0130 BOOKS. unburned Dyan Mil othbiU We. (or tte. tuio. The prion m: Fun Boom with " mm, um bound in limp cloth. Fin m In" Bott-het (and. " 111aatrati My be.“ In “up“. '- out. " Pro-boa Nun. Drum. Deeds, “up, to†Ae. Mao. Brut-U.“ [colony and LAIK '03†bound In doth M. ‘1"ch Oqqtg. Tun '---6tuuatrnMtam, My hand no†boards. but: can. Faun: Bq=-a' was... My band h an but [any and. but Paper. H-ts" Binary all“; ttatt-ist-itil hpin WI Mill m; â€Alums-W; BITIHG "OCB- tank's (Inn-u; - [5|me Bun-try of WWI m; WI Spoiling look , I‘ll-ft To“. Book; in] hono- h amply Hugh's '1sahrrey of Can‘t; Supt-I". NM Arittmetie “disclaim In,“ THE OTT AWA CITIZEN had to Tum". lit-dink, PM. 0mm.“ nah. Pumpkins. he., a. an tho Attetnet Ida, on a} nod ram-1M0 m1. PRINTING HOUSE, IIIITIIG PRINTING HOUSE, JVComptete Attachment " “I!!! DISCBIPTIOI, STA TIONERY, STATIONERY. 21 BMW, STATIONERY " Bu-tmet. LT IICLUDIIO - AY-- do ' may: strongly iti' 1%.: EH] if? L',1 "