Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 6 Nov 1868, p. 4

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In copsequence of the rain which set in on Wedâ€" nesday night the markets yesterday were very poorly enpplied, and prices remain unchanged. Frogrâ€"Eattu.... â€"..cccaruccre9e}** 1 m a i t EuC _ KK U tH Wazitâ€" Amemeneemeecmmeeeee 0000000 ' ARLEÂ¥*$ ARABLAN HEAVE REMEDY ’ aai CONOITION MEDICINE is positiveâ€" ly superior to a37, or all â€"other pnpanltm for the care of bHeaves, t‘oa{b:. Thickh and Broken Â¥ind. art all diseasos which afsot the wind of horees ; also, *# a Condition Medicine, surpissing everything of the kind, is easy to give, s.re to care and sife in all cases and at all times, and dees not preveat the borse from being worked while Whole Kipp usiug "** s cleanses the breatBing apparatus, by remor ‘..lm‘.m wirâ€"cells the ovafnlab‘l: 1"?:‘-.“ secret i m, causin “ T i.. ?hlc!k‘: E.tY?:-o‘.n.- -.nnn- am QL! Sss wecen8 Harness LOMUROT.....zsee ecssene* using it. 11 10 5b acicndnticurn db <tnatnier mdenind i T a dificuits in breathing, and by its action on the i art, cansing the mucous membrane to uatural dimensions, thus equalizing the cirealation of the blood, and restoring the distendâ€" oi vessels‘ to their natural size ; by its use the horse‘s appetite is improved, all derangements of the digestive orgaus corrected, softening the skin, and giving to the coat & slesk and shining appearâ€" wayâ€" SEE FIRST *A9E. 2000« D. W. HURD, successor to Hvzo & Co., Maiden Lane, New York, Sole Proprietor for the United States. NORTHROP & LY AAN, Newcasle, Ont., Proprietors for Canada. Price 25 cents. Sold by Geo, Mortimer, Jobsn Roberts, W. M. Massey, ‘o-ry"!. MeCarthy, J. Skinmer, and J. Brown, in Ottawaâ€" 889.45â€"6m -.'h'th relief and cure of Epilepsy, &t. YVitus® Dance, Puerperal Hysteria, &¢., &o. This preparâ€" ation is from the recipe oi a celebrated French Physician, and the very great success which has wâ€"hdil-oinov? case, and where the highâ€" est medical skill was of no avail, has induced the subscriber to give it every possible publicity. The s _OTTawWa MARKETS. [Compiled expressly for the Ortawa Tiues.] «emmemeegemeeqee n e 0C y alu iS.8 . | _ ty‘ bhal s C"‘m‘, PAINS DBESTROYER : ! are of the latest and most improved patterns, and A «e : ok Medical Dsâ€" | the most extensive assortment shown in Onawa: soveries stands the ___ ________ _ | COOKING STCVES. of the good oldâ€"fashioned CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER ! Si1e, Sack ana alead, Couphs, Colds, Sore Thros‘ Sprains, Bruirds, Cramps in the Sto: ach, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, bowel Complaints, Burns ,Poalds. The Canadian Psin Destroyer has now been | befors the public for s length of time, udl whenever used is well liked, never t:w in a single snstsncee to give permanent when . timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directious are proâ€" ’-lyhll-'od;bnulhomr{ slhnddxv d'flhmou.adou inthe highes terms of its and magical efects. 'oriln-npriouoinhhm,hm tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it :s .MM-" “’.“,flm being a Soveâ€" !l M:.:Imyol the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in diseases for which it is reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing pains of Rneoumatism. and in re ieving pains and in re mmuu-msmn «be mamuuw Dealers are soming in from Medicine in all parts of the m!fwwfluflh‘.flmhudfyh‘ to the universal ‘action it gives The Canz tian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmediate rolief. All Medicine Dealors luri Th cntatene cedavxand manlks «ui us fawmsity will Physic.12s order and use it; and no family wil without it after onse try ing it. Price twentyâ€"five m bottle. « NOK P & LYMAN, neweastle, C. W., as a "Cough Remedy." be procured from Grocers, Dughu. and Gen Dealers in all parts ef the Dominion. Sole propristor, s J. GARDNER, s Chemist and Duf'ht. 836â€"6m Notre Damoâ€"st., Montre with or without board, in the viehig of Sandy Hill, within ten minutes walk of the Parliament Buildings, by applying at the Office of this r. | BIRD CAGKS! BIRDCAGES! BIRD CAGES duaae dheie T hage. lakt®** | apC* mhompmemmmemene Atbntrinntineingrnnmmme s eomiccmmemmmmmee m cm mm mm mm 4 All of the above at the BOAIManMMQ:!IhnhIn‘ o c 1 s tap ) noorxs, WITH BoARD, TO L&T inCentre : © CAPITAL " STOVE DEPOT, Town. Aps:{u the T:urs Office. Ottawa, October 27 1868. The remarkable success which has atuended the introduction of the celebrated Concentrated Lye into Canadian market, by the subscriber, has exâ€" cited the cupidity ot an unprincipled firm in town {whick has already been convicted of borrowing uther people‘s brains) by a spurious imitation called Saponifier. To avoid disappointment, 5::. chasers should be careful to ask noluto’: encrate Lge, which is sold by all res poctab! ruggis and Grocers in town and country. 783 T» eomnast with the Union Forwarding Railway Campany‘s Steamers. JAMES MULLIG A N. 'A.'.-flll is all that is necessary to prove its value THE RUSSELL . HOUSE, Every morning, (Sundays excepted), st 7 a.m. punctually, to carry passsngers The ;;;; ;;I?_;:olil and raluable u!.'wlu can Fire or six gestlemen boarders can get rooms, do NONCENXTRATED LYE. trtiws, May 16, 1868 836â€"6m Notre Dameâ€"st., Montreal. OA RD. DEE*3 EPILEPTIC CURE, OoYAL MAIL L1ISE. §E.ceccrver avkernccce}0. S er, per 100 Ibe.... 6 00 CAUTION To THE PUBLIC. »Wedicatl. --n--o..--...â€"-&“ TBE s cgluenmenn~ 0e 00 Boarding. KFOR AYLMER, Times Office Oitaw#, Kov. 5, 1868. 0 M N IB U s wILL LEAvE t If so, call and see our large assortment of necessary intced l Houseâ€"keepiag Goods, suitable for Ki:chen, Dining Room, or any room in your house. DRUGGISTS Youxe Max, see that your house is well furnished with useful articlss before you spend your merey Â¥ O TT A W a. , in mere showy ornamental things. L AT TWE â€"â€" SIGN OF THE ANVIL, No. 24, RIDEAUâ€"ST,, sHELEF & HEAVY HARDWARE, s consisting in part of g GENERAL HOU +R FURNISHINXG, _ Butcher Knives, Koives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Table Spoons, . â€"Tea Spoons, Tea Trays, Table Mats, T44t Otawa, October 15. Steel Bits, Bevels, * Levels. Boring Machines, Snw Knives, &¢ Buts, Serews, Locks, Bolits, Catches, Latches, Axes, Saws, Planes, ;%'«finns. Hammers, Spokeshaves, Gouges, Together with PAINT OF ALL COLORS, â€" Rose Pink, Burnt Umber, Terra de Seinna, Chrome Yellow, Ye‘low Ochre, Celestial Biue, Paris Green, Brunswick Green, s Magnesia Green, Venetian Red, Rod Load, Whiktoll.om. li’n oil or dry, W”;l 1ck, Ivory Black, K Black, Boiled Oil, $ aw Oil, Turpentine, Benzole, Coal Oil, Paint Brushes, Varnishes, &¢. ovÂ¥ER FIFTY PER CENT SAVEO IN YEXNTILATIKG STOYES, AGENTS FOR BEECHER & COMPANY‘s CALL AND SEE R. EATON‘3 PATZENT Ottawa, October 8, Such is the character given of every stove sold during the past year at the # GAPITAL*" TVE We beg to notify the pablic that our stock for the season is now co:nplete ; our ILVER AT PAR COOKTNG STOVES, of the latest and most modern designs, PARLOR STOV ES, for elegance of design cannot # be surpassed. BOX & HALL STOVES, express jroves: sTtoves S T O VÂ¥ ES ! COOKING STOYVES, DOUBLE STOVES, BOX STOYVES, HOTEL STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, _ COiL STOVES, BEDROOM STOVES, DUMB _ sTOVES, STUVEPIPES! ELBOWS! SrOVEPIPE3! . Common, Bright and Russia Iron, of every description in stock, suitable for the emallest family, or the largest hotel. Stoves & Mardware, and evoryuin{ in the Tin, Sheet Iron and Copperâ€" ware Line, on hand eâ€" made to order. s Hot Air Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Building Job Work and %poin attended to punctuzlly. We keep none but the best and most experienced meâ€" BURNING COAL, WOOD, OR PEAT Brass and Enamelled Kettles, Tinware, Toilet Setts, Baths, Flour Sioves, Brushes, Dish Covers, Table Mats, Sad Iroos, Table Cutlery, Tea and ‘Table Spoons, Preserve Jars, Mincin% Knives, W ash Tubs and Ml: Bnalrlgo!:t?‘n. n“ Beatâ€" Nes Hddirew ~rer w V c uts ts ala <MPaa ers, Cruet Stands, Ash Pails, Table Bel‘s, Tea Trays, Tes and Coffee Pots, Soup Tureens, Jelly and Pudding Moulds, &e., &c., &c., &c. Supplied with STOVEPIPES AND. TINWARE, * At reduced figures, CaAMP KETTLES, SHASTY PLATES, AND BASINS, _ > IRONâ€" BEDsTEADS,° LAMPS, ‘ _ COAL UIL, SAUCEPANS, & THOS. ISAAC‘S, CENTRE TOWN, PLOVGHS, CULTIYV A T O RS, IRON, COAL, SHELEF & HEAVY HARDWARE, and a general assortment of Housoâ€"furnishings, Cornices, &¢ , at the lowest cash prices to be found in the Ottawa market. f STOVES, all paiterns and sizes, for coal and wood from the Prescott, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton and Montreal Foundries, with drums, pipes, furâ€" niture, &c¢., the cheapest to be had in town. For sale by the subscribers, who are apâ€" | Agents for Ottawa and District. HOT AIR FURNACES. BLYTH & KERR, No. 25 Rideauâ€"st. * THOS. BIRKETT, Aign of the Anvil, . No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. All gouds delirorad free to any p;g. ot the 408y HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 8y ARDWARE : can at all times find a complete asâ€" YOU GOIXG To BE MARRIED? 35 Sussexâ€"street, Ottaws, CcoOUXTRY MERCHANTsS Chisels, Augers, Auger AUTOMATIC Nams, Rors, Cnarxs, CSLEBRATED :ySussexâ€"street, Ottaw a. H. MEADOWS & CO. FOR ES, that are unrivalled for heating purposes, ALBO, AT H. MEADOWS & CO. poUBLE STOVES, HOTEL STOVES, coiL sroves, DUMB â€" STOVES, , ko , &s DEPUT, HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€" ‘ ~GENERAL IN COUNCIL On the recommendation of the Honorable: the Minister of Customs, and under and in virtue of the authority given by the 10th seeâ€" tion of the Act passed during the late Session of the Parliament of Canada, 31st Vie. Cap. 44, intituled: "An Act to amend . the Act of the present Session, intituled : " An Act im« posing duties of Customs with the tariff of duties payable under it." His Excellency in Coancil has been pleased to approve of the following regulations respecting drawbacks said 10th section of the Â¥iZ Ist. (Gioods having been entered for duty and baving passed into the hands of the imâ€" porter, in cases where said goods are found not to be the goods ordered, notice of such fact may be given to the Collector of Customs at the Port of Entry, within one month of the date of‘ such entry, accompanied by a request for leave to return the said goods to the place and party where and from whom the same were purâ€" chased, fand that the duties paid thereon be refunded ; | whereupon . the Collector having verified the statement of the importer, and having. ascertained that the package to be exported is a whole package, and that its conâ€" tents are identically the same as originally entered for duty, shall report the same to the Deâ€" partment, and the Minister of Customs shall thereupon issue an order to the Collector to rct'whc duties upon due proof of exportaâ€" tion*®Provided that if such goods are not inctuully exported within one mofit_h from the ;dalu of such order it shall be void nmlj)f no eifect. a !aimed on the exportation of goods under the or bardship may be endured by importers, to the disadvantage of the general commercial interesis of the Dominion, unless some means of redress n;ay be provided,â€"It is therefore ordered that in such special cases, it shall be lawfal for the Minister of Customs to consider the grounds and examine the merits of each application, and make such order thereupon subject to the approval of the Treasury Board, as may, in his judgment, be necessary for the reliefof the parties, and consistent with the interest and security of the revenue. â€" ~ YÂ¥M. H. LEE, ; %OvVERNMENT HOCOUSE, 2nd. Whereas cases frequently arise for which no general order or regulation is proâ€" vided, in which goods upon which duty has beon paid require to be exported, and injury HIS EXCELLENCY .THE GOVERNORâ€" + GEXERAL IN COUNCIL f Whereas it is provided by Cap. 6, of the Aet 31st Vic., Sec. 10, subâ€"sec. 5, that. " the Govâ€" ernor in Council may make such regulations as may be considered advisable for the appoint. ment of Sufferance Wharves and Warehouses at which goods arriving by vessels in transit to other Ports.or confined to certain days of deâ€" parture, may be landed and afterwards stored before entry ;‘ And whereas it is expedient that the accommodation so ContemBlated should be afforded in all cases wheie the same may be found necessary,â€"His Excellency | in Council, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and under the authority of the said recited Act, has been pleased to order, and itis hereby ordered, that on application to the Minister of Customs by the ow ner or master of any packet, stcamer, or ‘ other vessel being a regular trader, specifying the name and tonnage of the said steamer or other vessel, the general time of her arrival and departure, and the ports between which she is accustomed to sail, also designating the wharfl at which she is accustomed to land, and the building in which it is proposed to store her cargo, it shall be lawful for the said Minister of Customs to declare the said wharf and build. ing to be a sufferance wharf and warehouse for ‘ the purposes of the Act, and to Authorize the | Collector of the port to grant a warrant or license, for a specified time, to the master of such steamer or other vessel to land his cargo and store the same at the wharf, and in the building so declared to be a sufferance wharf and warehouse, without previous entry, the said master having previously executed a bond to the Crow®n in such penal sum as the said Minister of Customs may consider equitable, but not less than one thousand dollars, providing that the said master will not fail to leave in the hands of the landing waiter or other officer of Customs appointed for the purpose, a report | of the contents of his vessel for each voyage, | and that he will in all other respects conform | to the requirements of the law in such case, ‘| and will use his utmost diligence to prevent ’ any infraction thereof by any person or perâ€" sons arriving at such port in his vessel. $ \ WM. H. LEE,. 890â€"3 Clerk Privy Council. No. 11 The Provincial License (No, 26), to transact Insurance business in Canada, pending an exâ€" amination bf the special terms of its Charter, granted to the London Assurance Corporation, on the first day of August last, is hereby exâ€" tended for three months from the first day of November next. _ 800â€"3 OvVERNMENT HOUSF, J. DURIB & SON have received Mildreq,\ y Georgiana Craik; The Braini+ighs of Bishops Folly, by Chas. Lever; Haswell‘s Engineers‘ and Mechanics‘ Pocket Book, 23rd editi n; Pulpit Table Talk, by Dean Ramsay ; Smeaton on &e Atonement ; Campbell on the Atonement ; Hallam‘s Middle ‘Ages, [a new cheap English edition, $1.75); Roget‘s Thesaurus of English Words ; kinglake‘s ; Invasion of the Crimea, 2 vols., $3; Appfiofiofl'l illustrated Almanac, 186 9. All the English H;‘uinu for October. All the American Magazines for November. Those who wish to subscribe to any of the Engâ€" lish monthlies or weeklies for 1889, |{ould send fn their names at onee as we are now making up our Ottawa, 23rd day of October, 1863 INANCE DEPARTMENT, s Ottaws, 28th October, 1868. OOKS & MAGAZINES. For the Minister of Finance. 890â€"3 « JOHN LANGTON, Auditor 498y Ottawa, 23rd day of October, 1868. LEGULATIONS PRESEXT PEESEXT ~A Te Act abovt referred to, Clierk Privy Council J. DURIE & SON, | 10 Sparkaâ€"street, I ; Opposite the Russell House _ ‘Toronto, September 29, ad * _\ ve uced ns THE OTTAWA TIMES, NOVEMBER 6. â€"<~/*~ DBOMINK IO N "Telegraph Company ! Capital Stock,,..,,........... ... . $500,000, IN 10,000 SHARES AT $50 EACH. : Counsel. MESSRS. CAMERON & MeMICHAEL. 'l\llfl DOMINION TELEGRAPH co uP aNnY respecting Telegraph Companies, chapter 67 of the ( is to cover the Doininion of Curada with a complete netâ€"Â¥ Is $500,000, divided into 10,000 shares of $50 each, 5 per sent to balance to be paid by instalments, not eacesding t0 por cont per in as the works progress. & are under the management of a Board of Directors annually elected by the shareholders in conformity with the Charter and Byâ€"laws o« the Company. ‘The Directors are of opinion that it would be to the interost of the Stockholders generally to obtain subscriptions from all quarters of Canada, and with this view they propose to divide the Stock amongst the different towns and cities throughont the Dominion in allotments suited to the population and busiâ€" ness occupations of the different localities and the interest which they may be supposed to take in such A contract, granting pormanent connection aod oxtraordinary ad cuted, between this Company and the Atlantic and Pacific Company commencement, as the Lines of this Company are eonstructed from (the point of cornection) to any point in the Dominion, all the chie touched by the Lines of the Ailantic and Pacific Telegraph Compan nection therewith. > ‘ an enterprize. A permanent connection has also Chicago, whereby this Cownny will places through the North W estern S W dn BE m Gory piaces Larduge A0 W 2NC O TE m o e e 4 c oik n ie All classes of Society are interested i »xtending the use of the Tole1nph. at Low ratks, and the Directors are satisfied, that the adoption of a scate of charges considerably below the rates now exacted in Canada, wil} by encouraging a much more extended use of this mediuam of communication, not only prove a real and substantial bonefit to tie public generally, but will also ensure a safe and profitable return to the Investor. =4 oo e fy l C es ns AFFAT NT HABDA RHONMUH A NY was duly CHAR. return to the INYCSIU!« On the 25th day of June, A.D., 1868, the DOMINION TELEGRAPH COMPANY â€" TERED according to law. _ Â¥ waeg«ly CHAR The admitted importance andl value of Telegraphy, would, in the opinion of the Di rendered any introduction of the Dominion Telegraph Company to the ‘{)hnldin p\:bli;r:cnt:::;al:::; had it not been that previous a‘tempts to establ‘sh Telegraph Companies in Canada, to share the business with the Montreal Company, had been allowed to fall mm;{‘. + The success of a Telegraph Compavy will main‘y depend on its ability to meet the d ds the public, and consequently fi should {;ouou, at least, equal facilities wi{h amy other C(::;:ny 3: accers to a!l quarters with which its customors inay desire to have communication. s ‘This important uisite has rot been, until now within the reach of any Company ente field as a oonpomor"‘?ith the Montreal C&mpmy. in ;omequonoo ot the close z-d cx:lnl{n eo::.‘o:{?,: formed between that Company and the Western Union Company, of the United States, the latter by virtae of cercain patents, having until within these two years, monopolized nearly the who‘e of the telegraph business of the neighboring republic. a The business relations tetween these two Companics continue in f«ll force, but th t i run out, the monopoly so long enjoyed by the Western Union has ceased to exist. apatents ha‘ing The Atlantic and Pacific, the Great Woestern, and other American C)mpanies have invaded the field, and have become successful comfietitou for the public patronage and support, These Companies actirg on the cheap postage principle, have forced the old monopolist to a reduction of rates, which has resulted in a more widely extended use of this means of communication, and much to the surprise of the e W1UWJ * 2 ts wenkte whilst sharing its field of operations. vo E0 it EB PeC O NCBAAAE AETE O 1200 ce Wce o ngodee 0 0 En ‘The business relations ketween these two Companics continue in fu«ll force, but the patents having run out, the monopoly so long enjoyed by the Western Union has ceased to exist. The Atlantic and Pacific, the Great Western, and other American Companies have invaded the field, and have become successful comfiemou for the public patronage and support, These Companies actirg on the cheap postage principle, have forced the old monopolist to a reduction of rates, which has resulued in a more widely extended use of this means of communication, and much to the surprise of the W estern Union itself, has increased i‘s profits, whilst sharing its field of operations. With these new Companies the Dom‘nion Telegraph Company of Canada have entered into most satisfactory business relations, and confdent of the soundness of the principle which led to the adoption of tho pennyâ€"postage system in Greazt Britain, the voluntary reduction from $100 to $16.65 por ten word muufo by the &ul Cable Company, and the successful oronlionl of the Companies recently established in the United ttates, invite the business and mercanti e community of Canada to join them in the promotion of an enterprise, based on the principle of moderate rates and extended business which, while injuring no one, they confidently expect will result in cecuring a large return to the in vestor, and prove a vast beuefit to the community. < 4 _ Allusion has been made to the voluntary reduction of rates lÂ¥ the Atlantic Cable Company. A Chicago paper, writing on the subject of the growing uss of the elegraph, gives the following return as obtained directly from Cyrus W. Field, showing very conclusively the benefit both to the u{lio and the Company of the reduction of rates. . f avrrAGER DAILY RECKIPTS. c From $100 per message of ten WCTOB,, ... .ce cce een en eren esn en en n e snn en o on ce n enb n e en n e n en en rmn ns do bOP. do do _ ’;J;;; do â€" 2 do _ do Appappiseiiaimmenimcdtenntiienenttte atebinintst (1 ocm An advertisement has recently appoared announc‘ag to the public that the rates from 1st l. ber, proximo, will be further reduced to $16.65 per ton words. 9" 9 ...,\S.P“m The tollowing table shows the redaction which has been effected in rates in the neighboring States arising out of the cons.ruction of competing «ines :â€" December, 1868.........$ 551,971 40 ; December, 180¢..... Jany., Feb., March,/‘67 1,594,644 96 ; Jany,, Feb., March, April. May, June, ‘67, 1,559.i78 79 ; Aflpril. May, June, ‘ W‘mo these beneficial results were flowing to the We rates, the new Companies had created & business more L this the following extract is takep trom the report of the day fll’. In support of the observation quoted above, that telegraphic business 18 Wing IABUOT LGaH TOIG® graphie miun, the following statement exhibiting the wonderfal inornfomin tgo use ot’iho wir:, within the last six years, cannot be without interest to our readers. The gross earnings of all teleâ€" graph lines in the United States for the following years were :â€" _ 18465 4,228 77 | 1864........ issivrietststessorcerrettssssrcretss@ds? Piaato 40 1849 ..........cccceveserrrrrrersceserre s6dr4r4+* 63,338 98‘ 1905.. .cc ccssetssrererecerserrasssstsrirsssresess Ay420,200 BB 18§3 .......ccccsc6cceree ¢i¢recrerave 666 r8 668 66+* 103,860 84 | 1866........»se0eese0veeeee00000030000, s00 ss0 00008 5,624,4101 20 H800.... c cccccrsrersectersersess irtrsensonncer6ss 2,1734,960 40 1OGBT.. :. esesrsavisserteminrrermyrsessessssesses T;001,008 C7 IAOCS..«.c ccecseneretonnc ces enssaneeserentr466 6 3,269,442 OBJ Showing an average tnorease of a million a year for the last five years, i A csmparison of the number of messages, and persons using the wire in Canada and the States, furnishes a further proof ofthe advantage to the public and corresponding benefit to the Comâ€" panies arising out of a reduction of rates. The &ubluhod recurns for 1867, show that 600.757 messages were sent in Canada, while the mesâ€" sages in the United States for the same rriod excesded 20,000,000, the former being less than one message to every aix ‘rnm, the latter, two to every three. From theso returns and results it may be reasonably inferred that a reduction of rates to a tariff at which the :2!’0! of both Companies can be filled, will secure a fair field and good prospects to the Uominion Company without in any way proâ€" judicing the interests of the Com%:ny now monopolizing the ground. The particulars submitted above are suflicient in the opinion of the Diroctors to establish the fact that low rates, by oncouuginf a more general uso of the telegraph, are more profitable than high. It is not, however, solely in the light of a safe and good investment that the Directors desire that this enâ€" tetprise should be viewed. They fosl that theiur object will be but indifferently attained unless they can satisfy the public, the business and coramercial men, that aLt who use the telegraph as a medium of rapid communication, are interested inthe establishment of what may be osllbr a competing line. As in the administration otf gublic affairs, a strong, watchful opposition, is the best security for gooil and careful government: #o in commercial matte:rs, an honestrivalry in the various pursuits aud branches of trade furnishes the best security thac the public shall be well served. > ’, To apply the uxlmnt to the purpose in hand, the following table showing the inconsistencies, and, in many instances, the excessive rates now charged on messages massing between the cities and towns \ of Ontario, Quebec and the United States, will, it is believed, convince the reader that an honest comâ€" Ontar‘:o, Quebec and 10 V """"*"",""fâ€"on and adjustment of rates, but also to ensure that attentiun i e ds The particulars submitted & that low rates, by onoounginf & is not, however, solely in the ligl tetprise should be !""f‘ “ThOJ lije 2 0 C KB%s Ala kavalth To apply the nsuunt so Lae purpure TV HERMLs SEC RUUT TE C serine hatwnasn the aitled 1 in many instances, the excessive rates now charged on messages massing between the cities : of Ontario, Quebec and the United sutu.'mll, it is believed, convince the reader that an ho petition is needed, not on‘y for the reduction and adjustmeont of rates, but also to ensure that lnd care which would of necessity be enforced on the Companies competing for public favor, tend greatly to promote the general interests of the community. Exn;‘.plo at pronui tariff rates to Buffalo rency, which reduced to Canada money at 45 1 To New York ......... ..... 809. To Philadelphia ...........$1 05 To W ashington To Baltimore . .............$1 30 To Chicago. To New Orleans Nors.â€"The some illustration may bs applied to all the nlaces in th are osbhpé to‘p‘ & mlit“o:. the p:.l:‘{uhodprpt‘u-. ‘ n the United Staeh (COOUMELAE ubsori on‘oohv 0 at the OM f the Com $ ing â€"st. Bom-borr-‘tlfl. pe e Office of the ‘puy 83 Kingâ€"st. oast, ufiabr President, HON. WM. CAYLEY. HON. J. MeMURRICHâ€"Bryce, MeMurrich & Co., Toronto. A. R, MeMASTER. E+q..â€"A. R. MceMaster & Br: ther, Toronto. HON. M. C. CAMERON,â€"Provincial Seeretary, Toronto, J AMES MICHIE, Eq. â€"Fulton, Michie & Co,, and Geo.. Michie HON. WM. CAYLEY,â€"Toronto. A. M. SMITH, Esq.,â€"A. M. Smith & Co., Toronto. L. MOFFATT, E«q.,â€"â€"Moffatt, Murray & Co,, Toronto. H. B. REEVE, Esq.,â€"Toronto. MARTIN RYAN, Esq.,â€"Toronto. Price Collected at Tordnto. From New York to «T From Toronto to Suspension Bridge Latd WY NPE WR nCmecs amwple at present tariff rates to Buffalo, ind from thence to the following places, in U. 8. ourâ€" which reduced to Canada money at 45 per cont promium, makes the actual cost, as in second THE BUSINESS AFFAIRS OF THE COMPANY i‘fi@lgdolphil BaltiMOPO .....ceee es e=«6+* W ashington .. W AADIDGUON ....ce2ek+ 6666# AUguStB, MO....ccccseccece}+ Cincipnati Buff #10....cxcicccccrrrrerc 66234 s6¢ree4 se verrer64§%4¢2 4 +444 44 440 +499# IHAPoRIIMEN __(....... .. lerlescrscersctase¢areenssense n veebaboartt® lstectiure‘> _ reseo@phk #9 do MONtORL...........ccsecsssesssesssecssenseerssereseacsee8008 do â€" Mitchell, Seafortb, Bothwell, Ailsa Craig, Caleâ€" | donia, Chatham, Dunville, Newbury, Port Burâ€" 1 well, Port Colborne and many other praces...... ‘ do lA(inggton...........'............ sterersesse L BUO seaeseene ce e na en 0 e d e 6698 coNTRAUTS Q7 CONN l-ICf!‘lOSS. on has also. been sesured with the (Great Western Telegraph Company of wnny will be brought into close connection with all the Lukog-‘om aud other estern Siates, and through to California. THE CAPITAL STOCK PROSPECTUS. ceaseene en e e en en e n6 666 8 EXAMPLE OFN PRESET TAKIFF RATES seee ce snn en e en e en e d n e en 660 698 sesssssserssenc600 e6 666 6466 + se en s ne n0 06 696 bn8 en 6660 698 8 i’f‘rza;;f;eomtfl.‘nui.xa Buffalo to _ New York. s"’o" Buffalo to Philadelphia. From Toronto to Buffalo.......... From TOrONDtO t0 DOUOit .»»» .sâ€"ssseesesessesesecnsensensssscnsensccnsees From Toronto t0 BUFBIO.......«ccos 0+ «66e eeesessrsenssecsecscesenssecss ‘DIREC rORS. C KE Nee Ne es c te ul chapter 67 of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada. h a comvlete netâ€"work of Telegraph liues. Secerctary. I. B. LREEVE. Chicago. Buffalo to New Orleans. z'i "’f AVERAGE DAILY RECEIPTS, ces ce ee en en a en n n e n n n n ne w n e e n in n n se cce e en esn 00 bee ne en n ne en d n en 69 9n se es eane ce n 64 n en ne n en n snnn n n e e n 09 8 sessecesens eeeeseane en n e 68 90608 a aud extraordinary advantages, has already been exeâ€" ; and Pacific Company of New York; thus, at the vory aro eonstructed from the Suspension Bridge, at Clifton Dominion, all the chief cities and plases in the States, io Telegraph Company, are brought in immediate conâ€" seses en en e en s eea 8008 assssees eedeessassssas0es Fo 5 per sent to be paid at the time of subscribin3, the ) por cent per month â€"said instalments to be called that telegraphic business is growing faster than teleâ€" Thitine u‘.: I:n-,mierful increase in tgo use ogho wire, ACTUAL CoSf, BJTH TARIFFS. has been ‘or‘snhlgd under General Superintendent. MARTIN RYAN. e en Emt and Geo.. Mishe & Co., Toronto Treasurer, HON. J. MeMURRICH. Former Mate. Present Rate , WITH DISTANCE3. _ Reduced to Canada Money. 13 1 95 1 15 1 96 Canada Money. § **** * 90 10 10 13 20 se esc ee se en nan ne n n n n e eb n n 00 6e e WILYB. CANADA MONEY. 82 40¢ 160 €0 1 00 50 1 09 50 25 52525 the Act Its object $3,792,245 40 . 4,420,268 88 , 5,624,101 20 . T,641,552 47 ; and thus 1868.] SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. [1868. Trains now leave BONAVENTURE STATION as follows : * GoIng wWEsT, a Day Express for Ogdensburg, Oitawa, Brockville, Kingston, Belleville, Toronto.Guel;&h, London, Brantford, Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all points West, at................. 8:30 a m Night _ do do do do do 7;30 p m Accommodation Train for Vaudrenil at 5:10 p m Returning each morning, arriving in Ifamirantad oo ooo i ns s ics. 020A im MONCA] #6....10.210eaee«ses+eeeseeeeee 602. 2220 & 1M Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stations, at.... ........ 7;:00 a m Trains for Lachine +t ..........*5:00 a m, T00 a m Â¥:a m. 12 noon, 3: 0 p m, #4;40 p w, $;,00 p im and 630 p m.â€"~ *The 5:00 a im and 4:10 p m Trains runs through to Plattsburgh, and there connect with the Chamâ€" plain boats. : gGoIxG soUTH AND EAsT Accommodation Train tor Island Pondâ€" and Intermediate Stations at......... Express for BO8StON Mt.........000 se e es e6 66 Express for Boston and New Y ork, at...... Express for Quebsc. Jhlnnd Pond, Gorâ€" _ bam and Portland:...................... .. 2:00 p m Night Express for Quebec, Island Pond, Gorham and Portland, stopping be. tween Montreal and 1sland Pond at 8t. Hilaire, St. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Watervilie and Coaticook only, at........ ............10;10 _ p 1E p~ Slooging Cars on atl Night Trairs. Bagâ€" gage checked through. 2 s 5 Ne C ue en o nie The steamer. Corlotta leaves Portland every SATULOAY AFTERNGON (after the arrival of train leaving Montreal on Friday night), for Haliâ€" fax, N.s., returning on Tuesday, _ She has excellent accommodation for passongers sund freight, . â€">_._ + * *â€"The International Company‘s Steamers, running in conpnection with the Grand Trunk Railway, eave Port‘and every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, ard FRIDAY, at 5 p m, for St. John, N.B. Tickets issued through at the Company‘s princiâ€" pal flations. C For further information and time of arrival and departure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" ticns, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Staâ€" tion; t s .___C.J;: BRYDGES, Managing Director, July 7, 1868. 650tf as follows : ON and AFTER FRIDAY, the 2%rx of MAY, 1868, and until further noiice, TRAINS will run LRiVE OTTaAWA. ARRIVE IN PRESCOTT. Exprers, 7 a. m. 9.25 a. m. Mixed, 1.00 p. m 4.15 p. m The time of these Trains has been soarranaged as to ensure.connection with night and day trains on Grand Trunk, eas anua west. N. B.â€"These 1rains run on Montreal Time. Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from and to stations on Grand Trunk Railway Return tickets to Prescott, Kemptville and Jitaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the principals aâ€" tions o= the line. T. S. DETLOR, *~THOMAS REYNOLDS, Superintendert. Managing Director. O:tawa, May 14, 1868. 1y ST. LAWRENCE AND OTTAW aA RAILWAY, s (formerly the Ottawa & Prescott Railwsy.) LEAVE BROCKVILLE. > A. M.â€"â€"TRAINS â€" will leave 7:15 Brockville daily at 7.15 a.m., and 3:15 p.m., arriving at Sandpoint at 12:40 p. m. and 9 p.m. 5 o 15 A. M.â€"â€"TRAINS will leave o 1 o Slndlroint at 5:15 a.m. and 1:3¢ ?.m., arriving at Brockville at 11:30 a.m. and :45 r.m. All tgains on main line connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to : pd from Perth. _‘ The 7:15 a.m. trair from Brocky.lle connects with U. F, Coy‘s Steamers for Oitawa, Portageâ€"daâ€"Fort, Pembroke, &¢., &c., and the 1:15 p m. train from Eandpoint leaves after those steamers are due rom east and west. a H ARBOTT, Brockville, April 11. Is hereby given that the Map or Plan and Book of Referonce of the Canada Contral Railway Company, from the City of Ottawa to its junction with the Line of the Brockville and Ottawa Railâ€" way Company, have been de'voaitod in the office of the Department of Public ‘Vorks, and a copy of the Department of Public "Yorks, and a mlto’ of such parts of the Map or Plan and Book of Referâ€" ence, as relate to thrâ€"County of Carleton, has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Carleton, and a cory of such part as relates to the County ‘of Lanark, has been deâ€" gzomd in the office of the Clerk of the Peace for the anty of Lanark. Dated this Tonth uay of August, 1868. PLAIN, ORNAMENTAL AND DECOP.ATIVE PAINTERS, 4 Uhaud.ere and Rull. (Shop next to R. R,. Booth‘s Store, Chaudiere ) House, Sign, Villa and general Einfin‘ exesuted on the most ressonable terms. ilings and walls distempered in colors to cuit. Fresco work of a‘l kinds to order. _ o Reforences permitted to the following gentlomen : A. IL. Baldwin & Co., J. R. Booth, Esq., R.K. Booth, Esq., Rev. Mr. Johnson, Huall ; Rex Mr. Picket, Ottawa ; Mr. Haycock, Architect, August 26. 822 6m â€"Shlppod per Hibernian, and to arrive in a few days, a vory superior assortment of HYACINTH, TULIP AND OTHER FALL BULBS.:.. _ These Bulbs will be founa superior to anyth‘ng yet imported. WILLIAM HEARN, Market Drug Store, * York â€"st. Ottawa, October 17, 1868. VETEBINARY ESTABLISHMENT YORKâ€"STREEL, OTTAWA, Next to Salmen‘s Hotel. &A. J. F.â€" CO LE M AN, V. B (Member of the College of Veterinary Surgeons Toronto ; by appointment, V.S., to the Co. of Carleton Agricultural Society.) Orders or cocmmunications pro:kpdy attended to, and madicines sent to any part of the Dominion. HANGE OF TIME. Charges moderate. Machinery, and employing none but firstâ€"class workmer., I am prepared to turn out eve! d’::f' tion of Binding in as good a style o('oxn p as any other establishment in é-nnd-. A MORTIMER, BOOK BINDER & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, _ / 26 Metcalfeâ€"street, Ottawa. Otawa Feb.6. sSUMMER ARRANGEMENT, ROCKVILLE & OTTAWA RAIL« WAY. Having every facility in the way of firstâ€"class UBLLIC NOTICE 815tf LLAYVE PRESCOTT. ARRIVE TN OTIAW Mixed, 7. 15 a, m. 10.35 a, m. Express, 1.35 p. m. 4.15 p. m. LOWER BULBS. Commencing on the 20(n April, 1868 ANDALL & MONTGOMERY, ORSEK liNFIRMAR\’, AND PAPER IANGERS, Aailroabs. LEAYE SANDPCINT &. MORTIMER, W. R. WORSLEY, Secy. C. C. Rly. i8 Managing Director. 412y resr. ©:90 n HB do 7;:30 p m il at 5:10 p m ; in a«ss. #:20â€"a im and erees 4300 N43 a m, 700 a in p w, 500 p m 7.00 8;40 STatf 812y HMaving gene sbroad that the Does not reach Lachine every evemng, we wish to contradiet such report, and state that she ONitawa, November 3, 868 lfi‘.ll 15 OWT A NWY A RLVER NA ViGAtiOX coMPANY*sS ®® :i MALL STEAMER Queen â€" V ictoria, > .__Captain A. Bowirk, Leaves the Queen‘s Wharf with mails and passenâ€" gers for Montreal, every morring, (Sundays exâ€" cepted) at To‘clock, (railway time) arriving.at 4:45 pm.‘> > o i n n hk i tmp. Fi?et-clau Fare (meals extra)................... $3 50 Second *Â¥ 6A oetererserreesescees §h d First ** Return «* sensthrrrerzensiuns 3 300 Baggage checked tirough. l'uroelikpreu daily to and from Montreal and all landings. ~ â€" _ C s TX Y ALRIABLY CONX EC Passengers for the celebrated Caledonia Springs landed at L‘Origoal, .. â€" . _ : Tickets, &¢c .vmly be obtained at the office of Mr. C. E. BRUSH, and a‘so at the Office on the wharf, or on board the steamer. * Parties aesirous of a pleasant mg can obtain Excursion Tickets to Grenville and back for one fare, _ / STEAMER «©PRINXCE OF WALES, Cn}ntnm R. G. Nicwors, ; Leaves Ottawa for Major‘s and intermediate land ings on Tuesdays and Friaays at 4 o‘clock, p.m 1868 < Upper Ottawa Roeute. Travellers and tourists will find this a delightful oTIc®E. PoNTIAC, d * i Dugga . PENBROKE. = «â€" «+ OUverman. sSNOW BIRD, w ; (tt 16b Beattie» On and after $th September, (until further potice), the Steamer Ann Nisson will leave Aylmer daily (Sundays excepted), for the Upper Ottawa at 7 a in., connecting with the Steamer Alli .nce at head of railroad, at 11 a m., touching at Armprior, Sndrlnk, Bristol, Bonechere, Farrell‘s Whar, Gould‘s Wberf and Portageâ€"duâ€"Fost. Stages will leave Gould‘s Wharf immediately after arrivai of Steamer Alliance for Cobden, connecting with Steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pempbroke same evening. | _ _ ns \ "I he Steamers Pontiac or Pembroke leave daily at 1 p.m., for Des Joachim, calling at all intermeâ€" ailate ports. Returning, leaving at 6‘ a m., cunâ€" necting at Pembroke with Steamer Jason Govuld which leavres Pembroke Landing at 2 p m , and arrives at Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort same evening. The Steamer Alliance leaves Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort every morning at 7:30 ,fis"“"‘" excorrted), touchâ€" ing at Gould‘s Wharf, arrell‘s Whart, Bonechere, Bristol, Sandpoint and Arnprior, and arriving at head of railroad at 11 a,. m., and connecting with Steamer Anun Swson at Pontiac at noon,. Passenâ€" gers reach Ottawa at 4 p.m. i h nc op AN ERRONEOUS IMPRESSIONX _ The Steamer Calum« will on and after ith Sepâ€" tember lerve Havelock on Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 a.m., returning from Chapeau Village same days at 2 p.m. : s I e . Â¥ k l s d t d u. bil5 P.M.TRAINX FOR MONTREAL _ A connéction is made daily with the Brockville and Ottawa Railway on the up and down trips. _ For further particulars apply at the Company‘s Offices at Ottawa or Aylmer. e R. 8. CASSELS, Between Brockville and Ottawa, via Brockville and Ottawa _ Railway and Union Forwarding Railâ€" way Company‘s Steamers : UPWARDS8. C DoOWXWARD®, Leave Brockville at..... ............ Arrive at Arpprior at............. Leave Arnprior at............... .++ Arrive at Smn‘u LOBVC OHAWB At............ccosesssssseeeeee»»».4 :00 &,M. Arrive at Arpprior Al ..... ..................2:00 pm. LCAVO AMDpFiOF Mt ......clc..sssssseces00.......2:20 pm. Arrive at ‘ilrockvillo Rhurrrexseresccnsesisurnnsot =thP _ $H WMs In time to connbect with Grand Trunk Railway Nigtt Trains, East and W est. Lbe Steamer Calum«t will, on and after 20th OCTOBER, leave Havelock for Chapeau Village every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at 7 o‘clock, a. fil.; returning, wi.l leave Chapeau Village for Havelock every WEDNESDAY and SATURâ€" DAY, at 2 o‘clock, p. m. 874 OLD FURS RENOVATED & MADE AS GOOD aAs NEW. GEO. A. SHELDON. FURLIER, 26 Sparksâ€"st., is prepared to DYE BUFFALO ROBES and LAâ€" nfn}’ FURS, and render them in every n:rct ar good as new. The color will not come off by wear or wet. imnebnunduintennnycempren se He has some fine samples of BUFFALY ROBES on show, by wlneh&ufiu may ree the greai im provement made on them. TO LADIESâ€"The subscriber can repair old furs, Mink, Martin, Fitch, Sable, or Otter, and reâ€" store to them all their original color and brilliancy . l:::“' moderate. Call early. Remember the iz GEO. A. SHELDON, Furrier, 872â€"414 : _ 26 Sparksâ€"st , Ottawa., sIGx O F THE GOLDEX SHEEP, Opposite Martineau‘s Store, Has not removed to Centre Town, but can be found at the above address. Great reduction in prices for cleaning or dyeing. All kinds of Wool, Cotton, Silk, &c., done at reâ€" duced4 rates. No use of sending geods to Montreal. PMEncourage home manufactures. Ottawa City, Aug. 29 EXTRA, No.1, and CULL, PINE and CEDAR SHINGLES, aAT MARKET PRICES, In lots to suit purchasers. * 1493 L ts h 84e â€"~4 ‘8 4 _.m' 0;&?_»_«:'” 1 ) _ * <an Td _ottentcm..A au _:; NIONX FORWARDING & KAaILWAY CcOMmMPaANY. Ottawa June 30th, 1868. Uxiox Forwaromso & Ramwary Coxraxy, Condensed Time Table grraw* cITy S TEA M ODYVE «WORKS, The subscriber having completed his SHINGLE FACTOE YÂ¥! HINGLES FOR SALE. YEING FURS AND ROBES. Stramirs. MARKET STEAMER Dye Works. "* t PS eP im wl GFFERS FOR SALE, wiITHL THE LEThAM & BRUNAIS, Sussexâ€"st., Ottawa, October 16th, 1868. JOHN ROCHSSTER, J# £8 . TB2tt R. W. SHEPHERD cersteenessrsvent SQD Hhaltee A. BOWIE 88 stf reaneazaneel 18 , es seersses12;10 pmi. »»s«»1.. 12:16 pm. C Ge s esiees PA ce 73 President. 12498 64 % A COTTAGE on Albertâ€"st plyto Ottawa, Octobe= 31, 1868 MRS. SMITH, Corner of Bank arnd Albertâ€"stg can rent TWO FURNTSHIED nsmloon and a SITTINXG ROOM. Sn NOR SALE.»«The Weskerly oneâ€"third of Ly l No. 27, in First Concession, Ottawa Front.Ke. pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the #ame cop. cession, at prerent in the occupation of Â¥m. 3. Aylen, Es For further particulars apply to Jonux and ‘i"fl. Troxsox, Nepean, and Lewns & Prxury, Barristas. Ottawa. > Je9%.141 as 0 BE LET,â€"A Comfortable House, fur. r nished, for six months. Apply at this Office, Ottawa, Oct. 5, 1868. BEdur Where the usual assortment of Cabinet and stericg Goods can be obtained at moderate The Undertaking branch is under S. IR.‘s imme diate superintendence, who atténds all Fuperak without ?xin Charge, and has constant‘y on hand a large assortment of Readyâ€"made Coffine, of all sizes and qualities : Persons desirous of keeping their deceased relaâ€" tives for a few days, or even a week,can doso without the least possible inconvenionce by applyâ€" ingâ€"to i. Rogers, who has had over 20 years exâ€" verience in the above branches, and teels confident of giving satiefaction. CABINETâ€"MAKI Parties ordering Mahogany, Walnut, Oak, or other Hardwood Coflins, may rely on gu:ing.r& uine article, (no stained Buttersut sold for W alâ€" nut.) onl METALLIC, BLACK CiIOUIH, COBOURG, &0 N.B.â€"The Undertaking Branckh wiil be found second to none in Ottawa. Express W agzouns always ready for the removal of Furniture. RESIDENCEâ€"At the West End Establishment, We‘lingtonâ€"st Ottawa, September 4, 1868. _ 838y * . 90 LET. fRWUITIOX. MJXS. H. BERTHELOT, of the Ottawa Gram. mar Scbooul, is now prepared to give private lesâ€" sons in the French language. Terms moderate. _ N. B â€"Will also grvo lessons . in the Latin, Greck or English languages it required., Orders may be le.t at Neâ€"srs. Duric & Sonk ooMs ro LET. respectfally inform the public that they witl open a branch of their Aheir classes will begin on the 15th OCTOBER. For partichiars and torws apply to the LADY SUPERIORESS, wWESFT EXD WELLINXG TOXâ€"STREET MRS. ROBERT STEW A RT, trom London, Engâ€" o | land, proposes, (D. V.) to open .m1 .5‘;:“1-& Young: Ladies on TCE=DAY, FIRST SEPT. Bhe aLs i duche is thuroughly competent to instruct in English, PERELIC® Frence. Drawing aod Music. Fboh._“‘l’ us « qv 3 ;;vdo;;;::y be lett at bis resicence or at Orme & Son‘s Music Stor> 452 Frence, Drawing aod Music. She is ateatherby profession, having been trained in the best and colleges in England, and has I’.i‘i‘;.l“- W. C. CLARK. Professor of Music and ‘Feacher of : Piano, Voice and Harmony. Also, Nn Clark, Teacherof 1» .wing and Painting. Moane Rroms and Residence, Q‘Connorâ€"street, corner of Sl iterâ€"street, Centre Town. Terms ir »sderate. _ Prospectuses on application Ottawa, A sgust 27, 1868. 8301( AL_ J Nr. GUSTAVE SMITH, (Organist ofthe Cathe, dral) a Graduate of the Iwperial Conservaiory af Paris. Lesons on Piano a i Singing. Rides» street, corner of K ing.â€"streo 1 Ottawa, June 23, 1808. 115y CoxgrEcarion pE ANotrs Dawz, _â€"_ _ CGCGEO. MAYES, COPPER PLATE PRINTEE. okstore. Ottawa, October 16, 1868 HIS EXCELLEXcY THUE GOYV On the recommendation of the, hon. W€ Ministâ€"r of Customs and under the authod}f given by the 5th <subâ€"sec. of section 13 of the Act 3ist Vic. Cap. 6, intituled: "An AG respecting the Customs," His Excellency has been pleased to approve of the following reg9® lations respecting veesels arriving trom $# Ports on the River St. John, New D : unswick, viz. : Por Aale or to Let The master of any vessel arriving with % cargo at the Port of St. John, in the Provin® of New Brunswick, Lound for Fredericton, Ofâ€" any other Port on the Saint John River, ’“ report at the office of the Collector of Customé before proceeding up the river, and shell take on board an authorized officer to remsi® until such vessel shall bave been entered #t Fredericton or some other port, plfl“ that the said marter shall be only required# reportto said Collector at Suint John, the 4@ of the arrival of such vessel wih a P withocrt producing any manifest, statâ€"ment # other specification thereo!, and for any fail#® to so report, or for refusing to take on d‘ such officer, the said master shall be subject10 a penalty of four hundred collars, and if such master shall not provide room under deck im the forecastle or steerage for the officer‘s bed, with good and sufficient food, he sball P* linble to a penalty of fifty. Collars dor @408 _ offence. h Bank Street, Centre Town, Between Sparks & Queen Streets. Bills of Exchange, Bill Heads, Virzing Cards, &e., Printed on the shortesal notzs Educational Establishment is BE "ISTER®S THE TIMES is priated and pubpiisuo® "@ Tus Orrawa Times Phixtixg AND P cmisH+ xc CoxrAaxy, at the Office, 38, Gparkeâ€"st Centre Town, Ottawa, JAuE® Corro® Managing Director; Aus*. Ronuere0# ADIES®* SCHOOL, IANOâ€"«FORTE TULTION OovVERNMEXT HOUSE, USICAL ACADEXY. 890â€"3 UXDERTAKIXG GEXE&KAL IX COUNXOIL Educationat. O:tawn, 23rd day of October, 1M FROM MONTREAL, D E. 1 Corner of O‘Connor sad Marisâ€"st. AMD A THC NLICHOLASâ€"ST,, OTTiWaA. ~El. _ For particulars ap WILL] AM MINORE, hEGULATION® OF THE PRESEXT 1 A KE R. <g UPHOLSTERER, A NC WM. H. LEE, > Cletk Privy Council T 32 EET 873 comforta ble This Hotel has gyle, and at an dstions are of t with good yard table is always* . w. Th very best of Lig is gituated right W. I. SANGER This firstâ€"class R4 DepoL, A* from the Sanks and ref Tnished grreels, and 82, Bt. J Za_ii.' for civl KB e citor in public, and P#* Office Building, / P J. BUCJ e Attornes “ NM Pab ner‘s Boo and Sh Jkks .\ Solicitor®, M House, U“fi‘ .:nf Lers Epu‘llll) * Mifil“v A* of the Peace and w‘. of Pros! Court House, LC e m zema +â€"~4 _Nlcll()b A®: "out-lr""t spoot, &# othe omnosite the 1P0=t Good rooms f0: aai vehicles alw and N aaries P quisites of l:‘l TNE ALBI TOWXsHaIp he has made Coart Houe value of it ; Put up al the MBRS TRO :l-l_ mwre C â€"A cou will be # â€" ‘uil on my #« f "I «#osGRoV CTAW A c# r+_â€" TETHR k & vince © KYVEKLRE FERMTIX C NX W E0 a pPIEULE 8H 1 x _ 008 e is Chad atâ€" L8®+» ite the Cou: ARINE®S, E. HO x OLmC Ajotd «optau® t uffice, epacioa of YEN &A T #4 A , Au

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