Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 2 Nov 1868, p. 4

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The remarkable success which has at.ended the introduction of the celebrated Concentrated Lye into Canadian market, by the supscriber, has exâ€" cited the cupidity ot an unprincipled firm in town (which has siready been convicted of borrowing other people‘s brains) by a spurious imitation called saponifier. To avoid dhozomuou. 8::- chasers should be careful to ask Harte‘s cencrate Lge, which is sold by all respectabli Druggis and Grocers in town and country. 783y * On TURESDAY, the 1st DECEKMBER next, will be so‘d at PRESCOTT, 2 number of VALUABLE BUILDIN@ LOTS, on the Ordnance Resorve, surâ€" rounding Fort Wellington. Plans will be exhibitâ€" ed at the time and place of sile. Purchasers to pay oneâ€"teanth of the purchase money down, and the balance in nine anoual pryments, with interest at the rate of six per cent. Further conditions at the time u:l'rlm of sale. For information apply to the undersigned. y wiaw. WERenmEe COOSgC CC Ceemyt‘s W. F. mm- o’f’:"‘"-'-'»‘ the of State, Ottaw of the Secretary e #. Ottawa, 6th October, 1868. 1865 awtd Euch notice shall be continued in each case for a poriod of at least six weeks during the interval time b erween the closs of the next preceding Session and the consideration of the petition. 'i&ohui“‘bw&s‘ffll-m such notice must state the rates which they intend to ask, the extent of the privilege, the height of the mhu.thoiu.rvflbuvmlhmuwm for the passage of rafts and vessels, and mentionâ€" ing also whether they intend to erect a drawbridge or not, and the dimensions of the same. ‘ eBR emm T TE WE TT CECEverety «nd in cne newspaper published in the County or Usicn of Counties, affected, or if there be no paper published therein, then in a newspaper in the next nearest county in which a newrpaper is published: ~\ _ PRIVATE BILLS, Require a notice clear‘y and distinetly specifying the nature and object of the application, to be pubâ€" lished as follows, riz. : LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLYor ONTARIO, s Toronto, Jist August, 1868. All applications to the Legislature of dntario for Cedar Pickets, per 100 .... Indian Office, ’ Dept. of Secretary of State, _ Ottawa, 5th October, 1868. _ 8701awb -r T UE «sserseress o Feloges N.:.’.:.'.;:........;..I Railway, Pamarac, Codar and Pine Ties, 10NCENXTRATED 1LYr®. / _ CAUTION To THE PUBLIC Tamarac knees to be measured as Square White Osk Timber, per 1,000 feet............ Do _ Saw Logs, per 1,000 feet inch White Fish River Reserve, the parts north of a line drawn castward from its entrance, about (and together with the Mill Site}..... 9,000 do Meganatawan River Reserve above T C(E FitHHE cecdocercentcrrantrtuertcnr 9,000 do Tenders to state in each case the bonus propared to be paid down in addition to the ground rent of one dollar yer square mile, and timber dues as On Squared White Pine Timber per 1,000 Mississagua River Reserve, «bout.. Thessalon River Reserve ............ Red Pine, Tamarse, Elim, Bircsh, Cedar, Ash, Beech, Maple, Hickory, Timber, Yobt EME OE SE rucrnererrrarertterrcees Do _ do Saw Logs, per 1,000 fee for the timber on the following Reserves on Lake hm:fllm!lnolm.m Garden River Reserve. casteriy White {‘ine Saw Logs (standard) per 1,000 Tenders will be recerred by the Ordinary . do _ do ...........00 22 Light Upper Leather:..............00 90 Heavy do vervucrrsnesco® WB PHORtH Culh..cccxccoveecscecsesrccrccus U f LOMAIROG #O0..««««â€"»xcererrccercemcen OW TO NE TneH HRQR c cccncincomcercernvcngiccel l M FHRGH | U se concerccere exccrcececc« 0 OW Harness Leather......... ...........00 39 Hidesâ€"Staughtor, per 100 lbe.... 6 00 . B.â€"For a full description see Ontario Gazate. ; CHARLES T. GILLMOR, B37â€"lawtLo Clerk of the House. y Leather Market. Bost Spanish S_olo. Nf. Fovkess -â€"-!? z_l RDNANCE LiNDS, U »»»~â€"Per bushel, 56 ibs oTTawa MARKETS. [Compiled expressly for the Orttir1 Tiuw.| 3 Times Office. Ottaws, t } Oct. 31, 1868. Yesterday the provision market was supplied in abund=ance, but with little alteration in prices, Pork of an excellent quality, and more than a2 avorage supply, ofered at $7.50, and lighter quaâ€" lites from $5.50. o Beef was well represented, and so‘d from $3.00 to $4 00. Onts and Peas hare not changed much in reâ€" gard to the quantitres offered, and romain at last tai l-lgn was in moderate quantity, and main~ Beans ~ 860 hs.. us â€"Messâ€"per barre! Titis, HNOTG HMMMMEDOscrerrrertcveverctreree wiÂ¥* SEE FIRST *A8E. INXBER OX INXDIAN LANXDS. SUPERINTENXDENT GENERAL Dute â€"â€": > Cc vervecrrsuzsucc0@0 00 â€"4 We oc conmrrviytiecrucrvarmcercres C U 1 U everrcvinacrnacenccanven c K PWH 1 EJYs c sraaeneremnercnccrcagreccddt t â€" 6 N ognneacaneamena To oo TAE ~xcscormntrversrced0if J 4 H#acghter, per 100 lb«.... 6 00 @ % . "‘r_ + -‘3'\\\ (Ewm> y4 o7 es ~ l2 "ak t w No. 1. No. 2. INDIAN AFFAIRS, eevessnesseesne08se s00008 s00 800 800 000 amenemenen snn ens se 8 aa0 e a~ WM. SPRAGCGE, £&. PARENT, Under Secy. of State. etvenssentes 840884800 s0e0 tnennran®sne00 20200 0# PBESCOTT. seveese 100,000 acre«. D.S.LA. & 00 36 &@ 00 24 @ 00 15 @ 00 42 @ "I 14 @ 00 so @ 00 50 w 00 45 @ 00 31 @ 00 00 $15 00 do punctually, to carry passengers . FOR AYLMER;: â€"_ _ PRUXES, AiMONDS, WaLNUTS FILBERTS, ma BRAZIL NUTS. FBUI'I'I LAYEK RAISINS, â€" in Whole, Haif and Quurter Boxes MUSCATHL, do ~ % ‘â€" CEYLON, R@® Roasted and Ground daily on th The subscribers beg to inform their customers that their stock is now complete and embraces every delicacy ef the season, among which will be found & choice assortment of amouat forwarded, we have only had occasion to return one box which, we understand, was sent out through a mistake. \\ G.CHENEY, Manager Canadian Express Company, Wiuctaus, 1868.â€"To the Montresl Tera Comâ€" y : Gentlemen, I am in receipt of the five :. of Tea sent me, and can assure you it gives me great satisfaction,. To wy taste, it is preferable than the Tea I used to Fnrchau in this neighborâ€" hood for a t.blr:l‘-oro of the price. I presume to ; VPTCTY PP ue i ie c o i ol s e dB CE be a judge, as I have been in the habit of drinking Tea over 30 years. Yours faithfully, DONALD CA MERON. RB~Beware ot pedlars and runners using our name, or offering our feas in small packages. Nothing less than a cattie sold. Note the Addressâ€" The Montreal Tea Company, 6 I_upl_u_l-u‘.: Montreal. MoxXtzrar, April, 1868.â€"To the Montreal Tea Company, 6 Hospitalâ€"street, Montreal ; We notice with pleasure the large amount of Tea that we have forwarded for you to different \f.m ot the Dominâ€" ion, and we are glad to fin your. basiness so rapidly increasing. We presums your 1e«s are giving rmnl satisfaction, as out of the large amouat forwarded. we hava onley had namacins 2. WwILL LEAYE THE RUSsELL noUSE ry morning, (Sundays excepted), st 7 : PICEKS, 1867 Mourtreal Tea Co. Gex cuasxex,â€"The Tea !rpnrehugd of you in March has given great satisfaction, and the flavor of it is very fine. It is very strange, but since I have been drinking your Tea I hive been quite free trom heart burn, which would always pain me after breakfast. I attribute this to the purity of your Tea, and shall continue a customer. Yours respectfa‘ly, FRANCILS T. GREENE, * 44 St. Johnâ€"street. The Monireal Tea Company : 4 Moxtazz.L, 1868, Gests.â€"It is nearly a year since I purchased the first chest of Tea from your house. Igusn râ€" chased many since, and I am pleased to inf';n you the Tea has in every case proved most satisâ€" tactory, as well as being exceedingly cheap. Yours, very traiy, * F. DENNIE. FRENCH, flavored with TAYLOR‘S, OoYAaAL MAIL L1NCE. Teas not mentioned im this cireular equally cheap. Tea oniy sold by this Company, * J" An excellent‘ Mixed Tes could be +ent for 60e and 70¢; very good for common purposes, 500. Out ot over one thousand testimonials, we insert the following :â€" Supericr HYSON, = : ® _ GUWZNPOWDER, 4# _ IMPERIAL, «_ TWANKAY, ange. PEKOE, ) ‘These Teas havy» %oen owery w c careizlly selectud for pan * s } family trade by __ _ D.T. BROWNE & CO. English Breakfast, Broken Leaf, Strong Tea, 450¢,500;, Fine Fiavoured Now Season do, 55¢, 600 and 65¢ ; Very Best Full Flavored do, 75c ; Sonnd Oolong, 45¢; Rich Flavored do, 60c ; Very Fine do, do, T30 ; Japan, Good, 50¢, 55¢c, Fine do, 60¢, Very Fine, 65¢, Finest, T5¢. GREEN TEA . Twaukay, 5uc, 55¢, 65¢; Young Hyson, 50¢, 600¢, 65¢, T0o; Fine do, 75, Very Fine, 85¢; Superfine and Very b‘b@‘.o_o, $1; Fin Gunpowder, 85¢ ; Extra Breakifast SOUCH.ONXG s do â€" CONGOT, * } Black ExtraFiue i)errlb. Our Teas are put up in 5, 12, 15, 20 and 25 Ib boxes and are warranted pure and free from poisonous substances. Grders for four 5 1b boxes, two 12 ib boxes, or one 20, or 25 ib box sent carriage free to any Railw«y Station in Canada. Tea will be torwarded immediately on receipt of the order by m ilcontaining money, or the monsy can be collectâ€" ed on delivery by express man, where there are express offices, In sending orders below the awount of $10, to save expense it will be better to send money with the order. W here a 26 ib bex would be too much, four families clubbing together could send for four 5 ib boces, ortwo 121b boxes We send them *o one address cartiage paid, and mark cach box plainly, so that each party got their own Tea. We warrant all the Toa we sell to give entire satisfaction. If they areâ€"not sa«isfactory they can be returned at our expense. â€" _ BLACK TEA. Superfine do, $1. ronl not . men Our Teas, after the must seveore tests by the bost medical authorities and judges of Tea, have been pronounced ~to be quite pure, and free from aoy artificial colouring or poisonous subst ances so often used to improve the appesrance of Tea. They are unequalled for strength and flavour. They. hare been chosen tor their intrinsic woith, keeping in mind health, economy,and a high degreo of pleasure in drinking them. We sell for the smallest possible %:flu.olming a saving to the consumer of 136 to perlb. Our Teas are putup in 5, 12, 15, 20 and The whole Dominion should buy their teas of the Importers, , HOCOLATE & C0Ocua, TII MoNTHEAL THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY, CFFEE, Agent for Ottawn, NUTMEGS MACE, CINNAMON, CLov£s, GINGER, MIXED sPICES, 1TITITI INDIA WAREHOUSKE, Drcomber 19 BRCGKEN LOAX, CRUSHED, § GROUND, YELLCw, : 22 and MUSCOY A DUG, premises. TEX COM P &A N YC. SULTH N A MOCUHA,. JAY A, $BC6 Hospitaiâ€"si., Montreal. 16 Ridanâ€"st , Qitawa All Ground on the Premises O M N I B U S e A YEAR‘3 TRIAL. A4LENTIA, . CURRANTS, GRAPES, T. BROWNE & CO. REEEEE & EEREEEEE E K EE E& A.N D JAMALICA, and JOSEPH MOONEY, Russell House Block. d with Vanilla ; R‘S, FRYF‘S, LEMONS, ORANGES 1868, A AAA A MoOT TS Montreal, STOVI‘S, all patterns and sizes, for coal and wood from t’o Prescott, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton and Itihmal Foundries, with drums, pipes, furâ€" and a general assortment of l!ouo-fumhhlay. Cornices, &¢., at the lowest cash prines to be found in the Ottawa market. * : fliLO‘U‘ORS.CULTIVATOBS. : IRON, COAL, | SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, * Nams, Rore, Cuarxs, T'HO$. ISAAC‘8, CENTRE TOWN f 1 At ndnnq figures, CAMP! KETTLES, SHANTY PLATES f AND BASINS, BIRD Q@AGEKS! BIRDCAGES! BIRD CAGES > i All of the above at the ' « CaAPITAL" STOVK DEPOT, Table Broou.- Preserve Jars, Mincin Kanives, Wash Tubs and Boards, Refrigerators, kfl Beatâ€" ers, Cruet Stands, Ash Pails, Table s, Tea Trays, Tea gnd Coffee Pots, Soup Tureens, Jelly and Pudgling Moulds, &o., &¢., &5., &c. Snp).li.+ with & f ; S'{()VE‘PIPES AND TINWARE, Trays, Tea gnd Coffee Pots, Soup Tur and Pudgling Moulds, &o., &¢., &5., &¢ s . ; CcoUNTRY MERCHANTs . IRON BEDSTEADS, LAMPS,â€" | coat oIL saAvCEPANS, Srate fixmm« Kettles, Tinware, Toilet Betts, B , Flour Siqves, Brushes, Dish Covers, Table Mats, Sad Iroos, Tabie Cutiery, Tea and ture, [&e., the cheapest to be had in town. OtcaÂ¥a, October 15. of every description in stock, suitable fer the emallest {hnfly, or the largest hotel. ARE YOU GOING To BE MARRIED? If so, call and see our assortment of necessary Hom-l}vpin‘ Goodnmblo for Kitchen, Dining Room, or any room in your house. â€" _ Y oura) Max, see that yeur house is well furnished with useful articles before you spend your money in mere _hovy ornamental things. keep not chanics. COOKT] BOX 8: PARLO BEDRO STOV BJ and even any s1X x “2 DOUBLE STOVES, the best in use, HOl‘kLE STOVBS, large and extra atrong made, ¢ expressly for Hotel and Boarding Houses, complete with ln". C‘,‘oppor Water Reservoirs and ll')lno W armers. e call special attention of Hotel Keopers‘to these stoves, they will last as long as BOX & HALL STOVES, that are unrivalled for | heating purposes, PARLOR STOVE3, for elegance of design cannot x* @4 be surpassed,, Such is the character given of every stove sold during the past year at the «CAPITAL®" STOVE DEPOT, t f © 85 Sussexâ€"strect, Ottaws., #Â¥. H. MEADOWS & Co. We boé to notify the public that our stook for the n is now complete ; our are of the COOKTNG STOV E8, of the latest and most modern Ottawa, KÂ¥Tâ€"For| sale by the subscribers, who are apâ€" pointed Agents for Ottawa and Vistrict. j AGENTs YFEN TILATIN G S TOV E 8, city OYER F:;I“TY PER CENT SaAVED IN + F U KE L. Steel Bits, Together wi SHELF & HEAVY IHARDWARE, ‘PAJNT OF ALL COLORS, Roge Pink, Burnt Umber, Terra de Seinna, Chrome Yellow, _ Â¥eilow Ochre, Colestial Biue, aris Green, Brunswick Green, | _ _ Magnesia Green, Venetian Red, Red Lead, White Lead, in oil or dry, Urop Blgek, Ivory Biack, L Black, Boiled Oil, * ifiow Oil, Turpentine, ARDW ARE Buts, Somv:iuxéh', _ Bolts, Catches, L | AT THR SIGN OF rnr ANVIL, Ro. 24, RIDEAUâ€"ST., Where yor dan at all times find a complete asâ€" sortment o! _ | Butcher Knivgs, l§nivn and Forks, & Pocket Knives, Table Spoons, t is. .__ â€" Fem Spoons, Tea Trays, Table Mats, CALL AXD SER R. RATON‘S PAT&NT HOPISE FURNISHING . GOODS, e SARPE 1 ), SUREIp,§UCCKSSFULâ€" Troveks: sTtoves 1 3 T O Y K S ! BU ILVER AT PAR THOS. BIRKETT, Bign of the Anvil, No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. 8 â€"All delirered free to any part of the E.t.ning in the Tin, Sheet Iron and Copperâ€" on hand et made to order. r Furnaces,. Eave Troughs, Building Job d _ Repairs uttended to punctuzlly. We e but the best and most experienced meâ€" NG STOVES, _ DOUBLE STOVES, rovy£Es, HOTEL STOVES, R STOYES, _ CoaL STOvEs, !OM STOVES, ~DUMB _ STOVES, IPRS! ELBOWS! â€" SH1OVEPIPES! | consisting in part of GKXIJAL HOU :E FURNISHING, ommon, Bright and Russia rdinary stoves. See them and judge for 3. Price lists sent free on application. e latest and most improved rluru. snd extensive assortment shown in Ottawa. [G STOVES, of the good oldâ€"fashioned 35 Sussexâ€"street, Ottawas. Axes, Saws, Planes, siu ares, ammers, Spokeshaves, Gouges, *_|¢ _ Chisels, Augors, Augor Bits, 8, els, Levels, Boring Machines, & FOR BEECHER & COMPANY‘S G COAL, WOOD, OR PEAT. 3TOVY EK 8 CELERBRATED AIR FURNACKES. BLYTH & KERR, j * No. 25 Rideauâ€"st. AUTOMATIC ATt H. MEADOWS &â€"CO. raw Knives, &c., &o , #6. Paint Brushes, Varnishes, &0. t ‘Terento, September 29, 1863. Notze.â€"The some illustration P haX Sesrcs _ m.oc~ ar.__ are oBl;hgod to 144 prolicno. the ;;{“‘l’“‘;fll_’.‘t‘:‘:“ all the nlaces in the United States, Canadians Leptember r:t 1868, * b..’“.d_“ the Office of the Company, 83 Kingâ€"st; east, on and after T To Baltimore . To Washington ........... $1 30 To Philadelphia ...........$1 05 To New York ......... ..... Exawple at present tariff rates to Buffale, and from thence to the following places, in U. 8. et . 8. curâ€" Nnnq. ‘:hleh reduced to Oa.df money at 45 per cont premium, makes the actual ooct’, as in second An In the nitminiatantian aF nunite ngppe "10,SRrgnonmumIt OLWhal may be called 4 competing Hine. As in the Sminhtnclu ot public affairs, a strong, watchful opposition, is the best security for gooi and careful government: so in commaercial matters, an honest rivalry in the various parsuits axd branches of trade furnishes the best security thasthe public shall bo well served, s Toapply the sranmcnt to the purpose in hand, the following table showing the inconsistencies, and, in many instances, the excessive rates now charged on messages nassing betwedn the cities and towns of Ontario, Quebec and the United e‘tuu,.wm, it is believed, convrince the reader that an honest comâ€" petition is needed, not only for the reduction and adjustment of rates, but also to ensare that attentiun and care which would of necessity be enforced on the Companies competing for public favor, and thus tend greatly to promote the general interests of the community. Showing an average increase of a million a year for the last five years, A csmparison of the number of messages, and persons using the wire in Canada and t States, furnishes a further proof ofthe advantage to the public and corresponding benefit to the %o::... panies arising out of a reduction of rates. a ‘The &cblubodmmm for 1867, show that 600.757 mossages were sent in Canada, while the mes. sages in the United States for the same period excoseded 20,000,000, the former being less than one message to every six t:omom, the latter, two to every three. From these returns and results it may be reasonably inferred that a reduction of rates to a tariff at which the wires of both Companies can be filled, will secure s fair field and good prospects to the Vominion Company without in any way proâ€" jndi?'{:g the interests ofL the Company now monopolising the ground. _ _ The particulars submitted above are sufficient in the opinion ‘of the Diroctors to establish the that low rates, by cnoounginf a more general use of the telegraph, are more profitable than hlgh.f“I’: is not, however, solely in the light of a safe and good investment that the Directors desire that this enâ€" terprise should be viewed. : They feel that their object will be but indifferently attained unloes they can satisfy the public, the business and coramersial men, that aut who use the telegraph as a med:ium of rapid oguunlnfion. aro interested inthe ostablishment of what may be called a competing line. As in the administration ot public affairs, a strong, watchful onnosition. is tha hast amamweite a.2 120, « In April last we reached the maximum capacity of our wires, and have since been compelied to refuse business dnl:. The Committee, therefore, have reached the conciusion from the .m.f:xp.fi. ence of building an wotkhfluu present linesâ€"that * « Tol:&n business is growing faster than Telegraphic facilities," As further xoot on this pfm. the low rates havo so pressed the wires of both Companies with business through the day, that posters have been placed in all the main offices roclaiming that double :‘:o number of words would be telegraphed at night at the same price as halt tgo number of words by y. In support of the observation quoted above, that telegraphic business is growing faster than leâ€" grgfluo miuu. the following :&lmmt exhibiting tfl wonderfal inoml‘: in.:go use of the'v:re, within the last six years, cannot be without interest to our readers. The gross earnings of all teleâ€" graph lines in the United States for the following years woere :â€" Price Collected at Toronto. This reduction took place in November, 1867. A comparison of the receipts of the Weste i since that pericd with the corresponding months of the prcl:im year gives thcpfollowlng r::nlt:n: gmon Gross Receipts for + December, 1866.........$ 551,971 40; December, 1857.........$576,135 19 ; Increase.........$ 24,163 79 Jany., Feb., March,‘67 1,591,644 98 ; Jany., Feb., March,‘881,727,939 55 ; Increase......... 133,294 59 April. May, June, ‘67, 1,559,178 79 ; Anpril. May, June, ‘68, 1,749,631 52 ; increase......... 159,852 73 w':u. these beneficial results were fiowing to the Western Union Con{un‘z from the reduction of rates, the new Companies had created a business more than sufficient to fill their wires. In proof of CDPCS, NOC NOW CoOmphknios Gad creared & DUsI00ss INoro than sulicient to Nil their wir T this d:o szgllowhg extract is taken trom the report or the Atlantic and Pacific Comp::y, ;.s:ogl;’o’l The tollowing table shows the reduction which has boen effected in rates in th hbori arising out of the cons.ruction of competing tines :â€" _ e neighboring States An advertisement has recently appeared announciag to the public that the rétes from 1st 8e e ber, proximo, will be further reduced to $16.65 per ten words. P Reptom Allusion has been made to the voluntary reduction of rates by the Atlantic Cabls Company, A Chicago paper, writing on the subject of the growing use of the Telegraph, gives the fol:owin{ return as obtained directly from Cyrus W. Field, showing very conclusively the benefit both to the public and the Company of the reduction of rates. f AVERAGE DAILY RECBIPTS. . With these new Companies the Doin‘nion Telegraph Company of Canada have i satisfactory business nh':iou. and confident of the -onpndneu gf tb’o principle which le:intuortehdo l:‘ti%p';‘i?‘: of the pennyâ€"postage system in Great Britain, the voluntary reduction from $100 to $16 65 per ton word message by the Ocean C# ble Company, and the successfut operations of the Companies recentl established in the United rtates, invite the business and mercantile community of Cana4ia to join tb,,: inht.‘ll:l pro.:nlouiu‘li ot an onurpxzx::. bfll;g 3 the prinoip:o of moder«te rates and extended basiness which, while injuring no one, they confide expect will result in recuring a la i vestor, and prove a vast beuefit to the oomnl{ny.P“ § rgo refurn to the m-4 The Atlantic and Pacific, the Great Western, and other American C »mpanies have invaded the field, and have become successful comrtiwn for the public patronage and support. These Companies, actirg on the cheap Yo.u'. prinoigle, ave forced the old monopolist to a reduction of rates, which has resulted in a more widely extended use of this means of communication, and much to the surprise of the Western Union itself, has increased its profits, whilst sharing its field of operations. The business relations ketween these two Companies continue in full force, but the patents having run out, the monopoly so long enjoyed by the Western Union has ceased to exist. A permanent connection has also been sesured with the (ireat Western Telegraph Company of Chicago, whereby this Cowny wil! be brought into close connection with all the Lake Ports and other places through the North Western Statas, and through to California. The Directors are of opinion that it would be to the interest of the Stockholdors generally to ostain subscriptions from all }“.run of Canada, and with this view they propose to divide the Stock amongst the different towns and cities throughout the Dowminion in allotments suited to the population and busiâ€" ness occupations of the different localities and the interest which they mey be supposed to take in such aoes snesfmeccentans A contract, granting permanent connection and extraordinary advantages, has already been exeâ€" outed, between this Conlsmy and the Atlantic and Pacific Company of New York ; thus, at the very commencement, as the Lines of this Company are constructed from the Suspension Bridge, at Clifton (the point of cornection) to amy point in the Dominion, all the chief cities and plases in the States, touched by the Lines of the atlantic and Pacific Telograph Company, are brought in immediate conâ€" nection therewith. are under the -u?ment of a Boatd of Directors annually elected by the sharcholders in confermity with the Charter and Byâ€"laws o« the Company. Is $500,000, divided into 10,000 shares of $50 each, 5 per'ant to be paid at the time of nubscribing‘, the balance to be paid by instalments, not eaceediag 10 per cent per mouth â€"said instaimonts to be calicd in as the works progress. THE BUSINE3S AFFAIRS OF THE COMPANY j Tun DOMINION TELEGRAPH COMPANY has been organized under the Act respecting Telegraph Companies, chapter 67 of the Consoliduted Statutes of Canadla. Its object is to cover the Downinion of Caruda with 2# complete nutâ€"work of Telegraph lines. Counsel. MESSRS. CAMERON & MeMICHAEL D O MIN I O N Télegraph Company‘! seseenteneneene o en sn en en 00 se 608 840 00 800 00 From Toronto to Suspension Bridge Do _ do Montreal................ From New York to Japital Stock,....................$500,000, IN 10,000 ShHARES AT $50 EACGKH. Frowm $100 per message of ten words do bop. do & do do â€" %5 do do * HON. J. McMURRICHâ€"Bryce, McMurrich & Co., Torontoa. A. R. KcMASTER, Eq. â€"A. R. McMaster & Brother, Toronto. ' HON. M. C. CAMERON,â€"Provincial Secretary, Toronto. h > JAMES MICHIE, Esq.,â€"Fulton, Michie & Co., and Geo. Miche & Co., Teronto. HON. WM. CAYLE?,-â€"Toron'.o. § A. M. SMITH,. Esq.,â€"A. M. Smith & Co., Toronto. L, MOFFATT, Eq.,â€"Moffatt, Murray & Co., Torunto. H. B. REEVER, Esq.,â€"Toronto. ; MARTIN RYAN, *i‘lsq.,â€"â€"'l‘omnto. 8 » HON. WM. CAYLEY. OTTAWA TIMES, NOVEMBER 2. do «... $1 35 Mitchell, Seaforth, Bothwell, Ailsa Craig, Caleâ€" donia, Chatham, Dunville, Newbury, Port Burâ€" well, Port Colborne and many other piaces...... TelIRHBEONL:. cacerrare sE E3E ETY ECY3 bavsarede0s c ceuas eb uns EXAMPLE OFPNX PRESET TARIFF RATERS, WITH DiSTANCES. $1 30 CONTRAUTS OF CONNECTIONSs. se veene en nennnene hn n n ane nnn e ne ne nen an nh a h8 nee s6 00 6e n 000 From Toronto to Buffalo From Toronto to Detroit. ... From Taronto to Buffalo Buffalo to t an. Buffalo to Philadeiphia. From Toronto to Buffalo Buffalo to z 500 New York. From Toronto to Buffalo THE CAPITAL STOCK se neeenesene e ne n n hh n 000 h8 28 se 00 48 +0 820 80 B g’hicago.' Buffalo . to Baltimore. Dnlngfim. sesesent eeseessantdrestsenps000 se s0e e00 0 +0 000 4 PROSPECTUS. 32069 103,860 84 | 1866 2,734,960 40 | 18567 eenessssesnenssecsese 88280000 se ee seee Kecretary. . B. REEVE. DIRECrORS. keeneresans bnn ns 0» e3 as s h000 00 0040000 e 2e 0e n seesaasseenn0 00 cen n ae n 008400# 150 sensssensans san0 8 vn0 808 800 6 04 + 150 ACTUAL COSf, BOTH TARIPFS, sasseesss0080 #use ere hy besnenenenn en enane e nn n ne n a n e ba n 948088 2880000 se ene en en nennnae n e e an n 48 +0 + 4s sease rev en e ne en n eaae 2200 henesanes be neven en ne nen e be nen se 8 ve0 w mm m m en e m en n na n hn 80 98 8 900 ne n e 6e eesseese0eress80 008 a0 ea00 84 00 se ae 04 s 08 *etvattransseneee en ee0v00 08808 s00 +4 +4 8 24 s4 srtsssssces $0B Reduced to _ Canada Mony, Canada Money. ¢ * * Canada Money. Reduced to _ Tanads Money. Rednced to _ Canada Mcney. Canada Mouney. Former Rate. Present Rate Gescral Superintendent. MARTIN RYAN. **stene0e0s 8 ree veat on n 488 sn se biennerhenerabas are n en en 6008 000 + C 1 esvesrseestes0tsese es 0000 sesnee 1 95 1 15 1 96 k Treasurer, HON. J. MeMURRICH. MIL"8, CANADA MONEY. 82 400 10 10 15 160 15 eesvens ce en eee 8008 46 8 048 000 eesveennes en a8 . +288 s2e 2800 H. B. REEVE, } â€" $1,900â€"$2 20 *rtee8e08 ses 2000 vessssssesss «»»««» _« 52%0â€"$0 82 sesehateuees se 88080 v 00 50 40 Mggsy. 60 1 00 50 as«»â€" $,905 .59câ€"$0 89 $3,792,245 40 65 50 526â€"§$1 12 620â€"80 9% 350â€"§0 65 4,420,268 88 5,624,501 20 1,641,553 47 $2,525 These Buibs will be founa superior yet imported. c T Otbawa, October 17, 1868, HYACINTH, TULIP AND OTHER FALL BV L B S . Ottaws June 30th, 1868. FLOWER BULBS. CEO. MAYES, _ COPPER PLATE PRINTER, Bank Street, Centre Town, Between Sparks & Queen Streets. Bills of Exchange, Bill He Vir ‘mg M’fu.hmmwmm AT MAREET PRICES, In lots to suit purchasers. EXTRA, No. 1, and CULL, PINE and CEDAR SHINGLES, AND PAPER HTANGERS, Uhaud.ere and Hull. (Shop next to R. R. Booth‘s Btore, Chaudiere.) ‘ House, Sign, Villa and general E:Xntln‘ executed on the most ressonable terms. ilings and walls distempered in colors to init. Fresco work of ali fi:? to &rde{;u References perm to the owlngrltlmon: A. U. Baldwin & Co., J. R. Booth, Esq., R.K. Bootb, Esq., Rev. Mr. Johnson, Hull ; Revr Mr. Picket, Ottawa ; Mr. Haycock, Architect. August 26. 829 6m l Is hereby given that the Map or Plan and Book of Reference of the Carada Central Railway l Company, from the City of Ottawa to its junction | with the Line of the Brockville and Ottawa Rail. way Company, have been do'codtod in the office of the Department of Public ‘Yorks, and a m such parts of the Map or Plan and Book of ence, as relate to the County of Carleton, has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Peace for the County %Csrlo@on, and a cory of such part as relates to the County of Lanark, has been deâ€" i S:Itod in the otfice of the Clerk of the Peace for the , nty of Lanark. Dated this Teonth uay of Augurt, 1808. W. R. WORSLEY, 8lotf Becy. C. C. Riy. PLAIN, ORNAMENTAL AND DECORATIVE PAINTERS, Shipped per Hibernian, and to arrive in a few ys, a very superior assortment of PUBL]C NOTICEK Brockville, April 11. The subscriber having completed his 8 H I N G L R F A C T OR Y! UFFERS FOR SALB,â€" All trains on main line connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to 1nd from Perth. The 7:15 a.m. trair from Brockv.lle connects with U. F, Coy‘s Steamers for Ottawa, Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort, Pembroke, &c., &c., ané the 1:15 p.m. train from Bandpoint leaves after those steamers are due rom east and west, H ABBOTT, 5 o 1 5 A. M.=â€"â€"TRAINS will leave % & Ssnd!?oiut at §:15 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., arriving at Brockville at 11:30 a.m. and 8 U M M ER ARR ANGEMENT, Commencing on the 20tn April, 1868. _ LEAVE BROCKVILLE. 7.1 5 A. M.=â€"=TRAINS will leave e MOP Brockville daily at 7.15 a.m., and 3:l:°p.m., arriving at Sandpoint at 12:40 p. m. and 9 p.m. wa at reduced rates oiil‘l;;!'\'fi ;t_fi;o ;En:l;li':: tions on the line. } 8 T. S. DE’!‘LOK,/ 3 TIIOMA§_ REYNOLDS, HIXGLES FPOR SALE. _ LRaVE OTtawa. ARRIVE IN PREACOTT. Exprecs, 7 a. m. 9.25 a. m. Mixed, 1.00 p. m. 4.15 p. m The time of these Trains has been lotrn:md AS to ensure connection with night and day tr o Grand Trunk, eas‘ anu west. N. B.â€"These 2rgains run on Montreal Trme. Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from and to stations on Grand Trunk Railway Roturn tickets to Prescott, Kemptville and Jtaâ€" ON and AFTER FRIDAY, the %5r= of MAY, 1868, and until further potice, TRAINS will run as follows: hi o Pert utstraaPecttssredir® dsn Fove B ids devesss § 4304 Tickets issued through at the Company‘s princiâ€" pal scations. For further information and time of arrival and departure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Staâ€" tion: â€" _ _ C.J. BRYDGE®S, Managing Director, GOoInG wESsT, Day Express for Ogdensburg, Ottawa, , Brockville, * Kingston, Beevilie, Toronto,(}uelsh. London, Brantford, QGoderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and a‘l points West, at................. Night do do° _ do do do Accommodation Train for Vaudreuil at Returning each morning, arriving in MONLNBRIRE.»s+c:sserrsessestserseressassses B0 & BW Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stations, at..... ........ 7:00 a m Trains for Lachine st ..........*5:00 a m, 7:00 a m Â¥:a m, [Â¥ noon, 3::0 pm, #4;40 p m, 5;00 p m and 6:30 p m. o *The 5:00 a m and 4:10 p m Trains runs through to Plattsburgh, and there connect with the plain boats. , BDMB RIM POMUKN:sssssrzsissvist:nses »» P00 Night Express for Quebec, Island Pond, Gorham and Portland, stopping be. tween Montreal and 1sland Pond at Et. Hilaire, St. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Watervilie and Conaticook only, at.....................10:10 t = m Sleeging Cars on all Night Trains. gage checked through. 5 Trains now leave BONAVENTURE STATION as follows : and Intermediate Stations at......... Fxpross {0F BOSLOBD Mt.?».+ecesesererrerrarss ce Express tor Boston and New Â¥ or k, at...... EX[)I_‘OSI for Quebec, Island Pond, Gorâ€" _ The steamer Carlotta leaves Portland every SATULOAY AFTERNGON (after the arrival of train leaving Montreal on Friday night), for Haliâ€" fax, NLS., rotm_‘!flng on Tuesday, She has excellent accommodation for passengers and freight. The International Company‘s Steamers, running in connection with the Grand Trunk Railwaw in connection with the 'G};nh_i“r:x;i--il-n‘ir;;%., eave Port!and every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY, at 5 p m, for St. John, N.B. GoIN@ soUTIH AND EAST Accommodation Train for Island Pond 1868.] SUMMER ABRRANGEMEXTs. [1868 ST. LAWRENCE AND OPTTAWA s RAZILWAY, (formerly the Ottawa & Prescott Rail«ay.) Euperinlenda"t. L. Ottawa. M+y 14, 1868 ANDALL 6, MONTGOMERNR Â¥, HANGE OF TIME. RAND TRUNK RAILWAYy cOoMâ€" PANY OF CANADA. LLAYVE PRESCOTT ARRIVE T Ortaw Mixed, 7.15 a, m. 10.35 a, m. Express, 1.35 p. m. 4.15 p. m. _ LRaVE Orrawa. ARRIVE IN PREACOTT. Exprets, 7 a. m. 9.25 a. m. LEAYXEk SAXNDPCINT. WILLIAM HEARN, Market Drug Store, York â€"st. 1 868. 81“1 Aulroabs. JOHN ROCHESTER, Ja. Managing Director. Managing Director. 1y to anyth‘ng 130 p m 5:10 ; m 1.00 am Sol by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W M Massey, H. F. McCarthy, J. Bkinmer, and J. M.hm f [ ae Cw Clz 2000 CC 7OR EOE L CnK 16 SHH lhdlmdu{w&mmu: Dealers are coming in from Medicine in all parts of the mhwmnd-mhdfyh‘ to the universal s ion it gives l'hocafliu!’dlMy«u fails to give mmediate rolief. All Medicine nz..-. holrll Physicians order and use it; and no family w '“umar"u)qu. Price twentyâ€"five cents bottle. uonrnflu LYMAN, _ Nowsnstle, C. W., _ i5 Ared wor/ tdisin® snpinls asmetese breacad .4 tested it thoroughly, and therefere those who are -luh‘h--yd&oecnphhu for which it is secommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" ‘Ro -m% effcacy of the Canadian FPain Destroyer, in ng diseases for which it is reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing tbohlhrzpnud Rheumatism. and in re ieving Nervous ections, extitle it to & high rank in whe list af D. 41. _ 3@ 17. "_ °C °* C & HIGD * aANL p= bfutnn ~piadintr 9600 m P bntvtes t ) Pradindaitinart Com Burns ,#Foalds. ie on i ioi ies e Canadian Pain Destroyer bhas now been before the public for s length of time, and whenever used is well liked, never ':1'5 in a single instance to give permanent when timely used, and we have never known a single m«wmmmmm P‘fl!!dlnd;htum«dn:zsflmm ed with its z:m and speak i n the terms of its es and magical e€fects. We spesk from experience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly. and therefara thnasa wha ... ©Arav1mx rars PESTROYER : Dis. Among the lm;x'nmol n:cn Medical Dis CANADLAN PAIm DESTI}‘E)‘YER I Bide, Back ana alead, *bs, Colds, Throot Bprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Btoraach, Rcu-blhi Mother‘s Milk as closely as possiâ€" bie.â€"Dr. H. Barker on right ‘nt'{or children. *" TBRE INFANT Pflc thrives upon it as a Prince should."â€"Socsal Seten*e Keview. #« A REAL IMPROVENMENT Lu.uq on the ordinary kinds of LIEBIG‘S FoObD," the only one that keeps good in all climates. No boiling or mm-s. Tins, 1s, 2s, 5s and 101. BAVORY & MOUORE, 143, New Bondâ€"street, London. Aarxtsâ€"MESSRS. F. CUNDILL & CO., Mon« hiniint Tlll BEST FOOD FOR INFANXTS, lg_mrb'_ rk like a charm subscriber to give 1t eve ble publicity. The puhhu(flnwmm& address on each bottle. Price one dollar. Bole Proprietor, J,. A. HARTE, Chemist, 396, Notre Dameâ€"streect, Montreal. Harte‘s Florida Water, o%::} to anything imâ€" ported, Price 374 cents per e. 183y Dance, Puerperal Hysteria, &e: to.r"th- g»u- ation il.irom the recipe uf a celebrated French Physician, and the very great success which bas attended its use in ":? case, and where the highâ€" est medical skill was of no avail, has induced the PABOD&E’I EPILEPTIC CURE, The Steamer Calumetâ€"will, on and after 20th OCTOBER, leave Havelock for Chapeau Village every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at 7 o‘clock, a. m.; returning, will leave Chapeau Village for Havelock every WEDNESDAY and SATURâ€" DAY, at 2 o‘clook, p. m._ 874 Agrxtsâ€"MESSRS. F. CUNDILL & Co., In time to connect with Grand Trunk Reilway Nigbt Trains, East and W est. Leave Brockville at..... . Arrive at Arnprior at... Leave Arnprior at......... __The Steamer Calumst will on and after 5th Sepâ€" tember leave Havelock on Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 a.m., returning from Chapeau Village same days at 2 p.m. A connection is made daily with the Brockviile lng Ottawa Raiiway on the up and _dowa trips. Captain A. Bowm®, $ Leaves the Queen‘s Wharf with mails and passenâ€" gers for Montreal, every morning, (Sundays exâ€" cepted) at To‘clock, (railway time) arriving at 4:45 ~m. ® Travellers and tourists will find this a delightfol trip. Firstâ€"class Fare (meals extra).................... $3 50 koascs4 doutlP Ccsant taric sc W r is lvina. "ht 00 Ts Miley CUBN® m{u Pewbroke with Su:mr Jason Gouid which leaves Pembroke Landing at 2 pm, and arrives at Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort same evening. The Eteamer Alliance leaves Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort every morning at 7:30 (Sundays ox:r.od). touchâ€" ing at Gould‘s Wharf, Farrell‘s Whart, Bsnechere, Blg'tol, Sandpoint and Arnprior, and arriving at head of railroad at 11 2. m., and connecting with Bteamer Ann Swson at Pontiac at moon, Passenâ€" geors reach Ottawa at 4 p.m. e 2, itus ~or tlie reliefand cure of Kpilepsy, St. Vitus Tll‘ oTTAWA RIVZR NAVIGATIOX COMPAN Y*‘8 Queen Victoria, 1868 Gould‘s W barf and Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort. es will leave Gould‘s Wharf immediately sfur&:r‘}iun wf Steamer Allsance for Cobden, connecting with Steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pembroke same evening. The Steamers Pontiac or Pembroke leave daily at 1 p.m., for Des Joachim, calling at all intermeâ€" aiate ports. Returning, loaving st 6 a m., cunâ€" Consisting of the following firstâ€"class Steamers, ANN #IS8SON, â€" vaptain Murphy. ALLIANCE, we a 646 Find‘ay. EMERALD, ® . «@ 66 Tomner, OREG IN, > > ind 46 Cowley. CcaLUMET, e w 446 Blondin. JASON GOULD, * 46 Boltoa. PoNTIAC, s «@ «* _ Dugga . PEMNBROKEK. â€" a «+ Uverman. sNOW BIRD, «x w 646 Beattie. On and after 5th September, (until further potice), the Steamer Ann Sisson will leave Aylmer daily (Sundays excepted), for the Upper Ottawns at 7 a.m., connecting with the Steamer Al/ionce at bead of railroad, at i1 a.m., touching at Armprior, Sandpoint, Bristol, Bonechere, Farrell‘s Whar. ings on Upper Ottawa Route. 186f eeree®> s 1963 Uxmox Forwarome & Ranwar CoxPraxy NION FORWARDING & KAaALILW ay CcomMPaANyY. «6 treated with Savorr & Moore‘s PANCREATIC EMULSIOXNX. wa at MARKET STEAMER MAIL STEAMER Stramers. DoOWNWARDE, coOonsUMPTiO NX #veetene8 ne n en 000088 80 0 8 00 + n n Ottawa, October 16th, 1868. snn e reame n n n e ne ane ue e + resssarseessestreesn00s L eA 00 _ fo MR, sesesses â€"assssssses»» 12:185 p.m, eansnvennsense sns a0 8408 R. e en e hn s en an n 8 60 0 00 + 00 CaBSES OF 83b WEA sersessss:$3 $0 raskunsmess B D Eesiutsess 9 00 .TA5 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 73 5:00 p.m. 2:20 p.m. 1:45 p m. 1868 THEK TIMES is printed and published bJ Has cot removed to Centre Town, but can be found at the above addrebs. Great reduction in prices for cleaning ar dyeingâ€" All kinds of Wool, Cottcn, Rilk, &c., done at re duced rates. No use of sending goods to Montreal. / M Encourage home manufactures. h S1GXNX OFf TBE GOLDEKX S§HE%L 872â€"4)14 provement made on them,. ~ _ TO LADIESâ€"The subscriber can repair O furs, Mink, x:;'m. Fitch, Sable, or .o:r.-i huil store to them their color M _Prices moderate. Cm eariv. â€" Remember GEO. A. SHELDON, FURLIER, 26 Sparks 4. is prepared to DYE BUFFALO ROBES and L4 pf€s FURS, and render them in every 7‘ ae good as new. ‘The color will not come of bJ wear or wet. He has some fine samples of BUFFALO ROBES on show, by which parties may ree the great i®â€" OLD FURS RENOYVATED & MADE & AS GOOD AS NEW. and madicines sent to sny part of the Dominion Charges moderate, ny patt Sliy A. J.~F. COLE N A K, N. 6, (Member of the Colliege ¢f Veterinary Burgeons > Toronto ; by appointment, V.8., 1o the O# 4 Carleton Agrioultural Bociety.) Parties ordering Mabogary, Walnut, Osk, o other Hardwood Coffins, may rdyumlr' uine article, (no stained Butterput sold for Walâ€" nut. » Pzncu desirous of keeping their deceased reisâ€" tives for a fow days. or even a week, can dosw without the least possible inconvenionce b‘y.r- ing to 5. Rogers, who has had over 20 y exâ€" i §iving reliufantieg. * and ving » * fi.n._'n. Undertaking Branck will be fount second to none in Ottawa., Express Waggons always ready for the removal "HeStiiice Reabitmest N At the West End Wellingtonâ€"st. Ottawa, September 4, 1868. 83y VETERINARY ESTABLISHMENT °~ YORKâ€"S8TREE1, OTTAWA # Rext to Salmen‘s Hotel. "I"I'AWA CrTy "â€"> : 3 m STEAM DYE WORKS UNDERTAKING. “Z;ho Undertaking bruch'. is under B.-ull-;l\“b superintendence, who attends without 'i‘.nu Charge, and has constantly on hand a large assortment of Readyâ€"mude Coffins, of all sizes and qualities : METALLIC, BLACK CLOTH, COBOURG, & 876 Where the usual assortment of Cabinet and U fl.fla‘Goo‘lcnboothuMfl Tes Orrawa Tss Prixtixe axo P opuse xo Coxupaxt, at the Office, 60, Sparks# Centre Town, Ottawa. Jaurs T?0 Managing Director; Auex. 7808 * EUG. MARTINXEAr Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1888. 6y * l‘\ou SALK.*«The Westerly oneâ€"third of Lo Ko. 27, in First Concession, Ottama Front,Ne. pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the same cop.. cession, at present in the sccupation of Wi T. Aylon, Eua_ For furtber particulars BPPY to Jor® are Wu. Tromso®, Nepean, and Lavig * Pixge¢ry, Barristers, Ottawa. Tut rar ae PETITIONXS FOR PRIV ATE BILLS #4200, .M 1111, COTDOT Ofi bank and Alh.m can rent TWO FURNJSHED BEDROOKMS and a DMITTING ROOM. SRD.4 THATTHE LA&AST DAY FMA Ottawa, Dctober 26, 1868 Alady whohas had some years er lence ; teaching music, French, English and ‘[::r'# ‘: s1res a situation as dail i m'.."m"._An.“:‘!_o;::::f':fiuyn_ ANESq, y 00KKEEPER.â€"W A NTEp B rdvertiser, a married man, a m..z.‘: B0KKEEPER. Has had enominw“ such, both in Scotiand and Canada. FirStâ€"Clase references to parties with whom he has been for the last 12 years. Adcress, Bookkeeper, Ts Office, Ottawa. TWO SMART YOUNG MEN to learr a y oBtâ€" able business. App‘y at the S T E A M 2 Y ® W O RK 8', Eussexâ€"st , Prud‘homme‘s Bio 4. Mikores Li_ ». saaa CABINETâ€"MAKER, UPRHOLSTERER Referencenâ€"An"Js{;l'l'i;i’;;,‘ Hunter, Esq. Ottawa, wetober 30, 1868. ‘VAKTE D. _ V , CAB wath, iron and make butter well Wages, six dollars. Apply at offfice of MACK Ay ESTATE, New Edinburgb. 884.3 V YEING FURS AND ROBES. AT THE OLD €TaXxp, No. 70, RiIDEAUâ€"STREET, wWEST END WELLINXGTOXâ€"STREET, Engiite at the Sture. I\O‘BE LET,â€"A Comfortable nished, for six months. Apply Ottawa, Oct. 5, 868. Ottawa, Tuly 31, 1868. HOUSE TO LET in Centre Town. Apply to MRS. SMITH, Corner of Bank and ORSE INFIRMARY, October 28, 1868 Trespay, tnx 24t0 or Novemzes Ne ma~ U N DER T A KE R 1wo DWELLINXGS To LET Toronto, Znd October, 18(# .‘o'nf:'u HEREEY GIVEN oTIck. 00Ms o LET. TaANTED». LrorraTive AssemBiy or Oxtamo, Opposite Martineau‘s Store, AXTED, HFor Sale or to Let LEThLAM & BRUKNALIS, ED nmpoeubloeoumy 's.-t:. ir?n _nndAm-ko bd':":q: Being ‘the urper Art ~of MARTINEAU‘S Cioting Stog £ Corner of Sussex and Clarepge . at reets. CHARLES T. GLILLMOUR AND AT THE Bcants. RECHYIXG WILL BE mn-flu. Â¥â€" Ra ApDPlY At this Ofice A. ROwp â€"and Frencig uctioneer Bsiet _ of W p. J .,l'j" to d L‘-'. & Jeeâ€"141 45 8814 » forâ€" IKG a @. A. BU _quisites of *s NHE Al -elo‘:“ for traveilers Part cular a Gaod roome ahd vehicies a ‘fl;"‘"“" & €a1 aABLAX + ba3:f Bs Tâ€"~~~~ l)lcu w f and 82, St. J Cart Hou «abd 5o8 _ Paembroke, MRLS. TRO be Counties of i Court Honse, N.c“(..u ney â€"wtâ€" 1 Euvet, &¢. * Court House, _!un‘r Lal_ WIDW A R ;‘ Notary ter‘s Boot a1 Public, and Office Buildi I A PLE® i atâ€"Law, Put up al *T A W Wrimiax M« @P EKES 4& Nolicitor, A PI ®pa

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