Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 18 Sep 1868, p. 3

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13 a } @ 2 313 tee:‘, ‘@0rg Snd Posipt, T40 fop â€"l:nl- C Lard quiet a€ 34 t »3 > Sss 333 20 p m TB @ 8. to $1.0 m < L â€" alt ; sle. @ In Brazil he obtains parewa brava ; Jamaics, W.L., Sarsaparillian ; f:di‘, E.1., hemedesmus Indicus ; Persia, the Persian oil is expressed from the amygdale nut; Japan, the three newly disâ€" f Mntinohmgrm under contract by a disâ€" tinguished horticulturist, and the only country where these roots are grown. These Japanese roots are held in high estimation by the nobles, â€" Kaimos and distinguished savons, as puritying agents, also in the cure of dyspepsia, inmofion. . jaundice, and liver complaints, and are used as tea, after dinner beverages, and as tonic drinks, diet, mixed in wine, "&c.; also, possess the most astonishing virtnes over skin diseaises and i:rri. ties of the blood. RADWAY‘3 SARSAPARILâ€" LLAN RESOLV ENT is, therefore, the most perfect remely in the world. No wonder the S.rlm iltas of the shops ‘”D“ehYQ"A;S“AkP :Rtlr m‘l!lmth DK. RADWAY‘3 8 The root itself differs from all Sarsaparilla roots OÂ¥er seen in this country. Those wishing a pure, flfimody to cleanse the blood and system all imourities. try DR. RADW AY‘S SARSAâ€" Reported by GEVRGE SPAIGHT, E "up-l by a Barrister in attendance. TEICES. decoovcamnrnnannfncmncancrt 29 Maited, postage paid, for 30 cents. Fomsale by 'Fgl!l FOR SALE.â€"The southâ€"cast bhalf of Lot No. 7, 4th Concession, Gloucester, R.F., containigg about 110 acres, of which seventy acres ars cleared and in a high state of cultivation. The greater part of the remainder is hardwood bush lasd. The property is on the Ottaw s and Glouâ€" cexer Mrcadamized Road, about five miles from the City of Ottaws, and would make a.most desiâ€" rable residence. One half otthe purchase money might remain for some years at nbto;t. -io‘enml on the rty. The title is saod or further ut'wt‘:nw.:pply to LEWIS & PINHEY, Ottawa, ;.m'stm. or to the undersigned proprtetor on the JAMES SEIVERIGUT. (‘anmaactar Swmt I%. 819â€"1â€"38 3m piRriAiL OF HOUSEHOLD FURNXNITURE, new; Dimcg Tables and Chairs ; Sideboard, Child‘s Higa Chair, Side Table, Couch, Curtains, Dising Room Stove, Clock, Carpet, &c.; Bedroom Furniture, 4 Feacher Bods, Bolsters, Pillows, Matâ€" tresses, Black Walnut Bedsteads, Black Wainut Bureaus, W ashitands, Dressing Tables, Bedroom Chairs, Carpet and Crockery ; Hall Oil: CBth, Limp and Stove ; Stair Carpet with Brass Rods; Cookting Stove, with Furniture and Pipes ; Kitchen Tables, Chairs, Cupboards, &¢.; 1 Child‘s Carâ€" riage. + The whole will be sold without reserre, as Mr. Morgar is giving up housekeeping. Terms cash in Bankable funds. . â€" Sale to take place at 11 o‘clock, p. { * A. ROWE, The subscribor nas been favored with instrucâ€" tions from W. MORGAX, Esq., to seli at his resiâ€" dence, Edwardâ€"street, off Alvertâ€"street, Richmond Road, near the residence of Mr. Wm. Hunton, on TUEsDAY, SEPTEMBER 22n4, 1863, all of his Mousekold Furniture and Effects, consisting of Hair Seat Sofas, and Hair Soat Chairs to »mateh; Arm Rocker do.; Black Walnot Centre Table, Wastnot, &c. ; superior Brussols Carpet, aearly A MONXTREAL, P. Q. . ta 1%7 MK. DECK ER purchased the «* Albion," which then contained fifty rooms. In 1859 be added a new wing of torty rooms. The steady and rapid increase in the business c.u:}\ollod bim, ia 1862, to huild a secomd new wing of fifty sleepingâ€"rooms, w.th targe diningâ€"room, ¢apa ble of seating two hunâ€" dred guests. Notwithstandiag all this additional sccommodation, hundreds of merchants and others, patroas of the « Albion," have been obliged to seek ecommedationelsewherg during the spring and fall busipess seasons. Encouraged by the liberal paâ€" {ronage extended to the «* Albion," the proprietor has buailt a third addition of ninety -Inti:g.roona. large pariors, reading.room, oflice and barâ€"frontâ€" ing on MeGillâ€"streot. Fifty of the tloopl:s-.rouu will be furnished and ready for the fall trade.â€" In the spring of 1869 ail 30 ln_yron-m will be NH‘P""‘“" the «Albon" will have an enâ€" trance on McGillâ€"street inscead ot St. Paulâ€"street. The charge will be $1.50 per day, as heretoâ€" Ancces * 8394 aways p® this to the wnne & cn scu’cl'.n. 1GNXORANCE AXD HOTâ€" Te TENTOTS. i 0k ligent agents under pay from DOCT IAD':.!. are seut to the following o::u.ntrh-..t: most com| nati ves to en ts aiay way‘s Sarsapariilian Resolvent. To Wit: RPrazl, S.A., Jamaics, W.L.,. British India, Persia and Supan. .(By correspondence.) . _ _ _ _ _ ___ Ja;n. (Ly correspondaence. ) years since it was deemed necessary for tha protection of the public against the importaâ€" tion of spurious reots and drugs, for Congress to pass a law establishing an Inspector of Drugs in every m;.l.tbo United sa:c“u.‘.nutbhfl:: precaution not prevent portation ous roots, leaves and medicinal herbs. Nearâ€" one half of the Sarsaparillas, Pareira Brava, Bark, otc., brought into this country and Rutope are spuricus, and when prepared for me. dicinal parposes are, in fact, useless, and fails to produce the beneficial results that the chemist and physician expect to realize. ‘Ihat no such oDjet~ tion may exi«t, and that the public -.,r:“-:fi- securing the true roots in the Sarsapa: Reâ€" solvent, D; Radway bas Mtbzln& gulwi:i.tbo several roots, ete., used in his mediâ€" cines, under the direst supervision of trusty and intelligent agents,. & This is an entorprise never before attempted, and itis one long needed. The loose manner in which vegetable barks, roots, leaves, gums and cther .J;--.x substances mpmu‘sur- ant natives, half savages, Hottentots, &¢., the cupidity of these rascals of substituting spurious for the true, in selling these roots, &e., to traders, causes many mistakes, and often "'dl;qirohu phyâ€" sicians in prescribing a root possessing known proâ€" perties in not fulflling their expectations. _ _ _ . o omaglteg Ammis cemmmmmes. Ay /0 Pm // Hence the wisdom and liberality of Dr. Radway in adopting a plan that will secure the true and genuine vegetable substances, fresh from their mnnil, cultvated in gardens and attended care. Moxte®aL . 18A *‘ Gzzt2kxzs,â€"TH XEW ADVERTISEMENTS from all impurities, ‘&@fi’nfim SARSAâ€" "‘!:.Lu““ RESOLVENT. by ie o Haea i es t Ottawa, September 13, 1868. Of the Evidence given in this Celebrated frial, l_flh for the Crown and the Defence, together with the Addresses of Counzel, and His Lordship‘s Charge to the Jury, and the Prisoner‘s Address, PHOTOGRAPMITI OF THE CBIMINAL, MHas just been published, and is for sale at the TIMES OFFICE and all Bookscores. * 'g-x man a situation as BOOKâ€"KEEPER "":.9::-‘ ,IAN in a Store. Can speak both Eljo} rench. Nx years experience. Best references can be :iv-yn. ,\...5.- hy Totter W this office > W. M. MASSEY, h Ottaws. Six bottles for $5 will bo sent by exprecs. 498y LBIOX HOTEL, TCTION SALE Ottawa, September 16, 1868. By a rAXxTKLICK J. WHALEX, w iT PHOTOGRAPIH, HELANX‘*s TRLAL. ANTED, t IX ~BOOK FORM, sPECIAL NOTIC , Sopt. 13. Tss C Oxraxy A FULL REPORT In Book Form, i. Nx years experience. Best of be given. Aprly by letter, W., WITH a CORRECT 10 Sparkaâ€"stroet, . \ Opposite the Russell House. J. DURIE & 80N, W‘@nts. _ Josrrit Moox®y, Russell House Block 25 CENXTS. Auctioneer. 849â€"td 847 Such is the charactor given of evory stove sold during the past year at the A Parties requiring a TEMrORARY ACCOUNâ€" TANT, who can keep books by double entry, will hear of a competant person on applying at the office of this paper.‘ £ ottawa, August 27. $30tf 66 are of the latest and most improved patterns, and the most extensive assortment shown in Ottawa. COOKING STOVE3, of the good oldâ€"fashioned kind, We beg to notify the public that our stock for the season is now completo ; our TWO SMART. YOUNG MEN to learn a pâ€"oftâ€" able business. App?yl!fll. 8TEAM JYE W O R K S, Sussexâ€"st , Prud®homme‘s Bloce, Ottawa, Tuly 31, 1868. > * COOKLING STOYV Es, of the latest and most modern s designs, PARLOR STOV £KS, for oIoganéo of design carnaot % ' ._ bo surpassed, *3 BOX & HALL STOVES, that are unriyalled for heating purposes, > DOUBLE STOVES, the best in use, HOTEL â€"STOVES, large and extra strong made, expressly for Hotel and Boarding Houses, complete with large Copper Water Roservoirs and Plate Warmers. We call special attention of lMotel Keepers to theso stoves, they will last as long as any six ordinary stoves. See them and Ju;igo for yoursolves. Price lists sent free on application. _ COOKIKG STOYVES, . DOUBLE STOVES, BOX STOYES, _ HOTEL STOVES, and evorything in the Tin, Sheet Iron and Copperâ€" ware Line, on hand or made to order. ______ _ _ _ STOVEPIPES!. ELBOWs! â€" SrOVEPIPES! _ Hot Air Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Building Job Work and Repzirs attended to punctually. We keep none but the best and most experienced meâ€" keep none but t chanics. + PARLOR STOVES, BEDROOM STOVES, ors, Cruet Stands, Ash Pails, Table Belis, Tea Trays, Tea and Coffee Pots, Soup Tureepns, Jelly and Pudding Moulds, &c., &c., &c., &¢. Brass and Enamelled Kettles, Tinware, Toilet Setts, Baths, Flour Sioves, irushes,~Dish Covers, Table Mats, Sad Iroos, Table Cutlery, Tea and Table Spoons, Preserve Jars, Mincing Knives, _ YouXx® Max, see that your house is well furnished with useful articlos before you spend your y in mere showy ornamental things. x STOVEPIPES AND TINWARE, At reduced figures, CAMP KETTLES, o SHANTY PLATES, AND BastxS3, _ | â€" BIRD CAGES! BIRDCAGES! ismo CAGES_â€" All of the above at the * « CAPITAL®"â€" STOVEK DEPOT, 35 Sussex street, Op:wa. . _ C H. MEADOWS & CO. of :l:g description in stock, suitable for the »m family, or the largest.hotel. ARE YOU GOING To BE MARRIED? If so, call and see our large :ssort‘mon:.\o( necessary Hou:eâ€"keeping Goods, suitable for Kitchen, Dining Room, or any room in your house. . N l W ash Tubs and Boards, Refrigerators, Egg Boatâ€" The subscribers beg leave to inform their nuâ€" merous friends and customers that they aro now receiving large additions to their assortment of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDW ARE, suitable for their Fall and Winter Trade. Their stock will be found very complete in all the leading articles They would -,ho invite attention to their assortâ€" ment of House Furmshings and Builder‘s Hardâ€" ware, which will be found very comp.ete. Particular attention given to the execution of all orders with which we may bo entrusted. ALEXANDER WORKMAN & CO. Ottawa, September 14, 1868. 846â€"374 MONTREAL . WHOLESALE â€" PRICES. CHINA BREAKFAST AND TEA SETS, Richly Cut azad,Engraved Glassware, in groat IRON ~BEDsTEADS,; LAMPS, CAPITAL ST. LAWRENCE DYE WORKS, 3 > MONXTREAL, : Beg to inform their customers in Ottawa that they have opened a s in all the different branches. Gentlemen‘s Clothes cleaned and dyel; Feathers cleaned and dyod. Kid Gloves cleaned. &t. Lawrence Dyo Works, s Montreal and Ottawa. September 16, 1868. s 8424 BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT IN ELGLNâ€"ST., Opposite the Russell House. DYEING AND SCOUVU RING . SAFE ; },SURE 11 3,8SUCCEKESSFULâ€" 0o MERCHANTS. 6y HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, TTAWA CROCKERY £TORE. ARDW ARE. ANTED. RICHLY GILT DINNER SETS, ACDONALD & CO., 574y ommon, Bright and Russia Iron coUNTRY sTORES DIRECT IMPORTATIONS COaAL OIL SAUCEPAN3, INSPECTION INVITED. coUKTRY MERCHAXNTs 35 Sussexâ€"stroct, Ottaws, Mardware. IT OV ES COMMON GOODS 3+ Crockery. variety. To Matich, II. MEADOWS & CO. sTOYE DEPUT, AT COoaL sToOY ES, DUMEB â€" STOVES, 51 MAGEE & RUSSELL‘S COLUMN. The premises at present cccupied by the subâ€" seribers, for the balance of their term. Possession given Ist OCTOBER. Apply to | MAGEE & RUSSKLL TWEEDS, sCOTCH, AND WEST OF ENGLAND + W est of England BROADCLOTHS & â€" CASSIMERES, RICH FANCY YESTINGS. ) _ CANADIAN TWEkEDS IN GREAT VARIETY. PBA ~This department being under the manageoâ€" ment of a firstâ€"class cutter, orders will be taken for Gentlemen‘s Clothing, and executed ,pfodptly in good style. f MAGEE & RUSSELL T. This department being under the manageâ€" ment of a firstâ€"class Cutter, orders will be u\kon for (Gentlemen‘s Clothing, and executed promptly in CANADIAN TWEEDS IN GREATVARIETY, TWEEDS, 'l‘All.OlllNG DEPARTMENT. J JUST OPENED . West of England BROADCLOTHS + & ~CASSIMERES, RICH FANCY YESTINGS. CANADIAN TWEEDS inGREAT VARIETY p~This department being under the manageâ€" ment of a firstâ€"class cutter orders will be takon for Gentlemen‘s Clothing, and erecuted promptly in good style. | Do c oo ; MAGEK & RUSSELL. T AILORING DEPARTMENT. sCOTCH AND WEST ~OF ENGLAND\ TWEEDS, . BERLIN COATINGS, 3 iss MELTONS, . _ PILOTS and BEAVERS, £ West of England > / f BROADCLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, * Rich Fancy Vestings. |â€" CANADIAN TWEEDS IN GREAT VARIETY. wz This dopartment being under the manageâ€" mont of a firstâ€"class Cutter, orders will boukon f?r Gentlemen‘s Clothing, and executed promptly in taste. :\ | e ~ _ MAGEE & RUSSELL Oitawa, Sept. 10, 1868. â€" ~‘10ly September 10, 1868. sCOTCH/ AND WEST OF ° ENGLAND _ West of England t ; BROADCLOTHS AND\CASSIMPIRES, . s , Rich Fancy Vestings. _ | 0 LET. AILORING DEPARTMENT. September 10,1888. AILORING DEPARTMENT. September 10,1868. SPLENDID â€"SELECTION BERLIN COATINGS, MELTONS, BERLIN COATING3, . _â€" MELTONS, SPLENDID SELECTION SPLENDID ~SELECTION SPLENDID â€" SELECTION JUST OPENED JUST OPENED COaATINGS, \ MELTONS, I ~â€"_PILOTS and BEAVERS, JUST OPENED PLLOTS and BEAVERS, MAGEE & RUSSELL. _ ul mcA oFr OF, PILOTS and BEAV ERS. OF. ENGLAND HB OTTAWA IIMES8, SEPTEMBER 18. YOUNG & RADFORD‘S CoOLUMN. Young & Radford CAN MAKE TO ORDER All kinds of GOLD and SLLVER JEWâ€" ELLERY cheaper than tho same can be Young & Radford bought retail. A.R.IB SELLING BJG OAK SETTsS at 90 cents. FOR fine BOG OAK BROOCHES and KAR RINGS, in setts, See YOUNG & RADFORD‘3 new lot fust received, and selling at the very lof price of only 90 cents per set. At Young & Radford‘s* }IVE US A CALL And be sure you remember the Place, Which have been sold as high as $2.00 0G OAK SETTS, BROOCITand EAR RINGS, ; YOUNG & RADFORD‘S, i 30 Sparkeâ€"st: Ottawa At 90 Cents the Set, 30 Sparksâ€"street. Direct Importers of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Electroâ€"plated Ware and Fancy Goods, manufacâ€" ture to order all kinds of Gold, Silver and Hair Jewellery. |_ in & _Watches, Clocks and Jewellery Repaired and W arranted. o "\V-'a.;;h'u. Clocks and Jewellery Ropaired and W arranted. f Cl Garland,; Mutchmor & Co. Direct Importers of ‘Watches, Clocks, Jeowellery, Electroâ€"plated Ware and Fancy G»60ds, manufacâ€" Direct Ipporters of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Electroâ€"plated Ware and Fancy Goods, manutac ure to order all kinds of Gold, Silver and Hair Jowellery. _ . & ure to or Jewellery. )irect Importers of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Electroâ€"plated Ware and Fancy Goods, manufacâ€" ure to order all kinds of Gold, Silver and Hair Jewellery. e > 7x Steamers Damascus and Nova Scotia, 18 PACKAGES 'vw;tvéfiés, Clocks and Jewellery Repaired and V arranted. ts faly 5,000 300 ° 2,000 _A full assortment of Chandeliors, Hall Lamps off ed at wholesalo and retail, cheap. 2z Just Received, 100 __ _ ConSI8TING oF YREY COTTONS. NEW WINCEYS, «_ TICKINGS, «â€"â€" DRESS GOODS, FraxxELs, Plain and Fancy, + . _ WooLEx Goops of all descriptions. The assortment of Woolen Cloths and Doeskins has been the object of a special attontion. 5 IB" An experionced Tailor attends to the cutting and manufacturing of all kinds of clothes, on the premises and in the latest styles. BR _ _ _ _â€", Watches, Clocks and Jowellery Repaired and Ottawa, Sept. 1, 1868. wWOOLEKEN SHAWLS, WOOLEN BLANKETS " All fioodl marked in phii'l figures, and offered at one low Priee. a Call and judge by yourselves, before purchasing elsewhere, and you will be satisfied. J. A. PINARD & CO. Ottawa, Sept. 15, 1868. 846b37â€"1 YEW FRENCII MERINOES. W‘atches, Jewellery, 8c. HEFFIELD HOUSE, E. K. MaAcGILLIVRAY & CO., PHCOil Sarrel, 73 Sussoxâ€"street, Ottawa. Sept. 12. , _ _:".__832%â€"6m HEFFIELD HOUSE. E. K. MacGILLLIVRAY & CO,, LEFFIELD HOUSE. HEFFIELD HOUSE. E. K. MAaAcGILLIVRAY & CO., RINXTS. LKACK & FANCY SILKS. E. K. MacGILLIVRAY & CO., ELVET RILBONS, RIBBONS. EW EMPRESS CLOTHS. EW PLAIN & FANCY REPPS. EW MANXTLE CLOTIHI®,. RESS GOODS. EW L. W. YARN, IN SCARLET and other COLOKRS. â€" : EW CuRSETS. ALMORAL SKIRTINGS. ALMORAL SKIRTS. EW SILK & PATENTVELVETS. EW FLANNELS. EW TWEEDS. EW COATINGS & CaASSIMERES. RESS BUTTONS& TRINMINGS. FP ALL A ND WINTE R, CO #L, O IL DEP O T, IIITE SHIRTINGS. A considerable reduction in the prices of ry Goods rder all kinds of Go!d, Silyer and Lair D R Y_ G 0 .0 D S, J. A. PINARD & CO:‘S, a * No. 17, Sussexâ€"street, GROSS LaAMP WICKS. DOZEN TABLE LAMPS, Sign of the Red Oil Barrel, DOZEN HAND LAMPS, QIL CANS, CREAP, A considerable assortment of WOOLEN GOODS ! Whotesale and Retail. Dry Goods. DQZEN LAMP CHILMNEYS, DOZEN NEW SUN BURNERS, No. 20, Sparksâ€"stroct, At fra® D. R. LEAVENS, Sign of the Golden Ball AT 73 Sussexâ€"street. NEW COTTONS, «* MERINOS, «* SKIRTS. 484y Lot No. 1, «4 NO. 2v â€"â€"â€" ‘ «e No. 3, * No. 4, ‘ «_ No. 5, â€"â€"â€" | * No. 6, i * _ No. 1. «* No. 8, "*â€"â€"No. 9, semx u«_ No 10 or « VALUABLE TIMBER â€" LIMITS! BLACK RIVER, LAKE ‘TEMISCAMANG, AND CHALK RIVELR. «c Has recoived instructions to offer for sale by Lot No. 1, Black River, Area Ni miles «* No.: 2. do _ do do 32 do *â€". No., 3, do do do . 211 do * No. 4, do do do 25 do «*‘ .No. §, ~ ao do do 50 do «â€"_, No. 6, LakeTomiscamangdo 50 do «_ No. 7, Chalk River, do 124 _ do «* No. 8, do do ..‘ . do 154 do "*â€"â€"No. 9, do do do 36 do «_ No.10, Lake Temiscamang do 50 do The above limits are highly recommended, and aro well worthy the attention of Lumbermen, Mill Owners and Capitalists, * At 12 o‘clock naon, the following valuable properâ€" ty, viz: i T IMBELR LICE NSE S For terms of sale, description of limits, and fur. ther information, apply to aAECTIOR McLEAN, . Auctioneer, &c. Ottaws, July 20, 1868. TQ7ta At the Subscriber‘s Rooms, 18 Sparksâ€"street, on FRIDAY, THE EIGHTEENTH INSTANT, Thursday, the 1st day of October next, Nos. 201, 202 and 203 of 1866â€"7, on the Ottawa and Chalk Rivers, and a valuable LOT of LAND, situated in the Township of Grand Calumet, C. E., viz.: Lot No. 14, in the 2ndRange. _lerms and corditins made known at time of sale. Ottawd, Se TEAS, Cargo of the Annic Braginton, direct from Shan‘iou, all halfâ€"chests and mattes. * ALSO, 2,000 HALFâ€"CHESTS UNCOLOURED JAPAN in English order. f Catalogues will be preparod. _ Sale at NINE o'clo&. * On THURSDAY, Ist OCTOBER, wiil be ofered for mccount of Messrs. DAVID TORRANCE & CO.. at their bm%l; Rooms, Exehxmfie Court, 7,8592 PACKAGES FINE NEW CROP GREEN BOO‘FS A ND SHOES! By H. McLear. MPORTANT SALE THE FRUIT GROWERS‘ ASsOCIATION Of Nova Sootia, offer a consisting of a GoLD MEDALâ€"AND ONE HUNDRED DOL. } LARSIN MONEY, for the best collection of APPLES3, six of each sort grown in any Province of the Dominion, to be competed for ac the Great Agricultural ana Indus trial Exhibition which will open in Halifax, on the FIFTH day of OCTOBER next; the compe tition tu be subject to the general regulations of the Exhibition, and Judges to be apponited by the Association. f ’ SHOES. UNION HOUSE, CITY OF OTTAWA, Wolfville, N. 8., 30th Aug., 1863. TI MBE Râ€" LI MIT 8. &¢ The undermentioned License or Liconses to mense, . it cannot last long at the extremoly L OW PRICE $, low prices at which it is BOOTS PUB LLCâ€" AUC:TIO N, CLEARANCE. THE 15th INST. Charitable j instituâ€" CHARITABLE â€" tions and parties purâ€" chasing fer fhe Soor will INSTITUTIONS. be liberally dealt with. 838td PUVBLIC AUCTIOG N By John Leeming & Co., Montrcal. ARGO TRADE SALE UCTION SALE RAND CLEARING SALE T EX TREMEL Y NE WVYâ€"CELROP TE AS. RUIT GROWERS‘ NTERPROVINCIAL PRIZE. INTERNATIONAL SHOW SOCIETY, CLEARING The onlr f Mlanring Sala of PLALN Prices _ m plain figures FILGURES. second price. TUESDAY, Sale to commence on TUESDAY, the 15th inâ€" stant, and continue until the eatire stock is disâ€" The Freunt Cheap A GREAT Sale will afford to merâ€" At the hour of 2 o‘clock, p.m., GOLDEN B OO T, SALE. Auction Sales. AND W. ANGUS & CO,, ‘ * 226 Wellingtonâ€"stroot, as Sign of the Golden Boot. HECTOR McLEAXNX HECTOR McLEAXN, Auctioncer and Real Estate Agont mber 9, 1868. 841td _ There will be sold by CUT TIMBER By order, JOHN LEEMING & CO., P R& 1 % E ON THE AT THE AT THE oF ON oF 226 Wellington street. OF W. ANGUS & CO. having purchased in Montreal at a great barâ€" gain, an immense Bankâ€" gain, an imtmenso Dankâ€" rupt Stock of BOOTS & SIHIOES, which they will sell at about half the usual prices, so as t« effect an entire clear chants from the country and surrounding towns advantages which canâ€" not be surpassed. The onlr ienuine Clearing Sale of BOOTS & SHOES ever offered in the City of Ottawa. Prices marked _ in plain figures, an®# no Come early, as alâ€" though the stock is imâ€" J. R. HEA, Becretary. s 846â€"4 Auctioncers. Respectfully announces to the inhabitants ot Ottawa and syrrounding country that at the request of many friends he has decided on opening an exâ€" tensive and well regulated Auction Mart in this city! From arrangements made with some of the Furnituro Manufactories of Western Ontario, a larze and well selected stock of new turniture will be constantly on hand. . _ > 2 > Public Sales will be held from time to time, of which cue notice will be given, and at which parâ€" ties req;:iring to farnish will have an op;onunity of purchasing at unusually low rates, The Mart is now open with a large stock of new Furniture, as ;vell ula‘ Y‘e'unos, Harmoniums, &¢., &c., consigned or sale. § Dominion Auction _ Mart, Commission Sale Rooms House, Land &General Agency, OFFICE & SALE ROOMSâ€" From thsir long experience in Germany, Paris, and Now York, they aro universally admitted to be the bggt Piano Manufacturers on this continent. The high reputation of the instruments made by them for the past ten years, and the increasing demand for them in the new Dominion, prove their very superior quality, and universally acknowâ€" ledged merit. s _ The‘ Pianps, as well â€"as the Purniture in the osublishmevt, will be sold either by private sale or auction. | â€" furniture, h 5 carring'en. or real estate, to disâ€" rose of, and ‘pledges himself that nothing will be eft undone by him to give satisfaction in discharg â€" ing the trust confided to him. He hopes that by strict attention to the sales entrusted to his care, 2s well as by promnt settiem.nts immediately after, to merit a share of public patronage. _ a Ho will be in his office from 7 in the morning until 7 in theevering, when he can see parties who wish to arrange about their sales. Consignments trom a distance will have immediate attentions Cash advances, when required, will be made on consignments for immediate sale. * All kinds of turniture bought, sold or exchanged. REFERENCEE. His Lordship the Bishop of Kingston, Hon. Sir Joll:n A. Macaonald, Hon. H. L. Langevin, C B, Hon. Alex. Campbell, P M G, R. W. Scott, Esq, M P P, * > Walter Shmly.q]::sg:. M P Max. W. Strange, Esq, M P P, Francis H. Burton, Esq, M P James O‘Rielly, Esq, Q C, _ â€" H.V. Nog!, EsrtMmsger Quebec Bank, Ottawa. Robert Lyon, Esq, M P P. A smart young man wanted to act as travelling agent represent:ng several firms. J. BERMILNGHAM, Auctwneer and Commussion Merchant, T53y Houss, Land and General Agent. The subscriber would also intimate that he 18 the Sole Ageunt for Ottawa and territory for the sale of Rappe, Webber & Co.‘s celebrated grand Pianos. > p» He would receive inst:t furniture, h« They are successors to the late John C. Fox,,of Kingston, and the makers of his excellent Pianos., s ism Andfrom Terrex de la Frontera, &@ Ship Maria, _ Three toseven years old, a very superior article for medicinal purposes, warrauted pure. John Dekupyer & Sonâ€"old and reliable. The above superior Liquors will be sold at the very lowest pos«‘bleâ€"prices, and are well worthy of attention from parties requiring the like for sumâ€" mer use. R $ Picklos and Sauces, pat up fto order, offallithe difterent kinds. TonAccos, Ex Ship " 8t. Mairia de PBeteine." SKA'I'ING Rllillullc HALL . MOND.\Y AND 'l‘l'ESD,\\' EVEXNXINGS, I September 21 anda 22, j Anmouncing the great Chief of n(matrolnj. DUPREZ & BENEDICT‘S GIGANTIC MIXâ€" STRELS, s Coinposed of 26 Famous Artists, Likewise, from Rotterdam, ex Ship Lobarranus, Ottawa, July 9, 1863. 1,000 Oa their sixtcenth triumphant annual tour, enâ€" larged, im‘rrovod, remodelled tor 1868â€"69, introduâ€" cing nightly more variety, more brilliancy, more ori;lnslity, more real merit, and giving greater satisfaction than any two combined troupes travel. 1,000 ling I‘[BRCHA.‘I‘I‘ TAILORS and General Outfitters, Kiginâ€"stroet, cpposite the Russell House, and second door from Eaton‘s Gilding Store, having just received a choice stock of BNGâ€" LISH, FRENCH and CANADILAN & 1,000 CLOTHS and TWEEDS, And a generalâ€" sesortment of gentlemen‘s furnishâ€" ing geods, would intimate to their friends and the public generaily that they are prepared to exscuts all orders in their line at the shortest notice, in the most, approved styles and at prices that we defy competition. Ottawa Oct. 1,1887: S5l1t > The vintage of 1858, unrivalled for family use. Very, very pale, supcrior article, for table use: SMITH & RCODNEY * And Fresh Crackers, the best. On hand. Very fine brands YLARET & GINGER ALE, In great variety. "Lhe best for Pickleing. Different grades and qualities. The vory finest, perfectly cloan. HERRY WINE, HE SUBSCRIBER Doors oper at 7. . Commence 4 of 8 o‘clock. Admiss:on, 25 cents ; Dressâ€"Circle, 50 cen:s. 842td LD PORT WINE, Ixous‘ New Bricorxcs, Sussexrâ€"#tReet, oTTAW A. 2 UGAR! AND sYRUPS, ROSSE & BLACKWELL®*S ALT FOR BUTTER, 1N3 ARK AND PALE BRANDY, EAS, COFFEES AND SPICES,. EW CHEESE, O PORE‘FTC HITE WINE VINKGAR, Also, from Cognac, ex Ship Greek, Iso "announce that he is prepared. to ctions from persons having household At Reduced Rates, ~FROMâ€" GALS. MORTONS OLD RYE, Triple Recstified. For salo at TH)}3. PA"? ERSON‘8, GALS, MORTON 8 HIGH+â€" WINES. G ALS:; MORTON®*S Family PROOF, Genuine. > CHAS. H. DUPREZ, Manager. a4 AND No. 26, Rideauâ€"atreet. => 878 * Etee! and Quill Pons, : COPYING BOOKS, EXERCISE Boors Green Paper and Ornamental Paper PAPER, ENXVELOPES, MEMORANDUM BOOKS Always on hand at THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF LETTER, NXOTE, FOOLSCAP, POST And every other kind of LEDGERS, SCHOOL BOOKS®S, SL A TFS 'l)uufl_uo. BOOKS®S, PAMPHL®E Printed on the shortest notice. BOOK BINDING OF EVERY DESCRIPIIOA 3 BLANK FORMS â€" Made on the shortest natice. DEEDS, MORTGAGES3, LEASE®, PROMISSORY WY I NDOW S HADES Always on hand u B L ANK| B U UK S any style of RJLING ANDâ€" BJNDIXC TATIONER Y. HANDBILLS, POSTERS, CIRCULARS â€" Carus, y _: ."> _: LEAD AND SLATE PEXCILS Account Books, Journals, I 24 p Stationery and Printing House ionery and Printing Hopyse, & &u 2i idoan sLroot The Ottuoa Citizen The ¢arca Citiz C in ad NOTES, &e., ypent d 21 Radoauâ€"street zen F4 ite i/

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