nrdlt, d ep e t mt Reraine 2 Bewiew ‘l A, Rev C o ‘at 11 olslse in the night of Churchâ€"Qucen Sb D McPuat, Pastor, * morning. hes Seely n s‘u 10 a.m. nas do Mont ir. Hamelin, , to Miss He weul . e e winter, ‘fl“‘ weil arranged too «mm and aitogether 9# in this markd. ‘..‘ in . gonditions wnd NM! N sIR on the 23¢d \DVERT W A R D. IERCTOW AeSCUC CC and Reak Esate A 5 â€â€˜._ on the Ist n the 3rd i 4 odecdireantendorasnsiz>s on of the yresent ll‘. PER ANXNUMâ€" 4 ling is about 37 feet 149*! _ 57. _ omm ess should not be unm! « dericed trom. allowing hot term ‘at Coledomia Ntaws on Saturday us «‘steantboat, or on the ; ly 2% eationydl.. onally A U.ST Daxizt M. Goupox. 0 at 11 o‘clock ; Eug x 5aLK oNE BUILDPING, C a, l i ; O‘clock. : odut Churchkâ€"M . Hazea®, M. A., -n_j} 7]_03 , ‘clock > ‘paid tor e s Seomeige > > :[.‘ A.“h' € 'h‘ Raptain, Rev. or the 24th i et child of 4 nths and sit aingss on Monday. , ‘ h.o)‘--flllo, arfitt‘s Mayp a. For tefe A Very Soperige MA vYING AND cov® pok SaALe cugar» contract at th* o M k IUST. Auct‘,o’ :J Lev TUE sal L'U-vb-“-. % ¢ JFosums 1. â€"Smt trak isiness meny f M-“d& «o. 3, 8 and 10 a m, an 2 Stavmbe beyra‘t oun St. until R LE FARM Cl CouuekzLe Broton‘s Fiay, . at a nott TL Â¥l1G0 0rÂ¥B6y, hedral Netre Dome. i~bumax>, VicarG : Apostolie Churchâ€" tev E J W Rosgers. jays, at 10 a m, 48 xD OÂ¥ELG * Chure Aurch, Dai Il soats free,) "" S o cooe} Breming 4 N?“' uua-.._ Bank ECIAL NOTICEK, New Mersior, of St. bâ€"Cor. York ancd av. 8, G. Stowe. ® at 10} o‘clock ; 3 p.m: poritive: r with the «Grocers ; and BLM""" + a nott n-‘"“_' e, in BHOup "" tnading through Curates, at 11 ; % . Joneph‘s urch. J. F. acmimen, B. P. *, Sundays and 4loi k days, 7 pm. COOK & WILLLAM mecopal M_. :r:- -n,._ @» THE C SUNDA y AuctwR, SAMUEL JOUN at ind Sunday in + y s 186%. 1gru DAY,OF A DIED. Evening ag 3 McLEAX, ity MACAU a y and xck ; Eve OLD X£TNA INSURANCE HOME INSURANCE ditawa, July 8, 1868 Th mies. GREA‘T VARIETY BODT AND SHOES The Very Best Qualities, Golden Boot, W. Angus & Co., Cheap for Cash, WELLINGTON â€" ST. CASH CAPITAL, 4LL PAID UP,.........««*««*++ «.. .++ $8,000,000, LoSSES PAID TN (49 YEARS,................... . ... 21,000,000 . CaAPMITAL, ALL PaLD UP ASSETS, .. ce« uevree yavers above }o-paiu continue, as Iwr.fltol’.m; to insure alt classes of property at lowest Losses paid promptly in Canada bankable fuods. . Cov e & Wo PENNOCK ‘ .'. SE WILL, LIVERPOOL, Manufacturer lal intment to HER KAJESTY t:‘mnm-‘\b FAMILLY, °____COURT OF SPAIN THE RIGNT AONORABLE THE LORD3 COMâ€" MISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY, AND ® HER MAJEST ¢ qu‘m. & Yvwrolu's .ROYAL [ AVY : Prize Medalist of the Great Internutional Exhibiâ€" tion of Loadon, 1462, and of the Uniâ€" versal Exhibition of Paris, 1867. Ottawa, June 232. Mx. JOUN LEKSLIE, thich Agent for Oitawa and Vicinity, For the sale of these celebrated Timekecpers, H. & A, SAUNDERS, Montreal. Sole W holesale ‘.r-ph the Dominion for the | sale of J. Sewill‘s W atches. s Ottawa, May 20. ~ 148y PLAIX, ORXAMENTAL AND DECORATIVE PAINTERS, AND PAPER HANGERS, Chandiers and Hall. (Shop next to R. R. Booth‘s Store, Chaudiere.) < II Bign, Vills and goneâ€" to suit, Freseo work of all kinds to order. t And Cheapest in the City. References to the following. gentle= mm : Co., J. K. Booth, Esqâ€", K. I.llï¬u.lnq.. Rev. Mr. Johnson, Hull ; Rev. Mr. Pickett, Ottawa ; Mr. Hayeook, Architect. . July 21. 198d WHOLESALE & RETALL THE NEWEST STYLES, ANDALL & MOXTGOMERY, WY ATCHES. and Shoe Dealers. Every article connected with LA DIES$ and CHAILDREN‘S MOURNTNG, gupplied by GRANT & HENDERSON, BLACK $ILKS®, > BLACK PARAMATTAs, BLACK CcoBURGS, BLACK GRENADINES, MNOURNINXG MANTLES, 27â€" 0O, / Grant and IIeonderson. FAMILY MOURNINC. . Ottawa, June 13 â€"LXâ€" AND oP AT Incorporated in oF NEW HAYVEX,* CONN OF MARTFORD, CONXN 1819â€"Charter Perpetual 137â€"3m 666y J. Bermingham, Auctioneer ‘and Real Estate Agent. NIW BOTFLING VAULTS®. i aAIEHJ s LE! ALE! | XX, XXX and PALE. The subscribor respectfully announces to the ropn of Ottawa and surrounding country that he commissioned to sell in Wood and Bottle, Mo!lâ€" son‘s é‘lturua far famed ALES and PORTER, and Morton‘s (Kingston) célgbrated ALE3 & PORâ€" TER, He bas now a large stock of both on hand, in hhds., brts, and half bris., at his Commission Rooms, 72 Sussexâ€"street, which he will sell ohur for cash. Tavern Keepers and the pbflog:n ~ y will find it their advantage :o-rnhflo him as his Ales will be found the ln"tb.:r in the cicy. A liberal discount allowed to Grocers, Hotel and Tavern Kéepers. For public accommoâ€" dation of five, ten and fifteen gailons will be hor. on hand. 4 SXPR VAN will go round daily to receive and deliver orders, A trial is solicited, an d & visit to the wu‘ Vaults will convinee all that they are the finest in th» city, being extensive, my ventilated, and having every accomâ€" required. . All orders left at the Commisâ€" sien Rooms, 72 Sussexâ€"street, will have prowpt .':‘b ta making for the f rrangoments are or the nnrh of chm.nâ€"k of Morton‘s HLGHWINES, PROOF, .':‘ LÂ¥X rloor:;-.ow RYK, which will be at .Hlll‘..‘y + $10,000 to on Real Estat»Socurity. $ $10,000 to lend on Real Estat»Socurity. PIANYS for sale and hire. *A very fine second hand Sewing Machine for saie. « J. BERM INGUAM, Queen‘s Auctioneer, » House, Land anvd Goneral Agent. Commission Rooms, . Eussexâ€"stroot, July 7, 1868 Commission Sale Rooms Dominion Auction â€" Mart, House, Land & General Agency, OFFICE & SALE ROOMSâ€" BLACK CRAPES, BLACK REPPS®, BLACK LLAMAS, BLACK LUSTRES, AND MILLINERY, Mespectfully announces to the inhabitants of Otawa and surrounding oonus that at the request of many friends he has decided on ing an exâ€" â€dl ve and well regulated Auction gnn in this l"r‘o. arrangements made with some of the Furniture Manufuctories of Western Ontario, & :r.onfl-’flhn{mdmxo{mmknnvm m will be held from time to time, of which cue notice will be given, and at whiâ€"h parâ€" ties requiring to furnish will have an opportunity of purchasing at unusaally low rates. The Mart h-'mflllupmnkdm Furniture, as well as Marmoniums, &o., &o., consigned ‘The subscriber would also intimate that he 18 the Sole Agent for Ottawa and territory for the l;‘ Webbor & Co.‘s colebrated grand ‘They are successors to the late John C. Fox, of Kingston, and the makers of his excellent Pianos. From their long experience in Germany, Paris, and New York, they are universally admitted to borl::bourhn ln:‘l::amnllhmdu:t. high reputation of the instruments made by them for the past tem years, and the increasing demand for them in the new Dominion, prove their very superior quality, and universally acknowâ€" 'Bm.u well as the Purniture in the establishment, will be sold cither by private sale or auction. He would also announce that he is prepared to recoive instructions from persons having household furniture, horses, carriages, or real estate, to disâ€" ruof.ulpld‘n himsolf that nthlna:m be ett undone by bim to give satisfaction in discharg â€" mommdmhl-. He hopes that by attention to the sales ontrusted to his care, 2s well as by :fl:‘ settlem«nts immediately after, to merit a mdphlkpm?o. He will be in his office from 7 in the morning until 7 in the evening, when he can see parties who wish to arrange about their sales. Consignments trom a distance will have immediate atten:ion. Cash advances, when required, will be made on oaA-lnp-nhhfl-odlmld-. kinds of turniture bought, sold or exchanged. Tiis Lordship the Bishop of Kingston ngston, l!cl.ltlnx-A.mud, Hon. H. L. Langevin, C B, Hon. Alex. Campbeil, P M G, R. W. Seott, Esq, M P P, â€" Walter Shanly, Esq, M P _ _ il.::o:. foe Sininger‘ Quebes Bank, Ott & + + AW&. PA L byon, beq M PP A smart young man 'l!lod to act as traveiling agont several‘ firms. _ _ _ _ 1ME sUBSCRIBEI TUE CALEDUNIA SPRINGS. Will leave At one o‘ciock, Ox Satoroay Next, 25rn Isstast, 20 Rideanâ€"street J. T. & W. PENXNOCK,: Agonts for Ottawa and Vicinity. Ixous‘ New Beinoiscs, Sessexâ€"@tkeet, oTTAWA. Passongers returning by Fare to and from L‘Orignal, $1.25. R. W. SHEPHERD, 111B CALEDONIA 8PRINGS c _ _____ J BERMINGHAM, Auctioneer and Commussion Merchant, 53y _ House, Land and General Agent. The Steamer "Alesandria" Steamer " Queen YVictoria," EXCU RSION 522y . £1,000,000, .. 1,8619,070.31. AND MON DA Y OTTAW A, , M P P, #9 to the inhabitants of YOUNG & RADFORD‘S ©CoLUMN. Young & Radford Young & Radford gosi4 CAI MAKE TO ORDER "All kinds of GOLD and SLLVER JEWâ€" ELLERY cheaper than the same can be {bought retail. BOO OAK SETTS, BROOCIH and EAR RINGS, Al. sELLING BoG OAK SETTS at 90 conts, Which have beon sold as high as $2.00 por sett. o At Young & Radford‘s, }l'l U$ A CALL _ And be sure you romember the Place, R fine BOG OAK BROOCHES E‘:u KAR RINGS, in sotts, See. YOUNG & RADFORD‘3 new lot ust received, and selling u}lo very low rice of only 90 cents per set. YOUNG & RADFORD‘S, i 30 Sparkeâ€"st., Ottawa. At 00 Cents the Set, GREAT SUCCESS Removal Sale. Wholesalo Department brought forward, and reâ€"urarked at clearing prices. e 0'. LOT OF 20 PIECE MARYL vPOP«â€" LLNETTES, This season‘s importation, worth 40 cents, will be sold for 25 cents. Will be marked 16 conts. These are all well worth 30 cents. 2 600 YARDS STRIPED EARL»â€" BTON GINGHAMS, * That cost the importer 22 cents, will be Iaid: on the counter g012} conts. AIO'I'IIIR choice lot of Bouble Width CHALLIE and ALPACCA DRESS GOODS, Will be offered TOâ€"DAY. 16 and : A JOB LOT of WILIITE BRILLIANTS PIQUES and MARSEILLES, T we EVERAL CHOICE BARGAIN LOTS, At 11 conts and 12} cents, well worth double the LL THE GOODS FROM THE Alo‘l’llll BALE WHITE SHIRT» INGS, «6 DOZRN MORE of THO8SE CLEAR CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, At thesame prices as gave such satisfaction the ast two. woeks. NOTHER LOT, SIMILAR STYLES, At very low prices. With coloured spots for Children‘s Drefses, cents por yard, usual price, 40 cents.3 From 15 to 21 cents per yard. 10 PIECEKS W ® 1E FRENCH DELAINES,, THEK OTTaAWA ITINMES. JULUY 35. At the reduced rates, will ba brought forward day, and marked very cheap. NE CASE OF PRINTED MUSLINS * The great rush we have had the stock is still well assorted, and many goods have been still furâ€" ther reduced in prices, 4 Magee & Russell. ;“IIAI. nUXDRED DOZEN OF WHITE and COLOURED COTTON HOSE, Brought out from the Wholesale Departmont,‘ toâ€" Ottawa, June 17, 1868. OTWITHSTANDING PIECES WIIITE _ GROUND PRINTS and PRINTED BRILLILANTS, PIECEKS WHULITE GROUND OP THE ET IMMMTATIOG And from Te Three to seven years old, a very suporior article for medicinal purposes, warranted purc. ( > Johin Do:rpnr& Sonâ€"old and reliable. The above superior Liquors will be sold at the very lowest possible prices, and are well worthy of attention from parties requiring the like for sum» mer use. . | _ Picklos lm Sauces, put up to order, of all the ditterent kinds. A Lot 2.. 1, â€" Black Bir w« o. 3. do do «.. Ne,. 3 . go~ «go «_ No. 4, do _ do *L #*"to,. 5, _ Lo > 40 u_ No, 6, Lake Temisca « . No, 7, Chalk River, «_ No. ‘8, do do dÂ¥ «_ No. 9, do do sE,| " No. 10, Lake Tomisca ;toâ€" | â€" The above limits are his are well worthy the attenti w wINE VINEGAR, Lho best for Pick!oing. | TIAI, CorFFEES AND SPICERS, a In groat variety. : Ex Sh Tonccfn, Vo;y fine brands SUGARU AND SYRUPS, Likewise, f+v1u Rotterdam, ex Ship Lobgrranus, 1,0 1,0 Vory, ver: The vintag 1,0¢ Junnf & GINGER ALE, On hand. | 2 HARD Diferent grades and qualities HERE The nrj‘ finest, perfectly cloan. By the w give us a Bate & C LD PO VALU ROSSE & BLACKWELL*S BLACH Ottawa, ALT ROR BUTTER, ARK Thur Of eve! «_ No. 5, 40 do do 50 _ do u_ No. 6, LakeTemiscamangdo _ 50 â€" do « . No, 7, Chalk River, do 12; do «_ No. ‘8, : do do do > 15f do «_ No. 9, _ do do do :. 36 _ do «_ No.10, Lake Temiscamang do _ 50 _ do ‘The above limits are highly recommended, and are well worthy the attention of Lumbermen, Mill Owners and Capitalists, For terms of sale, description of limits, and farâ€" ther information, apply to O LT a. 9M ‘ HAI RDRESSINXG 8A LO O N BELL‘S BLOCK, ELGLNâ€"ST. This SALOON hu_;;n fited up in a neat and attractive manner, and is always attended by competent and .mi‘t' -v«'hl- f Hair Dresser, to his 190 s nï¬ Ottawa, April 13. ° ( Tiby Also, UN The Ottawa, July 20, 1868. RT WINE, e of 1858, unrivalied for family use. o‘ P ORTFTO, PLATED WARE. ?0OTS AND BLOCK TIN ind all kinds of patterns, just import e FROM ENGLAND, l known makors, Loveama requiring such articles would do well to n carly call. _ . + emeniber the Place, second deor from undermentioned License or Licenses to CUT TIMBER. .NO PALE BRANDY, i Crackers, the best. IJ0 )€D GREAT CHEAP SALE HECTOR MeLEAN ived instructions to offer to't-' sale by ) 11 RTANT SALE IBERMEN AND OTHERS,. sSTOVES, y doscription from different male‘s, ABLE TIMBER LIMITS! UV BLIC AUCTLO N, lay, the 1st day of October next, At the hour of 2 o'cloek'e?.-. s VARE, WATER COOLERS BATH3, all sizes; also pale; superior article, for table use from Cognac, ex Ship Greek, scription, uly 9, 1863 N HOUSE, OLFTY, OF OTTAWA, rex de la Frontera, ex Ship‘ Maria, T KIVER, LAKE TEMJSCAMANG, AND CHALK RIVER WINE, TINWALRE, At 8t. Maria de Beleine." «~FROMâ€" GaLs. MoRToN‘s oLp RYE, Triple Rectified. GALS. MOoRTON‘S HIGH»= WINES, )OALI.' MORTON®S Family PROOF, Genuine. Black Biver, Area 27, miles, do do do «82 do do â€" do ‘do. 271 do do do do 25 _ do THO3. PATTERSON‘8, No. 26, Rideauâ€"streot. For sale at ON AT IX AECTOR MoLEAN, oP oN U. P. DORILON, 58 Sparksâ€"strect. Auctioncer, &¢. 197td 788y The Montrea Tea Company THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY, Our Teas, aftor the most severe tests by the bost medical authorities and judges of Tea, have been pronounced to be ?Ito pure, and free from auy artificial colouring or poisonous substances so often used to improve the appearance of Tea. They are unequalled for strength und flavour. Zhey have been chosen.tor their intrinsic worth, keeping in mind health, economy, and a high degree of gl:mn in drinking them. We sell for the sutaliest possible profits, efecting a saving to the eoouuT.of 15¢ to 20¢ per Ib. Our Teas are put up in 5, 12, 15, 20 and 35 to boxes, and are warranted pare dnd free from rohonou substances. ‘Urders for four 5 ib boxes, two 12 1b boxes,ror one 20, or 25 1b box sent carriage ree to any Railway Station in Canada. Tea will be forwarded immBdiately on receipt of the order by mail eo‘:‘d:.l:q money, or the money cau be collected on delivery by express man, where there are expross .‘ In sending orders below the amount of $10, to save expense it will be better to sond noln{ with the order. W here a 25 ib bex would be too much, four families clubbing wrther could send for four 5 lb boxes, or two 12 lb boxes. We send them *o one address carriage paid, and mark each box plainly, so that each party ï¬uhoir own Tea. We warrant all the Tea wo sell to give entire satisfaction. If they are not sa«isfactory they can bo returned at our expence. English Breakfast, Brokon Leaf, Strong Tea, 45¢, 50¢; Fine Flavoured New @eason do, 55¢, 60e and 65¢ ; Very Best Full Flavored do, 75¢; Sound Oolong, 45¢; Rich Flavored do, 60:; Very Fin® do, do, 75¢ ; Japan, Good, 50¢, 55¢, Fine, do, 60¢, Very Fine, 65¢, Finest, 75¢ Twaukay, 5v0, 55¢, 65¢; Young Hyson, 50¢, 60¢,65¢, 70¢; Fine do, 75, Very Fine, 85¢; Superfine and Very Choice, $1 ; Fine Gunpowder, 85¢ ; Extra Supertine do, $1. Teas not mentioned in this cirealar equally cheap. â€" Tea only sold by this Company, PB~ An excellent Mixod Tea could be sent for 6& and 70¢; very good for common purposes, 50c. Out ot over one thousand testimonials, we insert the following :â€" Gzx mzaxe®,â€"The Tea * a;urchmd of you in March has given great satisfaction, and the flavor of it is very fine; / It is vog strange, but since I have been drinking your Tea I have been quite free from heartâ€"burn, which would always pain me after breakfast. I attribute this to the purity of your Tea, and shall continue a customer. Yours respectfally, _ _ _/ _ Note the Addressâ€"The Montreal Tea Company, 6 Hospitalâ€"st, ° AGENT FOR OTTAWA, MOoNTREAL. f ’ JOSEPH MOONEY. RABeware ot podlars and runners using our name, or ofering Nothing less than a cattie sold. 200 K<«~ 6 Hospitalâ€"street, Montreal. Z4A NEW GOODS "A FEW RICHLY GILT DINNER SETS, just opened, which ‘surpass any thing ever imported into Canada. _‘ CUT and PRESSED ,GLASSW ARE in Great Variety. (GpCaLL AND INSPECT THE STOCK. _ > h ‘ Ottawa, July 13, 1868. Y REY AND WHITE COTTON, XC at usual prices, no advance, _ AStmemmmamne: ced Ber t vxc-qmuwu.xduuwrmmm..n-u It can be fo‘ded into v. -sllo::tu..u-utnuhlymwl b.nql,.dy,...bhh&uutm, 45 s+s, & wance and Comfort. All styles of Skirts on Raa i. ~}.o+ .. 1+i and Gloves, Parasols, &5., &¢. THE WHOLE DOMINION SHOULD BUY THEIR TEAS OF THE IMPORTERS, LK, LACE SHAWLS, REDUCTION OF PRICES! REDUCTION OF STOCK ! _A . PIN A RLD‘& CO., USLINS FOR DRESSES, 16y OTTAWA CROCKERY STORE. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of BLEACHED SHEETINGS, o era * / _b1 RIDEAU STREKET, {opposite Mr. D. Whalen‘s.) u.n_n@a!pnu,,ut:duuyam-wmm. * PR All Other Goods Sold as Usual, Cheap fer Cash. y J. A. PINARD & CO.,, 6 No. 1%4, Sussexâ€"street, Sign of the Golden Ball ARE NOW OFFERING AT A LARGE REDUCTION OF rrrcEeb PIECES LIGHT SUMMER PRINTS, . _ Greatly reduced, DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. > â€" . 9 To .A J K.. *L l .A. CHEAP COTTONS! GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & €0., Grey Cottons & Prints Lots of other Goods equally cheap GARLAND, MUTCIIMOR & CO. _Oitawa, July 18, 1868, 484y 20 Pieces Real Good Delaines, W here January Last at Old Prices. GREEN TEA. Cheapest in Ottawa, A YEAR‘S TRIEAL: For 4}d per yard ; worth at least 7}d. 1 Opening Daily, . 20, Ssparksâ€"st., ARE STILL SELLING City Moop Skirt Factory. l BEG to call the aitention of LADIES to a new and highly desirable article which I have secured the Sole Agency for in Uttawa and vicinity. It is known Patented April 23, 1868, and consists of a SEPARATE TRAIL which can be attached to an ordinary As Lesser‘s Patent Syirt Appendage ! soMETHING NEW. Promenade or Evening PURCHASED IN Purchase Them. â€"â€"A XDâ€" eonvorting it into a gracefal 50 Plain Hoop Skirt 1UMMEGR SHAWLS, EE OUR 40 INCHES WIDE f 4 GREY COTTON for 7d per yard ILLOW CASING, TOWELLINGS, s and LINES GOODS, &c., &¢,, and will be sold at Montreal Prices. VARJIETY of Patterns of PIECKS BRILLIANT PRINTS, W. ALKLAN, RUS New Design® 4 :‘:mb 18 3&, sold for 1s per yard, SSELL HOUSKE BLOCK DAVID MILLAR, 43 Aparksâ€"st, Central WHITE BRILLIANTS, It can be folded into v 2220009 E Central Ottawa. Always on hand. 514y THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF ® LETTER, NOTE, FOOLSCAP, POST, And every other kind of ~ f PAPER, ENVELOPES, MEMORANDU M BOOKS COPYING BOOKS, EXERCISE BOOKS, Green Paper and Ornamental Paperâ€"« ® LEDGERS, SCHOOL BOOKS, SLATES, LEAD AND SLATE PEXCILS, * Steel and Quill Pen», > TATIONXERY. W IXDOW S H A DES, &« BOOKS, PAMPHLETsS, &c. Printed on the shortest notice.. any style of RILING AND BINDING, Made on the shortest notice. HANDBILLS, POSTERS, CIRCULARS, CARDS, Of every desoription. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, LEASES, PROMISSORY KOTHS, &«., e RINTING» $ 4 p BL ANK B00K S Aiways on hand BOOKBINXDIN G BLANK FORMS "§ly