they have ceased to exist, and the deer has become very numerous, from the protection afforded to one, and the chase given to the other, The ll‘enhl;‘l'flely Into the requiâ€" sites of the system, es y after intellectual fatigue. There is no article of food that supâ€" mmmmoflho head so thoroughly as fish dict, and the evidence of it is in this fact that all the inhabitants of the sea shore the â€'m}mthmmt‘bn of, the country. . Fish contains phos to a lir extont, a chemical element which the ‘lll‘;l requires for growth and health. He would not: say that an exclusive use of fish would malle l‘l«ihednwln-l,huho brain sbhould not be wanting in one of its essential elements. ‘There was snother point of view from which he would advocate these artificial fishcries, and he supposed the merd mention of the subject would excite a smile and appear ridicâ€" ulous, and yet be would advocate it as an educatioral measure, as one of the important edffcational movements of the day, because it, would supply the mcanssâ€"â€"the only ready meansâ€"of making the people gencraily acquainted with the mode of growth of aniâ€" wals, with the formation, with the building up of the living being. A few weeks since, when he obtained, for the first time, a living egy of the salmon, be became aware of th« facility with which the growth of the animals might be investigated, and bow casily it might be to teach it to all, for there is a period in the growth of the ege of a fish when it is imâ€" possible to distinguish between the cmbryoof a human being and any other of the inverteâ€" brates, So, then, the artificial breeding of these fisk is one of the most important eduâ€" cational movements of the age. On no occasion will the names of Old Advertisements be inserted h'.wï¬â€™w. Â¥F. Brown. Extensive Sale of Timber Limitsâ€"1I. McLean. Postponement of the Civil Service Kifle Matchâ€"J, Wingfield. ChrOttama Cimes giy bor markets and interesting reading matter see Fourth Page. & Tus Hon. Wirr:ax Macporeace, C. B., reâ€" purned from the West on Saturday after Tus Hon. Mr: Howrax» aud the Hon. Judge Wiwor, were on Saturday gazetted ns the Lieutsnantâ€"Governors of Ontario and New Brunswick, respe@tively. Our readers ramourâ€"mongers have busied . themselves m fixing day and date for their fulâ€" filment, and thereby given some opportunity lor mertiment to the Unitarian Opposition at the head of the public men ot his Proâ€" vinee, and, doubtless, he will do honour to the important office which usnder the new Consutution he has been called upon to fil!. Fromwhat we have heard from the Proâ€" vince of New Brunswick we judge that the appointment of the Hon. Mr. Wuxor will be generally popular. He is a We have already spoken of Mr. Howraxn‘s elaims and qualifications to ths ofise to which he has just been clevated, and which we are sure he will worthily fill, and it now only remains for us to congratulate him on his escape from the more active scenes of political life in which he bore a conspicuous part, from asense of duty rather than by: choice. It is worthy of remark that the only journals, which objected to his &ppointâ€" ment ‘om the score of nationality, were the einting hy pocritical proâ€"Yankee * only reliâ€" @ gious daily in the world‘"â€"the Montreal Witness, and the oneâ€"man organ of Torontoâ€" tie Globe. Apart from this exhibition of incipient Canadian Knowâ€"nothingiam, we are glad to say that really liberalâ€"minded men view the circumstanc»s which have led to the appointment of a native ol the United States as Lieutenantâ€"Governor of a British Province as a happy accident, illastrative of the genuine liberality of Bntish institutons, and an evidence of the absence of national prejatice in the Dominion /6( Canada. Ruwotr has been busyâ€"periiaps she had . nothing else with which to busy, hersel(â€" ‘ with the name of the Hon. Faiaxcts Hixczs x« the suecessor of Lord Moxox as Governor General of Canada. â€" The report has got into print and bas been commented upqn. For ure imany people who ought to be ranked among the "well informed," who treat it with some consideration. . But the nwhsl.nlopnduwuwryis,thu-bopm it receives credence itâ€"is hailed with the utmost. satisfaction, shewing that ‘in this country at least, the bitterness of party strife does not survive the occasions which created our own part we cannot say that "we have been able to . attach any â€" reasonable probalulity of truthâ€" toâ€" it, though there it, while the services of public men are held in grateful remembrance by the whole people. In this incident, though the Hon. Fraxcis Hivcrs may never be the Governorâ€"General of Canads, there is, at least, an encouraging assurance to our public men that the abuse and personal and party opposition incident to political life, are all forgotten, or at least robbed of their sting, the moment that the pablic man is placed beyond or above the contending elements of political warfare. Though, as we have said, we place not the slightest confidence in the reported elevaâ€" tion of the Hoe. â€" Mr. Hixcrs to the Governorâ€"Generalship ot: Canala, we are bound to acknowledge that the expressions of public opinion, far and near, so Tar as we have been able to judge, have been such as to justify the opinion that his appointment would be most popular both in Ontario and Quebec ; as with the public men, and the public generally, MF. Hrxces has Lecome all have ceased to have the power of preservin; pohtical rancour, and all are disposed to give him credit for liberal aod enlightened statesâ€" NEW ADVEXTISEMENTS manship. To Mr. Hiscasit will doubtless be some gratification to know that his popuâ€" larity has increased during his absence from the scene of his must active political labors MONDAY, JULY 20, 1868. distinguished ability possessing I .record which _ places. . him among thel people most nearly affeeted by the results pi his policy ; and if the rumour to whish have alluded results in nothing else, it will show by the approval with which it |has been received that the people of|f Canala are . nut ungrate> ful to, unmiadful of, cheir pubâ€" lig men. me of our contenyporaries have treated this report as wellâ€"foundedl; and though we kannot, from the information at present at ohr command, go so far, we may say that the indications are, that the appoint ment would be a popular one. information fuly receiv I men in the an opport their indus The Tth Oc that the the lith, tion M Bxceh can be a race cou for the rus exhibition that visito atteading. Itis but reasonable that the awdjoining counties sljould assist in procuring subserip~ tions and getting 76ck, &e., into condition for the ex§ibition/ The intention is to make it as much as pogsible a * general‘‘ exhibition for this patt of the country, and the Township and County organizations should assist in making it & success. The prize list will be issued in altew days, but we understand tha the amounts to be awarded have not been inserted, the Directors probably not knowing precisely ow much money the likerality ot the public| would impose upon them for disâ€" which we street, th making it issued in a the amoun inserted, 3 precilelyj the public tribution. This is|a very important poiat which: ought to tie determined without delay. Much of the of the eximbition will depend upon the nt which the society will be able to set apart as prize money, and as the city will ely benefit by the influx of viaiâ€" tors to th¢ city, it behoves the business comâ€" munity to assist liberally in getting: up & ‘ creditable exhibition. We hope to hear soon that the Directors have made a direct appeal to the public at large, and thatithut appeal has beenâ€" nded to with lnu%ming geneâ€" rosity, that the exhibition will be such as will do honor to the City of Ottawa Agriâ€" cultural Society‘s first effort. Tusze }s a strong disposition on the part of many of our business men to renew the ‘ effort to e the silver nuisante, and we undetstanid that it is under contemplation to call a public meeting someday this week, to take the t into consideration, and decide upon \a |definite course of action. . We have itten . so _ much _ upon . this silver qgestion, endeavoring to convince our rs of the folly: of tolerating a curâ€" rency almost daily is the vietim of at # shave," that we deem it‘ lvarily necessary now to say . any more upon the subject. We have oaly to repeat what we have said beâ€" fore, that the merchants anl _ busiâ€" ness bear all the . inconvenience, and some part more or les of the loss, but thit© uitimately < the greater part able to pay t last named profit on the who the bank fan their ginplo; ; bruker‘s to _| that the me c also in} the g current, disb | is 1y have silver q our rency "* shave," but th4t~ uitimately < the greater part of the falls upon the indastry of the cuntry, the merchant in selfâ€"defence is compélled to imerease his percentage of profit on| his goods, in order that he may be able to pay the broker‘s commission. The last na gentleman of course makes a profit on the silver, and certain employers r this patt of th d Coundy org aking it & sucd med in atew d: e amou to serted, the Dirs ‘m di able Ionly to $ money is to e it at a premiu able fugds. . The movem before gtated, and Toro y awle in the West. : ‘owl «&N | should conti | ordinary busi flooded more | currency, ar . | men with th , | so m h the , | fore, we thin , | selt defence | Ottawh, to se | againgt any _ | auisarce. g act ith ; | are kquite 5 public will s , | are Teally th , | which disar , | reney}; Thou , | to e qui , | 1ence pf the was folerate ; | most impo! _ | 80 we , | will make o1 who getithe greater part of their returns in‘ ban fands make a weekly "shave" off their ginployees by buying silver from the broker‘s to pay their wages. We believe that the members of the Civil Service are also in} the habit of * buying silver‘" for current| disbarsements, &nd this proceeding ie ly â€" legitimate on their part, beca the chances are tea to one that if} they paid across the counters in e funds, their money would be taken at the silver rate, unless they fel; di to higgle ror the discount, which is ‘m di ble task ; and therefore, their only to get reasonable value for. theit money is to exchange it at the brokers, or sell it at a premium to those in search of bankâ€" able fuads. The ement in Toronto, as we have before stated, has alremly proved a success, and Toronto rate of discount is being y wlopted at al the centres of trade in the West. ‘Now, 1t is clear that if Eastern locali â€"and Ottawa among the number, should continue to accept silver at par in ordinary business transactions, they will be flooded moreâ€"than ever with this depreciated currency, and the transactions of business men with the outside world will thereby be so muth the more embarrassed. 1t is, thereâ€" fore, we think, only a matter ot prudence and self defence for the business community of Ottawh, to set their faces firmly, and at onte, against any longer® submission to the silver nuis . If the | merchants will only act ith _ vigor â€" and _ unanimity, . we are jquite sure that the intelligent publiq will support them, because the public are really the ultimate sufferers by anything which disarranges or depreciates‘ the curâ€" rency, Though it may have been wise policy to e quictly submitted to.the inconvenâ€" wence pf the @"silver nuisance" so long as it was ted in other places, it would be most | impolitic now . to continue . to do #0, we hope our mercantile friends will thake one more effort to be rid of it. A should be called without delay, and for the sake of uniformity the rates of disâ€" count adopted at Toronto and other places in the West should be adopted here, and a day fixedâ€"not very remoteâ€"for its going into ral operation throughout the city. Itiis reported that the Hon. Grzorcs Brows will n home from Scotland in tim> to try bis luck in the West York election. . " Tus Epglishwoman‘s Magazin«" for July has en received by Messrs. Domis & Son. It has a most attractive table of contents, and conthins much that will be interesting, accept. able and instractive to Canadian women, as well as English, m t named for the exhilition is the , but we have heard it suggested ly part of September, soy belore e ‘date of the Provincial Exhibiâ€" real, would be a better time. treal, would be a better time. ground _ for the" â€" exhibition E‘VD\‘ in a â€" field on Baok property | of ~Mr. Merenyos, ieve is now Leing fitted up for , and arrangements can be made ning of an omnibus tetween the nd different parts of the city, so would have every facility for v.ry one else to move? ‘us to the labors of these l eaunse, would be very ; agwe should be plad j;lily of complimenting U FY y worthy the eity rally, â€" What : succumbed to t Iv to learn tiat themseives to ind the Oitawa e they doing ? them for one 4s A little gentle thankâ€" Tus Cunada. Gazette ef Saturday contains Her Maujesty‘s ptotlimatlon, enjoining . the strict observarice of neutiality upoa all Buitish subjects in the present civil war in Japan, Hxapquanrens, Orrawa, Jaly 17 Gexxkrzanr OapERs. & To be 1st Licutenant, temporary : T James Fitzgerald Wolf,gontleman, M.S. To be 2nd Licutenant, acting till further Erratuemâ€"In the Gonecal Order No. 2 of theâ€"3rd instant, the Captain np!ninted to the " St. John‘s Battery of Garrison Artillery,"" should have remly wMajor W. Drumm, from the retired list," and not « W, Drumm, Esquire." By Command of His Execilency the Right: Honorable® the Governorâ€" General and Commanderâ€"inâ€"Chicf. Deraurueyt oy tus Secasrary or Srate ror _ Caxapa. Ortaws, 14th Jaly, 1868. His Exceliency the Gove:norâ€"General of Canada, has been pleased to make the followâ€" ing appointments, vis.: migs The Hov. L<mucl Alien Wilmot, Lieuâ€" tenantâ€"Governer of the Province of. New Brunswick, to be Deputyâ€"Governor for the signing of marriage lc :nser, io the said Froâ€" vinco of New Brunswick. ; * ‘The Hon. William Poarce Howland, C.B , to be Licutensntâ€"Goverror ef the Province otf Ontario. @yiâ€"s _ The Hon. Lemuel Allen Wiimot, to be Lieuâ€" tenantâ€"Governor of the Province of NewBrunsâ€" wick. C 5 Hm RExceltency® the Governorâ€"General of Cacade, bus teen pleased to make the followâ€" ing appointment, viz.: _ °_ _ Dsranruexror tu® Seceatary or State ror Caxnapa. R y . Orrawa, 8th July, 1863." His Excellency the Governorâ€"General of Cimada bas been pleased to make the foilowâ€" ing appointment, viz : _ % _ ‘Thomas: i):\rol'hy, of the township of Osnaâ€" bruck, in the Province of Ontario, gentleman, to bs a landing waiter and scarcher in Her Majesty‘s Customs Derartxsxt or Tus Secretaty or Srate ror ; Caxapa. i ke # Orrawa, 9th July, 1868. liis Excellency the Governorâ€"General of Canada his been pleased to make the followâ€" ing appointment, viz : + Robâ€"rt Denunistoun, of ‘O:goode Hall, and ot the town of Peterborough, in the County of Pitertorough, ths Province of Ontaric, Esquire, Darristerstâ€"Law, to be Judge of the County Comt of the ty of Peterborough, in the said Provioce, in the place and stead of Robert M. Boucter, Esquire, deceased. 2nd Lt. Wm promoted. M;pn nb Russsuu‘s great clearing sale previous to removal continues toâ€"day. Bog Oar Jewerusay.â€"Very bandsome sets of bog oak jewellery can te had at Young & Radford‘s, at 90¢, per set. Arthur Godfr Postroxenest.~â€"â€"The members of No. 6 Batâ€" tory are requested to take notico that their drill night for this week will be on Wednesâ€" day evening, at 8 u‘clock, in place of Monâ€" day. Asxxvas Driut Pay.â€"No. 2 Company, O.P. B. Rifles, are ordered to parade at the drill shed this evening at § o‘clock, for the purpose of receiving their apnual drill pay. Seo adâ€" vertisement in another column. \ Or Parstiso.â€"A fine, lifeâ€"size oil paintiog, of the illustrious dramatic artist, Macready, is on view at Mrs. Trotter‘s .(Toronto House), and will, we are informed, be rafiled for on Wednesday evening, should a sufficient numâ€" ber of subscribers be obtained by that time, ‘Too wtomw Warez.â€"Whilst the great maâ€" jority of our p:ople me crying more water, the good folks on the lower end of Ottawast. ars alarmed at the dreadful consequences to be apporchecdsd fromi a pool of water in their strectâ€"a pool of filthy, stagnant water, rile with the horrors of future pestilence! A pool which is maude the depository of filth of all kinds, and yet whick the laLor of six men would b:s sufficient to drain off in a single day, and keep dry forever. Why is it not done ? ' Must the bealth of a whole city b» endangered by the neglect ? P. L. MacDOUGALL, Colonel, _ Adjutantâ€"General of Militia; L Canada MILLTIA GENERAL ORDERS Gzrax» Picâ€"Nic.â€"The first grand annual picâ€"nis of No. 2 O.P. B. Riflss will be held toâ€"motrow at Belleyue Gardens. Every care has been taken, and every provision made to ensure the Iargest measure of saccess to the undertaking, and by success the managers moan the greatest possible amount of pleaâ€" sure to those who visitthe picâ€"nic. Gowan‘s band, with all its latest improvements and wusic, will be present. Games and amuseâ€" ments of various kinds, with priz»s attached, will afford sufficient employment for those who dâ€"light in them.â€"8S@e advertisement. A Max Faucs Our or a Tnanes Scory Wisâ€" pow.â€"On Saturday morning . a man unamed Ranger, we believe a shopkeeper from Vauâ€" dreuil, who had come to town on business, and was stopping at Mr. Chevrier‘s hotcl on St. Patrickâ€"streot, finding it too warm to li« in bod went and sat on the window sill, where he fell ‘aslecp. How long he remained there is not known, but about three o‘clock he lost his balance and fe‘l to the ground. Nothing short of nearly all bis bones, neck and all, b:ing broken could reasonably be expected. Dr. Valade was immediately called in, and found that he had sustained serfous interpal injury, but that no bone was broken, and no cut or bruise of any consequence on his head. The account given of his fall is, that in his descent from the third storey window, his foot or some other part of his body struck the sill of the second storey window, and thus, not only was the fall broken, but he was thrown out of the man YoLUXTEER MILITEHA 1O00OALN ILWS. ers isionel l.'ri_'jy do ¢ No. 4 Batter ieutenant : APPOINXTMENTS, H Molson Cluf.: viee Grahaw iry. to date wentleman ta D IHE OTTA&LWA iIlMmD: JUL YÂ¥ 20 cortsinty, of rain, â€" Some faigt flashes of lightâ€" ning, fotlowed by «istant thnuder, brought pooy To to thiir doors and windows to catch the fir=t doops that f--ll.{A( ba‘f.;ast five a +teady r freshing shower checred the hoeats of all, and mutnal congratalations were beard on everyaide, â€" Scon uiter six the rain ccased for nearly an hour, and then there came another shower, which with the rapect of the gky left Tue Weartuer on Satvipay.â€"Though the direct inflaence of the sun was lyss felt on Siturday, the mutky hoat was« xceedingly opâ€" pressive, and there wers‘ more workmen deâ€" tain «d from their labors by indisposition on that than on any of the very hot days, ‘This fact, however, was poerhaps less in consequeonce of Satur.Jay‘s beat than the t sult of the, preâ€" cedit g hot suns, by which they were so much enerveted, _ The highostrange of the thermoâ€" meter was 91 degrees. About five o‘cloek p.m. the sky began to lower, the wind blew briskly from the porth, the dust rose in the strâ€"cts, and all were filtcd with hopes amounting to perperndicular line, $0 far as to clear the sideâ€" walk, und to full on the strect. _ On Saturday eveniny be was getting better, and the doctor hopes that with careful attâ€"ntion be may rcâ€" Cover. I a ressonable hope ttat that would no last of it. * $ 4 A Great, Fmow Comxa.â€"The miunmoth combination» of Herr Driesbach‘s monagetia and How‘s transAtlantiz circus, will visit this city on Monday ant wnesday, July 20th } and 21st, when they will give fous of their pleasing and wondcrfal pétformances. The caravan ot Here l)si«-.ln-;h,c'?nq-rining cightcen full dons of living animals, would of itself, be a suflicient attraction <to insure success, is wided to this cireus troupe,fgiving a full and beautiful display of wild beasts, and cther inâ€" teresting subjects of animated natare in the rame pavillion, without any additional demand for wdmission,.~ The animals embraced in this collection have béen obiainedâ€"some at an enorivous expenditureâ€"trom. almost every region ot the earth, and ars said to be all in the tiovet condition imaginable ; as a mevagerie, it is enough to eay that Dreishacl‘s is the hext travelling, We cannot add to his fame. H.ow«to transâ€"Atlantic Oireus which performs m the: same collos:al tent, is said to b: in every respect most perfect in all its de;acâ€" mefs. The press everywhere eulogises in terms of the highest comtmsndation, Mille Mari#, a charming equestrienpe, and principal rider, th: be:tths world has over produ.e 1, whose rare accomplishments muke her at all times an object of admiration. The horsemanâ€" ship ofâ€"Sig. Juen Henriqueg, the wondcrful Spanish Lareâ€"back rider, Mr. Jd. Watson, just arrived from England, and (Master Charles Howes, the beautiful and dashing rider, ars some of the distinguishing ruturev; assiste 1 by the wonderful dog Apollo, who will, on the back of the pony Dixnupl:‘ido «& compl. t: «questrian scene, and perform some of the most daring feats ot hcrsemanahip cver yet attempted by, the most _ finishe : equestrian. _ ‘The gymnn‘tlc department of _ thisâ€" exhibition ~ is | also _ exceedâ€" ingly strong and deserving special uotice. The world renowned Gregory Family, comâ€" prising the youthful athleteg, Albert, Arthur,‘ Jean and Victor, prodigics of strength, grase, dexterity, and ‘il that conl'l;tutu the tinished gymnast and acrobat. Mauy of the leading artists &re fresh from Europe, and bave never yot nppoared in this city, and all ere seil to be of the bighest rank in their profersion. The ‘entertainments given by the transâ€" AtianticCirâ€" eus have already acquired such a reputaâ€" tion for refinement and ge sts that they always attract nudiences of «. superiot.class. Doérs open at 1 o‘clock a. m., and 7 v‘ciotk p. 11., one bour before the cireus performance begins,to give those d:sirin; to witnass them | ample time to see the animals. Pories Covrt.â€"James Witson, druak and disorderly. The prisonesr was found lying drunk on a sidewalk. He said he ba 1 boen in the city but two days, and was on his way to Montreal, and that if His Worship would allow hiin to go, he would not amain in the city a moment; aud so he was allowed to depart without fine or costs.â€"G. Irwan was fined $3 and costs for presenting the shantymain, whose case we noticed on Saturday, with a black cy@. â€"A man uamed Morrison was cbarged with entcring the bouse of Mrs. Leblanc, and calâ€" ting hee names,when she with the assistance of another feminine defender of the castle, threw bim out of doors, the fall resulting in .sundry cute and> bruises of the Aace,. which covered him with blood. ‘The prfsecuâ€" trix also produced evidence of defendant proâ€" ducing a knife. Defendant stated that sveing some "sweetics" in the window, he went in to purchase some for his children, as ho was on is way home, and that a man who was } there struck him, and he was knocked oat of doors without intending any provocalion or offence. He called two witnesses, who testiâ€" fied to Morrison‘s having been attacked by a man of the house and badly beateu, the women assisting. â€" Theâ€"witnesss mixed matters up considerably, and His Wership adjourned the cass till this morning.â€"Two married ladics, the wives ot brothers, whose names the reâ€" porters ‘could not hear, and who it appcars had invoked the law for the settiement ot a family feud, were sent home ! to atâ€" range their difficultics ; and mss the parties are joint occupants of th:ir unhappy | hoine, pethaps they will not appear this mornâ€" ing to make an. adverse report.â€"Mr, Stockâ€" daie, carriageâ€"builder, of Ridean street, was summoned by Adolphe Rodwald, a German, who had beeu wotking for defeadant as cu.! riageâ€"trimmer, for the payment of $32, the amount of wages due him. Complllmmtl stated that when he went to work for Stockâ€" dale, he wanted him to work by the job, bat | not knowing the prices given here, he proterâ€" red to work for a dollar and a balf a day. Mr. Mosgrove, for defendant, set up the r‘l:; that the â€" understanding â€" was that wald . was to finish _ four | carriages aad that until those c.mtsaol were finished there was no cause for avtion, ‘The Police Magistrate held that complainant was not working by the piece, but was a day laborer, and that the money was due. He remarked that Mr. Stockdale was in the babit of having a good deal of trouble with his workâ€"people, and the money was ordered to bs paid. ‘The poor fellow raid he wanted to leave the city, but bad no money ; and es the law allows twentyâ€"one days to pay it in, ho was told that advantaze will bs taken of the law, and he will have to wait, â€" The poor Girman said he thought that was very hard. Sir,â€"I motice in your paper of the 10th instaat, an article headed © Another Extortion by the Express Company," stating that $181 express charges was collected on a smell cask of creckery, cte. ho‘ To the Editor of THE TIMES. Iam of the opinion that your representa« tion of this cass is too fir from the mark to injure the Express Company, or bencfit your many readers. > The facts of the case are: as follows : The cesk in questicn came from Europe, addresâ€" sud J. C. Patterson, Toronto, weight 100 pounds, measurement 10 feet 3 inches, conâ€" tents crockery. For the information of whom it may conâ€" cern, I beg herewith to give a detailed statsâ€" ment of charges, viz. :â€" Cash advanced for carriage to Liverpoo!$) 62 Caitege paid out at Liverpool..........; 25 Insurance paid on £8 value,......... .. .50 Ocgan fr0ight¢s. is sixses iss i+ i. r+. . 2. 0016 Bonding charges at Quebec........... .. 50 Express freight, Quobec to Toronto..,, .2 62 Duty paid at Toronto on $28 value @ 15 _ _â€" per cent..... Warchouse fees ... .. Customs entry .... .. CANADIAN EXPRESSs COMPANY‘3 CHARGES. ‘ Ictal amount collect:d on delivery Of CKpMsrarr« crrrexitr1r++@18 14 Of this argount you will notice only $11.37 Caxaptax lxrasss Coxtraxy, Supeaistexnsxt‘s Orric«, . Montreal, July 14, 1863 4 25 25 is express c&rg«n, the balince otf the §18.11 having been paid out, . By giving your article of the 10th and this exi#anation a placcin your next issue, you will very much oblige, 3.3 u. Cmexey, j \} y Supcrintendent. What Mr: Curney dignifics with the title of an Saiticle" and aitributes to us was merely a ten line paragraph, amrong the news item‘s cut from a conteim; orary,and gavethe Toronto Telegraph as the authority for the ‘statement. Though we cannot admire Mr. Curney‘s dis crimination as a newspaper r:ader in not Iknowing the difference bitween a sclected news item and an ©aiticle," weo must acknowâ€" ledge his ingenuity in making the publication of the ten lines in questron containing a blunder which he thinks canvot‘d> the comâ€" nany eny Lasm, the occasion of his claiming the in matter right. â€" HMaving given Mir, CJ of items, as well as his & epinio: matter, we do not deem it necesiar the paragraph of which he has J ample correction, but the cusiona i in the Deucy Tixes of the 10th inst read © Orfrawa City, July 16, 1863. The Board met pursuant to special notice, Presentâ€"Mersr«. J. D. Slater, Chairman ; Proston, Pratt, McCloy, Kiiby, May, Wilson and Robinson. on a resolution of sympathy paesed at thisâ€"Board at its last meeting, be received and placed on file.â€"Carried. | A communication from the Local Superinâ€" tendent in reference to schouol teachers‘ reports for the month of May was read. _ _ _ ___ Moved by Mr. May, ssconded by Mr. Kirby, that the communication of the Local Sapsrinâ€" tendent, with ‘the ¢xseption of Mr, Stewart‘s lettr, be received.â€"Carried, _ A communicatioun from Alex. Workman, Esq.,.was read by the chairman. Moved by MÂ¥.. May, scconded, by Mr. “"il- No. 9. 2 To the Board ef School Trustoes of Ottawa. son, that the cominuanication of Alexander Workman, Esq , acknowledging the receipt of The Finance Commitos beg most respec‘â€" fully to report,that the accompanying accoun is baving bsen certificd by the parties authorâ€" ized to do so, as correct, your comiaiite: rcâ€" commend payment to be made : John McGaire, 4 cerds of wood, April 1 4) 1808 ; . uk aa e + se n e 6 en e e3 e e k »$10,00 Willitm Carleton, 24 ernamental trees around Ottawa Ward Schcol House.$12.00 All of which is most respectfaly submitted, (Signed,) Augx, Woarxtax, Chairman, * Usorar Hay. _ Oltawa, July 13, 1863. & Moved by Mr. May, geconded by Mr. Kirby, that R :port Wo. 9, of the Finance Comniitte«, just read, be received and adopted. â€"Carried Sundrv: gccounts were presentsd and.road. * Movql by Mr, Wilson, seconded by Mr. May, that the account of bir, Holmes for balance of contéscct price of Oitawa Ward school, as well as thut of Mr. Townsend, bo tef:rred to the Building and Finance Comâ€" miltee, with a request that they refoit thereon at the next meeting of this Board.â€"Carried, Moved by Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. May, that the accourts of Messre, Syrtees and Hodgâ€" son, reported, upon by the Building Comuitâ€" tee in Report No. 2, June 2, 1868, be paid by this Board, provided they comply with motion in reference to said report, and the Chairman be and hbe is hercby authoâ€"ized to sign cheques for the amounts, suspeading Rule 41.â€"Cirâ€" tied. iven 40 Moved by Mr. Pratt, seconded by Mr. Preston, that the account of Mr. D. Robertson for wood, amounting to $23.35, be received, and the chairman is hereby authorized to iny eny Cn sign a cheque for the amount, the propir committee having certified to the same being correct.â€"Caâ€"ried, Moved by Mr., Wilson, sccondu*nby Mr. Pratt, that the account of Miss Mifinphceys be referred to the Furnishing and Finance Comuitteo â€"Carried, s An application from Miss A. Halipeony, teacher, was read, and on motion of Mr. Pratt, seconded by Mr. Wilson, it was ordered to Le fecoived and placed on tile, * The Building Committse presented the fol. lowing ieport : . Tothe Chairman and Board of School Trustees, City of Ottawa.: > Gextuexcy,â€"Your Buiiding Committce in this their third report bog leive to submit that they bave examined the account of Mr. Thomas Gallagber, hereunto «annexed. Your committee are aware that the amount s:ems large, but a large amount of work is dons, toâ€" gether with several ‘alterations in the stone avd brick work, al ways tedious and expnsive. Your committse canoot help expressing surâ€" prise at the cost of the © Tablet" mentioned in the aecount, and would recomment that no similar work ba, procured at uch an unreasonâ€" able‘ price, and if a tablet is required for the new school house now in course ot crection, ons of much les cost might answer the purâ€" pose. Under the circumstances, however, and on account of the work biinog now a long time finished, yout committee would recommend payment thereof after being certified by the Finance Commuttoe in the usual way, * All of which is respectfully sabmitted, (Sigaed), _ F. Asporz, Chairman ; â€"â€"_T. H. Kmay, 4. H. Prestos. h The Finance Committc Ottawa, July 16th, 1863. Moved by Mr. Kirby, secondvd by Mr. Pregâ€" ton, that report No. 3 of th« Bailding Comâ€" mittee be received and adopted.â€"Carried, __ BOABRD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES. Moved by Mr. Preston, seconded by Mr. Pratt, that Mr, Wm. Hodgson be instruct=d by the Secretary to the effect that the contract as entered into, and accepted by this Boqr(i, be carried out, with regard to the Central School Building West, and that the Building Committee be instructed to have the superviâ€" sgion thereof, but that no alteration be made in the contract without a written order from said committee, signed by a majority thereof, and in all cases, they are to report to this Board at its next regular meeting, tollowing such orders to make any alteration. â€"â€" The Board then adjourned. Mostrazamn Tea Coxrasy, QGzxteexzy,«â€"The tea 1 purchased of you in March hus given great satisfaction, and the flavor of it is very fine. It is very strange, but since I bave beco drinking your tea I have been quite free from heartburn, which would always pain me aiter breakfast, . I attribute this to the purity of your tea, and shall conâ€" tinue a customer, Yours respectfully, Frax«> cis T. Gregx®, 54 St. Jobn Street, Montreal. A large consigoment of the Montreal Tea Company‘s pure teas have been recuived by the undersigned. â€" Thers is no paint, dye, or black lead used in these tcas to make them look well. Boxes, 12 lbs. and upwards. See advertisement for list of prices, > Maces axp Russeuu‘s great clearing sale prievous to removal continues toâ€"day, â€"A bill is now before the British Pailisâ€" ment for the parpose of abolishing ‘days of grace‘ on all bills of exchange. â€"There is a chance for the unemployed in the country, agreat demand existing for barâ€" vest hands in all directiors, at f:ir wages. .. This shows a steady decrease compared with last year in everything but stuff goods, and even this item is far below the correspondivg total for 1866. ~ â€"A lady in Montreal bas recently taken a neodle from herleft arm just above the elbow, which was accidentally thrust into the thumb cfher right band twentyâ€"nine yoars ago, It must bhave travelled balf way round her body. Burtisu Exproarts rto Ts Uaiten Stiates.â€" The exports to the United States of British textile fabrics for the first five months of cach of the last three yeargare thus given by Mees:s. Du Fay & Co , of Manchester : 1866. 1867. â€" â€" 1868. Cotton, yards.63,470,107 53,100,941 42,691,085 Woollens, do. 2,759,526 2,20H163 ‘ 1,684,027 Worsteds, do.37,000,457 21,970,640 28,442,725 Carpets, â€" do. 1,940,157 2,166,80% 1,330,119 Shawls, No. â€"48,437 T1,163 45,604 eny hasm, the occasion of h iscrtion of the «laborats e ubove, when the simple stat hundred and cightyâ€")he" s Ceightsen," would have s.t raight. â€" Maving given Mr. C me as well. 88# diis & epinic Yours respectfully, Jaas Jorat, Scerctary « epinion / en the necesiary to repoat he has made such cusiona may soe it ple stitement that ie" suould have ive $.t the whole n Mr. Cexgy‘s bill __ Joseri1 Mooxgy, Russell House Block progâ€"utsd repoit explanation $16.00 An Hosplital for Incurables«=Spreading 0f the Silver Movement«=The Banks Offer to act as Agents. Special to THE TIMEsS. » s Tonoxto, July 18, 1868. The city i.“ very quict, A mecting was beld yesterday for the purpose of establishing an hospital for incurables, in pursuance of Mr. Michies‘ bequest of $2,000 for that purpose, ZLatest bp Celeqgraph. ‘ Milton, Lindsay, and Stratford have come into the silvir movement., The banks offer to act as agents in chavging silver. â€" It is to bo the sutject of a moeting c Monday. 7 Cixncisxats, July 18.A There were ten deaths trom sunstioke here on Whursday and yesterâ€" day.: > 4 ® ___Favorable fondition af the Crops, Cincago, July 18.â€"Special espatches from different points of Illinois, Ohid, and Wisconâ€" sin represent the crops to be in Avery fivorâ€" able condition. Heavy Thunder Storm at Chatt@nooga,. Nasuvinug, Jaly 17.â€"A heavy thunder storm took place at Chattanonga yesterd1y. A Caâ€" tholic church was struck by lightning and three men were killed, ‘ The Heat in New York. > { Nzw Yors, July 18. â€"At 3 pm. yestorday, the thermomcter stood at 88, and 24 cases of death were reported at the Coronet‘s oftice, American Citizenship. +The Tribunes special says the hitch on Banks‘ American Citizenship Bill is caused « by Repubiicans and4 Democrats alike, who ar> opposed to any declaration of principle calâ€" culated to wound the honor of Great Britain, or which could be construed into anything like a threat or an imputation of ber sense of justice and fair dealings. Itis also said that the State Department is making a treaty with England, which will sabstantially . cover th« ground. ; s Sainave Prochlmz Himsel{ Emperor of » Ifay ti» _ The Terald‘s Hayti spccial says Salnave has proclaimed himself Emperor, and banished all seeking refuge in the foreign consulates. ’Dcwl(ory fighting with the rebels still conâ€" tinues. ; AMERICAN NEWN. Puirat®truia, July 18.â€"The gas strikers have succecded in accomplishing. their obâ€" jeot. ‘The trustses of the‘gas works ‘having complied with their demands for increased compensation, work has been resumed, and there will be enough gas on Land by this ev:â€" niag to light up the city & Personal. St. Lovis, July 18.â€"Generals Grant, Sherâ€" man, Sberidin, and Dent, left Leavenworth this m.. for Dâ€"nver, Emigration to the Line of the Pacific Rall« road. An Omahadespatch says Brigham Young‘s ngent is there, meking arrangements for the transportation ef s«veral thousand emigrants to the cnd of the Pacific Railroad, where all able bodied men can be employed in grlglng avd tracklaying, About 2,000 are expeéted next woek. â€" Mortality in New York and Boston. Nzew York, Jaly 18.â€"Returas of the, numâ€" ber of deatbs this week show a record of 1,142, an increase of 528 over the,total deaths of the week previous, â€" Over 50 per cent, were from sunstroke, and other causes incidental . to the extreme heat. Deaths from Sunstroke in Cincinnati» â€"In Boston for the week ending toâ€"day 102 deaths occurred, inclutsiog seven from sunâ€" stroke. N hy t Supposed Murder. f Bostox, July 18. â€"Obed. Jones, residing in Canton, Mas«., was found dead in his bedâ€" room on the fifth of Jualy, with a pistol near him. He was suppoged to have committed suicide, but subsequently Mrs. Madden, his motherâ€"inâ€"law, and his wife were arrested for murdering him, and ¢vidence is said to be very strong against them. SATURDA Mrssrs. Young & Hadford having secured the rervices ot firstâ€"class working jewellers in etruscan, filagree, plain, fancy and solid gold work, and having made large additions to their work shop are now better preparea to Maces asp ivssstu‘s great clearing sale previous to removal continu»s toâ€"day. execute any orders with which they may b entrusted than heretofore. Masonic jewels gold and silver medals,~and every kind of ewellery repaired. Two Quzrstions Kasity Axsweren.â€"W hy should men wear beards ? Because they are agroat ï¬ro- tection to the throat and lungs, and add much to their personal appearanse,. Why should we use " Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers?" Becauso when used for coughs, colds, tickling in the throat, hoarse> ness, &¢., lho{ act like a charm. Ministers and lawyoers use them, Yhyliohu recommend them, and singers and public speakers u& they are the very best medicine in existonce for the cure of such complaints. Sold by all medicine dealers, at 25 cents per box. * Naw Yorg, July 18.â€"Stocks fitrm Exchange 110j. _‘ Gold 1421. * 3 p.m.â€"Gold closed at 43}. .. Horsrs Siveno.â€"The lives of thousands of norses have been saved durlns the past year, and the credit is " Darley‘s Arfl& n{m Remedy and Condition Medicine." ‘TMis preparation is being extensively used, and exacts from all the highest praise. Nothing ot the kind has ever beâ€" fore been half as successfal or given such unmversal satisfaction; it cannot be equalled. We can conâ€" fidently recommend it, and would adviso all who own horses to keep a supply on handâ€"it may be the means of uvln.g your horses life, Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co, is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Newâ€" castle, C.W., Proprictors for the Canadss. bold by all medicine deaiers, Men of business should not be unmindful of the advantages to be derived trom allowing their famiâ€" lies to pass the bot term at Caledonia Springs, By leaving Ottawa on Saturday morning by the Quecn Victoria steambont, or on the afternoon by the accommudation boat setexpressly for the conâ€" venience of business men, may pass a part of Saturday and the whole of Sunday in their society, aod back to business on Monday. T96b VIED. On the 19th inst., Antio Eliza Cecelia, beloved wife of Silas Burnham, of the Post Office Departâ€" ment. The funeral will take place at 6 o‘clock this (Monday) afternoon from her late residence, Franklinâ€"street, to the English Church Cemetry. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend without further notice. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS i POSTPONEMEXT OF . CIVIL SERVICE RIFLE MATCH On account of MIDNIGHT DESPATCUES f ~ THE EXTREME FI!AT, Td Monday, the 3rd of August. Ten rounds each man at 200 and 400 yards. To commencé at 3 p.m., on the above date. By permission of Col. Wily. 2 FROM TORONTO. OTICEK»â€" New York,.Money Market. T97td Philadelphia Gas $trike. Vie Montreal Line SPECIAL NOTICE. DESPATCHES J. WINGFIELD, (@ Sergt. Civil Service Monday & Tuesday JULY 20 and 21. "*| Lot No. 1, 1 d | «. No. 2. «_ No. 3, * | «: Ko. $r y S «_ No. 5, #" No. 6, L ~*| * â€" No. 1.Ch _| " Ne 8 " Ko. 9, °C KeIQLa CONJOINTLY, FORM THE BE3ST & LARGEST sHOW OF THE SEASON. Eighteon Full Dens of Living Animais from all parts of the Globs, Howe‘s Transâ€"Atlantic Jircus The most comrlo'e troupe of male and female artists, finely trained borees, and tie â€"smaliest ponies in America. MCLE. . GERTRU DE Late of the HANLON BROTHERS TROUPE, will introduce her wonderfal trained dogs, goats, monâ€" keys and ponies. e is ie MENAGERIE, Tho Trained Dog " APOLLO," will make a comâ€" plete Egum'hn Act upon the back of the Pony «* DIANA." The performance of this dog stamps him as the marvel of the 19th century, Jean, Victor, Albert and Arthur, who stand withâ€" out equals as Athletes, «nd po{fonl the MOST DARING FEATS over exceuted by any Gymnasts TMHME FOUR CHAMPION GYMNASTS in any Cirees Among whom are Excelling in splendor any parade ever witnessed in the United States. z@~Do rot fail to witness the Grand Entry,"%% * A GOKGEOUS PROCZSSION, ONE MILE IN LE N GTU, <â€" Afteracon at 2â€"Evening at 8 o‘clock.. Doors open one hour andâ€"aâ€"half provious. Admission, 50 cts. Children under 10, 25 cts, H O WE‘ s Transâ€" Atlantic Cireus, Tus Broapway Vamzety. Trours, Give a Concert at the close ot each performance. JOHN F. BROW N, Monday & Tuesday, YALUABLE | TIMBER LIMITS! BLACK KIVER, LAKE TEMISCAMANG, AND CHALK RIVER GIFTED GREGORY FAMILY Has received instructions to offer for sale by Thursday, the 1st day For terms of sale, description of limits, and furâ€" ther information, apply to w BB 0 At No. 209, Wellingtonâ€"stroct, to whom constant employment and liberal wages will be given. Uttiwa, Jcly 13, 1868, T02 MPORTANT SALE UNION HOUSE, CITY Ottawa, July 20, 1858, ‘The undermentioned License or Licenses to TWOG SHOWS DAILY ! T974 PrUVBLIC A4UC T IO N, First Appearance in America of the Neo. 2. . do.. do do _ 32 . do Yo. ‘%,*sgo se * sdo _ T1 o No. 4, x do do do" 2 do No. 5, do do do" 56 do No. 6, LakeTemiscamang do 50 _ do No. 7,Chalk River, | do 12%; do No. 8, ° do do do 15% _ do No. 9, do do do 36 do No. 10. Lake Temiscamanz do 50 _ do t WILL EXHUIBIT AT OTFAWA, HAIR DRESSER WAXTED, At the hour ef 2 o‘clock, p.m., 1, Black River, Aroa 274 miles, 2. : sdo .. Ao do _ 32 . do %,:sgs «o * sdo â€"‘ $#4 &o Ar y do do tlo:‘ 25 do 5, do do do‘ 56 do 6, Lake Temiscamang do 50 _ do 7, Chalk River, ‘ do _ 12%; do 8. * do do do 15ï¬ do HECTOR McLEAXN JULY 20 ard 21; CUT TIMBER CHEAP COFTONS! @ARLAND, MUTCHNOR & €0., Grey Cottons & Prints Lots of other Goods equally cheap (GARLAND, MUTCIIMOR & CO. 20 Piecces Real Good Delaines, Where to: Purchase Them. AND January Last at Old Prices, Oitawa, Jaly 18, 1868 CX TNE AECTOR McLEAN, \~ Auctioneer, &e. 858. TOTtd AT THE OP of October next, oF OTTAW A, i‘ d per yard ; worth at least 7}4 IP, sparksâ€"st., ALE STILL SELLING PURCWASED 1N AN C IMAMTAT O And from Terrex de la Fronter Throe to seven years old, a very euporior article for medicinal purposes, warrauted |':n. John Dekupyer & Sonâ€"old and reliable, The above superior Liquors will be sold at the very lowest poss‘ble priges, and are well ‘worthy of stteation from parties requiring the like for sum. mor use d:’ioklox::;lflflum, pat up to order, of all the Ex Ship "8t. Maria d Likewise, from Rotterdam, ¢x Ship Lobarranus [NIN, Vory, very pale, superior article, for table us 1,000 1,000 The vintage of 1858, unrivalled for family uce 1,000 On hand GRAND ANNUAL NROSSE & BLACIEWELL*®S Prizes will be awarded for the following amust ments; 100 yard race, i mile race, $ mile and mile race, jumping, quoite, &c,. For particalart seo committoo. ; Sergt. M. Flynu, Corp. Edwd. Grace, «: _ (Geo, Blythe, «. E. McNott, FLOOR MANAGER, HERRY WINE, ho best for Pick!eing. In great variety. No. 2 COMPANY, O.P. B. RIFLES y Will parade at the Drill Shed t OX MONDAY EVENING, zom JUMD t EIGHT o‘clock, SHARP, For the ,sr of n-om-uuuâ€"i" ‘Pay. o L. Ketitiithih Refreshments to be had on the grounds at 16*" sonable rates. Single Tickets, 25 con‘s; Double Tickets YLARET & GINGER ALE, Cowraxy Onvers. Very fine brands 1)iferent grades qnd qualitics The very finest, perfectly clean. Oitawa, July 17, 1868. And Fresh Crackers, the best LD PORT WINE, Ollaw a, July 9, 1868 NO. 2 COMPANY, 0. +. * _‘ Will iake place at THE BELLEYUE GARDE®®, N0BACCO®, UGAR:! AND SYÂ¥RUPS, ARK AND PALE BRANDY, ALT FOR BUTTER, (CFPOIVTCO: EAS, COFPFEESAND SPIO®®, K5 T. ASH, Sec.â€" Gop saAYE THE QUEENX Oltawa, July 16, 1868. __â€"_ EW CHEESE, 1C=N1C. HITE WINE VINKGAR, TTEXTION. Als Nonâ€"Commissioned Ofisers and Mon of Tuesday, 218t llylaul 484Â¥ At Reduced Rates, Gowax‘3 BAND â€"FROMâ€" and Chas, Shaw. Cognac, ex Ship Gr TUE FIBST GATLS. MoORTOoN*s oLb Y E, Triple Restified. }OAI"J MORTON®*8 Family PROOF, Gonuine. ‘ GaALS. NOKTOXNX®S HLGH« WINES. For sale at + THOS. PATTERSONS, No. 26, Rideanâ€"stroot PICOâ€"NIC 788y nULL, M 19300 5o Wigtoria Terrace WEepxEspay, > tJJE MO gâ€"a> 6 t â€"â€" VETeRINAr YÂ¥oRx®.s The ©*el t BPA thoir intri o jor their intri M king themaWe woll / F‘ Qur Teas ar0 pÂ¥ substances. . U to any Railwey Stati mall «ontaining T"â€â€œ"l.‘ “- n ‘ “F"u the prde:. "-“W foutr 5 lb boxes, € *®" U . ie , so that cach The ; Japa® ‘Vflma.fl: T Feas not mentioned. .‘l FA-usl\od Tuat at over one thou Gexts.â€"It is nearl$ chased many since, aud . tory, Note the Addre ‘Tea sent me, and can &: ‘Toa I used to parchase I have been is the habi AMNBeware of pod Nothing dess than a cal . OE C est £ March ..!,‘... Â¥+ ir “1 o . c o o. + have been drinking 39 free trom heartâ€" burn, * after breakfast. 1 attt your Tes, "_‘m -___ Of every description, By the well known IHARDWARE, W PLAT E! TRA POTS AN All sizes and all kinds cuv-s ; COF To those who enjoy realled Mr Unrivalled Mi HALFâ€"YEARL Waily on the THE C '_lhh'luul Partios requiring sucl Wens an carly call. :‘\nue-b x the & Oo‘s. -u-ll'-c‘ WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY Frorex: English Breakfast, D . Very Best Fall Flay Ts d â€"aoms Wl T'li*_‘" j unt of over Wf- W rizaxs, 1868.â€" 1( every deseription as well as being x REALLY . Â¥ Preparatory Schuoo! C 0O M M 0 : Ottawa, Jely 14, [Fousr ixs LUMBER ME THE Teas, UUREsDAy 4NURSD a y _ By order JAVA & i«, after the ® to be ® ce che app GREAT C a bCIIOOL WHOLE D If they are BATHS, FROM Com AGE JUL Te