Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 24 Jun 1868, p. 3

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TTs, BROOcH GOLD and SILYER uper than the same LIXG BJG oiaK oUXG .7.‘_ urci t “ -o.“o“ * d ce t 00 Cents the “ UNG & g‘q red, and T *4 90 conts per 944 ‘! 3 A CALL ' :s you remember the PIM®®* & 'ld’o,‘o.. s sold as high as #2.00 €4 There was read this day at the Board the Drait of the Proclamation declaring Gold Coins made t the Branch of the Royal Mint at Sydney, New South 'du.nb‘-luldnrhomnlollhr' Majesty‘s Possessions abroad, specified in s scheâ€" dule atrashed co the said Draft Proclamation, Her Majesty having taken the same into conâ€" sideration, was pleased by and with the advice of AMicr Privy Council, to approve thereot, and to wnler, and it is hereby ordered, that the said Proâ€" clamation do take effect and come into force in mlhlw-mmw in the atoresaid Schedule, upon and from and after such day, as shall be for that purpose limited by the Governor or Officer Administering the Governâ€" GoLp COIxs or sYDNXEY MINT MADX A LEGAL TENDER. Ca%adA "'.ith reference to your despatch No. 200, 2ith November, 1886, I have the homor to tramzmit to you the accompanying copies of an order of Her Majesty in Council and of a Proclamation for deâ€" m‘mfloucdudlholydny Mint, a legal tender in those of Her Majesty‘s possessions wbroad which are specifed in the schedule anâ€" nexed to the Prociamation. You will be so good as to cauye this Proclamaâ€" tion ubop-uhbdnc.ud..\uho-odunn- M THE QUEEXN‘3 MOST EXCELLEN@ MAJRSTY IN COUNCIL * Asimilar order in. Council was passed on the 10th of November, 1866, for making these coins a .‘..)mllmc.:h-iu mentioned below : Antigh®s _ > Te Barbadoes, Mortsorrat, â€" Bakamas, Nevis, is Natal, F Cape of Gocd Hope, â€" _ St. Helena, % British Columbia, Sierra Leone, Dominica, St. Vincent, Faikfand Islands, St. Christopher and its W @old Coast, Gambia. § ‘Gibraitar, British Guisna, Governor, The Right Honbie. Viscount Monek, DRAFT PROCLAMATION REFERRED TO IN ~ _ THE FOREGOILING ORDER IX COUNCIL. " Jamaica, Sccretaries of State, in to give the necessary direcâ€" tions for causing publication to be made hereof within Hor Majesty‘s said Possessions abroad . (Signed), _ ARTHUR HELPS. For declaring Gold Coins male at the Branch Mint at Syduey, New South Wales, a legal tendet throughout such parts of Her Majesty‘s dominions as are specified in the schedule hereunto annexed. Whereas, by an ordeb in Counscil, bearing date the Ninsteenth day of August, one thousand cight hundred and fiftyâ€"three, we have thought fit to order that a Branch of our Royal Mint, should be TUE DUKE 0F BUCKINGHAM TO LOR MONCK. Honduras, ment of each of the said Possessions by any Proâ€" clamations to be by° them for that parpese respectively issued in each of such Possessions. And the Most Noble the Duke of Buckingham Wales And whereas in the cighteenth yeur of our roign, by an order in Council, dated the eighteenth day of October, one thousand cight bundred and fiftyâ€" four, we have thought fit to order that certain pieces of Gold Meney should be coined at the said Branch of Our Reyal Mint, to be called respectively Ausâ€" tralian Sovereigns and Australian Half Sovereigas and to be of the same respective weights, fineness andvalue with the Soversigns and Half Soveâ€" reigns now currant within this our realm. And whereas, pursuant to and in virtue of the powers given in our said Orders in Council, it is provided that a Coinage of the said Australian Sovereigns and Half Sovereigns shail be made, and that every such. Australian Sovercign shali have for the obverse our ef@gy, with the inscrip. tiom, * Victoria D, G., Britanniar Regin» F. D.," and the date of the year, and for the reverse the word * Australian * placed in the ceutre of piece encirelod by a laurel wreath and surmourted by the Royal Crown with the inscription «Sydney Mint, One Sovercign," and with a graining on the odge, and that every such Australian Half Sovereâ€" ign shall have the obverse in every respect similar to that of the Sovereign, and for the reverse the same word, * Australia," in the centre encireled and surmounted in like manner, but for the inscripâ€" tion the words " Sydney Mint, Ha\ Sovereign," and a graining on the edge. And whereas pieces of Gold Money have been and will be coined at our said Branch of the Royal Separa Mint in pursuance of orders issued and to be And whereas, by an Act passed in the twenty.~ ninth and thirticth years of our reign, entitled : " Au Act to enable Her Majesty to declare Gold Coins to be issued from Her Majosty‘s Co‘onial Branch Mints alegal tender for payments, and for Mm“m'hbwuu «* it shall be lawfal for Her Majesty, trom time to time, by Proclamation issued with the advice of Her Privy Council, to deciare that for such pericd, and subject to such conditions as may be s pecified much Proclamation, Gold Coins made at such Colonial Branch Mint, of designs approved by Her: Majesty, and being of the same weight and fineâ€"‘ ness as are required by law with respect to Gold Colns of the same denbMhinations made at Her Msjesty‘s Mint in London, are to be a legal tender tor payments within any part of Her Majesty‘s Dominions to be specified in such Proclamations, in which Gold Coins issued from Her Majesty‘s Miat in London shall at the date of the issue of such Proclamation being issued Gold Coins made of such designs and being of such weight and Tineâ€" ness as aforesaid, shall be a legal tonder for payâ€" ments accordingly." Y LORD, And whereas Gold Coins issued from our Royal Mint in London are at present a legal tender in such parts of our Dominions as are specified in the schedule hereupto amnezed ; We therefore, by and with the advice of.Our Privy Council, have theught fit to issue this Our Royal Prociamation, and we do ordain, declare‘ and command, that frowm and after the date of the publication of this Our Proclamation by the Govâ€" ermor or other officer Administering the Governâ€" ment of such part or parts of Our Dominions as are specified in the schedule hereunto annexed, Coins maie at the said Eranch Mint, of designs spproved by us at Syduey aforesaid, and being of the san e weight and finesess as are required by law, with respect to Gold Coins of the same denominativons made at Our Mint in Lendon, shall be a legal tenâ€" PROCLA MATION HEREAS AT THE COURT AT WIND3OR, The lith day of May, 1964. I have, &¢., BUCKISGHAM & CHANDOS, CANADA &o., &¢., &ke. BY THE QUKEX. PRESENT Dow s13Gâ€"8TREET, Nevis, Natal, St. Helena, 7 Sierra Leone, St. Vincent, St. Christopher and its dependencies, St. Lucia, :ub and Caicog Vancouver Island, Virgin lslands. Bydney, 25th Iq. 1868 der f+ payments within _-oh part or parts of Our Do-lrionl.um specified in the said schodule, until guoh period as this Our Proclamation shall be reyoked, by and with the advice of Our Privy Coungil aforesaid. Scbodule of Hor Majesty‘s Possessions abroad referted to in the Order in Souncil, dated 14th day of 5'51. 1568, and in the Draft Proclamation, the issue of which is ordered by the said Order in " Given at Our Court at Windsor, this fourteenth day of May, 1868. 4 p 44. CR 1; WINE AND SPUHT_YALILTS, HOLESALE & RETAIL, FOR CASH ONLY kuyper‘s Red Cases, Gin, 15 bottles.........$9 00 « Green, # _ ** per dos ......... 4 80 ‘s London Gin . _ wtssius T 20 ard‘s and Thompson‘s Gin «* .......... 6 00 reen Seal Champagne * ..> seccccens l 0 AND UPWARDS. RT WLNESâ€"Graham‘s, Sandeman‘s, &o. _ i 00 Oe e Oy 7 ~ * + Srerdniks eb No.g1 Gcod sound Wine................$2 00 $6 00 new, Brandies, Rums, Gins, Old Tom Gins, Seotch and Car.adian Whiskies. â€" Canadian Ale, in wood or bottle. QGuinmess‘ Porter, pm_nd quarts. Hibbert‘s orter, pints and '3:. . Bass‘ and Allsopp‘s les, pints and qu i Clarets, Hooks, Santernes, Curacao, Maraschino, artreuse, Royal Italian Bitters, &e., &o Purityi n all cases and goods markâ€" at the lowest + Orders by -d’ with l.pn-w attended to cods ddAlnnd to any part of o‘i:y free o rge. discount to persons quantity t n" the original package. xm- invi‘«d. â€" ABRNOLDECTS #4 3 OMW....scsseeecessssennisprssusmmecs i 3 80 it 4 Quperiot old ons mosee ce 4 50 & Vory fine Old........ucsusssssssem 8 15 Slllltlurisâ€"louoq'o. Pemartin‘s, &c. o. 1 Superior Light table Wine...$2 00 | The subscriber would intinfate to thore of his pustomers with whom current accounts may have bu-rdodunn‘\:“lhmhbuh;hw ago of any irre, Y yment to close in order fitlo -oyoat’u:t his business y on the cash principie, which has been found o work much more satistactorily for both the ‘buyer and seller in every bransh of trade in "'uollnubo-tflod.nlnlyl,-qul!vd §ii-goodsndtborimw or them (which \will always be as low as they can honestly be rold lfn).l‘o solicits a continuance of lllfm ANADA, i+ RINCE EDW ARD ISLAND, EWEOUNPLAND. _ iL. Reading Sauce, Kigg of Oude Sauce, _‘ Marvey do. F John Bull _ do. R Kalos Cousis do. > ~~ 3tsoyn't do. Worcestershire do. India Soy. Essence of Anchovies, | Essence of Shrimps, y Mushroom Ketchup, 3 Wainat Ketchup, â€"French Capers, & Chili Vinegar, - Tarragon Vinegar, 1 ‘l'pb;’fl‘, Vilfil‘l’, [ Oltves, : *â€"* [ Bottled Fruits, an assortment, )* Raspberry Jam, TY Strawberry do. 1" Damson _ do. L Gooseberry do. s _ Red Currant do. ~Black do. do. large lot of Keen‘s Celebrated Mustard in If 1b. and 1 1b. tins. ; BATE & Co., heretofore so liberally W:Eui. K. ARNOLDL Dealer in the better quahties of Wines, Spirits, &c., m‘hlo‘nm Co‘s Building, Ottawa. Price lists on appl nldbl%t,‘“. April 21, 1868. » SSE & BLACKWELL, London, ckles, Sauces, &¢., ne 8, 1863 TOlOl'l'o HOUSE, Sparksest. _ MRS. TROTTER begs to announce that she has at present nvvr:ll commodious ‘l.l‘ handsomely eligible for civil or military officers, or private UsST RECEIYVED DIRKCT FROM Ex ship " Ardmilian," the following : ‘ 3. YVery choice ...............u... 3 50 ‘ 4 Very Superiot..................... 4 50 * &â€" VY BH#.....cccccommmmcmmmme & 50 Single sample bottles at above rates. . Also, of Standard Brands, in wood or bottle, old Black do. do. Crystallized Fruits, Fruits in Noyeau, .. > Preserved Ginger in Jars and 1 1b. Pots, Currie Powder, Anchovy Paste, : Potted Ham, Beet and Tongue, & Potted Yarmouth Bloaters} ; . Sirasbourg Potted Meats, Jagged Hare, Pheasaots in Gravy, Grouse in Gravy, Partridge in Gravy; Paté de Foie Gras, Paté D‘Aloucttes, Paté de Cailles. Soup and Boaillé, Mcck Turtle Soup, Mulligatawny Soup, Ottawas, June 20, DOZ. Imporial Hot, DOZ. Onions, DOZ. Gerkinss DOZ. Chow Chow, DOZ. West India, DOZ. DOZ. Walinuts, DBOZ. Piccolill, DOZ. Caulifiower, GOD SAVE THE QUEE®. DOZ. MIXED PICKLES, do. Capt, White‘s Oriental Jelly NoOTICEHE. . euessssadensesseeees 5%9, SPARKSâ€"ST. "62d 8 T5 10 00 12 50 15 50 8 T5 10 00 12 50 15 00 ings. For particulars apply to J. BERMINGâ€" m. l.lou!.:::i“ Land A':o’:{. Dominion ‘Auction *Mart, Susrexâ€"st. + _ Ottawa, June 4, 1868. T50 A large and well YURNISHED HOUSE, or four Bedrooms, Sitting Room and Drawing Room of same, in a healthy and m‘rcublo locality, with= in three minutes walk of the Government Buildâ€" TIA'I' Splendid First=Class And l:r-l leased at a rental of $2,000. It is one of the best buildings in the city. _ 1ts lufh is one handred and six (106) feet by forty (40) feet wide, built of stone, with.cut stone front and tin roof, The house contains filty bedrooms, five parlors and dining room, with bar, kitchen and laundry mul::. There is a now Brick Stable, sixtyâ€"six (66) by thirty (30) feet, capable of mbl.ha‘f:fly Horses, a lnhrr yard apd outbuildâ€" ings ; & vacant lot, which the purchaser can have if required to o-h:fn. The premises are in excelent order, being only five yoars built. Vory lately a sum of $2,000 was expended improving CAPITAL OFP THEâ€" DOMINION ! lately a sum of $2,000 was urndod improving the building. For a firstâ€"class hotel, or &mury Quarters, it cannot be equalled in the city. TERMS EASY, and made known free of charge, by letter or otherwise, on tspu»u«n to c J. BERMING HAM, & Auctioneer, Commission and Real Estate Agent. Ottawa, June 3, 1868. Dominion Auction Mart, Commission Sale Rooms House, Land & General Agency, OFFICE & SALE ROOMS, Respectfully announces to the inhabitants of Ottawa and surrounding country that at the request of many friends he has decided on opening an exâ€" tensive and well regulated Auction Mart in this on}r.'- arrangements made with some of the Furniture Manufuctories of Western Ontario, & lar, e and well selected stock of new furniture will be ec.nn‘l{ en hand. Public Sules will be held from time to time, of which cue netice will be given, and at which parâ€" ties requiring to furnish will have an oprmaity ol’l':&uh‘ at. unusually low rates.: The Mart is nvo“::.:halu-p stock of new Furniture, as well as Harmeniums, &c., &0., consigned _ ‘The subscribor would also intimate that he 18 the Sole Agent for Ottawa and territory for the sale of Rappe, Webber & Co.‘s celebrated grand ‘They are successors to the late John C. Fox, of Kingston, and the makers of his excellent Pianos, From their long experience in Germany, Paris, and New York, they are universally admitted to be the best Piano Manufacturers on this continent. The high reputation of the instrumen‘s made by them for the past ten years, and the increasing demand for them in the new Dominion, prove their very superior quality, aad universally acknowâ€" c is Pinne ‘The Pianos, as well as the Purniture in the establishment, will be sold cither by private sale or auction. He would also announce that he is prepared to receive instructions from persons havieg houschold furniture, horses, carriages, or real estate, to disâ€" rtu of, and pledges himsolf that nothllf will be oft undone by him to P". satistaction in discharg ing the trust conti to him. He hopes that by :fh attention to the sales entrusted to his care, as Ottawa, June 4, 1868. well as by m:‘ settlom«nts immediately alter, to merit a of public pumu'p He will be in his office from 7 in the morning until 7 in the evering, when he can see parties who wish to arrange about their sales. Consignments trom a distance will have immediate attention. Cash advances, when required, will be made on consignments for immediate sale. All kinds of turniture bought, sold or exchanged. RKPRRENCES. ; His Lordship the Bishop of Kingston, Hon, Sir Jotn A. Macdonald, Hon. H. L. Langevia, C B, Hoa. Alex. Campbeil, P M G, â€" K. W. Soott, Esq, M P P, c nds M fa on AX. We » Francis Im Esq, M P _ James O‘Rielly, Esq, Q C, ‘ H.V. Nool, lnfi:su?t Quebes Bank, Ottawa. Robert Lyon, Esq, M P P. \ A smart young man wanted to act astravelling agent representing several firme. _ _ _ . sion, and ordered to be published. KR ed by the Council of the Corporation otf th« County of Carieton, during their recent June Ees Moved by Mr. Dow, seconded by Mr. Fraser, That the fourth and fifth resolutions of motion No. 15, passed by this Council at the Sessions thereof held in the month of January last, be, and the same are horeby repealed, and that in future every contractor, or other person legally authorized by this Council to supply the Gaol, shall keep a passbook,in which under the proper date the articles supplied shall be entered, and opposite the entry the gaol officials receiving the articles shall certity their receipt. Tlll following Resolution was adopt= ed by the Council of the Corporation ot the And that every tradesman, mechanic, or other person employed by this Counsil to work in the @no!, shall keep a similar passâ€"book, and have his time or job, as the caso may be, certified in URNISHED HOUSE TO LET. like manner, and these passâ€"books, along with the accounts ia duplicate, and properly certified, shall be laid before the Audit Commuitee at their quarâ€" terly Sittings. . h And this Council do hereby further resolve that neither the Shoriff of this County, nor his Deputy, nor any other person or persons, excepting only the W arden of the County, the Gaol Committee of thi Council, or its Chairman, shall have power or suthority, on any pretence whasever, to order any artiole or thing on the creit of this Council, nor will this Council hold itself in any mannor responsible for any article or thing turnished on any account whatsoever, excepting the same be furrished on the written order of the Warden, the Gaol Comâ€" mittee, or its Chairman, that all orders, resolutions i and notices of this Council to the contrary, be, and the same are horeby repealed, and that the Clerk ‘ of this Council do give notice by advertisement of this resolution.â€"Carried. _ > _The undersigned having received direct from the manufacturers in Europe. a large consignment Is now offering them to the public, and at an Muhnflmum:ku:‘wl&pflu. The stock consists of 1,000 yards of Carpets, of various kinds, :Ih{“omnln. J Hmmz_‘flp. & Dry Goods ____ with instructions to dispose of them at LOW RATES! HE SUBSCRIBER Ixous‘ New Buinommgs, Sus8KXâ€"8TRXET, oTTAWA. Kla‘ ge quantity of Toilet Covers, Some :olT.HQOonn. And a large variety of other Goods. The stock may be seen at the store of MESSRS. in io en es on it #â€" * ruflunz‘lrh.ulml:.ol the above mentioned kind will it to their advant to eall and inâ€" wmmuun.ummhâ€"uu dis. posed of a few days. __________ ANSELL & MICHAEL. Oltaws, June 9, 1868. Ottawa, June 23, 1868. 53y IVERE HOUSH, H OQT BE L, RARE CHANCKE. FOR SALE! _ _‘ _ J. BERMINGHAM, ; > Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, House, Land ard General Agent. KNXOWN AS THE ~t settiom«nts immediately after, EDW. BEARMAN, 0. 0. 0. 15 115â€"3â€"20â€"1 GREAT SUCCESS Removal Sale. Wholesale Department brought forward, aad reâ€"marked at cloaring primr." j 0!‘ LOT OF 20 PIECE MARL Â¥OP«â€" LINETTES, A This season‘s importation, worth 40 cents, will be sold for 25 cents. Will be marked 16 conts. These are all well worth 30 gents. 4 500 YARDS® STRIPED EARLâ€" STON GINGHAMS, ‘That cost the tmporterâ€"$2 aents, will be laid on the counter at 12} cents, AHOTHIB choice lot of Bouble Width CHALLIE and ALPACCA DRESS GOOD8, Fast colours and cholss patterns, at 10, 12, 1%} 16 and 17 conts per yard, are value for 50 pu-i more, only they arrived too late in the season, THR OPTTAWA IMKES, JUNE 24. A JOB LOT of WHITE BRILLIAN TS PIQUES and MAR3EILLES, Will be ofered TOâ€"DAY, Afllg:sfllt BALE WHITE SHIRTâ€" » At the reduced rates, will be brought forward oâ€"day, So DOZEKN MORE of THOS CLEAR CAMBRIC nunknonllgs. At the same prices as gave such satisfaction the ast two weeks. EVERAL CHOICE BARGAIN LOTS, At 11 conts and 12} cents, well worth double the : Oltawa, June 17,21868. 10 PIECES WHITE GROUND FRENCH DELALNES, W ith coloured spots for Children‘s Dresses, at 25 cents per yard, usual prica, 40 cents. LL THE GOODS FROM THE SIVIIAL HUNDRED . DOZEN OoFr WHITE and oou%?m COoTTON HOSE, Brought out from the Wholesale Department, toâ€" day, and marked very cheap. > At very low prices. From 15 to 21 cents per yard. NOTHER LOT, SIMILAR STYLES, NE CASE OF PRINTED MUSLINS, OTWITHS T ANDING PIECES WHITE _GROUND PRINTS and PRINTED BRILLILANTS, OoPr MONTREAL W AREROUSE <C)€p 10,000 Hlllllfll. PORK, FLOUR, BUT» TER, CHEESE. BOOTS OX SNOH, Angus & Huckell‘s FPOR â€" SALE Boot&Shoe 49 M we«s of the s VE SMITH, ( Cathe m?m""‘ of the l-rm.:"""‘"" m. Lessons on Piano and Singing. Ridesn street, corner of 6 Ottawa, June 23, m Tihy 66y _ Whyte‘s Brick Block. Ottawa, June 18. ~T9, SUSSEXâ€"STREET WANC ~AaAN Y CASES ROYAL ITALIAN BITâ€" THRS, J. MARTIN & CO. BUTTER TUBS, {in good CAL ACADEKY. EMPORILU M, AT THE IF YOU LBS. MAPLE SUGAR. â€"GREATâ€" CALL AT J. MARTIN & CO. J. MARTIN & CO. J. MARTIN & CO. It may also be fastened to a Muslin or Stuff Petticoat with the same result. It can be folded into ver small ced cih and must readily recommend itself to every Lady, combining, as it does, Grace, Ele gance Comfort. To be had wholésale and retail. All styles of Skirts on hand. Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves, Parasols, &o., &c. i pAVID MILLAR, 456y 43 Aparksâ€"st, Central Ottawa. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS Great Cheap Sale of Dry Goods ! Intend winding up their business in AUGUST NEXT, They will from this date offer their large stock of r a ~ a r x i f FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODsS, At greatly reduced prices for cash as the whole must be disposed of by the 24th day of AUGUST. ‘The following list of prices will satisty all that this is & chance rarely to be mst with, and will be for the benefit of every one to take advantage of. Full width Prints from.....................4}{d per yard. | Grey Cottons..........................from 4{d per yard. Printed Muslins _ " ... ............ .04 _ " lSilk PATASONS........««»+»++:4.«1+«« _ * 25 60 each. 46 _ D@UMRO® _ 4 qcrnceee srnprmmcvi d «* HOOP SEHLUS:+»â€":vcee: cosesvsrsssacts ; * ~AO§A * > 6â€"4 AlEPRCCR LOBLPO®® .....sscse s1 } * | Canadian Fall Cloth..... ........ * 2s Tidper yard. 6.â€"4 AlEDPRCCR LUBLPOB® ..ssssssesensecee+ A 1 lot of Women‘s White Cotton Hoso, from 4d per pair. A.lot of Summer Shawls from 11s 3d to 21:‘£ usual price from 17s 6d to 40s. A lot of cloths for Boy‘s Summer Wear, very cheap, and all other goods proportionately low, Shop to Rent from 1st Sept. Next. GEO. FEATHERSTON & CO., Millinery, Mantles, Shawls, Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins &c,, ff§For Particulars See Circulars. ‘Ottawa, June 12. 1868. ON MONDAY, the 15th INSTANT, BLYTH & KERR, Cunningham &Lindsay Just received a wellâ€"zelected assortment of Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Bait, Reels, Lines, Flys, Rods, &c. Manutacturors of all descriptions of work for Water and Gas Works, Brewer‘s ‘Distillerier, Mills, &o. Makes and fits up Galvanized Iron Cornices, Gutters, Conductors, Roofing, &e. pAPublic and P'r.lvu.o ‘B‘uilding:, Conservatories, zmrils. Manutactories, &¢., warmed by w e alriuc L2 w Lo ns uy mudamel sudnamnitas: BLACK AND WHITE LACE SHAWLS, BAREGE & GRENADINE PROMENADE COSTUMES, ; © _ GRENADINES, FRENCK & EXGLISH MUSLINS BLACK ALPACCA CCATS, GARLAND, â€" J MJ Rentie: Contributions to the Refreshment Tables will be tinkhlz received at Mr. Kavanagh‘s, Centre Town ; . Whelan‘s, Ridesuâ€"street ; Mr. Caldâ€" LalDs‘ Susserxâ€"street ; or at the Asylum. T115m -;vounmm can obtain Bosrd in a Private Family, on Dalyâ€"street, by applying to X, sam, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on the most approved principles. Orders from the country will receive strict attention. Wfi.un&.umhmum u-..fi..dlgwoo.h‘.bomo‘at- ed by the week or month, at rates similar to those w.“? 'M- ing MNW. ‘nl’ b’ letter, or atthe office. Ladies: Keep. Cool! As GEO. FEATHERSTON & CO., Ottawa, June 15, 1868. Ottawa, May 29, 1868. Ottawas, June 23, 1868. All materials for the above branches kept constantly on hand. % Also, Importers and Dealers in House Furnishing Hardware. Great Clearing Sale of wry Goods. ;‘l‘. LOUIS HOTEL, * BT. LOUIsâ€"STREET, AND RUSSELL‘S HOTEL, ParaC®=8T., QUEBEC. ‘The above firstâ€"class Hotels are now open for the T. PATRICKS ASYLUM PIC=NIC. Engquire at Ashburnham Terrace: 1 115% T. L. GOURLAY. EW HOUSE TO LBT CHEAP, PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, GENTLE.\WI l_l_(_!:} EP COOL ! Canadian Families Every article connected with LADIES‘ and CHILDREN‘S MOURNTNG, supplied by f GRANT & HENDERSON, BLACK SILKS, BLACK PARAMATTAS, BLACK COBURGS, BLACK GRENADINES, MOURNING MANTLES, Grant and Hendecrson. . $5, RIDEAUâ€"STREET, FAMILY MOURNINC. TO SELL THE BALANCE OF THEIR SUMMER STOCZ CF~ Ottawa, June 18 At Prices which must effect a Speedy Sale. Wholesale and Retail _/ is Importers, 20 Sparksâ€"st. No. BUFF AL WILLIS RUSSELL. 14, RIDEAUâ€"STREET, WILL ~COMMENCE Btrccessors to Chas,. Garth, City Hoop Skirt Factory. M highly desirable article which I have secured the Sole Agency for in Ottawa and vicinity; It is known As Lesser‘s Patent Skirt Appendage ! Patented April 23, 1868, and‘consists of a SEPARATE TRAIL, which can be attached to an ordinary Thus converting it into a graceful All in SsSOMETHING NEW. ul;rc;m;fiadâ€"e -Ji'_ffivening ‘Skirt! BEG to call the attention of LADIES to a new and GRENADINE $HAWLS, I[UTCHMOR & CO‘S, great variety, cheap, at ACCA COATS, . LINEXN cCoaATsS, 115.3 Plain Hoop Skirt, TLN & COPPERSMITHS, BELL HANGERS, &c. BLACK CRAPES, BLACK REPPS, BLACK LLAMAS, BLACK LUSTRE®, AND MILLINERY. sale: All kinds of Scires constantly on hand and for Baldwin‘s Alarm Money Drawers, 20 Rideauâ€"street. . 522Â¥ BAREGE SHAWLS, aris Exposition 115â€"2m ALEX, WORKMAN & C0., 34 Sparksâ€"street, Centre Town. + 168â€"2m THE BEST SoW IX USE. AT THE MARSEILLES VESTS BAREGE JACKETS 510y Ottawa, Agents. * snncml INTEREST & EXCHANGE » TABLES. \ _ A bupply of this aseful work just received»nd { for sale at the lowest cash rates, at ( The Ottawa Citizen. Greatest Curiosity (Plain and with Head Line), EXER! BOOKS. A supply: just reseived and for s« the lowest cash rates, at & ; The Otmwa Oitizen 6 Stationery and Printi ouse 21 lzu-fl.:u Ail marked in plain figurer, at the lowest =sh rates, at _ : * .hm‘u-u'r ~ot. &c., at the lowest cash rates, at S‘l'lll- PEXNS and PEN HANDLE®, Gillott‘s, Mitchell‘s and other makers, at the lowest cash rates, at I‘A:gan Citizen 11 Rideauâ€" treot. MANILLA, TEA and STRAW, at the lowest cash rates, ut * The Otm.gflsu. ?l Rideauâ€"stroct. Btephen‘s, Todd‘s Porth Office, &0., at the lowest cash rates, at The Ottawa Citisen Stationery and Printing Hocse, F 21 Rideauâ€"strect. At the lowest cash rates, at _ Manufectured to order, in any style of rling and binding, at the lowest cash rates, at The Otrwa Ortizen * uvnc. MaGAZINES OR PRINTED BUOKS, ; Bound i1 any style required, at the lowest cush tes, mt 4 The (O¢tamwa Citizen a Stationery and Printing Mouse, . 21 Riadeauâ€"street. Elollllll' and ARTISTS‘ MATE«» RIALS, At the lowest cash rates, at coul On Thursday next, THE WONDERFUL ALMAN AC for 306 years, a copy of which will be presented, FREE OF CHARGE, to every Lady and Gentleman applying Greatest Curiosity ORPY OUNTING HOUSE and $CHOOL LEâ€" _QUISIT %8, _ % [‘-AD PENCILE, ‘ m-. Rowney‘s and others, at the lowest cash 21 â€"streot Bool and JOBâ€" PRINTING, At the lowest cash n‘nl-. ak ie s &M ty and Printing House, 21 Rideauâ€"s‘reot, LA1N & FANCY STATIONER1, The Ottawa Citizen, CCOUNXT BOOKS, TO BE GIVEN AWAY ! LANK BOOKS®, Tmizn Book, 41 illastrations, strong‘7 bound in cloth boards. Thirty cente. FocnTH Book, 4+ illustrations, strongy bound in cloth boards. Forty cents. TII SEW CANADIAN Naâ€" TIONAL SE&4IES of READIN® BOOK8, authorized by the Counsil of Pubâ€" lic Instructionfor Ontario The pmices and Dealersâ€" bound in cloh boards. Fifty cents. * BE GIVEN AWAY! RAPPING PAPEKR®, Wll.l.ll PUBLISHED On Thursday sext, THE WON s mmulouusm’:-’;: cnu'l‘.nuh and im e every Lady Gentioman The Ottawa Citizen Ottawa, June 8, 1868 A sapply just received and for sale t ILL BE PUBLISHED ITING Atinetedcadiitca 440000 cemawe Stati and Printing House, esery 21 Rideauâ€"streot. EomE® dfi'u" a. 8 The (:n ca.‘-u Stationery Printing House, 21 Rideauâ€"s.reet. Biationtry * P it Un nass, aesdiiieiiring. . ~| P A liberal allowanse to Teachers OR THE DAY. OF THE DAY: The Ottarmwa Citizen 21 Rideauâ€"s vect Toly ot Iy

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