M0NCE, Ttcsonta, try the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain . and Item, (ttanrt, Defender of ' the Faith, km, a. &e. to unlock-thaw†“all.“ lby my»! "reur mash-0mm J. A. Inns-n.9, Him-u r a Jada. By I and. Act ol the Pull-ant at Cal“. [and in the null coulo- mnolJld mama 't “An Act "In!" tea-null). Ga Public Mb.†it u an.“ other than in ofod can!“ “all. AT-mor in Council pay. {no an. lo a... III- Iul â€(cl-Hon u be “more". M 0131mm; 'tmqti-ro till I“ the what“. do. an aa. admit. the an!) shunts.“ boats or and. n no at!“ - or places It can» " and min; Ibo pain M may" or l iiiididaiiGuieiuidti.rti-rvuvei, Ca'.',".':,'.:',".",'.':':' would!» “no, u my bubs-git but ru-ut" I. - the public Icahn-uh owing tho in m " I‘m. by m In - ., "not. pm!» “I.†at this“ "this; a u, you with“. CMIOIUCI hatch it tigttt ht lho pun-r- uck-onto pub hula. an and: "etaeus. nan ."Iy. “a for the lion-3h clouds; and dininbwn‘ " not ion-oh. pun-pro, good- or In.“ " u to Pro"'". " In on with. thi 1am or “nominate. ol about into a In Canals. ad I.) was or - act alone u " any ..- mat, fee u _ nit-l.- Io a... mwtiuly, net rum to to It, thin! - In! dunk; at tho mi- " not "and“. no In}. it». the to a... mob or Anal than": “with... In my uh - la their mu. an my lips. â€was. Minna ad pith-om In a. bum-I w. '55th "plaint- rh.utt be pound by proddin- in. pull-0d in a" mmdo Gum- " ten" why; .34 the modem- ofthe .oe'iattt. Mun- m my not rectum “I ho "ï¬lm at“. uni“. ha and meatmttg ot that _ Sou. And {who} that we! ‘uguciou "all I." thq (an of luv Artr%g the (in. ther mp“. may and. “mold. who ther it upon!) his“ to to I. {no col, any. n cumin an: " u and. mu- on anon in which traoothe, uh] -thqhteqaetoe Curb; II. duo-ad " at “it‘ll"..- “I“ C a GNOME“. hull-id unlike»; a: May - -gimgan, now.“- my in M it. “m. with“. by hood-rho.- I-tubab. out...“ my dinmudm "In.†a and " tho pum- con- hhod in an! [I'll-lion. . " not til to“. ship. and as» mob. my! the Cuuhl Mn! Itch-on. nut - Mlnd "rug the out! who an. (0|th mmnyda‘pnlhuQu-imryymnhn an“. Inn. Panel Quin. {In a, - myth": plan. in MR who on oeNa-dn.bywayotthat pun at). â€mil. Lama-o which h bole: ammo. “(I which an In.» a. use ortteir all tserwat.ee.ttail hnhd can. pd: - a. the plan - they 100'“:an cloud. “y pun-CI beard mum. “an Auntie cuwm;-m MW "M.aaun.oeeeheriit-d m Choc-guru Mal-In. a, pu- "o-od-r-hr-r-_, “clinch-panamhudnd tun WMMHQMIIMCIII m Mon. or which “In. of Mu An Flux“. on am I- also“. In thU.d.y boo. gland to Inna-don). Madly. mkpummchlonu new Input new ae. numb "and.†u â€no... that u to "r. than than". “Mu-aw. mun-“mummy...- -rru_-mettseto-tie.d 'art.N3tmauthairtt-tin.atorx-.aat. b no 1hr R Lam-u. “a on. - “I undo-cum and ban. ship -sruttt.duehatd (nu-at".- I-gbm use... or â€upon, “new (in. who: foo or ouch-on! an, hud " II." boie.ssmo-it-to"-ed."" "stb.trstdobtth.qoe.r.oe.wtthtu_f -tri.'-ut Ind-WMIQHMON'O â€mm-upmnmuémw â€madam-Mun“. “mild! â€mu In Pm £00000, from any pet! wrinkling», planet plus. etch-via} no - slyly-paddy In. - now-mud onâ€. What.- 'r-or-ttu-r-todd-a- “I. "I... “that noun-din. Ind Min-Much humilipumuluhh os"eri-rbobe-_sttrg.eteHpattr. mqmauauwmmcmw aha-rul- uumu. no. my tog-1M by murky. no mama-nu mum-mu- â€Mull-Mo a! hulk-Chm m mama-Mo. do Ink. “on (union Bs-trot. [about " Quake, “not“ "ther-a-tte. pad“ . HIGGil-lslnl.‘ ADM-up. “indium-chum tl Wh mum-“Mun.“ but. M Quin-gin " - .1115 "il, who: in†lb. qim hit.“ humming and . hot-'- remlut to It, tin-gt tho M In" “upland-o Wot. “do: th- dludol of lbw I! Hick. and W- a. use: in "a by - It": in. with from tho - nan-mu a? all his“ and Oran-bio. "oulaod.uuu.odiri--p'- In. not“! In Ibo hup'uls, and toe the W “I â€optic. ut an. IM no khan-ha II»!!! or who no [knu- ud with may of the folio-in; “out... any: min-o cums. luv-1.8.31! In. Scalab- or _ ohssr m innin- and '"aq.ro .9 inch and an ran-hing patio: to"). roooythl an madma- " " you... (no n1 on" potluc- Ibo run be Incl“ And deeuaed - (I. “in Uund who aullnt6 - It“: er in than.“ with In at the "id db- o-o-nndnyom or we... also outâ€. “to gunman. pm In. and would when out. "Id bind to the ttterr, at." no, bam â€up." 'ten" try “to Ruin! Supt“. “I. 1."!st 001130 tre u: If. LAW. lect no "tebmtto.tgrat mm. an.“ out» a I . Moire-l Sup. iu'ondul’, n Ila-yum Eu'ud I â€a not " an. Employ“ I“ Or6at't" u - l 50an or "aloud to math-ulwiuu‘ the vent 'e. Th. Mule-l moorland»: Jul to - pd " no I» _ hi. dot, "rim, and In; " I "In-u. rich I“. [all W nod may a†" - at" pu'u'u unm- uwu u Ur no bin. at “and lo on union. “than.“ "ut- Ali's-unto an khdmiulhk' I“th “Ion-“NI“ 'uh- pout-00.00 Mlutln Into-Md - the Hall on" In. the [an an! much, am no - Superintendent (and «a a in 4..eh.+hm"or0..nee,tMo0te.r..atiara" a.“ a a. MM) +ot cote-um an In gamma-mu thalidlnuwpiot mind on.“ planet )1th W. all"). m“ out“ Int-um all â€Wan-uh.“ q.--lYMt,utnetgNg " OBOSSI-HLI. IIIIIAI‘ S.-00umut, IUPIMIIHDIII‘ "" CANADA. Q-POV or acute CANADA to pats-Qinotu», to to bdkmeht to anchor.' with m M a! the Quin-nun. â€change. And: f poor-111d. MI on In!» required to enforce rigid F “uh-co to o nld in! “a then "ritio'"r. it “out." put“ “I [unsung or other prion: ll ltd“ on T “id inland. to be m unmarked or ' 'hipede't d an Rambo“ at other vessel I not the Us in n tit nu. to rel-aim isem, : a-the any in: bub unlined " him and l [ (and h a It stun for s-trsrutiott of fur lo‘v- ( in. It. It" tak, Int! that all much plunger! I only. Imus“: Inna-Jun beau whim]. I duped purl“. “d an thers does not exist. l - who m that Io proeeod or Ian. I m "" Mod say out " Iytnp'mnl of Ali-mu1 Chem. I I. Bull Pea, Seamus- or )loulen- , a one lamb- and dug...»- dnuu. _ a. an: in}; amnion bound to mu. their Quinn's-o t Gran-III. u Ifunllld. Ind put the (M; q Fetiit'" to the hub" o: "m as in dupnhu I w»: “you “no mum of your "an! , , PM . one. did you all. tad date? ' Win i you "no. and whom. tahett l we? e 4 At will phat or plan did yo'ur run! too in In "Pr , 7 t _ ' 'u'Jh [rim or plan. ‘or my "ad which “than. than! with tho cholsn. plague. w my mum you: or din-u T ' now "V, pun" war. a bound 1150-. {no "In! "itH'. 7 t _ w' Cabttt 'tz: t " Suing. can" ' _ Crow , _ . . , ll". , pouon or when: Juan; (h. w} ". dd2lt', my" than now anritsuet.dsittt III “an? pkg-o or any pennant“! foyer " du-t _ ' ouadtt- or "my. Ind how any die "ring ti. "I... 8.1. (lol- what dUtomper l' O DU " or "we! a. ulip‘a comp-n! or pay. - wit you with. to on board any ship unwound“ any at the compuy of may ship or "no! conun- bond your Ihip iuthe VO’I‘O. And he. um P" did In. nil laatt " Did tc, ot any of your nhlp‘u eumpuy or "ee" but or “than â€nativity " conunt. Jud u my: pine. within Cum“? ll 'e'fi.r,tt uy penal on bond who ll luna- tic. idiotic. an! and dumb, blind or harm. Ind much -aatied L: Islations My]. to support than , 1 , tntt' “km be “Infamy. be that gin a I Watt hm tf health to thy-uh: or "mm in l, China; "d 'rret vault any than proud torch. I - a! tt-bee, It the aurora bu no: "tu. l innumu'ho Music-l Superintendent bu any I nun to dupe: {and on tus par: " the may? " â€poll char, are! at """ue, he malt I in“? oedorthq ï¬nd to Inch pi". and In, l be upping! for was.†dstn1tttrd,'tm1esr Q uranium l claw-tilde; I. 05.1101" for the tb'.p's puma W Feta and lotbooh, “a imp-ct the. My!†" to noon-In tho whole of tho â€Md-Mi the mound would be non‘ no any {13:100. h will In!“ much signM " l In, Nix-hot on to thou thn â€ils'unco in l no stuirst BIPOIIMM dull A!“ board MI â€cool. to buy â€llOllmlllfy to input. u. on" I." “up of I" ":an douiuod in Quar- ullno- up all“ and. "may. sll “any; â€page" to he "ued with unit lungs. And as" TJIU: the ousasimg guttt duitst'eetiott of much. lib “All dines thy number or pulon‘lrl to be Ind... Magnum-g than who require to to "and toe peattteertut or “tooth-u diomun "Om' up to be tanded " mu pl!" of the hid mad at for not comment. from those who do i?ii'iiiifi: trowel", us! who may " had-d a put ol the nu kind at up." for new onbo balmy nd thou he. {run . or We" W. Ind In null be on“ th much pom man he landed " mob l. mu [m nodhd'mut-m on board In III an. of A.“ din-nu which no not Jsy the†up!“ will], required to I). tuned on than. “a Maori it an! to demand ld'illbl. not to In“ It. pun-gun on the snid' mind. Ito am- . "no! u clan-0d, vaunted mad when? an] "and to who on bond the this at V poetirnt at the yuan-u. or whether, It. with . any ad vim! of the “In piston." in] ' on the aid ulna. to wound up tho that, I Mao-lo of convoy-nevi. ind ho shn't, " Ei; the â€any" no manhunt! on board t ir ohlp. " on bond my Ihlp or non] lad-[Mull Us“. gin n paupon or clan but at In"! to a. mum at potion hula; nub Hi uMwQuboo. 11. am nub a! the noun bound by hun u i I... 1iE?it',' nth mall in vim“. plan "b. B. "ait In" medic-l chug. or d] on We" who do not dinmnuk. Ind who my lube-ting “do: my other (In: pu- til-tul Wino-no; aqua-ll order " bad man bond In, mreh hip or and Ila "all [about and" lay pertileatial or Inâ€. no. to In landed nth their lugging will. the [grading "(tuition no “It“ hpnmmm mu hue chug. a! the WI. a. nun mm mm tho hoopl- ldo‘ut mm mm ot penile-Hui Md MOI-mu... att pone-I "bouring under or W can "r not an»... no null but “MI In“... ad “mum at every- lllng robin; to the giesk. Me “all visit and 'g,'ISll, pun-3m who as" ho laud-d from any " , “d â€MOI than ll M lhlll think 01me on mu pm of the {sludgppto- - but. "on...“ of petulant“! or infamous than... k a the put ot m an! hind Hrrrotrr1. ohd b m, mun. Upon mi new", of m thud for my Inch din-u In ah", In†in mm, gnu!" nah panou to the hunky you a th) uld bland. Hp Ihhl lupcrinmnd the V'uhl‘ In] puma; of all pun:- pn. unit “puking um until-ting of their ““3... who. they no in . a: in“ to pro" -s.hau, "and be. on" my bunny. or II! yon 61 k to be band at other- domoyod- a-res, scrum, unocsm AND 1 cum. he tta,e:.'le the bullion of may". I gm or 0:12.: occupatimu. or method In by†or “lung. II.“ bs allt"eed to no“. upon the "ttau" the hem!- nd strict totttrul of“. $iiiii Eartha-dost, who will but mu “than, k din-harp and "Milton the ‘ulnd .u or any duh pom“ "porting tho het ot lurk din. m a. "astt6tttorsior, fortho Ir.fwrttta'.lon on). 9 CNN! Gourd or puma ndmin‘surln‘ l It. 'ilii5:'i.' All not poncm‘ha any It] n- - idiom-g or man on the old inland shall i bowl“ u to prion by [his to be furnished by tho-Meal t.'tT.rhotrdentisrrorn limo Co, that. and} by tho haunt Agent u Qu ice. [It “luckily again into ttttd be“. upon al “pl-Mu of mlwoadnet " bunch 51' (he _ tiou by for“ to trndUgt In shall no ttpt no M pone. upland " the dentin-om. " In was“. onploynom on [ho nld blind. In l My ".mwdy u.y human or cone-m in my “I?†atimeuu-, ".oeher thing: to b. uuppllod l or [in . bought or told upon the "lit Mud, a a handy - " win any pri- vate or Mud tor "T uni“ "gland buy or if." of "tseia, PWII or â€by...“ - "id kind. . giig it an: I I" a. day as] - to who. 1.39.19“. any I Much te this n‘ulula Ihll come to upon tho I... with to no lodlul 'it'uerltttottdertmho Antt nag-In mo the M all-(Ml. And any lll~ pad INK his ole. any "no. " that.“ until, I the .plognn of a. Gonna-Mord dull to 1 - by.“ the pun-o “and. via-urn summon rum-s. mu hunch.- tar-mod gum oopiu or a. “a " And "tha.. tog-lulu», nad ulna at tho In. "pump-mun. mun-m: thum- to 'ht,2', or - in slurp oi ‘cnry "not my V but Ivory pilot but“ “up or I and“ ti. “and†of “mo "bteto nth Pt"e"' Ozone-Ill. ll dons-Mann his. huh-run“. tho “my of the new and . 01"“. hut-huh" _ Thy nun-bu.» thicket an; a mm a . Nadya“ Mr my“: W by. uh“. the All unselulleble to nuke their Quiet-mine " GrouseJele. on their "tin! there sun enchor Fithitt the ill-lt- of the "when“ ground at tl roue-I-le herrtntmtor. iUhttod, until boarded br the" Medial Superlntendenl; and if they null not be detained " Groue-Ille on account of nickneu or nupiolon thereof. dull receive . elem bill cg health, and my proceed to the humour of Quebec end there nacho! It eny plea: with": the llulu of that portion of the Poet othebeo herelnboforo derdned, and there "nun 1mm communication 1nd: the lhm, or II, other veuel ur hoe: until “All, dsretttsrg.d from Quennzlne by the lirettie " lay-port thanâ€; but It My web venel shall ; heve been bullied at Crone-Ink from mum of i malicion though}! ehell tucker.“ the mouth of l the [liver M. Charley and there rem-la until ttttally I U;ueurrd from Quernnllno u norm“. . In. prop" otheotr. "ht mum; at 0mm. ir; {in vendin- neolnd bel.stt blll of hum: Iron: tho Medical Septuagint " a-mu. “a bu not been dot-hm] (but. on “count. pt Helm": or rupluleion Usenet. she In" bung to " luv plum within unknowing limit: in tho Port of Wuhan viz: the whole lpncopi tho “in? St. Llwnnco. [rob the mom _ ohm luv" St. Charla. to a “no drum rerun tho "id River tit. M'RBQI, from the or"" on the Citadel or Capo Diamond " right any!" to the can". of the said than but must nut communion. with (In lhoru or with any other ".sel or boat untll boarded by the ‘RPWW'S phyriciu; but if IE. noul he at an clus td than an lublo to In“. their uni-rum“ n (Drona-m. rho any either bring to " in; pine. within the “urn-id limits, In the Port of anchor. or sh. any [amend u on“ will. hum ground. . on the .rriml of In, um! n Oman-lulu. on bond of which then null I). or â€all my.) bun duringtho pm". may cut ot Chute", Favor. Sm." Pox. Soul-tin. or Mosulâ€. or 1Atttrr New (was or dunno“; dl-ouo. Ind In " other run! when it Iht'l be column-d noun-r, by the Medial Supuiunmlenl. the stung. P"""'" null be Indod with {lair Iu‘gngo, Ind I'm-bod and puriiUd, and dull ha panama! to "sorntstsrk god yuan.“ a. um. and, or "all be detain" nd onbukod tn some steamboat orutMr wad, n lhlll " Mm!“ by the um“: Super- imendonl. Tho plunge" in the pgnclpnl “bin aha-ll nu In llndod “in†inn-u ohi ‘kueu. Ind any at an Illu- procud with (In "ugh or other- wise. If!" hum; wand Ind puruietl their lap {use to t? “when†um with tlst pert of the Media! Superintendent. 's-tima.". ' Vessels uniting it Groin-Isle from in} infected par! or pllco. w one “ppm“ to be 1nteetosl, Ind an bond of which no â€smooth! chums null hug dstiamd in." during the pun-go. may be kqxunder gun-mine at ot-tist {or I poriod of nut won an: am. dar', 'luring whleh time the purengcn Ind on. “who! shall be "Muted to I strict padtieatioo - tho “motion ot no Mull- cal Sumdnundonl. All mul- douhml ta quar. nnum shall In clawed and autumn, and their beuun d.eu, it not puimd or unkind, uh“ bs whinwuhod,but lf pnintod or “Initial, mu be (horoughly 31mm with - w: Inter or lay. and lush portion ot tto batiot n th. Mullet] tyaporiutertdertt mu order, "all be thrown oval- bond. and" Mo mum.“ npcrllmndonco, of tttat of homo potion to be appoint“ by hm for that in All coon whoro voo-olo hula. planning" on i bond on ocmht of licknou “on.“ nah poo- un‘ou oholl ho dotollod " Quorutino. tho auto: 1 or person in than any. on oppllootion to tho} Malia! Supoxintomlont " Oreo-Jolt. ho oliowod told-d tho ooid poooongou qith their inuogo; and tho Gun] hot-g "opal: doomed, purifiod and dioinfectod - tho Inporihtondonoo ad with tho Hoodoo of the' Modtttat Shporinlohdonthmoy pmood up tho mot withomtho “id-pm" upon tho moot" at pom-in ohugo poyin; to web pom- " oholl ho Ippointod to roeolvo tho oomo one ohiliinz ood lhroo â€no for "" â€noun.“ but tho oxponoo of their oomnyohoo to Quoboo. md oloo " tho nto of onto chilling r" diam for our: of tho ooh! pomngoro, to ninbnno tho or. pen" of their Inhintononco " Groooo-hlo, for tho time during which ouch _ in tho judgment of tho Moduli Snwhlohdnt. would hon had " ho detained in Quorontino - toe tho my" not olntod with ooy of tho poodloutiol or infoc- ‘tiou dingo“: Mono-id. mm Inch moi oholl ho dot-ind in Quantum until the pomn‘ou not lick of tho “would dioouu, thou ho oiouood, an} wand, P"tiud Ind unlabeled. ".-.IN8PECWNi1 PHYSICIAN " QUBBIC. An hoped»; reruuit " Quoboo oholl go oi " MI noool: who. " - of " tho mouth of tho but 8t. Chuloo. old pm tho following quot “no to tho mum: or porn:- in “up. viz '. l When did you loonOtoooo-blo'! , Exhibit to no 3w: pauper! from Groooo-lolo , ' Mo- prom to“ you on Mord? Cobiu paragon , ' . Sloorogo pooungen , Crow t ' I 4 Rambo} lot! It Groooo-lolo , _ I “no on, pom- " pomno boon Dion mt ( oil-co you Ion argon-lob? I 0 no" on, died t Mate number, noiuoo and (moon , . 8' a". you no, - on ' who ls lunatic. Wade, M “a dun). blind or him, and m Inch M¢onponlul by "Utioets nblo to support than? A t It". a, ponc- or potion come on bond or bu yearn-cl one. you Ion grout-bl. t And moroovor, ho ahaii roqniro all marten or patron- in clam ol ' iiahio to Inan than Quarantino " (koala-hi0, to oxhibit to hi- tho iiconuor purport which titty ohaii hon rooaiv‘od from tho Kodiaai Inporintondont " tho Quaran- tiao Station; and arch nutoro or panca- in sharp ahail forthwith onihit tho III. tor oxani. nation to tho laid impacting phyoieian " Qnohoo. who, if ho ahaii Ind. " woii {rota tho - ho may roeoivo no from tho toner ot thopnuport and thoaotaoi atota ofthopaaaoagoroaadorow that aloha- dooa not oxiot on hoard ho rhaii than grantto tho - or when in ohargo ofoueh vooooi, a cartilaoto in writing rotting torth tho I hoaithy “to at tho poooongm and area, to tho and that oath vooooi no: obtain a Mai diorhorgo trim Quarantino. But, it in tho contrary, ouch inet. in. physician " Qnohoo, ahaii Ind any "k of partneatiai or iafootlana - on board. or nun l hnvo Jim Mara to apprehend tho hroahin‘ out oi any ouch malady. it rhaii than ho " duty to hoirta yoiiow no; at tho maimtop-galiaat-Inut hood and , r'uaii can†tho vooaol to roan to ornnain omit-e _ l detainod at tho mouth-of the Rivor Saint Charloo for lnrther ohoorvatina and inopetion; and having acquaint“! tho major or - in char‘o with tho pen-luau to ho than“ It ho should [wait any communication with " voraoi mm! nionood trout Qiimmino.» com "poet ail tho circuit-toner- to tho “uni-tor of Agricultnro for tho information of tho Govarnor Gonorai , and if it ahaii appoar to tho raid impacting phpioian at on] thin that Inch l vouci rhall havo porood tho Quorantino Station " emu-m. without napping to Iota Quarantino. being iiahlo that“. and ohnid thoroforo'ho Iont down to Oman-[rim orthotonoh vooooi having oi. road] eioarod from Grooooolaionhonid rotor-n thoro- l to. than " iaadtho pun-pro. ho ohaii order the I manor or porno in - to Draco“ or rattan with Inch vouoi to Guano-lab. and oooh - or porno in sharp ghtti aha: rich drier. and tho propor clean " Oman-Kola ahaii ohoorvo in ro- rpoot or Inch vomia tho â€no ruloo and "platinu- l as aro providod tor vaaaoia arriving " Groooo-Ioio with rich - tho inopotin‘ pity-icin- at Quohoo mat with any ruiatanoo in tho diaehargo of tho duty roqnirod of hilt " thia roguiation. Io will inuodiataly allot" tho Iona by all lawful l moanoat his diapoooi. Any mambo-t or t8her "uni an nun Inn towed or 01!:th 00111an with gm.“ of the all“ ducal: liaU. to Ink. their Quorum). " Guano-bk. not hula; an di"ums Im- anuln. of the lulled Scum-dent " Oman-lulu. an: be "bleot to tho an. up!» “on “I 'natmtyti'" " MRI-Wm mum mm vaul- ut (baht-pd mm Our- tt.-PAS.tHLN0 HRS or who: No “about 0h." he moved to proceed to Ground-Ill. for the purpose of taking on board plenum" ditch! from that irlmd. without previ- only owning from tht Culloelor ot (‘u-tonu of gun for: or Quinta "Mon permit to am effeet; "Wet "verttteUo ttttho rennin-m hcrninhoforo provided. .' r . _ No and dull be entered " clemd at the Pod of Queue or Montreal, until all the "virsmirio ot tho’fungoin‘ regului6nl in "forum. to men Emu-ls shall In" been ttmy complied with. ( gn-P0itrob' HALIFAX. /. That ell hosts, ships er vessels ceiui ' into the‘ Herbeur of mum. in the Province at ovnSeotie, _ which shit line " the time of‘thei Mid srrivsi, T or shell hm had during their r up from m1 pieces when they respectively cloned, eny person on bond lshourin; under Auntie Cho‘ers, Fever, Smell Pox. Seal-tins, or Monies. or other infec- tions and dangerous disease, or on board or which In, person shell he" died during melt plunge, or which. being of He, tonnsge then yttyen hunilml tons mensuremen‘. shell have on husrd thirteen or more steere‘e puking"; or which being oi grater ton-‘3 than seven hundred tons measure- ment, shell here on been] fifty or more steersge pessengers or which shell hare come fmu: Mum. infected tort, shell nuke their Query-tine in the Hsrhonr of mum. on brmrd such vessels or at such piece on shore, and in such manner es shuli he directed by the inspecting physician of the sun] Port of llllifu. end there tannin end continue until with ships or vessels shall be disghurged irons such Quenntine. by such license or passport, end disehsr‘e given eithcyut fee or cmolument of any kind u"ehell he directed or permitted by such order or orders " shell he mule by the Governor, with the “vice of the Livy Council; and until the seid ehipl end vessels shell respectively have performed snehQusrsntiue and shall be discharged therefrom by such license or â€Rupert nnd dig. eher‘e " Homeâ€. persons, goods or merchandise which shell been board such Instr. ships nr Yos- eele. shell not gout' or he brought on shore, or 5". or he put on bond of In] other ship or vessel in Cluldl, except st such piece indicated as Mora. seid when duly required by competent nuthuriiy. All hummus- or and. ot Nu cl." and do- "ritrtloet honinbel‘oro mentioned. " “IN. to uni. thou Qnununc in the Harbour of Italitas, shall unchor within I milg at tho Southern and at User‘o'l hind, than to be inipeclml hyxhe in. meeting phynuin. Ind ordered, nm'onling l0 aim-mutton ll store-aid. The human; play-icing. own port m‘llnlil’u "tlt mu, on their Atrial, Inch bun. m... or "no". 5nd It.“ dine: thin: " burl. “Wanted tor the public hunk. mm! in necnrdnnoo with the Intent Ind mania; of [In prawn! rtrgu1atiuw' and tttturs In Counts“, whlrh may be oatrtmunieaimt tn him trmn limo In (inn. K Thu all bouts, ships or vessels comm; inn (he Huhour of Sun: John, in the Erovinco of New humanist. thoh aha“ luv. at the time of their uld Atrial. or nhlll have had during then-pas- up from the pllcu than they rerpeetively elundmnyponon on bond [shouting induAnntic Chet-n, Favor, Sun" Pos,tieurutirtis or Nauru or other 1auotiort. Ind dungcrona din-u. or on bond of which my person Ihnll have died during nah puny, or which, bola; of Ian mun-p thsn up!) hundred to“ mounroment. thtll h". on Mud mm" or more nun;- pun-cunts. or which hem; of greater muse tttan noun hund- red ton- nomnmont. ah-il have on bond iiity or no" nut-go pun-ago", or which dull hue eons In). so... W per: shsll unis than Qusrsntlns is the “about of Mint John on board such vsmls or on Partridge Islsnd. sud in such Imam!" shsll b0 lndiemd by tho inspscting physlelu ot tho slid Port of tit. John, and thus sou-in sud ttttattmte urttil such ships or vessels Chi“ be dischsrpd from such Qusrsnslno, by web license or pmpon. “a disohsrgs given within" to. or smolnnsnl ct my kind. qr shill ho direited " psmltuzl by such ordsr or orders ss shsll In lands by the Gannon with tho sdvleo ohhs Privy Council; and mull tho ssid ships sud vessels shall "speeds-1y has [informed such Quarantine. sud shsll b0 disohsrgsd merchan- by such lies-nu or nuspon sud dischsrgs us sforesnld. persons. goods or mmhsndiss. which shsll in on board such boas, ships or '.oelr, shall not com» or be brought as shore, or go or in put on board of any ottrer ship or "as! in Csnsds, except pn tho ssid Partridge Isis-d who: duly requiredibr comps- an “shall" All boom-hip. or vosula of the sins Ind do- leripdon t-lttberrrm mentioned In lieu. to nah thou Quantum h the ma Bdrboar of St. John, lhnll nohor 'khln n I“. of tho otgtftdo or loath- on and of Paul“. blond, (ulna brood hy In." of welthor to nohor III-hie the uid inlgnd, in which on. no): "null uhlll anchor on do“ n .rrrsetitsa1rio to the uid mud.) than to be in. - by the bowling phrori'"t Ind ordered According to the olrcuilmn'ncu " “would. . The humming phylloln of the Port M St. John null vUit, on their nnlnl, such has“. chip. or vouch. and dull direct than u but ulculntod for the ptbllo hunt, and in “canine. cm: (in Intent Ind moaning of the pret "qutatiot" Ihd Incl onion “Council an any tr'o nammunientod to him from “III to time. . , Tho inpudn; physician of the Ports of Unli- fu And SLJohn tor n, modlcnl omen nominnud to â€In mm»: In their thence) null In" MN}. tho control our :11 can". Ind em- Noro, who ply be nppoinled ot employed fur tho some. ofthe Quantum In an uti'poru. "anomaly, and the median! mendmco our the not Ind ham, [an-ongoi- or crow donned or. bond. or who my in. bun hand to undorgo the In“ Quantum on Ibo", Ind the aid input-1 In. physiclnl mm In". Winâ€. an “In. dull" to perform nil the “no otthority u thou heuhbofm “and to my lulled Supulnund- out ot tho Quanta). o! (Mme-Illa, and thin man the nu outlet and cumin (In an Author it, " the an In»! " plumbed for the raid [dial Sworn-condom. ' ".-vEtmtta IN QUABANTINE AT THE PORTS " HALIFAX AND ST. JOHN. ".L-ts8PliNmNII l’HYuIClANS 01" THE PORTS " HALIFAX AND ST. JOHN. In all on" who}. "Jul. having [managers on bond, or account. ot datum Amount and: po- "l.ro, nun b. dot-bod In Quarantine, the In": or person in elm†may, on application to tho human; phyllolul of would Ports of Iuti... fn orttt, John rupoctlnly. be Illowod {gland tho 9M puma wllh lholrluggnp; and the haul being properly clawed. ptrifiod Ind akin. {acted and" tho Inprlnuntence and 'tittt the lion» ot the Input.“ Play-loin, any pruned up the hub): 'lthout the new â€page", upon the" mute! or permn in chum PI!- ing to web rerun u ehnll be amounted to reeeive the nine. ten pence tor 'eeeh pee-eke: to be" the expense of their COB- vqnnee, nnd tho " the an of one willingne- diell for not at the uh! yueengn, to reimbnue theme of their 'tmit-teq for the time duh; which In» need, In the Judgment of tho, beneetlng phyelelmwonld hue had to be detlh- " in qnnrnatim. waiting for the peeeengell not electeu with any of the Mlmlel or infection; dine-nee “maid. ennui“ Inch veuel Ihell be clown-die Qnuentine until the pusengen not not ortho stoned»! dl-e, shell be ole-need. weaned. padded at! dhinfeeted. ".-PILtrN " I!!! PORTS or HALIFAX AND ST. JOBN. Ting OTTAWA TIMES, JUNE 11. Bloc oftho Port- of mum and M. John ro- -otivetr, huh; boon flint-bod with oopiu of tho told Act. and of thou nnlot:ou,uhall exhibit the unto tho Into: or p'ouon In chug. or Any if)... an, or "no! they no, board '--"erT Pilot hung ohm cl I "no! at m deaer1tsthn of then lloblo to not. Quorontino " tho Ports of Hours: " St. John mpoctivoly. also“ bring berto W vuln- tho iimita at tho what-go grounds 1mm do“ to: the "id pom "openin- ly s-au, on“ All. hoop . Union Jock lying at up. pool a .n - “do: thoir chum, until Flu-1‘ RURI “I" EAINT JOHN {one a plum. without the Dominion not commu- nicated with any other vesul whleh dull hue "rived frngrlny port without the Dominion, lhl" be exempt from tho foregoing lulu indngultllom so tar u rrpccts the necessity of going to or non- ping at (he anchongo ground “would , nor nun tho "id rules and regulation apply to Dy "no! of I", or to tum-pom or nucl- "vine Queen's troop. on bond “complaint! by A mullet! one" and in a hunky mm, or to any new". unlul lichen tt dull: mu hue occurred during tho pungo. . . A . Mud. y the proper medical out" Ital-laid. ' mammal“. mousing. l “ml! trading between my pom orphan w bin Cindi. and not luring touched at my No veuol lhnll be amend or cloned nub. Port' of Queboc or Montrul. tttttll att the toqnlnuum oftho [ongoing “calming: in nhnnccto 'tttttt \esul 'ghnll Have been tally compliod with. Any person who “all contuvene. Iithu by oxululun or Commhglo‘, any of the fougolng rs- (luxurious. Mull tdr every inch Mme he!" and pay a an: of no! encoding Foul Hun“ DOL- LAM, to be "covered In the manic:- prescribed by the uld Act; and every per-on who. upon conviv- tiott of any such ounce, dull rdit to pay tho manual of tiptt which no dull It". bun condemn. odtopny. Ilmll be imprisoned until well tits " paid, . All [nevi-ms vrOrs or regulntium no hunky rf vokml. Now Know Yo. that I. do heuhy isom, unnd. and enjoin upon I" our loving "N""" they do take notion of 1nd obey tho “id “gull- tiom 'au made as “would and gnu": “annulu- Accordingly. _ . Is Trvnmxv Wunusor. W. In" "and than our letters tn be mm." pntonlhlnd tho pm. an] ut Cum“ to b. hereunto “and: Without, mu righuruny and well-below! con-in the Right "would. CHARLES STANLEY 1HsC0UNT MUNCK, Baron Mono! of Balir. lrammun, in the County of Woxford, in the _ Poem;- ol' Ireland, and Dugout Mulch or 1htlVtrtuutnon, In tho County of Wexford, In tho Peony: of tho United Harlem of (nut Brit-i9 Ind Ireland, Govnrnm-Gounl of Cnnldn, ar., ms., bt., u put 6oeermnertt Home, In our City ot om", um twenty- third day 01111an the you at our Lord, on. thousand sight hundud And sixty-NU, and in tho thirty-hm your of our reign. By Command. llECTul’. L. LANuEVlN. 259tt . Scent-q of Sun. CHAN GE of TIME g, Lawrence &Uitawa Railway, 05 Ind 'sft.or FRIDAY. "I. I‘ll May, IM8, an] until Nrther who, can: will run a follow: um: "mean. all" I: mun Mixed. 7. " I. In. 10.36 I. n. hisâ€. IP'? In; 4.15 n. In. . Mixed. 7. " I. In. 10.3S I. m. ulna-.1.» pan; 4.â€: n. In. P Luv: 017nm. mum at "new. liq-99:3. 7 a. m. ' 9.25 km. Mind, [.00 p. m 4.15 p. In. Tho that or the" Tum ha. been Ion-um " to out". cannot-Mm with night sud thy " on Grud Trunk, our Inn "at. N. B.--rae" 1mm" mum-domed hue. 13-35130!» and mm on": that“! through from and to nation! on 11rotd_7tmth 1mm; Return “not; to Preteen. ngvwo all an» In at reduced ram "tt be had t't o principal. a- tlm or an lino. ' I it. DETLOR, THOMAS REYNOLDS. Superhuman. Hanging Director. ottooU. May ll, 1868. ly Brockv'z!!a LEAVE BROCKVILLE. 7.15 A. Moi-TBA!!! wlll Icnvo o . 1rrookvit1o duly a 7.t5 mm. ind 3:15 p.m.. arriving " Endpoint n â€:40 p. m. And 9'p.m LEAVE "h'DPuN'i'. A. Ila-TRAIN. will luv. a, 1ehty'i'iii " r." LII. m: use .m., "Hung " rockvillo at In" mm. and 1'li .m. Mgr-inn on main line mm! " Smith'lJ‘Ilk. with Train: to l ad tryn Perth.. .. _ . _ Tho M5 in. um; tram Brook“. can“: nrith ll. P. Co"- Sumner- tor Dunn. Partngo-dwl'on, Pembroke. att., ho., and the M5 p In. traitt mm Endpoint In": that thou Ito-men In duo torn out Ind wean H ABBOTT. A , Managing Dweetitr. Brockvlllo. April H. "I, Brand hunk Railway Company TY,,,".',", now hat; Bounvantun lu- tion in followl l _ GOING WF't-D.t? Expnu for 2'.'rrt',',,',e: Ottawa, Brookville, Huston, Bollovi lo. Toronto, Guelph, London, Bun bed, Godorieh, Bahia, Detroit. Chituqo Ind tl.2f" Wot, " 3.30 AM. Night do do "T.3ir P. . Aeisommoduion Train hr Khan»; “a mum.- diate “Agony nt_1.00 All: FOUR GOOD ROOMS our BEEPRIRD'S GROCERY STORE. Mum, m, m... AG", and Dnlhounlo-m. Allo, coon swung: at Poly hornet. But nodoruu. A100 . quantity lor CEDARS for talc. Rtiqui" " SEIPEIRD. u the Store. â€Ural Tran for Cornwall udjnumodhu Etu- titry_e0?.Me. - U . Cs -- _ -- A -- The 3.00 PM. Train mm througtt'to Plum- bur h. 0%1NG SOUTH AND 1iMsh'9tNsotntttodatioat Train from Inland Pond Ind Kuhn-mull.“ Sully)". " 1.00 A.M. . Exprou for New York and Baton, " 8.40 AM. Expreu for Boston Ind Nor You, " 3.3a Pat. El ml for Portlnmlmnyin; out an: Inland qur) "foo P.8. - . . - ... " . -irkit" tor Luhino‘u no A.M., no “("100 smi4.3irh'.9t_. -- - _ _ _ " __ "ri'ir/G'oul- i,Gir," impri'ni Maroon Ham“: and lunar Pond st_6t.] “kinky. 3130mm. "iit%Tiiiednau, -- biGtGic " mrv'mo mi Contmoohnnly,“ I0.lo P.?'., _ - . - "a "iiierriurr,rYhiA G, hi ‘ngm Tutu. BA.- "r “WP; Shrewsklh_ - n ' I ' I " "Ariiii'iGisuiG'Gum Ind “no oflrdvul Om! departure uf :13 trains " 2gNe and II] pt.. ans. apply It tho Ticket onâ€. uncut-no Sn- “on e, 81111.1)le LOTS. on. u". MI- I!" 7 city, on the Richmond Road. mum? on. new ouch. Apply to THOMAS M03380. .JI on an pumiuv. 5m moo 1)ttors,Jaa. 22,1008. SCHIMDR ARRANGEMENT WI NTTlit A Itlth N0 E‘VENTS, ttitif (formal) the mutt l I'm-cot! mu: 'rl FOR ILLE, on IAN!!! H'LL, opposit- Delhmll'. LOT No. M, sum moot. Tor-u amt-rate. Apply to Mrs. TURNAN. No. s, in: strut opponitoibo (in Home. T mums, Mn, 4 1868. t3td MERE: ik.ii ttr Jlot1ltttf,AhPt lee/hte December om", any 20. 1868, Enqnh'o " the Sun. 't ia Wt LET. Two Imgl_!!pgs Io Let. you SALE OR TO LET. ( '. also a. I! per pan of . d; B 'lll1hllhWlh elegy“ wring on the '20ti April, 1868 21,1155" . 31: " Em V i Lots for Sale. Builmnbs. Pl and Riritt Railway. storCtsGidriOGuk __ _ Udihdr". moo-dual. . ANn RUG. unruaw. 650M tn . _ - f Pint-dun Faro (mo-la extra) o..."..............::; Jo Second " " r..........'..'-".' f. 00 Ftret " ‘Rotnrn " q.................. 6 00 '2eMg,,111'h throiagh. ' Ring} pron daily to Ind from Neutral! and "r". . lr “n: Sl-scnlnnlu In. to Int»... " l , _ Queen X icto1 la, , I their C'utitcstuem, that their Stock il now Guptain A, Beirut, 1 completed embraces every delicacy ot the bum on Quun‘u wurr with uni]: and passeu‘ Scum, among whkh will br Lmnd a choice you for Mantra-l, our, morning. (Sundays ex- â€mama" o" copM) u half-put. 6 o'elock. “ruin; " 4Alt ( um landings: . . . Plunger: for the celebuted Cnlodonm â€may landed " L‘Ongnl. . For further information Ipply " Olin. on tbe inn-f», or on bond the Magnum T . _ . 18415 Pdrii" until-cut of t pteyott m gunman Tickets to Granville and , Br... Luv" Onlwl. for Major: Ind Knurmoduta mm my on Tuudlyl u Prion†" l o'clock. pm 1493 R. W. SHEPHERD. Cami-urn: (“he following lit-"clan Numeral, All £13.05, " * lelnln Murphy. ALLIANCE. I " " Flud'ly. EMERALD. . " " Tom-r, ORE“ ax, " " " (on lets CALl'MET, " - " gulondln. Luau not“), . " " ; J"ttoa. PORTIAC. - - u snugâ€... PEMBROKE. " P - .. rum“... "ow Bot", " . " t lie-"Io. 1868 ",.'. L'ppm‘ 9ttexsN .l to mt e?. .' Cntil further notice the Steamer AnnSumwiH In" Aylmer - any '(Sundnyg umplod) tut the Upper on." " 8:30 im.,esottiieetintt with the Alliance " held of hum-d a 12:30, tom-Mn; " Anprlor. 8-1"!!an Brlltnl, Banach". Fnrrell'n Wh Arr, Haul.“ Wharf, Ind l'oru‘o-llu-rort. Eugen will In" Gould'n Wharflmmoduuly nfur the nrrivnl of tho Stun." .411!"an for Cubden, connecting with Sumner Julnl Gould, and arriving at Pemhruko "In. oysnl_ng._ The Stump Pembroke louver Pembroke at 7 o'clock, Mm; on Tue-thy. Thurzdny Ind Saturday for Do Jo-chlmr, calling at itsterrnmliate pom, rotunda; on um. any, lowing at g p.m., cannon:- tng'u Pow-burn with Stunt" .1"qu Um!†which Duos duly .It 5 mm“ and arriving at Peruipr- du-l"ort at " LIV. _ .. * La morning fuming. “and? It 9:30 Ban" {one In; " Goa " W art, Patrol 'tt Wharf, tr n. nenhou. Bruto', Sundpoim turl Amprinr. And "riritse at head oft-“way " 12:11:. and commot- ing with Ann Show: " Pontivc. Pam-tron touch MPt" "ary. ' u T L n 'ia' Stoma- Oahu"! loaves 11!“de for Cha. puu “Hugo And "sttrttttdut.ts pom on Tum-day- u 6 o'utoek, 3. m., Ind “turning leaves Chan-mm Village um. Allâ€, " 2_o'clock.. . " A connocurm L' nude duly with the Brockvllle And Ottawa ',,t,",'.'fir, on thouptrip at \rnprior Bt',', o‘clock pm. n. “In. to connect. w'uh tho (Inna Trunk Runway night “min! out and '0". and on m downward trip ht Endpoint I'.r"d, ssiy,Arttpriot.t'".yr. . w' ' A Liliie.iiilir, M Joschhu In“ Ottawa oft-r, Mgpdly, . “angst-ml "wr.. -. _ --. new.“ Brecht“. Ind Oct-wt, via Brookviile And Ottawa Runway And Union Forwarding Raril. way Conpny'u Shanon t "in“, -yiFifrttG rtaetiertIkm npply'u an omn- at the Comp-13in 0am: City or Aylmor. R. S. CASSELS, In". on." "........c.., Arrive It Amprior 51.. be". Amprior " ......... Anivc u Brookvmo " In". on." "........c.....'o...........-.h00 an. i Arrive It Amrelor " ..... o......-.....?:" p.m.3 In“. Ar'trior" " o......................-.) p m. l Arrim n Bmlvnk at....,.........-. â€7:45 pm. l In time to eonuet with Grind Trunk mun,- I Night Truins, Eat and Want. . ', , nowxwmnn. 1 Luv. Broekville Bt...., Arrive st Amprior at. In". Muslim-uâ€... . Arrim " luv. " ... SHIPPERS IF 60008 Thun'm and tourist: will tim1 [hie . delightful Upper O ttavva, RAILWAY COMPANY Tlfoei2hu?la1'SlW'J'd 0:33:33}: bunch OTTAWA & AYLMER. I box to humu- ttmt m FI-t "to will be chug“ on good. "wind .2 cl he! plum th Company hula; 'm-bllohed . through nu on Bil not“ fart-Med from on". to plum on the Upper can". ' 7 - - WijiiiYirTeooa, will be "a b the BM Ing Clerk. t".lt Wde, Cum! Beam fl', arr, or 3pm. othoett the Company, Wellington-street. 's n B CASSELR. istuuinuita irtttt "mi qinuullu on liberal tertnh u In! W by tho "In“. or " any tin. the loo llyrlntodh 7 L 7 --, “h --- -- H Till auburn»! will furnish ICE DAILY to than "qttiring It for tho San-on. Doublo "PM. on Sunni-y for Snmhy'l me. IO In m ' y ugh-m, so P:., llotel- and W. NOTMAN, Photographer to the "ll-a} OTTAWA nuts! , A\'N:ATION 1 roanu‘sx'vs _ MAIL 5181mm news Fonn'anmsa A nAIqu‘ J commmv. When he will be pupa-0d to that order. tor AI h mm Macho: of Photography. Ont-.1“. M, me. -_ti'?t, --- - -ott-- Monday Next, Bra February 'siCiiUGG" v1.1.1"! Ian's: 1'orttei.dyo'ott VELLING' W)N AND ME TCALFE H sum-19'. . @t'iz-Eiï¬iï¬Ã©rsï¬tm-z‘lzllfl'ï¬â€˜w GifogiiTi," rovuukxm ocronsn.‘ with a "(in no! dock or Ottawa City, Aprilâ€. was 'IIN' It." for-orig occupied by w. D. WOOD. No, " P' â€IDEAUV 523331, bu Establishment will be ()pmed Union Forwarding (iROCERI ES. LIQUORS mo " HARDWARE. Ottawa, latch " ttiM, Condensed Time Table om". Quaint", It†NEW STORE l OUL0 l-umnu Ihll luvlu‘ All his “autumn eotrrpletrd, bu Ice, ICE. Ice! N O T I (3. .14; Clpllm R. u. Nlcnou, MARKET SUMMER By Ito-men or In. Sttmmrs “DIN ER or All) WOOD I ROBSH'EB. w " the Queen i-,iikliiir, Preiideni 72H can chum ark for on. (on lets Inlandlu. g ‘llolloa. i Dung: .0. Qsermun. I Braille. " President 098-“ I ..7:l5 an. â€at! pan. 12:15 pm. _ 5:00 pm. ltiilti '. 1807 AND 18C9. ilxnm WARMIOUSE I. Orange PERU?“ l Flowny " l Japan " l l, COFFEE, . SUGARS. FRUITS. due. LA I’Elr 12.: 1513‘s. UHOCOLATE and UUUOA. , I 1|. UNEN, A u YONDS, "111.3173, flLhhwf's, Md Blt.4 7.11. Nos, SPICJ'Ib, Dunn (hoolubor " PROFESSOR OF MUIIC QM Touch" of Hum, Vain and Humour Also, In. 'Jlnrk. Teacher or During And " lung. lulu ‘homa Ind Resideneo, O‘Connor-owed. corner at Itterotreet, Cong" Yyrro. _ l do, But And no“, Cancun, Golda. Son Ituogtb' Spun». Bruin“, Camp. in tho at»: not. (their. Moi-bu, Dynasty, Mel Onyx-inn, Bum .Fnlda. not Bias. he ' to. THE CAXADIAN PAIN DBIMVBB BA. new boo.- boforo the public (at o - . time, tad flame": and h - liked.“ lulu. In . airtgio mum to {in porn“ all“ can titrsely and, Ind we I" - M- I inch out iltT."t.'tt,it't '3." the 'tttt T, pro ti 0 at . Ion 1,rl',,'lTt u. a In in irirVGiiii, Ind DINA In tho M32: mm: of ita vmuu and 933i“! ereeta. CANADIAN PNIN i,ifillMfll' W. I It from "potion†in this m, Ini- ma 'rttl'rTlllf,', Ind theater. that who at Inform; from my of the â€aphid: to! Ihieh It in mainland“ my - upon in MI; ' Bar “pm-nod†-- - 7» _ -- A _ flu momma. clue, of the Canadian Pun Dutmaor, in can“ din-u. Ne I“ It " n- oomundod, und in wondurful new (I "Dd-II. tl'teee"i't [mu ot Rum-nun. In [an in!" Norm» A 'ietiorm,m.a'.itlo lt to I M3. “at I uh lirt of Randi». for thou complaint. of. "a coming in from _Medieing 90qu In yle.et a! the mun-y for further In lieu ind-uh in! u " tl" aging: 'ly1.'lil)'t7i mm. - m" The Cyndi-n Pain Dutroycr pour but to [In mun. roll“. All lunch. Dubr- k I th linin- ordor and m It; Ind " mad', C1t, Vl&o\lt it IMP mm to " it. Ptler WW4." tettrAA't. - Bot by (nu. Manhunt. Jon M1 at luuy, Jt. P. “my, J. shunt. “I J, Bum}. In ottrrrs, __ -_ - VICTORIA Mm,-/Il0 LET. meld. not final: an}. to pr. Bonnie on of Modem... Gd on." hung than], an!“ upon n In "t4tat, tum, a eat Ito"; Eu lug. iftii'iid windows. and in tour and» high, nun-in â€phat-ou- It n holy dam on the can» at Wellington ed O'Connor-tum, lumdhuly who the Fully mom. Buildings. Ind ha limo vacant hymn-bod, no that tho Building- could be “lupin ny " quirod “puny. Appt>atioo, tHtttyteLttteed.Pet,tf to - Sup“ k r Hi SON kt .4]! Ottawa. Maren " Breuklust soLtr.oh' , _ . _ do C'0NGOU, q )tuact 1.1m Flue v 5 . V -. te',' lALBa-‘l'lll WIDT- "" ‘ _'_d 01’!onva " but No.27.h J _ First Comm-Ia- Ottawa, In: tre aa', â€In,“ In: Not. to ad I. u an "no Connexion, a pm in un ',11'lr= of Wm. T. Aylen, Eng. 1?qu apply to Jon Ind Wit. hum, logo“. a! burnt Pull". Bnrrirter.0tt-. " all-d Quebec Juk--Sl.twna Branch SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. um Order: mir be Ion-i In» mum- a: u Orin a u'l Music Store. {Sty (an... Much 13,IM8. mung um um mporuul of nodon Mind All mud-I stud! tho FRY-XVII. tiavotvd with Vanilla It il_bni}t 91: lb. P"'. lief"; ttrl, ot “was, LUAF, IIROKEX Maw, CRI'SHED‘ GROUND, y E I, Lu w, Piano-For}: Tmnon! w. " (14.05 WV. Nor. 1. IMt _ -V SUTMEGS, MACE. _ (‘INNAMOXS. GLOVES“ F GINGER, mum 8PICktt, RON the In any of April me" on... L - “3.1“;an mu. an: o! In: pol" W :prnnnnmwlll be 131M " DOM hi - J! l '30.! TEL, do Stu, TA NA, l VA LENTU, f Hum NTS, lltth PIES, Wasted aud Ground daily on the Prop. rod by ‘0 PARTI‘I ABOUT eo etc-ll.†Pu.d.1ytrst. Otto's. prenuw 10 Rideau Street. can; The Victoria Hotel artmetrt, a U:U'0hiDEW, MINIMAL, TWANEAY, Moc HA, J AV A TEAS, Whole, Iluif and 94-10 [1mm ESTIMATES, A TAYLUR’S, b' RY: All “round " Me Fruit.“ fr. T. BROWNE , co. N0 mom was». chum could ho otrerU to may pug h an Idol- “nine [in un- I In" " a. mph: lino ibi- th In" of the I. " flll'h'fcra'lll HOTEL. SPECIFICATIONB. BROWSE & HARDY FeiuiautadT6tiiitit. w I. gottpsid) to be WI t F ANGIE CLEMOW. Etkt., I)! was. my. my - mmriuldi’ 'lV'IJYIAl. devout“, C. W. Gourd - fat it. I AUUUH‘IUB LAVIL PLANS, J A MAMA, Ind CEYLON hen" Ta, luv-u Low-ll lawfully select-d for lllmly tmde by ad MUSL‘UV ADO. f. hu" I NS H. V. FOIL. ORA N fr' L's MOTT'g m: do 'ltl.'i _ ernln' for sum-a- 0' - ' 4- E I “crimes. by w T, MONEY B. "in.†, ..... "M swmns, smalls Skates from 20 cents to Ma) Skates? Skates one". II. I357 FI‘CDMP‘HMI or. 3.1m .. I the mane-dun- or the .00. o enable (In: Mmim r of Inland “He-6.. Ind uLier the lulhority gin-u by the ia p, ed in the late Solution of th,. Paetias-t et Cdnuln, 31 Vi:. tup, tt. humid-q. Act 'ettpectittg tue lnlnud {its-rune; “a by the {An tu‘priug luv Tom-w, 1i “my " » . . Hardwurr ofall Dcxmptm 0 sh Price _ ht url a At who; HIS EXCELLESCY TH! UEXEIML IS an and. Applicuinn for a Lie :ul s" full I- In.“ In such (mm, In! stsatt"contaia 'ttet, h- lomnionu my be "naired by drparttrtro “I unhtiom, and I‘nll the t,tat ' the up, phenol milencun-l mupct‘uu of tir. . qtyopptrhtr. 3rd. A Licence uh.“ on'y b. "ll-l than """"'* "TT' V - gamed on I form supplied by mun-purse: . oflnlaud Bevan», uni-£3114 by th, cut t'. J. 1500‘“ mission"; and AM Licctu . 'uny be mad“! BfdltielPlt d by the Kim-tel ottatatrt I: ~wuw 'ru-tteye' "In, on t. I.“ he Inn Fatirfactorr rvHrtri. that the - "aWMNY"""' to whom it ie gum ed hm rude] or Bnqiatd . J - --...- in evading th ' payuseut of my duty . . wuich Tube“) is lisbte, or Hull In In! - "dlYa'1'd 1 .to comply with that “*gulmiung "â€qu 1':t'!'tteTs'riii1i thereof. 3 . ttii4Efi p... “In. Panama to tak _ Rut Lett Thom M TN." a- ’ Alt Calla-tor: and deputy Collet Ian-l Reveuu '. ; "b'uch 1ustttssato/ not excwdmzu Paida, 'l't'wnship or Muaieliriity them in no other one" of “than IL any be 4tttqtt time to tiut . ‘appoim lihhur of lulu“ lion-nu '. ~‘ mraysscetlettcr in Council bu he.“ to order, aud it " yeldvy out-rd. p w t6tlyritsg Iteguititiot" 'es.rectiete new of Liven»! um! Per-Ito to Toucan-kn shall be ttttsi Hwy are hen-ivy India In! on, blii‘hul . F . Int. Lin-nun to dual In {hi ra-it The. and to enter lhu lum- ' s"rares9e " 0., "mptiott otrt"rmt-nt of duty, nurbc - by my ofthe ttttOtt-tttttttst â€than on bi. pllcul'hu thing mor. in tho Pri'.' h! namely : _ 41h. Pertmitrs to tak -lhw Lr u The!“ "iiirGC5tGi"t - -' of Bond: or from [he {um M prcruUtn uh - --r -- 4..- a - _ l, it - grown, for r :nsumpl-on, any in gul- _ . .. ed by tho ohivrg nu] pus nu hereby m- . r JS'tut see, inedloiuue Lieettses, on Application hi. Jun malc in the form approved by the Dee. "Ian" '"""t meat, and payment of the duly to wild " tlt-ttsae, t, '" Tobacco would be llnbla It muufw "_-..--.- _ - -" . 31 Vic.Cnp. in to “yrlun It}: Lu!†"mu T. m 51,-9.4. the growth armada, fur“ - "we. Capl per pound, being Hu- ck"). 1lliiiEltii'ii'st 8,011.31. wblch it won“ be l_ubleil - n ' 'ueturttdiatoCqrtmot' Candi“ Twist, - _' 5.3“ I0"! BIN Lost Tobweco not (ll: growth ' I 00* 1et1'.ee,: ,___; - unccnu per poumi. o" T a. . aticrs, sth. Every permit shall be nlnl only Db up form suppllrd by the Damn-on! of!“ Karenin- anl sighed by the pawn I'llâ€. -11“! evcty such pupil. Ill.“ be delinndh Mad rel-Sun] by th. Vapour: of your: ol tbe â€how u u'llcnc , that the toluene to It“ it rehttea was Ind-Ally remand Ind (In H. 90mm. dull b, prMaced by him I†denuded by- any olilccr of Inland new. ttrr the. purpou ot Ming ati moo-m and can. All panonriuuing licence: -- um thou: â€outdo“ of 'sue, "can- duty on M In! lob-cm rntered for a" Inhalation, shall tum-MI" pony-0min! to an Iteeeiveiu3rtseml d - an. h -. ugh or oneâ€: am†tht and mil-all In one week rxcerd its] “In", ard ther. null anemia: to tin Rpm-mo! In“ " venue In Inch manner, a net u.- all I- such ion: as any In (to. “I." “P - mined by Donahue-Ml PM itt - beau. b _ - tth. All pen-on. "ch was! in I'M tob.ceoahaii keep-n account td Mt that I†motive or Igll or otherwise Iii†at h d for. u my be pull-mud by ner-"' Regulations. _ 1"" ~45 'te.."'.'..". "-3 ___. ---I" - 1"atfit she-n, .34 unit“- u. tat a 't.iiiiiiyd2iii'jil"'"""""l' rroeasw-idnrMt+ n tssoaar..sttebe+ own-cu. in.“ In; from tho uncall- the mph“. truA . Munda- vhich‘i-hun- tASt' A uul‘wl‘qh mung-u», “l‘ amp". _ “I'Mâ€. nun. in maul iiitriirri?iiii:et,1" dmlnuonolthe ttet will A“ "eseutofhtir-m] . j britr 1Eitfr'f. AND CONDITION HEDIL'II' M POII'a‘I' It! wrunlou N "* " mm! ggrt,fe1 be hound.“ caught, rhsek Bad-II Wad, .1; all†which IEoetdn Find tf Eon-,- ulu, u .o- can Madmen. aqua-h: tr,"er, can: uuvmxuuxr noun. otrstes in "tn Ottnur .. 0CD... New. t. " , . DARLEIE Arabian He‘WWW' 'rmr. nus u prim“ aod ttttll.' Ta or?" Tome runs-m [I'vaumm' qo, I F (ham Town, Ottmr.. - - _,_-‘ ALL PRESENTS " surging “It! mm. 8patrdioatioet REG Ci.hT'iit?ii " .x a I A' At ISKAC‘S w I. u at; LJAI. Aux.†[5AA rivy (Maul At uuco. tad i'swretaue,a, u. v w , min! " by“, "vaiir,itiiiit " “.130†" a. ,7 , "WE-m. 991830.: I“. " gr, Amy†_ [will Ia ore' In FiiiirfaT-"kdht, EAMI. _ Ila-mu" "URI 1','isqaaiiitifi' lt ----c,i Inn-25.9% I C: tciiii'lll In. Se.e9ytrt 351312;: ’0‘“ IttiUr. . “WARD T. " 1t4'i'llrrt,?sti,'t',?iq I'e'llBt! tor an l'nho 'ririirkts,os,aettb,-. commas. A.“ I. " Hollow UIM, one It. I. " ". lull.- a“. w an" " 1‘7. A'gatrgeg:t,'ge.1 M. can". atâ€! II? “In“. I num- . ‘m him-l JGii..Fdi-u- “bun-y I. "e. _ "Emma-uni " mull!- ho â€up" 'VVu'ILLIAI Imam an! I. ram. I.“ L“. rim" "in-1 .3. A no“ nun itiEhtili';l1Ttll'/. &iiaai, .oetret N‘s?! "1hur.ty.." vofuu' Mil-If b - <lltetee "ELL. In Gard ' Fiiiuu, - I, ll". Cii'tetil . irriiii " . - -. aw†to '. ie.rAysia Biaauru. at: 7W". Jioareet--4 tu." rent 3"! I“ , - M W .J-mmw -u-rrs “1...... 'iiiiiiisM'g"dJlt Edi! “w . iPi"t IN A A... P! ........A o'.1' t.1'efiligiru, g... w" - w "e" “ti - I‘Ihum Cas-rr. o....--"'" w t Perl, “an“. --..-h “M .e AW"" " ant-WW "I...“ u 4.3““ 4‘3: 4-m1 :53†AW thingy-Arch. Jr.iui. uvocA'l'l. to» l and. MoxtlgiAL. ft.."'" ',', an "1'93?" NICHOLA s g musulun'h‘ â€1'le A I. I Ilf‘uo ai-a-ore'. Miami's 2}. w. A. CODD. NJ). do†J. P. “ACTH any. M~- twins""." India! PIE 9. PA. cans VOL. ll. ll. MAY 3539“ unu As» I r"'" “an! e l hm "ttHo " “I and _..u; when on Mr“ D. ONNNS '.iTiri'Fr,' "hrua t“ - t s'.isaat ’1'th J. WICK' J. 1rDotr “WM " heliu- BU HE atâ€