e > B E.;,,mu"" and after MON " the following ay Â¥ the Erection of the ‘A NaATURAL WISTHAA ing made very {uverable * ;’;,)O'l'-‘-’ f N Â¥ICTORIA," led ‘M.†wÂ¥ V Py M..‘-lrfl 'u.uAl'i :“, w «i and Ioague, h Bloaters, «J Mecats, »1PNM kNF 1t8, joam EXCURSION._ 0 acficcnts.. u‘ s C»lebrated UILDEB® Hot, iP, he IRECT Â¥FRoy June 6 assortment, in Jars and 1 1b. Pots, »N of a" Tohn Duric, Jâ€" y, John DaL® *+ the 1104 ® PICKLES, whorm E99 the due PC I:I“.“ party to L & CO-, * jou®.C AUVI » 22nd 1 the sPARKS»â€"#T j« 1 gith I Greatest Cur lOSlty , l C oosttss, At ime lowest cash rates, at aÂ¥3CM®$ NTE ESAE d M M CAE MRATITCC s TABLBS! ‘\ supply of this useful work just received and tor sale 1t the lowest cash rates, at The Ottawa Citizen. Stationery and House, . ar Aidsai itroot. _ All marked in plain figurer, rates, at es c.r' BOOKS®, (Pisin had: with BOOKS A sdpply J the lowest cash rates, E““‘.â€"..‘ ARELID ED* SEMG RIALS, At the lowest cash rates, at The m“ Citizem Stationery PI'NI! House, °_ 21 Rideauâ€"st: intoniynicmndintet aohigns â€"ioy ul Pn 21 ;'u-umu. GiBott‘s, Mitchell‘s and other makers, at the lewest cash nun.c The Oitonoa Citizen Stationery und Priating Louse, 31 Rideauâ€"itreot. WY 1L sooks, Bound in aoy style required, at the lowest cash tes, at The (itmo« Citizen Stationery and Printing House, . \ 21 Rideauâ€"street. _A Manufactured to order, in any style of ruling and binding, at the lowest cash rates, at The Oitanea Citizen / a Thursday next, THE WONDERPFU!, ALMANAC for 306 years, a copy of which S be presented, FREE OF CHARGB, mevery Lady and Gentleman applying sb â€" The Oitawa Cilizen, | Stationery and Printing House, 21 Rideauâ€"strect. WIITIIO INK®, Staphen‘s, Todd‘s Porth Office, &e., at ine lowest *®iLL BE PUBLISHED NGINEERS!) and ARTISTS‘ MATE« LATN & FANCY TEEL PENS and PEX HANDLE®, ccouxT BOOKs, 'L“AD PENCIL®, Faber‘s, Rowney‘s ard others, at the lowest cash at tos, The Citizen 300‘ and JOB PRINTING, At the lowest cash rates, at o h 3 fl Rideauâ€"stroot. Greatest Curiosity §IC, MAGAZINES OR PRINTED LANK BOOK®, §TING HOUSE and $CHOOL RE= BE GIVEN AWAY! R Ttroxar sEateks of READING BOOK3; authorized by the Council of Pubâ€" Fiast Book, with 31 illustrations, w,bâ€"lhli-pm- Five cents. Fizst Boox, part second, 54 Mustraâ€" tions, strongly bound in timp cloth. ‘Ten cents. Srcomn Boox, 56 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards. Twenty cents. Turm» Book, 41 illastrations, strongly bound in cloth boards. Thirty conts. Fountn Hoox, 45 illastrations, strongly bound in cloth boards. Forty cents. Fwtu Boox, 50 illustrations, strong!y bound in cloth boards. Fifty cents. A supply just received and for sale at RAPPING PAPERS, T kndâ€" with Head Line), EXERCISE A siipply jast recaived and for sale at cash rates, at .. ; TO BE GIVEN AWAY! The (ttoa Citizen Stationery and Printing House, 21 Rideauâ€"streot. BA A \iberal allowance to Teachers and Dealers. *, mo- Thursday nest, THE WONDERâ€" I.Al.lnucuu-yun.--?vd CHAUGB: to viely Lndy and Gentleman appiying at * The Ottawa Citizen .‘ Stationery and Printing House, . Ottawa, June 8, 1863 Instruction tor Ontario. The prices â€"__ The Ottrog Citizen lonery and Printing House, s e s oY sdGauâ€"streot Stationory and Prping House, bigg ie o. Apowresr INTERXEST & EXCHANGE Stationery and Printing Mouss» . , or THE D Stationery and Books, Pocket Books, Indexes, 1LL BE PUBLISHED The Otiawa Citwen Stationery and Printing House, OF THE DaY sTATIONERY, uree, at the lowest 21 Rideauâ€"street. 31 Rideaaâ€"street. 151y makers, at the * |Macee & Russell‘s RENOVT M1P! All G reâ€"marked in plain figures, with Red Ink, showing the actual reductions, The folowing are only a few ofthe bargains offered. [The public are invited to inspect the stock, judge tor themselves before purâ€" chasing : § * s * $19 to $23.50, reduced to $15, $16 and $15.50, hlw of 15 yards. + All our rich nch Silks reduced from $5 to $3 49 M i T Only ived afew days ago, marked down from 10 to 15 per cent. Com| l-‘!u $1.25. F All the rich Spanish and Pusher Lace Shawls will a large reductions. Paisiay Shawls reduced trom $1.50 to $5 on each Would ; BLA GLACIE And Gros Grain Silks all reduced. l)a. NTED DELAINES sold from 17} to 20 cents per yard, marked down to 124 cents. * o Merinos, Cobourgs, Lnstres,Glacie, Alpaceas, Pri Muslins, and all other Dress Goods in stook, reduced. l.A of washing Challies will be offered very w + All |domestic goods, such as Sheeting, Table Towellings, Flanneis, &c., will show heavy a .86 all purchased when the raw material was nm point in Liverpool, customers would do vtn:loyin:“kd-rhgthonlo. We will sell all wocds far below what it would cost to ANCY SILK DRESSES * hat were selling for $16 and $17, reduced to _ AtT, @and 11 cents por yard ; present value 10, 12} and 15 cents per yard. an two to one customer. eral thousand Ladies‘ Imitation Lace Paper half the New York price. A 150 pieces 4 Mobair and Poplinette Dress sods, will be offered at such.prices as must clear CRA and all kinds of House Furnishings, and other heary goods that would be treublesome to will be clearcd out at and below cost LACK LAUCK SHAWLS, l!llll TRIMMING®S, bnldc:{. Lace Goods, Cotton Lisle and Silk (Gloves, aro all reduced. ob lot of Dress Fringes, now so fashionable, willi be sold at 124 cents per yard, some of them worth at the present pr{u of 8ilk a bout 35 ‘II PARASOLS ;n- 10 to 20 per cent. Old ones Lowest Possible Point, $ T Before removing to New Premises (now buildâ€" m- the Autumn. $@J~Great care has been to reâ€"mark the entiro stock at such ;’h.-llnn STYLES IN TWEEDS, Ooï¬llhcl and Cloakings, at the reduced figures. .A Will be sold at $1 perpair, and all soiled and Kid Gloves will be thrown in with the ow selling colours and seld at much less money. tham nylg:g in :lho trade, Old fash Hoop most given away. y to have thoun!loud. € yard. # s :‘fllfly olm lot of Ladies‘ Cambric kerchiefs, also, ies‘ and Childrens‘ Cotton at least 40 per cent loss than last year‘s me intention being to reduce ces as must effect les, all reduced. shapes in Straw Goods sold for what they . Speedy Clearance. ) SAMPLES WILL BE CUT, ) GO0DS WILL BE SENT ON APPROBAT Magee & Russell. ARGE SALES OQitawa, June 2, 1863. ES STRAW HATS & BUNNETS, DBIES BEST FRENCH KID GLOVES LE VELYVETS and VELVET»â€" NTS* MERINO UNDERCLOTHING, : ::5- Flannel 8:::&. Ties and Collars, all to remov e lot of 68 gross Mnmpor Collars will be t 124 cents the Box of 12 Collars ; well worth HOOP SKIRTS JUNE lst. Shakers at 12jc, some of them worth CcOMMENCED PALM LEAF FAXS NDA Y, â€"GREATâ€" Barego Shawls reduced to nearly RESERVE. DURING THIS SALE and all trimmed Millinory at 5 cents each ; not more AND INSURE NOR SOLD ON CREDIT. the stock to 107y Pianoâ€" Fortes, : Church Organs, To come off at the Doqiulon Auction Mart, on the 5th instant, is postponed in consequence of unâ€" favorable weather, t R t wgs, To pareICMIarE MBpUq N oÂ¥ PCO HAM, Iloulrlnd Land Agent, Dominion Auction Mart, Suscexâ€"st. â€" 0 ; Ottawa. June 4. 1868. â€" T59 At halfâ€"past 10 a.th,, and halfâ€"past 2 p.m. Ottawa, June 6, 1868. | x Télta UNTIL ‘THURSDAY] THE lit= INSTANT, A large and well FURNISHED HOUSE, or four Bedrooms, Sitting Room and Drawing Room of same, in a healthy and nstrouhlo locality, withâ€" in three minutes walk of the Government Buildâ€" iogs. For particulars apply to J. BERMINGâ€" CAPITAL OFâ€" THE DOMINION ! REV ERE HOUSFH, The <Great Auction Sale And at o’ruent leased at a rental of $2,000. It is one of the best buildings in the city. Its lenfh is one hundred snd six (106) feet by forty (40) feet wide, built of stone, with cut stone front »nd tin roof.. The house contains fifty bedrooms, five parlors and dld:i room, with bar, kitchen and l-umlr{x attach There is a new Brick Stable, sixtyâ€"six (66) by thin{ (30) feet, capable of stabling forty Horses, a "f. yard and outbuildâ€" ings; also a vacant lot, which the purchaser can have if required to onl::r The premises are in excellent order, being only five years built. Very lately a sum of $2,000 was oxrndcd improving the building. For afirstâ€"class hotel, or Military Quarters, it cannot b*qn‘llog im lh: ouy; ts ~ TERMS BASY, and made known free of charge, by letter or otherwise, on application to J. BERMINGHAM, Auctioncer, Commission and Real Estate Agent, Ottawa, June 3, 1868. Ottawa, June 4, 1863. Dominion â€" Auction Mart, Commission Sale Rooms Auction Sales BY J. BERMINGHAM. House, Land & General Ageney, OFFICE & SALE ROOMEâ€" Respectfully announces to the inhabitants of Ottawa and surrounding country that at the request of many friends be has decided on ocm‘ an ex~ tensive and well regulated Auction Mart in this city . > ‘!ro- arrangements made with some of the Furniture Manufuctories of Western Ontario, a lar e and well selected stock of new furniture will be constantly on hand. _ _ _â€" _ I . is B Eo CC e Public Saies will be beld from time to time, of which cue notice will be given, and at whi h parâ€" ties n\-lfln( to furnish will have an oy;omuity of purchasing at unusually low rates. The Mart is now o¢| with a large stock of new Furniture, as well :l.o ianos, Marmeniums, &0., &c., consigned for sale. The subscriber would also intimate that he 1# the Sole Agent for Ottawa and territory for the ::ih of Rappe, Webber & Co.‘s celebrated grand anos. They are successors to the late John C. Fox, of Kingston, and the makers of his excellont Pianoe. From their long experience in @ermany, Paris, and New York.t{ov are universally admitted to be the best Piano Manufacturers on this continent. The high reputation of the instraments made by them for the past ten years, and the increasing demand for them in the new Dominion, prove their very superior quality, and universally acknowâ€" ledged merit. # gialihane ob Household â€" Furniture, URNISHED HOUSEK TO LET. The Pianos, as well as the Purniture in the establishment, will be sold cither by private sale or auction. He would also announce that he is prepared to receive instructions from persons having bousehold furniture, horses, carriages, or real estate, 2“di:- 1p0 y $0. 10 B bhi: ber P airestirermign rou of, and pledges himself that nothin‘f will be eit undone by bim to give satisfaction in ischarg > i'atho trust contfided to him. He hopes that by et attention to the sales ontrusted to his care, 2s well as by 'tronpt settlements immediately after, to merit a share of public patronage. .. o U t N s P s He will be in his office from 7 in the morning until 7 in the ovening, when he can see parties who wish to arrange about their sales. Consignments trom a distance will have immediate attention, Cash advances, when required, will be made on consignments for immediate sale. All kinds of turniture bought, sold or exchanged. HAT Splendid First=«Class James O‘Rielly, Eaq, Q 0, H.V. Nool, .lmgr Quebes Bank, Ottawa. Robert Lyon, , M P P. A smart young man wanted to act as travelling agent representing several firms. J. BERMINGHAM, Auctioneer and Com.nission Merchant, 1537 House, Land and General A‘:nt. HAIRDRESSNG 8ALOO0N ! 'l‘llll SALOON is fitted up in a neat and attractive manner, and is always atâ€" tended by competent and attentive workmen. POoOSTPONED. Manuafacturer b‘ T’oohl # HER MAJESTY THEB QUEEN, . COURT OF SPAIN, THE RIGHT NONORABLE THE LORDS COMâ€" MISSIONERS OF TAE ADMIRALTY, ' RRFERENCES. His Lordship the Bishop of Kingston, Hon, Sir Jh:n A. Iu?o-nld, Hon. H. L. Langevia, C B, Hoo. Alex. Campbeil, P M G, R. W. Scott, Eeq, M P P, Walter & sh_gily.&q.u F ... HE SUBSCRIBER HER MAJEST i QUEEN VICTORIA‘3 ROYAL NAVY : Prize Medalist of the Great International Exhibiâ€" tion of London, 1862, and of the Uniâ€" versal Exhibition of Paris, 18€7. Francis H. Ixous‘ New Bvicomos, Sussexâ€"@TREET, OTTAW A. & Agont for Ottaws and Vicinity, For the sale of these celeprated Timekeepers. H. & A. SAUNDERS, Montreal. Sole W holesale A‘ru- in the Dominion, fer the sale of J. Sewill‘s W atches. Ottawa. May 26. 148y NEW GREEN HOUSE. E‘IICI'ID hu;â€";tlo subscriber at New Edinburgh, who has now on hand and for sale a large variety of cholce Verbcemas, and 0 4 200 Autrors 2difie w is Ahes" T vang 9P e rp‘t td 770 other flowering mub Orders left at G. Bott‘s, Rideauâ€"streat, will be. punctualiy attended to _ Hair Dressor, by -mm-nt. to hir Exceliency Governerâ€"Goneral. Ottawa, April 13. T15y wK WERMDBY APPOINT f MILES‘ BELL‘S BLOCK, ELGINâ€"ST. Manufacturer by special appointment to afAJRSTY Tfl‘leN.l!g{'AL FAAML Ottawa, May 20. SE WILL, LIVERPOOL, FOR SALE! HARMONIUMS, W ATCHES. KXOWN AS THE 1863. Mrx. JOHN LESLLE, MP P, ialiy attended to RO‘IBT CURRY. 691â€"3m YAL FAMILY 1584 CHAMPAGNES, do t . CLARETS, GOBLETS, <â€" _ LIQUEURS, do | _ CALF FOOT JELLIES, Â¥FINGER BOWLS, do TALL TUMBLERS, CLARET JUGS, do . : DECANTERS, _ * FRUIT DISHES, do ‘. _ CELERY VASES, :; BUTTER COOLERS, do CARAFFS, &¢., &c. 5 And a cheico lot of delicate Straw Stem Wines, in Ports, Champagnes, Clarets, Shot ries, Liqueurs, All the above articles match in shape, pattern, &¢., and are the best glass procurable in England. BLYTH & KERR, Just received a well solected assortment of Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Bait, Reols, Lines, Flys, Rods, &o. Manutacturors of all deseriptions of work for Water and Gas Works, Brewer‘s Distilleries, Mills, &c. Makes and fits up Galvanized Iron Cornices, Gutters, Conductors, Roofing, &c. FM~Public and Private Buildings, Conservatories, Vineries, Mauutactories, &c., warmed by Steam, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on the most approved principles. Orders from the country will receive stmct attention. T40y CROQUET, FISHING TACKLE FOILS, Masks&BoxingG@loves Ottawa, ‘May 5, 1863 sARSAPARILLIAN, l‘AR_EIRA BRAVA. Newly Discovered Virtuesâ€"Hidden for 300 yearsâ€"The Discovery of the True Virtues of the Rootsâ€"Brought to Light and Made Manifest in DR. h ADW AY‘3 SARL&RAPARILLXAN RESOLâ€" VENT, By anow process rieohuy discovered by Dr. Radâ€" way, for chtaining the active properties from vegetable substances. Associated with other nowlÂ¥ discovered Rools, enters into the composition of RADW AY‘3 RENOâ€" VATING RESOLVENT; nc:m_ & nmoldhl apte Standutar, "oihey: Sriuder tnt omeme THE OTTAW Aâ€"LIJIMES, JUNE 9. Diseases, by communicating its curative, r;ptn- tive and fruitful eflicacy, through the Broop, Sweat and Urix®. _\ UST received cx S. 8. 6 Demascus,"* 10 Hhds. of the finest E solected expressly for the retail trade, comprising agiich Cinspwares ‘The ordinary Sarsapariila decoctions and Syrups are mere washes, compated with the Sarsaparilâ€" lian of the Resolvent. 1t is a well km:wntlmunt e Â¥. Névedipenn ce ce eenr POet U No ReRent Ei tdee Sarsaparilia as ordinarily prepared either as officinally or as a proprictary remedy, never posâ€" sessed the confidence of medical men,‘ and all the reputation it enjoyed was deemed by well informâ€" ed Chemists, Physicians, and medical writers to be due to other remedial agents associated with it. The true curative virtues of Sarsaparilia for 300 years have laid hidden in the Crystalline princiâ€" ple ot the Root, Under DR. RADW AY‘3 New #r0â€" eesy, SARSAPARLLLIAN is secured and brought l.o.ï¬ ht, and associated with other ingredients, it lulnf- the most extmvui;nlupmtiou and views of men. ‘One ounce of Dr. F.adway‘s Sarsapurilâ€" fian contains more of the curative principle than t U ies nubug ud asiks: e EMWm OTRREt TCOW NC inss ten poul:dl of the extracts from the crude foots, as prepared officinally or in the popular advertised BSarsaparilias. Paingiga Bxava.~â€"Another of the ingredients of the Radway‘s Resolvent, neld in lléh‘ntl-nion by the mosteminent medical men of Europe, South America and United States, as the bost remedial agent for the discases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Uterus, and as a [ithontriptic for dissolving Calculi, as a curative for wn;ï¬oo. Rhel;r:nian. Leucorrâ€" hcea, ete., since 1 as never been rh M ra o Tuuchaw Treâ€" Rudway‘s oroour."m (!uP.:: Ottawa, June 6, 1868. oo 44 d iA P a n a ty t pau.d. Under Dr. Radway‘s groeeu. the Cisam« paline principle of this valuable Root is secured, and associated with Sll‘llpol’fl“l? and ï¬hqx inâ€" W Li LCWE O Canfant auve OTTAWA CROCKERY STORE. and REROUOMEUMA M NCO NOC OOLL gredients in the Resolvent, makes it a porfect cure in ovd1y form of disease of the Kidneys, Bladdor, and Utinary Or‘anâ€"Dtop-s. Gravel, Incontinâ€" L 0) @iannace of Water, Diabetes, or Urinary gAaARSAPARILLILAN. Diarrhcea, and every So quick does the Resolvent enter into the cirâ€" culation, that it may be detected in the Urino in ten minutes after ithas been taken. Ilrnimany casos it has secured a free discharge of waterâ€"in cases where Catheters were formerly used.â€"Is not this a blessing ? All matorinls for the above branches kept constantly on hand. BUCHU, Turpentine Junipers, Gin, Copamiba, Cubehs, and other direct Dh?mlel. are in many cases burtful. ln Diabetes, Urinary Diarrhceas, Caterrh of the Bladder, Dropey, and in a weakness or uléeration of the Kidneys, are unsafe whnn.‘u a mo ERRTUCWTYTOY L vabin4 UE EPVE C CCC C oS TA continued remody, and should rever be given unless under supervision of & Physician, a&s the strain these direct remedies may p.rodnoo on the Kidnoys may, in the course of a few hours, require Opiates, to change or modify their action ; this fact is selfâ€"evident to uny medical man, & oomgutt. ing Remedy like the sARSAPARILLIAN REâ€" SOLVENT, is the “truoironody to use in these As prepared by Dr. Radway, and one of the ingreâ€" dients of the Resolvent, is as superior to all forms of Buchu, etc., as rich cream is to watorod milk. Let all suffering from unnatural drains from the systemâ€"caused either by selfâ€"abuse, depraved habit . of godyâ€"hld blood, impure association, weakness of the xniul organs, or Skin Diseases, Sorofula, unonured Secondary Disease, Syphiloid Ulcers, Chronic Diseasoâ€"or from Oonlum?lol of mUPCNU C T0 Siks Finavel. PLUMBERS EIIVT T MR CCC per bottle, or $10 por dozen. RoyalCanadianBaak Offceâ€"Desbarats‘ Ruilding, 77 Sparks 8t M. P. HAYES. _ No. 25, RIDEAUâ€"STREET, Ottawa, June 21. Sheffield House, Ottawa. A SELFâ€"ACTING SODA W A PARATUS, with o{lindon com for cash. Apply to W LLLAM PJ CRICKETING GOODS, Also Tmporters and Dealers in House Farnishing Hardware. ~@vIUOORE NC C7Y CCC HalanaD emedy like the SARSAPARILLLIAN REâ€" ENT, is the true remody to vse in these â€"Evon as a diurotic. Parcira Brava; OTTAWA AGENCOY : SELFâ€"ACTING SODA WATER AP= Pareira Brava. ,GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, mear i M FOR SALE. aW@A, newly discovered Roots, : cylinders compl che Wlubian riogptor Surocessors to Chas. Garth, CUT and ENGRAVED _ PORT and SHERRY WINES, e w. ALLAMN, B1 RINEAU STREET, (oppon’tg Nr. ‘P‘_ Whalen‘s.) do do do do do do TIN & COPPERSMITHS, BELL HANGERS, &« AT THE 162b Tt aGaG o o D S. MONTREAL WAREAOUSE s#00 10,000 50 CasES ROYAL ITALIANX BIT» TERS. FOR SALHE London Music Store ! PIANOS. PIANOS. * garUNION MAKE, ®Ax Every PILANO from this establishâ€" ment warranted for 5 years. ; Also just received a new stock of VICTORIA ORGAKS a 1nd MELODEONS 18 * -g::a'mnmm in part paywwat for ones Connected with this establishment is & Piano Manatacturer, who will attend punctually to all erders for TUNING left at the London Music Store. * E. MILES, Aitates HHLLL Tok |nl..‘n' rl.bâ€! * Ottawa, March 25, : : Wellington Street, _A new and splendid assortment of PILANOFORTES ! VIOLINE, CONCERTINAS, GUITARS, 45. 657Â¥ ERRINES, PORK, FLOUR, BUTâ€" TER,CHEESE , C JUST RECEIVED AT THE BUTTER TUBS, in good order. AT THE LBS. MAPLE SUGAR. 514y J. MARTIN & CO. J. MARTIN & CO. J. MARTIN & CO. J. MARTIN & CO. YOUNG & RADFORD‘S t CoLUMN. Just Received Per Express AlllucAl wAaAToH | PANY‘8 WATCHBS, CHOICE Selection CANADA w ATCH COMPA NY3 WATCHES, low as $12.00, At Young & Radford‘s. INE GOLD JEWELLERY, At Young & Radford‘s. INE GOLD and CORAL JERW»â€" Fh md frne BNGLISH ELECTROâ€" PLATED W ARE, can be had At Young & Radford‘s. NE HUVNTING | ANCHOR WATCHES, in fine Silver Casos, as At Young & Radiord‘s. 30 Sparksâ€"st. Ottawa. me Righteen caRaTt GoLp W ATCL ES as low as $18.00, ooER‘s BEST CUTLERY " * LLLLL CLe ty mreme ® : AT YOUNG & RADFORD‘8. AT YOUNG & RADFORD‘®S. AT YOUNG & RADFORD‘S COMe« Ladies‘® White Canvass Boots, Ladies‘ Button Prunella Boots, Ladies‘ Lace Prunella Boots, I Ladies‘ Prunelia Gaiter Boots, S§UMMER . GOODS, Ladies‘ Kid Lace Boots, y Ladies‘ Kid Gaiter Boots, m Ladies‘ English Walking Boots, Children‘s Fine Morrocco Lace Boots, The subscribers bog to thank the public for the liberal patronage they have received since opening the above establishment. * W. ANGUS & CO., BLACK ANXD WHITE LAQ]E SHAWLS, d rcueuy. BAREGE BLACK ALPACCA CCATS, GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & WiNE AND SPIRLT VAULTS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, FOR CA Dekuyper‘s Rod Cases, Gin, 15 bottles a uds nas m sls *~*opials Sm Booth‘s London Gin : ; _ _ / ..~â€"= 1 26 * Also, a lot of Buperior pariiiimemense fouoof 94 BXE orwarps. Mahogany. Bagatelle Tables, PORT WINESâ€"Graham‘s, Wn’:.-:&"b‘\ From 6 to 12 Feet; No. 1. Good sound Wint.....comoo8 94 4 $ | ENGLISHCROQUET d mm 1W i 31 very sUPERIOR « 4 Buperior old... * 5 »5 is s9 | And CKICKETING GOODS Ladies _ Keep.â€" Cool ! «_ 6 v.f-hn: O..crrssrrmmemermmenn D 15. 26 BW BHERRL Lomecq‘s, Pemartin‘s, &0.: No. 1 ï¬pflflwbbh Wine...$2 00 6 00 Te e e C & 90 . 5 1h o Eo S m C 0 CA Arnont use ‘Also, of Standard Brands, in wood or bottle, old and new, Brandies, Rams, Gins, Old Tom Gins, Irish, Scotch and Caradian Whiskics. Canadian Ale, in wood or bottle. Guinness‘ Porter, pints and quarts, Hibbort‘s Porter, pints and quarts. Bass‘ and Allsopp‘s Ales, pints and quarts, & Clarets, Hooks, Sauternes, Curaca0; Maraschino, Chartreuse, Royal Italian Bitters, &a,, &oâ€" ". smmenialyet o us to §P99°CCC0C; P Goods delivered to any part of the: CMly D 17 charge. Awwwhwhqunny or by the original package. Ins ,hvl‘.t The subscribes nould Iniuscia to thore of nis custemers with whom current zccounts may have hnrd&nkhhhmuuhdvu- tage of any irregularity in their payment to close . them in order that he may conduct his business toally on the cash principle, which has been found tovork-uhmoum‘mnly!umm buyer and seller in every brancth of trade in which it has been tried, ana relying c.qul':z of ‘his goods and the prises charged for them ( ich will always be as low as they can honestly be eold for) | he solicits a continuance 0f that patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed m hi. K. OLDL, Dealer in the betior qualties of Wines, Spirits, &o., Metcalfoâ€"streot, Telegra®) Co‘s Building, Ottawa. Pflullluo-sâ€luanwndnnpy address. April 21, 1868. 535y NIW BOOKS. Exodus of the Western Nations by Viscount Bury; Chronicles and Characters by Owen Meredith ; Brakespeare by the author of "Guy Livingstone" ; The Lost Name, a Novel ; Farâ€" ming for Boy® ; ‘The New Dictionary of Quoâ€" tations ; The Huguencots by Samuel Smiles ; Law and Lawyersâ€"Curious Facts and Cnaracâ€" teristic Bketches ; Art and Artists, do. ; Books and Authors, a0.; Clergymen and Doctors, do. ; Longfeliow‘s Works Complete for. 15 cents; The Waveriey Novels, per vol, 15 cents ; Coopet‘s Novels, per vol, 15 cents ; Essays in Elia by Lamb complete for 15 cents ; De Quincey‘s Confessions of an Opium Kater for 15 conts. * Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Services, just received trom the Publishers, in the newest and richest patterns. For sale by J DURIE & SON, 10 Sparksâ€"st., Ottawa, May 666y B ;ITory Mn 4 epaenede n m ty * 4 Very errerssenissssessunry "h _5 Very l:ï¬-:.... 6 Single sample bottles at. M:vn rates. wl sup dhate No mz No stnting t P0 Fer the BENZFIT of the POOR, under the ausâ€" ;lou of the BOCIETY of ST. VINCENT de AUL, will be delivered in the R. C. CATHEâ€" DRAL, on TUESDAY EVENING, NLNTH Inst., at Eight o‘clock, by the Rev. Mr. O‘FARRELL, 'tmm The S of the Pope." hauutt L CC TZ] mm. 50 conts : BUBJEUELâ€"_ AB0 PUD!"" 2a Sents. 50 Admissionâ€"25 cents ; Reserved Seate, 50 conts ; Lady and Gentleman, 75 cents. p ‘ROBT. ‘RELLLY + gr'l. " THERâ€"â€"@GOLDENâ€"BOOTYr." AERNOLDEPS GENTLEMEN KEEP COOL! LECTURE & GRENADINE PROMENADE COSTUMES, GRENADINES, § ° â€" FRENCH & ENGLI8SHA MUSLINS Children‘s Fine Kid Congress and Lace Boots, Green, ® < * por 40% .....>> 29, 1868. W holesale l‘mu;]u' attended to. w M’ Ffl- to why part 'fw.“i free of Ladies‘ Kid Button Boots, N EW STOCEK OF NO. 22 ~ City Hoop Skirt Factory, BUi"lj‘ ALPAOCCA COATsS, LINEN ©OATS, : . Childrsn‘s Enameled and Calf Copper T And other gonds in endless varjety. FOR CASH ONLY autstde Aoat 1A sed, and goods markâ€" 22%6, WELLINGTONâ€"STREET,. All in great variety, cheap, at 8 43 Aparkeâ€"st, Central Qttavva. THE DOUBLE EXTENSION SKIRT, 66 DE..I 446 * NEW GORE TERAIL SKIRT GRENADINE SHAWLS, French Wove Corsets ! & 50 vmme At ‘F n mm 8 T5 10 00 Gont‘s White Canvass Congress, Gent‘s White Canvass Shoos, Geont‘s Mill. Calf Congress, , (Gent‘s Calfâ€"faced Congress, " Gent‘s Calf Balmorals, Gent‘s Fine Kid Congress, and â€"Retail Importers, 2O #parkseâ€"s L. Centre Town. next to Eamende‘s Stove Depot 43 SPARKSâ€"STREET, The Noble Art of Sellf Defence. JU.' RECRIVED, PER NESTORIAXN, TWO CASES BOX!xG GLOYES, And CKICKETING GOODS kf Of the Very Best Manufactare, ORME & 80N‘8, Ottawa, June 5, 1868. RRALLY PBINE COPFEE! BUCHAN AN‘S _ Unrivalled Mixture of Mocha, JAVA & JAMAICA, Rossted and °Ground Daily on the premises, by stesm power JAS. BUCA4ANAN, ROYAL MAIL LNE ®"°AN O MNIB U S punidly,hufl, passengers .. .. FPOR AYLMER To connect with the Union Forwarding Railway Company‘s Steamers. BOPPr PPACPEZTCI converï¬ng Ope Inch Lumber BAREGE SHAWLS, June 5, 1868. Board Measure. Fencing Foils and Masks, &c. May 11, 1868 ‘QUEBEC STANDARD Ottawa, May 16, 1868. Coffee! Coffee! Â¥or Sale by those who enjoy a Oup of §Will leare the RUSSELL HOUSE, TA L B4 No. 226, Wellington street Gent‘s Prumelia Brogans, Gent‘s Pat. Dress Boots (Bundays excepted), st 7 a.m., * gussex and Wellingtonâ€"sts J. DURIE 4 80°, Bookseliers and Btationers, MARSEILLES V£K3U8 BAREGE JACKETS JAMES MULLILGAN 10, W_ 160â€"3 068 , Ottawa 1602