Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 6 Jun 1868, p. 4

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MONCK. Vicroria, by the Grace of God, of the ~__ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, QuEEX, Defender of the Faith, &e., &e., &es To all to whom these presents shall come, and whom they may in} anywise concernâ€"Grustixe : J, A. Macvoxarp, Minister of Justice By a cer.ain Act of the Parliament otf Canads, passed in the recent session thereof, and intituled : "An Act relating toQuarantine and Public Health," it is amongst other things in effect enacted that the Governor in Council may, from time to time, muke such regulations as he thinks proper, for enforcing compliance with all the requirements ofthe said Aet.udmh‘ho.qumdh& or vessels at the different ports or places in Canaâ€" da, and concerning the landing of passengers or cargoes from such boats or vessels or the receiving of passengers or cargoss on board of the same, as. may be thought best calculatedâ€"to preserve the public health, and for ensuring the due performance of quarantine, by and in respect of vessols, passenâ€" gers, goous or things, arriving at any port within Canada, to which he thinks it right for the preserâ€" _vation of the public healib, that such regulations should apply, and for the thorough cleansing and disinfecting of such vessels, passengers, goods or things, so as to prevent, as far as possible, the introduction or dissemination of disease into or in Canads, and may appoint or remove such officers as ho may deem necessary for so doing, and assign to them, respectively, such powers as he may think required for carryirg out the provision of such nphd.-.ni-qy._h,tolbgnnbu amend the same or any of them, and may make others in their steéad, and may impese penalties, forfeitures and punishments for the breach thereof, which regulations shall be notifed by prociamaâ€" tion, published in theCanada Gazetre at least twice ; and the production of the copies of the Gazette conâ€" taining any such proclamation shall be evidence of the making, date and contents of such regula~ have the force of law during the.time they respes. tively remain unrevoked, unless they be expressly limited to be in force only duming a certain time or at certain times or seasons in which case they shah wave the force of law during the time and at the times and seasons during or at which they have been :imited to be ic force ; and that any person disobeying any such regulation may be prosecuted NV for a misdemeanor, punishable by fine or imprizonâ€" ment or both, as the court may direct, or otherwise such person may >o sued for the m/‘ tained inisuch regulatioun. Asp Wuzzzas, our Governor in Council, hath this day been pleased to make, under the authority, and in pursuance of the said above in part recited Act, certain regulations as tollows, that is to say : That all boats, ships and other vessels, except the Caradian Maid : Steamers, which henceâ€" forth and during the cight months next following the first day of Apnil in each and every yoar shall arrive in the Port of Quebec, from any port or ports, place or places, in Europe or elsewhere out of Canads, by way of that part of the River St. Lawrence which is below Grosseâ€"Isle, and which shall have at the time of their said arrival, or shail have had during their passage from the places where they respectively cleared, any person on board labouring under Asiatic Cholera,Fever,Small Pox, Searlatina or Measles, or other infectious and dungerous disease, or on beard of which any perâ€" son shall have died during such passage, or which, being of less tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, shall have on board thirteen or more steerage passengers, or which being of greater tonnage than seven hundred tons meastâ€"oment, shall have on board fifty or more steerage passenâ€" gars, or which shall have come from some infected port, shall make their Quarantine at Grosseâ€"Isle in the River St. Lawrence, and there remain and continue until such boats, ships or vessels shall be discharged from such Quaranâ€" tine, by such license or passport, and discharge given without fee or emolument of any kind as shall be directed or permitted by such order or orders as shall be made by the Governor, with the advice of the Privy Council and until the suid boats, ships and vessels shall raspectively have performed such Quarantine, and shall be discharged thereâ€" trom by such license or passport and discharge as aforesaid, persons, goods or merchandize, which shail be on board such boats, ships or versols shaly not come or be brought on shore, or go or be put on board"of any other ship or vessel in Canada, except on Grosseâ€"Isle aforesaid, when duly required by gmmwmw-mm and during the cight months aforesaiq, shall arrive at the Port of Quebec, from any port or ports in Europe, place or places, or slsewhere. as aforesaid, of the glass or description hereinbe~ fore mentioned, as liable and bound to make their Quarantine at Grcsseâ€"Isle, do make their further Quarantine in the Harbour of Quebec, according to the regulations hereinafter provided. competent authority All boats, ships and vessels of the class and deâ€" scription hereinbefore mentioned, as liable to make their Quarantine at Grosse Isle, sha‘l anchor within the space inclcded between Grosseâ€"Isle and a line drawn paraliel to it, through the Red Buoy, to be placed as heretofore under the direction of ~W1MMMQM cart and west by lines drawn due south from the western extromities of Clif Island and Groseeâ€"Isle, The island shall be so divided as to leave one porâ€" @Whmumu.mmmw and reception of those who are labouring under or who are threatened with any of the following discases, namely : Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measles, or any other intectious and dangerous disease; and the remaining portion for the reception and accommodation <f all passenâ€" .mnddhr’unuvbvbdlhlnddn( detained upon the said island who shall not labour under or be threatened with any of the said disâ€" cases, and no pers¢n or persons, unless on duty, shall be permitted to pass from one of the said portions of the said island to the other, unless they have pastports signed by the Medical Superinâ€" tendent. 1â€"VESSELS COMING UP THE ST. LaWâ€" REXCE. 4« â€"RSTABLISHMENT AT GROSSEâ€"ISLE. | The establishment at Grosseâ€"Isle shall consist of a Medical Superintendent, an Hospital Stewatd and such Officers, Employes and Orderlies as may u."a.ud' or employed to meet the exigencies of the service. The Medical Superintendent shail be: wuthorized to s¢e the Quarantine duty performed, and for this purpose shall have full power and authority over all officers and other pertons whatâ€" soever in Growsâ€"Isle, or attached to that station» ana be authorized to call upon all persons to aid him in enforcing the law and their regulations, und us case of his death, sickness or absence, the officer next in rank employed on the island shall have the power and authority aforesaid ‘The Medical Superintendent (or in case of his death, sickness or absence, the officer next in rank employed on the islawd) shall enforce the said law and there regulations,and shall direct boats,ships or vessels to geto such place or places to perform wuumhmto.fih to. He shall direct all boats, ships or vessels, liable HEREAS, 5.â€"MEDICAL SUPERLNTENDENT. 2.â€"PORT OF QUEBEC. CANADA CANADA. 3.â€"GROSSEâ€"ISLE. to perform Quâ€" , to be brought to anchor, within the limits of the Quaraatine anchorage, asd generally do all that may be required to enforee rigid ebedience to the said law and these regulations, He shall permil alll passengers, or other persons landed on the said island, to be re embarked or shipped on board any steamboat or ‘other vessel when the vessel is in a fit state to receive them, and that they may bave been examined by him and found in a ft state for reâ€"embarkation or for leayâ€" ing the said is!and j and that all such passengers a;dponqu. with rluggage, have been washed, cleansed and pu and that there does not exist amongst those who are about to proceed or leave the said island case or symptoms of Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Smaill Por, Scariatina or Measles» or other infectious dangerous disease. He shall also go off to vessels bound to make their Quaractine at G Isle as aforesaid, and put the following q! igs to the musters or persons in charge, vis : 1 What is your name and that of your vessel ? 4 From whenceldid you sail, and date? 4 What is your cargo, and whence uhroi board ? & ; 4 Atâ€"what place or places did your vessel touch in her voyage * R 5 Was such place or places, or any and which of them, infected with the cholera, plague, or any pestilential fev discase * wicsimnane d * 6 How many persons were on board when the vesscl sailed * Creow ? . T Have any pérson or persons du«ing the voy ago been infected? or are there now any infected with the cholera, plague or any pestilential fever or disease? ; $ Did any or persons, and how many die during the voyage, and from what distemper? . + 9 Did you or any of the ship‘s company or pasâ€" sengers, with your privity, go on board any ship or vessel, or did any ot the company of any ship or vessel come on your ship in the voyage, and from what port did she sail last ? clean bill of h to the masteg or: perso® in charge ; and vessels may thest pHocecd to the harbour of C . If the answers be not satisâ€" tmetory, or the Medical Superintendent has any reason to suspect fraud on the part ot the master or person in ige, crew or passengers, he shall immediately t the vessol toâ€"such plase as may be appointed for vessels detained under Qaarantine of observation ; he shall call for the ship‘s papers 10 Did you or|any of your ship‘s company or passengers with or without your privity or consent, land at any place within Canada? 11 lhvo' ;- y person on board who is lanaâ€" tis, idiotic, " and dumb, blind or infirm, and are such by relations able to support passenger lists and logâ€"books, ard inspect them thoroughly so as to ascertain the whole of the cccurrences the royage, and should be meet with any i he will make such signal as may be on to show that assistance is The Medical rintendent shall also board all vessels he may ider necessary to inspect. He shall have of all vessels detained in Quarâ€" antine. He direct, if necessary, all stecrage passengers to be landed with their luggage. And shall the cleansing and disinfection of vessels, He direct the number of.passengers to be landed, hing those who require to be treated for lential or infoctious discases, and who are to be Ianded at that part of the said sland set apart for such treatment, from those who do not require guch treatment, and who may be landed at that part of the said island set apart for the reception ‘of the healthy and those free from pestilential or infectious discases, and he shall be careful that all such persons shall be landed at such places respectively. He shall have medical charge of all cabin who do not disembark, and who may be under any ether than pesâ€" tilential or ous diseases ; and shall order all passengers persons on board any such ship or vessel who s labour under any pestilential or infeetious di to be landed with their luaggage according to the foregoing regulation, shore, and when it shall be deemed advisable not to land the on the said island. He shall whenever a vessel is cleansed, ventilated and purified, direct such vessel to receive on board the whole or any on of the passengers, or whether the whole or and which of thesaid passengers shall remain o# the said island, to prosced up the river by some mode of conveyauce, and he shall, se soon as the passengers are reâ€"embarked on board their ship, or on board any ship or vessel leaving the said island, give # passport or clean bill or health ty the master or person having such vessel in to prossed to Quebec, He shall make returns the vessels boarded by him asâ€" soon as possible after such vessels are visited. The ica) Superiniendent shall have charge of the He shall receive into the hospiâ€" tais set apart for the treatment of pestilential and intectious all persons labouring under or threatened with any such disease. He shall have the genoral and direction of everyâ€" thing‘ to the sick.. He shall visit and infectious d'u:}n.toh according to the foregoir He shall girg medical cases of slight diseasos regulations ally re shore, and it shal to land the shall whenever ia vessel purified, direct such vos: whole or any on of He shall medical treatment on board in all eases of slight dissasos which are not by these regulations ally required to be treated on Cabin passen If the m'or‘ be satisfactory, he shall give a inspect all ers who shall be lIanded from any vessel, â€"distribate them as he shall think expedient on that part of the island approâ€" priated for the treatment of pestilential or infectious diseases, or on the part ot the said island appropriâ€" ated to healthy passengers. Upon the recovery of persons for any sach disease he shall, after due transfer such persons to the healthy part ot the island. He shail superintend the: cleansing, ing and purifying of all passenâ€" gers, and the unpacking and ventilating of their baggage, and they are in a fit s.ate to proâ€" ceed, he if need be, cause any baggage or nypuul(u be burned or otherwise destroyed: 6.â€"TRAD SUTLERS, GROCERS AND OTHERS. No %fl:flq the business of sutlers, tradors, or other cccupations, or concerned in buying or shall be allowed to reside upon the under of the Superig authority to or any such re charge and the reason of the Gener the ~ All the under the license and strict sontrol 1 of the Superiptendent, who will have full authority to and send from the island all or any such reporting the fact of such disâ€" charge and reason theretor, for the information of the @eneral or person administering the * All such persons in any way onâ€" gaged in selling or trafic on the said . island shall be regulated as to prices by lists to be furnished by the Medical Superintendent from time to time, assisted by the Emigrant Agent at Quebes. He shall strictly enquire into and decide upon al cumplaints of misconduct or breach of the regulaâ€" tions by pe so trading; he shall see that no officer or per empluyed by the Government, or in any publip employment on the said island, has directly or indirectly any interest or concern in any supply of isions, or other things to he supplied or fu bought or sold apon the said island, or directly of indurectly receives or takes any priâ€" vate or reward tor any service rendered to any or crews of vessols, passengers or other upon the said islaad, . And it shall be the duty of a‘l persons to whose knowledge any breach of this regulation shall come to report the same forth to the Medical Superintendent, who shall enquite into the facts alleged, and may sus< pend from his otfice any . person so charged until the pl of the Governorâ€"General shall be known res the person so charged. T.â€"SALINT LAWRENCE PLLOTS. Pilots h: been,farnished with copies of the said Act of these regulations, and also of the laws emigra:ion, shall exhibit the same to the or person in charge of every vessel they may Every pilot having charge of & vessol of description of those liable to make Qu Grosseâ€"Isle as aforesaid, shall bring her to within the limits of the anchorage groand at Grosseâ€"Isle hereinbefore defined. They shall also a Union Jack flying at the peak of all vessels their charge, until boarded by T ,.â€"SALN® Pilots having t said Act of t laws € to the or they may vessol of des Qu &n her to ‘m.::q shall also all vessels gors the proper officers. On arriving at Quebes, it the vessel has received a clean bill of health from the Medical Superintendent at G:osseâ€"Isle, and bas not been detained there on account of sickness or suspicion thereof. she may bring to at any place within the following limits id the Port of Quebec, viz; the whole space ofthe River St. Lawrence, from the mout : of the, River St. Charles, to a line drawn across the said River St. Lawrence, from the fagâ€"staif on the Citadel or Cape Diamond at right angles to the course of the said river, buy must not communicate with the shore or with any other vessel or boat unjil boardad by the inspesting Un the arrival of any veesel at Grosseâ€"Isle, on board of which there shall be or shall have been during the passage any case of Cholera, Fever, "Small Por, Scarlatina or Measles, or ether infecâ€" tious or dangerous disease, and in all other cases when it shall be tonsidered necessary by the Medical Suporintendent, the steorage passongrs shall be landed with their laggage, and washed and puriGed, and shall be permitted to reâ€"embark and proceed in the same vessel, or shall be l detained and embarked in some steamboat or other vessel, as shall be directed by the Medical Superâ€" l‘ intendent, ‘Fhe passengers in the principal cabin shall not be landed except in cases of sicknoss, and i may at ali times proceed with the vessels or otherâ€" pbysician ; but if the vessel be ot the class of those not hable to maks their Quarantine at Grosseâ€"Is!g shemay either bring to at any place within the aforesaid limits, in the Port of Quebes, or she may proceed at once to the ballast ground. #.â€"PASSENGERS. 'i:,;n;r huh‘ washed and purified thoir lugâ€" gage to the satisfaction and with the passpert of the )lcvieal.hpormudut. ] #.â€"VESSELS. & All vT‘u liable to make their Quarantine at Grosseâ€"Isle, on their arrival there shall anchor within ‘the limits of the anchorage groun(l at Grosseâ€"Isle hereinbefore defined, until boarde¢ by the Medical Superintendent; and if they shall not be detained at Grosseâ€"Isle on account of sickness or suspicion thereof, shall receive a clean bill or health, and may proceed to the harbour of Quebec and there anchor at any place withinâ€"the liits of that portion of the Port® of Quebec bereinbefore defined, and there remain without communication wih the shore, or any other vessel or boat uatil finally discharged from Quarantine by the license or passport aforesaid ; but if any such vessel shaly have been detained at Grosseâ€"Isle frem sickness or suspicion thereof, it shall anchor at the mouth of the River St. Charles, and there remain until finally discharged from Quarantine as aforesaid. _ Vessols arriving at Grosseâ€"Isle from any infocted port or place, or one supposed to be intected, and on board of whish no pestilential disease shall have declared itself during the passage, may be kept under Quarantine of observation for a period of not wore than three days, during which time the passengers and crew thereot shall be subjected to a strict purification under the direction of the Mediâ€" cal Superintendent. â€" All vessels detained in Quarâ€" antine shall be cleansed and ventilated, and their between decks, if not painted or varnished, shall be whitewashed, but if painted or varnished, shaly be thoroughly serubbed with soup and water or ley, and such portion of ths ballast as the Medical Superintendent shall order, shall ‘be thrown over. In all cases whore vessels having passengers on board on account of sickness amongst such pasâ€" sengers shall be detained is Quarantine, the master or person in charge may, on application to the Medical Superintendent at Grossâ€"Isle, be allowed to land the said passengers with their laggage; und the vessel being properly cleansed, purifed and disinfected under the superintendence and with the license, of the Medical Superintendent, may prvuceed up the river. without the said passengers upon the master or person in charge paying to such person as shall beâ€"appointed to receive the same one shilling and three pence foreach passenger, to bear the expense of their conveyance to Quebes and also at the rate of one shilling per diem for eacn of the said passengers, to roimburse the exâ€" pense of their maintenance at Grosseâ€"Isle, for the time during which such vessel, in the judgment of the Medical Superintemdent, would have had to be detained in Quarantine waiting for the passengers not affected with any of the pestilential or infecâ€" tious dissases atore¢uid, otherwiso such vessel shall be detained in Quarantine until the passengers fist sick of the aforesaid diseases, shall be cleansed, buld,â€";fl_:o; iu immediate superintendence, G that of some person te be appointed by him for that washed, purifed and disinfscted. 3 A 10.â€"INSPECTING PHYSICIAN AT QUEBEC, An inspecting pbysician at Quebes shall go off to all vessels arriving at @uebec or at the mouth of the River St. Charles, and put the following quesâ€" tions to the masters or persons in charge, viz : 1 When did you leare Grosseâ€"Isle? % Exhibit to me your passport from Grosseâ€"Isle ? , 3 How many persons have you on board? Cabin passengers ? _ Steerage passengers ? theur ? Crew? > 4 Number left at Grosseâ€"Lele ? 5 Have any person or persons been taken sirce you left Grosseâ€"lsle? â€" 6 Have any died ?State number, names T Have any person or persons come on board or left your vessel since you left Grosseâ€"Isle ? And moreover, he sha"" require ali masters or persons in charge of vessels liable to make their Quarantine at Grosseâ€"Isle, to exhibit to him the license or passport which they shall have received from the Medical Superintendent at the Quaranâ€" tine Station; and such masters or persons in charge shall forthwith exhibit the same for exami. nation to the said inspecting physician at Quebes, who, if he shall find, as well from the answer he may receive as from the tenor of the passport and tha astoal state of the passengers and crew that sickness does not exist on board he shall them grant to the master or person in charge ef such vessol, a certificate in writing setting torth the healthy sate of the passengers and crew, to the end that such vessel may obtain a final discharge from Quarantine. . But, if on the contrary, such inspect. ing physician at Quebec, shall find any case of pestilential or infectious disease on board, or shail have just cause to appréehend the breaking out of any such malady, it shall then be his duty to hoist a i yollow fing at the mainâ€"tepâ€"gallantâ€"mast head and shall cause the vessel to return to or remain and be detained at the mouth of the River Saint Charles for further observation and inspection ; and having acquainted the master or person in charge with the penalties to be incurred if he should permit any communication with bis vessel until released trom Quarantine, he shall report all the circumstances to the Minister of Agriculture for the information of the Governor General ; and if it shall appear to the said inspecting physician at any time that such vessol shall have passod the Quarantine Station at (Grosseâ€"Tsle without stopping to make Quarantine, being liable thereto, and should therefore be sen, down to Grosseâ€"Isle, or that such vessel having al. } ready cleared from (Grosseâ€"Isle,should return thereâ€" . to, there to land the passengers, he shall order the master ‘or person in charge to proceed or return with such vessel to Grosseâ€"Isle, and such master or person in charge shall obey such order, and the proper officers at Grosseâ€"Isle shall observe in reâ€" spect of such vessels the same rules and regulations as are provided tor vessels arriving at Grosseâ€"Isle with sick. Should the inspecting physician at Quebes meet with asy resistance in the discharge of the duty required of him by this regulation, he will immediately enforce the same by all lawful means at his disposal. Any steamboat or other vessel that shall have towed or otherwise communicated with a vessel of the class of vessels liable to make their Quarantine at Grosséâ€"Isle, not having the discharge trom Quarantine of the Medical Superintendent at Grosseâ€"Isle, shall be subject to the same regulaâ€" \uou and instructions as hereinbefore provided, respecting vessols not dissharged from Quarâ€" boen taken sick and No steamboat shall be allowed to proceed to @Grosseâ€"Isle for the purpose of taking on board passongers direct from that island, without proviâ€" ously obtaining from the Collector of Customs of the Port of Quebec, a written permit to that effect ; subject neverthcless to the regulations hereinbefore provided. No vessol shall be entered or clearod at the Port of Quebec or Montreal, until all the requirements ot the foregoing regulations in reference to such vessels shall have been fully complhed with. 11.â€"PORF OF HALIFAX, That all boats, ships or vessels coming into the Harbour of Halifaxz, in the Province of Nova Scotia, which shall have at the time of their said arrival, or shall have had during their passage from the places where they respectively cleared, any person on board labouring under Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measles, or other infecâ€" tious and dangerous dizease, or on board of which any person shall have died during such passage, or which, being of less tonnage than seven hundred tens measuremen‘, shall have on board thirteen or more steerage passengers, or which being of greater tonnage than seven hundred tons measureâ€" ment, shall have on board fifty or more steerage passengers or which shall have come from some infected port, shall make their Quarantine in the Harbour of BHalifax, on board such vessels or at such place on shore, and in such manner as shall be directed by the inspecting physician of the said Port of Halifax, and there remain anvd continue until such ships or vessels shall be discharged from such Quarantine, by such license or passport, and discharge given without fee or emolument of any kind as shall be directed or permitted by such order or orders as shall be made by the Governor, with the advice of the Privy Council; and until the said ships and vessels shall respectively have performed suchQuarantine and shall be discharged therefrom by such license or passport and disâ€" charge as aferesaid, persons, goods or merchandise which shall be on board such boats, ships or vesâ€" sels, shall not come or be brought on shore, or go, or be put on board of any other ship or vessel in Canada, except at such place indisated as aforeâ€" said when duly required by competent authority. All boats, ships or vessels of the class and deâ€" scription hereinbefore mentioned, as liable to make their Quarantine in the Harbour of Halifax, shall anchor within a mile of the southern end of Georgé‘s Island, there to be inspected by the inâ€" specting physician, and ordered, . according to circumetances as aforesaid. The inspecting physician of the port of Halifax shall visit, on their arrival, such bouts, ships or vessels, and shall direct them as best calculated for the public health, and in accordance with the intent and meaning of the present regulations and orders in Council, which may be communicated to him from time to time. . â€" That all boats, ships or vessels coming into the lHarbour of Saint John, in the Frovince of New Brunswick, which shall have at the time of their said arrival, or shall have had during their pasâ€" sage from the places where they respectiyely cleared,any persen on board labouring underAsiatic Chelera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measles or other infectious and dangerous disease, or on board of which any person shall have died during such passage, or which, being of lass tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, shall have on beard thirtcen or more steerage passengers, or which being of greater tonnage than seven hundâ€" red tons measurement, shall have on beard fifty or more steerage passengers, or which sha‘l have come from some infected port shall make their Quarantine in the Harbour of Saint John on board such vessels or on Partridge Island, and in such munner as shall be indicated by the inspecting physician ot the said Port of St. John, and there remain and centinue until such ships or vessels shall be discharged from such Quarantine, by such license or passport, and discharge given without fee or emolument cf any kind, or shall be directed or permitted by such order or orders as shall be made by the Governor, with the advice of the Privy Council ; and until the said ships and vessels shall respectively have performed such Quarantine, and shall be discharged therefrom by such license or passport and discharge «s aforesaid, persons, goods or merchandise, which shall be on board such boats, ships or vessels, shall rot come or be brought on shore, or go or be put on board of any other ship or vessel in Canada, except on the said Partridge Island when duly required by compeâ€" tent authoritw 5 All boats, ships or vessels of the class and deâ€" soription hereinbefore mentioned as liable to make their Quarantine in the said Harbour of St. John, shall anchor within a mile of the outside or south» ern ond of Partridge Island, (unless forced by strees of weather to anchor inside the said island, in which care such vessels shall anchor as close as practicable to the said island,) there to be inâ€" spected by the inspecting physician and ordered according to the circumstances as aferesaid. The inspecting physician of the Port of St. John shall visit, on their arrival, such boats, ships or vessels, and shall direct them as best calculated for the public health, and in accordance with the intent and meaning of the present regulations apd such orders in Council as may be communieated to him from time to time. The inspecting physicians of the Poiis of Haliâ€" fax and St. John (or any medical officer nominated to sctas assistant im their absence) shall have respectively, the control over all officers and emâ€" pleyes, who may be appointed or employed for the service of the Quarantine in the said ports, respectively, and the medical atiendance over the sitk and healthy passengers or crew detained on board, or who may have been landed to undergo the said Quarantine on shore, and the said inspectâ€" ing physicians shall have, respectively, the same duties to perform and the same authority as those hereinbefore assigned to the Medical Superintendâ€" ent of the Quarantine of Gresseâ€"Isle, ‘and shall fulflthe said auties and exercise the said authorâ€" ity in the same macneras prescribed for the said Medical Superintendent. 14.â€"VESSELS IN QUARANTINE AT THE _ PORTS OF HALIFAX AND ST,. JOHN. 13.â€"â€"INSPECTING PHYSICIANS OR TL® PORTS OF HALIFAX AND ST. JOHN. In all cages where vessels having passengers on board, or account of sickness amongst nch.pn-l sengers, shall be detained in Quarantine, the | master or person in charge may, on application to the inspecting pbysician of the said Ports of Hatiâ€" fax or t. John respoctively, be allowed to land the said passengers with their luggage ; and the vessel being properly cleansed, purified and disin. fexted under the superintendence and with the Mcense of the Inspecting Physician, may proceed uwp the harbor without the said . passengers, upon the master or person in charge payâ€" ing to such‘ person as shail be appointed to receive the: same, ten pence . tor erch passenger to bear the expense of their conâ€" veyance, and also at the rate of one shilling vper diem for each of the said passengers, to reimburse the expense of their maintenance for the time during which such vessel, in the jndpofit of the inspecting physician,would have had to be detainâ€" ed in Quarantine waiting for the passengers not affecteu with any of the pestilential or infectious diseases aforesaid, otherwise such vessel shall be detainéed in Quarantine until theâ€" passengers not sick of the aforesaid diseases, shall be cleansed, washed, puriGed and disinfected. ' 15.â€"PILOTS OF THE PORTS OÂ¥ HALIFAX AND 8T. JOHN. °* Pilots of the Ports of Halifax and St. John reâ€" spectively, having been furnished with copies of the said Act, and of these regulations,shall exhibit the same to the master or person in charge of any boat, ship or vessel they may board :â€"every Pilot having charge of {a vessel of the description of those liable to make Quarantine at the Ports of Halifex or &t. John respectively, shall bring her to anchor within the limits of the anchorage grounds hereinbefore defined for the said ports respectiveâ€" 1y :â€"They shall also keep a Union Jack fiying at the peak of all vessels under their charge, unti‘ 12. â€"PORT OF SAINT JIHN OTTAW A boarded by the proper medical officer aforesaid. 16.â€"GENERAL PROVISLONS. All vessels trading between any ports or places within Canada, and pnot having touched at any ports cr places without the Dominien nor commuâ€" nicated with any other vessel which shall have arrived from any port without the Dominion, shall be exempt from the foregoing rules und regulations so tar ur-poetnhoiooucitydgdn‘uotw»â€" ping at the anchorage ground aforesaid ; nor shall the said rules and regulations apply to any vessel of war, or to transports or vessels having Queen‘s troops on board accompanied by a medical officer and in a healthy, state, or to any steamer, unless sickness or passage. No vessel shall be entered or cleared at the Port of Quebec or Montreal, until all the requirements of the foregoing regulations in reference to such vessol shall have been fully complied with. Auy person who shall contravene, either by omission or commission, any of the foregoing reâ€" gulations, shall for every such offence incur and pay a fine of not exceeding Four Huxome» Dorâ€" La28, to be recovered in the manner prescribed by the said Act; and ov&ry person who, upon convic« tiou of any such offence, shall fail to pay the amount of fine which he shall haye been condemnâ€" ed to pay, shall be imprisoned until such fire be paid. & ; * All previous orders of regulations are hereby reâ€" voked. Now Know Yse, that we do hereby comâ€" mand, and enjoin upon all our loving subjects that they do take notice of and obey the said regulaâ€" tions so made as aforesaid and gevern themselves accordingly, Ix Testmoxy Waurr#or, We have eaused these our letters to be made patent, and the great seal of Canada to be hereunto afired: Witness, our right trusty jand wellâ€"belered cousin the Right Honorable CHARLES STANLEY VISCOUNT MONCK, Baron Monek of Bally. trammon, in the County of Wexford, in the Poerage of Ireland, amd Baron Monck of Ballytrammon, in the County of Wexford, in â€" _ the Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,; Governorâ€"Gemeral of Canada, &c., &o., &o., at our Government House, in our City of Ottawa, this twentyâ€" third day of May, in the year ot our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixtyâ€"eight, and in the thirtyâ€"first year of our reign. By Command, 3 HECTOR L. LANGEVIN, CHANGE of TIME St Lawrence & Oitawa Railway, (formerly the Ottawa & Prescott Railway.) Ol and after FRIDAY, the 15th May, 1868,â€"and unjil further notice, trains will run as follows :. LLAYE PRESCOTT. ARRIYE 1N Orlawa Mixed, 7. 15 a. m. 10.35 a, m. Express, 1.35 p. m. 4.15 p. m. LRAYE OTTAWA. ARRIVE IX PRESCOTT. Exprors, T a. m. 9.25 a. m. Mixed, 1.00 p. m. 4.15 p. m. ‘The time of these Trains has been un.m:fi.d as to ensure connection with night and day tr: on Grand Trunk, eas‘ anu west. N. B.â€"These 2rains run on Montreal Time. Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from and to stations on Grand Trunk lhil:.? Reoturn tickets to Prescott, x.-a:m. Jaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the principals aâ€" tions o# the line. Brock»i!‘s and Utawa Railway, sSUMMER ARRANGEMENT Commencing on the 20th April, 1868. LEAYVE BROCKVILLE. 7.15 A. M.««TRAINS will leave e M OP Brockville daily at 7:15 a.m., and m’pm. arrfiving at Sandpeint at 12:40 p. m. .M PP LEAVKE SANDPCINT. A. (M.==TRAINS will leave &®: 15Budxolnt at 5:15 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., arriving at Brockville at 11:30 a.m. and ENE J Alnnhu on main line connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to ind from Porth. The 7:15 a.m. train from Brockv.lle connects with U. F, Coy‘s Steamers for Ottawa, Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort, Pembroke, &c., &£c., and the 1:15 p.m. train from Sandpoint leaves after those steamers are due Brockvill¢, April 11. Grand Trunk Railway Company WINTER ARRA-;';?EM.ENTS, 1867. Il\lAlll new leave Bonaventure Sta= tion as follows ; GoInG wm.-m{ Express for Ofdombnrgh. Ottawa, Brockville, mlon. Bellevilie, Toronto, Guelph, London, Brantford, Goderich, Buffalo, Guelph, London, Brantford, Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago and nllJnhu West, at 8.30 A.M. Night do do at 7.30 P.M. Accommodation Train for Kingston and intermeâ€" diste stations at T,60 A.M.. â€" â€" _. _ rom east and west. _ Local Train for Cornwall and intermediate Staâ€" tions, at 4.20 P.M. ‘Traing for Lachine at $.00 A.M., 9.30 A.M., 3.00 and 4.30 P.M ; Th: 3.00 P.M.Train runs through to Platisâ€" burgh. 1 Gi)ING SOUTH AND EASYâ€"â€"Accommodation rm’luw mA um-‘ Pond and intermediate Stations, at 7. . M. Express for New York and Bostor, at 840 A.M. â€"""â€"Er-:nuâ€"_“ (staying over _ btat Island m’-“l’., ‘_( -yifg‘mr-. [ h. td P?;I;“;xym"“ l,’.r.' 'P;u;u.-n Ri Quboe‘ ight s for ree Rivers, and hnou du Loup, stopping }â€"1tween Montreal and Islapd Pond at St. &lhlu.at. Ayacinthe, Mifi&‘% 10.10 Pill'x;gh C 5 »0~ ars on a) t Trains. â€" chaok ':3 through. *€ ’ot farther information and time of arrival ard departure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Staâ€" tion: Ottawa, May 14, 1868. GROCERY STORE, Murray st., between Susser and Dilhousieâ€"sts. Also, GOOD STABLES for thirteen horses. lgu-odonh. Also a quantity of CEDARS for sale, Enquire of M. SHEPHERD, at the Store. > acre each. Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON, on th e premises. S64tT OR SALE, on SANDY H"LL, epposite e n ols a + moderate. TB o. ing street opppdulh Gas House. * Ottawa, May.4 1868. 1344 $.DETLOR, | THOMAS REYNOLDS, Superintendart. _ _ Managing Director. Enquire at the St¢re. Ottaws, Jan. 22, 1868. 759 Express for Boston and New York, at 3. & P. M ____â€" C.J; BRYDGES, Managing Director December 23, 1867 65 FOUR GOO0D ROOMS over SHEPHERD‘S Ottawa, May 20, 1868. 0 LET. BUILDING LOTS, one mile from the city, on the Ri&mu(; Road, m&ninl' one each. Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON, Jr. BUILDING LOTS, Two Dwellings to Let, FOR SALE OR TO LET. death may have occurred during the 2X BE WTaANMHAETU® Homing Aailroads. Lots for Saile. Btore, Corner of Sussex and Clarâ€" AND Secretary of State EUG. MARTINEAU, 646 : Managing 2y 1y 148 1868 ETe + Travellers and tourists will find gm a delightfal trip. Fh?n-elun Fare (meals oxtn),.....'..............&'5 50 Second «* w svierventvermpmenss Sb D rigt «* 6 R::l’rn # is ersessorsireseriens N00 aggage checked through. Pnréolgxprul daily to and from Montreal and all landings. Passengers for the celebrated Caledonia Springs landed at L‘Orignal. ? For further information apply at. Office on the wharf, or un board the steamer. Parties aesircus of a pleasant trip can obtain Excursion Tickets to Grenville and gack for une Queen Victoria, j Captain A. Bowir, . Leaves the Queen‘s Wharf with mails and passenâ€" gers for Montreal, every morning, (Sundays exâ€" cepted) at halfâ€"past 6 o‘clock, arriving at 445 p.E. fare Captain R. G. Nicwos, Leaves Ottawa for Major‘s and intermediate land ings on Tuesdays and Friaays at 4 o‘clock, p.m. 1493 K. W. SHEPHFQ{D. I 1868 £ Con.;ti;‘ of the following firstâ€"class Steamers, ANN $1s8ON, « vaptain Murphy. ALLIANCE, = « 66 Find‘ay. EMERALD, â€" = #6 Toner, OREC 9N, = = 66 Cowley» CALUMET, « = 66 Blondin. JASON GOULD, = 66 Boltoam. PoONTIAC, = = i6 _ Duggas. PEMNBROKE. = ® 4 Overman. sNOW BIRD,\ = «. $ _ Beattie. Uppé}' Ottawa Roeute. Until further notice the Steamer Ann Swson will leave Aylmer cvery day (Sundays excepted) for the Upper Ottawa at 8:30 a.m., connecting with the Alliance at head of railroad at 12:30, touching at Arnprior, Sandpoin«, Bristol, Bonnechere, Farrell‘s Wharf, Gould‘s Wharf, and Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort. Stages will leave Gould‘s Whuli; imuoeuuly after â€" omnol ooo ee o o on o a u. hsn :h:'rr;i';h.;; the Steamer Alliance for Cobden, connecting with Steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pembroke same evening.. e evanst 4 $3 cmd d t Acister+ dntt se w + The Steamer Pembroke leaves Pembroke at 7 o‘clock, a.m., on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Des Joachims, calling at intermediate ports, returning on same day, leaving at 2 p.m., connect» ing at Poorbroke with Steamer Jason Gould which 1,aves d.il{ at 5 arm., snd arriving at Portageâ€" duâ€"Fort at 10 a.w. C o 8 Lie Avcant redbadl i/ The Slonn:r,(,'-luui leaves Haveleck for Chaâ€" peau V{lhgo and intermediate ports on Tuesdays at 6 o‘clock, a. m., and returning leaves Chapeau Village same days, at 2 o'eloek.x > o a A WE Te im C CAAOC : 410 WhecatoaitHte A connection is made daily with the Brockville and Ottawa Rsilwu(yl on the uptrip at Arnprior at 2 o‘clock p. r3., time to connect with the Grand Trunk Railway night trains east and west, and on the downward trip at Sandpoint 1::35 a.m., Arpprior 12:10, _ _____ _ V_P;lâ€";;éri for Des Joachims leave Ottawa every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. _ _ _ _ _ _ For further particulars lrxlv mt the office of the Compary in Oitawa City or ylmer. ® R. 8. CASSELS, Between Brockville and Ottawa, via Brockville and Ottawa Railway and Union Forwarding Railâ€" way Company‘s Steamers : . 4 xd UPWARDS. LG2VO OHBWD Mt.....csssseserescessecseeescs»»»7;00 m,m. Arrive at Arnprior At .........@...........2:00 p.m, Leave Arlgm Mb ceccrvevnccrrecerececsneneses 2520 puMn, Arrive at Brockville at...............~......7:45 p m. In time to connect with. Grand Trank Railway Nigkt Trains, East and West. DowXwARDS. Leave Brockville At..... ....ccoummmam.......0515 m.m. Arrive at Arnpriorat..............12:10 pa Arrive at Ottawa at ..... SHIPPERS OF GOODS Upper â€" Ottawa, RAIL WAY COMPANY. I beg to intimate that the same rate will be charged on goods received at either place, th Company having established a through rate on all goods forwarded from Oitawa to places on the Upper Ottawa. _ es s _ Receipté for goods will be given by the Shippi gu...x,dalzséga.. Canal “af.‘.u. Wrarh, or at the ce 6 0 â€"street. poyt R s cassELs, President. n« OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION coMPANY‘8 MAIL STEAMER QTTAWA & AYLMER, Tlll subscriber will furnish ICEK DAILY to those requiring it for the Season. Double supplies on&aturday for Sunday‘s use. 10 ts dnlry for the season, $6.00. Hotels and Steamers supplied with large quantities on liberal terms, as per agreement by the season, or at any time the ice is wanted. _ . «_ _ Ottawa, May WwW. NOTMAN, Photographer to the Queen Ottawa City, April 22, 1868 k3 STREETS, WOULD inttmate that having all his arrangements completed, his NION FORWARDING & RAaILW AY comrant. e =â€"20Kâ€" Monday Next, 3rd February When ho will be prepared to fulfil orders tor al h different brinches of Photography. K WOOD, No. 38, on RIDEAU STREET, has been r mtted by the subscribsrs, and will be openea or MONDAT, FOURTEENTH OCTOBER, with an entire new stock of WELLINGTON AND METCALFE Store former| ed by W. D. T Toon mA FUDEAD STREET, has Union Forwarding Establishment will be Opened G BR OC ERIES, LIQUORS aAnp FHITA BRDW AERE. Ottawa, March 23, 1868. Condensed Time Table + wWOoOD & ROSSITER. Ottawa, October 12, 1867 16 ttawa, Jan. 31, 1868. HE Union l?otwu'dl-g and Railway Company having assumedthe cartage of goods £+ NEW STORE ! Ice, Ice, Ice! m OPCTC i MARKET STEAMER Steamers. By Stcamers of the CORNER OF TO Steamer Ann Swson will 66 Cowley» ¢ _ Blondin. 66 Boltoa. 66 Dugga a. 4 Overman» 46 Beattic. 11808 77 President ...T:15 a.m. ..12:10 p.m. . 12:15 p.m. ... 5:00 p.m. 1218 1868 1867 aso 1868;° Ixom W arE€nouse! Tu' SUBSCRIBERS beg to inform their Customers that their Stock is now complete, and embraces every delicacy of the Seasovn, among which will be lound & choite assortment 0‘ Orange PEKOEK, ) These Teas have ‘een Flowery 4 â€"â€"â€" caref@lly select=d for Japan 4 j family trade by SUGARS, > LOAF, * BROKEN LOAF, CRUSHED, GRoUNxD, *A YELLGwW, COFFEE, B@~ lioasted and Ground daily on the vHOCOLATE and CUUCOA, FRUITS. &c. LAYEK RAISIN® PRUNES, _AiMONDS, WiLNTUTS, FILBERTS, ind . BRAZIL NUTS. SPIC)Jib, Ottawa. Dscomber 19 Breakfast SOUCH ONG, & go _ CONGOU, } Superior HYSON, «© > GUZPOWDER, *~ INPERIAL, «_ TWANKAY, W, 0. CLAKK, PIIOI'EISOR OF MUSIC and Teache: of Piano, Voice and Harmony. L. y0, Mis: Vlark, Teacher of Drswing and Painting. Music Meoms and Residence, O‘Connorâ€"street, corner of \aterâ€"street, Contre Town. _ _ T 7 M now beeu before the public for alength e time, and whenever used is well liked, never tailing in a single instance to {ivo perufanent relief when timély used, and we have never known a single case o(dm.‘udnft:ufion w‘:on the dxnotl.lmu 3'.:"" ly followed ; but on ooon&nx,a are :r'yl. its operations, and speak in the Mz term# of its virtues and magical effects. n CANADIAN PAIN utSTRONER _ We i{uk from experience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it is fl\lll CANADIAN PAIN DESIROYER HA. MA now been before the public for alength¢ wecommended eign Remedy. _ 4 2 L Ro utonnhln‘ efficacy of the Canadian Fain Destroyer, in curing diseases for which it is reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing thomr‘n‘pumd Rbeumatism. and in re ieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to a high zrank n wshe list of Remedics for these complaints, €â€"2 2% coming in fr::filodiei: Duhnd im :I:&:ft;‘ol the country for er supplies, and eac ifying as to the universal l_;k@n?{&on it gives _ S Physiciaas orderand use it; and no family will ie Snd Tee Teild es teatie on t â€"five cents Non‘rm{& & LYMAN, § uo:lmu.. C. W., a ener for C. W . Sol by Geo. Mortimer, Jmm W M. Massey, H. F. McCarthy, J. Skinner, and J. Brown, in Ottawa. _ _ _ A VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET. Being on e eve of Confederation, and Ottewa being gfia!uly settled upon as its capital, The Victoria Hotel could not fail to be made l:zny. _ It is built on the most modern style of architecâ€" tur , of out stone ; bas large nb;,‘ â€"glass m r nn': is four .mn.; hich . .:nlnlzlin t:lunâ€"ud_ o the universal satisfaction it gives ie The Canzdian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmediate rolief. All Medicine Dealers keep i / FRENCH, fiavored with Vanilla ; q Orders may be left at his residence o7 at Orme & w‘s Music Store. 45ty mong the most importan! of modern Medical Vis soveries stands the he4 Fou SALE.â€"â€"THK WEST« erly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in First Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the same Convession, at present in the m of Wm. T. Aylen, Esq. For further p apply to Jorx and, Wx. Trowsox, Ne and Lewis & Prxuzt. Barrister, Ottawa. Jm.« de, Back and ilead, Courts, Colds, Sore Throot Sprains, Bruises, Cram.ps in the Sto: sach, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, bowel C«n{ldm, Burns ,Fealds, rost Bites, &o., ke. Quebec Bankâ€"Ottawa Branch SAVINCS DEPARTMENT. Cttawa, March 13, 1868. Pianoâ€"Forte ‘Tuition ! MUSCATEL, _ do SULTAXNA, VALENTIA, CURRAXTS, GRAPES, Ottawa Nov. 1. 1867 sls NUTMEGS, MACE, CINNAMON, CLOYES, . GINGER, _ * ; MIXED SPICES, ROM the 1st day of April next ensue ing, INTERZST at the KATE of _ FIYE per per annum, will be allowed on Deposits in Ic;-mm. U. V. NOEL, 16 Rideau Street, Ottawa. 1 ESTIMATES, & Preparsdby, : â€":.. . ... 0 PARTIES ABOUT TO «{LD PLAXNS, premises, Knd Daly â€"st. Ottawa. m0ociHdA, JAYA, in Whele, Haif and Quarter Bores TEAS, TAYLOR‘S, may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" D. T. BROWNE 4 CO. BROWXE & MARDY NO more eligtble chance could be offered to any party in the Hotelâ€" _hnpin§ line than &o lease of the wbove YIRSTâ€"CLASs HOTEL SPECIFICATION8, All Ground on the Premises aAUGUSTUS LAVER, nk JAMAICA, and CEYLON, 1 MUSCOV ADO. FRYIYVS, Black Extra Fine LEMONS, ORANGES MoTT‘S do Iraw Skates! Skates SLEIGHS, SLEJIGDS Skates from 20 cents to $6.00 | DALLHIS Arabian Heaye Remedv : AND CONDITION MEDICINE | Il POSI‘ZI* ELY SUPERIOR To ANY | 1 or allott er preparations for the curs of Heaves, | Coughe, Thack and Broken Wind, an. all disease | which affect the Wind of Eorses ; alzo, as n Cond»â€" ‘ *ion Medicin«, surpassing everyâ€"uing of the kind | 1s easy to F'l. sure te cure, and satedt all cases an |at all times, and does not prevent the horse | from being worked while using it. | _ It cleanses the breathing appuratus, by remoy. ing from the mirâ€"cells the eo:fnhbh lymph, or ‘uumnfinvhich in heaves clegs them, causin, . | a «sfcu‘ty in breathing, and by its action on thy | diseased part, e-;-e‘ync the -gw membrame to i resume its natural dimensions, us equalizing the | cirenlation of the blood, and restoring the distended | vessels to their natural size ; by its use the horse‘s 1c d 094. ~ dw Lk ime es | te is improved, all deramgcwents of tha ':dlpain :9.- oor.rxod;d.::“:lm".u skin, anc & ( w | giving to the cont a sleek and shining appearance, Hardware of all Descriptio« TR Nemember the place, ecembe 17, 1867 _ D. W. HURD, Successor to HuzD & Co., Maiges \hu, New lork, Sole Proprietor for the United |Bamterâ€" NORTHROP & LYMAX, . _ | Newcasre, C.W,, Proprictors for the Canaten ra10k wmv-n;:.:m 7 x Ho _ by Geo. Mortimer, Roberts, W. Massoy, {lury F. McCarthy J. Skinner, and J. Brown, in Ottawa. _ _ 0! the recommendation of the Hon» orable the Minister of Inland Revenue, and under the authority given by the Act passâ€" ed in the late Session of the Parlisment of Canada, \31 Vic. Cap. 8, intituled : " Au Act respecting the Inland Revenue," and by the « Act respecting Raw Tobacco," 31 Vic. Cap. #1. His Excellency in Council has been ploasd to order, and it is hereby ordere3, that the following Regulations respecting the granting of Licenses and Permits to Tobacco Dealers, whall.be and they are hercby made and estaâ€" blishcd. C HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOk GEXERAL IX COUNXCIL 1st. Licenses to deal in , Raw Leaf Tobacco and to enter the same exâ€"warchouse for conâ€" sumption on payment df daty, may be granted by any of the undermentioned Officers on apâ€" plication being made ‘in the prope: furm, namely : C All Collectors and deputy Collectors ef Inâ€" land Revenue. [ Such Postmasters, not exceeding one in each Parish, Township or Musicipality wherse there is no other Officer of Inland Revenue, as may be from time to time appointed by the Minister of Inland Revenue. 2nd. Application for a Licenss shall be made in such form, and shall contain such inâ€" formation as may be required by departmenâ€" tal regulations, and shall also stats the name, place of residence and occupition of the perâ€" son applyin ; . n 3rd. A Licens: shall only be valid when granted on a form supplied by the Department ofInland Revenue, and sign>d by th» Comâ€". missioner ; and any Licens»s may be forfeited by the Minister of Inland R:venus when »ver he has satisfactory evidence that the person to whom it is grant »d has evade1"or assisted in evading ths payment of any duiy to which Tobacco is liable, or that he has {ailed to comply with these Regulations or any part thereof. _ ® 4th,. Permits to tak «Raw Leaf Tobacco out of Bond, or from the farm or premises where it was grown, for consumption, may be grant / ed by the officers an i persons hereby authorâ€" ized to issue Licenses, on application being made in the form cpproved by the Depart« ment, and payment of the duty to which the ‘Tobacco would be liable it manufactured, that 31 Vic.Cap. is to say : on Raw Loaf Tebscco 51, sec. 4. . the growth of Canads, five ceals 31 Vic.Cap. per pound, being the duty to 8, sec. 31, _ which it woul1 belisble if manuâ€" facturedinto Common Canadian Twist, and on Raw Leat Tobasco not the growth <f Connds, ten cents per pound. 5th. Every permit «hall be valid ouly when the form supplied by the Department of Inland R+venue and signed by the person issuing it â€"and every such permit aball be delivered to and retained by the importer or grower ot the tobacco as evidence that the tobacco to which it relates was lawfully removed and the said permit shall be produced by him whenerer demanded by any officer of Inland Revens¢ for the purpose of taking an account thereo®" Ottawa, Nov. 1. 18 7 .6th. All persons issuing licenses or permits under thes: regulations or who receive 8BJ duty on raw lcaf tobacco entered for ©0B« sumption, shall transmit al1 money so received to the Receiverâ€"General at least once in escb week or oftener should the amount collected in one week exceed fifty dollars, and tht whall account to the Department of Inlaad Be venue in such maoner,â€"at such tim#s and i# such form as may be from time to tin.e detef* mined by Departmental Regulations is 9# GOVERNXMENXT HOUSE, OTTaWaA ALL PRRSENTS BY SANTA ~LAUS, At 18A A0+*8$ Tth, All persons liconsed to deal in raw leaf tobacco shall keepan accdunt of all that thef receive or sell or othermwise dispose of in #9#! form as may bepn-cribdbynqm‘-,‘ Regulations. * ".'-' «n e en 0 THE TIMES is printed and publishe® 7 Ta® OflvA‘l‘mahunnm"‘ cA oo oo kok At Lowest Cash Prices, k At ISAACs. REPARED Plans, Speoifications, &¢» Saturday, 30th day of M ~ Presest: REGULATION® SIDNEY B. FPZPP, Architech W eilington#â€" At ISAAC‘S for m"" s ~of WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Counal At ISAACs, P IsAAC‘3 Eparkeâ€"street, $T7dw$m n apâ€" AUGUSTUS KEE RRISTER and A: ‘"""", ~ WApiCuTrTeChanenry, Convep; ‘ R. J. WICKST LA A":g:l:;'ru.fi'x.“’ Nevember 14, 1867. N 4( Quebec, HULL, near the "*""" ... ouaws Valle "" . .“_ & .‘.'.ue. P“, Anrtation to th6 'odfl! w 0. pu is ipurk ow Jns Yorl AP Gaural Advertwing Agent*, Potme resuve Advertssements For 1 Ees c muiax Mosorove. :.., Feb. 20, 1868. omh)a Q&I[g LAPIERRE & MAY lfl.lflll-‘f-l-l".‘ mer of Russex "-a?g!-m-:-.% Ottawa, February 26, 1867. p.â€" G‘00NnN~o ‘mv-n-n:. J orren: “.,.om:.mu; sbruary 21, 1866. *J o torn) < , tatal circalatian in ® Sonenorâ€"Inâ€"URamoery mm m Â¥Gce, over Mr. Luke hl re, Hidean Streot, Ottewa, C. W anoary 17 1867. C go lt ; thus outstripp!n€ wl‘ " .”“;- for busi _ d m‘u‘iâ€"""‘"‘ a'"o,..""': ‘”Swilhec‘ * es 2 z_ aAvance only «BPobak), W i , (Aiending Physician Gen k is Hospita! ) mhed""" .. __o, special Atany savertisers apecial!y MOSGROVE & TA e £NxCY â€" m-‘.‘_ Sn 1 R. HM. WAYCOC TrORXEYâ€"ATeLA W , ® Chancery, Conveyancer, Nota/ ARRISTER®S, ROLLC Ofllce ~Moegrove‘s Building P. J. BUCKLEY, ARRISTER and Atts EDWARD T. DA Wt+*** **"ingortions, per 1i 4s advance) NICHOLAS sp vyOL W 1: Inthe Court Jsouse, LEES & GEM lt 4. A. MaAry paAILY ANP in advance Xinl Can [."m Office Building, plic, Clerk of the for the United C .. TETREAU, J. O‘DOH in advance onl to CN“‘” ’.' p H £ Attormey WEEKL Joux J

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