be Houss into i stating d that the rather exactâ€" intion, by ontreal caly to be able to" state wof the at hardship, and il another year, in the country, ot be available, nittee to include » tie legal proâ€" vrought â€" down img the ats A lc of £1,100,000, best defence loyalty and , hear), but p.l’ 7007Ҡsupported bÂ¥ P hramel« applied to xposed to th« rio¢ mackses only b: foâ€" monuths of ty Tps it of the mil‘~ red to a commitâ€" of the House of are referred to rcmbers, and the m the House of lified to receive ; to exercise that al Act, ho asked fos the purpose them wlhich was t ; that evidence s that taken beâ€" ae will be somâ€" _and the comâ€" ty of examining t testimony corâ€" aken before the MOX®. w- Lo stt Wof Koy* â€" succéur and s the Uniog Act enate | *oâ€"be the atydat: by the res he intended ted the report cipbuilding, reâ€" 6 drawback on pat in the conâ€" by providing ity on t ; entertained left nndefendâ€" e to be â€"taken quirement he : the naturé .: s erec Â¥ve f:-d‘o* â€" fortifications and . would war as to wod how 4* â€" in number® ".""“'â€' mW" f the Dominion eir own."â€"R: aq ing ordeted fo: NT. Â¥Bo hy “'lkwg) !ma? a and testrict t departments . sh aâ€"Stationer to the Houss clent or insuftiâ€" i the case.. He : the petitioner CJSD scriniye May 1, 1858: chair at three e authoritie®, ty of similarâ€" hick: could be inanes: be ;ston, and the i to London. i k.q“u‘ a2d the U& prelic n o9 "ung raniee, for the [n&uio- at o. â€" Mamilton, m the House o d "Au Act con ,_ therefore, ne lcn. members rays to oppose would reserve wâ€"what action 1% would now coud time. the Chamber wbiy on the en a country law on Madye "lrr and Hous mary protectio; blivation of par as 10 nueger« Hy. objet to h protection rovca» coit lsnd R Id Banks is any aly M Y AQTceq the Currency. ordcred to be » Eqpire it the Dom‘nâ€" ~TOngnOut th, y had the of dl ‘or in SPE comm l-lflhn Te & unced, 0Stlon T Ddswin. possibl y his hon. C Kik t I t °* thig the sub. uniforth, _DÂ¥vseng hay 1 Int venu Pead a ick» 363 AK ®3 NORevy 8 ib and aat alt The SPEAKELR then gave his detision upon the point of orter raised by Mr. DUNKIN, aud declared the amendment of the member tor Chateauguay to the motion fot going into Committee ot Supply to be not irregular. Hon, J. ROSE remark.d that it was not jmâ€" oi nemmensents eufith regarding ol ‘ wga style with a sensible regard, not saly to the interests of the present occupiers, Mr. _DUFRESNE Gesised ameadment to the amendment of the Governor General‘s sal which the SPEAKELR ruled out Hon. C. DUNKIN submitted that > the ameadment of the member for Chauteaugnay, was also irtegular in raising lba'o distinct . Aconsiderable discussion ensued in which Bir J. A. MACDONALD, Més«rs. GALT, F. JONEs, MASSON (Soulanges) and GRAY took part, the latter alone sustain‘ng the adâ€" wigsability of the motion, and which lasted natil six wclock, when the StEAKER left the chaie. +« The SPEAKER gead a certificato Cletk of the Crown in Chancery déc due election of Mr. IP‘. Ryan to rép constituency of West Montreal. butry to a close. 3 Sir J. A. MACDONALD having replied, Hoo. Mr. HOLTON stated his belief thai Ministers were anxious to postpons a vote nutil after the anticipated departure of sundry Opposition members on Mondiy. (Sir J. A. Macdonaldâ€"Thists th: first we ever heasd of any such departure) gentlemen from Nova Scotin were about to leave. T .e member for Hochelaga had occasion to leave. ‘tThe subâ€" jret had been very amply discussed alrowdy, an i might, but tor such motives, bs «asily exâ€" kuudedtod®g. . [.~ 0 . _(â€"«0. vial and the* Merchants‘ Banks, which was reported with some verbal amâ€"ndments, and agreed 10 the third: reading being fixed tor bat also of the incoming tenants (laughter,) afld went on to show the isjustice of indiscriâ€" minate uniform cuttaiiment of Departmental selaries, dependent qi Legislative enactment, aad merited by varying degrees of efliiciency. all Hon. Mr. DORION n&on the hesi the Ministry their incapability of ta} question in due order min. They d lay over the measure as long as poss press it through at the r*l moment Session, which it was desised on thei Uon. b..lbnsso; baving bricfly add ed the House, Sir . E.CARTIER rose to speak upon question, but was ruled out of ordcr. RETRENCHNEST. * Upon‘the motion of the Finance Minister to go into Committee of Suppiy, e Mr. F. JONESâ€"Does the_Hob. Minister mean to state that these salaries are de pendent on enactment of this Dominion Parliament? Sit J, A. MACDONALDâ€"Some ot them, Hon. J. ROS® â€" Whether this be the case or not many of these geutlemen have grown :’hï¬t s rvice of the Government, and complaint hbas been urgid against their .l’:l'lh' The forthcoming Civil Sâ€"rvice mef?. make such discrimination as the ,wt‘htflhe Government had been iverky command Letween employees 0t the deli capacities, and he protest=d against the I-u, “â€y considered action of M;‘rh_hing anticipated by such Me. CH ready treatmen t. â€"CHAMBERLIN bad liâ€"t ned with much “I.L‘“.hflw denunciation, on the nart the Miniat t, of the principle of applying sealping kuife of these absurd 12} per cent. w to every man in public service, waly desirable or otherwiss. _ He could the have d: sired that the Ministerthad taken nme Wal ie es 6z s T Vn the motion of the Hon. Mr. HOLTON, the House went into Committee upon the Bill to confirm the amaigamation of. the Commerâ€" Nr. MeKENZIE repudiated any the geatleman communded who?. and was supposed to be able to tal of the channel fleet in addition taiped his course to be the regu! would adopt his owa opportuzity or tor keeping silent, conscious t cured to stoop to parliamentary t: worthy: mancegavre.© His amendzm be immediately placed in. the ha: Cletk, and w. have been now the Minister had not deciared it t _ Bir J. A. MACDONALD then moved the adjournment of the debate,which was put and cartied amid opposition. (Cheers ) _ eHty bench voted down, the effort of himâ€" " #elt and som> of his friends, to cx: mpt their | own immediat : cmployees trom the proscrinâ€" tion now decried. H» found nothids in the amendment with which to concur. ‘The sal. NY of the G:vernorâ€"General was exorbitant if judced by local standard or testowed by loca} patronage, but it was not exeessive wit‘t coasideration t> the authortty and the quar= mï¬.- which its incumbent must come. second portion of the ition was too mischievous and absurd ::m serions enâ€" ‘ounter. "The third was totally unnecessary Arwing been already anticipated by the ‘My_ L * r“::.'..':.' DORIOX endorsed (theâ€" reforence Speaker to the inconsistencies oi u‘f-;hhhtntion in attempting to ridicule a brinciple toâ€"night which they had themselvos * last week. Going on to support the ment, he characterized it as being merely a Slirectory admonition of the House to the‘ <rament declaring the course which it was gh* desirable that administrative action 1d follow, and secking no usurpaâ€" Noo, aahiint been alleged, of executive gutiorâ€" op, 1 â€"_ _ CENifAbIG or otherwiss, _ He could only have d: sired that the Ministershad taken :-.0 ling a fow nights since, when the asary bench voted down, the cffort of himâ€" leaniErems of his Tlhamky "bor war dant Soate r‘iv'.- _IéiigZIE, believing! that | nothing tended to obstruct fair discussion so much as these jerking and intermitteat @djouraments, would ’:'-lv the course indicated by the member (.\.MT. Shd‘. MACDONALD tauated the memâ€" "‘: Tis m'iï¬ being afraid to carry on anm , and with *o‘ng desirous of M'JW"-HI‘AM‘I::( niomenat by surprise by raising an U:l#®ngcted issne. tive, gtating that mmuy ins unavoidasly absent who, w of taking part in the discuss Hon.‘ Mr. HOLTON tho: t were to be made d ion on the arrival 0 én, the hon. member f proposed moving an amend ier to wait until there was s pect of a definite conclusion ty **c‘ the uoder any < ed a greater amount ( we saw that they w upon such prepoid r ples of the C:imean regent rivalry betwoo WA NOLTON‘S MOTIOS PJR RS Mr. y Siz C WNXG MONTREAL WI After Reeess. 1} tel t m Â¥ for spteaking"; â€" _ NlAel £ 2 LPl € that he noev.; | Within the House trick oru»,.| such confidence as dment would | the Oppogition in hands of the | Amd at the reques ow printed, if | nights since, vote t to be unne» I sataries ‘of, gentler % | from pergonal acq o hesitation of | told by the leader of taking the | he must not ventu rcy desired to | Salaries of official possibWle, and acqasinted. . His ments of the ; should not altoget i their paurt to | Ing, even with t ‘held over their hea rg replied, ‘Works, and in vin is belief that | 14 prvferene to h tpons a vote.; Must support the ture of sundry | Mr. BURPEE y.â€" (Sir J. A, | which Mr. A. P. M ever heasd of | WALSH having . i from Nova.) Hisindependence c e member for | scaTeH ERD re re. ‘Fhe sup. | amendinent. ssed alroady, 1 _‘The amendment bs «asily <x. { division of 52 to 7 & Mr.: MeKENXZN ricfly addressâ€" I motion,. compluin RENCHIRN :at from the declaring the Xision upon | and blic service, | t He could | p rhad taken | ; , when the | flort of himâ€" | & xempt their l b he prescrin= | 3 thids in the |‘ ane n int »mber | closing up of the soventli Céness#toniine.",>>.., g into | .\n.flh.nï¬oa,nu-ldbylr. MacLaren, ot im 1 that«the Treasurer pay the trustees of the underâ€" W ‘nï¬omd‘ sehool sections the following sums, viz ; + ;.* e S, Nt h cecseetrerccenreconsenceat t WB L : last | _ Mr.J.IL.CAMERON opposed the amendâ€" eted | iment, belicving that the Governorâ€"General was nos paid too highly. . ,‘y Hon. M:. CHAUVEAU followed on the I C CCWBOU V t | plause.) _ & ot ’ After some remarks from ‘Mr. LA WSON, To which Mr. J. RYMAL replied amid much ‘merriment, by showing the hon. memâ€" ber‘s «inconsistencies, ‘the House went into Committee of Supply, Hon. Col. GRAY in | the chair, aitdafter one item had been agreed | to fresumed, and rose at twentyâ€"five. minutes | nast two this morning. , | â€" Mr. McKENZIE, speaking to the original motion, compluined of the charge made by the Promier‘ against the Opposition as being disposed to impede the business of the counâ€" try. The Governtsent bad voluntarily adâ€" journed business at six o‘glock night after night, and had no ground to complain of the just action of their opponents in saying what they had to say in the public interest at the proper_ period, ‘The lash that had been ‘ wiclded last night by the Minister fur Pubâ€" lic Works,» .d had echoed this morning in the grumblings of the streets and the corâ€" ridors, it had been thought more prudent this. evening to place in thie gentler hauds of the member for Pecl, who with the member for Mississquoi in pure party style had conjointly | turned the tide of war. y i Moved by Mr. Dean, and seconded by Mr. Mobr, that the Treasurer pay William Bradley tweive dolâ€" | lars and thirty cents, being arrears of taxes ehn‘:d on part of lot No. 6, 10th soncession, and paid by said William Bradley, whigh it now lprnu were due on cther parts of theeaid lot.â€"Carrind. By. cvessesssscceccccereccects. $ {8 t x: > :/ AAifusskeeevensccescenscercccccs 33 BP being amounts returne d by Collector as uncollected of special school tax for past year, and also the sum of $:0.45 to the Trustees of School Section No. 11, being amount of special schoul rate uncollected by the Trustces of the said School Section by reason Moved by Mr. Dean, and seconded by Mr. Mohr that the sum of fifteen dollars be granted by this Council for repairing the bridge on the fifth con. ceasion line at lot No. 20, andthâ€"t Ralph Tait be «appointed to supgrintend the same.â€"Carried. > of there being "nothing to distrain" on certain lands in the said section for the past year.â€"Carâ€" rie Mr. CHAMBERLIN repudiated the insinuaâ€" tion that he had voted from unworthy. perâ€" sonal motives. ‘Me had voted from party conâ€" sideration as h4d.been alleged, but from some considerations connectidâ€"with the broad party that. songht the welfare of the Union. (Hear, hear.) ‘The party that bad never deâ€" geaded4 itself by the quest of anti.Confederate votes, or craitily introduced issues, (Apâ€" Moved by Mr. Elliott, and seconded by Mr. MacLaren, that the Reevo give an order on the Trossurer payable to Mr. MacLaren, to be applied by him in the following manner, viz., Widow Anâ€" derson, ‘cight dollars, Widow Frances McCarthy, eight dollar«, Widow M+ilale, eight dollars, Angus Mcgiillivray, twelve «lollars.â€"2sirried. Movel by Mr. Mohr, aud ssconded by Mr. Klliott, that Francis Neil be and is heroby anâ€" pointed Assessor for the current year, and that his salury by iiftyâ€"Sve dollars for his services, C CcoRrProRraTIoN oF TiE TOWNsHIP oFr FITZROY. Minutes of Comncll, 2Â¥ed Febrnuary, 1868,. which Mr. A. . MACDONALD opposed, WALSH having attacked Mr. L{TTLE his independence of Goveratment control. SCATCHERD replied in support of «menadinett. MÂ¥ BOLTON, though in favor of retrenchâ€" ment, cou!d not consent to vote for an amendâ€" ment which conld not Fut work â€"anfairly. Mr, LITTLE said that there was no man within the House whom he wonld follow with such confidence as Sir John, and no leader of the Oppogition in whom he "bad equal trust. And at the request of Sir John he had, a f:w nights since, voted for the reduction of the sataries ‘of. gentlemen whose worth he valued from pergonal acquaintance, and yet was now told by the leader whon he had served, that he must not venture to rote a reduction df the salaries of oflicials with whom he was not acqauinted. . His honor demanded that he should not altogether submit to this dragoonâ€" ing, even with the recollection of t‘.e lash held over their heads by the Minister ot Public Works, and in vindication of his consistency, in preference to his porsomal sympathics, he must support the amendment. (Applaus‘.) Mr. BURPEE supported the amendment Tne Council met pursuant to adjournment. Presentâ€"â€"The Reeve, and Messrs. Mohr, Dean, MacLaren ana biliott. The minutes of last session were read. The Clerk presented auditor‘s statement and abstract. Moved in amendiment b{‘olr. Maclaren, and soconled by Mr. Dean, that Robort Walker be and he is hereby appointed Assessor tor the current year, and taat his salary bo sixty dollars.â€"Carâ€" he must not venture to ro salaries of oflicials with acqasinted. . His honor should not altogether sut ing, even with the recol held over their heads by th racondinde . S t on ic Acatrini ind Prarhe eP vear Moved by Mr. Dean, and seconded by Mr. Mobr, that the Auditor‘s Report be received as it now stands.â€"Carried. L *_Moved by Mr. Dean, and secondad bl Mr. Mobr, that the Assessor comclotu hie w ork and returns the Assessment Roll to the Clerk by the tenth day of April next.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Dean, ar 1 seconded b‘ Mr. Elliott, that the Clerk notify John Moran and Martin Stanâ€" ton to remove obstructions from the seventh conâ€" cession line at lots numbers twontyâ€"four and twentyâ€" five.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Dean, and seconded by Mr. Mohr, that Robert Harris, Esquire, be and he is hereby appointed Inspector 1} Licenses tor the current that Robert HMa appointed Insp year.â€"COarried Moved by Mr. Dean, and seconded by Mr. Mobr, that William Owens be directed by this Council to put up notices to receive tenders for repairing the bridgo known as Shaw‘s Bridge, and that he he authorized to superintend the same.â€"Carried. Also amended return from Trustees 8. 8. No.11, Petition fro The orizinal motion was then put and lost. ind atiempted to throw discredit upon the course of the membe:s for Mississquot in dpâ€" ncsition. * alary: proposed uay was inadm he imposition civate member try who had n BLAKE supported the amendment and , in rderence to the Premiet‘s exclusive ‘, if the Governor were not so sacted in .as to forlid his being concerned in any iaty spproptistion, for which, if conâ€" | to at all, a spâ€"cial. day should be set from the prefine competition of other imnendment was t LLEDROSE having defonded the ut position, . MACDONALD pointed out that ) be given upon the amendment by xr, would not dâ€"bar him at any e fri@h m«intaining any opinions he ‘pon the pointsat is<ne, and characâ€" motion of the member for Chateauâ€" tiouws merely, and brought up only weapon. It was insaiting to the tives â€"of Herw Majesty t» class him proposed 12] per cent. reduction â€"waiters and doorâ€"keepers, or other sons. â€" The hon. Premter concluded { some length minid considerable YRIGIHT held that the salary o Goncral was far from excessive 1. Rowan, relative to the n pet «nd lost on a Mr. tor Mr. the Errors of Youth.â€"A Gontleman who sufâ€" fered for years from Nervous Debility, Premaâ€" tare Decay and all the effects of youthful inâ€" discretion will, for the sake ot suffering humamty, send free to all who need it the recipe and dirceâ€" tions for making the simple remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adâ€" vertizers‘ cxrrhnu can do so by addressing in perfect confidence, : Mothers Read Thisiâ€"HNoboway*s Worm Lozenges are a certain and safe remedy . for Worms in Children and Adults.â€"As it is a wollâ€" known and melancholy fact that one great cause of death among children is from Worms alone, it cannot be too deeply impressed upon the minds parents the necessity of closcly watching their children. _ By so doing; and understanding he lyndgwm and true cause of ‘the discase, thousands of children might be saved from early graves. â€" Sywrrows or Worysiâ€"The followin wre a few of the very numerous syinptoms -..3 diseases which are caused by Worms: doranged appetite, emaciated extremities, ofensive breath frv‘nont picking at the noso, grinding of the teoth during sleep, hardness of the belly, with frequent slimy stools, and sometimes convalsive fits ; it:-lbin.; of the arms, pain in the head and stomach, unquict sleep, faintings, gemblings. coughs, indigestion low spirits, frightfal dreams, and a gradual waist ing away of flesh. _ .‘ We have never seon Mrs. Winstowâ€"kuow her onl throug‘ the preparation of her «Soothing Syrup for Children Teething." ICwe had the power, we would make hor.u-h? is, & physical saviour tothe infart race. 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Be sure and call for © Mrs. Winsiorc‘s Soothing Symp." Having the /«câ€"simile of ©Curtisâ€" & PErkins "on the outside wrapper. All others are baso imitaâ€" tions. : 7 « T00dl4w2m A BexrraCtrrss.â€"Just cpen the door for her, and Mrs. Wisstow will prove the American Nightâ€" ngale of the Nursery. Of this we are sure, that we will teach our «sSusy" to say * A LNeming Mrs. Winsiow," for helping her to survive: un escape the griping, colicking and tecthingisiego, We confirm every word set forth in the prospcetus. It performs precisély what it professes to perform, every part of itâ€"nothing less, Away with your «Cordial," * Paregorie," " Drops," «* Laudanam," and every cther Narcotie," by which the babe is drugged int» stipidity, and rendored dull and idiotic for life, #AS" and takn no other."@St Sola by a\l the druggists in Ottawa, and medicine dealeo ¢ve where. 5187 BIRTH. At 74, Da‘yâ€"streot, on 1st instant, Mré Russe‘!, of a scp. They are palatable and solfâ€"administered toâ€"th childâ€"Crive out the worms thoroughly without pain and c,mnrlctolyclumo the stomachâ€"thereby doir; away â€" with the necessity of administering Casto Qil or other unpleasant catharticsâ€"as in the use of other Worms. rfluh box contains the facâ€"simile signature oRTHROP AN, Neweastie, C.W., who are ole propFI@UORR, | _ .o c =__ e â€" DIED. 4 In this city, on the 1st inst., Sarah Branagan, wife of Michael Kavanagh, Centro Townm aged 33 years. > . The Florence Nightingale sery.â€"The following is an extra written by the Rev. C. Z. Weoizer, Reformed Messeager, at CharLaersbu and cheapest stock of watchos Ottawa. They have also on choice ard varied assortment ¢ ted ware, and. Funcy Goods, kinds ot repairing and jowelle firstâ€"class sty le, Carrets aso Hoyse Foanisiscs. Mutchwor & Co. make this dep speciality, "They have just recei stock and invite the attention ot ; nishing to it, . Purchasers will stock in this department second t Ottawa . The fureral will take place on Sunday at three p. m. Friends and acquaintances will pleaso atâ€" tend without further notice. At the Oil Depot, 73 Sutssex street, you can get a full assortment of Hall Lamys and Chandelfere ‘Pable Lamps, (with new sun burners and globes to fit. ‘Phs best oil on hand. â€" Signâ€"Red Oil Barrel, 73 Sussex street, D. R. Leavess. T904 BE’!‘WEE.‘ the mpper end of Welling« tonâ€"street, and the late residence of Mr. Fulâ€" ler, Richmond Road, a small black leather V Aâ€" L1SE, eomtaining a dress suit, books, papors, &c. The finder will be suitably. réwarded by ‘nvin‘: it at the ‘l'mz Office. Oitawa, May 3. 1822 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Election of Officers gnd General Business, RUSS ELL IIOUSE, on monDoDay, 4thIJNSTANT, W. P. Taycror Township (‘,lerk Ottawa Cricket Clab. All persons Cesirous of joining the Clab are inâ€" vited to attend. . That the following persons be and they are heroby -Â¥ inted to the undermentioned ofices tor the your 1068, namely : _ _ .. _ _ _ _ Pound Keepers,â€"Donald McMillan, Joha Bead k{, junr,, John Forbes, Duncan McLeod, John Nicholson, James Shaw, A’{homu Frase:, juanr., Thomas Bowes, Thomas May, Samucel Foathoiâ€" uo: M.:’l_-fl Murphy. May 2, tM4s Byâ€"Love to appoint certain officers for of Fit:roy for the yoar 18368 : The Corporation of the Townshi enacts as follows : Moved by Mr. Dean, seconded by Mr. Mohr, that this Council do now adje@rn until the 21st March next.â€"Carried. (Signed,) Autax Frassr, Moved by Mr. Mohr, andseconded by Mr. Dean, that the Cierk direct the Inspector of Licenses to prosure the conviction of all parties solling lhquor ':mm: licenso by any constitution«1 means.â€"Carâ€" ried. Moved by Mr, Deam, and seconded by Mr. Mohr, that the lvfloumgrnou be exompt from dog tax for tae past year, Thomas Rosamond, Thomas tGibâ€" bons and Michael Quigley, and that the Collector be allowed the sum o’throe dollars in ‘his settleâ€" mont with the Treasurer for the same.â€"Carried. W. P. Tayro®, Township Clerk. betoniereomtedl tomtsicss t standing â€"Cartied, Byâ€"law No. 177 read first, second ahdthirii.a and passed accordingly, .. i _ Moved by Mr. Deam, and seconded by Mr. Moln Moved by Mr. Elliott, and seconded by A‘r. Macâ€" Laren,that theByâ€"law appointing certain offcors for the current year be now read first, second and thir "“‘.‘,“d Pï¬m any rule to the contrary hotwithâ€" JOHN B. OGDEN, 43 Cedar Streot, New York THE ANNUAL MEETING i â€"â€"â€"â€"<at e meâ€"â€"â€" Youse axp isaDFORD haye At the hour of EIGHT o‘lock, P. M sPRCIAL NOTiCEs, By order, By«Law No. 117. LO S T FoR â€"TH8 T. II. BENJAMIN, gale of the Nur= extract from m letter izer, to the German ersburg, Poon,: en the door for her, the American Nightâ€" is we are aure, that ‘s Worm _ Lozenges me Jas. W i0cve. PFitzr | MLW fice, 4st May, ISd8 : 5 | Allan Rdward Maxwell John | Atlen Jn}m Melien Mary Jane l Allan Miss Mary Miller Mrs J Armrod Elizabeth Milks Melind 1 _ Ashiield Rlizabeth Milliker Eliza Bubgr Win Mills Mrs Jane Barrie Nicholas Mitchell Cordelia Boll Mary Jane .â€" Mitchell Jas J Berry Robert Montgomegy Robt Blair John Moore Jnï¬ulk Raprds| Bowman J E: Moote E Browne Mrs (\Frove Gtg) Moore Annic Bryant Mrs Mary More Nelson Burchell Joseph Morin Bridget Burns Terence Mowat Robt Burvie Jobn Mowat John > * Burritt Edgar Mutphy Win Buxton John T ‘Murphy Michael [Nepn| Byers Mary Anse Neil Vohn p Callt John a Nesbit John sale At 12 a®clock noo LOTS Nos. 2, 3 a stroet, near the I street. form a bl Mctoalfe street, Contre ‘Towl porsomnercturning him to G: shop, Metcalfs«st., will be sn Ottawa, May 1, 180«. From the is N CÂ¥ ; willrup will be seant for « home atter their Johnston. Mrs G Joico Thoma; Kehoe Matzow Kelly Jas] Moae K n oly i: ‘ Keir David T llEf'TnR NeLF A N structions from Mr. G i rUIY JUST RECEIVED several Consign« ments of Black Walout Furniture, consisting of Beautiful Repps Covered Parlor Sett«, Centre ‘Tables, Extension Tables, Card and Side Tables, Faney Tea Poys, Whatnots, Hairand Cane Seat« ed Chairs, Sofas, Tetoâ€"aâ€"tetos, Drossing Burcaus, Enclosed W ashstrnds, nn}_l. m !'u_ll assortment of (\ sulran St Lawran other farniture, There will be added to steek this week some very fina Bedroom Setts, which will be gold very low to closa tha consiznment, Also a lirge stock of Willow, Market and Fancy Baskets, Childrea‘s . Carclages, Horses, Perambulators, Hand Carts and Wheelbarrows, with n{ull assort: ment of Wooden W are of all kinds, > Also in stock and to arrive within a fow days, the largest and best assortment of Crockery, China and Glassware imported direct frowm‘t «o of the best manatacturing houses in Englaed. To all who wish to examine and purchase from a largo stock will find the Variety Hall unequalled for assortment of stock and low prices, 9 ! L loaee nayninr Hearl,Mrs Theresa ) Houlahan Julia Hyde Thomas M Jackson Mrs J [ Wid Caldwell N Cameron Joh Cave Miss M Chester Mrs Chrisvian Mr Clarke B (of Clark Helen l O‘tawa. A rt of the c Intending TA tiwa, May 1, 1 YiIT (for be g@revy Nuns Semipary. sha ul ds 5J ate YOUNG DOG, Prines Charles breed, about 4 months old, black and red tan aws, strayed or stoten from fower end of alfe street, Contre ‘Town, yesterday. Any G0O0D EMAINI Mixed, 7. 15 a.t NTOI TMHMA K T ling purchasers will please examine those re the day of sale. OMNIB U SE it to and after MQONDAY, the 4th v. 1868, and until further notice. trains N ANTIEIEEILO, pre s follows LIST OF LETTEIS Ma 34, Sussexâ€"st. JLVV TALLOI a ([IErFY HALL, her y lend NG in the Oitawa Post Of distanc« C.4F8 al t day of May Next, JOsSEUH BOYDEN, l OR STRAYED. l of su ty at 0 y to AMI .LR turg! Funiture! will h s 4.43 p. ta. 1145 a.m. * 1as been mnrrnnfcdu sht and day trains on D iooms, 18, Sparksâ€"st. s South side of Sparksâ€" clic Chapel, measuring n North siae of Queen toet. These six lots s in a good dpisiness No, 17, Sussex=st. has received in« ASSETT to offer for May, 18G68, ien James Hazhan Edwd i1 illa rawWa rIMES, MAY h (ieneral Agent subscril IGGINsoN Tolt £ U vent YERI tailway, r‘y at the Phe pupils 1 conveyed i f Glcster] 1 through Iway and Jttâ€" ESCOTT n day o ryann d Work» td pbs Old Gold and Silver RADFORD‘S RADFORD‘S HOL M CV JEWELLERY WMCIB AM CLICG OME MaXURACTIRE 1 Carpe YOUNG & RADFORD‘S _ CoLUMN. YOUNG Abu RADPORD‘S, Mado and Rcnaired JEW ELLER Y * Who are prepared to" Manufacture 30 Sparksâ€"st.0ttawa. YOUNG Bovant oa Taxex 1N Exonanor YOUNG REPAIRED aGE T ~YOouUuR ALL KINDS OF EXCOUI spurvemsony A} *J scsmuseny TO ORDER GET YOULK 2â€"ANDâ€" AND AND A‘l VI iAGE 6» | Table Damasks, Naphing, Shectings, and oth | iiported direct, mid marked at a small advanc | Carpets made and Jaid with des; atch. â€" In !'\IIE Subscriber will seli at the resi~ * denee of W. WALKER, sq., Bessererâ€"st., | near Jamieson‘s Bakery, on 1 $ SATURDAY, 20d MAY, 1868,| yÂ¥ A QqUaNTITY orf iOu\‘ Household Furniture| ~_‘ C. & JL,.‘s Stock is nowcomplete in all departments Ottawa, April 28, 1868. â€" Consflti;g of the following firstâ€"class Steamers, A‘(V £I8SON, / = Captain Murphy. ALLIANCE, w = 4* Find‘ay. EMERALD, wit > /w‘ 64 Tomer, OREGON, ~ = 64 Cowley. CALUMET, ~ â€" & _ Biondin. JASONX GOULD, = 66 ‘Boltome PoxTIAC, = = & Duggam. PE BROKE. = =_ «+ Uvermame SNOW BIRD, s :0000 M Boatties Until farther notico the Steamer‘Ann Sisson will leave Aylmer every day (Sundays excepted) for the Upper Ottawa at 8:30 a.m., connecting with the Alliauce at head of railroad at 12:30, touching mt Arnprior, Sandpoint, Bristol, Bonnechere, F arrell‘s Wharf, Gould‘s Wharf, _ and Portageâ€"daâ€"Fort. Stages will leave Gould‘s Wharfimmediately after the arrival of the Steamer A//iance for Cobden, connecting with Steamer Jason Gould, apd arriving* at Pembroke same evening. * The Steamer Pembroke loaves Pembroke at 7 o‘clock, a.m., on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Des Joachims, calling at intermediate ports, rcturning on same day, leaving at 2 p.m., connectâ€" ing at Pembroke with Steamer Josom Gould which leaves dail{ at 5arm,, and arrivigg at Portageâ€" duâ€"PFort at 10 a.w. <~ Fuwls Linnen and Cotton Sheeting, Prints, Whit> and Grei Cottons And ~GENERAL EFFECIS, Tables, Chairs, Stands, Cupboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, 2 Grink ing Stones, and l‘qlllllï¬t] of Carpenters‘ Tools, Termsâ€"Cash, Sale at ONE o‘clock, p.m, _/ The Steamer 4lliance leaves Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort mmuming shandlyl exrepud? at 9:30 a.m., juching at Goutd‘s W harf, Farreli‘s Wharf, Bonâ€" necherc, Bristoi, Sandpoint and Arpprior, and nrrivi‘-“ at head of railway at 12:15, aud connectâ€" ing with Auan Siwon at Pontinc. Paggengers reach A’_l_'.l_'l.! 4 pm. _ 8 arom e P "The Steamer Calwnc leaves Chapeau Village on Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m., and returning leaves Havelock same day, on arrival of passenâ€" gors from Steamer Al/liance, t Aupet oo en e id A connection is made d uly with the Brockville | and Ottawa Railway on the up trip at Arnprior | ut 2 o‘clock p.11., in time to connect with the | Grand Trunkl;hilw-, nigbttrains esst and west, | and on the downward trip at Eandpoint ll:l.')‘l STRA W HATS& ORNAMENTS, II.\'N)N FORWARDING & JiaILW AY e coMmP aA NXÂ¥ . . a.m., Amprior 12:20, is I l'uuun‘en for Des Joachims loave Qttawa every Monday, W ednesday and Friday. For further particalars apply at the office of the | Compary in O.tawa City or Aylmer. r R.§.CASSELS, â€" â€"| NH NEW NE W 1898 WEEKLY, with Fine Ilustrations of the Scene of the wlurder of the late Mr. McGee, and the Faneral Procession in Montreal, Portrait of Whelan,‘&e. _ _ s 6 BUILDING LOTS, one mile from the city, on the Richmond Road, mntainin; one were each. Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON, Jr. on the promisee. e _ SMAt, Gâ€"rant and EFenderson PLEAIN AND FANCY SILK BRESSES, Joh‘n‘.s & HOLLAND, Newsdecalers, El« {in-street. have received a second lupl;ll of FRANK LESLIE‘3 WEEKLY and of HARPER‘s Two iamid three ply.; All W Hemp Stair do; English I Linens, Lace Curtain«. Te Cunningham & Liindsay Upper Ottawa: Roeute. GAariaxp. Muroemior & Co Are shewing a new lot of P:; a 1’. as sols=s .’ C t 31 Dbre )1 s {FTANCâ€" ANIY ‘F; ttawa, April 20, 1865 bevacannicememee 456y Ottawa City, April 22, 1868, 1248 tThe Tragedy Hlustrated. Ortawa, April 30, 1863 ooo T â€" A ROWE. | * BV â€"H. McLEAN. Erosley‘s Celebrated Brussells and Tapestry Carpetings, ® F i se S lloo: Shirts which 1 have 4 ~ shoi motice; . Also, Pa ; f Handkerchiefs, &o., &c. Croguet Skirts, Printed and Embroid. N.1.â€"A lot of old fashioned Corsets on hand (lacing at awa, A pril STRAW BONXNETS, HALR BONNET3, STRAW HATS, STRAW TREMMING3, ‘ceived aund marked ktawa, April 25, 1868 AUCIIONXâ€" SAXLL. Lots for Saic. SW ING TAIS DAY. CARPETS AND HOUSE FURNISHINXGS pTendid variety of New Dress Goods; Mantle Cloths, gin great variety, tmos and House L1 BLACK SILK JACKETS, 1 Ar Al Wool do Dutch, Union, Jute lish Floor Oil Cloths, Cocon Mai ns, Reps, Damasks, Window Hol No.I4, RIDEAUâ€"STIR ro Ixsp® A. ROWE, Auctioneer 1 very chenrp for cash hewin ies cce onl se 1968 Importetrs, 2O Sparkseâ€"st., No. ‘20, Itideaueâ€"strect AN immense stock of Corseis just arrived, Fronch, English and Seotch manufacture. 1 beg to cal! the attention of ladies to the above new styles of Ioop Skirts which I have on hand, and will make to order on the Cliy Bsop Skirt Kactory President 1248 43 Sparksâ€"st, Centre Town. t THE DOUBLE EXTENSION SKIRT, 56 DEMI 66 ® "â€" <NEW GORE TBAIL SKIRT lar EFrench Wove Corsets! COMPRISING xC ‘entral Gttaya. 1MEIR | On Batarday, the 2nd Tnstant, | The whole of the stock of Mr. J. T.PRUD‘HOMME, | at his store on Sussexâ€"stree‘ which comprises a ; value ot $10,000, consisting of Cloths, Coatings, | Doeskine, Tweeds and Fancy Flannels for summer | wear, also a large assortment of goods for the acâ€" | commodation of iadies, such as French Merinoes , Cobourgs, Orleans, Lustres and "Jelaines, Calicues, |‘Fancy Shirtings, &e. _ Â¥XYBLEH CONVERS 7} dozSBoman Steel Engravinzs, ; " 50 Roman Engraviogs. 5 j 4 Shalgespeare‘s of England, by Boydell. . | 1 Engraving in fruncâ€"Chas. Kean», I Â¥Eograving in frameâ€"Cobden. _ > | ,ict,lored Engravings. f 1 5 Roman Coins, two 200 y.s. old before ('hrist,] +_ and the other three 1,800 yr«, old. > 1 Autograph Letter by Lord Nelson, on board uf Convoy from Quebec to New York, on English handâ€"made poper. / Tonms and conditionsâ€"Cash on delivery, payable in banksble funds. t T mM oi uy Pobite ._* Tuesday, 21st isst, at 2 o‘clock, p. 1,, The Keadyâ€"made Department consists of 1,290 Conts, assorted sizes, 1,000 pair of Pants, 600 Vest«, 100 dozen Shirts, such as Cassimere, Wool, Fancy Bdirtings, and all sorts of readyâ€"made wearing apparel, yeks y May 1, 18 NEW DRY GO0DS! Readvâ€"made C othing, Boots, Shoes, frunks and NEW NE W _ Also a very iarge assortment of Fur and Wool Hat«,â€"purchased in the cherpest manufactures of England and the United States _ â€"__ _ _ Boots and Shoos of every dezcription, Trunks and Valises, Knitted Shirts and Drawers, Neckties and Collars, Silk and Cotton Pocket Mandkerâ€" chiefs, &s., &c.. Also a quantity of Groceries and Small Wares too numertous to be mentioned. « II. MCLEAN, Auctioneer. Ortawa. Avril 21. e# T2r22d N1 VALUSES, â€"ATS, €4APS, t A+t FOUR ofclock, P. M., The following Articlersâ€" without resorv« Vols. Nation@l Portrait Gallery. Aatirist and Censor of the Time, A. StampedPress of London and its Morality, by %, A, Rocbuck, M. P. ® Advertisement from Pamassus, A. D , 1600, Fonerel Fear in Mcemory <f Duchess of Doâ€" ver and Queensburyâ€"printed in 1 709. Vol. Boman Maps, 40 in number, 400 / years Ottawa, April 2 13 SPARLSâ€"STREET, Also at 7 pam», and following days, e, and Homp do; Brusse}Hs I ittings, . Crumb Cloths, Rugs n invit ILL SELL ai No«18, S CARKSâ€"ST., BLACK STLKS, e COLOURED SILKs, GLACIE MANTLES. STYLES IN CLOTIH MANXTLES AUCTION SALE Damasks and Repps, ancd_â€" FMlowers NECTOR MeLEAX I'(I. Gored and Plain, e back) cheap, wholesale and setail DAYID MILLAR® D ), MUTCLiMOIY & C Wholesale and Itctail, 48iv &c., HLALINERY Toâ€"Day. Hosiery and Glover, HMair Nets Furnishings, 1¢T GRE t1 1O to particulariz X‘I L MNcLEAN, â€" Auctioncer, T31td &e va 1 22y pestry and Mat«, Stair 510y All D Pile Carpets, PRINTED FELF CARPET IMPERIAL 3 PLY CARPETS, Cartain â€" Trimmings, Tapestry Carpets, BRUSSELLS CARPETS, HEARTH RUCS, Kidderminster & Union Mageec & Russell, Brusselis & Tapestry English Floor Oil COCOA MATTING. MGEE & RISHL MAGEE & RUSSELL‘S CoLUyy. ISPAXRKSâ€"ST., ARE SHEWING A GREAT vanirty Af C AJIRP BMT 5, AND DOOR MATS. ‘CLOTHS. AND CRUMB CLOTHS. IN ALL COLOURS Stair Carpets. Crtoree â€"PaTrerxs NEewEsST Destoxs NMou New Parrers 1863 Very Hron VELNET oTTAW A 38, â€"OFâ€" OLOURINGS