Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 28 Apr 1868, p. 4

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K THE NEW DOMINION) Established with the Nation, COME TO THE STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS! Has just “"}"" n the premises, with FIRSTâ€"CLASS WORK MES, ment of a FIRSTâ€"CLASS FASHIONABLE CUTTER M Do you want Hate or Caps, Furs or Blankets, Boots or Shoc« Doutinion. lrvulm)-y-r.:‘w rn-:,unu Otnawa, February 6, 1368. â€" which c uim the V erainh, totes wan Pathiers Oil Puj and Decorating eruopm Tatwing leqarie ”‘W“mmll?;‘moe & z'::'swy. Opposite the Russell Iouse. . © Looking.Glass, Picture Frame, Silvering » * $A Boott‘s Building, over ectionary, Opposite the Russell House. Cornice, Picture, and h.hhcou- Frame Manufactory, es Wright‘s Building, Chaudierg, formerly occupied by E. . Kdday, Esq. Their -n“hmmhu.m.‘u is entirely u'.u»zw-unvin‘hu :fi\n.ll-lulnnhlly and j L“l 'lmnpoeinlnrnlmmdonnw of this and its surroundings. M‘PMm “Mm ) l:.l.y MD« ’llh-‘u f‘B" lnun“.“m and M‘: in endless 9 Y 5 e oration of Dwel s, Offices, Stores g .m-. and satisfaction gu teed both astto style and workmanship. Having secured premises at the Chaudiere, extensive waterâ€"power, for the purâ€" of ufl:‘hfl‘. and Frames of all kinds, having also secured snacious Lookingâ€" m Ilnflq,n‘:. ding Rooms, they will be enabled to fill orders for Pier, Mentle, Hanging and Toilet Mirrors, Frames and Cornigés, at the Shortest Notice. = und Engravings ofundoubted merit and b¢auty always in stock. k new style, uasurpassed, always kept on hand. These are made so as to C* winâ€" dows of any size, and are painted or orled to suit taste or business of purchaser. Messâ€"s. R. E. & Co., avail themselyes of this opportunity/for returning their rincerest thanks for fl-::drp Heretofore bestowed upon them, and for the great sympathy manifested for them on the of the recent fire, and in resaming basiness they to assure their many kind friends and patrons that with aew stock, renewed energy, and ou:gouu faithful work men, they feel confident of Alling all orders with which they may be favored with promptness and punctuality, and in such a magner as will merit entire:satisfaction. ___ _: __.__ _ _ . _ | _ _ _ x 27 Our Sole Agents in Ottawa, ALEXANDER WORKMAN & Co. Novem:ber13, 1867. _ . 592â€"6m . SLEKIGHS, SLEJGHS Skates from 20 cents to $6.00 OTTAW A, Feb. 14, 1363. Furniture! Furniture! Furnitare! Take Highest Premiums at the Paris various descriptions, Table and Floor Mate, Soiled Linen Baskets, a beautifal article, Rocking Horses, Children‘s Sicighs, the, best assorted stook of Crockery, China aad are in the Dominion. Mr to the best advanâ€" .&‘q.ranu. are, Stoves and Furniâ€" Dropplst Gold. aad if ktads of 20A LBS conetunr" y on and for Sale. _ _ Skates! Skates) B Remember the piace, VARIETY and Soa Grass Mattrasses, of all sizes, Gilt Mirrors, m-‘:-'l-.fl-l’m-:gk Cutlery of all kinds, Brushes, Brooms, and Wooden Ware of Â¥or Sale by the Publisher, GEORGE E"DESBARATs, A.“’WM.‘IM Wale nut snd other Furmture, in Cane and Hair Seated Chairs, Totoâ€"aâ€"Tetes, Sofas, Extension Dining Tables, Centre Tabies, Sideboards, Ohiff onâ€" niers, Wardrobes,: Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washâ€" stands and Toilet Tables. Also, Hair, Excelsior PRODUCTS & MANUFACTURES Map of the Coal Ficlds of Europe anl Hardware of all Description At Lowest Cash Prices, BY H. BEAUMONT SMALL, E3Q., 8. C. L. PLAT'OI., COUNTER, Warchouse, Grain, Conl, Hay, Railroad Track, Depot, NEW DOMINION, December 17. 1 #7 £48R%, R. EATON & Co. respectfully annpunce to the public that THEY HAVE RESUMED BUSINESS in this City in the varipus branches of their trade and manafacâ€" ALL PRESENTS BY SANTA ~LAUS, New Tailoring Establis 44. SUSSEXâ€"STREET. Tried by the Poople, Nobly sustained, _ â€" ; Long may it flourish 34, Susserâ€"st. Suits made to order, and Warranted to suit, At overy ‘bt. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & Co., es * Boston, Mass And you will fnd AT PHAUOUCN ;”CltA? AS PuUE 133 $ GOOD ASs THE BEST At ISAACE, PLESALE AaAND RETAL CHEAP AS THE CHEA At IShAC3, * ISAAC‘S Bparksâ€"street, At ISA AC*% OFFICE==Bell‘s Block, Opposite Russell House. Otaws. 123b JAMES H flice Dt ‘Bell‘s New Blogk, 1s: Story, Opposite the Russell louse and nnd assortment 0t Come prieo! Come all ! ! i Fa 3 and Lumbermes, Metchants and Citizens, éi’él DOMINION ! R A Ottawa Ottawa. _ tors car TORON Uj all inttmate will be uarged on qrody reontlh at shenr plagny th Bottled Ale, Bottled Ale, | Bottled Ale. Ports Otta Oct am APEST TAW A ~& â€" AYLMER, } Subscriber would call the Stten« n of Families and others to his Lf:r'ui;d wa. rur-b ufwb the Shi t:.'s_ y«.gogn!__qhw’nd..un'tp:: tne Boitled Ale ! l'ln splendid condition. Also, tch, Irish, Old Rve ion Forwarding RECEIVED at the TORONTO JSE & !ml::::tly of OYSTERS. : ts ot Parli or others requiring .1‘“. "be accommodated by appiying ‘al the PPERS OF GOODS Jan. 20, 1868 t every season, d at the shortest notice , Mocsasine or Mittens? | Visit the Xow a perfect outft guaranteed, by Union Forwarding and Railwa pany having assamed l:. unogoo(‘ooz he Company, alCanadianBaak PPAwWA AGENCY : Desbarats‘ Ruilding, 77 Sparks 8t M. P. HAYES, L WAY COMPANY. Jper â€" Ottawa, Tâ€"CLAS$ GROCERIES ‘resh ‘Oysters. TO HOUSF. r, March 14, 1868 every atyle s, March 23, 1868, GGINSON, Proprietor. June 21 Union 'orwuil-g.--d Railwa nanÂ¥ havine asimmad tha aartawa af wand .|. And other Mait . Whiskies, Shoerries, Brandies, Gin, &c., ether with a General Assortmant of w O CEFrTC‘ i goods muf ed at either place, th ::m.,‘n- 0~w: to places ::.t:: A Call kindly Solicited. "By Stcamers of the D. WHELAN, 44, Rideauâ€"street, Opposite Allan‘s Crockery Store TO THE â€"â€"toâ€" Fuly, 1867. N, under the rmanag>« lhment]! s to places on the 698â€"3m Brockville and Uttawa Railway, LEAYVE BROCKYILLE: | A. M.â€"«THRAINS will leave 7:15 l)r\nkvillwsdnlly at 7.15 a.m., and | 3:15 <p.m., ‘@rtiving at Sandpoint at 12:10 p m, od Opp.u: a & ® FO LEAVE SAXDPOINT.. ‘md‘ t I G AZ A. M.=«TRAINS will leave | , 5: '6anlxo.lnt at §:15 a.m. and 1:30 ‘ fi:‘:,'“ t.n‘-s., arriviog at Brookville at 11:30 a.m. and | _ i:4) p.n. Alnmun-shlhomouu Emith‘s EolW \ iR k with Trains to and from Porth. _ f The 7:15 a.m. train from Brookr.!\e connect s wit) U. F, Coy‘s Steamers for Ottawa, Portageâ€"duâ€" Fort. Pembroke, &0., &3., and the 1:15 pm. train from Sandpoint loaves after thoso steamers are due rom east mad west. M ABBOTT, Brockvtlle2April 1i CHANGE of TIME St, Lawrence & Oitawa Railway, Express, 8 a. m. 10.30 a. m. . Mixed, 1.30 p. m. 4.45 p. m. Mail, 10.30 p. m. * 1.15 a.m. The time of these Trains has been umng‘du to ensure connection with night and day trains on Grand Trunk, east and west. N. B.â€"Thess trains run on Montreal Time. Baggage to and from Ottawa chocked through from and to stations on Grand Trunk Railway. Return tickets to Prescott, Kon&vflh u:! Ott n« wa at reduced rates can be had at the principalstaâ€" tions on the line. T. 8. m. THOMAS REYNOLDS, Bu % M g Director. Ottawa, March 10, 1868. 1y "3 and after WEDNXESDA Â¥, the 11th March, 1863, and until further notice, trains 'l}l tun as follows : f LEAYE PREACOTT. aBRIVE IX OTTAWA Mixed, 7. 30 a, m, 11.00 a, m. lxhnu. 2.10 p.m. * 4.45 p. m. * Mail, 6.30 p. m.. 9,30 p. m. A sSCMMER . AHRRANGENLNT Grand Trunk Railway Company From MONTREAL, bave been secured by the unâ€" d:m.d. who will pay :rhl attention to this t of their business, endeavour toshow fur 73. !BAACS‘. ts m WA« Ottawa, March 17, 1868. CLOTEHS They Don‘t Gum, Monday Next, 3rd February When he will be prepared to fulfil orders tor «l h different bramebes of Photograpley. Hawa, Jan. 81, 186%. 383y 81 Cars on‘all Night Traics. Ba exfemeci hn n t E* ‘or further information and time of arrival snd departure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Staâ€" Lubricating Oils! BEST AND CHEAPEST MACHINERY OILS IN THE DOMINION. W. NOTMAN, Photographer to the Queen CORXER OFr WELLINGTON AND METCALFE STREKTS, of April, SPRING TAILORING. MACHINERY OILS, ,. PIANOFORTES Ioientmetinid® sns io: Nordheimer from the factories. INSPECTION INYITED. A splendid OHICKERLNG, f thi in Re6RORBALE CHEAP, the proprietor hving evionths o par old taken in exchange. Ottaws, March 20. Steinway, Chickering and Dunham WOULD inttmate that having all his arrangoments completed, bis EstabLishment will be Opeaued WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, 1861 The 3.00 (formerly the Ottaws & Prescott Ra‘lway.) o C.J: BRYDGES, Managing Director Decsember 23, 1867 65 PIANOFORTES ! Messrs, Orme & Son Commencing on {ht C SECOND TO NONE 1N OTTAW A mamvmun-‘:«.n the first woek April.~ Inspection respectfully invited. Firstâ€"Class Tailor, ary 27. HE SERVICES OF A â€" Inspection respectfully invited. wess J. A-\PXI{AID & C0., No. 17, Sassexâ€"street, Sign of the Golden Bail. EG to intimato that they have on hand one of the FINEST COLLECTIONS sSPRING |TRADE LEAYE OTTAWA . | ARRIYEIX PRESCoTH AMERICAN NATURAL ilrond McKENZIE & MACKAY, Agonts for Canada. OF CANADA. ‘They Don‘t Freezo, M or mmaging Darector. k 9ne 412y 1868 383y | Ottawa, Maceh 23, 96T THE OTEAWA TIMESY,â€" APRIL 28. FO“ SALB Lots Som, 8 and 9, in the | Ath range, Templeton. â€" On both lots thoro are I sood indications of plumbago and cthor metals | Samples can be seen at the Dominion House, Wel« | lingtonâ€"streot. $ l s l.‘ the Townahip of Weibolton, Onia= rio, prettily sitmated on the hank of the Ottawa, 25 miles from Aylmer. Good fxhing und shooting. It is suitable for a person with a small incomse, and only three minutes walk from one clthe Union Forwarding Co.‘s wharves. For farther particulars 25 miles from Aylmer, Good fshing und shooting. It is suitable for a person with a small income, and only three minutes walk from one clthe Union PForwarding Co.‘s wharves. For farther particulars -%ply. rmnully or by letter, to EDA NT) MENRâ€" BDILTIH, Quio, Onsiow, 1. Q. * March 28, 1868. 1034134 taining CS~ kitchen. nesr stand, being oppos suited for a hotel or store. and yard attached. Ap; NAN: on the premises. ofice, et to Mr Heron, on the promises "~ l: ROM 1at of May, on lowe NP Te er end of Nunneryâ€"etreet, a COTTAGH containing 5 rocins wnd a kitchen, with delf and alothes closets, soft water pipe ail spring well. a Gower garden in front, with a large vagetable #arâ€" den attached. Rent moderato. .. ..A dsvavminacuestea 0!‘ Bessererestrect, Sandy Hill, a Brick House, containing 9 rooumt ; attached is a good yard with sheds, and &n excellent well of water. The house is well finished. Apply on the promises 0C 1. @BORGE MURPMY, . Capital Boot and Shoo Store York â€"st. Ottawa, Apelt 9, 1868 _ .~ 0 .__ Tb lo FRESH ARRIVALS Very Choice and ~uperior soWwW oN siLe April 20 The Pure Mountain Berry «* Without oxu;(:on the finest Coffes in the world."â€"London Times, March 16. We are «onstantly receiving suppiias of this truly beautiful and delicious COFFEE, roasted dasly on our premises by i Sakins‘ Patent Silver Cylinder ROBINBON & CO. would especially l the at tention of families to their stock of Ra~UNION MAKE, %ax3 _ Every PIANO from tmesfnblilh- ment warranted for 5 years. Also just puind a new stock of VICTORIA ORGANS and MELODEON$, 3 Vlo‘tl.lx.fi.d CONCERTINAS, GUITARS, &e., Â¥i A & "'3..‘ Iud’flnu taken in part payment for new anee. .. o..m:* w‘i't:.t:‘llcl o::.b‘l'i;hnnt is m Piano srden TFTUNING left at the Lowden NMuric Hrore, By which peculiar process, he aroma is preserred, an . renders it the FavORITE WIT ALL CoPFEX® DRIXEâ€" 1,000 ALES, WINES& SPIRITG Just Received from England : ROAST HARE. â€" Wines, Spirits & Liquors Which we are selling at 8 shillings per gailon GUINESS & CO. â€" DVUBI IN STOUT ! BLOOD‘‘ LONDON STOUT. BARCLAY‘$ LONDON PORTER ALLSOPS PALE ALL. BASS‘ EAST INDIA. DBOWB CELEBRATED MONTREAL ALLK AWS SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE DAWB CEnSHKATED PORTER & STOUYT __ STEWED po. s ROAST PHEASANTs, o ROAST GROUSE. OAST PARTRIDGK ALL GOOD8 DELIVERED FREE by our own Waggons to any part of the City dally Establishmentsâ€"Sussex St. and Rideau St _ Ottawa, Sentember 10. 225tf BEWARE 0OF SP URIOUS IMiTATIO NS, Z~ As it1s mported by no other firm in Canada Ts ~**~~ Un We have a most deliciqus W. CL_ULAKK , PIO"IIO. OF MUSIC and Teache: of Piano, Voice and lhmon{. Also, Mra: Vlark, Teacher of D: "h&:nd Painting. Music Reoms and Residence, O‘Connorâ€"street, corner of \aterâ€"street, Contre Town. Drders -A&': lett at his residence or at Orme & w‘s Music * 459v London Music Store ! PIANOS. PLANOS. PITANOFORTES ! FOR SALE OR TO LET FAM FOR â€"SALE. 500 Chests very choios.and superior YÂ¥OUNCG HYSON. T00 Chests Good Strong TW ANKAY 100 Chests old fashioned. BREAKFAS) soUCHONG. 150 Caddies MANDERIN MIXTURE 100 cases Otard EBrandy. 50 > 4 Marte!ts * 150 * Hennessey, 76 " United Vinque!is 1 PianoForte ‘Tuition ! ROBINSON & CO, wem Her Majesty‘s Theatre, "©L Wellington Street, A new and splendid assortment of TEAS This is the finest Buaox Tra ever Iml) ir pound ; in small Caddies, about 1i lb DINNER SHERRY JUST RECEIVED AT THE "TC® TUI‘IT COFFEE |! PRESERVED MEATS. ROBINSUN & CO,, THE TEA PoT, LOTS FC HOUSE To ONK of the BEST HOUSES oa DALYâ€"STREET. _ Possession given on the Ist of May. . Apply to i W SCOTT, Esq , M P P. at his TO LET MILF HOUSE No. . _ Bide Clarenceâ€"st ning whout fitteen 1 tchep, It is a firstâ€"c ppposite the Matket, CHESTS UNCOLORLL JAPAN, E. MILES, Lesses of Her “l.l-“{'o Theate. ), 1868. $1â€"997 AT THE i\ ty to PATRLICK BREN WILLIAM BEAT1Y A1 AUATN, OTTAW A Th K J OTTAW A. $1â€"89y Novii | @HUNEESCr Cifoate the fiden t AUCLich opposite the Ridon: l Huil sido, cvataitiing 8 rooms in t! Iing, with a good garden, grounds, & t tei in#, _ Apply to CiRis. WERB, d:fl- Hent £36 and taxes Lot, £1,000. _ + Ounawa, April 23, 1868 promises. March 28 i VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET,. Ottaws, March 2 For Sale or To Let. Il‘\\'o DWELLINGS with Outhouses attached, situated %=., 7 .; _ on the side of the Richmend Road, >/<a 45 4} miles from Ottawa, â€" Alao, Mil Arons for fo Englich Gate, and one Circular Saw ; with Lamab‘s Wheels,‘and Iron Shafting, all nearâ€" ly now, â€" Apply to It. PERKINS, Chaugiere. March 14, 18¢8, _ 01â€"2a lf‘l&'E sTONE DWELLING HOUSES, Photographic Chambers, and other_Cut Stune Premises, well arranged and cligibly situated for commercial businoss, Apply to JOHN MACAULEY, Chaudiere, Ottaâ€" wa ; or E. NeGiLLIVRAY, 1, 8. TACKABERRY, or 11. McLEAN, Auctioncor, Ottar s, January 8, 1807. 585â€"6m hS wng lmnuu.n.--mm wESTe ol pogltt 9e erly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in #’ 4 First Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" eB pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the same Convession, at present in the ooeu:‘p.ual of Wm. T. Aylen, Esq. For further particulart apply to Joux and Wx. Tromsox, Nepoan, and Lewi8 & Proitwe, Bartister, Ottawa. = Je2â€"141â€"f \ Saturday, April 25th. A Brick Tlouse, Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1868 Being on the eve of CGonfederation, and Ottawa } Il\llls celcbrated preparation for whic being detinitely settled upon as its capital, | _ t 'l ;o.-:ylcnui of merit was :;lwn'r‘de.luo tfol.:mln‘ guished originel preparer at the Natio ial Exposi Tho Victoria Hotel | tion at Torine, ltln:ly?by whose tavor Mir. G.annii could not fuil to be made to pay. obtained the recipe, and was also awarded a d:r It is built on the most modern style of architegâ€" | loma at i4e Provineial Exhibition of Canada held ture, of out stone; kas large plateâ€"glass windows, | at Montr:al in Septembeér, 1865, is, without oxoeY and is four stories high, exclusive of the basement. | tion, the taost genuine, salubrious and ngreeable It is finely situated on the corner of Wellingtonand | Toxic evcr introduced to public motice either in O‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" | Europe cr Amorica. ment Buildings. and has three vacant Jots attached, ' For se zenteon years it has, in Italy, been a uniâ€" so that the Buildinge could be enlarged to eny eâ€" | versal favorite nmottng the elite of society, being quired u’nny. # ( generaily served in the drawing room before dinâ€" Applications, g)oot%fld) to be rddrossed to uer, in preforence to Vermouth. & FKRANCIS CLEMOW, ESQ., Tho ingredients of its composition have been Or JOHN MENEY, Esq., imperted to the leldini Physicians of Cancda and Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. W the Unitod States, and have received their unqualiâ€" Ottawa. March 11. 3791 tied approval on every account. €0nauk .. NO more eligible chance could be ... ; offered to any plrt{ in the Hiotelâ€" Wekitt. koepini‘ line than the loase of the wl SEMEEâ€"above FLRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL. Being on the eve of Confederation, and Ottawa being detinitely settled upon as its capital, aÂ¥a Ottawa, March 11. TO PARTIES ABOUT TO a;LD Quebec Bankâ€"â€"Ottawa Branch sAVINCGS DPEPARTMENT. FIOII the ist day of April next ensu= ing, INTEREST atthe KATE of FIVE per cent lg:x' annum, will be allowed on Deposits in this Department, : U, V. NOEL, . Manager. Ottawa, March 13, 1868. 690â€"3m Ottawa, March 13, 1868 R. C. HALIBURTON, M. Aa. M stitution intend houu_l, a BAZAAR during the month of MAY NEXT. Charitable person» who wish to contribute to this good work, nro res peotfully requested to send their contributions to any of the following ladies : OYsTERS & HADDIES ! FORWARDING & RAILWAY Co, Notice will be given when the route is t?‘anod to Dos Joachims, 4 â€"April 25, 1868. fln c ei en t ) o d eppe + 4. Tlll LADIES of the above named in= stitution intend holding a BAZAAR during The 8t. Patrick‘s Orphan Asylum 0 TT AW A. tONTAINING nine rooms, on Maila= / street, near Dr, Hill‘s, from the 1st Mo+z. Apply to / Â¥ m Enquire at the Store. To Bell or Letâ€"â€"â€"Raro Ovening. TERMS MODERATEK _ Commence Running FOR SALE Ol TO LE."I New Egyptian Dates, ie s P ‘Grapes, Turkey Figs, Wost End Raisins, awa, Jan, 28, 1868 P E M B R O K E, Two Pwellings to Let, Knd Vay â€"et. Ottawa April 1. Prepared by THE BOA.WTS side at the Refreshment T . Matthows, Mro. Barrott. _ _GEORGE E. DESBARATS Oitawa, April 2, 1868. TOT F the above Company will UR ONLY SAFEGUARD AGAINST DISUNION. * C1 Y THE SUBSCRIBERS, POR SALE Ts _ MARIANNE McCARTHY, Becretary. a, Feb..15, 1868. L â€"â€" Sn For «ale by For Salo or to Let. Ant f] t Intercolonial Trade. TO RENT. BAZAAFEFT A COMroRTABLE COTZ TAGE on Catheartâ€"st oct, containâ€" Sing Right Rooms, Kitchen and â€" Cellar, with Good Yard and Garâ€" PLAN®, SPECIPICATION®, ESTIMATES, & RECEIVED WEEKLY. DALGLISH & RUSSELL, Upper Town. Br Ralo or U N IXIGOIL Bnu\‘o the Upper part of | E. MARTINEAU‘S Clothing | Btore, Corner of Sussex and Clarâ€" | enceâ€"stroets. | P, A, EGLESON, Clothier, * 10, Susmsexâ€"stroct, 08. 124tMy1 Mis. WM. O‘MEARA, * CALDWEL% " McGRKREEVEY, «" GOuDWIN # J. W. RYAN, " E. }. LEMLEUX, Miss BASQ CERVILLE, Miss MoCARKTHY. ladiesâ€"have kindly consented to !fhol:_nontn’l‘sbloâ€"lu. Enright, ;DAILY, ON HoUsS®E IN FAYOR OP a00U8TUS LAVER, J AMES STRACHAN, n the premiso* ‘s. T02 Dundees Marmalade, Jams and Jallies, Tomatoes in tins, Peaches, 18 Eweet Oorr. " Lima Beans 10 EVG. MARTINEAU e for HNovse and mi P ails, jon t the main dwel &o.. on moderat ablé tor a idence. . A no Dweelling,. Falls, lon the Arsutrrzor 640 651y Consisting of the fullowing‘ firstâ€"class Steamers, ANN £1880N, = Captain Murphy. ALLIANCEK, â€"_ .& «_ _ Findlay, EMERALD, « = a4 Toner, onEGON, * = *4 Cowley» CALUMET, = = «4 Blondin. JASONX GOULHD, ~ 44 Boilton. PoXTIAC, = «â€"‘_ @*+ _ Duggan,. PE»BROILEK. = = ~ i4 / Uverman. sxX0W BIRD, % w w Beattie, U pperâ€" Ottawa HRoute. ; The Steamer 4/iance leaves Portegeâ€"duâ€"Fort | every morning (Sandlil uooptod? at #:30 a.m ,, | touching at Goold‘s Wharf, Farrell‘s Wharf, Donâ€" artising at head of rallway at 12:15, and conn6ttâ€" ing with Ann Siwon at Pontiso. Passengors reach Aylmerat 4 pan. . § s aos nechere, Bristo!, Slf.i\lmi;nlâ€"Al-;l;!;:Anj;fl&; -l_!:l The Steamor Calum& leares Chapean Villegs on Moaday mornings at 10 amm., and returning leaves Mavelock same day, on arrival of presenâ€" gers from Eteamer Alliancs, ie Tas ecnta en A connection is made daily with the Broskville and Oitawa Railway in the up trip at Arnprior at 1 o‘cook pl"" in time to connest with the Grand Trunk Railway night trains cast and west, Sandpoint 1:40 p.m., and on the downward trip at Sandpoist 11:45 a.m., Arnprior 12:10,. & P-iunfieu for Des Joachinsleave Oltawa erery Monday, Wednesday and Friday. _. _ _ _ . _ For further particulars lpxl] at the office of the Compar y in O:tawa City or qyhx-m-. R. S. CASSELS, TNIONX FORWARDING & RAILWAY compPaNy. * Royal dtalian . Biiters â€" N.B.â€"Sele fi:nlnhmbbo-bd C,. A. F1EE§‘ Tight MetaiHe Oarket. 71%â€"0m sell at greatly reduced prices for cash. ‘The Par. lor Furniture is ofthe best quality snd latest deâ€" signs, either plain or hundsomely carved, in W alnut. oil finisbed or polished, His Sideboards, Bookcases, Chamber Sets, Hail Furnitnr.:, &o., are :m“ won“uon Hair Mattrasses all censtantly on hand, or made toorder, u‘m est notice. Call and examine for yourseives. "Patent Eofa, with recliving arm#, of a very + GUNILCGGO CKL DOTTORR ®. P. VERRL } Projecsor of Chemutry in the Unwernt; o Rapta| % 1 TFALY. | For se zenteon years it has, in Italy, been a uniâ€" versal favorite nmottng the elite of society, being generaily served in the drawing room before dinâ€" ne'P'.Lin preforence to'V_ermeuth. l sip 5 Tho ingredients of its composition have been imperted to the leldini Physicians of Cancda and the Unitod States, and have received their unqualiâ€" tied approval on every &ccount. The propristor relers with the fi::u“ confiâ€" dence and satisfaction to the subjo! testimonâ€" ials from eminent medical men,which he could add to, were it dosirable. t GIO?G: ARII:'!COIG. Cmudr Vie= torim uare an raigâ€"street, Montreal, solicits a call f?'ou the Citizens of Ottawa about to furnish, who may visit Montreal to bis very large Kept by the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion of Canada ard in the United States. Sold by the Proprietor, Dear Sir : You request m‘{ opinion of the " Roy al Italian Bitters," wpan from a receipt of Dr Verri, of Paduna. I bey to state that I consider it a most agrteable cordial tonic, in every way luafrior in flavour and composition te the ordinary bitter tonics in general use. I have recommended it to several patiets, who hava der:ved marked benefit from its we. « FURNITURE WAREROOMS. furnish, who may visit Montreal to bis very large and varied stock of FURNITURE which Z. i; We speak from experience in this matter, havin tested Sr:homghly. and. therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it :s .ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" .if‘ Remedy. + he uwnnhhfi efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing discases for which it is reâ€" commendod, and its wonderful success in subduing thetorturing pains of Rneumatism. and in re ieving Nervous :‘oefiou, ontitle it to a high fank n che list of Remedies for these complaints, °. are coming ltn lr&l:‘. Modleinth:o:l:zl in :llpuu of the country for er su s each testifying as to the universal cnst.pgtwn it gives _ time, and whenever used is well liked, nover tailing in a single instance to {ho permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single caseâ€"of dissatisfaction whore the directious are proâ€" perly followed ; but on the contrary,all are delight perly followed ; but on the contrary,all are delight 31 »Wh 118 spersiiont; ano spaut to tgs Aigher hand. oo:ri accountant, and can make hims»if generally useful in a store. Will work two woeks on .rial gratis. Moderate wages u? required. Firstâ€"clas« references in this sity, Address, Emâ€" plolnont. this office, pril 20, 1p68. + Tla terme of its virtues and magical aGfects. April 15, 1868 uim ds cuaiCrn scstiore de, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat *T Phaiwe Aimbun yremient. Gpuel holora Mor » w Complaints, BI{'H. Boalds, lpmt Bites, &o., &o. TuE CANADILAN PAJN DESTROYER HA. now beeu before the public for s leneth ot A. M. F. G1axzEuL1, Eeq., Montreal. _ _ A. M. F GIANELLL Oltawa City, April 22, 1868 CEO. MAYES, COPPER PLATE PRINTER, Bank Street, Centre Town, Between Sparks & Queen Streets. Bills of Exchange, Bill Heads, Vuifin)‘ Ca'dn,%c., Print:i on the shortest notice. I ar, iear Sir, yours faithfully, N REAL ESTATE SECURITY. ° WALKER & PENNOCK, Barristers, ‘&o., Ottawa. L 15, 1868. 17 . Eroapiy and Liquer pubigeim â€"Writers gose now beeu before the public for s length of MONEY TO LEND EMPLOYMENT WANTED 26, Hospitalâ€"street, Montreal. YiCTORIA G. E. FENXWICEK, N.D ElCs L. k Tomer, Cowley» Blondin. Bolton. Duggan. U vermains Beattic» President 1248 ‘MAN Ixorm W armmouse: Tllll SUBSCRIBERS beg to inform their Customers that thoir Stock is now complet®, and embraces every delicacy ot the Season, among which will ho fourd a choice assorimeit of Buperior 11 YSON, . ad + quUnxPowpE®s, & °* _ IMPERIAL, y 4. TWASKAY,, Orange PEKOE, ) Aliose ‘Teas bavre been Flowery i .__ cavrefaily. sebected for Ja pan * ) â€" family trade by 8UGMRS, . LCAF, BRUKEN LOAF | ~CGRUSHED, | â€"* ARoUXD, (Fis YELLOW ‘CHEKOCOLATE and CUUOA, COFFEE, &@° loasted and tGronud daily on the FRUITS,. &c. LAYER RAISIN®S, Cmnumu and Builders Ofice! North side York stroct, socond deor from Bussez Ottaws, March 20, 1866. 18y Breus(ast SOUCHONG, ) ,,, do COKGOU, {% PRUNES f As MONDS, WiLNUTS, HLBERTS, ant BRAZ!L NUIS. | t S2I0C)iD, The 80th Day of April Next, To the Undersigned. WILLIAM F. COFFI®, Ottawa. December 19 OTLANWV A, For 21 Years from lst May HARDWARE! mers in Oftaw» and vicinity for their very liberal patronage in the past, and to solicit a continuance of their iavors in the future, and to assure them that o effort on his part shall be wanting to supâ€" ply ti em with the Best and Cheapest English and American Hardware. I do not pretend to gell at eost, but do propose io sell as cheap as any ‘other PRICE OF HARDWARE No. 24, Rideauâ€"street. THI Undersigned would take this op= portunity to express his thanks to his Custoâ€" Whart Lot Ro.â€"3, Canal Basin SIGN of the ANVIL sost, but do propose io sell as cheap as any other establishment in Ontario My stock ah{I comâ€" Ottawa, Feb. 3. MnonAn' TAILORS and l‘m Outftters, Kiginâ€"street, opposite the House, and second docr from the London Music Store, haring just received a choice stock of CLOTHS and TWEEDS, % And a general ‘ assortment of gentlomen‘s furnishâ€" ing geoods, would intimate to their friends and the public generaily that they are propared to exscute all orders in their line at the shortest notice, in the most approved styles and at prices that we prise every article inthe line of Hardware, and with the one system I bor to merit and Mnloom:lu’dtnnry iberal patronage given me in the past. T. BIRKETT, ______ Sign of the Anvil, 24 Rideauâ€"st. English, Fronch and Canadian Ottawa, April 8, 1868. FRENXCH, flavored with, V anilia ; TAYLON‘S, HARDWARE ! (G#Hroeont Reduction T B N D â€"H ES Ottawa Oct. 1,1867; 186 7° axso Ordnance Lands TO‘ LEASE. â€" * ‘Fo be addrersed on or before GINXGETR, MIXED SPICHES; _: in Wholo, Half and Quurter Dores YUSCATEL, ds ‘de SULTANA, * > FALEXTLA, $ 16 Riceau Stre R. H. MoGREEVY, reniises, MOCHA, J AYA TEAS, D. T. BROWNE 4 CO. BROWNE & HARDPY N EXT. s s is g Buccessors to Chas, Garth. im doe Genniiclerpne nigers, w Y« | PW $PDe "hine e ACACSEE UA NE y | Plumbers, NUTMEGS, | Gas & Steam Fitters, f MACE, Tin & Coppersmiths CINNAMON, BRelIl Hangers, &c cLovEs, h. d gastalss All Ground on the Premises & RODNEY anl MUSCOYADO, AT THE 18 JAMAICA, UR Ordnanocs Lends Agent FRYBE‘S, PRA NTS, GRAPES, 1868. Qitawa. LEMON® CEYLON, ORANGES MoTT‘3 AD 405t 861tf in# HAIRDRESSINt: JB and attractive manner, ang ed by competent and attent ine w OMMIS81I0N Merchant and Gep CA(:&. Bole agent for Read‘s Mighwines * Procf Whiskey ; also, Dawes" Lashice Klte Te Porter. Pork, l'!lour. &o., for sale. and 4a», BIGLALXGS®, J p " RCOHITECTY® Kiginestree; P the Post Ofhce. Rereagxc®s â€"H ASim«, Esq, Are) deiphia ; Thes Fuler, K#q, Arghit« Dr J A Grant, M P., Otters ; Thos i Manrging Director 0 & P 1 W Orricn: No. 6, Sparks Street, noar H ~«e,Oitawa gity, C. W. p" o MV Ainkeot t Life 4 cidentai Inzurance, Commission s ing Agonts.â€" OBe#, No. *T Sueserstree ‘ UCTION Room»®, Centre Town, Otiawa, ery Store. k. Â¥. 0 CoNNO®. Mareh The eale of Real Fatate at Auetion or Private Bale premptly attended to.: Consignments reseived Tor mn sale. Parties wishing to" parchase Reai will receive all information FRPE op Clmtbyumnf at thoo&n/ % Ottawa, Dee.18,1865. > j o BLYTH & HERR, ; States. i the United States, is prepared to take orders to lay out and complete GAKDENS, in fine style ans lwh.h great neatness. A“[!"’ nt &he Dominion | * M Charges moditate sod satisisotio j arges and satisfeotion ~ | anteed. * ‘.'(vu'.. Ottawe, April 1 6 nru.n&non niowoet oue mille from the city, on the Richm ome mcre each. Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON )z un the premise*. S64f All materials for the above branches Lept per stantly on hand. PC ']\HB UNXDERSIGNED, n Practical GARDENER of long experience, and with the best of referencer, obtained L.xh in Scotland and DELLML ® _ BLOUK, EL NHIS SALOON is Atted w Importers and Dealers in Yousefurnic ing Bariware. _ $ 2108 PERARRATRTC ORA C Sold h‘ Geo. Mortimer, Jobn Roberts, "! Massey, Henry F. McCarthy 3. Siinner, ao! Brown, in Oitawa. AJTdwin Ottawa, Nov. 1. ‘.'";Aâ€"# emesenen es ie Te TRHT; TIMES is printed and pablished M Tas Otrwa Tress Poryrix® as9 ""I xc Compaxr, at the Office, 60, “fl"‘ Centre Town, Ottaws. J4Â¥06 ~*"*"°_~ M or allo‘t.er ations for the Cure 0f a""" Comughs, Thick gnd Broken Wind, and «1 dsss® which affect the Wind o7 Eoweer; also, es ? C#86" Non Medicine, surpassing everytoing of se kind hnqt:fllfl. sure to oure, and sole is all 0# and at all times, nidoo-nap«.mcmi’ from being worked while using it. It cleanses the breathing apparatus, by 1009 ing from the airâ€"cells the mJnml-l:-!l’ that secrotion which in heaves clogs them, ©#998f a dificu‘ty in mumu.udwm““".' diseased part, cansing the mucous membreP i mwm‘m.mw sireolation of the blood, and restoring vessels to thoir natural sise ; _byll-.’!,-,: ite 18 P n HPosirtiennat ce en C +t *D. W . HURD, Successor to Horp & Co.. M#04 _â€"_ dJust recoived n well selected assoftment ut Cookiag Stoves, Tron “‘.fll Double Stoves, Bronsed & Wire Ponders, Parlor Stoves, * Fire Iron®, \ Hall Stover, Fire Guards, Japarned and Planished Tinware, 40. Manutacturers of all desoriptions of work for W aver and Gas Worke, Brewer‘s Distisleriee, Mills, &o Makes and fis up Galvanized Zron Comioc«, G#â€" tera, Conductors, Roofing, &e. _ __ ~ _ HOWE‘S Boot and Shoe itore. R E M O V A L. Allhlfluotmm-hm street terminates this month, we in‘end to csn lumwumhuu?.wluwlc-u the whole of our Stock on the Ist of May next, is our Store in Uur stock of BOOTS snd 8HOH8, LEATE%K, SUOE "'b?ll“.l'n:li:n b‘.:‘. -‘l.ll won sequently be very most every dopnn-’.&n‘r-“wfly“.n tinuance of favorr to merit our eonstant en â€" duvor‘alvmahun-dn"lbthbuuueb- t the owest 4 * tm en t toveone miinita t i po %om. Rememb â€" he placeâ€"No. 10, Rideasâ€"st _ Orders from the country will recaive #tntt ® tention. Ottaw a Auurt 26. ; 4167 ZAtPublicand Private Buildings, Consern tories, Vineries, Mauutactories, &c., warmed t Steam, Hot Waterot Warm Air, on the mostip uext to fsowell‘s rosery STANDARi) EV ANGELICAL WORKS By Rev.: Dr. Cook, London, England, Hawiltor, Adams & Co., Publishers, Loodos OR SALE in T W. C. Chew* T on 4 on ramar Oatabiient & Sog, Tract o DALLEYX‘3 Arzbian Heave RemoedT Books for the Times! mt“:! !fleb 28 BELL® â€" BLOCK (The times of Papal and Infdel aggremion) April 27 THUH ___ AND CONDITION MEDICINE s POSITD. ZKLY sUPERIOR TO 4X or allot.er proparations for the cure of Het® REPARED for Builldings of description, by O‘CONNOTL N experieneed SALESNMAN, l‘#~., Goods trade. Plans, Speorfications, &c Hair Dressor, by .}i,:.;;‘ â€" sixcellency the i Apply immediately to GEO, FETHERSTONX 46o , Not 34, SpBÂ¥Re stract /. 1O KD, Bussessor to HER® ® * * Cl Kew York, Bole Proprictor for th# U# xorrnnor attalty . * miq-if:"' p D. BILLING: No. 10 Rideauâ€"st. W AmNTETID, MILEs GARDENING 1 2108 TWEXTTâ€"FITE CENTR BIDNEY B. FRIPP, Archimea, phbet »‘ze;llnm‘ U Lots for Saie. CHist} MeLEA® Di "sstor : AL¥® =â€"ALSOâ€" Ko. 12 MILL WALLT Cl .N' #9, Archi }f,,l.;...:u.'..’ui- Mi00) "P in a UE ""M- % Thinen «+ Sprarks !M i'u 10p$‘# Statiop * 29€ A0d Ao« on And Coller. «#tre0l, Oitey, B\ Wallen, 14 ts i N0 nlig *yrolda 612 4. the Mb.?; Bowe ttond . *~ory Fag ley «b %e closed every .ih-p.h:‘l # cents each. Halifax by the Â¥atter for on Sk. Jokn. beg worgs Kiv. Mails for g ame rut sed to recmee "1., W P 1f not paid ; €,000 1 .Sording the NLOH

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