oth in Seetined and -oulo.‘..-‘ i. im tm mt aof Roberts, "* "," Skinner, aad 4+ KFitters, ELGQIN. as of work for W atep tilleries, Mills, &o. Irom Cornices, Gut also, a# # ALLER SON. hag 4 1A branches kept ser 81LO0Â¥â€": and all disease® slso, as # Condt® ing of the kind :‘b in all ea0@# @aueâ€"est, ~~N 1A _ Arâ€"arver for the Usnied it alway , . . COt i t1Fays sttend. a., &o., will con« csomplete in every , &o., warmed by , on the most ap recsive stns # use the horse‘t â€â€˜.‘ 5 the skin, 104 and shall remore of May next, io we intend to con aily solicit a somâ€" our constant onâ€" the best articles 10M & mile frows the ORKS & Wire Fanders, & 80M, or Private Sale Life and 4e nod with the ~SP. tor the Day For Halifat, N. 8., Closed Every Fridzy, ‘ 12145, P. M. [ sute of transmission i« ria Portland, conne~tâ€" ing there withthe Moaday 5 p -‘:‘um, dlm:. sacional Line), for St. Joan. Mail duÂ¥ in Halifax «a the following Tharsday evaning â€" . *XOoVYA sCOTIaA. â€" For Halitaa, N. 8., Closed Every Thars» day, 12145, P. M. > Route of transmission is via Portland, whence por steamer Chase, or Carloita, overy Sacarday at 4p a, for Haliiax, being duae mmqmr«unin. "T,.-u,a.,u--m from Oitaws to Halifax by this land route, sia St. John, N. 1t , un. (ass specially so addressed. f Post Ofice, Ottawn, Feb. 13, 1863. 4 % Neva Scotic, by * lnaman ** steamer from P New York. *Norzâ€"Por Inaman Stsamer to Halifa® a Mail i» eloged every alte nato Friday, 12 45. p m, ?‘. ¢ #ist Pabruary, 6th and 20th March, 3rd and i7 wuinn) Route of transmirmon is ric New York, comzecting there with the Stoamer of the Iaman Line, loaring on aiterrate Mondays at ’-.'33'" via Halifax, boing due at ttaliâ€" far on the tng Thursday. . Leters and Ia- ruhmnl this route must be SPECLALâ€" X 30 ‘D. with postage prepaid by " Pn i mite per ht oagee (tromga cents al ounce. Ne * cents each . _* drat _""*. ~ ___._ Fer Woodstock, N. B. C There is also a triâ€"weokly Mail from Riviere du Loapto Edmundston and *codstock, leaving Riâ€" zete du very Tuesday, Tharsday, and Saturday on the arrival of the mail train trom QueSeq. Maiter iacended for contayance by .. PRINCE EDWARD m.uz‘ % Maiter for Prince Edward Islaad arded «n St. John. Letiers S oents par ballf ounce. Newspapers i wwis reate should be specially addressed " Â¥1a hiv. du Loup. »ghuit« ¢9nml70_9_ by rail ,vi.l?'- ...J l‘gor:. whence by mm t John. Timte caken, at this season, usually “&M despatohed, however, on Friday, ob~ tnins commexion with the Monday & &- steamer, %ï¬â€˜d Line), from Portland, being dae at 1 Te in Femaly hi. _ _ .. _ _ . Wincun Mosororr. Ottaws, Â¥eb. 20, 1868 From NEWFOUNDLAND. Nawfoundiand is included in the ordinary mails wade up for Halifar. Latters 12] cents per half ounce. Newspsper® ‘ conte each. * sagly gabscription, to Mails for the B\a;iflm Provinees. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. \ ‘ftf verl -;:é ?;tié‘â€"uâ€"-v'in Province a Quebes, near the Pust Office. _Des. 6, 1867. * 390 dowrl c,... :‘ urds from 3 ts 6 Sizess Cards of from 3 t» 6 lines, per an n in nc nalermonl s / * B6 «t sagsequent insertion®, por Hng,........... | . 20 U advertisers specially contracted with, and Lattors 5 conts per haif orce, Newspapers 1 Letters 5 conts p s half ounce, Newspspers t @ilawa slailp Winits, Published every morning, Swrdays excerted.) 34 furk ine, Ne# Yartianft .. State Stew, | . AubdetiediLc« of Dablin aud Edinburilh "uy oneul m Cxton, General Acwertuwing Agents, are heveby authorâ€" } S deauâ€"st, next door to the St. wato recewe Acnerhsements for the Ortawa Trexs | Residenceâ€"Daly Street. a NICHULAS SP‘\RKD‘, : V'CI;O -.‘:;...’:\;;'.fl-;i.-flâ€":“.l“. AW, Chancery and Conveyancing / iÂ¥ Jitarw ._lohunh-. Proprietor. e [a ie h baog‘s Behidiags Elgtacy appenti | . Thit Hhoust in wuventend thstrod andeill malee Oituwa, July 19 ‘mzv-x-i:l."\w, Solicitors=in= "IL Chansery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Sb widd 1% AdÂ¥34000 .....sccces ccovbnnenerenerne ;‘:‘,fl;l'::n to the woekly (i{ paid Solleiter is c "Wd, Attorneyâ€"at«Law ?lco: o":u?-?: Conveyancer, &c. * toms latel m.r..‘-h':.m.“f" Susst, in the Cetamwe, March 28. 2OU% 1104%0._ _ _ ARRISTER, Etc., for Lower Canadas g c?:"' : Court House, Ayimer ard Buokingâ€" 2 DAILY AND WEEKLY TIMES Now l“"" Lagexst CiacuLation of any paper wmlished in the (Muma Vaile ‘ iesuing of the wap pror m.! _and Weekiy over 4,000 1 a totab circulation in the week of over 1‘3" thas outstripping ail competitors, and Aerding the best mediatn for business men ‘to adâ€" ‘.vou'rl;:‘... Ln{ Little St, James Streot, MON A November 14, 1867. 589â€"6m J. F. BCULTOXx, * Atawa, Jap, 12, 19g4 " """"106* Ridoaa Strees. _ _ Iimnct: Post Odice Building, Elgin Streot, Otta Te on Pik Oice Duilding, Eigs Strect, Ottrrts [ZARRISTER, Soiteitor, Attorney, and wE AMRY / Notary Public, Clerk of the Peaee and C t rere Allara®y, for the United Conntier of Prowol | [ RSâ€" TROTTER Ormicr: In the Court House, L‘Orignal.. _ _ ~â€"| Apartments to Lot, hands R‘ J. P. MACPHERSON, poes WNM ty Apy EaMBAITST3 are MOSGRUVE & TAILLON, ‘Alml‘lll. sOLICITORS, &c. d _\!‘n-lupon'l Baildings, Kideauâ€"street, ark B# & mc oi wdrance H" Aitends to all Law Courts in the District of o gymuse As€S AVGUSTUs ARRIYTE R and 'Aldhh.hChâ€",J Mas 6T se on EDWARD T. DARTNELL, #*2TAWA~â€" Mails for 8t« JOHN, N hy Closed Daily, 19545, P. Ms uEw BEUXSWICK. 5 2T ETAE Lirick«s . VOL. +. NO TE R. J.WICKSTEED, LEES 3 GENMNMELL, rill fAnd this long esta» lll‘l'il:. Attormevs. Solicitars. S'L:-::O.:l"'.u‘:ln- knu:c be llo-lut # Xtal Carbs. ~inâ€"Chancery , zad Â¥o:.acy Pablic N. TETREAU, fl{l‘bb KEEFER, the Court T Ottawa, C. W Cak °_ > 3mJ.unhn. . HAYCOCK, M. McLEOD, on.to the daily (if paid in @. P. BAKER, Postmaster 7 â€"Mowere, 8. M. Pétengall & aserted in the Daily at the Grzogo: Tamuox Â¥ / 1% y ‘: ‘.’g Â¥ . R. BELL, A.M;, M.D., C.M , &¢. (Recentur rrox Exouasp.) 81 00 | miVRGEERY and _ Residence, Gsorge 1 50 43â€"ut #1â€"7 YFORKâ€"STREET, ‘ wu.l. E OPEN for the accommoda« ‘ tivn of the publiccon THUR~DAY, Lith of | March, 1868 | The subscriber huaving again reâ€" | sumed business in his old stand as hotel.keeper, | wishes to ret thanks to his numerous triends : and the puoiie for the liberal patronage heretutore bestowed on Biw, during the past weventeen years, , and hopes strict mitention to business, and kinaness to all, to share a poftivn of public patroâ€" | nage. â€" His Larder will be al«ays uugyl‘mf with | tho best the njarket affords. _ His Bar will be supâ€" | plied with the best of Liqzors and choisest Cigars. | ‘C. MATHE W 3, «4 N. B.â€"The ed and rowly Ottawa, Mi sees. Bal-":-«- ven to ies‘ sw 'l‘l!z undersigned, formerly head wait= er at Russell Ho 129, b‘il to motify his friends and puolic generally that he has leasâ€" ed the above/hotel, which is now well furnished, and will be kept as a first olass bouse . The bar ia well‘stecksui with the choigest brands of liquors. The tabis will be furnished ‘with the best the marâ€" ket afords. |Good yard sod stabling attached to the premis & GLORGE IRYVINE. DUIGNAN‘3 PIIVA E HOTEL, Sparkse Street, Or= mt:-n. W. At.v‘pnq‘-nm obtain sup~ Ottawa, Dop. 20,1865. _ . _ _ _____ 37 A YLMEI Stago Of PIIYII AN, Surgeon and Accouchenr Ottawa. Day office opposite Magee & Russoll‘s, »parks Center Town; Night Office at his Residence, Street, Couser Town. Caxczne C¢arp, with uit the «e of the knife, by a nv.hng , speedy, and almost painless proâ€" Chtgwa, Mar WA biagem. f . »noeartEtoRrs. Il\ll‘ll FIRSTâ€"CLASS$ HOTEL has been reâ€"furnished and refitted th: oughout, and now combines all\the requisites of a firstâ€"class estabâ€" lishinâ€"ot. . _| Uttawa. Nov. 6. 1867 5B2 .AÂ¥ Con!t of Streets, wa. November R. U PllYll AN, 8 Ottawa. Day of Considerable additions have recently been made to the premises, and it has been ond.r:‘ly repainted lud sECs . P ds x c 12 212z dane yous â€" & OHNX MALTMAN LATI ADAM*$, Commercial Hotel, The Hotel, one of the oldest and best known :-‘;"Mu mrh nlodud:yf the overha or ohlaml-dfl dc:u& THE TABLE m BAR will at alltimes bo furnished with the very best the m affords. OOOD@UKOMQM Hostler always inattend I JOHN MALTMAN. MATE ‘u';‘.;u;‘;uï¬.;:&h. (i%'uuan'ï¬; he " Q " comprises uisites for a Grstâ€"claes ant. The House h:\ounlnod and mn:v*hous The BAR contains Tuunney o e rearee whthe fund do rmetable. The deil a season w ound on table. The m«wï¬mo«m will be directed: to the comâ€" of his gieets ano patrona. .. O KAVAN Pro ' NK . in sart Wemagine Swooe: apfieeme Decenber ~smenmimyoe ~~«ammteo.oeo n doromn | MORTIMERS | % A N | car Pomades, Toilet Vinegar, Rose Dentriâ€" * EAiimona‘s oo / â€" | Enoieapiien ertiermtiin ’.““mo“‘ s s | u-tfly lq:l.l.. flnt-ol'uo uublbh-.:..‘ s f Rideau Strea, Otawa. || anmmnmmmmmmmmmrmmmten mm mm mm mm m mm Ottawa, November 37. NORNXER of Kent and Wel | tion in profits. No extra charge for Volunteers in O Srese, Ditaws. ~""â€" _ * "**_A* | Sotuakes of the couatry. .\'cnm)or k e vet dSutf | l}!!_!'!'OUL BRO8., Montreal, General Agents for peXmifX : aake, Sparks=streot, ope posite Mages & Russell‘s. Oitawa, Odtober 30, 1867. 878y Mll. TROTTER begs to announse that she has a fow Commodious Suites of 'A.pum.nu to Lot, hndn-l; and comfortably II\M. * Gentlemen attending the Session of Parliament will fnd at the Toronto House most convenient PRIV ATEHOTEL TOROoXTOo HOUSE, SPARKS STREET Uuttawa, Nov, 6, 1867 THE ©‘QUEEXN" RESTAUP.ANT, )'FIC P ment, : May 30 quarters, where the quist of the private family is o pand Pil e aronr ansed save o be fand s the best hotels. Otiawa, Jub. 23, 1868. Clmt | _ Clarens March 1. pHYSI€ w & A_1 â€" meaner en on y We \+ ic use sls e < 1 4 * | _ The best of Certificates can be produced. « HOLLIS STREET, HALIBAX, N. 8. | Ottawa, Nov. 22, 1867. 896. SHl~â€"ysters. Game sto., dal DR. GEORGE HUTCHISON, HY $1 Office : REVERE HOUSE, OTTAWA, :sr:tr. Oflce 1 Sparks Streot, Cén»â€" tral Oifawa. / Wiltls_and. Saloous. THE ALBION HOTEL DIf OLIVER MARTIN Dt DR. LESLIE JONES, JAS, JOILNSTON‘S her 37. awas emed ez | A S Coide Herumtbe Cavadize Congh Beo, MISS LOVYETT‘S !"-,,__-,,f:..“::‘;":’xm; Honpron i awed T‘ A T W HOTERETL : \ _ *‘ Chemist, 41, Sussexst. D#K. C LEGGO, l, C K., Livery anud General ice. . Alfred Moses Holt, Jr., Prop‘ir. 1, 1985. + 4y 1AN, Surgeon and Accouckhour, Hunton‘s Block, Sparks Stroet MINION HOUSE, | Slonngmatontemmmmndinngnrne cesmm .. ... _~<\50 d ELLILNOTONâ€"STRKET. | R. 8. Cassels, Esq, â€" â€" . â€"â€" â€" Consulting Direator, 1A N, Sargran, and Acconcheur, EWS OLD = D. CHESLEY, IOLTS NHOTEL, Mobical Cards,. h 26. T. Oficet Susser ll.l'-u. over Campbell & Co.‘s, @rocets. _ . _ t. wW.~J. HENXNKRY, h Proprietor.. . | house has Leen thoroughly renovat. ’. furnished, _ | rch 11. 1863. asert | i 14 R. 0. C. Woonu, uary 27, 1866 i. C. A, MARTIN, uary 27, 1866 over Mr. Garth‘s Retablish« Rideauâ€"st., Otawa. 5. Dit. DUuRIUON, r0et, Oita ‘s Hotel, Pavace Streat, Quebsc P. O‘MEARA, Prormistox. STaAXD,‘ MEDICAL HALL! ly 1Twâ€"100=4 agsrr | . The above are prepared by Kenneth, Campbell -£â€" | & C«;.. Mediczl lu‘il, g;paho the Post Office, hu- | treal. | _Just received a very largo nrio'{‘ol English neral | Hair, Nail, Tooth and Shaving Brushes, Dressing rop ifâ€" | Combs, Bath Sponges, Hand Mirrors, Turkish *Â¥ | Towels, Bath Brushes, wl?. Flesh Gloves, | English Toilet Soaps, Nilver Top Smelling Buttles, ' Dressing Cases, I?blnl;n ‘l;.c"flun;o.rle.. &o., and a Gonqg | complete stock 0 & an orei Drogs, | Cho::ieal- and Patent Medicines, _ m ; ’ Aozxor ror Campbell‘s Coach Lot=nzes, t Ctn{he!l's Worm Pastilles, | Jampbell‘s Cherry Balsam, for colds, , Camobell‘s Syr. D';)lc. Tod, Quinine azd Lron, | _‘Campbeli‘s Gran. Ef. Citrate of Magnesia, Tll ABOVE FINSTâ€"CLASS COM» PANY is prepared so insure all descriptions of property agaisst loss or damage by fire. MERRICK, BRUSH & CO., Aoz»re, 5 ____:_ , Ammond‘s Buildings. Assurance Company ! FIRE AND MARINE. Ottawa, January 4, 1867 Sis blie the combined ad of eot sssurily, moderate promivies and librral nasiioipeâ€" Ottama VArch 25. 57 Bussexâ€"stroot. «ExRY SBt ts . ut three doors below York. ‘_ * '.u"' * GITY OF GLASGOW RICHARD BULL, W M RaMSAY, Inspector of Agencics. Manager. Anmulou effected on the different systems suggested and approved by a leagth -dunmno‘ . so as to guit the mears of every rson desirous of taking out a Policy. Every inâ€" r:r-uhno- the subjâ€"ct ot Lite Assurance v‘ be given at the Company‘s Ofice, Montreal, or at any of the Agenciesthroughout Cunada. The Standard Life Assurance Company. ESTaBLISHED 1928, ‘».‘ With which is now united the Colonial Life Assarâ€" ance Company. No. 41, SUSSEX STREET, G. MORTIMER, â€" â€" â€". PROPRIETOR Accumuiated & Invested Fund$18,000,060 Aunus«l Income m & 2,286,200 ESTABLISHED 1830. Canadian Cough Emulsion. COMPOUND ANTIBILIOUS AGENCY. J. A. TS iWippimes® *** Messrs. P. A. Egleson‘ & Son AGENTS For the SALE of his WOOLLEN GO0D3, comâ€" prising Tweeds, Woollens, Blankets, &e. Samples can be seen at all times, and orders from the Manufactory exesuted through Mesars. P. A. Egleson & Son. Citawa, April 2, 1808. ANNUAL REVENUE OYER £120,000 Sre. ne Liver and Bowels. Life Assurance Company PS12A»~LCLISEHED 16 UORTIMER‘S Vegaable WORM DESTROYER. ‘The only sure remedy that exists. Combining lolicious taste with amazing power. Also * Ottawa, March 16, 1868 NONE OTHE®& GENUINE! AND FAMILY APERIENT PILLS, grand 3..& for derangement of the digestive gans, and for obstructions and torpid action of CAMPHORATED EYE WATER, Sura Cure for Sore, Weak and Inflamed l!y.L Campbeli‘s Grao, EF. Selizer Salt, â€" ~__*~ Campbeli‘s Sea Sait. &0., &¢ BRITISH AMERICA TRADE HIS COMPANY OFFERS TO THE public the combined advantage of perfect Spectacles for all Sights, MARK Bui dings, Great St. Jamesâ€"s‘rect, Montreak, 28 Sparksâ€"stroot. lor Ortawe, â€" J. Â¥. FEATHERSTON, EO XAIX, W. M. MASSEY, Family and Dispensing Chemist, Medical Hall, 28, Sparkeâ€"st ch 16, 1868. . 412y Bruggists. IAnsurance. NEIL MOKLNNON, MORTIMEK _+ :~~ AW. HKARN, Market Drug Store, Yorkâ€"streot, anic Apparatus, bic ch.;fg'.y.q PTICAL Instruments Electro Magnetic and Galâ€" REGISTERED 391y IS _ Robert Craven Wade, l‘:nql Couobuu‘y. Crossâ€" | keale, Co Mesth, and Sackville Street Club, Dabâ€" | lin, J P for Counties Meath and Wicklowâ€"Director g'n{ï¬ga, TUESDAY. APRIL 28, ises Etnaâ€"Fire and Marine Insurance Co Capital, ................. pagror srovEs. Annual Income Neg,rly... ..81,000,000. HEAD OFFICEâ€"Upper Sackvilieâ€"street, Dublin, Ireland ; CHIHFP OPFICE, ZNGLANDâ€"11 and 18 Corn Thil, London ; CHIEF OPFICE, SCOTLANDâ€"98 Qeorgerst., Edinburgh. ‘ 5 h oo enc en o P mt Boottish Amicabe Lite Office I seffry Martin, Bsg. 8 Clarinds Park, East Kingâ€" Charles Going Malone, Esq, Merchant, Rtoxhen- stown, Dublin, and Curraghmore, Ballinrabe, Co street and G â€"stroct, r‘)ubl\n; Churehtown l Mayo, J i fe Co Mayo, Lodge, Dundrou.go Dubiinâ€"Director Commercial \ _ Robert C away I{nrz. hgk Bridge House and Gas Company . oo s t\ ) Glenduff, ~ratee : J P for Co Kerre. Ottawa, Getober 2 1867 Joha Obina Woodhouse, Esq, 52 Pembroke Read, Dublin ; Omeath Park, Co Louth ; Portadown, Co Armagh; Kerry Keel, Co Armagh and Downâ€" Chairman. FEATURES _ j A division ot profits every three l{.m to holders ot rhlu who hare no losecs. MODERATE l;l:IKIU 3.!'. * ‘The company do not advocate high fums, but rates will as the nature of the risk, lmu’ 'illbopnnpdyu‘dtupl:;-nufltfl* lmu“..b‘ym and less or damage by explosion of gas within the premises ‘made good. nWMA Le 0. wl anndnenacci i 1 12/ T NeX _ 1‘ © . FORN TNNIS, #3Q, Manuger. damage by explosion of gas within the premises insured ‘made M.'!on " is, I:Q 8 INN , Man % ‘N Bâ€"The above company have invested in Canadian Bonds, in conform v.ftrtbo Provincint Act, n.dhlnt?m{:mlthnnm of the m-um-‘. business in c‘?..d., and are now prepared to take risks, c T. W.GRIFFTITH, Manager for Canada, Head Office for the Dominionâ€"Uorner 0 St Francois Xavier and St Sacramentâ€"stroets, Montrea!, Agents wanted in unreprosented «istricts throughout Canade. 589â€"6m NEIL McKINNON, Agent for Oftawa. y * bepa Seantred oar full and Wintee t BToYBI, STOYVE PIPRBS, ELBOWs, DU us BTIVES, TLA W ARE and LV PL1BS, which we ofer Wholesale or Retuil at low prises. In Cooking, Paricr, Boxr and Hall stowes,far wood or soal, we have the largost and most varied assortmen eveâ€" shown in Oilawa. 13 CooKIne sroves, ©ooKIxe stoves. ©OOLING sTOYVES. CbOKIKG #TovEs. CO0KIS® STOYVEs. ©00KING sTovEs C0O0kKING sTovEs. CoukKING WroyEs. COOKING SsTOYEs. pAF® Our stock ot the above n-nht:)t'h.’lu;:di;ï¬mâ€" In both BLBVATED and LOW BOX ANXD HALL STOVEs. BOX AND HALL 1 BOX AND HALL STOVESs. BOX AND HALL f BOX AND HALL sTo s BOX AND HALL pmum«ump&‘m Warshouses and Atoves. PARLOR #TOYÂ¥Es. RARLOR STOVES. > P 4 Fromnundia®ot ABivorecmemn ie Wce cce ehrsrc in ts ts d We still continue to makutacture every deseription of TIN, SHEET IRON, and COPPER WARE RUSSLA JRON PIPE, and DUMBSTOVES. w Also ail kinds of eutâ€"door Job Work in our lin: attended to by compotent apd experienced Mechamics. Country Merohants supplied with stovepipe® &o,, at reduced rates. . PAR TOVEs. PARLOR 8: *yq, Fow and most beautiful designs, very cheap. COaATL SToOVErqe. p â€" STOVEs, _STOVES. â€" STOVES. ACCUMULATED PREMIUMS OVER, ANNUAL INCOME OVER, »d s * CAPITAL" MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COY. sSTOVES. STOYES. STOVEsS. ~.~STOVES." HBE@OVES. sToOVEs. Lumbermen‘s Supplies!* Lumbermen‘s Supplies! CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S ENGLISH MILLINERY, (AH!Y!AND DISPLA C (',( ncmcencal [ fpreaizrnd eovare mm ucss i avee 4 f : > i aaâ€"â€"] omntnrge vn n * C Sn imevi® STOVE DEPOT ! 456y 28 HOUsEFURNIsHING Goops: * _ _‘ Bird Cages ! + Bird Cages | Bird Cageos ! Price Lists sent free on application, * l.‘.:"’ part of a Stova sold by us ean be repiased when breken or burnt out, a faot intend asers would do well to note. An inspection of the abore goods lavited at the John James, Esq _ John Pike, Beq _ _ W M Tutnelt, Esq~ * Bdward it hite, 890 fl t | MEDLCAL OFFICKRS, + J W Ogle, Eeq, M D BA)LKflu F smith, Eeq, M D Messrs William Joacon Co, Birchin Lane, . | _ Mesers Sparrow, Tufnell & Co, Chelmsford. The London and County Bank, t | BsOLICITORsS. ; * Messre Hooke & Street, 27 Lincoln‘s Inn Fieids. Messre o’flv‘ v.i?. Chelmsford masidited .. ED W ARD BU TLER, Secratary. Canada Branchâ€"Montreat, BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 4 W alter Shanly, Esq, M P, Chairman Duncan Macdous!d, Esq. Geurge Winks, Ifl w H Bhw Eeq, M D, L R CS. Bortcrrousâ€"Mersrs Kose & Ritchie, | EDIC L Abvis®aâ€"W 'm.i-m. E4, M D The entire profits of this old and long establisbed society belong to tha poligy holders, who are pro d from all Iiabsh‘cy by the Jeed of settJement. Anmuities and endowments granied on xunup«m terms, Acvances made on np%r.ovod security in ion wh? lh.if- Pollel‘o: R information o hud on application to any of the A â€"«nAda, or to yetf 4 t 2ib . .x p?l f T W GNP‘ Ti Ma sager ant Secretary Head Ofice for the Domihioh of Canadaâ€"Corner 8t FPruncois Xavierâ€"stree â€" sn câ€"., wep.Agents wanted in unrepresented districts lhro;’nm Canada, & EKIL Mo.. * NON, 589â€"6m Oitawe, April T, 1808 Viscount Kirkaldie John Ledger, E#q George Asblin, w W‘.Duflold, ::(? J W ‘Egertongreen, Esq George T Harris, Esq Joh:?nnn. Esq n d e hNo\ 0) .1 â€"â€"(A\ â€" French Wove Corsets ! f:.'b'.’.;’a_y [3 All immense stock of Corsets just arrived, French, eï¬ oL 33 English andâ€"Seotch manufacture. m lt 2 \\~\\, _ _ 1 beg to eall the attention of ladies to the above new styles of Acujâ€"=«**~â€"~**.\ > Hoop Skirts which I havre on hand, and will make to order on the + ~~** _ shortest potice; Also, Parssols, Mosiery and Glover, Hair Nets, * / Handkerchiefs, &0,, &6. Croguct Skirts, Printed and Embrocidered, Gored and Plain, A lot of old fashioned Corsets on hand (lacing at the back) cheap, wholesale and retail. A lot of old fas DaTIDâ€"MILLAR® * CHRIEF OFFICE â€"11, King Williamâ€"strest, Mansion Heuse, LONDOX. Â¥wmma ied JSE =oâ€"__. h e n eanaiiifeane nA k 1t ersnf zstt imoveulyy mre o & en dihe U 3 mowrd 9 tA 35 es eA 5 j 23 C ach t ch ns n en ® 1 623| The Number of Sharcholdors execed Fivre Hundred. 7538 Central Ottawa. <AU _ TE DOUBLE EXTENSION SKIRT, O FRENCH AND sToOV Es. PARLOBR *RATES. 7 Hot Air Farnaces. ESTABLISHED 1840. set se 8c eeeanen s en e ns ne on en es aabs an + n 0 se se City Hoop ‘Skirt Factory PARLOR sroVES. 43 Sparksâ€"st, Centre Town. next to Ramande‘s Stove Depot, RIDEAUKETREET. © CAPITAL" 8TOVE DBPOT, j muut:r(;as'. ohn W + oo eigho tat J Uxlyparker, Esg W hinkin Phaoiper DIRECTORS TRUSTEES DEMI jÂ¥ NEW GORE TBRAIL SKIRT J F, Co Maye. John William Grogg, , Aiderman, Merchant, 18 Upper Mvmo-wn.: Dablinâ€"vice Chait â€" m a®., Irwine Smith Whitty, Esq, 6 Wellington Load, Dab!inâ€"Dirsstor Government Prisons, _ Bernard Coyne, Req, 27 Waterloo Hoad, Dublin, NEIL McKINNON, Agent for Ottawa. MPMI‘ Basine ! _ Camp Ketiles, &¢ 13 SPARKSâ€"3TREET, BOX AND HALL STOVEs. BOX AND HALL STOYESs. BOX AND HALL STOVEA, HK. MEADOWS & CO. VES, ©OOLING sTOYVES. VES, ©00KING sTovEs YEs. COOKING SsTOVEs. tovements In both BLBVATED and LOW MEADOWS ‘& CO. 35, Svsesx Srareer. + Bir John T 7 Bir John T IL, B W M rub:{';-q * Henry T Prinsep, Esq Henry I Prinsep, 5s Major Skhm.r.i A * Charles H smith, Esq James Traiil, Kaq W M Tutnelt, Esq «++***+~82,500,000. ....++$1,000,000. PARLOR STOVES~ PARLOR sroVks. PARLOR STOYEs. Agent for Ottawa $1,000,000. $800,000. intending Atâ€"y 8107 | Enl:cflm lately by the subscriber at wÂ¥ New kdinvurgh, who has now o0= band and: | for sale a large variety of choice Verboemns, and { other flowering !plu,u. Orders left a w. Bot!s, 4 | Rideauâ€"street, will be punctually attended to ;. | ' ROBERT cvlgy March 14, 1868, 691 â€" Sn K _ Draughtsman, te.b&oommluiond for Tpper and Lower Canada.) ce and resigonce, Glov cester, near Ottawa. Surveys of every dmr;puor sgeouted with accuracy. Communicativns address ed Ottawa City, (postâ€"paid), or left at the office of N. bparks, Solicitor, &c.. Ottawa, will raceive prompt a‘tention. _ _ _ ___ 6 JOHN MERCER, Teacher Pianoâ€"Forte, Violin, &c THOROUGH BASS. AUCTIOS ROOMS%, No. 36, Rideau» street, below Whyte‘s Stationery Sture. The sale of Real Esiate ut Auction or private sale l-romw.ly uttended to _ Consignments received and mmedinte attention will be puid _ Sales ~ttended in any part of the olty or cuuntry 199y % ioueuasss stete : " MIMIIOIIAID will open a Private *Brat.class BOARDING MOUSK, Corner of SUSSEX and CLARENCEâ€"STS., over Mr. Martiâ€" neau‘s Dry Gooés Store. on the 1st March. Pur ties vumi: quiet, good, comfortable board, with good attendance, will piease apply and seoure “OBIIIE I0ON and Exchange Broker, «/ and â€" Insurance Agent, Sparksâ€"street, opposite Magee & Russell‘s, Ottaws, C. W. Ottawa, March 25. * 301y _ Breakf@st at 8 and 10 a. m, ; Lunch at ! p. m.; and Dinner at 6 p m. Ottawa, March 18. 1868. > 659â€"3m apartments Vlll‘l'l oTTaAWA TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY8. Ap‘rd_-g-un at Union House will be punctualiy stâ€" l‘u‘ COLIN McLAURIN and GRORGE IRâ€" VINL, as SALOON KEEPKER®, was this day di«â€" soived by mutaal consent, and that the debts due from and pay«able o the said coâ€"p«irtnership. rLII HOLGATE, OLIVER & ANNABLE 'l‘ll' NOTICE that the partnership heretofore existing b«*ween us, the underâ€" from and payable :o the said co-gcrtnouhi wlll b> naid and reo ived by, the sai GEf)RGt 1Râ€" VINE, and that the said business wi‘l in future be carried on by the said GEORGE LRYINE. 44. RZZ l‘lble,' PROVI«NCIAL LAND _ SURVEYOR, Draughtsman, &6., (commissioned for Tipper _ Dated at Ottawa, the third day of March, A. D., 1088 COLIN ‘MeLAURITN, GEREORGE IRVINE. Witnessâ€"THO3. W ATTS. Notary Publicâ€"T. W. WATT3 Superior to anything of the kind ever imported int the country, and pledge their : loug establiâ€"hed" charactor that the aiticle now offered .Mpnro ‘eaf from the T Virgia Hill Tops of Virginiaâ€" F. W. BENShAW, en. Agent Lominion of Canada, a 10 8t Sacramentâ€"st., Montreal _ THII Company having estahlished at Montreal their General Agency . for the Doâ€" minion of Canada, is now prepared to.offer to le public an article in other party for collection: A YOUNG LADY having some m- ence in teaching, and possessing a â€" QLAS3 ENG#LiSK EDUCATIS, embracing Musiec with a thorough knowledge of the.â€"French (Parisian) Language, ard the redim of Gerâ€" man, is ogon to »n engage mont elthor &aily or viriting Governess. â€" Satisfactory can be given if necessary. Terms can be known on hereby ven that all parties « l.DKll‘lD g‘ P. A. EGLE+O®N, Jiothier, l:h'n have had thoir accounts rendered, will save 1nterest and costs by SETTLING theim betore the FTRST of M AY, as all account« will be transterred to anâ€" Oitaws, April 23, 1868. Blank Book Manufecture, #: 26, METOALFEâ€"ST,, OfTAW aA. ['Avud every m 'l- lho way of firstâ€"class Machinery, and erploying none but firstâ€"class work men, I am prepared to turn out every dessription of Binding, id 8 good style of workmanthip as any dhorvmbllm in Caneâ€" A. MORTIMEKRB,.» B O OKBIND ER Ottawa, Feb. 6. Tobacco Company, James Buchanan, 2 CC _ "Agent for Ottawa ;?u«;â€";(ï¬;'ï¬oi&mco of her inther, ‘Mr. DAVIS, No. 9, Patvickâ€"street. Ottawa, April 17, 1868. e . Tt . SMOKING TOBACco! Ottawa, February 21, 1866 PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSK. Ottawa, July 26. April 4, 1868 J HOLESALE Manufacturers of Bed» steuds Chairs, &o., Chaudiere Island, Otâ€" EDUCATIONT I. B. TACKABERRY‘S NEW GREEN HOUSE DANVILLE, VIRGINIA Atisccl{ancous. N. McFLINNON, R. SPARKS, NOTICE â€"â€" ROANOKE * NYAE WILLIAM NOLGATE, JOUN OLIVER, WiL TAm ANNABLE A, MORTIMER, AND. P. A. EGUESO®%, . ‘$0, Sasscx.st. AYLMBR, 0. 4 187H AB3U §5â€" A Talloring Departmient, una anagement alass Ootter ® iéut:.. \u;t tl;ilka'nri;: establish nol:t. il"K::.'oa) is now ‘".& seenad ï¬s.u‘:lal;‘t‘: lothes of all kinds out and made to orde * pusdied, * e to or rnupu:h.; A perfect £1 guaranteod. . ~*aA FaNCy DREss Goops, W HITE & GRK Y COTTON8, NEW SHAWLS, PARASOLS, * **&~ 1A DIPRMFS : Gentlemen‘s Military. Calf Congress Eccis (RECULATION) Angus .« And having had them made expressly to their order oan confldently recommend them as being the thing, in quality, style and price. All at lower prices than hitherto offered to the public. turin They thereforc feel gonfident in being able to AT:ve entire satisfaction to those fayoring them with their orders. J#Â¥" work warranted. HAVE OPEBNED THKRIR t Spring and Summer Stock of Boots AND sSHOES. English Wwalking Boots for Ladies, CANAL, as for repairs. Ottawa, March 13, 1868. SHEFFIELD HOUSS! » GLADIOLU3, double and single, I ANEMONIE~, + RANULCULU»s, AMARYLLUS, FORMOSSIMA, &o. Also, a great variety of FLOW ER SEEDS. wW. HEAXN, ® Market Drug Btore, Yorkâ€"at., Ottaws. An=t 99 1864 T24 JET REOEILVEU, per Peravian, by e subscriber, a ~plendid Collâ€"ction «f the ubowe, consistinz of the imwst exquisite and brilâ€" hant varictes of UST recoived, directfrom G rumny, a fow cases of bx.us SHAD 1 J Round, rditable fut covering Dried Flowers, Fruit, Fancy 'fli,b:s m' ?-'q’d;: th. im will do well tOwall «arly. _/ Apri 22, 1868 'l“ll Store tor-crl{ occupled by TF+ i" WOOD, No. 38, on RIDEAU STREET, bas been refitted by the subscribers, and will be openea on MONXDAY, FOUKTEENTH OCTOBER, with an entise new stock of INMAER S®TsS, TiA & BLEAKLVAST 31 Dasd@KK& c sETS, * ‘DOILE Aund a full «sgortment of every description of goods in the trade. f NE Store formerl] (é@tawa,October 12, 1667 #4, Sparks‘ st., Ottaws. > K M ACGILLIViRAY & CO. have had 12 years‘ practict + Â¥~ M exp rience in Great Britain and Caneds in the manufe > ROCERIES, LIQUORS AND FEI A EDW AREH. NHE PUBLIC are requested XOT TO TRAVEL ON THE ICZ in the KIDEAU ing of * % P Watches,.Clocks, Jewelery, &z Ottaw a. April 14 1268 Ottaw 606y Angus and Huckeli OTTAWA CROUCKERT s$TOoKE, Dutch BKlower sulbs. Also in Stock and at Montreal {®rices, NEW STORE ! :.n."â€m 18, 1868. r f AO"P .1 â€"Goods carefully packed to go any distance with UTIAW A, ararch 31, 4868 :Au;whu is about to be withdrawn A FINE VARIETY OF * P » 4 & * Men‘s, Women‘s and Uhildren‘s Boots ! One Dollar Prunella Boot. NOTICE. They fit well, they wear well, and they are cheap. THEY HAVE SOME Â¥ERY BEAUTIFUL (Couns, To which they would oall especial attertion. JA ES D. SLATER, + Bupt, R&.C. â€"The advertiser, having in a few week» by a very iving suffered for several »fectiun, and that draad «ngious to make knows to &o., WOOD & o88ITER. 61 §1 CLOTHS AND CA®:MBREIS, HTEAW HATS, PRINTS, all derigne, STRAW TRIMNMINCT, n.u“uï¬ @UTLTs £ Co J NTPFRFPANYE GLOVES & BOSLERY, SMALL W ARES, 51 RIDEAU STRERT, {opposite Mr. D. Whatet‘s.) ALS8SO, SOME { PRICHRâ€"8 OHXNTS ThA & BLEAKFA8T 3K r% ‘TOILEI oK v6, In‘ the. different departments which (ra o«% «wgortment and is mout complete and deserres a vis® of th so who wish to make a juCicious choive end J. A. PINARD & Co., NOVBLTIS3 0# T88 §E2557, 1868. B 121 vow mowme ta~m ecoma sroor os Staple and fazcy 87 fucis! Oil or other -l-nb_-_'-_'; ANGUS & HUCEELL, Boot and Shoe Dealers, 16 Sussexâ€" street ol ether M CHRIE S Tash umâ€"uwr- »( Nousunor & Lruax, Newesstle, C.W . are hood.pm'- Worm® u-" d * †u.l-nlz :‘-"â€".“:“‘ v__..ww essed upon the minds: Solitres. . p,m'.. Going 1 ‘nad ‘uvdersieding marmars eden x dn amue Hi ts Sloking althe nese, grinding of the Leoth o e sn :.""‘“.....-"‘"zï¬ and .-'r‘y-â€"-â€"â€"vâ€"-v teoring Caste away with the necessity .‘.‘nâ€"uâ€"â€".-l.-‘h- The Floremce Nightingales of the Hure sory.â€"The following is ‘an extrast from a lettor written by the Rev. 0. L. Weiser, to the German Rejormed Mawsger , «h Ohamipatabuarg, Poon. : are a fow of the and Mrs, Wixsiow will prove the American Night. ngale of the Nursery, Of this we are sure, that we will teach our «Sver" to say " 4 Blawing Mre. Winslow," Ter helping her to ourtive ang eseape the griping, colicking and tecthing sioge, We confirm every word set forth in the prospectas. It performs precuwely what it professes to perform, every part of itâ€"â€"uothing less. MO!"".. the ousside wrapper. on no d monnnnel it 44 ols W orms aloue. it M und take no cther. OR Sole by D i is ONere, and medicine doale ore irngg® 6T9r «Cordial," * Paregorie," " Drops," " Laadanum," and every other « Narcotle," by which the babe is drugged into stapidity, and rendered dul and idiotie for life. W o have never soen Mre. Wicsiowâ€"know her oaly through the proparation of her «Boothing Syrup fer Chikren Tecthing." â€" If we had the power, we would ..;.m,.uuu..mmi-hï¬o.t race. 35 cents a bottle. Soldbysll draggists. Be sure and call for " Mre, Winslow‘s u:h'-z-p." Raving the /aeâ€"cimile of =Coans & " on Losenges are a certsin and safe remedy for Worms in Childres and Adults â€"As 1t is a well» J, A. PINARD & Co Ne. 17, Bussexâ€"st., Sign of the Golées DeN. Mothers Read This awsy of fiesh» weL0u eoKraNZ) als T"~ SPEOLIAL anpiessanl vatharticeâ€"â€"as io the use 5ols > halg Nq advae poricts Sene s Abrig. w tung All ethere are base imitaâ€" Jast open the door for her, and remdered dul and ;. Winsiowâ€"know her oaly (her "Boothing Syrup fer re had the power, we would ncal seviour tothe infart Rald by all dracaists. Be 1868. Tidy I