years, Sir Dowurxic« received the more imâ€" portant position which he continued to hold up twthe time of his death. bec in the capacity of Governor‘s Secâ€" retary, subsequently he was Provincial Secretary for that Province, aod after the Union of ‘Tm and Lower Canada, he became Provincial Secretary for the United Province ; and held the office through sucâ€" cessive changes of Administration, up ‘to 1848, when the defeat of the party with whom he had become politically allied, finally sevâ€" ered his official connegtion witlh administraâ€" tive affuirs in Canadia. He continued, howâ€" ever, for three years later, as a member of the House of Assembly, representing Meganâ€" tit, watil 1851, to take a share in the public business of the Provinces. Mr. Dazy then went to England, where he was honored with the confilence of the Imâ€" perial authorities in several important matâ€" ters. He was then appointed Governor of ‘Tobago, and subsequently, is 1854, trans Terred to the <Lientenantâ€"Governorship of Prince Edward Islaond. During his incumâ€" bency of this office he received the honor of Kaighthood by letters patent from Her Majesty. Having honorably filled the o%ice of Governor of Priuce Eiward Isiand for t our While his own personal history is intimateâ€" ly interwoven with that of an interesting peâ€" rod in the history of Canada, Sir Doxnxick is ailsy more intimately counected, not only with the old Province, but with the New Dominion, by the relationship of family ties. One of his sons is married to a daughter of the Hon. Eowar» Ktssy, of Halifax, Norea. Séotia, Receiverâ€"General, and anâ€" other to the youngest daughter of ~the late â€" Sir â€" Auca® _ Nartem: _( Macsas. Ti.:se associations connect him still miore inâ€" timately with the present of our country than his past personal aad. political associations with its Government, though in the latter resâ€" pect, those who remember the late Mr. Dar.y, apeak ot him in terms of the highest respect, as one whose association with Canada was equally honorable to himselt and advanta geous to the Province. He has gone at a ripe old age, but from the brief obituary notice we have seen, in one of our Western contempdraries, we judge that his demise must have been somewhat anexpected. His niem ory will be held in grateful remembrance in Canada, not merely by his personal and family friends, but also by a large circle 0 the , public, who remember his association with the public affairs of the Province in byâ€" gone days. He has erer been spoken of as an accomplished man, and a true type of the chivairic Irish gentleman. _ © The life of the deceased gentleman was inâ€" timately connected with a former, and by no: means unimportant, period in the history of Canads, he having spent some twentyâ€"five years in official connectron with the adminâ€" istration of the Government of Lower Canâ€" ada, and after the Union of that United Canada, up to 1851. » Sir Dowrxtcx, as we learn from Mr. Morâ€" wax‘s * celebrities," was born in Galway, Ireland, in 1798. He was therefore in the 70th year of his age at the time of his death., He belonged to a family of good position and some historic repute in his native country, He studied for, and was called to the M Bar, and in 1826 married a daughter of Col. Gon®, of â€" Barrowmount, Killkenny, Shortly â€"afterwards he came to'Qnol TUE LATE SIR DOMINICK DALY. We regret to see by the papers that Sir Dowrsic« Dary, Governor of South Austraâ€" lia, is deal. [The particulars have not reached us, but the calamity is sard to have been a sudden one, and to have filled the colony, over the Government of which he so worthily presided, with gloom. pasing to chronicle_the fact that despite political diferences we are daily being made familiar with incidents concerning which all parties have a common feeling. The Hon. Mr. Laxcerix has also been honoted with the companionship of the Bath, an honor to which from his intifnate connection with, and prominent share in, public events duting the, past few years, it will be admitted on all sides he was well entitled. , _ on ailâ€"sides, and we are quite sure that throughout Ontario, as throughout Quetec, the feeling will be universal, that he has abundantly earned the high distinction. The congratulations from. the Opposition side of jhe House, notably those of Mr. Meâ€" Kr~ziz, were made in all sincerity, and it is Wz read the following announcement in yesterday‘s . Montreal Gazeffte with much gratification : 5 3 * We are glad to be able to announce that * Mrs. McGee has ï¬'ua‘ authouity to Mr. *# Chamberlin, M.P., Mr. T. K. Ramsay, and " Mr. Geotge Murray, to edit and pablish ** the lectures, apeeches, &c., of her late husâ€" Wre cannot but congratulate the Ion. Grorer E. Cartier on the announcement made by the Premier yesterday, and so joyâ€" fully received by the members on both sides ot the Hohu,;,unt it was Hex® Masesty‘s desire and intention to conifer on hi the honor of a Baronetey of the United Kingâ€" dont. ~Mr. Cartise‘s claims : to this high mark® of the royal favor are acknowledged KFor notices of Property for Sale < to E;m Fourth Page. ChcrOttawa Cimes Do. _ __ English Carriageâ€"I. MeLean Court of Revisionâ€"Thos. Wiggins, c Lectureâ€"Woebster‘s Hall, H Produ®s and Manufactures ot the Dominionâ€"G k E. Desbarate. _ Money to Loan«=Wm, Mathoson. . Dutch Flower Bulbsâ€"Ww. Hearn. On no occasion will the namos of Oid Advortisements be inseried here. __ Austion Sale of Household Furnitureâ€"A. Rowe. Do. do. â€"H. McLean. tiom band. The publication, which will be cf great ic interest, will be for the benefit of the . It will be, we nnderstand, ied with a memoir of Mr. Mcâ€" Gee‘s life, founded upon authentic data ; aod su~. historical .omm d.:n:ill connect and make consecutive iVerent pi The work will be published by ..E?;.’; WEDNXESDAY, â€" APRIL 22 NEW ADVERTISEMEN Is. 22>1808 â€"M. McLean. â€"H. Mclaan. Excraxp‘s Missios.â€"This caption is the nbjncti:f & lecture to be delivered by Dr. Pyne, N.RC.S., on toâ€"morrow evening, at Webster‘s Hall, tor the benefit of the Protesâ€" tant Orphun‘ Home. From the Doctor‘s Yearning and genefal ability as a scholar and lecturet, wo feel quite confident that a treat of l no occurrence is in store for those who may be fortunaty enough to avail them. selves of the opportunity. The subject is a grand one, and we have no doubt will be ably | nandled. . map Yesterday afternoon the Governor of the jail having:discovered upon the tin dish in which Whelan‘s food was conveyed to his cell, some signs that the prisoner had. been indulging his literary tastes, took the precaution of having him again minutely searched, when in the lining .of his drawers (at the top band) was found a nail, with which, no doubt, che had indulged his fancy by scribbling on the dish. The following sentences copied, verbatim ef literatim, from the outside of the disb, will give some notion of Whelan‘s efforts in this direction : "Itis not in Manchester the ar heir * where the buiu- bung Allin, Larkin x 4* O‘Brien, for the shooting of ‘Sgt. Brett, " the police man, the cant come it heir." Interlined with the above, and more faintly executed, was : * 4* When i get outiam sure I will," but :. word which followed we could not deciâ€" r. Tus following telegram was misprinted in Contederate‘s letter, which appeared in yesterâ€" day‘s Tixgs, the word « never" having been accidentally omitted, thus entirely changing the meaning. 1t should have read : © « Ortawa, 6th April, 1868. [By telegraph from Woodstock.| " Work has never been suspended for want "of funds ; work now progressing ; track all # laid except one (1) mile. . (Bigned,) *R. A. Hay, * President Woodstock Railroad Co." _ Another sentence rups : " James Whelan * arrested on suspicion of the murder of T. * D. McGee, fuily comnnited for for Court of * Queen‘s Benshâ€"the got to fiod mee gilty 4 yet." t ‘There is some other scribbling about its having been said that he was a Fenian, but its purport, beyond the remark that he was not one, was not very evident. Whelan was exceedingly indignant when the Governor ordered him to strip and subâ€" mit to a search, using very violent and threatening language towards the Governor, saying that it would be remembered to himâ€" the worst thing he had ever done, &c. Wheâ€" lan was removed to another cell, where every precaution has been takert to prevent his getting bold of any implement of mischief, Yorxe & Rapwoup, otf 30, Sparksâ€"st., always employ the lnnvvork'non,‘md are thorefore able to make all Kinds of lewellery, Masonic jewels, medals;&c. We understand that yesterday as usial the private examination of witnes ses in rela tion to the cireumstances connected with the murder ‘of the Hon.â€"T. D. McGee, and to the parties guspected of being imflicated therein was econtinued, but no reliable partiâ€" culars réached the public ear. ~In the absence of tacts a few rumors were circulated which, however} do not deserve repetition,. : t Boors axo Suoss.â€"‘L he sig« of the "Golden Boot" flourishes on Wellington street, where Mésers. Angus & Co. advertise to sell the best aust cheapest articles in the way of manutacâ€" tured leather, to be had ia Ottawa. Their stock is certainly very large aund beautiful. Aocioextas Isscayr.â€"While No. 1 Engine wingoingio the fire of the steamer, Beaver last night, a young man named Richard Burns reteived an accidentalblow on the head from one of the¢ brakes, by which he was stunned and, rably injared. ' , or Navication. â€"At length the of the Ottawa River is fairly openâ€" ed, and ithe . stcamer Queen leaves . this morning with mails and passengers, making a through counection with Montreal. A trip on the Queera at this season must be highly invigorating. This steamer has been thoroughly overhauled with the special object of comfurt to passengers. Czowpep Oct.â€"â€"The pressure upon out columns compels us to leeve over " Examinâ€" er‘s" reply to " Confedertate," research and their own undoubted ability for the task will permit. â€" The object of the pubâ€" ligation, next to its public interest, will natuâ€" rally commend itselfias being for the benefit of the late Mr. McGkz®‘s family. We have often thought of . the urgent need of a compe, tent staif of © Literary ‘Exeentors " to do tull justice to the great intellectualéstate left behind him by the lamented dead, and we have every confidence that the selection made by Mrs. McGzez will. do its .administration ample justice. .~ * s : in Nova Sceotia, an exceptional season of dis" tress has reduced many oï¬ the people to the very verge of starvation, there ought not to be any hesitation in â€" extending them the sought l'ul',_&fulno’ doubt much needed, reâ€" lief. It was believed by many that the Doâ€" minion Government would have imitated the patriotic example of the Legislatures of UOnâ€" tario and Quebec, by{ coming to. the assizâ€" tance of the ‘distressed fishermen . with such an appropriation as would have been, at the least, an evidence of good will ; ut this not having been done, and being perhaps not now absolutely necessury, tere is all the more reason why the petition of the distres sed agriculturists should be met with & prompt compliance with its request. We ‘hope the petition presented by Mr. Caroks yesterday, for a loan to provide seed grain for parties in Nova Scotia whose means have been exhausted ty the severity of the We have only space in this issue to menâ€" tion the receipt ot Mr. H. Beavxo®t Sxarnu‘s work: on the " Products and Manufactures of winter, will receive & favorable answer to its prayer. . Suchâ€"loans are not by any: means without precedent in Canada, and where;. 38 b £OUCAAL N ILWS. THE PRISONER WHELAS®. Farau Accioest.â€"The people of Ottawa and the surrounding country were greatly shoeked yesterday morning by the intelligence E of the dcnp\th of Mr. Andrew Leamy, of the Township of Hull. The first intelligence ! was that he had been very seriously injured by his horse running away, but that be still lived. Shortly after, however, the news came in that he was dead.. Some of the triends of Mr. Leamy hastened to the place, and soon returned with the following account of the occurrence: Mr. Leamy had been in the city on Monday and hired a humber of men to go up the river. He left in the evening, driving his spirited grey mare, stopping at Hull, and left there for home, taking up a friend who went with him@s far as Mooncy‘s tavern. Mr. Leamydid nol:l;eo.p to enter the tavern,but went oun. This was the last that was seen of bim until yesterday inorning, near seven o‘clock, when he was observed by a Frenchman who works at the mill, with his legs entangled in the buggy, between the spring and one of the wheels, his body lying on the ground, and the mare standing still only 200 or 300 yards from the house. It appears, howâ€" ever, that the man did not go immediately to the house and inform the family. This was afterwards done ; and Mrs. Leamy, with others, hastened to the spot where they found poor Leamy entangled as above, his head and body being very much bruised and life almost goue, The only words he uttered were " Take me out easily." . He was with great difficulty reâ€" moved and laid on the grass, when in a few minutes he expired, How long the mare had been standing on the spot is not known. It is quitd clear that.the deceased had not stopâ€" ped at any place after setting down his friend at Mooney‘s, but it is ‘generally supposed that the mare had run away, and that in order to have greater po wer to hold her back he mad put out his feet to rest it against some portion of the buggy outside, and that in doing so he had lost his balance and fell out, his leg beâ€" coming entapgled, and that in that helpless condition he was dragged till the mare could not well go furtber. ‘The fact that deceased‘s gold watch was missing, induced some to think that there might have been foul play, and search was made in the lane for the missâ€" ing article without finding it. The fact, howâ€" ever, that it had been torn violently from his person led toâ€" the interence that it bad fallen out of his pocket, and been forced from the chain while he was being dragged along the ground. We shall be able to give further particulars in.our next issue. Moxtazar, April 21, 1868. The Notman case was brought to an abrupt close. ‘The counsel for the defence made a grave error. He took Miss Galbraith for a witness, and then tried to prove perjary, ‘The court overruled this as not‘ admissable to stultify their own testimony, and the case for the defence broke down. Deviin and Kerr, on addressing the jury, evinced bad tasts in imputing spleen and personaiity on the part of bench and prosecution. T. K. Ramsay in atelling speech, gave a severe rebuke. The jury have retired. Special to THE TIMES. Donizeiti. s rq Quadrille.." The British Army."..Julien. 6 Duct, (Bugle and Flugelborn).." Normal." Bellini. ' t Galop...... ..* Asteroid." ... ... ... Riche, "The Rifle Brigade Marches." National Aathem, Pouce Covrt.â€"Amable Tousaint, a man of about thirty, presenting a face lacerated in all directions as if from a recent conflict with a wild cat, was charged with being druuk and disorderly, the disorderly meaning fighting. He was fined $6 and costs, and in default was sent to jail at hard labor for three weeks.â€" Delphine Claigoux vs.Pierre Lariviere and John Brown for assaalt. The d::nnduu are bailiffs who entered the house of complainant for the purpose of making a seizure for the Sepathie School tax. ‘The evidence of Mrs. Laroux and her daughter swore that the deâ€" fendants committed an unproveked assault on complainant by striking her on the brcast. The statement of Lariviere was to the ~effect that the woman threw herself into a violent passion mmud him by the arm, and in her. passion threw herself down stairs a distance of seven feet. The magistrate belioved the statement in great part, and fined the deâ€" fendants only $1 without costs. ‘ A number of vessels are loadiog with flour for Quebec, Youre axp imapForn have the largest, best and cheapest stock of watches to be found in Ottawa. ‘They have also on hand a very choice and varied assortment of Electroâ€"plaâ€" ted ware, and Funcy Goods. They do all kinds ot repairing and jewellery jobbing in Mar«etsâ€"Busizess active and on change. Superfine from Canada Wheat $7.52} @ 7.60 ; Baker‘s $7.62} ; 1,000 barrels Welland Canal $7.55. Wheatâ€"Nothing doing. _ Bctter scarce. ; Public sentiment about the Fire Marshalâ€" ship is strongly against any appointment exâ€" cept that of Alfred Perry. Carrets aso House Fommsutycs.â€"Garland Mutchmor & Co. make this dorrtm«nt. a speciality, They have just received a large stock and invite the attention ot parties furâ€" nishing to it. Purchasers will find their stock in this dapartment second to none in Ottawa 582â€"7 House F vamsmxo.â€"Parties furnishing their houses or renewing carpets should see Mages and Russell‘s immense variety of new designs Antapestry, brussels, yelvet pile, wool super, and imperial three ply carpets, hearth rags, door mats, and crumb cloths. first.class style The Worlds special says as soon as conâ€" venient after the close of the impeachment trial Mr. Washburne, of IIl., propeses to inâ€" troduce his Bill in the House to establish the telegraph postal system heretotore alluded to. Masor‘s Hinc.â€"The Rifle Brigade band will play on the Major‘s Hill toâ€"day, ftrom 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. ; we PEOGRAXMME : March ...* Tramp, tramp." ... . By Riviere Overture... .. ... * Zampa.".. ... . .. Herold Waltz......" Rhein Sagen."....., Gungle. Operatic Selection ... . . . "Luctrezia Borgia." CLOSE OF THE NOTMANX cASK. Strange Blunder of the Counsel. New Telegraphic Postal System. FROM MONTREAL. Markets, &o., &c. Hon, Mr. MACPHERSON said these lights were really necessary for the safety of vessels, and it was all important that the provisions of the Bill should extend to all parts of the Dominion. They had narrow rivers in this part of the Dominion, as well as in the Maritime Provinces,and all on the steamboats navigating those rivers, these same lights wore used. He considered it essential to the safety of vessels tht uniform lights should be carried, and he hoped the Minister ot Marine would endeavor to dopt a uniform regulation for all parts of the Dominion. 5e lMon. Mr. MITCHELL did not wish to Hon. Mr. ALLEN said as the chief objection of his hon. friend (Mr. Hazen) was that these lights, which would have to be procured to comply with the ; requirements of the Act, would be too expensive, it would be well for the Minister of Marine if he had the proper inâ€" formation to state what the cost of the lights would be which could be seen for upwards of five miles. Mon. Mr. MITCHELL said hehad been for the past fourteen or fifteen years actively enâ€" gaged in the building and sailing of ships, and every year he had to purchase those very lights, as under the Imperial Act we could uot seud our vessels ‘to England without them. He believed those lights cost from two to throe dolâ€" lars, He had imported his direct, l'wm land at that price, but in some 1 where partics buy them second hand from the brekers they may cost more. Hon. Mr. HAZEN thought the hon. Minisâ€" ter of Marine was mistaken when he said the lights which vessels were required to carry, under the Bill, could be bought for one or two dollars. He did not think they could be purchased for ten pounds, and these expensive lights had to be supplied to vessels of every description. He did not at all object to the use of those lights on the steamships which sail on the great lakes of Canada,but he objecâ€" ted to every description of steamboat being obli gedto carry them on small rivers. The Minister of Marine was determined to pass the Bill, bat he knew it could not be carried into operation in New Brunswick. ‘The most brilliant lights which can be constructed on a locomotive ean only be seen about two miles, but these lights will be required to be seen five miles on every description of vessels. He did not think these lights could be obtained, an«d if they could they would be vety exponâ€" sive. What effect this Bill would have upon Confederation he would leave those.who were «o anxious thatConfederation should take place to settie among themselves. He did not wish Hon. Mr. HAMILTON (Kingston) said the lights used in the steamboats on the lakes and rivers of Ontario cost from four to firs dollars, and the best description could be seen for six or gight miles. ex. ite his hon. triend, ‘slr. Hazen) but he had no right to siy the.Minister of Marine was determined to carry the Bill. He (Mr. Mitchâ€" ell) had stated that though he wished to make the Bill as perfect as possible, yet he did not wish to make any change unless the House decided that it was based on sound principles. His hon. friend (Mr. Walsh) has suggested that it should stand over until next year. He diffâ€"red with his hon, friend ; he did not think because the Bill would be unpopular at first, it should be postponed. He had been told that when this Bill was first introduced into. th« Legislature of Canada, it was very unpopâ€" ulsr, and it was thought that it would be a gri it hardship upon the trade and navigation of the country ; but now after it has been tried, th« people of Canada are in favor of contiauâ€" ing this system, which has worked so well. He would call the attention of his hon. friend to the many disasters that have occurred, not on!y in Canada, but on New Brunswick waters, in consequence of there being no efficient system of signals in force. He would adopt the suggestion made, and after the words "sleamships when towing other ships," he would add, " or rafts." llo», Mr, MITCHELL said the chief objection mde by his hon, triend (Mr. Wark)‘was that instead of having two white lights they whould have one red light on towâ€"boats so that it would be known that a raft was in tow. The Bill provided that steamships when towâ€" in other ships shall carry two bright 3hlu maustâ€"head lights vertically, .iw® addition to thse side lights, so as to distinguish them from the steamships. He (Mr. ‘Mitchell) did uot know but they would be distinguished as well by having two lights, ons above the other, as by a red light, but it his hon, friend desired it, he would haye no objection to proâ€" vicde that one of those lights shall be red. lon, Mr. WARK said he had stated ths law at present required that passenger steamâ€"boats on the St, John Kiver shall carry one light in the bow, and another light ten feet above, and that steamboats towing rafts shall have a red light, ‘There was nothing in the present Bill which referred to steamboats towing rafts, it only referred to steamboats towing steamboats, If they were now required to carry a white light it would be some time before the object of the light would be well understood. ‘That waswone reason why it was best to leave the law as it was at present, until all the laws were consolidated. to prolong the discussion, but he objected to th«, Bill because it was impracticable, and it would be found im possible to carry it out, _ The House then| went into Committeo of the Whole on the Bill from the House of Comâ€" mousâ€""Secretary of State‘s Department Bill," (BHouâ€" Mr. Allan in the chair.) s f the Local Government to the General Governâ€" ment of the Dominion, and then the different laws could be made uniform after the conâ€" solidation of the laws by commission. ‘This Bi.l provided that every law conflicting with it shall be repealed, therefore the sammer wil be over betore a person would know urfler what laws ho was sailing his vessel, as he would bate to find out how much : of the New Brunswick law remained in operaâ€" tiena. be(»xs the House of Commons to regulate the _ duties of _ Steamboat * Iupoc‘or: Engzineers, &¢., ho would find the desi information. In the Province of Ontario the power was now vested in the Board of Surveyors, he believed, which was formerly held by ‘ the Board of «Works Department, which were now again transferred to the Ds pertment of Marine and Fisheries, After the different sections of the Bill were P!fâ€dr on oc e t + _ Mon. Mr, MITCHELL, in anewer to a quesâ€" tion put by the Hon. Senator Wark, stated if the hon, gentleman would examine a Bill be(»xs the House of Commons to regulate _ ‘The Committee then rose, reported the Bill with some amendments, which were concurred in, and the third reading was fixed for next Wednesday, when _ on. Mr. MITCHELL invited tha members of the House to be prepared with any reasonable or useful amendments which might make the Bill more perfect, and give greater -thhctioln to the country, and he would be quite willing to accept them. l Mon, Mr. WARK said he hadlooked careâ€" tu‘ly over this Bill, and he thought at the present time it would not work very well on the lakes and rivers ot New | Brunswick. There they already have laws well adapted for this purpose. On the River St. J?)hfl stcamboats carry one light under the bow, and another light ten teet ;above . the deck. Woodboat , which are very numerous there, are required to have a light at the mast head, whether they are under sail or at anâ€" chor. â€" Passenger steamboats ase required to carry a white light on ‘their bows, while stcamboats towicg rafts are required to carry a rod light; and this is al} perfectly underâ€" stood, but the Bill under consideration reâ€" quires all this to be changed. . The Hon,. Minister of MaringI think, has mede no proâ€" vision in the Bill in reference to: steamboats towing rafts ; if they are required to carry only white lights it will lead to: more conâ€" tusion. His impression was that this : Bill would cause the irritation to which his hou. friend from Luneniucsg (Mr. Wilmot,) alluded. . When Confederation was under tonsideration it was wtid that a great many benefits would accrue Â¥othe people of the Lower Provinces if they went into the Union." They had exâ€" pe.ienced none of those benefits yet, on the coatrary the legislacion here had caused a grout deal of dissatistaction, therefore the Government should be careful not to increase that dissatisfaction by passing any Bills that would be obnoxiots to the people of those Proâ€" vinces. _ All that is now required in regard to this matter, is for the wovernment to bring in a short Bill transferring the powers vested in L1H B OTTAW A #IMEE, APRIL 993. THE CANADIAN PARLIAMENT: Hon. Mr, MeCULLY wished to express his Isr PARLLAMENT : 1st SESSION THE SENATE. (Continued.) Hon. Mr. SANBORN argued that he thouzht 1t ot the last and greatestimportynce that the Government should be invested with full sumâ€" mary powers, to reach angl punish trespassers on Indian lands, which powers were quite compatible with the liberty of the ubject, which of gourse he was no advocate for resâ€" tricting or interfering with. The hon. member referred to instances in his own immediate neighborhood, in a township composed nearly all of Indian lands, where he contended that it was absolutely necessary that the Governâ€" ment should possess such. powers in trust, as would enable them to deal with speculators summarily, Of course the case wa‘s of its nature exceptional, and so should the powers be, which would be more honored in the breach than in the observance, but he had no doubt, that in fatare as the past, the wisdom and moderation of the Government would énable them to steer cleat of difficultics and wellâ€" grounded complaints, and enable them to adâ€" ‘minister justice to all parties, d Hon. Mr. MiTCHELL then explained, in answer to questions by some hon. imembers, that it was the intention of the Government to change the land to a money trust, and felt some change was required for the investments of these trust funds, but assured the House the Government would give the matter their carâ€" nest attention during the recess; and would thereupon bring in some measure providing for the education of "the Indians, and whatâ€" ever other measure might be deemed wise and advantageous to their interests and atnelioraâ€" tions physically and morally. Hon. Mr, SANBORN did see ‘how the right of l{)peal could be allowed i1nless severâ€" al other clauses of the Bill were altered so as to harmonize with the proposed change, which would alter the whole complexion and princiâ€" ples of the Bill, and if the Hanse decided to @og: the amendment he would suggest that the Bill be referred to a Sclect Committee to make the required changes. tions ph&:l:dly and morally, The mittee then (it being six o‘clock) rose, reported progress, and @sked leave to sit again toâ€"morrow. Hon. Mr. MITCHELL wished to consult his colleagues fon the subject, and begged the clause might be passed over for the present, and toâ€"morrow he would be able to state if the Government could accept the amendment, and so meet the wishes of this House. The House thereupon adjourned until to morrow at three o‘slock p. m. Mr. TESSIER dweltat some length on the right of petition which every British subject had of petitioning the Crown for redress of any wrongs. He could not see where the Act auâ€" thorized imprisonment _ summarily, which could only follow persistence in illegal tresâ€" pass or occupation on thesé lands, which was surely not too great power to give the Government against squatters in bad faith on lands bolon‘ln{ to these poor Indians, who are minors in the eye of the laws and must have guardians. _ He concluded an energetic and able address by expressing the clauses of this Bill as eminently in keeping with British institutions and laws.: Aud under all the circumstances of the case would much prefer giving the power to the Government than being obliged to have recourse to the courts with all the delay, uncertainties and loss attending an appeal to these tribunals. Hon. Mr. DICKEY suggested that a propoâ€" sition giving the Government the summary powers wished for; but that there should be an appeal so that any injustice doue by naste or inadvertence might be remedied. â€" He hoped this might be uccepted as a kind of a compromise, and the measure would be im proved by it he felt convinced, and meet, the views of both sides of the House. Hon. Mr. WILMOT in moving "that this Houu'hnlng on the 26th day of March instant, adopted the Report otf the ‘Elnti ngent Committee, recommending the dismissal of several of the employces of this House, and the reduction of the salaries andâ€"emoluments of others, that in order to make such retrenchâ€" ment general and beneficial to the public, in the opinion of the Senate it is the duty of the Executive Government to take into immediate steps to carry out & policy of retrenchment and economy in the several Public Departments, having a due regard to the efficiency of the public service and making such compensation as may be just, equitable and reasonable ; and that such action be taken, by address or otherâ€" wise, for euch reasonable reduction in the salaries of the Governorâ€"General and other officials as may be deemed necessary, as well as io ths indemnity to Members of Parliaâ€" ment," said it could not be supposed that the principles of ecconomy to be carried out would simply rest upon the em. ployees connected with the Senate or with the House of Commons, To advance the principles of economy and retrenchment they shon& commence with the fountain head my it out in every part of the public ; but to meet the views of the hon. member for Ontario he wou!d strike out the latter part of the motion, which provided "that such action be taken by Address or otherwise for such reasonable reduction in the salaries of the Governorâ€"General, &0." He would leave with the Government the responâ€" slbility of carrying out that principle of economy, He referred to the expenditure for the year ending June 1867, being far in excess ot the income, and when he looked at the state of trade throughout the Dominion, his impresâ€" sion was that there would again be alarge deâ€" ficit this present year, In an individual capaciâ€" ty, cach of the hon. members, if he found his exâ€" penditure was in excess of his income, would endeavyor to retrench in some way, and they should apply the same rule in the affairs of the Government. When the report of the Contingent Committee had come up he had said they should begin the work of retrenchâ€" ment with the large salaries, but that the old employees of the House should continue to receive their nt salaries. A IEIBE&:.:VM employed them ? If they wore to be discharged because Hon.‘ Mr. RITCHIE felt strongly the danâ€" ger of investing any one Minister of the Crown with such extraordinary powers as in this Bill. _ It is no security that in future some Minister may not abifse these powers, which the subprdinates, it ‘ppears, up to this lime, have not fortunately done. 1e felt strongly against assisting in granting increased powers to the Secretary of State. While heretofore the authority was only granted to the employees of the Department by instructions from the Governor in Council,now we empower the heï¬d, of the Department directly under this BlH, > ‘The debate was prolonged at considerable length by Messrs. MoCULLY, RITCHIE, McCRAE, and WARK, against this clause, and Messrs. MITCHELL, ROSS, SANBORN, MACPHERSON, HAZEN, DICKEY+« and TESSIER in sepport of the provisions conâ€" tained in the said clause of the Bill. Hon. Mr. MITIHELL detended the proviâ€" sions of the Bill as not open to the objectiqns of the hon, member (Mr. McCally). The Govâ€" ernor in Council was authorized by the Bill to take cognizance of any such cases as might be petitioned against. In whose hands could the remedy be placed with as much security to these poor people, (who wanted all the protection the Government could give thein,) as in a Minister of the Crown, responsible to the country for his administration of these, as well as all other matters, ~* c Hon. Mr. ROSS replied that these powers which seemed so alarming to his hon. friend, had been possessed and exercised by the late Government of Canada for years, and never exerted any suspicions ot alarms of dangers, andâ€" had never been complained of to his knowledge. In fact he thought these extraordinary powers the only sate and wise mode to adopt. In Case of the Indians,who were infants in the eye of the law, seme guardian had to be appointed, and who . so wel! suited and likely to act so fairly a§ the Goyâ€" erament, who cculd have no motive or induceâ€" ment to do wrong between them and the pub. lic domain. â€" Me knew it as a fact, until the Government got that power, there were perâ€" petually. cases of complaist and hardship occurring to those poor people by trespassors on these Indian lands, which the Government could only settle by some such powers granted as those under the present Act, which were not new in Canada, having: always been the law of this part of the Dominion. strong disapprobation and objection to the vast and MWIOHI powers, as he thought, which the Bill gave to the head of the Do partâ€" ment, respecting the administration of the Indian Lands, and taking the functions and powers of the ordinary‘ tribunals of the com}try, which would be alike dangerous and unwise, such as the artest and imprisonment of trespassers, &c. Such vast and extraordinary powers were unheard of in any free and civilâ€" ized country, where British laws were adminâ€" istered. * > Atter routine, RETRENCHMEN T Tussoay, April 21, 1868 and wise | ation, and an> in who were | officials employed, guardian |, the people of New so well | benefit whatever fr the Goy. | grotted h)t:u'c to riaduce. | strong feeling in N the pub. | Union. â€" The City until the | tion retarned hims were per. | jority of 700 over hardship | this same constitue espassers | 1340, for whotmi h rernment | but who was oppos s granted l tion, because uo m ich were | Opposition ticket « been the | tiou to him. _Mon. Mr. LETELLIER pe ST. JUST obâ€" jected to the debates going on, as there was no motion be.ore the House. ‘ Hon. Mrz, WILMOT never knew his hon. friend to remain silent when there was a chance to reply. _ f{e (Mr. Wilmot) had been one of the representatives for the city and county of 5t John nearly continuously for 20 years, ‘andâ€"his father had been a representaâ€" tive of the city foran equal length of time before him. MHe reccived letters trom both the Confoderates and the antiâ€"Confederates, and he knew the¢ opinions of the people were such that no man in favor of Confederation could come before that constituiencyâ€"which is the whole commercial power of New Brunsâ€" wickâ€"without having an enormous majority against him. Ie had also information from the county in which he resided, and which coanty his family had been connected with since the Aucrican revolution, that they would clect a man to rspresent them in the Local Legislature, who would go for a Repeal of the Union, to fill the place of the man from that county, who had been appointed to this Senate. He thought if ConfeUeration waÂ¥ to be conâ€" tinued, it was time for the Government of the country to change their policy. He had pointed out during the first part of the session what would be the result of thiat policy in New Brunswick, This extravagant expenditure and increased taxation was part of that policy, but to cut down this or the other galary would not do much towards bringing about a change of feeling in the Maritime Provinces: they must have a general systein of retrenchment, and it should be their policy to find some way by which the people could get remmnérative employment. They had all the elements of wealth in this Dominion which could be found in a temperate climate. In the United States their taxation was some $30 per head. while ours does not amount to $4. He diJ not suppose that the country was going to be made prosperous by the ‘reduction of the salâ€" ary of this one or that one, but it must be made prosperous by giving the people remunerative employment .and to carry out retrenchment they must begin at the fountain head and carry it ‘out in all the Departments. Hon, Mr, DICKEY remarked that in gupâ€" port‘s ; the report of Contingent Comunittee he said ‘t it would be powerful in the way of exauw .e ; he had ventured to say that this examp> would be followed _ up, ard the reâ€" sult would be that a great gaving would be vllucted, To sliow the Cottectness of this reasoning ho wouldsay they had suoceeded in making one convert in the gentleman who had just sat down,. (Hear, ‘hear.) Ho (Mr. Dickey) ‘was in hopes something practical would be carried out. Hedid not think these abstract resolutions were of any use at all, and when anything practical did come up his hon. friend who has now made a declaration in favor of economy was always found voting on the wrong side, _ His hon. friend had proposed to strike out the last part of the resolution, and at thd game time he says to practice economy they must begin at the top and go to the bottom, Some little explanation was due to the House why ho has withdraws: it, â€" This resolution was of no practical use whatever unless they Lad a bill upon the subject. They soon would have before them bills uponall the public departments, including the salaries, and they would then be in a position to deal with the subject practically. ‘Mis hon. friend had referred to the St. John elections, and he draws the conclusion from it that this is a vote of the whole people of the Province against Confederation. In January, 1865, the people of New Brunswick decided against Union, in March 1866, it was carried by a great majority of the people, and now if the conclu. sion of his hon. friend was correct, the peopls of New Brunswick must be a very changeable people (laughter). . Mis hon. friead, (Mr. Wilmat,) too, bad been against Union in 1865, for it in 1866, and mow be would have us to believe he has changed his mind again. He would not say that his bon. fiiend was wrong either in the first or second instances, but he would say that it was a matter of regret that such a great question as the Union of these Provinces should depend upon trifling cirâ€" cumstances. HMe had been struck yesterday with what fell from the hon, member (Mr. Wilmot) and another hon. member, when the subject of lights for vessels was before the House ; his bon, friend had shid that it was an important matter and if it was not settled saâ€" tisfactorily it would cause & strong fecling against Confederation. _ j His Hov, tite SPEAKER thought as the motion proposed was not the one of which notice had been given, the mover had better, give notice of his motion as amended. ; _ Hon, Mr. CAMPBELL said his hon. friend had better withdraw his resolation altogether as it could be of no practical benefit and would not advance the public interest, The hon. gentleman lays down a certain proposition which has already been agreed to by both Houses and by the Government. When the question of the number of employecs in this House was under consideration, it was stated that it be would the precursor of a similar moveâ€" ment in the other branch of the Legislature, and that the Government intecded to follow that up in the various Departments. After a declaratior of that kind is made by the Govâ€" ernment there is ro occasion for this resolnâ€" tion to be passed to reâ€"assert that which the Government have already admitted, and which the members of the Government have said they would endcavor to carry out, The hon. mover would see that no particular good would result from the gencral assertion that economy was necessary, The Government have said without any pressure that what the resolution says ought to be done, will be done, and after this assertion this resolution would only be a want of confidence in the Goverpâ€" ment, who would be driven into opposition to it in asserting their selfâ€"respect. Hon. Mr, WILMOT said that, after what had falfen from the Postmasterâ€"General, he would withdraw his resolution, but in doing soâ€"he would say that it this retrenchment i to be : zied out, it should be general and n, Hon,. Mr. HAZEN thought they had better proceed with the resolution and strike out the preamble. _ > Hon. Mr. m?:cu'um. said the resolution was a breach of the rutes of the. House, and the mover ought to amend it. â€" % Hon. Mr. STEEVES rose, amid cries of onder, and said he was not going to inflict many words wpon the House;â€"he thought he should have the same privilege to speak as those who had spoken. ‘They had now pledged themselves to carry out this work of rétrenchment. Hon. Mr. LETELLIER os ST. JUST rose to a question of ordgr. lHon. Mr. SANBORN said there could be no question of order without there was a question before the Mouse. _ It was unfair that this important question should be crushed in the way it has been, He was anxious to show his views upon that question, &s it had been his _ The SPEAKER said the mover should make his motion in writing. | partia., In reply to his hon. friend, who tried to show his incotmpetency, _ _ _ Hon. Mr. MITCHELL said if the bon. genâ€" tleman went on to make a gpeech, other memâ€" bers would have to reply, P His Hon, the SPEAKER said there wes a preamble to the motion, and the debate could not go on. _ Mon. Mr. WILMOT moved the resolution, seconded by the Hon, Mr. Armand. the new _ Dominion was jast staried, the sams principle would apply to every official throughout the Dominion, â€" He would draw ro distinction between those employed in the public departments, and those employâ€" ed in the service of the Senate. When these Provinces were first confedcrated the emâ€" ployees of the Legislature of the old Proâ€" wince of Canada should have been provided Tor by the Provinces of Ontario and ‘Quebec ; then this Senate would not hLave had to disâ€" charge men who have been thirty years in the public service in order to make a saving of $13,000. If there #was any principle inâ€" volved in this it should ‘extend to the whole Dominion of Canada. He could say so far as his own Province \was concerned that all that has been received trom Confederation so far was simply an incmase in the amount of taxâ€" ation, and an: increase in the number of ofticials employed,â€" So‘far as he could judge the people of New .Brunswick had derived no benefit whatever from this Union. He reâ€" gretted h)t.n’c to say that there was now a strong fovling in New Brungwick against this Union. _ The City of St. Jolin at the last elecâ€" tion returned himself and colleague by a maâ€" jority of 700 over their opponents, but now this same constituency had returned a gentleâ€" 1an, for whotu he had the greatest respect, bat who was opposed to Unioa, by acclamaâ€" tion, because no man coming forwardâ€" on the Opposition tichet could have run in opposiâ€" Opposition Uchet could have run in opposi tion to him. Hop, Mr. MITCHELL sailâ€" he would reply to this by and bye, lest his silence might be miscoustrued. + i Hon. Mr. WILMOT never knew his hon ‘The House went into Commitee of the Whole on the Bill entitled, " An Act respectâ€" ing Commissions, and OQaths of Allegiance, and of Office" (from Senate), which being agreed to, with some verbal amendment, was read a third time and passed. Mitobe ecrrescy. On the motion of the Hon. Mr. ROSE, the Currency Bill was read a second time and ordered to be taken into consideration in Committee toâ€"morrow (this day.) .. CONTROYERTED RELECTIONS. Some discussion having taken place on Sir J, A, MACDONALD‘S motion.for the second reading of the Bill respecting Controverted Parliamnentary Elections, the Government consented to its postponement for the present, s PARLIAMENTARY PRIVILEGE. On the motion of SirJ. A. MACDONALD, the Bill to define thg;ï¬ï¬‚cgel, immunities, and powers of the Scnate and House of Comâ€" mons, and to give summary protection to persons employed in the publication of parâ€" liamentary papers, was read a second time, considered in Committee, reported without amendment, and the third reading fixed for toâ€"morrow (this day.) On the motion of the Hon. Mr. ROSE, the Bill to regulate and restrict the contingent charges of the Departments of the Public Service, und to establish a stationery office, was read a second time, and ordered forâ€"conâ€" sideration in Committec toâ€"morrow (this day.) * cBorocicar strvEy. The House then, on the motion o{#on. J. ROSE, went into Committee of the ole to consider resolutions respecting the Geological Survey, which, after some general discussion, were agreed to, and the report of the Commitâ€" tee ordered for reception toâ€"morrow (this day.) "_On tlie order of the day for the second read, ing of the Bill respectiug the Militia and defence of the Dominion of Canada being called, * Prone > Bir J, A. MACDONALD said that the «nâ€" swer given by the Sccretary of State would be published by the press, and would find /its way casily into the hands of merbers of the House. He would take that upportunity of giving the House information in which they would all take a decp interest, and which would not fall to give them sincere pleasure, He was able to announce that Her Majesty had beem graciously pleased to intimate her desire and intention to create the Hon. the Minister of Militiaa Baronct of the United:! Kingdom. (Loudand prolonged cheers from both sides of the House, which were continued for some minutes, and renewed again and again). He wasalso able to state that Her Majesty also proposed to conter upon his colâ€" league «the Secretary of ‘State the dignity of C. B. (Cheers.) ~ Sir GEORGE E. CARTIER, adverting to his promise in introducing the measure, to address the House in French upon its provisâ€" jons, stated his purpose of doing so then, und afterwards cxplaining what amount of money he intended asking the House to vote for the fortifications of the country,.. He then pro® ceeded to repeat in French su his speech upon the first om which we published at following day., ~After speaking in ve an hour he resumed in E that for the last three years th $1,300,000 for Militia aloue, wherea$@@@s plan would proâ€" vide both militia, defence and tortifications at a cost of $1,260,000, which atter the first five years would be subject to considerable reducâ€" tion. ‘The money would be mainly expended , Hon. Mr. LANGEVIN roplied that hg was authorized to say that the Governorâ€"General had power to use his own discretion in withâ€" holding from Parliament any paper whose publication might be .oi injury to the public service, and further that the contents of comâ€" munications from the Imperial Government marked " confidential" could not, without the consent of that Government, be divulged. Hon. Mr. CHAUYEAU (in French) also warmly congratulated the Hon. Minister, and was followed in the same strain by Mr. Mcâ€" KENZIE, the Hon. J. ROSE, and Mr. MASâ€" BON (Soulanges), all of whom paid high comâ€" pliments to the Darbnet‘s merits. DR. TUPPRR‘s AissiOXN, .In reply to Hon. Mr. DORION, SirJ, A. MACDONALD stated that the Government hadâ€"not yet received any comâ€" munication from Dr. ‘Tupper advising theim of his having obtarined an interview with the Duke of Buckingham. * MILITIA BILL, . Sir GEORGE E. CARTIER announced that he did not propose ‘to press the second reading of the Militia Bill that moment, but would defer it until halfâ€"past seven, in order that the discussion might not be subjected to interruption. Mr. CROKE presented a petition from the farmers of the County of Richmond, Nova Scotia, praying a graut by way of loan, to enable them to plaut the spring crops, their sceds having been exhausted by the length and severity of the winter. C. B., K. C,. B., AXD BARONET. lion. Mr. HOLTON having repeated his enâ€" quiries of the previous doy regarding omitted vorrespondence on the subject‘of the honours conterred by Her Majesty"upon certain memâ€" bers of the Government. ; Hon. Mr. HOLTON wished the auswer of the Secretary of State placed on the table, so that it may remainâ€" upon the records of the HMouse. : Hon. Mr. LANGEVIN was unable to see the necessity of any deviation from the usual practice of dealing with answers to questions by members, and Hon. Mr. MOLTON having further pressed the point, Homa. Mr. HOLTON heartily congratulated the Hon. Minister on the mark of royal favor ‘which had been accorded him. He ‘thought, however, that it would be impossible to alâ€" low the matter of the correspondence asked for and furnished iimnperfectly to pass by in silence. R It being then six o‘clock the Speaker left the chair. ° Bir J. A. MACDONALD moved that the House do toâ€"morrow (this day) resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, to consider cerâ€" tain resolutions respecting the importation of tobacco, &¢. Sir J,. A. MACDONALD movedâ€"that the House do toâ€"morrow (this day) resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, to consider reâ€" solutions respecting the salaries of the Deputy of the Minister of Militia and Defence, and others. 1 Additional on account of St. Peter‘s Coniely : lc ceer‘s ++ i4 + +s in + P 1e 4 Constraction and repairs of Light i l0 a0n, Bc raesalrey vear 45Â¥3 uw4 Hon. Mr. ROSE brought down a message from His Excellency covering further estiâ€" mates for the year, as follows, viz. : ; Supplementary Estimates, i A LEGISLATIO%, Additional on account of printing . .. .$10,000 do, _ mileage to membere,....., 1,500 do. _ expenses of Committees., . 2,000 & > MHATIA, s Additional on account of clothing. ... 15.000 The SPEAKER said he could not call to order, as tkere was not. anything before the chair. 1 t Hon. Mr. STEEVES said if the discussion was now to be stopped, he had no desire to say another word. He then sat down amid repeated cries of "go on," and the subject was dropped. 4 Tuoespay, April 21, 16 The SPEAKER took the chair,at o‘clock. $ j o * After the routine busines$ had been d ed of misfortune to be abseni when the report oa the Contingent Committee was under consid. eration, and he now hoped an oppOrtynity would be afforded him to statehis ideas. Hon. Mr. STEEVES complained that he was called to ordéer, and then the discussion was allowed to go on. IIOUSE OF COMMONXsS OATHS8 COP ALLEGIANCE, 4C DEPARTMEXTAL CHARGES DIsTRESS IN NOVA sCOTIA Total (Td.l/ After Recess. MILITIA BILL ES TINATE 1LITIA untry,.. He then pro® ench thins. substance of st of mcï¬l, ; following m . ve an ‘ that for e d $1,300,000 ntinued.) WORK® .$71,000 0 25,00 three )08~ 500 the completion of the Quebec “‘1" condition of the‘ Canadian Government s fying the western posts eficiently. There no other communication on the subjec what New York Money Market °. + New Youk, April 20.â€"Gold opened at4# and closed at 138]. Stocks active and lower Po e oo o Mr. McKENZIE desired further inform®® tion, and was surprised to n&mo«" desiring to keep back any 1s of so imp# tant an agreement. m Sir GEORGE E. CARTIEK denied t# there was any desire to keep back -!*. mation to which â€" the House was entitled. would be found in the published desp#t@bS that the Impérial Government h’d“l“. Hon, Mr, DORION asked how it had hap pened that the agreement with the Imperial Government for the construction of fortiie tions hinted at in the speech of the H-: ister,had not found its way into the pondence brought down on the motion of th¢t hon. member for Terrebonne. : Sir GEOBGE pointed out that the constr¢ tion of these fortifications had been stipulsted for in the negotiations prior to the a600M plishment of Confederation. The points f9° defence had been selected in accordance wilh the recommendation of Col, Jervois, and i# did not suppose that any member of 9# House would desire this confidential report 9 be made public to the possible advantage 0 the enemies of the country. NA +. M:. BOWELL contended that the lï¬ mation i‘i:ny réspect of volunteer and forces, wauld have a tendency to destroy the volunteer spirit of the country, and do away with the volunteer system mltogetber,. He agreed that a large amount of drill was nevsé sary to the production of an efficient soldiery, and objected to the provision for disbanding any volunteer battalions which were.mot uniformly . maintained at their nomlsal strengtb, stating that volnnluu‘hl been lately kept in a discouraging state of suspense as to their future position, as defined in the pregent Bill,. He objected also uuï¬ ment of a permanent medical adviser, that in cases of cmergency any available medâ€" ical services would naturally be gladly acceptâ€" ed without any reference to examination by # central authority, and characterized the proâ€" posed remuneration to officers as inadequite and even insulting, and such as any officer would reject with indignation. Going on to criticise some minor roll'l ot detail, he thought that if the military schools were to be continucd, they should not be eonâ€" fined to two or three principal cities, but changed by turns from town to town, and ridiculed the unnecessary roundabout delay interposed to the payment and equivalent of the force. * «/+A ever. â€"The debate was then uj.-u" es House rose at twelve minutes to OBé 3 ing. * %, M _ Sir GEORGE E.CARTIER having moved the adjournment of the ‘debate, _ ____ _ _ the present Minister, that he would not allow the measure to remgin a dead letter, but he did not believe he would be able to bring men into a state of efficiency by the numberof days hbe proposed to devote to ‘drill He thought experiments should be made to us certain the amount of drill necessary to make men eflicient, or a commission should be emâ€" powered _ to . report upon the subject. The English Commission decided that 28 days‘ training at hcadquarters, besides other training @mounting to 60 days in the year, was necessary for this purpose. Mad we tuken a British regiment us out standard and trained a force for three months we might, for the sum we have expended, hade force of a hundred thousand wellâ€"drilled men. He contended that the people of Canads ht not been properly represented on this tion, arguing that they were in general vm to do their whole duty. He thought 10,000 e 20,000 men should be drilled for three months anncaily. If we,could introduce suct a sys tem as prevailed in many other countries by which a inilitary education was provided for every ableâ€"bodied man of the population, we should, before long, be enabled to dispense with much ofthe proposed expense for pertâ€" odical training. _ Although of opinion that the British Governinent might be expected to bear a larger proportion of these expenses, he was so conscious of the great difficulties of the Minister in dealing with the subject that he would refrain trom, entering upon this phase of the discussion, and regarded the Bill of 1862 us .a statesmanlike effort to deal for the first time fairly . with so important a question. _ ‘The present Bill he considered to go either . too far, or not far enough, being incompetent to seoure adequate defcm:' againstâ€"possible combined . Russian and American aggression, or forany Other purpose extravagant in its expenditure. He might, in Committee, move some amendâ€" ments to the measure, but would only do so with the desire to.grant increesed powers to the admiaistrators of our defensive system. Mr. CARTWRIGHT said before consider ing the Bill he wished to examine the posiâ€" tion in which we now found ourselves, He found that in six and aâ€"balf years ou? militia expenditure had been $6,056,000, an# the reâ€" sult was 20,000 vulunteers, or $300 per head. This was penny wise and poundâ€"foolish policy, Our credit in Englani had received a shock from the defeat of the Militia Bill in 1862, and the indirect losses we had sustained were very scrious. . He regretted that the late Goyâ€" ernment had not seen its ‘way to a compre. hensive measure. He had full coufidence in of no lesser liberty and protection thap ." ot those Powers could afford, he would ie called upon to pay a tax of only 25 cents per head,. â€" The cost per head in the smaller En. ropean states was much higher, but these p, «id not think it fair to take into account Considering, however, the very favourable comparison hbe had been enabled to draw e could not believe that there should be 4 hesitation in consenting to pay the VQ,J amount asked in return for the ad vantages t be derived , from living under a system Of goy. erament such as ours. He went on t0 Ctiticiz, some details of the measure, especially cop, #cnding that the amount of 50 ccuts Per day proposed to be appropriated ‘for the P47 of oftficers was insuflicient to support theirg, cessary supcriority in station to the mey y their command, and would prefer to see com» missioned ofticers in receipt of no remuners. tion whatever to finding them paid less than an amount proportionate to the valme of thi; services. t at St. John, X.B., ($200 piintade uin d in | > stt meudd h . 000); Kingston, Toronto, u:mn::,,m:u‘“!.- or London ($470,000). m;, 7 AB4Paris, regarding the (fortification Wa":‘nn. then bricfly recapitulated as fullows *, he He would borrow under Imperial & Â¥iz., and expend £220,000 sterling llllld‘.llm. five years at 4 ger cent, and 1 py J;t(q sinking fund, this creating an aunual for on this account as follows :â€"1st year :,r . 533 ; 2nd year, $101,066 ; 3r4 year, Ql.'".." 4th year, $214,133 ; 5th year, $267,656 . sng thenceforward at the latter annual Take o about 32 or 28 years, according as the sinking fund is invested at 6 or at 5 per cent. After which the annual payment would ‘-ï¬ for ï¬ra’q’n in the reverse order of, ang the same ratfo as its increase for the firg livk years, so that the entire debt woulg lc 3p° tinguished in 42 or 324 years, according !hcgsinking fund â€"were to be invested at lx: five per cent ; and concluded by moving g, second reading or the Bill. Hon, Col. GRAY entered into a “‘ the military organization and expcl'-‘& Great Powers, showing that in Great Britain every head of the population was "““"ï¬- extent of $4.28 per an. for ths sUpport of the Limperial army and navy. The L'niu‘*. (Northern) in the year 1866, paid @ sitailar o. pitation tax of $16.80, and in 1861, $4.41 . and at present $1,97. Prussia in 1864 paid C m is Bs ooo e s 10 Pmn tss $1.33 per head; and France $263, i’oz nadian would probably desire to belong to other nationklity outside his own thay o-.:( those named, and in Canada l’otflaell'llm af ma Incsor Miluts and < meakaatic ol NMr, MASSON (Terrebonne Supported Bill, which he said c-ontmtod)hm,.: the measure of 1863. ‘The‘ principle of con. scription he entirely approved as ah incentive to volunteering, although holding its localized application to some extent a defect, He argued. in favor of special corps well drilled and equipped, such as artillery «nd engineers, con. tending that the system preposed could mot provide them, and that unless they were proâ€" vided by England, we should be found lamentably wanting in that particular, e thought that all of the first c‘ass militia showuld moct for drill at least once a year as it was of importance T the officers should know weu’dz':'.,: ndly, that the men should knmow their iflcn. tie nllo‘npol:::l strongly in favor of |advantages of Rifle Associations, and thonght the Government showld issue rifies at reduced cost for the encouragement of eï¬ ctency in the use of this arm. 3.“:}‘:1-“ ;: )0) ; Montr, "*’-‘b CU:H“ Rte 4 afrats ;‘mlï¬h-nna" N‘:“l'lc: I-u.nh ‘-n_' h ‘ o'.‘.!'-*um NEW Apyp it Cl lt s m Doors hat ""-.-’::t. _ Ottawe, Apris 27. 2#3rd instant, at 9 the Becretary of I‘I ‘ New Yorr, Apéil: ;;-:u-:"n.'."a. "‘M,! on Theodorus‘ wor result was not know teegraph at Senafe. Wt ts cas do..< â€" k e [ o_ mtlnitaiamad , and m“. e '“ima;,-. m forces !’: had ‘::L'.d a prf by the steamer fought with the A; 130 of them killed peace with the Ind â€" Ban Fraxcimoo, / The Herald «mugg!i mï¬ï¬‚um :)‘n The funeral wilj yesterday bound to VrTrorr April mh was sail vessels were s In this city Detrorr, 1 : The prem (cucusion That result of impeac special says re; rebele ln.t‘:.d (o' AMERI tre#, since his ofe: he expected to go vealiug the consp inam '.'t;-’lq dealers, ven the sale and deliv the conspirators, the trial till toâ€"m« ead be was given his mind at timme testimony by stét into the Fenian o had been provide« Ki , the 0 y oi by the Solirelu joined the sworn hhth? prisoners on tri noon. on the da mond informed of Burke by blow ness ewore Tans Ertinige ation witnéss s whether he was a us Queen‘s ev ened to do so. cause he feared. * us nc ind New Yorr, Aj repliedâ€"* I de most answer y Wituess en fur YESTERDA city, which i «baodoned, wil their respeoti â€" Lokpox, A ۩ well ex Mullaney, the the copmsel for bad acted as Murpby; and one of the priso the conspirators un the 2nd and. he â€"was yn‘a1 occasions, by monds, to go to t New tors W oarea w nounced that Dosuix, Apri day unveiled Burke with gra the presence < ‘The latest ~ that Napier on the 204 i patches were Gen. NWI reports that only 30 miles volumn of the at hand, and centrate on ‘I he A byssinia on the the British well treated i his men are April 15th, Island of Ca Loxnox,‘ A morning bas respondence who says t Robt. Napie vil of 1 “1‘0 King The and would Loxpos, Nagle i toâ€"day, den Gen., Nagle not even to theâ€"other of the Jaeme! tions of lea for Americ®‘ stated previ Pams, Ap: lent on the m been made 4 capital, nor present, as tl defensive. _ LHIS M« CA Y ork, Apri Pasis, A