Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 26 Mar 1868, p. 4

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&.l’.ll“ FREE. who wish to make “l{ donations for this l-ud‘. , can m‘."_nh- to the Lady Patroness Ottaws, March ”.X'UO. ©98td _ There will also be a Lunch Table held by Mad A. A. Boucher. The Refreshment Tables will be presided over by Mesdames Dubame!, Tilion and Beaudry, _ A buik sum to be named for the performance of thisservice. Any further information can be obâ€" hh‘-n':w-uliholu. Beparate Tenders to be given for each service, The ressel will be allowed to carry other freight provided it does not interfere with the proper delivâ€" and to be addressed to the undersigned, and bnâ€" dorsed nq-.ing“‘“‘lndor for a&orm Ok1," «Tenderfor Coal Oil," and «* Tender for delivery * eramentens, tendering must give their names and adâ€" dress in tull, alsothe signatures of two responsible =«'flhb become sureties for the due fulâ€" of the contract. The Department will not be bound to accept the lowestor any Ter:sr. NADIAN INSTITUTz, under the patronage of Department of Marize and Visherics Ottawa, 19th March, 1 868. 4 ~M~\ A wgl“ also bonqmndoulunnll persons from m&‘nâ€"ltin charge o <he Stores, and the vessel will also be reQuired to receive and transport frou one station to another any such stores as the Superintendent in charge may direct. * s FOa the benefit of tho 8t« Joseph‘s Or= fhfl ‘l{.l-. will be held on THI & TEENT H APRIL next, in tne HALL of the FRENCH UAâ€" The crew of the vessel must assist in the.dolivery of the Stores. _ The casks, in each case, to be furuished by the w. and their cost included in the price of SEALED TENDERS will be received on the ::. hy;.fir a Steam Vessel for the defivery oi annpwal Lighthouse supplies, cousisting of about 120 casks of oil, umam- gnfi:lu. at the respective Lighth:uss stations, situate on the River 5t. Lawrenee and inland Lakes ; namoly, on Lakes St. Louis, St. Erancis, River St. Lawâ€" rence between Brockvilie and Kingston, . Lakes Ontario, Erie, St. Clair and Huron, and on the Georgian Bay and Lake Superior. Tenders will abo be received on the same day for the of 1,060 Gallons of the best quality of COAL OIL, to be furnisned in casks containing trom 20 to 50 g« lous each,â€"subjec© to inspection and test befors 5cveyl- ance, and to be delivered at the contractor‘s risk at the time above staced at Montreal, â€" . â€"PHOCNIX. s‘m TENDERS® WILL BE REâ€" seived at this office until noon of SATWRDAY | the NINTH OF MAÂ¥ next, for the supply of 800| @allons of the best quality of winterâ€"pressed) BPERM O1L for the Provincial Lighthouses a bove! Lachine, oneâ€"third of which must be from hoad matter which will uuu-g:usoc Fabrenheit, : :cfinm at -bjoe‘t‘to ium- tes before scceptance, and if required, to be measured out. e The whole to be furnished in iromnâ€"bound casks, containing 50 gallons each, in the best order, and bh,hh'nu! at the Contractor‘s risk, on such Mm R. EATON & Co. respect{fally annmow HaAVE ‘flm BUSLNES3S in this City: in the vaisou M'MIN% urquuthofdlovinzplaces:â€" § Paint, Oil, Varnish, Color and Painters® Stook Depot, | _ | â€" _A Bell‘s New m‘-fi:. Oil Painting, Engraving, Paper Hanging and Decorating Dej 36 Beli‘s New Block, 2 wharf, near the Lachine Canal Basin at Montreal, andon such day on or about the first day of July next as may be specified in the contract. f OTTAW A, Fab. 14, 1863, NEW NEW Cunningham & Lindsay Grant and M iawa, March 4,1868. STEAM VESSEL WANTED, LIGHT HOUSE SUPPLIES. White and Grey Cogtons. W hite and Grey Cottons. Ortaw1i, March 3, 1968. ‘ RE SHEWING a LARCGE sTOCK OF OTTAWA â€" sSPRING INPORTATION~. CARPETsS, E*T ND TABLE C RUG3, DANMASK® | FURNITURE CHISTZ, To W KiLLINGS, | CoUNTERPAN us, BHEETLING, | AT THE LOWEST CASH BAZAAFT LNSILIIUTE, under the ag Mesdames A. A. BOUCHER, J. W. PEACHY, E. J. DORION, _ E. J. DORION) J.C. TACHE, P. KEARNS, L. F. DUFRESNE, B. ROY. e. _ SPRING HOUSE FURNI® By order, #or two months I shall ofer such ind e chasors as wili enable me to make a ready ers a good investment | | G. M. HOTLLBE] FIRST 'CLA}S Tailorimg Establ Spring Impori No. 20, RIDEAUâ€"s EING desirous to dispose of t ) WiINTER STOCK, in order to make WM. SMITH WAYE BECETVED THSIRX FIRST & Please Call and Exam Seornta Pre Tor *"(') :;l:m OFTICEâ€"=Bell*s Block, Oppos ND TABLE OI between I.ln. to “:‘alh-tbt t:& same u."“l ‘wm'zo cbar 4 received at. eithor place, (‘om::Sy aving ectallished njhxongh rate on all goods f> n;& from Octawa to places on the ooo ev it e SHIPPERS OF G00D08 "~_â€" tpring L Tints. Spring Prints. Spring Prints. Linens and Towellings. Linens and ‘LTowellings Linens and Towellings. RAILIWAY COMPAXNY Upper _ Ottawa, QTTAWA & AYLMER, do ittle Cascapedia do . ‘do do rand Caséapodia do _‘ do do Souvelle > . do * _ do do letapedia: . !. ° do _â€" do do ~ Restigouche \ do . do do istouche do _ do Appli to Loase or License any of the abov Rivers d be made to this Department. S AT MAR Lls'l‘ the 1 of which a The Rive Union Forwarding | do _ [Magpio do i P\Vai do‘ abessipp do gwanus . do Legashka do asquarr do u'Lem do â€" Fomanie do oacoachc do Etmarcru do «_ Macatima do _ iFt. August do © quimau do do otin to t. Anne d :: ( t Loui ale ago. | “dd ?5 do * if} and Bor HE Union Fom-rdlng'aml Railway Compaby having assamod the cartege of goods do do do do do do at a, unee to the‘ pmolic Betescie n + Liul:“'tiuity Calamet Pentecost Little Margarct t & heldrake io ; W atchceshoo abessippi gwanus ; Legashka as al Foma»ie [un bas] n ho tmarru _ acatima _ , t. Augustine quimaux otin > * t. Anne dos Monts e balance of my om for rations, t-«me, e the Post Office DF SALMON RIVERS within 'l’o:im of Quebec, the Fluvial Divisions re disposable for Angling purposes : Mhhuimiâ€"-&jmhar,;ing into River St. Lawrence on the UTPME shment. &lflnil ale +3 ?&OC.CPIIOIH‘ bay i and Bonaventure _ > ittle Caseapedia Jrand Cascapodia Fouvelle : _ Metavedia: !. © MON RIVERS. PRICES. 2£0O>O©F4, arch 23, 18(3 *# LAT Y C #., nderson, CBRBEET, * c Is will be given by the Shippin D‘;:o. Canal Basin Wharf, or lptplhfi ompany, Weliingtonâ€"strect. â€" | t a R S CASSELS, ta to intending pur ale, and my custom CLOTHS, By Stcamers of the NBE a Sag‘s +. / #d 14 hi € i m L* 2s Minister of Marine and Fishoties PARTME N & FISHERIES. te Russell Honse o P MITCHELL MATTING, LINENS, _‘ CURTALNS any kind fr th ;“)\er Hangin wellincs, BSouth Shore do do d do to lo rth 698â€"3m ber, 1867 10y do do | â€"â€"AL8O,â€" Canadian White Twilled and Whithoy Blankets. Â¥nglish Grey Blankets, weighing from 8 to 10 pounds éach, M \ _‘ E McGILLIVRAY. Ottawa, December 28, 1867. 622â€"3m pLA'I‘I'ORl, COUNTER, Warchouse, Grain, Coal, lh;, Railroad Track, Depot, Druggist, Gold, and all kinds of SCALES constantâ€" ly on hand«@nd for Sale. > FAIRBANKS, BROWN & Co., E. Boston, Mass. Our Sols Agents in Ottawa, November 18, 1867 Take Hishest Preminms at the Paris Exposition. m PATRS of Grey Twilled BL A N= SSO REN i bile ut so pang, C Ottawa, Jan. 20, 18°8 Ports, Sherries, Brandies, Gin, &c., FIRSTâ€"CLASS GROCERIES, Which is in splendid condition. Also, Ottawa, June 21. Officeâ€"D CHANGE of TIMT $ Lawrence & Oltawa fallua Bottled Ale,) â€" . Bottled Ale, â€" . Bottled Ale. C# at Brockville, Dec. 16 f‘l\RAle now leave Bonaventure Sin= tion as follows ; e GoOING WESTâ€"DI{ Express for Ogdensbargh, Ottawa, Brockville, Kingston, Belleviile, Toronto, Guelph, London, Brantford, Goderich, Buffalo, DetrojA Chicago and sll)rolnu Wost, at 8.30 A.M. Night do do at 7.30 P.M. Accommodation Train for Kingston and intorm oâ€" dlinte stacions at 7.60 A.'g. § Local Train for Corawall . and intermediate Staâ€" tions, at 4.20 P.M. Trains for Lachine at 8.00 A.M., 9.30 A.M., 300 koyalCanadiandBank No. 1 loaves Brockville after G. T. R, Express Train 1s due from the East. .No. 2 is due at Brockville in time to connect with @. T. R. Express Trains for the East and Wost. * H ABBOTT, Mana ‘or Trustes. Brockville, Dec. 16. $eJ 412y aind 4.30 P.M. The 3.00 P.M. Train runs through to Platts« burgh. GoiNG SOUTH AND EASYâ€"â€"Accommodation Train from Island Pond and intermediate Stations, »t 7.00 A.M. Express for New York and Boston, at 8.40 A. M. Expresa for Boston and New York, at 3.30 P. M. Express for Portland(staying over night at Island l‘.u:..r) at 2.00 P.M. ; Night Express for Portand, Three Rivers, Quobac and l(iviqf da Loup, ltopsing between Montroal and Island.Pond at St. Hilaire, St. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbroke, Waterville ana Conticooke only, at 10.10 P. M. + par esc*uxm‘ Cars on all Night Trains. Bagâ€" #azo checked through, M Apmostt â€" LEAVE BROCKVILLE, 3.4 5 Pâ€" M.«â€"«TRAINS will leave e B@P Brockvilie daily at 3.45. p.m., and arrive at Sandpoint at 9:25 p m. LEAVE SAXDPOINT. 6 e 45 A. M.«=«TRAINS will leave o Sandpoint daily at 6145 a«m., and arrive at Brockville at 1:00 p. m. = t LEAYVES SMITHS FALLS. A.M.«=â€"TRAINS will leave 10:50 Smith‘s Falls at 10150 aan«, and 6:05 p.m,, and arrive at Porth at 11:40 a.m., and 6;55 p.m. Allpf rains on main line connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to and from Porth. _ _ _ _ Grand Trunk Railway Company gagoe checked through, % Fer further information and time of arrival and departure of all trains at terminal and way sta~ t:rm, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Staâ€" tion: C.J; BRYDGES, Managing Director . December 23, 1867. C500 LEAVES PERTH. A P. M.«=â€"TRAINS will lcavy 5300 Prith 2t B00 pomes Sud 940 smm and arrive at Smith‘s Falls at 5:50 p.m. and 10:30 Brockville and ‘Ottawa Railway, The time of thesg Traims has been somrra angure connection with night and day tr and Trunk, east and wost. N. B.â€"These yroms run on Moutréail Tome Caggage to and from Oftawa checked t xn and to stations on Grand Truck Railw: Roturn tickets to Prescott, Kemptville an ) at reduced rates can be had at the princi ns on the line. â€" & ‘ . DRTLOR, © PHOMAS REYNOLT ~uverintendent. > Managing D Fine Boitled Ale ! WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, \ Commencing on Monday, December 9, 1867 WINXTER ARRANGEMENT HE Subscriber would call the atten« tion of Families and others to his OTTAWA AGENCY : To ether with a General Assortmant of \ an otch, Irish, Old Rive FOR S ALEXANDER WORKMAN & i. esbarate‘ Ruilding, 77 Sparks St 1 M. P. HAYES, viv the A Call kindly Sollcited. _ D. WHELAN, f ‘44, Rideauâ€"stroct, $ Opposite Allan‘s Crockery Store And othor Malt Whiskies Amlroads ) or CANADA. WEDNESDAY, the 11th and until further notisce, train tawa & Pré 592â€"6m Aoxyt. 1576 * Dire lonsburgh, e, Toronto, , Buffalo, : 830 A.M. ain w ceb 1 Ot MILIJNIR. begs leave to inform her triends .and the public generally, that she has removed to Bankâ€"street, opposite the Free Church, where she is qropnred to undertake all work in her line. ‘The latost styies and fazbions kert eonstantly on baed. 6344 oz FOR SALE. SELFâ€"ACTING 8ODA WATER ap. A PARATUS, with ovlinders oomilm, chea for eash. Apgy to WILLIAM P opnxof Sugsorâ€"strach & one Crockery, China, Glassware, Stoves and Furni ture rented to private or public partios at : reasonable rate. °;. f JUSEPM BOYDEN, VARIETY HALL $ oTTAW A. Establishmentsâ€"Sussox St. and Rideau St Ottawa, Sentember 10. 225f Furniture! Furniture! Furniture! Just Received from England : ROAST HARE. â€" CURRIED DO. ~ JUGGED DO. STEWED DO, , p ROAST PHSASAXTs, , ROAST GRoUs®. * OAST PARTRIDGE ALL GOODS DELLVERED FREE by o@r own Waggone to any part of the City daily Royal ltalian Bitters | BLOOD‘ * LONDON STOUT. _ BARCLAY‘$ LONXDON PORTER ALLSOPS PALE ALL, BASS‘ EAST INDIA. { DOWS CELEBRATED MONTREAL ALW A W3 SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE DAW‘S CEusBRATED ‘PORTER & STOUT GUINESS £C0 'E\lllfl celehrated preparation for whic a certilicate of merit was awarded to the distin« guished vriginal preparer at the Natio ial Exposi, tion at Torino, ltaly, by whose tavor Mr. Gasatit obtained the resipe, and was also awarded a dnr loma at the Provincial Exhibition of Canada heid at Montrsal in September, 1863, is, without excc‘r tion, the taost genuine, galubrious and agreeable Toxic ever introduced to public 1 :ice either in Europe or America. t fsch For seventeen years it has versal favorite among ftho generally served in the dra ner, in preference to Vormc The ingrodients of its co imparted to the loading Phy: the Unitod States, and have r fed approval on every accou kKopt by the principal Druggi=‘s and Grocers in the Dominion oFCnmuh and in the United Statos. Eold by the Proprictor, , Dear Sir : You request my opinion of the " Roy al Italian Bitters," prepared from a receipt of Dr Verri, ot Padua. _ I beg to state that I consider it a most agrzcable cordial tomie, in every way superior in flavour and composition to the ordinary bitte? tonics in general use, I have recommerded it to several patiets, who have derived marked benofit from its se. ROBINSON & CO. would ospesially l the at tention of families to their stock of Which we are selling at 8 shilings per gailon The proprietor refors with ‘the gromie dence and satisfaction to the subjoined t ials from eminent medical men,which ho ¢ to, were it desira ble. ALES, WINES& SPIRITG We have a most delicious Very.Choice and ‘Huperior sovcHona. 150 Caddies MANDERIN NIXTURE. PA This is the finest Buaox Tra evor lmr ed, 5lzordpound; in small Caddies, about 14 Ib each, 4s 94. Wines, Spirits & Liquors We are constantly receiving suppiles of this traly beautiful and dolicious COFFEE, roasted dawy on our premises by Jakins‘ Patert Silver Cylinter By which peculiar process, ho aroma is proserved, an . renders it the FavortT® wit ALt CoPrER DRINEâ€" NOWY oN saAbd The Pure Mountain Berry * Without oxo'oKion the finest Coffee in the world."â€"London Times, March 16. BEWARE OF SP URIOUS IMITATIONS, F"~As itis mported by no other firm in Canada A. M. F. Graxrut1, Eeq., Montreal. A. M. F GIANELLL â€" 26, Hospitalâ€"streot, Ms 1,000 m Ne# uin \h w Sam NP vor se abonl afenie c d uhsnl | DEL DOTTORER ®. P. VEURL | I am, dear Sir, yours faithfully 420y CHESTS UNCOLORED 000 SEXT 500 Chosts very choice and supcrior YOUNG HYSON. 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANKAY 100 Chests old â€"fashioned ~BREAKFAS1 FRESH ARRIVAL 100 cases Otard Brandy, 50. " / Marte!t‘s * 150 â€"" . Henmesscy, > 750 " WUnited Vinque! DVBI IN STOUT | ROBINSON & CO. â€"_ THE TEA ror, DINNEKR SHERRY T BAS MRS. SMITH, THE OTTAWA TIMES, MARCH miCals PRESERVED MEATS, 34, Sussoxâ€"st. ROBINSUN & CO,, £71 TALY. THE TEA POT, OTTAWA AT THE AT T G. E. FENWICKE, M.D General Agent i Italy, beei e of society i# room bef sition ha ins of Can ived their Mentroal i a® X6 o‘ been da and stimg PaAptaA 1d 1d T. ISAACS, k ’ Agent, Ottawa. Ottawa, March 17. 1868. Dated at Oitawa, March fi; 1868. _ * The business heretofore carried on by W. J. and A. K. MILLS will be continued by the undersigned on the same premises., y E. eater us { A. K. MILLS. BEST â€"AND CHEAPEST MACHIN®ERY oL s IN THZ DOMINION. JA the undersigned, of the ogg of Ottawa, in the business of MARBLE W ERS, under the name, style and firm of W. J. and A. K. MILLS, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All liabilities of the firm will be discharged by A. K. m'xu.s, to whom all ;debts due the }: are to be paid. TwE t Tlll Co«â€"Partnership existing between the undersigned. of the City of Ottawa. in the They Don‘t Gum, Lubricating Oils! Post Office Navings Banks. Il‘llls‘. POSTOFFICE SAVINGS BANKS, established by Statute in the present Session of Parliament, will commenee operations on the Istâ€" APRIL, 1868, and the Postmasterâ€"General will, from that day, receive at any ofâ€"the underâ€" mentioned Post Oflices deposits paid to the Postâ€" masters by persons wishing toné)ue their money in the Government Savings Bank, MACHINERY OILS. Post Otfice Department, t Ottawa, 20 Morch, 186%. § Water100, East..............Shefford WIRIEDY sarmsserereseissers sOMRMRELG Windsor ..................... Es8e0x Woodstock.. ..................Oxford Wyoming. St. Catharines, West......Lincoln St. Hyacinthe ...............Bt. li{:einuu St. Johns, East..............St. Johns, Pro St. Marys, Blanshard.....Porth St. Thomas, West .........Elgin Sarnit ....................Lambton Sherbrooke ..................Sherbrooke Bim006 ......................+NOFfOIK Smith‘s Falls................ Lanark Sorel ...........................Richetiou Stratford .................... .Perth Thorold ....................... Welland Threo Rivers.................St. Maurico TOFORED :« 1sss»sssrressviessees XOFK "Lrenton ............._______ Hastines 2. The direct security of the Dominion is given by the Statute for all deposits made. 3 3, Ateach Post Office named, the Savings Bank regulations may be read by the public, giving full information with respect to the mode of dePo-itin‘ and withdrawiog money, and these regulations are printed on the cover of the Pass Book supplied to each doporitor, be receivedfrom a Depositor in any one year, exâ€" ceptin casesto be specially authorided by the Post« masterâ€"General. e d 4. Auy person may have a deposit account, and deposits will be received daily, during the ordinary hours of Post Office business, of any nuwbor of dolâ€" lars, from $} up to 3320, thg total amount which ean 5. The ;‘ofl:ultors of tinehomou nn;ned will agt as agents for the receipt of the money de posittciims lranfmiuion to the lPoslmuter-Gononf:“aud furl‘ the payment b{)otho Postmasterâ€"General of money withdrawn by Depositors. 6. Kach Depositor will be supplied with a Pass Book, and theâ€"sums paid in, or withdrawn, will be entered therein by the Postmaster receiving or paying the same. . In addition, a direct receipt for cach awount paid in, will be sent to the Depositor from the Postmasterâ€"General, and the Postmasterâ€" (General will issue a cheque, pafylble at any Post Oflice Savings Banvk desired, for any sum withâ€" drawn. 7. Every Depositor‘s acouunt will thus be kept with: the Posimasterâ€"General, and a Depositor may pay into his or her account with the Post Office Navings Lank, at any ot the Savings Bank Post Ofices which at thetime may best suit his conveniâ€" ence, and may exerciso the same choice in drawâ€" ing out money, subject only to the ebligation of proâ€" ducing the Paes Book, in proof of identityâ€"whenâ€" ever paying in or drawing out money. F 8. Interest at the rate of 4 . cent. per annum will be allowed on deposits lying in the ordinary deposit accounts, but when a Depositor has $100 deposited, ho or she may request the Postmasterâ€" General to transfer this sum to a special account, and will then receive a Cortifisate of such special $100 deposit, bearing interest at 5 per cent. per annum, Quebes PaKis: iss...scaccecccssesscusts BDHRRE Pembfoke .................... Renfrow POPltv+v++ + reree recrverecessesesLO@EREK Peterboro‘ ....................Peterbero" Pic on . ......... ..............Prince Edward Point St. Charles .‘.........Ju;nu Cartior Port Hope ....;...............Durham F4 Prescott ........................Grenville _ 9. Postmastors are forbidden by law to disclose the name of any Dorotim, or the amount of any gum deposited or withdrawa. _ _ Oil Sprin Ornngcnfi'o Oshawa ..... Ottawa.. .... "TO. Nocharge will be made to Depositors on pay â€" ing in, or drawing out money, nor ‘for smuge on communications with the Postmasterâ€"General in relation thereto. ; 2 Napanee .... Niagara ... Norwich .... Oakville 11. The Postmasterâ€"General will be always ready.to receive and attend to all applications, compiaints, or other communications addressed to him by Depositors or others, relative to Post Oflice Savings Bank matters. _ etpSnt l Levis ... Lindsay London. Montreal Ottaws, March 17 _ 12. An additional number of Post Offices will be authorized to act as Savings Bank agencies on the 1st July next : Carletop Place Cayugh.......... Chatham, West gz‘ellu.......... AW& ... Clirfizn Cobourg .......... Collingwood ... Cornwall.. ...... Gananoque ... Georgetown.... Iamilton .......... Hawkesbury ..... l[E“M l. emptville ........ KingstoN .........«« Almonte 4s...... Arnprior......... AUPOF® 2s .00A +« Aylmer, East . Barrig......... Bolleville .... Borlin 1...... Berthier ...... Bewmanville gndford‘ rn.m;km Brantford ..... Brighton ..... Brockville .... Brooklin....... Buckingham. Danville vandas Elota Fergus Galt Georgetown........... ...... Halton Goderich ..................... Huron Guelph ........................ Wollington Ingersol! . Dissolction of Partnership. AMERICAN NATUER POBT OFFICE MoKJ;NZIE & MACKAY, _ Agents for Canada. THEY ARB Tus ‘They Do‘t Freeze, .. ... «... Wentworth ......... Prescott ........Oxford ....... Wellington ‘.......Onurism .......Carleton ......Lincoln ......Oxfordâ€" A. CAMPBELL, .....Lanark ... Haidimand .....Kent ......Ottawa .... Welland ... .Northamberland ....Simcoe .... Stormont 1+ $ 2e A. K. MILLS. .. Poterboro‘ ..Greuvilie ..Frontenac ..Bimeos .. Hastings .. Waterioo .Berthier .. Durham ..Simeos ..Poel .Victoria Richmond . Wentworth «Wellington Brant Northumberland W aterloo Hochelage Ottawa* Ontario Otta w a Renfrow York Lanark Wellington P ‘ostmasterâ€"Genera L s, Prov. of Que: CovNTy rAL ,. PARLIAMENT HAIRDRESSINLâ€" 8$ALOON | Hairdresser by Appointment to His Excelâ€" lency the Governerâ€"Ganeral, HAS REMOVED HIS PARLIAMENT HAIR DRESSING SALOON from the old stand to his new and commodions room over the Mllo RICHARD wili open a Private Srst.class BOARDING HOUSE, Corner of BUSSEX and CLARENCEâ€"STS., over Mr. Martiâ€" neau‘s Dry Goods Store, on the 1st March. Parâ€" ties 'ilhl:g quiet, Wd, comfortable board, with good aitendance, will piease apply and secure Breakfast at 8 and 10 a. m. ; Lunch at l p. m.; apd Dinner at 6 p. m. . Ottawa, March 18, 1868. 650â€"3m Qttawa, Jan. 28, 1868 A splendid CHICKERING, only a few months in use, FORSALE CHEAP, the proprietor having gone to Engnd. RAs~Old Pianofortes taken in exchange. 25, Sparksestrect, bign of the Golden Lyre. LONDON MUSIC STORE, on Elginâ€"st., op‘podlo the Russell fouse, which he has fited up in the inost recherche style of the business, and wfioro his l{our{‘umr Brush,which he mosomd expressly for himself, being the first introduced into British America, will bo ko{)t ready for use. The saloon is delighttully ventilated, and very pleasantly situated.> Seooae OYsTERSs & HADDIES ! Mr. MILES would take this o“ortunity of roâ€" turning his most sincere thanks to his many friends and the public, for their kind and generous patronâ€" age to him, during a number of years, in his old establishment, and trusts that by unremitting atâ€" tention to business, and in his new and firstâ€"class #alodn, with polite and attentive workmen, to merit » continuance of their favors. j s That kave ewer been ofered for sale in Ottawa., These instruments were carfally selected by Mr. Nordheimer from the factories. All kinds of Hair Watch Guards, Finger Rings, &c,, manufactured to order, _ For the convenience g‘ Iadies orders will be received at the London usic store, where a fine and varied assortment of Hairâ€"work will be found. etal 4 M woOD.No.3#, on RIDEAU STREET, has been refitted by the subscribers, and will be opened on MONXNDAY, FOUKTEENTH OCTOBER, with an entire new stock of F NE Store forimerly occupied by W. of THIS Company having established at Montreal their General Agency for the Doâ€" minion of Canada, is now prepared to offer to he public an article in Superior to anything of the kind ever imported into the country, and pledge their long established character that the article now offered is the pure leaf from the + Tobacco Company, Steinway, Chickering and Danham PIANOFORTES January 27, 1868 Virgia Hill Tops of Virginia. vik: The The " Prince of Wales," in 1 & 2 1b bis $1.00 per lb + «Dominion Favorite" 1 & } «e © 0 75. * w us &'.‘-y." * 142 «o ®# 0.850 6 The prices are x®t casitin Montreal, and orders |accompanied by remittance] for 5 lbs and up wards will receive prompt attention. â€" The tobacco will be forwarded to any address, by express or otherwise, as parties mayâ€"direct. Please addres: f ‘ Price Lists, and every information, on applicaâ€" tion, or sent to any address. WINE VAULTS AND OFFICE, A No. 11, Metcalfoâ€"street, ‘# _ Telegraph Co.‘s Building, Oltawa . Orders by mail with cash or city reference soliciâ€" ted and promptly attended to. No charge for deâ€" livery in the city. A disccuntto persons buying in quantity or by the original package, Inspection invited. SsMOKING TOBACcCO ! Goods most confidently recommended, and may be as implicitly relied upon for perfect purity as if purchased in thelargest wholesalo establisb ment in the country. . _ P § 5 3. Montreal Dec. 4 1867 _ Also, in wood or bottle, old and new Brandies, Rums, Gins, Old Tom Gins, Irish, Scotch, and Caâ€" nadian Whiskeys of Standard Brands., _ c Clarets, Chm’:g:‘nu, Hocks, Carsons, Marachiâ€" no, Chartrouse, KRoyal Italian Bitters, &c., 4n great variety: 3 mbiem' and Guiness‘ Porter, Bass‘ and Allâ€" sopp‘s Ales, t‘uuu and pints. Cavadian Ale of Buporivr Quality, in Wood and Bottle. h $1.30 per Gallon, 84.50 per Dozen» Especial attention called to the above Winc. . Fa superior to all common sherries, its chief recommenâ€" dation is that it a'gfoel perfectly well with persons who cannot take those wines, even of a high class. It is soft and old, free from heat, or the slightest approach to acidity, while its very moderate price recommends it for all large entertainments, as well asfor the luncheon, dinner and supper table. It has met with the hi"hnt approval (fom the medical gentlemen of this city, _ e No. 1 WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, RICOMMEND! and Gnuarantees with confidence the following Wines ;â€"â€"â€" PORTSâ€"Graham‘s, Sandeman‘s, Fotrester‘s, Masden‘s, &c. : "# 2 «* â€" semmmee «. & 00 _ 8 T5 408 , (Miloocmsssecscmsmssensisrmmmmmcm. & L0 10 00 450 4 BUpOTIOT Old..s.ssss2ssssâ€"000000... 4 50: 12 50 "** b . Very fint Old:â€"...sscc.sscâ€"ssssccs« 5 T0 15 50 SHERR;’ WINEâ€"Domicq‘s, Capdepons, Poâ€" martin‘s, Cumg Suter‘s, &c.: No. 1 Light trble Wine.................$2 00 6 00 * 2 Buperior do....................in. 3 00 8 15 **. AF: VORY CDONOBevcasscrsscsscseseâ€" iss .. & DD â€" 10 00 ** 4 ‘ Very Superior..................... 4 50 12 50 160 B NORY MIG : cererrrmenienccmccccevecss B B0 ~ID 0P CG BROGOCERCRARLI!®, LIQuUOCRS aAND TT AFBRD W .AE E. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE METCALFEâ€"STREET, Telegraph Company‘s Building, Ottawa, ()::awa, Oetober 3 1867 26 Oltawa,October 12, 1867 The different brands ani prices are as follows PIANOFORTES ,! Marsala Wine, ary 27 Y THE SUCBSCRIBERS®, FPOR SA LE EG to intimate that they have on hand one of the FINRST COLLECTIONS NEW STORE Messrs. Orme & Son K: ABRNQOILD1, INSPECTION INYITED Gcod sound Wine DANVILLE, VIRGINIA RECEIVED WEEKLY. DALGLISH & RUSSELL, Uppor Town. \ _ F. W, HENSHAW, tien, gent Dominion of Canada, 10 St. Sacramentâ€"st., / Montreal, c. 4 1867. 607â€"4m ROANOKE wOooOD & ROSsI1ER $2 00 . 8 00 . 3 50 . 4 50 553â€"3%y $2 00 3 00 3 50 4 50 , 5 50 Gall, Per Doz 651y 8 15 10 00 12 50 15 00 535y §1â€" HARDWAREDBWNTH & ugpp PRICE OF HARDWARE A SKIFF, thirteen feet cight inches in length, built during last summer by Mr. Robert Reynardson, the celebrated boatâ€"builder, ig Toronto. With it are two oars, a paddle, sail and cushions. Also, a strongly tuilt BOAT BOUSE, cedar sleepers, built lato last summer, and capable of.containing two large boats, A Well has been constructed therein for the convenience of bathing. Apply to Mr. W. McLEOD MAINGY, SIGN of the ANVIL 0! AND FROX THE | First day of February1868"| s C AM P :1 Bills and Promissory Notes, To be used in the Dominion of Canada by the va.â€" rious persons entrusted with the distribution there. of, wiil have to be addressed to this s * THOE: WORTHINGTON, THE Undersigned would take this op= rortunity to express his thanks to his Custoâ€" mers in Ottawas and vicinity for their very liberal patronage in the past, and to solicit a continuanse of their Javors in the future, and to assure them that no effort on his part shall be wanting to supâ€" ply them with the Best and Cheapest English ard American Hardware. I.do not pretend to v““ at cost, but do propose to sell as cheap as anyWother esubli:x:ent in Ontario. My stock shall comâ€" prise evety article in the line of Hardware, ard with the one price system I hopeâ€"to merit and receive a continuance of the very liberal patronage given me in the past. + T. BIRKETT, Sign of the Anvil, 24 Kideauâ€"st. Ottawa, Feb. 3. 408y at New Edinburgh. ho Neow ldh:g March 98, 1808 March 6, 1868 To be delivered in MONTREAL in May . or June 30,000 Ft. Hickory. Ol'lhe recommendation of the Homore able the Minister o7 Customs, and under and in virtue of the authority given and conferred by the Act passed during l{o present Session â€"of the Logislature, entitled: « An Act re-recling the Customs," His Excellericy in Council has been pleased to make the following Regulation ; â€" « In addition to the 30,000 FEET WHITE ASH, Mentioned in the Act passed during the present Session of the Parliament of Canada, and intituled, " An Act rug_oain‘ the Customs ;" and also in adâ€" dition to the Ports named in a list sanctioned by an Order of J1s Excellency the Goveâ€"norâ€"General in Council, of the 24th December, 1867, passed under the suthority of the said Act, the following Ports be included in the List of Warehousing Ports in the Dominion, viz. :â€" = . o it "e Atcaiveo Folt e 30,000 Feet of Rock:Elm, HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNXORâ€"GEN ' * ERAL IN COUNCIL | . We speak from experience in this matter, havin tested ;r:lom-‘hly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it :s .ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" e umthn‘ efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing discases for which it 1# reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing l.hotaflnri:‘ pains of Rheumatism, and in ro ioving Nervous Affections, entitle it to ® high rank a the list of Remedies for these complaints, ers coming in from Medicine Dealers in all parts orK: country for further nrplhl, and each testifying as to the universal satisfaction it gives. _ _ Sol by Geo. Mortimer, John. Koberts, W M Massey, H. F. McCarthy, J. Skinper, and J Brown, in Ottawa. _ __. * 2 . HAI{D\VAI{E I Great Reduction PORT OF GANANOQUE, 6+ NEWCASTLE. de, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, . . Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowe! &-;yl.lnu. Burns, Scalds, rost Bites, &c., &c. Tnn CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER 1JA now beenm before the public for s length ot time, and whenover used is well liked, nover tailing in a single instance to i'" permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single om?&hfll#w&u&ofin«dunnnpmâ€" owed ; on ,all are delightâ€" :: with its ?nfinu. and opuz in the hix: terms of its virtues and magical eGocts. TAKE NOTICE that the partnership heretofore nmlnfi between us, the underâ€" ulfnod COLIN McLAURIN and GEORGE IRâ€" v N.hll BALOON KEEPER®, was this day disâ€" soly “x mutual consent, and that the debts due from payable to the said. coâ€"partnership will be tsldnd received by the uis GEORGE IRâ€" VINE, and that the said business will in future be carried on by the said GEORGE IRVINE. IS?S‘.“d at Ottawa, the thirdâ€"day of March, A, D., , _ COLIN MoLAURIN, GEORGE IRVINE. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmediate relief. All Medicine Denlers h-r i I"h&mnm orderand use it; and no fami‘y will without it after once trying it. * PORT OF HORTON Witnessâ€"THOS. W ATTS. Notary Publicâ€"T. W. WATT3 CANADIAN PAIN @EsTRCIE mong the most important of modern Medical Vis coveries stands the WAREHOUSINC PORTS GovERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA Address, 655tf _ For the Minister of Inland Revenue Ottawa Nov. 1. 1867 PROVINCE OF NOVA sCOTIA. 686â€"tt Price twentyâ€"five cents per bottle No. 24, Rideauâ€"strecet. FOR SALE. TENDERS & PROVINCE OF OXTARIO. ALL REQUISITIONS FOR 1} to 4 inches, 12 to 16 feet. 14 to 4 inches, 12 to 16 fset 1j to 4 inches, 12 to 16 feet. Thursday, Fifth day of March Cae#: NWotice. NORTHROP & LYMAXN, Newcastle, C. W., .~ _ General Agents for C. W W M. . LEE, Prgsext AT THE THE Clerk Privy Council M. MULLLN, Canal Basin. 634b Tydw 698if 6831( Successors to Chas, ( No. 25, lHlide Pliumbers, Gas & Steam Fit . Tin & Coppe Ee Na» Imaorters ailâ€"Doskys; ; : NV BH:rap Cooking Stov Doubleâ€"Stove Parlor Stove: HMall Stoves, _ Orde tention | ging ; HMugh Zurnor | ailments; Wn W at | man and animal l Davidson, emallâ€"po Ottawaâ€"W . R. C 1 Hannum, X. Loca® TAE TIMES is Tas Orrwa T Uur stock of BOOTS and SHOES, IJ:.“; SHOE FLNDIXGS, TRUNKS, W sequently be very large and most 4 department, and we most ur‘l'”' & tinuance of favore, to merit w ich 0-'" m"l'l'mthb‘ as usual to provide the best sell at the lowest remune T iries, 7 n i in * * bo nhnmpien s ; ‘3 Remem‘b . he placeâ€"" HoweW‘s rocery. April 27. t § the Lea remiscs in $8989 AlMHnns Uhemomestn me our busi ity, thovholool:::w:l?oonxtho l’-c of Meay * * our Etore in * ._ No. 10 Rideaust _ EVEI PRICE TWEXTYâ€"FivE CRMM Botd »i’ Geo. Mortimer, John Rebtt Massey, Henry E. MceCarthy J. Skinn#t Brown, in Ottawa. > # sds HOCOWES Boot and Shoe Store g from the airâ€"celis the 602 Pmd :fu.mfion which umqm â€"l= a difficu‘ty in breathing, and by seticn on s diseased part, causing the ma00u8 -ahnll. ‘tesume its natural damn-u-.t--‘:\“" cireulation of the blood, und restoring distended vessels to their natural size ; by its use the ‘”.’ ‘cpdiu is, improved, all derangements per n ing To Int ceel a slook annd -r‘“ to the coat a sleek an *D. $y . HUBD, Successor to Hwre : l.i: Lane, New York, Sole Proprietor for the States. f \ _.‘JOBT“RO’I‘.’& l.!mc." l)l!ol(‘E.h'ioll KELLOC ing Vegetable Compound of time. Corns, by paring ang several weeks. The nerve of 4 quisted by an mpplication for a time. . It acts as magic on borse and also on all otherâ€"beasia. No without it, as there whil be no when used in equncetion with None: genuine without the signat Sole Proprietor IL J. KELLOG,| 'l\llE PUBLIC are reques TRAVEL ON THE 10E in CANAL, as the water i« about to BENJ AMIN HUCK ELL, of the «. Ogate, in the County of Cur!dzh" Defeadant . n PON the application of theabovensm« U ed Plaintiff, f do n»rder that & q" Creditors of the above named Defendas be beld before me at my Chambers in the Ma- the City of Uitawa, on TUEsDAY, the o n&r day of MARCIH, A. D., 1868, at the bes of TW ELV E o‘clock, noon, tor the m“ ing their adviceâ€"upon the ntpointw wl w8 cial Assignee, nhtice of such meeting to br by publication of this order for two week to Canada Gazdt», and also in the Tone ©e@iift published at Oitaw a. * Dated this 12th day of March, A. D. 18 _ (Signed) °_ CIMR. ARMSTRONG . All mate, antly on } for repair Otta wa DALLuEY‘> Arabian Heave Remedt AND CONDITION MEDICURE > l. POSITIVELY IlZi‘EBIO. -fl H or all other proparations for the oure of $898 ‘Bold by es l:l by W. He 'l\lll: LADIES of the above wamed the stitution intend holding a BAZAAR duting the month of MAY NEXT, Chatitable pers who wish to contribute to thisgood work, #m 1 pectfully requested to send their contributignt» any of the following ladies : The St. Patrick‘s Urphan Asylom, In the (‘m#y Court ‘of the County d% JOHN ROCHESTER, the y . Township of K?un. in the (.::'“ ton, Brower,â€"Plaintifi. % * VÂ¥ e €. K ‘)llOl"lcl'i('lt o of Piano, Voico at § of Piano, Voice and Jark, Téacher of Drawing Mooms and Residence, O‘ laterâ€"street, Contre Town. Drders may be leftat his n‘s Music Store. : Ottawas, Nov. 1, 18 7 Mis. WM. O‘MEARA, . _ & «_ CALDWELL, «* :rrmm’n’. . o «« DW IN, . + «> J. W. RYAN, * F. X. LEMIEUX, _ Miss BASQ CERVILLE, ~ Mies MCCAKTMY:; * _ > . The fufl::ini.l'uli:l h.'.'l‘kw reside at reshment ‘Tal * lu.lgltmo;l. Mrs. Barroit. *) T oR It cleanses the breathing apparatus, by 1€80® Uitawa. Jine 36 h67 Just r 1NG CONPAXT, Centre Tow Managing D Editor® PianoForte ‘Tuition! W . C. CLALCB, . a, Feb. 1 €90td Insolvent Act of 1864 R E »m o v / BAZA ATF irch NOTICE. arD MAR.IANNE MoCARTHY, 18 printed ad" mzse Posm®® t the ofice, _ otews. 1 aro requesied XOT To J, Skinzuer, and other drng MUSLIC and Teahe 1 Harmovy. Alse, Nn A M D W A l"“‘em Ave® ang poblished Â¥ Dp(‘n-‘m xl:lge'.’ t.. ar UsSpmp kennedy,J. M, 1. 60 sn ANP Life J» ware, h_ work for W, norkfritee ainting. ble lymph, 4 $77dw6e C# Kept 600. *C * DOkuey urversal ony ediate ralie‘ the MIDEAF be withdram SLATER, Supt, R.C Nlggimes . | ,h::.’ ® !*. and put at Ormeg 450y triat $10r +) u ooo r.\nl: gemneral. by railway, and Bangorade.. st. John, â€" Fime t day®. The Mail despat iains conpexion, W (Loternational Lin 8t. Jobn on Taesds ertise 18. \â€" A pvERTmIBEMENTE silowing rates : :.singes Cards of 1 numâ€"payable 4 w@an oTTPAw B., Clow l'hnl:o‘nbolu Loup to E \i:l': du “t e qu:b“. tooke this route should veut. Wor Halifax, N+ q uk DaAJLY A l_ enjoye ts Cak ublished in the Mails for the "â€"A7NTER yor steamer Chase, 4 p m, for Halitax, Munday. _ Koute of tranpmi m.M'ulh‘ vational Line), for n the following TI Leotters 5 conts y Leters, 40., are lNalifax by the lgm loâ€"s specially o md *X N. x Mallfn®s Â¥w wade up fot II *#Xoreâ€"For is closed every #1st Pobraary, April, and #o on ) New York, e« (':o l-‘:n Line, won an fax on fil&ql came mt Advertise Mn »e0+ wen in en 1 subsequent inse \'oul.{ advertiser nberal allowanct early #ubeori ption .. advance).=0â€" { not paid in adva early subscriptio® in advance) 3 conts each Post Oflice, Nova Scott Letiors 5 cenls j eut. dttaba PRINCE Matter for Prinse u 8t. John. 2 sents each uttawa, Feb. 20, u-a u{;l‘b.n loute of transm Letters 5 cents q ly over 2,000 ov .w*“ ,:‘,&u oute rding the bost ms v. du Petont Ri Letters 12} cent LAPIE "l"'olll Chancery, vrner of Russex Othaw®, r Ne@wfoundiand i 1* utd ahed every 18 PR we it a m im(:: $ ‘-I piawa, Jan. 1: tooms 3am ebruary 21, 1 « Post Ofice. _ Ofawa, July 1 obruary 7, 1 sad Rassell C‘sy November 14, numwa, F Orricr: 1n Shumry 97 A Ottawa, * P A B w Fobruary 7, VOL. MOsSGR A NC ESA AVUG 'Allll'l Balicitor 1 Jthee: Oppo anuary 17 DVOCAT . 1OR N I TTORNE Gemeral Adv A 8t 6t A 6t 18 1% NIGH EDW d in ady we Adve six€ AO® It G, LE NE W

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