Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 25 Mar 1868, p. 1

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above nasmed Noqg a SaAZAAR du T. Charitable per this good work, 10 Paware, +6 x 130, *# the title s of payme: t wil be m given on the bat of [’o‘o!.el & . ‘a had by applying to 4 torâ€"st.. 1+ the cits of nty \s aeulh ad fi:v‘::-rdn.* WHITE A W M O‘MEARA, A LDW KLL, c IREEVEY, . J. Skimner, t of 18§4. ts in Hove Pamig uce n« > the Anctio :'n.d'::m 1t Ns mms o# peyment can be bui on ap 3. J1%®® # never Kaen® TD o the . "reetions a10 pMy o 5 Ir Lruwax 4 Defendas#® n the Cour DAY, the T BCEAYT 3, herafore those wheo 48 upes its being.* i x rletom, of| g DIURS y 12 to 16 foet. of the abaven*** Iron Redsteg B.r\-c!o..' o a~‘1is Adl W.RY AN, m# * x.u’am BAsQq C KRV 80. i otber p OR 6Â¥ NNE MeCABTHY, m plaints. ere Tie nbhnll"‘"": «ad each testilying #* ~CZD, _ _ e I oothcb..y_‘ 27, situsted on the cb‘ou'gh‘. bouse on the y atnched. The Bu: rto.-fl'.“u n-.a.*.;’ We 6 x 130. sall the + . Hick biak m B bore Fire Guard of | grost i ed tpmwu.‘-. @ »gency ~~ utubl Life .l_i.i arg 'pt.“..‘_ Usexe ',';‘",’ Ageats uts . of Roek pepmemmmemn® 0 0 D0 cri®® A”""; 8 kis@ly ccntented tw C 4 r.btnu-d& ... ___ «BOYEE UA. gabiic for «leogth wel} liked, cover taslag RE AL in May or 4. Irath, Adtth is < I ~ f * | AW, Chancery and Conveyancing hs, Colde, Sore Thrms® J | l.Jo.n. Buildings, Elginâ€"st., it V# im m“ p e Post mw' “" “.: T s ,mry_._l." T lfi-a,_“’i_- s 3 489y _._ soweastle, C ollbot.‘audhll'fi es for which it 1+ ut guccess in subdu “..‘bnh to ahigh raak 4 . kEkrg A guarcsteo tiile qay , 12 to 16 feet. ontrary, all are dol o« § {vyo joal e4e0tk o . . Orphan As ihe younger, ef moders Medical is and 30 fami ra I‘Iu..-.. Je '.I'Il!'n.“. .:...m e i ide 12 to 1# fret Counte of Cariet® bae gover fuils to gi0k shed to in this mattofr, VEKD FPOR wC dn sElsoleA Pe en 20 _0 e Cour Hoes* 2 .Y. the TH‘RBVE 1968, «t the °" A tsR s Y een fuvered proprietor, G,. N. MULLLN, Canal Bagin. al Esta .zoree gs. _| | LAPIERRE & HAYCOCK, top « leogthst _‘TNIIII.-A'I'-I.AW. Solicitors=in= d, cever : | T Chancery, C.v:’noonuul Notaries Public, int cethed erner of Sussex and Yorkâ€"streets, Ottawa. kpown a sing! 1 Oitaws, February~26, 1867. 368y eries i“‘I-“t‘. ltg A. OWE . W _ Al wacere & laty on the Tydw Iy: # $911 ® are ard â€" Ottava Bailp Cincs, vrl general route of transmission is by railway, vic Moatreal, Danville Junetion, 12d Bangor, Me., whenee by stage to Calais and st. John. Time taken, at this season, usually four da f 4 ’R-Inil despatched, however, on Friday, obâ€" mins commexion with the Monday 3 &- steamer, (lm Line), from Portland, being due at 3t. Jobn on Tuesday.pin. _‘ ~ _ __ Â¥Wrom OTTAW Aâ€" Mails for St. JOHX, N. B., Cloked Daily, 18145, P. M. n + natp ie 4 d wl cadveradnhet tut +i w ie Halifax by the land route, via St. John le»« specially so addressed. " f For Woodstock, N. B« There is also .lrl-'fil; Mail from Riviere du Loup to Edmundston and codstock, leaving Kiâ€" viere da Loup every Tuesday, â€" Thursday, and Saturday n&: the arrival of the mail train from Quebec. intended for convey ance by this route should be specially addressed = Vi« Mails for the Maritime Provinces. WINTER ARRANGEMENT & pubtahedk in the UNaAWE mily over 2,000 : and ..n“.u.ldrfll“ 1 ”‘....n_ outstripping mu“-&fll- fo Post Office, Ottawn, Fob. 13, 1868. Nova Scotia, by 4 Inman * Steamer from New York. #Norzâ€"For Inman Steamer to Halifax a Mail is closed every alternate Friday, 12.45, p m, (/. * #ist February, 6th and 20th March, 3rd and 17th April, and so on ) Route of transmizsion is via New Yuk.nm:"‘&-n with the Steamer of the Inman Line, | h:“""‘. Mondays at Noon for “::‘4.. wise ifax, being due at tialiâ€" fax on the g Thursday. . Letters ?dxl robm:‘ this route mast be SPECLALâ€" Y 30 ADD D, with postage prepaid by made up for Halifax. « Letters 12} cents per half ounce. Newspapers : cents each. G. P. BAKER, Postmaster. rerti9@ 10. ApveatisezeNts are inserted in the Daily ollowing rates : 'mumlfiflib.“.l.'n an> cumâ€"payable in advance only, .. ........ g ans : Advertisements, first insertion per V ce dmrententeanaes Corierarcniagen ce vns ainige \|! subgequent insertidns, per Wiycccrex cxvece Yfi mw:y contracted w t allowance made. . > yearty sabscription to the daily (if paid in UfVMROW]eccevenceeercnenencrrn hn ced e nnan 4n ++** \ sarly subscription to the weekly (if paid 10 AdVAMOG) ... «cccccccceccerreernnng hn enn n 69 «ruawe. â€" To Wirutax® Mosor ove. Ortawa, Feb. 20, 1363. -lz;ba.;fi'fi:.' Newspapers 1 ent. Letters, &¢., are not forwarded from Oitawa to ‘“AI' PUBLIC for the Province 1 W of Quebee, HULL, near the Post Office. twmp, as follows "Aulters 124 cants por hat R. H. HAYCOCK, ‘mllI'-A‘l'- I.A":‘:ollepl‘i;_rnl: Chaneery, cnnynoot.-.! ry ic, .')vml; F. o a:)..aq Building, ghStmk.Ou:;; r‘.:'?-enh per haif OQrrice: Union Buildings, Ottawa. {sbruary 21, 1866. A" PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Watter for Prince Edward Istand is forwarded Ml-o“w im Iov&!linry mails v. du .‘.mmâ€"m S. M. Petengall & ., $4, Fark Row, New York, and _‘ State Street, sion, General Advertuwing Agent», are hgreby anthorâ€" d io recewe Adverbhsements for the Oriawa Tixzs \ml."-" «LAW, Solicitor Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., Sussex Street. AVGUSTUS KEEFER, BAuuzn and cnu-.y-:-u"’ Solicitor in Chancery, , &o. Jffice : Opposite Post olo:md- in the Looms MJ nen;d as the Customm Mouse. Ottawa, March 30. 87â€"f Published svery morning, Swndays excepel. ) wwE DAMLY AX6 WEEKLY TIMES Now . enjoys Tw® LARGEST CIRCULATION of any paper lished in the Ottawa Valleyâ€"issuing of the y over #,000 ; and Weekly over 4,000 i xing a total ciroulation in the week" of over .900 1 thus outstripping all competitors, and _ L._ . sha hest mediuus for business men to adâ€" ‘.',OCA?I, &es, 44, Little 8t. James Street, MONTRE A L. November 14, 1867. 599â€"6m Urrice: Aumond‘s Buildings, Rideay Street. Ataw®, Jan. 12, 1866. % 1 _ Â¥. 4. BUCKLEY. FaLB.y B‘“ml and Al':n‘v-u;-n-l..w a Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery , 321 *T > / Publhc x ,m.'m"'."‘ Mr. Lake Casaor s Beoct and Shoe Street, Ottawa, C. W . assary 17 1887. 334y wmam, C.E. C § BM Autends to all Law Courts in the District of Xtawa. P j Fobruary 7, 1366. f 43â€"ut Wtawa, February 7, 1866 Bmurll, Solicitor, Attorncy, and Notary Public, Clerk of the Poace and County ."." Attorney, for the United Counties of Prescott Orrio® : In the Court House, L/‘Orignal. anuary 77, |246. 34â€"6m MOSGROVE & TAILLON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, . &c. !_l“n-l.rwo‘n Buildings. Rideauâ€"street, LEES 4 GEMMELL, : BA RISTERS®, Attorneys, Solicitors, csm{:..n. &e. Orrice: Inthe Court House, Ottawa, C. W . Roszat Luxs. Joux J. Gruxeuc. _ D. O‘CONNOR, TTORNEYâ€"A T â€"LA W , 7.0M!ol' Mfi..,mv XOL. IL. NO T00 ARRISTER«ATâ€"L A W, Solicitor=)n= XRRISTER, Kic., for Lower Canada. Orrices : Court House, Aylmerard Buckingâ€" NICHOLAS® SPARKS, EDWARD T. DARTNELL, $ cents per 1867 i. J. WICKSTEED, G. J., ODONHERTY, NEW â€" BKUNSW ICK Xigal Cands. NEW FOUXDLAND J, F. BCULTOX, N. TETREAU, M. MeLEOD, nserted in the Daily at the ty contracted with, and ounce. . Newspapers Sundays excepted.) ounce. . Newspapers m fliuPP. Grero® Taniox 366â€"tf 334y t03â€"40y 3g6 00 €5 $1 00 1 50 00 00 §5â€" 4Jâ€"utf | 'A) E: T Caxorks C sew, but cer yees. . Refer gsated, if re: Ottawa, A l)ll\ S1CJAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Ofjce: funton‘s Block, Sparks Straet.. ql' RG E: x deauâ€"st. Residenceâ€" l)ll\'ll 1AN, Surgeon and Accouchene ] Ottawa} Day office opposite Magee & Russell‘s, | *parks St Conter Town; Night Qlice at bis | Residence, Maria Street, Conser Town. | )hreg. 1963 sumed busi wishesto ret and thc.'rub bestowed o1 and hopes® kindness to nago. â€" His the best the plied with t N. B.â€"Th ed and new! Ottawa, db dormiey i mhax l,BS'I‘l. tral Ot litawa, J l’fltl VA taws, C arior apartin Ottawa, D ar is alw ays Octawa, Fo aboveâ€"pam merous frie! reâ€"painced modious by strict to deserve e T ies MATILEWSFOLD STAXD, roRKâ€"STREET, ifislo! \ Stablis W‘L @. A. BUC W. IL SA Tnu IRSTeCLASS HOTEL has been reâ€"furgished and refiited throughout, and now combines all the roquisites of a firstâ€"class esta be lishment. Cerenl TNHE ALBION HOTEL : v FCHOLAS Street, Court«Hease A\enue; LÂ¥ ottaws, John Graham, Proprictor.‘ * This Houge is eonvenicuu& situated, and still mainâ€" tains its character as a FIRSTâ€"CLAS8 MOTEL Considerable additions have recently been made to the premis¢s, an«d it has been entirely repainted and :-:'M No pains will be spared to accommedate o O&IB SES to and from the cars and boats free of charge.! There is a FIRSTâ€"CLASS LIVERY * Streot Ottaw a, ;o}xm Ar s‘um.fi'i Ottawa P ment, 2 May 30 Htawa, J l ATE|McADAM®‘S, Commezcin‘! 120767) 4 Packenham. ‘The above Hotel, one of the oldest and best known in Pack m, has been leased by the undersigned and thorou l;l‘{‘:nrhulod and refitted for the sgt cial ion ofT:lu. THE TABLE â€"AND BAR will at alltimes furnished with the very best the market affords. * GOOD STABLTNG and a careful flostler always LÂ¥ posite Ottawa, C ~OoR x :, of _A Streets,) Otta w a Novemben 6. _ GoopD 8 inattenda: | JIDR. DORION, BHYSICRIAN, Surgean, and Acconcherr, Clarenc# Stroat, Otta 2x« tUVNRGE The "Q fratâ€"claes and rofu the choi delicacy 0 proprietor‘ ri;.- mod $ Boar M.% ty rdomget:\ Surg LVR o Me be main et T H E Ottawa, N Ottawa, Nov. 6, 1867 comfortab PR TOI THE Nlll TROTTER begs to announce that she has a fow Commodious Suites of i\pnulo ts to Let, handsomely and comfortably urn k Gentlepen attending the Session of Parliament will find) at the Toronto House most convenient q where the quiet of the private lmll= is with the usual attendance to be at FFLICE DA Â¥LME ATE ENTIET: Ofice, Sparksestrect, op= REVI h 1 TR A â€" blish TH Di sjotcls and 110 L BJ D is g h D Atouical Cards. f the public oa THURSDAY, 12th of The qubscriber having ‘again reâ€" ss in hig old stand as hotel.keeper, tm thnn‘n to his numerous friends c for the liberal patronage heretofore im, during the past seventeen years, y striet attention to business, and I1, to share a portiot of public"rum- rder w‘ll be al«eays supplied. with arket afford«. _ His Bar will be supâ€" s ‘-l of Liqnors and choicest Cigars. T. MATHEW 8, § Proprietor. house has been thoroughly renovat farnished. b ch 11, 1868. + C88tF r®=», with wit the «:o of the knife, by a | in, «peedy, and almost painless proâ€" es given to parties success(ully ired. ‘ The cure qw"d. il 14. 1Twâ€"140â€"1 | OUSE, Nocth Gower. Good and an attentive Hostler. , 1866. Svâ€"y T. Oiflee : T. OfMce! Susser Street, oves Campbell & Co.‘s, Grocers. nmunry 27, 18¢6. Biâ€"uti K. 0. C eLaurin & Geo.Irvine, Propric« hotel has been lately fitted up, and is ith every convenience which characâ€" ern hotol. ers taken at moderate rates. The stockel with Erst.class liquors. cle ‘ “B‘.‘lwy HOTII"3 HOTEL, MPBELL*3 HOTEL, Oriawa, The undersigned, proprictor of the Hotel, begs leave to uchn:int his nuâ€" and the travelling public, that he has newlyâ€"furnished throughout this comâ€" lishment, in the management of which ion to btuino:‘nd guests, he hopes uragement and 3u; m;t. JAMES B.& IN.M t , and for many conne wit ,Il-nfl'. Hotel ; "am« Street, Quebec UER, JOIIN MALTMAN o McADAM*S, Commezrcial Hotel, E-fi:;l,ou of the oldest and best known m, has been leased by the undersigned LIS STREET, HALLEAX, N. S. _ + GERS will find this long esta« and well known house ?. be the most and well concucted in the city. » 94 1887 622.6m lageo & Russell‘s tober 30, 1867. R, C K. Livery and General Meo. | Alfred Moses Holt, Jr., Prop‘tr. 21. 1865. 4y TE HOTEL, $Sparks Street, Ot= W. A few gentlomen can obtain supâ€" nts. 0. 20, 1865. 37 Mi. CHESLEY, over Mr. Garth*s Establish« Rideanâ€"st., Oitawa. BE OPEN for the accommoda« AMINION UOUSE ELLLNGTONâ€"STREET, VANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of alfe and Wellington Streots, opposito nce to the Government buiidings. EEX" comprises all the roq:':l.ml for a estau act. The House has been refitted hed lmonvqh«ll. The BAR contains Brands in W ines and Liquors, and every « soaron will be found on the tab‘c. The best efforts will be directed to the «omâ€" ests ana patrons. ,Game ote,.dail tâ€". of Dublin and Edinburgh. Y aud Consulting Office, Ri» noxt door to the St. Lawrence Hall. aly Street. . â€" §0iy )t C. LEGGO, RE HOUSE, OTTAWA er 23, 1867 EORGE HUTCHISON, 1ary ached to the Hotel. vembs: 37 OLIV El cumond‘s Block, A8. JOIINSTON‘S qUEEx" RESTAUPANT, MISS LOV ETTS â€" Y A‘TLLH I{OTlfJL METROPOLIT AN RUSSEKLL HOUSE, w, J. HENRY, of Kent *and Weliington= DUIGNAN‘s b. 25, 1968 NTLY LESLIK JONEs SPARKS STREET. wore cl NTO HOU S E, 13 M P. O‘MEARA, Prorrifto® . 2024 > i MARTIN, MARTEN ,. M.Dy, C.M , o. a Exanaso.) Residence, _ George Sparks Streets.Cca* Ridean Street, Otowa Wu@qon, JOHN MALTMAN aloons. PROPRIETORS Tht â€" N ly 4471 180y ai6y 5824 itf eB( i Just receivced a vory large varic‘y of English lair, Nail, Tooth and Shaving Brushes, Dressing Combs, Bath Sponges, Hand (Mirrors, Turkish Towels, Bath Brushes, Sponge Bags, Flesi®Gloves, English Toilet Soaps, Silver Top glnolling Bottles, | Dressing Cases, Lubin‘s Perfames, &c., &e., and a I complete stock of English and Foreign Drugs, | Chemicals and Patent Medicines, \Apothecaries Hall‘ Bruggists. MEDICAL HALL! Campbeli‘s Cough Lozonges, Campbell‘s Worim Pastilles, :.:Mn bell‘s Cherry Balsam, for colds, Campbell‘s Syr. IR»IQ. Tod. Quinine and Iron, Campbeti‘s Gran, E. Citrate of Magnesia, Campball‘s Gran, Ef. Seltzer Salt, . Campbell‘s Sen Salt, &e., &e. ‘The above are prepared by Kenneth, Campbell & Co., Medical Hall, opposite the Post Office, Lon- treal 'l\llls Valuable Medicine has the extra« ordinary property of immediately relieving Coughs, Colds, tloarseness, Difficulty of Breathing, Tightness in the Chest, &o., ke. It operates by dissolving the congealed phlegin, causing free exâ€" pectoration, and an agre@hble moistness of the skin, â€" Prepared only by GEONGE MORTIMER, Chemist gnd Druggist, 41, Sussex Street, Ottawa City. © Sold in bottles at 1s 3d and 2s 6d eack. Canadian Couch Emulsion. COMPOUNXND ANTIBILIOUS Colognes, Pomaies, Toilet \'iuflr, Rose Dentriâ€" fiee, for the Teeth and Gums. â€" Also oontntl{ on hand, Perfumes of all kinde, and Toilet requisites asually kept in a first.class establishmeny. A NEVER Failing Keimedy for.Coughs and Colds, Mortimer‘s Canadian Confil Emulâ€" sion. No family should be without a bottle. None genuine but from â€" G. MORTIMER, ht Chemist, 41, Sussexâ€"st. HORTIMEL The only sure re®edy that exists, Combining lelicious taste with amazing power. â€" Also The best of Confinouoa;;;:_l;;}m;e:i" Ottawa, Nov. 22, 1867. $96.6 Al’(“l’lo.‘ ROOMS, No. 36, Rideauns street, below Whyte‘s Stationery Store. The sale of Real Estate ut Auction or private sale rmmp'.ly attended to. Consignments received and immediate attention will be paid." Sales attended in any part of the city or country" 6097 HOLGATE, OLIVER & ANNABLE, ‘VIIOLES.\IfE Manufacturers of Bed= steads C>airs, &c., Chaudiore Island, Otâ€" :l)novl.\'m,u. LAND â€" SURVEYOR, Draughtsman, &c., gommlnlomd for Ud)pi! and Lowor Canada.) Oflice and residence, Glou cester, near Ottawa. Surveys of ov::{ dmrlg:lu srecuted with accuracy. | Communications ad ed Ottawa \City, (postâ€"paid), or left at the oftfice of N. Sparks, Solicitor, .Tc., Ottawa, will raceive prompt a‘tention. * â€" Ottawa, February 21,1866. 55â€" grand Specidc for derangement ef the digestive gans, nm'rror obstructions and torpid ..,f-.": of e Liver and Bowel«. Ott awa COMHIBIION and Exchange Broker, and Insurance Agent, Sparksâ€"street, opposite Magee & Russeli‘s, Ottawa, C. W. Ottawa, March 25. _‘ 301y NOXE OTHER GENUINE! ary Store HET SCY The sale of eal Fstate at Auction or Private Sale promptly attended to. , Consignments received for it‘ve sale. Partics wishing to purchase Real E:‘utn will receive all information FREE OF CHARGE by calling at the oftice. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. 1â€"y Sure Cure for Sore, Wesk and Inflamed Eyes Stroet. Ottawa, March 20, 1866 B A UCTION Rooms, No. 19, Sparks Street, Centre Town, Ottawa, opposite Hope‘s Stationâ€" Cnx'l‘lt ACTOR and Builder. Office : North side Y ork street, second door from Sussex Teacher Pianoâ€"Forte, Violin, &¢ THOROUGH BASS. AYLMER, C. L vmn-s orrtiwa TUVEsDoays AND Ord":sllD;t\YtS Union H ill be ally at e 0 us » atâ€" “‘d.dm.e a !Iln n e wi punctuall 7 Ottawa, July 26. 187 _ CO.\I.‘IISSION Merchant and General Agent. Sole agent for Read‘s Highwines and Proof %‘.’h'uley ; also, Dawo«‘" Lachine Ales and Porter. Pork, l'!lgnr, &c., for sale. k C ESm eE mm n PR e Orrice: No. 5, Sparks Street, near the Russell House, Ottawa city, C. W. aof i+ y B. BILLINGS, Jr., * "ucurrzc‘r. Elginestreet, opposite the Post Office. T RersEarxcrs.â€"IH ASims, Esq, Architect, Philaâ€" delphia ; Thos Fuller, Esq, ‘Architect, Albany ; Dr J A Grant, M P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, Esq, Managing Director 0 & P R W 612â€"6m O‘CONNOR & WALLER, E!CIIAN’GE Brokers, Fire, Life and Ac= cidental Insurance, Commission and Collectâ€" ing Agonts. Oflice, No. 27, Sussexâ€"streot, Ottawa. ®. ®. 0°‘CONNOR, w. l._!_u.l.u. March 9 No. 41, SUSSEX sSTREET, YORTHMER, â€"0â€" .0 PROPR Tl WA N A AND FAMILY APERIENT PILLS 506v pect CAMPIORATED EYEâ€"WATER, J,. P. MACPHERSON, ARRISTER, &c., Ottawa. . Office Lang‘s Buildinglwlmiu Post Oflice kwa, March 10, 1866. 10â€" c'.':?fi?ix’-‘;i;, &c., Chaudiere Island, Otâ€" w WILLIAM uo&mu. JOHN OLIVER, ° . 28 Sparksâ€"strect. L. B. TACKABERRYV‘S F) March 16, 1868 d( EO U NFID, cles Atiscellancous. Family and Dispensing Chemist, Medical Hall, 28, Sparksâ€"st. JOHN®MERCER, L. SPARKS, MORTIMER‘S IL McLEAN‘S MORTIMELRS IL. MoGREEV\, /. W. HEARN, Market Drug Store, | Yorkâ€"street W. M. MASSEY, MceKINNON, L}:TICAL Instruments ‘lectroâ€"Magnetic and Gal anie Apparatus, Photogra 1.i6 Chemicals, &e. a CHRISTIE, for all Sichts, WIL WORM DESTROYER, IAM ANNABLE REQGISTERI PROPRIETOR J3 412y OTrrAWwA, wEDNESDAY. MARCH 378y RED 10â€"3 18â€"7y THE NEW DOMINION! Ottawa, Pebruary 6, 1863 Do you want Hats or Caps, Furs or Blankets, Boots or‘ Shoes, Moceasins or Mittens? Visit the New Dominion. _ I\ will prove to your advantage, From top to too a perfect outfit guaranteed, by ACCUMULATED PREMIUMS OVER, ANNUAL INCOME OVER, â€" - COME TO THE NEW DOMINION ! Has just been opered on the premises, with FIRSTâ€"CLASS WORKMEN, under ment of a FIRSTâ€"CLASS FASHIONABLE CUTTER, MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO‘N. Duncan Macdorald, Esq. George Winks, Exq. W H Hingston, Esq, M D, LR C 8. Soutcrroasâ€"Mesers Roso & Ritchie, | Air.mn it Aopvistrâ€"W IL Illni-ton, Esq, M D. The ontlnrronu,onhll old and long established socicty belong to tha policy holders, who are ) tected from all liability by the Ceed of settlement, ; * Annuities and endowments granted on advantageous terms, % A@vances made on gpg)r.ond security in connection with Life Policies. Every information to be had on: application to any of the Sneleti'l .tfenu i . Canada, or to T W GRIFRITH, Monager and Necretary, Head Office for the Dominion of Canadaâ€"Corner 8t Frauncois Xavierâ€"stree . ‘ontros}, P weg. Agonts wanted in unrepresented districts thrnfihwt Canada. EIL Mc.. *~NON, 589â€"6m 7 ; . Agent for Qttamea, Established with the Nation, Ist July, 1867. STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODSI A_ New ‘Pailoring â€"EHstalbliszshment! Etna Fire and Marine Insurance Co CaDita] j esc sns es Annual [ncome Nearlyâ€" NEAD OFFICEâ€"Upper Sackvilleâ€"street, Dublin, Ireland ; CIHIEE OFFLIOE, INGLANDâ€"1i and 18 Corn Mill, London; CHIERF OFFICE, SCOTLANDâ€"93 Georgeâ€"st., Edinburgh ; ak DIRECTORS. . Joha Obins Woodhouse, eq, 42 Pembroke Road, Dublin ; Omeath Park, Co Louth ; Portadown, Co Armagh; Kerry Keel, Co Armagh and Downâ€" Chairman. o on sn nat e m w e ind Robert Craven Wade, Esq, Conebraney, Crossâ€" keale, Co Meath, and Sackvilie Street Club, Dabâ€" lin, J P for Counties Meath and Wickiowâ€"Director Scottish Amicable Lite Office. __ _ Ch:flu‘ ao:;E "Dl;i;n;._i:iii‘unon-hn'. S!eglun- street and Georgeâ€"street, blin Churehtewn Lodge, Dundrom, Co Dublinâ€"Director Commercial Gas Company. Lh cid on cAolh Aivtstedidia‘ /9 CCC MODERATE PREMIUMS. ‘The company do not advocate high premiums, but rates will be charged according as the nature of the risk. â€" Losses will be promptly and fully met on nl&nmm. Louu‘.by li‘hmln“ and lo.t. or damage by explosion of gas within the premises insured made good. JOHN INNIS, £3Q, Manager., N Bâ€"The above company have invested in Canadian Government Bonds, in conformity ‘with the Provincial Act, and have obtained the liconse of the Minister ot Finance to do business in Canada, and are now prepared to take risks, T. W.GRIFFiTH, Manager for Canada, Head Oflice for the Dominionâ€"Corner of St Francois Xavier and 8t Sacramentâ€"streets, Montrea‘, Agents wanted in unrepresented districts throughout Canada., 589â€"6m NEIL McKINNON, Agent for Ottawa. STOVES. â€" STOVES. â€" STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. © CAPITAL" 35, H. sTOVE sUSSEX MEADoWs DEPOT ! St. j & CO. wb ow pERONES :A NOURMIE T O Cniopareee c i 1 o conc e oT l 1 varied assortmen teve: shown in Odawa. ' cooKING sTovEs. COOKING sToVEs. cooKING sTrovEs. cookKI®G sTOVESs. cooKING sToVEs. couKINXG sTOYVEs. pas Our stock of the above comprizes the latest improvem 4 ovEN sToOVESs. BOX AND HALL STOVES. BOX s BOX AND HALL STOVES. BOX BOX AND HALL STOVES. BOX Zeit~ Suilable for private Dwellings and Churches, W arch PARLOR STOVES. PARLOR sTOVES, PARLOR STOVES. PARLOR STOVES w A Ft TOVES. PARLOR STOYVES. PAR TOVES. PFARLOR 9 207 MID* beffoinabdrnbuficbalic it tuth ds we. 3°" aund most beautiful designs, very cheap. CcoaTtT SsTovEs. PARLOR GRATES. Hot Air Furnaces. 4 eontinu d ion of TIN, SHEET IRON, and COPPER WA K?YS.S::"IBOI Pl.l’w&m‘:l‘dnmrl‘lg’f.a' E:c npt-' Also all kinds of outâ€"door Job Work in our li ?Wd to by competent and experionced Mechanies. Country Merchants supplied with Stovepip &0,, at reduced rates. + 3 o s . ‘ e e # Panberment Suppliess | Ininbermen‘s Supplies! _ Snanty Plates! â€" Basins ! _ Camp Ketles, § Otawa, Qetober 2,1867 W3E Viscount Kirkaldio Jubn Ledger, Esq Gcor‘;o Ashlin, Esg W W Duffield, Esq J W Egertongreen. E George T Harris, Esq John James, Esq Messrs Hooke & Street, 27 Ll‘ooln'l Inn Fields. VMesars (hm: & Veley, Chelmsford. 1 l qed EDW ARD BUTLER} Aeerctar Canada Branchâ€"Montreal. 5 / ‘BOARD OF DIRECTORS. b W alter Shanly, Esq, MP, Chairman. * 1. Bird Cages ! lsivd Cagex Price sent free on application. w art of & Stove sold by us can be raplased when br would do well to note. An inspection of the ahove good* invited at the a Eon ax‘s enmer‘a E have received our f«ll and Winter Stock of STOVES3, STOVE PIPE3, ELBOWS, DUAB STIVES, TLA W ARE and LUMBERMEN‘S SUPPLLES, which we ofer Wholosale or Retsil prices. In Cooking, l‘“'!"":-“}‘i‘ and Hall Stoves,for woed or coal, we have the largest and most William Jeacon 46. SUSSEXâ€"STREET. 47. CHIEE OFNUCEâ€"T1, King Williamstreet, Mansion Iouse, LONDON 4 Devid Richardson Goodlate, Esq Merchant. 3 > FEATURES, A division ot profits every three years .w‘llgh'i__o‘rlo'fl xr-lieiu who have no losses Suits made to order, and Wartanted to sui, At every price, Tried by the People, Nobly sustained, Lon«# may it flourish The Number of Sharcholders exceed Five Hundred. KE.S» COOKING sTOVES. coonmrIng srovEs. ‘E®. cookKI®G sTOVEs. COo0kKING sToOvEs rEs. CouUKINXG sTOYVES. COoKIxG srovEs. of the above comprizes the latest improvements in both ELEVATED and LOW + ovEN sTovESs. And you will find a larg * MEDICAL OFFICEKS. J W Ogle, Esq, MD _ | _ 11 F Smith, Esq, MD BAXNXKS. . ; WITOLESALE AND RETAIL, _ AS CHEAP â€"AS THE CHEA!ST AS GOOD AS THE BEST, ESTABLISEHED 1840. * \8(, Co, Birchin Lane, Messrs Sparrow, Tufnell & Co, Chelmsford. The London and County Bank. R@RS1Iâ€"I ANTCIS bermen‘s Supplies! Snanty Plates! < Basins ! Cas T â€" HOoUSERURNISHING .'/6'0("”3;'! asins ! _ Camp Ketiles, §¢ DIRECTORS. Juhn W Lay, Esq John Ledio'r. Esq J Oxlyparker, Es Wiiliam Phelps, (i:.iq n Pike, Eeq ward White, Eaq JAMES HIGGINSON, Proprietor 4 659if sOLICITORS TR Bird Cage®s CAPITAL®" STOVE DEPOT, USTEES and vavied assortment ot \| _ Robert Oln;li Hurly, Eu‘. Bridgo House and \ Glenduff, (ralee ; J P for Co Kerry. John William Gregg, Esq, Aiderman, Mcrchant, 18 Upper Sackvilleâ€"street, Dablinâ€"Vice Ohairâ€" man. Irwine Smith Whitty, Esq, 6 Wellington Koad, Dublinâ€"Director Government Prisons, i _ Bernard Coyne, Keq, 27 Waterice Road, Dublin, 4 Â¥, 0CB Mayin :s n n Sn ie i dn strgs e = V;'og'ryfil;rtin. Esg, 2 Clarinda Park, Rast Kingâ€" stowh, Dublin, and Curraghmore, Ballinrobe, Co Mayo,J PferGo Mayo. . <â€" .. > _ 1 Comé one! Come all ! !. Farmers and Lumberimen Moerchants and Citizens, Of every style, BOX AND IIALL STOVES. BOX AND HALL STOVES. BOX AND HALL STOVES, , Warehouses and Stoves. For every serson, Aud at the shortest notic H. MEADOW®S & (..‘O. 2â€"y »kan or burnt out, a fact iotcndigg Sir John T Tyreil, Bart W M Tufnell, Esq Menry T Prinsep, F#q Major Skinner, ]L A Charles H Smith, Keq James Traill, Eeq W M Tufnell, “:.ul § 35, Sossex Str«st Bird Cages ! PARLOR sSTOVESs. PARLOR STOVES. PARLOR STOVES. $1,000,000. $300,000. £2,500,000. $1,000,000. mAna [~GS Fo line ne#, Tllll coOMPANY OFFERS TO THE public the combined .advantage of r&orfoct security, moderate premivms and liberal narticipaâ€" tion in profits. No extra charge for Volunteers in defence of the country, RINTOUT/BROS., Montreal, General Agents for Canada. NEIL McKINNON, Agent, Sparksâ€"street, Ottawa. Ottawa , March 25. 301y CGITY OF GLASGOW Patent Solicitor and Draughtsman, Sussexâ€"st., three doors below York. 6984 Assurance Company ! L%. systems suggested and approved by a lengthâ€" ened exj»orience. so as to suit the means of every verson desirous of taking out a Policy. Every inâ€" l‘ormnllon on the subject of Lite Assurance will be given at the Company‘s Office, Montreal, or at any of the Agencies throughout Canada. Agents for Ottawa, UKNXRY GRIST, EsTABLISIIED 1s30. R. 8. Casse‘s, Esq. â€" â€" . â€"â€" â€"Consulting Director. 'l\IIE ABOVE FIRSTâ€"CLASS COM»~ PANY is prepared to insure all descriptions of property agaiast loss or damage by fire. » MERRICK, BRUSH & CO., Au d lAiom'p. mond‘s Bu Ottawa, January 4, 1861. * 323y a The Standard Life Assurance Company. Accumulated & Invested Fund 81 8,006,069 Annnal Income # . 0@ 3,286,300 RICHARD BULL, Inspestor of Agencies With which is now united the Colonial Life Assur ance Company, > Heod Oflics for Canadi, Standord Company‘s Buitdings, Great St, Jamenâ€"street, Montrea!. A,. MORTIMER, B O OKBIND ER ll AVING every facility in the way of firstâ€"class Machinery, and . employing none but firstâ€"class workmen, I am prepared to turn out every description of Binding, in as good a style of workmanship as any other establishment in 5.-.:-... da Blank Book Manufacture, Ottawa, Fob. 6 _ Lumbermen who are anxious to furnish work men with GOOD FEET W ARE, will be enabled to doso by calling at the CAPLTAL for their supâ€" _ _I am selling off the balance of the Winter Stock of READYMADE WORK at REDUCED PRICES, which consists of Ladies‘ Misses‘ and Children‘s BALMORALS, CONGRKSS _GAITERS, RUB.â€" BERS and OVERSHOES, and Men‘s and Boys‘ Boots in CALF SKIN, KIPP and COW HILDE. plics Boot and iShoe Store | A LARGE SUPPLY of HANDâ€"MADE KIPP_ BOOTS and SIIOES of the VERY BESIEQUALITYonhand. _ .. ... . ... _ ANNUMAL REVENUE OVER £120,000 Ste APPLICATIOI I1 be made during Sh. the present session o( the Parliament of Canaâ€" da for an Act to incorporate the British and Caâ€" nadian Bank." â€" i ie Quebec Bankâ€"Ottawa Branch SsAVINCS DEPARTMENT. Lile Assurance Company ESTABLISHED 1838) ~ CaAPITAL, £600,000 8. cent &:'t;l;ll-l;,"'_ifi-b_.- allowed on Deposits in this Department. H. V. NOEL, Ottawa, March 13, 1868. Insolvent Act of 1864 In the Bl' virtue of the Powers vested in me l as Official Assignee, of the estate of the above named Insolvents, I shall offer for sale by PUBâ€" LIC AUCIION on the premises, in the Village o(' Piantugenet Mills, in the County of Prescott, on WEDNESDAY, the EIGHTH DAY OF APRIL NEXT, at the hour of ons o‘clock, in the afternoon, all the Estate and Interest of the said Insolvents or either ofthem, in and to the Saw Mill and promises with its appurtenances, situate at Planâ€" tagenet Mills, in the County of Prescott, and kuoywn as McMaitin‘s Saw Mills, with its appur tenances, also " The Old Store," the large Store House, the large Stable, and the premises corâ€" nected therewith, and the Dwelling House now or lately oecupied by the said: John McMartia, and the outbaildings therewith connected, all whic premises are more particularly described in the _lease of same to the said William N. Barrie, dated the 14th day of October, 1861, and are now held by the Insolvents as coâ€"partners for a term of fif. ‘ teen years from the first day of Decentber, 1865, at the yearly rent of one dollar, the residue of which torm yet to run snd unexpired is the extent of the } interest of the said Insolvents therein, and will be sold subject to the covenants and conditions in the saidlease set forth. Also the stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Mardâ€" ware, and miscellaneous articles in the store of the said William °N. Barrie and Company, at Plantagenet Mills aforesaid. Also one double waggon, one sleigh, one buggy, one set of harness, ’ {wo buffalo robes, one cutter, one truck, one set of cart harness, one anchor and chain, one bost, ons canoo, three span of horses, one set of double harâ€" South Side of )'arE-ctr?cl, Lower Ottawa a about 4,000 saw logs in booms or on Brook, sawn lumber and other ‘property. Terms made known #t day of sale. _ Dated at L‘Orignal, this 19th day of March, 1868. February 14, 1868. BRITISH AMERICA Anspector of Agencies. Manager. SSURANCES efected on the different ROM the 1st day of April next ensu« ing, INTEREST atthe RATE of FIVE por FI4RFE AND MARINE ic matter of WILLIAM N. BAHRIE, and JOHN MeMARTIN, trading un der thenames, style and title of WiLâ€" LJIAM N. BARRIE & CO., Insolvents. 00OMS TO LET, furnished or unfure , nished, with or without board, b{ P.COXWAY, 693â€"3w 4 Clarenceâ€"st., near Market. EDWD FREMEN DARTKELL 6974â€"13wb Assignes Private Boarding House. 26, METCALFEâ€"ST., OTTAW A. And Amendments thereof, J. 9. FEATHERSTON, 57 Sussexâ€"street Snsurance. Tinte A. MORTIMER, AND W M RAMSAY, ORGE MU Metcalfeâ€"streot of MICROSCOPE® FROM £1.00. EACH G ALVANIC MACHILNES, &e., &e, At the > # â€" Markot Drug Store, Yorkâ€"st. 7 s Wan. HEARXN. BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB AND VEAL, December 20, 1847 Satchell â€" Brothers. Butcherts to His Excellency Lord Monek. SMITH & RCODNEYâ€" Englisk, French and Canadian MIICHAI'I‘ TAILORS and General Outftters, Riginâ€"street, opposite the Russell House, and second door from the London Music Store, having just received a choice stock of When he will be propared to faill orders â€"tor a) h â€" different branches of Photography. {‘1O‘tawa, Jan. 31, 1868. . _ _ _ . _ 582y . _ CLOTHS and TWEED®, : And a general assortment of gentlemen‘s furnishâ€" | ing goods, would intimate to their friends and the | public generaily that they are prepared to exscute 1 all orders in their line at the shortest notice, in | the most approved styles and at prices that we‘ defy competition. ’ FOI the 18th inst=at, is POSTPONED wll THURSDAY, the 9th APRIL, in conseâ€" uence of the arrival of a large quantity of New 3...- Green Teas for them at New York, direct from China. The sale is postponed to allow ample time to have the Teas brought forward. Sale at halfâ€"past ONE o‘clock. & JOHN LKEEMINXG & CO., FROM SWITZERLAND AND IRELAXND TBRHADEH S ALEL wW. NOTMAN, Photographer to the Queen CORNER OF ks se WELLINGTON AND METCALFE\ srazers | Skates “700[.0 Intimate that having all his | arrangements completed, his ' I Establishment will be Opened | =â€"â€"O0%â€" ***1 nal Monday Next, 8rd February | Hardw Advertised for Account of Messrs Counverse, Colson & Lamb. No. 7 Ottawa Oct. 1,1867 69514 . LOWER TOWN_MARKET, Superior,Stall Fed SATCMELL] . Mn wo+ tw Auctioneers. Hf i PRICHKâ€"3 CENTS » Skates! Skates‘ 'l‘lll ereditors of the above named In« solvents nre kereby notified to meet me at the affice of EDWARD . TAYLOR| DARTNELL ' Esquire, at * And 1 hereby give notice that the Chicf ofâ€" Poâ€" lice and the Constabulary of this City, are enjoinâ€" ed to proceed, at once, to have all Privy Pits, Coss Pools, &¢., tharoughly cleansed, and to see this --nlen-arru-f into effect, and all, and every person or _ personi disobeying _| or _ neg‘ecting o wbserve the game; on orâ€"before the First day of April, 1868, «¥all be punished aecording to law. Givenunder my hand at the City of Otawa, this Eighth day‘of February, A. D., 1808. f « NV FRLEL order a lane all i “7 HEREAS it will greaily, condace to the hbealth and comtart of (to Citizen« [ Oitawa generally, to nave the city claansed oi ill fiith ana niisances, and whereas the introduc. ion and epread of malignast and contagious di«â€" ases, is, ind will certainly be infuemweed by the anitaiy condition of the city;; and whereas the 1t filth, dirt where or pe TOWN OF L | Skates from 20 cents to $6.00 At the hour of twelve o‘clock, at noun, forthe purâ€" pose of giving> instructionsâ€"to the Assignee in reâ€" spoct of the sale of the leareho‘d and real eâ€"tate of the said Insolvents, or either of them,;and for the ordering ot the afairs of the estate generally; ~ Tuceday, the Eeventh day 6f April next, Â¥$® and: on <rallers, (MeMillan‘s ) MAPS e NHV? SCOTI A, folded and on rollers, (McKin lay‘s, $ > [ BRALIFUWAITE FOR JANUARY. A book for every office and library, The best and cheapest published. IMustrated with Maps and Weod Cuts. r:pll..hlf-nlf. $35.00. W oreester‘s& W ebster‘s HWastrated The New Literature received as issuod by English and American publishere.. _ __ _ _ _ _â€"_ _ _ _ The XNEW AUTBORIZED SERIES OF READ ERsSâ€"Wholesale and Retail. Bill and Postoge l.i‘.’-'r." SLEIGHS, SLEIGHS 4to DICTIONARIE®. sSUTHERLAND® CITY DIRECPORY December 17, 13 7 Chambors‘ Encyclopzedia, PO RememWber the place, t§ Before the First day of April; 1868 Dated at 1/0rigngl, thi« 19th March, 1868. â€" GÂ¥70â€"13w THE COURT ITOUSI JOHN .V(H.llf TIN, trading wnder th name, styly and tiie of WILLIAM BARRIT 4 Co.. Insoluents. 7 e maitdr of WHLIIAM N. BARRIE and JOHN MeMARTIN, trading under th» BOOKS, MAPS, &c. Prepared by n yay io 09k APS of NEW BRUNSWICK, fotded 0 PARTIES ABOUT TO BUILDâ€"â€" 498 y PROCLAMATIOXNX. ALL PRESENXTS BY SANTA CLAUE, EDW ARD FREMEX DARTNELL LOARD OF PEALTH. watre of all Desceription At Lowest Cash Prices, | | TY NXOTICES, wirtue of the powers con ns Acts of Parliament, . . PLAKB, SPECIFICATIOXS, ESTIMATES, 4& 0 a hits the City of O hat all yards, her buildings ail be thorou oil, or other i eccupying the AVOUSTUS LAVER J. DURIE & SOX, 10 Sparkeâ€"st .," Opposite the Russell.Hous 4180, Al80, ‘ORIGN A L. At ISAAC‘S At ISAAC‘, T. JSA A« NRY JAMY Sparksâ€"street, A1. 18A A C*®. At ISAAC‘S« AsOEmECT Asrigneo by th

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