L"M'v n« ‘ate recetved ho shell, and ef to bave® ‘L‘M, always are therefore tF. Masouic {action given L WS W sS nt (by foal egal , redrous. n enter up9® ney follow» 1 f accomâ€" , _ but Hagan in making th theâ€" Presiâ€" the trial. ueratood that vd virtually e in thg inâ€" retter ksown : attempts to : subpoenaming the country, It has been >»w in Alsske, party daring rele, and conâ€" t thedefence ; qxamined ; the charge n Monday lhm“‘ its object istrate, â€" MC ral . witresses ness of their hes * in |that and Evarts, n iasmed Yor the man in «d to sympA~ family di% rig dinregard doctrine® of : had a daty and he mast and he warkt meraa * 51 and t 15â€" nï¬ CA s CS w†-'. ‘cmplainsdt t that for doâ€" s fees. The 1e request of detlars, but ung feel dis mg practical sir attention nsiness.> will Dra# sr.â€"ILt will â€" que, of the y convicted : assaujted an ng from Lis ension on &. of the comâ€" â€" he Presideat lock, now im he fifth miliâ€" d the | ich st ans «is to see a full toâ€"uight, at uyia-iht mands on the n the with selling turday last, nt admitted and in palâ€" L.h-u',“_ ral Hancock ar Washingâ€" style . of his n. in acani!" a«, to which rot scem to tle pork on LWS. TCHERS. PC ATCHES, repaired by peachmen t ed the i}}. dered such wellâ€"being im c *,. inat UBs would > in ‘._ Nes, an 4 omanig. MaAded Hearn, 2w\ in rights livi~ 3. It Kely thiis next Leas way ts lmg but Vilb ‘vi t* To whom good wages: and constant employment will be given. stt March 21, 1838 In six spirited sketches by MISS A: K., of Toronto, Chromolithographed by Rostats a«» Rrtswoun, Montreal, and published by Mothers Read This 1â€"Noelioway‘s Worm h.“..;:a.nminnd'.‘“"“""" w rems in Children and Adults.â€"As it is a wellâ€" known and melancholy fact that one great cause af doath among children is from Worms alone, it be too deeply impressed upon the minds 'mmm“ the necéssity of olu:ld watching their Aaipdrens B7 * doing ; anderstanding â€.y:r_. .“a true cause of the thcasanis of children -vl be saved early kravas. _ Syuptous onns.â€" The lre A lt# of the‘ v numerous symptoms diseases which are by Worms : derarged ige, emaciated ¢xtremities, offensive breath, frequect picking at the nose, gflhg_c(lhudh Aring sicep, hardness of the beliy, with fm-m sliny stools ..F.g._od-umv-hln fits ; ing IJ e .m,,,.nhï¬lï¬_‘“d and stomach, unquiet slcep, faintings, tretmblingt ‘“‘h"‘,.‘.ul}:" int: low spitils, ffl_“fh'! dreams, and a waist. Wanted immediately. A HAIR DRES S ER, x,-c“l- sold by ® h;i.. aro a certain / Worms in Children and A knowB ll‘ â€"l“..d’ fue af doath among children i caunot be too deeply impre parents the necéssity of . childrems â€.“.? m. I:,,'{:'.‘ .;n.m-":a’ oagae. â€" SyNPTOMS .@P W be sole proprietorf. P h..\'. B.. Ask for Holloway‘s Worim . Lozenges fl'n‘lunnouhr.‘- Sole by ail the draggists in Ottawa, and -odi:!:ohb eve «jyere wo GooD coMmPosIToORrs waANT. T ED atthe TIMES OFFICE. Apply immeâ€" A CANADIAN Subject, troated with Y virtue of the Powers vested in me Bémmdmam»«. named Lasolvents, I shall offer for sale by PUBâ€" LIC AUCTION on the premises, in the Village of Pinstagenet Mills, in the County of Prescott, on WEDNESDAY, the EIGHTH DAY O# APRIL NEXT, at the hour of one o‘clock, in the afternoon, all the Estate and Interest of the said Insolvents orsither ofthem, in and to the Saw Mill and promises with its appurtenances, situate at Planâ€" tagenet Mills, in the County of Prescott, and known as MeMaitin‘s Saw Mills, with its apparâ€" ‘tenznces, also " The Old Store," the large Store Mouse, the large Stable, and the premises conâ€" nected therewith, and the Dwelling House now or lately cecupied by the said John McMartio, sod the outbuildings therewith connocted, all which premides aro more particularly described in the lease of same to the said William N. Bartic, dated the 14th day of October, 18614, and are now held by the lasolvents as coâ€"partners for a term of fif. teen yoars from the first day of December, 1865, at the yeariy rent of one doilar, the residue of which torm yet to run and unexpired is the extent of the interest of the said Insolvents therein, and will be sold subject to the covenants and conditions in the suid lease set forth. Also the stock.ot Dry Goods; Groceries, Hardâ€" ware, and missellancous articles in the store of the said William N. Barrie and Company, at Plantsgenet Mills aforesaid. Also one double waggon, one sleigh, one bugey, one set of harness, two buffailo robes, one cutter, one truck, one set of cart harness, one auchor and chain, one boat, on# canoe, three span of horses, one set of double harâ€" sess, about 4,000 saw logs in booms or on Brook, sawn lunber and other property. Terins made known st day of sale. Insolvent Act of 1864 In the matter of WILLIAM N. BARRIE, and JOHN M:â€"MARTIN, trading -.-] . der thenames, style and tille of WILâ€" i1IAXÂ¥ N. BARRIE & CO., Insolcents.. 4 Pigâ€"NX!C TO MONXNTMOREXCI, " . "*7 "out of ewelre o‘ciock, at nuom, for the purâ€" pose of giving instructions to the in reâ€" apect of the sale of the leasoho‘d ::;nu estate of the said Insolvents, or either of them, and for the stdering ot the affeirs of the estite generally. * EDWARDFREMENX DARTNELL vety ul Assignee. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS Taesday, the Seventh day of April next, At the hour of cwelve o‘clock, at nuon. for the purâ€" 'I'\lll ereditors of the above named In« soirents are hereby notified 1:.-“ me at the odice of ‘EDWARD ~Taytor DARTNELL Esquire, at TOWN OF L‘ORIGNAL A Youxe IAli K." t’m“:-:ml.: ‘years experiense in city, w :“ “chrLlOmry ocO':m;I Etore. Satâ€" isfactory city references can * a e o s P OO it td i. _2 " "G {LOTS, one mile from the se ns many ie moh ioE cmmamie® yos rrip d »I_yv.o HOMAS ANDERSON, Jz., For sale at the Publishers‘, Sparksâ€"street, Otâ€" Ottawa, March 21 Ottawa, March 11 CANADIAN hamour by a CANADIAN Lady, chromolitiographed by a Dated at L‘Qrignal, this 19th day of March, CANADI A Xâ€"Encourage them CANADIAN House, and published by a Dated at L‘Origanul, this 19th March, 1868. s â€" 6974â€"13wb Ottamwa, March 19 s Bvicorxc 1ors P city, on the Richmon« C _ W Mack. 4 awgy of flosh» /+ h.yinpl.uflufl selfâ€"admnistered to the aâ€"drive out the worms thorou hly without ‘,.,.‘,ml,.:.anmmae.["‘". e ‘!“‘u‘. y with the necessity of m“"r.‘ l /+ other unpleasant catharticsâ€"As the use . i her W EDWD FREMEX DARTNELL 6074â€"13wb f _ Assignee KOxME PRODUCTION w maller of WILLLAM N. BARRLE and JOHN MeMARTIN, trading under the name, style and title of WILLEAM BARRLE THE COURT HoUsSE, George E. Desbarats, Ottawa. Canadian Art. MTCATION WANTED. lnsolrent ict of 1864, And Amendments thereof. Co., Insolvents To Compositors. Apply at us a box contains the faoâ€"simile .l*m r & Lywax, Newoastic, o. are sPECIAL NOTICE. Lots for Saile. 30, Sparkeâ€"street, ® vik 5187 Ottawa. dort 697b 6931 H. McLean‘s Auction Rooms, Ivory Balance Knives, f Knives and Forks of various kinds, Glassware, consisting of Cut Goblets and Wine . Glassos, Pressed Tamblers and Hock Glassos, Sets of Papier Mache Trays, ° Cases Pale Brandy, sA Cases Seotch Whiskey. > All must be sold, positively, by the 20th instant to close consignment. o vanctar * CLEARING SALE Ottawa, March 13, 1868. SIALID TENDERS WILL BE RE« ceived at this office until noon of SATURDAY the NINTHOF MAY next, for the supply of 800 Gallons of the best quality of winterâ€"pressed SPERM O1L for the Provincial Lighthouses above Lachine, oneâ€"third of which must be from head matter which will staad Ilngid at30> Fabrenheit, and ::;uhotbt:{o-thlrï¬ at 34° ubjoet'w hupo:- on tost ore acce , and i uired, to be measured out. pate sys ‘The whole to be furnishsd in ironâ€"bound casks, containing 5'0.!‘“0" each, in the best order, and to be delive at the Contractor‘s risk, on such wharf, near the Lachine Canal Basin at Montreal, and on such day on or about the first day of July next as may be specified. in the contract. Tenders will also bo received on the same day for the um of 7,860 (Gallons of the best quality af nonâ€"arnlosiva COAL OTL."to be furnished in A buik sum to be named for thomfor-moof this service. Any further information can be obâ€" tained on application at this office. of nonâ€"explosive COAL OIL, to be furnished in ironâ€"bound casks containing trom 20 to 50 gallons each, subject to inspection and test before acceptâ€" aunce, and to be selivered at the contractor‘s risk at the time above stated at Montroal. The casks, in each case, to be furnished by the contractor, and their cost included in the price of BEALED TENDERS will be received on the same day, for a Steam Vessel for the delivery of the aunual Lighthouse u‘gpliq. consisting of about 190 casks of oil, and 40 tons of other article s, at the respoctive Lighthouse stations, situate on the Rirer St. Lawrenee and inland Lakes ; namely, on Lakes St. Louis, St. Francis, Rirer st. Lawâ€" rence between Brockvilie and Kingston, Lakes Untario, Erie, St. Clair and Huron, and on the Georgian Bay and Lake Superior. The crew of the vessel must assist in the delivery of the Stores. * The vessel will be allowed to carry other lnlflht. provided it does not interfers with the proper delivâ€" ery of the Stores. the cil. Accommodations will also be required on board for. the persons from l.hislxn\.onth charge of the Stores, and the vessel will also be required to receive and transport from one station to another any such Stores as the Saperintendent in charge may direct. Separate Tenders to bo given for each service, and to be addrassed to the undersigned, and enâ€" dorsed mpuï¬nl& «‘Tender _ for srm Oil," #Tenderfor Coal Oil," and « Tender for delivery of Light House supplies." * * Partiestendering must give their names and adâ€" dress in full, also the signatures of two responsible râ€"n'flllu to become sureties for the due fulâ€" ment of the contract. The Department will not be bound to accept the lowest or any Toender. Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottaws, 19th. March, 1868. > The Importers Direct. ’l\ul MONTREAL TEA COMPANY, #, Hospitalâ€"streer, Montreal, have sent over one thousand packages to different parts of the gountry, and receive every day assurances that the Tesa gives ontire satisfaction. Subjoined are a few of the numerous testimonials already reâ€" House or Suxit®, Ottawa, December 16, 1867. â€"Montreal Tea Company : (Jentlomen, the box of English Breakfast and Y:r; Hyson Tes which you sent me gives great satisfaction. You may expect my future orders. Yours, &c., " 8. Satexrz. Quesec, lrm 18, 1867.â€"Montreal Tes Comâ€" : Gentlemen, the box of 30 lbs. English :r::.ffut m-.::: :“ye-u 55 cents was of excellent quality, y as as we have paid 73 Jm for. Yours l-po(ï¬â€˜l);. D. Axpeasos. Tomoxto, Des. 18, 1867.â€"Montreal Tea Comâ€" mny: Gentlemen, the two chests Tea I had m you some weeks sincé have given satisfacâ€" tion. ~ You will please torward to a friend of mine at Brampton one chest fine flavored New Seasons Congou at same price, vis., at §5 o'onu per 1b. RusszLt HorzL, Quebes, Jan. 7,1867.â€"Montreat Tem f'o;‘n’: Gentlemen, the six chests of Tea forw some time since arrived in good order. The quality is pure and ox?oll:u.l -ndk prises pevinih ut ted. cuPy Je ov omm a C E . As I am nmo ular in buying the best :‘n‘quol Tea :o h‘nhd !c;tr‘â€"‘:nr pona,nl am to uaint you that ves general satâ€" m:.. .Y.oqlrohflutnnuc. << _ . _ Yours &6.. Jauzs Encar. Fricowr, Dec. 23, 1867.â€"Montreal Tea Comâ€" pany : Gentlemen, the Oolong Tea which you sent me :vn great satisfaction. 1 forwarded part of the chest to a friend in Toronto, who informs me he considers it as good as that he was using for which lo;dduohfluprlh. Please send me a chest of au’:llynn at same price, viz., at 75 cents per lb. Address as before. XYour obedient servant, %, c Jxo. T. Day. Conovra, January 8, 1868.â€"Montreal Tea Comâ€" Pn{';.ml. I beg to inform you that the two of ‘l;:ln ";‘Y'“"' -l.] aro of :cxo.lhut uality, es 0 yson at cents, ‘lnn ...5“ uol.gor box, or go lbs., at same price, and eblige yours, &¢., F. Ouvezr. The contributor! t6 the Medical Journal have frequently declared that oneâ€"half the nervous disâ€" eases are caused by drinkingimpure Tes. ‘The Company have carefully selected and imported a -pp‘_;.o’l Teas that u: be warranted pure and L ol uio ooo en ie c lsnt t r:l en 15 free from &;{{ substances, in 50, 25, 20, 15 and 12 Ib. BLACEK TEA. Treankay common, 38¢ ; Fine do, 55¢ ; Young Hyâ€" som, 50¢, 60c, 65¢ and 70e ; Fine do, 15¢ ; Very Fime, 83e ; Superfine and Very Choice, $1.00 ; Fine Gunpowder, 85¢ ; Extra Superfine do, $1. All orders for 20 or 25 lbs., or two 1% lbs., sent earriage free to the country. Teas not mentioned in this circular sent equally ch::: The Company having determined to take a stand in the Montreal market, weight, quality aud circular may be imâ€" K‘htdynlhdct Where a 20 ib. box would be much, two or three clubbing together could t.ll.:ido& ..An excellent mixed Toa could be sent ar to ; very good for common 50c. Buyers uvg: beyoad M'usmh:wm send Post Office order or enclosed notes. The carâ€" rhz:hl be paid to the nesrest station. . Tea will be arded immediately on receipt of the order by mail containing money, or the money can be collected on delivery by expressâ€" man where there are express offices. A trial solicited. THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY, 6, Hospitalâ€"rtroot, Montreal. o.‘A..ll boxes sent from this u::‘uhl-ou have the pany‘s name rmod on them. Montreal, Maich 4, 1808. wloly Storekeepers Farmors and Olhers 30 por Cent Below Cost. TLECTROâ€"PLATED WARE, 479 43y STEAM VESSEL WANTED. LIGHT HOUSE SUPPLIES. Gold »edal, Paris, 1867 GEREEN PTPEA. 500. ; Fine Flavoured New Secson, do ; 55¢, 60e and 65¢ ; Excelient Full Flavored do,75¢ ; Râ€"und Oolong, 45¢; Riuch Flanored do, 60¢ ; Vary Fine do, do,15¢ ; J?-. Good, 50¢, 55¢ ; Very Fine, 60¢ ; Finest, 63¢,45¢. ° PAS~Sole Agent | Broken Leaf, Strong Tea, 45¢, By order, W M. SMITH, II. McLEAN Wiruss RusstLL. Prize and Gold Medal, Paris, Srorttary 690td G. A; WALTON, 37 Sparksâ€"street, Ottaway Agent, HEBLER & 1868, and following days, in aid of the DEBT on The Parsonage of Christ Church. Contributions will be most thankfully received from the members of the Church, and other friends in Ottawa, by the following Ladies, who have kindly consented to act as a Committee of Management SEVENTEENTH of MARCH NEXT, Tuesday Even‘g., March 24th. Oitawa, Dec. 23, 1867. J F Browne, Esq, C B Grasett, Esq, W H Aumond, Esq Her â€" Majesty‘s _ Theatre, COMELIMENTARY CONCERT To II R Fawr, Esq., will boe given on the above evening, under the patronage ot the _ / 8T. GEORGE‘S S0OCIETY, Tickets,to Bozos, 50 conts; may be obtained from Orme & Son, Sparksâ€"street; the London Music Store, Wellingtonâ€"street; John Durie & Son, Sparksâ€"street ; or members of the Commuttes, Gallery, 25 cents. t For which the priaecipal amatours of the city have kindly volunteored their services. The chair will be taken by His Worship the Mayor, HJ Friel, Esq. _ M" Admission Free. UOttawa, March 19, &66. _ 695â€"3 Saturday Evening, the 21st Instant Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Governor=General, ‘SEWING â€"E}M WERE AWARDED THELR 67 At 8 o‘clock, by H. BEAMONT SMALL,‘ Esq., on " The Mineral Resources of the New Do minion, especially those of the Webster‘s Hall, Albert Street Mn SHP us Tenders to be handed in by noon of Saturday, the 28th inst. The lowest, or any one, will not noâ€" cessarily be accepted. K. ARNOLDL, _ Or more or less, on loan on security of firstâ€"rate Well situated and rented in Ottawa. Mone lenders ‘lplnu addroas, stating interest roqninz to 366, Tiuzs Office. ‘ % Ottawa, March 19. 695â€"101 _ Pnnloxu desirous of tendering fo/ the erectionof a BRICK HOUSE, to be erected on the Rideau Canal, can see the plans, &c., on and aiter MONDAY, the 23rd inst, at the office ot the undersigned. ON TMURSDAY, the 26th lust,, {will be sold at the store of AMOS ROWE, Rideau street, in lotst> suit purchasers, CUT â€" STONE â€"BUILDINGS! Metcalfsâ€"st., March 20, 1863. 200 hfâ€"Chests chsice Japan: Samples of which can be obtained at the office of the Auctioneer. * 7 H WATROGUS, of Ogdensburgh, will @ exhibit the MORNING LIGHT & BRLLâ€" LIANT COAL STOVES, in the Parlor and Office of the Russell House, from March the 16th to the 23rd. Thess are the only two DUUBLE BASE COAL STOVES ever invented. Testimonialsfrom over 200 citizens of Ogdensburgh, Prescott and other cities can be seenm at the Russell House where orders will be received, â€" Porsons wishing to A LAD of 16 years of age, smart and active, who can furnish the best references ur,orupoeublll!dy.‘vriun a good hand, and has a good French an En;l]l-}\ commercial education, wishes a situation as assistant bookkeeper, cashier, or dry goodngrnntico. Balary noobject. Address Casurer®, box. 248, Oitawa Post Office, 696b B\' the undersigned T WO DW ELâ€" LINGS, two stories high, containing five roomse@ch ; one with a hall, good yard, stabling, a well, and 100 x 66 feet of ground for a garden, situated on the corner of Ottawa and Gloucesterâ€" streets. Possossion given !st May, 1868. H. ADOLPHE PINARV, o ie Corner of Bolton and Dalhousie Streets. Ottawa March 20, 1868. rmhuo can ,"" their orders witnessing the rr- ect votih; the Stoves. ‘These Stoves run from Fall until Spring by filling once in 24 bours. GSStt :+ 1. __._ H. W ATROUS. SOIREE MUSCALE Ottawa, March 18; 1868, T is intended to hoid a Bazaar on the â€"< & +â€" Ottawna, March 20 Eale at ONE o‘clock, p. m Presidonts and Officors Private Boarding House. 683â€"3w O0OMS TO LET, furnished or unfure nished, with or without board, b{ P.CONWAT, â€" > > Wanted $500 or $600, A LEOTURE WILL BE DELIVERED T3 A.Z..A .A . 1. P. B. SOCIET Y, Committce of Management? TEA â€" SALE. LERECTPU RE COALCSTOVES! 186 4. cCO REN‘CL. TENDERS. AND THE Clarenceâ€"st., near Market. OP CLEMOW, W. F. PPWELL, COFFIN, ADAMSON, T. M. BLASDELL LAUDER, DONALDSON, _ JOHN THOMP3QN, N. SPARK® MAGEE, BTREET. ANNIE POWELL, A. ROWE, H G Danlevie, Esq, J LeB Ross, Esq, C J Higgins, Eeq. W PARRIS, Auctioncer, ILSONS MACHINES Architect 695td 696td YHKEâ€" OT‘TFT kW A TIMES. MARCH 231. 6962 YOUNG & RADFORD‘S CoLUMN. â€" HOME MANUFACTURE ! JEWELLERY RADFORD‘S GOLD ND SLWRR Old Gold and Silyver WATCEB AND CLOGK RADFORD‘S Made and Repaired YOUNG AND RADFORD‘S, Who are prepared to Manufneture JEWELLERY 80 Bparksâ€"st., Ottawa. YOUNG Bovert on Tarsx in Exonaxe® REPAIRED YOUNG GET YOUR . ,TO ORDER: ENXCOURAGE ALL KINDS OF GET YOUR AND AT AT AT Tllll IUIICRIBERI beg to inform thcirâ€"Customers that their Stock is now complete, and embraces cvery delicacy otf the Seasov, among which will boe found a cholce assortment of reâ€"L 1867 aso 1868 Ixorm W arsrious® : o @ _ GUNPOWDER, i C 20 t IMPERIAL, * _ TWANKAY, $ Orapge PEKOE,) These Teas have been Flowery _ _ " carefully selected for Japan lt «_ family trade by SUGARS, e LC AF, _ _ BROKEN LOAF, // CRUSHED, GROUND, YELLOW, _ and MUSCOV ADO, COFFEE, JAMALICA, and CEYXLON, R@~ Roasted ‘and Ground daily on the ©__ premises. & BUTTER, SPIC)iiD, CHOCOLATE and COCOA, FREHNXCH, flavored with Vanilla ; TAYLONS;â€" « PRUNES, ALMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, and BRAZ!L NUTS. CHOICE DAIRY, in Tubs and Crocks, received Weekly. _ CHELSE, FRUITS, &¢c. Ottawa, Dscember 19 LAYER RAISINS, j in Whole, Half and Quarte Bozes MUSCATEL, do â€"> «do BULTANA, FALENTIA, « CURRANTS, > GRAPES, : EROOMS TO LE‘T No. 638 Sparksâ€"stroet, CANAL, as the water is about to be withdrawn for repairs. ol o tAE e Ottawa, March 13, 1868 _ Mombers of Parliament or others ro?nirin‘ uare ters can be accommodated by applying a} the TORONTO HOUSE. Ottawa, March 13, 1868. ERIOI‘ID lately by the Subscriber at New Edinburgh, who has now on hand and for sale a large variety of choice Verboenas, and other flowering rln'l. Orders left at G. Bott‘s, Rideau: stroet, will be punctually attended to, \ROBERT CURRY. March 14, 1868. 691â€"3m AUGT!ONIIBI. General Commission and Real Estate Agents. Office, corner of Queen and Elginâ€"streets, opposite City Hall Square, Centre Town,. . Auction Rooms, No. 40, Sussexâ€"st. Ottawa, March 16, 1868, * 6920 25COIIFOR'I'ABLI BEDROOMS and Parlors, near the Russell House, well farnished, TO LET during the Session. . Apply to A. B. MACDONALD & Co. , Office Centre Town. This department will be m‘lm in the first woek of April. ‘ Inspection respectfully invited. _ From MONTREAL, have been secured by the unâ€" dersigned, who will pay a l‘roeitl attention to this branch of their business, and endeavour to show fr Ottawa, March 20 __Also, asedond hand BUGGY and HARNESS for sale cheap for cash. H. ADOLPHE PINARD, Y _ Corner of Bolton and Dalhousieâ€"streets, Ottawa, March 20, 1868. CLOTPEHHS 50,000 SPRING TAILORING. Breakfast SOUCHONG, «to CONGOU, Bupericr HYSON, CEO. MAYES, .* COPPER PLATE PRINTER, Ottawa, March 14, 1868. Ottawa, March 16. Bank Street, Centre Town, Between Spgrks & Queen Streets. Bills of Exchange, Bill Heads, Visitin Cards, £c., Prinic‘s 9n the shortest Rotice. [‘HI SERVICES OF A F‘irstâ€"COlass Tailbr, A. B. MACDONALD & Co., UST RECEIVED at the TORONTO _ HOUSE a fresh supply of OÂ¥STERS. me Apply to HE PUBLIC are requested NOT TO TRAVEL ON THE ICZ in the RIDEAU To ... AW &r PINARD «00. No. 17, Sussexâ€"street, Sign of the Golden Ball. 6,003 feet Cedar Posts, from 9 to 15 foot long, 400 feet Cedar Posts from 20 to 38 feet long, 340 feet Cedar Posts from 20 to 87 feet long, 800 feet Spruce for making Ladders from 20 to BTâ€"falk, sstn oc ols 3 o 300 cords Firewood, HARD, DRY HEMLOCK, ~â€" DRY TAMARAC, id acion" 400 feet Ladders. Fresh Oysters. . CLOVES, â€" GINGER, MIXED SPICES, sPRING TRADE 16 Rideau Street, Ottawa. Furnished Rooms. Now Greon House. English, American and Canadian FOR SALE. MOCHA, ‘JFAVA; SECOND TO NONE 1N OTTAWA. TEAS, BROWNE & HARDY. NOTICE. BROWNE & iIARDY. All Ground on the Premises A STOCK OP =â€"ATâ€" Opposite TIMES Office. SPLIT SHINXGLES, CIM JAMES D. SLATER, FRYE‘S NUTMEGS, MACE, NNAMON, LEMONS, A. McCORMICK. > 691tf Black Extra Fino ORANGES Bupt,â€"R. C. . ty MoTTS 405t 690 b2ctf 6921 TWO DWELLINGS with is Akei3 OQuthouses aftached, situated #* ;jii" sY _ on the side of the Richmond Rond, «es *AE 4} miles from Ottawa. â€" Also, Mil Irons for an English Gate, and one Circular Saw ; with Lamb‘s Wheels, and Iron Shafting, all nearâ€" ly new, Apply to R. PERKINS, Chaudiere. March 14, 188. 691â€"2m THE House, with Barns, $tables and well stocked Gardens, and five, ten or thirty acres otland, situate on the Richmond Road, two miles fromthe city, at present in the occupation of Mr. T. Fuller. ‘There is a fine well on the preâ€" mises, and a never failing spring in the ‘guturc. For terms, &c., apply to Messrs. T. & W. PENâ€" NOCK, Sparkeâ€"street, Ottawa. 687b To Sell or Letâ€"â€"â€"Rare Ovening. TERMS MODERATE. FINI sTONE DWELLING HOUSES, Photographic Chambers, and other Cut Stone Promises, well arranged and eligibly situated for commercial business. Apply to JOHN MACAULEY, Chaudiere, Ottaâ€" wa ; or E. NOGILLIVRAY, J. B. TACKABERRY, or 11. MCLEAN, Auctioneer, Ottam a. : ':’\ Il NEW EDINBURGH, C 1% i Upe& a BRICK DWELLING, of i I'- Eight Rooms and Kitchen, with Et â€"migmits. a good Yard and Stable. ALSO, A COMFORTABLE DWELLING of seven rooms and kitchen, on Metcalfo SE\ne, opposite the reâ€" sidence of G. B. Fellowes, Esquire. Agsl{] to It. BLAC RN. New Edinburgh, March 11, 1868. €88â€"1 _ sion, Ottawa Front, Gloucester. S 50 ACRES OF LAND, situated @ within two to eigpl"xt miles of the c y. A'ppl_"/“tAo JOB_N W. McGUIRKE, Lot 25, 2nc Concesâ€" PAR'I'I of LOTS 18 and 19, North Boul« tonâ€"street, will be sold in three paris, or in one, to suit purchasers. ‘The whole will be sold Cheap for Cash, or good instalment down. _ Further fnrtlenl:n can be had on application to Messrs. LEES & GEMMELL _ â€" JOHN B. BRANNEN. Ottawa, Reb. 27, 1868. > 6774â€"9â€"1 is o sich FOR SALE.â€"â€"THE WEST= é orl; oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in > Â¥First Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" . pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28. in the same Concession, at preseut in the occupation of Wim. T. Aylen, Esq. For further particulart apply to Joun and Wx. Trowsos, Nogen, and Lawis & PrxwxY. Barrister, Ottawa. _ Je2â€"141â€"tf Tll AT PROPERTY at NEW EKDIN_® BURGH, formorIEy ocevpied by the underâ€" 'ii:“d' comprising ICE and 0{: Tâ€"ROUSES, @ARâ€" DEN, with Soft and Spring Water, &o. > Being en the eve of Confederation, and Ottawa being £ï¬nholy settled upon as its capital, . Thoe Victoria Hotel could not fail to be made to pay. VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET,. It is built on the most modern style of architecâ€" ture, of cut stone ; has large pll“-fllll windows, and is four stories high, exclusive of the basement. It is finely situated on the corner of Wellington and O‘Connorâ€"strocts, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings, and has three vacant lots attached, so that the Buildings could be enlarged to any reâ€" quired capacity. â€" Applications, (postpaid) to be addressed to From the 1st of May Next. Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1868. FRANCIS CLEMOW, ESQ., * it Or JOHN MENEY, Esq., Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. W O:tawa. March 11. 3TOt Ottawa, Fob. 23, 1868. MACHINERY OILS. Lubricating Oils! T. ISAACS, Agent, Ottawa. Ottawa, March 17, 1868, They Don‘t Gum, BEST AND CHEAPEST MACHINERY O1LS IN THEB DOMINION, With or without breakfast, in & good locality, and within a few minutes walk of the Parliam<nt Buildings. Apply at this office. 6932 NOR I O . FOURâ€": OR FIVE GENTLEMEN, comroRrTagBLe Rooms, Tlll subscriber begs respectfully to inform his friends and the sublle genorally that he has recelved via Portlan SHOQ'I‘I!AID--PI'I'IAI'I sYSTEM taught in ten lessons by an English verbatim gl:nhud Reporter. Address " Shorthand," Tots 08. 7 Ottawa, March 16, 1868 6932 Mll- RICHARD will open a Private Erstâ€"class BOARDING HOUSE, Comer of BSUSSEX and CLARENCEâ€"STS., over Mr. Martiâ€" neau‘s Dry Goods Store, on the 1st March. Parâ€" ties wishing quiet, m)od, comfortable board, with good -tun’uu, will piease apply and secure apartments. Breakfast at 8 and 10 a. m, ; Lunch at 1 p. m.; and Dinnor at 6 p. m. Ottewa, March 18, 1868. 659â€"3m Members of Parliament, Can be accommodated with well furnished manufactur for cush. Apply to : Susserâ€"street, Ottawa. ' 7 JAMES PEACOCK. PAY~Romember the zluo, No. 29 Rideauâ€"street, next to A. Workman & Co; 6874 Mll.l.llll.bo‘n leave to inform her friends and the public generally, that she has removed to Bankâ€"street, opposite the Free Church, where rhe is modw undertake all work in her line. The styies and fashions kept constantly en hand. 8344 Finest quality, and newest styles. Also a large assortment of American and home FOR SALE. A SELFâ€"ACTING S0ODA WATER APâ€" PARATUS, with crlinders mlrlcu. eh? for cash. Anply to WILLILAM PRODERIC January 8, 1867. Engquire at the Store. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSK. 10 Cnses London Dress ‘Hats, Two Dwellings to Let, FOR SALE OR TO LET. Hats! Hats| Hats! Apply to For Salo or to Rent, FTORFR SALE. Felt Hats constantly on hand. AMERICAN NATURAL To ILet For Sale or to Lot. MRS. SMITH, Land ftor safe. Frow 1st Mary Next. NO more eligible chance could be, offered to any party in the Hotelâ€" knpini. line than the lease of the above FIRSTâ€"CLASs HOTEL MoKENZIE & MACKAY, Agents for Canada. BII!G the Upper part of E. MARTINEAU‘S Clothing Etore, Corner of Sussex and Clarâ€" enceâ€"strocts. ‘They Don‘t Freeze, F. BRAUXN, Department Public Works, ; Ottawa. R 678tf EUG. MARTINEAU, 646 1 THB 585â€"0m 546â€"6m Private ntake all l N.B.â€"A finc lot of English Goods imported direct. CSE * / outrwe, Kerch 5, 1688 BR , GarLAND. Mutcmior & Co THEIR SPRINXG IMPORTATIOX$, DRESS GOODS, _ CRAPES, 3. LININGS,â€" _ : Ccorroxs, STRAW GOO0D3, RIBBONS, CARPETS & HOUSE FURNISHINGS The above were purchased when goodswere at the lowest prices Gh‘:dy have been for years and will be sold at a small advance on cost. $@" Inspection invited. â€" 5 OTTAW A, January 21, 1868 E. K. MacGILLIVRAY & Co,, MANCEACTURING â€" JEWELLERS SHEFFIELD HOUSE! 1 h\ d\ City HMoop N K1 WA ( df 42M\ en /\ _ The Double E) ':‘ 3 ’:«"\\"a rlwflls new and convenient b eguer \ § i =â€"(M 3 idths of tape. | Th f RH :/j 3 _ over :;;‘:t:ne‘r: :“l::les c-uetl‘u: JAâ€"â€"â€"isf ‘, they wish, from 1} yards to 3 ya memnady. "â€"\*% â€" They only can be had at the Fact % on hand or made to order, Just B FRENCH C + n l i4 ,:': ® ?Every size, from 17 inches to 36 7 [ f=~ z2 old fashioned Corsets, (Iacing at zenâ€"+fâ€"â€"~â€"*~ _ . Lambs‘ Wool Hose, Also, a large lot of Linen and Lawn Pocket Hnnnkud\'l\eh WILLIAM ALLAN House and Hotel Keepers will find it to their advantage to call and examire before purchasi T asties buys heir goods enrefully paok boxes till required. ; rartios ng now, ¢ their earefu ed in The Etoek,’ ufho pf.m., will be found -ou’er-“poh. and ‘ affords a splendid opportanity parties furnishing at very low rates. P tTr T k ~=T FIRST CLASS BOOT & SHOE STORE, No. 226, W eilingtonâ€"st., 4 Sign of the Golden Boot. LIGHT PROFITS,; O4E PRICE, AND STRICTY CASH CLHEARING, SA LH. Ottawa, March 18, 1968 W ATCHMAKERS. 456y SsSPRING IMPORTATIONS. Ottawa, March 4, 1868. OTTAWA CROCKERY STORE. BROADCLOTHS, Their Spring Importations, Macer & RussELL N EW OTTAW A, March 11, 1858 HAVE RECEIVED EIGHTYâ€"FOUR CASES DRESS GOODS, PRINTS. CorTON§, SUEETINGS, . J UST OP EN ED. "TPHEH PUBLIC. Im t porters, 20 Sparksâ€"st., ~ W. ANGUS 6 00. Wl'. beg to inform you that for the convenience of Citizens West of the Sapâ€" pers‘ Bridge, ani the general public, we have 2 FRENCH CORSETS, Our stock has been selocted with rn.n, in the best markete; it is ENTIRKLY NEW, and for quality, style and price cannot be nrpono"..l wl e Pn NCE 1e save Renbactie me Mn s sPRINXNG ARRIV ALS. VESTINGS, sSPERING GOODS. â€"â€" CO M P RI § I N G â€"â€" 1 widths of tape.; ‘The great advantage this Skirt has over all others : ladies can glter it themselves to any width they wish, from J} yards to 3 yards, without the least trouble. They only can be had at the Factory, Everyother style of 8kirt on hand or made to order, Just received another Jot of Every size, from 17 inches to 38 inches; Also, a few of those old fashioned Corsets, (Iacing at the back.) a FYTNHIS new and convenient bkirt I am pow making in all City Hoop Skirt Factory The Double Extension Skirt. 51 RIDEAU STREET, (Copposite Mr. .%' Whalen‘s.) AXD MAYE OPEXED OUT 18 NOW OFFERING HIS #TOCK OF CHIN A, GLA# and Eartbonware, at greatly reduced prices, in order to make ‘.‘%L~t.~ ~~~â€" DAVID MILLAR, 43 Sparksâ€"rt, Contre Town, next to Esmonde‘s Btove Depot ARE NOW RECELIVTNG No. 226, Wellingtonâ€"st, ‘ Sign of the Golden Boot. _ > AND GARLAND, MUTcHMmoR & co. ‘ Wool Hose, Breakfast Shawls. WATERPROOF CLOAKILNGS, TWEREDS 4 COATINGS, LINEN GnOD8, PLAIX MUSLINS. STRAW ORNAMENTS, STUFF GOODS, * PRINTS, cheap. UF