Establishment will be Opened ~â€"OÂ¥â€"_ & Monday Next, %rva Februnarzy *‘ When he will be prepared to fullil orders for a) he diferent branchos of Photograpby. . > Ortawa, Jan. 31, 1968, Mhy ‘ WOU’I-D Intimate that having all bis arrangements compleced, his af 2 To be used in the Dominion of Canads by the va. rious pagsons entrusted with the distribution thcro: ol, wil hate to be addressed to this Department. | TH 8. \vqnms'ï¬ JN, First day of February1868 S JCX M P 5: ) Bills and Promissory Notes coRxEr or WELLINGTON AaXND 0' AND FROX THzE & Ottawa, Feb. 1, 1868. olm resassembiing of the Parliament of Cunads, in «tarch, PETITIVNS FPDx PRIVATE BLLL3 «ill be receive.}, is the Hou«s of Commons, until Thursday the ind of April fol. Al Instrument by which any person cous tukecorresct Likenseses of Photograhs. This instrumect with full instructions s<n: by mail for one _ Add{ess, GREAT DISCOVERY. ALVERY MaX HIs OWXN ARTIST: A SCIEXTIFIC woXDrsz. PRIV A â€"E BILL ; ues wall C C â€" Grout & Co.‘s Twisted Elastic Stitch only $15. §3â€"Call and see this little deauty. DProspectujes and Samples sent Free by Muil. Decemper 19, 1s67. : fit+4p ; a. a,. 1 ALYON, Agent, 37 Spurks Street, Oitawa The Howe Sewing M,acliines from $50 Up.| 655t° _ For the OTTAWA, January 21, 1868 E. K. MacGILLIVRAY & Co. â€" ‘CHANGE of TIMXE MANCFACTURING JEW ELLERS $1, tawerce & Ottawa Railway, â€"â€"AND___. s (formerly‘ the Ottawa & Proscott Railway.) __; _; A.T CH NIAI{E R S‘ “u"-g-.c after M(;;:;\'. n;. 30th Dec.. ESSRS. R. EATON & Co. respectfall M RAVE RESUMED BUSTNXESS in this City in l’hc ture, which they no« carry on at th« following pllfm t== ... â€" Paint, Vil, Vernish, Color and Painters® Stock Depot, ** B@" Bails N ow Oil Painting, Engraring, Paper Hanging «nd Decor hea.* s# Bels‘s New ;: Lookingâ€"Glass, Picture Frame, Silvering »nd wilding N Gold medal, t‘1is, 1061 ALL REQUISITIONS For mertf ts 4 Lambs} Wool Hose, Breakfast Shawls. , a large lot of Linen and Lawn Pocket HandEerchiefs, cheap. _ . NOTMAXN, her to the NWotice. STREETS, For two muaths I sha‘l ofer, .::}ld'“ chasers as wly enable me to m a read ers a good investment | Minister of Infand Revenue W. B. LINXD@AY, Clerk, House of Commons, %_%%} on 4 Spring Imporï¬;:_a.tions, ‘FIRST CLA&is Tailoring Eslahï¬shmem. C. B AMBS& CO , Broadway, New Y ork. EING desirous to dispose of i WiNTER SLOCK, in order to make _â€"__ ZM" Please Call and Exan . NJ. HKOLB P BHMICQOIECENTIX. METCALFE & W smcs lr is intended to hold a Bazaar on.the I i sg&v EENTH of Htarcit NExT.\ | 1868, and ing days, in ald o‘ the DEBT o. l Queen l The Pau ze of Christ Church.| R@" Beil‘s New Block, 1«: Story, Opposite the Russell Mouse er Hanging «nd Decorating Depet, > $ % s# Bel‘« New Block, ind Story, Opposite the Rassoll House 0, Silvering »nd wilding Rooms, j #@" soots‘s Building. over Contestionary, Opposite the Russoll Howse Every size, from 17 inches to 36â€"inches.. Also, a few ofth old faskioned Corsâ€"ts, (lacing at the back.) V]:HIS new and convenient Skirt.I am now making in all . wirtths tape. _ The great &@ivantage this Skirt lms over all others : buites can alter it thoemsâ€"IÂ¥ycs (to. ainy width they -ith,fl; 14 yards to 3 yards, without the least trouble. Thâ€"F ouly can be had at the Factory. Evoryother style of Skitt oa hand or Jdc to order. Just received another tot of â€" City Hoop Skirt Factory The Double E;fenéion Skirt. 65 tMh12 BEBFIVE per cent. off tor cash in lil}s unt bolways. One bandsore Mabogany full cas> $ f‘F ‘ EEWKKG â€" _ PVÂ¥ ~MACHIXES THE BE3T HOLIDAY PRESENT, 4 WFrom 847 sand upward=. 3 Sparks st, Centre Town, next t* Esmonde‘s Stove Depot Tor Deryt, Elx re«pectfally announce to the public that TPHEY |_WINTAER ARRANGEMENTS, 1 this City in the various branches"of the.r trage and manufac Speuaise i:X | Ottaws, Deo. 23, 1867 iAne Parsonage of Christ Church. Con ’ihti& will be most thapkful y received fr0â€"a the merokyes of the Churen, and otour fricnds in ultawe; by the tol.owing Ladies, who‘have kindly e044;“ ? wet as a Committes of sianagcment "‘III Store formerly occupied by W. D. WOOD. Ns. 38, on RIDEAD STREET, has been refitted by the subscribers. and will ne openad on MONDAY, FOUKTEENTIE OC FORBER / with | gveat for a trial, as it has been more exped ;Iallli any remedy used by u«. Temj Modeste Martel, poki g : b Turner, Fever; A. Feter ailments ; W m W aters, chenmatinm ; ( man and! animale; R. McElroy, s Davidson, small pox. . > “@3»1 $ ') ROFESSOR KE.L0G‘$ Life Prome ev in# Vegetable Compound aod, umvors «1 mire Ei+ #%. ol 4 Yousl, Winth alÂ¥he immediate relif, | and «niylsequ‘res oue triat to wwavinee the n.ost '.h.-licai Eaternally by rubbing, in ermiily by mixing with malk or anything to â€"vit the ta to or sloar. teaspoontul, s tull do=e, fever and €, all fevore, oid suves, fresh cuts aud mh.. toul stomach. Dv«pensi», by nixâ€" with oce glas» Hlignwines , rheuinatiom of all #, frinm Trewens. ie sons drunk insse tor io balf an bour by tao do««s. ana in trot most every ailment cured in a very «!irt #pace‘ tims. | Corna, by paring and *pplying â€" tor tnl #. _ The nesve of a tou h en:irely quintea an Application for & short length of time. It as imagic on horse Geshâ€"in all cares, apd also on all other ben«ts. Nq famjiy »bou!d be without it, as there will be no denger of diseaso 'L. in coâ€"nection with the W ater, Cmne None senpine withont the signature of the above Bole Proptietor H. J. KELLO@. Aswire G-I‘}( >C ISCRI 13 s |__ |LIQuors amp HARDW A RE. We ( have Cases, a for a trial ;'dlll. HEELER & t tawa. Op ym um S AZLL A It. June *f _ &7 ctober 12, 18¢ undersignad inhabitant« of Templeton the above named, compound in many PAoo.tAc_idlyA recommend it to the publis Te . ) Toi. 0020000 00 th i pt t y ;W' & Caldwell W, Kennedy, J. M EW STORE ! ROQOIE, nestrce $, t» the Post Offic n‘s to intending purâ€" sale, and my :zm- oo i. 2 ope uL ATUeL pulieg cand pur. ) Turner, Fever; A. m..n'.'ï¬., different ‘ m W aters, rhenmatizm ; f Blancbette, animale ; R. MceElroy, sunstroke : J. [Â¥ F~DUnTlB.\'~T%6brd'fl}fk;':“w.i;; an entire new stodcor MAX Eis O#WN Doctor Hearn, J. Skinner, and other ‘dro> balance of my for D?AVID MIT LAR B1R3 wooD & kossITER LAUDER, : 3 D+ ALD ON, : | j JOHN TH »MP3ON, 1 N. sPARKS, e MA +EE, £* BTR+IF. ,P AXNIE POWELL, â€"| L. l‘.flm.‘i P | 7+ Wik 1 ®, F. PW ELL CO®FIN. CLEMOW, ADAM3uNX, BLASDELL, M it to the public expedient and ofâ€" ed be EB B, Eddy, Bsq tne for ner ha ving been | regard tos ho dearands ci¢ Paper Hangings aud i of Dwellings, Othces, style and wo kmunsbip. terâ€"rower, £0 the por SOX S 470y itfatter the 8 discount ‘ l!flcnby en that application will be | MA made to éxch and every ;ur‘lhmon" having | jurisdictiop; at the present or next sersion thereof, | râ€"specti .,!' for an netto amend the act chantered | 10%, paised 1t the Sossion of the P inment for the lnteA‘rovince of Canada, held the 2# : and 30th | pours of the Reign of Her Majesty Que . Vietoria, | Intituled * An Act to Incorporate the Ottawa City | Pipsenger Railway Company . y .?bc.lldï¬l.h 6072m November 18, 1867 pLA'I'I"ORSI, COUNTER, Warechouse; Grain, Coal, UI{, ‘Railroud Track, A Dm'{ht, tiold, and all kinds of SCALES constantâ€" ly on hand and for Sâ€"le. > FAIRBANKS, BROWN & Co4, f £ Boston, Mas«s. Our Sole Agents in Ottawa, _ _ Take Hishest Premiums at the Paris & Exposition. D00 N nk 6f feas, Gunpowder, G14 Hyson, Young Hyson, Hyson Twankay, Biack, Extru Fine Engâ€" lish Broaktas Souchong, Conyou ditto, Ooclong, Orange Pekoe, Finest Japans. im nevndh es id c d d o EETTIEDY Sugarseâ€"Enylish, nfln:d in loaves, Eroker Loaf. Crushed White, Yellow Refined Orange Pekoe, Finest Jnpans, _ _ _ _ ~ Coffeens:â€"Java, Jamzica, La Gétayra, Mocha Ronsted anii Ground on the premise«, i C.nminï¬r:rx of Teas*, Gunpowder lc P S . U Ottawa. Jun« 21, OrFAWA AGERNCY ; â€" Oifficeâ€"Desbaruts‘ Ruilding, 77 Bpukb/ §t | X. P. HAYES,. | Na. 2 is due at Brockville in time to connect with G. T. R. Express Trains for the East and West. c Ted H ARSOTT, . _f s Manager jor Trustee. Brockville, Dec. 16. 412y _Alt rrauins &n main line connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to and. from Perth. * No« 1 lewres Brockville after G, T. R. Expross Train i» due from the Kast. * A A.M.=««TR AINS will leave ' (’:5() Smith‘s Palls at 101530 a.m.. and 6: 5 p.m., aod arrive at Porth at 11:40a.m , and 6:%5 p m, | .. sls fls cal 1 ts s ols wl i 6 ‘ 5 A. M.eâ€"TRAINS will Jleave $ He Sandpoint daily at 6145 a«m., and ascrive at Brockville at 1:00 p. m. LEAYVES PERTH. Ar P. M.««TRAINS will leave eb :00 Zerth at 5100, and 9:40 a.m , and arrive at Smich‘s Fails at 5:50 pm. aod 10. 0 LEAVE BROCKYILLE P+ M.â€"«â€"TRALNS will leave 3:45 Brockwille daily at 3.45 p.m:, and arrive at Sandpoint at 9:25 p m,. Arcckville and Uttawa B SE e eP Return tickets torPrescott, Kom;:vme and Ottaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the principalstaâ€" tions un the ~ine: PS To T. 8. PETLOR, THOMAS REYNXOLDS, Suporin:endent, Mandging Director. Ottawa, Dee 28, t867, Iy Saxgage to and from Ottawa «heckod through from and to stations on Grand Trark Railway Express, 8 a. m. <.>~â€"10 50 & m.> Mixed, 1.30 p. m. 445 p. m. The titme of these Trains has been noarnn'ged as to ensure connection with night and day traina on Grand Truok, east and west. w# follows (0J Coatieooke only, at 10 10 1+ M. a8" seeping Cars on all, Night Trains. Bagâ€" gage checked through, ror further information and time of arrivat and departure of all traips at terminal and way stiâ€" ticns, typly; the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Staâ€" tiom I : tiok ALALISH & RUSSELL FMUR ATINS now leave Bonaventure Sta« & | tion as fdiows + . GQING WESTâ€"Day Express for Ogdensburgh, Oftaw s, Brockvilid, Kingston,~ Botreville, Porouto, Guel, h, London, Brantford, Goderich, BuWso, Dat roit, Chieago and all poins West, at 8.30 A;M. Nigbt do do at 7 30 P ‘\;. * f , Accommod stion Train for Kingston and intermeâ€" dinte stacions at 7.60 A M. veent Train for Cornwail and intermedi.te Staâ€" tions, at 4 20 P. M. > Teatss for Lachine at 8.00 A M., 9.30 A. M., 3 00 and 4 30 P. M. bur N. B.â€"Trese trams run on Montreal Time Commencing on Monday, December 9, 18§7 Ar w ‘I.T 4 SOUFI AND EASYâ€"â€"Accommogat Iraiv from Istand Pood and intermediate Statio t T00 |A: M. i * Expré«s for New York and Boston, at 8 40 A. Â¥xprgss Yor Boston and New York, at 3.30 P Express for Portland(stay ing over night at Is!n Poud) at £.00 P.\. WINXTECR ARRANGEYTr®NT Grard Trunk Railway Conpany; Fine Boitled Ale ! E NOW IX RECEIPT or Pnugkir “ new and varied assortment of "ar «â€" C.J. BRYDGES, Managing Di. octor December 23, 1867, 5 B5 ALEXANDERNWORKMAN & Co Crocerv Goods Th N and after MONDAY, the 30th Dec» | gons to 1867, and until farther notice, trains will rup gop sh NOTICE LPAYE PRESCoTT Mixed, 7, 50 &, m, Express, 2.10 p. m LEAYES SMITH‘S. FALLS 3.00 P. LRAVE OTTAWaA Dalglish & Russell, LEAYVE SANDPOIN‘T Nt Loay or CANADA. Xuilronts. Train runs thr tortlans. Three Rivers, Qn ), stopping bat ween Mor bt, Milarre, St. Hy wei Sherbroke, â€" Waterville ARRIVK IN PRESCOTT ARRIVE IN OTTAWaA. 11 09 a, m. 4.45 p. m. 592â€"6m Aok»yt 1574 F § [4 AYER’§ * Sarsaparilla Platts |__ Dr. Robort 3. PréebL t 1 had. f' e age | pt.. us, «t. ht i | uepayy which threati ith | ’_,.N.-,,' dog rise of ons $ | |/'.Â¥./L‘w, U a PoAominip the common .,'l fl-n chocele, G ZSlulun #loan oi Pros e | )9 of sour Sersaparifia ~â€"| pais sweliing on the n ! yoir two years,"* \ Lencarrhea or W |. Ltorine Ulcerat +o Th J B. 8 Chanine 2 MOT NC " remedy to nnlwndl{ known to surpars n{ her for the enve of throat and | ung complaints, that it puseless bereto publish the evidence of its virtues. 1ts inrivalled excullence for coughs and colds, and its !ml|y jonderfnl eures of ml-oury disease, have made it rmwu thromghout the civilized nations of the earth. w are the communities, or even families, among them who have not some personal experience of its effects == 4ime living trophy in their m!Jst of its victory overâ€" the pibtle and dangerons disorder® of the throat and lungs J# all know the dreadfnl Ztality of theso disorders, and js they know, too, the effects of this retmedy, we need not go more than to ussure them that it has now all the virâ€" jnes that it did have when making the cures which have you so strongly upun the confidence of mankind, * Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lowell. Mass. Suld by GeoHo Mortimer, John Roberts W. M. Massey, H. F. MacCarthy, and John Skinecr. in Ottawa, G50tf 1e be Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, yOR THE RAPID CURE or ughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarsenes * T aup. Bronchitis, inciptent Come _‘ sumption, and for the Relfcf _ In J B.8 Channtiz, of New Yorrk City, @ritess " I { most cheerfulty muw'fl with the request of your Agent in mn!â€"~I have found ‘your #arsaparilia a most excelient | sStouathiv in the numorous complaints for which wo | mplay such a remedy, but eT-dnlly in Mmale Diseoses |_ f the Scrofwlous dinthesis. 1 have cured many inveter» | ¢‘e cases of Lencorthce by it, und some where the conâ€" | Faint was eaused by ilceretion of the uferus, The uleerâ€" Y 1 jon Irself was soon cured, . Nothing within my knowlâ€" 1 Jyn eqnale It for theso female derangements." |__ 4uiward S. Marrow, of Newbnry, Ala., writes, " A danâ€" |_ rtons onaman tumor on one of the females in my family, |~ hilch bad defied all the remedics we could emptoy, has 12@ Lonurite hein aslesscestce clloi en ud ie rrbdial se 48 0 C noer omm o on â€" I N{vonn‘ agnin, . The {it that can be said of you is not bu} good emough," ynuirras,Cancer Tumors, Enlargement Ulceration, Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones, % t A great variety of cases hava been reported toâ€"us where ares of these formidable compiaints have resultsd from ie use of this remedy, but onr space bere will not admit "em. Some of then; may be foand in our American ‘limanac, which the suents below named are pleased ‘to urnish gratis to all who call for them. Byspepsia, Heart Discase, Fits, Epilep» #y , ‘hl.ueholy, Neuralgia Many remarkable eares of there affections hbare Leen wwde by the alterative power of this medicine. 1t stimuâ€" tos the vital functions into drmmc action, and thus iercomes disorders which would be supposed beyond its wch. Suth a remedy has long been required by the neâ€" malties of the people, and we are confident that this will > for them all that medicine can do. P : piug Powrpedt ons t ci B ci it of Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages _ . of the Discasc, This is a remedy so unlnmnY known to en her for the cnve of throat and Jung coninlain/ thenmatism, Gout, Liver Complatat, Iberexpence, Preston Co., Â¥a.. 6th July, 1850. Dn. J. 0. AÂ¥eR: Sir, I have been aftlicted with a pain« J chronic Aheumatism for a long time, which bafiled the ‘xll of physiclans, and stuck to me io ®pite of all the i nedics i could find, until I tried your Enrsaparilia. One itle cured me in two weeks, and restored mwncnl ‘mh o muclh that I am far better than bei 1 was acked. 1 think it a wonderful medicine. J. FREAM. «Aules Y. Getchell, of 8t. Louis, writes: "I have beon licted for years with an aftction of â€" the_Liver, which itroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing \ed to relieve me ; and 1 have been a brokenâ€"down man some years from no otherâ€" cause than derangement of Liver, ‘My beloved pastor, the Rev, Nr: Eepy, aqvised «to try our Sarsaparilia, because ho sald he krew you, *Jd any thing you made was worth trying. | Iy the bfeab px of God it has cured me, and has to purified my Liood 4 !o make a new man of me. . J N'yonng agnin. . The vit that can be said of von is wse puaP _6 CEED, _ ns M M ! lerve enred with it, in my practice, mast of the cumâ€" n‘s for which it i« recommended. and have found its f cts truly wouderful in the cure Hf ‘Venerrol ond Merâ€" prial Diatas. Onek f my patients had Syphilitic ulcers n his throat, which were consuming his pxlato and the wp oi his mouth. (Your Sarsaparilia, steadly taken, aired him n five waeks. . Another was attacked by seo ndary @ymptoms ‘n his nor" ~4d the ulceration bad aten away a considerabl ru of It, fo thit 1 believe the vsorder would scon react his brain and kill him« But it wided .to my administration of your Farsapariila; the Joers healed, and he is well agaip, not of course without vine disfiguration to his face. A woman who hd beea mted for the anme disorder b‘y mercury was suffering "m th* poison in her bones, They had become so senâ€" ‘wive to the wenther that on a dam Any sho aulfered exâ€" Lu'mtun( pain in ber joints and Lmn. Ehe, too, was ved enurely by your Rareaparilia in a few woeks. I .mw frowâ€" its formu‘ls whic, your agent gavo me, that â€"is Preparation from your Inboratory must be a great ymedy; consequently, these truly remarkable results ith it have not #urprised me, Fraternally yours, . / G. v, LARIMER, M. D. d fu oo o P i on «nparilia as the Jast resort before cutti + in’-l it ed efectual. . After taking your vemedy mt weeks ~aympntom of the disease remains." ' knowledzo what your Sarsaparilia b Havag mheiited a Scrofulous infoctior from it in various ways ï¬:t.&!ll'lb Bo out in . Ulcers 6n my. hands and wre turned duwked aad distressed me at th yoars ago it broke cut ex, ray hoad and rad ears with oae sore. which was paint o youd desdription. â€" 1 tried miany medi plormictans, lrre without much relef frog miyh tue disurder erew wors. At leng ty vead in the Gospetâ€" Messcuzer thut 3 in alterative (Sorsupazila). for 1 knew E tion that any thant x0 csode nust be Hlacinned gind get 14y and ueed it tiil it c ib un you mdviee, * sorall doses of & te u{m!l\ and used altaost thres bottles, _ shin soog begun to form under the «es while beil oif / Ny skins is new clear, an Pelligs thit the‘disemse has gone from t ran well Believe thusI joet what I am sa you, that I hoid you to be one of the ap yad remalq ever gratctully. Youra 8y phills and Mercurial Discase. ; New OntraN®, 25th Angust, 1889, Dr. J.C. Avcr: Siz, I cheerfully comply with tha roâ€" eer of your sgent, And renort to you some of the eflocts wve rhalized with rmr Sarsaparilin. | beeve enred with it, in my practice, most of the Cumâ€" n‘s for which it i« reeommended. and have found its cta truly wouderfal in the cure Hf Venerral and M.s. w.n-. RICHARD will open a Private iVM Srst.class BOARDING HOUSE, Corner of SUsSFX and CLARENCEâ€"SIS., over Mr. Martiâ€" neau‘s Dry Goo«s Store, on the 1st March. P ir. tias wishing quiet, good, comfortable board, with good attendance, will piease apply and secure Apsucments. Browk(»st at 8 and 10 a. m. ; Lunch at i p. m.; and {inner at 6 p m. Ottawa. February 26, 1868® £50â€"%ns PNC e Rrvoviplaie uis Cofe Pvovcmi phl) P c length been completely.cured by y‘r Extract of Sarâ€" wrillu Our physiclan thougbt nothing but extirpaâ€" n eould afford r'vlkf. but he .dvlvn{l the trial of your SepmanIHd se oph Irecs ons neue C And for the speedy cure of the following complaints : Ccrofuta and !er.&lon. Affecons,such as Tuimors. Ulcers, sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pustules, Elotches, Boils, BHlains, and all Siin Discases. 7 Oagcax®, Ind., ‘6th June, 1850, J. C. Arér & Co, Gents: 1 feel it my duty to acâ€" knowledzo what your Sarsaparilia bas Gone for me. Haviag mhesited & Scrofulous infection, I have suffered rom it in various ways for years. Bometimes it burst ut in Ulcers 6n my. hands und mruis: sometimes it |FIRSTâ€"CLASS GROCERIES, A splendid CHTCK ERLNG, only a few months in ufe, }lm;flAl,l-: CHEAP, the proprietor having waka ds TOOUY gons to Eng‘!‘and. Aumaginas :‘" w pomrreames. FAr Oid Piapofortes taken in exchange. 25, Sparksestreet, k >ign of the Golden Lyre. January 27. 418y That have ever been offered for sale in Ottawa Theso in:truments were carfully selected by Mr. Nordheimer from the factories. Steinway, Chickering and Duaham ~â€"PIANOFORTES Ottawa .. Docember 23, 1867 Ottawa, Jan. 20, 18 8 ; n PATIRS of Gfey Twilied RIL A N« *SpCD KkTsS, M.n’ 50 pairs L80,â€" (‘:ln\dinl} W hilg"l‘fl_{lled and Whitnoy Biankets tnglish ‘Grey Bnkets, woighing from 8 t pounds each, ; en s +ss OBE MeAILLIYRAY. Ports, Sherries, Brandios, Gin, &c., W hich is in #«plendid cond.tion, Also, sceotch, Irish, Old Rye PRIVATE B();\ï¬l)l.\'(} HOUSE Bottled Ale, ‘ Bottled Ale, . . Bottled Ale. PIANOFORTES ! Messrs. Orme i Son arrhcea or Whites. Ovarian Tamr, vlue Ulceration, Female Discases. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. TE Subscriber would call the atten«» . tion of Famuilies and others to his gqworin, Sowe Ey ut:-bl:;;;;- erndndnt nbert N. Préble writés from Salem. N. Y., 12th 53, thit. he hi« vured an Inveterato e:;l ;f. which threatiued to terminate fatall t ring nae ol one Sarsapariiia, and M‘&M ul Iry=«plte by large doses of the same; says the common Zruptions by it consten‘ly. chocele, Goltrs or Swelled Neck. n #logn of Prospect, Texas, writes : " Three bot vur harsiparilia cured me from a Gai/re=a hidâ€" lling on the neck, which 1 had sufered from years," EG to latimate that‘ they have on hand one of the FINEST COLLECTIONS To ether with a General Assortment of P OE SATLE, 1NSPECTION INYITED A Call kindly Solcited. 1. WHELAN, 44, Rideauâ€"stroet, . Opposite Allan‘s Crockery Store And other Malt Whiskies, THE OTTAWA TIMES, MARCH 5 PATRS of Grey Twilled RL A N« f 659â€"2m Havana ME VW Hnt o in rduihnioes A is ind f Mu G1aNELLLâ€"Dear S# : Having recelved‘from (on asample of the Royal Icalian Bitters of Dr. ]’ ‘erri as prepared by you, I bave much rleuure in testifyimg to its very excelient “ï¬â€œï¬‚ 108 ds arn | ngrou:)?o and exhiliarating tome Bitter ; nothing | equal to it has ever come under my notice. Hay | pg also been made acquainted with its composition | and mode of preparation, I feel nothing Letter | could have been devised for goneral use ; froth it | effects which I have observed in saveral cases, I °o it NeninabmitipeniPre OA t hn ? hi uddhul tb ce 12 BR | think very many who now suffer from indigestion | and dyspepsia in their various forms will find in it l a panacea for all their ills, Very truly, W. K. BESSEY, M.D., C.M., «&e., | Beaver Hall Hill, Dear Sir: Just n&n)rinj from a lonJ und severe illness, I have received a sample your Tonico Reale‘ and from its use have derived conâ€" siderable beneft, as I find my appetite and digesâ€" ion much improved, and hesitate not to recomâ€" mend it as one of the best and most agreenhle Tonics I have over used. o WILLIAM ARNOLD, ‘A‘.B.’."l'rh\i"ty Ozl_lo{o, Dublin; af. R. C.S Loadon ; A, M. Â¥. G1axeur1, Eeq., Montrea!, Letter from Drs. Picault. Montreal, July 27, 1864, To Mz. Axcerta Graxgrus. Dear Sir:«We are pleared to acknowledge the np-gdon of the pmfl?lon of your valuable tonic and bitters, entitled "The Royal." All the subâ€" siances conta ned in itsâ€".composition nre perfectly combined to ‘orm a preparatiun fit for the purposos du:ihd in your directions. M A F Graxgut1, E«q, Montreal ubelialifiod ie Auscint hi is a A | To A. M. F. G1axgLu, Esg., E | _ Dear Sir,â€"â€"The " Tonico Realo" I have tried I faithfully, and it givu me great pleaaure to state to ‘ou that it is the best and mos: n?renhlo Tonie I | have ever used in iny practice. T1 find it partiouâ€" | larly adaptea to funru and children debilitated by the various diseases and complaints peculiar to them. If you will favor me with a letter stating where I can procure your Bitters for my patients, 1 shail take |p-rtieu|ar |pulm to recommwend them. As a general rule the Bitters sold are too bitter and have too much Alrchol, and are hence often injari | Ous. a i Montreal, August 20, 1887. | Dear Sir : 1 have to acknowledge the Teceipt of a | sample of your © Tonie Reale," necemvanied by a note Informing my of it« compositiou, and how preâ€" | pared. _ Whils "not belioving in rny universal | Tonic, I am forced to admit 5..: there aro many l cases where just snch a |nropnntion as yours would ( be invaluable.. In cases of Chronic Dyspepsia, I have several tiines recommended its use and /with } much benefic. Yours, &c., j ; FRS W CAMPBELL, MDLRCP, | Your "Tonlso Renle" seoms to me to be the Tome we have long wished for, buene:'r foui«d uaotil Prof. Verri, D.M., of Padua, has given it to the Medical World. Respocttully yours, pimelses Wy. FRED. HOLCOMB. M!D., Profeasor of Aural and Ophthaimic Surgery iff New York Medical Collor, and Surgeon to New York Ophthalmic Hoepital »nd Demult Dispgnsary. Jaiter from Dr W E. Campbell, Edior Mediecat We aro, dear Sir, };&El_:!'}pr_ol_-o_l y, W, M. MUIR, M D., Inspectorâ€"General. Letter from Professor Smallirood, of MeQGilt Uniâ€" versity » f L 32 Beaver Hall Terrace, . . Y a Montreal, August 1, 1866. 1 am opinion that Dr. Verri‘s © Tonic Reale" is a very pleasant and paidtable form for the exhibiâ€" Tion ot tunic bitters, in cases requiring such a preâ€" paration, 4 CHAS. SMALLWOOD, M.D., L.L.D., D.C. 1. To A. M. F. Giaxzri1, Eso., Montreal From Dr, Muir, C.. B, Inspeciorâ€"Genere! H. M, \Hospitals in lfn'lion-wn’fla. : Montieal, August 1, 1866. «Sir : Maving much practical experience of Bitâ€" ters in tho West Indies, in India, and other parts Kuu of the world where they are in rquest, I ave no hesitation in giving it a. my opinion that D¢. Verri‘s " Tonico Keals" is the very best 1 have cver mat with. * 227005 °0 me, 2 remain, dear Sir, iy‘m'm very truly, 4 A HALL, M.D., â€" Professor Midwifery, McZill University, A. G1aXELLT, Esq., &c. &o., &¢., &c, _T shall L-ro'"tl{.;&x'r;"ih"m'é use in such suitable cases as m relves to me. I remain, dear Sir From the nature or character of the materials employed in their composition, it is infpossible to regard them otherwise than as the healthful, inâ€" vigorating, yet mild tonic or stomachic, éspecially udapted to stomachs enfeebled by general sickâ€" ness, and whose energy requires a genile stimuius, preparatory to the indigestion of food. * Montreat, March 15, 1866. My Deas Sir : T have to acknowledge from you the recoption of a sample of your © Roy al Bitter»,‘ of your own manufacture, and have subsequently had the opportuaity aforded me of becoming ‘secâ€" quainted nut only with their preparation, but also with he materials which enter into their composiâ€" tion. Notning, [ think, can excel the mode of £1â€" tration adopted, while the small amount of vinous ingredients imust recommend them to general favour, even to those who usually disapprovs of the use of such b verages, the proportion boinl only just suf. ficient to maintain their composition unimpaired in elimates subject to considerablo fluctuations of tempeorature, 4 i tAily, My Dear Sir ; 1 beg to acknowledge the recerpt ! ¢f a sawple of your Royal Italian Bitters_together | with a bote imparting ‘to me the formula for their preparation, . Having a large Geld where to try the | effect of your Bitters, I have obtained lattering | success in cases requiring the use of a mild, «timuâ€" | lating tonic, and i will recommend your Bitters | with pleasure in dyrpepsia, indigestic n, loss of apâ€" } petite, goneral debility, and constitutional inactâ€" | vity of the liver, i Letter firom Dr. Hoi!, I‘r;leuorlnf Midwifery a Discases 0 Women and Uhildren, Mctiill College A. M. F. G1axki1], Esq., &! consticution. [Fheir flavour is also very pleaâ€" sant. I remain, dear Sir, yours very Lineertl‘y, ' J. 1. LEPROHON, M.D. A.GraxsLu1, s f . Proprietor Cosmonolitan Hotalâ€" Mostren OR T96 Nulin T V Aur olb t Reaichs Asasesr is 28 1 , New York, Lisenciate Royal Colloge FR 1 have no besitition in stating that the ingrediâ€" ents entering intoueir compcsition are of a.nature to render thein decidedly useful in many cases of weakners of the digestive organs and of the goneâ€" al constitution. ‘Their flavour is also very pleaâ€" Sant. Aaiter Jrom Dr, J. L. Leprohon, City Health Officer, Montreal, March 29, 1867, Dear Sir: My absence from Montreal has pre vented mo trom acknowledging sooner the recepâ€" tion of {wr nowe ard accompanying sample of the * Royal Italian Bters." h Letter from D. J. L. Leprohon Kept by the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion (-FCunndu abd in the United States, Bold by the Proprietor, f _ Dear Sir s You request my opinion of the " Roy al Italian Bittors," prepared frow a receipt of Dr Verri, ot Pagua. 1 bey to »tate that I consider it a most agreea ble cordial tome, in every way suporior in fl&vour and cemposition te the ordinary bittes tonies in general use, I have recommended it to several paticts, who have der.zod marked benefit from its use * The proprietor refors with the greatest confiâ€" dence aud sntisfuction to the subjoined testimorfâ€" i@ls from emivent medical men,which he could add to, were it desirablo. The‘ingredients of its composition: have been ueparted to the loudini Physicians of Canzda and the Unired States, and have received their nuqualiâ€" hed approval on every account. guishpd original preparer at the Natio ial Exposig tion at Torino, Italy, by whose tavor Mr. G _.sâ€"cu obtained the recipe, and was also awarded a d pâ€" loma at the Provincial Exhibition of Can#da h(-Ll at Montreal in September, 1865,/is, without excep tion, the most gevuine, *alubrious and agreeable mh cluod ce t id L0 EW U T ie o eap oo n oo e enty Toxicever introduced to public notice either in Europe or America. Tor seventeen yoars it yas, in Italy, been a tniâ€" versal favorite among the e/ite of society, being gonerally servod in too drawing room before dinâ€" ner, in preference to Vermcuth. 4 DEL DOTTORE F.P. VERKL f Projessor of l.‘q‘mlu!ry in the Unrseinty o PADGA Royal Italian Bitters ! TONITO REA LE 1 am,â€"dear Sir, yours faithfolly, remain MIHS celebrated preparation for whic a certificate of merit was awarded to the distine roprietor Cosmopolitan Hotel, Montrea A:, Tempieâ€"street, Boston, ital and Demult Dispgnsary. _ _ W £, Campbell, Eduor Medicat Journat, 5 4 20, East 25thâ€"streot leasure in recommending their le cases as may present themâ€" New s‘ork, May 114. 1867. dear Mr. (iilnclii. yours, very °_ &. DE LA GRANJA, M.D. DRS. PICAULT & SON Mogt.ro_l_l. l{'obrunry. 1867 TrPALY. iabihiyht antaad wl a New York, May 9, 1867 _‘op,_ G. E. FENWICK, M.D July 1, 1367 London. THE TEA POT, {tionalle OTTAW A. ‘ %L{hg:m% Bt. and yél‘i‘ n 8t I Avona! 3 ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE by onr own Waggone to any part of the City daily Just Received from Englan : ROAST HARE. CURRIED Do. JUGGED pu. 8TEWED Do. BLOOD‘ ‘ ONDON sTOUT. ; BARCLAY‘8 LoX pox rorrkn ALLSOPS PALE ALK. : BASS‘ EAST INpIA. p DOWS CELEBR&TED MONTREAL aALK DAWS SUPERIOR LACHINE aL® DAWS CEDsBRATED PORTER & STOUT Which wo are aelhnâ€œï¬ B_zhâ€"ï¬hâ€"n;;;:r gall UUINESS & CO. ROBINSON & CO. wou!d especially 1 the at tention of families to their stock of ALES, WINES& SPIRITG Wines, Spirits & Liquors By which peculiar process, he aroma is preserved, an ° ropders it the Favorime wit aLl CoPPRER DRIXEâ€" KRe. . BEWARE OF SPTCRIOUTUS IMiTATION®, PéS* As it 1s mported by no other firm in Canade 100 cnses Otard Erandy. 50 â€"¢"â€" MarteU‘s LdoQ>:** ~~d08 énncpn-,,., 75 / * _ WUnited Vinaue;« ‘o have a most delicions The Pure Mountain Berry soucuone. 4 150 Caddies MANDeEIN MIXTURE F2 This is the fnest Buack Tra ever lmr ed, 5a per pound ; in small Caddies, about 14 1b oleh.oflrm ; 1i,000 5 Very Choice and NOW O% sADZE : loved Tousin the Right Honoravle Cftart+s Sr‘nu:\' Viscovxt Moxcx, Baron Monek of . Ballytrammon, in the County of Wextord, in the Peerage of Lreland, .ang Baron Monck â€" of Bailytrarmmon, in the County of Wextord, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom of i tirest Dritain and Ireland, Governorâ€"Geneâ€" ral of Canadd, &o., &c., &0. A Our Gorâ€" ernment House, in Our Ci'ty of Ottawa, this TWENTY SEVENTH day of FEBRUARY, in the year of Our Lord, ove thcusand eight . hundred and sixtyâ€"eight, and in the thirtyâ€" "hret year of Our Reign. By Command, a MECTORL. LANGEVIX, : f C31td ~~ Sesretare of State. Ww DUBIHN sSsTouT : ROBINSON & CO Jakins‘ Patout Silver Cylinter f CHESTS UNCOLOREL ,000 JAarAx. 600 Chests very chorce and superior Â¥OUN® HYSON. stt 700 Chesta Good Strong TW A NKA i 100 Chests old fashionsd BREAKFA®) 'l‘oinll to whom these presents shall come, or | whom they may in anywise concernâ€" | GnerTing : ‘ MONCK Vicror1A, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain FRESH. ARRIVALS DINNEK SHERRY PRESERVED MEATS T BAsâ€" ROBINSUN & ,CO, THE TEA Pot. and Ireland the Faith. & COFPFPEE | ROAST PHEASANTs. ROAST GROUSE, OAST PARTRIDaGL CANADA AT THk Necretary of State td Qurex, Defender of | out buildings thereon. 4 &c., &6 ] and '-tme«l. % 3 Â¥C., Wt . _ |_ ‘For farther partiqulare muperior | oOTTAW A Bi, The ’Rm.“ tor has no ob ection to sell a part of | the farm, with or without t‘ho house. 'fllhr:::ld " ‘!;o a gluinblo country residence. Title unexcepâ€" ona hle ® Augus; 1 4 o CcOUNTRY RESIDENCE es FORSALE, â€"Roautifully situnated on ‘y* the Macadamized Road {uttun Otâ€" 5ie *« tawa City and Aylmer, about 36 miputes‘ drive from the city. Aâ€"farm of excellent »nd, oonuinln‘i about 90 acres, with a large Stone t ouse erected thereon . Ottawa,. March 11 It is built on i ture, of out and is four stori It is finely situat O‘Connor-streou‘ ment Buildings #o that the Build qnln‘d capacity . could not fail to be made to ; en NO more eligible chance could be s s lacs joflered to any party in the Hote!â€" k 2s keeping line than the leare of the Liz CE ..Zâ€"above FIRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL Being on the eve of TonfedBration, and Ottawa being definitely settiod upen as its capital, ' ax@aag 2 L gible. proj , benutifully | < nlu:u‘ad on the guh of the Ottaâ€" wa, in the Township of Nepean, distant from the City of ttawa about three.miles on the macadam{ d’ read, together with the STUNE DWELLIN(!-II&'SE thereon erected,; at present ‘oeeufied b‘f William Thomson, Esquire, and the garden and ornamented grounds adjoining the same, forming pait of J.ot No. 2Â¥, in the 1et conâ€" cession, Ottawa front. A moft desirable private residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same alse for salo at nuofllblodpflcen. 4 For perticulars and terms apply to John ane William Thom#on op the premises, of to â€"~ LEWIS &« PINHEY, ; Barristers, &c., (tta wa. OQttawa, Fobruary 27, 1867 3697 VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET.! Faz,, _ fOOn Skuresruz wesre) s & > eriy oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, ib | RiEX First Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" | pesn, and Lote Nos, 26 and 28. in | the same Concession, at present in the occupation | of Wm. T. Aylen, Eeq . Fot ferther p-rliaplull apply to sous nlr.d Wx, Tnoxsox, Nepean, aré | I Semuns ts P cce t + o c B4 ci i en ult F2 M on l td Antraialiienâ€" "elliie in ies Aeveinintais Iat / Abrir: Te Lewis & Prywey, Barrister, Ottawa. _ Je?â€"141â€"tf on the n the promises 6 BUILDINCG LOTS, one mile from the gity, on the Richmond Road, containing one acre each. Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON, Jr., Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1863 | [PARTSQTLOTS1S and 19, North Bout« , | tonâ€"street, will‘be gold in three paris, or in | Aono,!nmit';nurch #ors, The whole wiil be !old‘ | Cheap for Cash, of goodl instalment down. ' |__Further pamcn;-u can be had on application to \ Messrs. LEES & GEMMELL f ] ' JOHN B. BRANNEX. | Ottawa, keb. 27, 1868. A gidep4 | Ottawa, Feb. 28, 1863 ~â€" tO â€"TuCt From the Ist of May Next Ottawa, Feb Ofice opposite the (lnt#ti;r'l-!: midenge, Aximer. â€"| f App‘:cation A PALR of MATCHED BAY PONIES, part Canadign $ and 6 years o‘d. ‘Guaranâ€" toed sound and gontl | Also, a Heary DRAUGHT MHORSE will be solg at a bargain, as the subscriber has uo furtbher vso for them . » Enquire at the Store farm would be a desirable situation for a young man wisbing to give bis uttention to farming,. as the Oftawa Maiket lcannot be surpnssed in the Dominion 1 think that I can #ay tï¬ut I have not sold me pound of buiter unger one shilling this eight years: if one went under two went over, Some reader may ask what an I selling for, it is peituer tor scaut nor for want of unyptbing, but I am in the seventicth year of my age, and nas purchased off this lot seven hundred and fifyâ€"mcres of land and all is paid for, and all my soas is settled on their own l'!.rmq, sol would rather sit down and take my case as be attrnding to marketing and farming any donger, | Peisous wishing to get any informaâ€" tion on any posut from me,.can do +o by addre«sing, postpaid, JAMES â€"JOHNSzOX, senr., -\'mni Glouc»ster | M . let for a lvw'â€"')m being lut Twentyâ€"jige ; wloucester, Rideau Fror well tenced and is a I Also, the oneâ€"hall of lt, Coneessiop, being in its !exu“enl land, | t is jr acrea: from the corner . The railread Yine nins !oornor‘ul‘ the one hund: | hundred for twowr three | ningham‘s is starceely‘ : | front of bot 4 wenty â€"trve l ble o" kecping thirty he |of horres, and as wobnt ME edts? miisistattofintitints css Aurparsed for a farmer‘s purpose, ‘The dwellingâ€" | ‘huu-c is stone, :i by 40, a story and a half over | M ground; and weyllar nine feet high, the ove halt | used for s kitchen and the other half e'.t.bk ¢| Grrvrans, holding 1,000 bushels oi anything you wish to pat | s PLT | into it ; thore is three smail wardows in it, and when | s % cleaned in the Spring, makes an exceilent milkâ€" | . ;hwu or dairy ; Thero 1« a . trame wood shed at | the door, 60 by 24,â€"with 14 fect taken of the | * * WWe one ebd for a conchhouse, and o\g;hrd f.n;la | Dircet {; storehouse ; next to that is .n stable y 26, finâ€"!} i ; ! iwhed inside, completo with fuor large double etails ; _ Retend band Piang« and two single ones, and geod room f6t hanging up ; new ones. s i harness, and eat box; convenient to that is a bare Consected with this 10. by 60, in. which 1 have often put 1,000 """f"h‘"!’-"!'f wil busheis of\grain in one year; eoncected with that | orders for TUNTNXG j» is 200 and 20 feet of frame shegs, all 20 and 21 tw deep, under pinned with «tone and lime ‘fiom two | . â€" to seven dect, ucce pling to lovel ; on the north side ‘â€" e of the house is another barn, 30 by 40, commoenly ‘ Ouawa, Feb. I '.;:T' filled w;'th peas and lo'ut..i. 'rAnd if either tennant | ", P xent ut purchaser has a desirefor religious MipPOBDE, 1: N7â€">â€"ro4rHâ€"oboâ€" iess mc youpun lie in your bed and the bepl.l‘ tolling ; * on the Catholic Church every Holy Day, and go to \ 8 the front door and. you will see the Presbyterian ; q Q s Church, whero the ftev. Mr. Loche d has preachâ€" | ed for the last twenty+two years,and goto the back door and you will ce both English Church and Methodist Chburch within two miles. The above PuA'l' PROPERTY a@t NEW EDIX. BURGH, forperl’ occu‘.ied by the underâ€" ned, compriging ICE and O ‘Tâ€"BOUSES, GARâ€" N, with Soft and Sprivg W ater, &#. Apply to . | Febiuary 26, 1868 U cMFS l f:! f?‘ Gloucester, Sept. 13, 1867 Febreary 6, 18388 "@, on the Macabamized ioafl, fending from (Ottawa to Metcalf, consiâ€"ting of 100 mecres, 80 of which |â€" cleared, and in the higheat state of euitiâ€" vation, ‘Bae soil is of the very best quality ; there is a good dwel‘in;; house, burn, etable and other For Parther partiou/are nt‘-;y to " 1. MCLEAN, Auctioneer, Ur the subscriber, on the promises, _ â€". / _ Two Pwellings to Let, HORSES FOR SALE Mineral Lands for Saie. The Victoria Hotel Apply to . ned in ihe Spriog, makes e or dairy ; Thero 3« a fri door, 60 by 24, â€"with 14 €bd for a conchhouse, an thouke ; next to that is .n ® d inside, couplete with fuur two single ones, and geod 1c vess, and eat box; convenie by ©0, in . which 1 have eis of| grain in due yoar; c 0 and 20 feet of fraime sh , under pinned with «toue . ven fect, ucce xling to lovel BPOFR. | SA T,I. Apply to OR SALE, Lot No« 15, Gloucester, Rideau Front, FOR SALE OR.TO LET, FARM FOR SALE. red and in a good st omeâ€"hall of lt a wenty â€" 0, being in its natural & land. ; 4t is just the ere m the corner of the on oad Tine nins whihin rer \the one hurndred and i for twwwr three mitea, J s is starcely‘ a mile an Lots for Saio. #, (postpaid) to be addressed to |FRAXNCIS curEmow, £sQ., | Or JOHN HENEY, Esg., . * I\ichnmnd Road, Ottawa, C. W t + + 370 be made 10 pay, _ 10 .I:IUllll modern style of architec» § ; has lar, ateâ€"glass ‘windows, is high, u‘'five oftho basement. | LA] :qil on d‘;o corner of \\'ol‘l‘lingm'll and mmediately opposite the â€" aâ€" £ 00 ue three Yavent lots attached, l MAGL ings could be enlarged to smy reâ€" | NORICEH ndetsigned will â€"cither sell Bl‘.l.\a the Upper part of E. MARTINEAU‘s Clothing Etore, Corner of Sursex and Clarâ€" ericeâ€"streets. NOR SALE, THAT ELâ€" REYV. iomm'o%& * Buil Village f 501â€"6m ‘w, years Lis well known faraf, / lige in the Fourth Concession of | 1 Front, 215 acres all clearsed, and | it a good. stute of caltivation. | oflet, iwentyâ€"seven in the Third iniits natural state, all wood and t is just the eros« _of two bundred imer of the unc lot to the other. nins whthin ren feet of the front ; hundred and in sight‘of the two three miles, The Station at Cunâ€" cely‘a mile and a halt from the yâ€"uve.. The abovefarm is capa | ty head of milch cows, wo #pan | ««@ny foung cattle as it "onh’ be | | Â¥. BRAULX, Departmrent Pablic W orks, A *__Ottawa. : C78H. JAMES JOHNSTON, Srxr 760â€"6t Mb17. JOLLX _McLAURIN, W.R. THiSTH4 every Holy Day, and go'u_: 1 will see the Presbyterian . Mr. Loche «d has preachâ€" EVG. MARTINEAT s M4b4r oramine years ngo 1 kept and ten or twelve horses, calves every year, The miles, from the door, to the e improveriients eannot be This farm i+ well fences Dominion House, Wellingtonâ€"st Ottawa, of st his W. HIALPENNY 557 37â€"6m 1th Concession 2 miles from Ottaâ€" ‘_:‘-h. lending from &6.!3 A TCZ!y SEA 67ia 44 TB | AVING lev facility in the KNeâ€" | ll firstâ€"cle ap u.-:u'imy. and '-!1 . in | but firstâ€"clase wer:‘-;ln..‘l am "'3".'& tion description img, in llu'él 1' ;:?k{llmhirԠany other esta blisbmest ARC| 44 d ana | VICTORIA ORGANS AXD ; |__ FROM SWITZERLAXD AXD IRM®®® | MICROSCOPES FROM #190 sa I 4. Phikio HiuMiveS acAai "| wap â€" _ _ pe . PNeniiare is THI 'rluis.,,mm l sli "“‘-o-......,m To: Ortha Tifes Paixmso 4%P Febmuary 7, 188q 2°=*. G: wa‘Comrsxy, at The Office, 04 luwm T Centre Town, Otlawa. J1#P . DAIGEPN q Managing Director; ALEX ***"" Olerk of the .""" Editor) K )1 ""I) for the United Oonntics | Celchrated Epiced Rounds & RoU | Curéed in the English Style i Also, SugarCcred Hams and Bacos «f # |* kn Despaher ty _ _ _ e Flowers for Christn â€"LAMPS for CHRISTM! Market Prug Store, | Ottawa, Feb. 6. BEEF, MUFTON, LAMB AN) | _ D. W. HURD, Successor to Hog» & | Lane, New York, Sole Propricter for Satchell â€"Brot December 20, 1867 , da Blank Book Manufa Btates The astonisbing efficacy of the Conadia #»NoV & soo L Destroyer, in curing diseases for which i or Halifar, N. 8., Close 4 commended, and its wonderful sucses day, 1224 5, P. | thomrflmd Rhecmatiem, and i Route of tran=misgign is re« ; Nervous Affections, eatitle it to a high rank 4 rteamer Chase, ut Uarlot1, & { list of Remedies for these complaints, p in for Halifax, boing uue che | coming in from Medicine Dealers in all y» | country for ""b’:;fl"""- and each Leticrs 5 cents per half ounc | to the universal" eatisfaction it gives. * _ | â€"The Canadian Pain Destroyer never or Halifax, N. ‘T“'“ 1 | mmediate relief. "All MeJicine Deslem: 1215, P. Nt | Physicians orderand use it; and no f, Boute of transmission i ria . without it after once trying it. g there withthe Monday 5 p i ] Pricr twentyâ€"five conts bottle. awsiongl Line}, for St. Jo «n. M i _ NORTHHOP 3 Lomay ie the fullowitg Thursder eveat PLECH css ET Ee P V m Ee ; Bold by 4ien, Mortimer, John Rebrts A W, CHASCER Y an 4 Co Massey, Henry F. McCartky .l.hz IM+ OF ICB, &UMONID$ Brown, in Ottawa. * * questreot, * Ottawa, Nov. 1, 18 7. Sitsts P (htawa, Nes, 6. 187. B O OK BI ND Butehers to | His Kxcellency Lord | His Show Room, UpeR®in®, is Di | hit ifp, having an area of 60 feet wide. . The Sample Room is on ‘ some of each kind of Masiea) ] ) I ke’n, Two cases of choice I 1 kmniande rerse 1. ‘ HER MAJESTyY‘3 Connected with this ooul;l‘ul Manufactarer, who will attend orders f TUXTXG left at the J Huve just been receive sale, besides a large as ;I.ondon MEic g,m Where be has a larger pren means of displaying his new 26, METCALFEâ€"ST., OTTAW A. ~ KJJ ng AÂ¥. MORTIMER, ESIRES to inform “'N has removed to the FROXq PaARy coxcERTIsAs, x £ WWA. . K NORTHERO LYMAX, $ Wirurar Moson‘ * § 4 §‘ s awt, Fob 30, l;: Fropre + erio® rwexttâ€"rive cnf; % +) G. â€"4.49 WELLING TOA SATCHELL‘® PEA NOK Dircet from ( EOSCOPES,â€" _ E‘:.:_uqf.'i.‘;‘;:n‘;;"‘ h & # “- * And NEW t " Aumond‘s Buildings, Ri MO\rf: A MORTIMEER PLUTE® Csste MILIEg AXD 0001 Dl{o"" TA m P OF orin taker of Her M PTemises . MILEs #"go and tuj Ine "‘:‘:Lh,‘ *bmogt is ' val LoBGop Mo ¢21â€"40 SITREEp : 1 ie 295kt Court House, Lâ€"Origns: _ °"% hq 300 fige «0y JGbty‘ls Iâ€rlm.k_', ty ___ NEWPuu avLAXN Ne#foundlang is included in th i Amawe ap Tor Halifax. ; * Lotters 12; conts per Walf oun: re sw it C K K ."I Mr. "Luke Carnsor & E'v 17 72084 Oiteawa, C, w Y % ic® S s to a P es T -.-1 :::.- end promptl any ie in re o h 4 unt for the district bf Quebad 1. d. BUCKLEYX, 1 : ciouer o. ut Attirss 'P;bvv -â€"-.;’ 47 herwe daly 16. LA tdA £ it d Conn ner of Bussex and 3 Pvocark. 1. M. HA) \-Lâ€"l;b; vro YÂ¥eA Te LA W , MO® : Post 0 ce Building, Eigi . XA. TETHKEAL [OTARY PUOBLEC sor L“.%- HLL, pear the ;N.“hh“' ! 18%145, P. Ne b':. J'MMM' lon i* vie _# there Monday 5 p in u‘thn;l Line}, for St. Jo l.-"l n the following Thorsdey eveni _ Leters 5 cents per haif o1nee K. J. WiIiUKoTs DVOCATE, & «., 4%, LAnt Street, MON ERE A L. wember 14, 1867. "The Mail Nespatcbed, ‘howe tainx connexion with theâ€" Mor (Isternation«l Line), from Por 5. Joon on Tuesday pin. x ‘\ For Wooedstock There is also a triâ€"woekly M Loup to Edmundston and * viere du Loup every T Sutarday ï¬ntr_u- the arriv from Quevec. atter inrended his route should be «pecially kiv. du Loup, ‘ Letters, 4¢., at» not forwarded «lifax » y the land route. wie St »s rpecially so addressed.â€" 215203103 K1 EEAI.?.;. mand & +. ‘N.'*‘-.o‘ LEES & GENME ; er rteamer Chase, ut Carloti1, 4 p in for Halifax, being uue ch londay. 4 Letrs 5 cents per half oun nt. 4« or Halifax, N. 8., Closed MOsSGROYVE & TA ARRIS PERKS, â€" SOLLCI Ofice â€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings % NEW BEUXNSY J NUE generai e w»if .‘ by railway, vi:'n-;un.q and Bangor, 3.. awhente by & 2:.:.-5-. Timeé .aken, ai this ava. s AS ETT y 1, bvlpmmcg, -".L‘ i.â€" ; “""71"7-- pad® ®: Uni + y â€W Ottaws. Prom OTTAW %*â€" Marte Lotters 5 cents per half Mails for the .\i'ariii WINTER ARRA y >m * »h (bmai® is painss C â€" jusiuess Cards of from 3 to % IVAMOC) ...« â€"+migsineny if not paid in »dvanse ........ Â¥early subscripion t6 the w _ in adfance)........ i not paid in qdvance _ cciâ€"paysble in adva £.an rut Advertisements, C MAMtpâ€"pâ€"++ antevertrnernes wndn A 1t u;.:‘le- insertions, p \'udr advertisers apecia 16 allowsance made. . {early sabscription to the d , 1067 i. hang? Rquainge 1*y L F. BCULTO®x '_‘!,"AMA'V. % -l-ux‘ouu AND W . enjoys THE LALGRST C: whike in the Ottawa mily over 2,000 I and naking % total cirpulation ©tlabwa 4 ®,000 1 thus‘ outstrippin Hofdin‘up‘hd meodiucs * ortine in, o AoviafSCONENTRâ€"are inss llowing rmtes :o 00â€" :'l'uflo-.m |..1 ,54, F urk Rorc, Kob 1 1867 Published enery B., Closed Daily, 1 . BOUCHET"| PRINXCE EDW ARD ecrtve Adrertinements J. CVDONHELR VY OL, IL. VUUN X 1847 , Attorneys, ® s & d1A t. A Tel A W, 8. N nmmmie in x6, 48a¢. "*** at the Custom x6 AzeNO® â€" 8 Adm.-p\- Dt EL C ine o )A‘