#} a U _ .} _ (aloe anle by all frstâ€"class dealers in the United States and British Provinces. â€"â€" Dry Go & . Puestay, the. Pourth D4y of Pbragry ; New Premises and Cheap Goods. averything suit sble fur the Gift «e s0~, for s ale ‘ _ JI. PUKIE & soN, f smm © 56 . l.w.“’_ blodi %, | wore‘s selebr ated lv'naum. Christmeas as Wow Your‘s #ote P1 ot. BRuveopes ant <ards ’W and 20 viser=â€"tlie lergest +togk ever in tag o.ty, in the neweâ€"t patteras vighest ‘blediags. The Annia‘s for |>f8‘ a fadihack DURIK & sox | < A now in stock a spiendiit varle H «i ourr o " . A tp durld lot of ET m"' 0 likle «aes. + The Posts ; _ # . Tse duadurd authors, . * Fige Lilustrated thitt Book®, f Family B hies, in sish calf and moroseo | The Most Atiractive Gift « Bs S CC mmoeoee~ C eemiy ~â€" e EETAEE ""r '.iN MILs Lw.\' ARIISP! “i“.“"“w.g“â€.'.w:., la;o‘{ â€" I | Spraine, ies, Crainpp in the stowasl L u. / @â€"SCIBNTTeD: worper. | _ _ Chofere Morbus, (Dyzentory, Bumei N hr“mt 'D.Twlloh awuy . per 1: ‘ hoR c“.lz.-:?t.uo to'..‘::.l".' Ske takecarrest Likenessos or: thotwirs, VIZ CANADLAN eAIY Destroy rr émt -m.:ll Instrutthions se by ns A.I | now bee. belure the public for #.len ““'.F add. ‘c+B AME3 & 00 ‘:. and «honover used is -o:gï¬-dlunn 2"* N nle single inatance to give anent relief |â€"_â€" 600 â€" tm ; . 181 t':_“"!.-f_':i"'.' RF l.lrly usod, «nd n:':n':olu known & 1807â€"8. B00K3, B0OKsi1 16o7.): es im n e mmnaimin y - . 8 1 3e contr are 1867â€"8. BOOK3, BJOK31 18967â€"6; 'g".u. ln opiratonn ind td‘ to one o 5‘. 3 hi sn | ewan ho whes me of its w and masicnt affecs “.d..h.dlcodclwlihm to receive the %, ( i s Annual ReporL s SUBSCRIBERS F "upiinget natnbdnh h actch h c ics s 1BA #estiemenâ€"[ have no in «aying that 1 ve the great majority cf | ;.......7...:3..... t WALTHAM ~‘AtC !All‘l‘t:.ï¬lo?i‘s.{lle[ waee, Tbey KUXY wiTud TE uikaThol aCCURAGY aNQ $CEAULyz: ::vw.“'"i" and as i h «ve NEVHEK Kxuw N »XE t W EaAK be 4 bope to co ite tiige when r Iw ay panies . will goserill. adup: m:.-.b-\.h-u cvnaductors, my | pluicggit 'wugnaqmul ‘ ama * " Sss } [ f ..M | Yours re» posttuly, â€" y * . i R % 4 P VTUBWPUTEDIT ET l/aving recent! l:aving recently moved into their new hq-omiws, 1.. 20, Riseas one of the firm |yisited lately |the .\hfmn':ll Markets, and |secured a atouk of eatizel | I J.¢ S# E: % $ i: *+ s 6+ i F | + C f his, â€"â€"_â€"ANREW (GOODSH t C CF S a \tg‘lli'nwh m-imk:' be in.l«-r«fl" in Ohiï¬ï¬‚ly " .RIDEAUC sTRXEET r $4, (867, At PWTC hss dbeint itc ic i hedc c hh c dd iss td s 2 TCLSTT! Topaitrs aq any waitches we have ever had in use «n this toid, : A# you are aWare mwer y trustéed to those of Engiish manufa«cture, of acknowledged good reputatiun, but as a clase|they g_loq.upguemoouy. nor have they ‘done as .l: u‘;’-,--l am sustained by my predep ; Me: Lems, whose experience extended over ‘a seviee of yours. o P . 8 ‘yv & f h , + * ult h ‘» FaFnmee, °7 I CEaeDCee Coe CCR 200., ©000, V Geviiemenâ€"The watches Ju-m-nnq ou Have been in use on this Kailroad for Sareral by our men. to « we furnish watches as past of our equipment. â€"Ihere are some TH nï¬w uaat CA+RIED ON OUR L1YE, aud we comioer them 6 OD and ELE : glitl wes. L I have grokt sutis: in seying YuU & WATCHESGiLiVe L3 . THOUBLE sod nave ewrnmaud do wear mus r without repairs than any waiches we have had in use «n this rodd.. A8# you are aWare we iotmer y trustéd to those ofâ€" Engiish manufactu: acknowledged good reputatiun, but as a "“1.“’ povet keey time as correetly, hor have they ‘do Gu6 service a* yours. _ E.1 |. ® & % U & F : h hae T uonl l 4P o s l <4 Grout & do.‘s Tw:’stect Elastic Stitch lonly $15. &*%â€"Call and Se this . «Je beauty.) Prospectuses and Sipnmptes sent Erâ€"g4# Mail. perfection and cheapness \olm Wabe ) W atch have given it Â¥% l such a Wideâ€"world cele brity that --sx- wiegs -n-unyo-(n ago hmzuorm smyle and piafted it» 7& worke. lrn-.--.-ob: denlers are cccapianklly found who dishonestly trade upor the pepularity the Armerican watcd by seliing a bas» rantitiâ€"g under th« name of the ypasine wrticie, ‘ It is bhaâ€"diy Leceâ€"s=ry 1» state that such « are worblsssas thime agepers. and when bought for the Are calsulated to in) .00 lur:l pulation which our watyhes bave sttained. â€" Theseversi wlue amesicun @stsh (exorpt @1 grade marked bomé W atch Co,) are guapanteed by al goutogere bearing the n mbe of the frate the, ynature of the Treasurer ot the Co Mpany, E. Kobwons. â€" Tue purchiâ€"set s#oald in .llr mquire ue of these flulk-uc-. which is furumshed t sil demiers in the gonsine watcnes ‘ F3 . & |The Foilowing are ihe trade -ulh\ono o*n grades oflour manufacture : * A » RRICAN WabeH c [( ABPLE 1UN, PRACY & . co i f WAL : HAW WA dcH Co. | P. $. BAR LEIT. _ y . War. ELLERY., i 4 HOME WaTuH Co & ; % i A PEXNXSYLYANIA RAILROAD 00â€" j §5 fl*?Mh?leqM. F * £ MhÂ¥il WoRkaan, se W . H. LHOMP3ON, f OK + HAY, . Gw....w.rt- ty BOG ++ [ .+ | o k The Howe Sewing Machines from $50 bp GREAT DISCOYVERY. Ottawa, Jany. 3. 186 § 3. - L -'.-“\‘m:j Camadian Cloth at 33. 3d. pe i as Canadian R: The Diréctors® Hall, Genral Potestest Hospit; The Anuual Meceting The Election of !blmun. OWtaws, Nâ€"vember 18, 87 November, 14, 1867. UA J [ MJ \Y GRANT & HE! ving recently moved into their now [promises, * Ek _ _ R . Pou 1% ai wl ky esd CU N NINGE Cunningham and Lindsay Moliday A-h-'u.t‘o.; W altham. .: AKNKUAL M American Watsh Co6., W altham EXTRiaorbrxary. REDrCTiONS 19. t»87 Opposite the Hhusseli Honse PR TAE €CGAVC | XEW YORK CEN4WRAL RATLROAD dsat Reduced Prites. ~ @lfl. # ite parti lf“fllfliLER & SEWINCG #32ud * #OFIVE per cepnt. off tor cash i Lills untilatfer the hotriays, One hnl:zln Mabogapny full ca«e 88 dilwm;nt TISTP 1 “.'“. a and ; @ Spraine, 6: |. Cholors .=: | :‘ i ' Con ue ,,1' Tun cays wtive e 'l‘i'Yc:l;;: (.livmou, s 't i .T,..n:"'"‘- Bree. 24t4, 1866 YÂ¥ | ~ sewihg .. [ T J MAcHINES. ~~/ _ | THE BEsT HorAY PRESEXT,! +g Crom #47And upimwpards. G. As WALTON, Agent, $Z/Sparks Street, Ortawa Bby m?lw Cax ran tharrines { OW SELLIXG .. ELS AND MANTLE CLOTHS. FCPICXOTT. wlay Attention to their “ “' f ' P t f [. ; j P l xt #s. pecyipd, , | ! ‘ ‘ ~. "I anadian Cotton Yarn at Ts. 64. a Bundle. ECC /0 ~/Canadian Bags at 1. O9d Mamoy, H. 5. y Arowo, in O¢ «w i. 1 F Aikks in s . 10. __°0" CAlg !N%.dlflohb-l tank a the list of Keamestfes for these o-u-‘\phh':. ote are soming in from Medicine Desiors in all parts of the atry for Wmum testifying m» to the.ani # lhgtvew, . "_ ~ ,"* C Pain Destroyer aover fails to give late collef. All Medicine 'Dog;n luï¬.l t micians order and use it; and no y wil w it dbvo..-':mn. 1t | $ sents t * .v‘louflla;wlA!. ::: ::'I" curing ""x lor which it 1« reâ€" ed, and is wonde 1 suscess to subduing * wring puine of thoumatismn and in ts loving A %,mhholinvul a the list of Kame:tfes for these somipl alate ots are PWY °CA vey Saene VWP prrand? in mine e j wit wl wighe Alitiarirancaintsifenctute i a -ou‘ul-d..nvo: taallag inja single inatance to give per anent relief who u.-p.d.; usod, and "gn'o':our known & un: capse of dissatisfaction where the directions are préâ€" y followed ;« but dn the ocur-g..ll are dol with its operations, and spesk‘ in the M"{:: me of its virtdes ud-n‘h‘u o.lm ‘n'h We ephak from exporience in this matter, tomted J’.u.v-cw.-u therefore those who are «aforing from any of the compiaints for which 1t .# w may depend upon its being ‘a Sove: t .ml eficacy of the Canadian Paib mh c:q chi lor which it 1« reâ€" in me a de ‘dha!um su8cess in auhdulaa CANADIAN PAIK aEsTRGNER 1‘ 9W & Te en ~AP ar ult t cinlr ic ces ies ; Phick abd Broken Wind, and all diseasi» ioh affget the Wind of L=me; alw, as a Chadi Medstine, shi pagsing everytging of the k:nd 4 eay to give, aure io cure, alyl sate in all cnses at .l’n-. atul loes not prevent the hocse .m being worked while using it. ® ‘| It clemuses the bréathing aspparates, by remor. hy from the ait.â€"colly the cvagilable.lymiph, or I;:tmm which in houves ciog» thein, causing 0 . T0 O CCE OR CAnprew clog» them, causing doBeu‘ty in breathing, and by its actico on the part, sausing the mucous membtane to Hauaturet dimensions, thus equatizing the clrouiston of the blâ€"od, and reatoridy the di~@anded versels to their natural aize ; by its use the horee‘s toe is improve, all derangom»nts of the dl.ou-lb organs correeted, softening the skin, and g\ving to the cout a sleck and ahimmg ?pï¬uoo | D. W. HUKU, Succemsor tw Hunp & Co., Maiden Lane, New York, Sole Proprietor for the United lakas l 004 ‘,, MeRtTiior & LÂ¥stkxy," | , * ; :3 Newcsorie, C.W. ) | Proprictors jor the Canadus | ) .. @108 TWR®TYâ€"biÂ¥8 Cixt®. _ Bold by Geo, Mortimer, John Roberts, W . M. .__l:_-:p__'. MeCarthy J. Skinner, and J. So! by Gea. mong the.most important of modern Médical 1/is ‘| (__ eeveries stands the £ Ottawa, Nov. +, 18 7 ® POSITIVELY svPER®IOR TO ANY pPNBF\ \ o ecinOie Wt T Lk 6 y es t Pew d or ail ochier propasations tor the cure of Heaves cul s e E. PR & 7 + 3 axÂ¥d cosoition bupmiye d LIN DSA Y CHARLEs WiLsOoXx, YÂ¥ov. 1. 1867 EDW ARD H. WTLLEHANM® : e . C. W. Geneéal Agents for (+, W 0.‘ Mortimer, John +. W M Â¥, m’. J« Sk , ‘ and J TCP rotherhood of uscuinotive Angineeis kets, and |secured a very large DERSON â€" o. 20, BR isdteaunsâ€"st rveet, L# A._.# Ai/ f WINTER. ARRANAENMNENTS, 18617. iw (price,| which cannot in a | 'l\"kAJ:n-l Frracd Jeate Honaventure Sta« k o uk | GOLN« W ESTâ€"Day Fxpres®e for 6;10-5"‘\, 4y + acut . a |â€" Outaw a,) Brookvile, bongeton,. Reteviile, Turonta, in in ie ‘ ifamore hdes _* l Avelph, . Loadon, Brantford,‘ Goderieh, Buffalos, Â¥ 5 h ® Detroit,. Chieng» and ‘}:l »in a W ext, at 8.30 A.M, c § n prea e mngom mainmd hk & \ & Aces sthon Terain tor Kingston and interue+ Lo & NYTTHSON‘S |, Lbprebits Pratatoe Kinge L imajority of Ibcomoiive engimeers ‘ MO~T sa HISFACIEKY of any tor D 8 LE A M w bss. thelt it ht wl ig . NE TL WEAXK OCT thâ€"y must e gooetill. adupt your watcbes, and d ‘n&,‘qu to prowmote regulari ROBBLNS & APPLEToYX DALLEYX‘$ Heave «Remedyv General Nuperintendent No, 18; Bromdiway, N ROBEKT WILKEs, “/*H.b M NC GENERAL asEN~Ts, i pacroge * 13 "4g 6. Chief Engineer, UU maemirfashe Colds, Sore Throat n t a,leogth os $77¢w6m MNauap Mentreal MT U A Likss | * hersby gtven that ap will be | l-uo to o.:al and every n'll.o-n' hv: U-Mhuu,u the present or next session [ r'.?oofln'y. for an aetto amend the not chantâ€"red | 3 .r'ln-‘ «t the Sassion of the P : * inment for the Into Province ofâ€" Canad«, held the 2% > and 3oth {. ure af the Reign of Her Majesty Q\«° .V ctorim, | intituled « An uulm_uo the Ottawa City Passenger Railway Company. xt !â€"_*QTTAWA, AGENCY : â€" :| Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Ruilding, 77 Sparks 8t l .. (C. Mb HACKE > . | _ Coffeessâ€"Javrsa, Jamaica, La Guayrea, Mocha | Roasted am! (Giround on the premise@. _ ", _ . . _ ALEXANDER WORKMAN® Co. Our Sole Agents in Ottawa, LATFORM, COUNTER, Warchouse, P Grain, (‘ul..lhy. I.nnu-‘ Track,. Depot, Dvu‘lu. told, and all kinds of BCALES -Ttut Iy on band and forâ€" $« lo. hEX + zs Take Highest Promiums at the Paris : Exposition. > / â€" Ottawas, Jans 21. Cer®!* :«»+#, Gunpowde;, Old Hyson, Young fl’-«m.-n.\ hoi | L :.ADI.,',-M Extra Fine Engâ€" lish Ereak{ust Souchong, Conyou dittb, OQolong, Oramge Pokos, Finest Japans, â€" |CHANGE of TIME S c sonce & Sttawa Railway, . Sugare.â€"Enulish, refined in loares, Brokep Loaf. Crushed White, Yellow Refined. . . _ * RoyalCanadiangaak No« 4 is due at Drocksille in timd to connect with G. T. K. Express Trains for the Kast and West. | ; H o ABBUTT, in loac e ad ol csnls R _ Manager jor Trustes. Brockville, Deg. 18, ' 0 0 A«M.e«â€"TRALN® will leave Se smith‘s Falls at 10150 a.m., and 6: 5 p.m., aod nmnumun;n.,u.n-l &33 p m Le n Em 3Pw oo » 4 Joaves .Brockrilie after 6, T, prees T:l:lwiurrngv;'-u, 6 t y mP All truins on main line connect at‘ Smith‘s Falls with Trains to and frim Porth. 6 6 _‘5 A. M.eâ€"THWAINS wilt leave 3 ReD sandpojnt daily at 6145 a.m., ang arrive at Brockville at 1:00 p. w. Te @+ M.e«â€"FTRAIN®! will teave 32"5 Brockville‘ daily at 3.1% p.m., and arrive at Sandpoint at §:25 p m, LEAVE sANDPOINT. 4 u:.\: ES PERTH. [ 1 P. TR AlX® Lt 5300 Perth ‘:.uu e ty l:d rn":.:.. ‘ and«arrive at Smih‘s Fails at 5:50 p m. and 10. â€"0 | Grand Trunk: Railway Company vocat THiie for cm.ulf add stitermediate Stae tions, at 4G0â€"PAM. 0 0oi 0 . > - Trans tor Lachine at8.00 A _M., 0,50 A.M}, 3 00 ""'"'"“'if‘ Ts f The 3.00 P.X. Train"rans through to Rlattsâ€" Expréss, 8 a. m.. > . 10.30 a; i. â€"/ Auzed, 4130 p..m 4.43 p. ons ; The time of these Trawns has bqnlrmb to ensure connestiop with night and day on Graad Trunk, east and west. i+ , «N. l.â€"ï¬-v'ï¬umu -G-yn'b.--hfll Tume. . Baggage to ‘and from Oltaiws «becked through from{and p& on Grand Trgnk Railway . Rotwrn t to Pressott, Kemptville .J C ue tooont g i ~ W NXE SOVUTIL AND EASYâ€"â€"Accommodation ; Train from Island Pood and informediate Statiuns, ' it 7 0 A. M. > # geit ns ol Express tor New York and Byston, at 8 af A. M tttvno;'u"l:‘mo and .’:nv York, -: :L.‘l)l'.li Ex jpresa for langi(stay @ ovdr night at m u&mtoor.\o"'", taker | ‘ . *Night Express lo:‘l'ml'lni Three Rivers, Que ' and %m eg du L stopping between Montro afyl Jslaad Péud -nku. Wilaite, 8t._ Hy‘dï¬ Aetou, ‘Riohmond, ‘Sherbrake,,. Watepville Coatcyghe onty, at 10 10 P M..‘ ~_; L in as follows gage checked thr tor farther inf departug® of Qi_l DALGLISH & RUSSELL Decewmber LE Kow s nEckirpt or Tukin bew and varied assortment of «J ((ormeriy, the Uttawa & Proscoit Railway.) 8 and after MONDA YÂ¥, the 30th Dec«» " 1867, and until further notice, trainé will rup | Crocervâ€" Coods LEAYE PRESCOTT . © * ARRIVE JX Orraw A Mixed, T. 30 a, m. ; 11. 00 a. m. Express, 2.10 p. m, +/ __ 4.43 p. m f# LEAYES SMITHS FALLS 1. 00 OPT a W A NOTILICE 3 bLe«#" $ ! Cl .\ 4 ,;,",;')‘ . Y » '“:t-" .? A‘{ m * IS MA A#ore * U A1LMHOA ibw, Dalglish & Russell, â€" uied aif K :::“:«‘EA}.'I.;." Dopl" FoR TWE RAPID CURZ or , wth * C U *) roghn Coemantmenan Ienarons» FALRBANKS, BROW N & Op., -m and for the Relief Hirton Was T > ‘emsumptive Paticnts J. BRYDGES, Managing Disector 23, .Ik“l’. Auick + Mb s-ing Cars on all Night Traips. ‘Bag througb, t l t information and time of artival ?l traine at terudual abd way st at the Ticket Ofice, Bonaventure 8t Ea“l k Catem ; % O# CANADA. Woltungton & K entâ€"sts, ARRIVE IX RAS®COTY zo. eu? | . Soul by Morumer, Jolin K »herts '“‘"‘“’f W. M. Masser, H. F. MacCarthy, and Job ¢oftia _ Skipper, in Oltawa. dn maties Aoswr. 1574 > 472 50t d‘ï¬go-- e Pationts the MO. This is a an known to sur a l-vhth:-" enve of lm'd'--d"{-u «a.plum.‘ meeless here to publish the evidence of 1ts virture, . ] ts n.'mummum-nmumw( ondurful cures -l:bon'y.lhun. have â€" made it prown, throughout the civilized nations of the earth, tâ€"w are the communities, or even »M.m:o- iheo have mot someâ€"personal experience of its omm (ume living trophy in their miiet of its victory over the nl.‘hr‘b.l:m disorder» d;b throat and lh.*.‘ ‘pe all know Satality of theme know, b:mud thie "-ody‘.m not L ive than to awure them that it has now all the vip 4Â¥mfdre than to apure them that it has now all the vir _Mlhuluizo'hu-lh. the cures which bar yon so strongly upun the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lowell. Mass, ill of pMysicians, uck to me in spite of all the f.umlmfllï¬â€˜..‘-.&lwt:‘wrh:"q-dlh One ttle cared me in two weeks, restored n‘-:nonl ‘ ‘.m.-,-nnu I am far better thas belore 1 was acked. 1 think it a wonderful medi:ine. J. FREAM. Jules Y. Getchell, of 8t. Louls, writee: "I have been lcted care with affection of the. Liver, which [ .nmu’:,’m M:‘mlbl‘v u‘nn’y thing led to relieve me ; and 1 have been & wan â€" 4 some years. from no other cause than deronpement of Liver. y beloved , the Rev, Mr. Kepy, advised to try "our because he said he krew you, d an n‘l-u:--htnunnqh.. Iyflndno ,uu{qn cured me, and bas so purified my blood 4 io make a new man of me. 1 fiel again. _ The mlmmhfldnhuhm-.ï¬.' *chirrus,Cancer Tamors, Enia emt hvlunl'lo-. Carles and mu"'-uo- 0" the Bones,. * > _# + *l':“k__"""‘,';fl.h".",‘!'!!"""."?"' ; Bottled Ale, o=4 _ Bottled Ale, | . _,\._.|\ Bottled Alo., | Ottamwas, Jan, 20, 18 8 Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, _I have cared with it, is my practice, most of the évmâ€" wnle for which it is recommended. and have fonud its ' ct# truly wonderful in the of Venerbalond Aerâ€" priol rinan, Oue of my ..0:5. had Syphilitic ulcers p) his throat, which were consuming bie pmiate and the p of his mouth. I-muzhb‘. ured him in lnnnt- Another was attacked by secâ€" #ymptoms in no#*" ~d the nlcoration bad w-ntvq-wwdh.nlw 1 belisve the g‘-;‘nfl-â€" bd-‘ and kill bim. P‘m“ my x&m your Farsapmrili¢ ; healed. io well again, not of course without disfguration to bis face. A woman who had been pated furthe same disorder by mercury was suffering ’qt)"ph-hh.i-s had become so sonâ€" wive to the weather that on a damp Aay she #ulferecexâ€" E. emedy :'Nu:M iy, these truly ~lth it have not surprised me, l-n: wreomes disirdurs which would be supposed Leyond its Ae ioi eadnte tactem ol » fur them all that medicine can do. t aTo NS ‘~ rOr BALEm. i5 €)p RAiHM®ef Grey Twilied 1 Le ucorrhean or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, U rerime Ulceration, Female Discases. In J B.6. Channing, of New Your City. «tites; "I1 hast 'hA-'l-u;‘:-.sly with the reqnest of your ngint in rari~> 1 have your Sarsaparilia a moet extellont altwrative in the numerows o-‘-huh for which we mploy suchâ€"a remedy. but nrd- ly Ini Aemale Disecses J the Serofulous disthests. | TUhave cured many inreter» t‘o eases of Loncorrhoms by it, ani rome whore the counâ€" punt was caused by ulssration of the uterns, The uloer» ylon duwif was soon cured, Nothing within my know}« nige equals it for these female dersugements/* _ bdward 8. Marrow, of Newbury, Aiu., writes, " A darâ€" mmmmmd'hkmhhthnllv‘. LE k2 PHeed P Pml nA in my Fumi __. _ Â¥raternally yours, 0. V. LARIMER, 3L D. thenmatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, A PPLICA TION will be made during the K prosent Sersion of the Pariiament of Canada for an act to incorporate The Eargpean and Amerjâ€" can Life Insurance Company, _ January 12, I»68 . ;. " | 64700 A LARGE SUPPLY of HANDâ€"MADE KIPP BOOTS ‘and SHOK= of the \'?K\' BEST QUALITY on band. «Lambermen who ate â€"anxious to fr:uuh work mon ziu GOOD FKET WARKE, will be en whidd to do so by calling at the CAPITAL for their supâ€" o &\ g L2th Por'ijn, Sherries, Brandies, . _Giï¬k&c.. FIRSTâ€"CLASS, GROOERIES PATRS:of Grey T willed BLAN= 85" ‘KETS, in bajes of 59 pairs P i â€"AL8i},â€" k Canadian White Twilled and Whitney Blankets. English Grev. Blankets, woighing trom 5 to 10 pounds each. ce ce & io ‘m xruq.u\'m:j'a Mitawa â€" Maskmhas‘®s Modts «1 was #o0 __I am selling off the balance of the Winter S ock of READY MADE WORK at REDUCED PRICES, Ottawa, Decémber23,:k3d7 1'“... whi beonsists of Lodies\ Mirses‘ afd Children‘s Â¥/. t T.0 20â€" MBE UK TALLEY, Ht. Anthony‘s Firs, Rore or sipelas Terter and Salt h-p- luld rud: Ringworin, Sore Eyes, i)npo)'. . Dr. Robert M. Preble wtites from Salem. N, Y., 12th Copt., 1300, thet, he has cured an inveterate case of {mepey, which threatened ‘to terminate llw mmsovering nep of our Sursaparilia, and also a Mahgment "Aryripeias by lirge doses of, the same; says be cures the common Eryptions by it constrn‘ly. Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zobmlon Slain of Prospect, Texas, writes 1 © Throe bot J« .~'r"y.-3_r cermaparilia cured me from a Gobre =a hidâ€" Which is in eplendid cond.tion. \Also, Boot: and {Sh@e Store | Ottaws Jaf. 31, 1868. lcb bad defied all the remedios we could gmploy, iss 1 lraxth been edan eured by your Extract of Sarâ€" maurdt) us .0:"75 thought nothing bnt extirpaâ€" .-pumn the last t bek tln'l.rhlo()luuv as | resort before cutting, and‘ it wed effectual, . After taking your remedy 'el.‘&l weeks â€" *ymptom of the disease remain«." Syphilts and Mercurial Disedse. / New Ouurans, 3th Angnst, 1#50. Du, J. C. Art® : Sir, I cheerfally comply with the reâ€" ‘-w-t :4':.«‘-0 wl.‘ul renort to y-;n:u- of the effects ww 9k ined wit Barsapard + l.h-u cured with m my nractice. most lf the élam. BALMORALS, CONGRKEss @AITER®, RUB. BERS and OV ERSHOES, Men‘s and Boys‘ Boots in CALE SKIX, and COW HIDE. , w?Oflmu‘ res taken for m{l sorts of O K. 1+ r it $ GEOoRGE MURPHY. And for the speedy cury of the fyllowing complaints : Ferofula and Scrofulous Affections.s uch ns Tumors, Ulscers, Sorbs, h-pg---. Pimples,. Pustales, Blotehes, Boils, Hlains, end all #4imn Duc{-:-. t / % _ Oskta®n, Ind. June, J859, J C,. Aver & (Ci, Geate: 1 feel ‘I.:,‘:‘!ly: ac tm i~ly» what yout Rassaparilia he ma, Waving snberited {nmum infection, 1 bave suftered from it in various days for years. Bometin®ss it burst oot in A hers on my hands and Arms; sometimes it baroed boteand Mdhll'-d&-o‘dml‘h.u?. Two « age it Libke cut on my boad and covened 17 ‘scalp .‘:A wts with one gore. which was paiuiul and l«l’h o youd doscrtpiion. . 1 tried M-L'M-lnuuduunl :u\m\u h-:ul-u d n" Jn‘.-l-,'uln. In 4, thoe . it prvw worse. was rejoiced to read in the tGospel Messenger w.c.?ou had propated an alterative (AinQparilin) tof 1 knew from yeur feputae hon that any thibe 3*~" ~wde must b; good. ‘ 1 sent to Cin thuail and got it, and used it till it cured me. 1 took i. ae you advtes, * . amail doses of a teespoontul uver a mouih. aqd used alumost three bottios, New and buslthy skin soon beyenito forin under. the scab, which after a while foll oif l‘-d:bn'dar.u_ll know by my beling» that the l-ï¬ï¬‚n-†stem. â€" You h wetl b-luulm.ltl' 1 an hzvbolloll you. that l-):i you to be one of L!_nbd.\b*. pit rewain ever gratefully. AYER’§ Sarsaparilla South Side of Yorkstrect, Lower Ottawa « eelling THE OTTAWA TIMES, FEBRUARY 3. KFine. Boitled Ale ! rotch, Irish, Old Rve HK Subseriber would call the attens tion of Families and cthers to his o e FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. [Fogether with a Genoral Arsortment ) the weather that on a damp she aulferecex» o« pain. in her Joints and bonch. ‘ the, ton: wht ® 4 \ A CaN Kindly Soltetted. And‘othet Malt Whiskios, on the peck, which 1 bad sutored from THE CAPLFA! i~; D. WHELAN, { | 44, Rideainâ€"street, > _ Opposite A’Iu_\'.‘ Crockery Store power of this medicine. 1t stimu» is into vigorons action, and thus NOTICE. MURPHY, $0â€"y #2 (--’ï¬u’ io tÂ¥ 6 r ‘Montrea!,.October 26, 1866. AFM S1ixruin Eeq. . A * Dear Sir : Having‘ been furnished with a ve il_bonlo'c:plunm = Tonie Reale," RHoyal Bi | ). Montreat, An&n.n 20, 1867, Dear Sir : 1 have to acknowledge receipt oin u-plo:l your * Tonio Reale," accemvanied by a note inï¬ rniufl‘-c of its compositiou, and how p{ red. _ Whils not bqllovlna in roy universal Fulo, ll,:njfouid: admit that there areâ€"ma z cases whtre just »nch a aration as yours w be invaiuable. In uu-":ermh Dyspepsia, |I. have several t recommended its use and whr much benefic.. .Y.;u. #C. : | MBMOH MOWOML _ A0009) ©24 C â€" I FRAS W ï¬unw.. MDLRCP, â€" _ | N A F G1akeius, Feq, Montroal,. | Letter from Dr Scoit, P:nfemor of Anctomy, MeGill Your * To-lé? Realo" seems‘ to mhe to be the Tome we have long wished for, but never found until Prof, Verri, D.M., ot Padua, has given it to the Madical World. s s Profegior of Aural and Ophthalmic Surgery in N. y...-.'fluu Coll-r, -'::I‘.uuipon to New Â¥o Ophthaimic Hospital and Demuit Dispensary. To A. M. F. Guaxsin, Er s "A Dear Sir,â€"â€"«The " Togico Reals" I have tried faithfully, and it glvu yreat pleasure to state to ‘a- that it is the best .auoat l’m.“. Tonic I ave ever used in my r tige.* I find it gnrflm larly adapted to fe nales and children debilit«ted by the various diseases and complaints peculiar to them. If you will favor me â€"with a léttor stating where I can procure your Bitters for my patients, 1 sha! take |pnrlieuhr~ palns to recommend them. As a general rule the Bitters sold areitoo bitter and have too much Alsoho!, armi are henee often injuri® Leiter from Profesor Smallwood, of McGill Uni+ versity, _ , | * _‘, 42 Beaver Hall Terrace, s P P Montroal, A;[ut 1, 1866. 1 am opluhflthu Dr.‘Vorri‘s = Touis Reale ":is a very pleasant and palatable form for the exhibi> tion aul‘:.lo bitters, in cases requiring such a pre: ®*‘*CHAS, SMALLWOOD, M.D., L.L.D, D.G.L. To A. M. F, GiaxtiL1, Eso.. Muntreal : _ L shall lmf’tli;;.'r;"i}."n'é use in such suitable cases as m reives to me. 1.remain, dear Sir, l";.mn the n:lan ‘or charaster of:lu m.{:rhh employed in their composition, it is impossible to n‘tvd t i uhumn}?!‘u as the ho‘u’?t‘hful. ‘nâ€" vigoratipg, yet mild tonic ur stomachic, especially adajpted w.w-.::c enfeebled by goneral sick~ ness, and whose energy requires a gentla stimulus, preparatory to the indigestion of food. fracint Letter firom Dr/ Ikall,. Hrossssor of Midwifery and Discancs 0 Women and Children, Mctill College, j ’lonuul. March 15, 1866. My Dear Sir : I hate to acknowledge from you the receptiun of a sample of your " Roy al Bitters," ul jour uwn manufacture, and have subsequently had the.opportumity afforded: me of ing . 2eâ€" quainted nut only with their proparati t also with «he im«terials which enter into theirBuomposiâ€" tion. Notning, I think, 9‘! excel the mode of filâ€" tration adepted, whilo the small amount of vinous ingredients must recommend them to gon oral favour, even to thoge who usually Wisapprove of the use of such bonrt‘eunu propoftion being only just suf. ficient to maintain their gomposition llnlmplh.d.i: elim»tes subject to cums\derable fluctuations temperature, _ P ; * A, M. Â¥. GraxeuLs, EsQ., * * My Deas Sir : 1 bog‘to acknowledge the roceipt (f a sauiple of your Royal Italian Biters togetber with a note iinparting to me the formula for their proparation. ‘Maving a large field where to try the eifect of your Bitwis, I bave ubtained flattering success in gazes requiring the use of a mild, stimuâ€" lating tupjic, ud‘} will recommend your ?uu with pleasuie in dyrpepsia, indigestwn, lossâ€" apâ€" prtite, general debulity, wnd cyustitational Insctâ€" 'i'{ of the liver,‘ + 4 remain, ry dear Mr. Gianelli, youres, very teytys < : ::‘ ie j â€" * ®. DE LA GRANJA, M.D. / A. Gta¥®LL!, Dear S : Just r'e\"uv.‘uln;( from m Ifl'f and severe lliness, I have received.a sample of your xonico Reale and from its use have‘ derived conâ€" siderable beneiit, a« I find my appetite .and digesâ€" lon much improved, and hesitate not to recomâ€" mend, it as one of the ‘best and most agreeahle Tonié® I have ever used. , JBF % '.‘llll celebratedpreparation for whic a certiheate of merit was awarded to the distinâ€" Suighed crig)nal proparer at the Natio jal Exposig lod at Torin, italy, by whose tavor Air, GtaÂ¥LL wined the! recipe, and was . alzo awarded a d pâ€" lojya at the Provincial‘ Exbibition of Can#da hoid at Montreal in Septemwber, 1860, is, withont uco‘; tron, Nre most gevuine, salubrious and agreeable Poric kyor in?r-»ducml to public notice cither: in Europe ur Ameriga, â€" _ > » Â¥ :: G, K. l-‘l‘.g\“lt.‘h’. .D. A. M. F. Graxguut, Eeq., Montrea). ‘ « AM. E. GIANELLI, ‘ _\ 26, Hospitalâ€"street, Montroa Montreal, Febrasry, 1867. Mux. G1axtuL1,â€"Dear S# : Havieg received from {w a sample of the Royal Icatian Bitters of Dr. 'orri,‘n.. prepared by you ave much pleasure in vertfying to. its ve cellent. quatities as /ar agreoable aad exhikarating tomie "!itwr: nuthing equal to it hacever come unmder my notice. Hay ing also b made aoquainted with its composition and o of preparation, 1 feel nothing better t ave been devised for genéral us6 ; from it« ecta which 1 have observed in several eases, I tnink very many who now suffer from indig« l:lon and‘dy»pepsia in their various ;,mu will find in it «) panaced for all their il}s, The proprictor ‘refers with the greltc&t, fâ€" detiee and satiefaction\to thg subjoined stimipnâ€" tals from ewivent meditd nyen, which be could a4d to, were it desitable, _‘ T \ Kupt by the rr»h-cipll uggists and Grocers in the Dominionot Canada amX in the United btatos. Sold by the Proprietot; Dear Sir > You request my dpinion of the 4 Ioy al Italian Bitters," propared from a receipt of Dr Sonl, ot Padua. 1 bey to »tate that I cousider it a ,Or7, of Cadua. +1 bey to»tate that I consider it a ;« agreeable cordial tonic, in eve way superior in flavour anud compqsition te the 0 dinary bitter tonics In. general use, I have rocommended it to several patiets, who havo der;ved marked benefit from its use P P 1 + L am, dear Sir, yours faithfully,‘ a Litter from Dre, Proguilt, | J d Montreal, July 27, 1866. To MisAxorita Giaxgiii : hk Dear Sir: We are pleared to acknowledge the meotdo- of the prescription of your valuable tonic and bitters, entitled‘* The Royal." All the subâ€" siandes conta ned in its composition mre. ectly combined to ‘orm a preparhtiun fit for the m‘pnuu' detailed in your directions, i T Site wILLLAM ARNOLD, a A B., Trinity College, l‘:nb“u; al. R. C.8 London ; M.. D., New. York, Licensiate (Royatâ€" College Havana. | « I Letter jrom 1 The ingredignts ‘of its composition have. been unp-m*u the Iqailing Phyricians of Canada and the Unii¢kh s: uu-v,Qul {:vo received their unquakâ€" hed approval on every account. _ A, M. F. Gtaxsin11, Eeq., Moatreak For seventcen years it has, in Italy, been a uniâ€" vereal fayor to umong the elitc of evciety, being generaliy sorved in the drawing:room before dinâ€" ner, in‘ preferdpce to V erimcuth. * 1. $P .-_)\':Hv_\" Royal Italian . Bitters ! .| /4‘ ; DEL DOTIORE Â¥. P. VERRI, | Profeesor of Chemistry inâ€"the. Univernty 0 Pabua TONICO REALE I remain, dear Sit, yours nry-lnsenxll,', es J. L. LEPROHON,‘ M.D We Are, dear Sir, yours sincerely from Respectiully Propristor Coemppolitan Hote!, Montre i h 3. _“..."'rc i se is o .'iw ‘ Vo-min -l'l B B 1 u h yi..‘n. ‘s,"fl W, M. MUIR, M D., Inspectorâ€"Goneral Hosp Very truiy, ; E. BESSEY, M.1L, G, M., &o., fine. <__ Beaver Mall Hill, M.D. ) MB. W». BRED. u0100 Way. 1. L. Leprohon, City Health Officer FRAL.YC. leasure in recommending their le cases as may «present themy 20, East 25thâ€"streot, . ___New York, May 9, 1867; I: Campbell, Editor Medi =â€"0Ry= New rork, May 14. 1867. prbribiatPetbac 4 I DBRS. PICATULT & soX M _ friends and the public generally that he has commencéd business in the store formerly occuâ€" pied by f Messrs. Fingland & Draper rA.l;duQ v?:o:‘r;::':}ll keep constantly on hand a gene: DRY GOO Ds READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, Which will be sold at a small advance o M JANES H1GG1 iw â€" Imort Block, Sustexâ€"st. eX Next to be Tea Pot. Ottawa Jaly 10 1967. â€" A81tf ; TJVIE Subscriber: begs to inform his friends and the public generally that he has | CHESTS â€"UNCOLOREL | 19000 Sarkx," “ Fl: | | 500 Chests very choresand supérior YOUNG iL ~â€" [ â€" UÂ¥sON. \ ; . !___ T00 Chests Good Strong TW ANKAYX | _ i 100 Chosts old fashioned BREAKFASi [! sovcHoxa. * 150 Caddies MANDERIN MIXTURE. | . l poU" This is thp finest Buick Tta ever lm!r ed, .’nPr pound ; in small Caddies, about 14 1b each, 4s 04. * * i omm inn hn n / | COFPFEE | I Establishmentsâ€"Bussex 6t. Ottawa, Sentember 10. Just Received from England : > ROAST HARE. A¢ % a CIRRIED po. +. JUGGED po. § STEWED Do. ROAST PHEASANTsS. » * ROAST GRoUsE ts pf ‘OaA8ST PARTRIDGK ‘ ALL,;GOODS8 DELIVERED FREE by our own Waggons to any part of the City daily / \NEW DOMINIOXN.! _ DRY GOODDPS® ! Readymade Clothing Which, we ‘are selling at 8 lhlllmp.;r.‘luon UUINESS & Co. atropthan M BLOOD‘ ‘â€"*ONDON STOTUT. ; BARCLAY‘8 LONDONX PORTER ALLSOPS PALE ALt, B BASS! EAST TNDIA. . s DOWs CELEBRATED MONTREAL ALL DAWS SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE > DA W8 cmx..;uu!rsp PORTER & sTOUT > PRBSERVED MBATS . ROBINSON & Co. would e«peciklly _U the tentiun of families to their stock of We have a most delicions ALES, WINES& SPIRITG By which peculiar P""""; _ he aroma is : ;:;;omd. an . renders it the ravortt® wiT® auy Corre® pBixkâ€" We are constantly receiving suppiins of this truly beautiful\ and delicious COFFEE, roasted dar‘y on giszuenna e espi _ Dakins‘ Patent Silver Cylinter~ BEWARE OR SP URIOUS 1MITATIOXN$," BB As it1s mported ‘u’m,mr firm in Canade " e "ONt mported ag ho ! Wines, Spirits & Liquors The Pure Mountain Berry «* Without exception the finest Coffee in the wqfld.‘[~lnndo:';:'l_la. March 16. ' Dour Sir: The sumple of your Royai ItaJian Bitters, through your politeners, was received some time since. 1 am bappy to say respecting theib, ufter giving them a fair trial, that they are adeâ€" lfrious too1¢, stomachic and ‘stimulant Bitters, which Lthink wil! be found very useful to the deâ€" bilitated suflcring from indigestion, ¢onstipation, or dyspepsia. aeh : With my best wishesâ€"for your tuccegs, NOR 1 amtespectiully yourks ; ;) _ * ; t R. P. COOKE, M.D., * y is New York City. v * ‘New York, April 25, 1867. A. M. F. Grasrturâ€"S8rr‘> Your kind favour 1fth instant, togother with a sample ulfzwr " Toâ€" nico Reale" Royat Bitters,â€"L am pleased not ly\. wita its somposit:do, but also wn‘ the effect/ and\ regard the proparation as a vory elegant ong, suitâ€" ed to mirny cases when a more powertul compound would not be used. â€" After ‘having had ï¬zï¬wq opâ€" portnnity, 1 whall ‘be able to give a moye intéliâ€" gogt"’uplnlou in regard to its aticacy. | / . ; _ Mave you auy agensy in Gif:-im Mauny of my putient« are anxious to use the Touis ‘but kpow net where to procure it:«, Yuu.n tr_ql_):,. 5 i/« A. M. F. G1axeuur, Esq. hites/s , _ Neow York, June 1, 1867. «Maz; GiaxFti1,â€"Dear mir: After a fair trial I take pleapure in recommending your Hoyal Bitters, It is a very excellent stim=lating tonic, aiding diâ€" gestion und giving tome to the digertive urfnm.' In your noté you informedâ€" me of the ingredient« I thigk it it » post aduirable combination; a plea« sant, useful, and reliable tonic.‘ " * weas Wousrs Arulyy :: 4c 1 4n Liétticr 1rom 1e. (Hingston, Physician Hotel Diue f:; Hospatat, \ > ~= ' + j * : ul‘ Montreal, August 1, 1867., The. is Toxieo Reale® ot Dr. Verri, propared by ‘Mr._ siancili of this city, aud introduced to the pubâ€" lic as the/« Royul ltalinn ‘Bitters," is one of the most el/gllu [preparations with which [ ‘am acâ€" quainted, _ Mr. Gianelli having made known to me ts composition, J can, unbesitatingly, recommend it‘to thoso who hgulro the combiugd use of an agreeable tonic and stimu‘ant. * â€"â€" \, Wae. L. HENGSTON, M.D., L.8.C0.5., &e, Surgesr, to st. Patrick‘s Department, Hotel Dieu Beptember 14, 1867. . 538 37 wim Very Choice and Superior neral debility, and:some nervonsyaffection«, The %:m[c in most carefully prepared, and will bo found a‘very agreeable Biter and gentle stimulant ; and from knowing its composition, T have pleasure in recommending it to the public; feeling sutisfied that when more extonsively known, the Tonte will be very. generally usod. * _ d #. â€" * W EsCOTT, MD, Professor Anatomy MpGill Untversity ; Pbysician General Hospital, &0,, &c, lt â€"I have 'vigii«'o}iir'eâ€"{: benofit from the use of the w l(uy.! Bi&l,l"". ‘inulge-llfon, Vlrpu-g(.qppdl_ijc, ters, I have delayed giving you my opinion of its meritq until [ had an opportanity -ol'ghuuin;. trom experience, some of the adyantages which 1 have tound derived from the employmert of the Towiec. 100 cases Otard. Brandy. 50 _ "â€"> Marteli‘s â€" + 150 _‘ . HMennesscy, . * 75 * _ United Vingque!ls DVUBI IN SToutTtâ€"1. OD‘ ‘â€"0ONDoN sToTT. FRESH ARRIVALS ROBINSON & CO. . _ ;THE TEA PoT, ROBINSUN & CO,, THE TEA POT, Weet l-:m:z(m-nmz. t > New work, May 9, 1867 ANDâ€" PRINCE/M.D., 157, £get 10th:s1reet G, MLLLANQ, .D. ~~OTTAWaA. and gg'e‘tu Bt OTTAWA | 1 «Nn‘ 10 it ) atiss .. BC Mril) * 7 First ( "].\_9 ) % poiln, 04\ / the saing C®fipession it« ( of Wimn. T; Ayten, ‘ PPLICATION will be made during the present Session ‘of the Parliament o‘ Canada for an Act to incorperate the© DOMINIOXN BANKING COMPAXNY." « C\AIADIAN National Scries ot Peading | authorized by the Council of Public Inâ€" | struc‘ion tor Ontario, will be ready for delivery | inâ€"the first woek of January, 1848. Prices: }’h‘lï¬ Book, with 31 illustrations, strohgly bound in fimp | oloth, five cen‘s ; First Book, 26d {nrt, 54 iDustraâ€" | tions, strongly bound in limp cloth, ten couts }| Second , 56 WMlustratio®s, . ntfwgli bound in sloth boards, twonty cents ; Third Book, 41 iMusâ€" rations, gly bound in cloth boards, thirty ‘ents ; Fon Book, 45 illustrations, strongly nound‘in cloth bourds, forty ceuts ; Fifth Book, 50 illu:.ttulm. gly bound in clothâ€"boards, fifty sents. ; * A liberal allowanee to retailers and toachors. n C MX .J.DURKIE & SON,, __Orders from the country will receive stmct at tention. 4 p : + Ottaw a Auust 26, wis 416y PA Public and Private Buildings, Conserva. tories, Vineries, Manutactwries, &c., warmed by Steam, Hot Water or Warmâ€"Air, on the â€" most apâ€" proved principles. acity Sinh Lk Japanned and Planisbed Tinware, Ac., * Maputacturers of all desermptions of work for Water and Gas Works, Brewer‘s Dist Herics, Mills, &c. Aakes and fits up Galvanized I1on *Cornices, Gutâ€" ters, Conductors, Roofing, &e. > _ â€"; Just received a well selected assortment of > Cooking Stoves â€" Tron Bedsteads, f Dsuble Bhnt.'“ Bronzed & Wire Fenders, Parlor Stoves, Fire Lrops, i a Uall Stoves, â€"| > _ Firo Guards, Piamis 9 Importers ant Desters in Hoise Forust | (Q POWN TO BIRKETTH~ . ._ All materials for the above brancbes kept conâ€" stantly on hand. T $ Ottawa, May 10, 1867 could not fail to be _nja;“} p& P plicc y COUNTRY â€" RE*IDENCE FORSALE.â€"Reasutifully sitvated on e * the}Macadampized Koad between Otâ€" ¢.» {». tawa City ‘and Aylmer, about 36 mivutes‘ drive from the oify. A farm of excellen nd, containing about. 9@ acrcs, with wlarge mtone ouse erected thereon, . / s t The proprietor hirs no $bjection to sell :a part oi the farm, with or without the houe. This would be a desirable country résidence. | Title unexeep» tionable, fise Apply to 1/ â€"â€"‘!~+/+." COUNTY ofCARLETOX James Me l ACRES.«â€"The north half of 8" No« No. 11, in 4th Con. of the Township of Osgoode, with a ‘House and Barn, «nd other owbuildâ€" ings, and a good Spring Well, ffty acres cleured and in a good state of cultivation, This is sitnat on the t Road, within fiteen miles of * wa. Also south half of Lot No, 6, in the Srd Con. of Os ,containing 190 geree, 50 acres clearâ€" ed, â€"the rest.well wooded, with md hardwood, and well watered, ahd sizeated . within a quarter of a mile of the Ra‘hway Station, Titlsassgoud., Tor farther in.l‘onnnion»::g?h to 4 ; ) pathiov uprfery Insolvent Act of 1864. Dominion of Canada, ; ~ ;. ;.; ~â€" Successors to Chas. Garth, No. 25, Rideaueâ€"st,., Plumbers, i # Gas & Steam Fitters, f s 'r.}n «& Coppersmiths, is d Beli llnngemd"c. It is buiit on the u;}--rK‘"w M*. of architec» ture, of cut stong ; hias dtoâ€"glues windows, and is four ktories high, ive of the basement. [t is finely sitwated‘on the oR Wellington and *Conporâ€"sireets, immediately oppbsite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings and has th eant lots attached, so that the Buildings could larged to «ny reâ€" quired capaeity, % yc \ App‘.cations, (postpaid) t addreased to L l fagg 5 9. Cnly oneâ€"third bf (Lot No.ZT, in ® a First Concession OttaWwa, Front Neâ€" m peiin, and Lo Now, 26 and 258. h the saing Cdfipession, at present in the vceupation of Wim. Ts Ayten, E«q â€" Fot Surther particulars apply to godx and Wy. Ttm"s"". Nepean, ane Lewig& Prymey, Bartister, Oftawa. Jelâ€" 4414 beke L _ pleasantly rituated on the Richwond Road, \with Stables, + Coach House, Garden and.â€"vacant Lot adjacent theretn, | A cistern of fine water in the house. Apply to * f | MHKS. BUNTING, x __= Rochester Estate, orsou the Proviiees e will apply to the Judge of the sand COurt m.r-u’?: thereof, ‘. O‘T Ottawa, 27th Docomber, 1867. 1: bz6td ; ‘/ 3. M.OTâ€"IMANNI BLYTH & KERR, D.\l'l:LLl.'\'t)-llul':“E thertun ereoted, eccupiod by Wikiam Thomsor, Eequi gardon audâ€"Grnimeuted grounds adj umoifgnï¬fg pait of Lot No. 28, in th egseton, Pltawar Tront. A most desirg Tesridounce and vacant Lote adjoining the for ealg at re lmlflnï¬: pricés. $ Forâ€"porticalars Apd terme apply:to Willinwâ€" 4 homsonâ€"on the premas, yï¬ [NJ awore c.igible chanee co .4 be 18 . 3. ,,; Uiferpd‘to any party in the diotelâ€" 2 ;:')ï¬;f‘_lwq ng line thun the Jease of the o dugdt: _ above FIRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL. Being on the 6ve ¢f Confederation, and Ottawa being defiwitely betti¢l upon a? its capital, > Augus? 1 Ottawa, February 27, 1867 Ottawa, March 1 1 6 BUILDINXG 1LOT®, one mile Froipn t dn« €ity on the Richisond Road, rnntaiv,it\a one acre cuch, Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON) Je., on‘the promise«. a ; L€ it TIIE Undcrsigned has filed ‘a Deed or Composition and Discharze, exesuted by his Jreditors, and ca g U M + iL Fuesday, Third day «d March next, Ottawa, Jan. 22, 48 VICTORIA |HOTEL â€"TO LET Ottawa, December 24:h, 1867. Province of Ontario, Ot‘awa, Oct. 1, 1867 : FARMS FOR SALE. "~ROOM $ LET either Olt/Board. En paire | o fhi Oitawa, November 20. Enquire at the ‘E wo l)-u:'lfl} ings to Let To FOR SALR on to LKt Tho Victoria Hotel Possesslon given Ust June» Â¥pootai Woticeâ€" INX THE MATTER 0f vile Teasdle, Bansunm, 1T Lots for Saile. ing Hardwart. ]FILA:\'CH CLEMOW, EsQ., Or JOHN* MENLEY, Eeg., . Richmond Road, Omwl:zf.'w 1. uk 379 TO LET AOR SALE.»â€"THE WESTs» BB eA ht i hgenargn c Arci 1 LEWIs & 4'1Nߣll. _‘ Barristers, &¢ enc ‘"Co J PA{\R(CK HERBERT, ©: ___Rideau Hotel, Ottawa City AOH| SALE, PHAT E4+ i‘ctorla C mb% 1ap W# . jow t W -dwoi £¥91 +8 ! attâ€"g gh, ive of n‘ the af V mediately oppboi has thre can : could %lq KING the U rbr' part of s .\IA'IKTINLZ' U‘S Clothing e4Corner of Sisgex. an i Clarâ€" nâ€"ft poot s, REYV. J. JONNSTON, ille ~préperty, beautifuily ed on the Banks of the Ottaâ€" + the Township of, Nepean, f!Oitams about throe miles if, Logetber with the TNL thertun ereoted, at preseut Thomson, Eequire, and the ed grounds adjoining the 3. M. T. |HAXNXUNM 4Nâ€"1NSQLYENT. ,.Ct. EUG. MARTINEA Crp ols > with or with« Hhull Viltage 501â€"5m 43 251â€"3m , OTta win Oitawa. _! prgy; TTMES is printed! aod "publisbed Â¥ | J¢ private tutue alro 416y 440 f 14 un and |â€" . .. .. Bign of phe Anvil â€" â€" Rideaut Street larket Drug Store, York=8b wet . â€" We HEARKE | its northernmost point, gpposite the pouthe:ly es | tre:;:- <f the Great Manitoutin Islan{, The spenâ€" i <y :of these lands htm-no, ande thï¬uptb_- tendetice of W. R. Ba Esq., who is provided "nhppclnd'i&m of the di Mle junds, | The cilnflidomdfnhlnnzm n, 26d tht | remainder payable by foyt annual instalments, | with interost on each as it falls due, apd/netual and 1 mz:: Manitoulin Islgnd has |beet in part surveyed, seven Townsbips havioz been lnid out | containing abgut 160,000 acres,and Ploi alâ€" |‘so surveyed at Litti# zr:u. now| | devignated 'slnnoabur:: and at Sbeguendah, here #re + | leart three good mill sites . There arg other tomn> | ships advanced in gurveg. , The a "or tbe sale , of lands upon the Ieland is €. T. Do Esquire, ‘mmagtmru'u'aq:-w, , and at. qual and immediath settlement.. ‘Oil pnd Miveâ€"al | dands are charged $1.00 per acre, cash down, and | patents issne without rfeference to iprcupution er MAGIC LANTERNS, ° MICROSCOPES FROM . ©1.00 1 GALVANIC MACHINES, &e., &« Flowers for Christmas.. Ual.ohsnnflotxom Indian landy also for tale, consisting of a 64,000 acres i6 the viciniâ€" ty)of Fort: William,; on the Kaministagua River m\Kmy Mr. McVicar, resident at Fort W illam and the torms are the same as those fpr the lands around ikc Eault Ste ~Maric, y > The unsurreyed Indian resérres in pper Cansâ€" da, which Bave not yet been yiclded jup for wale, are of considbrable extent, and some of them con tain timber of Â¥alue, which can only be ~cut under official license from the Superintendent, who at tend to the local bhsiness of the lands iznder their supérintendence; * s it * : In bpder.Cn.uu,’“o Indian n#nn u& more limited extent, an4 there are mo lands with in them at present for . (* : «i â€"The ‘Indian Wfl-em lIfl‘h allo Yor «ale in trust for the Indiaus, lands in the vijizity of the Sault Eto. Maric, Batchowanang Bay and Garden Rirer, consisting ‘of about, 200, acves. The agout is Joeeph Wileon, E2q , of Sault) Ste. Marie, and thq'hmc corn.pul'-iq those l4id down for the Mgnitoulin leland. . The most ditect accoss to both Of theee localities is by. steamer from Collingâ€" wood, the Lake Huron Terminus of Northera. Railway. sA is m e oo ilfeg nc i t 5 Ottawa, Dec. 4. 32 o UNSOLD LANXp® m:t: of about \ 200M# ncres in the bangeen #eniveula, the prices of which vary according to ï¬lflfly and l"-, Intion, from 75 cents to$3.50 per ac.e. The Ds partment has contributed libera‘Ty litlfdl open. Phg up a main line of road, with it« startuwg point upon the Owen Sound and Saugeen gravelled rosd, and running northward up the Penibsula toward Skates ! Skates _ . 6. . Mn â€" > Aabopmippt ... +. 00â€" ‘~ do _ Agwanus *4Â¥ : EY. do. ~ Kegactke 1 â€" t3 . Musquarre ‘ _ y se Wueheccooti: * ... @ do > [Rowskte{en bus; _ |, ] * sto _ * *Céscoache â€"\" "I. â€"@ "nlo.. (Kfmarte [ .\ /1 .. Y & " sHktatima,| )\ < 1â€".q [ *a46â€" |8t. Augu:tine | C A > Eequimacs x1 «+ Quolle© ; * CS do. / . Metis x AM _ «to â€" _St Anpve des Ment« hod "; ‘_Mont Louis + do â€"“l“l‘“ # € 4> > Grand Pabos,Chaleur bay do .. Grand Bonaventure , _ ~ do _., LittleCascapedia >| > â€" . . do â€" _ fGrand Cascgpedia _: : | io â€", Nouvelle | A F Jo, .&upe-lig «( ) ‘d6 Restigouche . +1 "#o * Mistonche °; | "~A{-9|ie£ion'(-- Loase or Lipegnse &n River» should be niade‘tg this Depart 7 h * P O MITC INDIAN: LAXNDS 0 SALMON RIVERs of which aro d To"‘ iver.Mr MARINE & FISHERIEK FROM SWITEERLAND AXD IRELAND., LAMPS for CHRISTMAS, AND WHERE To GBT THEM. / Have You Got a Pair? 4 the Tus Ortwa Tiugs Pmwrize axp ixg Couraxy, at the Office, 00, 8 Centre Town, Ottawa. .hp; )hu.tu Director ; ‘:"‘; 25 Cents to %5 per Pair‘ al do d IST OF SALMONâ€"IOIN EICE . within the Province of Queber, the Fiucialt Iritcus® AaXD ‘oOUTâ€"STATH Where you c&n getthem> from Detescis Trinity / * Litile Trig. f("alum,(’-t‘ * Pentecost Little Mare Trout '.‘hell‘nkv Magpic Little W ate) ©0, 1847 P uk P s e rovince of Queter, tiw! bu s‘al Diy i®hape o disporable for Afigling prjrposes s â€" Mistassimiâ€"discharging ihto Bizee x UEPARTME®T Minister of Murine $ a Lo And NEW VIEWE â€" e a son ca ase tm asr m # 1P 4 ON% {1] ECE ELL, .. »l Fitherles theguperinâ€" O N tirbag dy whut 14 wA | $ dre Jitinw Fobt HO s m 1 K’; U _ Qze febru Jt Oc a o h oxa 1®