J 18 A Sure and Certain Cure for Feverâ€" Continued, Remittent, Intermittent, Typhoid, and Fever arising from . Ordinary Colds. . ® 8 REX ID;;‘T‘“- used in Trop» * ' feal otimates for many years with the great. est success. It shortens the attuck, reduces the gradually, and at the swe time enables the mlflln' off the poisonous efect of he -..Null.lm-.muny-_ P â€" DBrem s _____"â€" CE PRICEâ€"50 cants and gi Wholesale and Retail by Sol by:Geo. Mortimer, John & Massoy, H. F. MoCarthy, J. Sk Brown, in Ottawa. «& eo o o nmiere] o '.rl from experience in this matter, havig tested it thoroughly, and therefore thosq who are suffering from any of the complaints for which Y .# recommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" n-“N’ efécacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in cu ng dizoases for whigh it 1/reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subdding ing pains of Rhoumatism, and in cé ieving Nervous eatitle it to a highrank a the list of Remedies for these complaints, ers are coming in from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the sountry for further supplies, and each testifying as to the universal nti‘zscuon it gives, The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmeJiate relief. All Medicine Denlers keen i ; 0 ce meeigner yeaiiiy wllics > 7 xsn s aca d Lo The Canadian Pain Do-lmyo?;:ur fails to g mmeJiate relief. All Medicine Denlers tnr m..«.nu use it; and no family will "':nfln .r trying it. f ® «five conts bottle. esn Sol‘l'lllm; & LÂ¥MAN, Tu CANADIAN PAIN DEsTROrER HA. * aow beew befure the public for s leogth o thine, and =henover used is well likMj, never tuling in a single instance to {1". perimanent relief wher timely used, and we have never known a single ease of dissatisfaction where the direction* are proâ€" perly followed ; but on the oo.tnrl,-u «re delight od with its operations, and spesk in the li‘gn m- of l.kv:mu and magical effects. | CA..AOIAN Pall stSTAGYEq M' the 0st importaot of mouers k coveries stands the ull removed (Ao Hank=estreot, nearly opposite the Free Church, where she wil} be bappy ‘to rece ve her cusioners, Strict aitentiun given to all work. Wt s For sale by all firstâ€"class mation address the Agents, §86â€"45 â€"3 m 2 OR eE Emt VTP CHRE WV " _PPPCM, MIwWAy® charaoteristic of the Waltham Watch. The machine is a timekeeper from tho‘.n::.'. .. This system of watehmaking is unknown in foreign countries, and is entirely original with the '.Itl‘-.&l-puy.i The oomp-‘ny cluim that by it they produce watches that .ll’lfl :o equaled for every quality which imakes a watch valuable. Bimple in tl:.l and correct in principle, the movement 1s not only beastifully finisbed, substanti«l, accurate and ¢ p. but is uniform to the minutest details, not easily damaged, casily repuired, and when repaired always as good as new. There are different grades of finish in the different rarietios of watohes made by the Waltham Comâ€" «py, as there are different sizes and onr. to suit all tastes and means, but evory wateh that bears ‘pmhflndowlof « Warruay," is guaranteed to be a good one, and nobody need be afraid “ ~ , Buck and Head, Coughs, , Sore Throm ""eprrine Trainns iroter d tm t Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel â€" Complaint Gurees <caias, > Bites. &o., &c. 29 MCCIS 0f Multip!yin ages and microscopes, tests, and Inspection for the detection of wear in fflq,hob and for :.f:{. .:fl.-- in steel or stune are made to wecompany the work in every stage from lo'luhg to ond. As a necessury result, the Watob su together a perfect machine. Every is found to 6t properly in its place. . Every pin may “rohd till it pinches, and every screw mdh-.o. Instead of a sluggish and feebie action, the ance, even under the pressure of the finest mainspring, vibrates 'l’{ x wide and free motion. and the haat hasina cil22 020000 BP NB ~etath rem rnhetiP usA in 2t t Waitham Wara, .3 (.34 3 P V_J+20° thal they are made cortectly. Vory fow m know why a Waitham Watch should be superior to apy other. In the first place, at Waltham atch is regard, ed as only a machine, to be constructed, like any other machine, on mechanical principles. ‘The factory is indeed little else than a vast machise shop, the principal work in which is not more upon watches than upon machinery to make watches with,. If the watches are good, it is because the machinery is :. Of course there must be no defect in the principle or plan of the movemen‘, no mistake in the or shapedof the piecesof which it is composed, nothing wanting in their properties, and no error in their positions. These points once thoroughly settled in nsud huolrrl of every variety of watch, it rests wholly with the machinery constructed with infinite Imlz of form and function, expressly for the purpose, to produce the finished picces. _ The method establ in every department is the reâ€" m&-‘m by mechanical means, and this is carried out on the system of the most thorough sub r . P means of maltiplyin, ges and micr tests, and on for the detection of wear in cfln."iub and for t-t::- n‘lfl:v- in steel wmn made uwun-pn’ the work in every stage from boxtuning thond. Ar anotosiure ramel ah. ue . 3O _1 of MEUOLHpRE L " Ottaws Novr. 1, 1867 'l'\-l true valne of Machinery applied to w-mh-au-"u W atches are made rapidly, but that they are made correctly. Very Waltham Watch should be superior to apy other. In the first place, at Wal s es i ty T MRS. Sm iT H, MILLINELN, wber 3, 1867 Having recently moved int one of the tirm visited lat stock of entirely ; = SNoOow*s (O@#tawa, Noevember 18, 8h7 New Premises and Cheap Goodï¬. ¢Call and see this litt December 19, 1867 The Howe Sewing Machines from $50 Up.) ; Grout & Co.’s Twisted Elastic Stitch only $16.. _ | 9 anadian Grey Cloth at mm TITHEFIFR @ TTT ,;‘.‘*ï¬" 3 N [{LELLR (‘ / ‘d A g CS L s s "Tagh . feg 4 / hes u SEWING “ ; I C * THE BEST HOLIDAY PRESE \[2 | y KFrom 847 and upy < BAJ"FIVE per cent. off tor cash in bills Ne afhe holidays. One handsome Mahocany full cas CUNNITINGEIAM â€"&s LINDSAY Cunningham and Lindsay GRANT & HENDERSON H. P. M.cCARTHY, Chemist, Otawa City m Agent fer Dowminionpf Canada WYâ€"ATCH K S . Gold atedal, Fiwris, 13¢7 BLANKETS, FLANNELS AND MANTLE CLOTHS. Fever Remedy. Every Watch Fully Warranted, #L M EEREICTCA N Newcastle, C. W ., Ueneral Agents for C. W per Bottle. Sold denlers in the United States and Roborts, W M Skimmer, and J at 3s. 3d. per yard, Canadian ‘i’weed- at 48 Strict . aitentiun b3va â€" ARE NOW SELLING â€" into their new premiscs, ‘No. 20, Rideauâ€"street, lately.the Montreal Markets, d ®ecured a very large Invite particulat Attention to their Medical Ni. BAJ"FIVE per cent. off tor cash in bills until after the >â€" â€" holidays. One handsome Mahogany full case $3 discount Yap [Q T9 SEWING ~â€"Â¥F Mackints "‘; THE BEST HOLIDAY PRESEXT, /J K€rom 847 and upwards. [WALTHAM] amanesg .. _ï¬ s _ POTD 0 Ne movemen‘, no mistake in the omposed, nothing wanting in their properties, and no error in ghly settled in nsud huohrrl of every variety of watch, oted with infinite lm!lx:‘t orm and function, expressly for s. _ The method establ in every department is the reâ€" and this is carried out on the system of the most thorough sub Prospe The Custom LVepartment will receivo his | attention. Ordere from Lamberers pco-p};.‘.‘z" ended to. A Td o oo en ns @EORGE MURPHT. | Omawsa May 8, 186 AT THE CAPITAL | Boot and iShoe Store lé Dore‘s celebrated Ii‘ustrated Books, Christmas and New Yoar‘s Notg Paper, Envelopes and cards. Bibles, Prayers & rrvlauâ€"bh. largest stock over offered in the city, in the nowest patterns and richest bindings. The Annuals for 1868, and everything suitable for the (ift season, for sale by J. DURIE & sON, J. DURIE & sox\ ; HAVI now in stock a sple d var of GLFT BO Ks. A sploadiA lot ot ‘ BOOKS tor the little ones. The Poets, ‘ The Standard Authors, Fine Illustrated Gift ®, * Family Bibles, in rie/oalf and morecco @ __ bindings. : 1867â€"8, BOOK._S, I}ï¬OKSI 1867â€"8, llolldi _ Season. The Most At tive Gifts. + A« WALTON, Agent, 37 Sparks Street, Ottawa Which will be sold at a small advance on cost. . â€" J aA ME® Migeissox, Union Block, Sussexâ€"st. Next to he Tea Pot Ottawa July 10 1867. 481tf GCOODN, pied by Messr‘s. Fingland & Drape: Readymade Clothing l“ll Subscriber begs to iuform hi> friends and the public generally that he ha» wmmenced business in the store Tormerly occu ind he NEW DOMILNIONX. â€" DRY GOO0DS: at4s. per yard, Canadian Cotton Yarn at 7s. 6d. a Bundle, _ Canadian Bags atâ€"1. 9d 498y READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING tuses and Samples sent Free by Mail w New York. ROBERT WILKESs, Teronto, 0. ba ROBBINS & APPLETON, British Provinces. For further infor 10 Sparksâ€"st., Opposite the Musseil House not that by its us id variety lot otf TOY ILSONS 5107 & Lined and Uniined, To be sold at very low prices for c call and see !ho--unyp:in the November 18, 1867 Inspection and Sale, 2 FAIRBANKS, BROWN & Co., s Boston, Mass Our Sole Agents in Ottawa, PI.A‘I"OR.. COUNTER, Warechouse, OGrain, Coal, Hay, Railroad Track, Depot, Dngiht. Gold, and all kinds of SCALES constantâ€" ly on hand and for Sale. Take Highest Premiums at the Paris Exposition. Departmental Order No. 1. Ccrarous Deranrwest, % s Ottawa, December 31,1867. ‘o'"c. Is hereby given that His Ex« i W cellency the Gâ€"vernor General in Council has been pleased, under ra authority vested in him, to order and direct that horses, horned cattle, sheep, vigs, and other animal«, poultry and fancy birds, when specially imported for the improvement of â€"tock in Canada, whether by Agricultural Socieâ€" ties or private individuais, shall, until otherwise ordered, ve imported without being liable to the payment of Customs duty, and should be entered sccordingly. CALL OF TEX PER CEXT. On the Capital Stock of the said Company, whica Call they require the Holders of such stock to pay to the undersigned at the Law Office of 158:“8. MATHESON & LEES, in the City of Ottawa, on SATUKDAY, the KLEVENTH DAY O# JAaxâ€" _ CARY, &A« <D., 1868.. â€"â€" Dated this Ninth day of December, 1867 ll heereby given that liloâ€"DImtcn of the Ottawa and Gloucester Road Company have this day made a further. % Ottuwa, June 21 Ottawa & Gloucester Roadto mpy oTFAWA AGENCY : Officeâ€"Desbarate‘ Ruilding, 77 Sparks St AWE M. P. HAYES, RoyalCanadianBank Buffalo Robes ! t dits LW xz ~ _ : CHANGE of TIME ~(8t Lawrence & Otawa Railway;+ Brockville, Dec. 16 All trains on main line connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to and from Perth. No. % is due at Brockville in time to connect with G. T. K. Expréss Trains for the East and West. j MoABBOTT, UTHORIZED Discount on American Invoices until further notice, 25 per cent. No« Lleaves Brockville after G. T. R. Express Truin 1« due from the East. l s() A«M.«=THRAINS will leave 0:' Bmith‘s Falls at 10150 a.m», and 6: 5 p.m., and arrive at Porth at 11:40 a.m , and 6:55 p m Cï¬eapest and Bost P. M.««TPRAINS wilt leave 5:()0 Porth at 5100 pm«, and #:40 «.m , and arrive at Smich‘s Falls at 5:50 p m. and 10:>0 P+ M.e«TRAINS will leave 3:“'5 Brockville daily at 3.45 p.m., and arrive at Sandpoint â€"at 9:25 p m, t LEAYE SANDPOINT, 8 * ‘ s A. M.««THAIN®S will leave e ~KROP Sandpoint daily at 6145 m«ns., and arrive at Brockville at 1:00 p. m. Exprers, 8 a. m. 10.30 a. m. Mixed, 1.30 p. m 4 43 p. m. The time of these Trains has been soarranged as to ensure connection with night and day trains on Grand Trunk, east and west. â€" N. B.â€"These srains run on Montreal Time. + | Baggage to and from Ottawa «hecked throu from and to stations on Grand Trunk lhihn:’y & '_!Fmrn tickets to Preseott, Kemptville and Ottaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the principal staâ€" tions on the !ine. I. 8. DETLOR, THOMAS REYNOLDS, _Superintendent. Managing Director. Ottawa, Dec. 28, 1867. 1y Brockville and Uttawa Rsilway. ALEXANDER WORKMAN & Co Commencing on Monday, December 9, 1867 \R’I\"l'l}n ARRANGEMENT JUST ARRIVED:! 's and after MONDAY, the 30th Dec», 1867, and until further notice, traing will run followa : (formerly the Ottawa & Prescott Railway.) By command. R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs LEAVE PRESCOTT. ARRIVE IN OTTAWA Mixed, 7. 30 a, m, 11.00 a, m. Express, 2.10 p. m. 4240 p. ts LEAYES SMITHS FALLS A large stock of LEAVE OTTA W a AXD OPENED FoR QOcstous Derartwext LEAVE BROCKYVILLE R. $ M. BOUCHETTE, NOTICE LEAYES PERTH BRAILROAD®S. Commissioner of Customs Ottawa, January 3, 1868 By Urder W, H. FALLS. â€"___ Beoy. & Treas cash. Farmers | Manager for Trustee 4T2y _ ARRIVE IN PRFA Aorwr, s 1874 teok as 1 will not be tracted by her. C the most lpymv.d'u dofy competition. . Ottawa Oct. 1, 1867 exorus aad TWEEDS, And a general assortment of gontlomen‘s furnishâ€" ing geods, would intimate to their friends and the public generaily that they are propared to exseate ill orders in their line at the shortest hotice, in the most .pymod'utylu and at prices that me poges cuc ooo * Mllcll‘l‘l' TAILORS and General Outftters; Riginâ€"street, opposite the Russell ilouse, and second door from the London Music store, having just received a choice stock of Englisk, French and Canadian SMITH & RCODNEY ha od in the Act passed during the present sossion of the Parliament of Canada, and intituled : * An Act respecting the Customs,‘ the Ports montioned in the annexed lists and being in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotts and New Brunsâ€" wick, and which are now Warchousing Ports in those Provinces respectively, shall be and they are hereby continued as such Warchousing Ports,~ and are hereby declarod to be #o accordingly," Wy. H.‘LEE, _ ; i Clerk Privy Council, toms," His Excellency in Council ;ub:clâ€"l;io;;d to make the following regulation : HIS BXCELLENCY 4nE oovxn’on GENEâ€" RAL IN CcouNncIL.*~* 0! the recommendation of the Henor= able the Minister of Castoms, and under and in virtue of the authority given and conferred by the Act passed during the present session of the Legisâ€" lature, intituled ; "An Act respecting the Cusâ€" The proprietor refors with _the greatest confiâ€" dence and satisfaction to the subjoined testimonâ€" ials from emivent medical men,which be could add to, were it degirable. . Kept by tha principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion df Canads and in the United States. Bold by the Proprietor, Dear Sir : You request :: opinion of the " Roy al Italian Bitters," prepared from a receipt of Dr Verri, of Padua. 1 ‘bey to»tate that I nonsider it a most agreeable cordial tomic, in every way supgrior in flavour and comtposition to the ordinary ?Im:‘ tonics in | general use, I have recommended it to several patiets, who have doer:ved marked benefit from its use â€" = In addition to the Warechousing Ports mention Royal Italian Bitters ! % 0. E. FENWICK, M.D A. M. F. Graxsuz1, Esq., Montreal, loma at the Provincial Exhibition of Can#da held at Montreal in September, 1865, is, without oxccr tion, the most gepuine, salubrious and agrenable Tox:c ever introduced to public notice either in Europe or Amorica. > For seventeon years it has, in Italy, heen a uniâ€" versal favorite lmg the «/ite of rociety, being goneraliy served in the drawing room before dinâ€" ner, in preference to Vermcuth. The ingredients of its composition haye been Imparted to the leading Physicians of Cauncda and the Unired States, hdiln received their unqualiâ€" hed approval on every account. rl‘llll celebrated preparation for whic a certificate of merit was awarded to the distinâ€" guished original preparer at the Natio ial Exposi# tion at Torino, ltaly, by whése tavor Mr. G1ANKLL ?buinod the ‘recipe, and was also awarded a d pâ€" Projessor of rONICO REA 8 am, dear Sir, yours faithfully 8t Ooor"o 8 St John‘s Et Stephen‘s Andover W est Isles Woodstock. New Castle Richibucto Sackvillo BShediac St Andrews Bathurst Buctouche Campbeliton Welebpool Caraquette Chatham Dalhousief Edmunston Fredoricton Grand Falls Titumagouche W allace Wey mouth Windsor Yarmouth. Pugwash Ragged I#»lands Saint Anne‘s Snint Peter‘s THE OTTAWA TIMES, JANUARY 22. GovERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA Halifax Amherst + Annapolis Al(i:v'lhl Arichat g.dden â€" $ arrington & gur :“l:'l’ .r‘ 6t ridgetow n gu:ing {in Cornwallis) \goy Ko’ly Cove, (Great Brass Guysboro Harbour Bridgeowater in La Hale Liverpool + Lu .eubure Muhone Bca Margare‘sville North Sydney Pictou Port Gilbert " Mawkesbury *# Hood 1 _ * Medway .. Amberst, Magdaien Islands gutl:oot , 0 I No.'â€Culhlo. * Amberstburg Hytown Brantford g:un- ippawa N:::ll Cramube °> Darin arlington Dover Dunnville Dundas Guelph Oakville Oshawa Paris Picton Queenston Sarnia Sault St Martic Btratford Trenton Whitbhy W it dsor W oodstock. Tuesday, the 24th day of December, 1867 CcatTrOox. NEW BRUNSWICK DEL DOTIORE F. P. VERRI JAMES HaARRIsoX NOVA $COTIA Chemustry in the University o Papta REGQULATION QUEBEC. ONTARIO XFALY. PRESENT Erall S5itt 627( 850 PAIRS of Grey Twilled BLAN« KETS, in bales of 50 pairs â€"AL8O,â€" Canadian White Twilled and Whitney Blankets. Â¥nglish Grey Blankets, weighing from 8 to 10 pounds each. E McoGILLIVRAY. Dttawa, December 28, 1867. 611â€"3m N B.â€"â€"â€"Theâ€" entire business for rale. Also, four yrars‘ unexpired lease of the bouse. The latter aubject to the appreval of the landlord. Applicaâ€" tim to be made on the premises. O:taWa, Jan. 4, 1868. » 63la THEIK ROOMS will be REâ€"OPENED on MONXNDAY, JANUARY SIXTH, in charge €a.Cospetont Billiard Markor. A share of pubâ€" lt putronage is solicited. _ , ’ Double foves, Bronzed & Wire Fenders, Parlor Sovos, Fire Irons,. i Hall Stotes, , Fire Guards, Jajanned and Plaunished Tinware, &¢., Manutacurers of all descriptions of work for Water â€"and Gas Morks, Brewer‘s Distilleries, Mills, &c. Makes arl fits up Galvanized "ron Cornices, Gatâ€" ters, Concictors, Roofing, &e. _ _ Ordors from the country teition. PA Piblic and Private Buildings, Conserra. tories, Vheries, Manutactries, &c., warmed by Steam, Hd Wateror Warm Air, on the most apâ€" proved prisciples. : _ Justreceived a well se CookiagEtoves, I Double foves, â€" B Parlor Sovos, F Hall Stoes, C Importirs and. Dealers in House FParnish ing Rardware. aterials for the above .“ï¬;nm hand. Plumbers, Atawa, Au ust 26 Ottawa, Dec. 5)1867 Hecond hand Pianos taken in part payment for new ones. & Conrnected with this establishment is a Piano Munufactarer, who will attend punctually to all orders for TUNLNG left at the London Music Store. BLYTH ~/ gUITaR®, . FLCTES, C DR UMS,. For‘which the undermgnea is Bore Agent for Ottaâ€" we and vicinity, Testimonials from 'Ché‘ym. and the Principal Professors of Musicin Canada, can be seen at this establishment. Beveral cases of Excellent * VIOL1IN8, COnCERTINAS, ACCORDEON®, * TAMBOURINE®, BILLIARD Rooms : VICTORIA ORGANS AND MELODEONS of all sizes and patterns. ALBO, A NUMBER OF WILLLAMS‘ 1 P ane: xtm..s‘so "hi.'jin"r'.'éiim a large PIANO SsTOOLsS O every make and style, from the rrlnelrnl manu factorics in the United States, which will be dis posed of at manufacturers‘ prices. _ , â€" x (.2. | «c t en en wrly kn Underr the Paliament Hairdressing Saloon. (Lessee = of Her Majesty‘s Theatre,) ‘Vovl.o inform this patrons and the public generally that he has inst rasaivad London Music Store ! | Dominion of Canada, He will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a confirmatiom thereof, Ottawa, 27th December, 1867. 626td J Momo Hhaxrartras 'l‘.:::m;o:i':i.-::m.gh:h.;:‘:l::n:lqm h.i: Creditors, and on f 4 Tuesday, Third day of March next, IN THE MATTER OF James Mclville Teasdle Hannum, COUNTY ofCARLETON 8ICN of the BIG FIDDLE. Â¥ VÂ¥ public generally that he has just received very large and fine assortment of FOR SALE. hope by punctuality and atiention to merit & con. tinuance of the same, _ Ottawa, December 20, 1867. 8194 Tnisestablishment teg leare to takethis opporâ€" tunity of thlhilnf their rurou for their very !_ilmnlL support since their commencement, and COPIAS and FANCY SWEETMEATS of every deseription, suitable for Christmas and Naw Year‘s proseuts, :â€" _ _ 6 Of all the Choicest Kinds by the barrel or measure, A large assortment of Fancy Good# just arrive from . Europe, consisting of BOXES, CORNU ‘ 'l‘llll Establishment has received such ‘ a wideâ€"s;read name fer the Best of Goods it needs no forther comment than to say that they are deterimined to keep the largeat and best ?umy of goods to be obtained in the Capital, A large as. sortment of g Rich Cakes, Richly Ornamented, Macroons, Sponge and Pound Cake, Mixed Wine Blscuits, Mixed Cakes, k Jellies, Blanc Mange, Charlotte Russe, &c,, &c.‘ {~ Also, a large quantity of PRESERYVES in Pots of various sizes to suit purchasers, and about Gas & Steam Fitters, Tin & Coppersmiths, _ BelF Mangers, &c. _ N. 6.â€" Breakfdst and Dinner Rolls and Muflins fresh every day. _ . Province of Ontario, DONTFORGET the NEWSTAND BARTLETTS English Bun House ! Successors to Chas. Garth, : >. 25, Rideauâ€"st,, ‘First Confederate Padiament Insolvent Act of 1864 HE EUndersigned has filed a Deed Ottawa, Ngvember 6, 1867 150 Barrels of Apples ! . MILES, To WIT METCALFEâ€"STREET HIS being an important event in the mg ®iL viabe verveilinh S PCP CT PIANOS, Next to the Capital Stove Depot. Direct from Germany oPEXINXG OP TBE Elgin Street, Opposite the Russell House. will receive strict at J. M. T. HANNUM E. MILES, AN INSOLYENT. branches kept conâ€" CoOUNTYCOURT County of Caricton, ment of . > 851+ 416y OP THE and Sold _ by Geogg Mortimer, Johr Ro berts W. M. Maseoy, H. F. MacCarthy, and Jobn Skinper, in Ottawa. . wughs, Colds, Influenta Hoarsenes (’l".l" Bronchitis, l.:k“.‘ Cone C l-,llon, and for Relief of Consumptive Patients h in advanced Stages & . of the Discase. This is a remedy so nnlnmll{ known to surpass nn{ her for the cure of throat and ung complaints, that it juseless here to publish the evidence of its virtnes. Its jorivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its hl{ sonderful eures of pulmonary disease, have made‘it a0wn throughout rRo civilized mations of the earth. " are the communities, or even families, among them sho have not some personal experience of its effects== ppme living trophy in their midst of its victory over the pibtle and dangerous dirorder® of the throst and lungs. Js all know the dreadful Zatality of these dllovdcal.‘ they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need pot E_nonth.g'omun- that it bas now all the virâ€" w es e A jnes that it did have when making the cures which bave on so mgg‘ly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr.J. C. AYER & CO.. Lowell. Mass. Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, PdbLon â€" esnt thirrus,Cancer Tamors, l:-hr'o-ont} Ulcoration, Caries and Exfoliation o the Bones, A A great variet of cases have been reported to us where aves of these l‘o'r'mld.blo complaints have resulted from hre use of this remedy, but our nrm bere will not admit hlrn. &m:kc;‘l &m- md :lo und in our American A J nr'::.’;:â€n:u. ta nll.-m.h We .:.'_...‘ are pleased to heathe es sW LRL EUE £76 pleased to urnish gratis to all who call for fln:u" dys sin, Heart Discase, Fits, E ile Â¥" p'-'y, ï¬ou-eholy. le'nnl.'h .’ es \::nb’y m:'amm mdt:f M."dld b:n 4 v ino. 1t stimu es the vital functions into vrm action, and thus iorcomes disorders which wou! be supposed beyond its ach. Euch a remedy has long been required by the neâ€" asities of the péople, and we are confident that this win. > for them all that medicine can do. * Arafernally yours, _ G. V, LARIMER, 3. D. theumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. 1XDEPENDENCE, Preston Co., Ya., 6th July, 1859. Dr. J. C. AÂ¥eR: Sir, I have been affiicted with a painâ€" ) chronic Rhewmatism for a long time, which baffied the jll of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the Enedied 1 could find, until f tried your Sarsaparilia. One itle cured me in two weeks, and restored n‘:unnl “un so much that I am far better tham before 1 was ‘acked. 1 think it a wonderful medicing,_J. FREAM. Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Louis, writes: "I have been icted for years with an affection of the Liver, which stroyed my health. I tried evory (Mnt and every thing led to relieve me ; and I have been a brokenâ€"down man some years from no other cause than derangement of Liver. My beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr.Kapy, advised + to try Sour Earsaparilia, because he said he knew ‘ou, d u({ thing you made was worth trying. By the I:f-. 4 of God it has cured me, and has so purified my blood ;Iomnk.nluwlunofllo. I feel youn 'm. The yet that can be said oryonlanotbd]mod‘ w polson in her homes fy c 2g30 2 1f METOY ’.:- th** poison in her bones, They.bad becoine so ronâ€" wive to the weather that on a dnm{::y she suffered exâ€" ‘ucwlm( pain in ber joints and es. Ehe, too, was red entirely by your Barrapariiia in a few weeks. I mow from its formula, whic, your agent gave me, that .:l- Preparation from your l.{oulory must be a great emedy ; consequently, theso truly femarkable resudts rith it have not surprised me. a | PNYe onred with it, in my practice, most of the comâ€" rintw for which it is recommended. and have found its ' ts truly vonderful in the cure of Tenereal and Merâ€" prial Diseam. One of my patients had Eyphilitic ubcare o his throat, which were consuming bis palate and the wp ef his mouth, Your Sursaparilia, MH taken, ured hiin in tive weeks. . Another was attack by secâ€" wdury symptoms to his noe~ ~4 theâ€"ulceration bad aten away a considerable pmt of it, ro that I believe the tndw Would soon rvulr‘fl. brain and kill him. But it lded‘to my administration of your Farsaparilla; the fnore hnitar‘ssdd 300000 . T Lencorrhen or Whites,Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulcegation, Female Discases, Dr. J. B. 8. Channing, of New York City, writes ; "I most cheerfully comply with the request of your agent in sasi;, 1 haye found your Fareaparilia a most excellent alterative in the numerous complaints for which we mploy euch i remedy, but el{ml-"y in Amale Discoses if the Fcrofulous diathesis. 1 have cured many inveter» Â¥)e eases of Lencorthoea by it, and some where T‘lu- cou» paint was caused by wceration of the uterus, e nlcerâ€" yilon itself. wa« soon cured, â€"Kothing within my know}â€" nlge equals It for these female derangements," Â¥dward 8. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, " A danâ€" #rous omrian tumor on one of the females in my family, thich bad defied all the remedies we could employ, bas t length been completely cured by your Extract of Barâ€" narlll is (m.d|.|.,--|mn thougbt nothing but extirprâ€" ‘n could afford relief, but be advised the trial of your RahAHIWe . m . ts duse ul e ue L ETT leers hast,j °.( j DS!TRHIOn Of your Farsaparilla; the Joers healed, and he is well again, not of course without ime disfiguration to his face. â€" A woman who bad been i"‘“" for the same disorder b; mercury way, suffering l Th*> nolson 16 hk Lawes CA uh T hn EOm c W rniizpen Arriied i B ic L3 aaparilia w« the Jast resort before cuttin , and. it wved effectual. . After taking your remody d&t woeks > *ymptom of the disease remaing." â€"â€" 8y philts and Mercurial Disease. New Onueays, 2th August, 1880, D. J. 0. Aver: Sir, 1 cheerfully comply with the reâ€" st of yopt sgent, and renort to you some of the efects mve realized with rmr Sareaparilia. * I hi‘ve cnred with it, in my practice.Amost of the arm. gad know lndea what yopt €are Having inherited a Scrofulor from it in various ways for . out in Ulcers on my hand turned inward and distresse years wro it broke out on my rad eans with ‘one sore, whicl geyoud description. _ J tried 1 ph; sicians, bat without muct met, the disorder grew worse to read in the Gospel Messen an wlterntive (Semapariiia) f. Auditor.q Ottawa, December 23, 1887 ] QULDoneo, Andâ€"not as heretofore to Ottawa , * i./ S, M. BOUEHETTE, Chairman Board of Customs, Excise and Stamps JORN LANGTON, The Treasurer of the Province of Quebec, To be used in the Province of Quebec, and all Reâ€" turrs of Stamps cancelled by the various Officers entrusted with that duty, will have to be w AYER‘S _. Sarsaparilla Law ard Registration Stamps, €* It is further necessary to remark that the totals of Bauks acting in Ontario and Quebec cannot be strivtly compared with the rame Banks before July 1st, because the Bank of British North America now inoludes its Nova Scotia and ‘New Brurswick business, not shown previously to that dite. c . JOHN LANGTON, * Auditor. Audit Office; Ottawa, 20th December, 1867 It was, however represented that it would be more cenvenient to the public if the additions were made as soon as all the Banks of Ontarie and Queâ€" beo had made return«, and this has for the last two months been done, alterations in the totals beingâ€"of course made whenever any other Bank return came in. & . M misapprebension t which the Bank accou tion in the Gazefte. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. FOR THE RAPID CURE or THINK Â¥ and after the #1R8T day of JANXC= AKY, 1868, all " REQuUIsiTioNs MEMORANDuUMm ADDRESSEI» Ceekw 1t desirable in *‘\Â¥. Pet é"a $\ EC 1. to explain the n'y-nl::n‘ :a;:; vunts are made up for publicaâ€" FOi To and fore cutting, and it order to prevent 627 270 6B Celebrated Spiced Rounds & Roli« Cured in the English Style. Also, Sugar Ocred Hams and Bacon of ti Otewa, Do.-; 21. a91.3 BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB AND VEAL, SATCHELT‘ & | | Satchell Brothers, â€" 25 Cents to $5 per Pair. Ottawa, Dec. 4. 408y‘ GO DOWN TO BIRKETT‘$: Butchers to His Skates ! Skates ll hereby given that application will Be made to eachâ€" and every Parliawent bavin jurisdiction, at thefregent or next -e::'ion lheraof Nn?oetlnl!. for an nctto amend the cha ptered PV inrsthingl kib tw <urt knz sn 1 re ively, for an actto amend the adt chaptered 107. Buut{u theSestion of the P itptnnt for the late Province of Canada, held the 2# s and 30th {nn oftbe Reign of Her Majesty Que: . V.ctorin, ntituled " An Act to Incorporate the ?uuu City Puulï¬r Railway Company." | Dec. 2nd, 1867. | 6072 m * « INE GROVE) HOoUsE us P pleasantly situéted on the Richmond Road, with Stables, Conch House, Garden and vacant Lot adjacentâ€"thereto. _A sistern of fine|water in the house. Apply to T | Ottawa, May 10, 1867 Bign of the Anvil, 1 Rideau Street. loo ACRES.»«The north half of Lot No« No. 11, in 4th Con. of the Townsh KolOlfoudo, with a good House and Barp, and other oubuildâ€" ings, and a good Spring Well, fifty kcres cleured and in a good state of cultivation. hl- is situated on the Prescott Road. within fifteen ?‘fln of Otta wa. Also the south hailf o}(»t No. |6, in the .3rd Con. of Osgoode,containing 1 90 acres, A:) actes cloarâ€" ©d, the rest well wooded, with good h rdwood, and well ‘watered, and situated within a quarter of = ‘ mile of the Railway Station. 'ruli goud. For: further information n+»plv ho : | + PATRICK HERBERT, ] P As" ~COUNTRY â€" RESIDENCE | a FORSALE.â€"Reautifélly situated on © the Macadamized Road between Otâ€" ' ‘a tawa City and Aylimer, about 36 | minutes‘ drive from the city. A farm of excellent {«und. oonulnlniubw( 90 ncres, with a large Stone Pouse erected theroon . I | could not fail to be made to pay. . | | _ It is built en‘the most modern style of architec ture, of cut stone ; has large plateâ€"glaes windows, and is four stories high, exclusive of the basement. It is iinely situated on the corner ofl\'ellin‘lon and Q‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings, and has three vacant lots attachod, wo that the Buildings could be enluxvd to any reâ€" qnind capacity . Applidations, (postpaid) to be dddressed to AND WHERE TO GET 'r"F!l-‘ Have You Got a Pair ? No. 7, LOWER TOWN MARKET, The preprietor has no 6bjamion towell aart ol the farm, with or without t’bo hou Thlo’ would be a desirable country residence. fitle unexcep» tionable. Apply to __ _ + Augusi 1 Ottawa. March 11 For perticulars and terms apply to Juhn anc William Thomson on the premises, or to "% P d e ui LEWIS & PINHEY, _ Barristers, We., Ottawa. Ottawa, February 27, 1867 309y BRICK DWELLINC AA $ °*X IALIC.:'IL\'I‘ ELle | q Y I gible property, benutifully | y #ituated on the Bafks of the Ottaâ€" | ® s wa, in the Township of Neppun, | distant from the City of Ottaws about three miles | on thé macadamized read, together withtlo S ToN E | w DW ELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erected, at present | decupied bI William Thomson, Ekquire, and the | * ‘nzp and ornamented grounds jadjoining the n same, formingâ€"part of Lot No. 2Â¥, in the 1st conâ€" | f cession, Ottawa frout. A most detirable private | 5 residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same alse | for†sale at reasonable prices. i | VICILURLA HULTELâ€"â€"LV LET.]! Ot:tawa, Oct. 1, 1867 *oZ Sn : i l;ou SALE.«â€"THE WESTe «. loe: erly oneâ€"third od Lot No. 27, in First Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" * pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28. in the same Concession, at present in the vccupation of Wm. T. Aylen, Esq Fot further particulars apply to gorn and Wu. Trowsok, Nepean, ane Liewis & Prsway. Barrister, Ottawa) _ Je2â€"141â€"tf on the premires 6 BUILDINXG LOTS, one !Llh' from ly o city, on the. Richmond Road, containing One nere each. Apply to THOMAS ANXDERmON Jr. aAs «4 Eight Rooms and tKimhen, New Edinburgh, Nov. 20, 1867 Possession immediate. Apply FARMS FOR SALE ioi ce ns Ottawa, l!uvemberlzu Villase of Where you can getthem trom Possession given 1st June. RoOM To uET «lther out board. Enquire thi With Yard and Oul'm‘hllngc. NO more eligible chance could be 5 offered to any party in the Hotelâ€" kotpini_ line than the lease of the above FIRSTâ€"CLASs HOTEL. en the eve of Confederatiop, and Ottawa finitely settled upon as its capital, FOR SALE OR To LET The Victoria Hotel Superior Stall Feod NCGEPICUHO Lots for Saie. TO LET Excellency Lord ‘lonck. FRANCIS CLEMOW, Es Or JOHN uzsg:'{. Eeq., Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. Rounds & Rolied Beef, IF Xot To Let. Rideau Hotel, Otawa City REV. J. JOiXsTON "I4 elther with or with= quire _ this dflice. New Edinburgh, 1N Tu® LIE‘r, MRS. BUNTING, yoron t‘o Promises *~ 430â€"1f 631. ply t K. BLACKBURN tflv Villag 01â€"5m 9* €072m ir own 3791 SQ 594f 594 C4if I hereby certify that I have this â€"da personaliy "mnlnedyflr. 7 ,J“l be lieve him to be free from any physical defest Â¥ | disease, or mental ail v{irh would be Likelf | to interfere with the mï¬o‘u‘! of the duliet | sof a Public Office. 4 3 ; ( ature,) j (mm.) | (Date,). _ j | ~."...> ~ Torls : Rtatoment péspecti a Candidate for emyp of Canada. 19. Any Candidate obtaining -Hu-‘-q ' the hour c’:f examination by copying “’L‘f" «ny other Cand‘date or otherwise, will be contile | ered as committing an offence seriously -l= |' his moral charncter ; and any Candidate who _ permit such copying or ?inueh assistance wil m'midfled equally gullty . . * 20. Ail Candidutes will be required 1. To write a good hand. 2. To spell correctly. 3. To write grammatically . 4. To write correctly from dictation. ;'â€" 5. To be conversant with the elementary of Arithmetic. " 21. To enable the Board to judge for branch of the Public Service any {:u':u-u is bett qualified, he may be examined, should he desiek in the fullowing eubjects or any one or more of h# s tobels Thie ons C cE 13. The Board will meet for the examination¢ Candidates on the fourth Monday in every mouth, at ten o‘clock, a.m., at the office of the Provineial Secretaury and such "Mmecting mey be adjourned ' from time to time. + | _ |d. Cardidutes ere required to present ts# sclves punctuaily at the bour appointed for t# | commencement of the examinations. * ’ 18. The examination will be conducted 999 orally and partly in writing. > | __16. No 'l’;‘ voce exumination shall hb: except in the presence of aâ€"quorum of the ,_17. Thetime allowed for answering each paP® | in writing will be marked upon it. 18, Candidates may be allowed to Jeave the #8 amination reom for a short tius‘*ï¬ their muswers to one paper before ing to the next ; but no ennmalo 'lflhâ€- to resume the answering of any paper ahet b#Yâ€" ing left the room. 1 the bo.-r-ury‘;;i;:, not been approved of 4. Candidates who buve left aehool within twe years belfore their applicution should (when cir Cuinatunces will permit) name their lust bchod» master as one of the referses, » 10. Copies 0% the forms can be obtained on apâ€" plication to the Secretary, and, if in partioular vases, these cann« foperly filled up, a sulelâ€" ent reason must be , and such other oriâ€" dence must be produ as the Board may sonâ€" sider satisfactory, P e Ee ETT 11, No Candidute will be allowed to himself for examination unless his opflhrd Uertincates sheli buve been lodged with the Bearsâ€" tary ten duys vt leaust before the day of examins tion, nor uniess such Cértifictes shall have bet# approved of by the Board 12. Euch Canaidute will hba dule infomalke ES M oi o e ooey Et which thoy so served, and the length of time hep were e ployed. *A 7. Every Candidate murt mame two or more t ferees, of whom two at least must be householders, and such referees must rerpectively fill up and sign a Cortificate in the sutjuines form marked B. 8. Cacgidutes who have been previously in the employment of private individuais should (when oivcumetances will permit) name their lest emâ€" plâ€" yer as oue of such relgrecs. Civil Service of Canada, APPLICATIONS AND C’:RTIPICATI‘I 1. Every Candidate is required to ®bed to the ecretary of the Buard at the Office of the Provine Sial Secretary, uhn appli¢ation in hbi: own hand writing, stating bis age, place of irth, present pluce Et residence, the len('::a of time he has been resident in Capada, the nature of his :hm;k,‘l'fld uugil is his desire to enter ’.u:m Service ‘of Canada, naming the partioular Departâ€" ment (if any) for which be believes himself more particularly adapted. 2. The mpplication must be uu-w: entisfactory certificates as to the age, character, of the Carndidate. 3. The Cortificate of nge rhould contain the best evidence of the date of the Candiduta‘s kish of y #, PM tm Brcaidrcidusis cabsits>" ~ h he may select: 1. Translating English im}‘n-'iu'-‘ into En‘rilb, and writing from dictsd@® in either language. a 2. wn‘:ie as far as Decimal Fractiont. 8. ~ gâ€" 4. llmom':‘yn Geography. ~ * f 5. Making apstracts of documents. . sSECONXD day of MARCH, 1868. i No further issue will be made Inh.“n.' of JULY, 1868, except to such Compunies as wap be required to invest in Dominion Stock OT Uithey tares, or to convert existing Loans and Obligution into stock. Framed by the Board ot Examiners for the Civil Service, fnder the provisions of the 20th Vic., Cap. 24, and approved _ > â€" by His Excelienâ€"y the Adminâ€" istrator of the Government in Council. * ed that his Tender at the Oflices of the Dominion Paymasters ; and a Quebec, Toronto ard Montrea! at the Offices of the Bank of Montrea! ; aleo at all other Offices of the within two days af BY CANDIDATESs FoR ENPLOYMEXT terms and eondi(ifnof its issue demption, will be furmshed at Of of the llecoirer(}onenl; at Ha [ I 7+ *) _ 0S +REAL, â€" TOROXTO, OTraW£; QUEBEC, HALIFAX, and ST,JOHK, N. B. _ the Etock to be issued under the uiichyd. Act passed at the present Session of the Parlis. ment of Capada. PR (4N _ » CA NA D A DOMINMION STock Issue A of__§1,500,000. W Thirtyâ€"lirst day of January ormation a« ledge of hhm anse ? _ ;: ;'ï¬ How 1 ave you known I# he ::a‘a’u honest, sober, Tntelligent ##4 diligent ? What :do you know of ts education ##4 acquirements So l':lr us you can judge, is bis M‘: all res such as to quahfy bim Public Emplo,\ ment. Are you related to the Candidate, it # what is the relationship? _ Are you well acquainted with the Ca94 date ? g From what qh--nc‘m does your ks#* Ottawa, Jan, 7, 1868 THE STOCK i Printed for TENDERS will be rece any mult plo thereof. Six per cent. d J ty THIRTIETII OFâ€"~SEPTENMRER THE TIIII.'T)'-Il".\'T oF XaRcp TENDERS Ministér REGULATIONXS MOMTREAL employment in the Ciril Serti@® »naidute will be duly informed by (Aftren)" .(Date.) Payable Ihlh\'c.rly. EXAMINATIONS will be received for the sum of 8100 ple thereof. The Government wiy (to rnecept any Tender below par, ms of Tender, togetber with fall is to the charneter 0f the Stock and a. FORM A n por con. will require to be mage ifter the party tendering is adÂ¥%, r is accepfed, and the rem ainiy must be paid on or. befere th To BE OBSERYED r bis CertiGicates have or have {r JOHXN ROSE cars interest at the rate o iance and Chairman he Treasury Board. logother with fall is. tor 0f the Stock and the issu6, transfer ..‘ re. i at Oltaws at the Office at Halifax and St. Johs per Avnum, N, on the Parliament 636a s s OvneD, with sew , certain, a; Trekes Riomnrs i reated, w % On-;':‘nu 14 HOLGATE, oL l’ll'll(:lll.,u Ottawa. Day offe Sparks Stroet, Conter Kesidence, Maria Stree P Ataw a Bandy i2il fl}:alll manel # auâ€"st., ‘next d« &lï¬dm-luly Stre w.am.l:- ALE steais CSairs 1» $» 1D DR. C prwoux s wa , C. W WB Notary Public, yown Attorney, for t aad Husseli. Orrice: In the Cour apeary 27, 1 866. BB O bobaicaded {ue-n. O'NCII' n the C Rosxar Laes. Miawa, Fobruary T 9 Frun Sagee a gee OSitawa, October 30, DH. €. } I""I‘Il'. Mesers. Cam Ditawa, January 27. / Streets, Ottawa November 6. BM Astond dttawa. Fobruary 7, K y dn c DIi. OLV [,llfll'l'- 4 tral Ottawa. Miawa, January 27, *ORNER of drviCr : Aumond‘ Ktawa, Jan. 12. l“ “ A #2 04 4 % Sulicitor ,‘ A NX t 1 8 Nolicitor PHYE1CI A N, #a Patent Right Solicn "'l('l over ! mout, 25 Kidean May 30 tawa A . R. BELI (Reor URGER 3 Street . DR. GEOR HYELCIAN, # Residen oo â€"MeJ Jitawa, C. W Ovrrie® ebruary it in wnd f December ENTIST, Hw Streot.> â€" #M0T. *% Chancery, € erner of Hugsex a )0 Clarence Strost, < Mioo, over Mr. re, K.de®a ananry 17 1867 A 80 6t 38 °D BC 00 , J ea EDW AD 41 subsequent Xearly adv Noeral allow 1 early subscri A 08 B0 4 8 D 4C Chancery, & Fram +4 1400 A # 00008 0P 4C 48 A oÂ¥ KkTi® ellowing ru:ï¬h Sasiness Carde DVOCA TE. A 8 60 18 D 4C 08 TTOR NE * Jnily over @ naking a tota 18,000 1 thus ifordThg the b ‘ertise in. De A W , Gha 4 Ofhce, Llnq o Post Office. # lnuxm awas, March A N , B4 A 4 LN# OP 4 1. TPOR N K Chaneery , C Nt reet Ottalt A W L Cha Aonmmericne A TTOR NDR awa, Fobr oT Ad t o®r Dv OcA um Street, Mo wember 14, 3 blished in t BQ0 8 D BC B8 ® PR. LES DJ DR. W LAPH ~HE DAl A 1 DR. 0 NICIHIO LEd WILLI enjoy® The tva IP] CA21)] Di DJ él JIOI M H‘ p4 1